getting ready for taks!!!

Getting Ready for TAKS!!! Objective 2 Cells, DNA, Kingdoms and Body Systems

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Post on 22-Feb-2016




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Getting Ready for TAKS!!!. Objective 2 Cells, DNA, Kingdoms and Body Systems. Levels of Organization. Atom Molecule Organelle Cell Tissue Organ System Organism. Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote. How do things go in and out of the cell?. Diffusion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Getting Ready for TAKS!!!

Objective 2Cells, DNA, Kingdoms and Body


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Levels of Organization•Atom•Molecule•Organelle•Cell•Tissue•Organ•System•Organism

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Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote

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How do things go in and out of the cell?

DiffusionMolecules move from

areas of high concentration to an areas of less concentration.

i.e. from where there are a lot of them to where there are none…

Ex. Mom is mopping in the kitchen and you can smell it in your room…the Pine Sol molecules have diffused across the house!

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Osmosis: Another way a cell maintains homeostasis

Water moving in and out of cells…Hyper”skinny”tonic Solution

More water in cell than out Cell Shrinks

Hypo”hippo” tonic SolutionMore water outside cell than in

cell swells and blows up Isotonic Solution

Equal amounts of water in and out of cell Cell is Happy

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Photosynthesis:Energy from the Sun

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LeavesPhotosynthetic organ

of the plant, used to convert sunlight into food

Stomata: pores within the leaf that open to let CO2 in and O2 out. Guard cells open and close.

Cuticle: waxy covering on leaf that prevents water loss

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Cellular Respiration: Energy from food!!

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ENERGY: Monster Drink for Cells

Carbon Dioxide + Water



Oxygen + Sugar



(Plant Cells)






r Res




t and





All About

That Energy

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Nucleic Acids

DNADouble StrandedComposed of


SugarPhosphateNitrogen Bases

• A-T G- C Is the “Blueprint for the


RNASingle StrandedComposed of

nucleotidesRibose SugarPhosphateNitrogen Bases

• A-U, G-C Is the “Construction

Worker who builds Proteins”

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Replication: Copying DNADNA

Cells Copy DNA before they divideOccurs in nucleus

A=T, G=C (visa/versa)Sometimes mistakes occur

Mutations:Changes in DNA

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Transcription: From DNAmRNA

Uses DNA info to make mRNA

Occurs in NucleusNo T in mRNA only U


Mistakes in replication are carried on through transcription!!

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Translation: The FinalemRNA Protein

Occurs in CytoplasmPlayers:

RibosomesAmino AcidsmRNAProtein

Mutations during replication and transcription make wacked out proteins that may not work well!!

Wanna know how to make a protein?

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Okay Solve the Puzzle

Find the protein:

-AUG CCA UUA Met – Pro – Leu-AUG GGU UCA Met – Gly – Ser-AUG ACU UUU Met – Thr – Phe

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Human Body Systems

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Circulatory System

Major Structuresheart, blood

vessels, blood, lymph


nutrients, wastes, hormones, and gases

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Digestive System

Major Structuresmouth, throat,

esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small and large intestines

Functionsextracts and absorbs

nutrients from food;

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Immune System

Major Structureswhite blood cells, lymph

nodes and vessels, skin

Functionsdefends against

pathogens and diseases

Stuff that makes you Sick!!!

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Integumentary System

Major Structuresskin, nails, hair

Functionsprotects against injury,

infection, and fluid loss; helps regulate body temperature

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Muscular System

Major Structuresskeletal, smooth, and

cardiac muscle tissues

Functionsmoves limbs and trunk;

moves substances through body; provides structure and support

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Nervous System

Major Structuresbrain, spinal cord,

FunctionsRegulates behavior;

maintains homeostasis;

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Respiratory System

Major Structures lungs, nose, mouth,


Functionsmoves air into and out of

lungs; controls gas exchange between blood and lungs

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Skeletal System

Major Structuresbones and joints

Functionsprotects and supports

the body and organs; interacts with skeletal muscles; produces red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets

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Endocrine SystemMajor Structureshypothalamus, pituitary,

pancreas, pineal, adrenal, thyroid, parathyroid, testes, and ovaries

Functions regulates body

temperature, metabolism, development, and reproduction; maintains homeostasis; regulates other organ systems

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Taxonomy:Classifying and Organizing

Eight Levels1. Domain - Broadest level DID2. KINGDOM - KING3. PHYLUM - PHILLIP4. CLASS - COME5. ORDER - OVER6. FAMILY - FOR7. GENERA - GOOD8. SPECIES - most specific SPAGETTI

- Species can interbreed and produce offspring

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There are only 2 Domains:Prokayota - All BacteriaEurkaryota - Everything Else

There are 6 KingdomsArchaebacteria & EubacteriaProtistaFungiPlantaeAnimalia

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Cell MembranesCytoplasmRibosomes






Membrane-bound organelles

Prokaryotes:BacteriaCell Wall

Unicellular OnlyAuto/heterotrophs

EukaryotesCell Wall


Bound Organelles



EukaryotesCell Wall



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• I can not reproduce

on my own• I’m Non-

living• I’m just a

Little “Robot”

• I cause HIV, Influenza, Small Pox

Bacteria vs. Viruses: Living vs. Non-Living

• I can reproducethough BinaryFission• I’m Alive• I have all this Cool cell stuffInside!!• I cause strep, Staph, E. coli, Diptheria…Yuck!

Killer T-cells (really bigWhite blood cells) are

Our arch-enemies!!

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Virus…”How it’s All Done”

Attaches Injects Viral DNA

Forces cell to build virus parts’s crowded in here!!

Virus explodeOut of cell

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Evolution:Change over Time

FossilPreserved or

mineralized remains or imprint of organism that lived long ago

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How do we know evolution has occurred?

Homologous StructuresStructural features with a

common evolutionary origin

Vestigial StructuresBody structure in a

present-day organism that no longer serves its original purpose, but was probably useful to an ancestor.

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Natural Selection:Decent with Modification

Natural SelectionOrganisms best adapted to

their environment will survive, reproduce and pass on their “super genes”!!

Ex. A strange mutation occurs which makes a moth white…well it snows. Who survives best the white moth or the black moth!!

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•Ecology•Begins with the SUN


6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight C6H12O6 + 6O2

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Energy Transfer


Gather energy from the sun (Photosynthesis)

Have the most energy!!


Have to consume (eat) other organisms in order to survive

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Energy Pyramid

Tertiary Consumer.1% Energy

Smallest Biomass

Secondary Consumer1% Energy

Even Smaller Biomass

Primary Consumer10% Energy

Smaller Biomass

Producers100% EnergyLarge Biomass

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Food Web: Arrows point to where the energy is flowing

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Draw as many food chains as possible!!

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Food Web

Arrows point toWhere energy is flowing!!

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Habitat is the place a plant or animal lives It’s home!!

Niche is an organism’s total way of lifeKinda…like its day job!!

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Interactions between species can become so intimate that one or both become dependent on the other


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One species benefits at the expense of the other.

Ex. Leech sucking your blood!!!

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One species benefits while the other is unaffectedEx. Epiphytes are

plants that grow on trees. They do not harm or help the trees that live on.

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Both species benefit

Ex. Insects and birds often eat the nectar made by flowers and while doing so they will get pollen attached to their feet. When they fly away they spread the pollen onto nearby flowers which aides in the reproduction of the plant.

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Organisms eating other organismsOuch..that’s gotta

sting a little!!

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