getting started with action research sff workshop, 1st april 11.30-1.00pm katrina bredhauer &...

Getting Started With Getting Started With Action Research Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30- SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30- 1.00pm 1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

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Page 1: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Getting Started With Getting Started With Action ResearchAction Research

Getting Started With Getting Started With Action ResearchAction Research

SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pmSFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm

Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa NatoliKatrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Page 2: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

What is action Research?

•A way for people to participate in a reflective practice that allows change and understanding to occur at the same time. •Aims to improve practice, address problems and promote ongoing learning.

Page 3: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Principles of Action Research

• It is participatory and collaborative, usually including everyone who has a stake in the action.

• Aims to ensure that what it does and how it does it are relevant for all concerned

• Means empowering people to have a REAL say

Page 4: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Why Use Action Research for Evaluation?

• Allows projects develop their own evaluation frameworks & ways of working

• Gives permission for project teams to take time out to write down observations and reflect on them

• Enables projects to be flexible & adjust direction

Page 5: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

What is Action Research?

Plan what do we intend to do?Act what did we do?Observe what happened? How

do we know what happened?

Reflect what does this mean for changed practice?

Page 6: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

What is Action Research?

•Cycles of Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflecting.

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressorare needed to see this picture.

Page 7: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

How are projects using action Research?

• Projects are using action research at a micro and macro level to evaluate their work

• Many projects are concentrating on building community ownership and participation

• Developing a culture of reflection at all levels of project participation.

Page 8: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Observation Methods for AR Projects

•Discussions/interactions/notes/reflections•Case studies, individuals & groups•Photography•Stories,anecdotes,impressions•Meeting minutes•Creative arts•Questionnaires,surveys•Videos•Field notes•Audio tapes•ETC!!!!!!!!

Page 9: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Experiences from Organising Experiences from Organising a Diarrhoea Reduction a Diarrhoea Reduction

Campaign in Kandahar City , Campaign in Kandahar City , AfghanistanAfghanistan

Experiences from Organising Experiences from Organising a Diarrhoea Reduction a Diarrhoea Reduction

Campaign in Kandahar City , Campaign in Kandahar City , AfghanistanAfghanistan

Lisa NatoliLisa Natoli

Page 10: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Background• ~ 85,000 deaths in under 5’s

annually in Afghanistan attributable to diarrhoea (WHO, 2002) .

problem in summer months due to – Lack of access to safe water & sanitation– Crowding– Low level of hygiene knowledge

• June 2002, 3 international NGO’s collaborated in a hygiene promotion campaign

Page 11: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Some of our AR questions…..

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What factors & behaviors contribute to transmission of diarrhoea in Kandahar?

What would be the most culturally & socially appropriate

ways of doing hygiene promotion?

What were the most effective communication strategies for each target group?

Page 12: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

What factors & behaviors contribute to transmission of diarrhoea in Kandahar?





Page 13: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

What would be the most culturally & socially

appropriate ways of doing hygiene promotion?





Page 14: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

What were the most effective communication strategies for each target group?





Page 15: Getting Started With Action Research SFF Workshop, 1st April 11.30-1.00pm Katrina Bredhauer & Lisa Natoli

Summary• Progress of project relied on answers to questions• Demonstrated importance of participation & ownership• Learnings about staff security & logistics issues in

Afghanistan.• Benefits of collaboration• Sharing what we found