getting started with arcgis online organization accounts...

Getting Started with ArcGIS Online Organization Accounts (Virginia K-12) Veronica Spradlin Geospatial Education Specialist [email protected] John McGee Coordinator, Virginia Geospatial Extension Program & VirginiaView [email protected] Jim Campbell Professor, VT [email protected] In this activity, you will: Learn how to establish an ArcGIS online organization account for K-12 education. Learn how to create groups and manage your schools Org account. NSF DUE - 1205110; 0903270

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Getting Started with ArcGIS

Online Organization Accounts

(Virginia K-12)

Veronica Spradlin Geospatial Education Specialist [email protected] John McGee Coordinator, Virginia Geospatial Extension Program & VirginiaView [email protected] Jim Campbell Professor, VT [email protected]

In this activity, you will:

• Learn how to establish an ArcGIS online

organization account for K-12 education.

• Learn how to create groups and manage

your schools Org account.

NSF DUE - 1205110; 0903270

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Establishing an ArcGIS Online Organization Account 2 | P a g e

Establishing an ArcGIS Online

Organization Account

Veronica Spradlin [email protected] Summary of skills covered: • Requesting an account

• Managing your ArcGIS Online Organization Account • Creating and Managing Groups

Data needed: Account manager will establish an organization account for their school, establish and manage groups and establish and manage publishing rights for users in the organization.

Equipment and Software needed: Software: Supported Internet Browser (see online/reference/browsers.htm for supported browsers)

Related book exercise (if applicable): No text necessary.

Data Source: None.

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Establishing an ArcGIS Online Organization Account 3 | P a g e

ArcGIS Online Public vs. Organization Accounts A lot can be accomplished using ArcGIS online public accounts to support educational programming. There is even more that can be done with an ArcGIS online organization account. The ArcGIS online organization accounts are now free to every education institution in the United States (more on that later!).

The essential differences between an ArcGIS online public account and an ArcGIS online organization account are that the organization accounts provide a custom portal for the account, secure unique logins, more control of sharing, more analytical functions, more data choices, and more associated tools and applications.

The custom portal allows you to introduce your organization (your school, a specific project, or your school district) in a graphic way. The Home Page serves as a starting point for your members. Using and ArcGIS online organizational account, you can customize the background image, banner, featured content and the organizations gallery.

Having an ArcGIS online organization account allows you to create and manage groups which allow for each user (teachers and / or students) associated with the organization to have their own secure login. Each user in the group can be managed with individual user privileges. Along with user privileges, ArcGIS online for organizations also provides additional options for sharing maps that your or members of your organization (students of teachers) have created. In an ArcGIS online public account there are only two sharing options that include public (everyone) or private (identified users). Using an ArcGIS online organization account you can choose to share with everyone (the world), share within the organization (your school or school district), or share with specified groups (individual classes or clubs) within the organization. You can also elect to keep the map private.

Along with the benefit of the management and control options, ArcGIS online organization accounts allow for more analytical functions such as geo-processing tools. These tools take the online mapping experience to a new level.

There are more data choices associated with the ArcGIS online organization accounts. The premium content includes various ESRI hosted searchable map layers.

Virginia View offers data layers specific to the state that can be added to various map formats. These data layers were developed specifically to support the needs of Virginia’s Standards of Learning (SOL’s). ArcGIS online organization accounts offer you access to more tools/applications including the ESRI Collector and Snap2Map apps for your smart device. It also gives you access to publishing services using ArcGIS Desktop.

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These tools and applications can be used to support content delivery associated with several of Virginia’s Standards of Learning (SOLs) throughout various content areas.

Example ArcGIS Online Organization Account Homepages

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Establishing an ArcGIS Online Organization Account 5 | P a g e

Requesting a free ArcGIS Online Organizational Account 1. Go to and scroll down to request a free school account:

2. Complete the request form and click on Submit:

3. After submitting the request, you will receive an e-mail from ESRI with a link to activate the Organization Account. You MUST activate the account using the link provided. Check your spam box if you do not receive the activation link promptly (within two days).

Managing your ArcGIS Online Organization Account Once your account has been activated you may login and customize your settings and manage groups.

1. Login at with your Organization Account.

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Establishing an ArcGIS Online Organization Account 6 | P a g e

2. Your Organization Account homepage will show you all of the basic information about your account including available credits. ESRI has confirmed that later this year (2014), educational accounts will receive a 500% increase in service credits.

What are credits? Credits are account funds that can be used in exchange for services. Multiple services will cost you credits. You can look at available services and evaluate the cost per service using the ESRI Credit Estimator !

The figure (below) shows you how you can compare the cost of service using the estimator. For example, you can host a lot of Feature Services (points, lines and polygons) for the same number of credits that it would take to host one county tile (raster) data.

3. You can now begin to invite members (students, other teachers, school administrators) to join

the organization. Select from the “My Organization” page.

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4. There are three ways to invite members, but the most practical way is to send invitations to preestablished user names. Each user will be assigned an account to use with the organization.

Members can be other teachers associated with the school/organization, students, or administrators. Members can be designated with different privileges. Managing members are important for an organization to function properly. Privileges should be provided based on the level of access that you want a member of the organization to hold. For example, most students would only need a User account (unless they were learning to publish services). However, teachers may need to have administrative privileges so that they can invite their students as users and manage data sources. The table below provides a summary comparison of the privileges that can be assigned to organizational members.

Privilege User Publisher Administrator Custom

Use maps and apps

Create content


Share maps and apps


Join and create groups


Edit features


Publish hosted features and tiles


Perform analysis


Manage Open Data sites


Invite users to organization


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Manage organization resources


Configure website

Create custom roles

View subscription stats

ArcGIS Marketplace provider (requires organization authorization)

* 5. You may enter user information One at a time, or using import From a file. Both of these

approaches are outlined below.Inviting users one at a time

If you only have a handful of users, they can efficiently be added to your organization one at a time by selecting the “One at a time” tab , manually entering the information associated with each user (Step 2), and verifying the information (Step 3).

Helpful hint: You can establish user names so that the names are associated with a particular class or discipline. For example, earth science course students could be assigned a user name with an ESC prefix (i.e. ESC_JoeSmith), while biology students could be assigned a BIO prefix (Bio_MarySmith). This will make it easier to manage and easier to assign to groups later.


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Establishing an ArcGIS Online Organization Account 9 | P a g e

a. Inviting users using an import file

If you need to invite a larger group of individuals (a class of students) to your organization, then you can efficiently import these users using an Excel (or other…) spreadsheet.

Format your spreadsheet with the following headers and information populated and save it as a .csv file:

Chose the “From a file” tab, and select your .csv file:

Credits will be consumed by anyone processing in the organization account, so be conservative in assigning publishing rights. The role of user is sufficient for most applications. This role can be managed from Edit Settings on your account homepage.

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Review and send invitations to begin using your organization account:

6. To review users who have activated their account, and manage their privileges go to at the top

of your browser. You can change their role by clicking on the dropdown and selecting a new role. You can reset their password, disable and delete members from the settings icon at the end of the row.

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Once you begin to build maps in your organization, you may wish to display them on your organization’s home page. The organization’s administrator can customize the appearance, and chose which maps to display in the gallery by clicking on Edit Settings.

These settings will change the appearance of the Organization Account homepage. You can also change the thumbnail and Organization Name here.

Creating and Managing Groups Groups can be useful for organizing content by topic or by class. For example teachers can setup a group for each course that they teach, or they may decide to create a group for each content area. Sharing can be designated by group, so setting up groups by class allows other classmates to view one another’s maps. Groups can be created by any user in an organization account.

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Establishing an ArcGIS Online Organization Account 12 | P a g e

To get started click on at the top of the browser and then select .

After you create a new group, you need to give your group a name, provide any tags (key words) that you would like to associate with your group (school, course, discipline, geographic area, etc.). You also need to determine who will have access to your group. For example, do you want just your students to have access to the group, or do you want the group to be accessible to a wider audience.

1. After the group is created you can invite users to join the group by selecting . Users can also search for and request access to the group. You can approve these requests as

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Maps that you create can be shared with a group or with several groups. With an ArcGIS Online Organization account you have access to many more sharing settings than you get with a public account. Users can also establish their own groups. If you have a team project they can establish team groups. There are limitless options for sharing and group management.

Share option.

they appear under .

2. Group members can share content by editing the share option in .

3. Select desired map or feature and click on . Your group should now show up as a

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4. All maps shared with the group will now be listed in the group content. The group owner can edit the settings, manage users and change share settings.

Conclusion Now that you have learned how to set up an organization acct., you are ready to start implementing and using ArcGIS Online in the classroom. Students will use ArcGIS online to create exciting maps that will be used to engage them in the educational process! Continue learning about the power of ArcGIS Online accounts at the following links.

Helpful associated links:

ArcGIS Online (public and organization) Account Access:

Strategies for using ArcGIS Online for teaching:

What’s New with ArcGIS Online Mapping (regularly updated):