gf.o~ :a. om...h.' oltiii8i' •• idce opon die,. thllt jodge tb.t, by tbe a?\borl-...

. . "Will''' ,b, :a. om " '" \ " .. .C"

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Page 1: GF.O~ :a. om...h.' oltiii8I' •• IDce opon die,. thllt Jodge tb.t, by tbe a?\borl- wblch 18 IlluMed' on a beautlfol earthly friendll. Do aiiltbing bnt tbe armistice expin;d

. . "Will''' ,b, GF.O~ :a. om

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Page 2: GF.O~ :a. om...h.' oltiii8I' •• IDce opon die,. thllt Jodge tb.t, by tbe a?\borl- wblch 18 IlluMed' on a beautlfol earthly friendll. Do aiiltbing bnt tbe armistice expin;d



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i • I. williell ie, the ti1Id • ,«Ill pM for a &bbatla· ~m. 'rbe ftn& leuer rei. 'M lo"ed ' tile

~"fJ. I.~t aeoe ... ", , keeping ,."Ie to I.e), w .. lo!r. L c, " ., ~:. ~.lL'·. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~ , ie "Writ"., Gat: 1, . l)f '1IHI.1IY not 10 ooId, .ad where ,gOod frllit .mar !.oW,-1M tilDe tiu" '-6.lIer.1 Gideon ,J.

agliin entaogled in tbe yoke of - Tbe war doe. not can he r.i~d. I have .110 been in come that we have .11 10 wi.bed tured ne.r Selm.. He w .. al'raid t; .• l:~~II~ Tbe pre-eminence of the GOII- .MIt o{-M_i-..d Ollio' &lid upon~~.oll eYerJth~_del~d,I,.l,_.h"_

..... ·.pUt. ... -.... F ' A. it _. decided before 1011 we clalrel, tb3t we operationl. Of the churcbe.' in.t!M' ~~4 h;~ye mlde ul1 my_m~nd that .•• were to C.8t Iota. AccordiDgly. we A di.p.tcb. from ~~ Geeo:I~I:t~~fW~~tJr~;~m~~~Le,:z ••• jalti6c.tiou, fatth A.a •• hly, Tio; blYinr .' ~liIbel'1lblp rIDI II the mOlt deln.ble' locatIon did 10, and yoo are to be the Cbar- lay. tb.t Jeff. DUll .myl!d .. in Christ, .nd not for certain obeer- Of as 885 made no tb.t I know of for ollr people to'.go lotte Corda .. of the nln.-nth oen- con on )(onda", )(." 15tb, aD4 vatio88 and ritee deYieed by meo. h'; ~. . i :.T,"" .. __ • ,_ ...

II Wb.t Ihall we think, tben, of the w .• lor .ore~gn m.lIl. ,onl ~ an,d, tak" lead in Corming • religi. tury.Wb"nyoll remember tbe. le.r· lent to AugOlta witb. etron,~.~g~a;;ard.~;l' ~;~:~~~~,:~~::l~ Lord'i day, and Churc~ ordinancee WIth a membenblp of 'lel,li~, .. "ell .. a he.lthy ful,lOlelDn .. Yo" tbat ,,~taken by Tbence be woold be taken to '

-oe-oll'- ·,·To -bll 60" ~ "'-. a -.111 be OS, you WlIl,(~l tge\"tl "j,n,?,. _ ";or.: .. '"""","~ .. , -1Id ... ; -- - -.' .. , _t. loT!:", 10 .. , back-Abe 1I1U.t die, .nd ~w. _Oli1'08, .1. oU .... u_. 1111 . mellreapond, tb.t It III for e.acb. Areot~ employed by.rrub;r. lIIudd, on ijIe pr.irie in,wetweaLber, can cboose yov we&pOfl~lIe eop, 'J.'1Ie foUowinr' p"rticuJ.r. of the

.' i,. or DlltofII to -•••• ' OMID.O· teriH .• ppear ,to be .the mOlt eIBcieut, 'prin •• nd lall, till the road. can lH! tbe bife, tbe bu. lie. t. Th .• jOop failed Bight of JffIf . . D .. i. ale "';.ell b- &

Oh~rcli; no& that. we Ihoold there are ~ft,·&ve ohbeee employe41 plooghed ,.nd tornpiked, .lId picked UI on~, .o.d mIg t -,ram. :0 88on. Santb Carolin. correepondelit. of t~ oea dI.l "in,1 be done orderly in . b ~T J b •• J r

~~:I:~n·1 cbue bv them remillion of aioa •. or "';"'"t.wo.l_ tb .. I, .. t ,.eu. down by tr.vel ; then they will have who 11'111 gdl·de yoo "!II, bth beent!ike Herald· . ,. :~~~~~~~4~~~~==ia;:~~ •.. • 01. 1..'1.' th t " " ' an enrage emon lI'noe mee 109, •

~t~~~;j~; .... ,_~I tb.t We can l.tll • .1 lor Ilnl, or • good road., for they have no Iloogh. becule it b .. no' f.llen a n him to ~ .. Kr .. Davi. preceded ber , lilt,,· oOnlOienoetlare bo~d' to judge tb8!D ' lAmA, ~L. nor Iwamp!! to build roade acrou, .. rid the world of the moqlter. He ontil boc croued "'" Nortll :~::~~~:~~~

'intnelYee nedeIA"Y, of to thlDk th.t tbeYlln IIILt'OK, 1fi8., May nth, 186.;. in W~oollilio. It take. time IIId 1.. lay. tbe blood of bil lirey-haired, li~e, ~hen .he hia. "'''l'' 11IIrI1.n_

-,cruil' tbtm, SoP.ul ord.ioe, that In the Hann"" recently returned (rom a to make good ro..... ID. y, I h' ~ . d' be "III boro he w ... h.oiR "bo .G.'.'.' ..... il. 'who, withoot. ,oflelldinl otber., ~reak 'flIlb.llI!lorof Ib, 1!ob_1I ......... : bor ... ~ F" 11 'f father and hi. noble broffll upon • Jnllt before of

•• . '. • b Id ,.'. . . 1..-__ L • I he . 1m lor reyeoge,.n reye . coogreg.tlon women • ou COTer to)U "in" .lil,ypt," I w.nt to oy yon c .......... to Aeep c Ole to t ~. bave jifbe <limno' wrea it; detac~!Bent of. ger to oar.,. tflelr beade, aDd'tbat interpretera feW word. to •• u,readen .bo.l.F .. berglof the oorth, for fear of a h.t-. tbe fount.1n bead, be wilt poll wbo.m1gbt elllll have, ~Io, in.),,", .nd teilchera be heard in order in . 111"'" 'ta d' tie mlld you can do 10 hut I.m ID of the blOQd-tbinty vnetal.. Bot- bad tbey known who be : perml$ted 191 cbllroh, It Ie <icm .. nient th.~ the nn., 1001_1 IOrroun IDg', .' '. ler would .uit him All 1o1lr Ian. Dannie, .Dd cert.lnl, .e5' 8'rt~:~ Oliurch ... boold keep ~och ordln~· .dnntagel, .~d ita diliadTallt.gel. for ~ann., ," 800n .. couYe~leot, were.lI coococted ~od w~11 going , and. the jaltice or it oe~ f?r t4e Bake of cb",flt, .nd 'r.n- Farin. fa afto.ted on tbe Illioois ba.log. bollght me a f.rm and timber ed, we lepar.ted i and .1 j!: am writ- aouth, On arriy .,. : rr.llcbile to' meD' qudhty, Ibat 80 one, Ibo~ld. not ofFeud Ceotral Railroad, lIiS milee from Cbi lot down there,.t .111 60. and .15 ing-on my "ay to Thtl.pit-I will headqu.rten, •• d. 8trbling for thet'::J:1lw.~=:! ~notbe\ tb.t an dnnga DlI~_~ &:nh'~ ~a"o, .nd lUmiJeal10rtb from Cairo. per acre. 'three or foor Dice q~.r. ollly "y, tb.t it .11 re..., "it~ yoo. terms of tbe COnYentlQIl freely .ITen &o_u ID lbe ,Ohllrehes iD order, ..... w t 8.. .• ' ter'Ratione are for ole clOie to mlDe. You know wbere to find Y\fUr frIend.. Sberman and" aDd, tarne4 ftolD oot tumult '. but ,at,.10 that ,the c.oo- It. II a .ralitoad !!t.tlOn, In tbe to"n LaOlede . t Your diagllieea .re ~ ifrrect .nd tb&f'be wooTd be tJfowed a'.io.t it. 4 .... ii..J'~/Mll~.1if:,,~ ~I!~' pe oot ch.rge4, ... to &hlllk 01 ~Ie~.' f01l.r m~1 Jrom LaOIede Tbe , .... r at ....:"n complete, that, 'witht'ot !ollie. knew .dIe C?u~try, he,llterlld ilil Jieli 6f North C .tbe1 ar~ neceaaary ,.to, .tatU:io. (each haa a 'PD't.oftice.) Jor ItlYeI'a~ .. rter-8ectlonl an one YOllr face, no poHce tel~r",h di .. re1l1aloed .t OharloUe .• It w.. ri!ilnin4 '00 t.bit ",'10

(Lc).d.oli, . judge ~at tbel sm who, obtained.' .. I.' the land olioe ( whole eeaion. p.tcb "Ollld catch you. ! The Eng. quentl, rem~ked, tb.t It w.. _ freecol0ft4 mea '.nted bilrt.lIg othen,bnl.l: them i" .. .. p. '. ,lIP Youn hdlbriliian bondi, Iish ntlem.n. H4t'COUrlJ mll.t not gerou. for him to dllIO; but be 1 •• nd,IHIYAIl', ,u ,/We: no doe ahould aay th.t • woman lin. .tlIUI ta tbe depot at Chi9.g0,). do"o AliOS COLl:GIIOYJ:. act ::StUy. Remember,,,e h .. ten variably replied, tbat be had too an, de"ij~t to,lta

, wbo goeth •• br,oad ~rebeaded, of· .Iid' back for '9 85, wblch IS the days Strike for yoor b+me strike many friend., And knew tIie we dell'" II, th.t, ,'SI,llbatb'holy, for. it;- ~e~~ing none. '. " . " 080al one w.y. hnppose otherll for your country i bidelgoo~ time, too we.lI, to be o.lIgbt 'by 'aDl ~lectl~1 ,Iolhe

. 1001 but If . Even. such \8 1M obierootwn OJ can do tbe same. A.k for. paM to TBIAL OF THE COmmATOBS. but strike aore. Get introtnoed, con. forcello the ~&IIkee. army,. "oald ""'er the ~.~~~r~:;;:h~f;o;;r Lor:i',. ~~y, of ~1JIler, 0; p,ent6co3t, the 8eYenih-da Colon at P.rin The trial of the ass.lllination con· gratolate bim. Iiaten to ~ia .toriea; ".Jeff. DAYle rem aIDed .tObarlotte loyal IIleIl withoot it ~~tM l~ !wly 4ciY' lind nce.. FO.r '. . • y y '.' spirltora oootinued in Wa8hington not m.oy more will the'fuote tell to ontll twelye o'olock on the .10.1: tII,!t Bat ~. whole

h.' oltiii8I' •• IDce opon die,. thllt Jodge tb.t, by tbe a?\borl- wblch 18 IlluMed' on a beautlfol earthly friendll. Do aiiltbing bnt tbe armistice expin;d. At eleyeu I~bll~t to j':::~[;t:~~':~ I order lOU ty ~(:t~~ Cborch, tbe oheenlDl. of prairie, elgM. or teo Iniles. across, throaghout I .. t week, and t?e da~ly fail, .nd meet UI at tb~ appointed O'clock on tb.t dlY bill bone, a hand. "!",e lu&m .1 0Ii iI,)tod~ce ~"n4aYI!,lte.d or tbe S.bbath,d.y, nearly equal dlilance frolll nice tim- papefl ~ere I.rgely OCCUPied WIth place within tbe fortnigb,.j· I inclole lOme blooded· "ay, ~a. bto0l'bt to nnparti.l lliieit'ity. I~ti{::~::~~ d9 aQ11,b~g w .. oJdalned ... ,tbiD, n~B8.ry, ber lalld., n.rrow on tbe teatilllOny. Of course we can· tbil note, with one of ~r uebeL t... door of· *he p!"lnie bo .. e h ..... M tbiHit.nCle of>olliflalllil:ler.· ~ ,encro~bm~lI\ ~(>,,.rea\l~ err. Tbe Scrtpt.ore g~anta th d t b t xte d ~ '1 not think of printing it entire, or I will gi.e the reuOD r.t· thia whe. whi~h he,wal ltopplog, .u ell frtend _lid father ... ,

".tAll[I ... ,,111, a~d bberty." alld permits, tb., tbe PePIDI or tbe nOf .0 wee, 0 e n or ml u f k' 'b t act iii' t we meet. Return by J huon I baYIDg' learned tb.t the &ermlof "pon Jour Noalden.',,' ~ , ~=:I:: Nine~utlt S.lib"lh-day is no.', tree j for it on tbe eut lind Bouth. The timber e.en 0 ma 109 an a 8 r an clen - wish I could go to yoo ba duty ~a.1I. aforesaid coovention were rejected, ," May God bl':~':":=~'i tt':l':' q l.l(lfA!i1do1l, 18.8.)' , teac~ th.t tbe eereln?niea of KOIe': il'mo.tly o.k, (four or five lorte,) Iy full to be of ~ucb Ya~oe ~roba. me to tbe weat. You' will" problbly be mounted bi. horlle, aiid .COOIllp!'bi- .nd!'1r bt-lo .. d, -I~ ',," . ' . . a e I.", II0ce the reyelatlon of the Go.. and hickory, "'ith IIO!lle rock and bly the Cllel Will be finl8hed IU ~e hear fram me io W.lhinrton. Sao. ed by numeroo. friend. and.oMmal., IIIIHIII., 1b~1I .... i\.~~~:=~~~:::

, .. ,~~~I!.tr~ta,,,~ f~~m p g pel,.r?notoecell8ary. And. yet, be- IOftma Ie black walnot molber couree of the prellent week,and In den il doing'bl no «ood,*, C.n.dL rode off. At the •• me tIme of~oar f .. !W.l fi fM~,\o"'l! i~.~b~~th. Paw,,&Ild c.~.e It wu oeedful to or~aln • eer· b f" ' h tbe ry, connection witb tbe conclDlrion8 re.cb- Belieye me, yoor br~t ,in lo.e, tbo?l.od clY.lry, .ooder commaad petlliOllel'll. biI"'."'Wel"Cl iii, relation to tbelr talll d.y, tb.t tbe people mlgbt know otley ocu.t, "!CamOre, ac ny, ed b '11 be . CIUBLi:, S&LIIEY. AbJor-General Dlbbrel, mg~ed --'~--~"""'.l.4" Ii: tllnil'iIdcl Sarfl., ru Grou d' .nd when tbey OUIM to come togetber, horobeam, perllimmon, &0. There ,Inc retl80ns WI gl.en aa ".L with him, acting io tile capacity"of

• '. u . 'I I. it .ppear. that 'he Ohurch did ap· il al.o plenty of co.1 in that regioo will eatiefy the public generally. Of the work alligned 't' the .ey· .n eacort." ~i1!" P~~nclpl~ of, . point Slind.y, wbich 4ay," it.,. Lomber il high. PiDe in Obic.go: The man Payoe, cb.ried with mak- er.1" 00 tria~ t~ New ______ ~ .t. GJ.4.Q ~., ,~t d~"'~' po ... , .', pe.rl; ple'led them r.ther .th.n t,be common to clear .20 to $35 or ,,0 ing tbe attack on Secretary Sewiord, York Herald r1~OI tbe foljowlDgout- THE IOTBD PRISODB8. .A.rranpmeota b&'''~_I ... d4J 11I1S:) Ooocernlng the ,l .. t quota- S.bbatb-da;,:, even for thus c)lUlle, ! d I' '$8 b baa been folly identified three wit- Iioe, after readjng tbe tea- JID'. DAVIS Ind hi. part ... nind ., gr.nld tiD &o.LlJth 'OOX ~,.,.. tbat men mIght blYe In example of per t oueao. t COlitl per t ou· '. th I oft t k. J • P ace II

'. ~' .' p' "'" ~r."" r. • ".". Obiiitiau 'liberty, and migbt kno" Sind to c.rry it to F.rina by tbe c.r nES8etl who were p.r~8eot ou t~e ~a. timony op to ecole. .. wee • .t Hampton Road. I .. t S .. tor4a,. d W d d' f :,: t',l:Iqw'.1ijlLtbe18 i!rincipl~1 h~ve tbat tbe keeping .• nd oblen.oce of load. Oak boarciB at the mills, IU:: sion swearing positively to bls Iden· It I1eemll tbat .01l1e kID of.n.t- The prisonera compri.e principally .Tnh e .ne. af't~_ the prl.,llil mp ~uOIi41,kI p~ac'lce b1 hI. couo· eitber S.tord.y or of .oy otber day, • . F . $1 tity, tempt W88 made to y oot the tbe following penon.: Jeff. Davil, ' e .rmle. 0 ..., $'in;:1rtlhipe·r.tromtite follow·, il not nece88arY." . O~ .elgbt mlle4 from d .rTlnba, .• rbe 5 The testimooy taken sbows tbat cof,!~pirlhcy .Bofewh dl!dl . ter tbye "th .~-.t10D liien me by. friend" . . to 20 per . ey c .rge . d' 0 m.rc. at .1&1 In e~ or .. , Mrs. Divis, and foor cbildren, ber f Sb bfJ •

. ~~:,r)i;n .. i~; r..lded Cor.ome . Thus, from the blgbeet autbollty, ,10 per tboosand for II&wing' at the tbe plot 11'88 more exteoBn'e, an 10- that ~e could. 81811y b~y kIlled tbe brotber, Alexander H., Stephenl-in; erm~u, ;;.,m o~lng In ~::ith: a' :clerg7Dal'n at HeIIle- too generally ackoowledged to be steam mills, for there are no stream. eluded tbe agency of more persons, Prealdent on loau~orah~ d.y, al he extremely 'feeble he.ltb-O. O. OIlY I hoot (nIle ,

". 't'i' ,''Ib .. eleotor .Ilf ~e_ wae questioned, too explicit to be ne.r tbi. prairie only wben they than WI. at first suppoied. At fiNt, .tood very Deh.r him ib1

b t for IIOme aud wife Gen. Wbeeler .nd ,,'do t roug W"~linlrt9n"j,te'I~'trn. . . '-:", ' '1," L:'" . T dO' I" . d' f' P 'de t rea80n or ot er proba '; canse no' , President J obn.on a ... ..:141 ' 'l~t"'1. , .Ulller,.n - .. "e II der.tood, aod too defiDlte to • mit 0 raio or ~ben thelno" i.going it was proposed to capture resl n f' 'd d .nd Col. Johneon. Correlpondeotl

a clly .' rote.taut· (Lotber.n). . f b 1--'" • . . C b' t t k th me.n8 0 esclpe were Yll pro.1 e • .. they p ..... ' TOe ,Army' .of. tbe Po. ~.fl . , ... .". "he'!!' t S d I ca.ll, the doctrlDel 0 t e """ers off. which don't lilt .ery long· con. LlDcoln Ind btl alae, I e em be did not w.ot to dO'lbe blood .. of the dally paperl confirm tbe pre-,.aIIe,·ye.; On, • t. on.y w.. f b G R ' '. .. b t ! " tomac .nd Sberidall' •. ca •• lty, ..... :.tat~1 he, • Lothe~.n di,ine, aod snpporters ? t II erman e· leqoentl, there il no plICe to wllh to VlFgl~I~, and Ule t e~ 0 secure deed at tbat time.' Of tbe .?bee- vioo •• cooont of the ludicr01l1 .cene to parade on Tocilday,l an Oeaera\

- q ,,8 to go' witb bim to tbe pl.y. formation are deCIded to ha!!! beeD. sbeep-,-. tbiog much to be regretted. • recogllltlou. When thll w .. foond CJ.uent attempt, we h .. e rtt few p.r· I!ttending Jeff.'s capture. It seeml t':,nl$HIbef heine surprised, but, iD tbe folIe.' I18nlle, .. W&t,e~ in the weill il good wbere impractic.ble, u._ln.tion wa. re- ~culan i ~ol we koow ,bat Boo'!i tbat he did reilly try to elClpe iD Shermln's army OR, We40e 1I1.-Tbt t!'~~}nl.~ ~~d know be8~ h~de dootti.el." That they erred in cl ... • pain are taken to IItoue a~d bank 1I0rted to ; bot only. p.rt of tboee inu~~t~b:t Mt~eS~~.:~te:~;~t. petticoatl .nd boot8. Bot little mon- tr~p. we"!. ~h : 10 .~! ,.~,lJJJJi i,.IICr.-= Il &clCC?:'h!lYln

g Slm~ ing tbe with tbe ceremo· them op in proper order Stone is appointed did their work. tbat Arnold w~ priYY' to it by hi~ ey- w .. found on tbe party but 8yj- Bridge" ... ro . own -,-r,i DIl loft< 4~,·r:kour~o~~e .:~tin~m a~n d:;: niee of the Jewi8b Churc?, i. plenty io tbe ra.ioes at' the bordM As 10 tM conuect~on of Jeft'. D~Yil own conft;uion j ~at Ite .• cheme, denOetl of large IIhipmeutll ~f apecle ooe to t~ Oapitol. grooblt tbe .. , bra"",.,; AIld, n"t ~torning bome till no doubt; but that thell theorlel of the ~ ... irie. The wells are from witb the plot, there 18 lome teatlmo' It Will, dll~.llj f.ded, and to Eorope were l!ecured. When n .. front of the ClPltol, Pen ,,1 .. 111;.

~~J~ qle'daj!" ." and practice ,iYe no sembl.nce of • fourteen to tweoty or thirty feet ny not ;ret m.dA' public. Tbe lOb- tba,'. thestbree ,al~"'ID" jcame b·d?k vii read the re"ard for bia .pprebdD •• yelloo. .. ~~t ~e Wbl~B I • __ ,< .: . , ., I b ddt', .• ;- ~- k . tb' to mre. orrattl 10 a gre~t rage, I.. .... up _ .nnlle 10 tow •• Tllii ... 0 perfectly in keeplDg foundation IOt t e mo ern oc rIDe deep' Bometimea more. The .oil il .t.DOe _It, u nown, 111 11: .ppointed vexed alrd d beartened lion he i. said to bl"'trembled, . ' ,,~

• ' h' .. tb ' d' b' • b " u, A pontoon' brIdge w •• \0 ,.t" "" ,i ~th.,tb8 knowD cll.tom of Sa,nd.y Sunday, as a"lUg t ... ~n e .. 10ft of clay, generally of a dark A no~, or Illp.tC, In cyp er, Wall After thlt, lIlrl. 8arra~ appearll to groaned, .nd "ept .. AIeL H. Ste- . "Cor a i .,e,~ o~iuice oB tile' Oontinent, even plaee of tbe, .. helng, by .. b color not 110 IIlippery •• the cl.y (ound In Boodr'. pocket. A paper, b.,e lent tbem h~r hralq., for they phens aod Wheeler were c.ptored; the En~lneer ,J'I to ~ ° &

\i. clo..i~ to tIMt P~lHbt. time, that no one cbange or otherwi8e, of diviDe .p. 8011 or e~en the prairie ·.oil in Wis. iu cypber~ previously been found .adly Ihacked brbl;lohl . hefored· Tben may K .... e him_H op. 0_ 00tTee- re~ro.~1D1[ of tbe troopl aok talo ," ,'J '. .' • • • 1.__ • , '. J' "-Y' 'houl . Rich d the 8C eme w IC prdve part- . fl' Vugin ... " aeqaainted thereWIth, will doubt the pOllltment,. o~ Ita o....,nance ID eooaln. The 8ubloil ba8 finll land lD • eU. ~ 1& e In mon . Iy sncces&fai, WII arranged. Booth pondent !p"ee the 0\ o"~ng accooot

1 'hG!,4lI' 1 ~ •• 'mbN_~.plete ~~ de- .oy way blnd1ng all a mOral or re- luIBeient to make- 'IlrTcY' or good Th!1I paper 11'11 o.ot SDppo~ed to ~e wall IIsigned to kill the jPreaident i of the .rrest of Jeff. Dan. : IIIPOm".t.NT OauU-Dum 1'0 II PB1./.U' • .... ..,.".~\l6i la fOlln~ In Ibt! , III equally undelll.ble. qaality. The Oll&go orange and of Importance ontll the one 10 Bootb 8 Alurott to kill the VioeiPreaideot; ." Wheo tbe guard went to tbe tent, A gener.1 order bu t ... ed I,~ 4,,~,.g Oonfllrion," dr."o lip by w.beo we remem~r how I.rge bockthoru are perfectly, bardy, and pocket w~ compared with it, and ~y P"ayne ~ kill l?ecretary. Seward; tbey were met by )(n. Davi. 1M 4 ... from tbe War Dep.,tment ,rollo".1 ~n tbe oolaborer of Lutber, a portlou of the ContlDeot adopted will make. good fence-tbe Olage tbe use of. It was read. Tbe preclle O'Laogbhn to klll Gran~ ' .• lIother ~Uk, with • ~18Iee, geotl8!Dell. don't " All tbe for. of the e my'e .. t 1Ii~ by iJ.e .ab-rulere of H'IeD of the ~otheran confellioo, and bow in four .nd the bockthoru in fiye or conteots of the Booth note we do not tm.n'SPtrObt·bl~ Ssurratt,1 ~_klll1 ~ecfrtee- dlltorb tbe .prlvacy of 1,.d,lel ~fore of the KiHini ..... i ri .. Ita. QI' ht!4Io -", '. 'd' L' d U I tb' . B ' . ~ . . b a'1.o on, er ... 00 .. a r th ... time to drf'" All fI"'ht t't' i ... Germ .. ' pro.llloe. ~ CJI&~ .nd WI e,y .ull an _e anc 00. ID U· lix yearll. know; IIut our In.ormatlOu IS t .t tbe private box in tbe tbe.tre ; Mfl. -" ,. ., .... ' doly evrrendenHl by the proper

....:::! .. "D ........ At ........ ~."read be- eoce spread, aod g •• e color to tbe h' h" b I h tne note proYEs tbat Davi. waa in Sarratt to lee that the carbine. were ml~.m! .ald tbe corpor.I, we wJl! commanding ofticen to tba rmle. of ,_ .... --; v .,.~ 1" ;'IL~'" C h Ii I t mk t II II aa ea t y a coun· Wilt tIn yoo blye on yoar dl'ftl. tbe United 'State., lIDder a lbellW ' ro.:.'I.:&.1t~. tQ,"ine tbeoriea of tile borc or maoy try .. WiKOlllin. The wintera are commuoication with two of tbe men ready at Lloyd'.; Dr. )(~dd to point Pl'etleotly th~re appeared at dle.teat of plrole aild ai.baild'lI8Dt, lid \bere ~ V "., ~ Jane. !l5tb ye.lI nay uotil tbe preaent from lix to eigbt weeks .borter, aod in Cao.dl for wbom' rewards oot the road .nd forDlsb refresh· door, o.teollbly, .0 old lad, Wlib .. beln oow 1I0 •• "or'" ',,01 ."li"·!':':""~'·_,":,ete ~Dle..ion .' we cr:nnot :"onder tliat tbe Continent .;. mllcb milder, thaD iu Wilcon8in. bee~ oft'ered ; .od tbe 80bject of the mednte; .. aodh. Har,or1d to 1811·ilt BOOr thl buc~et on her arm! ,.corte, d by . tbe ~nemy e ... f)f tbe l.ippJ ~ =,', " ,. ' "' . '- - .n ml .. e Im8e genera y lI.e u. Da." .nd ber IlIter Ple.- .: ' ~ ~I "",*,_/aI'ta j' .ndwblch" remaio. of Europe hu known • Sa.,. I got to Farina tbe 13th of April; oorrellpoodence w .. the propo8ed ... Had not Bootb been tripped by the . - IYer it i. ordored tb.' II ........

~Ii.~ "·"'d.rd of tbe Lath.r.n Ohurcb bath, in .ny trae aen8e, since the _.ination, wbich it il distioctly ... American 1Iag, aDd broken bil leg, myoId mother go to t'!e '.' ~er tbe iil'l!t day or JaD~,) ,f5, .• Dl - -- next d.y wellt out with friends to lome. "ater to. In" laId. aod all perlolll f008d'II"" '.,ilftllt' "~'tllii" time." I 'qoote ,ftOm a New light of the trne Sabbatb w .. ob- tbe Woodl, nw lot. of peacb trees lIerted th.t,Dui8 favored. The bil ~pe won.ld ~a.e been prett' Jeft'. 10 a pleadlog tone. ~t atrikel die United Statel or whO,- ., 00fll' tMlt'iMtIUO'ia'ol·Ltdwtg & 00,'1850 loured. The eft'ortl of sundry mod· in fnll bloom', tbe .pple, plum, and men were io\im.&ely lIIIIOCi.ted.witb cert.ln; ~ut thl., hke all the ~eet of .yourmotherwe .... yorJb1rboot.,' mit &n.-'-.,,, .. ..;.tiii... tU eMt

' ,: '!' . f G' I . ' b . C d tbeconlptracy exoeptthflPre.ldent'l d the d b h t te4 the Id _ ... ""'...... OJ ,,~, ~,.'~Ic), SchoU •• p ... tor o.f arn. wr't:en , 0 whom ,III an II • otber trees, were about the "me &It Booth.wlleD,. e w~ In .na L morAer, fell through comhletel"." lIal, go.r! .. _ e 0 I ~ of lIiIIi.,ipM ,fl.e, . w,11I1 ,lit .., . ~ _ .. ;i.' Lei t f: t b -rbl d A .....f. t t th t d r 01 ladY'1I dree. WIth bll labrl, and d .. · '",.HiU .. , .~d~. I,bed 8k~II:Yftt- aa. PStg, eq.. air lpeclmen, 0 prove, ,. .. - e tbey are in Willconlin now. Winter n Imt"'._u WI n8l10n e. an Tb r Hond " . oovered. of number IS calf. . ... N'.(iict "eDi . ment

Wv Ii!.·llDldtered'.tpbtat, Con· qaolationl, .nd wbolual, u.ertion., wbe.t dCJel well i il IOmetilD811 hart in.tbe e.rly .tagee of the tri.1 11'18 a M ~2~·pel;1 0 b th'y morulDg, .kiol;' and whiBke ... , too,' iI.1d the •••. or.tei\ .:' pt., 1IMrb .. - a" Aftllll. afteeD&IJ,tre.'" tbat tbese meo .nd theee timea bl open winter •• nd hea.w rlills, bo. min who WI! for lIe1'er.l yean in lay d "te 111 t .• t the gO~llrnment IJel'g •• nt," lie polled the hood from ..... , __ ' ..... II.

'>J, • .::.>i •. d b d ti d the b' .~. h '1' ' . f tb 11 d c Ole Ita cue 1D e trl. of the h ~ _ .. I I J ff. D . t--" _ uu_ _II .. . t .. iIIl', .. 'Qt' ...... 1VU. rIte. an cere~()o taog t an prac ce 0 lenance ne.rly always get " good berrv• t e ml Itlry IerYlce 0 e 10-0& e . S d I . t e ,'ce, auu 0 . e. ..... uuu Tt!J1lI f

'"'' "'<i " . . I b S d S bbatb' allO -.I nfade te'Stateil I d' the 88 .... ln., on atllr .y, tbe .. t WIt- before ""'II. '.4 Spencer w .. immedi. wit:hill .~ iii,..: " 0 t e on .y.... , la O.t. do well if got io very early· co ra , emp oye 10, bei . ed . atel Th .t~ly • ted"at hi. ear, and he wu , .. n;;. ... --"-, eool .. i .. UctJ rite, to be botb fatile .nd dillhon· but pO' if lo.,n 1.<_ Corn IOrlh~m' topoppbibtJ. department on the ne~d· ng eXb·~lln d ~rn·. y. e !':U'~-"!' " . d d _L' '" '11 " ~.... , 'ff f Ge Ed d J b H eYI ence 8U mltte 10 open coort pi in du .... ooe yile." .... l~j ....... Ida.t thole e.t. 10 ee , .u .... enortll WI tobacco .ud melons do' 6rat-r.te' sta 0 n. w.r 0 nlon. e d L bIb .. B ' ' ...... _a .;'-... rtormed h' b he 1 i b >--ted ' , , '. V' •. . th pro.e t!Je re e cyp er All., ootb. m-t '- ~ .. ' - 'w 10 .r a COle IIcrut oy W en - alao timotby Pot.toe. clon't do .1 waa 10 tr~1nl. In e Inmmer of h b'd' I . ... ,*~"'foJ' tbout aia 'lIId 1 h I .h d' ted • ,. l8.Q t'l fr s-- cyp er to e I entlca ; went. to .how

L ...... -""- . _ .. ~ 'd a one; moe eM, en .... ee In well .. in By planting u.., t~en y IDl eIJ olD. _DOtoD. th t D M dd b' L The qlleation of -ro 8111fra- men ~_r~, a_._ or ., the Ii ht of the foregolug' whieh . . He became acquaillted with three a r. u mOlt aYe AOOWU of --....- tWllDh'.nh~e "l!""~, ,'. ' .. O8lr!"n holy be' gtb r. illlif and bem~ e~ly kinciB very e.rly, aud I.ter oitiZ8ll. gf Ka'1laud, one of whom tbe ..... siutioo at an e.rlier (leriod i. deetlned to 000llP" a Ilrge.",~ llld twenty.foaf. cIaJf" IIItI,alit &0. Obnoernlng mat. Ing ~ .oun , . kIDds very l.te, • fine crop may geli. "" Booth and another named She ou S.turday th.n he cI.imed . aDd in tbe politlca' dillClIltMtltlir of.allill ,!t,'~a:~~~iD~ ·I!!~~::.! ... u..~on mOitpotltlYe. an~ UlleqIlITO~II, -:.~ er.lly he r.ieed. Sweet potatOe. herd. He".. .. ked by Booth ..!d indicated that Spangler .ided the e .. year.. It ill 11114 tnt (Jhief' .

_,O" •• +MG~ _. - ........ ten· thle tile qaeetlOD ,0reYer' W.I e t..... II ~ h' h --_.. .. t h' . h t b tb ht f . Ch ,_. f ' f'" ... .. _ 01· ... lMIi,IIjU' ....... tIaoulb ". ~row we , lor w: IC • ~y mar .. e 11 C01l1pa11lonl w a e oag 0 cape of Booth from the Theatre. J.. ue .. In ~yor 0 ... e ot!' ........ IO .. -rt8'.'" ....... q to hi.tory of the dllCtri~e. a~d ptilch'l IS alwa,s .t hand. Some ,.rden tbed·prlod'~ °bf the Coufederacy, cob . Tbompllon'. 'extellli.e mooey of. Ilew polltlc.l part,; "lth' .... Io .... 1 - ,,-' . , cetI of thOle countrlet .Inee t at bl d'd . II . aa to t_ l It. allenucb • chue f h d 1 _I. t ...... 1" ,., .• " '. • time coofirml the conOllllio08 we Ywe~t. ? ouh\lt t~4:-d~~ ~ teID II t.e. rebe~ bad got .U1ettYllburg, tr.n8action. at. Montre.l Ba~k were f~)fh~hone '101 .. ~ eL~.r Inl r-Il I Stlt'wlui.

tW8ll&y.l.htb artlOIe, treatlDg , , .. .IIC01l1ln, w eo 'F. 0 .......... • he beheyed It looked rather , 1001II1. alao proYed. Booth bad ~.llng8 at w Ie WI "" t"" reelOnlltl1.ction.iorl·St ... _ .. ,.~~ . Of ,be Church takea ha'e reacued. . , D_ Th.t it will be a good froit couutry, Booth- told hiJa th.t it 11''' nbnll8U8, tbe .ame B.nk. tbe Sollth on the ba.i. of lIert.o O'el!illC'th~JariDI

'.fa;.:Al .. ~ti(jD· d' tl d' Tbe' otber ,pat "lOg of the ne- tbere Cln be DO doubt ltith any o~ and .ruled, "" if we only act ollr , , . W"MtlMlr ...... tnre . ;. ll'llC.1,·n .a,,1, ~ t' tb 0 I·' it' hId ,.' ~ ~ ...... .It.. . . .'" , "IiIIWlj ~r"U""~&rIMlijiloll. o(,~ .orma Ion, e .,~:. n ~ Ie, ~ .. ~ated ...... It, .• "'«IUtry.- -The JW".' '8--":; lllltuerlCTWl g~ID OAP'l'URB GF THE REBEL LEADEU. the negroea tbem,.l"" .re endebt-o~e geoeral prlDclp1e.l. :::.n. more~oice frnitl, .I~cb II ~c~ea, ::lna:;t::::o 1I::b:!:a:~d ~~t=; : Go.emor V.uce, of Nortb Clro- Iy ~kill" up on the nbject, II IDa"

'iit~ cf "acti. nex Me. ,.pricote, .tr&"berriee, .tc., flpenlDg oooefltood bl the expr8l8ion mUll hna, 11''' atrellted at the home of hi. be teell Irom the followin,' petitioa, tao the eo_and BBW BOJIOOL GDIIAL A88BIIlILY," they do i. tbll clim.te very e.rly, go up tbe IPODt, that he mOlt be kill· r.tber·in·la" in Boncombe oounty io wl1.ich b .. been extenaiYely el~.t-

lIa in .... tI, . The Ne" Scbool Preabyterian .,ilI &lid. readylllar:ket,abead of ed. Booth laid .. iIOC!n .. the con- that It.te, :0 the 12th of 1Iay. ' A ad ia North Oarollna: : .ad bor- I A bl " .. t B k nortberll fruitl!. Early fruit alway. febede!~ w .. apprec!.tethed, ~at was coire.pondent •• y. it il undentood ''fl\)'''--'' AIIdNw lob ..... , PNIIdImut ...

• lth the of era 118em y, In lee81~n a '. roo· • th h' b t . t ull .. lOorce to g.m. Indepen- '11111184_: .teamel'l, 'UMi .. oagbt be I)n, N. Y., bu among Ita memben brlDg. e Ig es price. dence of tbe confederacy. The com. that be WII .r!'Hted io. accordallce " W; til ode' ned, H •.

for ... meritIng of two colored men, the Ilrst inltlncea Land il now plenty a' $9 to $12, ~anionl of Bootb ~nted to bia len- with ordell received from W .. bing. tition~ :r" 11 col:! .. /0:; r.:; were -,l:peel&i!4 ~Ip of ~ of the kiod 011 racord. A di.tinguilh. .nd lome ne.r the depot ~t no, per I1men~. Tb& wltn~ ~.. ~t the ton, and tbat he will be taten to tbat Itate of Nordl C*i'oIi •• ; of""'. OrIeda, , •• ..,llth •

• blClia ....... ed In eel member of tbe A_mbly, referrinlf acre. I law. oomber of one-quar· camp of the tel VirgiUIa reg!ment, city to be tried for trelllOn. tw .. 'foOM ,..... ., .. rda, a1l4. .' 'I'hi~~~~~=.:~ .:= . ..... , .. whereof God . he f 'd" te, and ooe balr sections of at good and there w .. • IleCret meellnlf of G B r Goo' • we .... b1JI em.e te JOa _II u.r . I 1.1

.'' kI the apol- to tact, .al : .... h'd '1 d . th t' retJel ofticera on that occaeion. He ~ ed°vernr.o0r r~llwn, :. .. }gl., ar· aJNI 'JIlt fA , .... , t o. ·1b., .ADd t .. Pon'i6 .. A. oor Irand national OOIJBict .1I1l as au ao~. an .. JI on a WII nol at tile _ting, bat one of r1Y .t ui.Yl .e, A,y., ... ,18th. '.' ~.' w .. kiW at P.l.d"~i.lIl't,o.~lI!j b,. tile e.lIIII~ h .... ttled tbe queldoo that cotor i. or .oy other pr.Ine', at 'Ii per acre, tbe·olicen tila& WII .tated the pOl' He w .. arreated 00 the nigh' of the Iat.h iatl&aml"J ... I~

1leI_ tJa,.. ao lonpr to. be an .pol~y for, OD r.ilro.a time, i. e., oue qaarter poae.. He bell8Yed Booth w ... ~ that 9th, .t the Executiye )(aulion , to Iyeo • ., ...... d,1Ie IIId 0r:;-l<!n, and .. colored men baye down, and three or four 3eara to pay The pat'JlOM".. to )(ntedge.ilte, bl Kneel.lld ••• be ~at 101M or hit .... ' eat .

&Del. tha' it i. :ad o:e:,o~~~ {::!y .=~:::e~ ~e balance, "ith 6 per O8Ilt. ilItereat :~.d~:d': a:= deli': .~d Lieotenant B.-y.rd •. He "" on =~iri:a~~, *:.e w.. :-..... ... ;~~;~1~~~-' .-~ propriety in giYing lOme . In advaoce, owned. by . pmonen, to .." nortr.ern oitiea io h .. way to W .. hlngton onder ch.rge that 1011 are a _;r;I&iij"icIt,.~Ift'I~i~

tollen of mpect in !'eI.rd So tltelf two to three .. ilea from F.lIn.. I .. hea, to get pall!lliOll of memben of tbe I.tter. atte.tioa to I~~~~~~[~~ ..... it "'ct.',"'.i' repreJelltatiYea ia tbe chorcb jand think olle 'hllndred good hQIDea can of 1M Cabinet, .nd lee to the Preli R. )(. T. Hunter ... arreeted oa '.fIII. deaf ' :~ to it it emiaeDtl, prllper t~t be boll.ilt within flye lIile. of dent. He !-reI &hat .ore tha~ • tJJe 9th of Kay. by Uol •. )(cIlltyre he ma,lIe ia pliDr," b_~le clrell.. .".

01 the Church, :whIch I ... t y • the ti be{. . the thoD •• M u-. Tbe n... of "'" h b' 'lYed h' ... _.' .... oea, , • , ,', are e'lualated the lriJ~cilll. 01 boman .a. ... 0 w I. . me" ore y oIioer wbo =_ the balormatioD w 0, aY11l ~ ftC8 II or_"" aet .. I' .. .

~=,= freedom •. ebo~1 ,be ttie ~t to rite an,. 'pic~~ . up by 'be n.&Cb, Iriab, w~ LieaL • 11. ,Booth....... o~ from Richmond, attended ." p. a.d ,~tl7 :r.:~ bj'.--r ·¥r.;'i';;11";:j i~F.~;~~ 1_' , ahoTa tbe preJudloea of C8Jte." &c. QUite ••• mber of farma haft aoC!ia&ing witIa 1111 ... oI1~: He talD O~r •. with· fort1 ClTIII..,., _, bat ... .,. au", •• , "~~~l .. ~:;:";:;:;f,i

IIIL""}',: ''''~-,".'''-, to ... report of th. QomaiU .. OD'" been tak811 witbUt .• year, and man1 heen! af!er, th& the· .. !MIII&QoD of lI1Id. the plll.nce of .n old IOOUt, ale. f1l die biottJltt". ~.;::~::. ... : "wer leIal.afoD of )(ini."", Itated &hat more will be 1000. tb8 ~, _.'allobJllClt !obe..,. .nd l'e&Cbed Hanten re.ndeace at oor wi ...... Dr.U&tlMlOlIICIL

l1li ... .. .,,' '... . •• co .. pliaIIecL & Ud Jaeud a' fnlel, _ IIOba~~~~~~~~~ij . ."".lve mo~.fildentJ tbil A.J to aocnet". there .re eigbt .or lpot .. or ill .......... of Riolmaond. Lloyd, in "'x ooan\y,in cl1le &iaIe. tile anaiel \ti,lll] __ ii ,.~!..r ,.... ~an 1ll11Ui aIId fa the~ ted_In. (.oIH of them JIIeIIlben 'I'iaiJ ,,"!' ..... U, 'S IDted to i. Inq.irIea tltabl"~ th. ftCi Jiro_iae4'

'YU",,'In~,",(4~ ofa d*-jora OD,tMHbjeo&. it ... oI .... ~. Bap&fat Ok.~ .. ,) ,,- •••. .. . ... Haafer WII~' the bouae of a 1ictOr4~ e.c :!;~~~=11;5&h" yOIlllC .... 11&10 ...... lUioeel,_iti-c l 9! ou people to )(n;1( • ..,. Bdlipadli of New Yor". bor, dlni.~. Thither Oolonel &rI .... ....,.'1WI

-:.~CI) . HoGhI ",.,.fr to. the 00IDe"u4 lUke .aocie$T. ' I .11;. ~Ied tOb.~II!e. 'Jolln Wilk .. lite foRowe,ct. ad. . • .. the r::' ''*l''''' i~=~i~=~I' .: . . w.r:'~. 'l'e.nD,~I~·IJ~$. IDlllmer, !Ie .. , BoO&Ii .lIId .. &.i~ct. ~.., car ) .. ~ .hIre tile IIOtllJI&Ily "., .r:r;~r ~;r" ' ~1'l"'l.'.J!~ '~,I~~~'" I.',._.~. , 19.~)~ lillI, ,1IId ,i!a,ve'" kI NcmIiJIer,M4 ~\Q. .. , ....... toot RlI1I_ ioto cut.tM!1. • ...... : ,::.~ :

Poreip eo.,.". •• ,&o., IDfaowftaaritried ., two"" .. : ...... 1Ir" .. ,of be .IDifMtecI 110 aarpriIe,.IIIICf' "W. u ... )o .... till oW

• •

Page 3: GF.O~ :a. om...h.' oltiii8I' •• IDce opon die,. thllt Jodge tb.t, by tbe a?\borl- wblch 18 IlluMed' on a beautlfol earthly friendll. Do aiiltbing bnt tbe armistice expin;d

. ' , I , >"'", c " , • c

, ~addenlj . TD \.ba4unr.lTl0Jr of; P .... , 0' three ............ intl»Wea\, 1bIcJmD-(j_t before PIII.W 1l_':o.I .. "' ...... ,wIIow.

will (ad 'L~MoII te'rie.l!1dfil I.rope WiUi if he 1fO!iId talreap "i~ ftlideDoeu. p .... ad too late fou 1eDJth"lI~ prieoMd fa Kt.t.aQol' .~ .. 7", -11~~~~~~~5~i~~1 almi1lJ.~~ · end:~,~~~~ 'recently b8j;~ .d~~el. onmitlga~l!d .bho~nOl!' .• 'l'b~ "lien !:'te-::.~~ ~~~ h .. tbe tioe)-4IIe Alltmffc JContlllyaud Our ::;. O:t.~:: -. lia'" ... ;

:ea wblab.futen the ~.~QO'lblhty and, '~adIO': pabhc •. bQdl" Qf the ----...,..- YOUftg FoU:t, rQr JODe. both. nbjtch' repe8Md~_,I"",i ~rt' ihea'llabobldal~e~a i~ ~o~::! pO~I~!~ pri"aipl coontri811 lI~v~ al~ady a· A OotouD IlAlf,' DalDed' J. G. TickDor t Fiel~t, '&etonaf, 'bo·nhd .eitlber K.en~Jredj"", _,o6red ~t!':: j~~~~~;i~~9~I'j DI 100 'D. d tbe p .... d to OarlO1'8rnllleDt their I,..· Rich.rdlOD lut week brooght a lait ooe Wonn' the Cblt t ; e 10. one .0- • ~ 0 . "-rM_., d'rectly 00 JefF. Davil .n memo th d thO ... 1 ... · • '-'11' , .... ' . .' ILuZ_J r.~.~ Boolt: froID o. the·Ohlo river, op~J&e ~ii_ii';:fi1iiit b~rl of hil got'erament, .• od that the pa y. an ". on ... ,. IOgD_ ... in the City Court Qf Brooklyn to re- "'''''''''11' .uaay' . • '11e huti Ii tile YbU...... ..

t.em 01 ,low .tarntlon w .. d4!- 1I"~~Il~y killd of connection witi cover damasel, in the Iltlll ;f .1100, anlodilpeolable ~ork for t!'0" :r :, LiDCO~" ccllege.:. , A ~~~~~~ ~;~~i~~~ 1 :r:ed upoo io cabinet. at t,hole . «011~1 of the barbaroua act. for 10000ei suatained by him doring. . woold keep up ~Itb the tJ~ee ment hu beeD pa~ oa foot at Boato. Richmond, the de81gn The followl?1r ~ar .. rap.b .bow. the ·tbtl Joly riot. in 1863. 'The plain. In cookery, d~;mo.'lc. afId ltorte-. to ca~ theplalliotoe&ct. :~!~~~I!!~=:~,~~~~JI '-';::'~'I\1II.1_ . .I!! to weake~ !.be ' UII\OO armiee by reno ,eueral feehn, In England: '. tiff wu foremilD in Lorin.rd's tobac- . -----L--. WIt.llIn., a week ~ve. Klltlto4~ti dering thele o.nto~tanate meo 'd0fit

On tbe ,th of V.y. a meeting 01 co factorv• having over two buodred RusllU. bas sent to Pret!ldeat John· ch?rchee were ba~t III re~:i!i:.:rl ' after belOA' ezohange. . the workiligJDeD of LOndou ... u beld colored People: men aodwomen Ion expression. of ita cordial Iymp ... blre aad Vermont In the l' ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~:I

'. The Nav, Department ha. reoolvi:d

to adopt an addrell of condolence to working onder 'him 00 the 13th of in view ofthe late ulusination, Le~an~-one each at

, ,

Infofm.tion of th.e ollptore, on t ~ Mrll. Liocolu and to the people of the July the factory ';U aUacked by a and the sincere wilh th.t the SWNlftwater.IlVo~roe. Lt.ym~ 11th iil.tant. of tbe rebel aloop :l~rl' U nitecl Statee. Appropriate rellOlo. mob "who droye tbe colored people at • e:,,"port, , .e~m.oD .' 'da, .iUi,a cargo .of co.tlon, ao t e tione were adopted •• fter addrellea' out;'and attempted to .. et fire to the may Dot impede the onward march d!etillD. that vlclnl~y are ~ettlnr ex. rebel eloop ADDIe. wltb .a cargo • by .. veral workingmen and otbere. bnilding, and on the following day olthe American peorle. Cited. andarewatchlD,thelrchorchee 100M (lotton, off Crystal River, Flori At Sheffield. the Town Cooncil and the plaintiff wu attacked b1 a mob - cIQlely.. . .

' da" by Ibf) UDited Slate~ Icbooner Mayor adopted"an .adretla of condo- who threatened hi. life. Under tbeee 'llotnIT VllNeN baa heen cloaed Xr. Det'ltD, co~ol for tba Um&ed i Sea ~rd, len~er to the United St~tee to be lent to lire. Liocoln. circulII.stancel, he concluded to reo agaillst vieiton during mCllt 01 the Statee, h~ app~ the l[oRtreal Bt8-.ner HebI8eDs., . Edinborgll. a large poblic aleet· mot'e bis family from tbe city; bllt 'but it ie to be opeoed lOon, coort baYlog cognJzlWl~ of &be 0U8I

Iu parloance of ordere fr~m. w.. held, at which ealiDeJU before he could do so; hie houee Will when a steamer is ~peoted to make of th~ St. ~ .. b&lll..ral~ .~at ~~~i!~~~1 War Department, tbe army lin n~vy addressed tbe people. The att.cked and' bis furniture to tlie .. od wu lIl.true ..... to give ...., IlIIor_~ 'eXpeuses io Newd YOl~ a~e beIDg of the (ollowing. English aboy .. a~oont deltrQyed. The jury ~xcurllon tripe .for the accomm .. tion that no fgrtber_. demud would IIrIW.P.t.i!rmGfO_t.m.tD.-TIW1r'htte materially reduce. rea y .ome "nd townl haYtI called meet- gue him a verdict for leveD bllo, tlon of the publtc. be m~,,; .by oar goyerolJleD.t for the Ilountalnl of 1f ... Ilamp61n ate .... 111 25 ·.teamerl bawe ~ dllchatged: inge of the people to express their dred and·twenty.two·dollars. . - extradltioo of theM men. , "lI'eattnatitoRlon-TIIl']" ldp, .... "7~,

· from service, at a rehef to the Gov. sorrow for the death or Mr: Lincoln: I . InoBuNT DocuxlNTS-beJog about Dllring the put mollih .eYfJll hun. beautiful vi .... , four dollar dbtiMI. .. tIMI

ernment of tli.OO,OOO per month, York, Birmingbam, Blackburn, North THI BUGIN TUNlflL, on the Erie live tonll of archives and document. dred p ... porta were i .. ud b,. tile pl'Mtlcaleye CIf a .. rtaln naon. :Drab, wbile tbe,stoppldng of P,.urCbukea of Shield., SonderlaDd, Liverpool, Ches- Railwav, having been the I!oone of nortainiug to the late Soutz:." .. n Oon- State Department al W .. bi~ to _ tIoo.e _~"'cl 1lI_, aM·u..- r.:~~'~~I{~~~~~ iron, lamber an BlIPP le8 m~ es a Southampton Dover Golch_ter J . r- . penolll duUoOl. cl ~iq fonitp ........... _ -......- ............ :-

'!urther IIggregate docrellle ID /lX· Tile .. .,'roh.n" <if one or t'W1) accideJtta. recelltly, pre· captorei at Dba , N. countriee' but it ill eltpected th.t a to de 2'ip-top BOIl .. willl..1lIa taaIllt.r R.1f. peDlIAe of .80,000 daily.' ligned an address of condo· cautionl! b.t'e been' taken to prenot C.-were received in WubiDgron much larier uomber tbD thil will -l8IO-X.PLUI.l.UOR __ ~. '1'bII raIM

A portion of Bbetmao'B command, lence.. O~e boodred and. tblrty a repetition. of t~em. E,ery train last week, be illued doriDg lb~ pre88.llOOll~. :: ~~;:r. ~ tIl~=: :=.o::: in Ibeir march northw.rd on the 5th Greek· merchaate in London haye now BtOpe before It enters; a lignal On Toead.y eTfJOlDg of I .. t • lot their 'tria hew qejJl.r. OIitla .. ec1 Dr. ialt. tr.veled tbirt,-eight miles, at fon,.rded another addr~Bs! of the i8 then made to the watchman at the GEN. SnIRID.l.N. it ileaid, hu been a colored mu enle!'*la .treet car 18 Drat_. and a.plt apeDiiI' 0."," to ply the Ibe time c~f:ring three days' same nattiPe. The C.ommls810ner~ of otber eod of the tunnel and when appoil\ted to the commaDd of an Philadelpbia and refnted • n entre .. artI.tlo bruh on th.1r belON 11m.. v.rIly.

'rationl, kuapaaa ti, Illankets, and Soppl,. for Lan.rkabue, Forfarebue,' the traiu proceeds a gre~t red" ban tbe troope west of the Mislilllippi. tiel! to \eat'e. TberMpOn tile oon. the line an. are u .41,o01lJlt Ill ..... B .... forlY roandl .of ammnnition .. Thil Abe~?eenehire aD~ Roxborg~lbire iIIumioated at nigbt, is failed; D~ ductor, feariDg a trial for ejectlll81lt .htN. Query-Did Drat. plrta,. fM UdII ia almoat uoparalleled io tbe blstory bave paned relolotJ0l}e expreselve of other train i, aUQwed to follow uotil SUlOU.BY or :JBW'S... draw the ear ot: the track, d~fJd. aplendk1 adftrtlle .. aU o( modern Will-fare. aympathy and 10trOW.\1 the first bu pused O'IIt of tbe toooel, tile. bor.ea, .nd Ie. ft the llegro In un.

h 0 \,., ihre len •. ~ . James C.Jobolon, one of the d rbed . -.B-YO'DW'VA"- VA'y . The Nort aro IDlane a ... an event of which tbe watchman • h IIW poIIIlllllOO. . .a." _ ........... __ .boot the rebel Geoeral Baker, i( they Jur. DUIII, 111.1 the ap·propr.iate· • b t . L Th wealtbiest men In tho Sont ; 'led J: ~ • L'ttl C to R. L ..bAes-PoIa.., _1St ..... * ;",. . . l' ..... glVf'e notlcs y re urn ligna, e 80. died .t bie home near .Edentou, .... Larmer ID I e omp .n,. • • cln catcb him, because, after earn· lait' io which he. was captored, ap' tunnel is .eyen·eigbths of a mile in on the ll1tb. . He disinherited .n hie h .. a flock of sheep, coulllting. of Ing of Lee's aorrender, he detitroyed pe.r til be in demaod, .. A retorned length; and the time uloally occopi. relatione becaUIlfl they deeerted him one buck and ~ftyewetl. Lut-Ipnllg tbe splendid bridge at Weldol noll ld' /I'" _ • $250000' ed in rooning throogh it is three and "or bel'Dg a Unl'on man, and becau.e his flock wu increued by olle hon. ~""_'-,,_"""" tbQ Se.board and Ro.ooke Rai road, 10 ler Ollerll.O glt'e • .or b Tf .' Tb t' add d th I L_ ~ --en 8 v'. a a mlnlltes. e average nom· tbey espoused tbe rebel caoee. At re an ree amUB- 0 •• ".__ 6 10 Ileal'

'The bridge an.d rcroperty deBtro,yed Jet:. and hie petticoatB. with a view ber of trains of tbe Erie and Morria the ootbreak of the rebellion be told ewee haTing twine. and three Gnlill-·n.u, 1 10(11 U for i5a~~;;~~~~~~f~l~ , were valued at t' 0,000. 'of exhibitiog ~hem aroODd the and Essex railroads pa .. ing through hi8 8lRvtil-numberhig nlilrJy one tripletll. rEen:l.; 18601 70 for bber It-..ra. _~::;:'1

An ucb.Dge . mea lion., u - ooin· country. Blrnom has offered • 500 it daily il reported to be eighty to tboueand-that tbe war "oold flM It is now atated that an important ... ~:''':,:'o'':ht!:'' :::.-:..-t eo for eident, Iba.t tbe ·.firet regal.r .bat~le for the petticoatl. Bllt their exhibi7 ninety. The lignals have I!O far theJil, aDd they could go or remain. fail ore on the night of the ...... in.. choicie l'1IDo .. J.reroy. " of land force. 10 tbe wlir. at Big workad admirably. It wse be who dilchargefd Henry tion wu.on the part or the -.!.~II;~9Oc • ./II 00 for·IblPPInc. 1 10lla1 20.61. r ' BelL-I, Jao ... ·· 10, 186.1, w .. , lIlarlled tion. will pr.obably be confined to h te ..... t b t .. th ~al • __ fl.""

.... v Clay's indebtedneal of tbirty t 008- a appolD..,.. 0 s 0.olJ. e B<n-15015O. for bd8!!1erAlld 10lIl1lI0II by oor troope firing Into each other, Saaltary·· The New: York NEGRO SUFJ'lI.I.GII: Will advocated by and, doUan uolrnown to tbe latter. on the report of the plltoL ad to prl.e, Il0(II50. for fair to oholoe,....... ~:::::::::::::===~:!:;;=~ and the lame incident mal ked what E_iflg Post, Ipeaking of the dis- General Steedman, io a recent lpeach Mu Sinborn, a German, W&8 found heen done. Beoth might bave eac:aped I for fancy 10111. old and new Cl'OPli. , "

will probably be the lut: at the .cap' gnlse, Sayl :. . . ..,. at '1'oledo. Ohio. He bore the mOlt living in luxorious style at Saraloga reooruidon. . . for~:"3-ioS: :':!.~:}-:it:O: tare of J~ff. D"vl. Olt·tlle, 10tlllDlt. II If Jefferson Davis had posles8ed Spriilgil, tbe other day. He was just OYer two thooeand meD. many of 16 0 f0't;llIia -. 11 "II 60 ;:.; .rtra.

AccordlDlJ 10 an. Qt_ •.. of, ,he War .ufficient nerve to lOBe hil life rather empbatio testimoDY; baled apon t' be person wanted by eome New wbom ellli,ted III eubititutee a few Lard 17 ISo. l1li.,. 36OIOII.f'!!..oo •• oo h \ ,.- t Ge 1 . n I kn -led to the gallant - •• I bo. to good • T •• Ilnlna, 380:180. "'~ lUiotly Departmen~, tel Ju_n ner. than submit to capture, be migbt perso a 0.. ge, "J York detectives who were in that yi. weeb ago. recelvlDg arge nntletl, Ine. Ch_, 1001641. tor iiitr to COOOI. 16. 100,GOo

baa been dlrected.w commenll4!'. mUB· baye excited some Iympathy for his ot the colored lIoldiers, and the fidel· ciaity. and they accordingly brought haYe been dilcharged from the reo.. ll1e. for cholo.. . . teriog honor.bly ont ot Ien'lce aU fate. His '·Iast act would bave re- itv of the blacki generally. He did bim a100g with them. He ill .&rong. dezvoUl at Riker'l Illand and .cat- &edB-OIover 2~20. TImothy, 0006 ~ FIVE autro:1I I Ii Id d --- 8ieet. -ho J t d f .... tL.· h 'f ' 11 bUlh.1. Boq:h F1aueed 2 1* lIS .. genera, e MI: 1 ..... 0 • .... flecled opon bim a color of heroism, DOt' besitate to declare, tbat bot for Iy suspected of being one of the bor. ere _ .... Ir ometl. . bllBhel. are unemployed. or whose serwlce IS and the • roler of a nation of eight the uaiBlance whicb oor caose reo glars who in Noyember lut .role A little girl abogt four yearl ~=:~j.natlVIIII .. oe and qnar. w~~r~~~~ 1~=B!:,:' DO longer. n~ded. millio08 of people,' as the London caived from tbis race, oor arms never '~5.000 from a savinge baok in age wu drowned at Lew London, ter Merino. 870700. for hIl! and thre •• quar. '}. . The of the rebel General Time8 called bim a little while ago, conld hat'e made the progreea which Walpole. N. H. Bond. of the sald Saturday afternoon, Ka, jOtb. She Merino, 7Ge76e. for r.n bloocl, . ,Splillll!4li 4!~_[WJ

Wharton Is con8rmed by the G"lt'ell' would hue terminated his career bae 80 astoDiabed the world. 10 tbe bank and a complete se' of burglar" had been playiog ou tbe wharf. and, Ion N8'WI of M.y 7th. He waslbot with persOlial dignity, if in the midat battle of Nashville his division com· tools were foood on his premi_~ . falling onrboard, Will drowned JU.UIED. at· Magro.der'1 b8adquartera,.bh, the of geDeral disgrace. He sho)lld prised a brigade of 1400 colored In conlequeoC8 of the fact that fore .... isUOCle could reach her. In Ward. N. Y., lI&yI3tb, 1l1li6, by md. N.

(rebel Oolonel B.ylor, whom W .rton haye sealed his C.Ule, bad ae it is, troop •• of whom ~20 fell withiu 15 obstruction. bave beeo pl~ on tbe A man and two women were T. Bun •• r. ""aL So WO_, of Andoftr. · ,had io.ol·ad

,. • as tbe soldier on tbe battlefield seal8 minotee. He kDew tbem to be brave ll'oe of the New Jer-.v Railro-.1 at .. __ ... P ... ~ . S d' and Ill. 8n'fll J.. Oaanr., of 0-10. . '!"!':' ~~ .... ~ro .. !"", In roTl...,uCS "Yer, o.n ay In WIrt, lIT. Y., May 13t1l 1l1li6. by 8 • .P. The gnerrma .. re perpetrating out- hill. with hil brood Creely abed. But and true, and it would be a lutiog different timel within the PMt month, mornlOg. May 2tet, b, the upeet~IDg WItter, J:oq., Mr. WILLLU(K. Oo~, of Ouba,

· rage. 'In ·1IOqIoe"rts 0.£ Sooth Caro· be was caught soeakiog away like shame to de~y tbe ballot to men who with the intention of throwing traiUl of a The oorooer'1 JGI"1 aM Ill. 8. .. WIftP. of m. former Iina aDd other portiQDllof the louth t aoy ordinary criminal i he was bad done so milch for their country. off the track, a reward of one thou· censor81 the person ~o. maDaged P': • .u...., N. Y.,~lnh,I815. by . that i8 t~ rebel ·lOldierll'-., carry· caoght in the diegoise of a womaD, Men who have proved troe in camp, saod dollara hu heeo otferell by tOe the boat. • 0.01'1. E. Tomlinson, 1Cr. Ihnr BvanoII. ilig o~the war ag.inllt tbe'lJDiQn. • io his wife's petticoats,' .nd thougb on picket, and ou the field of battle, compaoy for the detection and COD- Jodge Usher, of Iodiana, bu ,..,. JId ..... ,aMlIUI J: ....... I~~. by deyut.ting rebel property!. he brandished a bowio·kiJife, aod can be trneted at the polls. viction of the penon or penonl who ~ired froll! tbe. position o( Secrew,~' ______

. . • tb menaced his captore, he yielded at ... ~. . the obetrfttlow 1I1IiIIe of tbe Interior, and ex-BeDator Har- DIED. There are few, If aoy •. men II). e the light of a revolver."" . THII: NUION£!. DEBT.-Tbe fQllow- a limilar reward will be Ian, of Iowa, the new incumbent.

Arm,. of the Teoneuee, tbat'"have for the detection of .ny perIOD who h ffi tenlbul not marched opwards of 8ix ing comparative ItatemeDt of tbe be '1 f • ts hutaken po8IIeSlion 0' teo ce ••. land mile. lince tbey werl) mostered PRIBIDII:NT LINCOLN'S AVIliNGlilB.- National Debt of tbe ,Uni&ed State., may hereafter gOI ty 0 8W ac. A drllnken womao who WU COII-[,G .... n.

' ioto the serYice. BOlton Corbett. tb~ ~n' who ehot at different timae linee nIH, ill taken A. joint re,"?llltion IIf the _t Coo· 6ned in the BoetoD police l&atioa Dullon fa~~~~= ' The ._peror Ilaximilian and Xi .. Bootb. ill an Eoghlhmao. about 26 fro a circolar of Thomas J. Lee &; gresl authorized the. SeoreCary .of one nigbt l .. t week, twice attelllpt· II'

by Smith,. the rebel commander in yelnl of age, and Serge.nt in Com· Oo.m, of B08ton : the Treat!ury to appolDt • eommll' ad to h .. ng benlelf, aod wu coi doWil TaX Aa,II"Y8lecently beeo io negotia· 111 h NYII'. C I siou of three perlOn. ro renae tbe r,·. each occuion jOlt in time to_ve ,- .. pany L of Ihe t' ew or an· Januaq 1, 17tl •••••••••• $75,4'3,476 62 whole system of interaal ... d COl' I 'r life

lion. It ilno longer expeoted th.t rv He weot out at the commence- J .. nua .... 1,1812 .......... 4.>,209,73790 to re e oe Mr Wells of Alb au, '" . Sml'th -1'11 .orrender -l'tboo' Ill'rther J' , .~ 1"" 99< 999 U m. t' O. . . '. . 'The hundred thoo.and dollar. food

w. ... f b . te f th Jann&q 1, 181!i.,......... .., , ...... ..., 11 II'. o~ .a a Ital1sllCI .. n h ... h . men~ 0 t e war u a prlv~ .. p e Januaq I, 1826.......... 80,985,537 72 we n .. u. - '. r th Unitarian AMociation ill pro-fig tlDg. . New York State 1l1lttla, Col. Janu&q I, 1836.......... 291,089 05 been oamed .. ODe of tbe oomml. 0 e th d d 11 be-

The Na.6vi1le Ufliofl .... Butterfield and has been' t' J I 1S'6 16769 926 00' d'" Stepben Colwell of cored, and fonr oOlan 0 are J 10 ac Ive U1 1, ................ , , .... IltOners, an _r. '. aidet! beeD receiyed.

rebel Gen. B. Hill thruM oyer' all service e;er aince. About eight November IS, 1856........ 3O,963,90~ 64 Pbiladelphia, another. The tblrd b f II . 1*"'0 to mea, IIOme 1011., With ilMlir arID. ' 'monthl ago he was captored by tbe Julyl, 1860.............. 64,769,70 08 place il yet vacant. HOrBel a~. a en 10 ya. .... 6.1. '1'. bo- to ... ..: ,UaI:6-" Statell The bel '11 U b b'! I July 1, 1861. ............. 90,867,82868 . L'I h "'0. head 10 PlnnlylV.D1L Gov· InJ.lbion,wt. .• )[aY'th,I861, luddenly,

.... ,.,. ,-, -. . . ,. re .goerrl a ~~s y, W 1 e.oo on a July 1, 1862.............. 6H.210,371 92 The Penn8ylvant" . egl8 atdr~ .. :ameot h1lll left the marke\, or ill. rh.llIIlatlo ..... etlon of \he bean. Kr. ~ men wera parol.. . scouting eXpedltlOo, an bls ,party July I, 1863 .............. 1,098,793,181 57 passed an act d~c!arIDg that If any seller iutead of .. buyer. BAJIIlOCI:, _pUS yean. Bro. Babaook prep.

0111,- tlm!eoat of the twenty·tbree hat'iDg either been killed or escaped. Jnly1, 1864 .............. 1,740,690,489 49 employee oca railroad company ,ball r-d reHllouln early IIf., and 1lD1~ WIth memblinrOl the 'Oth M .... cbolet&l He held the entire rebel gang, about Jannary 31, 1866 ........ 2,~9,579.~6 10 violate any rule of such company, tile!,:::'J!!\h:;:: reglmelitlacaptared at Olultee.lind 26 in nomber. at bay for some time, and iDJ'ory or los8 of life sball tbere- A PROOLAKATIO:J . can of Eta. Ell tI. BaIley. de.,._ ...

be d 'I' d d b b' G'-'RINGS IN BOSTON Boaton an· II b . aond to WiIIoOIlIIn .. bont t ........ ,..&1'11 to exc ange • : and on y .urreD ere ,11' ell I. amo· A,n& , .- a by resolt, the offender sha e Im~e· TID GOVDl<OIl OP TID lun OP IllIODIl IlL· 1110 and I8Uled In \he viclDlty Oi'lIUtoJl, .. Taooliy" Reed, whOle, I .. t Id· uition wu exbausted. For his braTe< ticipates a pleasant succe.sion of diately arrl!'8ted by the pro.ecotlDg A.>ID JJID nDTtDllllCULA,lIUUOlIL BOck 00 •• and .nit.d wiU> tile Ohu.rch In \hat

,entare WlI,0D the rebel ram Wllbb, ry io tbis affair. he wu promoted to pllblic gatheringe-thos: Tbe great attorney of the city or county where =Co.~"::t::~(h~~ tib::, aod who i. now on hi, way to FQrt be Sergeant, bot only retnrned to the mOllical fe,ti .. 1 of the Handel and the accident happeDed. and if foood plac •• of .. Moll be n.aIne4 III ....... Wamrit,' Hi a nephew of JefF. Davil. Union Iinee to aaanme the Uti. after . guilty, shall be convicted of mil de- .. nd ... orthy _aber until death. Br thlIi

A Haydn society, the religious aDDJ' d' proYl4enelt. lila 1I'1f. 'lIId eld1dl<\lli .. (ill! ef T"Il~follr' hUDdred rebel prillon- • he montha impriaoamentat o· meanor,.and plloiahed at the Ilcra- wh~. Hved to _ con_4. _,110". e- .6, p.Oblte, Obio. taken derllonville. Whilll 'there he frequent- verBaries, tbe.meeting of tbe oatiou· tion of the coort. ent nillDben of the Ohu.roh,) are bereft of a •• - Id _.. d . bo t- l' t' . 't to th dnot.ea h1lllband aDd Alreotlonate fa\hat • . tbe oaW'of' .Uegian06 and be6u di .... I, be prayer m...nlll!l", ao ~x r al mellica u80cla 100, a '1'181 e There Will quite an excitement at .. Be y ...... ready. for Ie noh.11 .0Iir .. .,. h "cf' ,". - , ,. . ed bi8 dying eompanlQnl, beIDg.o BOilton board of trade of several Niagara Fall!! .tbe other day •. A thiJll'. net, the Soil of IlaI1 co •• tb.", J.o-

c :,,~. .:.::' .• r~ and', mell ' active and lincere member of the At~ bondred mercbanta representing tbe young man who bad beeo p_lDg the Stale ... . In tb. toin. of Bornel1lVllle ••• Y"I Apri! .ue' ~nrol:"~' I'" " '. torney·.t, P. )l Obllroltof New York. boarde of trade in the princi~1 west, ~ d fi d 11 tte til Nmbl. In their -..a1 14th,111116, 8ILll J •• Onl], child of .Tono lad :~~~e;~~~ G~aer.a D OA ~a,. 0.-"" .rm,y,, over· HII only later- tejo' I'nedhl', regl'men't,' . b . I '1 f coonter.eit money e e a a mp plllOll of wol'lhtp OIl Mld TlIllnday, the Blla&beth Burdlet, .,.. S y ... n, 6 _*, tl' II bile . 'J ern citlee, t e na\looa COUDCI 0 mllde to arrest him, by the' ose of a lnt day of JnDe, 1865 there to humble our· and 18 da",.

I'll 1'1 Dg. 0" • .' • and had-acarcely recot'ered, frum a Oongregational chnrcbel, and a great revolver. Sobseqllently he ordered Nlnl, with appropriate eurol ... ! before "80_ U1t 1onI1, II_V lIoftr, The- I. ,-at .... roltyof tood. In ch . d' h d" ~ . I All f th the Supreme Ruler of lfatlODll, wIlo .... Men FraIl, amOlD' ...... at OIl hour, I.. ','l'" . rODlo tarr ~a an Icurt',' con· temperance .estlva., 0 eee a man ont ot a carriage, took pOll- At thu to ohutlM IIId ... ,'* OW' coatrl" In 80 _ our __ .1, ~h~ S~te of Georgia;' alld It".V~t'OD tracted .at the SOlltb, whlll be wu meetings will occur between May. 23 session of it, and drove oft: Finally, I ... honr oftr1U111ph. and lead u to loot more £ad p"urelllllJ' 11"-" 10 dIo." .... 0. L ~~;ij~i~~

IBlmmloent. not only 'lri'th tber~r .ppointed ooe of the 28 tried lDen to "nd June n, moat of them holdlDg the offi' cers procurcd' firearms. and RIm fer IUPPort rro.Jd !!~-I nj0DlY" In .lndenonviDe PrJ.oa; Ga., 8ept. IlIt, but Ih lob1 Oen WiI.on illUel . I . can be obtalne ;....... e ou. ll11r1 of 1OV!1. Kt. o.ur.. B. w~, I.

• 8 r • '.' .' perform the duty be ".so ellaee.-rnly seyeral day.. after. lufficient parley, tbe coonter. .. Itrict and ObNlftIIce of s: P. and IIk.r AIm Wltter,.of .l1e. AIle· ""!Ii r,llou" .,"J: .' accompli.hed. .. '. feiter _._ sliot aDd mortally wouDded. pnfOo~ N. Y., .... III ~"'I &1146 _lIl1i" "1

...... WhOUjd)er of w - In teattaony ... hereof, I ha,.. hereto Nt_y B. _ taken prllOBtr lit Pl1'!"'lItht •• 0., "}:tf:;~~ "'-. - . i.:.:... OPIlm!G 70B ExroIU.NTS.-A correll- A' t f dalll&"e wu re- band and allI.d tbe .al oftbe !It&t •• at 'prll HtIl 1'" h .. vIaC~ 111 \&8 .... lOki .... io . - ·'PROGa ... nr NXVADA.-At a pbblic va •• amoon 0 -.. Providence, tblaAftMntll ... y of llay, A.!!.: Beet_dr. Y. s.vola.""luttwO,.Ullj lie 10 bt dl-'Iedi."wUl be pondent of the N. Y. Herald lIIy8 cently doue to mill property in Eut Elghtelll Bunr1rect .. Dd Slxty.An, aDd of ..... profeNed re11l1ol1 when abOutfo...n-te.,. j)1al~; Band .. : Their p;C .... .,., bein, me"iiDg io New.York, one et'eoing tbat there is a great chance fOi north· K.illingl"Oonn .• by the giYlag away dep.ndence the Elcbty·D1ntb. y S old, ani unfted witll the IIiIvnUI-iIYh~Ptlllll ifiimiVi;n~~ilj,j

bl I , t, I< I N <J_ • fl' Tb daOll J.- . JIUB. ChurDh of Nile,"" OOD"n .... a fIIltI.... ,. oot .. f .. ,.,' i e. . ... :wee . ,:,enera. ,.e •. ""na.tor ern emigrants to Southern Statea. 0 a arg~ resert'olr. ree ByBia Jixoel1en'Zitlle Oonrnor. IDe _mber. IlDtII hil deltll. B.I,.",.a Gen. Soboteld.i ·b....p.lacec1 the ratl" from N.yad~ laid that a. Ii, ttle m,ore LIInd tba" coold not be purchned for were carried away, the ioore of two Jou B.lUuur'I', o'yof itate. ~ and Ills maD chllrlreD, tJI4 alarp elF •

. .ftc Iii' ".... . ~ or three factoriea were broke down. cla of frI .... 'to __ hla.. ' roadll. ~~.~'i'j) lOad a than oDry.r .. p be wu.ppointed Ie. than one hundred and fifty dol· machiaerywasleftatandinl.all aorta . Sl'JIOUL,JJO'l'lOIL ~~..t_\o"",; po.'lof~·~1 an GOYerno't,oftbel!mt~r7or:NeYadL larlperacreil now .. lling for two O(W'I.,I,tWO or ~.~.ere .. _:;:.,r.::. ...... :e, ~~I·=~~~lble t.hem to .' On tbll Hth of July, 188I. he r!'ach .. an, t;wo and. ba~f dol~ W ~ de.troyed, aad t.IIe 'Pnm~ turn:- . ..rTu8a'l'DD·lU.rI.unwW-...... -"'~f----'. or" . • • eel QarlOn V.UC!)'" MId fo~d ,~u. 4Ifead,. r.I", With the aid af north- pike wui rendered imp..-ble. .. ItQCUUOlI win hold 1t. Tblrtleu...lDII1venary , 2'1w "~.NiJtioMl Ifttitl, mOlt o.ninnting place a man . e'm capita ,'is' in courM 0' prepara- with the td Churoh In J.lfrH,lIf. Y.,OOlll-

llgmor "~~ht the ram StoIl6".U ever auigned to. He 1000 learned, tion. whereby larre eltatee in "fir. The Alb.ny .Argus repertl tbat aenelnl on Flfth..,y b.for~ the thlrUab- .Jo~Jou~o..P~ . .11 lappflid wltb .ooal at N~aa, bowet'er, that it wu not barren. bot ginia will be cot up into Imall tractl, dealers in oats. rye and barley have bath In JIlD' ,1865, .. t lot o'cloct J... II. Le· tl:'~::.;!:~t: ~hr.Lii1ii

aDd .• ', tbelOtwlll ' lead :to. Ie" tbat itl mODntaiDi were rich in preci. witb a view to coltintion by nortb. Ion beavily of late. One cargo .lndruA ....... ppolnted to preaoh the In-Dlon.tnDOllla:r CMII'. Ga"ralleD" . 001 . atonell and orea. When he eru farmer.. oat. from Chiea~ did Dol briag troductory Dlacou_; J. B. IrIaII, alternate. ">n~f.QtD~ larl" ii iI , .. id. reached lbe territm., ita're ,.,.nQnly eooogh in Ne!, York to pa,. the cost u... "MUDI, ProtJ. J.IIen 1I'i1I be ex-

dle4, .... "1 I' '~.obbar.. Preo threll'quartz iDilIl io operatron i now. THI SJ.NIUIlT FoUR at Chicago ie ~ tr=orta~ 10 m:i~:rh~!: ~t.ed,: p_ent III ::=;:~j::. ef

"ioli'HOOa.&I bid' lit" :bf!I!J thltr .. tbere are DIM ~undrfthIl4~f&1. TIlIl 'to have ,re.t attraction.. The Rev. m!re tha~ ~t'ertJ!i.::. Ge profill - OIl. • Ii ..... lutredD, from rheo.m_., in the llpewritlultratedthe rapldgro!th D R L •• obt'ned the lock Qf d d riD therei .... ofbi,bpri_ IIrOu>BnlIlJ.HNft'_J.,_plllM4I .. $~~~~~~~~~~;~" llol1l .. b. ' " ' . ,. 01 the.&ate of Nev.a. b1 . r. y84.... al ~a e 0 g. ..- rectllll how' to apeedlly _tore 8IIht ud _

. Jobo 0..,' Breeklnridp; BeDjillJin 01 tlllHlit, 01; Ao.tiD. which w.... Libby Prieon for itl nl8. A co~. stnCe the breU:lIIJ ooh~f the wat. ::::.:r'I:~::T ':!.~~~ c: :::::t ~ De

• TreD~'McI.ln Ba117s.ith, AN tIed two.,e~. ago *, J?eCelDber," plete ... ortment of the arml ulled In Near Obe~.~ !4'!:id~ =~ I ... 0". J.ddnM, i: B. roon.:';'!j.o.l:. ~ll.r lihUe) _·illbl~:,ia'''' rrfefliitt 01 wbieb tim. it w .. 10 poor ~~!d the aerviee, witb manl captared a 11:o:.,,:a.lbavi1l: foud ' 1110 Broad"-r, '8ID~""", . ..' , ~~~d not .let. ~Nm ... ~ ~ndre __ 'y gau, eta., "ill.., be made up for a lIIIake ;11 a . fufleuecl k ill G ......... ofend . _ an 01lOe ow 10 III ""'~ 0IlI. , . • ..

of •. *~"1Or :'1.", ~a to Vir"a'. 01",. Lut fan it polted the f~ir ; and Seeretar)' Stanton ~u fo.o, roond the neck of a gir! of li~~~~~~~i~~~~ Bill S.hb .. BIIiIl', a-.-. nillet8t\Il' .bo.Ddred 1'0-. and' now promieed lbe loan of Je!. DUll'. teeD. She WU • .0 ~ f~p= Vlr!t..I"~ ,.t! .. :l .', :--.":-7-' baa a JIOP'IlatioDof twelve t.II011nad, crinoline. that.he W'~ .. ,sed WI~ 2! . . .!!'I~,I ,'" '" . , ,., I. , . and hy Ilace been rewJy"""Jo an ... . 1-.., ... I'of "'.W. ~ S·' C Tb Lo-..I .-lum, ill a It.te 01 ra..m,· •• 'Id "'Ii w.-.................. '..... Roarno., tbe . ."Idier nnrle of D8IaL. O.CLDIOlr.- e .... on" '. •.

", , '."'-_- .... 0" .' ',... be 1ft: h to 'L_ I' l1li1. . toro.I"" •• ~" .' .' ..... . seW'aN,' III, 1i_17 to... ... .mu u collle -- eonc ualon ThO New Y orkWoril.tatee ... , slltMl.,~ 'i;'tiftlll8 m.,cW: ·".n rewarded, for hiI Cou..po .. cJe. taat, m~iet' h ... been caoled by the a few weeki .inoe the J'OOI'IWt. ki.d I :=~:

.1~;I*~IIII. \~ .. ,h' !,&~, o~_:,tbe fellee of .the Secreta". OIl ~ 0ClQ0' lltter_ , in: BDgland of "lOOIe o! coal .111 IIOill, ~t Jetall iB U.S -hnd ..... ....,r,..,.te. .." ,:. .'Ionof t''-- .U-mp6to';'-~ .. ·6":"'. 1'.1--" -'1'0'" tile United Stata. CIty a',$13. and tlluIt illIow-tldv.,

i, ",m,,~,.: ,;. , '. ,,'. U<I ,.'" • -"'-~'. - ·--r-"'· -. . &i-s fat '.. TIle fall ill gold, ... i 81iJerichrI\l'.J.~,.~III"~~ We ha,... already uotioecl UMt,.. lllieeb, t~nfore, t~ .ake.lO_ withdrawal of .. conna ... Uroa

ltOtloll; 9,r1 ..... ,'" : . IInta'IoD tp. him of '1.1100 ,iYtp by amen4e for 1&1 OWil deba:queac-, by the eoal _ark..,' ..... "".&7 \.' ,. ""I!,," . . few'mercbaatl in N.wY;"'Ir •. I&" devoting a leader to uoqvlUW aboadlaUPor .1teI'lllfter. ~-ooot-

.IfAl9.:0~ ... t.:(J~<·~~Jh~~ 'Ua "at. Charle8 L. Wita,o., p~ of the itateemanlik;e qoalwa. bioed to b~ dIlwa 1M pri .. , _u ~"'dI"" Oo •• ~N."'.,O!:..., ,~~J:~'to olwllicll Pr.w.wt lobDlO1l, in • At.a ratherIIIJ of &he Lllaad J ..... ',''81areu .. q·"joidil· to 'De~:= j ...... " HOWl! him .. lf po.ltI a. IIy, In E .. t IItd •• y,IlUl .. tbere ~S=:s:~ .... bJ;* _.IIi.ljrlllir; ... ',~' d II I • ...:. :,., . • pnIII.' ro.r ............. L._ , I ara, lil~ -- ., aD11ed .... nadle4 sal,... ... ...... , ' , '411 KobiDlOlll &lid tIM!, I;IIJ'! : 8BcDIAft' SUoUD ..... ' 101M ti~ ..... of 1M. . .

_~nr" u..o1'owiMl, ._1_=. ~ .~. Qaoe!a:a&, week;, ~ut Ilia '''l'Ia !few yait boo&-blacb haft, a ~~~ ~'~':;.~·to~:''fti til."" _."'toofeebietoIM1*olW. trill,' .Iim, _.'Qi\ is*CQtoe ~1II.l . I;:'v .. ,~ of 11';"'" !lflJs_Ia""~, .. ~~ ......... !_ •.. ~:.. , ... "

oc'ii"1!'lt .. :ii':: ... OIlt1aoaoe. ,..... ..... ' • . ' . '.

, .. W1IIB 1tIrlaIiIIir ,.... II ............ ,., ... _ ... r _.

oar ......... ~ __ . ..,. , ----....... " WIIIr,." .......... 1tiIItt lIP, ,

011,-.7&10 .... ... "... __ -11 .......... ·_ ......... ~ ....

• ,,~, ~."'---_____ ~_--..;... ___ ......... 1IIIlIIIllIi. ___ __

Page 4: GF.O~ :a. om...h.' oltiii8I' •• IDce opon die,. thllt Jodge tb.t, by tbe a?\borl- wblch 18 IlluMed' on a beautlfol earthly friendll. Do aiiltbing bnt tbe armistice expin;d

, • ,

;!~~a~!~ii§!~ in the leld or ending htl career ~racte motatare from tt~be~~:~~,;i~ the clri"er. :' ~AII~;~;~::~ olooklilaker of Ter· .,.."il. ,'Mo~, :n .IiWI1II01ln 'ai, ~Il_ a W .. ul :~~~~:~~~5;i:~=~:1" hitleD_flII**, ~~~~~r.;;;;;:m;l ,;.~;",r.;l_"':w_, .. ~.,bat:::b~i.~ ~ .. IU-' 4q ;;;;;;I~!PI!~ ~ .. ~ .... I .. dc.lly _lifi.ed .. be" ~I\a" 1~I~d~~~~\IIlI.,,~_.o-bJ~"

:;~~t~!~~~!..oo't~.JID'ia.tlQpPor".of ~(£'OO,d~p> It*.i11 ,~al'~."!,,, II!J~J~~~ ;; • WD. _ no. _qcatlcl '"'IV ..

~a:'~:~:~i~~of=Vii~'~ 'lP,~'~:' ; IIiIIr Oon; , lijlW, TO wm:~.A.el.

~~~~j~i;~~~~~~" I ......... IaInueI Pr9Curp fr_ b~W ~1~IOi,n~I;;1oI!M:l ::~~~~;;'I ~l~~i:~:~b'~~ boaors .lIciemJ~luliD'llltei parU" ~ir·.lacied. Tb:o'r7;i~:I~''':::!d

~~~:~~~~j~;~~{ '~.lIallidR of-the comlDOllw",ltb .re tielt. Tlil' 6ne ... !f;lIIlhieh 1118, made war upoD. ,iban' lumps .iIl not ..

lha' .,ilI eUck w"n. 'Par reuon. ime tb .. t IIu- beeB-, btlfned.. 8e.eral

• mplltbli i, not III good loll that. jDlt pq1bJ'j.bed. tr~, ~~ kill\, PIlt" pound or two So .. h.",.. l d Il~ ,0 a ' • .eRIeI. a~ pour Oil b,oiling wpo worta\b •• vill~

w.ter 810.1y, antll it ia .. ll al.cked, for Q'~i~~~ .. lJd.;i'II .. bout II thick u cream. Then ~, 'Ilbey au ... kill,1" a Il'rl~a"'.,MIU .... oold water antil it willitow well e':;~:;~,~~:~bf: Fr .. ce .boo, die '-'.1,_" from tbe brusll.. S~ir of leD wben 'II6t ill • llI:a.,}e. tobUlClOl ''l1be, aain, it .A.. faw..~ of. blueing nl) f9r .. ~=~btJl!liranlie iBcreMe ~dflil will gi,e it. a ~,livol11 col- raile a t(,!p,i#y ~,' tioD load .. ~;. 'of 16 or I" Q~1l1 or tw:o ",ble BpOOnfu!. of br.ead an~ . Fruce, .ill! tW .. t i& b .. been prohl c e .. n '.~t aDd onetourth pOJlnd or" ,bat lbi.llION .... baa Itep& J*le.'Witll ,., .. r.11O c1!;an!augar'tQ .. g .. 1I9n of the w"Bb, aagmeHatfbn of 'tbe reYe~ue trill .. aWe i' more' adbMi.e. If the f- to""'-". "

t~"II.' , ..... ~ w"lI. b .... beeD white;WaaAed. let ' '" '~[',,'II!L\.~~- 0 'our' them be swept thor.o1ltrhly ... ud if SOme children

'~~~~~,jllource., do· (lOlored witb smoke" WHh, theJn clean in thll' g"ometer ~ \y on cotton wJtb loap,suds. A br.uiJ! w,it.b.J~, H~ .. ,n;~~, tb~ C~I:

not; pwyide for "'e contmg,oC)l tbick bair, will hold fillid oest~ whe'n ao~ ca!lfl! neiir ,..-, bIlt p'eeumee we IIbaU remain appl,log it oyerbead: If a per80n tbi! up. Tbere .: p •• (wflll flIe comfor, .. We al· bulhe ~ or, tile right consiMenCe, of fta~e' BIU, o( to' mall.', 1()"'lo~ of oYer ~wo bllDdred .. nd Ii, be c .. n whitewuh ft&l!ll6lls aDd M bi, ... Uro tlPllt!I.. tioul roiruaui.,esp8D11fJ11,) and that a I~rge parlor ""itllollt ,allowiDg. but tJi~'tl9.'or' , '~~ ~~~~~Ii\4 .e ,IJkU; OOD,tmJe to p.y tbe BUlle drop to fall. Wben it appears streak. fore It: wif too

2ill~I:;~';~~~'lia"I'D" teMnbll tde ••• at pnlelnt. ed after drying it ilL lo.o thIck, and ~a' 'Pri,n"" ~:o ""nut' pa~li,b '116 e~',ir_."t'I~~t\llti .. lIJe,nl·::lnaedll dilutiag .with col~wakU'. 4P' bJ:,~~gPf.l.

l~!~l~.ppcmd tba MlowjlllJ'''' pry the wa,h back .. nd forth in ODe Wma~?-'t. ~ ftJ>~M.~~,'.'i ol tbe,maUI ~" : dl~e~tion, ah~, tb"n 'go croBswi8e, l' ;~,~ IW.

,The _gref.~ dabt OJ); ihe luto usiag: .. paint> ,brll1b at tbe ooroerB, 01'fJ",': ' llatOll~,.. .abilly.e~',i. and a tbia piece of board to ... ~t;l!l/qr y nll.a.lMol.t ,i31iT, .. mi/1JlII" tbe brlllli-Wom (he iioodJiiOtk; or Iippe'a ork; IUl4 ., at ~, iRt4lrllll'.,cisl4l3 IDtlJiOllll' borner cf the paper. 6.ol!)tiog the name for.""J.~"'''~' tI!f ~~.81ta,"!1't

~f)lD&y ~~illJfled wll)l "'Ie {'d~h¥'~)J!~~WJ'r!a'~if!;~ .. 11 •• '. _w~ii~¥it1t, give it a[loY desjred tint To le •• b1'1l~, o"n" 'ti!l. ""ro"un'.t , ,

,,? Ii~bt ~.cb·bIQ" color, mmgl" ~ """ucJ U t~~llog: Ijl, sm~U qU~lltiL" of "ell8ij&G red. For so tenely .fat "" MI". Tbj!Op1liiJ~I'

.. :'~y blue, .. dd aay Jr,i\wjlf ruy bIDe m.r P .. I1IUDI '()f Oamltridge, II rrn.""~'"'' pJlJDt. s\irripg U we/I "!hile mixing. f~:i~ bf,nd,Alld ~i,(e Ilfl! Q\¥I, .. ~ TO m .. ~ .. w&tlb of.. ligJIt atra" I~t 4 .. ,7 , b.,n~ i, t~~~ on,r '

"rf.~~~i!~ !~!==c N b" . color, min,le a fewoQuQe&of ,.QUOW "'~'rl·.g-, . TU,*b .. V&'I~J ol.~he 'y ... ,- Lql!:p~lwn 1:,1 ow , e lDCome 'axes promlie to b _.. \I Tb 1 ... - .. - ,,, ".,. .r :'1'F ""i7--Ill...... 1laJ'l:lI~f(itti~~~1 realize 260 millions for the current oc "" Of _rowe ye ow. e co or· tb .. n in 'aoy cl~1 per(utpe-li4;,. In rance,

!~f:~=~=~ 'hi'rli.jj,~';1 'i~.f, a~uf"cu8iplD8..1 public -Ianda and iag mMter .)1001;1 be qaitl! fin!! to iog, or courle. DUal 'banest" 'te~b~, ~ hi~ or'I':OIte'l i~~iti;'Mji -d:.' "1: f' ' '11 b'',[ ptflven~ its ae~tlin, to the .. e8sel. that dBy occur.. re- blosROml, 1,"5,000 'bl', fOlIe a, __ .... ,.t.prl,IIiI~J.lllq1iill1lllJliio,.~lIr

oW~r lI~urce9, l> , refenqe WI ring g -

tb!llo~&,i receipts, up to 325 million, tarna for 1811 h ... ~ j~U~eeJl i!!~aed, OQO IllB ; jM.mililf. 100,000. I~,; cel't.tll'\t. fbe inter~t lUI the. pn~ HOW TO lIilB GOOD BU'l"l'EB. alld tbe number of marriage,,' 'in' (bll 11l~ 'l.5 j OOq lbe i ~a, Mr.lO~~ ~ 110' debt'" cannot riBe Roove 126 mil, Some of our readers ol"y be inter. eigbt priocipal townll would ~ .. «:r~e Ir"ulam. 3.00.00~ lb.;. t9~'~, Iioos, which lell"eR 199 millions f()r eek!d in t'be bin'ls on mak. ROIM twenty·6.e & day-that iR to ',000 IbB ; JODqllll,,~,OOO ~s~ Ordln .. ry expeo&es. Next year tbe iDg good Rweet butter: 8M' •• w~rk day, !or ie olle A Penn"lv~\~ e4~&ql BW,:

a!i.g'~'1 interP.Bt 00 tbe debt will be SOIDe- Mis8 Emily, of thb Hoosier i;)\~,W. of tile thlng8 noL to be "Somebod.Y ~rOlU[h.t & J»~ Ilf wb .. t higher. if the GOver~meDt notes who has bad for several ye .. rs land on San~ .. y-but w .. ,et into o'~, IIm~ 1ti~ , shall be kept ooly 1,0 long'in circnl.. the eotire control of the milk dep .. rt- ~ener .. 18tatetl th .. t, in to "notice' ... hloio~ beer. tion jand iftbeIitbewllole debt RbalI Dleot in her father'. fs.ny, statel between '01 and 5QO , ill .;." greel! "enollJil-t.o eell

wi~l.i'g~:1 be fanded .. nd made to p .. ,. .e aver· that Ibe "all indebted to it for the tbose townB on t~e Sht of " f\§.\lo\ for ~ ~ o~ ~tlMe,

~:r!::~~~:~~~~!~~ ageinteres~,thel.tterwillamountto following proces8 of makin, b,~~ter By anotller onnODI n.~p! 1\ la~,e n,o~'J?mve tIi~t we ~iU ~Il~, ;~~~~~~;it~~l;~~~~I'n!~~!l-: 165 millions,' Ie&"iag for ordio&I7 surely and spe,edil,.y, and a 'most ,ix· proporti?D of thel!e marri .. ge!!' are Bhill;Pi Ii~ (or ~n OOlite."

annual expenditare 160 milli~8. A. ce,lent ODe, too, ir.8 her experience ~ot reglBtered antll J~nuary, mak- A. ChicaCo mioie&er prayed a (1~:i~ft;:I!!L our ordin .. ry expenBe8 for the Rix proveR. Sbe S"YI : "Before I go to log t~at appear' .fa!orlte IDODtb for day. linee .. fo)l,o.,: .. Ob

i~~~~~~;~i~~~~~;11. years preceding the rebellion a.· milk, I put a kettle, lIay one-tbird marrIageR, whlcb }t 18 not. i& ill D.ot right to I'jai~ lOy •• II.;"iE~~:;i TdKB: ~ Cd" III C1!~"!lIJIDL a eraged Bixty~three millioul, it may fall of water, and large eaongh to tion' upou tee ,dilloyal in tI

,~~~~~il ~ deemed th .. t tbe queatioll of p,o· le~ the milk pail into it; o,n tbe stove, of Cbic~go b, bocikiag them dowo, DeacripUn ctroulan"at tNt. ... .idilllJ our n .. ti~al ifl,~I' and oar wbere it will ~e' boiling bot by t~ grapt ~Q the 10y.1 \be power of for- ' , , ' ..

thi!" 11::0911\.) ordillary- expeuditure out of th.e time I come ID witb the milk. I b!w:auoe." - I 'DBNDLBTON'8 PBO'l'OGR1PIllO r"qlar revenae. deri .. ed frvOO the tben 8tr.aia the milk into another .eR· An 'Iri8h,pea.~nt beiog aBk!ld ","' , 'G.I111 1i •• 11 • 'I' ,~' Io'yar state. only i •• afely lettled. eel, .. nd "allh the pail (whicb shoold he permiu.ed biB pig to take ap , P" CIUTJUK ~u~, ,

Asallmiag tbat the redllctioD of alway. be of tin,) then pour the milk qu ....... lR wiih haB r •• iI]', ... de .. 11 DetweenfButBroa4w~uidjjjt'IJIOIlSlrt.tI 'Il~:t:;:~:~ the debt m .. y btl begun in 1870, t~e b .. ck iato the p .. iI, and set it into tbe IoMwer abooll~ing witli 1I.~irical ntri- ' -, I"" ,t w:riter estimates, ClD tbe blBie of the of llailing water, tlll the milk "' Why nol? Doeen~ tbe pl .. ce ~

lut two cen8U8el. the I .. nnual pro· beoome.r'sc~ldiog bot, t .. )dng care afl'ord 'e.ery c6D.yenienoe'tha, a pill~~IIU'~ f" ........ duct or the relitored unton for every not to Ie" it boil; then pour it in c .. n require 7» •

year from 18TO to 1889, wilb tbe or pauli .. nd let. it aw .. y into . , ' .. mo.&>' wbole burden of li .. bilities and ex· the cellar for tbe cre .. m to rise in tbe FQlings ~QOle ",d go liw troopa

penditareR during tbe o( ex· ulUa! _yo Crealll prOduced iu thi8 bt,rked .n4~ foll6wing the .. ictor,. of the 'p,...t;

~;!1~=~1~1I~t1~sbiag the debt. ... y wHl eeldoDl reqaire more tban o,ak tqle Jlnder priacip.~I,Ji'll~!WPt.9f 'ltiJo1l[iIoI " }' .1Iowa,aoo of. twenty miollteR to churn, while by Pemberton u!l~i,lJlr\w.d'M!iI, .~ ... ad.f~.

~~~~~~;~.m~ mtf~oD!I for anJi~ .. l ordl the common practice tbe poor d .. iry- Ever,J pltti~ g~rl hM one cq''9la~ rn~;:=~.l~~mIl(~ .. cq~nl"; dnrlng tbe first ten maid 01"" often oburn for hours, : lf sbe III not ", pretty leti~e~qJ" ~undred aDd filty for tbe perhaps throw all .. w.y. aB ebe will, If she lives, be a

in, lut ten yearl. He also pate, tb~ an· 011 two occlollioOR before I ty ,.one. , .... ,.' ... " .... no~l pt'odac~ of c .. pit .. } we .. lth at 25 oame acllaamted with the RUBI!an , • '4n EQgiilb paper bu au

per cen!. alcboagh ID the plan, the Pisential featllretl of whloh , ;p'lant~ .atan~ JD ,tiil;emenl fur ~ plaiD cook, to

1850,60 It was lI6.S per c~nt. I have adopted in my preaent mode. liQul'.It 11l ~rlD,field: ~ :t~~\~jC"11 Deit~er re,"~ n~~~rite ,pnlfel:t:ecl. wet·C):Qe IHlr cent. of tbe n .. ~ioD. BO aboTe. Tbe metbod illLn. lli'IIUI.8J(mi in'piecel'alld'~! .. .... ~a' ';;'~' rrommiiTcIiiI. _li .... ted, wm, in twenty ye .. r., to all ~ROD', .. Dd will ~. ,~I!!','" YI"".""."

obarge three tbousand mdlioDIl Rammer aa 'll(ell &II ia win-Ijl,~~~. I 'l'be total expenditare tbis lICheme 18'10

" ,

at 'an a~:~~i~~~~~~0:~~'~~; cent. )f _u,~ •• ~.


• • •