the united nations initiative on global geospatial information management a formal...


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Page 1: The United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management A formal mechanism under UN protocol to discuss, enhance and coordinate

Page 2: The United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management A formal mechanism under UN protocol to discuss, enhance and coordinate

• The United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management

• A formal mechanism under UN protocol to discuss, enhance and coordinate Global Geospatial Information Management activities by involving Member States at the highest level as key participants

UN-GGIM: What is it?

Page 3: The United Nations initiative on Global Geospatial Information Management A formal mechanism under UN protocol to discuss, enhance and coordinate

UN-GGIM: An Inter-Governmental Body

General Assembly






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• An Inter-Governmental mechanism to make joint decisions and set directions on the production and use of geospatial information within national and global policy frameworks

• Working with Governments to improve policy, institutional arrangements, and legal frameworks

• Addressing global issues and contributing collective knowledge as a community with shared interests and concerns

• Developing effective strategies to build geospatial capacity in the developing countries

• Realizing a Vision: To make accurate, reliable and authoritative geospatial information readily available to support national, regional and global development……

UN-GGIM: A Global Initiative

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• ECOSOC, recognizing the importance of geospatial information in national and global development, established UN-GGIM in July 2011

• ECOSOC encouraged Member States to ‘hold regular high-level, multi-stakeholder discussions on global geospatial information, including through the convening of global forums, with a view to promoting a comprehensive dialogue with all relevant actors and bodies’

• ‘Recognize the importance of comprehensive hazard and risk assessments, and knowledge and information sharing, including reliable geospatial information. – 2012 Rio +20 Conference, ‘The Future We Want’.

UN-GGIM: Mandates

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• A significant gap in the management of geospatial information globally;

• This gap is increasingly being filled by the private sector’ reducing the influence of the Governments;

• Lack of global consultative and decision making mechanism among Member States in: setting global norms on geospatial information; developing common tools; and bringing geospatial information to bear on global policy issues;

• Every country must have authoritative, trusted, maintained, definitive mapping data.

Why a global mechanism on GGIM?

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• Evolving a shared vision for the future in the management of geospatial information nationally and globally;

• Evolving an inclusive platform for improving, sharing and disseminating national and global geospatial data;

• Evolving a global ‘Statement of Ethics or Principles’ and supporting principles to enhance public trust; and

• Evolving a mutually beneficial relationship between the Government and the non-Government entities.

Four critical tasks

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The second session of the UN-GGIM Committee of Experts (GGIM-2)

convened at UN Headquarters, New York, August 2012

Second session of the Committee of Experts

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“…building effective geospatial infrastructures and promoting greater use of geospatial information are part of a new frontier in harnessing science and technology for advancing sustainable development”

Mr.Wu HongboUnder-Secretary General, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, August 2012

Second session of the Committee of Experts

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Future trends in geospatial information management

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Decisions adopted to progress the effective development and coordination of global geospatial information:

• Establish a global geodetic reference framework• Gather global case studies that demonstrate the value proposition of

GI• Communicate the efforts of UN-GGIM in supporting sustainable

development agenda• Regional entities undertake an assessment of regional efforts and

priorities • Consider issues related to standards setting in the international

community• Consider a shared statement of principles for the GGIM community• Develop a global map for sustainable development• Develop a global knowledge base for geospatial information

GGIM-2 : Key Decisions

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• Historic Event: First time that geospatial information representatives meeting in UN HQ in NY;

• 61 Member States attended, representing all regions;

• Good and transparent discussion of critical issues;

• A solid start, in a long journey;

• Need Support and Commitments of Member States

Significance of UN-GGIM-2

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• Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia-Pacific (PCGIAP)– Geodetic reference framework– Spatial enablement and administration forums– Data sharing and integration for disaster management

• Permanent Committee on Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas (PC-IDEA)– Development of SDI best practices and applications– Institutional strengthening, education and training – Innovations for national mapping agency business models

• Committee on Development Information, Science & Technology Sub-committee on Geo-information (CODIST-Geo), UNECA– Draft African Action Plan on Geospatial Information Management– National SDI development in Africa– Capacity building and outreach– Inventory of geospatial data in Africa

Regional UN entities supporting UN-GGIM

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• UN-GGIM needs to be truly global in its actions and Member State representations

• Established regional UN mechanisms exist in the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Africa

• The Middle East is presently considering its options – hence the UN-GGIM HLF in Qatar in Feb 2013

• An obvious gap is Europe. How do we best address this gap? Constructive discussions are on-going with the Commission and Eurogeographics

• UN-GGIM3 will be held in Europe in July 2013• Europe can bring unique expertise and value to the

global geospatial information agenda – INSPIRE, etc.

UN-GGIM and Europe

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