ghh - may spectre spotlight newsletter

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  • 7/31/2019 GHH - May Spectre Spotlight Newsletter

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    Spectre SpotlightMay 2012 Glory Haunt Hounds Edition 3

    Monthly Paranormal Newsletter

    Keep ing th e sp i r i t s a li ve !

    GHH welcomes those with and without prioinvestigation experience. Attend one event or all them, whatever your schedule will allow. The oncommitment we ask for is that you have a great timand hopefully walk away with a greater appreciatiofor the paranormal and the awesome locations i

    which these events occur!

    F e a tu r e W r it e r R ic h a r d S en a t eAu t h o r , t e a ch e r g h o s t h u n t e r , h i s to r i a n

    GHH is honored to have Richard Senate submitting

    stories he has written for us to share with all of you!Please enjoy!

    See the story on Page 7

    Tragedy at Box Canyon

    Richard Senate

    This months featured interview is withDoctor Paranormal, Co-Founder of

    Beyond Ghosts Para historians.

    J o h n Cr o c it t o

    See page 2 for the interv iew

    I n t h e n e w s !

    The Greenfield Recorder, Greenfield MA publishedan article in the Friday, May 4, 2012 editionregarding GHHs desire to investigate their local highschool. The article was written by Chris Collins, andspeaks to the significance of a recent town votewhich was in favor to rebuild the school. A majorvictory for the town of Greenfield! Though the

    majority of the 66 million dollar project will befunded by the state, but there is much fund raisingleft to do! Thats where GHH comes in!

    If youre wondering the connection; GHHAdministrative Manager and Investigator, CathyChabot is a former Greenfield resident and 1989graduate from Greenfield High. This is why GHHhas been following the towns progress for severalmonths.

    A portion of the article, pertaining to GHH reads: A

    group of paranormal investigators from the groupGlory Haunt Hounds plans to approach thecommittee about the possibility of doing an after-hours inspection of the GHS building before thewrecking ball hits next spring.

    Continued on ba ck page

    I n t h i s ed i t ion : In t h e new s !!! F e a t u r e W r i te r R i ch a r d S e n a t e G H H Exc lus i ve In t e r v iew , Joh n C roc it t o R e ca p l a s t m o n t h Par a - s it e s ! (U pcom i ng even t s ) P h o t o o f th e m o n t h ( s e n d u s y o u r s fo r

    n e x t m o n t h !)

    MO R E!

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    Featured Interview*John Crocitto *

    GHH founder, John Tobin goes 1x1 with John Crocitto, Co-Founder of the para historian group, Beyond Ghosts. John was

    born in New York City, and was raised in Southern California.

    During the day, Crocitto is a biologist specializing in amphibiansand reptiles, and a professional wildlife educator. He first

    became involved in paranormal research after spending timeworking in area hospitals and morgues in Western New York.

    The new sletter captures portions of the conv ersation. Though

    not captured w ord for w ord, the intent of the responses that

    w ere shared have not been com prom ised.

    John authorized our publish in o th is in terview .

    G H H : How did you get started?

    J o h n : I worked in a hospital and morgue and from there I developed an interest in the paranormal.I started an investigation team, became the sole team to investigate Buffalo Central Terminal, started aradio show and things took offI began hosting events to raise money for historically significantplaces.

    G H H : For those who may not be familiar, explain what Beyond Ghosts is, and tell us what a Parahistorian is.

    J o h n : We are a group that seeks public places that are full of history but also have unique paranormalor supernatural stories. We educate others about the history by showcasing the ghost of our past as

    well. We sponsor events so that everyone can experience both the history and the paranormal at suchlocations.

    G H H : How did the Beyond Ghost Horror/Para Convention come to be?

    J o h n : Beyond Ghosts wanted to have a combined horror / para convention to attract both crowds.Conventions are held at hotels or conference centers; what better place to have this event than a trulyhaunted location! Having it at the Buffalo Central Terminal was original and is drawing in some bignames.

    G H H : What is your favorite place to investigate and why?

    J o h n : Buffalo Central Terminal, just the energy there. Its amazing! You feel it the second you walk in,its massive and so much happens there. It appeals on a para level to all senses and its the perfectplace for an investigation. It never lets you down.

    G H H : Where have you not investigated yet that you would like to?

    J o h n : Trans Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in WV. All of the stories, everything you hear, I would love togo there. Another place would be Waverly Hills, Nevada City.

    GH H : Are there people in the para industry that you would like the opportunity to work with?

    J o h n : Michelle Belanger her energy would fit with the team, and she seems very sincere in what shedoes. She seems real and I would love to investigate with her.

    Continued on p age 3

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    Featured Interview ContFrom page 2John Crocitto

    Keep ing th e sp i r i t s a l iv e !

    GH H : What big things are in store for Beyond Ghost for the remainder of 2012?

    J o h n : We have a many things coming up in June and September ; a psychic fair event and in October isour big blowout Halloween event with some BIG names (TBA) at the Buffalo Central Terminal.

    GH H :What advice do you have for a group like GHH who is trying to network with other paranormalgroups and set up events and investigations? Are there best practices that you can recommend?

    J o h n : Continue to network, be professional and approach things clearly in a way that youre looking tohelp in keeping the history alive. Dont sell yourself as a ghost hunter, approach it from a historical sideand that you want to help.

    G H H : In closing, if you cold bring one tool/device with you to an investigation, what would it be?

    J o h n : A pen and paper. The things one can observe and feel all notes you can take can measure morethan any device we have out there.

    John Tobin: I thank John so much for taking the time to chat with me. I see a lot of similarities betweenwhat Beyond Ghosts represents and the path that GHH is taking. A reassurance that we (GHH) are onthe right track. Be sure to check out the Beyond Ghost web site .

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    Apr il Rea der s Po l l Resu lt s~~~~~~~~~~Whats your favorite paranormal


    Th e Exor c is t

    Para-Wear GHH T-shirts $19.95Purchase on our website

    Th e Sh a n le y H o t e l N a p a n o ch N Y

    www.shan leyhote l . com

    a n d

    w w w . be yondghos t s . c om Para-historians offering a number of unique programsgeared at educating about history and lore of haunted


    Para Photoof the month

    Taken by

    Jim Lansing atRolling Hills Asylum

    Congratulations Jim!Email us your para-photo

    [email protected]

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    Co n t a c t u s a b o u t P a r a n o r m a l e ve n t p l a n n in g !

    Tragedy at Box Canyon

    Richard Senate

    Co n t i n u e d f r o m c o v e r

    I got this story from a firefighter friend of mine. While fighting a fire in Box Canyon, he and the crew wereexhausted, resting in the shade, when he swears he saw figures moving in the shadowsfigures of men and

    women wearing white robes, bare footed, some with water skins like from Biblical times. Were these ghostsfrom Atlantis? This is why a ghost hunter needs to understand local history. I instantly knew what he saw,and it had nothing to do with Atlantis.

    On the night of December 10, 1958 the tranquility of Box Canyon, south of Simi Valley was broken by apowerful explosion. The blast occurred at the headquarters of a religious cult called the Fountain of theWorld and it blew apart the stone headquarters building. When the police arrived they found the trees filledwith clothing from the laundry that was hanging on cloth lines. Nearly a hundred cultists survived theexplosion and were found wandering the grounds in a confused state of shock. A simple investigationrevealed that ten members of the cult were missing, including the cult leader and self-proclaimed messiahand cult founder: Krishna Venta

    His real name was Francis Pencovic. He was born in 1911 in San Francisco. His criminal record stretchedback to 1941 when he was arrested for sending threatening letters to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He wasquestioned by the FBI and released as a harmless crank. In the years that followed, Pencovic was in and outof jail for such crimes as burglary and larceny. For a time he was a patient at the California state mentalhospital at Camarillo. Between stays in jail he held a variety of colorful jobsperhaps his most successful was

    that of a door-to-door Bible salesman. He was a gifted speaker with a natural charisma. He began to drifttowards religion. In 1949 he founded his own religious cult. In it he blended Christian and Hinduphilosophies into a new harmonious religion. It was based on this motto: Be positive, creative andconstructive in all you think, all you say and all you do.

    He grew his beard long and changed his name to Krisna Venta. He claimed that he wasn't of this world butfrom a distant planet called Neophytes (this was the era of UFOs if you recall). He also claimed that he wasincredibly old, some 244,000 years old! He moved back to California from Denver where he started his newreligion and managed to receive enough support from his wealthy converts to establish his commune in BoxCanyon. It was with success that problems began to surface with the cult. Locals hated the newcomers withtheir strange white robes and arrogant leader. On several occasions they tried to evict them without success.The cultists won some support by helping to fight brush fires and provided water and food to firefighters.

    Once, when a plane went down in the remote back country, a member of the Fountain of the World broughtthe fourteen survivors of the crash down to safety.

    Within the cult some of the new converts began to question The Master's authority. They liked his religionbut didn't link some of the things he was doingmost especially seeking sexual favors from the femalemembers of the cultsome of them wives of other members! When two men spoke out they were disbarredfrom the commune.

    After the blast, the police found an abandoned blue pickup truck. Inside was a new tape recorder with a reelto reel tape. When it was played back it was from the two who were cast out. They listed what they were goingto do. They would compel Krisna Venta to step down as the day by day leader of the cult and take up afigurehead role as spiritual leader. The two vowed to take twenty sticks of dynamite to threaten Venta. Thetape ended with a terse message: If we don't return, people will know what happened. The police found

    finger prints of the two men in the ruins of the headquarters as well as a thumb that was identified as one ofthem.

    Clearly, Venta had called their bluff.

    Perhaps the spirits of the cultists still haunts Box Canyon, still trying to practice their unique faith and helpfirefighters when Simi Valley is in danger. Maybe the penitent ghost of Krisna Venta himself still walks the

    valley, perhaps he is trying to expunge his many sins before he can move on. Who can say?

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    Sin c e o u r la s t n e ws l e tt e r

    Apr i l 23 r d , Inves t iga t ion / Mee t Up a t The I r i sh Mis t ,Tr oy NY.What a blast! All 5 star reviews from the meet up attendees! The investigators had all levels ofexperiences. For some, it was their first time while others have been investigating with theirown paranormal team. The small groups did 20 minute sessions in different areas of thebuilding, using all different types of equipment. Everyone said they had a great time and theenergy that night was not only great from the living, but also the spirits! Thanks to everyone for

    making our first meetup a huge success!

    E xt e n d e d F a m ilyAs a result of the overwhelming public response and interest in GHH, we have expanded or teama bitJohn Tobin and Cathy Chabot remain the core GHH members; but we have added thefollowing awesome folks to our family:

    John Barrows Technical Consultant / InvestigatorStephen Kannes Technical Consultant / InvestigatorChip Reichenthal Research Consultant / InvestigatorDeneen Clairmont InvestigatorTerrie Reichenthal Investigator

    Check out our to read their bios!We are so excited to have these folks working with us !!!

    In the News

    Continued from front page.

    The quotes on behalf of GHH were Ourgoal is to try to preserve history from anormal and paranormal viewpoint, formerGreenfield resident and GHS Class of 1989graduate Cathy Chabot said. We believe

    that the energy left behind at places likechurches, abandoned factories and schoolscan be very powerful, especially duringtransitions like the one that is about to occurat GHS. We feel like the energy left behindin such a location could be extraordinary and

    we look forward to finding out what storiesmay remain in those hallways.

    The article goes on to say that theSuperintendent, Susan Hollins is in favor ofthe GHH intent. She mentioned she thought

    it would be pretty interesting.

    GHH has sent a formal request to go beforethe school committee with our proposal for

    ways to leverage the current popularity ofparanormal to help raise funds for the newschool. As of the date this newsletter went toprint, we had not yet received a responsefrom the committee. Stay tuned!

    May 26-27th Beyond Ghost Horror-Paraconvention. Buffalo NY

    May 30th Amsterdam Castle Investigation June 23rd Summer Spirit & Psychic Slumber

    party @ The Shanley Hotel July 24th Grooms Tavern investigation August 18th McGareths Stage Coach

    investigation September 14 16 SCARE-A-CUSE September 20th Olde Bryan Inn investigation October 13th Halloween Para-Palooza @ The

    Shanley Hotel

    Regist er on our w ebsite today , and be the first to

    know of all our future events!

    w w w . g l o r y h a u n t h o u n d s . c o m

    Contact us ----Website: www.gloryhaunthounds.come-mail: [email protected]

    Find us on

    Facebook, Twitter and MeetUp!!