gilani statement to supreme court

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  • 8/2/2019 Gilani statement to Supreme Court




    Criminal Original No.06/2012IN

    SMC No.04/2010

    Contempt Proceeding againstSyed Yusuf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan

    Statement of Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani, Prime Minister of Pakistan

    I, Yusuf Raza Gilani, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, state as follows:

    1. I have held several political, elective, executive and government

    positions. Most significantly I have been elected Chairman of the

    Multan District Council and member of National Assembly on

    several occasions. I was a Federal Minister, several times

    between 1985 to 1993. From 1993 to 1997, I remained the

    Speaker of the National Assembly. Since 1998 I have been Vice

    Chairman of Pakistan Peoples Party.

    2. I was wrongly convicted in two NAB References to five and ten

    years imprisonment respectively, as evident from my honorable

    acquittal in both References in appeal. Despite my innocence I

    spent five years in Jail, sometimes in solitary confinement. Many

    times the offer of a favourable Plea Bargain was made to me

    but I refused. I was as confident of my innocence then, as I am



    3. I hold this Honble Court in high esteem. I have however been

    charged with willfully flouting, disregarding and disobeying the

    direction given by the Court in Para. 178 of the judgment in the

    NRO case. I have therefore been expressly charged with refusal

    to revive the request of the Government of Pakistan for Mutual

    Legal Assistance and status of civil party in the claims lodged by

    it to the allegedly laundered moneys lying in foreign countries.

    Accordingly, I have been charged with committing contempt of

    court. The charge was framed on February 13, 2012. I denied

    the charge and deny it again.

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    4. I submit at the outset that I have been informed that the words

    willfully flouted, disregarded, disobeyed require a wilful and

    contumacious intent to disobey this Honble Court. That being

    the requirement of the law and the charge as framed, I am not

    guilty of the charge. Neither has my conduct been in wilful

    contumacy of this Honble Court nor, indeed, has the prosecution

    been able to lead any evidence of wilful or defiant contumacy,

    flouting, disregarding or disobedience on my individual and

    personal part. Adherence to a legal disability negatives

    wilfulness and contumacy. The prosecution evidence is itself

    deficient in establishing wilfulness and my learned counsel will

    elaborate upon this aspect.

    5. I may also respectfully point out that this Honble Bench needs

    first to hear detailed arguments on my behalf why Para. 178 of

    the judgment in the NRO case is not implementable at present

    only, for the period Mr. Asif Ali Zardari is the incumbent

    President of Pakistan. Submissions in this respect will be made

    herein, which will be elaborated by my learned counsel. I do notseek a review of that judgment (which this Honble Bench is not

    competent to do) but only to submit that it cannot, and should

    not, be implemented for the time being only. The judgment

    has to be implemented, but at the proper time. Till such time

    arrives it must remain inchoate. This is not a matter of pride

    and ego of any institution or person and nor should it be

    construed as such. It is in fact, in accord with legal precedent

    and international practice.

    6. At the very outset, I most respectfully, take exception to the

    proceedings undertaken against myself and aver with emphasis

    that I have neither personally nor in my official capacity as Prime

    Minister of Pakistan violated or disregarded any direction of this

    Hon'ble Court including the one contained in Para. 178 of the

    judgment in the NRO case. In fact, I have great regard for the

    judiciary to which this Hon'ble Court is itself a witness, being well

    aware that every issue concerning the judiciary has been

    resolved, during my government, amicably and within the letter

    and spirit of the law, without any personal gain, mala fide

    intention or ulterior motive on my part. Only this one issue

    remains which, too, must be so resolved so that the Constitution

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    and the law come out supreme without damage of any kind to

    any institution created by the Constitution.

    7. At this point, I may even add that having been in Parliament

    since long, I was the target of political victimization that put me

    in the dock on false, trumped up and groundless allegations of

    violation of Rules for personal or political gain. At the end of the

    day, I was acquitted after a trying period of 5 years of

    incarceration. This reinforced in me that I must keep going by

    the book, no matter what. Today I stand at the Bar as an

    accused but will still follow the law and the Constitution

    according to my conscience and honest belief whilegiving due deference to this Honble Court as well to the

    constitutionally and duly elected Head of the State as

    required by the Constitution and my oath.


    8. I will now turn to the backdrop of events, so as to put everything

    in its true and proper perspective with a view to show that

    (although the charge of contempt has neither been made out nor

    has been proved to any degree of satisfaction) my conduct is

    above board, and anything but contumacious and that I have not

    violated, disregarded or disobeyed any order or direction much

    less willfully. I seek, even now, to persuade this Honble Bench

    that the letter in question involving the sitting President ought

    not to be written for the time being.

    9. Having now been apprised of all the judgments and orders

    (being prosecution documents Exhibits P.1 to P.40), I can say

    that I had been required to advert to only some of these earlier,

    and that too in a different light. I can now submit that:-

    10. When the aforementioned NRO case was taken up for hearing by

    this Hon'ble Court in the year 2009, the Federal Government,

    keeping in view the prayer clauses in the Constitutional Petitions

    in question, preferred not to defend the vires or otherwise of the

    then lapsed National Reconciliation Ordinance, 2007 (NRO). It

    was, however brought to the attention of this Hon'ble Court that

    in case this Honble Court wished to rule upon wider issues other

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    than those raised in the petition and prayer, the Federation

    would seek fresh instructions. Therefore the learned Attorney

    General was instructed not to defend the NRO. It was in this

    background that when the aforesaid constitutional petitions were

    decided on December 16, 2009 (Exhibit P.1) the Federation

    filed a Review Petition (CRP No.129/2010) through the Federal

    Law Secretary.

    11. It is now evident to me from Exhibits P.1 to P.40, that while

    the aforesaid Civil Review Petition against the judgment in the

    NRO case was pending, this Hon'ble Court undertook (what may

    now be called), the Implementation Proceedings titled Suo Moto

    Case No.04/2010 and held the first hearing on March 29, 2010

    (Exhibit P.3). Thereafter, on April 01, 2010 (Exhibit P.6), this

    Hon'ble Court directed the Secretary Law to start process now

    and complete the same according to law.

    12. Now, when the Secretary Law himself was required to initiate

    and complete the process, there was no need for the Federal

    Government to seek my instructions as it could act under

    directions of this Honble Court. However, since the Law Ministry

    was of the opinion otherwise, a Summary dated May 21, 2010

    was moved to solicit my approval of certain proposals.

    13. When the Summary dated May 21, 2010 (which has been

    exhibited as Exhibit D.1) was placed before me, I noted that

    no specific views qua the matter in question had been given

    by the Ministry as per Rules of Business, 1973. Therefore, under

    the circumstances, I directed that the legal stance already taken

    by the Ministry had to logically be continued with.

    14. The aforesaid Summary along with the order I passed thereon

    was brought to attention of this Hon'ble Court on June 10 and

    11, 2010 (Exhibits P.12 and P.13). Nothing was hidden from

    this Honble Court.

    15. This Honble Court did not take amiss my conduct. It only

    disagreed with the Summary and directed that a fresh Summary

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    be prepared and sent by the Law Secretary (then officiating) to

    the Prime Minister.

    16. It is therefore clear that I was never personally, or through

    my office, addressed or required to pass any order

    whatsoever except to pass orders on the Summary so

    presented (thus accepting that I was to follow a Summary) which

    is admittedly moved under the Rules of Business.

    17. In fact, the reference made by me to those Rules in the aforesaid

    Summary was never questioned by this Hon'ble Court.Therefore,

    at this stage I could not be prejudiced for having approved one

    of the proposals contained therein. Moreover the directions

    given assume that I would, in all propriety, be expected

    to act on the proposal in the Summary. This assumption is

    apparent in the order recommending a different outcome be put

    up. In the view of the Court, therefore, the outcome

    depended upon the recommendations in the summary.

    18. Once again, in accordance with direction of this Hon'ble Court,

    another Summary dated September 21, 2010 (Exhibit D.2)

    was moved after observing all legal formalities. This was a 54

    page comprehensive Summary mainly focused on the area of

    concern to this Hon'ble Court. The Summary after giving details

    of the cases, their backgrounds, interest of Pakistan, status of

    proceedings abroad and legal issues involved, particularized the

    proposals in Para.17 therein.

    19. I examined the recommendation. It categorically stated that

    all cases abroad had been conclusively closed by the competent

    authority of the concerned country and time for filing appeal (by

    the Canton of Geneva) had also lapsed. The recommendations

    were based on legal opinions, including those of the former Law

    Secretary (a former retired judge of a superior court) and a

    former Attorney General for Pakistan (a Senior Advocate of this

    Honble Court) as well as other materials and documents from

    Switzerland (that have been duly exhibited). It was further added

    that as far as other directions were concerned, all had been

    complied with and implemented. Faced with the aforesaid, and

    the material thus before me, I acted on the advice expressed in

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    the Summary itself. Therefore, I honestly and in all good

    faith accepted the proposal as aforesaid.

    20. My personal bona fides is established by the fact that I

    further directed on September 23, 2010 that:

    The Secretary Law and learned Attorney General for

    Pakistan may appropriately explain the position to

    the Hon'ble Supreme Court of Pakistan. (This has been

    exhibited as Exhibit D.2/2).

    21. Thus in the larger interests of justice, I have honestly and

    faithfully executed my official duties with utmost regard for this

    Hon'ble Court and directions passed by it.

    22. It is a matter of fact that after the approval of the aforesaid

    Summary a reasonable request was made to this Hon'ble Court

    on behalf of the Federation that since Suo Moto Case

    No.04/2010 for Implementation of Directions in the aforesaid

    NRO case was proceeding while Civil Review Petition

    No.129/2010 filed by the Federation against that judgment was

    pending; therefore, it would be in the interest of justice if the

    Implementation Proceedings (Suo Moto No. 4/2010) be taken up

    after the Review Petitions formal disposal. Even when this

    request was being made, the Hon'ble Court was also informed

    that Summary had been approved. I invite the attention of this

    Honble Court to page.3 ofExhibit P.19.

    23. This request was acceded to by this Hon'ble Court (vide

    Para.3 ofExhibit P.31) and Implementation Proceedings (Suo

    Moto No. 4 /2010) deferred till after the hearing of the Review


    24. Thereafter, as per the record now before me, this issue was not

    taken up until after November 2011. But in any case, I might add

    that the order of this Hon'ble Court (Exhibit P.19) itself bears

    witness to the fact that my directive passed on 23 September,

    2010 on the aforesaid Summary was immediately

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    communicated back to the learned Attorney General and the

    Law Secretary and not a single day was wasted by my office with

    the directive being brought to the notice of this Hon'ble Court

    the very next dayi.e. September 24, 2010 (Exhibit P.19).

    25. In November 2011, the Review Petition was taken up and finally

    dismissed on November 25, 2011 (Exhibit P.2). Thereafter,

    for the first time the Implementation Proceedings were taken up

    again on January 03, 2012 (Exhibit P.21). On this date this

    Hon'ble Court did not issue any direction to me or my office. It

    simply directed the Law Secretary and learned Attorney

    General for Pakistan (now prosecuting me) to apprise

    this Hon'ble Court about the process of the Summary

    which had already been in the knowledge of this Hon'ble

    Court as referred to hereinabove. This Hon'ble Court

    however issued a word of caution to the two gentlemen that

    progress be shown by the next date of hearing, or action would

    be taken against those who are found to be delinquent in the

    matter. This is what I have now read. Otherwise, it was neverbrought to my notice.

    26. Despite the above, on January 10, 2012, this Hon'ble Court

    while, posing a number of options for itself, harshly observed, to

    my great dismay that prima facie I could not be ameen and had

    violated my oath of office (Exhibit P.22).

    27. I submit that I have been informed that this Honble Court cannot

    and should not attribute knowledge to an accused person on a

    mere presumption. Knowledge must actually be proved. It

    cannot be presumed. Even the documents presented by the

    prosecution that comprise a series of orders passed by this

    Honble Court, were not contemporaneously brought to my

    knowledge in my capacity as the Prime Minister or otherwise.These may well have been in the knowledge of some concerned

    officers of the Federal Government in so far as they were

    passed in the presence of counsel representing the Federal

    Government. Or these may have been communicated to the Law

    Department through the Law Secretary or to the Law Minister.

    Except for the aforesaid two occasions when two different

    Summaries were placed before me I was not apprised of the

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    proceedings of this Honble Court although they may well have

    been in the knowledge of the learned Attorney General, the Law

    Secretary or the Law Minister.

    28. Then, too, it had been argued in the second Summary that

    all directions of this Honble Court had been implemented, but

    with respect to the one in issue here, a distinct proposal was


    As to the past conduct with which I have been formally Charged, I

    submit that:

    29. On September 23, 2010 as submitted, I accepted the proposal

    with respect to that issue but at the same time directed that this

    Honble Court be informed of the Governments appreciation of

    the matter. This negatives contumacy. Had I the intent to

    commit contempt, I would have directed that the matter be kept

    away from the Courts eye. I had nothing to hide as I had no

    mala fide intent. I expected the Honble Court to have been

    informed and that if it had any issue with the argument

    and proposal that had been made to me and accepted,

    this Honble Court would pass appropriate orders.

    30. I keep a very busy schedule as Prime Minister and Leader of theHouse in both Houses of Parliament. I am also required by the

    responsibilities attached to my post to protect the honour and

    integrity of Parliament, the President of Pakistan, and the

    executive branch as full, coequal and coordinate branches of the

    Federation. I have multifarious duties as Prime Minister, I lead a

    coalition government and am pre-occupied by countless issues,

    cases, applications and files on a daily basis with respect to

    domestic and foreign policy matters. Unless someone reverts

    with a complaint or information, I take it that my directives have

    been complied with. I had thus reason to believe that my

    instruction to the learned Attorney General and the Law

    Secretary had been acted upon. That is the normal course of

    business. The contrary cannot be presumed. There is

    indeed no evidence to the contrary. And this Honble Court

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    also did not then take up this matter untilJanuary 2012 when I

    learnt that I had been issued a Show Cause Notice.

    31. There is no proof, nor any allegation, of any knowledge

    attributable to me that after I had given the direction on 23

    September, 2010, that this Honble Court be informed of the

    Governments position this Honble Court had at all rejected that

    position on the basis of its earlier judgment.

    32. By merely placing on the record of the case the several

    orders passed by this Honble Court, the prosecution has

    failed to link me to any wilful and contumacious

    disregard on my part of any order of this Honble Court.

    There is thus no question of any wilful contumacy on my part. No

    offence is thus made out according to my understanding.

    33. There is one other reason for me to have believed that the

    matter concerning the judgment in the NRO case, its review and

    implementation did not concern me personally. Mr. Justice

    Tassaduq Hussain Jillani is a very distinguished and Honble

    Judge of this Honble Court. He has had an illustrious career in

    the service of law. He is a man of integrity and honesty.

    Obviously he decided not to sit on the Appellate Bench to hear

    ICA No. 1 of 2012 filed by me against the decision of this

    Honble Bench to indict me. The reason for this was our close


    34. Mr. Justice Tassaduq Hussain Jillani has graced several Benches

    dealing with the judgment in the NRO case and its follow up. He

    has even scribed the main judgment dismissing the Review

    Petition filed by the Federal Government. It is only obvious that

    in the estimation of the Honble Judge, and according to the

    impression thus obtained by me, there could be nothing in theseveral orders before January 2012 that amounted to any

    negative reflection on my conduct or that would have affected

    me in any manner whatsoever, or that concerned me.

    35. I have also been informed that the proof presented by the

    prosecution is wholly inadequate as the law requires a very high

    standard of proof to prove a case of contempt of court. This is a

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    criminal charge and has to be proved beyond any

    reasonable doubt. The guilt must be pinned on to the

    individual accused. Again, it cannot be presumed.

    36. I believe that in a massive, unparalleled scam involving Rs.

    65,000/-Crores (or Rs. 6,500 billion) in the 2G cellular phone

    scandal in neighbouring India, the Supreme Court of India

    recognized that the Prime Ministers duties were multifarious

    and, even though knowledge on the part of his immediate staff

    in the Prime Ministers own office was proven as admitted,

    Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan Singh himself, was

    exonerated on account of absence of proof of actual knowledge

    and therefore of blame. I believe that the system in India,

    including the practice of governance and the rules for conducting

    Government business, are similar to those in our country. The

    buck was therefore seen to have stopped before reaching the

    Prime Minister but here it is being presumed, without basis to be


    37. I am also informed that that Mian Nawaz Sharif, former

    Prime Minister was exonerated by this Honble Court from

    the criminal charge of hi-jacking an airplane for the reason that

    the correctness of the opinion of the Prime Minister could not be

    questioned so long as grounds existed from which it was possible

    to draw the inference that he had drawn. He was actually

    absolved of criminal intent even though the Honble Court itselfhad earlier, (in the famous case of Syed Zafar Ali Shah), found

    him responsible for thereby planning to create such chaos and

    anarchy as to justify military intervention.

    38. There is another feature of the case that is most pertinent to my

    defence. The prosecution has presented series of orders passed,

    from time to time as Exhibits P.1 to P.48, as the ONLY

    EVIDENCE of my alleged culpability. These span the period

    between December 16, 2009 to February 10, 2012. However

    until January 16, 2012 I had not, specifically or individually,

    been made a party to, or subject of, any of those orders. The

    Federal Government was indeed a party. But I personally was

    not. There is an unspecific presumption that the buck stops

    with me. But it never came that far.

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    39. For the purpose of criminal liability, the Federal Government

    cannot be equated or held to mean any one individual. An

    individuals liability in criminal law, has to be pinned on to that

    individual, not to a wider more amorphous body of persons or

    officials. In criminal law, I am told, there cannot be any vicarious

    liability. Guilt of each individual accused has to be established

    expressly and beyond reasonable doubt. Each link of the chain of

    proof has to be established along with proof of the guilty intent.

    No such intent or guilt on me personally has been established by

    the prosecution documents for past conduct as Charged.

    (About the subsequent ex-parte order I will respectfully make

    submissions later in this statement). And if any presumption of

    guilt was to be implied on the basis of that material, it is fully

    negatived by my order dated September 23, 2010 wherein I,

    even while accepting the advice tendered to me by the Law

    Minister and the Law Secretary, directed the learned Attorney

    General (who prosecutes me today) and the Law Secretary, to

    apprise this Honble Court of my position. Had that been done bythe concerned officials, as I had reason to presume would have

    been done, this Honble Court could have taken issue with it, if

    found wanting. But this Honble Court itself deferred the matter

    of implementation until after the Review Petition filed by the

    Federal Government. Exhibit P.31 dated October 11, 2010 may

    be referred to. Thereafter it was only taken up in January

    2012 and I was issued a Show Cause Notice on January 16, 2012

    and directed to appear in person and show cause within three

    days, on January 19, 2012. But an act of court should have

    prejudiced no one.

    40. With respect and humility may I suggest that the proper and

    a fair trial process would have been to initially determine

    whether there was prima facie basis for even issuing a Show

    Cause Notice, through first issuing a mere Notice as envisaged in

    Section 17(1) of the Contempt of Court Ordinance, 2003. That is

    the very purpose of that provision in the law. It is provided by

    the statute itself that governs these proceedings.

    41. I seek no favours from this Honble Court. Nor do I seek any

    special treatment. I have appeared as a humble accused

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    charged with criminal conduct. But I am the unanimously elected

    Prime Minister of the country. Had such a mere notice been

    issued in the first instance, I would have had the right to two

    stages of preliminary defence, and my assertion, in the first

    instance that my direction of September 23, 2012 negatived

    guilt on my part, may have held the field. But I was denied

    that opportunity, I am constrained to feel with all respect to

    this Honble Court, on account of the pre-trial order dated

    January 10, 2012, Exhibit P.22. In that order my guilt,

    personal knowledge and individual liability was presumed ahead

    of the trial. On that order, I will also make further respectful

    submissions later in this statement.

    42. I have committed no contempt nor have I ever intended to

    commit contempt. I have acted strictly in accordance with the

    Rules of Business. When I did make an honest mistake of

    ignoring the Rules of Business my order was rightly set aside by

    this Honble Court. Decisions of several other Prime Ministers

    and Federal Ministers have suffered the same fate, but they havenot been charged with any criminal offence. To set aside a

    decision of an executive authority as being wrong, is one

    thing. To charge that authority of a criminal offence, is

    quite another.

    43. My decision could have been right or wrong but it did not

    amount to a criminal offence. Decisions and orders of FederalGovernments and Prime Ministers have been set aside or

    reversed by the courts on countless occasions in the past. Never

    has a Prime Minister been charged with contempt for having

    performed the functions of his office in accordance with the

    Rules of Business on advice tendered by the Law Department.

    There is not a single precedent to my knowledge.

    44. Now vide order dated March 8, 2012 the Honble Bench has

    ordered me to ignore all advice and act to implement Paras. 177

    and 178 of the judgment in the NRO case. I will submit with

    respect to that direction.

    45. The advice given in the past is, however, relevant to the

    present and the future. The advice included statements that

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    cases in the Swiss courts had been closed on merits and that the

    documents that were the subject of Mutual Legal Assistance

    Request had been provided way back in 1998 and nothing now

    was required to be done on that account. I was also advised that

    the sovereign position of the President of Pakistan required that

    he could not be put up for trial in any foreign court including

    Switzerland. I acted accordingly with no intention to commit


    46. I believe that this is indeed the correct position in law and fact.

    As long as a person is a Head of a Sovereign State he has

    immunity in both criminal as well as civil jurisdictions of

    all other states under international law. I believe this

    immunity to be absolute and inviolable, even though it persists

    only during the tenure of office. It thus vests in the office, not

    in the person. And it represents the sovereignty and

    independence of a country as well as its sovereign equality with

    all other states, howsoever strong and powerful. I think it

    wrong to subject the constitutionally elected incumbentPresident of Pakistan to the authority of a Magistrate in a

    foreign country. I think this subjection should be avoided.

    47. I was a layman, in that I have never practiced the noble

    profession of advocacy or the law. I have acted on the advice of

    a department, and of persons steeped in law and who are

    vigourous practitioners of the profession. Based on their advice Ibelieve that precedents of other Heads of State, Prime Ministers

    and even Foreign Ministers, including precedents by this Honble

    Court, support my submissions as to the Charge as framed as

    well as the future course of action. My learned counsel will

    elaborate on this.

    Due process, Fair Trial and Article 10-A of the Constitution:

    48. On the 7th and 8th of March evidence was led in my defence.

    Certain documents were exhibited on the record and Mrs. Nargis

    Sethi, Secretary Defence and Cabinet, recorded her statement

    on oath as DW1. After her cross examination was over she was

    relieved of her testimony by the Honble Bench. Fresh dates

    were then announced by the Honble Bench for the recording of

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    my statement and final arguments. After this my learned

    counsel left the Court premises.

    49. Thereafter the Honble Bench passed a de novo order in

    another case (Suo Moto Case No.04/2010), without notice to

    my learned counsel. For that purpose the presence of the

    learned Attorney General, who, a short while earlier, had been

    prosecuting me before the same Bench, was secured on my

    behalf. He arrived in a hurry from Courtroom No.1 and was told

    to inform me that the Honble Bench had decided to order me to

    implement the directions given in Paras. 177 and 178 of the

    judgment in the NRO case.

    50. This was the precise allegation for which I was being

    tried. I was yet to make a statement in my defence. My

    learned counsel was yet to argue the case. Before hearing or

    appreciating my defence the Honble Bench has passed a further

    order and that too ex-parte requiring me to do precisely that

    which I have to defend myself for allegedly not having done.

    51. It was necessary for the Honble Bench to first hear and

    appreciate arguments as to whether the steps referred to in

    Para.178 could, or even should, be taken in the first instance in

    Criminal Original No.06/2012 before directing me, ex-parte,

    to do so in Suo Moto Case No.04/2010. It is evident that the

    Honble Bench has arrived at a conclusion which is directly

    contradictory with my defence which had yet to be fully

    expounded. And it has done so without an opportunity to me and

    my learned counsel to expound it. With utmost respect and

    humility it is submitted that this amounts to pre-judging a

    cause, and condemning without a hearing. Clearly two

    conclusions are inevitable i.e.

    a) That the Honble Bench has sat through the proceedings

    having already decided that steps must be taken (i.e. in

    effect that the letter must be written) before giving me the

    opportunity to argue why it cannot, or at least should not be

    taken and written for the time being;

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    b) It is therefore evident also that the Honble Bench has not

    been prepared even to consider the effect of the

    submissions I, now, and my learned counsel later, has to

    make in my defence.

    c) After all, the entire issue in the case is one:

    Did I commit a wrong in not taking the steps (writing

    the letter) in question?

    52. If the Honble Bench is to direct me to write the letter regardless

    of any submissions or argument I may have to make in this

    behalf, the Honble Bench is prejudging the question. If it is to try

    me for alleged past conduct then it must create a mental

    firewall so that events, before or after, do not affect its

    judgment. That, unfortunately, has not been done. Grounds

    based on future conduct may be created by the order dated

    March 8, 2012 for presuming contumacy affecting the present

    trial. But this is a criminal trial, which can lead to serious

    consequences. I have therefore to be acquitted of the Charge

    as framed before any other process can be initiated. In fact, the

    fresh order of March 8, 2012 goes to show my innocence of the

    earlier Charge. The contrary is not possible.

    53. With respect I submit that this makes it a serious case of

    mistrial. When this very Bench has yet to determine whether I

    did wrong or right in not writing the letter, how can it

    prematurely direct me, through a definitive and inflexible order,

    to write it or face the consequences? This direction prejudices

    my defence and indicates, it is submitted with utmost respect,

    that the Honble Bench has made up its mind before the

    conclusion of the trial. That being the case, I cannot obtain a fair

    trial from it.

    54. I do not want to cause offence to any of the Honble Judges on

    the Bench. I am also aware of the sensitivity of the issue. But

    this is a matter at a higher plane, a matter of the right of a

    citizen to justice. And justice must not only be done, it must

    also be seen to have been done. That is the point. There are

    also other points of extreme concern to me.

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    55. It is singularly peculiar that the same learned gentleman who

    was prosecuting me before the same Honble Bench on the same

    question of whether the letter could, or should be written, was

    converted suddenly and transformed, with respect to the same

    matter, into my Counsel and my representative on the very

    same day. The matter is indeed the same even though it may

    appear at different numbers in the Cause List. As a matter of

    fact the learned Attorney General has been privy to the

    entire process himself and first hand. He has been

    appearing before this Honble Court regularly since his

    appointment to his office on April 02, 2010. This period includes

    the period when the two summaries, Exhibits D1 and D2 werescribed and approved. He was the gentleman, besides another,

    mandated by me to bring the decisions of the Government to the

    notice of this Honble Court. He did not. But he has been

    appointed as the prosecutor by this Honble Bench and I am the

    accused. This is a tragic irony.

    56. There are other ironies. This Honble Bench itself issued theShow Cause Notice to me. It thus initiated the prosecution, itself.

    If not prosecutors, the Honble Judges gracing this Honble Bench

    are certainly in the nature of the complainants. Yet they sit as

    Judges and try me in the same cause.

    57. Therefore, in so far as:

    a) an order has been passed directing me to take steps

    mentioned in Para.178 before the conclusion of the Trial

    to determine whether these could, or should, have been

    taken (and the letter written); and

    b) this Honble Bench having itself initiated the

    prosecution is sitting in trial and judgment; and

    c) the learned Attorney General, privy to all facts, first

    becomes the Prosecutor then again my lawyer

    means that the most fundamental principles of Natural

    Justice stand violated. These well known principles of

    Natural Justice as expounded by this Honble Court

    itself, are that:

    No man shall be condemned unheard.

    No Man shall be a judge in his own cause.

    Both these principles have been breached.

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    58. This is not a mere statement of the art. Today it is a

    Fundamental Right enshrined in Article 10-A of the

    Constitution of our country. I am aware that there has been a

    tradition and practice allowing judges to be judges in matters

    initiated by themselves in cases of contempt of court. In Pakistan

    that has recently changed radically.

    59. Being the Leader of the House in the National Assembly and the

    Senate for the last four years, I was myself aware and often told

    by several members, from time to time, that one of the many

    aspects in which the Constitution needed improvement was anew guarantee by way of a fundamental right to fair trial

    and due process. Even though superior Courts had, from time

    to time, introduced the concept of due process under other

    provisions of the Constitution, yet without a Fundamental Right

    these principles could be, and were, often disregarded. The

    standard of enforcement of these principles also remained


    60. Accordingly, I encouraged Parliament to adopt a new

    Fundamental Right, enshrined in Article 10-A in the

    Constitution by the 18th Constitutional Amendment Act. Fair

    Trial and Due Process have thus become Fundamental Rights

    which cannot even be surrendered by the citizen even if a citizen

    wanted to waive a Fundamental Right. These guarantees are

    most emphatically contained in the Principles of Natural Justice:

    No decision shall be rendered without or before hearing

    the affected party; and no man can sit and judge in a

    matter that has been initiated by him.

    61. I have thus submitted to the majesty of the Honble

    Supreme Court, but not to the authority of this

    distinguished and Honble Bench. It is my hope that the

    members of this Honble Bench will not take offence my

    foregoing assertion. To the Honble Court I submit. To the

    Honble Bench, as constituted, I do not. That is my

    Fundamental Right that I cannot even waive or forego in

    light of the rulings of the Honble Court itself. I hope that

    the Honble Judges gracing this Bench will not take this as a

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    personal slight, but only as an adherence to the principles of

    justice, as respectfully explained hereunder.

    62. While my learned counsel will elaborate on this matter I may also

    humbly submit that the application of the law of contempt of

    court must now be subject to and in conformity with the

    new Article 10-A of the Constitution to which the Honble

    members of this Bench, as well as myself, have taken oath. This

    requires a strict application of the age-old principles of Natural

    Justice referred to above, now having unexceptional application.

    These are now enshrined as a Fundamental Right and the

    Honble Judges who decided to issue the Show Cause Notice to

    me, should not have sat in the trial, nor should sit in judgment in

    this case.

    63. There may have been a wisdom in the past practice whereby

    learned judges who themselves had initiated the prosecution

    could sit in judgment themselves, but much water has flown

    under the bridge and today the unanimous wisdom of our

    Parliament, and that of many other legislatures, has decided that

    to ensure fair trial and compliance with due process, judges must

    avoid being party to prosecutions initiated by themselves.

    Parliament while unanimously adopting Article 10-A did

    not provide for any exception concerning cases of any

    particular category including contempt.

    64. In my case not only was the Show Cause Notice itself issued by

    this Honble Bench but a preceding and Honble Bench, members

    of which grace the present Honble Bench as well, was pleased

    to pass a detailed and harsh order (discussed below) onJanuary

    10, 2012.

    65. I submit, with all the humility of a person accused, that in view of

    Article 10-A the Honble Judges who decided to initiate the

    prosecution, especially those who passed the pre-trial order

    dated January 10, 2012 casting serious aspersions

    against me, should graciously avoid sitting in trial and


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    66. Let us not forget that learned judges are also human

    beings, and fallible. It is also difficult, if not impossible for

    them, to disassociate from opinions so harshly, and firmly,

    expressed by them before the initiation, and also before the

    conclusion of the trial. The orders ofJanuary 10, 2012 and of

    March 8, 2012 are clear indications of the mind of members of

    this Honble Bench. Both are definitive orders. And both pre-

    empt my submissions.

    67. The order of January 10, 2012 (Exhibit.P.22) is a virtual

    pre-trial indictment. It hypothesizes that I had betrayed

    my oath to Allah, was disloyal to the Holy Quran, was not

    sagacious, righteous, non-profligate, honest and

    ameen and was also hence, not qualified to be a

    member of Parliament, what to talk about being elected

    Prime Minister of the Country. Even my commitment to

    my religion, Islam, was questioned by these Honble


    68. The order ofMarch 8, 2012 (also in Suo Moto Case No. 4/ 2010)

    opines that:

    a) despite specific orders and warning given from time to

    time since March 2010where none had been given to me

    personally until I was summoned to appear in person on

    January 19, 2012;

    b) On personal appearance he made no commitment toimplement the Courts directionwhen that is precisely what

    is in issue in the trial;

    c) The said proceedings related to the disobedience of the

    earlier orders of the Court and their pendency does not to

    (sic) affect the process already undertaken for

    implementation of the said directions, when the

    implementation, only for the time being, is the very issue in


    69. The conclusive direction to do that which I am accused of not

    having done in the past, and for which my explanation, and

    arguments on my behalf have yet to be heard, is also a pre-

    emptive order denying my defence to the past as well as

    the future course of action. With all due respect, I submit

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    that this Honble Court must confine and consider the Charge

    as framed and the evidence produced by the prosecution to

    prove it. At this stage, when evidence of both sides has been

    closed, the scope of the charge may not be enlarged and no

    personal knowledge of the Honble Bench be used or judicial

    notice taken of any fact which is at issue in the subject

    proceeding. Such would not only seriously prejudice my defence

    but would also constitute being a violation of due process of


    70. I am also constrained to point out that in contrast to the

    proceedings against me which were initiated as recently asJanuary 16, 2012 and have come to the conclusion in this trial,

    the charge against the contesting PCO judges who were

    removed from office as long ago as on July 31, 2009 has not

    been framed to date. They had disobeyed an express order of

    this Honble Court and seen their colleagues and seniors being

    actually arrested and detained. These arrested and detained

    were the Honble Judges whom I set free, and in the final

    instance, reinstated. It would be below this Honble Courts

    dignity to be perceived by anyone as having discriminated.

    71. It is with a deep sense of hurt, therefore, that I feel I am left with

    no option but to expressly invoke my Fundamental Right

    under Article 10-A of the Constitution as a citizen of

    Pakistan and as an accused person before this Honble Bench.

    The Honble Judges know best that justice must not only be

    done it must also be seen to have been done. With Honble

    Judges who have expressed the above pre-trial opinions and

    passed such pre-defence orders, continuing to grace the Bench,

    justice will not, at the very least, be seen to be done. The cause

    of justice and the dignity of this Honble Court will thereby suffer.

    72. Having invoked my right under Article 10-A let me also

    establish my defence on merits without prejudice to that

    invocation. Without waiving my inalienable Fundamental

    Right under Art. 10-A, I go to the merits only to show that

    I have done no wrong, nor I intend or seek to do a wrong. I only

    seek the Honble Bench to discharge the contempt and to recall

    its order of March 8, 2012 in Suo Moto Case No. 4/ 2010.

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    73. I thus submit that my defence is contained in:

    a) The documents exhibited by the prosecution itself (Exhibits.

    P.1 to P.40) of which those of September 24, 2010 onwards

    have thereby been brought to my notice now;

    b) The statement of DW (Mrs Nargis Sethi);

    c) The Defence Exhibits i.e. Exhibit. D1-D1/4 and Exhibit. D2-


    74. The prosecutions own documents prove that:

    (i) I was not made aware personally of the orders of this

    Honble Court, post September 23, 2010 even at the

    instance of the Honble Court, until January 2012.

    (ii) Hence, the reference to the specific orders and warnings

    given from time to time since March 2010, in the order

    dated March 8, 2012 in Suo Moto Case No. 4/2010 (and not

    in the Contempt matter which is Criminal Original No.

    6/2012), is not to any order addressed personally to me.

    (iii) The Federal Government does not comprise of me alone.

    While constitutionally, it is as defined in Article 90 of the

    Constitution, in actual fact, it is run through the agency of

    an entire host of officials and civil servants engaged in the

    process envisaged by Article 99. They pass hundreds of

    orders, and communicate decisions on a daily basis to the

    citizens. That is how the government is run.

    (iv) Knowledge of the officials is never equated with knowledge

    of the Prime Minister (see Prime Minister Mr. Manmohan

    Singhs case, supra).

    (v) The first order that was both specifically and individually

    addressed to me as well as communicated to me by the

    Honble Court, was the order dated January 16, 2012. It

    required me to appear before it on January 19, 2012. I

    appeared as required.

    75. Contrary to the learned Prosecutors objections, I only refer to

    these documents for the Honble Court to see what effect, on

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    their face, they would have on a person perusing them and

    taking them as correct. I believe, therefore, that on their basis:

    a) As expounded in Exhibits D.1/3; D.1/4; D.2; D.2/13 that the

    proceedings against the President of Pakistan in Switzerland

    are closed on merits.

    b) As evident from Annexures, Exhibits D.2/8 and D.2/10 (Mr.

    Saifur Rehmans letters) that the proceedings in Switzerland

    against the President of Pakistan were initiated malafide.

    c) The letter dated May 21, 2008 written by the then AttorneyGeneral Malik Muhammad Qayyum had no effect on the

    conclusion of the proceedings in Switzerland. (Please refer

    to the opinions of Mr. Anwar Mansoor Khan, the then learned

    Attorney General (Exhibit D.1/4), and Mr. Justice (rtd) Aqil

    Mirza, then Law Secretary (Exhibit D.1/3)).

    d) The President of Pakistan being the Head of a Sovereign and

    Independent State is immune during his term of office from

    all processes and proceedings in any foreign, domestic


    76. The statement of Mrs. Nargis Sethi, DW, establishes


    (i) I acted on advice submitted to me by the Law Division

    and the Ministry of Law. This was the only prudent way to

    act, particularly in view of this Honble Courts earlier


    (ii) That I thus acted expressly in accordance with law and

    practice of the Government and the Rules of Business in

    accepting the advice of the law department.

    (iii) Acting on such advice was also appropriate as:

    a) According to the practice and Rules of Business,

    the advice of the Law Ministry is always given

    preference. Indeed, matters concerning all ministries

    and divisions are referred to the Law Division whose

    opinion is given primacy.

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    b)The advice referred to interpretation of the effect of a

    long and detailed judgment of this Honble Court, in the

    complete context of which Para.178 had to be


    c) The advice relied on the view not just of the

    incumbent Law Minister and Law Secretary, but also of

    the former Law Secretary and a former learned

    Attorney General, both opining that the proceedings in

    Switzerland have been terminated on merits.

    d)Despite the above substantial elements, I directed theLaw Secretary and the learned Attorney General to

    apprise this Honble Court of the position of the Federal


    77. Defence Exhibits establish that:

    a) The very initiation of the proceeding in Switzerland was

    mala fide and politically motivated.

    b) The pending proceedings have been closed on merits

    (Exhibits D.1/3; D.1/4, D.2 and D.2/13. The request to be

    made civil party expired with this termination.

    c) The Mutual Assistance Request was already acted upon and

    finally concluded in 1998, and nothing remains to be done in

    that behalf.

    d) No civil action (suit) for the recovery of any monies of funds

    was ever filed in Switzerland in 1997 or thereafter.

    78. As a matter of fact by passing a de novo order on March 8, 2012

    directing me to issue the letter the Honble Bench recognized

    that this order was necessary because there was no previously

    binding obligation upon me to do so. This alone is an admission

    of the fact that I have committed no wrong so far and this alone

    is sufficient to exonerate me of the charge framed on February

    13, 2012.

    79. I therefore, believe that I have committed no contempt and that

    is a sufficient answer to the charge. I also believe that the

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    Sovereign State of Pakistan cannot, must not and should

    not offer its incumbent Head of State, Symbol of the

    Federation (Art. 41), the most prominent component of

    Parliament (Art. 50), and the Supreme Commander of its

    Armed Forces (Art. 243) for a criminal trial in the Court of

    a foreign Magistrate, during the term of his office. Any

    such attempt on my part would be liable to serious

    consequences being in humiliation of the constitutional symbol

    of the sovereignty and independence of the State, which I am

    under oath to uphold. This is also a principle of absolute and

    inviolable Head of State Immunity recognized in International

    Law and must also be respected and upheld by all ourinstitutions i.e. executive, legislature and judiciary.

    80. I know that I am in no position to provide any guidance to the

    Honble members of this august Bench who must know best. But

    I, too, am an occupant of a constitutional office, and an elective

    office. Thus even from my humble position standing at the Bar as

    an accused before the majesty of this Honble Court, I may bepermitted to make a statement on behalf of the Federal

    Government in the context that follows.

    81. There are two high principles involved in this matter:

    One is that corruption should not be tolerated. This is

    salutary and important.

    The other principle protects the sovereignty of theState and its Head. It requires that during his or her

    tenure, the Head of a State be not prosecuted in a

    foreign court. This immunity is limited to the office of

    Head of State, and to the duration of office. Neither the

    Court should have any difficulty, nor would the Government

    have any impediment in prosecuting a person after he has

    vacated the office of President. It is only a question of

    time to implement only this one part of the judgment.

    82. Finally, let me reiterate with emphasis, but humility, that

    I want each and every constitutional institution to go from

    strength to strength and to prosper with public esteem, dignity

    and honour. I have committed no contempt nor have I ever

    intended to commit contempt of this Honble Court. On the

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    contrary, I have made every effort to discharge all of my

    constitutional responsibilities by seeking advice from the

    competent officials in accordance with the Rules of Business and

    then acting in accordance with such advice. It is not my opinion

    that is to be defended, but rather my right to express that

    opinion based on the material before me. This Honble Court has

    repeatedly recognized the special and binding nature of the

    Rules of Business (including, it has been recently brought to my

    notice, in the very NRO case itself) and thus any action taken by

    me in terms of these Rules is entitled to constitutional

    protection. It is therefore respectfully submitted that I am not

    guilty of the charge framed against me.

    83. I also submit, in all humility, that nations go to any

    length, even to war, to protect and recover even their

    ordinary citizens accused of grievous crime, from foreign

    processes and jurisdictions. They do not ever abandon

    them. Consider the feverish anxiety of western developed

    nations to retrieve and fly out their citizens faced withlocal indictments in Afghanistan and Pakistan in recent

    times.How then can the State of Pakistan surrender its

    incumbent President for trial before a Investigating

    Magistrate in another jurisdiction? This Honble Bench

    should recall its ex parte order dated March 8, 2012 in Suo Moto

    Case No. 4/2012. If at all, however, the Honble Court does

    propose to expose the incumbent President of Pakistan, to

    prosecution before a western magistrate I suggest that being a

    matter of grave public concern, the issue be sent to Parliament

    to take a decision as was wisely done in the case of the 18 th

    Amendment concerning Articles relating to the appointment in

    higher judiciary and Parliamentary oversight.

    If nevertheless the Honble Court seeks to enforce the order

    dated March 8, 2012, I reserve the right to expound my

    response thereto as that order was passed in Suo Moto Case

    No. 4/2010, a lis in which my response is to be submitted


    84. It is evident that this Honble Court had several options. It itself

    listed the Six Options available to it in its order dated January 10,

    2012. I cannot understand, with all respect and humility, why the

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    most coercive option has been selected by this Honble Court

    and for what reason. No justification appears to have been

    provided for selecting this option. The ultimate judges of my fate

    and reputation will still be the people of Pakistan who are

    referred to in the Sixth Option. As I submit to this Honble

    Court so I will also, in the manner expressed by the

    Honble Court in the Sixth Option, surrender to the

    judgment of the people of Pakistan at the appropriate time

    according to the Constitution. People are and must remain

    the highest worldly sovereign in this Country. They are the

    judges of the last resort in this world. That will be the best

    course of action and also be according to the Sixth Optionformulated by the Honble Court itself.