gilded tarot study guide

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  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Ace of Wands

    Initiation of anew beginning.Birth of new

    ideas,inspiration.Possible new jobor new businessventure.Great deal ofcreative energy;extremely good

    for anyone increativeendeavors.orces ofstrength,enthusiasm,excitement.!ay representan entirely new

    way of life.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Two of Wands

    uture choicesand decisions willhave to be made.

    "eed to focus onfuture plans anddevote the e#ortnecessary forsuccess.!ay indicate apartnership, socollaborations

    and negotiationswith others maybe signi$cant.%wo of &ands is apositive card,showingmovement indirection of goalsand ambitions.

    &hen ma'ing achoice,remember to payattention to yourinstincts.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Three of Wands

    (ome goals havebeen achievedbut more wor'

    remains ) don*tstop now.Investmentsmade in newpursuits are aboutto pay o#.+ feeling ofdreams can

    come true.-Indicatesprogress, successat the outset,need for moreplanning to moveforward.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Four of Wands

    (tability andharmonyresulting from

    hard wor' donebefore.!ight be alrightto ta'e a brea'or some time o#now but becareful it doesn*tbecome

    permanent.General goodfeelings,contentmentwith yourself andlife in general.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Five of Wands

    Instability,uncertainty,change all $ves

    in general/.0on1icts,di#erences ofopinion, pettys2uabbling, powergames ) may notbe big problemsand can probably

    be overcome.If this is what*shappening aroundyou, not to you,thin' hard beforebecominginvolved.+lthough stayingout of it may be

    easiest, and mayalso be the rightchoice, remem3ber that avoidingcompetition canlead tostagnation."ow may not be

    the best time to present new ideas to others.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Six of Wands

    4armony andbalance.5our e#orts and

    achievementswill berecogni6ed byothers.!ay indicate apromotioncoming up.&ell3deserved

    success, evenpossibly victory.(ix of &ands isgenerally thebearer of goodnews.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Seven of Wands

    Indicatescompletion of acycle; may

    indicate changes.Ideas or beliefsmay bechallenged.7emain calm,have self3con$dence, havecourage to stand

    up for yourbeliefs.

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    Eight of Wands

    (wift3movingenergy.(udden bursts of

    activity orexcitement, oftenfollowing thearrival of goodnews.!ay representtravel.

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    Nine of Wands

    5ou may feelexhausted, allenergy spent,

    can*t go anotherstep.(uccess is closerthan you thin'and you do havethe inner energyyou need to 'eepgoing.

    Persevere ) this isnot the time tostop; one morepush.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Ten of Wands

    5ou may feelovercome withresponsibilities

    that are ma'ingyou weary.(omething thatstarted as agood idea mayhave become8bebecoming aburden.

    Be careful aboutta'ing on morethan you canhandle.7emember life isabout balance.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Page of Wands

    +s a child or youngperson9

    +ctive, energetic,

    action3oriented,cheerful.!ay seemfearless.:oveable rogue:.

    +s an event9Good newscoming in, usually

    swiftly ) may berelated to wor' )may be letters,phone calls,emails, or word ofmouth.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Knight of Wands

    +s a young man9

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    Queen of Wands)+n adult woman9

    %hrives on beingbusy.

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    King of Wands +n adult man9

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Ace of Cups

    "ew beginningsor renewal,especially but

    not neces3sarilyonly/ in romanceor love.

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    Two of Cups

    4armony,balance, 'indness.(ilent

    understandingthat goes beyondwords.In a stalerelationship, canbringreconciliation,rediscovery of the

    emotions thatbrought thecouple together inthe $rst place.%wo of 0ups isalways a welcomesight regardingromanticrelationships.

    !ay also relate toimportant friend3ships.(omeone whoreally 'nows-you is either inyour life or mayenter soon.

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    Three of Cups

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Four of Cups

    !ay representboredom or innerdiscontent even

    thougheverythingappears to bealright.!ay be feelingthe grass isgreener-somewhere else.

    !ay be a warningagainst over3indulgence out ofboredom or adesire to escape.Aon*t let thisfeeling ma'e youmiss newopportunities or

    invitations.Instead of loo'ingfor ways to avoida bad situation,see' ways toconfront andchange it.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Five of Cups

    !ay be feelingdisappointment,perhaps feeling

    let down byothers.!ay sometimesindicate the lossof a relationshipand the resultingnatural grievingprocess.

    5our logical mindis probablysomewhatclouded by thesefeelings at thistime; there maybe other positivethings in thesituation which

    you are currentlynot seeing.!ay be sofocused on thatwhich is lost thatyou don*t seewhat is still there.It may seem as though all is lost but it could be a tempo3

    rary situation or a temporary feeling.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Six of Cups

    (omeone orsomething fromthe past returns

    ) may or maynot be romanticbut is not strictlylimited to lovelife.Person8situationfrom the pastmay bring

    happiness andsatisfaction.If situation is notpositive, (ix of0ups mayindicate anostalgia orbeing stuc' inthe past- that is

    preventing youfrom movingforward.0ontact withnostalgia or thepast, eventempo3rarily, canhelp get re3

    centered again.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Seven of Cups

    0hoices may bepresented,resulting in

    di?culty ma'inga decision."ow is a time tobe practical andreview theoptionsrealistically.

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    Eight of Cups

    +bandonment,usually by you asopposed to

    happening toyou.+ situation that isno longerful$lling, or hasbecome adisappointment.

    +c'nowledgement ofa long3heldfeeling ofdisillusionment.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Nine of Cups

    +chievement ofan importantgoal that brings

    you ful$llment.Indicates youwill feel wellpleased."ine of 0ups isone of the mostpromising of the%arot,

    sometimescalled the wishcard-.

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    Ten of Cups

    Perfectreali6ation ofemotional love.

    4appiness inyour home life,with the promiseof lastingsuccess in arelationship.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Knight of Cups

    +s a young man97omantic,idealistic.

    +s an event9(ymboli6esemotional energy.7epresents o#erscoming to youaccompanied bymuch excitement.

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    Queen of Cups) +nadult woman9

    ind, gentle,sensitive,

    thoughtful,charming, sociallypolite.0reative, artistic.>uite in tune withher inner world,into which shecan move 2uite

    easily which canma'e her seemdetached.Prefers one3on3one friends andconver3sation, asopposed to largegroups.Csually 2uite

    feminine andempathetic.0an at times bemelancholy orprone to shiftingmoods.Aisli'es spea'ingout since it seems li'e confrontation to her.

    "eeds harmony.Dery sensitive to feelings of others.Good listener, o#ers support.!a'es you feel she truly cares.@ften found in the helping8caring8healing professions.0an be easily hurt due to her sensitive nature.4arsh words or actions can cut her deeply.+s they get older, they may become protective of theirfeelings.

    !ay sometimes be dreamy or unrealistic.0an sometimes have a victim mentality.!ay be easily led by others or can be manipulative herself.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    King of Cups ) +nadult man9

    &arm, genuine,easy3going ) the

    'ind of manalmost everyoneli'es.oyal, 'ind,usually family3oriented.+ thoughtfullover, good

    husband, adoringfather.!ay seememotionallydetached ifwrestling with hisown inneremotions.0are and concern

    for others."ot generallyambitious bynature but canstill achieve highpositions if drivenby a cause.!ay lac' drive or bac'bone.

    !ay disli'e con1ict to the point of denial.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Ace of Swords

    Dictory andtriumph overdi?culties.

    Great reserves ofinner strengthand clarity ofthought arere2uired now.Csually indicatesyour mind isfeeling sharper,

    clearer.5ou have theability toovercome

    setbac's8adversity through your own actions.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Two of Swords

    eeling that adecision needs tobe made but

    confusion is'eeping you frommoving one wayor another.0onsider newapproaches to thedeadloc'.!ay need to

    compromise forthe time being.%a'e an activepart in your owndestiny.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Three of Swords

    Possible upheavalin familysituations, but

    there is hope forthe future.0ompromisesdon*t always last.Possibly hurtfulwords8emotionsthat have beenheld in are now

    coming out; thiscan ultimatelyresolve to goodfrom 'nowing thetruth.!ay representphysical oremotionalseparation

    between people incouples but notnecessarily arelationship split,such as separationby wor' or militaryservice.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Five of Swords

    Aeceit may beinvolved.(omeone may

    have a hiddenagenda.!ay indicatedishonor, defeat,or loss ) becareful.5ou may be in anunwinnable ar3

    gument withsomeone. Bestcourse may bewal'ing away,cut your losses-.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Six of Swords

    !oving out ofstormy weather-into calmer

    times.7emember thatour experiencesbecome part ofwho we are andshape how wemove forward.

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    Seven of Swords

    (ituations thatdon=t go asexpected.

    Plain bad luc'.orewarned isforearmed.!ay indicate thepossible need fordiplomacy andtact tosuccessfully deal

    with heavy3handed methods.

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    Eight of Swords

    eeling restricted.ear is stoppingyou from moving

    forward.5our self3con$dence maybe sha'en.Important to staycalm and remainstrong, not togive in to the

    paralysis you maybe feeling.It might be timeto loo' at asituationdi#erently.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Nine of Swords

    eelings ofsu#ering,disappointment,

    despair, but notethat the swordsare not actuallytouching theperson on thecard.ear may bema'ing more

    problems for youthan thething8person8cir3cumstanceyou=re afraid of."egativeemotions can beself3perpetuating.

    @ur fears canblind us, ma'ingwhat mighthappen appearworse than thesituation actuallyis.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Ten of Swords

    Possible feelingof loss due to theend of a di?cult

    situation.7emember that aloss can be arelease and atime to considernew beginnings.7emember thatlife moves in

    cycles.0an warn aboutruined plans but,even if so,consider thepossibility thatthey weren=t:meant to be: inthe grand

    scheme of things.If in a :future:position, usuallyacts as a warning) the outcome isdependent on theactions you ta'eto avoid the


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    Page of Swords

    +s a child or youngperson9


    0ool, deep, ta'eseverything in butdoesn*t saymuch.+nalytical.Cpset by injusticesince theybelieve in

    following therules.!ay appearinsensitive toothers* feelings.

    +s an event97epresentsdelayed news ordisappointing

    news.!ay indicateminor or low3levelproblems with orfor a child.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Knight of Swords

    +s a young man9>uic'3minded butserious.

    (ometimesimpatient.(trong character.(trangelymagnetic.4as a forthrightmanner that mayma'e him seem

    insensitivesometimes.+s an event9

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Queen of Swords)+n adult woman9

    (trong sense offair play.

    Good reasoning,excellentperception.Inner strengthwhich may havebeen gainedthrough personalsu#ering.

    Independentstrea'.4appy andcon$dent in herown right,capable ta'ingcare of her owna#airs.(imply a strong

    and independentwoman.(ource ofstrength and willdefend you if shebelieves you areright.(pea's her mind,

    usually has a ring of truth.&ell organi6ed and e?cient.0hampion for just causes that re2uire a certain toughnessto support them.ast thin'er.+nalytical mind, enjoys things that challenge her 'eenmind or wit.!ay sometimes be overly critical or intolerant."ot someone to pic' an argument with.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    King of Swords) +nadult man9

    0ool detached air,may be di?cult to

    fathom.(till waters rundeep.-Csually strongwith an easy airof authority.7ational,analytical thin'er.

    Prefers logic toemotion.i'es clear8setrules.@ften found inuniform.Csually veryarticulate with asharp wit and

    ability to thin'2uic'ly andresponsibly.Gives the distinctimpression he isevaluating you.0areful where heplaces his trust.

    Is an excellent friend who gives good advice when as'ed.!ay seem impersonal or lac'ing sensitivity.!ay even be cruel or bullying, able to switch o# hisemotions.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Ace of Pentaces

    7epresentsprosperity,material gains.

    %he start ofsomething thatcould lead togood $nancialreward.Good card to seeif consideringstarting a new

    $nancial8business venture.!ay signifydocuments thathold materialimportance.!ay indicate alump sum ofmoney, gifts, or

    an inheritance.Inclination to berooted now, asopposed to1ying-.Inclination to dosolid wor',create, ma'e, etc.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Two of Pentaces

    7epresents thee#ort needed tosuccessfully

    maintain abalance in life.%rying to 'eepmore than oneproject goingsimultaneously,or maybejuggling $nances.

    Balancing homeand wor'.5ou may feel li'eyou*re juggling,but relief is on itsway.Be careful to'eep thingsbalanced and

    signs are goodthat things cango smoothly.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Three of Pentaces

    %hrough youre#orts, you*rebeginning to see

    some success.5ou may berecogni6ed foryour wor'.!ay indicate theinitial stages ofcompletion ofactivities on a

    successful note.+lthoughgenerallyconsidered fromthe standpoint of$nancial or wor'success, mayalso indicatethat, if you have

    underta'en newmeasures toimprove8protecthealth, they willstart paying o#.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Four of Pentaces

    Being focused ongoals, perhaps on$nancial matters.

    !ay have a fearof loss leading tofeeling that youwant to hold ontoeverything toohard.0ard fre2uentlyshows up when

    there*s anelement of beingoverly cautious.5ou may need tolet go orunclutch- a littlebit to move thesituation forward.oo' to ma'ing

    the best of whatyou have,including to thebetterment ofothers, instead ofhoarding.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Five of Pentaces

    (upplies awarning to paycareful attention

    to your $nancesto guard againstloss.Be prepared forloss ) $nancial,health, other.%emporaryhardships.

    %his too shallpass- 33 help isavailable in someform if you loo'more closely."ot a good timeto enter into new$nancial commit3ments or

    agreements.Aon*t succumb tothe fear that itwill never getbetter. %hingswill improve.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Six of Pentaces

    !aterial gainsand being in aposition to share

    with others.+ pay increasemay be comingyour way.If money hasbeen outstandingor expected, thiscard may mean

    it*s about to bereceived.

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    Seven of Pentaces

    4ard wor' andpatience will berewarded.

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    Eight ofPentaces

    @ften referredto as the

    apprenticeshipcard-.!ay signifylearning a news'ill or even achange inprofession.!ay show up

    when there*s ano#er of newemployment orta'ing a newposition.!ay also meanentering alearningestablish3ment

    such as auniversity.0ard oftenmeans thatexisting talentscan be used tocreate aventure that will

    bring $nancial gains.Good time to loo' at vocational matters more closely,especially if you*ve considered changing career paths.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Nine of Pentaces

    inancialsecurity usuallythrough one*s

    own e#orts.inances shouldbe now orsoon/ su?cientto allow somecomforts in life.

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    Ten of Pentaces

    (igni$es$nancial andfamily stability.

    0onsider areview of wills,trusts, lifeinsurance, etc.,to ensure theyare all in goodorder, tosafeguard your

    materialpossessions.7epresents thesatisfaction offeeling materiallysecure.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Page ofPentaces

    +s a child or youngperson9

    (tudious oracademic,enjoys studyingand learning.4ardwor'ing,well3behaved,polite.(elf3disciplined

    4as love andrespect foranimals."ot a partyanimal-.

    +s an event9Good news thatwill bringwelcome

    changes,possibly$nancial butperhaps not,into your life.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Knight ofPentaces

    +s a young man9!ethodical.

    0an bedepended uponto always bringresults in theend.(teady andtrustworthy,reliable.

    +s an event9+lways pleasedto see this card )something youhave beenwaiting for is$nally comingthrough.

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    Queen ofPentaces) +nadult woman9

    &arm, generous.

    Practical.!oney3conscious."ot afraid of hardwor'.Good businesswoman.7ecogni6es thevalue of doing

    things correctly.Pleasant toothers.(ociallypoised8correct.&or's tirelessly.Prepared to gothe extra mile.+ppreciates

    steadfastness,routine.!ay be stubborn,want to do thingsher own way.!ay have jealousnature.!ay be easily

    ta'en advantage of because of her generous nature.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    King of Pentaces) +n adult man9

    +t ease withhimself and his

    position in theworld.Csually$nanciallysuccessful.(trongcharacter,dependable and

    steadfast.+nger doesn*tlast. long,doesn*t brood.Dalues familyand tradition."ot afraid ofhard wor', seesthings through to

    completion.Patient.@ften generouswith his moneybut neverstupidly so.!ay bestubborn.

    !ay be exceedingly blunt about things.

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    The Foo !"#

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The $agician !%#

    ine3tunedabilities ands'ill.

    5ou have all thes'ills andabilitiesnecessary tohandle a tas'well and bring itto a successfulconclusion.

    +pply yourselfwithconcentrationand willpower inorder tosucceed ) youhave all thepotential youneed.

    "ow is a timefor action andinitiation in anynew ventures.7eminder tohavecon$dence.

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    The &igh Priestess!%%#

    "ow is a time tofollow your

    intuition andtrust yourinstincts.!ystery andsecrets.%here may bemore depth to aparticular matter

    than you haveseen so far.!ay indicate asecret about tobecome 'nownthat would be toyour bene$t.oo' at thesituation again )

    you may havemissedsomethingbefore.Indicates a desirefor 'nowledgeand learning;may also show

    an interest in deeper8more complex areas of life.

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    The E'press !%%%#


    fertility.Brings happyconclusions tomatters.Promises goodrewards for wor'and e#orts.Brings situations

    to fruition."urturing in allits forms,turning toful$lledpotential.0an representpregnancy8birth8motherhood,

    solid happyrelation3ships,marriage.+ll in all awonderfullypositive card,especially forthose see'ing input on relation3ships or fertility matters.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The E'peror !%(#

    Important tothin' rationallyespecially when

    others areinvolved.(ign of $nancialstability,ambition,authority,achievement."eed to 'eep a

    calm head atthis time.&hen ma'ingdecisions at thistime, give moreweight to thefacts than toyour emotions.Powerful card

    that is awonderful omenfor business andcareer matters;you are in apowerfulposition toachieve your

    goals.!ay also represent a powerful male in1uence.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The )overs !(%#

    4uman love andrelationships inall their glory or

    complexity.4armony ofcombinedpolarities.!ay indicatethe need toma'e choices ordecisions in or

    regarding arelationship.Generally apositive cardunless badlyaspected.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The Chariot !(%%#

    %here is a greatdeal of potentialbut the end result

    depends on thee#ort expendedto ma'e it areality.%riumph throughhard wor'.(elf3discipline isre2uired now but

    it can lead tovictory.ocus andperseverance arealso necessary.%ends to show aninner con1ictrather thanexternal/ that

    needs to beresolved in orderto have a positiveoutcome.!ay indicatetravel, dependingon other


  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    Strength !(%%%#

    Patience anddiplomacy asopposed to

    aggression/,when combinedwith courage,will achievere2uired results.%his cardgenerallyindicates you

    have a reserveof inner strengththat gives youmore powerthan you reali6e.5our strengthmay best beused through2uiet


  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The &er'it !%*#

    (igni$es carefulthought andcontemplation,

    withdrawal fromthe outsideworld to re1ectand $nd innerwisdom.5ou may $ndcomfort insolitude at this

    time.5ou have withinyou all theanswers youneed, but youmight needsomeintrospection forthem to become


  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The Whee ofFortune !*#

    7epresents thecycles of life,

    showing thetransient natureof things.0an indicate thecommencementof a new cyclewhen progresscan be made.

    !a'e the most ofthis fortunatetime ) change isalways justaround thecorner.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    +ustice !*%#

    "ow is a time toma'e balanceddecisions that will

    a#ect where yourpath leads you inthe future.7eminder thatbalance is alwaysneeded whenma'ing decisionsor choices.

    !ay imply legaldocuments orprocesses.%his card usuallycarries bene$cialconnotations.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The &anging $an!*%%#

    0ard loo's badbut closer

    inspection showshe could easilyrelease himself ifso desired; hisposition appearsto be by choiceor simple lac' ofaction.

    %here may be anopportunity toloo' at thingsfrom a di#erentperspec3tive,which could bringa solutionthrough betterunderstanding.

    0an indicatedelayed grati$ca3tion or self3sacri$ce not inthe literal sense/.(ometimes weneed to let go ofsome3thing in the

    short term in order to gain something more bene$cial inthe long term.

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    ,eath !*%%%#

    %he image is asymbolic one,not a literal oneF

    4eralds the endof one phase ofsome aspect ofyour life to ma'eway for a newone.7epresents majorchange and

    trans3formation,positive ornegative.%o bene$t fromchange, we haveto stay open to itand 'now thatevery lifeexperience gives

    us theopportunity formajor growthand learning onsome level.&e can bereleased fromthat which is no

    longer useful8 productive8bene$3cial in our lives but whichwe continue to hold on to just because we*re afraid ofchange.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The ,evi !*(#

    +s with the Aeathcard, this card issymbolic, not

    literalF+ situation isdragging youdown and youfeel helpless tochange it.!ay represent asort of

    enslavement-,whether to anideal, anaddiction, or anunhealthyrelationship.!ay alsorepresentoverindulgence,

    when seen as aform of self3enslavement.!ay indicatesecret plans beingmade, either byyourself or bythose around you.

    !ay stand for mystery or the un'nown, perhaps evenbeing blind- to something.Pentacle in the bac'ground reminds us of the earthlyelement of our physical selves.0an represent a passionate or compelling relationship witha strong physical attraction although not necessary apositive one ) view the larger situation/, even perhaps ahealthy or improving sex life.

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    The Tower !*(%#

    %he tower itselfrepresentsman3made-

    beliefs andphilosophies,sometimes false,and the lightningis the moment ofillumination,allowing you tosee things as

    they really are.(omething thathas been builton illusion orfalse beliefs isprobably nowcoming to anend.4aving the

    ability to nowsee the truthand to rebuildfor the future,this time with amore solidfoundation.0an foretell a

    sudden or unex3pected ending that may bring a sense ofcatastrophe or chaos with it.0an relate to any area of life.%his card may simply be forcing you to ac'nowledgesomething of this nature when you have been in a state ofdenial.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The Star !*(%%#

    7epresentsrenewal, in thelife3giving

    aspects of thewater and light.%raditionally agood card,representinghope, peace, andfaith.+lways a

    welcome card.(tars are helpfulguides on ourpathwaysthrough life.4ave faith andfeel safe in the'now3ledge thatbetter times are

    ahead.0an bringhealing after anillness, ifrelevant.4ave belief inyourself.Plans being

    made show promise; success is attainable.If there is a new relationship, this card shows harmony anda good future.or someone who has been hurt in love, the (tar bringsencouragement and con$dence to put that behind and beready to $nd love again.

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    The $oon !*(%%%#


    possibledeceptions,feelings ofuncertainty.eelings ofintuition andgut instincts-are heightened.

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  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    +udge'ent !**#

    nown as the'armic card- )for better or for

    worse, it*s asyou sew, so shallyou reap- andwhat goesaround comesaround-.Aepictsresurrection,

    renewal, revival.Aormant matterscan come bac' tolife.It is possible toma'e a freshstart but it is alsoimportant to ta'estoc' $rst.

    General feeling ofrejuvenation.4ealth mattersshowimprovement, ifthat is relevant tothe situation.7epresents a time to loo' forward, with new beginnings


  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide


    The Word !**%#

    7epresentsharmony amongall states ) inner

    and outer, selfand nature.+ssurance ofsuccess, victory,triumph,although notovernight.+ccomplishment

    of a goal that hasbeen steadilywor'ed toward.5ou will enjoyyour well3deserved rewardand feeldelighted withyour

    achievements.Indicatesattainment,success,con$dence,happiness, asense ofcompletion and

    ful$llment.Aepending on circumstances, may indicate travel or a newhome that brings happiness.

  • 8/10/2019 Gilded Tarot Study Guide
