gilmer co sds 12 2 1999 - georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · for g&orgm...

... - .. -- ' _, I . I ' ' ' I I I /- I I .S ).> /JU6- :t-C ;Loo'f Service I I I 1for Delivery Strategy Gilmer 1 County, Georgia I Ellijay, Georgia RE · CEIVED and the NOV 12 1999 City of Ellijay flPARTMEl-JT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ,_ SEWTWE OFfra; Adopted /b-..2S"-'j''i .1999 Revised 11-10-99 c!)al1. 1 / L Revised 12-2-99 CJ\ I

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Page 1: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

... -.. --

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. S ).> ~ /JU6- :t-C ;Loo'f Service







Gilmer1County, Georgia I

Ellijay, Georgia RE·CEIVED

and the NOV 12 1999


• ,_ SEWTWE OFfra;

Adopted /b-..2S"-'j''i .1999 Revised 11-10-99 c!)al1. 1/ L

Revised 12-2-99 CJ\ ~



Page 2: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

... ... ........ __ _


G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··--





I. Only one sci of fllCSc fonns should be submUteCl pct county. The completed fonns should cJeatly pr~cnt the collective agreement readied by all cities ind counties that were party ro lhe service delivery strategy. . • : :

., .


2. Lisl each local government and/or authority that provides 1crvices included in Che service cjcliveiy strarcgy in Section Jr below.

( •

. . I . ~~·

J. Lisl all services provjdccJ or primarily fimdcd by each genonl purpose local govcmmc9t and authority within the county in Scclion UI below. lt is acceptable to bieak 1 service into separate components if this y/iJJ lacilitafe dcscriprion of the service

delivery strategy.

' 4. For eacb service or service componoat listed ii Section m, complete a separate Summary of St/Vice Delivery Arrangement for (f?age 2) .

.S. Complete one copy of the Summary of Land Use Jgrcementz tonn (page 3).

G. Have the Certifications fonn (pqe 4) siped by the au~ rcprcsentadvcs of participating local governments. Please note that DCA caMol vaJidale the strateg unless it ls signed by the local governments required by Jaw {sec Instructions, page 4).

1. Mail die complcrcd forms along wiih any attlcbmeats to:

Georgia Dcp1rtment o( Communily Atfafn Oflke of Coordinate Planning 60 Executive Parle South, N.B. Atlanrn, Georgia

Foraruwen to moll/l'ef/uenJly aslced questions on Gtorgfa ~ Stnlce D1/lllU)I Act. link.r and ltelpfi1/ publfcatlotu, visit DCA !J website at or ca// 1!1e Olfica of CoordlnaJed Planning at (IOI) 679-111 tf)

Nole: A11y fi1t11re cha11gu to tll• s1rvlu dellv•ty 11mz11gU1lllU dacrlbed on thu• forms will req11lre '"' official update of tlte sen•iCt! delivery strategy and s11bm/l/11( of revised forms and att11cllm•nts to d11 Georgia D1parl111ent of Co1111m111ity Affairs.

IJ. LOCAL GOVERNMENTS INCLUDED JN THI SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY: In 1his section. list all govcmmcnll (including ciries localccf partially within the county) and authorities Chai provide services inclu<lcd in 1l1c service

_dcfi'lC~l.GltCU,:.__-------~---------------------------*G ILMER COUNTY *CITY OF ELLIJAY


*ELLIJAY HOUSING A~THORITY *CITY OF EAS~-~J.'.,.LIJAY (population under 500) Q..1.._

f - ....

111. SERVICES INCLUU);J) JN THI SIRVJCI DIUVIRY SrBATIGY: . For cnch service lislcd here, 1 scp1rate St1m1110110/Srllc• Dlll""Y Amtnpm•nls form CJ>-ac 2) muat be com,>tftcd. ''

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

I ~ 2. . 13 .

14. 15. 16. 17.

. 18.

Economic Development Tax Collection/Valuations Court System Library Airport Health & Human Services Zoning Planning Construction & Cod~ .Enforceaeni Housing Authority Animal Control,) . E 9 11/EMS aJ._ f{_.f::;.

Not used .: · ,-:· . · Bridge & Road ~ntenance Recreation DeP.•~tment taw i !af o~~~m4:5~t~ · ·-Jail/ Inma te . ~pousing Water Trea~aent/Wastewater .. ·• ... · . : . .

' ' ..... , ' . ~ . . . . . .


•• J, • ..

Page 3: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


las trvcttoas:

Make topfa ol this Iona aDd complete one liw eadl unJce U.ted on Pait l, Secllea llL Use cuclly lhe same service n11J11Cs listed on p:oie I. AnJwer each question below,.,...., ICHI ...... ,.... ncicatar)'. lfthc COCCICt penon "'' rhis scmce (liskd 11 l~ bollOIO ol the page) cli;in1cs, tl1is should be reponed IO tJio DepflrlQleM of Coawumry Atraln. ·


J. Check the box that best describes lhe agreed upon delivery arrangement for this service:

0 Service will be provided couatywide (Le., including aJl cities and unincorporated areas) by a sin~ 'service provider. (If lhis box is checked, idcnlif y the govern meat, authority or organir.ation providing the service.) / ·

• . 1~·

0 Service wiU be provided only in lhc unincorporated portion of lbc county by a single serviccjP~ovidcr. (lf this box is checked, identify the government. authority or organizatioa providing lhe service.) ·

0 One or more cities wilJ provide this service only within their incorporaled boundaries, and the sctVice wilJ not be provided in unincorporated an:as. (If lhis box is checked, identify the govcmment(s). authority or orsanization providing the service.)

liJ One or more cities will provide Ibis servico only wilhin their incorporated boundaries, and lhc county will provide the service in unincorporated areas. (If this box 11 checbd, identify the sovcmmenc(s). authority or organization providing fbc service.) Gilmer County, City of Ellijay, Ellijay-Gilmer County Water/Sewer Authority. .

0 Other. (Jf this box is checked. atcacb a lepble map dellneadng Che scnice area of each service provider, and idcnrif y lhe govemmenr. authority, or other organizadon that will provide service wjthin each service area.)

2. In developing the strategy, were overlapping service areas, unnecessary competition and/or duplication of thls service identified? Qycs ri]no

If these conditions wiU continue under the srratcgy, attach• expJaaation for continuing the amngement (i.e., overlapping bul higher levels of service (Sec O.C.G.A. 36-7().24(1)), overriding benefits of the duplication. or rcasbns thac overlapping service areas or competidon cannot be eliminated).

If these conditions will be eliminated under the strategy, attada an Jmplemmtadon scbeduJe listing each slcp or action lhat will be 1aken to eliminate them. Lhe responsible pany and lbc agreed upon deadline for completing iL

3. Lise each government or authoril)' that will help to pay for Ibis service and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g., enterprise funds, user fees, general funds. special serricc disttict revenues, hotel/motel taxes, franchise laxes. impact f~. bonded indebtedness. e

Local Govenime11r or Aulhori1y: Funding Method:

Gilmer Cou

Elli a -Gi mer General Fund, Infrastructure User Fees County Water/

Sewer Authorit

4. How will the stralegy change cbc previous arrugcmeats for providing and/or funding this service withjn lhe county? No Change

5. any fonnal service delivery agreements or inlcrgovcmmcntal conrracts that will be used to impJemenl the strategy for this scrvi Agrc:c:mm1 Name: ConflllCthlJ hrdct; EffcctM: 111d Endins Diies:

Service Deliver May 1999-Curre

6. Whal other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement the strategy for this service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions, local acts oft General Assembly, rate or fee changes. ecc.), and when will a.bey take effect?

Same as H5

7. Personcompletingform: Rayburn Smith I Al Hoyle 706-635-4711

Phone number; 706-6 35-4 361 DaiecompJctcd: ~j{U.XXZ8~XJ(J{Jf~ 10-25-99 • 1 ·.c ! •

8. ls this the person who should be conl&Ctcd by state agencies when evaluating wbcr.bcr proposed local government projects arc consistent with lhe service delivery s~gy7 m yes 0 no lf not, provide designated contact pcrson(•J.-ind phone numbet(s) below:

Page 4: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Economic Development

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay


The Gilmer County Industrial Development Authority (IDA) owns industrial properties in lhe incorporated areas of EJJijay and Gilmer County. The IDA encourages and coordinates county-wide industrial development through its existing financial programs.

The Gilmer County Chamber of Commerce promotes economic development throughout the county. The Chamber serves existing small businesses and promotes new business development.

The City of Ellijay provides additional economic development services within their incorporated boundary.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the mosl efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.

:~y OF WAY !k? Al Hoyle, Mayor-= City of Ellijay

Attest: ~ L.t..c./ Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G:\Goverument\J 999127997.1.14 G-BOC-Scrvice Oellvery SU11e171Servke Delivery ApmcaL &ooornJc: Devclopmi:nL wfd

Page 5: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

SERVICE JJELIV~xx .:>.a nn. .. A;#~ -


Jnsc111ctlons: .


Make copies of fh!s !onn au ccimplele one for udl service .U.tcd 011 Pll• J, Section Ill. Use oiac1ly che same Uf\Oice names listed on page ~. An1wcr each que51Jon bdow, IDCfdng addidolllJ ,.a• lleCaSll'1· Jf dlo COllSld pcaoo for dlis service (Usccd II du: boll0111 or1111: pllgc:) changes. lhis shouJd be reponcd co die ~.of Coalmunily Affa!n.


J. Check the box that best describes the agreed upon ddiveiy arraagemcoc for chis service: ,.

0 Service will be provided counrywidc (i.e., including aJJ cities and unincOlporaled meas} by a singl, "service provider. (If thjs box is checked, iden1if y the govemmenc, authority or organmlion providing the service.}

0 Scrv~e wiJI be provided only in the un.inCOlpOlltcd portion of the county by a single scrviccjProvider. (lf this box is checked, identify l11c govemmcnr, authoriay or organization providing the seivice.) ·

O One or more cities will provide chis service only within their incorporated boundaries, aod the service wiU no< be provided in unincorporated areas. (If this box is checked, identify lbc aovcnunent(s}, authority or organization providing the service.)

lXJ One or more cities will provide this scrvic:c only within their ineotporatcd boundaries, aod lhc county will provide the service in unincorporated areas. {If this box is checked, identify the govcnuncnt(s), autborily or organization providing the service.)

Gilmer County, City of Ellijay

0 Orhcr. (If 1hjs box is checked, .uada a lesible IDap dellaeadq Che Mke area or each service provider, and identify 1he government, authority, or ocher organization lhat wiU provide service within each service area.)

2. Jn developing the slrategy, were overlapping service area. anaccesaiy competition and/or dupUcation of this service identified?

Dyes ![]no

If these conditions will continue under the scntcgy, atcacb u explanation tor continuing Che aa:r-angement (i.e., overlapping but higher levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36-70.24(1)), ovcniding benefits of the duplication, or reasons that overlapping service areas or competition cannot be eliminated).

If these conditions will be eliminated under the scrarcgy, attach a implementation schedule lisciog each step or action that will be 1akcn 10 eliminate them, the responsible patty and lhc agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. Lisl each government or authority that win help to pay for this wvicc and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g., enterprise funds, user fees, general funds, special service district revenues. hotel/motel aaxes, franchise caxes, impact fees, bonded indebredness, c

Local Govemmenl or Authority: Fundia1 Method:

Gilmer C-oun ty General Fund

City of Elliiav Gener.;11 F11nrl

4. How will the strategy change the previous arrangcmcnes for providing and/or funding this service within the county?

No Change

5. List any formal service delivery agreements Of in1CrgOvemmenlal contracts that wiU be used to implement the strategy for this servi1 Agreement N1111C: CCNMl'llCJklc Panics: Effective and Endini Dates:

Service Deliver 1999-Current

6. What ocher mechanisms (if any) wiU be used to implement the straeegy for this scmce (e.g., ordinances, resolutions, local acts of tf General Assembly, rate or fee changes, etc.), and when wm &My cake effect?

Same as 115

7. Personcompletingform: Rayb'urn Smith I Al Hoyle 706-635-4711

Phoncnumbcr: 706-635-4361 Datecomplelcd: ~lXX~¥X~Sl 10-25-99

8. Is this the person who should be cofttacted by 'itl;o"ijencies when evaluating whether proposed Jocal government projects are consistent with the service delivery stra~B.Y? 1XJ yes 0 no · Jf nol, provide designated contac:t pcrson(s),:'1Kf phone number(s) bcJow:

Page 6: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Property Tax Assessment & Collection

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay


Gilmer County provides tax assessment services to unincorporated and incorporated residents. Gilmer County collects County property taxes for unincorporated and incorpomted areas.

In addition, the City of EJlijay provides municipal tax coJJection services for municipal property owners within its incorporated municipal boundaries.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service DeJivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this day of October, 1999.



By: Cle~ Al Hoyle, Mayo;:<= City of EJJijay

Attest:~~~ Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G:\Covun1mcn1\l999127997.1.14 G·BOC-Scrvicc Ddlvciy Sniegy\Scrykc DcliYU)' ApcelllClll (PTA&C).wpd

Page 7: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

SERVICb; Ul!.ui v .-.:..r.u - -- - ·


Make coplt$ or fhls tom and cenapltU OM (IN" ach aenrke listed on pqe J, SecJlon m. Use euctly die some mvicc: nuncs lisccd on pare I. Answer each qucWCln below. Mlleblni ldcfifional pegcs IS DCCCSSll)'. JI dJo comaa JlUIGll for Ibis service (listed It th<: bottom of tbc pa&c} chilflgcs, lhii sltwld be rcponcd io l1le OepartmCM of ec.n-mr, A/fails.


I. Check the box 1h;it best describes the agreed upon delivery arrangement for chis service: • ·",.

0 Service will be provided countywide (i.e.. including all cities and unincorporalcd areas} by a singt~ 'service provider. (If this box is cltcckcd, idcnlify the government, authority or organiiatioa providing the service.) ·J "·

. ~~· 0 Service will be provided only in lhc unincorporated portion of the county by a single scrvic~;ovider. (If this box is checked,

idcntif y u1c government, aurbority or organization providing the service.) .

0 One or more ciries will provide this service only wilhin their incorporated boundaries. aad lbc service will noi be provided in unincorporated are.u. (Jf this box is 'becked. idendfy Cbo sovall1DelU(s), authority or org&Diutioo providing lhc service.)

00 One or more cities will provide this servico only within lhcir iAcorporatcd boundaries, and Ibo county wiU provide the service in unincorporared ~C<lS. (If lhis box is checked, idootify lhc 1ovcmment(s), authority or or1anizadoa providing the service.)

Aud to City of Ellijay.{Municipal Court)

And to City of East Ellijay (Municipal Court ) <l}._. ;?s, 0 Or.J1cr. (Jf 1hi$ box is checked, attach a legible map the service area ol each service proyidu, and idcntif y che

sovcmmcnr, authority, or other organization that will provide service wilhin each service area.) .. ~

2. In developing the strategy, were ovcrlappi~g service areas. unnccesSll)' competition and/or duplication of this service identified? Dyes fX)no

I f these condi1ions will continue under the sttarcgy, attach an exp•au•tion tor continuinc tbe ariangement (i.e., overlapping bul ighcr levels of service (Sec O.C.0.A. 36-70.24{1)). overriding bencfies of lhc duplication, or reasons that overlapping service areas h

0 r competition cannot be eliminated). ·

1 r these conditions will be eliminated under the strategy. a11ach u implcmastation sdlcduJc listing each step or action lbal will be ken to climjnatc them, l.he responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it. 1:1

3 f . Lisi each government or authorily lhat will help lo pay for &his suvicc and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g., enterprise unds, user fees, general funds, special service district revenues. hotc.l/motel laXcs. franchise taxes., jmpact fees, bonded indebtedness. '

Loe ~I Government or Aulhoriiy:

Gi l mer ·count . City of Ellijay

c ·

4. How wHl the st.ralegy change the previous aaangcmcnu lot providing and/or funding this service within the county? No Change .

5.L ist any formal service delivery agreements or intergovernmental concracts that wiU be used to implement the strategy for lhis serv Agre crncn1 Name: CMlllClq Panles: · Ellecuve and Endln1 DNeS:

s ervice Delivery Agreement Gilmer Count - Cit of Sept. ·. 1999-Cu r :

6. What other mechanisms (if any) wiU be used co implemcat the stracegy for this service (e.g •• ordinaaccs, resolutions, Jocaf acu of raJ Assembly, rate or fee cbaagcs. cic.),'and when will they take effect? Gene

Same as o.: 5

.;~ .

' · .... . . ,. ..

. .. " ' . . .

rsoncompletingform: / :Rayburn Smith I Al Hoyle 7b6.-63S-4711 7. Pc


8. Is co

number: 706-635-4361 .. .Dacc,compJ~: ~rXXal¥X~JB 10-25-99 • • • .. .' -.. 1 n: ," f\1~~-tj·;. ; · • · ·,··.;: ; · • ··

this the person who should be contacted by stale agcacJes whca evaluating wbochcr proposed JocaJ gove.mment projcc1s nsistent with the service dcJJYCl)' S~gy? IXJ )'OS 0 DO

If not, provide designated contact person(s).~nd phone number(s) below; ~

Page 8: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Courts

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay


Gilmer County provides Superior Court, Magistrate Court, Probate Court and Juvenile Court Services for the unincorporated areas and incorporated areas of Gilmer County. The City of Ellijay provides court services for cases in which the municipal court has jurisdiction under state law and city charter.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described ubove and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By: Cle b\Qul Al Hoyle, Mayor 6-= City of Ellijay

Attest: , dsc & g .. • "*· Le cd Sandra Sales, City CJerk

. . }

Page 9: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS




Make c:e,Jts ot llt.k fona M ~ ..., ,.,. r.tch tmke U.lecl mt p11e J, Secd111 llL Use e.ucdy IAe UIDC wvice 1uunes lis1cd on p~gc I. Answer each question l>dow, llCIChina lddidollll paJeS u ncc::cuy. ff Ibo conracr person for rbls sc~iu (lisicd Ill the buuom of 1he page) chango, thu ihould be reponcAl ro Ibo Dqlllmar o( Cc•••~ .Allala. ·

County: Gilmer County Senfce: ___ L;::ib.,..ti ... a..,ry .... ·'-------·....,,:---------1. Check the box rhnt best describes cbc agreed upon delivery arrangement for this service: - .

KJ Service wilJ be provided coumywidc'ci.e., inchKling aJJ cities and unincoiporated areas) by a singrP ~crvice provider. (If this b-Ox is checked, iclcnrif y the government, authority or organi1.1tion providing the service.) ,

. t~'

0 Service will be provided only in the unincorporated portion of the county by a single scrviccjp~ovider. (lf rhis box is checked, iden1if y the government, authority or organizacion providing the service.} ·

O One or more cities will provide this service only within their inco1poralcd boundaries, and lhc service will not be provided in unincorporated areas. (If this box is checked, identify chc govcrnmen1(s), authority or organization providing the service.)

~:J One or more cities will provide this service ooty within their focorporatcd bound1ries, and the county will provide cbe service in unincon>orated areas. (Jf this box i1 cbectod, idcatify tho govcnuncnt(s), aulhorily or orsanization providing ~ service.)

0 Other. (If this box is checked, attach a leglble map deJJneatlq lhe senlce area of each senke provider, and identify 1hc government, aurhorily, or <><her orginization that will provide service within each sC1Vicc area.) Sequoyah Regional Library System (funded by County and City of Ellijay directly to

Library .system) .

2. In developing the strategy, were ovcrJapping service areas, unneccsslll)' competition and/or duplkation of this service identified?

Dyes {KJno

If these condirions will continue under the strategy, attach an explanation for continuing Che an-iangement (i.e., overJapping but higher levels of service (Sec O.C.G.A. 36-70.24(1)), overriding benefits of the duplication, or reasons that overlapping service areas or comperition cannot be eliminated}.

If these conditions will be eliminated under lhe strategy. attach ma fmpJemenlaaion schedule listing each step or aclion that will be taken to climinarc them, the responsible party and lhe agreed upon deadline for compJcling il.

3. List each government or authority that will help to pay for this service and indicate how cbc service will be funded (e.g., enterprise f uncls, user fees, general funds, special service district revenues, hotel/motel raxes, franchise taxes, impact fees, bonded indebtedness,

Local Govc:mmenc or Autllority:

4. How will lhe sU'alegy change che previous mangcmonu for providing and/or funding this service wilhln lhc county?

5. List any formal service delivery agreements or intergovemmcncal contracts that will be used to implement the s&ratcgy for this sen Agrc:emc111 Name:: E«cctlvc ancf Emling Oaics:

Service Deli: t Sept. 1999

6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement the strategy for this service (e.g., ordinances, resolulions, loca! acrs of General Assembly, rate or fee chan1es. eic.), and whco will they take effect?

7. Person completing form: Rayburn & I Al Hoyle 706-635-4711

Phone number: 706-635-4361 Daic compleu:d: ~??QY!J@OO 10-2 5-99

8. Is this the person who should be con&ldecfb; ~·· When evaluating whcdter proposed local government projeels are consistent wilh the service dctivciy ~gy? .1tJ yes 0 no If not, provide designated contact person(s) -ind phone number{s) below:


Page 10: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Library

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: The Sequoyah RegionaJ Library System serves Gilmer County. Gilmer County Library is affiliated with the regional system. The Sequoyah Regional Library System provides support services (i.e. acquisition, distribution, cataloging and processing of books) to the library located in Gilmer County. The Sequoyah Regional Library System receives funding from the State of Georgia, each of the participating regional county govemmcnls, some local Board of Education departments and City of Ellijay and Gilmer County.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.



By: ill~ Al Hoyle. Mayo;:== City of EJJijay

Attest: ~~-..J Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G:\Govermnen1\ 1999\27997 .1.14 O·BOC.SctYlce DeliVel)' StralcrY\St:TYic:e Delivery AgneimnL wpd (Library). wpd

Page 11: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


ln.slrudloas: M1Jcc copies of fflls form MCI c_,we OM fer adl Mnke llakd on pa1e J, Scdion Ill. Ute eucdy 1be santc: ~rvice 11111nes listed oo paic: I. Answer each quesdoe bdow. llr.diol llddiaional paJU U necessary. I( tbc COllllCC peison for this SCfVice {lisicd &1 IJll: bottom or tbc page:) cl1:ingc~. clns should be: reponcd 10 rho Depu9llMC ol CoA•mdcr Alfm. ·

County: Gilmer County Serrice: --sAi..,..11<1r1.11ol:)io~r•t _______ .... -.· -------

1. Check the box that best describes &he agreed upoa delivery urangcmcnt for chis service:

lRJ Service will be provided counrywide (i.e., including all cities ud unincorporated areas) by a singtP service provider. (If this box is checked, idenrify the government. authority or organization providing the service.) . ,. · . )~'

0 Service will be provided only in the uniacolJ>Olltcd portion of the county by a single service~~ovider. (lf this box is checked, idcnrify the government. authority or organi7.ation provJding the service.) . '

0 One or more cilics will provide Ibis service only within their incorporated boundaries, and IJie service will not be provided in unincorpora1ed areas. (If this box is checked, identify the govcmmcnt(s), authority or organization providing the service.)

0 One or more cities wm provide this service o;aly wiJbia tbcJr incorporated boundaries, and the county wiJI provide the service in unincorporared areas. Of this box is checked, Jdeatify cbc 1ovemmcnt(s), authority or organization providing d1e service.)

0 Other. {If this box is checked. attach a Jealble map deUaeadag die sc,:,.lce area of each service provider, and idenlif y rhc government, authority, or Olber orpaization thll will provide service within each service area.)

2. Jn developing the s11arcgy, were overlapping service areas, unnecessary competition and/or duplication of this service idenlificd? Dyes i]no

If these conditions wjJJ conlinuc under the Sb'alegy, attach an explanation (or CODtiauin& the arrangement (i.e., overlapping but higher JcveJs of service (See O.C.G.A. 36·70-24(1)), overriding benefits of &he duplicadon, or rca'Sons that overlapping service areas or competition cannot be eliminated).

If these conditions will be eJiminaced under the stralegy, .uada u implemeacation schedule listing each step or action that wilt be taken to eliminate them, the responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. List each government or authority lba1 wm hcJp lO pay for this service and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g., enterprise funds. user fees. general funds, special service di.strict revenues, bo«eJ/motcJ cues. franchise taxes. impacc fees, bonded indebtedness. c

Local Government or Authoricy: Funding Mcchocf:

Gilmer Coun ty General Fund, Federal & State Grants , User Fees.

4. How will the strategy change the previous arrangcmcn&s for providia,g and/or funding this service within the county?

No chan9e

5. List any formal service delivery agreements or inletgovcrnmcntal contracts that wiU be used IO implement the stralegy for &his scrvi Agrcemen1 N11nc: Contn1ed111 Puties: EfTec1ive and Ending Diles:

Service Deli verv Agreement Gilmer Countv. Citv of Elliiav f;pnf- 20 l999 - Cl!"

6. What other mechanisms (if any) wiJI be used to implemcat tho llrllegy fot this service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions. local acts of r Gcnera.J Assembly, rate or fee changes, crc.), llld when will they tako effect?

Same as 15

7. Pcrsoncomplctingfonn: Rayburn Smith - Al Hoyle 706-635-4711

Phone number: 7n6-635-4J61 Date completed: MXpXX&JSXJXJJ~XX1'1'li 10-25-99

8. Is this the person who should be c~tacted by ·5~ ·agencies when evaluating whether proposed local government projects arc consistent with the service delivery s~gy? KJ yes fiJ no · If not. provide designated contact person(s?.4nd pbOM number(s) below:

Page 12: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Airport

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: The Gilmer County Airport Authority serves the unincorporated areas of Gilmer County. The Airport Authority is the administrative/advisory body to the Gilmer County Board of Commissioners for airport operations and recommendations for improvements to the airport. The Gilmer County Board of Commissioners appoint members to the Airport Authority.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Deli very Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.



By: QQ +hf Al Hoyle, Mayo~-= City of Ellijay

Attest:,, 4 ._~ L L.,-c,.,1 Sandra Sales. City CJerk

G:\Govemment\J 999127997.1. 1'4 O·BOCScrvice Delivery Slnlegy\Smicc DcJlveiy AP=mcnL wpd.(Alrpon).wpd

Page 13: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

~EK V 1\,,J!.1 u »a.a • --• _ ..


Make copies of Ulls ronn aad coaiple&e .,., for acll acnlce Uded oa p11e J, Secllon 111. Use cucdy IJlc sAme 1ervicc n;uncs listed on paJc I Answer cm:fl quesuoa below,__..., 1ddldc•f P9Ja • nec:asllY· J(chc cootaa pcnon foe this SCIVkc (tiSled ar the bottom of tlle P4KC} cl1;uige$, llm should be reported 10 tbe Dcplrtaleac of Comaiuaky Affaln.

County: Gilmer Cmm t y Semce: Healt.h 6 ffmnan Services ':

J. Check the box thac best describes the agreed upon delivery arrangement for dlls SC('Vicc: ..

[J Service will be provided coumywide (i.e.. ~luding all cities and unincoq>oralcd areas) by a singt~ service provider. (If this box is checked, identify lhc government. authority or organization providing the service.) . / ·

·t 0 Service wiJJ be provided only in the unincoJporaied portion of the couoly by a siAsJc servi~p>rovkkr. (If 1his box is checked,

identify lhe government, authority or Of8Uization providing lbc service.) .

0 One or more cilics wilJ provide this service only within their incorporated boundaries. and the service wiU not be provided in unincorporarcd areas. (If this box is c:hcclccd, identify the govemmcnt(s}, authority or organization providing the service.}

0 One or more cities will provide this service only wichin their incorporated boundaries. and Che coun1y will provide ahc service in unincorporated areas. (If chis box .ii dleckcd, idoncffy the govcmmcnt(s), authoriry or oraaaization providing the service.)

0 Other. (If this box is checked. attach a legible map deUneadag the senke area of each senke provider, and idenrify tJ1e government, authority, or other organization that will provide service within each service area.)

2. Jn developing lhe saratcgy. were overlapping service areas, unnecessary compelition and/or duplication of this service identified?

Dyes ~no

If rhcsc conditions will conrinue under the slrltcBJ', attach an explanation tor cutin.Ue the anUiement {i.e., overlapping but higher levels of service (See O.C.O.A. 36·70·24(1)), overridins benefits of Che duplication. or reasons that overlapping service areas or competition cannot be eliminated).

If these conditions will be eliminated under the strategy. attach• impleaaeotatioa schtdule listing each step or aclion that will be taken to eliminate them, lhe responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. List each government or authority that will help to pay for this service and indicate how I.he SC('Vice will be funded (e.g., enterprise funds, user fees, general funds, spcciaJ scrvic.c district revenues, holel/motcJ taxes, fraDchjse &ues, impact fees, bonded indebtedness,

LocaJ Govcmment or Authori1y: fundlDJ Melllod:

4. How will the strategy change the previous arrangements for providing and/or funding this service within rhc county?

S. List any formal service delivery agrccmcntS or intcrgovcmmcntal contracts that will be used to implement the strategy for this sen Agreemcnl Name: Coalnc&lllJ Panla: Ertecdvc and Endin1 De1e1:

Se Se t. 1999-C

6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement lhc strategy for this service {e.g., ordinances, resolutions, local act.s of General Assembly. rate or fee changes, etc.), and when wilJ they 1ako effect?

1. Person completing form: Raybµrn Sgith I Al Hoyle

Phone number: 706-6 J 5-4 3 i l Date comptcccd:

706-635-4 711

IUJ£ijKDXllt'SX41Ut}i 10- 25-99

8. Is this the person who should be contacted by. sia&e ·asencics when evaluating whcchcr proposed JocaJ government projects are consistent wich the service delivery ~IY? Ii) yes 0 no If not, provide designated coatact pcrson(s).4nd phone number(s) bcJow: ..

Page 14: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Health and Human Services

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: Gilmer County Health Department provides its unincorporated residents wi th basic

preventative care, immunizations, inspections, and program administration. The Health Department is funded through County, State, City funding and Client fees. One health clinic exists in Gilmer County.

The Gilmer County Senior Center soon to be completed, will provide its unincorporated and incorporated residents with an array of services geared to assist senior citizens within the County. This service is funded by County, State of Georgia, Federal & Private funds.

The Gilmer Day Care Center will provide its unincorporated and incorporated residents with an array of services. This service is funded by County, State of Georgia, Federal & Private funds.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service DeJivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the service~ described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By: ill~ Al HoyJe, Mayor City of Ellijay

Attest: ~~-/ Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G:IGovernmcnt\1999\27997.1.J4 O·B~erYit:e Delivel)' S11ategy\Suvlcc Delivery A~t. Hcallh & Hvm1a.wpd

Page 15: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

SERVICEDELIVEKY ~.u~.a. .... -u ..


l\fAkt copies of tftls fOIJlt Hd c_,.da w fer .ell tenb Hated OQ p•gc J, Section UI. Use exactly lhc same service 11a1ncs liilc.d on paie I. Answer uch qvc:sdon bdow. llllChiJl.a lddldoul pap u lleCeUlr)'. 1f Che'°°*' pcnon for lllis service (lisccd Al lhi: bouom or 1hc page) changes, chi1 should be repol'led 10 tho OcplnaloJll ol COlllmdJ AITMJ.

County: Gilmer County Senkc: _z ... o ... n .. i ... n..,q.__ _______ ...... -------

!. Check rhe box thar bcsr describes the agreed upon delivciy amagcmcnt for chis service: ··

0 Service will be provided countywidC (i.e .• including all cities and uninc01p0rated areas) by a singtp service provider. (lf rhis box is checked, idenlif y the govenuncnt. authority ot organization provjding the service.) . ~. , ·

.r 0 Service will be provided only in the unincorporated ponion of lhc county by a single servicciJ)rovidcr. (If this box is checked,

identify the government. authority or organization providing the service.) · '

l8J One or more cities wm provide dUs service oaly witbin lbcir incoJpotatcd boundaries, and the service will no( be provided in unincorporated areas. (If this box is cbccked. identify tho government(s). authority or organiza1ion providing the service.) City of Ellijay City o f East Ellijay Q}.._ .P_s

O One or more cities will provide this service Jriiy within &heir iDCOtporatcd boundaries, and lhc county will provide the service in unincorporated areas. (If this box is cbocb:d. ldcntify &ho govcrnmont(s). authority or or1anizadon providing w service.)

0 Other. (If this box is checked, attach a legible DUlp de.lhleadq &he senice area ot each scnke provider, and identify the government, authority, or other orpnizatiOA that will provide service within each service area.)

2. Jn developing the strategy, were overlapping service arw, unnecessary competition and/or duplication of this service identified?

Dyes Qno

If these condirions wiJl continue under the strategy, attach an explanation !or continuinc the aJTangement (i.e., over! apping but higher levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36· 70-24( J)), ovemding benefits of the duplication, or reasons that overlapping service areas or competition cannot be di01inated).

Jf these conditions will be eliminated uftdcr the sttategy, au.di an hnplemeatadoa schedule listing each step or action that will be 1aken 10 climinare them, the respoasible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. Lisl each government or authority that wiJJ help to pay for this service and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g., enrcrprisc funds, user fees, general funds, spcciaJ service district revenues, holcJ/motcl coes, franchise taxes, impact fees, bonded indcbredness, 1

Local Government or Authority: funding Method;

. . 4. How will the strategy change lhe previous arrangemeDU Cot providin& and/or funding this service wichin rhc county?

No change

S. List any formal service delivery agreements or inlcrgovcmmental contracts that will be used to implement the strategy for this serv Asreement Name: Coninc11t11 Plrdes: Effective and Ending 011e1:

Servic e ni:>l i.11~rv 11.~ l"' ~ ~.. ,.., F F..1 1 1 4 "'u 1999 - Current -

6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implcmenc chc strategy for this service (e.g., ordinances. resolutions, local aces of General A"cmbJy, race or fee cbaogcs. eic.), ud when wm lhcy take clf cct?

Same as # 5

7. Personcompletingforrn: Rayburn Smith I Al Hoyle 706-635-4711

Phone number: 706-635-4361 Date completed: ~cXXYfXXf4M 10-25-99 • . . .... . ,.. .... "'If··. :. . .. . ..... .

8. Is lhis the person who should bo contacted by sU&to igencle1·when ov&luating whechcr proposed Jocaf government projects are consistent with the service delivery 111'119SY? Ii) yes Ono If not, provide designarcd concact pcrson(s?. -ind phone aumber(s) beJow:

Page 16: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Zoning

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: Gilmer County provides no Zoning to the unincorporated area of the County. The City of EJJijay provides Zoning within their incorporated boundaries. Each governing body of a jurisdiction that provides Land Use Regulations/Ordinances has the authority to decide cases involving rezoning, special use and variance at advertised public ·hearings.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ <lay of October, 1999.

By:. _ _..:1....,;~~'­Al Hoyle, Mayor City of Ellijay

Attest: ...d,. __ 44 s. L. L. c/

Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G:\GO'lcmmcnt\1999\27997.1. J 4 O·BOC·Servlce Delivery SIBlcgY'Servlce Delivery Apecment.wpd(ZoaJng).ll'pd

Page 17: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS




Make copies •I 11'1s ,_ ... aaplde ..,. tor •ell aenJce U.ted 011 page 1. ~ Ill. UJC eucdy ck SMlC service 111mes listed on fl'ICC I. Answer eldl ~below. lllldtlq lddllla.1l J191e1 at aec:iesar)'. lCdlo ~ peno. («this ~ke (listed al the bunom or the p11c) cba111es. should be reponed ro rho DepamDlllt of CondDuidC7 AIJikl.

County: G.Umer County Service: __..p._J.,.a,,.n..,.n.,.j...,n..,.g ______ _.. . ..... ______ _

I. Check 1he box 1hat best describes the agreed upon delivery arrangement for this service: .. 0 Service will be provided countywide (i.e., including aJJ cities and unincorporated areas) by a singl'p ·service provider. (If llus box

is checked. i<lcnlif y lhc government, authority or organi7.alion providing lhc service.) , · . r~·

0 Service wiJJ be provided only in the unincorpotated ponion of &be county by a single serviccjp~ovider. (If this box is checked, idcn1if y lhc government, authority or organization providing the scrvice.) .

0 One or more ci1ics will provide this semce onJy within their incorporated boundaries, aod me SCtYice will not be provided in unincorporated areas. (ff chis box is cbeckcd, identify the govemmoM(s), awhority ex organization providing 1he service.)

p One or more cities will provide this service only within their incorporaced boundaries, and the county will provide the scrvit4: in unincorporaicd areas. (If this box i1 checked, idcndfy Che govcrnmcnt(s), authority or orsanization providing 1hc service.)

Ci ty of Ellijay. City of East Ellijay 1) /. ~~ .

0 Olher. (If this box is checked, a~'a te8bJe map deUneadng the senice area of each serrice provider, and idcnlify the governmenl, authority, or OCbu orpaization CbaL wiJJ provide service wjthin each seivicc area.)

2. Jn developing rhe strategy, were overlapping SClYicc ITCIS, unneceswy competition ud/or dupliution of this service identified? Dyes r:Jno

If these condi1ions wm conlin~ under the suategy, attach Ml explanation Cor continuing tile ar,-a11gement (i.e., overlapping but higher levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36-7~24(1)), overriding benefits oC the duplication, or reasons 1ha1 overlapping service areas or competition cannot be eliminated).

lf these condi1ions will be eliminated under the strategy, attach an implementaeioft schedtde listing each step or action that will be taken ro efinrint11e chem, the responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. Lisi each government or authority that will heJp lo pay for this service and indiCAle how the service will be funded (e.g., enlccprise funds, user lees, general funds. spcciaJ service district revenues, botctlmotcl taxes, franchise laxes, impact fees, bonded indebtedness, ct

Local GoverlllllCAI or Aulliority:

Gilmer Count User Fees •

. 4. How wilt the strategy change the previous arrugemcnu for providing aadlor funding this service within the counly?

No change

5. List any formal service delivery agreements or intergovemmeotal conuacts that wiJI be used to implement the stralegy for this servif Agreement Name: COMllClllll Plnles: Effective Ind Endlas Diies:

Service D

6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used CO implement the tCraleBY for this service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions, local acts oft' General Assembly, rate or fee changes. etc.), and when will they lake effect?

Same as #5

7. Personcompletingfonn: Rayburn Smith I Al Hoy le 706-635-4711

Phoncnumbcr: 706-635-4361 Datccomple&cd:~?k,'!.XX...V.XW)C~ 10-2 5-99

8. Is this the person who should be coDiacceci by 'it&io' ~gcncics when evaluating whcthu proposed locaJ governmenl projecls arc consistent with the service deliveiy stra~gy? 1KJ yes 0 no If not. provide designated contact person(~~.-ind phone number(s) below:

Page 18: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Planning

Parties: GHmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: Gilmer County provides Planning Services to the unincorporated areas of the County. The City of Ellijay provides Planning services within their incorporated boundaries.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By: w ~1 Al Hoyle, Mayo~ City of Ellijay

Attest: ~~ k .. -../ Sandra Sales, City Clerk

O:'\Governmcn1\l 9?9\27997.l .14 O·BOCSmlcc Delivery Slnllep\Scmc:c Delivery Apicme11Lwpd(Plauiol).wpd

Page 19: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

8ERVl\.:1!. U£J.&J& .,. .... , ... - - -

SUMMARY OF SERVICE DELIVERY ARRANGEMENTS . ,. __ -lnstnKll...: MaJrt topks ol IW. r.. aM ~OM tor .a unlce u.c.t Git pap l, S«doa flt Use ~ly lbe same service 11&1~s liued Oii pa&c I. Niswu each quesllon below, tnacb1nJ lddidonll,... • ~· J( dlo concaa person for &his smlcc (listed at thc bui1om of the p11gc) clu111&cs, thi5 should be ieponed IO lllf Dcpdlal ol.Commwliry An'llB.

County: Gilmer County Scmce=coA&ti:ye=tie:R & Cece e f .-n~~cemeu t

l. Check the box thal best describes lhc agrccd upon delivery arrangement for this service: .·

0 Service will be provided countywidc (i.e., including all cities and unincoiporatcd areas) by a singtp ~crvicc provider. (If 1his box is checked, idcntif y the government. authoricy or orsanizalion providing the service.} . ,. ·

. ,~· .. 0 Service will be provided only in the unincorporalcd portion of the county by a single scrvicepovidcr. (If this box is checked,

identify the governmenl, authority or organization providing the service.) ·

O One or more cities will provide dais service only wjlhin their incorporated boundaries, and tbC service will not be provided in unincorporated areas. (If this box is checked. identify the govcmmcnt(s), aulhority or organizaiion providing the service.)

£J One or more cities wilt provide UUs service only within their incorporated boundaries, and the county wilt provide &he service in unfocorpora1cd areas. (U thls box iJ cbcckcd. identify lbc govcnunent(s), authority or organization providing the service.)

Ci t y of Elli jay. ~ City of East Elli ·a · :S ·

O Other. (If this box is checfci at~ a le tile map deUaeatiaa Che service area ot each scnlce provider, and iden<if y the government, authority, or olhcr orpnization that wiU provide service wilhin each service area.)

2. In developing the slraLegy, were overlapping service areas, unocccssary competition and/or duplication of this service identified? Dyes (ilno

If these conditions will continue uodct the Stra1Cgy, attach an expJanatloa lor coatiDIUDI the amngcmcnt (i.e., overlapping but higher levels of service {See O.C.O.A. 36·70-24(1)), overriding benefits of lhe duplication, or reasons thal overlapping service areas or comperition cannot be eliminated}.

If these conditions will be eliminated under the strategy, attach u implcmeatation scbedulc listing each step or action that wilJ be 1aken to eliminate them, the responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. List each government or authority that will help to pay for this service and indicate how lhe service will be funded (e.g., enterprise funds, user fees, general funds, special service district revenues, hoteVmotel caxcs, franchise caxes, impact fees, bonded indebtedness.

Local Oovemmca1 or Authority: Fundlq Medlod:

4. How will the suatcgy change the previous mangemonts for provUlmg and/or funding this service within the county?

No change

5. Lisi any fonnal service delivery agreements or intergovernmental conltlcts lhat will be used to implement 1hc strategy for this .sen Agreement Nmnc: Elfccdve Ind Endlat Dire$:

·Service Deliverv Au 1t' r..i1--- ,..~,.~ ....... rit-v nf' ~11i-i2u Sept . 1999 - Curi .. - - ~

6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement lhc strategy for this service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions, local acts of General Assembly, rate or fee changes, CCC.), and when will they cake effect?

Same as #5

7. Pcrsoncompletingfoml! Rayburn Smitb I Al Hoyle 706-635-4711

Phone number: 706-635-4361 . . ~~completed: .§lff!¥Wi'XWXX««I 10-25-99 .. I\ !: •""'' .,f.,, , •• \ •

8. Is this the person who should be contacted by sf.ICe agencies when evaluating whether proposed JocaJ government projects are consistent with the service deli Yet)' SCl'll91Y7 &J yes 0 no IC noc, provide designaled contac( persoa(s).Ud phone number(s) below:

Page 20: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Construction & Code Enforcement

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: Gilmer County provides Construction and Code Enforcement (Building Inspection) services to unincorporated areas of the County. The City of EIJijay provides such services within its incorporated boundaries.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By: QQ ~ Al Hoyle, Mayor =

City of Ellijay

Attest:~~ .£.~ Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G.\GOYetnr11¢11t\l 999\l7997. 1.14 G·BOC-Service Dclimy Scraregy\Suvice Oellvel}' A;rccme111.{Consuucllon cl Code). wpd

Page 21: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


lnsanactJe•: M•kt copies ot thls rorm ad CODtplele one for acb 1enice fkCed ea ,.,, J, SedJoa lll. Use eKaCaly IJ11: same service naincs li11ed on p11ge I. Answct each qucstloa below, ~ ldcllioMI ,... • llCICCSlll)'. Jf dao Coatac( penon for""' scmce (liskd al Uic: bouom o{ the: ptSC) ch~&C$, tl1ii sllollld be reponed "'die .... of ~llfl)' Alflln.

County: Gilmer Couoty Semce: uHwo&.1oollS;;a..l.a..i'n~g__.A:a.i,nu,t .... hy.onu.r .... i ..... t .. y ___ ..... .;-·-------1. Check Che box rhat best describes the agreed upon deJiveiy arrangement for this service: .· 0 Service will be provided counrywidC (i.e.. including aJI cilieJ and unineotporated areas) by a singtp service provider. (If this box

is checked, identify the government. authorily or organiution providing the ~ice.) , I i~'

0 Service will be provided only in lhe unincorporated portion of the county by a single serviceprovidcr. (If Ibis box is checked, identify lhc government, aulhority or organizalion providing the service.) .

f] One or more cities will provide &his service only within their incorporaccd boundaries. and we service wiH nol be provided in ·· unincorporated areas. (If this box is checked, idcAtify Che govemmcnt(s). authority or organlzation providing lhc service.)

City of Ellijay.

0 One or more cities will provide &his service only wiihln Chcir incorporaicd boundaries. and lhc county will provide the service in unincorporated areas. (If this box iJ checked. idcadfy lhc govomment(s). aulhority or orsanizalion providing the service.)

0 Oilier. (If this box is checked. attach a le&ible map delineating che service area ot each service provider, and idcntif y the govcmmen1, authority. or oeher organization tfw will provide service within each service area.}

2. ln developing the strarcgy, were overlapping service areas, unnecessary competition and/or dupUcation of this service identified? Dyes ~no

JC these condi1ions will continue under the strategy, attach a apluation for continuing the arrangement (i.e., overlapping but hjgbcr levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36-70-24(1)), overriding benefits of lhc duplication, or rcisons lha1 overlapping service areas or competirion cannot be eliminated).

If lhcse conditions will be eliminated under the Sb'llegy, attada an impJemeaCadon schedule listing each step or aclion that will be taken 10 elimin:ue ahem, the responsib.le party and lhe ag~ upon deadline for compfetin& it.

3. List each government or authority that wiJJ help to pay for this service and indicate how the scivicc wiJJ be funded (e.g., cncerprise funds, user fees, general funds, special service district revenues, hoteVmotcl taxes, franchise laxes, impacl fees. bonded indebtedness, c

Local Government or A~y: FundlDJ Medlod:

Elliiav Housina Auth us~r F~~Q. HIJD

-4. How will the strategy change the .,ievious lmalemeDlS for providin& and/or funding this sctYicc within lhc county?

No change

5. List any formal service delivery agreements or intergovemmenlal contracts that wm be used to implement the s1rategy for this scrvi1 Agreement Name: Conuacdn& Plnies: Effective 1nd Endin1 Daics:

6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement the strategy for Ibis service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions, local acts of I General Assembly, rate or fee changes, clC.), and when will &hoy take effect?

same as #5

1. Person completing Conn: Rayburn Smith I Al Hoyle 706-635-4 711

Phone number: 706-635-4361 Datccompleced: ~x.KXXXOOOOC 10-25-99

8. Is chis lhc person who should be contacced by~bt°~ 'ii~nci~s ~hen evaluating whether proposed local government projects arc consistent with the service delivery sb'a~gy? [iJ yes Ono 1f nol, provide designated contact person(s)-ind phone number(s) below:

Page 22: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Housing Authority

Parties: City of Ellijay

Agreement: The Ellijay Housing Authority provides low income public housing to residents

who qualify for government subsidized housing. Construction, maintenance and operation of the housing authority projects are partially funded by rental income and by a subsidy from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to pay for the remainder of the opernling expense.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By: ru N Al Hoyle, Mayor City of Ellijay

Attest: ~---ak; LL«......-" Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G:\Government\1999\27997.1.14 O·BOC-&lvlce Delivery S1111e1Y'Secvicc Dcllwry Acrecment (Howlnc).wpd

Page 23: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

----------· . .

l'AGE 2

Answer cac;h qucs1ion bdow. ICCldtlns tddJIJoul pips 11 ~· J/ Iba C0011C1 pctSOC1 for lbi$ Jeri ice (listed 11 lhc boltom of lltt P•tc) clt~,c~. 11tis shuuld be rcponcd 10 the De~ ol COllllMDi, Affaln. ·

Couoty: Gilmer County Serrice: _Ap....,..1 ... ·m..,a,...l_,C...,o...,n .... t ... r..,.o..,l ____ ..... ....... ______ _

I. Check the IJox lhat best describes lhe agreed upon delivery ammgcment for 1lUs service: • ···.

D Service will be provided countywidc (i.e., incJuding all cities wJd unincorporated areas) by a sing?p service provider. (If this box is checked, idcntif y lhc government. aulhocity or orianizatioo providing the service.) ·

. ,~·'

0 Service will be provided only in the unincorporated portion of lhe county by a single servic9jP~ovidcr. (If this box is checked, idendf y the government, authority or orgaoizalion providing the service.) ·

0 One or more cilies will provide this scrvice·only within their incorporated boundaries, and tbC service will no1 be provided in unincorporated areas. (lf U1is box is checked, idcndf y &he govcrnmem(s), authority or organization providing lhe service.)

' One or more cities wm provide this service only within their lncoiporatcd boundaries, and the county will provide the service in unincorporated areas. (If lhi.s box it ehockcd, identify tbc 1ovcrnmcoc(s), authority er organiution providing 1hc service.)

it] Oahu. (If lJ1is box is checked, attach a legible map ddineati11g lhe service area or cadt sc"ke provider, and identify the government, authorily, or other orpnizadon Um will provide service within each service area.)


2. Jn developing the slralcgy. were overlapping service arcu, unnecessary competition andloi duplication of this service identified?

~yes f] no Overlapping but higher levels of service. by City per o c G A' 36 . . . . . sec. -70-24

If these conditions wm continue under lhc strategy. attach au explanation for continuing lhe a~angemcqt (i.e., overlapping but higher levels of service (Sec O.C.G.A. 36-70.24(1)), overriding benefits of lhe duplication, or reasons that overlapping service areas or compclilion c.1nuol be eliminated).

1f these conditions will be eliminated under the strategy, attach an implementation schedule listing e;ich step or action that will be taken 10 climimuc them, the and rhc agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. Lisi each government or authority that WiJI help lO pay for this service and indicate how the service Will be funded (e.g., entcrpr_isc funds, user fees, general funds, spec:jaf service district revenues. ~otcVmotcl laXcS, frillcbisc iaxe.s, impact f ces, bonded indebtedness, clc

Local GomDmcut or Auelioriry: Fwidiag MclJtod:

Gilmer Cou1itv .. General


Ci tv of rn1;;;iv - , , '!;',. __ .,


4. How will lhc strategy change the previous arrangcmcnis for providing and/or funding Ibis service within d1e county? ....

5. List any formal service dclivccy agreements or intcrgovcmmcniaJ conlr.I~ that will be used to implement the strategy for lhis service AgrcetBCIW Name: CoauKtiai Plnles: Effective and Endin1 Oaies:


6. What other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement the strategy for this service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions. local aces of the General Assembly. rate or fee changes, etc.), and when wiJJ lbcy cake effect?

7. Pcrsoncompletingfonn: Rayburn smith I AI Hoyle 706.:635-4711

Phone number: 706-635-43§1 . Date.~: ~m.x~x~ 10 25-99 • # • • · .. ~·- .,\<rt,: . . i. . . . .

8. ls this the person who should be conlldcd by .ttatc agencies whea evaluating whether proposed local government projec1s arc consistent with the service delivery stra(9gy? [] ye.s 0 DO

If not. provide designa1cd contact pcrson(s} . .And phone numbcr(s) below~

Page 24: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Animal Control

Parties: GiJmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: f The GiJmer County provides animal control services to the County. The City of Ellijay provides cooperative efforts animal control within its city limits.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the deli very of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By: QQ ~j Al Hoyle, Mayor w

City of Emjay

Attest: ,.d,, _"k e ... ~ ...,,./ Sandra Sales, Ci!Y Clerk

(i:\G11vcm1ncnt\1999\27997. I .14 0°BOC-8esvlcc Dclivesy Stra1e1y\Scnlcc Delivct)' AJrttllletlt (A11imal Conlrol).wpd

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SERV J(.;J!, UJ.!IJJ& Y 6'1a .. • - - ·


f nsc rucllotU: Make copies of tldl flN'm aod complea -. for udl tUYlce Dlled H paie I, SeclJon Ill. Use uactly lhe same iervice names listw on ~ge I . Answer each qucsclon below, ...,.,, llddWOMI pept 11 DaallJ. J( die CORWf pcnon («&his savlce (IJsccd a1 c11c bu110111 uC tllc p111c) d10U1Jcs, chis should be repcx1Cd io cbe Deplf1IDNl ol CclaaulW)' Mala.

County: Gilmer County Service: Emergency Management Ser.vices

l. Check the box thnl best describes lhc agreed upon delivery arrangement for this ~; .·

lXJ Service will be provided countywide (i.e., including aJJ cities and unincorporated areas) by a singfp .service provider. (If this box is checked, idcntif y the government, authority or organization providing the service.) , ·

. ·'· t 0 Service will be provided only In the uniDC01p«lled portion of the county by a singJe serviccjiicovidcr. (If rllis box is checked,

idcn1ify the government. authority or organization providing lbc scIVice.) ·

O One or more cities will provide this scnicc only within their incorporaled boundaries, and lhe service will not be provided in unincorporalcd areas. (If lhis box is checked, identify lhc govcmmcnl(s), authority or organizaaion providing Che service.)

0 One or more cities will provide lhis service only within rbeir incorporated boundaries, and lhc councy wUI provide the service in unincorporated areas. (If this box is checbd. identify lhe govemmenc(s), 1uthority oc organization providing the service.)

0 Other. (If this box is cbecked, actach a legible map dellvadng the~ area of each service provider, and iden1ify the govcmmcnr, authority, or olhcr organization Chat will provide service within each service area.)

2. In developing the scrarcgy, were overlapping service area, unnecessary competition and/or duplicalion of this service identified?

Dyes ~no If these condi1ions will continue under the strategy, attach an explanation for cootiauio& the arraniement (i.e., overlapping bur higher levels of service (Sec O.C.G.A. 36·70·24(1)), overriding benefits of the duplication, or reasons that overlapping service areas or compctirion cannot be eliminated).

If these condirions wiJJ be eliminated under the sb'ategy, atcach an implmaeatation schedule listing each slep or action lhat will be taken to climina1c ahem, tJ1c responsible pany and the agreed upon dcadJinc for completing it.

3. List each government or authority that will help to pay for this scnicc and indicalC how the service will be funded {e.g., enterprise funds, user fees, general funds. special scrYicc district revenues, boteVmotcJ caxcs. franchise taxes, impact fees, bonded indebtedness, e1

Local Govemmeat or Aulhori1y:

r.; 1 m.,.,.. l""n1~n+-v ,.. ....... --1 .,. ___ .... ,, ___ -- - -


4. How will the strategy change the pRvious IR'IDgements for providing and/or funding this service within rhe county?

No change

5. List any formal service delivery agreements or in1ergovemmental contracts that will be wed to implemcnl lhe strategy for this servi1 Agreement Name: Con&nlclhtJ Plltlcs: Effective 111d Endin1

Se t. 1999-Curren

6. What olhcr mechanisms (if any) will be used lo implement the •tratcgy for lhis service (e.g., ordinances, resolutions. local acts of II General Assembly, rale or fee changes, ere.), and when will lhcy lab effect?

Same as #5

7. Person completing fonn: Raybrun Smith I Al Hoyle 706-635-4711

Phone number; 706-635-4361 Dace completed: !W~~~ 10-25-99

8. Is lhis the person who should be contacted by state agencies when evaJuatins whether proposed local government projects arc consistent wilh the service delivery s~gy? Byes Ono · If not, provide designated contact persota(s?:ind phone nwnber(s} below:

Page 26: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Emergency Management Services

Parties: GiJmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: Gilmer County provides Emergency Management Services (EMS), communications (E-9 I J) and fire, police and rescue units to Gilmer County's unincorporated and incorporated residents. (See attached 911 agreement).

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By~I Hoy9&yor ~J.. City of Ellijay

Attest: ~ ...... ....,,<."f-.4e: ,4', ~ .....) Sandra Sales, City Clerk

Litigalion is currently pending between the City of East EJJijay and Gilmer County regarding E-911 services and payments of fees related to those services. Thus, the City of Ellijay and Gilmer County expressly reserve taking any action pending the outcome of that litigation.

O:\Governmcnl\ I 99912n97. I .14 0-BOC-Scrvlcc Delivery Slllteu\Scrvlc:e Dell very Agrcen1eol(EMS). wpd

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Page 28: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS



Make n1la el dds form •lcl ~le ont ror elCt anicie ....., M plJt Jt Sedloa Ill. UJi: cxaclly lk sanie setYke wnes listed oo ~gc I Aas.-er ed qucsdoa bdow. llllClalni ~ • 1«#1111· JI the COCIUCI pctSGO for ebb sesvlce (IWcd ll she bottom of 1hc pa1c} dl~gc:a. lltu *"W bo nponed to lho Doflll*llC of '¥Mm

. County: Gilmer county Senfce:Road & Bridge Constructio11/Maintenance

J. Check the box 1har best describes 1hc agreed upon delivery arrangement for this service: · ·

0 SC1Vice wiU be provided countywidc (i.o., including aU cilics and unmcorporaled areas) by a singtp service provider. (Jf this Lox is checked, identify lhc government, aucbority or organization providing the service.) . ,- · ...

0 Service wilJ be provided only in the unincorponlcied partioa of lhe county by a sin1Je suvjcef'ovider. (If 1J1is box is checked. idenrjfy lhe government, authority or organization providiag the service.) ·

O One or more cities will provide lhis service only wilhin their incocporated boundaries, and cbC service will no1 be provided in unincorporated areas. (If chis box i• checked, idendfy the aovemmem(s)t auihorily or oraanizalion providing the service.)

: One or mote cities wiJJ provide this scrvico only within their incorporated boundaries. and the county will provide the service in unincoiporated areas. (If this box is checked, identify the govcmmcnt(s). authority or organization providing 1Jtc: service.)

~ Other. (If this box is checked. at each a legible map cleUaead111 the s~lce area of each sen Jee provider, and idc:ntif y the governmcnl, authority, or other organi.zalion that will provide service within each service area.)

Gilmer County to provide maintenance to all county roads and bridges; City of Elli j ay to pi:ovide maintenance to for the City_ throuah its . .s:>.w.n..x.oan ma.i.n.tenane.e_ iiP.nAt:.t ment·!dedtimd' 2. In oevelopmg tne strategy, were ovcriapping semce amss, UlfmCeSSllJ wm~tmorr anwar uupm .. "llJJOO onrus-servn;cn ·

[i]cyes :lno overlapping but highee level of service by City per O.C.G.A. s ec . 36- 70- 24 Jf rhcse conditions will continue under the stralegy, attadl • upluadora for coadauing Che arrUiement (i.e., overlapping bur higher levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36·70.24(1)). overridiag beACfats of the duplication. or reasons lbat ovedapping service areas or competition canner be clinunated).

Jf these conditions will be eliminated under the sttaacgy, attada aa Implementation schedule listing each step or action that will be 1akcn to eliminate rhem, the responsible party and the agreed upon deadliac for completing it.

3. List each governmcn< or authority chat will help to pay for rhis service and indicate how lhe service wiJI be funded (e.g .• enterprise funds, user fees, general funds, special SUYico district rcvcnucs, hoccf/mo&ef raxcs, franchise «axes, impact fees, bonded indebtedness, etc

Local GovetnmeM or Alldlority.

Gilmer County DOT, General Fund

ri .. " nf' R11 ; iav norr. General Fund

4. How will t~ straeegy change the previous trrangemeucs for providing and/or funding this service wirhln lhc coun1y?

S. List any formal service delivery agreements or intergovcmmeAW coalraets lbAt wiJI be used to implement lbe strategy for this scrvicf A1reemen1 Name: Cootnctlna l'lfdel: Efkcdvc 111d Endin1 D.w:

SPrvice D@liverv Aqreement Gilmer County, City of Ellijay Sept , 1999-Curre

6. Whal olber mechanisms (if any) will be used CO implemeat the straregy for Ibis service (e.g., ordiDances, resolutions, local acts of ch, General Assembly, rate or fee chuges, elC.), and whca will they lake effccc?

Same as #5

7. Person completing form: Rayburn Smith i Al Hoyle 706- 635-4711

Phone number: 706-631)-4361 . Dato.~mplcccd: ~ 10-25-99

8. Is lhis the person who should bo conllcted by •CAte ~iencJa • 0Vlluadn1 .whocher propoted local govemmenr projects are consistent whh the service delivery Strat9gy? 3 )'tS 0 RO If not, provide designarcd conracr person(sJ. ed phono nurnbcr(s) below:

Page 29: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Road and Bridge Maintenance

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: The Gilmer County Road Department provides maintenance to alJ county roads and bridges in Gilmer County. The City's of Ellijay has its own road maintenance department.

We 1he undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this_ day of October, 1999.


By: QQ ~J Al Hoyle, Mayor--City of Ellijay

At:est: A. ..... ~ r ... ~ ... ./ . Sandra Sales, City Clerk

O:\Govemme111\1999\27997. l.l4 0-BOC.sertlco Delivery Sll8legy\Scrvke DeliVCl)' AgRemcDt.(ROld cl Bridse Maiat.}.wpd

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Mab ceples el alJls form aad complele aae ftr adt scnlce Md..t ea paae I, ScdJaa JU. UJe e.uctJy the same senrice narnt5 liHcd on puce 1. Amwcr uch quesrlon below, lltlClt!Di ad4Jdoul pllCI u ~· I( lbc: COQllC( pcr$Oft (« dlis seniu (lisced Al a.lie bullom or ltle page) c:h.:ingcs, lhlS should be reponcd ta rbe ....,. ol~ry A«lln.

County: Gi Jmer . · Serrtce: -~Paar.,.k~s~&~Rolilieu.c,..r.i;;e,..a""t"""j.unMn---'".~.'-------J. Check the box that best describes the agr=I upon delivciy arra$mcn1 for this service: .. . .

Service will be provided countywide (Le.. including all cicies llld uniACOtpOJ'&ICd areas) by a singt~ service provider. (If this box is checked, iden1if y lbe 1ovemment, aurbori1y or organizaiion providing <he service.) . , ·

. )~'

D Service wm be provided oaly in the unJncmpcnted portion of the county by a single scrviccpovider. (If this box is checked, idencify lhe govemmeot. authority or organization providing &he .service.) ·

O One or more cities will provide this service only wilhin their hJcolporaied boundaries. and lhc service will not be provided in unincorporarcd areas. (U chU box ia checbd, idealify Ibo soYenllJJOal(s). authorily or or1anizalion providing the service.)

,Q One or more cities will provide this scrvk:o only wflhia their incorporated boundaries. and lbc county will provide 1hc service in unincorporated areas. {If this box ii checked, idcndfy cho sovcmmonl(s). authority or orianization providing lhc service.)

City of Ellijay in City and County for unincorporated areas.

0 Other. (lf this box is checked, attach a leglblc map dellaeadDa the service area or each service provider, and identify the government. authority, or other organization that will provide service within eacb service area.)

2. In developing 1hc strategy, were overlapping service areM, UDaecessary competition and/or duplication of ahJs service identified?

Oycs £]no

1 f these conditions will continue under lhe serategy, atCach an explanation for coadnulnc the artangement (i.e., overlappin«i but ighcr levels of service (Sec O.C.G.A. 3~70.24(1)), overriding benefit! of the duplication, or reasons tha& overlapping service areas r compc1ilion cannot be eliminared).

h 0

If 1hese conditions will be climinaied under the srraccgy. attach an implementation schedule listing each step or ac1ion lhal will be Jccn to climin:ue rhcm, lhe responsible party and lhc agreed upon deadline for completing ic. Ill

3. Lisi each government or authority that will help Co pay for Ibis servic:c and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g., cnrcrprisc (u nds, user fecs, general funds, special scnicc district revenues, bolcl/mocd wes,, franchise Wes, impact fees, bonded ir:ideb<cdncss, etc.:

Loe al Government or AU()MWy:


,,.. .

4. How will the scrategy change the previous arrangements for providins Md/or fundina this service wichin 1he county?

5. Li st any formaJ service deUvciy agrecmcou or intergovernmental coo&racls &bat will be used Co implcmcnc the slrategy for trus service: meal Name: A1~e

c.,.,. 1999 - Current

6. w Gene

bat other mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement tho SlrlteB>' for this service (e.g .• ordinances, res0Jud-0ns, local aces of chc raJ Assembly, rate or fee cbu1cs. etc.), and when will chey cab effect?

soncomplctingfonn: Hayburn Smith I Al Hoyle 706-635-4711 7. Per Phone

8. ls arc co ff not,

number: J06-6JS-4l61 Da&ecomplctcd: R»JW>Rl0QO'l'1'Ul»OOC 10-25-99

this the person who should be Con~ by 'i• 'a1onci~1 when ov1Juadn1 whether proposed local government projects nsistcnt wilh the service delimy strttpa7 J8lyes 0 no · provide dcsignared contact person(s).4nd phone number(1} below:


Page 31: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Parks and Recreation

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: Gilmer County and the City of Ellijay offers a range of recreational services that is available to all county resjdents.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of servjces nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By~' H.Q-&yN o_ City of EJJijay

Attest: ..da, 1 4"<t:- 4, -4 .) Sandra Sales, City Clerk

G:\Oovemment\1999\27997. J. l<f O·BOC-Servlcc Dellw:ry SUl~icc Ddlvcry l\p:cmcllt (Pub It. Rcmatloo).wpd

Page 32: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

&:J.l!#A y .a....,_ - - -SUMMARY OF SERVICE DELIVERY ARRANGEMhrf1;:,

ImcnittiMs: • 1 Maler copies ol fJt1s lena aod compJele •ae l•r eadl ''"'" lscH Oil ,..e J, Scd.lon m. Uae eucdy Ille same service IWllCS lllltd Oil PlllC !· Answer each question bclow, laldlinJ addidonal paics u n=ssary. JC Ille comaca pesson lot d1is senice (listed 111he bottom o( tltc pegc} ch;in1cs. 1h11 should be "JlOllcd ao rbc: ~-of.Onmu.nf17 AfftJn. ·

County: Gil mer County . Serrice: _ .... x ... a ... w ....... E.J:l...,fo .... r ... c .. e .. 111 ... e ... A~~---.... ·--·-------

l . Check 1he box thut b~sl describes the agreed upon delivery arrangement for lhis service: ··:.

0 Service will be provided countywide (i.e., including aU cities aad unincorporated areas) by a singtp 'service provider. (If lhis box is checked, identify the govcmmcnl, aulhoril)' or oraanization providing the service.) .,. · ·

·t .. 0 Service will be provjded only in the unincoiporaied portion of tbc county by a single scrvic9jprovider. (lf this box is checked,

idcniff y l11c government, authority or organization providjng the service.) ·

0 One or more cities will provide this service only within their incorporated boundaries. and the service will nol be provided in unincorporated arcns. (If this box is checked. idcnlify lbc govcmmcnl(s), autboricy or organization providing the service.)

n One or more cities wiU provide Ibis service only wilhin Chcir incorporaced boundaries, and cbc coun1y will provide the service in unincorporaled areas. (If rhis checked, identify the govcmmcnc(s). aulhorily °' or1aaization providing 1hc service.} ili-ifx»tXJ§i.'1.>i.~ ·

IX:] 01.hcr. (Jf d1is box is checked, attach a legible map delioeat&lg cJae ~ area of each se"ice pro•ider, and idenlif y the government, aulhority, or other organizadon Iba& wiJJ provide scrvkc wichio each service area.)

~ ~ /',1 ~ County to provide service to entire count Cit . . ~\....... -East Elli ·a to provide se.rvice t cs. y ! y of Elll.Jay to provide service to .c.i t11

2. Jn developing 1i?e ltrategy, were ovedappm& scrvice'lrm~nneccssary compccitioa &DJJJor duplication o( this service idcmmco?' ·

Byes :C no Ov~rlapping but higher l evel of service by Cit If 1hesc condhions will con1inue under the strategy, attach u explanation tor coudu~gPaii a'ir.C,ig~in~tat f~cE;ov!Hipp)njauc higher levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36-70-24(1)), overriding benefits of the duplication, or roasons that overlapping service areas or competition cannot be eliminated).

If these conditions will be eliminated under the sttategy, attada an Jmplementalion schedule listing each step or action that will be taken to eliminate them, the responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing it.

3. List each government or authoriry that will help to pay for Ibis service and indicate how the service wiU be funded (e.g., enterprise funds, user fces, general funds, special service district revenues, hoteUmo<cf cues, franch~ cues, impact fees, bonded indebtedness, el

Loco.I Government °' AU!hority:

4. How will the strategy change '1ac ~;ious arrangements for providing and/or funding Chis service within rhe county?

5. List any formal service delivery agrccmcnts or inrergovemmcncal conlraets that will be used to implement the strategy for this scrvi• Agrccmenl N:unc:: Effective 111d Ending Dile&:

6. What other mechanisms (if any) wiJJ. be used to implement the straecgy for lhi.s suvice (e.g., ordinances, resolutions, Joca? acrs of 1 General Assembly, rare or f" changes, etc.), aad when will chcy raJcc effect?

J ... . .

. i• · . )" .. .. . ~ ... :r • • •

7. Person completing form; ./~.R.a__.,,,y_b_ur_n_s,.;.m,.;.i;..;t.;,;h;..,;/_A_l_H_o.t..y-le __ ....;.7..;.0~6--.:..6"3;.;. s~· -_4;.;,. 7~1;.;;;l _____ _

Phonenumber: 706-635::.4361 . · Datc.~mpJetcd: .Dif.#!iX•MKJOiXJ<XIQWc¥ 10-25-99 . . .. ~· ... ; . ,.,, .. .. , . '• . .; ..... ,_...... . 8. Is 1h1s the person who should be contacted by scate agcocics when evaluatin& whelher proposed Jocal government projects arc consistent with the service delivcty s~gy? KJ yes 0 no If nol, provide desigmHed contact person(s)..ind phone number(s} below: ..

Page 33: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Law Enforcement

Patties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: The Gilmer County Sheriff's Department is available to incorporated and unincorporated areas of Gilmer County. The City of Ellijay provides Law Enforcement services within its respective municipal boundaries.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service DeHvery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this day of October, 1999.


By: QQ ~ Al Hoyle, Mayor-= City of Ellijay

Attest: L_,, ...<..,,:; L r< )

Sandra Sales, City Clerk -

G:\Governmenl\!999\27997.1.14 G-BOC.setvice DcliVCl)' Strateg1'$ervlcc Delivery Ap:emenl(l..llw Enlorumenl).wpd

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Makr tGpb ol thl.t form and compJcee OAe for acil tcn'ke llffd ea paa• J, Sedloa Ht Use cuctly dac: tar11e wvicc ruirnes listed on p:i1c I. AMwer eucb qucslion below, tn.ICJlia, lddkional JlalU u llCCCSSAIY· J( &be conaact pcmin lot cbJJ sctvlcc: (llslcd Al the buuom o( 11~ paic) cl1~gcs. this should be n:poncd to rite Deptnmenl ot.Co~lty Afflin.

County: Gilmer county · Service: ---:i=:J.ii:ai=l=.s _______ ,...,~·-------

1. Check the box rha1 best describe$ the agreed upon delivery amngemcnl for this scrvjcc: .. ·.· fXJ Service will be provided counrywide (i.e., including aJJ cities and unincorporated areas) by a singlp ·service provider. (If this box

is checked, idenrif y 1hc government, aulhorlly or organization providing the service.) . ,. · '>~'

D Service will be provided only in lhc unincoiporatcd portion of the county by a single servic~p~ovidcr. (If IJ1is box is cltecked, identify the government, authority or organization providing the service.) .

0 One or more ci1ics will provide this service only within lheit iocorporaccd boundaries, aad lhC service will nor be provided in unincorporated areas. (lf I.his box is checked, kk:ati~y Che governmcnt(s), authority or organization providing the service.)

0 One OT more cities will provide lhis service only wjlbJn their incolporated boundaries, and lhc county will provide the service in unim:orporaJcd arcllS. (If lhis box is checked. identify lhe govcmmcnt(s), authority or organization providing the service.)

0 Other. (If this box i.s checked, attach a lePble map ddiaeadlaa the sa=v1ce area ot each servke provider, and idcn1if y the government, aut11ority, or other organization that wiJJ provide service each service area.)


2. Jn developing 1hc strategy, were overlapping service areas, unnecessary competition and/or duplication of th~s service identified?~ Dyes {]no

If these condi1ions will continue under the strategy, attach a.a upJaaation ror condouinc Che amngemeot {i.e., overlapping bur higher levels of service (See O.C.G.A. 36-70-24(1)). ovcnidiag benefits ol the dupJicadon, or re,.sons that overlapping service areas or competition cllllnot be eliminated).

If lhese conditions will be eliminated under the strategy, attach an fmplemeotation schedule listing uch slCp or action that wm be taken 10 eliminate them, the responsible party and lhc agreed upon deadline for completing il.

3. List each govcrnmcnl or authorily that wiJJ help to pay for lhis service and indicate how lhe .service will be funded (e.g .• enterprise funds, user fees, general funds. special service district revenues, hoCcl/moccl wees, franchise tucs, impact fees. bonded indebtedness, ct

Local Government ot Alllhoriry: Fuodi11s Melbod:

4. How will the strategy change the previous arrangements for providing and/or funding this service wilhin the county?

5. List any formal service dclivecy agreements or intergovernmental concracu Chat wiJJ be used to implement the sltategy for this servi• Agn:cmc111 Name: Coauacl.laJ Panlca: Ertccdvc Ind Endln1 Dale$;

Service Delivery Aqreement Gilmer County, City of Elliiav May 1999-Current

6. What other mechanisms (if any) wiU be used to implement tbe strategy for this service (e.g., ordinances., resolutions, local acts of r General Assembly, rate or£" changes, ere.), and when will chey &ako effect?

.. ~<. I. . . .

..,~ .. . ;-~ ·

. ·' . . .. . .. ~. : : .,

7. Person completing form: :··Rayburn Smith I Al Hoyle 106'-'-6·)5:...4111· .r •. . .

Phone number: 706-635-4361 Dasccompl~led: Si!tllfl»ll'XUUU!iX 10-25-99 . ,._", ~· .~ .. . ~·} ~·~"tt~;;1i;,,::, ~·: . ' ·!, 1: • • . •

8. ls this the person who should be contackd by scatc agencies when evaluating whc&hot proJX*d local government projects arc consistent wilh the service delivery srra~gy? !] yes 0 no Jf not, provide dcsignarcd contact pcrson(s) . .ind phone nwnber(s) below:



Page 35: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS


Service: Jails

Parties: Gilmer County and City of EIJijay

Agreement: Gilmer County provides Jail Services for the unincorporated areas and incorporated areas of Gilmer County. The City of Ellijay maintains and operates a Police Department and may add up to ten percent to alJ fines relating to city violations. The money from the additional percent add on is transferred into a special account established by the city. The city will pay these fees to Gilmer County monthly. This fee arrangement is subject to renegotiation after one year.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor issues for consolidation, this __ day of October, 1999.


By: Qo ~l Al Hoyle, Mayo~--= City of Ellijay

Attest: Ld'S 14,.;.. , L >

Sandra SaJes, City Clerk

Ci:\(iu•c111mc111WJ9Yl27997. l.14 O·BOC.SeL"lllc:c OeUvcry S1111e17'$ervlcc DellYet)' Apcmeot.(J11lb).wpd

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M•kt copies or this lonn aad c:omplete one for cad9 Hnb U.&ed .., ,.,, J, StclJOlt UI. UH cncily lhe umi: sel'Yice names lisiw on p;igc: I. Answer""' question beJow, llladlina addldoul p.,a a nec:cull)'. JI &ho coatact pcnoo for lhia $Cl'Ylce (lisicd 11 1111: 1><>110111 of &he page:) cllat111c$, 1hi5 should be repoRcd IO tho Depaltmellt of CGaunuait.Y Al&Jn.

County: Gj lmer County Servl~4ter & Waste Water Supply'_; Treatment & Dist.

'\_. Check the box lhat best describes &he agreed upon delivery amngement for chis service: . .

""Service will be provided countywide (i.e., including all cilies and unincorpora1ed areas) by a singtp service provider. {If 1J1is box ' is checked, identify the government, authority or orsanization providing the service.) ,· · · • . ,~.

0 Service wilJ be provided only in the uoinc01p01ated portion of the county by a single service provider. (If this box is checked, identify the government, aulhority or organization providing tile service.) .

O One or more cities will provide this service only wilhin their incorporated boundaries, and the service will 1101 be provided in unincorporated areas. (If this box is checked, identify tho sovemmcnl(s). au&hority or organization providing the service.)

0 One or more cities will provide this serv.ico only within their incorporated bounduies, and the coun1y will provide the service in unincorporated ucas. (If this box is checked, ldondfy the 1ovemmont(s)1 audlori&y or organization providing lhc service.)

Q Other. (If this box is checked, attacb a legible map dellneadug the se.:vicc area of each service provider, and identify the OO'- govcrnmcnl, authorily, or other or~aniza1ion that will provide service within each service area.)

El l i jay/ Gi lmer County0

Water & sewex Authority in an independant l~gislativelv cr~ated agcnci Ellijay/Gilmer County water and Sewer Authori.ty provides tni.s servic .

1 2. Jn developing 1hc strategy. were overlapping service areas, unncccsslJ)' compclidon and/or duplication of this service iden1ificd? ·

Dyes Ono

If these conditions wiU continue under the serarcgy, attach an explanation for continuing the arrugement (i.e., overlapping but higher levels of service (See O.C.O.A. 36-70-24(1)). ovcrridins bencfils of lhe duplicaaion, or reasons that overlapping service 11reas or competition cannot be eliminated).

1f 1hese conditions wiJI be cJiminalCd under the stracegy, attach an implementaCion schedule Jiscing each step or action 1hat will be tuken ro eliminate them, the responsible party and the agreed upon deadline for completing jt.

3. List each govcrnmcnl or authorily that will help to pay for this service and indicate how the service will be funded (e.g., enterprise funds. user fees, general funds, special service district revenues, hoteJ/motcl raxcs, franchise 11xcs, impact fees, bonded indebtedness, e1c.)

Local Ciovcmment or Aulhority: FuadlDJ ~:

General Fu d User Fees General Fund User Fees Grants Loans

4. Ho.w will the sr.rafegy change the previous arrangements for providing and/or fundins this service within che coun1y'!

5 . List any formal service delivery agrecmencs or incergovcmmental concracts thac wm be used &o implement the s1ra1cgy, for this service: A grcement Name; ConlnlCllni Parties: Erft.eclvc and Ending Oates:

s Gilmer Count and Cit of Elli 'a 1999- Current

6. What 01hcr mechanisms (if any) will be used to implement tho stracegy for this service (e.g .• ordinances, resolutions, local acrs of the encral Assembly, rare or fee changes. etc.), and when wm they cake effect? G

7. Person compleling form: Rayburn Smith I Al Hoyle 706-635- 4711 Ph one number: 706-63 s-4 361 Date complcled: SQJHIQMixxMJ(:KJ a1ut 10- 2 5-9 9

8. are Ir

Is chis the person who should be contacted. by s~'is~nci~1· when evaluating whether propOJCd local govcrnmcnl pro jeers consistent with the service delivery slrar,gy? PQYes Ono· ·

not, provi~c designated contact pcrson(s).4nd phone nwnbcr(s) below: ,

Page 37: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS



Service: Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution

Parties: Gilmer County and City of Ellijay

Agreement: EJlijay/Gilmer County Water and Sewer Authority provides treated water and waste treatment to portions of the unincorporated areas of Gilmer County and the City of ElJijay.

We the undersigned agree that the foregoing Service Delivery Agreement promotes the most efficient, effective and responsive manner for the delivery of the services described above and we see no apparent duplication of services nor jssues for consolidation, this __ day of O<.:tober, 1999.


ByAIH~a~c City of Ellijay

Attest: ~--rtf"d· ,~ b 4 ; , . Sandra Sales, City Clerk

O:\Govcmmc111\l 999\27997. I. 14 O·BOC.Senolce Delivery StrlteJy\Stnkct Ocllvuy Aciumc111(W11er Supply).wpd

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\ Answer each question below, attaching addidonal pages u necessary. Please note that any cl'langcs to the answen provided will required updating of the service delivery sttatcgy. If the contact person for this service (listed at the bottom of the page) changes, this should be reported to the Department of Community A1Tairs.

J. What incompatI'bilities or conflicts between the land use plans of local governments were identified in the process of developing the service delivery strategy?

None, Since Jackson County and Its' municipalities recently adopted their J:m.nt Comprehensive Land Use Plan in 1998 and there we .It land use objections. Also, In the process of developing the Servf ce Delivery Land Use Dispute Resolution Process, M land use discrepancies or contllcts were Identified between the County and Cities In Jackson County. Therefore, the Future Land Use Plans for the County and Cities are hereby agreed to be acceptable as they are currently mapped.

2. Check the boxes indicating how these incompatlbilitie.s or conflicts were addressed:

0 amendments to existing comprehensive plans

181 adoption of a joint comprehensive plan

0 other measures (amend zoning ordinances, add environmental regulations, etc.)

If other measures was checked, describe these measures:

Note: If the n«usary plan amendments, rrtg11latfon:. ortllnanca, etc. have not yet beenfomially adopted, Indicate when each of the affected local governments w/11 adopt them.

3. Summarize the process that will be used to resolve disputes when a county disagrees with the proposed land use classification(s) for areas to be annexed into a city. If the conflict resolution process will vary for different cities in the county, summarize each process.

Jackson County originally adopted the Land Use Dispute Resolution Process, dated May 7, 1998, between Jackson County and its munlcipalitin. Jefferson and Commerce later decided to change some of the wording in tT1e original process and adopted a set:ond Land Use Dispute Resolution Prot:en which was dated May 28, 1998. Jackson County and all Its cities amended the Land Use Dispute Resolution Process on July 16, 1998 to incorporated H.B. 1603.

Below ts a summary oft/Jejlrst Land Use Dispute Resolutlo1J Process dated May 7, 1998:

The county and munlclpallties shall provide notice of all zoning and annexation applications filed within their respective county/munlclpal Sphere ofinOaence (see attached land use dispute resolution for definition of Sphere onnnuence) to all jurisdictions adjoining their Sphere oflnfluence. In all cases of annexations and rezonlngs In the Sphere of Influence areas, Jackson county bas established separate processes for the notlOcatlon, mediation of "bona fide land use classtflcatlon" objections and resolution of any land use classification objection. If a jurisdiction does not have any land use regulations then the jurisdiction wm provide notice to affected jurisdiction of any development activities In the jurisdiction's respective Sphere or Influence that will deviate from the updated land use plan.

Within 10 days of Initiating any annexation or rezoning In a sphere of influence that affects another jurisdiction, the host government will notify the adjoining jurisdiction. The adjoining jurisdiction will have 10 days to respond. If the County or City has no• bona fide land use objedlon•, the host government ls free to proceed with the annexation or rezoning. U a "bona Ode objection" is raised from the proposed change In land use, a meeting Is required to occur within 20 days of receipt of the anne:ratfon objection notice or 10 days for the rezoning objection notice. In the event annexation or rezoning land use objections are not resolved, a disinterested third party will mediate to resolve any land use objections that may exist. If mediation falls to produce an agreement within 40 days of the objection notice for anne:r:ation, the city will not proceed with the annexation unless authorized by a court order. If' rezoning objections are not resolved prior to the rezoning public hearing, the objections shall be read Into the record prior to action being taken on the proposed rezoning. The entering of the land use or rezoning objections Into the omdal record shall constitute the final resolution of the rezoning dispute resolution process. Please see attached Land Use Dispute Resolution Process which was adopted by alljurJsdlctions In Jackson County. (*Please see additional sheet for further description of Land Use dispute Resolution Processes adopted by Jackson County and Its cities.*)

4. What policies, procedures and/or processes have been established by local governments (and water and sewer authorities) to ensure that new extraterritorial water and sewer service will be consistent with all applicable land use plans and ordinances?

Jackson County and each munlclpality that provides water or sewer service have formaJly adopted water and sewer service boundaries (Please see attached Jackso'rl County Water/Sewer Service Area Map). In addition, each water/sewer provider has formally adopted an Intergovernmental agreement for the provision of extraterritorial water/sewer servf ces. Prior to the Initiation of any extension of water/sewer services outside the adopted service boundaries, the provider proposing the e ·slon will notify the aCfected jurisdiction In writing of the proposed extension to Include the purpose of the extension and the pa ..,.,osed land use associated .. with the extension. With 15 working days, the affected jurisdiction will respond to the proposed extension by either Indicating It does or does not object to the proposed extension. If no objection Is received, then the provider is free to proceed with the extension. However, If an objection ts raised, the Provider proposing the extension shall respond to the objection within 1 S days by agreeing with the objection and stopping nction, or agreeing to Implement the conditions put forth by the affected jurisdiction, or initiating a 30 day mediation process or disagreeing with the affected jurisdictions objections and proposes to seek a declaratory judgement In court.

Please see the attached Intergovernmental Agreement-Process for Provision of Extraterritorial Water Services for fulJ details.

S. Person completing form: _ _,D...,.,m ... ·,..d_B..,o..,h ... an..,n,..o..,n._ ____________________ _ Phone number. 706-367-6310 Date completed: __ __..M~a ... y_.J..,.Q"'". ,,,_.19 ... 9"9 ______ _

6. Is this the person who should be contacted by state agencies when evaluating whether proposed local government projects are

consistent with land use plans of applicable jurisdictions? D yes 181 no (706)-1 f not. J'lrovide designated contact person( s) and phone nttmher( s) below: n:ivicl Clnho Director ("I f Pl:mn in<! -fockc:on \'n11ntv nt i r,; _r,11 c;

Page 39: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

C111111fy: _illmer

l. Whal incomJlalibilicics or conflicls between tJac land use plans of JocaJ govcmmenfs were identified in lhc proccs.~ of developing lhc .mvicc delivery strategy?

NONE: Gilmei'" Coiintf··aoes-iiOt ·have -zoning-and has not developed a land use plan. The City of Ellijay has &'zoning and a land use plan.

2. Check 1hc boxes indicating bow these incompatibilities or conOicts were addressed:

D '1mcndmcnls lo existing comprehensive plans

iJ adoption of a joint comprehensive pbn

0 olhcr measures (amend zoning ordinances, :add cnvironmcnl:al regulations, etc.) .

Not~ If die lluataty pion amotdm#tls, f'q#WIOIJI. ordlnttnct!s, de. lttm: llOI )let b#n/om'11/y atlopkt/. INl/mle whrJt eocl1 n/ tlte lt/f tdetl Jou/ 611'VU'llln.n/S wl/I ot/11pl tltnn.

·----------------··---------Jf olhcr measures was checked, describe these· measures:

3. Summarize tl>t process that wil-be used to resolve disputes when a CO\lDCy disagrees with the proposed land use classWcalio1~(s) for :uc11.f to be :mncxcd into A city. lflhc conllic:t .rcsolution process will vary for'·differcnt cities in the counly, .sumnwizc each process.

Utilize the dispute resolution ordinance adopted.ruty 11, 1?98 • (copy Attached}.

4. What .POli' ci·es. p - d r'~ /J,;\1

, roce ures and/or· · · .. ~ · · · ··· ·• · ·- ···· · · :::> L&t (and,wate~ and sewer authorities) ~~o~~sses have been establrshed by local gover~ents aerv~ce will be consistent with all app~r~~f~af ndew extraterritorial .water and sewer ..

an use.plans and ordinances?

' ,, .

NONE: "The Water Authority is an ind d · . • ·. authority county wide. {see a:i:~h::t~!p~~g~at~~eJy ~re~ted body with sewerage servic by 'ti . . · . ¥ ~.exten;Swn of water and by the Ellijay-~i~\b~ outside city lmµ.ts.~~ ~y · extension of service hOst governnent"s land use i~~~~hop.ty~ll be consistE!'lt with any plans or ordinances are disputed by the host ces. ::· : : consis~ with ~and use resolved using the same procedures ado ed £ gov~t, the di.Spute will be -:..· _ b:an annexations. pt or resolving land use disputes arising

I f . · . ... , .. ; / ,-~ . ,, ...

·. ''.~ ·~ . . . . . • • : .t •• . ' :r.!: ,· .

.• ·· '


·•: .

. . . ... ...

. ..



_"; •, . .. . .

• 1

•• •)l' r<:rm who should be contaclcd by sla(c.agencics wb~n evaluating whelhcr proposed local govcmmcnl pr~jccls arc ., fifl ves [ ~ no

Page 40: Gilmer Co SDS 12 2 1999 - Georgia › sites › default › files › gilmer... · FOR G&ORGM DEPARTM&n 1 va· --··-- SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY. t GILMER .COUNTY f. GENERAL INSTRUCTJONS

CERTJ Jt"l\.."A I 1vn ..


Tl1b 11111c must, 1111 minimum, kslJflcd by u 1Ulhorlud rcprcscntadreoflhc f0Jlowln110VU1WCAU; I) tho county; 2} the dty scrv1111 as the cmm1y seal; 3) all cilics haring 1990 populellons or over 9,000 rcslcflna wlrhln rhe cousity; llld "4) no less lhan 50% or 1111 od1cr citiCJ with a 1990 popuforion or l>clwccn soo IOd 9,000 residing within Ille COllnl)'. Cldu with 1990 populations below soo and 1urhori1ies psoviding services tmdcr the slralcgy 111c ltlll required to sign Chl.s form. ht arc CllCOfJllcd to do so. Altach addilionlJ copies ofllds page as necessary.

SERVICE DELIVERY STRATEGY .FOR __ Gi_1_me-.·~.·-_-._•_; ___ COUNTY

We, the undersigned authorized rcprcsentatJVcs oft!Jejurisdktions listed below, certify that:

r. We have executed agreements for implementation of our scrvfco· dclivciy atratcgy and the attached forms provide an accur:ilc depiction of our agreed upon strategy (O.C.G.A. 36-70-21); ,

2. Our service delivery strategy promotes the deliveiy of local government services in the most efficient cffecrjve. and responsive manncr(O.C.G.A. 36-70-24 (J});

J . Our service delivery strategy provides tbal water or sower fees charged to customers located outside lhe geographic boundaries of a :;crvicc provided arc reasonable and arc not arbitrarily higher Chan rhe fees charged ro customers located wid1i1 lhc geographic.: boundaries of chc service proYidcd (O.C.G.A. 36-70·24 (2)); and

4. Our service de Ji very strategy ensures that the cost of any servi~cs che county government provides (including those joinery funded by lhe county and one or more municlpalitics) primarily for the benefit ofcbe unincorporated area of the county are borne by the unincorporated area residcnfs, individuals. and property owners who receive such service (O.C.G.A. 36-10·24 (3)).


... - ...

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::o.,• • I

-l ! ~ .··

.: ,·


Chairmn Board of Commissioners Gilmer

Mayor City of Ellijay

. . . . . .. •' (