girls garage in san - university of california,...

zMz Flow Charts & Maps Fear Less. Build More. Finding a New Locaon for Girls Garage in San Francisco, California Kelly Albers and Adrian Rodriguez Landscape Architecture/Geography C188 8 December 2017 Introducon Girls Garage is a local design and building program for girls ages 9-17. There is currently one dedicated workshop in Berkeley, California that gives girls the opportunity to learn and develop skills in design thinking and engineering. The workspace equips girls with the confidence and creavity to transform their communies and confidently embark on a path towards higher educaon and career opportunies. As a safe and fun place for the empowerment of young girls, it is important to expand locaons of the Girls Garage program so as to enact posive change in a society that is, more oſten than not, dominated by the male populaon. Project Aim Our aim is to pinpoint a new locaon for a second Girls Garage in San Francisco, California. Our client would like the new workspace to be located near neighborhoods with great diversity in race and income , near areas of mixed- use zoning , in close proximity to resources like restaurants, Home Depot, etc. and in close proximity to green spaces . Most importantly, the workspace should be located next to e xisng schools and public transit systems , so that it is easily accessible to the desired demographic. Client Emily Pilloton Lecturer, UC Berkeley College of Environmental Design Founder and Execuve Director of the Non-Profit Project H Design & Girls Garage Program Methods Suitability Analysis: We analyzed ten opportunity and constraint factors. Since Girls Garage caters to young girls, we chose to idenfy areas with a greater youth populaon and areas where the female populaon is greater than the male populaon. In order to ensure that the workspace is used effecvely , we selected close proximity to parks, retail areas, and public transit systems to be opportunies as well. As for our constraints, we chose to focus on areas where crime has occurred since our main concern is the safety and comfort of users . We also considered areas where the male populaon is greater than the female populaon and areas that are not zoned as mixed- use to be constraints. Lastly, we chose to map out seismic hazard and inundaon vulnerability zones as constraints that could negavely impact our locaon in the long run. 2D & 3D TIN Models: We chose to map out slope in order to ensure the safety and stability of our prospecve locaon in the future. With the imminent risk of climate change , we felt it was important to consider slope steepness as a constraint in our overall suitability analysis. We recognize that building on areas that are steep in slope (30 degrees or more) would not only increase chances of damage in the event of an earthquake, but would also affect the ability of users to reach the locaon . Network Analysis: We decided to model a Service Area analysis of Public and Private Schools, Stores, Fire Staons, and Starbucks Locaons. We ulized both types of schools to ensure that the workspace will serve female students from different educaonal facilies . We included Fire Staons to guarantee the safety of the students and faculty members since they will be ulizing welding equipment and working with flammable materials. The analysis includes Stores because the client requested that the workspace be located near supply/hardware storefronts for quick access to materials . Lastly, we decided to include Starbucks Locaons because they are good indicators of popular retail areas . Results & Conclusions Based on our Suitability Analysis , the areas that can be considered suitable for our proposed workspace are mainly located on the Western side of the city, near Golden Gate Park. When comparing our TIN Model to our other two analyses, it makes sense as to why the most developed areas are located on the North-Eastern side of the city - it is has the lowest elevaon, making it ideal for the construcon of large buildings and roads. However, many of these areas are built on filled land, hence the concentraon of constraining factors such as seismic hazard and inundaon vulnerability zones. Based on our Service Area Network Analysis , areas that will have high accessibility to services are located in the downtown areas of San Francisco, in close proximity to Golden Gate Park, and in areas located West of the Twin Peaks neighborhood. Aſter combining all three of our methods to create a Final Composite Suitability Map , we have determined the best locaon for a new Girls Garage workspace to be in the Lower Pacific Heights/Fillmore District (as indicated in Purple and in the Circle above) of San Francsico. Historically this area has been unaffected by earthquake and fire events and is known as one of the best commerical and cultural centers of the city. Sources GeoDataBases from LD ARCH/GEOG C188 Labs 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Projecon/Datum: California State Plane Zone III/D_North_American_1983 Suitability + TIN + Network Analysis Map Load Public School, Private School, Stores, SF Fire Staons, & Starbucks as Locaons/Facilies Set Service Area Breaks at 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 minutes Select New Service Area Opon Set “Merge by Break Value” & “Rings” Assign Weight Values as 0-1 mins (2), 1-2 mins (1), 2-3 mins (0), 3-4 mins (-1), & 4-5 mins (-2) Export Map into New Data Layer Change Color Ramp, Green (Weight: 2) to Red (Weight: -2) UNION TOOL Change Color Ramp from green (weight: 9) to Red (weight: -10) Remove Outlines & Set Transparency to 30% Final Service Area Network Analysis Map Field Calculator equaon=[publicschool_wt]+ [privateschool_wt]+[sfstores_wt]+ [firestaon_wt]+[starbucks] Opportunity Factor #1: Youth Populaon (Ages 5-17) Data Collecon & Data Discovery Factor Definiton Data Compilaon Projecon & Datum Opportunity Factors Select by Aribute (“AGE_5_17” > 250) Opportunity Factor #5: Close to Exsing Public Transit Routes Opportunity Factor #4: Close Proximity to Retail/ Commercial Areas Opportunity Factor #3: Close Proximity to Parks/ Green Spaces Opportunity Factor #2: Female Populaon > Male Populaon Select by Aribute (“FEMALES”>“MALES”) Buffer by 1000 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (+1) Buffer by 1000 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (+1) Select by Aribute (“type”=“retail”) Select by Aribute (“type”=“bus_stop, staon, subway_entrance, tram_stop”) Buffer by 500 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (+1) Buffer by 500 ſt, Dissolve, & Add Weight Factor of (+1) Buffer by 1000 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (+1) Overlay--Union: Calculate Field “Total_Opp”= [youth_ wt] + [female_wt] + [parks_wt] + [retail_wt] + [transit_wt] Constraint Factor #1: Male Populaon > Female Populaon Constraint Factors Select by Aribute (“MALES”>“FEMALES”) Constraint Factor #5: Non-Mixed Land-Use Areas Constraint Factor #4: Inundaon Vulnerability Zone Lines Contraint Factor #3: Seismic Hazard Zones Constraint Factor #2: Severe Crime Select by Aribute (Assault, Missing Person, Forcible Sex Offenses, Drug/Narcoc, Vandalism, Kidnapping) Buffer by 1000 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (-1) Buffer by 500 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (-1) Select by Aribute (“gen”= “commercial, industrial, public, residenal”) Buffer by 500 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (-1) Dissolve & Add Weight Factor of (-1) Buffer by 500 ſt & Add Weight Factor of (-1) Overlay--Union: Calculate Field “Total_Con”= [male_wt] + [crime_wt] + [seismic_ wt] + [flood_wt] + [nonmixed_wt] Final Suitability Analysis Map Overlay--Union: “Suitable”= [Total_ Opp] + [Total_Con] Project Layer in California State Plane (US Feet) III Download “sfcontours_10ſt_sfd” Data Layer Display Contours in 3D Calculate Z-Values in Feet (equaon: CONTOUR field x 3.2810 ſt) Create TIN Model Change Slope Units from Percent to Degrees Load “n_10ſt” into ARC Map Create TIN Triangle Final 3D TIN Model Map Themac Display of TIN (Face Slope with Graduated Color Ramp) Export Slope Data into a New Data Layer Select by Aribute (“Slope_Deg” > 30) Final 2D TIN Model Map Create New Field (“Steep”) & Add Weight Factor of (-1) Change Display Properes & Reclassify (6 Classes) Download 1/3 ARC- Second DEM Dataset of SF Suitability Analysis: 3D & 2D TIN Models: Network Analysis--Service Area: Final 3D TIN Model Map 0 7,900 15,800 3,950 Feet Final Composite Suitability Map Legend Composite Map Suitability -14 -13 -12 -11 -10 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 SF_bnd Water Shoreline ®

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Page 1: Girls Garage in San - University of California, Garage is a local design and building program for girls ages


Flow Charts & Maps

Fear Less.Build More.Finding a New Location for Girls Garage in San Francisco, California

Kelly Albers and Adrian RodriguezLandscape Architecture/Geography C1888 December 2017

IntroductionGirls Garage is a local design and building program for girls ages 9-17. There is currently one dedicated workshop in Berkeley, California that gives girls the opportunity to learn and develop skills in design thinking and engineering. The workspace equips girls with the confidence and creativity to transform their communities and confidently embark on a path towards higher education and career opportunities. As a safe and fun place for the empowerment of young girls, it is important to expand locations of the Girls Garage program so as to enact positive change in a society that is, more often than not, dominated by the male population.

Project AimOur aim is to pinpoint a new location for a second Girls Garage in San Francisco, California. Our client would like the new workspace to be located near neighborhoods with great diversity in race and income, near areas of mixed-use zoning, in close proximity to resources like restaurants, Home Depot, etc. and in close proximity to green spaces. Most importantly, the workspace should be located next to existing schools and public transit systems, so that it is easily accessible to the desired demographic.

ClientEmily Pilloton

Lecturer, UC Berkeley College of Environmental DesignFounder and Executive Director of the Non-Profit Project H Design & Girls Garage Program

MethodsSuitability Analysis: We analyzed ten opportunity and constraint factors. Since Girls Garage caters to young girls, we chose to identify areas with a greater youth population and areas where the female population is greater than the male population. In order to ensure that the workspace is used effectively, we selected close proximity to parks, retail areas, and public transit systems to be opportunities as well. As for our constraints, we chose to focus on areas where crime has occurred since our main concern is the safety and comfort of users. We also considered areas where the male population is greater than the female population and areas that are not zoned as mixed-use to be constraints. Lastly, we chose to map out seismic hazard and inundation vulnerability zones as constraints that could negatively impact our location in the long run.

2D & 3D TIN Models: We chose to map out slope in order to ensure the safety and stability of our prospective location in the future. With the imminent risk of climate change, we felt it was important to consider slope steepness as a constraint in our overall suitability analysis. We recognize that building on areas that are steep in slope (30 degrees or more) would not only increase chances of damage in the event of an earthquake, but would also affect the ability of users to reach the location.

Network Analysis: We decided to model a Service Area analysis of Public and Private Schools, Stores, Fire Stations, and Starbucks Locations. We utilized both types of schools to ensure that the workspace will serve female students from different educational facilities. We included Fire Stations to guarantee the safety of the students and faculty members since they will be utilizing welding equipment and working with flammable materials. The analysis includes Stores because the client requested that the workspace be located near supply/hardware storefronts for quick access to materials. Lastly, we decided to include Starbucks Locations because they are good indicators of popular retail areas.

Results & ConclusionsBased on our Suitability Analysis, the areas that can be considered suitable for our proposed workspace are mainly located on the Western side of the city, near Golden Gate Park. When comparing our TIN Model to our other two analyses, it makes sense as to why the most developed areas are located on the North-Eastern side of the city - it is has the lowest elevation, making it ideal for the construction of large buildings and roads. However, many of these areas are built on filled land, hence the concentration of constraining factors such as seismic hazard and inundation vulnerability zones. Based on our Service Area Network Analysis, areas that will have high accessibility to services are located in the downtown areas of San Francisco, in close proximity to Golden Gate Park, and in areas located West of the Twin Peaks neighborhood. After combining all three of our methods to create a Final Composite Suitability Map, we have determined the best location for a new Girls Garage workspace to be in the Lower Pacific Heights/Fillmore District (as indicated in Purple and in the Circle above) of San Francsico. Historically this area has been unaffected by earthquake and fire events and is known as one of the best commerical and cultural centers of the city.

Sourcesdata.sfgov.orgusgs.govmapzen.comGeoDataBases from LD ARCH/GEOG C188 Labs 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10Projection/Datum: California State Plane Zone III/D_North_American_1983

Suitability + TIN + Network Analysis Map

Load Public School, Private School, Stores, SF Fire

Stations, & Starbucks as Locations/Facilities

Set Service Area Breaks at 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 minutes

Select New Service Area Option

Set “Merge by Break Value” & “Rings”

Assign Weight Values as 0-1 mins (2), 1-2 mins (1),

2-3 mins (0), 3-4 mins (-1), & 4-5 mins (-2)

Export Map into New Data Layer

Change Color Ramp, Green (Weight: 2) to Red

(Weight: -2)


Change Color Ramp from green (weight: 9) to Red

(weight: -10)

Remove Outlines & Set Transparency to 30%

Final Service Area Network Analysis Map

Field Calculatorequation=[publicschool_wt]+


Opportunity Factor #1:Youth Population (Ages


Data Collection & Data Discovery

Factor Definiton

Data Compilation Projection & Datum

Opportunity Factors

Select by Attribute (“AGE_5_17” > 250)

Opportunity Factor #5:Close to Exsiting Public

Transit Routes

Opportunity Factor #4:Close Proximity to Retail/

Commercial Areas

Opportunity Factor #3:Close Proximity to Parks/

Green Spaces

Opportunity Factor #2:Female Population >

Male Population

Select by Attribute (“FEMALES”>“MALES”)

Buffer by 1000 ft & Add Weight Factor of (+1)

Buffer by 1000 ft & Add Weight Factor of (+1)

Select by Attribute (“type”=“retail”)

Select by Attribute (“type”=“bus_stop, station,

subway_entrance, tram_stop”)

Buffer by 500 ft & AddWeight Factor of (+1)

Buffer by 500 ft, Dissolve, &

Add Weight Factor of (+1)

Buffer by 1000 ft & Add Weight Factor of (+1)

Overlay--Union:Calculate Field

“Total_Opp”= [youth_wt] + [female_wt] +

[parks_wt] + [retail_wt] + [transit_wt]

Constraint Factor #1:Male Population > Female Population

Constraint Factors

Select by Attribute (“MALES”>“FEMALES”)

Constraint Factor #5:Non-Mixed Land-Use


Constraint Factor #4:Inundation Vulnerability

Zone Lines

Contraint Factor #3:Seismic Hazard Zones

Constraint Factor #2:Severe Crime

Select by Attribute (Assault, Missing Person, Forcible Sex

Offenses, Drug/Narcotic, Vandalism, Kidnapping)

Buffer by 1000 ft & Add Weight Factor of (-1)

Buffer by 500 ft & Add Weight Factor of (-1)

Select by Attribute (“gen”= “commercial, industrial,

public, residential”)

Buffer by 500 ft & AddWeight Factor of (-1)

Dissolve & AddWeight Factor of (-1)

Buffer by 500 ft & Add Weight Factor of (-1)

Overlay--Union:Calculate Field

“Total_Con”= [male_wt] + [crime_wt] + [seismic_

wt] + [flood_wt] + [nonmixed_wt]

Final Suitability Analysis MapOverlay--Union: “Suitable”= [Total_

Opp] + [Total_Con]

Project Layer in California State Plane

(US Feet) III

Download “sfcontours_10ft_sfd”

Data Layer

Display Contours in 3DCalculate Z-Values in Feet (equation: CONTOUR field

x 3.2810 ft)

Create TIN Model Change Slope Units from Percent to Degrees

Load “tin_10ft” into ARC Map

Create TIN Triangle

Final 3D TIN Model Map

Thematic Display of TIN(Face Slope with

Graduated Color Ramp)

Export Slope Data into a New Data Layer

Select by Attribute (“Slope_Deg” > 30)

Final 2D TIN Model Map

Create New Field (“Steep”) & Add Weight

Factor of (-1)

Change Display Properties & Reclassify

(6 Classes)

Download 1/3 ARC-Second

DEM Dataset of SF

Suitability Analysis:

3D & 2D TIN Models:

Network Analysis--Service Area:

Final 3D TIN Model Map

0 7,900 15,8003,950Feet

Final Composite Suitability MapLegendComposite MapSuitability





























