gist of the hindu yojana kurukshetra pib science reporter january february 2013

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  • 8/17/2019 Gist of the Hindu Yojana Kurukshetra PIB Science Reporter January February 2013


  • 8/17/2019 Gist of the Hindu Yojana Kurukshetra PIB Science Reporter January February 2013



    ♦ The Hindu

    ♦ Yojana

    ♦ Kurukshetra

    ♦ Press Information Bureau

    ♦ Science Reporter 



    U.N. Vote makes Palestine an Observer State 1Complacency has no place in AIDS fight 2

    WHO Clearance could Boost Vaccine Exports 4

    RBI to Relax norms for Entry of Foreign Banks 5

    India could face crippling heat waves 6

    South Korean Election 8

    Great hope for Science 9

    Risky Futures that Banks can do Without 11

    Justice Kumar is NGT chief 12

    EU Promotes Potato to Replace Rice in Asia 13

    China Opens Longest High-speed Rail Line 14

    GIST OF YOJANA 15-36

    Higher education at the National Level 15

    Khasi Sacred Forests 19

     Nitrogen Fixing Techniques of the Angamis 20

    Recommendation of the High Level Committee 20

    Approach of XII Plan 21Perfromance of Farmers 22

    Entrepreneurship Development in India 25

    Developing Entrepreneurship in North East 26

    What’s FDI? 29

     North Eastern Rura l Livelihood Project 35


    Lab-To-Land Initiative-An Introduction 37

    Bharat Nirman Volunteers: A Cadre for Capacity Building 40

    BNVS: Role and Functional Benefits 41

     Need to Modern ize Technology Transfer Tools 43


    Steps to Strengthen Panchayat Raj System 48

     Neutri no Obser vatory Project 50

    Present Status of JNNURM 50

    Inclusion of Western Ghats in UNESCO List 51Steps for Regulating theWorking of Contract Farming 52


    A Century of X-ray Diffraction 53

    India’s First Indigenous AEW&C System Developed by Drdocabs 56

    Photosystem III for Efficient Photosynthesis 57

    Reprogramming Mature Cells to a Stem Cell State 59

    Biochemical Approaches Shed Insight of Receptor Biology 60

    Srinivasam Ramanujan 60

    Methods of Algaculture 61

    Environments for Algaculture 62

    Glass Translator 63

    E-Ball Concept Pc 64

  • 8/17/2019 Gist of the Hindu Yojana Kurukshetra PIB Science Reporter January February 2013



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    The Palestinian bid to become a non-

    member Observer State at the United Nations has been, as expected, approved by an overwhelming

    vote of 138 to nine, with 41 abstentions in the

    General Assembly. The vote implies global

    recognition of the relevant territory as a sovereign

    state and is a major step towards a two-state

    solution for historical Palestine. The new status

    amounts to less of an achievement than full U.N.

    membership, which the Security Council declined

    to consider in September 2011 on the grounds that

    the members were unable to make a “unanimous

    recommendation”, but the Palestinians can now participate in General Assembly debates. In sum,

    this is an important move towards Palestinian

    statehood, which 132 countries have already

    recognised. As for particular countries, one

    former colonial power, France, voted in favour,

    and the other state with a previous imperial

    connection to the region, the United Kingdom,

    abstained, as did Germany. Predictably, Israel’s

     biggest supporter, the United States, opposed the

    resolution, reconfirming its view that a negotiated

    settlement is the only way to establish aPalestinian state.

    The U.N. resolution, however, could well be

    the first of many momentous changes for West

    Asia. The Palestinian Authority can now seek 

    membership of several U.N. agencies and, above

    all, can apply to sign the Rome Statute of the

    International Criminal Court, with the clear implication that Israel may finally be held

    accountable for crimes committed against the

    civilian population of Gaza. Secondly, differences

    have emerged between Washington and major 

    European countries over Israel-Palestine, even if 

    some European officials call criminal charges

    against Israel a “red line”.

    Thirdly, it is consistent with global public

    opinion; even U.S. opinion polls show majorities

    for a two-state formula. It also testifies to the

    increasing confidence of Palestinianrepresentatives, who have said that continued

    exclusion would strengthen support for Hamas;

    the representatives, moreover, now know that the

    region’s peoples demand justice for the

    Palestinians and can no longer be ignored. The

    vote will be truly meaningful if it marks the start

    of a new international resolve to ensure the people

    of Palestine are able to exercise their right to

    statehood and self-determination, just as the

     people of Israel have been doing for years. The

    first order of business has to be to stop the Israelistranglehold over occupied Palestinian territory,

    including the monstrous policy of building

    settlements. As long as the international

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    community gives Tel Aviv a free pass on these

    issues, peace and security in Israel-Palestine willalways remain elusive.


    • New HIV infections now show a

    declining trend globally. All 11 countries

    in the World Health Organisation’s

    (WHO) South-East Asia Region showed

    a decline by 34 per cent in the past


    • The overall decline in the region is cause

    for increased optimism. However,

    complacency now could become our greatest enemy. Those most “at risk” of 

    HIV are disproportionately affected by

    the disease and are also among the least

    empowered. They include youth, those

    who inject drugs, female sex workers,

    men who have sex with men (MSM),

    transgender people and migrants.  Zero

    new HIV infections  and  zero AIDS-

    related deaths by 2015   can be

    achieved through greater efforts directed

    towards “at risk” populations to

    encourage increased testing. HIV prevention services for these people need

    to be expanded to battle the concentrated

    epidemic found in this region.

    • In India, the estimated number of new

    HIV infections has declined by 56 per 

    cent over the past decade and the total

    number of people living with HIV is

    estimated at 24 lakh (the range is 19.3-

    30.4 lakh). This is good news but it

    remains essential to continue with public

    awareness programmes on HIV/AIDSand that messages are regularly

    conveyed to remind people on the

    importance to get HIV tested and to be

    aware of their HIV status.


    Burgeoning gold imports to meet the

    seemingly insatiable appetite for the precious

    metal by Indian consumers, though not new, have

    grown to such major dimensions recently that

     policy-makers are forced to take note. A check 

    on gold imports by way of physical controls over 

    imports or through fiscal measures to restrain

    consumption (such as through a special

    consumption tax) are impractical, and out of 

    question. Policy-makers are, therefore, forced to

    look at ways of harnessing this phenomenon — 

    of unbridled gold imports and consumption — in

    ways that will benefit the economy while

    moderating its demand internally.

    There are at least two important macro-

    economic dimensions to this phenomenon of ever-

    rising gold imports even in the face of record gold


    One, the immediate impact is on the external

    economy as gold and energy imports contribute

    to a widening of the trade deficit, and, hence, the

    current account deficit, which was at a record

    high of 4.2 per cent on March 31. According to

    the World Gold Council, for April-June 2012, gold

    imports stood at 181.3 tonnes.

    The macro-economic problems associated

    with running such a high current account deficit

    have been highlighted several times before by

    many official reports, including those of the

    Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Needless to add,

    the twin deficits, the high fiscal is the other one,

    are a major threat to economic stability.Two, the lure for gold among consumers has

    a direct impact on the quantum of financial savings

     by households.

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    According to the Economic Advisory

    Council of the Prime Minister (PMEAC) (in itsflagship publication Economic Outlook 2012-13

    released in August), net financial savings of 

    households available for use by the rest of the

    economy fell below 11.6 per cent of gross

    domestic product (GDP) in 2007-08 to 10 per cent

    in 2010-11 and likely to go below 9 per cent in

    2011-12. (Net financial savings are calculated by

    deducting financial liabilities such as mortgage and

     personal loans from gross financial savings.

    Gross financial savings are measured as an

    increase in gross financial assets.) At around thesame time as the Economic Outlook, the RBI

    released data which were even less upbeat:

    household financial savings fell to 7.8 per cent in

    2011-12, the lowest since 1989-90. During the

     preceding three years, it averaged 11 per cent.

    Certain broad conclusions are possible from

    the above data:

    (1) When the economy is faring well,

    households tend to put more money in

    financial savings instruments. The stock 

    market is likely to be bullish and mutualfunds will also look attractive.

    (2) However, when the cycle turns and the

    environment is less optimistic, households

    tend to do the reverse — withdraw from

    organised financial savings such as bank 

    deposits, shares and mutual funds. The

    availability of household savings for the

    industrial economy gets reduced.

    (3) It is in that context that the significance

    of gold as an investment avenue and as

    a hedge against inflation becomes


    Households withdraw money from financial

    savings, and, to a large extent, invest in gold,

     property and other physical assets. This is after 

     providing for the higher living expenses that are

    characteristic of high inflation. Inflation outlook and hardened inflation expectations — prices of 

    essentials are unlikely to come down — play a

    large role in apportioning available savings of 


    In that scenario, gold has emerged as a

    clear winner. In India, as in many other countries,

    the lure for gold is unmistakeable. The surge is

     partly explained by increased availability of gold

    and the growing realisation of its potential as an

    investment opportunity, especially in pessimistic

    times.The task before the government is to find

    ways to integrate the physical market for gold

    with the financial market. Already this is


    The oldest and even now the most popular 

    one is the gold loan, where banks/NBFCs (non-

     banking finance companies) dispense money on

    the pledge of gold /gold jewellery.

    As propagated with great success by

    several Kerala-based NBFCs, gold loans have

    come under the scrutiny of the RBI, which hasimposed some stringent conditions to safeguard

    the borrowers’ interests.


    Convinced that the International

    Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

    installation is safe, the French government

    recently granted the fusion project the necessary

     permission to start construction in Cadarache.

    There are many firsts to the project. Maintaining

    transparency has been one of ITER’s mostsignificant features and organising an enquiry to

    give the public an opportunity to formulate its

    opinion has set a new benchmark for openness.

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    Independent experts assessed the safety of the

    fusion project and the public was not just takeninto confidence but made an integral part of the

     project construction approval process. In effect,

    the two-and-a-half-year effort fully met the

    requirements set forth by France’s own 2006

     Nuclear Transparency and Security legislation. If 

    the French government took a bold decision to

     br ing about more tra nspa rency and public

    engagement before nuclear projects are cleared,

    the clearance given to ITER tells us that it is

    indeed possible to meet the stringent requirements

    laid down by the law.The ITER approval highlights the fact that

    the public is not unreasonable or obstinate. All

     people want is to be provided with facts, made

    fully aware of the benefits and risks, convinced

    that complete transparency is being maintained,

    and that their opinion is being taken into account

    on an important decision. Internationally, the

    nuclear industry is well known for maintaining

    opacity and for refusing to take the public into

    confidence. In India, the situation is compounded

     by the excessive secrecy surrounding all thingsnuclear, and by the lackadaisical and hurried

    manner in which environmental impact

    assessments are often carried out. As for the

    mandatory public hearings for large projects, both

    nuclear and non-nuclear, these frequently

    descend into chaos if not farce. The sustained

    local opposition to the Kudankulam nuclear power 

     plant continues unabated even days before the

    first two units are to become operational. While

    many valid questions concerning the safety

    aspects of the plant have not been clearlyanswered, public apprehension to a great extent

    has come from imagined fear, misconceptions and

    an improper understanding of the technology-

    intensive project. It is time the Indian nuclear 

    establishment realised that it can no longer  bulldoze its way. Winning public approval is not

    only important but necessary for two reasons — 

    the Chernobyl catastrophe and the 2011

    Fukushima disaster are fresh in people’s mind, and

    the government has major plans to construct many

     power nuclear plants across the country.



    • In a major boost to the country’s private

    vaccine manufacturing pharmaceutical

    companies, the World HealthOrganisation (WHO) has said that

    India’s national regulatory authority — 

    Central Drugs Standard Control

    Organisation (CDSCO) — and its

    affiliated institutions meet the prescribed

    international standards.

    • India is a major vaccine producer with

    12 major vaccine manufacturing

    facilities. These vaccines are used for 

    the national and international market,

    reaching nearly 150 countries. Every

    second child in the world is vaccinated

    for measles using a vaccine produced in


    • India is the first country in the 2012 round

    of assessment to have passed the strict

    levels of seven indicators which are

    made more stringent every time in a

    single round of assessment which is done

     by a team of 12 international experts

    headed by a WHO member.

    • Passing of this test means that 12 private

    vaccine manufacturing units from Indiaare eligible and retain the pre-

    qualification status for supplying vaccines

    to international bodies like the WHO,

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    UNICEF and the World Bank. WHO

     pre-qualification is a guarantee that aspecific vaccine meets international

    standards of quality, safety and efficacy.

    • The clearance by the WHO is expected

    to boost investment in the pharmaceutical

    sector and push exports higher, which

    touched $13 billion last year and is

    expected to touch $26 billion this year.

    Two-thirds of the vaccines produced in

    India are exported.

    • The WHO has established benchmarks

    that define international expectations for 

    a functional vaccine regulatory system.• It also conducts regular external audits

    of national regulatory systems and

    ensures they meet the necessary

    standards. The regulatory functions of 

    India’s National Regulatory Authority

    (NRA) — the CDSCO — and its

    affiliated institutions were assessed for 

    compliance against the WHO indicators

    and marketing authorisation and licensing,

     post-marketing surveillance, including

    adverse events following immunisation

    and so on.

    • In 2007, when the CDSCO had failed to

    meet the WHO-prescribed standards, it

    had led to the WHO suspending

    manufacturing licenses of three public

    sector vaccine manufacturing units — 

    Central Research Institute (CRI),

    Kasauli; Bacillus Calmette-Guérin

    Vaccine Laboratory (BCGVL), Guindy;

    and Pasteur Institute of India (PII),

    Coonoor, on account of non-compliance

    of good manufacturing practices (GMP)norms.

    • India had made up for the deficiency in

    the 2009 assessment and the units were


    ⇒ RBI TO

    R ELAX NORMS FOR  ENTRY OF FOREIGN BANKS• The Reserve Bank of India is expected

    to relax norms soon allowing opening of 

    more foreign banks.

    • At present, expansion of foreign banks

    in India is on a reciprocal basis.

    • India and Pakistan are negotiating issues

    with regard to opening of bank branches

    in each other’s territory to facilitate trade

    and commerce. As per the World Trade

    Organisation agreement, India allows

    opening of 12 branches of foreign banks

    in a year. Last year, the RBI in a

    discussion paper suggested that foreign

     banks should be incentivised to operate

    in India as wholly-owned subsidiaries, as

    against the present system of having

     presence through branch network.

    • At present, there are about 34 foreign

     banks operating in India, with five major 

     banks, including StanChar t, HSBC,

    Citibank and Deutsche, accounting for 

    over 70 per cent of the total asset size of 

    overseas lenders in the country.⇒ DOHA DITHERS ON EQUITY

    • The World Meteorological Organization

    (WMO) times the release of its

     provisional annual statement with the

    U.N. climate negotiations. This year, it

    dwelt on the Atlantic Basin experiencing

    an above-average hurricane season for 

    a third consecutive year, with 19 storms,

    10 of them achieving hurricane status,

    the most notable being Sandy.

    • East Asia was severely impacted by powerful typhoons, with Sanba being the

    strongest in 2012, causing destruction in

     parts of the Philippines, Japan, and the

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    Korean peninsula. The years 2001–2011

    were all among the warmest on recordand the WMO’s statement highlighted the

    unprecedented melting of the Arctic Sea

    ice and multiple weather and climate


    • The WMO’s statement fell on deaf ears

    at the Doha climate talks. As 194

    countries dragged on with negotiations,

    typhoon Bhopa was wrecking the

    eastern part of the Philippines.

    • The U.S., along with Japan, objected to

    the equity principle under the United

     Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change (UNFCCC) and also to

    equity being the basis of future


    • While the Durban platform clung on to

    the principles of equity as enshrined

    under the UNFCCC, the U.S. made it

    clear that it was not going to accept it.

    The climate talks have delivered less and

    less since Bali where the two-track 

    approach was mainly geared to bringing

    on board the U.S, which is not part of 

    the Kyoto Protocol. Finances, adaptation,

    mitigation and technology transfer were

    the key issues under the Bali Roadmap.

    India, part of the G-77 group, plus China

    had to object vociferously to the removal

    of the key pillars of the talks from the

    Long-term Cooperative Action plan. A

    Philippine delegate quipped that this was

    meant to be a paperless conference, not

    a “textless” one.

    • Doha Gateway only urges the developed

    countries to scale up finance to reach$100 billion a year by 2020 and submit

     plans by the next round of talks in Poland.

    There also seems to be a complete lack 

    of ambition in the second commitment

     period of the Kyoto Protocol, which isnow eight years.

    • The issue of carrying forward surplus

    emissions was strongly objected to by

    Russia, which was unhappy with the

     proposal under the Kyoto Protocol to

    cramp the carry-over of carbon credits

    or surplus allowances which it had

    accumulated during the Protocol’s first

    commitment period. Money supply for 

    the Adaptation Fund suffered due to the

    decline in the market prices of certified

    emission reduction, and as a result, $301.1million was collected.

    • With funds dwindling, countries lobbied

    for a mechanism on ‘loss and damage’

    since Cancun which finally was agreed

    upon at Doha. Crumbs are doled out as

    global temperatures rise and the poorest

    countries face disaster.


    • The warning signs are already out there.

    Global air and ocean temperatures have

    risen in response to human-drivenemissions, particularly of carbon dioxide.

    Oceans have become more acidic and

    the sea level has gone up; the Arctic Sea

    ice has melted faster than expected;

    rainfall and snowfall patterns have

    changed; and extreme weather events

    seem more frequent than in the past.

    Such changes, with the associated

    consequences, are likely to worsen

    considerably if emissions continue


    • At the Climate Change Conference in

    Copenhagen in 2009, the nations of the

    world pledged to avoid ‘dangerous’

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    climate change by reducing emissions.

    They would ensure that the averageglobal temperature at the end of this

    century did not exceed that of the pre-

    industrial period by more than two

    degrees Celsius. But as emissions

    continue to soar and with no meaningful

    global agreement in place to drastically

    cut them, there is increasingly talk of a

    temperature rise during this century of 

    four degrees Celsius.

    • “A four degrees Celsius world would be

    one of unprecedented heat waves,

    severe drought, and major floods in manyregions, with serious impacts on

    ecosystems and associated services,”

    warned a World Bank-sponsored report

     published last month.

    • India has already seen its average annual

    surface air temperature rise by about 0.5

    degrees Celsius during the past century.

    The warming had accelerated since 1971

    and particularly so during the past decade,

    according to the country’s Second

     National Communication to the U.N.

    Framework Convention on Climate

    Change made earlier this year.

    • Although higher carbon dioxide levels

    and more rain can help crops grow better,

    higher temperatures and more erratic

    rainfall are often detrimental. For 

    instance, the country’s wheat production

    could fall by about four million tonnes for 

    every one degree Celsius rise in

    temperature during the crop’s growth

     period. Climate change, along with other 

    environmental stresses, poses “significantchallenges” for cereal production in

    China and India, according to a recent

    report from the U.S. National

    Intelligence Council.

    • Climate change will bring along it withnew problems and challenges that must

     be faced.



    • India, Sri Lanka and the Maldives will

    soon sign a trilateral agreement on

    maritime cooperation to pool resources

    and share data for better control over 

    territorial waters and detect suspicious


    • India had also agreements with RoyalThai and the Indonesian naval forces to

    conduct coordinated patrolling in the east,

    around the region of the Malacca Straits.

    • In an effort at ensuring better 

    coordination and shorten response

    timings during a crisis, India has posted

    a Military Attaché (MA) in the Maldives.

    So far, the MA based in Sri Lanka was

    also in charge of the Maldives. Captain

    R.S. Sunil, based at the Eastern Naval

    Command Headquarters at

    Visakhapatnam, took charge as MA lastweek at Male. He is the first MA to be

     based in the Maldives. India trains the

    Maldivian National Defence Forces and

    its police.

    • Only India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,

    Bangladesh and China have diplomatic

     posts in the Maldives.


    • As part of its developmental trials,

    Beyond Visual Range Air-to-Air Missile

    (BVRAAM), Astra was successfullylaunched from Chandipur, Odisha.

    • The launch was carried out against an

    electronic target, although Pilotless

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    YOJANA 9

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    Asbestos has been widely used in various

    types of naval ships, including warships, aircraftcarriers, cruisers, destroyers, minesweepers,

    frigates and submarines. Ships repaired or built

    in the pre-1970 period were more likely to contain

    the toxic substance. The glass-like asbestos fibres

    were a major ingredient in many components of 

    the ship, from pipe insulation to gaskets, in engine

    and boiler rooms, mess halls, navigation rooms

    and even in sleeping quarters.

    Today, the U.S. Navy and civilian

    shipbuilders are eliminating its use and repair 

    workers are making efforts to eliminate asbestos-containing materials found on current or older 


    Scientific studies over the past three

    decades have proved the dangers involved during

    asbestos exposure. Pleural mesothelioma is the

    most common form of cancer that attacks the

    lining of the lungs when unprotected workers

    inhale the asbestos fibres; they pass through the

    lungs and get embedded in the pleural

    mesothelium, a wall of tissue surrounding the


    • The recent decision of the United Nations

    General Assembly to grant ‘Observer 

    status’ for the European Organisation for 

     Nuclear Research.

    • CERN is highly commendable. CERN

    is the first physical sciences research

    organisation to become an Observer.

    • The development comes a year after 

    CERN and the United Nations Office at

    Geneva signed a co-operation agreement.• Founded in 1954 under the auspices of 

    Unesco, the research organisation has

    till date lived up to the U.N. agency’s

     prime objective of international co-

    operation in the science and technologysphere.

    • In fact, it has gone beyond its initial

    mission of restricting its co-operative

    activities to researchers from the “Allied

    countries and former Axis countries,”

    and has today taken on board other 

    countries as members and observers,

    including India.

    • It has become a benchmark for other 

    large-scale science collaborative projects

    involving many countries. The

    fundamental difference between CERNand other international projects is that

    CERN’s activities go beyond the core

    area. Not widely known is the important

    digital library tools it has been sharing

    with several countries in Africa for 

    empowering and changing the way

     people access information. The new

    status and global platform will help the

    organisation direct and set a course so

    science and technology will ultimately

     benefit people.

    • The U.N. decision comes at a most

    crucial time when proprietary science is

     proving to be a great stumbling block in

    making the fruits of basic scientific

    research available to all. The wall that

    divides basic and applied science is

    getting replaced with a thin line, with

    certain promising fields coming up at the

    “intersection of basic research and

    application.” Molecular biology is one

    such field. U.S. federal agencies,

    universities and pharmaceuticalcompanies had to go to great lengths to

    free up the human genome sequence

    data generated by the privately-funded

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    Craig Venter team. This is one

    contentious issue that CERN can probably try to tackle. It was at CERN

    that the World Wide Web was invented,

    and an early WWW was initially made

    available to the small community of high-

    energy physicists. It also played a central

    role in developing the Internet in Europe.

    Today, it has the CERN Easy Access IP

    through which it makes available some

    of its technologies “free of royalties,”

     provided they are developed to “benefit

    the economy and society.” The latest is

    its pioneering effort to make the entirefield of high-energy physics open access

    through the Sponsoring Consortium for 

    Open Access Publishing in Particle

    Physics (SCOAP3) initiative.



    • Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit

    to India should dispel speculation about

    hiccups in bilateral ties.

    • Russia was unhappy with India’s refusal

    to waive civil liability for units III and IVof the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant

    (KNPP) and failure to secure Russian

    telecom company Sistema’s massive

    investment in the joint venture, Sistema

    Shyam TeleServices Ltd (SSTL), while

    India was concerned over a year-long

    delay in the delivery of the Vikramaditya

    aircraft carrier.

    • Russia remains India’s most trusted and

    valuable defence partner. It reaffirmed

    its readiness to share cutting-edge

    weapons technologies, leasing out the

    nuclear submarine Chakra and offering

    to jointly develop the fifth-generation

    fighter aircraft. The coming summit may

    see the two sides seal multi-billion deals

    for the supply of Su-30MKI fighters, Mi-17 helicopters, aircraft engines and tank 


    • Mr. Putin is also expected to endorse

    India’s efforts to expand its involvement

    in the Russian energy sector, with talks

    currently focusing on the development

    of new oil and gas fields in Russia’s Far 

    East, Siberia and the Arctic region.

    • The perceived irritants in the relations

    have been blown far out of proportion

     by the media and interested parties.

    Informed Russian sources said the liabilityissue for Kudankulam III and IV will be

    resolved by somewhat raising the price

    tag for the Russian-built reactors.

    Problems with boiler insulation on the

    Vikramaditya are unfortunate, but should

    not obscure the fact that overall, the

    aircraft carrier demonstrated admirable

    seaworthiness, manoeuvrability and

    aircraft takeoff and landing capacity

    during the trials.

    • The cancellation of Sistema’s licences

    for CDMA services is a more serious

     problem. The company’s $3.1-billion

    investment, including $700 million of 

    government funds, should have been a

    trail-blazing example of a successful

    foray by Russian business in India, but

    may end up discouraging other potential

    investors. That said, the Kremlin is not

     prepared to let the row mar Mr. Putin’s


    • If the disputes over Kudankulam and

    Sistema have been pushed to theforefront of the bilateral agenda, it is only

     because of an unacceptably low level of 

    commercial links: trade hardly exceeds

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    the combined price of two reactors for 

    Kudankulam, plus Sistema’s investmentin Shyam Telecom.

    • This year, trade has posted a robust 30

     per cent growth, but still amounts to just

    $11 billion, and, with some luck, could hit

    the $20-billion target set by the two

    governments for 2015. By that time,

    India’s and Russia’s trade with China will

     be well above $100 billion for each.

    Achieving a quantum jump in trade and

    economic ties will be the biggest challenge

    for Mr. Putin during his five-year term

    till 2018 and for India. Without a solideconomic foundation, the two countries

    would find it hard to sustain the current

    high level of their “special and privileged

    strategic partnership”.



    Finance Minister P. Chidambaram proposed

    to add a new clause in the Banking Laws

    (Amendment) Bill which was not a part of the

    original amendments vetted by the Standing

    Committee on Finance last year. It allows the

    entry of banks in commodity futures trading in

    India. After strong opposition by political parties

    on the grounds of parliamentary impropriety, the

    government dropped it from the Bill on December 


    However, this clause would be incorporated

    in the Forward Contract Regulation Act

    (Amendment) Bill which is likely to be tabled in

    Parliament next year. As allowing banks to trade

    in commodity futures signals a major policy shift

    in the banking sector with wider ramifications, it

    should be discussed in and outside Parliament. As

     per the existing regulatory framework, banks in

    India are allowed to trade in financial instruments

    (shares, bonds and currencies) in the securitiesmarket. But the Banking Regulation Act, 1949

     prohibits banks (domestic and foreign) from

    trading in goods. Section 8 of the Act states: “no

     banking company shall directly or indirectly deal

    in the buying or selling or bartering of goods,

    except in connection with the realisation of 

    security given to or held by it.”

    However, banks are allowed to finance

    commodity business and provide fund and non-

    fund-based facilities to commodity traders to meet

    their working capital requirements. Banks also provide clearing and settlement services for 

    commodities derivatives transactions. But banks

    cannot trade in commodities themselves.

    In addition to banks, mutual funds, pension

    funds, insurance companies and foreign

    institutional investors (FIIs) are not allowed to

    trade in Indian commodity futures markets.

    By and large, Indian banks (public and

     private) lack the market knowledge and the

    expertise to benefit from trading in commodity

    futures. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) hasalso expressed concern at the risks posed by

    domestic banks that lack the expertise and skilled

    manpower to deal with such risky trading


    The commodity exchanges are supportive

    of this move as higher trading volumes would

     boost their revenues. The real beneficiaries are

    likely to be big foreign banks that have

    considerable international experience and

    expertise in dealing with futures trading. Unlike

    small traders and hedgers, big foreign banks andFIIs could also benefit immensely from algorithmic

    trading and other advanced trading tools.

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    Already, foreign banks dominate the

    financial derivatives market in India. Most of these products are financial in nature with no actual

     bank lending involved. The off-balance-sheet

    exposure of foreign banks (e.g., currency forward

    contracts, interest rate derivatives) is currently

    very high in India and should be a matter of 

    concern to policymakers. The off-balance-sheet

    exposure of foreign banks as a proportion of their 

    on-balance-sheet exposure was 1,860 per cent in

    2010-11. The entry of banks into commodity

    futures trading could turn out to be a risky

     proposition for several valid reasons. To beginwith, the commodity futures market in India is still

    in a nascent stage of development. Therefore, the

    existing regulatory environment cannot handle the

    sudden entry of big financial players such as

     banks and institutional investors.

    In addition, the existing penalty provisions

    are grossly inadequate and not in tune with the

    current trading volume in the Indian commodity

    derivatives markets. It may sound astonishing that

    the FMC — which regulates billions of dollars

    worth of commodity trade — does not have the power to directly impose a financial penalty on

    traders. Now, only a maximum penalty of Rs.1,000

    can be imposed on market participants by the

    FMC — and through court orders on conviction.

    A financial penalty of a mere Rs.1,000 (enforced

    through a lengthy court process) does not deter 

     potential offenders in the commodity markets.


    • Justice Swatanter Kumar has taken over 

    as chairperson of the National Green

    Tribunal (NGT), to decide on casesrelating to environmental protection, and

    conservation of forests and natural


    • Though Justice Kumar’s tenure as a

    Supreme Court judge is due to end nextweek, December 14 was his last working

    day and he assumed charge of the new

    office on December 20. He is the first

    Supreme Court judge to preside over the

    Tribunal which was, till now, functioning

    without a full-time chairperson. Justice

    P. Jyothimani, a retired Judge of the

    Madras High Court, who has been

    appointed a judicial member of the NGT.


    • The large number of unfilled vacanciesin Primary Health Centres in many States

    is proof that any plan to provide universal

    health coverage in India is going to be a

    major challenge.

    • Availability of human resources for 

    health, be it doctors, nurses, or support

    staff, is far from optimal. In the WHO’s

    Global Atlas of the Health Workforce for 

    2010, India is 52 among 57 countries

    facing a critical HR crisis in health. A

    well-functioning health system should

    have at least 23 health workers per 10,000 people, while the statistic for India

    is 19. Even this national performance is

    not uniform, as the statistics on PHCs

    show. It is unconscionable that as per 

    2011 figures, some States have staggering

    levels of vacancies of doctors at the most

     basic access level. Chhattisgarh tops the

    list with 71 per cent; West Bengal,

    Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya

    Pradesh, Gujarat, Odisha and even Tamil

     Nadu have significant number of vacant

    doctor posts. These statistics strengthen

    the argument that many more medical

    and nursing colleges, and institutions for 

    health worker training should be opened

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    on a war footing. It is true that legislation

    in this regard is pending, and theParliamentary Standing Committee on

    Health and Family Welfare has recently

    submitted its report. The Centre must

    now move forward through democratic

    consensus involving stakeholders.

    • The litany of human resource shortages

    is not peculiar to the PHCs. Vacant posts

    are found in the even more basic unit of 

    Health Sub-Centres (HSCs), besides

    hospitals at higher levels. What this

    highlights is the patchy performance of 

    the National Rural Health Mission inseveral States. Unfortunately, these

    States have failed to grasp the

    importance of PHCs and HSCs to

    reduce the country’s notorious maternal

    and infant mortality rates. Unless they

    act with determination, it will be

    impossible to achieve the growth in

     primary care so essential to cater to a

    much higher population just a decade

    from now. The Planning Commission’s

    High Level Expert Group on universal

    health coverage projects a need for 3.14

    lakh HSCs (more than double the present

    number) and over 50,000 PHCs by 2022.

    To staff them with trained manpower, a

    robust plan to augment human resources

    must be pursued. Towards this end, the

     Na tional Commiss ion for Hu man

    Resources for Health Bill, 2011 provides

    an enabling framework. Yet, it can make

     progress only when all stakeholders,

    including the medical community and civil

    society, are agreed on the way forward.What is unarguable is the need for a rapid

    scaling up of training facilities for doctors,

    nurses and auxiliary workers, and filling

    up of vacancies in all States. Without this,

    universal health coverage cannot makemuch headway.



    • The potato has a 12,000-year-old history

     but an even brighter future as a crop that

    is set to replace rice as a staple in the

    Asian rice-consuming countries.

    • It requires less amount of water 

    compared to other basic food products,

    without compromising the nutrition value.

    • Potato, therefore, is increasingly being promoted, in the genetically modified

    organism-free European Union (EU), as

    the foremost solution for meeting the

    increased food demand for an estimated

    6 billion world population by 2030.

    • Dutch researchers from the famous

    Wageningen University — dedicated to

     bio-based economy in food, feed and

    chemicals produced from renewable

    resources — told a visiting press

    delegation that if prepared in a healthy

    manner and consumed in the right pr opor tion (b alanced reduct ion of 

    calories), consumers can benefit from

    the many nutrients and dietary fibres in

    the tuber.



    • The ambiguous rules governing the import

    of the chemical leave gaping holes in the

    system Amid a persisting terror threat,

    the handling of ammonium nitrate

    imports, and the ambiguous rulesgoverning them, continue to leave gaping

    holes in the system which ultras keep

    exploiting. Even a naval base and an

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    entire port are under threat.

    • Ammonium nitrate, used in fertilizers, isalso one of the ingredients of improvised

    explosive devices (IEDs) that extremists

    rig up to perpetrate terror.

    • India imports a sizable amount of this

    explosive for use in its mines, but a

     portion goes missing.The Visakhapatnam

    Port, on the east coast, imports this

    material; it handled 3.4 lakh tonnes in

    2011-12. But the chemical is imported

    unbagged, a practice that leaves ample

    scope for spillage, and possibly theft.



    • China launched services on the world’s

    longest high-speed rail route, the latestmilestone in the country’s rapid and — 

    sometimes troubled — super-fast rail


    • The opening of the 2,298-km line

     between Beijing and Guangzhou means

     passengers will be whisked from the

    capital to the southern commercial hub

    in just eight hours, compared with the 22

    hours previously.

    • China’s high-speed rail network was only

    established in 2007 but has fast become

    the world’s largest. The official Xinhuanews agency said China now operates

    9,300 km of high-speed railways.

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    The country presently (201112) possesses

    634 universities and 33,023 colleges with the

    student strength of 1,69,75,000 (girls 70,49,000).The number of graduates coming out of technical

    colleges was slightly over 7,00,000 in the last year.

    However, 75 percent of technical graduates and

    more than 85 percent of general graduates are

    unemployable by India’s high growth global

    industries, including information technology. In the

     North-East st ates 40 universities and such

    institutions are present with Nagaland having 3,

    Assam 10, Meghalaya 9, Sikkim 5, Arunachal

    Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur and Tripura each

    having 3. The small number of institutions inthese states can be due to the small size of the


    In the country out of the GDP, 3.77

     percent was spent on education in 2011, 32.3

     percent of the total amount went to higher 


    Despite growing investment in education,

    25 percent population still remains to be

    illiterate; 15 percent of Indian students reach

    high school and just 7 percent college and

    university. The quality of higher education issignificantly poor. India’s post-secondary

    institutions offer only enough seats for 7

     percent of India’s college-age population.


    Infrastructure Development is a

    fundamental prerequisite for realizing the vision

    of progress towards peace and prosperity and for creating an investment climate and market

    development in the North East. In fact, this is a

     basic prerequisite for development and has strong

    complementarities with measures to improve

    health and education as well as industry and

    services are crucial for establishing a stable and

     peaceful society and hence for the progress and

     prosperity of the entire region.


    Transport is a vital input for the proposed

    shift from subsistence agriculture to cash crop

     ba sed fa rming, as wel l as the planned

    development of industry and the service sector.

    Most of the area in the region is hilly and

    undulating with low population densities,

    accompanied by low per area production of 

    goods. In the hilly terrain, what it is in the NER 

    (except in Assam and some parts of other states)

    development of inland waterways is the most

    expensive. Similarly, rail connectivity in such a

    terrain is not only time consuming but would need

     prohibit ive investments, probably beyond the

    means of the nation. It is road connectivity which

    would play a dominant role in fulfilling the

    transportation needs of the public. Air connectivity


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    would certainly play a role for a limited segment

    of people and goods.Roads

    The main grid of transportation of goods and

     passengers in the North East is the road network 

    of 82,000 Kms. This network is most developed

    in the Assam and Arunachal Pradesh. The five

    other main States in the region have networks

    ranging from 5000 to 9000 Kms. The vast

    majority of roads, around are unpaved roads,

    which are generally unsuitable for transport of 

    heavy goods.

    The Ministry of Road Transport and

    Highways (MoRTH) has been paying attention

    to the development of National Highways (NHs)

    in the North-Eastern region and 10 percent of the

    total allocation is earmarked for this region. The

    total length of NHs in the NE, including Sikkim,

    is 6880 Kms and these are being developed and

    maintained by three agencies-the State Public

    Works Department (PWD), Border Roads

    Organisation (BRO) and National Highways

    Authority of India (NHAI).

    Special Accelerated Road Development

    Programme for the North Eastern Region

    (SARDP NE) is a flagship pr ogramme

    implemented by the Mof Road Transport and

    Highways (MoRTH) covering the improvement/

    construction of 8737 kms road. Phase-A covering

    2304 km had approved for implementation and

    Phase-B the length to be covered is 4570 Kms.

    The objectives of the programme are as under:

    • Connectivity of all State Capital towns

    with NH through at least 2 lane road

    • To provide 2-lane connectivity to theremaining 51 District Headquarter towns

    of NER (there are in all 85 District

    Headquarter towns of NER, 23 are

    already connected by 2-lane road and

    connectivity to l l District HQ is providedunder Phase-A of SARDP NE).

    • To provide inter-connectivity of all the

    State Capital towns by at least 2-lane NH

    • To improve certain roads of strategic


    • To provide improved connectivity to

    remote and backward areas, and

    • To improve road connectivity to border 

    areas, Land Custom Stations and

    neighbouring countries

    The Asian Highways project covering a

    road network of about 65,000 km. and passing

    through 15 countries is lying dormant for more

    than 40 years. The objective of this project is to

     pr omote and coordina te development of 

    international road transport for connecting all the

    capital and industrial cities, sea routes and places

    of tourist and commercial interests in the Asian

    region. The proposed roads in the Asian Highways

     project would connect the NER not only with

    Bangladesh but also with other East Asian

    countries. This will give a big boost to the

    development of this region. This project,therefore, needs to be pushed through for 



    The railroad network is limited to 2500 Kms

    and lies almost entirely within the State of Assam

    (2466 Kms), with short stretches in Nagaland (13

    Kms) and Arunachal Pradesh (I Kms). Only 960

    Kms of this network consists of standard gauge

    track suitable for haulage of bulk goods and the

    majority of the network is made up of narrowgauge track suitable for small trains and

    transportation of passenger and transportation of 

    smaller cargo.

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    Similarly, there is an urgent need for a rail

    link to Meghalaya and Sikkim. The moreimportant issue from the long-term point of view

    of the strategic planning is to develop a rail

    network with the aim of increasing inter-state

    connectivity. In addition, rail connectivity should

     be integrated with developments in the other 

    avenues of transport being proposed for the NER 

    as a whole.


    The terrain of the region and very tenuous

    land link with the rest of the country makes air 

    connectivity a sine qua non for trade andcommerce, tourism, realization of the potential for 

    horticulture and floriculture in the region,

     promotion of higher and technical education and

    even for reducing the image deficit that the region

    suffers from.

    The air connectivity was extremely

    unreliable prior to 2002 as the limited traffic made

    the use of Boeing jets uneconomical and led to

    irregular flight schedules. However, since 2002

    the introduction of smaller ATR planes has made

    flights within NER somewhat more reliablethough Kolkata still seems to be the hub rather 

    than Guwahati. To make Air connectivity within

    region and with India there is a need for 

    substantial investments and participation from

     both the Government and private investors.

    During 11th Plan, three Greenfield airports,

    one each at Packyong in Sikkim, Itanagar in

    Arunachal Pradesh, and Chiethu in Nagaland was

     proposed. In addition, some existing airports in

     NER also has taken up for expansion/modification,

    to make them operational for scheduled flights.Waterways

    One of the key development constraints for 

    the Northeast over the past decades has been its

    geographical isolation. Certainly the advances in

    air flight have brought markets closer to the NorthEast, but the relatively high proportion of bulky

    goods in the region’s economy requires the further 

    development of a means of transport. Specifically,

    the use of inland waterways as the main network 

    for transportation of bulk goods in the

     Northeast ern Region has a number of 


    The main network of 1800 Kms of navigable

    waterways of the Brahmaputra and Barak 

    system has been designated National Waterways

    (NW)-2 which is currently used for the transportof bulk goods, but expansion of the transportation

    sector is limited by the lack of transport and

    overhaul facilities and natural restrictions in the

    river system due to sedimentation and shallow

    water levels.

    A number of infrastructure developments

    have been proposed to expand the inland

    waterway network linked to NW-2 and improve

     port facilities. Such initiatives would enable the

    further development of several cargo routes and

    ferry service routes along NW-2.There is also a range of other waterways

     besides NW-2 tha t could be developed and

    contribute to the economic growth of the

     Northeast and pr omote Indo-Myanmar 

    cross border trade.

    The third major option for increased inland

    water transport is the further development of the

    international Indo-Bangladesh Protocol route for 

    water transport. The development of this route

    would increase options for goods movement to

    and from the Northeast and peninsular Indiathrough the Sundarbans and Bangladesh,

    improving the accessibility of the Northeastern


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    Information and Communication

    Technology (ICT)The teledensity of the North East is low in

    comparison to the rest of India except Mizoram.

    In addition to that the Internet usage is also low

    in the North East is clear from the insignificant

    number of connections in NER, being a low

    15,303 in 2002, just 0.48 per cent of the total

    number in the country. This increased since 2003

     but was still less than 1 per cent (0.88 per cent)

    of the total. It is thus reasonable to conclude that

    the NER states have not been impacted by the

    telecommunication revolution as much as the restof the country. The low Internet penetration is

     particularly worrying given the long-term plan of 

    rapidly increasing the spread of IT services in the


    Cellular mobile services were introduced in

    the region only in 2003 after a delay of eight years

    than the rest of the country for security reasons.

    There are still some restrictions in border areas

    and no signals are allowed within 500 metres of 

    the international border. This restriction is

     particularly harsh to the North East states wherea significant population lives in border areas and,

    therefore, should be removed as early as possible.

    To address the situation, BSNL declared the year 

    2007 as the “Year of Development of Telecom

     Network in NE Region”.

    In addition, major initiatives have been taken

    to boost the ICT activities in the region by the

    DoT are: (i) introduction of IMScompliant

    functions into the existing solution, (ii) Testing is

    in progress for the implementation of IMS-SSF

    functionality, (iii) Development work for implementation of IMS Gateway control

    functions, (iv) BBWT system has been installed

    at Agartala, Tripura for Proof-of concept and is

     being evaluated for implementation of SWAN

    (StateWide Area Network) and (v) it is also

     planned to explore northeastern states for piloting

    some of the new technologies developed.


    There is a huge potential for the power 

    generation in the region. Apart from this almost

    every North Eastern state is a deficit in power.

    This power deficit is a major constraint in the

    economic development of the region which is

    important for the growing state of industrial and

    other economic activities based on power in the

    region. The power generation opportunitiesespecially in the hydro power are there in the

    states especially Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim and


    As noted in the Pasighat Declaration, the

    total power potential in NER is about 50,000 MW.

    According to NEC Vision 2020 the estimated

    hydro-power potential of Arunachal is around

    50,000 MW. The state is expected to generate an

    additional 22,584 MW hydel power by 2020 in 166

    hydel projects, of which only 88 MW is to be

    created under state projects, the rest will be under 

    central and private projects.

    Many policies like the “50,000MW hydro

    initiative”, Hydro policy 2008 have been

    formulated by Central Government to promote

    investment in hydropower in the north-eastern

    region. Under the Mega Power Policy of the

    Central Government, the qualifying threshold

    capacity for setting up hydro power plants in the

    region and for availing the special benefits thereof 

    is 350 MW, whereas for the rest of the country,

    it is 500 MW.As per the ‘North Eastern Industrial and

    Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP) - 2007’

     by Ministry of Commerce and industry, the whole

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    of NER has been declared as SEZ and many

    subsidies, tax exemptions/ waivers are offered oncost of infrastructure, transport, power etc.


    Arguably, one of the best examples of 

    ancient wisdom in ensuring ecological

    sustainability is the Khasi tradition of sacred

    forests. Like many tribes in different parts of the

    world, including central India, forests, rivers and

    trees were considered to be the home of gods and

    spirits. Hence these were revered, worshipped

    and protected. Such forests were venerated,

     protected and preserved. Under the belief system,

    it was considered taboo to pick up even a leaf and

    carry it out of the forest. It was believed that

    disobedience of this led to punishments in the

    form of ailments, which unless atoned for, through

     prescribed rituals, could prove fatal. The forests

    spirits were also appeased through rituals and

    sacrifices and in turn the spirits ensured the

    welfare of the people. Such beliefs, in the

    industrial age, were often dubbed as animism and

    superstition and under the relentless onslaught of 

    modernism, such belief systems are fastdisappearing.

    With them are disappearing a way of life

    that was instrumental in preserving the

    sustainability of human civilization. As a case in

     point may be cited the example of the sacred

    forests in Meghalaya. In the not too distant past,

    many forests of the state were designated as

    sacred. In fact even the name Shillong is derived

    from the hill U Lum Shyllong, where the present

    day Shillong Peak is located. It was a sacred

    forest, where resided the spirit of the guardian

    deity, U Lei Shyllong. The Laitkor forest Range

    which housed the sacred forests, are today

    accepted as an important rain catchment area that

    feeds the perennial springs that supplies crystal

    clear water to a large part of Shillong round theyear. Today, with the denudation of this forests,

    mountain springs are drying up and water scarcity

    has become much more common.


    The Apatanis are one of the major tribes of 

    Arunachal Pradesh. Predominantly occupying the

    Lower Subansiri district, the tribe is renowned for 

    its skills in composite agriculture.

    Their terraced wet rice fields are also used

    to grow fish while the elevated borders or bunds,

    that retain water in the fields are used for growing

    finger millets. The millet plants not only bind and

    hold the soil but reduces weed growth. Moreover,

    the millet produced is highly prized for its use in

    manufacturing the local brew. Normally fish

    fingerlings are released in the paddy fields and

    subsequently, the fish feed on the plankton and

    other micro flora and insects. As they forage for 

    food, they release micro-nutrients from the soil

    that is beneficial for the paddy. The fish grow

    along with the paddy crop and sometimes the fish

    is harvested as much as two times during the year.In addition, the Apatanis have perfected the

    art of nutrient management of the rice terraces

    in a number of ingenious ways. Compost is

    derived through decomposition of paddy straw by

    inundating fields. A number of essential mineral

    supplements are added to the fields through ash

    derived from burning of straw and other 

    vegetation that remain in the fields and outlying


    In addition, additional manure is derived

    from animal droppings, rice husks and kitchen

    waste. It was also observed that it was common

     practice for Apatani villages which are normally

    located at high elevations, to direct the organic

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    sewage generated in the villages, to the outlying

    fields. This was a good source of organic manure,useful for both the plants as well as the fish.



    The Angamis are one of the major tribes of 

     Nagaland and the village of Khonoma, near the

    capital Kohima, is considered to be one of the

    oldest inhabited village in the region. In and

    around the hills of Khonoma can be found trees

    that are hundreds of years old. Many of these are

    Alder trees, a species extolled by agricultural

    scientists for its nitrogen fixing capacity. The

    ancient tradition of the Angamis seems to have

    realized the value of the Alder in agriculture and

    hence its preservation over the centuries. In fact,

    they seem to have developed an alder based

    system of shifting cultivation or Jhum, that gave

    spectacular productivity. Under this system, while

    the secondary foliage or the undergrowth is

    cleared and burnt to clear the ground for 

    cultivation, the primary vegetation the Alder trees

    are left undisturbed.



    A High Level Committee comprising of Dr.

    V Krishnamurthy, Chairman, National

    Manufacturing Competitiveness Council

    (NMCC), Dr. Sam Pitroda, Adviser to the Prime

    Minister for Public Infrastructure, Information

    and Innovation, among others had submitted a

    report to the Prime Minister in 2010, to fast-track 

    the growth of the Electronics System Design and

    Manufacturing (ESDM) sector. The Committeemade five key recommendations in their report.

    One of the five recommendations specifically

    related to promotion of R&D and innovation in

    the sector. The relevant extract of the report is

    as follows.“There is an urgent need for intervention to

     promote and develop innovation, R&D, Indian

    IPR and manufacturing within the country for 

    electronic products, which include telecom

     produ cts, especial ly those having security

    implications. It is proposed to create a dedicated

    `Electronic Development Fund’ with an initial

    corpus of Rs. 5,000 crore for Innovations, R&D,

    TPR and product development and promotion of 

    electronics equipment manufacturing. This fund

    would also support seed, angel and venturefunding. The fund may be leveraged to acquire

    foreign companies so as to shift the production

    of products currently imported in large volumes,

    into the country. Some of the PSUs which are

    well positioned may take a lead role and venture

    into such acquisitions. The fund would be

    managed professionally and accessible to both

    Government and private sector.”

    “To take up a major programme for design

    and fabrication of an Indian Microprocessor. This

    would have multiple benefits such as (i)elimination/reduction of licence fee/royalty paid

     by the country for using foreign microprocessor 

    core (ii) develop systems for critical installation

    with enhanced security. While the development

    of microprocessor is likely to cost around Rs.

    1000 crores, the detailed costing for the complete

    ecosystem needs to be worked out, which is

    expected to be around Rs.5000 crores.”



    The draft National Policy on Electronics

    2011 was released recently. It reflects the

    Government emphasis on development of R&D

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    and innovation capabilities in this sector. The goals

    and targets of the Policy underline this thrust. Therelevant goals are extracted below.

    To become a global leader in creating

    Intellectual Property (IP) in the ESDM sector by

    increasing fund flow for R&D, seed capital and

    venture capital for start-ups in the ESDM and

    nanoelectronics sectors.

    Furthermore, creating an Electronic

    Development Fund (EDF) to promote Innovation

    and IP and R&D, commercialization of products,

    etc. to facilitate IP development by Indian

    industry, academic and R&D institutions isrecognized as a key strategy for achieving the

    aforesaid goal. The Policy also envisages that the

    EDF will be a “Fund of Funds” which will

     participate in “Daughter Funds” for various

    innovation and manufacturing stages. It also states

    that all Daughter Funds are to be professionally



    The draft approach to the Twelth Plan

     points out that the R&D expenditure in the country

    is only about 0.9 percent of GDP, of which about

    three- fourth is in the public sector and only one

    fourth is in the private sector which is simply not

    adequate. The total expenditure in R&D is

    required to be increased to 2 percent of GDP by

    the end of the Twelfth Plan. This could consist

    of about 1 percent in the public sector and 1

     percent in the corporate sector, including PSUs.

    It recognizes that the current practices and

     policies for promoting R&D and innovation do not

     promote this objective sufficiently. It states, “we

    also need to migrate from defensive decisionsyndrome to trust based decision logic and from

    risk averse to risk prepared social behaviour”.

    It is necessary to create a framework that

    takes into account the entire life cycle of ideas beginning with discovery/ cr ea tion to

    commercialization, extension and value addition.

    It is success in this area alone that can stimulate

    appropriate innovation across the wider system.

    Significant changes will have to be brought in

    current interaction of publicly owned S&T

    establishment with industry, both in public and

     private sector. This should result in a significant

    enhancement of the private sector R&D

    expenditure, which is presently estimated at

    around 25 percent of national R&D expenditure

    to at least 50 percent in the Twelfth Plan.

    The important elements which may play the

    catalytic role in achieving this outcome are: first,

    leveraging the Government grants and other 

    forms of financing, to secure private financial

    flows and support around a demand driven R&D

    development path. Industry, both public and

     private, would also need to be incentivized to

    invest at least 2 percent of their sales turnover in

    R&D. The second is developing a workable

     protocol for facilitating interaction amongst these

     players. This would cover a range of issues, fromthe nature of testing to that of the regulatory

    framework and the facilitation of foreign direct

    investment (FDI) in related R&D activity.


    • There are important lessons which the

     proposed Electronic Development Fund

    can derive from the Yojana programme

    of Israel.

    • Yozmna created a solid base for a

    competitive Venture Capital (VC)

    industry with critical mass in Israel.• Yozmna created a solid base for a

    competitive Venture Capital (VC)

    industry with critical mass in Israel.

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    • It is also created a network which

    enabled entrepreneurs in Israel to learnfrom foreign limited partners; and to

    acquire a network of international


    • Yozma was started as a $ l00M

    Government owned Venture Capital fund

    (with the same name) oriented to two

    functions: a) fund of funds- investment

    in 10 private VC funds (‘Yozma Funds’

    - 80M); and b) direct investments in high

    tech companies-$20M (through the

    Government -owned ‘Yozma Venture



    • The  share of oil seeds crops in terms

    of area [1.8 percent] and production [0.6

     percent] in the total in 1961-62 went up

    to 16.7 percent and 6.6 percent

    respectively in the total in 2010-11.

    • While share of area under commercial 

    crops in the total increased significantly

    from 5.1 percent in 1961-62 to 7.5

     percent in 2010-11 , thei r share of 

     production, however, remained stagnantat 39.1 percent and 38.1 percent


    • Area under all crops in rabi  season

    sharply shot up from 3,350 hectares in

    1961-62 to 67,440 hectares [2013

     percent] and  production from 2,580

    metric tons to 1, 14,950 metric tons[4455

     percent] in 2010-11. Consequently yield 

    of crops also improved from 770 kg/ha

    to 1,704 kg/ha [221 percent] respectively.


    which did not find place during

    the rabi season till 1970s covered 2,700

    hectares in 1980-81 and increased to

    6,500 hectares [240.7 percent] in 2000-

    01 and 10,330 hectares [382.6 percent]

    in 2010-11. The cereal production

    improved significantly from 4,000 metrictons to 12,200 metric tons [305 percent]

    and 19,480 metric tons [487 percent]

    respectively. The yield of rabi cereals

    increased from 1,481 kg/ha to 1,876 kg/

    ha and 1,885 kg/ha respectively.

    • In 2009, out of the total geographical area

    of 16,57,900 hectares, the gross area

    under total agriculture was 3,87,860

    [23.39 percent].

    • Between 2003 and 2009, share of 

    average area under jhum p