global optimization simulated annealing and tabu search€¦ · zderived its name from the...

1 Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search Doron Pearl

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Page 1: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Global OptimizationSimulated Annealing and Tabu Search

Doron Pearl

Page 2: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


A Greedy Approach

Iteratively minimize current state, by replacing it by successor state that has lower value.

When successor is higher – return.

Page 3: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


A Greedy Approach

ProblemMost Minimization strategies find thenearest local minimum.



local minimum

global minimum

barrier to local search

Page 4: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Bouncing BallGoal: Find the lowest valley in a terrain.Approach: A bouncing ball.

Process1. At the beginning allow the ball to make high bounces.2. Slowly decreases the maximum bounce.



local minimum

global minimum

Will jump barrier

Page 5: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Physical Annealing Process

Gradual cooling of liquid …At high temperatures, molecules move freelyAt low temperatures, molecules are "stuck“

if cooling is slowLow energy, organizedcrystal lattice formed.

Page 6: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Simulated Annealing

A stochastic global optimization method that distinguishes between different local optima.

Derived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals.

Simulated annealing is summarized with the following idea:“When optimizing a very large and complex system (i.e., a system with many degrees of freedom) , instead of always going downhill, try to go downhill most of the times” [Haykin, 1999]

Page 7: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Algorithm’s SketchStep 1: Initialize – Start with a random initial

placement. Initialize a very high “temperature”.

Step 2: Move – Perturb the placement through a defined move.

Step 3: Calculate score – calculate the change in the score due to the move made.

Step 4: Choose – Depending on the change in score, accept or reject the move. The probability of acceptance depending on the current “temperature”.

Step 5: Update and repeat– Update the temperaturevalue by lowering the temperature. Go back to Step 2.

The process is done until “Freezing Point” is reached.

Page 8: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Basic Algorithm

1. Choose a random Xi, select the initial system temperature, and outline the cooling (ie. annealing) schedule.

2. Evaluate E(Xi) using a simulation model

3. Perturb Xi to obtain a neighboring Design Vector (Xi+1)

4. Evaluate E(Xi+1) using a simulation model

5. If E(Xi+1)< E(Xi), Xi+1 is the new current solution

6. If E(Xi+1)> E(Xi), then accept Xi+1 as the new current solution with a probability e(-Δ /T) where Δ = E(Xi+1) -E(Xi).

7. Reduce T according to the cooling schedule.

8. Terminate the algorithm.

T = System Temperature , E = Objective function

Page 9: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Rosenbrock Function

2 2 22 1[(1 ) 100 ]f x x x= − + × −

SA’s performance on the Rosenbrock function (2D):

Search Pattern Objective reduction

Page 10: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


General SA Software Overview

Simulated AnnealingAlgorithm

Evaluationfunction e(x)

Perturbationfunction p(x)

Initial configuration X0 Xbest


Options(e.g. annealing schedule)

Page 11: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Software: ASAAdaptive Simulated Annealing: C code that statistically finds the best global fit of a nonlinear constrained non-convex cost-function.Has over 100 options to provide robust tuning over many classes of nonlinear stochastic systems.Reannealing - periodically rescaling the annealing-time.ASAMIN – Matlab Interface for ASAReference: Lester Ingber, California Institute of Technology

Page 12: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Software: parSA

parSA – Parralel Simulated Annealing Code in C/C++University of Paderborn, Germany

Public, Using MPI, Platform independent

Page 13: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


More Software

JSimul – Simulated Annealing Code in Java Taygeta Scientific Inc.

GOFFE – Fortan implementationWilliam Goffe, Barkely California

simanneal – Simulated Annealing Code in C, C++ and ADATaygeta Scientific Inc.

Page 14: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Tabu Search(Giordano 96, based on Glover 89)

General idea: search a space by choosing a point, and going to its best neighbor that is not in the tabu list.

Tabu search is stochastic by nature: not guaranteed to always find an optimal solution even if one exists.

The Tabu restriction adds memory to local search- prevent cycles / revisiting- increase diversity of exploration- escape from local optima

Page 15: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Tabu Restrictions

When we would tag a move as a Tabu ?Enforce tabu restrictions.

Example 1: After a move that changes the value of xifrom 0 to 1, we would like to prevent xi from taking the value of 0 in the next p iterations.

Example 2: After a move that exchanges the positions of element i and j in a sequence, we would like to prevent elements i and j from exchanging positions in the next p iterations

Tabu tenure -

Page 16: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Basic Tabu Search Algorithm1. initialize current-solution c to some random solution2. for x 1 to num-iterations

1. generate and estimate neighbors of c2. prune neighbors that are in the tabu-list3. c best of remaining neighbors4. update tabu-list

3. return c

Best neighborTabu

Page 17: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Tabu Move

Best neighborTabu

Page 18: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with



No “off the shelf” codes because generally each problemrequires particular implementation.

Some code framework are available -

OpenTS – Java Tabu Search., CPL LicenseMetslib – meta heuristics framework in C++- GNU, OO

You would still need to add your own implementation(neighborhood generator, solution estimator etc…)

Page 19: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


Probabilistic Tabu Search

1. Instead of evaluating each neighbor consider only a random sample.

2. When 2 or more neighbors evaluated as “best move” –choose by random.


Reduce significantly the computational burden.Acts as an anti-cycling mechanism.Allows usage of shorter tabu lists.

Page 20: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


TS vs. SA

In 10 out 15 problems TS found a better (smaller) cost function

TS gives a better result for average costs

Page 21: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


TS vs. SAFor the problem


t Val


Number of MovesIterations per move for SA

SA needs more iterations as it


TS always finds better solutions

Page 22: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


TS vs. SACPU time in seconds (averaged over 10 runs) required by TS and SA to carry out 200,000 moves

• Move=A better solution was found

• SA won’t find a move in most iterations

It takes about half the time for TS

Page 23: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with


TS vs. SA

Influence of the initial temp. of SA on the cost function:

Bad results when the size is too small

or too big

Influence of the size of TS’list on the cost function:

For the problem

SA is sensitive to initial temp.

Page 24: Global Optimization Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search€¦ · zDerived its name from the annealing process used to re-crystallize metals. zSimulated annealing is summarized with



Randomized Feature Selection, PRISM Texas A&M University

Simulated Annealing, Statistical Computing, University of Michigan

Artificial Intelligence Seminar, Adele Howe, Colarado State

Tabu Search for Military Analysis, Ray Hill, Department of Operational Sciences Air Force Institute of

Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search for Constraint Solving, Jin-Kao-Hao and Jerome Pannier (1998), Parc Scientifique Georges Besse Nimes, France