global soil organic carbon map

Global Soil Organic Carbon Map Rainer Baritz Global Soil Partnership

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Page 1: Global Soil Organic Carbon Map

Global Soil Organic

Carbon MapRainer Baritz

Global Soil Partnership

Page 2: Global Soil Organic Carbon Map

Background Request from the SPI-UNCCD to ITPS to prepare a Global Soil

Organic Carbon map as a contribution to the SDG process (indicator 15.3.1).

Part of the ongoing activities to establish the Global Soil Information System under Pillar 4.

Need to empower member countries to develop their own national soil information using state of the art techniques/methods.

Crucial need to make SOC baseline available considering the dynamic nature of soils.

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Where are SOC data needed?


FAO STAT (agro-env indicators and UN statistics), Agriculture productivity

National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs), Aichi Targets





SDG (2.4, 15.2, 15.3)


UN World Soil Charter Voluntary Guidelines for SSMStatus of the World’s Soil Resources ReportGlobal Soil information System and SoilSTAT

LDN target settingNational Action Programmes (NAPs)


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What is the current status of spatial

information about SOC Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD): mostly 1km,

(some parts coarser), with soil properties from a separate (and patchy) global soil profile data set.

ISRIC World Soil Profile data base

Batjes (2009)

Koechy et all. (2015)

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SOC stock values [Pg]

Depth [cm]

0-30 30-100 0-100 0-200 0-300 >100 Accuracy

Batjes (1996) 1462-1548 2376-2456 WISE (4353 soil profiles) + DSMW

Global Soil Data Task Group (2000)


Jobbagy and Jackson (2000) 1502 1993 2344 2721 soil profiles grouped by biome

Henry et al. (2009) 1598 2521 DSMW

Henry et al. (2009) 1850 HWSD

Hiederer et al. (2011) 1455 HWSD v1.1

Schlesinger (1997, 2013) 1500 2500

Scharlemann et al. (2014) 1461 (504-3000)

Review of publications 1951 and 2011

Shangguan et al. (2014) 1455 230 cm: 1923


Koechy et al (2015) – HWSD 1062 adjusted BD for organic soils

Koechy et al. (2015) final 1325 3000

Stockmann et al. (2016) Change 2001-2009, 1 km, 0-10 cm 63,503 soil profiles

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Spatial information about SOC: new

trends New trends based on digital soil mapping: soil grids based on specifications and ISRIC SoilGrids1km/250m Soil depth curves Spatial uncertainties

SOC [‰], topsoil (0–5cm).

110,000 soil profiles: partly accessible through data portal

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Progress at national level

Many recent national and regional SOC maps were developed; (at least ca. 70 publications from 50 countries), with improved national data bases and upscaling models

Denmark 45,000 point samples (2,050, 34k)Poland 50,000 point samples (15,400, 247k)Slovakia 16,636 soil profiles (2,400, 39k)

Examples for data used at national level:[4x4 km] [1 km2]

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Global Soil Information System

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GSOCmap: national SOC mapping

First test round of the Global Soil Information system following a bottom-up approach.

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GSOC Map: National contact points and


Status March 2017

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GSOC Map: Capacity development

GSP Trainings

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GSOCmap Specifications

Guideline: detailed specifications1 km grid (global raster)0-30 cm, forest floor and peat <100Metadata (input data, upscaling) Spatial mapping: conventional upscaling

and DSMUncertainties (quantitative, qualitative)Cookbook: detailed methods and working

steps, especially data preparation and DSM

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GSOCmap considerations

Coordination and review: Intergovernmental Technical Panel on Soils (ITPS)

Framework: International Network of Soil Information Institutions (INSII).

GSOCmap first product of the Global Soil Information System of the Global Soil Partnership

GSOCmap: first delivery 5th of December World Soil Day.2020

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GSOCmap is not just a map!It supports the development and

empowerment of national capacities to build their National Soil

Information Systems.