global tech women how to write a resume presentation

JERRI BARRETT [email protected] Building a Resume with Impact

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JERRI [email protected]

Building a Resume with Impact

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Defining Who You AreUnderstanding The Job You WantBuilding a High Impact Resume

Contact Information Career Summary Work History Education Certifications & Miscellaneous

After the Resume – Cover Letters, References, LinkedIn Profiles

Sharing CircleWrap Up

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Defining Who Your Are

Jerri Barrett

Outreach Executive

Social Media Guru

Resume Coach

PR Expert

Tradeshow and Event


Mount Holyoke Graduate

U of Rochester MBA

Biology Major


GPA 3.5

Once sold $500 in scarves at a craft fair

Met Jerry Rice at a tradeshow27 Years experience

Personal Branding


Class of 83 President

FundraiserRaised $105K in 6 weeks

Trained 7000 people in 1 year

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Your Resume…

Is your marketing collateralRepresents you and why you are the best person

for a job.Should not include every detail or facet of your

lifeShould represent the impact you have had on

previous organizations and tell the reader what impact you can have on their organization

Should not reflect anything you don’t want to ever do again.

Should sell you to a hiring manager

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Understanding the Job You Want

If you don’t know what job you want your resume becomes a summary of everything you’ve ever done.

Identify a job or category of jobs that you are looking for: Director of Marketing VP of Purchasing Training Manager Marketing Assistant Product Manager Coder…

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Look For The Job You Want Online

Minimum of 15 years strategic staffing/staffing mgmt experience. Prior track-record of successfully building, inspiring and managing a large-scale global recruiting (or similar business operations) function for a high-growth technology company

Excellent analytic and metric-based skills technical background in analytical software and/or databases preferred Excellent interpersonal, communication, and people leadership skills Experience working and partnering with engineers and technical teams and/or in a technical

environment is strongly preferred Innovative, apolitical, creative problem-solving mindset, with ability to thrive in a rapidly

growing, fast-changing and highly collaborative environment An ability to build and coordinate cross-functional teams from a wide range of disciplines Innovative, apolitical, creative problem-solving mindset, with ability to thrive in a rapidly

growing, fast-changing and highly collaborative environment Recruiting experience in a high-growth, fast-paced, and changing environment Unparalleled organizational, communication, leadership and customer service skills A passionate belief in the social benefits of the Internet and Facebook in particular Project and event management skills Ability to adjust to rapidly changing technology and make decisions with limited information Experience in building and managing offshore resources is desirable Willingness to travel internationally and work hours outside of normal PST business hours

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Identify Common Requirements

Requirements are in order of priority. There are 16 requirements here and each are flexible. But work from the top down.

Identify the keywords used – you will use them in your resume

Do this for 8-10 job descriptions for the job title and related job titles: Director of Marketing = VP of Marketing= VP of

Communications = PR Guru…

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Key Word Identification

Minimum of 15 years strategic staffing/staffing mgmt experience. Prior track-record of successfully building, inspiring and managing a large-scale global recruiting (or similar business operations) function for a high-growth technology company

Excellent analytic and metric-based skills Technical background in analytical software and/or databases preferred Excellent interpersonal, communication, and people leadership skills Experience working and partnering with engineers and technical teams and/or in a

technical environment is strongly preferred Innovative, apolitical, creative problem-solving mindset, with ability to thrive in a

rapidly growing, fast-changing and highly collaborative environment An ability to build and coordinate cross-functional teams from a wide range of

disciplines Recruiting experience in a high-growth, fast-paced, and changing environment Unparalleled organizational, communication, leadership and customer service skills A passionate belief in the social benefits of the Internet and Facebook in particular Project and event management skills Ability to adjust to rapidly changing technology and make decisions with limited

information Experience in building and managing offshore resources is desirable Willingness to travel internationally and work hours outside of normal PST business hours

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A Word on Resume Formats

Name your resume: FirstName_LastName_Resumedate.doc

In the footer put FirstName Last Name Resume Page 1 of x

Use a clean clear fontDo not use yellow highlightingKeep your resume to two pages.

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Your Resume Contact Information

Top of Page

First Name Last NameEmail Address Phone Number

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Contact Information Guidelines

Use your name as it appears on your LinkedIn PageIf you are doing marketing or a writing job then include

blog or twitter at the end of the resume.If you are applying to a company that offers email use an

email address from their company –i.e. Google –; Yahoo –

Your email address should be close to first [email protected]. Do not use work email. Do not use a shared email account.

Do not include multiple phone numbers – include a single phone number that only you answer.

Make it easy for the recruiter to followup with you.Do not include your address – it is not safe.

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Career Summary

Create a short paragraph that summarizes who you are, what you do and what you are good at.

Experienced marketer with a track record of success in both corporate and nonprofit organizations. Marketing expertise includes public relations, product launches, marketing communications, channel partner support, branding, social media, blogging, web, direct marketing and advertising. Strong managerial skills, written and verbal communication. Highly experienced public speaker and trainer.

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Do Not

Put your objective – it limits you to whatever you say and it takes up space. Your objective is to get the job you are applying for. Your cover letter will say that and highlight what key 3 things make you the best person for the job.

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Work Experience

You will be creating a list of your work experience in reverse chronological order –from most recent to oldest.

If you took a break at some point just skip over those years.

List each job with:Company Name, Title 20xx-PresentCompany Name, Title 19xx-20xx

You do not need to write a description of the company – you are not promoting the company just what you did for it. If they wonder they will google it or ask you in the interview.

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Exercise 1

Take your most recent job and list the six most important things you did at that job.

ExamplesImplemented new procedure for xyzSold x itemsLed a product development team for product

xCreated and implemented a PR Campaign

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Exercise 2 – Showing Impact

Take each of the 6 items and identify what impact each of those items had on your company:Implemented new procedure for xyz; resulting in cost

savings of 1 million dollars. Reducing costs by 38%Sold x items generating 2 million in revenue,

exceeding quota by y.Led a product development team for product x

resulting in an ontime launch of a product that generated y dollars.

Created and implemented a PR Campaign resulting in press coverage from the New York Times, Washington Post and Huffington Post.

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Work Experience

For each job create the list of what you did and what impact it had on the organization. This shows your positive impact on the organization.

Be specificBrag about your accomplishmentsHighlight awards- if you received employee of

the month mention why you received that honor.

Name drop – companies you have sold to, products you launched, invented, etc.

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Words to Use

Achieved Analyzed Assembled Awarded Certified Composed Controlled Coordinated Created Delivered Designed Developed Devised Directed Educated Established Exceeded Founded Fully Credentialed

Implemented Improved Increased Leadership Managed Minimized Monitored Negotiated Operated Organized Originated Oversaw Owned Prepared Problem Solving Programmed Published Reduced Reorganized Researched Reviewed Saved Simplified Supervised Tested Trained Oral / Written Communications

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Reverse Chronological Order

The older the job the less relevant it is to the job you are applying for.

Make sure you put the most bullets under your current position. Less bullets as you go back in time.

Do not put months on your resume.Do put the years – recruiters want to know

how long you did a certain job.You can put volunteer work on your resume if

you were not working, still discuss your impact.

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Work History

What not to include: Things you hate to do – if you do not like accounting

do not put it in there. Things that are irrelevant Personal info – do not put how many children you have

or that you like NASCAR. Weird or hard to read fonts Redundancies – if you are in real estate don’t say

more than once that you know how to secure a mortgage. Put it in once and don’t repeat it.

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University Year graduated Degree, GPA, Awards

Even if your degree is irrelevant put it in.

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Certifications, Skill Summary, Misc

If you have a job that has certifications or requires special training you can put in a section for certifications or a skill summary.

List each certification, if relevant the bestowing body and the year.

A skill summary can be a bulleted list or in paragraph form depending on space highlighting key skills – i.e. programming languages.

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You Finished Your Resume

Revise it Cut redundancies Cut out the fluff

Run Spell Check (Twice)Have Someone Else Read It

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Once you have completed your resume you can port some or all of it into LinkedIn.

Make sure your dates, company names and job titles match betweeen LinkedIn and your resume. Disconnects send up red flags.

Realize they will Google you and check out your LinkedIn.

Once updated ask former bosses, colleagues, customers, subordinates to write recommendations.

Connect with everyone you know

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Be prepared to offer at least 6 referencesCreate a reference list

Name Company you worked at with them Relationship to You – former boss, former peer Phone Number Email

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Thank [email protected]