globe busters brochure

Exceptional overland motorcycle adventures in North & South America, Africa and Asia.

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Page 1: Globe Busters Brochure

Exceptional overland motorcycle adventures in North & South America, Africa and Asia.

Page 2: Globe Busters Brochure

Tours overview

Buenos Aires








Panama City


Grand Canyon


Yellowstone &GrandTeton

Prince George

Watson Lake

Prudhoe Bay




CuscoLa Paz



Santa Fe






Prince Albert


WawaVal D’or

Labrador City

Rocky Ha



St Joh

Trans Americas p4-p10

High Andes p11

Trans Canada p12

Silk Road p13-p15 Trans Asia p16-p17

Bike HireExplore the GlobeEdelweissGeneral informatiDates & PricesBooking FormTerms & Conditio

Page 3: Globe Busters Brochure

Tours Overview




Victoria Falls


Cape Town









Chiang Mai

Kuala LumpurSingapore














Southern Africa p18 North & West Africa p19

P20e p21

p22ion p24 - p27


ons p30

Page 4: Globe Busters Brochure

2009 was a momentous year for GlobeBusters. Our3rd Trans Americas Expedition saw record numbersof riders participate and we travelled through Colombiafor the first time, as well as taking on Copper Canyon inMexico and incorporating some of the Dakar Rallyliaison routes between Chile and Argentina. We havetravelled the Trans Americas route for over ten yearsnow, have been featured on National Geographic in asix part series and are the only motorcycle adventuretravel company with proven experience of leadinggroups on this epic journey – so if you want the OriginalTrans Americas experience, we are the only people tocome with!

2009 also saw the GlobeBusters Team research apioneering new route for riders from London to Beijing,via Tibet. This is a route that very fewWesterners haveever achieved on their own bikes and also incorporatesthe Pamir Highway in Tajikistan, reaching Everest BaseCamp and riding into Lhasa. Silk Road East – Londonto Beijing is another legendary route that you can dowith GlobeBusters. It’s the toughest expedition that werun - you need to be an experienced rider and travellerto participate, but the rewards are one hundredfold!Don’t be disappointed that all the places have gone forthe inaugural 2010 expedition, as you can book on thistruly unique ride in 2011.

Last year also saw another GlobeBusters team, CraigCarey Clinch and Barbara Alam, who successfully ledthe first GlobeBusters North & West Africa Expeditionto Dakar in November 2008, busy on another researchtrip – riding Trans Canada. From Vancouver toHalifax, via the Trans Labrador Highway, ontoNewfoundland and then from St Johns back toHalifax. A hugely successful and challenging trip, thismeans that GlobeBusters Trans Canada is now onoffer as from 2011.

As if that is not enough, GlobeBusters are rapidlyexpanding its long distance overland routes. As from2012, you can also book onto our new classic overlandroute GlobeBusters Trans Asia - London toSingapore, via China. This incredible journey takesyou through the ex-Soviet “Stans” of Central Asia,traverses China from West to East as well as North toSouth, and explores South East Asia, including Laos,Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.

For those searching for a truly immense challenge,Edelweiss Bike Travel has an incredible Discover ourEarth Expedition – a long haul, five continents journeyaround the world to celebrate their 30th anniversary.Edelweiss recognised GlobeBusters as the worldspecialists in putting together such unique and epicmotorcycle adventures and chose us to work in co-operation with on this momentous project. We will beworking in conjunction with them to deliver this truly

“once in a lifetime” experience. You can book thisthrough us too.

And remember, booking with GlobeBusters is not justabout the ride. Our pre-trip preparation is second tonone. We deliver pre-trip meetings to explain everythingyou need to know about participating in your chosenexpedition, together with our Guidance Handbook. AsTravel Partners with World of BMW, we offer off roadtraining, advanced riding courses and motorcycle firstaid, as part of your expedition price, on certainexpeditions.

It’s been an amazing, hectic, challenging and fulfillingyear in 2009 for us personally and for our GlobeBustersTeam and we are ready to deliver some more amazingmotorcycle rides in the years to come!

So join us and remember – “it’s not a holiday - it’s anadventure, !”

Kevin & Julia SandersDirectors, GlobeBusters Motorcycle Expeditions



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Why Ride with Globebusters?


When you are planning your adventure of a lifetime, youneed professional help from enthusiastic and expertmotorcycle world travellers - that's GlobeBusters. Hereare just some of the many reasons to travel with us.

Team ExpertiseThe GlobeBusters Team is the best in the business -experienced motorcyclists and drivers drawn from thecore of the overland travel community. They haveindependently crossed continents, some have beenpart of the support teams for the Dakar Rally’s bestriders, others have extensive Off Road expertise bybeing part of the BMW Off Road Skills team in the UKor Germany. All are passionate about motorcycletravel.Each Expedition Team has the right combination ofskills to ensure that you get the most out of your ride.Whether it is having skilled mechanical knowledge,remote first aid qualifications, giving out motorcycletravel tips, being great at managing a group, organizingfun nights out or remaining calm in a crisis, yourExpedition Team will be there to try and ensure thingsrun as smoothly as possible.

In House KnowledgeGlobeBusters plan and conduct research everyexpedition we operate. In house, we have selectedeach route to include a huge variety of terrain andpotential challenges, have checked out each hotel andknow where the best view points are, or where that lastfuel stop is.We also have in place a comprehensive network todraw on local and direct contacts with BMW Motorradacross all regions and even if you ride a different brandof bike, we will support this too. We facilitate all bikeservicing and tyre changes, sometimes ordering theright type of tyre months in advance, to ensure we arenot caught out on the road.

Extensive PreparationYour Expedition gets underway well before you reachthe official start point! Our pre-expedition preparation isextensive and depending on which expedition you pick,can comprise a mix of BMW Off Road and AdvancedRoad Skills Courses, First Aid Training, motorcyclemaintenance by Adventure Mechanics (Dakar SupportMechanic, Bernie Wright) and detailed BriefingMeetings.These meetings are exclusively for GlobeBustersclients (and their partners) and they mean that you willbe fully prepared and will have made friends with fellowriders even before setting off.

Ride Your WayEn route, you set your own pace. You may choose toride with the Expedition Leader and be accompanied orhead out on your own, using our daily notes and GPSinfo. Either way is fine. There is no riding in convoy andno set stops - just some simple guidance for planningyour day.

Comprehensive SupportAll our expeditions are accompanied by our owndedicated GlobeBusters support vehicle. It is capableof taking two bikes and two passengers, as well ascarrying additional fuel, water, spare parts, camp &cook equipment, an extensive tool box and first aid kit.They are also equipped with a satellite phone.If unforeseen incidents en route mean things do not goquite to plan, we have proven experience in sorting itout and keeping the expedition on track. Sometimes it'sas simple as getting a broken bike going, other times,there may be illness or injury to contend with.In the most difficult of situations, we are the team thatyou want by your side for assistance. We neverabandon a rider and always strive to find the bestpossible solution for the individual and group if there isany emergency situation.

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As featured on NationalGeographic Channel’s “TheRide - Alaska to Patagonia”


trans americas expedition

24,000 miles of adventure fromthe top of the world to the bottom!

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Trans Americas

SummaryTrip style: Epic

Duration: 19 weeks (134 days)

Approx miles: 24,000

Most miles in one day: 475

Approx % of unpaved roads: 10%

Accommodation: 100% Hotels. Optional camping

Evening meals included: 19

Start point: Anchorage, Alaska USA

Finish point: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Culture shock rating: Moderate

Riding difficulty: Moderate to Difficult

Pillion: Suitable for experienced riders

Skill level required:

Riders must be competent and confident road riderswith advanced riding skills, have experience of ridingover 400 miles in one day and have some training ontackling dirt roads. You should have someexperience of riding overseas before tackling thistrip. This trip is also suitable for an experienced riderand pillion.

Pre-expedition training included:

• off road training• advanced rider course• motorcycle first aid• preparatory and final briefing meetings

Buenos Aires








Panama City


Grand Canyon


Yellowstone &Grand Teton

Prince George

Watson Lake

Prudhoe Bay




Air Freight of Bikes

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Grand Canyon


Yellowstone &Grand Teton

Prince George

Watson Lake

Prudhoe Bay



Trans Americas - North America

Week 1 - AlaskaArrive in Anchorage and meet local riders.Celebrate the start with a wild salmon BBQ andshooting guns, Alaska style! Ride the infamousdirt of the Dalton Highway to beyond the ArcticCircle and across the tundra. You may seecaribou, muskox and bears en route. Arrive atPrudhoe Bay, the furthest point reachable by roadon the Americas Continent. Getting to PrudhoeBay is a massive motorcyclist’s achievement in itsown right! Join the Polar Bear Club and swim (ordip your toes) in the Arctic Ocean. Turn southdown the Alaskan Highway.

Weeks 2 & 3 - CanadaPristine turquoise lakes and endless pine forestsline your route through the Yukon. Most ridersspot moose from the side of the road. In BritishColumbia, we take the peaceful, pretty road of theStewart Cassiar Highway to Bear Glacier, Stewartand Hyder (the most southern point of Alaska). Ifyou’ve not seen bears yet, you’ll see them feedingat Fish Creek. Then have your own fresh halibutfish feast at “The Bus”.

Riding south to Jasper National Park, the scenerycontinues to be massive vistas of nature at itsvery best – towering mountains, blue whiteglaciers and fresh pine forests as far as youcan see. Throughout it all are uncongested,beautiful winding roads to enjoy. We are nowin the Indian territories of old - see HeadSmashed In Buffalo Jump and learn how thewhite man almost hunted the beast toextinction, before relaxing by the lakeshore inWaterton National Park.

Weeks 4 & 5 - USAGlacier National Park and its famous "Going to theSun" Road will take your breath away as youcross the Continental Divide at Logans Pass.Ride by the bubbling volcanic mud pools andhuge herds of bison in Yellowstone National Park.We stay at Old Faithful Inn, right by the world’smost famous geyser. Cody was the home ofBuffalo Bill – see the cowboys of old and marvelat the rodeo antics.

Then it’s more of the USA’s spectacular nationalparks. See the famous arch in Arches NationalPark. Wind your way through the striking redmonoliths in the Valley of the Gods and MonumentValley. Then take a remote dirt road out to thenarrowest point of the Grand Canyon (North Rim),where there are no other tourists in sight. Westop over at Tucson for bike servicing and a tyrechange.


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Panama City




Trans Americas - Mexico & Central America


Weeks 6 & 7 - MexicoWe enter Latin America and spend our first nightat Nuevo Casa Grandes. Try real roadsidetacos! Take on the challenge of Copper Canyon,a narrow dirt road that winds its way through thelush and spectacular canyon to Batopilas. Headfor the colonial heartland to Zacatecas, thecentre of silver mining production and onto thetiny cobbled streets and pink cathedral of SanMiguel de Allende.

Climb high into the steamy cloud forests andtiny mountain villages, before descending to theCaribbean coast and endless miles of desertedbeaches. Take a plunge in the ocean for thefirst time since Alaska! Enter Chiapas Province,once the stronghold of the Zapatista rebels, andvisit the breathtaking Mayan ruins of Palenque,before spending our final night in anothercolonial gem, San Cristobal.

Weeks 8 - 10Central AmericaHead into steamy Guatemala and ride to thesmall town of Panajachel on the edge of LakeAtitlan, with its stunning volcanic backdrop.Then it’s a short ride into the highlands tovisit the famous Indian market atChichicastenango. Relax for a few nights atthe exquisite colonial town of AntiguaGuatemala. Dodge the old smokingcolourful buses in a hectic ride aroundGuatemala City to head to the border withHonduras.

Visit the most southern Mayan ruins at Copan.The ride across Honduras takes only a day, butwe go off the main Pan American to see locallife in smaller villages. In Nicaragua, our firststop is on the main plaza in Granada, where wecan sit on the veranda and watch life go by,before our next day’s ride to get our first taste ofPacific beach life and enjoying the best sunsetsand fresh seafood soup on the trip.

Our penultimate Central American country isCosta Rica, where we ride from the palm fringedbeaches, alongside Arenal Volcano (and maybesoak those travel weary bones in the hot springsthere!), before reaching the Caribbean coast fora cocktail in the pool and gearing up to ride thelast rickety banana bridge to get into Panama.It’s in Panama City where we ride over theBridge of the Americas and get ready to preparethe bikes for freight to South America - but notbefore seeing the huge container ships passthrough the Miraflores Locks at the PanamaCanal.

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Week 11 - ColombiaWe spend enough time in Bogota for you to collectthe bikes, have them serviced and also see someof the city itself. The Gold Museum is a must! InColombia, we will meet local riders in Medellin. Beprepared for some of the best mountain riding onthe trip, through lush green jungle, sweet smellingpine forest and rocky barren escarpments. Theroads here give you ten bends per minutethroughout the day! Your first experience of ridingin the Andes will never be forgotten! Combine thatwith staying in old monasteries, rural lodges andsophisticated city hotels and the biggest danger inColombia will be wanting to stay!

Weeks 12 - 14 Ecuador &PeruCrossing into Ecuador, we head for the quaintIndian market town of Otovalo. Then it’s a majormilestone - The Equator! A little bit of money andwe can all straddle the Line with our bikes. It’s thePan American Highway through to Cuenca, beforetaking a small mountain road to a quiet border andour entry to Peru.

Peru is an extreme contrast to what has gonebefore and our first day is long desert roads toChiclayo. Take some time out to visit the Lord ofSipan Museum and learn about the ancient past ofthis bleak landscape. In the seaside town ofHuanchaco, you can see the traditional fishingmethods or explore the adobe ruins of Chan Chan.Then we travel the tiny dirt road of Canyon delPato, back into the high Andes.

Once south of Lima, it’s the sights that Peru ismost famous for. You’ll have time to take a flightover the Nasca Lines, do a day trip to the Incacitadel, Machu Picchu, ride through the SacredValley to Ollantaytambo, watch condors over theColca Canyon, take a boat out to the reed islandsof Uros, stroll through the white city of Arequipa.All this is sandwiched between breathtaking ridingon deserted, high altitude roads, swooping throughthe peaks of Andes and across the remoteplateaus.

Week 15 - Northern Chile &ArgentinaCross the vast expanse of the driest desert in theworld, the Atacama. Visit the iconic symbol of thenorthern deserts – The Hand. Take the Pacificcoastal road, skimming the sides of sand dunesand hovering above the ocean. Turn back to theAndes and the highest pass on the trip – 4,800metres over Paso San Francisco. Look out for thehuge salt lakes, flamingos and vicuna. This road isa Dakar Rally liaison section and the bordercrossing to Argentina. Enjoy good mountain tracksthrough red rocks and canyons and ride in theshadow of Aconcagua, South America’s highestpeak. Return to Chile and its modern, bustlingcapital, Santiago.

Trans Americas - Northern Andes / South America

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Buenos Aires







Trans Americas - patagonia


Week 16 – 19 Patagonia(Chile & Argentina)With some time to rest in Santiago, we get ourbikes serviced and have a few days to explorethe city, before setting out south to the ChileanLake District. It’s one of many Andean bordercrossings between Chile and Argentina, to thebeautiful lakeside town of Bariloche. Beprepared to think you are in Switzerland! Crossback to Chile to ride the Carretera Austral, anincredible dirt road nestling between the oceanand the mountains, curling around turquoiselakes, passing jagged hanging glaciers andsparkling waterfalls. Stay in the old woodenhouses of the original German settlers and pinecabins by the lakes. This section of riding canbe challenging, but the region is pristine andstunning.

Then it’s the most infamous road in SouthAmerica - Ruta 40. A gravel road through theheart of Patagonia and the strong crosswindscan battle you for the bike! We rest overnight ata traditional estancia and dine on fresh rackedroast lamb. In El Calafate, we divert from themain route to visit theimmense ice colossus ofthe Perito Moreno Glacier,before exploring the dirtroads around the massivesoaring granite peaks inTorres del Paine NationalPark, a World HeritageListed sight.

By now, the end of the road south is in sight.There’s penguin colonies en route, before wereach the only ferry crossing of the trip totraverse the Magellan Straits to Tierra del Fuego.The final mountain pass is Paso de Garibaldiand after that, Ushuaia, set on the BeagleChannel. It’s straight to the Tierra del FuegoNational Park and the “End of the Road” sign.Congratulations! You are one of a tiny handful ofriders to have ridden to the most southern pointreachable by road. We celebrate with a localmeat feast!

Turning north, we re-trace our tracks back to theArgentine mainland and begin the long ride onthe Atlantic Coast road to Buenos Aires. Enroute, we stop at Puerto Madryn on thePeninsula Valdez, famous for its wildlife –penguins, sea lions and maybe you will seewhales. Our final nights are across the Pampas,so watch out for the guachos. In Buenos Aires,it’s a night out at the most famous tango bar inthe city, before we take our bikes to the docks forfreight to the UK and we fly home.

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ITINERARYNorth AmericaAlaska, Canada, USA (5 weeks)

Ride the Northern Trans Am to cross the Arctic Circle and experience theremote tundra, home to caribou & bears and then ride through themonumental ice fields in British Columbia. So little traffic and so many perfectmiles, makes Alaska and Canada a pure joy. Not to be outdone, the USAdelivers incredible scenery through endless national parks in the heart of theRockies. See the itinerary for Weeks 1 - 5 on page 6.

Mexico & Central AmericaMexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama (5 weeks)

The colours, noise and chaos of Mexico & Central America will certainlychallenge your riding skills! The incredible highlands of Guatemala, theMayan ruins in Mexico, the tropical jungles and the smoking volcanoes inCosta Rica means that this part of the world will be rattling your senses along time after you have left. See the itinerary for Weeks 6 - 10 on page 7.

North & Central AmericaAlaska, Canada, USA, Mexico, Central America (10 weeks)Combine the above two sections. See the itinerary for Weeks 1 - 10 onpages 6 & 7.

South America – The Northern AndesColombia, Ecuador, Peru & Chile (5 weeks)

Follow the spine of the Andes to the Atacama Desert. Dispel the myths ofColombia – it’s a biking paradise, with the most consistently twisty roadsthrough a tropical paradise! Cross the Equator and explore the Andeancultures in Ecuador & Peru - bowler hats, llamas, coca tea and guinea pigsawait! Then traverse the driest desert in the world – the Atacama, with a finalchallenge of the Dakar Rally liaison route over the high Andes passes. Seethe itinerary for Weeks 11 – 15 on page 8.

South America – PatagoniaSantiago, Chile to Buenos Aires, Argentina, inc Tierra del Fuego (5 weeks)

At the southern most tip of South America, Patagonia is a unique andundisturbed wilderness that provides you with rugged riding conditions.Passing huge granite towering peaks, jagged blue glaciers and isolatedranches, where we can share roast lamb with the local families, this is anunforgettable ride - and to make it even better, their summer is our winter, sodon't pack your bike away this year! See the itinerary for Weeks 16 - 19 onpage 9. (There’s extra days built into the itinerary at the start and the end, tomake your five weeks in total.)

South AmericaColombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, inc Tierra del Fuego (10 weeks)Combine the above two sections. See the itinerary for Weeks 11 - 19 onpages 8 & 9. (There’s extra days built into the itinerary at the start and theend, to make your ten weeks in total.)

Latin AmericaMexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina (14weeks)

If you’re not bothered about the Top to Bottom “T-shirt” or maybe you’veridden in the USA before, then start your adventure by riding your first dayinto Mexico. Ride the best of Latin American roads, explore ancient sightsand the chaotic latino culture by joining the trip in Tucson, Arizona. See theitinerary for Weeks 6 -19 on pages 7, 8, 9.

Trans Americas - sections / combinations

Buenos Aires








Panama City


Grand Canyon


Yellowstone &Grand Teton

Prince George

Watson Lake

Prudhoe Bay




Page 13: Globe Busters Brochure


CuscoLa Paz



Santa Fe

Buenos Aires




High andes

SummaryTrip style: Overland

Duration: 35 days

Approx miles: 5,500

Most miles in one day: 435

Approx % of unpaved roads: 5%

Accommodation: 100% Hotels

Evening meals included: 5

Start point: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Finish point: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Culture shock rating: Easy to moderate

Riding difficulty: Moderate

Pillion: Suitable for pillion

Skill level required: Must have competent roadriding skills, and overseas riding experience. No offroad experience needed but it is advisable.

Pre-expedition training included:

• Advanced road riding• Preparatory Briefing Meeting

Week 1The cosmopolitan capital of Buenos Aires.Cross the vast grasslands of the Pampas.Ascent into the Andes. Explore the colonial cityof Salta. Ride through the World HeritageListed Quebrada de Humahuaca. Watch out forguachos on their horses in Tilcara. It’s a hecticborder crossing to Bolivia. Red rocks andcanyons in Tupiza & Butch Cassidy country.

Week 2Potosi and a visit to the silver mines in CerroRico and the old mint of “La Moneda”. You’renow riding at altitudes of over 4,000m! La Paz,capital city of Bolivia and stroll through thewitches market or barter for textiles. CrossLake Titicaca on an old wooden barge. Puno,where you can visit the floating reed islands ofUros.

Week 3Cusco & the Sacred Valley, where you can goto the Pisac market or climb the walls of thefortress at Ollantaytambo. Don’t miss the Incacitadel of Machu Picchu! Descend to the PacificOcean. Take a flight over the mysteriousNasca Lines or go out into the desert and seethe mummies. Ride in the shadow of El MistiVolcano to the white city of Arequipa. Enjoythe tranquillity of the SantaCatalina Convent.

Week 4Cross to Chile and the long desert roads of theAtacama, the driest desert in the world. Stop atthe iconic Hand of the Desert. Delight in thetwisty and dramatic Pacific coastal roads. Thetiny village of San Pedro de Atacama, with anoption to visit the Tatio Geysers. Ride out intothe Valley of the Moon. The remote and highaltitude crossing of Paso de Jama to Argentina.

Week 5Ride your bike across crystal white salt flats.Wine tasting at the vineyards of Etchart.Explore the pre-Inca ruins of Quilmes (and trythe beer of the same name!) Visit CheGuevara’s home in Alta Gracia. It’s our finalpush east back to Buenos Aires. Celebrate ourfinish in the most famous tango bar in town.


Highlights:This trip is a great introduction to riding in South America. Following some of Che Guevara’s 1952route through Chile, Peru and Bolivia, as shown in “The Motorcycle Diaries”, the High Andesjourney takes you across the longest mountain range in the world and riding breathless altitudes of4,800metres. Visit mines typical of those which inspired Che to take up the cause of the“proletariat”; With llamas as your new road hazard, and high altiplano riding across stunning whitesalt flats nestled below alien red mountain passes, visit the ancient Inca civilization of Machu Piccuwhich so impressed Che, and sip coca tea to the sound of pan pipes in the ancient Inca capital ofCusco. This surreal environment will stop you in your tracks.

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JasperPrince Albert


WawaVal D’or

Labrador City

Rocky Harbour



St John’s

Northern Quebec forests

SummaryTrip style: Overland

Duration: 5 weeks (33 days)

Approx miles: 6,220

Most miles in one day: 407

Approx % of unpaved roads: 15%

Accommodation: 100% Hotels / Motels

Evening meals included: 5

Start point: Vancouver, British Columbia

Finish point: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Culture shock rating: Easy

Riding difficulty: Moderate

Pillion: Suitable for pillion

Skill level required: Riders must have competentroad riding skills. Off road experience is highlyrecommended.

Pre-expedition training included:

• Advanced Road Riding• Preparatory Briefing Meeting

trans canada


HighlightsThe Trans-Canada expedition takes you from west to east right across the world’s second largest countyand the widest part of the American continent. This is the first time that anyone has offered a full overlandadventure across the entire country. Starting in Vancouver, we journey through the breathtaking RockyMountains and across the vast Canadian central plains before pushing north into boreal forests and landsof bear, elk moose and caribou. Our northerly route takes you off the beaten track in Ontario and Quebecbefore you take the challenge of the mighty Labrador - a land where time stands still and the journeytakes you through little explored muskeg, mountains and forests. Celebrate your Trans Canada successwith lobster in colonial St Johns, Newfoundland, before sailing for Nova Scotia, the historic Cabot Trailand beautiful Prince Edward Island.

Week 1Collect your bike in the cosmopolitan city ofVancouver. The roads wind through Jasper &Banff National Parks. Ride stunning The IcefieldsParkway, past waterfalls, glaciers and vast snowcapped mountain peaks. Descend to the greatplains and cross Alberta and Saskatchewan. Seedinosaurs in Drumheller. The rodeo town ofKindersley.

Week 2North into the ancient wilderness of Manitoba.Strange rock formations in Flin Flon. South intoCanada’s ‘bread basket’. Pass through nativesettlements. Ride sections of the original Trans-Canada trail into Ontario. Relax, or go fishing atThe Lake of the Woods. The dramatic Kakabekawaterfalls.

Week 3The culture shift of Quebec. Explore northernroads less travelled. See the pretty Lac SaintJean. Whale watching on the St Lawrence River.Head north into The Labrador. Take the pistehighway from ‘Manic Five’ through ghost townsand into ‘The Land God Gave to Cain’. Visit thehuge hydro electric complex at Churchill Falls.

Week 4The pioneering frontier town of Goose Bay. VisitNative settlements, go bear watching and explorethe air force base. Take the challenge of thenewly opened ‘Trans Labrador III’ piste. Cross toNewfoundland. The Gros Morne Mountains.Historic Trinity. Cape Spear – the most easterlypoint in the Americas. Celebrate in St Johns.

Week 5Nova Scotia. Ride the historic and picturesqueCabot Trail. Explore the coastal route to PrinceEdward Island. South to Halifax. Explore thiscolonial town and marvel at the RMS Titanicartefacts in the Maritime Museum.


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silk road

SummaryTrip style: Epic

Duration: 80

Approx miles: 13,000

Most miles in one day: 450

Approx % of unpaved roads: 20%

Accommodation: 70% Hotels, 30% Camping

Evening meals included: 12

Start point: London, UK

Finish point: Beijing, China

Culture shock rating: Extreme

Riding difficulty: Moderate to Difficult

Pillion: Suitable only for experienced Rider/Pillions

Skill level required: This is our toughest expeditionand is only suitable for those with advanced roadriding skills, experienced in riding up to 400 roadmiles in one day and be confident at tackling up to250 miles per day on tricky dirt roads. Three weeksof riding is at high altitudes, where it is often verycold. Ideally you should also have other travelexperience in developing countries, either on or offthe bike.

Pre-expedition training included:

• BMW Off Road Skills Course (2 days)

• BMW Road Skills Course (2 days)

• BMW Motorcycle First Aid Course (1 day)

• Preparatory and Final Briefing Meetings (2 days)

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Week 1 - EuropeAn intense ride across Europe to reach Istanbul,Turkey approximately one week after departure.Our route will see us crossing France, Belgium,Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Montenegro,Albania & Greece. Enter Turkey and ride acrossthe Bosphurus, declaring itself the gateway intoAsia.

Week 2 - TurkeyIstanbul. Visit the Blue Mosque. Ride through theheart of Turkey. Explore the unique moon-likelandscape, underground cities, cave churches andhouses carved in the rocks in Cappadocia. Soakin the thermal springs at Kangal, being nibbled byfish! The ancient fortress and ruined hamam inKars.

Week 3 - Georgia,Azerbaijan, TurkmenistanGeorgia and the capital, Tblisi. The oil rich countryof Azerbaijan. Through the Northern CaucasasMountains to Sheki and stay in an ancientcaravanserai. Baku, where we catch our overnightboat across the Caspian Sea. Desert roads inTurkmenistan to the marble white capital city ofAshgabat. North through the Karakum Desert.Stopover in a teahouse and head for a nightviewing of the Darvaza Gas Crater.

Week 4 - UzbekistanFollow in the tracks of Genghis Khan, as we headinto Uzbekistan and the Silk Road. Our first stop isthe ancient walled city of Khiva where you canwander through the narrow alleys to see the

mosques, minarets and madrasahs. The greatSilk Road cities of Bhukara and Samarkand, withthe breathtaking Registan. Break bread with thelocals and enjoy fresh kebabs cooked over coals.

Week 5 - TajikistanThe capital city, Dushanbe. Ride the PamirHighway through the sparsely populated mountainregions of Tajikistan. With its peak at 4,655m, thisis the second highest altitude international highwayin the world. It’s a challenging dirt road along theWakhan Valley, bordering Afghanistan. The 2ndcentury Yamchun Fortress, with magnificent viewsof the Hindu Kush. Stay with local families inhomestays and try yak with onions.

Weeks 6 - KyrgyzstanThis is the Switzerland of Central Asia, with highaltitude mountain passes in the Tien Shan Range.The roads can be perfect swooping bends, narrowdirt tracks or just potholes, so keep on your guard!We stay in traditional yurts at the caravanserai ofTash Rabat, one the best preserved monuments inKyrgyzstan. Try the culinary delights of plov, mantior lahgman!

silk road East - London to Beijing, via Tibet

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silk road East - London to Beijing, via Tibet


Week 7 - China, XinjiangProvinceEnter China via the Torugart Pass at 3,750m.Xinjiang Province. The ancient city of Kashgarand its Sunday livestock market is not to bemissed. From here, we ride to some of theremotest settlements in the world, with oftenfreezing conditions. Tuck into fresh duck headsoup and fried cabbage. Grit your teeth onsome of the corrugated dirt roads!

Weeks 8 & 9 - TibetOver the Khitai Davan Pass at 5,300m. EnterTibet, the ‘Roof of the World’. High altituderiding continues past the sacred Mount Kailash.Stop in a local teahouse alongside the holy LakeManasarovar and explore the tiny Buddhistmonastery. Ride east in the shadow of theHimalayas and take the spectacular road toMount Everest Base Camp. RongbukMonastery and spin the golden prayer wheels.Lhasa! Visit the Potala Palace and the Buddhisttemples of Jokhang and Barkhor.

Weeks 9 & 10 - China,Yunnan & SechuanProvinceDescend from the Tibetan Plateau and enter theYunnan Province. You can breathe again! Rideto “Tiger Leaping Gorge”, a deep river canyon onthe Yangtze River. On through the water loggedpaddy fields to “Shangri-la”, the mythical settingfor the classic tale, Lost Horizon. The jaggedscenery of the Meli Xue Shan mountain range.The old town of Lijiang is crammed withtraditional Chinese architecture for you towander through. Chengdu and the giant pandaresearch base. Feast on a dumpling banquetwhilst you gasp at the Chinese acrobats.

Weeks 11 & 12 - NorthernChinaOnto Xi’an to view the warrior figurines of theTerracotta Army, take a walk around the ancientcity walls and to the Bell & Drum Tower. Weplough through the big industrial cities to theChinese capital, Beijing. With all the densetraffic, it’s combat motorcycling! We take thebikes for freight in the port of Tianjin beforereturning to the capital and time to wanderthrough Tian’anmen Square and the ForbiddenCity. There’s time to walk the Great Wall ofChina, before we have a final celebration mealand head home.

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HighlightsBe the first to take part in our inaugural Trans Asia Expedition, another pioneering route brought to you byGlobeBusters. It’s a classic motorcycle journey from west to east and from north to south, finishing justshy of the Equator in Singapore. Not many have ridden a motorcycle every mile from London toSingapore! The change in cultures, architecture, landscapes and peoples en route is unrivalled; frommassive modern cities to tiny hill tribe villages, endless stretches of barren desert to steaming tropicaljungle, sample fiery foods, ride elephants and smell thick sweet incenses. After Europe, its Ukraine &Russia before we cross the Central Asian country and rolling plains of Kazakhstan and enter China. Ridein the tracks of Marco Polo along the Northern Silk Road to X’ian and then south to paddy fields ofYunnan. South East Asia holds spectacular sights – golden temples, white beaches and turquoise seasand colonial gems. Celebrate your achievement with a Singapore Sling in Raffles!

SummaryTrip style: Epic

Duration: 14 weeks (98 days)

Approx miles: 18,000

Most miles in one day: 425

Approx % of unpaved roads: 5%

Accommodation: 100% Hotel / B&B

Evening meals included: 14

Start point: London, UK

Finish point: Singapore

Culture shock rating: Moderate to Extreme

Riding difficulty: Moderate

Pillion: Suitable for experienced pillions

Skill level required: Riders must be competent andconfident road riders with advanced riding skills,have experience of riding over 400 miles in one dayand have some training on tackling dirt roads. Youshould have some experience of riding overseasbefore tackling this trip. This trip is also suitable foran experienced rider and pillion.

Pre-expedition training included:

• Off Road Skills Course (2 days)

• Road Skills Course (2 days)

• Motorcycle First Aid Course (1 day)

• Preparatory and Final Briefing Meetings (2 days)

Week 1 - EuropeWe set out from London, across Europe toSlovakia, a country that joined the EU in 2004. It’sthe hustle and bustle of the capital city ofBratislava, before we ride to the alpine, snow-capped High Tatras Mountains and then onto theborder with the Ukraine.

Week 2 - UkraineFrom the border town of Uzhhorod, we ridethrough the beautiful twisty roads in the CarpathianMountains and onto the fortressed hamlet ofKamyanets-Podilsky. Then we head to the CrimeaPeninsula, spending a few days enjoying the BlackSea resort of Yalta and also Odesa, (try exploringthe network of underground tunnels!).

Week 3 - RussiaIn Russia, our first stop is Volgograd – formerlyStalingrad, this city saw the bloodiest battle ofWorld War II and created history. Kazan, one ofthe oldest cities in Russia and with a UNESCOlisted Kremlin in its historical centre, along with the59m leaning Syuyumbike Tower. We stay a day toexplore the back streets.

Week 4 - KazakhstanWe enter Kazakhstan, the world’s ninth biggestcountry. We have some long remote riding daysahead of us. First south to Aralsk, a former fishingport on a now non-existent Aral Sea shoreline,then pushing further to Turkistan to see one ofKazakhstan’s greatest architectural sites, themagnificent mausoleum of Yasaui. From here, it’sTaraz, where we can sample the locally producedvodka. Ride to the leafy capital of Almaty wherewe have a day off. Almaty will surprise you with itsmodern Eurasian feel!

Week 5 - China, XinjiangProvinceThe frontier town of Yining is our first stop inChina. It rarely sees Westerners, so you’ll be theobject of curiousity! Then it’s onto Urumqi, thecapital of Xinjiang, based in the foothills of the TianShan. Turpan will be our base to explore view theancient city of Jiaohe, the Emin Minaret and theFlaming Mountains. A stopover in the town ofHami, famous for its melons!

Week 6 - China, HexiCorridorFollow the Silk Road from here to the remote townof Dunhuang, nestled near the Mingsha SandDunes, & time to visit the UNESCO site of theMogao Caves. Jiayugan is a defining point of theSilk Road, with an impressive Ming dynasty fortand marks the symbolic end of the Great Wall. Onthis traditional Silk Road route, we ride to Zhangye,where Marco Polo spent over a year - there is evena statue in his honour. You can also see the largestreclining Giant Buddha statue in the world here.We enter the Hexi Corridor, once the only westernpassage to and from Eastern China.

Week 7 - China, GansuProvinceWe head east to Gansu Province to the ricketyold temples and chilled atmosphere of Linxia andonto Tianshui. It’s onward to Xi’an, the start (orend!) of the Silk Road. Walk around the AncientCity Walls and visit the Bell and Drum Tower.There is time off the bike to visit one of the mostfamous archaeological finds in the world, TheTerracotta Army.

trans asia

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Chiang Mai

Kuala LumpurSingapore

trans asia


Week 8 - China, Sechuan &Yunnan ProvincesVisit the Giant Panda Breeding Centre inChengdu and feast on a dumpling banquet,whilst watching traditional Chinese acrobatics.Take a boat trip down the river to see the hugeBuddha in Leshan. Explore the cobbled streetsand traditional Chinese architecture of historicLijang and relax in Yunnan's capital, Kunming.Overland through the southern region ofXishuangbanna, home to lively local marketsand colourful temples.

Week 9 - LaosCross the border into Laos and relax in peacefulLuang Nam Tha. Enjoy the tranquility ofbeautiful colonial city and UNESCO World ListedSite, Luang Prabang. Discover the mix ofSoutheast Asian and French culture in thecapital, Vientiane. Kick back with a cold Beerlao- the Lao national beer - and watch the sun setover the Mekong.

Week 10 - Thailand &CambodiaGlimpse the Thailand of old, as weoverland through the remote Isaanregion. Visit Khao Yai, Thailand's firstnational park. Cross to Cambodia.Siem Reap, once the heart of theKhmer empire. Time off to visit thesacred temple complex at AngkorWat.

Week 11 -CambodiaCambodia's chaotic capital,Phnom Penh. Return toThailand and the capitalBangkok, before heading northon the stunning mountains andbreath-taking roads to ChiangMai. If you’re bored with yourbike, ride an elephant! Thenback south, winding our waythrough through the rainforest,passing over high peaks andthrough tiny mountainvillages and close to theBurmese border.

Week 12 - ThailandAyuthaya, the ancient capital of Siam. Thenwe’ll take a short break off the bikes for restand relaxation on the beach at Ko Samui or KoPhi Phi. In Nakhon Si Thammarat, you can visitWat Phra Mahathat, southern Thailand'sbiggest temple, before heading to the famousnight market. Then marvel at the limeformations at Phang Nga Bay.

Week 13 - MalaysiaThrough the many rubber tree plantations, to theMalaysian border. The colonial island ofPenang. The Cameron Highlands with it’sEnglish heritage and vast tea plantations.Modern capital of Kuala Lumpur. Colourful andvibrant Malacca, with its Portugese history.

Week 14 - SingaporeIt’s the end of the road in ultra-modernSingapore. We need to freight our bikes back tothe UK and of course, celebrate achieving onethe most epic overland routes! Singapore Slingsin Raffles!

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Victoria Falls


Cape Town



HighlightsThis new expedition further extends GlobeBusters reach into the incredible African continent. Your journeystarts in Nairobi; your introduction to East African culture. You then ride immediately into ‘the bush’ as yourjourney takes your through Masai territory and onto Mount Kilimanjaro. Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania offersa coastal break and perhaps the opportunity to experience the mysteries of Zanzibar. Your adventure thentakes you west to Lake Malawi, with its national park and iconic wildlife, before you ride south to Lilongwe.Then it’s west to Zambia, skirting the Zambezi river before taking time to visit the mighty Victoria Falls.Then you’ll experience the wonders of the Okavango before plunging into the Kalahari Desert, headinginto Namibia where you’ll enjoy a more developed feel and excellent roads. From Windhoek you’ll ridesouthward, with Cape Town in your sights, where you’ll pause to celebrate arrival at Africa’s mostsoutherly point. The Indian Ocean coast provides a stunning backdrop as you ride east to Port Elizabethand then north, taking in the native feel of Lesotho before journey’s end in Johannesburg.

Victoria Falls (photo: Simon Milward)

Week 1Start the trip in the vibrant Kenyan capital ofNairobi and Mount Kenya, sampling its culturalheritage. Visit the Karen Blixen Museum or theBomas of Kenya. Take in the sight of MountKilimanjaro and spot ‘big game’ as you ride theMasai Steppe. Sample the calm delights of Moshi,the biggest centre for coffee production in thecountry, with its huge coffee plantations. East intoTanzania, into the “Swahili haven of peace” that isDar Es Salaam. A possible visit to Zanzibar,majestic spice island of the Indian Ocean.

Week 2Head west across Tanzania’s rolling and hillycountry. See the Mbozi Meteorite near Mbeya andtravel along the shores of Lake Malawi, the thirdlargest lake in Africa, visiting the pretty lakesidetown of Nhakata Bay. Head south to NyikaNational Park, famous for its wildflowers andwildlife, and the rugged terrain of the NkhotakotaGame Reserve. To Lilongwe, capital of Malawi.Then west into Zambia, to the Zambezi andLusaka.

Week 3Follow the route of the Zambezi River via theiconic town of Livingstone, to Victoria Falls andenjoy a day off in this adventurer’s paradise.Take the challenge of sitting in the “Devil’sPool” inches away from the edge of theFalls! Ride more arid country before headingsouth into Botswana and the spectacularbeauty of the Okavango Delta and MoremiWildlife Reserve. The ride becomes morechallenging as you skirt the edge of theKalahari Desert and head further south intoNamibia. See Windhoek, Namibia’s capital, withits traditional German colonial architecture..

Week 4South towards South Africa. ThroughKeetmanshoop with its eerie Quiver Tree Forest inthe Giant’s Playground; the spectacular Fish RiverCanyon, the second largest canyon in the world,and Springbok. To Cape Town via the HottentotHollands, sampling the delights of the beautifulvineyards of Stellenbosch. Visit Table Mountainand Robben Island; southwards to Cape Agulhas,Africa’s most southerly point where the world’s twolargest oceans meet. Travel along the scenicIndian Ocean coast road, following the GardenRoute through Mossel Bay and on to PortElizabeth on the Sunshine Coast. North toMiddelburg, the modern “Stainless Steel capital ofAfrica” before visiting Lesotho, the “Kingdom in theSky”.

Week 5The final ride northwards via Bloemfontein, “City ofRoses”, and through the Golden Gate NationalPark near Bethlehem, before arriving inJohannesburg and journey’s end.

Southern Africa

SummaryTrip style: Overland

Duration: 33 days

Approx miles: 6,500

Most miles in one day: 369

Approx % of unpaved roads: 10%

Accommodation: 90% Hotels, 10% Camp or Lodge

Evening meals included: 5

Start point: Nairobi, Kenya

Finish point: Johannesburg, South Africa

Culture shock rating: Moderate

Riding difficulty: Moderate

Pillion: Suitable for pillion

Skill level required: Riders should be competentroad riders with advanced riding skills and becomfortable at riding in hot conditions. Off roadexperience will be very helpful, we ride some tarmacroads which may be in poor condition and there aresections of piste Riders should have riddenoverseas previously.

Pre-expedition training included:

• Advanced Road Riding• Preparatory Briefing Meeting

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North & West Africa

SummaryTrip style: Overland

Duration: 4 weeks (27 days)

Approx miles: 4,000

Most miles in one day: 320

Approx % of unpaved roads: 10%

Accommodation: 100% Hotels / Guest Houses

Evening meals included: 4

Start point: Malaga, Spain

Finish point: Dakar, Senegal

Culture shock rating: Moderate

Riding difficulty: Easy to moderate

Pillion: Suitable for pillion

Skill level required: Riders should have competentroad riding skills. Previous overseas and off roadriding experience is recommended. There are onlyaround 200 miles of dirt road – but experience isuseful as many ‘sealed’ roads are in poor condition.

Pre-expedition training included:• Advanced Road Riding• Preparatory Briefing Meeting


HighlightsThis is a spectacular four week motorcycle expedition into the mysteries of North & West Africa.Trace an exotic route south from Malaga in Spain, across to Morocco and through the Sahara Desertin Western Sahara and Mauritania. You’ll then head east to Mali, before riding through The Gambia &Senegal. You don’t need to be a Dakar Rally rider to do this – it’s a great choice for riding for the firsttime outside Europe and it’s also is the perfect answer to winter at home!.

Week 1Fly out to Malaga and meet your bikes. Ferry toCeuta. Our first stop is the Berber mountain townof Chefchaouen. Wander though the Romanruins at Volubilis. Then it’s onto the AtlasMountains, with plenty of hair pin bends andswitchbacks. We overnight at the famouswaterfalls of Cascades d'Ouzoude, staying in atraditional riad. Some more dramatic mountainriding to Tafraoute. Enjoy the Atlantic coast atthe ancient port at Essaouira.

Week 2Ride the ocean roads on the Atlantic Routesouth to meet the Sahara Desert, with exoticdesert towns, coastal shipwrecks and dramaticinland landscapes. Perfect beaches at Tarfayaand Sidi Akhfennir. Cross into the WesternSahara. See the lonely Golfe de Cintra and ontothe Mauritanian border to cross the minefield!Nouadhibou. The Trarza Dunes and south toSenegal. Ride the dirt road of the spectacularDiama Piste.

Week 3Explore beautiful St Louis and enjoy the culinarydelights at the Hotel Residence. Wind your wayalong the Senegal River routethrough the Sahel to the Maliborder. The chaotic city ofKayes. Take a rest day, or whynot try the off road route to thefortress of Medine and theChutes du Felou?Tambacounda and an optionto do safari and see theexotic wildlife of ParcNationale Niokolo Koba.

Week 4Enter The Gambia and enjoy the local welcomein Georgetown. Take the challenging southernroad route to Banjul and enjoy the coastalresorts of Serrakunda. Cross the Gambia Riverby the famous car ferry and head back intoSenegal. Grass hut villages line the way. Watchout for troops of apes! Fine riding throughforests of baobabs towards Dakar, West Africa'smost vibrant and chaotic town. An excursion toatmospheric Ile de Goree to see the historic"slave house", before our final celebration dinnerand flights home.

Note:This itinerary may be run in reverse and start inDakar and finish in London. If run in reverse, onarriving in Spain, you’ll take the coastal routeinto France, via Gerona. You will ride the‘motorway of twisties’, the famous A75 throughthe central mountainous region of France. Therewill be a night stop in Bourges, before the finalride to London.

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globebusters hire bikes


We offer the BMW F800GSor the BMW R1200GS as hire bikes.

Standard rates for trips of 40 days or lessF800GS £75 per dayR1200GS £95 per day

Trips of 41 day to 100 days10% discount on standard rates

Trips of more than 100 days20% discount on standard rates

What is included in the hire price?• Tank bag and aluminium panniers• En route routine servicing and tyre change for normal wear• All documentation and border crossing fees for the bike• Transportation of the hire bike to freight agent and allshipping (where necessary)

• Additional security devices to be used at all times whenbike is left unattended

What is not included?• 3rd party motorcycle insurance (this is compulsory to havefor hiring our bikes, but the premium is paid for by the hirer)

• Fuel, oil• Toll road fees• Speeding and parking fines and other penalties due toinfractions of the law

• Repairs or replacement parts due to damage caused bythe participant or other third party

• Any of your rider kit, helmet, boots etc

Additional InformationTo hire one of our bikes, we must have a minimum notice of3 months prior to the Expedition start date. You must alsosign a separate bike hire agreement, which includes adamage deposit of £1,500.

Hiring one of our bikes is subject to you being accepted for3rd party motorcycle insurance.

You are responsible for the basic cleaning and routine dailychecks on the bike whilst on the expedition and reporting anydamage immediately to the GlobeBusters Team.

Where a bike is damaged, due to the participant dropping thebike or crashing (irrespective of fault), all repairs andreplacement of parts that are damaged are at the cost of theparticipant.

We will not charge you for minor scuffs and scrapes or wearand tear that are as a result of generally acceptable usage.

We offer a choice of GlobeBusters hire bikes when riders participate in one of expeditions of four weeks or more duration.Whilst the majority of riders on our style of trips prefer to use their own bike, we understand that this may not always bepossible. All our hire bikes are UK registered bikes, are owned and maintained by GlobeBusters and are prepped for theexpedition by our BMW qualified mechanic.

During our many years of world travel experience, we have always relied on the BMW GS Range. Founders, Kevin & JuliaSanders, completed two Guinness World Records using the R1150GS and R1150GS Adventure, have ridden on the F650GSDakar and, in later years, have clocked up hundreds of thousands of miles using the R1200GS and R1200GS Adventure.

GlobeBusters have seen these bikes perform on their long distance overland rides, amassing a cumulative total of more than amillion miles and we have yet to see a major breakdown failure that has resulted in a rider not being able to complete an Expedition.

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the globebuster - Explore the globe

ITINERARYHighlightsWe combine some of our new routes to bring you a 14 week expedition riding an exciting new northernroute around the world. Forget what the celebrities have done! You will ride through the three largestcountries in the world – Russia, China and Canada, traversing the whole of China from west to east.Few riders ever do that! The fabled Silk Road, the Terracotta Army and the Great Wall are all part ofitinerary. From Beijing, we fly onto Vancouver and ride the Trans Canada – the mighty Rocky Mountains,the great central plains and off the beaten track onto dirt roads through Ontario, Quebec andNewfoundland. This includes the remote and mysterious Labrador territory - the first time this has beenoffered as part of an expedition.

Week 1 - EuropeWe set out from London, across Europe toSlovakia, a country that joined the EU in 2004.It’s the hustle and bustle of the capital city ofBratislava, before we ride to the alpine, snow-capped High Tatras Mountains and then onto theborder with the Ukraine.

Week 2 - UkraineFrom the border town of Uzhhorod, we ride throughthe beautiful twisty roads in the CarpathianMountains and onto the fortressed hamlet ofKamyanets-Podilsky. Then we head to the CrimeaPeninsula, spending a few days enjoying the BlackSea resort of Yalta and also Odesa (try exploringthe network of underground tunnels!).

Week 3 - RussiaIn Russia, our first stop is Volgograd – formerlyStalingrad, this city saw the bloodiest battle ofWorld War II and created history. Kazan, one ofthe oldest cities in Russia and with a UNESCOlisted Kremlin in its historical centre, along withthe 59m leaning Syuyumbike Tower. We stay aday to explore the back streets.

Week 4 - KazakhstanWe enter Kazakhstan, the world’s ninth biggestcountry. We have some long remote riding daysahead of us. First south to Aralsk, a formerfishing port on a now non-existent Aral Seashoreline, then pushing further to Turkistan andsee one of Kazakhstan’s greatest architecturalsites, the magnificent mausoleum of Yasaui.From here, its Taraz, where we can sample thelocally produced vodka. Ride to the leafy capitalof Almaty where we have a day off. Almaty willsurprise you with its modern Eurasian feel!

Week 5 - China, XinjiangProvinceThe frontier town of Yining is our first stop inChina. It rarely sees Westerners, so you’ll be ofthe object of curiousity! Then it’s onto Urumqi,the capital of Xinjiang, based in the foothills ofthe Tian Shan. Turpan will be our base toexplore view the ancient city of Jiaohe, the EminMinaret and the Flaming Mountains. A stopoverin the town of Hami, famous for its melons!

Week 6 - China, HexiCorridorFollow the Silk Road from here to the remotetown of Dunhuang, nestled near the MingshaSand Dunes, & time to visit the UNESCO site ofthe Mogao Caves. Jiayugan is a defining point ofthe Silk Road, with an impressive Ming dynastyfort and marks the symbolic end of the GreatWall. On this traditional Silk Road route, we rideto Zhangye, where Marco Polo spent over a year- there is even a statue in his honour. You canalso see the largest reclining Giant Buddhastatue in the world here. We enter the HexiCorridor, once the only western passage to andfrom Eastern China.

Week 7 - China, GansuProvinceWe head east to Gansu Province to the ricketyold temples and chilled atmosphere of Linxia andonto Tianshui. It’s onward to Xi’an, the start (orend!) of the Silk Road. Walk around the AncientCity Walls and visit the Bell and Drum Tower.There is time off the bike to visit one of the mostfamous archaeological finds in the world, TheTerracotta Army.

Weeks 8 - Northern ChinaWe plough through the big industrial cities to theChinese capital, Beijing. With all the densetraffic, it’s combat motorcycling! We take thebikes for freight before returning to the capitaland time to wander through Tian’anmen Squareand the Forbidden City. There’s time to walk theGreat Wall of China, before we have a feast ofPeking roast duck and flying off to NorthAmerica!*

Week 9 - 14 Trans CanadaFly into Vancouver and collect your bikes. Weallow some time for bike servicing and to exploreVancouver before hitting the road again andfollowing our new Trans Canada route. See thefull itinerary for this on page 12.

* If you only wish to ride this northern route toBeijing, then you can finish your journey there.

SummaryTrip style: Epic

Duration: 14 weeks (98 days)

Approx miles: 16,000

Most miles in one day: 443

Approx % of unpaved roads: 10%

Accommodation: 100% Hotel / Bed & Breakfast

Evening meals included: 14

Start point: London, UK

Finish point: Halifax, Canada

Culture shock rating: Moderate to Difficult

Riding difficulty: Moderate

Pillion: Suitable for experieenced pillion/rider

Skill level required: Riders must be competent andconfident road riders with advanced riding skills,have experience of riding over 400 miles in one dayand have some training on tackling dirt roads. Youshould have some experience of riding overseasbefore tackling this trip. This trip is also suitable foran experienced rider and pillion.

Pre-expedition training included:• Off road training• Advanced rider course• Motorcycle first aid course• Preparatory and Final Briefing Meetings

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SummaryTrip style: Epic

Duration: 248 days

Approx miles: 40,000

Most miles in one day: 485

Approx % of unpaved roads: 5%

Accommodation: 100% Hotels or Guest Houses

Evening meals included: 35

Start point: Mieming, Austria - Edelweiss HQ

Finish point: Mieming, Austria - Edelweiss HQ

Culture shock rating: Moderate to Extreme

Riding difficulty: Moderate

Pillion: Suitable for pillion

Skill level required:

Riders must have competent road riding skills to anadvanced riding level. Previous overseas ridingexperience is necessary. Off road experience ishighly recommended.

Pre-expedition training included:• Advanced Road Riding• Preparatory Briefing Meeting


HighlightsThis expedition is truly unique and extraordinary. Starting in November2010 and finishing in July 2011, it’s the longest motorcycle expeditionthat has ever been offered, covering all five continents on the planet –something that no other rides do!

DISCOVER OUR EARTH was created by Edelweiss Bike Travel ofAustria, a world leader in organised motorcycle tours. For their 30thanniversary, Founder, Werner Wachter, wanted to celebrate withsomething very special and he selected GlobeBusters to co-operatewith, to bring to reality this unmissable opportunity to DISCOVER OUREARTH, by motorcycle!Experiencing our earth is the key concept for this venture. DISCOVEROUR EARTH is not about riding around the world in the shortestpossible way, but takes your on a journey through some of the most

attractive regions of our globe, without simply blasting past the best bits.We have time to explore and discover. Breathtaking scenery is oneimportant aspect; incredible motorcycle roads another. But that’s not all!The cultural and human aspects to this expedition are equally important- to see how human beings the world over live, laugh, talk and react witheach other and us, the riders, despite the tremendously different culturesand pasts.

Section 1 - Europe & AfricaAustria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Morocco, Western Sahara,Mauritania, Mali, Senegal, The Gambia

We start in the Tyrolean Alps at the headquarters of Edelweiss atMieming, ride through Switzerland to France and spend a day in Parisbefore heading south to Malaga and Gibraltar. The ride all the way toDakar in Senegal offers an incredible array of different riding, scenery,cultures and experiences: The wildlife, the mountains, the desert, theocean roads and seeing how people live in 5 different African countrieswill open our minds to what our planet is all about in 2010! Riding acrossthe Atlas on twisty tarmac snaking roads, seeing and experiencing theSahara with lots of heat and little water, reaching the Atlantic again andpausing to see animals in their native environment, will be an intenseperiod for both the mind and the heart. Visiting an SOS Children’sVillage will deepen that feeling.

Discover Our Earth

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Section 2 - South AmericaArgentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia

There is nothing like starting this section in Buenos Aires, the capital ofArgentina. We’ll tango our way into 2011 as we will celebrate the NewYear, the Latino way. Then our target is the southernmost point on ourearth that we can reach by motorcycle - Ushuaia! The crosswinds inPatagonia will mean riding with a lean, yet going in a straight line on ourmotos!

The roads, cultures, scenery and people are incredibly different inArgentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. Each countryhas its own character. Riding with some of the locals (EdelweissWorldtourer) and visiting SOS Children’s Villages will help us to see,reflect and understand!

The sights and highlights are numerous – the milestone of our ride,crossing the Equator, flying over the mysterious Nasca Lines, exploringthe Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, taking our bikes on a barge acrossLake Titicaca, gasping at the highest altitude capital city La Paz inBolivia, the magnificent landscapes of the Carretera Austral in SouthernChile, Magellan Straits and the massive granite peaks of Torres delPaine, to name a few!

Section 3 - Central America and MexicoPanama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico

Six countries in six weeks and lots to see! First the Panama Canal withall its giant ships squeezing through the Mira Flores Locks. Then themost active volcano in Central America, Arenal, is definitely a smokinghighlight. Chilling out in a Nicaraguan beach resort on the Pacificprepares us for the Mayan ruins at Copan in Honduras to be followed bythe Oaxaca & Zapotec ruins in Mexico. And before heading for the US,we marvel the old colonial towns of San Miguele de Allende &Zacatecas. In Hollywood, we’ll relax and wait for the bikes to make theairplane to Australia.

Section 4 - AustraliaWhat a contrast to South and Central America! Wide open and only afew of our kind around on most of this route. But again lots to see: It willbe not the right time to ski in the Blue Mountains National Park but theride is spectacular! This can only be topped by the Great Ocean Roadsouthwest of Melbourne! North to the underground city of Coober Pedyand onto Alice Springs is wide open, straight, dry and red.

From The Red Centre, after exploring Uluru (Ayers Rock), we ride allthe way up to Darwin. We’ll meet crocs, kangaroos, road trains and nottoo many people! From Darwin to Perth covers some of the mostbeautiful parts of the Fifth Continent with rock formations, white beachesand extraordinary wildlife!

Section 5 - Asia and EuropeChina, Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Austria

This final section offers again an immensely different mix of cultures,sights, scenery and modes of riding. We start in the capital city, Beijingand exploring the Great Wall, whilst also tasting the best Peking duck intown! Leaving the mega metropolis, China has plenty in store. We headto the World Heritage Listed Mount Wutai, the Terracotta Army of Xianand the Oasis of Turpan. This is the northern Silk Road route and weare riding in the tracks of the ancients.

We cross to the largest Central Asian country of Kazakhstan and itscapital, Almaty and the Tian Shan Mountain Range, before seeing thedesolation of the Aral Sea, one of the worlds biggest environmentaldisasters. Then it’s Russia and the white lime stone Kremlin of Kazakand onto the city Volgograd. Our final weeks see us riding on theCrimea Peninsula, through the High Tatra Mountains and finally theAustrian Alps. It’s a lifetime experience!

Excited and need moreinformation?A full 28 page document is available giving you all the detailsabout this amazing DISCOVER OUR EARTH EXPEDITION.

This will include the following information - dates, airfreight,SOS Children’s Villages, route challenges, prices, servicesprovided and terms and conditions.

This can be downloaded from the websites:

www.globebusters.comwww.edelweissbike.comYou can book this Expedition by using the GlobeBustersBooking Form in this brochure, but you will need to sign theEdelweiss Terms and Conditions for Participation, which areapplicable for this expedition.

Discover Our Earth

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general information for expeditions

The Adventure FactorRiding in far flung corners of the globe is a challenging and riskyundertaking. Local driving standards are poor because many drivers arenot trained and do not adhere to normal road rules. Local vehicles arenot well maintained, may have bald tyres and many would not beroadworthy by the standards of your own country. Roads often arepotholed, broken up or are only gravel and dirt. Due to its very nature,the risk of accident and personal injury to you is significantly higher thannormal, as well as damage or loss to your bike and personal belongings.

You will also have to contend with lifestyles and cultures that are verydifferent from your own. You must come prepared to cope withunpredictable situations, local inadequacies and unforeseeable events.Even with our detailed organisation, things can go wrong. Many placeswhere we travel are off the beaten track, may be economically andpolitically unstable and do not have the same infrastructure or health &safety standards as those in Western Europe or North America. It is yourresponsibility to read your own country’s government advice andwarnings for each country that we visit and be satisfied that you areprepared to travel there.

Therefore, our expeditions are not suitable for riders who expect to beindulged or demand for everything to go exactly as planned. For yourown interest, and that of your fellow riders, pleasedo not book an expedition if the above is not acceptable to you.

Rider & PassengerRiders must be a minimum of 21 years of age. We expect you to be aconfident and competent road rider, with plenty of experience riding largebikes. You should normally have held your motorcycle licence for aminimum of two years and be able to demonstrate regular frequentmileage on your bike. You must be confident that you can satisfy the skillrequirements as noted in your chosen Expedition Summary. It isimportant for you and the rest of the team that you can demonstrate agood standard of riding, have excellent slow control, be capable ofhandling a fully loaded bike. In addition, you should have had previousexperience of riding overseas.

Please also note that all of our expeditions include sections of gravel ordirt roads, as stated in the Expedition Summary. We never travel offroad; it is simply that there are sections where theroad is not paved. Whilst off road experience is mandatory for someExpeditions - see your chosen Expedition Summary - for others, it isoptional, but highly recommended. For those expeditions that do notinclude off road training, we would still recommend that you considerundertaking this type of course.

Our trips are suitable for experienced pillion passengers, unless statedotherwise in the Expedition Summary. Pillion passengers should beexperienced at touring and be able to manage longer days riding (up to475 miles). Passengers are able to take time off the bike and travel inthe support vehicle, particularly in the areas where we are travelling ondirt road. However this is subject to any emergency, illness or accident.Pillion passengers must be a minimum of 18 years old.

Finally, our expeditions call for riders to be good team players, who areflexible and adaptable when things do not go as planned and will muck inas requested by the Expedition Leader. Self sufficiency is important andbeing able to manage yourself - your well being, hygiene & health - isvital, together with having a good sense of humour. Overland travel canbe challenging and bring up the most unexpected of situations. Thismeans that you will all be expected to work together as a team to resolveany problems we may encounter, but always subject to the authority ofthe Expedition Leader.

Own Bike

You need to have a bike that is suitable for this type of riding and youmust be the legal owner of the bike, with the requisite paperworkshowing ownership. We recommend a medium or large dual purposemachine. You must also ensure that your bike has appropriate luggagesystem that is capable of carrying your personal belongings for the wholejourney.

Whilst there is no restriction on what brand of bike that you can bring,your bike must be capable of riding on and off road and be in a goodworking order to prevent any unnecessary hold-ups on the road.

Hire Bike

GlobeBusters can hire you a GlobeBusters bike for your chosenexpedition. Our rates are per day from the official start date to the officialend date of the expedition. All GlobeBusters bikes are UK registeredand are shipped out to the start of an expedition (if applicable) andfreighted back at the end. The freight is included in the price you pay forthe expedition.

To hire a bike you must be a minimum of 25 years old, hold a full validmotorcycle licence and not be excluded from being able to obtain thirdparty insurance for all countries where it is a legal requirement to have itin place. Hirers must also be able to demonstrate previous ridingexperience on bikes of a similar cc size.

All hire bikes are subject to separate terms and conditions and anadditional hire agreement must be signed by the rider.

Please refer to our Bike Hire Page for further details.

What is included in your expedition price?

• Hotel or hostel accommodation on a bed and breakfast basis orcamping with breakfast from the official start date to official end date,in accordance with the approximate percentage given in theExpedition Summary.

• Group freight of your bike from our UK freight agent’s premises to theofficial start point (if applicable) and from the official finish point back toour UK freight agents premises, as given in the Expedition Summary.

• For the Original Trans Americas Expedition only, the intermediatefreight between Central and South America.

• In transit motorcycle insurance, during freight, subject to an excess of£250.

• Assistance with all documentation relating to taking the bike abroad(insurance, airway bills or bills of lading, dangerous goods, carnet depassage, International Driving Permit "IDP").

• For any expeditions that include China, all permissions and paperworkneeded for your motorcycle to enter China (but not your personalvisa), China route government approvals and compulsory Chineseguide

• Any local guides travelling with our group, acting as translators andfacilitating our route through some (not all) countries, but not localguides relating to other optional activities or sight-seeing that you maydecide to do whilst on the expedition.

• Two motorcycle guides to lead the group (where the group is twelveriders or more).

• Support vehicle to assist in case of breakdown or other emergency,equipped with satellite phone, spare fuel, water, tools, selected spareparts and emergency first aid kit.

• Support Driver, with motorcycle mechanical experience and expeditionfirst aid qualifications

• One group evening meal per week.• If flying to the start of an Expedition not commencing in the UK,transport from the airport (if applicable) to the first group hotel at thestart of the expedition.

• All en route ferry crossings.• Pre Expedition Training & Meetings as stated in your chosenExpedition Summary.

• Daily route notes, with GPS information (where available)

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general information for expeditions

• GlobeBusters Guidance Handbook with all pre-trip information.• Discounts from approved UK companies who supply equipmentrelevant for an expedition.

• GlobeBusters souvenir and stickers.• The Participants private area of the GlobeBusters website, whichprovides access to documentation, notes and forum to chat with otherparticipants.

Not included in your expedition price• Your own international or domestic passenger flights.• Insurance and documentation costs, such as travel insurance,motorcycle insurance, visa applications, Letters of Invitation,International Driving Permit, carnet de passage, border crossing feesetc.

• Bike servicing, repairs, fuel and other bike sundries, toll roads, trafficfines

• Freight costs of your bike should you leave the expedition early (forwhatever reason) and we have to organize a one-off shipment of yourbike from a destination that is not the official end point of the trip.

• Personal spending money, meals (except where stated), tips, snacks,drinks, alcohol and additional excursions you may wish to take.

• Travel, hotel & meal costs associated with any of the UK Pre-Expedition Training & Meetings

• Any hotel, subsistence or other costs incurred prior to the official startdate of an expedition and after the official end date of an expedition.

• Any costs relating to having to change your airline ticket due to latearrival of an expedition.

AccommodationWhere we show an expedition as hotel based, our prices are for bed andbreakfast accommodation on a shared basis (normally doubleoccupancy, but on some occasions, greater numbers may need toshare). Single supplements are available but there are certain occasionswhere sharing will still be necessary. You must request a singlesupplement as early as possible as it is subject to local availability.

The hotels that we use vary in their facilities depending on their location,but for the majority of occasions (although not all) are good mid rangehotels that include en suite bathroom facilities and often satellitetelevision. The key ingredients are security for the motorcycles,cleanliness, safety, comfort and location. Sometimes we may stay in anisolated rustic estancia, a bunkhouse on the edge of a remote bordercrossing, or in a small family run hostel; other times in a modern 4-starhotel. However, you need to understand that hotel standards in most ofthe countries that we travel through are not the equivalent to those ofWestern Europe and North America.

We are able to book rooms in the group hotel for you before the officialstart date and after the official end date of your expedition, subject tolocal availability. Please request accommodation at least three (3)months prior to arrival.

Some expeditions will involve camping, either at campsites or as a roughcamp, or spending the night in home-stays. GlobeBusters providesindividual tents for participants. You must provide your own sleeping bagand mat, with other personal camping equipment. For camping or home-stays, you should note that there are rarely any showers and toiletfacilities are very primitive.

FoodIncluded within your price are all breakfasts and one group evening mealper week. Group evening meals allow a free choice of the restaurantmenu and include one soft drink, or a glass of beer or a glass of wine.You should note that breakfasts vary according to local customs of thecountries that we are in and in some places may only consist of coffee,juice, breads and jam. However, we do try and supplement suchbreakfast with eggs and fruit where available.

When camping, breakfast will be provided by the support team. Eveningmeals will only be provided on rough camp nights where there are noother alternatives.

DocumentationYou must hold a full passport that is valid for at least six months after theend of your chosen expedition and has sufficient pages for visas (ifapplicable) and all country entry and exit stamps. We will guide youthrough the process of obtaining documentation for your bike over andabove that required for the UK or local country. You must have theregistration document (V5) or title for your vehicle, which is in your name(as per your passport) and shows your current address. USA citizensmust have both the title and registration document for their bike.

You must also have a valid UK or local country driving licence and thename shown must be the same as your passport details. Thereafter, wewill advise you on how to obtain the additional documentation requiredfor riding your bike overseas (for example international driving licence,carnet de passage, local motorcycle insurance, where available).

You are personally responsible for your documentation at all times. Anyloss of documents whilst on the expedition can cause significantdisruption to you. All direct and indirect costs of replacing documentsare your responsibility. In extreme circumstances, you may need totemporarily leave the expedition to organise replacements. Whilst wewill use all reasonable efforts to assist you, we cannot delay theexpedition schedule, nor can we allocate a dedicated team membersimply to accompany you whilst you organise replacements.

Vaccinations and Medical PrecautionsVaccination requirements do change regularly. We strongly advise you toconsult your doctor or specialist travel vaccination clinic and obtain therecommended vaccinations. Whilst we carry an expedition first aid kitwith us, you must bring your own personal travel medical kit.

If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you must inform us of thisand also have written confirmation from you travel insurers that thecondition is covered. If you take any prescription drugs then you mustensure that you have a sufficient supply with you (including contingencysupply in case of loss), kept in their original bottles/container, togetherwith a signed letter from your doctor.

Travel InsuranceIt is a condition of booking that you have comprehensive travelinsurance, including coverage for riding a motorcycle of the appropriatecc engine. If you cannot prove that you have insurance, you will not beallowed on an expedition. You must ensure that you have a policydesigned for adventure travel that will cover you for personal accident,medical and repatriation costs, loss, damage and theft of personalbelongings and for cancellation or curtailment.

We advise you to take out travel insurance immediately on booking anexpedition to cover you in the event that you cancel your trip beforetravel. Please remember that your deposit is non-refundable andGlobeBusters will not provide any refunds for cancellation where youfailed to take out travel insurance or if you cancel due to an incident thatis not covered by your insurance. You should also make sure that youare happy with the amount of cover provided for cancellation orcurtailment, as many cheaper policies will only provide cover at anamount substantially less than the cost of your trip. In such cases, youmust seriously consider increasing the limit of the cancellation cover bypaying an additional premium.

You should also note that if you do have to curtail your trip for whateverreason, travel insurance will not pay out for additional costs incurred inshipping your bike back home and it is an additional cost to you.

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general information for expeditions

Finally, as many policies only cover overseas medical expenses, youshould also consider taking out a policy to cover future consequentialloss that you may incur if you have a serious accident or illness (forexample loss of earnings, disability, medical care etc).

Motorcycle Third Party Insurance Cover

Where available, we require that you hold minimum third party insuranceto ride your motorcycle in the countries that we travel through.

For all expeditions that travel through Eastern Europe, Turkey andMorocco, riders must hold a Green Card from their UK insurer. As not allUK insurers issue a Green Card, please ensure that you enquire aboutthis with your insurer well in advance of your expedition, in case you mayneed to change to a different insurer.

For countries outside the EU, we are able to provide you with a list ofinsurance brokers who provide these services for some of the countriesthat we travel through. Some countries will also require you to buycompulsory local third party insurance at the border. It may not bepossible to insure your motorcycle in certain countries and you mustaccept the associated risk of this.

If you have ever been refused motorcycle insurance or have beendisqualified, you may not be able to obtain the relevant cover required.Riders who are under the age of 25 years old do suffer increasedpremiums for foreign motorcycle cover and it can be more difficult toobtain.

For some countries, you will be able to upgrade your insurance to covertheft or collision. Quotes for this cover will depend on personalcircumstances and are subject to the terms and conditions of theinsurance brokers.

If you cannot get third party insurance cover where it is available and is alegal requirement for the country, you would not be able to participate inan expedition

Air Flights

We are not able to make your passenger flight reservations for you. Anygood travel agent can deal with your flight enquiry. Please remember totake into account the potential for the late arrival of the itinerary andensure that your return flight to the UK makes contingency for this. Westrongly recommend that you book a ticket that allows you to changeyour return date if necessary.

For expeditions where passengers have a domestic or international flightas part of the expedition route, we facilitate this locally for you through ablock booking and you then need to pay the travel agent directly for yourflight.

Expedition Team

The team will comprise two motorcycle guides (for teams of twelve ridersor more), with a support driver responsible for the support vehicle andproviding mechanical assistance. You should note that Kevin & JuliaSanders are not present at all times on all expeditions. We cannot makeany guarantees that specific guides will operate on any given expedition.

All GlobeBusters motorcycle guides have advanced road ridingqualifications (eg RoSPA), have off road riding experience, are qualifiedexpedition first aid trained and have gone through a rigorousGlobeBusters training programme to ensure a high quality of leadershipand customer service.

Whilst on the expedition, your Expedition Leader will have to make manydecisions regarding the day to day operation of the expedition and alsowhen unforeseen matters occur. When decisions are being taken, thiswill be done on the basis of what is judged to be best for the group givenall the known circumstances at the time and not to suit any particularindividual. All riders must respect the decisions taken by the leader and

acknowledge that on an expedition such as this, an element ofcompromise is necessary to ensure that the trip runs smoothly.

Support VehicleFor all our expeditions, we will have a dedicated GlobeBusters supportvehicle. The main purpose of the support vehicle will be to provideassistance to the group in the event of a breakdown or other emergency.From time to time, the group will need to ride without the support vehicle,which occurs when the support vehicle has to be freighted en route aspart of the expedition to a different destination. It will also not be with themain group if there has been an emergency incident or other unforeseenevent and it is being used to assist the riders involved.

The support vehicle will carry items for the bikes, including some tyres,fuel, spare parts, an emergency medical kit and water. The supportvehicle will only carry personal items where there is an emergency or ifthe gravel or dirt roads are in bad condition. Riders must be able tocarry all their own personal belongings on their own bike.

The support vehicle follows the official expedition route and cannotalso provide support to individual riders who decide to take anyalternative routes.

Expedition SchedulesThe routes and timings given on the website and in the brochure are afair indication of the schedule. However, they are not intended to beabsolute statements of fact. Overland travel is subject to delays anditinerary alterations for many reasons, including politics, climate,bureaucracy, vehicle breakdowns and decisions of the group itself. Thewhole philosophy of this type of overland travel is one which allowsalternatives and a substantial degree of on-tour flexibility. It is afundamental condition of joining any expedition that you accept thisflexibility, and acknowledge that delays and alterations, together withtheir consequences, are possible. In particular, we cannot be responsiblefor the results of a late arrival of an expedition, howsoever caused. Wetherefore advise against making any firm commitments for 3 days afterthe scheduled arrival date for an expedition and to have a return flightticket which allows a change of return date.

Pre-Expedition Training & MeetingsIt is important that all participants are properly briefed about theexpedition and provided with advice relating to the type of bike,modifications, luggage and equipment and have the opportunity to askany questions. Consequently, we provide Pre Expedition Training andMeetings as outlined in your chosen Expedition Summary.

We will also provide you with the GlobeBusters Guidance Handbook tocover all aspects of your expedition.

Pre-Expedition Bike PreparationPrior to starting any expedition, your bike must have had a full serviceand new tyres fitted. For expeditions which are more than 6,000 miles,we will organise service points (official motorcycle dealers will not alwaysbe available) and tyre changes for your bike to fit in with the expeditionschedule and the requirements of the group as a whole.

You should therefore note that if you have a new motorcycle inside itswarranty period, we cannot guarantee that there will be an officialdealership to do service work on your bike. The cost of the actualservice, repair, tyre change etc will be your responsibility. You shouldalso note that obtaining official manufacturer parts can be difficult or veryexpensive to obtain in certain countries and it is advisable to have basicservice parts with you.

For other shorter expeditions, having had a full service at the start ofthe expedition, there is no need to schedule any formal bike servicingpoints en route.

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general information for expeditions

Bike Freight

No later than three months prior to departure, you will be provided withthe details regarding the process for freighting your bike to your outwarddestination (if applicable) and what you need to do to ensure allnecessary documentation is completed. The period of time that werequire your bike before the start of an expedition for the freight variesdepending on the outward bound destination and whether bikes areshipped (sea freight) or flown (air freight).

If you bike is being shipped, timings are normally 6 weeks prior; if youbike is being flown, timings are normally two weeks prior. Please checkfor freight methods and timing when booking your expedition. At yourPre-Expedition Meeting, you will be provided with details for droppingyour bike off for outward freight and where to collect your bike when itreturns back to the UK. On the Trans Americas Expedition, we alsoorganise the freight of your bike between Central and South America.

Our UK freight agent is normally able to organise specific door to doorcollection and delivery of your bike in the UK. This is an extra cost toyou. If you require this service, please request this and we will forwardyour details to our UK freight agent who will contact you directly to makespecific arrangements.

Please note that at the freight destination, you to have to be personallypresent to complete Customs formalities for the temporary import andexport of your bike, and to sign the necessary paperwork. Where anexpedition starts outside the EU, it may take up to three days tocomplete such formalities and get the release of your bike fromCustoms. Be prepared for a sometimes protracted and frustratingprocess.

If you are not a UK resident, we can offer a freight service of your bike toand from your own country. Timings of freight will be different to thatindicated above, depending on your location. We will provide anindividual quote for an expedition price excluding all freight to and fromthe UK and a separate quote for your individual return shipment.

If for whatever reason, you do not complete an expedition, then due toCustoms formalities, normally your bike must be freighted home from thesame country that you also depart from. GlobeBusters will facilitate thisfor you. However, you are responsible for all the additional costs of thisone-off shipment and GlobeBusters cannot provide any rebate, based onportions of freight not used at the end of the expedition.

You should note that GlobeBusters uses reputable global freightforwarders to manage the bulk freight of our bikes. However, the timingof freight can be subject to delays beyond our control, where airlines orshipping companies change or cancel schedules. You should also beaware that during freight there is a small risk that some minor damagemay occur to your bikes (such as scratches, scuffs) and thatGlobeBusters accepts no responsibility for such damage. Your bikes areinsured in transit and any major loss or damage is covered by thisinsurance, subject to an excess of £250.

Arrival at Official Start Point

Where your expedition commences outside of the EU, we recommendthat you book a flight that will arrive at the official start point 2 - 3 daysprior to the official commencement date of an expedition. Arriving earlywill give you time to recover from jet lag, complete the formalities withlocal Customs and check your bike. As each expedition is slightlydifferent, please check with us on the recommended date that we adviseyou to arrive at the official start point.

Optional Excursions

We have included time to be able to take optional excursions, which arean additional local cost to you. Optional excursions are ones for whichwe need to involve a local operator to provide you with a specialistservice or where we cannot take the motorcycles. You should note that

whilst we help to organise optional extras as a service to you, we are notnecessarily recommending them. As these excursions are operatedlocally, standards of safety are not always in keeping with those ofWestern Europe and North America. These types of activities are alwayssubject to the local operator and you are always at liberty to organise thesame excursion with a different local supplier.


In order to book an expedition, please complete the reservation formincluded in our brochure and forward to GlobeBusters with the requireddeposit. You will also be required to sign a release and waiver form.GlobeBusters reserves the right to contact you through telephone ormeeting prior to accepting any bookings, as well as being satisfied withyour biking experience and type of bike. GlobeBusters has totaldiscretion as to whether your application is accepted, without any right ofreply.

Please see our terms and conditions relating to the payment scheduleand cancellation. Your deposit is non-refundable, irrespective of personalcircumstances, and so we strongly advise you to take out appropriatetravel insurance immediately on booking in case you are unable to traveldue to any accident, illness or bereavement to you or your family ortravelling companions.

We are only able to accept payments by cheque or electronic banktransfer; this also keeps our costs down and therefore our pricesbecause we do not have to factor in the merchant fee for credit cardtransactions.

Minimum Numbers

For expeditions of five weeks or less, we require a minimum of eightriders to go ahead. For all other expeditions, we require a minimum often riders to go ahead.

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dates and prices

AMERICASHigh Andes 5 weeks Date 21 April - 25 May 2010 25 April - 29 May 2012**

Rider £5,995Passenger £3,495Single Room £1,595

Trans Americas 19 weeks Date 31 July - 11 Dec 2011Rider £18,995Passenger £9,995Single Room £4,995

Latin America 14 weeks Date 4 Sept - 11 Dec 2011Rider £14,995Passenger £7,995Single Room £3,995

North & Central America 10 weeks Date 31 July - 8 Oct 2011Rider £11,995Passenger £5,995Single Room £2,995

South America 10 weeks Date 9 Oct - 11 Dec 2011Rider £10,995Passenger £5,995Single Room £2,995

North America 5 weeks Date 31 July - 4 Sept 2011Rider £7,995Passenger £3,995Single Room £1,995

Mexico & Central America 5 weeks Date 4 Sept - 8 Oct 2011Rider £7,995Passenger £3,995Single Room £1,595

Northern Andes Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile5 weeks Date 9 Oct - 6 Nov 2011

Rider £7,995Passenger £3,995Single Room £1,595

Patagonia Southern Chile & Argentina 5 weeks Date 7 Nov - 11 Dec 2011Rider £6,595Passenger £3,695Single Room £1,595

Trans Canada 5 weeks Date 12 July - 15 Aug 2011 Date1 July - 4 August 2012**Rider £6,995Passenger £3,995Single Room £1,995

ASIASilk Road East 12 weeks Date 15 April - 4 July 2011

Rider £16,750Passenger £9,750Single Room (80%) £3,495

Trans Asia 14 weeks Date 15 August - 20 Nov 2012Rider £16,995Passenger £9,995Single Room £3,995

AFRICANorth & West Africa 4 weeks Date 12 Jan - 9 Feb 2011

Rider £3,995Passenger £2,995Single Room £995

Southern Africa 5 weeks Date 19 Sept - 23 Oct 2012Rider £6,995Passenger £3,995Single Room £2,995

THE GLOBEBUSTERAround the Globe 14 weeks Date 29 April - 4 Aug 2012

Rider £18,995Passenger £9,995Single Room £4,495

Around the Globe - to Beijing Only 8 weeks Date 29 April - 23 June 2012Rider £10,995Passenger £6,995Single Room £2,495

Single roomSingle room supplement guarantees a single room for 90% of the journey, unless stated otherwise. At other times sharing a room is necessary.** Please add an increase of 5% to the price shown for the 2012 expedition total price.Prices are subject to a surcharge if there is a significant change to the dollar to pound exchange rate. Please see our terms and conditions.

** NEW **

** NEW **

** NEW **

** NEW **

** NEW **

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booking form

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terms & conditions

Conditions of Booking

1. Tour Operator and the ContractAll motorcycle expeditions (“Expedition(s)”) areoperated by GlobeBusters Limited, Unit 15, WoodlandsBusiness Park, Ystradgynlais, Swansea, SA9 1JW,United Kingdom and whose registered office is HRHarris & Partners, 44 St Helens Road, Swansea, SA14BB, United Kingdom ("GlobeBusters" / "We") TheParticipant(s) is / are the person(s) listed on theGlobeBusters booking form (“Participant(s)” / “You”)."Force majeure" is any situation beyond the control ofGlobeBusters, which can be, but is not limited to, war,terrorist activity, natural disaster, civil strife, adverseweather or road conditions, fire, bureaucraticobstacles, changes in schedules by ferry companies,airlines, bus or train operators. GlobeBusters reservesthe right to decline any booking at their discretion. TheParticipant(s) are required to sign a completed bookingform and a release and waiver form. Once thesedocuments have been received and the Participant(s)deposit has been banked, a contract is made betweenGlobeBusters and the Participant(s) signing thebooking form and release and waiver form. Variationof the terms of this contract is only valid if done so inwriting and signed by both the Participant(s) and anauthorised representative of GlobeBusters. Thecontract and all matters arising from it are subject toEnglish law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the EnglishCourts. In the event that any of the provisions of thiscontract shall be determined by any Court to be invalid,unlawful or unenforceable to any extent then suchprovision shall to that extent be severed from theremaining provisions of the contract, which shallcontinue to be valid and enforceable.2. Paymenta) Payments may be made by cheque or postal ordermade payable to GlobeBusters Limited or by electronictransfer. For electronic transfer, we will notify theParticipant(s) of our bank details separately.b) A deposit of 10% of the full brochure price isrequired for each Participant booking an Expedition.Payment must be sent to GlobeBusters Limited, Unit15, Woodlands Business Park, Ystradgynlais,Swansea, SA9 1JW, United Kingdom.c) The payment schedule for the balance of theExpedition is 33% twelve months prior to the start dateand 67% three months prior to the start date.d) Should the Participant(s) balance not be paid onthe due date, we shall cancel the Participant(s)reservation and no refund will be made. Should theParticipant(s) make a booking less than three monthsprior to departure the full amount is due immediately.3. PricingOnly the items specifically listed in the GeneralInformation are included in the price. Therefore, forclarity, the following items are not part of the price andare an additional cost to the Participant(s):a) Return passenger airline flights to get to the startand from the finish point for each Expedition or thoserequired during the Expedition.b) Personal travel, accident and medical insurance,third party motorcycle insurance cover / breakdowncover.c) Entrance fees to sights and parks (except wherestated), personal spending money, meals (exceptwhere stated), snacks, drinks, alcohol, optionalexcursions or other extras.d) Personal documentation (eg visas, passport),vaccinations, personal taxes, border crossing fees.e) Bike services, bike repair, spares, bikedocumentation (including carnet de passage), fuel, tollroad fees traffic, fines.f) Any travel, subsistence & hotel costs to and from theair freight point in the UK or to and from any UK briefingmeetings.g) Freight of your motorcycle back to the UK shouldyou not complete the Expedition and GlobeBusters hasto organise freight of your motorcycle from adestination which is not the stated official finish point ofthe Expedition.h) Any other item not specifically included in the price.4. SurchargesThe price will not be subject to a surcharge save thatresulting from currency fluctuations or Governmentaction, affecting transportation costs, dues, taxes,embarkation or disembarkation fees. We will absorbany such increase up to 2% of the Participant(s)Expedition price, thereafter any further increase will bepassed onto the Participant(s). If there is an increaseof more than 10% of the Expedition price, theParticipant(s) will be entitled to cancel and receive afull refund. We will not apply a surcharge less than 4weeks prior to departure.5. Nature of the Expeditions and Acceptance ofRiskYour booking is accepted on the understanding that:a) Participant(s) are aware that the Expedition inaddition to the usual dangers and risks inherent hascertain additional dangers and risks, some of whichmay include: physical exertion for which you may notbe prepared; weather extremes subject to suddenunexpected change; remoteness from normal medical

services; evacuation difficulties if you are disabled.b) Participant(s) acknowledge that the enjoyment andexcitement of adventure travel is derived in the partfrom the inherent risks incurred by riding yourmotorcycle through the less well developed countrieslisted on the itineraries and undertaking activitiesbeyond the levels of safety normal at home or atwork, and that these inherent risks contribute to suchenjoyment and excitement and are the reason foryour participation.c) Participant(s) acknowledge that the nature of thistype of travel requires a considerable degree offlexibility and you must allow for alternatives, some ofwhich may include: not arriving at the day’s finaldestination; having to take an alternative road / route; achange in hotel accommodation; the group assistingeach other through an unforeseen challenge whichdelays our schedule.d) Participant(s) understand that the route, schedules,itineraries, amenities and modes of transport may besubject to alternation without prior notice due to localcircumstances or events, such as sickness,mechanical breakdown, flight cancellations, strikes,events emanating from political dispute, entry or orderdifficulties, climate and or other unpredictable orunforeseeable circumstances.e) Participant(s) acknowledge that the countries thatwe travel in are, for the most part, underdeveloped,both as far as basic infrastructure are concerned, andin the level of tourist amenities. Nor do they lendthemselves to creature comforts. It is important tounderstand that even the most meticulously plannedarrangements can, and do, go wrong. Conditions aresuch that there may be times of discomfort and delays,which are a way of life. Participants booking on anExpedition implicitly accept the above.f) Participant(s), their baggage and property travelentirely at their own risk, acknowledging thatparticipating in an Expedition means that certainrisks will occur, including but not limited to thehazards of riding your own motorcycle, of travellingthrough mountain terrain at altitude, the forces ofnature and the very limited medical facilities ofsome regions.g) Participant(s) must realise that attitudes to safetyare very different to those in Western Europe.Passenger seat belt regulations or minimumstandards of vehicle maintenance or driving standardsare not widely enforced. Hard hats, helmets, lifejackets may not be provided for activities. You mustaccept all the consequences of such a differentlifestyle, culture and attitudes, which may be adverseto your own well being.6. The Participant(s) Responsibilitiesa) It is entirely your responsibility to obtain relevantmedical advice and vaccinations and make all othernecessary preliminary arrangements includingcompliance with visa requirements, and we accept noresponsibility whatsoever in the event that thesematters are not dealt with prior to departure.b) Any information that we provide to the

Participant(s) on such matters as permits, visas,vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, specialequipment etc is given in good faith but without anyresponsibility whatsoever on the part of GlobeBusters.The Participant(s) accepts responsibility for obtainingall necessary travel information and documentationrequired for the Expedition.c) In booking an Expedition, the Participant(s)acknowledge that they are responsible for makingthemselves aware through their country’s ForeignOffice, State Department warnings, advisers and othersources available to them, in regard to the safety of thecountries and areas in which they will be travelling andto make their own decisions accordingly.d) The Participant(s) must provide their ownmotorcycle and rider equipment which is suitable forthe Expedition itinerary. The Participant(s) are solelyresponsible for the condition of the motorcycle andrider equipment and that it is safe for use. Yourmotorcycle must be in good legal condition. In theevent of a mechanical failure, all additional costsassociated with the repair of the motorcycle are theresponsibility of the Participant(s).e) Participant(s) are responsible for their ownmotorcycle, its use and how they ride it, conforming tolocal laws and regulations. They are also responsiblefor any pillion passenger being carried. A road trafficaccident that occurs to Participant(s) causing personalinjury or death is not the responsibility of GlobeBustersor the Expedition leader or support team, unless weare shown to have been legally negligent.f) The Participant(s) must have in their possessionduring the Expedition the following documents whichmust be current and valid and are in respect of theirvehicle and the Participant(s).• Passport, valid for six months after the end date of

the trip.• Driving licence of the Participant(s) country of

residence.• International Driving Permit• Vehicle registration document / title• Carnet de passage (where applicable)• Vaccination certificates (where appropriate)

• Personal travel insurance, valid for motorcycletouring on bikes over 125cc and covering personalaccident, medical expenses, repatriation, loss anddamage to personal effects. In the event that theParticipant(s) do not have suitable travel insurance,they will not be allowed to join the Expedition.

g) The Participant(s) must inform us of any medical,physical or other condition, which may affect theservices provided on the Expedition. It is theParticipant(s) responsibility to ensure that they seekprofessional medical advice before travelling and totake all necessary health precautions and preventativemeasures.h) By signing the booking form, the Participant(s)agree to accept the authority and decisions of ourExpedition leader, employees, agents or suppliersduring the Expedition. If, in the opinion, of any of thesepeople, your health or conduct appears to endangerthe progress of the Expedition you may be excludedfrom the whole or part of the Expedition.i) The Participant(s) must abide by all local laws andcustoms of the countries visited, including but notlimited to motorcycle clothing and equipment, conditionof their motorcycle, traffic regulations, the Participant(s)ability to ride the bike and all other laws. In the eventthat the Participant(s) are stopped or held by the localauthorities, the consequence of this remains theParticipant(s) responsibility and we will not be able tounduly delay any part of the Expedition. If you commitan illegal act, we shall cease to have any responsibilityto or for you.j) We will not be able to assist the Participant(s) to thedetriment of the other Participants of the Expedition.The Participant(s) may rejoin the Expedition at anytime, provided they are fit to do so. Should a Participantleave an Expedition prior to the end, for whateverreasons, no refund will be made.k) The Participant(s) must be aware that we may takephotographs, videos and films of the Participant(s)whilst on the Expedition, of which we reserve the rightto use such material for any advertising, brochures andvideo production, and other marketing uses (includingfootage for television) without obtaining further consent.7. Our Responsibilitiesa) We are responsible for ensuring that the Expeditionbooked will be supplied as described in our itinerariesand to a reasonable standard, using our reasonable skilland care. If you wish to make any claim against us, youmust show that reasonable skill and care has not beenused. In local countries where the standards of driving,health, safety, hygiene, and quality of accommodationcan be significantly lower from your own country,reasonable care and skill is to be determined by what isnormal for local standards and customs and inaccordance with any applicable local regulations.b) The itineraries and other details are published ingood faith. The running times are estimates only andwe will not be liable for any loss (howsoever caused)arising from the delay to operate services in accordancewith published timings. If any additional expenses areincurred by the Participant(s) through delays, accidentsor disruption in planned itineraries because of forcemajeure, or are considered advisable by us, then theseare borne by the Participant(s). The Participant(s)accept that force majeure may prevent GlobeBustersfrom supplying the Expedition as described. We willmake every effort to ensure that proper efforts havebeen made for all Expeditions advertised in ourbrochure and that the suppliers of the services whichthe Participant(s) will enjoy during the Participant(s)Expedition are efficient and reputable.c) For claims of personal injury or death during ourExpedition, we only accept liability if we have failed tosatisfy our obligations as set out in paragraph a). Ourliability for personal injury or death or any other claim islimited to any damage caused to the Participant(s) byour failure to perform the contract or the improperperformance of the contract, unless the failure orimproper performance is due neither to our fault nor thefault of another supplier of services, because it is thefault of the Participant(s) or a third party unconnectedwith the provision of the services contracted for, or wasdue to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances whichcould not have been avoided even if all due care hadbeen exercised. Where GlobeBusters is found to beliable, the maximum amount of damages will be limitedto the price paid for the Expedition.8. If we cancel or change an Expeditiona) Commercial Viability: We reserve the right to cancelthe Participant(s) booking if there are not sufficientnumbers on the Expedition to make it commerciallyviable. For Expeditions of more than ten (10) weeks, wewill provide the Participant(s) with a minimum seven (7)months notice. For Expeditions of 10 weeks or less, wewill provide the Participant(s) with a minimum three (3)months notice. In such circumstances the Participant(s)options are: (i) a full refund of all monies paid(ii) transfer onto an alternative Expedition (which mayinvolve an additional payment or refund)(iii) continue on original Expedition, on payment of asupplementb) Significant Changes and Outright Cancellation: Fromtime to time, we may have to make minor changes tothe Expedition, of which we are not obliged to inform the

Participant(s) prior to departure. In the rarecircumstances, where we need to make a significantchange, we will notify the Participant(s) as soon asreasonably possible prior to departure. "Significant"changes for the Expeditions of more than 10 weeks areconsidered to be not visiting more than one of thecountries listed in the itinerary and all other changes aredefined as minor changes. "Significant" changes for theExpeditions of ten (10) weeks or less are considered tobe not visiting more than one of the main cities orhighlights listed in the itinerary and all other changes aredefined as minor changes. There may also be rareunforeseeable circumstances, which mean that theExpedition has to be cancelled outright and we reservethe right to do so. In the event of a significant change oroutright cancellation of the Expedition, the Participant(s)have the following options:(i) where there is a significant change, continue theExpedition as per the new details / itinerary(ii) transfer to an alternative available Expedition(which may involve an additional payment or refund)(iii) a full refund of all monies paid. If the Expedition iscancelled, GlobeBusters will not be liable for additionalcosts or losses incurred by Participant(s) due to thecancellation of the Expedition. This includes, but is notlimited to, the cost of prepaid airline tickets, hotelreservations or car rental costs. For significantchanges or outright cancellation of Expeditions of morethan ten (10) weeks, with less than seven (7) monthsnotice, we will compensate the Participant(s) with thesum of £100 per Participant. For significant changesor outright cancellation of Expeditions of ten (10)weeks or less, with less than three (3) months notice,we will compensate the Participant(s) with the sum of£100 per Participant. No other claims forcompensation or expenses will be considered. TheParticipant(s) will not be offered any compensation ifwe provide notification in excess of the timescalesstated above.9. If Participant(s) cancel(i) Irrespective of the time period before the expeditionthere is no refund of your deposit – your deposit is non-refundable.(ii) Less than 12 months notice and more than 6months notice: Refund of 50% of the 33% instalmentpaid at that point in time. There is no refund of yourdeposit.(iii) Less than 6 months notice: No refund of anymonies to the Participant(s) .10. Transfer of BookingIf the Participant(s) are prevented from travelling forany reason, they may transfer the booking to anotherperson, subject to written consent given byGlobeBusters, provided that a minimum of eight (8)weeks notice is given and they fulfil the necessaryrequirements to join the Expedition, including but notlimited to the completion and signing of a booking formand a release and waiver document, as well aspayment of a £50 administration charge.11. ComplaintsIf the Participant(s) have a complaint about theExpedition, in the first instance the Participant(s) mustinform the Expedition leader so that remedial action canbe taken if possible. Thereafter, the Participant(s) mustmake the complaint in writing within the first 30 days ofthe Expedition finish date, sending it to: GlobeBustersLimited, Unit 15, Woodlands Business Park,Ystradgynlais, Swansea, SA9 1AH, United Kingdom.12. Financial ProtectionIn compliance with the UK Package Travel, PackageHolidays and Package Tours Regulations 1992 aninsurance policy has been arranged with Travel &General Insurance Company plc to protect customers’prepayments paid in respect of non-flight inclusivepackages commencing and returning to the UK and theground handling aspects of packages where thecustomer is responsible for arranging travel to thedestination offered in this brochure / literature /document / on this website (subject to the terms of theinsurance policy), for a refund of such prepayments ifcustomers have not yet travelled or makingarrangements to enable the holiday to continue ifcustomers have already travelled, in the unlikely eventof our financial failure.

Page 33: Globe Busters Brochure


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Page 36: Globe Busters Brochure

Registered Office: GlobeBusters Limited, HR Harris & Partners, 44 St Helen’s Road, Swansea SA1 4BB.Registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 5243711

GlobeBusters LimitedUnit 15, Woodlands Business ParkYstradgynlaisSA9 1JW UK

Telephone +44(0)8452 304015Email [email protected]