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    Pronoun ErrorsPronoun reerence error


    Jeanne and Gertrude went to the mall,but she couldnt find any outfits she liked.Pronoun number error

    INCORRECT: Te average waiter expects a 15% tip roma restaurant patron, and they are usually disappointed.

    Modifier ErrorsMisplaced modifier error


    Coming out o the shopping mall, Joanspurse was stolen.wo ways to fix this misplaced modifier:

    Change 2nd hal o sentence. Change 1st hal o sentence into adverbial clause,

    which contains its own subject.

    in that vs. because

    in that is usually a better choice than because


    Agree with another person. CORRECT: I agree with Joey on this issue.

    Agree to something inanimate. CORRECT: I agree to your proposal.
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    Pronoun ErrorsAmbiguous pronoun reerence


    Fred and Vijay went to the soccermatch, but he said that he liked cricket better.Singular/Plural subject agreement

    INCORRECT: Te average dentist expects patients tobe on time, and they are usually mistaken.

    Idiom: AgreeAgree with another person.


    I agree with Fred on this issue.Agree to something inanimate. CORRECT: I agree to your proposal.

    Whether vs. I

    Whether is correct when a sentence describes alternatives.CORRECT: Whether to vote or not.

    I is correct when a sentence describes ahypothetical situation.

    CORRECT: I he were to participate, he would


    In contrast toCORRECT: In contrast to most parents, Jimmys parentslet him stay out all night.

    Similar toCORRECT: Teresas parenting style is similar to Christines.
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    Verb enseA sentence that begins in one tense should generally stayin that tense.

    Ofen related to parallel construction questions. EXCEPTION: Past perect. An action set in the pastperect must have another action that comes afer itset in the simple past. CORRECT: Bob was fired afer he had worked at thecompany or only two weeks.

    Parallel ConstructionA signal that you may have a parallel construction error isa group o phrases set off by commas.Spot this problem by:

    Finding a series o actions, lists, or sentencesdivided into parts.

    Make sure that each list item has similar structure(i.e., no one part o the list is distinct rom the othersin terms o grammatical construction or length).

    Ambiguous Gerundial Clauses, 2 o 2 INCORRECT: Driving to a holiday dinner, Freds walletwas lost.

    Another way to fix example above: Change first hal osentence into adverbial clause, which clarifies the subject othe sentence that is in the second phrase.

    CORRECT: While driving to a holiday dinner, Fredlost his wallet.

    Ambiguous Gerundial Clauses, 1 o 2 INCORRECT: Driving to a holiday dinner, Freds walletwas lost.

    One way to fix example above: Rearrange sentence order andalter second hal o sentence so that inanimate object doesnot reer to action verb in first hal o sentence.

    CORRECT: Fred lost his wallet as he drove to aholiday dinner.
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    Correct Sentences20% o SC sentences are correct as presented in the firstinstance on the GMA.

    Tis is approximately three questions per test.

    Quantity Words and Idioms CORRECT: On the flight to Chicago, Betty had tochoose between two drink options. CORRECT: On the flight back to New York, Betty hadto choose among three dinner options.

    Countable Items: Non-Countable Items: Fewer Less

    Number Amount, quantity Many Much

    Avoid Apples to Oranges Comparisons

    Compare nouns to like nouns: CORRECT: Te flowers at Sarahs wedding were prettierthan the orchids at Janes wedding. (You are comparingflowers to a specific type o flower, but this is OK, as theyare in the same general category.)

    Compare actions to like actions: CORRECT: Beeswax candles burn more cleanly thansynthetic candles.

    Common Word rap

    Politics Singular word CORRECT: Politics is not or the aint o heart.

    People Plural word CORRECT: People are ofen conused aboutgrammatical issues that arise on the GMA.
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    Either...or / Neither...norVerbs agree with whatever ollows or/nor

    CORRECT: Neither the musicians nor the conductoris rom Dallas. CORRECT: Neither the conductor nor the musiciansare rom Dallas.

    Misplaced or Dangling ModifiersModifiers should be as close as possible to the word orclause they modiy.

    INCORRECT: Sarah Jane rarely sparked interest inmen, though not a plain girl. CORRECT: Sarah Jane, though not a plain girl, rarelysparked interest in men.

    Collective Nouns that are Singular

    Beware collective nouns which are actually singular:audience, committee, everyone merit singular verbs

    3-Step Method

    1. Read original sentence careully.2. Scan answer choices or differences that help identiy

    commonly-tested errors.3. Eliminate a choice as soon as you find an error. IP: I you narrow a question down to two possible

    candidate sentences, read each one slowly anddeconstruct each part o the sentence until an errorjumps out at you.
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    Like TingsCompare like things only.Comparison words: like, as, compared to, less than,more than, other, that o, those o .

    Gerunds (words that end with ing)

    When the GMA gives you a choice between one verbtense that uses an ing orm and another that does not,usually the ing orm is wrong.

    Verb ense 3 ips

    1. Make sure that the verb tense you choose properlyreflects the sequence o events.

    2. Use Present Perect (verb + ing) to emphasizecontinuing nature o an action or that two or moreactions are occurring simultaneously. CORRECT: I have been correcting Rauls GMA grammar constantly. I was walking and chewing gum when I collided with a lamppost.

    3. Avoid Passive Voice. Use simple past tense instead o had +past tense.

    Similar ItemsSimilar elements with the same importance and unctionshould be expressed in the same grammatical orm.

    Compare people to people, groups to groups,attributes to attributes.

    Parallel similar elements in a sentence.
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    None, No oneNone should be singular, even when to your ear itseems as though it should be plural.

    CORRECT: None o the boys enjoys camping as he does.No one is always singular.

    CORRECT: No one enjoys camping as much as he does.

    Idioms involving asMemorize:

    as is usually preerred to like regarded as (dont use to be) as long as such questions as plays as

    like, as

    Usage: Use like or comparing nouns. Use as or comparing actions.

    like, such as

    like = similar to CORRECT: Her graceul comportment made her seemlike a dancer, although she had never set oot on a stage.

    such as = or example CORRECT: I enjoy activities such as skydiving,heliskiing and scuba diving.
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    Idiom: to be CORRECT: Likely to be

    Idiom: betweenandDistinguish between X and Y.

    CORRECT: In order to distinguish between grizzlybears and black bears with the greatest accuracy, oneshould examine the coat color.


    CORRECT: Agree that

    Passive vs. Active Verb ense

    Avoid passive verb tenses! Tese are usually present orpast perect orms o verbs. Have/Had + VERB + -ing is rarely the correct choice. Active tense is preerred in sentence correction questions. By is ofen an indication o the passive voice.
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    Idiom: rates orWhen rates reer to the price charged, it should beollowed by or

    CORRECT: Rates or telephone service have increasedin recent years.

    Coordination, SubordinationCoordination

    Equal emphasis and, or, but

    Subordination Emphasize other part although, while, since

    Greater than, More than

    Greater than is appropriate when describing numbers alone. CORRECT: Greater than 100

    More than should be used when describing the numberso objects or when making comparisons.

    CORRECT: More than 100 fish.

    Idiom: same toas to

    CORRECT: Same to X as to Y
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    PassiveTe passive voice is not grammatically incorrect, but theGMA considers it stylistically inerior to the active voice.

    Eliminate passively worded choices i there is agrammatically correct alternative in the active voice.

    LessLess is a word used to describe non-count nouns, but alsoused or sums o money, periods o time and distance,

    and citations o numerical/statistical data. CORRECT: Its less than 35 miles to San Francisco. CORRECT: We spent less than $100. CORRECT: Te town spent less than 95% o its budget.


    Participles are sentence ragments. Tey are ofen adjectivesormed rom verbs. Tey are ofen grammatically ambiguous,and cause problems due to this ambiguity.

    CORRECT: Peter, distracted by his cat and wanting todo his work


    A pronoun must: Agree with its antecedent Reer to a specific antecedent without ambiguity

    Remember: that is singular and those is plural
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    Idiom: just assoCORRECT: Just as gills are to fish, so lungs areto humans.

    Idiom: Deciding that CORRECT: Deciding that the best course was tocontinue, the Donner Party ateully elected to

    continue their long journey.

    One o the

    One o the [PLURAL NOUN] that/who [PLURAL VERB] CORRECT: He is one o the persons who bakespectacular cakes.

    Only one o the [PLURAL NOUN] that/who [SINGULARVERB]

    CORRECT: He is the only one o the employees whowas promoted.


    When consider means regard as, as should not bepresent with consider in the sentence. Consider is alsonot ollowed by an infinitive like to be.

    INCORRECT: Scientists consider control actors to bean integral element CORRECT: Scientists consider control actors anintegral element
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    Comparison WordsLike used to express similarity, normally between two nouns

    CORRECT: angerines are like mandarins.As normally used to compare two clauses, NO two nouns

    CORRECT: He looks as though he is drunk.Such as normally used to give examples.

    CORRECT: Investment banking has taught me skillssuch as discounted cash flow modeling.

    CompareUse compare to or unlike things

    CORRECT: He compared her to an evil shrew.Use compare with or like things

    CORRECT: Te paralegal compared the copiedsignature with the original.

    Less, Fewer

    Less = Not as muchFewer = Not as many

    Singular or Plural

    Te ollowing are always plural pronouns when used asthe subject o a sentence: Some More Most All
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    Pattern to AvoidAvoid any sentence construction with:[PREPOSIION] [NOUN] [PARICIPLE]

    INCORRECT: with shower acilities included.

    being, to beAvoid being and to be, i possible.

    Both orms are considered passive.

    Infinitives to Avoid

    o include is usually incorrect,while including is more ofen correct.o implement is usually incorrect,while implementing is more ofen correct.

    Idiom: just as, so too

    CORRECT: Just as stealing is rowned upon, so toois cheating.
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    Idiom: betweenand CORRECT: She was between a rock and a hard place. CORRECT: He couldnt decide between one andthe other.

    theyAlways be suspicious o the pronoun they.

    A common trap is or they to reer to a singularsubject noun.

    Idiom Paired Coordinates

    Not X, but rather Y CORRECT: It was not a bird, but rather, a plane.

    arget to

    arget to is normally ollowed by the inifinitive ormo a verb. CORRECT: Tats a good target to choose.
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    Numbers Greater than 1Numbers greater than 1 are plural.

    CORRECT: wo out o every three dog owners in theU.S. also own a cat.

    Gerunds (verb + ing)Te ing (present participle) orm introduces an actionthat is simultaneous with the action o the main clause.

    CORRECT: While watching or pedestrians, Janemade a lef hand turn through the crosswalk.

    Comparison o Actions

    Watch out or comparison o actions /inanimate objectsperorming compared actions: INCORRECT: French wines taste better than Australianwines. (Implies wines are tasting.)

    CORRECT: French wines taste better than Australian wines do.

    French wines taste better than Australian wines taste.

    French wines taste better than do Australian wines.

    Pronoun Rules

    Each pronoun must agree in number (plural or singular)with the noun it replaces.Each pronoun must reer directly and unambiguously tothe noun it replaces.
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    HopeullyHopeully is nearly always wrong on the GMA.

    Avoid sentence choices with this word.


    With ractions, percentages, and indefinite quantifiers,the verb should agree with main subject o the sentence,not the noun contained within the prepositional phrase.

    CORRECT: Tirteen percent o Clevelands teensare pregnant.

    NOE: o Clevelands teens is NO the subject!With singular or non-count nouns or clauses, use asingular verb.

    Phrase, ClauseYou can change a dangling participle into a proper clauseby adding a subject or verb or both.

    INCORRECT: Sarahs camera was lost while skiingto the base. (Underlined portion is a danglingparticiple its hanging.) CORRECT: As she was skiing to the base, Sarahs camerawas lost. (Underlined portion is a clause with a subjectand verb.)

    Idiom: During

    During + [defined IME PERIOD] is wrong. INCORRECT: During two hours, I elt sleepy. CORRECT: During the past two hours, I elt sleepy.
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    NumberA number o always takes plural verbs.

    CORRECT: A number o birds have migratedTe number o always takes singular verbs.

    CORRECT: Te number o warblers has increased

    Helping Verbs: Might/MayMight is the past tense o may.

    CORRECT: She may arrive this evening.CORRECT: She might have arrived yesterday evening.

    Idiom: Credit

    Credit A with B: give responsibility or CORRECT: Bell is credited with inventing the telephone.

    Credit X to Y: give money or credit to CORRECT: Te bank credited $4 million to his account.

    Credit or [NOUN]: money received or or in exchangeor something

    CORRECT: Te power customer received a $20 creditor an interruption o service.

    Tinking Words

    Tinking words such as theory, belie or believe areofen ollowed by that. CORRECT: Lucys belie that the Holocaust did notoccur is misguided. INCORRECT: Lucys belie o
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    like vs. asUse like when you want to ocus on two nouns.Use as when you want to ocus on two nouns doingtwo actions.

    Just asJust as can replace in the same way that.

    CORRECT: Just as Elvis changed the ace o rock nroll, Hawking changed the ace o astrophysics.


    Having [PAS PARICIPLE is used to express actionsthat are finished and to convey order o occurrence.CORRECT: Having eaten a huge Tanksgiving dinner,Elliot loosened his belt one more notch.


    [QUANIFIER] o [NOUN] [VERB]Te noun determines whether verb is singular or plural.

    CORRECT: Most o the students are CORRECT: Most o the school is
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    PronounWhen you see a pronoun, especially it or they,immediately check the antecedent.

    MajorityMajority should be used with count nouns only.

    INCORRECT: Te majority o the talkCORRECT: Te greater part o the talkCORRECT: Te majority o the people

    o Be Verb

    [NOUN] [O BE VERB] [NOUN/ADJECIVE] isan acceptable construction.CORRECT: Te change was good or me.

    INCORRECT: Te biggest change was when I emigratedto Russia. (Use change occurred instead.)


    Whenever you narrow candidate answers to two optionsthat are both grammatically correct, but one involves achange in meaning rom the original sentence, choosethe answer which preser ves the uncorrected sentencesoriginal meaning.
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    CompareCompare to compares UNLIKE things, whereascompare with compares LIKE things. Compare to is

    used to stress resemblance.CORRECT: She compared the evening gown to the cocktail dress.

    Compare with can be used to show either similarity ordifference (usually difference).

    CORRECT: When compared with Lauras work product,Jims showed a world o difference.

    EachEach is usually singular. But when each ollows aplural subject, the verb and subsequent pronouns

    remain in the plural. CORRECT: Tree cats each chase birds. CORRECT: Tree cats, each o which chases birds.

    Whether vs. I

    Whether is nearly always a better answer choice thani when choosing among alternatives.

    Idiom: Concern

    Concerned or = worried, anxious CORRECT: I am concerned or her saety.

    Concerned with = related to CORRECT: Tis matter is concerned with theSmith case.
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    Due to

    Te best meaning or due to is caused by. Due to should not be used to mean on account o. INCORRECT: Te game was postponed due to rain.CORRECT: Te game was postponed on account o rain.CORRECT: Te games postponement was due to rain.


    For = despiteAlong with = in addition to

    notbutUse notbut to join linguistically equivalent things.

    CORRECT: Blake is not a goler but a tennis player.

    rather thanUse rather than to express a preerence.

    CORRECT: I would preer nonat milk rather thancream in my coffee.
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    BetweenandIn a list situation, and should always ollow between.

    CORRECT: Between pay reezes and salary cuts


    When in doubt, choose the most concise answer.

    Idiom: target atargeted at is normally ollowed by a noun.

    CORRECT: Te gun is targeted at you.

    soas to

    Use So [ADJECIVE] as to [VERB] as a comparator.CORRECT: Her debts are so extreme as to threatenher company.

    Do not use it to substitute or in order to INCORRECT: He exercises everyday so as to buildhis stamina.
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    Place modifiers as close as possible to what theyare modiying.

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    Find the Conclusion

    Te conclusion is ofen ound in the first or last sentenceo the passage. Look or conclusion signposts: thereore, hence, thus, etc.

    Premise clauses usually show support or offer evidence. Examples o premise signposts: because, since, in

    view o, given that, etc.


    Stay within the scope o the argument. I your rationale seems aretched, or you bring in

    outside knowledge to solve a question, most likelyyou are overreaching.

    Te harder you have to work to justiy an answerchoice, the less likely it is that the choice is correct.

    Causal AssumptionAsk whether there might be an alternative cause i anargument does not necessarily seem as straightorward as

    a question stem makes it out to be.Could Y have caused Z instead o X?

    Supply Your Own ConclusionIn supply your own conclusion questions, the conclusionmust be supported by ALL premisesnot just one.

    Be on the lookout or helpul keywords in the second andlast sentence.
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    StrategyAlways read the question first, then read the stimulusappropriately or that type o question.

    Mimic the ReasoningFollow same line o reasoning rom the passage inthe answer.

    Eliminate the question stem detail to create a shorthandversion o the argument structure.

    Question Stem: I it rains, then I will stay at home today. Shorthand: I A, then B. Answer: I A, then B.

    Resolve the Paradox

    o solve this type o question, look or a logicallycontradictory discrepancy. Ofen the correct answer will take a similar ormat

    (in terms o answer length or argument structure).


    Inerence questions are usually very basic, about one ormore premises. PICK HE OBVIOUS ANSWER (even iit seems too obvious).
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    Number oCritical Reasoning (CR) Questions

    Most people see 11 CR questions on the GMA.

    Statistical AssumptionsAre the statistics representative?Is the question stem doing a bait and switch in terms

    o numbers?Is the question stem using numbers to assume somethingis so, when the numbers arent actually helping explain thephenomenon given?


    Strengthen/Weaken questions are the most common CriticalReasoning (CR) question type on the GMA. Break down piece o evidence. Attack validity o an assumption. Dont try to prove or disprove conclusion. ip the scales.

    Analogy Assumptions

    Are the two situations analogous? Or is the analogy silly?
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    Paraphrasing and PrephrasingParaphrasing

    Actively translate passages into your own words. Pretend you are explaining the inormation in a

    passage to a 10-year-old kid.Prephrasing

    Tink about what orm the correct answer will take. As you do more questions, you will begin to guess

    correctly, as you start to think as the testmakers do.

    AssumptionAn assumption bridges the gap between arguments statedpremises and conclusion.

    Use denial test. Compare premise words against conclusion.

    7 Principles o CR, 2 o 2

    4. Judge arguments persuasiveness while reading actively.5. Answer question being asked.6. Prephrase answer.7. Keep SCOPE in mind. Moderate rather than strong

    words / qualifiers usually correct.

    7 Principles o CR, 1 o 2

    1. Understand structure o argument. Identiy premise (P),conclusion (C) and any unstated assumptions . Look orstructural signpost words which mark P and C.

    2. Preview question beore reading passage.3. Paraphrase passages point or main idea using one verb

    i.e., explain, criticize, compare, contrast.
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    4-Step Method1. Preview question stem.2. Read stimulus and paraphrase i tr icky.

    3. Prephrase answer.4. Choose an answer which answers question stem.

    InerenceConsider the evidence, draw a conclusion.An inerence is an extension o an argument, not a necessary

    part o it.A valid inerence is a conclusion, but not necessarilythe conclusion, o a set o statements.


    Identiy the conclusion and find the answer that addressesthe conclusion. Most questions ollow this guideline.


    Dont be careless! Wrong answer choices ofen haveexactly opposite o desired effect. Double-check that your answer satisfies the ques-

    tion stem, not the opposite o the question stem.
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    Indicate FlawUse the inormation that is present in the passage toanswer Indicate the Flaw CR questions.

    Not about new inormation like Weaken CR questions.

    AssumptionFor assumption questions, find the conclusion anddetermine which answer choice needs to be true or a

    conclusion to be valid.


    For inerence questions, determine which answer choicemust absolutely, positively be true based on what youve read. Pick the obvious answer choice. Avoid extreme answers (too strong or too weak)


    When you compare two items, you must be sure that thetwo items are indeed comparable.
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    Questions Involving SurveysConsider: Does the survey accurately represent the viewso the whole group surveyed? Is there a statistics bait

    and switch?

    StatisticsWhen an argument is based on statistics, it is usually assumedthat the people polled are representative o the whole.


    For assumption questions, negate CR answer choice tosee i the conclusion can survive.


    Watch or irrelevant or overly strong answer choices in CR.Stay within SCOPE and ONE o passage.
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    Scope ShifsBe wary o scope shifs. Look or testmakers tricks:

    Sometimes a passage will begin with one group and

    draw a conclusion about another group. Similarly,a passage might have weak premises and then drawan overbroad conclusion.

    Other times the tone o the passage moves so arthat the testtaker is lef wondering, How did thatconclusion come about?

    Inerence vs. AssumptionAn inerence is a conclusion that can be drawn based on oneor more o the statements in the stimulus. An

    inerence must be true based on something that you read.An assumption is a missing but necessary piece oevidence. An assumption is something that must be truein order or the argument to be complete.


    With explanation questions, reconcile the acts presented. Stay within scope.


    Prephrase an answer beore looking at the actualanswer choices.
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    Yin-Yang ShifA very common RC structure is or one expert or view tobe introduced, and then, shortly thereafer, a contradictory

    expert or view is presented.Look or this yin-yang shif.

    Yin words: Generally, the old view, the widespreadbelie, most X believe, etc.

    Ying words: However, but, on the other hand, etc.

    wo ypes o Questions

    Global (pertains to entire passage): Main idea, structureLocal (pertains to a small segment o passage):


    SignpostsWatch or transition triggers. ransition triggers changethe tone or direction o a passage. Tey ofen represent a

    shif in view between two experts cited in a passage.Examples o transition triggers include however, but,although, etc.

    Analyzing Reading Comprehension

    (RC) PassageWHY is the author writing?WHA is being said?WHO is speaking? Is the author showing his own pointo view or critiquing an experts point o view?HOW does the author accomplish his goal?
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    Indisputable WordsNice vague words:

    usually, sometimes, may, can, some, most

    oo unequivocalBAD! always, most, everybody, all, complete, never

    Indisputable Answers

    Te answer choice that is highly specific and unequivocal isusually wrong. VAGUE, BROAD or GENERAL answers are

    ofen best. Look or signpost words like perhaps and may

    in answer choices.

    RespectGMAC is always respectul o proessionals and America.Avoid disparaging answers.

    Respectul answers about minorities always.No prejudiced answers.


    GMA inerences go only a tiny bit urther than what issaid in the passage.When choosing answers, eliminate exaggerations oroffensive or extreme words.
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    Main IdeaTesis: personal interpretation bolstered by evidence.

    StrategyMake mental roadmap o passage.Get a sense o the paragraph and argument structure.

    On your scratch paper, jot down notes such as: Para 1: Old view Para 2: New theory Para 3: Why combo o Old view and New theory is

    likely best.


    Be mindul o: opic Scopenarrowing o topic Authors purpose Structure Authors voiceact rom opinion

    Strong emotions

    Avoid strong emotions. Avoid words like: scornul, envious, overlyenthusiastic, resolve, etc.
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    Logic and Active ReadingAs you read, think about why the author / test makers dosomething in the manner that they have:

    Cite a source Bring up detail Introduce a defined term or vocabulary word Structures the passages in a certain way

    Inerencewo types o inerences:

    Regular inerence. EXPLAIN? HELP?

    Agreement: Author/Character/Group wouldagree with


    Scope involves the overall reach and eel o the entire passage.Nouns and verbs contained in the correct answer must beconsistent with tone/scope. I they are too weak/strong,they are probably wrong and should be eliminated.

    Global Questions

    Stay within topic and scope.Recognize authors overall intentions, idea, passagestructure, purpose.
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    FocusFocus on your reading on the broad idea o the passage,not every specific act.

    Tat said, note where overly-specific acts are firstintroduced, so you can zero in on them i there is adetail question later.

    ScopeScope is the aspect o the topic (subject matter) that theauthor discusses in the passage.


    1. Read actively and dont skim.2. Create a mental roadmap: label paragraphs, look orsignpost words.

    3. Note main idea, structure, tone4. Attack questions.

    Explicit Detail

    For explicit detail questions, the answer can be pinpointedin the text. Save time by noting where defined terms, vocabulary

    words or dates are first introduced. Detail questionswill likely ocus on such things.
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    Signpost Words: Supporting, Continuing PointsAdditional point signposts:

    urthermore, in addition, also, too

    Additional example signposts: similarly, likewise, or example

    Structural signposts:

    first, second, third

    Conclusion signposts:

    thus, thereore, in conclusion

    Qualiyo qualiy a claim is to weaken or sofen it.


    Anticipate whats next by looking or signpost words. Is the author about to change course? Agree with anexpert? Disagree with the view expounded in theprevious passages? Cement an idea just presented?


    Inerences are suggested by passage. Remind yourselwhether the inerences given as answer choices arepositive, negative or neutral.Incorrect inerences:

    Distort Are superfluous, contradictory, outside o scope

    k bl f
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    General QuestionsDecoy answers or global RC questions are:

    oo specific

    oo broad oo extreme Not relevant

    Main IdeaAlways be searching or the main idea o a passageas you read.


    A strategy or RC: Read or authors purpose and main idea. Note where specific examples pop up, but dont

    spend too much time ully understanding specifics. Paraphrase the structure, tone o the passage. Dont over-invest time. Spend max o 4 min. on reading, 1 min. per question.

    Direction Change Signposts

    Examples: although, though, even though but despite, in spite o except however, nevertheless unless while

    B k T bl f C
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    Good Words or RC Answer ChoicesExamples:

    some, many

    ofen, sometimes, rarely, usually can, could, may, might some people, ew people more, less likely, possibly doubtul, unlikely


    Decoy answers or strengthen/weaken questions: Out o scope Weaken instead o strengthen, vice versa Logical answer but not mentioned or supported in

    passage (bring in outside ino when theres a correctanswer among the choices already)

    How to Spot a Good AnswerA correct answer choice:

    Paraphrases text in terms o language style or meaning

    Is nice (not overly-controversial) Is not extreme (stays within scope, author intent).

    Does not overly pinpoint.

    Specific Questions

    Decoy answers or local RC questions: Reer to wrong part o passage Make sense but are not mentioned in passage Are reuted directly in the passage Stray away rom passages scope Misinterpret the main point o the author

    in that section

    B k t T bl f C t t
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    Purpose, Main IdeaBe mindul o authors PURPOSE and MAIN IDEA. NOE that the overall purpose and main idea can

    differ rom the views o a specific expert in a passage.

    Specific DetailsNote the location and purpose o intricate details, theoriesor vocabulary words, but do not attempt to memorize or

    even ully understand those details unless a questionspecifically asks about them.

    opic and Scope

    Always be mindul o OPIC and SCOPE: opic and scopecan ofen be determined in the first paragraph o a passage.As soon as you find them, list them on your scratch paper.

    Te conclusion paragraph will also reveal the scope i itis not immediately obvious in the first paragraph.

    Words to Avoid in RC Answer Choices

    Examples: all always never will everyone, everybody

    no one, nobody most, least absolutely impossible

    opic: General subjectExamples:

    black holes factory safety

    Scope: Narrowing o topicExamples:

    logistics of viewingormation o black holes

    analysis of industrial rules

    across different historical eras

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    Q U A N T I T A T I V E G E N E R A LQ U A N T I T A T I V E G E N E R A L

    MultipleMultiples o 3: 3, 6, 9

    Steps to SolveIn general

    Medium questions require 2 steps to solve. Difficult questions require at least 3 steps. Te GMA begins with a medium question.

    AssumingAll numbers on the GMA belong to the set oreal numbers.

    Unless youre explicitly told that a specifictype o number is involved, do not make anyurther assumptions.

    For example, do NO assume that variablesrepresent positive integers.

    Backsolving StrategyStart with Choice E and work back to A whenbacksolving rom the answer choices.

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    Q U A N T I T A T I V E G E N E R A LQ U A N T I T A T I V E G E N E R A L

    How to Check Whether Numberis Multiple o 9

    Sum o digits is multiple o 9.

    How to Check Whether Numberis Multiple o 6

    Number is multiple o 3 and 2.

    How to Check Whether Numberis Multiple o 4

    Last two digits are multiple o 4.he number can be divided by 2 twice.

    How to Check Whether Numberis Multiple o 3

    Sum o digits is multiple o 3.

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    Gross ProfitGross profit = Selling Price Cost

    Simple Probability

    Common FactorBreak down both numbers to their prime actorsto see what actors they have in common. Multiplyshared prime actors to ind all common actors.

    CORRECT: What actors greater than 1do 135 and 225 have in common?

    135 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 5 225 = 3 x 3 x 5 x 5

    Both share 3 x 3 x 5 in commonind all combinations o these numbers:

    3 x 3 = 9; 3 x 5 = 15; 3 x 3 x 5 = 45

    How to Check Whether Numberis Multiple o 12

    Sum o digits is multiple o 3, last two digits multiple o 4.

    (# o avorable outcomes)(# o possible outcomes)

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    Multiplication PrincipleTe number o ways independent events can occurtogether can be determined by multiplying together the

    number o possible outcomes or each event.

    CombinationsI order o selection is not relevant and only kobjects are ableto be selected rom a larger set o nobjects:

    Combined EventsFor events E and F:

    not E = P(not E) = 1 P(E) E or F = P(E or F) = P(E) + P(F) P(E and F) E and F = P(E and F) = P(E)P(F)

    PermutationsCounting the number o ways that a set o objects can beordered: n!

    n!k! (n-k)!

    nn - k


    nk ( )( )

    ( ) ==

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    3rd Rule o ProbabilityConditional Probability: Te probability o event AAND event B occurring is the probability o event A

    times the probability o event B, given that A hasalready occurred.P(A and B) = P(A) P(B|A)

    2nd Rule o ProbabilityComplementary Events: Te probability o an eventoccurring plus the probability o the event not

    occurring = 1.P(E) = 1 P(not E)

    1st Rule o ProbabilityBasic rule: he probability o event A occurring is thenumber o outcomes that result in A divided by thetotal number o possible outcomes.

    Multiplication PrincipleI a first object may be chosen in mways and a secondobject may be chosen in nways, then there are mnwayso choosing both objects.

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    Indistinguishable Eventso find the number o distinct permutations o a set oitems with indistinguishable items, divide the actorial o

    the items in the set by the product o the actorials o thenumber o indistinguishable elements.Example: How many ways can the letters in RUSbe arranged?


    Probability o Multiple EventsRules:

    A and B < A or B

    A or B > Individual probabilities o A, B P(A and B) = P(A) x P(B) ewer options P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) more options

    4th Rule o Probabilityhe probability o event A OR event B occurring isthe probability o event A occurring plus the probabilityo event B occurring minus the probability o bothevents occurring.P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) P(A and B)

    Dependent Eventswo events are said to be dependent events i the outcomeo one event affects the outcome o the other event.


    = 60

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    rial ProblemsLook at the probability o NO OCCURRING.P(Event Not Occurring) = 1 P(Event Occurring)

    Multiple Event Probabilityo determine multiple-event probability where eachindividual event must occur in a certain way:

    Figure out the probability or each individual event. Multiply the individual probabilities together.

    Probability and GeometryI a point is chosen at random within a space withan area, volume, or length o Y and a space with arespective area, volume, or length o X lies within Y,the probability o choosing a random point within Yis the area, volume, or length o X divided by the area,volume, or length o Y.

    Circular PermutationsTe number o ways to arrange ndistinct objects along afixed circle is: (n 1)!

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    Odd FactorsOdd numbers have only odd actors.

    Number Added or DeletedUse mean to find number that was added or deleted.

    otal = mean x (number o terms)

    Number deleted = (original total) (new total) Number added = (new total) (original total)

    Permutations: Order mattersNumber o permutations o robjects rom a set onobjects:

    Combinations: Order doesnt mattern!

    r! (n r)!n!

    (n r)!

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    Prime Factorization:Highest Common Factor (HCF)

    1. Start by writing each number as product o its prime actors.

    2. Write so that each new prime actor begins in same place.3. Highest Common Factor (HCF) is ound by multiplying

    all actors appearing on BOH lists. 60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 72 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 HCF = 2 x 2 x 3 = 12



    Quadratic Formulao ind roots o quadratic equation:

    Purchase Price vs. Market ValueRemember: purchase price is not the same as market value.

    ax+ bx + c = 0

    x =[b b2 4ac ]


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    Factor OutRate ime = Distance (rt = d)For a fixed distance, the average speed is inversely relatedto the amount o time required to make the trip.

    CORRECT: Since Miekos average speed was 4/3 oChans, her time was 4/3 as long.rt = d


    Check or Prime1. Pick a number n.

    2. Start with the least prime number, 2. See i 2 is a actoro your number. I it is, your number is not prime.

    3. I 2 is not a actor, check to see i the next prime, 3, is a actor. I itis, your number is not prime.

    4. Keep trying the next prime number until you reach one that is aactor (in which case nis not prime), or you reach a primenumber that is equal to or greater than the square root o n.

    5. I you have not ound a number less than or equal to the squareroot o n, you can be sure that your number is prime.

    Prime Factorization:Lowest Common Multiple (LCM)

    1. Start by writing each number as product o its prime actors.2. Write so that each new prime actor begins in same place.3. Lowest common multiple ound by multiplying all

    actors in EIHER list. 60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 72 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 LCM = 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 5 = 360

    (3) r(4) t = d 4 3



    000 5


    (1 1)5k 5(4)5k 5

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    Area o a rapezoid(sum o bases)(height)


    Inscribed Angle, Minor Arc

    ApproximationsSquare root o 2 = 1.4Square root o 3 = 1.7

    Squaring FractionsWhen positive ractions between 0 and 1 are squared,they get smaller.

    (1)2=(1)4 16

    Minor arc = 70 degrees

    Minor arc = 2 x (inscribed angle)


    Inscribed angle = 35 degrees

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    Set ProblemEach o 25 people is enrolled in history, math, or both.I 20 are enrolled in history and 18 are enrolled inmath, how many are enrolled in both?

    Mixture ProblemExample: How many liters o a solution that is 15% saltmust be added to 5 liters o a solution that is 8% salt so

    that the resulting mixture is 10% salt?CORRECT: 0.15n + 0.08(5) = 0.1(n + 5)

    15n + 40 = 10n + 50 5n = 10 => n = 2 liters

    Evenly Divisible Problemo determine the number o integers less than 5000 thatare evenly divisible by 15:

    CORRECT: Divide 4999 by 15 => 333 integers

    Interest ProblemExample: I $10,000 is invested at 10% annual interest,compounded semi-annually, what is the balance afer 1 year?

    CORRECT: 10,000 + (10,000)(0.05) = 10,500 10,500 + (10,500)(0.05) = $11,025OR

    CORRECT: 10,000(1 +0.10)2= $11,025 2 CORRECT: (20 n) + n + (18 n) = 25 => n = 13

    20 n 18 nn

    History Math

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    Intersecting Sets|A union B| = |A| + |B| |A intersect B|

    Always ry to Factor!

    Prime NumberA prime number is a positive integer that has exactlytwo dierent positive divisors: 1 and itsel.

    1 is not prime. 2 is both the smallest prime and the only

    even prime.

    Rules o Exponents



    = (x








    x3 2x2+ x = 5(x 1)2

    x(x2 2x + 1) = 5(x 1)2

    x(x 1)2+ 5(x 1)2= 0 (x + 5)(x 1)2= 0 x = 5, 1

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    Q U A N T I T A T I V E G E N E R A LQ U A N T I T A T I V E G E N E R A L

    Use FOIL Method with Quadraticswith Roots

    n 4n + 4 => (n 2) (n 2)

    x2 4x + 4

    Consecutive IntegersEven: 2n, 2n + 2, 2n + 4Odd: 2n + 1, 2n + 3, 2n + 5

    Standard Deviation o nNumbers1. Find arithmetic mean.2. Find differences between mean and each o thennumbers.3. Square each o the differences.4. Find average o squared differences.5. ake non-negative square root o this average.

    Properties o 0Zero is an even integer.Zero is neither positive nor negative.

    Zero is a multiple o every number.Zero is a actor o no number.

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    Gross vs. NetGross is the total amount beore any deductions are made.Net is the amount afer deductions are made.

    Geometry: rianglesExterior angle dis equal to the sum o the two remoteinterior angles aand b.

    Geometry: Similar riangle Areashe ratio o the areas o two similar triangles is thesquare o the ratio o corresponding lengths.Each side o triangle DEF is 2 times the length ocorresponding triangle ABCriangle DEF must have 2, or 4, times the area o triangle ABC.

    Percent Increase vs. Percent oBe careul about percent increase vs. percent o.


    E F







    b c d

    d = a + b

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    Odd and EvenOdd + Odd = Even Odd Odd = OddEven + Even = Even Even Even = Even

    Odd + Even = Odd Odd Even = Even

    Any multiplicatio