gmb api (google my business)

“Google My Business” API Managing your locations at scale

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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“Google My Business” APIManaging your locations at scale

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● Introduction

● Google My Business (GMB)


● GMB locations in AdWords

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Why talk about GMB during AdWords workshops?

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Why Talk About GMB?

Your locations


I want locations extensions!

AdWords API

Maps API

I want my address / my business showing up in Maps!

I want my address showing up in Search!

Search APII want a Google+ presence for my business! G+ API

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Introduction / cont.Client changed address

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Location Management in GMBL

● Locations exist once in reality, they should also exist only once in our system

● Central repository: GMB Locations

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Consequences for Developers

What does this mean for you?

● Use GMB (API) for creating locations● Migrate locations from AdWords

(feeds / manual location extensions) to GMB

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Google My Business

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Google My Business

Manage business presence across Google*

● Search● Maps● Google+● AdWords

(location extensions)

* Not available in some countries

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GMB Locations

How to create business locations?

● Manual Creation ● Bulk Upload● New: GMB API

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GMB Locations / cont.

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Location Verification

Locations have to be verified for Search, Maps, Google+

● Postcard● Phone (limited)● Instant verification (Webmaster Tools)● Bulk verification (chains)

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Location Verification / cont.Manual



No verification necessary for AdWords!

GMB Locations (unverified) GMB Locations (verified)

Verification(Postcard / Phone /

Instant / Bulk)

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Enable Ads location extensions to source location information from Google My Business instead of a feed

2014 - Upgraded Location Extensions

Enable developers to programmatically create and manage business location information on Google

2015 - GMB API

Move all locations to Google My Business2016 - Sunset of Manual LEs in AdWords

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API Capabilities

● RESTful API, resources as JSON

● Client Libraries for Java, C#, PHP

● Create, Read, Update and Delete locations*○ Name, Address, Phone○ Categories, Hours, Website URL○ Service area○ Store code, Labels

* Delete only for un-verified locations

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Get Access

● Fill out form @ currently more than 50 manual location extensions)

● Once approved, check

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Get Started

● Create a Google My Business

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Get Started / cont.

● Create a project on Developers○ APIs & Auth → Enable GMB API

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Get Started / cont.

● Add new OAuth 2.0 client ID

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Get Started / cont.

● Submit project ID(form link in GMB API welcome email)

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Working with the GMB API

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Testing It Out

● Dev Console: Web Application, Authorize playground redirect URL

● Settings → Use own credentials → Enter Client ID

● Scope:

● Request URI:

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Testing It Out - Set Credentials● Settings → Use own credentials → Enter Client ID

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Testing It Out - Authorize APIs● Scope:

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Testing It Out - Retrieve accounts● Request URI:

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Let’s talk code

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1. Initialize GMB

// Initialize GMB.Mybusiness gmb = new Mybusiness.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential) .setApplicationName(APPLICATION_NAME) .build();

// Get list of GMB accounts.Mybusiness.Accounts.List listAccounts = gmb.accounts().list();ListAccountsResponse response = listAccounts.execute();List<Account> accounts = response.getAccounts();

// Select account to work with.Account account = selectAccount(accounts);

Your implementation

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2. Create Location

// Create the location.Location location = new Location();

// Set location properties.location.setLocationName("My Company");location.setWebsiteUrl("");...

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2. Create Location / cont.

// Create an address.Address address = new Address();

// Set address properties.address.setAddressLines(Collections.singletonList( "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy"));address.setPostalCode("94043");address.setLocality("Mountain View");...


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2. Create Location / cont.

// Create business hours.BusinessHours businessHours = new BusinessHours();

// Set timings.TimePeriod period = new TimePeriod();period.setOpenDay("Monday"); period.setOpenTime("9:00");period.setCloseDay("Monday"); period.setCloseTime("17:00");businessHours.setPeriods(Collections.singletonList(period));


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3. Apply Labels

● Labels are optional○ Can be used for organizing locations

○ Can be used for filtering in AdWords

○ Recommendation: Use AdWords CIDs (see later)


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4. Send Creation Request

CreateLocationRequest createLocationRequest = new CreateLocationRequest();createLocationRequest.setLocation(location);createLocationRequest.setLanguageCode("en-AU");

Mybusiness.Accounts.Locations.Create createLocation = gmb.accounts() .locations() .create(account.getName(),createLocationRequest);

Location createdLocation = createLocation.execute();

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1. Initialize GMBMybusiness gmb = ...;

2. Create location, address, hoursLocation location = new Location();Address address = new Address();BusinessHours hours = new BusinessHours();

3. Apply Labelslocation.setLabels(Arrays.asList(CID));

4. Send Creation RequestCreateLocationRequest createLocationRequest = ...

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GMB locations in AdWords

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GMB account


GMB locations

AdWords account

Campaign B

Mapped locations (campaign)

CampaignFeed / Matching Function

Campaign A

Mapped locations (customer)

CustomerFeed / Matching Function

AdWords locations


( )

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GMB account

Now: One Repository

GMB locations

AdWords account

Campaign B

Mapped locations (campaign)

CampaignFeed / Matching Function

Campaign A

Mapped locations (customer)

CustomerFeed / Matching Function

Available locations

Feed / setLabelFilters(...)


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CampaignFeed campaignFeed = new CampaignFeed();campaignFeed.setMatchingFunction(...);

CustomerFeed customerFeed = new CustomerFeed();customerFeed.setMatchingFunction(...);

Feed gmbFeed = new Feed(); gmbFeed.setSystemFeedGenerationData(...);

Let’s Talk CodeMain Steps

1. Create a new feed linked to your GMB account

2. Associate the feed to the customer

3. Associate the feed to specific ad groups / campaigns

“Link” level filter

IDENTITY(true) Enables location extensions

Campaign level filter

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Best Practice for Resellers

● If ...○ … your client already has a GMB account○ … you want to work with verified locations

⇒ Ask your client to add you as a GMB manager● Preserves client’s location ownership● Locations access through manager account● In PlacesLocationFeedData, use your credentials

but specify client GMB ID when syncing to AdWords

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Best Practice for Resellers / cont.

● If you only need GMB for AdWords location extensions

⇒ Use GMB repository account for all locations○ Create MCC-level GMB account (=repository)○ Label locations with CIDs○ Filter locations / feeds based on label in AdWords

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… In Code

GMB API location.setLabels(Arrays.asList(CID));

AdWords API fd = new PlacesLocationFeedData();fd.setLabelFilters(new String[]{CID});

Account: 1

Account: 2

Account: 3

GMB account




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Location Extension Migration

Oct 2015● GMB API available to AdWords

API users (>50 locations)● Manual location extensions


● March 31, 2016● Creation of manual location

extension sunsets

● GMB API v2● General availability

Q2 2016● Auto-migration of any

locations left in AdWords

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ResourcesGMB API


