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  • 8/9/2019 Gmx Slides


    Indroduction to GROMACSGROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations

    Mara Jochum

    Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz


  • 8/9/2019 Gmx Slides


  • 8/9/2019 Gmx Slides


    GROMACS Introduction

    High performance package to perform Molecular Dynamics

    Used for simulating biological (Proteins, lipids, etc.) andnon-biological(Polymers) systems

    Comes with a large selection of tools for trajectory analysis

    Interfaces to Quantum Chemistry and Bioinformatics/databases

    Project leaders: Erik Lindahl, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 3

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    GROMACS Introduction

    GROMACS developers:

    Figure: Development is a team effort, with contributors from all over the world.

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 4

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    GROMACS Introduction

    GROMACS developers:

    Figure: Development is a team effort, with contributors from all over the world.

    GROMACS users:

    ... enough said, lets get started!

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 5

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    GROMACS Force-fields

    Force-fields I

    Collection of functions and parameters which describe all particleinteractions

    Types: all atom (AA), united atom (UA), coarse-grained (CG)

    Examples: AMBER, CHARMM, GROMOS, OPLS, etc.

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 6

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    GROMACS Force-fields

    Force-fields II

    Used to construct potential energies:


    U= 4





    + Q1Q240r



    krij(rij req)2 +1



    kijk(ijk eq)2 +1



    kijkl(1 + cos(mijkl m))


    r ijkl

    rij ijk

    Can calculate forces by differentiating the potential energies:

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 7

    GROMACS M l l d i

  • 8/9/2019 Gmx Slides


    GROMACS Molecular dynamics

    Molecular dynamics

    Each particle must satisfy Newtons equations of motion:

    Can propagate system in space and time by integrating Newtons

    equations of motion

    Algorithms for integration: Leap-frog, Velocity-verlet, etc.

    Can simulate in different ensembles: NPT, NVT, NVE

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 8


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    GROMACS Topology


    Provides a complete description of interactions between allparticles in a given system

    Types: System topology (.top) Inlcude topology (.itp)

    Residue topology (.rtp) Force-field .itp and .rtp files for integrated force-fields can be

    found at: $ cd /PATH/TO/GROMACS/share/gromacs/top

    .top file can be generated via gromacs tool pdb2gmx

    .top file can be generated/downloaded with/from AutomatedTopology Builder(for gromos force-fields only):

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 9

    GROMACS G t l
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    GROMACS Gromcas tools


    Reads a coordinate file (.pdb) as well as force-field files togenerate a gromacs coordinate file (.gro) and a topology (.top)

    Mostly used for large molecules with repeating residues

    Relies on [ RESNAME ] entry to be present in the .rtp file

    For an arbitrary molecule, you must create your own [ RESNAME ]

    entry (in .rtp but better in local .top)

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 10

    GROMACS Gromcas tools

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    GROMACS Gromcas tools


    Manipulates a coordinate file

    Mostly used to: Define a simulation box Apply rotations, translations

    Orient a solute within the simulation box

    make ndx

    Generates a gromacs index (.ndx) file

    Contains definitions for groups of atoms for gromacs analysistools, its graphics program (ngmx), and preprocessor (grompp)

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 11

    GROMACS Gromcas tools

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    GROMACS Gromcas tools

    genbox Mostly used to add solvent to a coordinate file

    Can also insert molecules into a system (Options: -ciand -nmol).

    genion Used to add ions to the system

    Specify molecule names of ions (Options: -pname and -nname) Needs a gromacs run input .tpr file (see next slide...)

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 12

    GROMACS Gromcas tools

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    GROMACS Gromcas tools

    grompp Gromacs preprocessor

    Reads .top file and checks validity (naming, order, etc.)

    Reads parameters (number of steps, timestep, cutoff, etc.) forthe molecular dynamics program mdrun from .mdp file

    Creates a binary gromacs run input (.tpr) file for mdrun

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 13

    GROMACS Gromcas tools

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    GROMACS Gromcas tools


    Performs molecular dynamics simulations

    Can also perform Brownian dynamics, and Langevin dynamics,steepest descents (energy minimization), replica exchange, etc.

    To run in parallel over N processors, use:$ mpirun -np N mdrun mpi [options]

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 14

    GROMACS Working example

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    GROMACS Working example

    Working example

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 15

    GROMACS Exercise I
  • 8/9/2019 Gmx Slides


    GROMACS Exercise I

    Hexane (UA description)

    System setup and equilibration:1. Using the template provided for you, fill in the topology for

    hexane. How many bonds, angles, and dihedrals are needed?

    2. For each of the following steps, write down the gromacscommand (with options):

    Center the hexane molecule in a cubic simulation box of 4 nmlength.

    Solvate the system (using the SPC/E water model). Equilibrate the system. In 1-2 sentences, describe what each of

    the steps does and why it is necessary.

    3. Plot the pressure and density of your equilibrated system overtime.

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 16

    GROMACS Exercise II

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    Hexane (CG description)Assume an MD simulation has been performed for the atomistic systemwhich you have just created (with an interface geomtry), as well as for a

    coarse-grained version of the system. The corresponding trajectory files .xtchave been provided for you.

    1. How would you create the interface configuration (conf.gro) from yourbulk system setup. Which gromacs command would you use?

    2. Compare the atomistic and coarse-grained topologies. Make a list ofatom names contained in each coarse-grained bead.

    3. Using VMD, take a snapshot (render and create a .png file) of thecoarse-grained system (VDW, transparent) superimposed onto theatomistic system (licorice, glossy).

    4. Plot and compare the density profiles of the coarse-grained andatomistic simulation (as a function of the zcoordinate).

    5. Similarly, plot and compare the end-to-end distances over time. Writea script to plot the distributions as a function of distance.

    17.10.2013 Johannes Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz Mara Jochum 17

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