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Produced by Ann Weidmann, January 2001 Page 1 of 6 GNVQ ICT in Key Stage 4 – Fact Sheet ICT in Key Stage 4 ICT is a compulsory feature of the KS4 curriculum. Schools must cover the National Curriculum Programme of Study and report to parents. However, they do not have to formally accredit pupils’ achievements in ICT at the end of KS4. Nevertheless, ICT is an extremely popular subject and many schools offer their pupils the opportunity to gain a qualification in ICT. The following qualifications meet the KS4 Programme of Study for ICT in full: GCSE ICT (Full & Short course), GNVQ ICT (Full Award and Part One), Key Skill IT. GNVQ ICT There are 2 versions of GNVQ ICT: the 6-unit Full Award, equivalent to 4 GCSEs, the 3-unit Part One Award, equivalent to 2 GCSEs. Both qualifications are available at Foundation and Intermediate Level to suit pupils of different abilities and have been designed to facilitate mixed-ability teaching. GNVQ achievements at KS4 are reported in annual School Performance Tables. However, credit is only given to complete qualifications. There are currently no points awarded to individual units. Unlike GCSEs, GNVQs are not graded A*-G. Instead, pupils achieve Pass, Merit or Distinction. The equivalencies between the two are as follows: GNVQ Grade Equivalent GCSE grade Intermediate Distinction Merit Pass A*/A B C Foundation Distinction Merit Pass D E F/G The table below shows the relationship between GNVQ ICT and other ICT qualifications in the National Qualifications Framework. The National Qualifications Framework (ICT) General Academic General Vocational Occupational LEVEL 3 Advanced GCE Computing/ICT Advanced VCE ICT (3, 6 & 12 Unit Award) IT NVQs Level 3 LEVEL 2 GCSE ICT grades A*- C Intermediate GNVQ ICT (3 & 6 Unit Award) IT NVQs Level 2 LEVEL 1 GCSE ICT grades D - G Foundation GNVQ ICT (3 & 6 Unit Award) IT NVQs Level 1

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GNVQ ICT in Key Stage 4 – Fact SheetICT in Key Stage 4ICT is a compulsory feature of the KS4 curriculum. Schools must cover the National CurriculumProgramme of Study and report to parents. However, they do not have to formally accredit pupils’achievements in ICT at the end of KS4.

Nevertheless, ICT is an extremely popular subject and many schools offer their pupils theopportunity to gain a qualification in ICT.

The following qualifications meet the KS4 Programme of Study for ICT in full:• GCSE ICT (Full & Short course),• GNVQ ICT (Full Award and Part One),• Key Skill IT.

GNVQ ICTThere are 2 versions of GNVQ ICT:• the 6-unit Full Award, equivalent to 4 GCSEs,• the 3-unit Part One Award, equivalent to 2 GCSEs.

Both qualifications are available at Foundation and Intermediate Level to suit pupils of differentabilities and have been designed to facilitate mixed-ability teaching.

GNVQ achievements at KS4 are reported in annual School Performance Tables. However, creditis only given to complete qualifications. There are currently no points awarded to individual units.

Unlike GCSEs, GNVQs are not graded A*-G. Instead, pupils achieve Pass, Merit or Distinction.The equivalencies between the two are as follows:

GNVQ Grade Equivalent GCSE gradeIntermediate• Distinction• Merit• Pass


Foundation• Distinction• Merit• Pass


The table below shows the relationship between GNVQ ICT and other ICT qualifications in theNational Qualifications Framework.

The National Qualifications Framework (ICT)

General Academic General Vocational OccupationalLEVEL 3 Advanced GCE

Computing/ICTAdvanced VCE ICT

(3, 6 & 12 Unit Award)IT NVQsLevel 3

LEVEL 2 GCSE ICTgrades A*- C

Intermediate GNVQ ICT(3 & 6 Unit Award)

IT NVQsLevel 2

LEVEL 1 GCSE ICTgrades D - G

Foundation GNVQ ICT(3 & 6 Unit Award)

IT NVQsLevel 1

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The structure of the Intermediate/Foundation GNVQ in ICTGNVQs are made up of a number of units, allowing pupils to build up their qualification in stages:• 6-unit Full Award: 3 compulsory units, plus 3 further units selected from a bank of optional

units),• 3-unit Part One: 3 compulsory units.

The 3-unit Part One Award is a sub-set of the 6-unit Full Award. The content of the 3 Part Oneunits is the same as that of the first 3 compulsory units of the Full Award, although the way inwhich they are assessed is different (see below).

Each unit has been designed to be delivered in approximately 60 hours of ‘guided learning time’.This means that a 6-unit Full Award programme designed to be delivered over Years 10 and 11needs to be allocated approximately 6 hours a week. A 3-unit Part One programme will needabout half this time i.e. 3 hours a week over 2 years. ‘Guided learning time’ does not necessarilymean taught time; it can include some self-study/home-work time, providing students remainfocussed and ‘on-task’. However, the vast majority of KS4 pupils will need considerablehelp and support from an ICT teacher in order to complete the course and achieve their fullpotential.

AssessmentPupils are mainly assessed through coursework, but there is also an external assessmentcomponent. The ratio is two-thirds coursework, one-third external assessment. Assessment of the3-unit Part One Award is significantly different from that of the 6-unit Full Award.

6-unit Full Award:Units 1 and 5 are externally assessed – pupils do not need to produce coursework for these units.Pupils produce portfolio evidence for the other 4 units. This is internally assessed and externallymoderated at the end of the course.3-unit Part One Award:Pupils produce portfolio evidence and sit an external assessment for each of the 3 Part One units.

External AssessmentAs far as possible, the external assessment of GNVQ ICT reflects the practical nature of thesubject. Pupils are issued with pre-release material prior to the written examination which requiresthem to carry out a series of practical activities e.g. produce a collection of documents, set up andinterrogate a database, use a variety of information sources to research particular topics. Theytake the results of these activities into the examination with them and can expect to be askedquestions related to what they have done and the choices they have made. Normally, there aretwo external assessment opportunities a year: in January and June and the same pre-releasematerial is used for both examinations to facilitate re-sits. Pupils may re-sit each unit once. Theydo not, however, have to pass! Their point score from each of the external assessments is addedto the points achieved for coursework to give an overall point score for the qualification.

Differences and similarities between GNVQ ICT and GCSE ICTICT is a highly practical hands-on subject and this is reflected in both the GNVQ and GCSEspecifications. Both cover similar topics although – since the GNVQ is a bigger qualification it isable to do so in considerably more depth - and both have a large element of practical coursework.Whilst, the GNVQ is more prescriptive about the nature of the coursework undertaken, it does notplace the same emphasis on the production of formal project documentation as does GCSE.

Key Skills are sign-posted in both GNVQ and GCSE specifications, but evidence of achievementin Key Skills is not a requirement for either qualification. Both qualifications give full exemptionfrom both the external assessment and portfolio requirement of the Key Skill Unit in IT.

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Raising Achievement through GNVQ ICTPupils enjoy working with ICT and find it motivating. They tend to do well in subjects that theyenjoy. To this extent GNVQ ICT can raise achievement. However, it is certainly not an ‘easyoption’. Key success factors include:

• an appropriate time allocation,• teaching staff with ICT expertise,• access to appropriate ICT systems,• a sensible recruitment policy,• senior management support,• an effective internal quality assurance system.

Course ContentIntermediate 3-unit Part One Award

Unit Unit Title Content AssessmentA Presenting Information Pupils learn about styles of writing and presentation and

document layout. They produce a range of documents using avariety of writing styles and layouts and compare the documentsthey have produced with ones produced by organisations forsimilar purposes.

Portfolio &External

B Handling Information Pupils learn about information handling techniques and the designof information handling systems. They produce a simplerelational database and a spreadsheet to meet the needs of auser.

Portfolio &External

C Hardware & Software Pupils learn about the various forms and functions of hardwareand software and the basics of computer programming. They setup and configure a computer system to meet the needs of a userand produce a macro, a template and an HTML program.

Portfolio &External

Foundation 3-unit Part One Award

Unit Unit Title Content AssessmentA Presenting Information Pupils learn about styles of writing and the layout of standard

documents such as letters and memos. They produce acollection of documents using a variety of writing styles andlayouts and compare two of their documents with ones producedby organisations for similar purposes.

Portfolio &External

B Handling Information Pupils learn how and where information is stored and how it isprocessed using databases and spreadsheets. They produce asimple flat-file database and a spreadsheet to meet a givenrequirement.

Portfolio &External

C Hardware & Software Pupils learn about the hardware and software components of anICT system. They set up and configure a computer system tomeet the needs of a user and produce a macro and a template.

Portfolio &External

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Intermediate 6-unit Full Award

Compulsory UnitsUnit Unit Title Content Assessment

1 Presenting Information Pupils learn about styles of writing and presentation anddocument layout. They produce a range of documents using avariety of writing styles and layouts and compare the documentsthey have produced with ones produced by organisations forsimilar purposes.


2 Handling Information Pupils learn about information handling techniques and the designof information handling systems. They produce a simplerelational database and a spreadsheet to meet the needs of auser.


3 Hardware & Software Pupils learn about the various forms and functions of hardwareand software, the basics of computer programming. They set upand configure a computer system to meet the needs of a user andproduce a macro, a template and an HTML program.


Optional UnitsUnit Unit Title Content Assessment

4 Design Project Pupils learn about the process of planning and carrying out anICT project. They plan, produce, test, document and evaluate aproject in an area of ICT that is of particular interest to them.


5* Information Resources Pupils learn how to use a range of paper- and ICT-based sourcesof information. They also learn about the types of information andinformation resources used by organisations. They use a varietyof information-sources to carry out a range of research tasks.


6 Graphics Pupils learn about graphic design and how to work with vector-based and bitmap graphic software to produce drawings andpictures. They design and make their own graphical solutions toproblems.


7 Multimedia Pupils learn about multimedia design and techniques forproducing multimedia presentations. They design and make twomultimedia presentations combining sound, animation, text andgraphics: one on their own and one as a group activity.


8 Networks &Communication

Pupils learn about the purposes of networks, the hardware andsoftware required and their social and economic impact. Theyset-up a simple network to link two computer systems togetherenabling them to share a common peripheral. They produce auser guide for this mini-network.


9 Modelling NumericalInformation

Pupils build on the work they did in Unit 2 by learning more abouthow spreadsheets can be used for modelling. They producesolutions to two modelling projects: one on their own and one as agroup activity.


10 Database Techniques& Applications

Pupils build on the work they did in Unit 2 by learning more aboutdatabase techniques and applications and the social effects ofdatabases. They produce a database comprising at least threerelated tables, design a user-friendly interface and provide notesoutlining the contents of user and technical documentation.


11 Programming Pupils build on the work they did in Unit 3 by learning more aboutprogramming: the purpose of programming, the stages in softwaredevelopment and how to create and test programs. They do nothave to produce programs from scatch; instead, they modifyexisting code so as to solve three different problems. Ideally, theyshould use an object-oriented programming language, althoughthis is not mandatory.


12 Computer AidedDesign

This unit links closely with Unit 6. Pupils learn about computer-aided design and how to use CAD software to produce plans, 3Dmodels and illustrations. They produce a portfolio of computer-generated drawings and design notes.


*Pupils must do Units 1,2, 3 and 5, plus any other 2 optional units.

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Foundation 6-unit Full Award

Compulsory UnitsUnit Unit Title Content Assessment1 Presenting Information Pupils learn about styles of writing and the layout of standard

documents such as letters and memos. They produce acollection of documents using a variety of writing styles andlayouts and compare two of their documents with ones producedby organisations for similar purposes.


2 Handling Information Pupils learn how and where information is stored and how it isprocessed using databases and spreadsheets. They produce asimple flat-file database and a spreadsheet to meet a givenrequirement.


3 Hardware & Software Pupils learn about the hardware and software components of anICT system. They set up and configure a computer system tomeet the needs of a user and produce a macro and a template.


Optional UnitsUnit Unit Title Content Assessment4 Design Project Pupils learn about the process of planning and carrying out a

simple ICT project. They plan and carry out a project andproduce a review of their work.


5* Using InformationResources

Pupils learn about different paper- and ICT-based sources ofinformation and how to use them effectively. They use a variety ofinformation-sources to carry out a range of research tasks.


6 Graphics Pupils learn about graphic design and how to work with vector-based and bitmap graphic software to produce drawings andpictures. They produce two bitmap and two vector-based graphicimages using a range of tools and facilities.


7 Multimedia Pupils learn about some of the software, tools and techniquesavailable for producing multimedia presentations. They producetwo working multimedia presentations, one of which is a grouppresentation.


8** Preparing forEmployment

Pupils learn how to find out about jobs and training opportunities,how to pick a suitable job or training, how to write an applicationand prepare for an interview. They produce an employmentfolder.


9** Working as part of ateam

Pupils learn about various aspects of teamwork and take part in ateam activity.


* Pupils must do Units 1,2, 3 and 5, plus any other 2 Optional units.

** These units are common to most Foundation GNVQ programmes.

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ResourcesThis is a highly practical course which will require pupils to use ICT equipment most of the time.Sharing computers is not really feasible. There are some opportunities for group work, but most ofthe time pupils need to produce their own work which staff have to be able to authenticate.

For the compulsory units of the 3-unit Part One Award and the 6-unit Full Award pupils will needaccess to basic office software i.e. a word processor, a desk-top publishing package, aspreadsheet package and a database (relational for Intermediate). Pupils working at Intermediatelevel will also need to be able to use an HTML editor. In addition, they need a computer system –preferably not a new one – which they can use to connect together hardware components andinstall and configure software. The choice of optional units for the 6-unit Full Award will determinewhat additional resources are needed.

Vocational GCSEsIt is intended that from September 2002, vocational GCSEs will replace Foundation, IntermediateFull and Part One GNVQs. The outcome of the recent consultation should be known shortly andwe expect to begin work on the new specifications very soon now. As far as we know, vocationalGCSEs will be 3-unit qualifications equivalent to 2 GCSEs, similar to the existing Part One.Foundation and Intermediate levels will be combined and the new qualification will be graded A*-G. We do not expect there to be significant changes to content.

Further informationIf you want to know more about GNVQ ICT/vocational GCSE ICT or any other of our ICTqualifications please contact:Ann Weidmann, Subject Adviser for ICTTelephone/Fax: 01529 306314E-mail: [email protected]