go regional express rail

GO Regional Express Rail Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion & New Caledonia GO Station TPAPs November 17, 2015

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GO Regional Express Rail

Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion & New Caledonia GO Station TPAPs

November 17, 2015

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Regional Express Rail (RER) is bringing more train trips to every GO rail corridor to make moving around the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area and surrounding communities faster and easier This means electric trains running in both directions, 7 days a week on GO-owned corridors and significant service increases across the entire network

In your community, improving transit options means building a new station to create a north/south – east/west transit option at Eglinton Avenue West connected to the future Eglinton Crosstown LRT Station.

Building More Transit to Get You Moving

We look forward to working with you, and being a part of the transformation in your community.


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What This Means For You

Current Facts

GO RER Service (Projected):

4 million Annual Ridership

14 Total Trips per weekday

103 km Total Track (not electrified)

22 million Annual Ridership

New electric trains reducing journey times by up to 20%

All-day, two-way 15, 30, and 60 minute service

Over the next 10 years… All-day, two-way 15-minute or better service: Aurora

GO Station to Union Station

Electrification of the entire Barrie Rail Corridor: Allandale Waterfront GO Station to Union Station

Weekday rush of 30-minute service:

Allandale Waterfront to Union Station and 60-minute service midday, weekend and evening

Two new stations: Downsview Park and Caledonia; reviewing 7 short-listed possible new stations with system-wide study


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What We Are Doing to Get There Construction Building an additional track between York University and Rutherford GO Stations

construction 2015 - 2017

Building the new Downsview Park GO/TTC Station construction 2015 - 2017

GO Station improvements on the Barrie Rail Corridor (e.g. pedestrian tunnels) construction to begin 2016

Project Assessments New Caledonia GO Station underway

Barrie Track Expansion underway

System-wide electrification underway

Davenport Diamond Grade Separation underway

Additional Studies System-wide New Station Analysis underway System-wide At-Grade Crossing Study underway


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Focus of Tonight’s Meeting Today’s meeting is to discuss the following Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP):

Barrie track expansion – expanding rail corridor from Lansdowne Avenue in Toronto to Allandale Waterfront Station in Barrie to increase transit.

New Caledonia Station – connecting Eglinton Crosstown LRT and TTC bus service on Eglinton Avenue West to give commuters more choice.



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Barrie TPAP: Infrastructure Needed To Increase GO Service We Need To: Add a second track from Lansdowne Avenue in the City of Toronto to

the Allandale Waterfront GO Station in the City of Barrie

Assess a possible third track up to the East Gwillimbury GO Station to prepare for a possible future express service

Improve infrastructure to support service expansion, including: - Upgrades at existing GO Stations to accommodate additional tracks

- At-grade rail-to-road crossings (i.e. grade separations)

- Future Layover Facility for overnight storage of trains

- Upgrades to existing structures within the Corridor (e.g. culverts, bridges)

Complement planned service improvements and future electrification on the Barrie Rail Corridor


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Barrie TPAP: What We Are Assessing Areas of Potential Impact Description

Natural Environment Consideration of natural features in the study area including environmentally sensitive areas, the presence of Species at Risk, and existing vegetation.

Socio-Economic Environment

Consideration of socio-economic and key land use features in the study area including air quality, noise and vibration, potential property impacts, and traffic analysis.

Cultural Environment Consideration of built heritage, cultural landscapes and archaeological features in the study area such as buildings, bridges and other structures.


King Rd. Bridge, North View (Mile 23.26)

Yonge St. Bridge, North View (Mile 28.50)

Between Kirby Rd. and King-Vaughan Townline Rd. (Mile 21.70)

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Next Steps for Barrie Expansion TPAP We are completing a Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP), Ontario Regulation 231/08, for the Barrie Rail Corridor Expansion.

Step 1: Planning and Engagement (Now) – Complete technical studies, launch consultation with stakeholders, and prepare

conceptual design

Step 2: TPAP Notice of Commencement (estimated Spring 2016) – Begin the six-month TPAP by completing the draft Environmental Project Report

(EPR). Public Meeting #2 for Spring 2016

Step 3: TPAP Notice of Completion (estimated Fall 2016) – Final EPR released for review and comment

Step 4: 30-day Public Consultation (estimated Fall 2016) – Formal review of the EPR by all of the stakeholders

Step 5: 35-day Review Period (estimated Fall 2016) – Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to review EPR and comment


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Caledonia GO Station TPAP Project Purpose: Build a new GO Station within the City of Toronto to improve

north/south – east/west transit connectivity.

Expand regional connectivity between local and regional transit systems.

Improve service to customers by connecting GO service to the Eglinton Crosstown LRT and TTC bus service along Eglinton Avenue West.


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Caledonia GO Station Project Area


Westside Mall

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Caledonia GO Station Overview






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Caledonia GO Station Platform Level



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Caledonia GO Station Impacts

Property – Metrolinx is in conversation with property owners that are impacted by the new Caledonia station footprint Metrolinx is working to minimize this impact as much as possible

during detailed design

Construction – work will be staged over several years. Metrolinx will work to minimize any impacts on the surrounding community as much as possible.

Traffic – a traffic management plan will be developed to manage any traffic impact during construction and after the station is open.


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Caledonia Station Benefits

More Transit Options – Access to GO service between Barrie and Union Station in Toronto and the new Eglinton Crosstown LRT Future electrified service two-way, all-day up every 15 minutes

New Connection – pedestrian bridge and tunnel across the rail corridor to enhance east-west connectivity

Community Revitalization – new transit station tends to lead to new development opportunities to revitalize the surrounding community

Improved Traffic – more people taking transit reduces the traffic congestion on roads


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Caledonia TPAP: What we have done so far May 26, 2015: Public Meeting #1

October 29, 2015: Notice of Commencement

Completed environmental studies

Engaged with key stakeholders (including City of Toronto, TTC, TRCA, MOECC, MTCS)

Completed preliminary station design and track alignment.

Identified property requirements


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Concerns Identified

Light Pollution 6%

Vegetation Removal


Air Quality 7%

Littering 7%

Comments Received by Category (on May 26, 2015)

Noise/Vibration 40%

Pedestrian/Bicycle Access 26%

Vehicular Traffic 7%

Comments Received 16

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What we did with your feedback All feedback received is documented as part of the final Environmental Project Report. Here is what we are doing to address your feedback: • Noise and Vibration Concerns – completing a noise and vibration

analysis to determine where noise and vibration mitigation is needed.

• Station Mobility – we are ensuring that the station is fully accessible including pedestrian and cycling connectivity.

The other comments focused on concerns about traffic, air quality, impact to surrounding vegetation, and light pollution. • The following slides review the completed environmental studies that

address these concerns.


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Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings Study Key Study Findings Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment

• There are no known archaeological resources within the Study Area.

• Further archaeological studies will be completed in the event that an isolated or deeply buried archaeological deposit is unearthed during construction.

Cultural Heritage • The Cultural Heritage Screening identified potential indirect impacts to the Eglinton Avenue West bridge and the York Beltline Park as a result of the station construction.

• A Cultural Heritage Evaluation Report and, if required a Heritage Impact Assessment, will be done as part of this TPAP.


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Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings Air Quality Assessment

• Potential air quality and greenhouse gas emission impacts determined to be insignificant on a regional scale.

• Predicted emissions from GO Transit service increase is below applicable thresholds.

• Air quality will be monitored during construction, and mitigated as required.

Noise and Vibration Assessment

• Predicted noise and vibration levels from proposed GO Transit operations will be insignificant in comparison to existing conditions.

• Noise and vibration will be monitored during construction, and mitigated as required.


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Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings

Natural Heritage Assessment

• Highly urbanized landscape with adjacent lands of mixed uses including residential, commercial, park and industrial.

• Presence of Species at Risk or supporting habitat not observed within the study area.

• No watercourses, wetlands or woodlands present. • Removal of vegetation to occur to accommodate

construction. Tree Inventory • Identified trees to be preserved and those that

need to be removed within and just outside of the rail corridor.

• A tree preservation, removal and compensation plan will be developed during detailed design.


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Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings

Socio-Economic and Land Use

• New station and future Eglinton Crosstown LRT Station are expected to result in net job growth.

• Improved transit access to a wider job market for area residents.

• Businesses in the neighbourhood can attract employees from a larger geographic area.

• Impacts to a few local businesses within project area.

• New transportation option and greater mobility for people without access to a car.

• New station helps to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality if more people switch from vehicles to public transit.


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Caledonia TPAP: Study Findings (cont’d) Study Key Study Findings

Traffic Impact Study

• Proposed infrastructure will support and enhance existing and planned pedestrian and cycling links, including provisions for bike shelters, a pedestrian bridge and tunnel.

• Connections to Caledonia Eglinton Crosstown LRT Station and TTC Bus Service will improve transit integration.

• Traffic impacts to be minimized through ongoing monitoring of construction operations, reduction of construction access/parking and following a traffic management plan.


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Next Steps for Caledonia Station TPAP We are completing a Transit Project Assessment Process (TPAP), Ontario Regulation 231/08, for the Caledonia GO Station.

Step 1: Planning and Engagement (Ongoing) – Complete technical studies, launch consultation with stakeholders, and prepare

conceptual design

Step 2: TPAP Notice of Commencement (October 29, 2015) – Begin the six-month TPAP by completing the draft Environmental Project Report


Step 3: TPAP Notice of Completion (estimated February 2016) – Final EPR released for review and comment

Step 4: 30-day Public Consultation (estimated March 2016) – Formal review of the EPR by all of the stakeholders

Step 5: 35-day Review Period (estimated April 2016) – Minister of the Environment and Climate Change to review EPR and comment


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Tell Us What’s Important to You Your feedback and community perspective is important to informing this project. Please have your say by:

Completing a feedback form

For Barrie: [email protected] Metrolinx.com/RERBarrie

For Caledonia Station: [email protected] www.metrolinx.com/en/regionalplanning/rer

Please submit your comments by December 08, 2015

All feedback will be recorded as part of the Environmental Project Report. A summary of this meeting will be posted in January 2016.