go! solve it project 16f google docswps.pearsoned.com/wps/media/objects/15624/15999169/... · in a...

Project 16F: Google Docs | GO! All in One 1 CLOUD WITH GOOGLE 16 PROJECT FILES For Project 16F, you will not need any files. You will save your file as: Lastname_Firstname_16F_Google_Doc The Oro Jade Hotel Group is in the preliminary stage of evaluating the feasibility of using Google Docs for collaborative projects among different hotels. Conduct some Internet research about collaboration and how Google Docs can be used to work together on documents. In a Google Doc, describe how collaboration can occur and include two websites with tips for collaboration displayed in a bulleted list. With the document on the screen, create a snip that displays the entire document, Save the snip in your All In One Chapter 16 folder, and then rename it as Lastname_Firstname_16F_Google Docs Submit as directed by your instructor. GO! Solve It Project 16F Google Docs Apply a combination of the 16A and 16B skills. CONTENT-BASED ASSESSMENTS END | You have completed Project 16F Performance Criteria Performance Level Exemplary: You consistently applied the relevant skills Proficient: You sometimes, but not always, applied the relevant skills Developing: You rarely or never applied the relevant skills Write document using good grammar, good sentence structure, professional language, and a polite tone Document is well- written and professional, including a subject line and closing. Document is written with no more than two missing elements. Document is not well- written or is missing more than two elements. Explain how to collaborate by using Google Docs Process is described properly. Process is missing no more than one step. Process is not described in the message. Format a list of two websites correctly Two websites are listed in proper format Two websites are included, but not listed properly. Two websites are not listed in the message. Build from Scratch

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Page 1: Go! Solve it Project 16F Google Docswps.pearsoned.com/wps/media/objects/15624/15999169/... · In a Google Doc, describe how collaboration can occur and include two ... All in One

Project 16F: Google Docs | GO! All in One 1




h G



16Project FilesFor Project 16F, you will not need any files.

You will save your file as:


The Oro Jade Hotel Group is in the preliminary stage of evaluating the feasibility of using Google Docs for collaborative projects among different hotels. Conduct some Internet research about collaboration and how Google Docs can be used to work together on documents. In a Google Doc, describe how collaboration can occur and include two websites with tips for collaboration displayed in a bulleted list. With the document on the screen, create a snip that displays the entire document, Save the snip in your All In One Chapter 16 folder, and then rename it as Lastname_Firstname_16F_Google Docs Submit as directed by your instructor.

Go! Solve it Project 16F Google Docs

Apply a combination of the 16A and 16B skills.

Content-BaseD assessments

enD | You have completed Project 16F







Performance level

exemplary: You consistently

applied the relevant skills

Proficient:You sometimes, but not always, applied the relevant skills

Developing: You rarely or never

applied the relevant skills

Write document using good grammar, good sentence structure, professional language, and a polite tone

Document is well-written and professional, including a subject line and closing.

Document is written with no more than two missing elements.

Document is not well-written or is missing more than two elements.

explain how to collaborate by using Google Docs

Process is described properly.

Process is missing no more than one step.

Process is not described in the message.

Format a list of two websites correctly

two websites are listed in proper format

two websites are included, but not listed properly.

two websites are not listed in the message.

Build from Scratch

Page 2: Go! Solve it Project 16F Google Docswps.pearsoned.com/wps/media/objects/15624/15999169/... · In a Google Doc, describe how collaboration can occur and include two ... All in One

2 GO! All in One | chapter 16: cloud computing and communicating online with Google

outComes-BaseD assessmentsrubric

The following outcomes-based assessments are open-ended assessments. That is, there is no specific correct result; your result will depend on your approach to the information provided. Make Professional Quality your goal. Use the following scoring rubric to guide you in how to approach the problem and then to evaluate how well your approach solves the problem.

The criteria—Software Mastery, Content, Format and Layout, and Process—represent the knowledge and skills you have gained that you can apply to solving the problem. The levels of performance—Professional Quality, Approaching Professional Quality, or Needs Quality Improvements—help you and your instructor evaluate your result.

Your completed project is of Professional Quality if you:

Your completed project is Approaching Professional Quality if you:

Your completed project needs Quality improvements if you:

1-software Mastery Choose and apply the most appropriate skills, tools, and features and identify efficient methods to solve the problem.

Choose and apply some appropriate skills, tools, and features, but not in the most efficient manner.

Choose inappropriate skills, tools, or features, or are inefficient in solving the problem.

2-content Construct a solution that is clear and well organized, contains content that is accurate, appropriate to the audience and purpose, and is complete. Provide a solution that contains no errors in spelling, grammar, or style.

Construct a solution in which some components are unclear, poorly organized, inconsistent, or incomplete. misjudge the needs of the audience. Have some errors in spelling, grammar, or style, but the errors do not detract from comprehension.

Construct a solution that is unclear, incomplete, or poorly organized; contains some inaccurate or inappropriate content; and contains many errors in spelling, grammar, or style. Do not solve the problem.

3-Format & layout Format and arrange all elements to communicate information and ideas, clarify function, illustrate relationships, and indicate relative importance.

apply appropriate format and layout features to some elements, but not others. overuse features, causing minor distraction.

apply format and layout that does not communicate information or ideas clearly. Do not use format and layout features to clarify function, illustrate relationships, or indicate relative importance. use available features excessively, causing distraction.

4-Process use an organized approach that integrates planning, development, self-assessment, revision, and reflection.

Demonstrate an organized approach in some areas, but not others; or, use an insufficient process of organization throughout.

Do not use an organized approach to solve the problem.

Page 3: Go! Solve it Project 16F Google Docswps.pearsoned.com/wps/media/objects/15624/15999169/... · In a Google Doc, describe how collaboration can occur and include two ... All in One




h G




Project 16G: blogging | GO! All in One 3

Project FilesFor Project 16G, you will not need any files.

You will save your file as:


You have been asked to gather information about the difference between maintaining a Google+ page for your business and writing a blog. Conduct Internet research on the topic, and create a blog to post about the differences. Select an appropriate template and variation. Give the blog a creative title. Add one post to summarize what you learned about the differences, including links to any websites you used. With the post displayed, create a window snip, and save it in your All In One Chapter 16 folder as Lastname_Firstname_16G_Blog Submit it as directed by your instructor.

Go! think Project 16G Blogging

Apply a combination of the 16A and 16B skills.

outComes-BaseD assessments

Build from Scratch

A l e r t ! Do you plan on continuing this blog?If you do not plan on continuing this blog beyond this chapter, once your assignments for this chapter are graded, delete the blog from your Google account. To delete your blog, sign in to blogger.com and access your Blogger Dashboard. Beside the blog that you want to delete, click the Go to post list arrow to the right of the gray Go to post list button. Click Settings, and then click Other on the left side of the page. At the top of the page under Blog tools, click Delete blog. Click Delete this blog. The blog may display as Deleted on your Dashboard for a while.

enD | You have completed Project 16G