goal-apple pie

Cookbook Apple pie

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Goal-Apple pie


Page 1: Goal-Apple pie

CookbookApple pie

Page 2: Goal-Apple pie

Apple pie, that classic desert that everybody loves. Just by following the simple recipes we can create a huge variety of delicious apple pies!

Apple pie is one of the oldest desserts in the history of baking. In about 1380 A.D. the English started baking apple pie using some unusual ingredients such as saffron and sugar substitutes. The Dutch and Swedes also started making apple pie at around the same time, but in different ways.

Although today we know an apple pie as a cake with apples it was not always so. Medieval recipes talked about adding or even replacement of apples by pears and apricots. In the European cuisine also other desserts were called apple pies, for example with apples baked in a form lined with croutons and sometimes biscuits, served warm.

Each of six recipes we collected in GOAL project is different, although main ingredients are the same: apples, flour, sugar, eggs and butter. An apple pie is a good example of a motto of the European Union: In varietate Concordia.

“United in diversity”«Unie dans la diversité»

“Zjednoczona w różnorodności”“Unida en la diversidad”„Združena v raznolikosti“

”Moninaisuudessaan yhtenäinen”"Ujedinjeni u različitosti"

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Hrvatska (Croatia)

Pita od jabuka

Sastojci :

40 dag brašna

18 dag margarina

15 dag šećera

1 prašak za pecivo

1 cijelo jaje

1 žumanjak

3-4 jušne žlice kiselog vrhnja

Tijesto zamijesiti i podijeliti na dva dijela. Naribati jabuke (oko

1 kg kiselkasto slatkih), posložiti ih na razvaljano tijesto, posuti

ih cimetom po želji. Preko jabuka staviti drugu koru,

mjestimično "izbockati" vilicom i staviti peći u pećnicu na

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180°C dok ne porumeni. Prije posluživanja mogu posuti

šećerom u prahu.

Dobar tek!

Ingredients :

40 dag of flour

18 dag of butter

15 of dag of sugar

1 packet of baking soda

1 egg

1 egg yolk

3-4 spoons of sour cream

Make pastry mixing the ingredients, divide pastry into two

parts. Grate apples (about 1 kg sour sweet apples) and then put

on the top of one part of the pastry; you can add cinnamon if

you like. Then put the rest on the top of the pastry and make

small holes with fork. Put it in oven and bake in 180ºC till it

gets a nice colour :)

Bon appetite!

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Polska (Poland)


Ciasto : ● 40 dag mąki pszennej● 25 dag masła● 15 dag cukru pudru ● 4 żółtka ● 1 łyżeczka proszku do pieczenia (niekoniecznie)● masło i bułka tarta do formy● cukier puder do posypania

Nadzienie : ● 2 kg winnych jabłek● 1 łyżeczka cynamonu (trochę cukru)

Przygotowanie : Z podanych składników zagnieć elastyczne ciasto i włóż je na godzinę do lodówki. Przygotuj nadzienie: jabłka obierz, zetrzyj na tarce do jarzyn i wymieszaj z cynamonem. Jeśli są kwaśne, dosłódź. Blachę do pieczenia wysmaruj masłem i wysyp bułką tartą. Ciasto podziel na dwie części. Jedną część odłóż do

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lodówki, a drugą rozwałkuj i przełóż na blachę. Lekko dociśnij ciasto do blachy. Na cieście ułóż jabłka i wyrównaj powierzchnię. Pozostałe dobrze schłodzone ciasto zetrzyj na tarce do jarzyn bezpośrednio na jabłka. Szarlotkę piecz 50-60 minut w piekarniku rozgrzanym do 180°C. Po ostudzeniu oprósz cukrem pudrem i pokrój na porcje.Smacznego!

Dough : 40 dag flour25 dag butter 15 dag icing sugar 4 egg yolks 1 teaspoon baking powder (optional)butter and bread crumbs to form icing sugar for splikling

Filling : 2 kg of apples 1 teaspoon cinnamon (a little sugar)

Preparation : For these ingredients knead the dough and put them in the fridge for an hour. Prepare filling: peel apples, shred on a grater for vegetables and mix with cinnamon. If you are sour, sweeten. Plate baking pan with buttered bread crumbs and empty. Divide dough into two parts. One portion is put into the refrigerator and roll it out and put the other on the plate. Gently press the dough into the plate. Place the apples over the batter and then straighten the surface. Other well-chilled dough on a grater to shred vegetables directly on the apples. Apple pie bake 50-60 minutes in oven preheated to 180 °C. Once cooled, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into portions.Enjoy!

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France (France)

Tarte aux pommes Normande

● pour 6 personnes

Pour la pâte sablée : · 1 oeuf· 200 g de farine· 100 g de sucre en poudre· 100 g de beurre· 1 pincée de sel

Pour la garniture :

· 1 kg de pommes· 2 oeufs· 100 g de sucre en poudre

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· 50 g d’amandes en poudre· 100 g (soit 100ml ou 10cl) de crème fraîche épaisse· 1/2 verre à liqueur de calvados· quelques amandes effilées

Préparation : 30 mnCuisson : 25 mn

1) Commencez par la pâte. Dans une terrine, battez l’œuf à la fourchette. Ajoutez le sel et le sucre. Mélangez avec une spatule en bois jusqu’à ce que cela devienne mousseux. Ajoutez d’un coup la farine et mélangez l’ensemble grossièrement à la spatule. Effritez la pâte entre vos doigts jusqu’à ce que vous obteniez du sable. Incorporez le beurre en petits morceaux et pétrissez-la. La pâte ne doit plus coller aux mains (sinon ajoutez un peu de farine).2) Etalez-la sur le plan de travail fariné puis déposez-la (attention, ça casse) dans votre moule. Piquez-la à la fourchette.3) Préchauffez votre four à 220°C. Pelez et épépinez les pommes. Coupez-les en lamelles assez épaisses. Rangez-les sur la pâte en les faisant légèrement se chevaucher. Réservez.4) Dans une jatte, battez les œufs. Ajoutez-y le sucre, puis l’amande en poudre, la crème fraîche et le calvados. Versez l’appareil sur les pommes. Parsemez d’amandes effilées.5) Mettez à cuire à four chaud pendant 25 minutes. Se déguste tiède ou froide, éventuellement flambée au calvados.

● Tarte from Normandy, for 6 persons

For the dough : • 1 egg• 200 g flour• 100 g caster sugar• 100 g butter• 1 pinch of salt

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For the filling : • 1 kg of apples• 2 eggs• 100 g caster sugar• 50 g ground almonds• 100 g (100ml or 10cl) heavy cream• 1 / 2 shot glass of calvados• a few slivered almonds

• Preparation: 30 min• Cooking time: 25 minutes

1) Start with the dough. In a bowl, beat the egg with a fork. Add salt and sugar. Mix with a wooden spoon until it becomes frothy. Add flour all at once and mix all coarsely with a spatula. Crumble the dough between your fingers until you get the sand. Stir the butter into small pieces and knead. The dough should no longer stick to your hands (if not add a little flour).2) Lay it on the floured work surface and then drop it (careful, it breaks) into your mold. Prick with a fork.3) Preheat oven to 220 ° C. Peel and core the apples. Cut into fairly thick slices. Store them on the dough by making them slightly overlap. Reserve.4) In a bowl, beat eggs. Add the sugar and almond powder, cream and calvados. Put the unit on apples. Sprinkle with almonds.5) Put to bake in hot oven for 25 minutes. Be eaten warm or cold, possibly outbreak in calvados.

Finally... The rest of the dough is optional unless it is hot and sticky.

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España (Spain)

Tarta de manzana

Ingredientes : 1/4 kg. de mantequilla.1/4 kg. de azúcar.1/4 kg. de harina.4 huevos.1 cucharada de levadura en polvo. 1 kg. de manzanas.Azúcar para espolvorear.

Preparación : Batir la mantequilla con el azúcar, añadir los huevos enteros y de uno en uno y la harina mezclada con la levadura. Trabajar hasta conseguir una masa suave.

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Estirarla con el rodillo y colocarla en un molde redondo untado con mantequilla y espolvoreado con harina. Pelar y cortar las manzanas en rodajas finitas. Colocarlas por capas sobre la masa, espolvoreando con azúcar entre capa y capa. Meter la tarta a horno medio durante 25 ó 30 minutos. Retirar cuando esté dorada y, una vez fría, desmoldar.

Trucos y Consejos : Una vez fría la tarta, se le puede poner por encima un preparado hecho con 4 cucharadas de mermelada de albaricoque, 2 cucharadas de agua y 2 de azúcar, todo ello cocido durante 5 minutos.

Apple pie (Galician recipe)

Ingredients : 1 / 4 kg. butter1 / 4 kg. sugar1 / 4 kg. flour4 eggs1 tablespoon of instant yeast1 kg appleSugar for sprinkling

Preparation : Mix butter and sugar, add the eggs one by one and the flour mixed with baker's yeast. Work until you obtain a soft mixture.Stretch it with the roller and to place it in a round mold anointed with butter and sprinkled with flour. Peel and cut the apples into thin slices. Put them in layers on the dough sprinkling sugar between each layer.Put the pie to medium oven for 25 or 30 minutes. Move away when it is golden and, when cold - remove from its mould. Tricks and advices : Once cold the pie, it can be put for above a preparation made with 4 tablespoons of apricot marmalade, 2 tablespoons of water and 2 of sugar, everything cooked during 5 minutes.

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Slovenija (Slovenia)

Jabolčna pita

Krhko testo : 60 dag moke40 dag margarine20 dag sladkorja4 jajca1 vanilijev sladkor1 pecilni prašekžlica rumamalo naribane limonine lupinice

Nadev : marelična ali mešana marmelada5 - 7 jabolksladkor

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vanilijev sladkorcimet

V posodo damo vse sestavine za krhko testo ter zgnetemo, da dobimo lepo gladko testo. Četrt testa damo na stran, ostalo zvaljamo in položimo v pekač (dolžina 40 cm, širina 23 cm in globina 6 cm). Testo premažemo z marmelado, na marmelado damo naribana jabolka (cca. od 1 cm do 1,5 cm). Potresemo z naribanimi jabolki ter posujemo s sladkorjem in cimetom. Iz ostale mase naredimo svaljke in jih položimo čez jabolka tako, da nastane mreža. Pečemo pri 180 stopinjah 50 minut. Dober tek!

Dough : 60 dag of flour40 dag of margarine20 dag of sugar4 eggs1 vanilla sugar1 baking powdertablespoon of ruma little grated lemon zest

Filling : apricot jam5-7 applessugarvanilla sugarcinnamon

In bowl place all ingredients for the dough and knead fragile to get a nice smooth dough. Three quarters roll and place in baking dish (length 40 cm, width 23 cm and 6 cm depth). Put on the dough jam, then grated apples (about 1.5 cm). Sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon. One quarter of the dough roll and place them over the apples criss-cross to get a net. Bake in 180 degrees for 50 minutes.Bon appetite!

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Suomi (Finland)

Mehevä omenapiirakka

● 20 annosta

Pohja : 4 kananmunaa2 dl sokeria2 tl leivinjauhetta5 dl vehnäjauhoja1 dl juoksevaa margariinia1 dl maitoa

Täyte : 1,5 l omenoita

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Muruseos:50 g margariinia1 dl sokeria1 dl kaurahiutaleita1 tl kanelia0,5 tl inkivääriä

Vaniljakastike : 4 dl maitoa1 kananmuna2 rkl sokeria2 tl perunajauhoja1 rkl vaniljasokeria2 dl kermaa vaahdotettuna Omenapiirakka:

Vaahdota kananmuna ja sokeri vaaleaksi vaahdoksi.

Sekoita leivinjauhe vehnäjauhojen joukkoon ja lisää vaahtoon. Lisää nuolijalla nostellen myös juokseva margariini ja maito. Sekoita mahdollisimman vähän. Levitä taikina pellille leivinpaperin päälle.

Kuori ja viipaloi omenat. Kotimaisille omenoille riittää huuhtelu. Nosta viipaleet taikinan pinnalle.

Sekoita muruseos pehmeästä margariinista, sokerista, kaurahiutaleista, kanelista ja inkivääristä. Ripottele muruseos pinnalle. Paista piirasta 200 asteessa noin 20 minuuttia.

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● Juicy apple pie, 20 doses

Base : 4 eggs2dl sugar2ts paking powder5dl wheat flour1 dl liquid margarine1dl milk

Filling :

1,5l apple

The mix :

50g margarine1dl sugar1dl rolled oats1ts cinnamon½ts ginger

Custard :

1dl milk 1 egg2tsp sugar2ts potato flour1tsp vanilla sugar2dl foamed cream

Apple pie :

Froth eggs and sugar until frothy.

Stir in baking powder, wheat flour and add the number of foam. Pour the liquid margarine and milk. Stir as little as possible. Spread the dough on a baking tray sheet the baking.

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Peel and slice apples. Domestic apples is sufficient to flush. Lift the slices on the dough surface.

Stir the mix of soft margarine, sugar, oatmeal, cinnamon and ginger. Sprinkle the mix on the surface. Bake pie at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes.