gobble, gobble! - issue 2


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Newspaper of the 3rd Istanbul Youth Forum, Istanbul 2008, editors Neven Caplar & Ipek


Page 1: Gobble, gobble! - Issue 2
Page 2: Gobble, gobble! - Issue 2

3rd Istanbul Youth Forum, Robert College, Istanbul, April 2008 2

These papers

were brought to

you by




on the session:















Journo team would hereby like to apologize for misspelling the sentence I can tell that those who have a huge

“eypenises”.... when it actually should say I can tell that those who have a

huge “eypness”... We apologize once again for emotional pain which was inflicted on our readers. We hope that the mistakes will not happen again.

EditorialThe legendary session of EYP, Istanbul Youth Forum 2008 has just started. Some of you were here last year, some of you heard about it from your friend and some of you just clicked on the link of EYP website and decided to attend. As the editors of this session, we hope we will accomplish to play our role on satisfying your expectations. Look around yourself closely. There will always be a member of the pressteam waiting to hear what you want to say. They will be your mouth to express your felling, your ears to hear all the unknown stories and make a gorgeous atmosphere.Fill your journos with fresh and juicy gossip, make sure that they have something to write about, so you can have good memories whenever you hear a “gobble - gobble” sound!

Recipe for making a delicious turkey ala-kebab stile.

First find a healthy, good looking gobble-gobble bird. It is very important that the bird is of a good quality. Its gobble-gobble should have distinctive and clear tone with no high pitch sounds. Once when the bird is found, remove its feathers, cut it into small pieces and bake in open at high temperature. Prepare with rice and garnish it with onion and tomatoes. Enjoy

Random Couple of the day

Biyiklarin olsaydi

cok daha atesli olurdun...

(If you had a

moustache you would look a lot


Page 3: Gobble, gobble! - Issue 2

3rd Istanbul Youth Forum, Robert College, Istanbul, April 2008 3

C’est la ENVIC’est la ENVIC’est la ENVIC’est la ENVI“Where did you buy your sweatshirt?”

“Um, it’s from H&M”

“Ah! H&M is amazing!”

“YES! We loooooove H&M!”

It is merely smalltalk being exchanged by the members of the ENVI committee. Discussions about what the phrase c’est la vie really means, and the difference between puta merde and puta madre, and which one of the two was the Dutch clothing brand again fill the atmosphere.The green ENVI’ers seem to have one thing in common, they have some odd relation with cats. Some of them actually have cats, and others attract them. One of the campus cats

seemed especially interested and did whatever was in his (or her?) power to get some attention from the teambuilding committee members. Also, during the Blind Animal game, it were the cats that prevailed in number. Meow-meow! Although the Blind Animal game went pretty smooth, the environmentally friendly friends were less successful solving the Country Game.

Um, apologies from my side to those who haven’t figured it out yet, but the solution shall remain secret! Luckily for the ENVI’ers they will be playing this game the entire session until everyone has found the solution!Just before the break, the infamous game Honey Tell Me That You Love Me was played. From happy to sad, from romantic and sexy to impudent, they virtually tried everything to confess their love to each other. It was very entertaining, not just for those who were playing! Some random quotes during the game:

“You know, your head is really big...”

“Take her! Take herrrr!”

“Oh my god, you’re just too gay!”

ENVI’s last assignment: To make up a committee song. Doing so is not as easy as it sounds, mind you. The brainstorming process went something like this: Are there any songs about

genetically modified stuff? Or can

we rhyme with –envi?

Of course! The Power Rangers!


But no, how can we catch

greenness, genetically mutated and

superamazing in one song?

Um, um, not Power Rangers? Ok!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles!

Ah yes, they are green,

enviromentally friendly and... modified!

None of the boys could actually remember, surprisingly the girls could. One of them actually stated: “I was in

love with Leonardo. You know, from Leonardo Da

Vinci!”. Interesting, you would expect it to be Leonardo di Caprio.

In the end the idea of Ninja Turtles was rejected. Aw. Instead, it will become a wild and jungle-like presentation... surprise, surprise!

By Leonnie


Yesterday afternoon, 6 pizzas came through the gates of the Robert College guarded by high security. The chair-journo team had been doing teambuilding activities for hours and got starved afterwards. The pizzas came just in time and the team demolished 78 slices just in 15 minutes according to our devilishly handsome chair Tony. We thought the situation

couldn’t get worse but just today, we saw that the organizers ordered 90 pizzas for everyone and we didn’t act as lazy people and we did some calculations and found out that we ate 1080 slices of pizza just in a matter of minutes! Also, it caught our attention that they didn’t deliver any vegetarian pizza at all!

By Alca

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3rd Istanbul Youth Forum, Robert College, Istanbul, April 2008 5

HoroscopezzAries (March 21st - April


Okay. Let’s not pull any punches here. Let’s be brutally honest. Eric Clapton is Aries. Quentin Tarantino, Andy Garcia, Jackie Chan all share your sign. Look at all these people. You’re just as energetic, lively and ambitious as them. You really got an ever-lasting dynamism that won’t fade easily. That attribute of yours could just serve your benefit in teambuilding games such as peel the snake and you can easily crawl under people and beat the other committees as well!

Taurus (April 21st - May 21st)

Now you’re just lucky because you were born Taurus. The stars show that you’ll rock this session with your out-going personality that charms the people around you. Taurus boys would be serious attraction for the lovely Ukrainian delegates in this session and they will be pretty much in demand so I

suggest you keep your eyes open boys!

Gemini (May 22nd - June 21st)

It’s time to start paying more attention to your health. You’ve tired yourself to death today so just sit there and relax. You may have some problems lurking under the surface that you are unaware of or have just plain pushed out of your head. It’s time to discover what’s really going on with your body. Listen to your hormones, measure your heartbeat but not while passing near those charming Dutch girls. Man, they can really make your heart pump out!


(November 23rd -

December 21st)

You’re in a romantic mood today. You might need someone to show your love towards. Just go and hug an orga or a journo and tell them how much you love them because I heard that they need your love and appreciation. Come on guys just light their fire!

Pisces (February 19th -

March 20th)

Since when you have given up taking care of yourself? Just because you’re in a conference and you’ve sweated a lot today don’t mean that you’ll just give up trying to look attractive. Seriously, Come

on! There are a lot of hot delegates around you. Go and make some practice in front of the mirror. If you can impress yourself, it means that you can impress the delegates around. Just flatter yourselves. Believe me, it will be very useful ;)

Scorpio (October 24th -

November 22nd)

Wow, you’re in an angry mode today. You seem so pissed off about something. So why not drawing benefit from your frustration? During the committee work, just mow over anyone who

can’t seem to keep up, anyone who slows you down. Find a stapler and use it as a weapon. Open it up and aim it at lazy comrades, then click staples at them. For special people (chairs perhaps?) press it against the back of their necks and impale them with the sharp metal stationary tools. Bend paper clips into two pronged forks, and then use rubber bands to catapult them across cubicles and into people’s lines of vision. Hey it’s not me. It’s the stars that tell you to do this :) By Seda

A BIG (10 second) interview with A BIG (10 second) interview with A BIG (10 second) interview with A BIG (10 second) interview with Madam PresidentMadam PresidentMadam PresidentMadam President

-How do you feel about the constant increase of the mahmut’s popularity?“I’m enjoying it very much! And the mahmut does too.”-A lot of people haven’t had the pleasure of the mahmut’s presence. What can we do to change that?“You’ll need to make me laugh really hard so come up with a very funny joke or a very nasty one.”-Which one of your vice-presidents do you like better?“I consider them (the vice vice babies) as one!”- How big is your EYPness?“As big as ever.”-Anything else for the participants?“I love you all and so does mahmut!” by VelimiC

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After the representations, Derin and Sebastian took their committee to form the famous shape of EYP, a circle. The committee first started with a few name games including telling your hobbies in addition to your name… After a few minutes, they turned out to be some of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met. Apparently one does embroidering, 3 of them play the piano, one of them has a twin brother and one of the boys actually like to go shopping unlike many we all know.

Afterwards, the chairs decided to move on to the “2 truths and 1 lie” game. When the time was up, Mert and Alina didn’t show up… As we asked Derin about his comment on the issue, he could only say “Only God knows what they’re doing.” Sebastian refused to comment… As Mert and Alina showed up, we started the game and Maria couldn’t say where I come from, she

started saying “Agina” instead of “Ankara” then she gave up trying and started calling the beautiful capital of Turkey “That place.”

As we moved on to Alina and Mert, Alina confessed she hates the music type “Manele” which is “a mixture of Romanian oriental music meets Turkish and Greek music with pop.” She said” It’s horrible and has lyrics such as ‘Don’t take my money!’.”After a while, when the delegates got to know each other better, they played “Skin

the snake” and the delegates couldn’t decide which hand is the left one. However, they trusted themselves and competed with Wojtek and Irem’s committee. Wojtek explained the hands to the delegates with a fun way: “Think that your right hand is your dirty hand and your left hand is your Catholic conservative hand. The left goes under your own legs, and the dirty one goes in between the legs of the person in front of you.” However, IMCO won two of the games out of three and showed us that you can still win whether you know your left hand or not.

By Alca

Singing delegations. Digging in Singing delegations. Digging in Singing delegations. Digging in Singing delegations. Digging in the song historythe song historythe song historythe song history.Half an hour was given to the delegations to prepare some presentation of their own country. Ýn such a huge amount of time each delegation could write a new song which would represent their country. But the deloegations have followed the traditional way and desided to sing some famous (in their country) songs.Though the most of the songs were heard for the first time by the most of people, our lovely journos have managed to gether some interesting information about the songs and their history. Lets hope that you’ll find it interesting the same as we do =)Hungarian delegation sang a song about a bird Sinege (wops, we don’t know its english name), which you sing when you are drunk. The Dutch delegation has performed the dance which suits to the drunken state. They, of course call it in a very sweet and innocent way – a “leprechaunt dance”. Another “innocent” song was performed by Greek delegation (have you seen those guyes? do they look innocent?) – children song “Choropa”. Swedish delegation, presented by 1(!) delegate assisted by the Dutch back-vocals has performed an ABBA song about someone who is waiting for a call. While Ukraine has managed to mix a lyrical song about its capital with the Eurovision one, Spain has mixed around 4 different songs, cheerful and sunny as usual. But the longest history had the UK song “Swing Low” which has been a rugby anthem which in its turn arose from a gospel which has deffinitely some other roots =) The most pleasant thing is that all the delegations had pretty good voices. Maybe it is another criterion for EYP selection?

By Katya

Gobble DictionaryOver the next four days we will try to teach you important words and phrases in other languages that you could use during the session. Being that this is the first official issue we will start with the simple “Hi!”.

I’m sure everybody knows it already but “Merhaba!” is Turkish.“Pryvit!” is Ukrainian and “Privet” is Russian.You can greet the Dutch and the Germans by saying “Hallo”.“Buna” is Romanian.You’ll recognize “Ciao” (Italian) and “Hola” (Spanish).And last but not least, “Bok!” is Croatian (Now this actually means “Hi”, unlike what some of you may think.). By Velimic

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3rd Istanbul Youth Forum, Robert College, Istanbul, April 2008 7

Find out the Goldies!Find out the Goldies!Find out the Goldies!Find out the Goldies!

We state right away that the delegate who first manages to find the right answer to all these descriptions completing the crossword and brings the proof to the journo team will automatically be chosen as the delegate of the day ! And not a “random” one . It is veeeery important that you appreciate these characters and recognize them since they’re the goldies of the session. (goldies of only the teambuilding day, but anyway, you never know.)

So here it goes...


2. The only chairperson with a real D&G3. He's making everybody dance now! (Check out the paper furthermore)6. One vice-vice baby..8. The typical noble Englishman... (He even plays football with his coat on!)10. The safari-orga-boy wandering around.. Mind you, he’s some important bloke!11. Our A-le-le-chicka-bonga-guy...13. The president's precious angel, also famous with the underpants.


1. The sexy journo swede.. or sweet?4. He’s got a bird’s nest on his head... And he’s pregnant with a camera.5. He’s the sleepy German...chair.7. And the other vice vice baby...9. We shall say no more than Mahmut...12. He’s entertaining the teachers! .... And delegates. He’s bound to be a legend.

By Leonie&Nehir

Everyone who solves a

crossword gets a kiss from Martin, too!!!

Page 8: Gobble, gobble! - Issue 2

3rd Istanbul Youth Forum, Robert College, Istanbul, April 2008 8

Journos PresentationIt is really hard and sometimes really scary to start a new thing. We know that probably for some of you this is your first time in Turkey, or Istanbul, first time on International session of EYP or even first time charing ot journoing. We would like to tell you that you should not worry about that, cause we are here to make sure that you don’t forget this event by chasing you with cameras and trying to get an interview.We believe that it is really cool when starting this new thing to share it with a friend. We want you to think of us as your friends, so that’s why we decided to share some personal information about us with you.

Nehir (AFCO)

Nehir is a sweet (not single) girl from Turkey, and also RC. We know that jellyfish scares her to death.Seda (DROI)

She’s also from Turkey and RC. She likes to eat strawberies with chocolate and she’s scared of being misunderstood.

Leonie (ENVI)The journo coming from the Netherlands who loves Achmed the Dead Terorist.Jacob (EMPL)

He’s coming from Stockholm, Sweden. The country pronounced from most of the chairs and journos to have the most handsome man. Girls, if you’re looking for a good man who likes taking care of your garden then Jackob is the man for you, but there’s one condition you should not have a cat!!!

Velimic (LIBE 2)

He’s coming form Serbia. He’s role model is Dr. Cox and he likes "Scrubs".Alca (IMCO)

Also a girl from Turkey, but form Ankara (and to let you know this is the capital of Turkey, not Istanbul). She is a huge fan of Nip/Thuck.

Katya (AFET 2)

She is coming from Ukraine. Her role model is Dr. Greg House or Kenny McCormickThanos (CULT)

He is from Greece, Athens. He likes to travel with company and he is totally scared of red elephants.

Baris (LIBE 1)

Baris is from Turkey, RC also. He likes to paint and to make caricatures.


Adam is the Editorial Assistant – whatever that means. He’s coming from Czech Republic. He is scared of being in one bed with Neven. He likes Istanbul traffic and also presenting the journos.


Ipek is the Editress of the session, who’s from Turkey. This is her last year in RC and she’s really sad about that. Ipek is afraid of insects and totally likes watching How I Met Your Mother.Neven

Neven is coming from Croatia, the country in which I am personally in love. He’s very fond of reading Garfield comics... Actually, Garfield is his true role model in life.

Sarah (AFET 1)

I am Sarah, from Bulgaria. When you hear my name I know you’re wondering why it is so strange, because it’s not a common Bulgarian name. It is simply not Bulgarian. I am half Bulgarian and half Syrian. I am scared of snakes and spiders.

Favourite motive of journo pictures -

people grabbing each other

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3rd Istanbul Youth Forum, Robert College, Istanbul, April 2008