god loved the world so much that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish...

God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

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Post on 01-Apr-2015




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Page 1: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever

believes in Him Shall Not Perish

He’s A Gift He’s A Gift

But have Everlasting LifeBut have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Page 2: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Before The FatherBefore The FatherRelationship Gained Or Relationship Gained Or

Companionship Restored ?!Companionship Restored ?!

Relationship Gained (Once Only) Believe Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you Will be Will be

savedsaved Acts 16:31

Companionship Restored (When We Sin) Have mercy on me O God, according to your loving kindness, according to the abundance or Your tender mercies. Blot out Blot out

my transgressionsmy transgressions Psalm 51:1

If we name our sins to God the Father, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sinsforgive us our sins and to

cleanse uscleanse us from all the wrong we have done. 1

John 1:9

Walk In The Light Walk In The Light As He (Jesus) Is In The Light As He (Jesus) Is In The Light

Let us Not Sin that grace may Let us Not Sin that grace may increase We increase We died to sin, how can we live in it any died to sin, how can we live in it any

longerlongerRomans 6:2Romans 6:2

Page 3: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Lets PrayLets Pray

Confess To the Father Confess To the Father Fellowship now restored, we can now learn through

the Power of the Holy Spirit what His perfect and specific plan and will is for our lives!

(Press any key to continue)

Page 4: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

GodGodLesson Time = 25 MinsLesson Time = 25 Mins

Page 5: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Who is God? Is God Hidden?

What is God Like?Is God Fair?

Can I Trust Him?Does God have a Plan for me?


Page 6: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Oh the depth of the Wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgements

and His paths beyond tracing out Romans 11:33

God Is All Wise!God Is All Wise!

Page 7: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

The Judgement Of GodThe Judgement Of God

He has appointed a day, when He shall He has appointed a day, when He shall judge the world in righteousness judge the world in righteousness

and the people with Truth! and the people with Truth! Romans 17:31 Psalm 9:8Romans 17:31 Psalm 9:8

Page 8: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

The Big Three In OneThe Big Three In One

God’s Persons and their RolesGod’s Persons and their Roles

The Father is The ArchitectThe Son is The BuilderThe Spirit is The Revealer (The Estate Agent)


1 + 1 + 1 = Three Persons 1 x 1 x 1 = One God May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ

The Love of God, and the fellowship of the The Love of God, and the fellowship of the

Holy Spirit, be with you all!Holy Spirit, be with you all! 2 Corinthians 13:142 Corinthians 13:14

Page 9: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Jesus Christ - Lion and Jesus Christ - Lion and LambLamb

Our Protector and Saviour from Our Protector and Saviour from Final JudgementFinal Judgement

Page 10: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is AbsoluteGod Is Absolute

I Am God and there is No other I Am God

and there is None Like Me! Isaiah 46:10

I Am God, and there is No Other I Am God, and there is No Other I am God and there is None Like Me I am God and there is None Like Me I make known the end from the beginning I make known the end from the beginning from ancient times, what is still to come from ancient times, what is still to come I say: My purpose will stand, and I say: My purpose will stand, and

I will do all that I please! I will do all that I please!Isaiah 46:1Isaiah 46:1

Page 11: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is Infinite God Is Infinite Endless & TimelessEndless & Timeless

I make known the end from the beginning from ancient time, what is still to come

Isaiah 40:28

I Am the Alpha and the OmegaI Am the Alpha and the Omegasays the Lord Godsays the Lord God

Who IsWho IsWho WasWho Was

AndAndWho Is to ComeWho Is to ComeThe Almighty!The Almighty!

Revelation 1:8Revelation 1:8

Page 12: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is EndlessGod Is Endless

Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever

Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever Forever And Ever And Ever

Forever And Ever Ever And Ever Forever And EverAnd Ever And Ever

God Is TimeLessGod Is TimeLessGod Is MeasurelessGod Is Measureless

And Ever And EverAnd Ever And EverAnd Ever And Ever

Before the mountains were born Or You brought

forth the earth From everlasting to everlasting

You are God Psalm 90:2

Page 13: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is SpiritGod Is SpiritRevealed And Revealed And Understood Understood

But Not Seen!But Not Seen!

Jesus said

God is Spirit and the true worshipers shall worship God in Spirit

and in Truth John 4:24

Page 14: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is LoveGod Is Love

God shows His love among us in that, while we were sinners, Christ died for us! Romans 5:8

God made Him who knew no sinTo be made sin for us!

2 Corinthians 5:21

He Himself bore the punishment for our sins

On the cross

Love Demonstrated!Love Demonstrated!

Page 15: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is Sovereign And God Is Sovereign And KingKing

Remember this and fix it in your minds Remember the former things, those of long ago I

Am God, and there is No other I Am God and there is None like Me I make known the end from the beginning From ancient times, what is still to come

I say My purpose will stand and I Will do all that I please!I Will do all that I please! Isaiah 46:9

Who among the god’s is like You, O lord Who is like You – majestic in holiness, awesome in

Glory Working wonders? In your unfailing love you will lead the

people you have redeemed

In your strength you In your strength you will guide them!will guide them! Exodus


Page 16: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is Righteous God Is Righteous - God is - God is PerfectPerfect

He is the Rock, His works are perfect and all His ways are just a faithful God who knows no wrong Upright and Just is He! Deut 34:4

We are made the righteousness of God, in Him (Jesus Christ)

2 Corinthians 5:21

Righteousness belongs to GodDaniel 9:7

We are made righteous in Jesus Christ!2 Corinthians 5:7

Page 17: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is Just!God Is Just!God Is Fair!God Is Fair!

The Lord has locked all men up to disobedience that He may have mercy on them all

Romans 11:32

Page 18: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God is LifeGod is Life

Though Jesus all things were created that without Him nothing was

created that has been created In Him was Life!That Life Was The Light Of Men John 1:2

Page 19: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is Life God Is Life Where have you Where have you

laid Himlaid Him


Page 20: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is OmniscientGod Is OmniscientGod Is All Knowing God Is All Knowing

God Sees All!God Sees All!

I know the Plans I have for you say’s the Lord Plans to bless you and not to harm you Plans to give you

a hope and a future Jeremiah 29:11

Taste and See that the Lord is GoodBlessed is the person

that takes refuge and trusts in HimPsalm 34:8

Page 21: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God is OmnipotentGod is OmnipotentGod Is All PowerfulGod Is All Powerful

God Can Do Anything!God Can Do Anything!

This is what the Lord say’s I Am the Lord who has made all things who alone stretched out the heavens

Who spread out the earth by Who spread out the earth by MyselfMyself Isaiah 44:24

Page 22: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is OmnipresentGod is All Present

EverywhereGod Acts


Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go to up to the heavens, you are there! If I make my bed in the depths, you are there ! If I rise on the wings of the dawn, you are there! If I settle on the far side of the sea, you are there! Even

there your hand will guide me Your right hand will hold me fast! Even darkness will not be darkness to you! The night will shine like the day

Darkness is like light to you Psalm 139:7-17

You Are There!

Page 23: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is ImmutableGod Is ImmutableGod In Unchangeable!God In Unchangeable!

I the Lord Do Not change!

Malachi 3:6

Balaam Said God is not a man that He should lie, nor a

son of man that He should change His mind

Does He then speak and not act? Does He promise and not fulfil?

I have received commandment to bless He has blessed and I cannot

change it!Numbers 23:19-20

Page 24: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God Is Truth!God Is Truth!

Jesus saysI Am the Way, the Truth and the Life No One comes to the

Father But through Me! John 14:6

Page 25: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

The Glory Of GodThe Glory Of God

The Heavens declare The Heavens declare the Glory of Godthe Glory of God

The Glory Of GodThe Glory Of God The Glory Of GodThe Glory Of God The Glory Of GodThe Glory Of God

The Skies Proclaim The Skies Proclaim The Work of His HandsThe Work of His Hands

Day After Day Day After Day They Pour Forth SpeechThey Pour Forth Speech

Night After Night Night After Night They Display KnowledgeThey Display Knowledge

There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard

Their voice goes out unto all the earthTheir words to the end of the world

Psalm 19:1

The heavens will be destroyed, but You remainYour years will Never end!

Page 26: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God’s MotivationGod’s Motivation

Page 27: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God God Loved The World So Loved The World So


Come to me and be saved all ends of the earth I Am God and there is No Other!

Isaiah 45:22

Seek the Lord while He may be found call upon Him, while He is near!

Isaiah 55:6-7

Come near to Me and I will come near to you!

Seek the Lord while He may be found

Page 28: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Sacrifice and offerings you do not desire but a body you prepared for Me He said here I Am, I have come to do

your will, O God!

Hebrews 10:5- 7

That He Gave His Only That He Gave His Only SonSon

God Loved The World So MuchGod Loved The World So Much

Page 29: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

That Whoever Believes That Whoever Believes In HimIn Him

That He Gave His Only That He Gave His Only SonSon

God Loved The World So MuchGod Loved The World So Much

Was Sent! Was Sent! Was Born! Was Born!

Was Crucified Was Crucified Was Buried! Was Buried!

Was Raised Again!

Jesus Christ Is Almighty God! Jesus Christ Is Almighty God!

Page 30: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Shall Shall NotNot Perish Perish

(Press any key to continue)

Page 31: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

But Have Eternal LifeBut Have Eternal LifeShall Shall NotNot Perish Perish

Whoever drinks of the water Whoever drinks of the water I will will give them shall never thirst again I will will give them shall never thirst again

It will be a spring of water welling up to It will be a spring of water welling up to Eternal LifeEternal Life

John 4:14John 4:14

Page 32: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

The Sovereign Lord declares I take No pleasure in the death of the sinner but rather that they turn from their ways

and live Ezekiel 18:32

I Never Knew You!I Never Knew You!

(Press any key to continue)

Unless you repent (Change Attitude Towards Christ)


Page 33: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Jesus saidWhoever hears My word and believes Him

who sent Me, has eternal life and will notbe condemned, they have crossed over

from death to lifeJohn 5:24

I Am The Way The Truth and The Life No one comes to the Father

John 14:6

But by Me!

Page 34: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Good NewsGood NewsJudgement PostponedJudgement Postponed

There is now No Judgement to those in Christ Jesus

Romans 8:1

Page 35: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

Choice!Choice! Born Twice? and Die Born Twice? and Die

Once!Once! Born Once Born Once And Die Twice!And Die Twice!

I Am the resurrection and the life whoever believes in Me, will live even though

He dies, and whoever lives and

believes in Me Will Never die! Will Never die! John 11:25-62

Page 36: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

From Hostility to From Hostility to FriendshipFriendship

The Dead Made Alive The Dead Made Alive Again!Again!

When you were dead in your sins and your sinful nature

God made you alive with Christ Having forgiven you all your sins

Colossians 2:13-15

Page 37: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God’s Promise Is Sure! God’s Promise Is Sure!

I Give to you Eternal Life you shall NEVER Perish No one can snatch you Out of My Hand!

John 10:28

Page 38: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

RedRed and and YellowYellow, , Black Black and Whiteand White

All Are Precious in His All Are Precious in His SiteSite

I Am the gate;

whoever enters through Me, shall be saved!

John 10:9

Enter through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate and broad

is the road, that leads to destruction and many enter though it! But small is the

gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it! Matthew 7:13-14

Come And Believe In Jesus Christ God Welcomes ALL!

The Highway To Hell And The Highway To Hell And Death!Death!

OrOrThe Pathway To Heaven The Pathway To Heaven

And Life!And Life!

Whoever believes in Jesus is Not condemned, but whoever does

not believe, stands condemned alreadybecause He has not believed in

the Name of God’s One and Only SonJohn 3:18




Page 39: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

A Meeting In The AirA Meeting In The Air

I go to prepare a place for you If I go to prepare a place for you I will come again, to receive you to Myself That where I Am

There you will be also! John 14:6

We will not all sleep, but we will all be changedIn a flash in the twinkling of an eye

at the last trumpetfor the trumpet will sound and the dead

Will be raised, Imperishable1 Corinthians 15:50-57

To meet the Lord in the air2 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Page 40: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

The Certainty Of The Certainty Of Heaven! Heaven!

The Kingdom of God The Kingdom of God

He will wipe away every tear from you eyes there will be No No

more death! more death! No more mourning! No more mourning! No more crying! No more crying! No more pain! No more pain! For the old order of things, have all passed

away I Am making everything I Am making everything new!new! Revelation 21:4-5

Who wants to Come?Who wants to Come?

Away From The Body Is To Be Present With The Lord!

2 Corinthians 5:8

Page 41: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God loved the world so much That he gave His only Son

That whoever believes in Him Shall Shall

Not PerishNot Perish but have Eternal Life John


Hope Is Certainty With GodHope Is Certainty With God

Page 42: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

I believe in Your Son Jesus Christ That He came from you

That He was punished for my sins as He hung on the cross

That He was raised from the dead I accept Him, as my own personal Saviour


Dear God And Heavenly Father Dear God And Heavenly Father

Page 43: God loved the world so much That He gave His only Son That whoever believes in Him Shall Not Perish He’s A Gift But have Everlasting Life John 3:16

God loved the world so much That he gave His only Son

That whoever believes in Him Shall Shall

Not PerishNot Perish but have Eternal Life John


To Be Sure!To Be Sure!

May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ The Love of God, and the fellowship of the The Love of God, and the fellowship of the

Holy Spirit, be with you all!Holy Spirit, be with you all! 2 Corinthians 13:142 Corinthians 13:14

I Even I, Am the LordI Even I, Am the LordApart from Me there is No OtherApart from Me there is No Other