god's soliloquy

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  • 7/24/2019 God's Soliloquy


    If you could dramatizeGod's message to the

    human race in a moviesoliloquy, His message

    would go something likethis...

    [Bracketed notes like this one generally cross-

    reference or otherwise oer material/explanationwhich is 'outside' the Soliloquy !ut occasionally are

    part of it. "ou'll !e a!le to tell the dierence.#

    $od's %a!ar-&oe( a Soliloquy

    )ello *'m $od the +ather( your ,eal and

    ltimate +ather. * hope you'll forgie e if *'speak' using arious anthropopathisms and-morphisms and een slang( your mind needsthem for comfort clarity and cogitation. syour +ather * do not wish to 0ust !ing1 y 2ordinto your head since all communication should!e receied !ased upon recipient 3)4*35. &oeis like that -- it neer likes coercion or

    manipulation. &oe loes 3)4*35 instead.

    nd here is y 3hoice( to make sons from ySon. 6hat is the contract * made with )im 7as$od8 in eternity past *saiah 9:(;

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    !eing %>( so * could make %%> %iine %>out from )im. [B)S and &?? of *sa9:(;atureof y Son's 6hinking which -- as a result of thecontract completed !y )im -- is %%>. )ence)is %%> 76hinking8 is 'clona!le' in you. 6hat6hinking was put in writing as *'d longpromised oer a protracted period of ;9

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    this %%> 6hought can !e replicated *>you to the degree you prefer to hae itersus your own thinking. "our 3hoice. 6othe degree you prefer to hae it your own

    soul will !ecome like y Son's. 6hink ofthis replication as spiritual engineeringwhich is always su!0ect to your freeconsent.

    +or you see * $4% hence totally +ree(so * would neer structure anything forfree-will creation except ia their free

    consent. Because * $4% * am4mnipotent( all * need 'do' is think a thingand it is so. So too can y Son 2hoinstantly made the unierse $en;(;. Sotoo can the )oly Spirit 2ho for teaching-mankind purposes motheringly 'dawdled'oer six days in restoring the 5arth$en;(=. 6hink of e as the 3hairman of

    the Board of the Holuntary $odhead'3orporation' 7or '6rinity 3orporation' ifyou will8. [$od is uncreated so the termsA+atherA ASonA and ASpiritA indicate 4urSelf-3hosen ,oles 3orporately. +or 2echoose to act in concert due to &4H5. 6hatthe Son and Spirit choose to su!ordinate toe is a &4H5 choice and does not imply inany way an inferiority-of-nature. 6hisdisclosure is fully and clearly proided inthe original-language texts of the Bi!le *commissioned !e written oer that ;9

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    System many misconceptions a!out 4ur*nterrelationship a!ound throughout thecenturies.# 5ach of us can think anything2e choose and it can exist instantly *+ 2e

    choose( a whole unierse all of time oreen a speck of dust. 5xactly. AgeAtherefore is what * 2*&& it to !e. 2hether apolonium-:< halo or a ton of granite toencircle it. ll 'aged' in an instant or oer!illions of years you wouldn't !e a!le totell the dierence.

    So too your soul. *n an instant1 * willed itto exist.. and you therefore do. *n aninstant1 * can will your soul leae your!ody.. and then it will. * didn't create thisa!ility. >either did y Son. >either did the)oly Spirit. 2e 0ust are $od. 5ach of us. Sothis choice to make sons from y Son isnot a power motie. But rather a &oe

    otieG and &oe loes 3hoice.&oe and +reedom go together. So dohatred and tyranny. 2hen you are totalIower you loe +reedom not tyranny. Butwhen you are weak you loe power not+reedom. 2e &oe +reedom. "ours. So *loe making sons for y +ree Son and so *am "our +ather.. !ut the choice to get

    %%> made from your %> is yourfreedom to choose. Because &oe loes3hoice. +reely.

    So y 3hoice is to make sons from y Son!ut such AsonsA must choose y 3hoice


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    for it to occur. +or &oe loes +reedom and* will thus >5H5, coerce manipulateseduce trick or play any 'games'. 5en forthe 'good' of the recipient. +or only &oe

    and 6ruth go together which is why+reedom is always sponsored !y &oe.!solutely.

    +or the soul thinks. So what the soul thinks iswhat the person is Iro=:(J. So the '%>' ofyour own soul is the essential structure ofwhat you think. 6he structure of what you

    think is determined !y your own attri!uteswhich are determined !y your alues whichare determined !y your !eliefs which aredetermined !y your choices.

    So too the %%> of y 'Soul' 7for sake ofanalogy8 is the structure of what * thinkG andof course * always choose to think whateer *thinkG in fact all y 6houghts are always 'on'

    since * am *nEnite( no !eginning no ending notime element no space element -- one !ig *S->5SS >42->5SS 7so to speak8. So what *think is exactly what * am and neer changesGy %iine >ature *S Iure %iine 6hought7!igger than a soul !ecause inEnite !ut theanalogy is apt8. 6he same is true of y Sonand of the )oly Spirit.

    So you are what you choose to !e !y y%iine %ecree in eternity past. +or * haealways known you and * chose that you !ewhat you choose to !e. Because * $4%Gand * can choose to !e whateer * want to !e.


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    )ence * decreed that you should hae thatsame choice as well.

    )oweer you cannot choose to !e 5 since *

    am >created !ut you are created( a createdperson is necessarily Enite !ut * am *nEnite.6his is an incompati!ility pro!lem( what if youwant to think as * doK 2hat if you want to liewith eK "ou cannot do so !ecause yournature is too limited and antithetical to y4wn.. unless * sole the pro!lem of your Enityand the pro!lem of sin. 7Sin is a pro!lem

    !ecause it introduces into Enity aluesdestructie to it ,omans CG the actual sins are!ut eidence of the disease of sin ,omans J.8"our nature had to !e limited since any kind ofcreated soul is necessarily EniteG moreoerthat soul ought to hae the free will to choosee -- * shouldn't impose what soles thepro!lem if you do not want the pro!lem

    soled1 &oe would neer coerce1y Son wanted to !e the 4ne through 2homthis incompati!ility pro!lem would !e soledwithout coercion 7,omans 9-@8. )e wanted todo this as a gift to e and as a gift to)imself. 6hat is how )is 'Soul' thinks. y Son2ho is $od 0ust as * am wanted also to!ecome )uman and also in that )umanity !e

    grown !y the )oly Spirit into thinking 0ust as *do. 6hat required )im to !e made !ig enoughin )is S4& and the )oly Spirit fed y Son's)umanity Bi!le 7as it was then reealed8constantly 7which was why )e had to remainsinless8. y Son's )umanity thus spiritually


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    grew so compati!le with e that )e !ecameAthe 2ay the 6ruth and the &ifeA. 6hiscompati!ility qualiEed )im to pay for all sins ofmankind on the 3ross. But the Erst purpose of

    the 3ross was to fulEll )*S $oal of haing totalrapport een *> )is )umanity with e )is*nEnite +ather. *t would take a 3ross toaccomplish that $oal. 7So * do not want you tofeel guilty that )e died as a su!stitute for yoursins ,omans 9(C 7$reek8. *nstead feel free tocele!rate18

    +or %%> to !e replicated there had toErst !e real %> in Someone 2ho is made!ig enough so all that %%> can !ereplicated in the human race( y Sonwanted to B5 that Ierson. nd so )e is.nd so * am your ,eal +ather 6),4$))im. +or if you hae 'o!eyed' Lohn :(;@een once you are spiritually !orn( a

    permanent !irth now haing y,ighteousness 7=3or9(=;8 y &ife 7Lohn:(;@ and ;

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    from the way you are at !irth to a naturecompati!le with the way * am eternally. ySon !eing !oth $od and man is !oth ofy >ature and of your own. So 6),4$)

    )im your own nature can !e changed. )epaid for all sin so that the only aspect ofthe pro!lem remaining to sole is thepro!lem of Enity. SpeciEcally(

    ;."ou need to !ecome a spiritual !eingfor * am *nEnite Spiritual Beingness.6his is soled !y Lohn :(;@ 6itus :(9

    =3or9(;J.=."ou need to hae 5ternal &ife 7which isqualitatiely inEnite whereas youreerlasting soul life is merelyeerlasting and Enite8G this is soled !yLohn :(;@ and guaranteed !y Lohn;

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    transform your thinking into )is forthe rest of your life. gain$odSystem.htm proides a synopsis ofy System's Ee 5ssential 5lements.

    6hey are not !urdensome !utrefreshing -- that is if you want toknow e. *f you do not want to knowe you will not want to lie in ySystem. "ou can leae and re-enter ySystem at any time until you die. *f youhad 'o!eyed' Lohn :(;@ 7!y at leastonce !elieing in y Son during your

    lifetime on 5arth8 you will still liewith e foreer( echanisms M;-M:are permanently deployed that Erstnanosecond you !elieed in y Son forsalation Lohn :(;@G and can neer !ea!rogated or rescinded no matterwhat you think or do afterwards Lohn; e if you choose to haethat relationship.. foreer. "ou will foreerhae as much or as little relationship with eas you choose -- again !y y %iine %ecree ineternity past. *f you only choose echanismsM;-: then simply 'o!ey' Lohn :(;@. *f you wishmore -- if you wish to know y Son andtherefore e -- also keep on selectingechanism MD. fter all( what relationship isen0oya!le if there is no rapportK nd how canthere !e rapport without like-mindednessK


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    nd how can there !e like-mindedness apartfrom shared thinkingK

    2,>*>$( only to the extent that you electechanism MD you will !e sharing y

    6hinking so you will hae rapport with ySon and * 7and the )oly Spirit8 and you willend up !eing close to s. 5lse you will not!e close though you will foreer lie in ySon's Ningdom. 3loseness depends oncompati!ility !ecause happiness dependsupon freely-shared rapport. So 'heaen'wouldn't !e heaenly if !eings are

    incompati!ly matched. So there is noequality in heaen !ecause people don'tequally choose to !e compati!le. *t isn'tfair to anyone to match incompati!lepeople in a society. >or will you want to !earound others who do not think as you do.gain &oe neer coerces( so a perfecteternal society is hierarchically structured

    !ased on freely-chosen compati!ilities.2hich choosing is !uilt while you liedown here. 3hoose wisely.

    So now let's examine why echanism MD theacquisition of y %%> ia y Son's 6hinking7the Bi!le8 is !oth optional and yet so utterlyital to our mutual rapport 7i.e. why all thoseinherit the kingdomA erses are dependent on

    it whereas your permanent salation merelydepended on echanisms M;-: which all occurinstantaneously during Erst nanosecond youA!elieeA per Lohn :(;@8. gain A%iine %>A is%iine 6hought and thus it is inEnitely,eplicating !oth Fualitatiely *nEnite and


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    quantitatiely *nEnite. So this %%> 6houghtcan !e replicated *> you to the degree youprefer to hae it ersus your own thinking."our 3hoice. 6o the degree you prefer to hae

    it your own soul will !ecome like y Son's.6he property of thought itself is innatelyreplicating een among humans 7thoughnot *nEnite of course8. "ou read thesethoughts and they immediately replicated*> your head yet remain on the page. >owthey are mutating as you mix the wordswith your own thinking. 6hat's true &*+5

    the replication of thought since * am Iure%iine 6hought. 5en as is y Son and the)oly Spirit. ll thought is immaterial as istrue &ife. &asting foreer.

    6hought is the greatest power in theunierse -- een among the 'unierse' ofhumans. 2hat you think is what you are

    Iroer!s =:(J. "ou cannot een !e otherthan what you think. +or the real you isyour soul and the only thing a soul does isthink.

    2hat someone else thinks thus has thegreatest potential counter power to yourown.. to the extent you choose to think inthat same way. So the real %> of your

    soul is what you think. nd what youchoose to add to your thinking !ased onwhateer other thinking you choose tohear and adopt( common Bi!le $reek wordAhupakouoA pronounced hoop-ah-N44-ohmeans to Astand under hearingA and is


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    7slightly8 mistranslated Ao!eyA in 5nglishBi!les. But the term doesn't meansomething you do. *t means something yourespect listen to and thus !eliee. *n the

    A&??A 7the 4ld 6estament used !y y Sonwhen )e was down here8 AhupakouoA isoften used to translate the )e!rewAshemahA 7pronounced sheh-)8)ear-and-!eliee. So it has the 'o!edience'power !ecause you !eliee in it.

    So notice( whateer other thinking you

    choose to hear and adopt you choose!ecause you !eliee in each such choice.gain you cannot !e other than what youthink so you cannot add to your thinkingother than what you choose to !eliee.

    So notice that at any gien moment intime you are the product of what you!eliee and all your thinking will !e !ut

    'spokes' of what you !eliee or what youare contemplating !elieing in at someleel. So you are constantly changing!ased on what you think how you add orsu!tract or change what you !eliee. Soyour soul %> is completely decided !yyou( what you choose to !eliee andhence what you choose to think. "ou make

    yourself the way you are( no one else cando that to you. So if you are unhappy withthe way you are you chose to !e in thatcondition and no one else is to !lame. Soyou can choose to change that conditionand no one else can choose it for you.


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    Because you are what you think. "ou notsomeone else.

    t the same time you are powerless. +or

    the content of what you !elieedetermines what you are and what you!ecome. *ts power not yours. *ts merit notyours. +or you choose to !eliee !ased onwhat you perceie as the merit in thecontent. 2hether you are correct or notonce you assign a meritorious alue to thecontent of a thought you will !eliee in it

    and it has power oer you.So notice how * am the +ather of your soul(* can will a thing !e and it instantly *S. "oucan will to !eliee and what you willedinstantly has that alue. %ierence is youmight !e wrong in the alue you assign.%ierence is the alue you assigned nowhas power oer you. But like e you can

    say a thing is AxA and it will !e so. *n yourcase oer you.

    >ow notice the irony so you can !egin toappreciate why y Son elected to !ecome%> and hence receie %%> from e."ou yourself are your own maker !ecauseyou can always choose to !eliee. But after

    that you ceded power to the content ofwhat you !elieed. "et you can alwayschange your mind. 6hat is how soul %>works. 6hat is how y %%> works aswell. 5xcept since * $4% !eing*nEnite * don't change. But -- you can.


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    +or * chose that you hae the free will to !eself-determinatie. 6hat does not meanyou hae the power to make %%> -- only" Iower can gie it to you run it make it

    grow in accordance with each discreteconsent on your part -- !ut it does meanyou hae the power to choose that * grantit to you. Because &oe loes 3hoice. *guarantee foreer that you will alwayshae free will.

    6his interplay !etween free will and the

    power of the choices you make oer youeentuates in a permanent choice on yourpart. *n heaen all !eings hae free willand freely neer choose to sin. *n hell all!eings hae free will and neer choose to!eliee in y Son. * do not take their freewill away from them !ecause &oe neercoerces and * do not eer want anyone in

    hell =Iet:(O 7$reek AmeA 7pronouncedAmayA8 denies een the idea that * wouldeer want anyone in hell8. So choosewisely and keep questioning yourpremises lest you End it diPcult to eerwant to change your mind. 6he pro!lem ofsin is that a fondness for it increasesaddictiely and the free will deelops a'loe' for sin.. eentually to the exclusionof all else. Hery destructie. >ow you knowwhy y Son wanted to go to the 3ross topay for sin so that mankind could o!taintrue rescue 7AsalationA in 5nglish Bi!les8


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    from this hapless hopeless essentially-iral %> condition which sin '!egets'.

    So let's examine arious collections of

    thoughts to illustrate the structure of thesouls producing themG and hence to displaythe power of soul %> and hence the potentialpower of y %%> so you can understand itsimpact !etter. lso so that you might decidewhether the choices you are making are whatyou really want to continue making. lso toshow how choices result in soul content which

    ends up determining the quality of your life --unless you ha!itually change your mind andadopt new thinking. So let's select somecommon thought patterns you can see in dailylife.

    *f your daily thoughts focus on what you door eat or wear or own rarely going !eyondearthly preoccupations such that it

    !ecomes !oring or diPcult to thinka!stractly so you aoid it or End any'learnQd' conersation something you tendto derideG if you alue your life !ased onhow you look or what you own or who youknowG if you alue your life !ased on howmoral you are compared to othersG if youalue your good deeds or those of othersas !eing somehow worthy of e that *should reward themG if you alue others!ased on how nicely they talk to you orwhat attention they gie you -- what kindof person are youK


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    *f you are thinking often a!out how !adsomeone else isG if you are often critical ofpeopleG if you are often disappointedlonely !ored -- what kind of person are

    youK *f you gossip or pay ery closeattention to what others look like weareat or ownG if you are constantly comparingyourself to someone elseG if you takepleasure in misfortune which happens tothe ArichA or the AfamousA or someone elsewho !others you -- what kind of person areyouK

    s a person thinks so he is. s a personthinks so he talks. 6he soul must expressitself. So( if you often complain to peoplesuch that yours is the only oice heard inmost conersationsG if your opinions arethe only ones spoken !ecause when othersdisagree or sound smarter than you youquickly refuse to conerse further change

    the topic or !ecome disinterested in oreen hostile to what they say -- what kindof person are youK

    *f a mother constantly Ells her grownchildren's ears with her aches and painsand gossip a!out her friends whom herchildren do not een know yet shows nointerest in the lies of the children what

    kind of person is sheK *f the childrencontinually !leat to their parents a!outtheir own aairs !ut hae no ear for theirparents' lies what kind of children aretheyK *f a wife nags a hus!and what kindof person is sheK *f a hus!and !ullies a


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    wife what kind of person is heK *f a friendrepeatedly 'helps' another friend when thelatter repeatedly did not want such 'help'what kind of person is the formerK *f one

    person constantly 'adises' another whorepeatedly does not want such 'adice'what kind of person is the 'adisor'K

    *f a person constantly keeps a scorecard ofrelatie pluses and minuses a!out selfersus another gauging the alue of a giftor good deed receied ersus one gienG ifa married couple or friends constantly

    'match' each other taking great andoended notice if there is a perceied'im!alance' -- what kind of souls areoperatingK

    *f the annual holiday get-together in y>ame !ecomes a shouting match or one-upmanship eent exhausting eeryone --what kind of persons were at the eentK *f

    the annual church !aaar is full of !ack-!iting and pointing Engers at Sally whosedress is too short what kind of '3hristianfellowship' is presentK *f the annualcompany picnic is spent getting drunk ortalking !analities with eeryone lookingoer their shoulder or !rown-nosing 'the!oss' how meaningful are the lies there..

    spentK *f a congregation in a religious !uilding of

    any type during its oPcial hours ofoperation for religious meeting/instructionare there as stones seemingly deadG orstolid or 0umpy or weepy or wacky or


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    sleepyG or engaged in ro!otic ritualsG whatkind of souls are thus attendingK

    *f people pontiEcate on goernment orforeign aairs yet do little homework thus

    hating/loing one nation/person or anotherwith no due diligence to !ack up thatconclusion -- what real thinking isoperatingK *f '!elieers' in 'god' argue witheach other or say they do or don't !eliee athing -- !ut none among them suPcientlyreads 6he Book to properly alidateinterpretations what real attitude is

    operatingK *f someone famous is merely accused of a

    crime in the pu!lic and eeryone takessides no one haing the facts -- what kindof souls are theseK 2hat kind of soul longsfor :< days to see a ca!le show claiming todramatie the crime of pederasty whichallegedly exists among thousands of

    priests of a religious denomination -- andthat soul has no real facts only theaccusation to go on -- what kind of soullongs for such a two-hour programK

    So if you turn on your local teleision andRip the channels what kind of thinking doyou see predominateK 6hat will tell youwhat people are thinking since teleision

    is expensie therefore those crafting ateleision program must carefully targetthe intended audience so there will !eenough money to fund the intendedprogram. So what kind of people wouldwatch l-LaeeraK 2hat kind A3opsAK 2hat


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    kind ASuriorAK 2hat kind of audienceare the ma0or S networks getting sincemost of their expensie programs.. coermurder and scandalK So what kind of soul

    audience preails in the teleision-watching worldK 2hat pattern of soul %>do you see largely depictedK

    nd what kind of soul spends hours andhours on political issues com!ing theinternet expounding one opinion oranotherK 2hat kind of soul crusadesK 2hatkind of soul o!sesses oer some pu!lic

    !ehaior at a Super Bowl or at a !anquetwhere an unoPcial remark is spoken -- andthen agitates the person !e punishedK2hat kind of soul demands thepromulgation of moral laws oer a countrywhich has too dierse a population to eenagree on what *S 'moral' especially sincethose moral laws cannot !e enforced and

    the nation's constitution prohi!its suchlawsK %o any of the foregoing petty and

    0udgmental thought patterns sound eenremotely like y 4wnK nd why notK "etwhy are so many of them promulgated iny >ameK 2hat kind of soul would imaginethat y 6hinking is akin to anything in the

    a!oe !ulletsK So why are religions !asedon the foregoing !ullets' thought patternsK2hose soul is !eing emulatedK 3ertainlynot y Son's( Lohn :(;@-;C. So what must *do a!out their thinkingK attJ(;-= $al@(J7etc8( that's y Lustice Iolicy to mirror


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    !ack one's thinking to him lest he !ecomeeen more !lind to how he is degrading inhis soul %>.

    But if you think often a!out what * might

    !e like or how y Son was motiatedG ifyou wonder 2)" * made you how we can!e closerG or een whether all those otherAgodsA are the same as e 0ust !ecauseyou'd like to !etter know e whoeer *'might' !eG if you spend time alone so youcan think out questions most others don'tcare to een hear questions a!out the

    meaning of lifeG if you thus spend muchtime alone !ecause no one around you caneen understand your interests and youare thus considered Aquiet !ut oddA asLaco! and ary wereG if you End yousometimes wish you could know e ratherthan religionG if morality among mankindseems hypocritical to you -- what kind of

    person are youK

    SeeK "ou truly are what you think. But youcan choose to learn to think dierently.nd no matter what you are as your+ather * hae %ecreed a solution( to makeyou like y Son. +rom no matter 2)6 youare right now( so you can scrap all guiltrancor or remorse oer whateer you thinkyou are now. Lust like my serant Iaul didwho failed e worse than you eer could(your choice like his Ihili:(;:-;D. [Iaulwas the worst sinner in history as he told6imothy in ;6im;(;9G as he explained in


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    Ihilippians : especially .CG &uke relateshis !ackground in cts J(9C. Iaul alsore0ected y 2ill in sending him to ,ome topastor there ,omans ;9(== and

    historically explained in cts ;9-==7especially 3hapter == a summary8. $reektext in cts is largely ttic so ismistranslated !ut not so much that youcan't see Iaul diso!eyed y 2ill forseeral years. So * ordered him shipped to,ome in chains. 6hen he stayed put. 6hen* ordered he !e the primary writer of the

    >ew 6estament -- for his failure is no matchfor the %%> * can gie to anyone whowants it and he wanted a lot1#

    >ow you can see why echanism MD isimportantG why M;-M: get you into the 'door' of5ternal ,elationship !ut.. your soul's thinkingis yet incompati!le with y 4wn. So now you

    can see how your soul %> would need to !espiritually re-engineered into y Son's %%>7)is 6hinking8 in order for rapport to Rourish!etween us. 6his rapport is y $oalG and infact the design of your ery S4& requires%%> for your happiness. So eeryone inheaen has at least some !asic leel of %%>post-death no matter how little they learnedof y Son while down here. But there is muchmore( AperfectionA is a S34I5 and a 3I3*6"question not merely a no-Raws status. one-liter !ottle can !e perfectG so can a doen-liter!ottle. 2hich would you rather !eK Small andperfectK 4r large and perfectK 6he larger you


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    are in your soul the more rapport you willhae with s. )oweer 2e will neer coerceyou to grow. +or * &oe you and thus!solutely %esire your own happinessG !ut *

    will not coerce. )ence there is no limit on theamount of %%> you can acquire since y Soncompleted )is end of the contract 7*sa9:(;

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    in mistranslation which is a far worsecrime than genocide -- since people use thetranslations to choose what to !eliee. +or* want >&**65% rapport. So if an axe-

    murderer takes e up on y 4er to make%%> and lies in y System he is farmore holy than the most moral person onearth who does not lie in y System. [Sinmakes a person's desires re!el against y4wn. So any kind of sin reduces !othcompati!ility potential and the likelihoodthat the person will want to lie in y

    System. Self-righteousnessfornication/adultery/sexual sin murder allproduce such strong against-e urgesthat such indiiduals !ut rarely want tolearn y Son. Iaul explained this pro!lemin detail in the !ooks of ,omans and$alatians. So don't imagine that the'sinner' isn't punished. * know how to

    punish a soul and * punish to heal thesoul( think of it like soul surgery. 6he soulwho gets the 2ord undergoes pleasant andlifelong surgery !ut the soul who refusesthe 2ord undergoes painful surgery. "oucannot see the soul so you cannot knowwhat 'surgery' occurs.#

    echanism M;-MD and especially MD enactand accomplish y %esire for nlimited,apport. 6hat %esire is fulElled on the 3rossG itis now 0ust a question of II4,6*4>*>$ howthat total %eposited %%> ,apport in y Son's)umanity will !e 'distri!uted'G that is freely


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    replicated with free will consenting in theones who !elieed in y Son. +or the *sa9:(;

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    still chose you to exist. * was not forced soyou do >46 need to feel inferior or !ad oreen gratefulG * don't need you to worryhow you will curry y faor. *t was y

    Soereign 3hoice. So you can cele!ratewith e and need neer !e ashamed. 6helongest passage on this topicK Isalm;:O(;;-;J which tells you the story of yourlife and why * chose you. y serant %aidcele!rated this fact in Isalm ;:O(;: !utIsalm ;:O translations ,eerse and4!fuscate what * gae him to write. [Bi!le

    translations of Is;:O are adulterated toclaim a soul is in the wom!. 2hich liecontradicts what * had %aid and all theBi!le writers write. oreoer suchadulteration makes e out to !e a sadist(think a!out teething pain then multiply ita !iillion times to get a sense of whatpain a soul would feel if in a wom! of

    growing !ody parts. 6he ,eal Bi!le 2ordsof Isalm ;:O say the opposite that thesoul is made after the !ody is completedand 46S*%5 the wom! with the ErstexhaleG which of course is consistent with$enesis =(J and . ;JG and the factastounds %aid so much he composed aIsalm a!out it in Is;:O(;;-;J. 6hose

    erses are a !ackdrop of courage for %aidin a time of trou!le -- with $od decreeinghis existence what does he hae to fearwhen in trou!le 7.;

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    >o2om!&ife.htm -- search on AqanahA onceyou load the page.#

    So * know all a!out you since foreer past

    and future !ecause what you consider'time' is all 4ne Big >ow to e aseidenced !y the )e!rew and $reek tenses7or lack thereof8 used to descri!e y>ature in the Bi!le * had the )oly Spiritcommunicate -- 6)6 Bi!le not anytranslation. 4nce you learn that Bi!le youcan conclusiely proe eerything a!out

    e. So you can know all a!out e too. +or* ordered it B5 that way. Lust as * orderedyou exist with your ery own free will.Because * +ree 2ill and so * %ecreedthat anyone who is to exist must hae hisown free will as well( foreer. "ou will lieforeer !y y %ecree. So seeK * really your +ather. +oreer. "our !ody is 0ust a

    !undle of !iology to gie your soul ahouse. Lust as %aid explained in the ,5&Bi!le 7not any translation8 Isalm ;:O(;:!7)e!rew8. [Search on ASNNA in>o2om!&ife.htm and read through itemM;=.#

    * $4% so * can order whateer * like.nd * liked ordering your existence. Since

    foreer past and future * will neer'repent' of that decision no matter howyou use your free will which * irreoca!lygae you. *t's not like * don't already knowall your choices since foreer past andfuture. "ou 2ill &ie +oreer !y y %ecree.


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    * will neer 'repent' of that decision either.* don't need to 'repent'. So you don't needto feel !ad a!out the fact that *'m $od andyou're not( * your +ather of fathers

    2ho wanted you to exist and always willwant you to exist. Because * &oe you.)ence * call yself A+atherA in the Bi!le tocommunicate that &4H5. * will neer'repent' of it either. >eer.

    2hat * know a!out you did not inRuencey ttitude of &oe. y &oe is !solute

    as is y >ature. So * didn't choose yourexistence !ased on what you mightconsider your merits or demerits. 5ersince the ,eformation there has !een thisdaft idea that * turned a !lind eye to what *knew in the A5lectionA portion of y%ecree in the name of protecting ySoereignty. 2hat a silly !lasphemy.

    Soereignty >eer +unctions part +rom4mniscience nor apart from ll 4therttri!utes( So >eer >eeds Irotection 4fny Nind. )umans need to make theirchoices !ased on merits or demerits amongthemseles !ut $4% neer does. +or youcan neer inRuence aect reduce or inany way change y &oe.

    6he only thing you can change is your ownattitude and een that the )oly Spiritmust make eectie( for you were notdesigned to lie solely on your own natureattD(D. +or you were instead designed togrow I from what you are to get %%>


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    through y Son since that is the erycontract * made in 5ternity Iast with )*(again *sa9:(;ot your !ody notyour status or other peripheralcharacteristics is is humanity downhere.

    So relax( you don't hae to play religiousgames with eG * don't need them andneither do you. So don't !other playing

    them eer. * know the real youG so you canlearn the ,eal e Isalm ;:O(;J. 6haterse tells you why you are here( to learny Son's 6houghts. "our choice whetherand how much you want the )oly Spirit tomake that purpose lie in your own soul.


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    3learly since * chose you exist * want youto !e happy *sa99(;-:. !ram knew that(he wanted 0ust one son. 4h !ut * 2anted nierse 4f Sons1 y Son een informed

    him 7$en;9(;:8 that these not-yet-!ornsons would suer D6*65 relationship since )e hasnlimited ,apport with e and )e prayedfor that same *ntimacy to !e granted to


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    you in Lohn ;J. 4f course * knew all this!ack in 5ternity Iast as did y Son 7as$od8. So * decreed your existence and *decreed your existence !e in an especially

    *ntimate Spiritual ,apport with s=3or;:(;D.

    But that is " 3hoice. "our choice whetheryou agree to that deelopment or do not. *fyou do not then the II4,6*4>5>6 whichwas allotted on your !ehalf will forfeit tosomeone else who accepts it since all the

    %%> funds are on deposit since eternity pastas 5phesians ; explains. "ou thus share*>%*,536&" in y Son -- i.e. your en0oyment of)im will !e 'distanced' through intermediaries-- to the extent you refuse echanism MD. Butthe more you engage in echanism MD themore you will share %*,536&" in y Son -- youwill !e the intermediary through whom others

    share your AportionA( if you AEnish thecourseA Aendure to completionA [mistranslatedAendA# you inherit a kingdom since )e is Ningof Nings and the AkingsA are !eing deelopedin this A3hurchA AgeA of history. [A3hurchA andAgeA are Bi!le terms mostly used !y Iaul.4ften AgeA is mistranslated. AcoenantAalways !elongs to an AgeA for the people who!eliee in y Son during that AageA.#

    "our choice. *sa9:(;= goerns the termsand *sa9:(;; explains the mechanics ofechanism MD in the &?? 7the EeinEnities8. 6he 6erms ,equire &iing in ySystem which means ha!itually using


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    ;Ln;(O when you sin so that you are +illedwith the Spirit's Iower( of perception ofproper motie etc. all !ased on what&5,>*>$ you receie under the pastor )5

    personally appoints for you. 6ruth isprecise. y System is precise. 6hecommand to lie in y System is not!urdensome nor religious !ut ratherIersonal ,oyal 6raining By "our 'om' 6heentor( the )oly Spirit.

    Book of )e!rews explains the 3hurch

    coenant in terms of the change to Ning-Iriesthood and Iaul explains the Buildingprocess in 5phesians. Lust as *srael wasenslaed for D

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    fully. >o one is denied full sharing due to acoenantal limitation. 6he only restrictionson sharing come from olition >463)44S*>$ to reside in y System as it

    was reealed during that person's AtimeA7aka AageA8.

    Iroer!s :(:D( when you war with $od$od wars !ack with you to warn you of thedire consequences of such warring.2arring scars the soul as you saw a!oein the !ullets illustrating typical human

    thinking. Scarred souls lose capacity foren0oyment and sin addicts them the moreto war( for the root of sin is religiosity atype of warring with $od. y *nEnity !eingre0ected shatters the soulG secular reRectsspiritual and the spiritual physics are thatyou can't !e a negatie deriatie against)oly $od and not shatter your soul the

    Erst time you re0ect )imG further re0ectionsmake the situation far worse so gooddeeds only scar the soul further. *t's atruth. 6ruth is uncreated y ttri!ute(there is no such thing as deseringtherefore. )ence all religiosity which is!ased on deseringness 7see $en:arguments8 is re0ection of 6ruth. So ySon is for the healing of the soulG !ut &oewill neer coerce.

    Iroer!s :(:D in &?? and LasD(@ ;Iet9(97referencing 5phD(;;-;@'s process8 andIhili=(9-;

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    growing I to y Son's %%> &eel5phD(;:G $race of thinking like )imIhili=(9G $race of rapport with s=3or;:(;D. *t's that stark that simple a

    contract and all sourced in 4ur 6rinity3orporate 3ontract to ake Sons *sa9:(;o $roeling *s 5er Ileasing 6oe )e!;;(@. So >o ,eligion *s 5er Ileasing 6oe *saDD @D(@ Tech J alachi : )e!rews;;(@ $en:(9. 2hat is utterly pleasing to e isto make you Asons of $od in 3hrist LesusA$al:(=@. 6hat will make you utterly happy too.+or contrary to popular opinion yet o!ious in

    the $arden * neer ordered dam to !e madeunhappy or groelingG look how he argues withy Son een after he sinned in $en:1 >oticehow * didn't order him to !e apped into hellfor that. >otice how dam made his ownunhappiness with his own free will. So thepro!lem of e !eing $od and you not !eing$od is lack of equalityG then compounded !ythe natural consequences of sin lack ofcompati!ility -- all of which * can order !eutterly Exed. *nstantly.

    But * instead chose to sole our mutualincompati!ility in accordance with your ownfree will. +or * can do anything * want to do


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    and * can indeed make you a son of $od.. !ut *don't like to force anything on anyone. Since*'m *nEnite *'m not created. But you arecreated. So * hae no intention that you remain

    not $odG !ut * also hae no intention ofimposing on you either. +or * &oe you.!solutely as is y *nEnite >ature. &oedoesn't coerce manipulate ca0ole seduce.)atred does those things !ecause !y naturehatred destroys and dominates in order to!uttress itselfG !ut there is no hatred in e.+or *'m *nEnite and hence >created.

    +or 3hoice depends on !elief and !elief is anexpression of loe ;3or;:(J. * &oe. *t's y'heart' and all of y 4ther nmade3haracteristics are 5xpressions 4f &oe. Beliefneer exists a!sent reason. Since * $4% *accurately know eerything so y &oe alwayshas ccurate ,eason to continue. But since

    you are not $od you don't know eerythingG solearning &oe means Erst !elieing -- whichrequires &earning ,eason. 2hich requires youchoose to learn. 2hich choosing y &oe willneer coerce.

    So you are created and you hae the option ofgoing y 2ay or.. any way you choose. >otice)ow * 3hoose 6o 6reat "ou &ike n 5qual >ot

    &ike n *nferior. &oe is like that. y Son is likethat. )e is $od and a uniquely-created )uman2ho !ecause )e &oes e chose to !ecomesuch a )uman. So o!iously )e doesn'tconsider inferiority degrading. >either shouldyou. >either do *. 3ontrary to popular opinion *


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    don't !eliee in degrading inferiority and allother manner of hate-e thinking the worldpromotes as 'holy'. *t's not y 6hinking >oty Belief so is %eEnitely >ot )oly. So is

    deEnitely not y 3hoice no matter how loudlyor how often the religious claim otherwise.6hey neer speak for e y Son or the )olySpirit. 6hey speak for Satan who chooses togo his way who !eliees in his way. >ot y2ay.

    Satan used to !e the chief among the

    angels with the honorary position of$uardian of y Son's 6hrone ,oomG !ut here!elled. )e didn't like y %%> %ecreesince it replaces the creature's thinkingwith the 3reator's thinking. *nEnity andEnity cannot hae a rapport a!sent thisreplacement cycling( the shortfall would !etoo painful for Enity so any alternatie

    would require Enity hae no free will or amanipulatedfree will. 6his * will neer do.>ot good to not !e $od. >ot good to nothae rapport with $od. So you must!ecome gods as saph wrote in IsC=(@which y Son quoted and explained to ahostile audience in Lohn ;.

    s a result of Satan's re!ellion a +ormal%iorce 6rial is ongoingG for this ostensi!lepurpose humanity was created. 6hat is thelarger historical !ackdrop for your lifedown here and why 3hurch has aBattleEeld ,oyalty role( the same contract


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    for %%> in *sa9:(;

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    simple instruction !ut y $oal is toprogress him to y &eel -- !ut only to theextent he consents. eanwhilecommandments and do's constitute your

    fallen-!rain's language( a re!ellion/hatredlanguage wired therefore to grasp do'sand works and religiosity. But thatlanguage is neer ine( Ay ways are notyour ways nor y 6houghts yourthoughtsA 7i.e. *sa99(C-O8. So y 2ay isnot re!ellion hatred. So y 2ay is notcoercion. 5en when * command

    something. fter all what is the +irst3ommandmentK &oe. )int hint.

    4f course Satan chooses to translate y2ord in his language so you will choose hisway and the world chooses his wayG sohumans Ragellate each other in the nameof 'loe'. *'m not AinA any of that. 6he

    world uses AloeA like a weapon meaninghatred is thus expressed. "our !iggesthintK *f AloeA is demanded then hatred isexpressed in the ery demand. So theworld hates e and y Son !y demanding* &4H5 it. 2hich * already proed * do Lohn:(;@ ,omans 9(C. 2hich almost no one!others to readG or if reading eeryonewho reads those erses then turns aroundand uses them to !ludgeon or preen. So y>ame and especially y Son's >ame isslapped onto their grotesque gargoyle-caricature of 'loe'( with eeryone preeningoer how altruistic he is. 2hich * am


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    demanded to reward of course. 2hichthen * must 'reward' with punishmentsince children need punishment when theya!use the +irst 3ommandment. 5lse they

    can neer learn anything )e!;=(@-;;.

    6he worst punishment is >46)*>$. +or *f 3hild *s "et nteacha!le By Iunishment *ust %o >othing. *f a child is outside yLurisdiction !ecause he has not !elieed iny Son then * ust %o >othing until thetime comes to delier %eath or 3alamity.

    +or cancerous thinking demands drasticsurgery for the sake of the !ody yetremaining which would !e too seerelyinfected.

    eanwhile y 2ord goes unread soalmost no one eer learns what &oe is. Somuch unread *srael kept on losing the2ord inside the 6emple oer and oer

    again( !ut of course who reads the 2ord tosee that 2arning IatternK 2ho teaches itsimportanceK So that history keeps onrepeating itself !ut in more dire fashionas the centuries unfold. So post-3rosshardly anyone has een wanted to read atranslation for nearly ;C centuriesG so ofcourse oer that time the $od-Breathed

    original-language texts * had orderedwritten during the entire ;9

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    his ego stroked !y ritual religion humanappro!ationG so y 2ord was 'hidden' forcenturies in eer-smaller quantities. Butthe meanwhile * nonetheless ordered

    presered what * had ordered written inthe original-language textsG y Sonenacted that preseration 7)e handles allthe physicals8G and a few !elieers in eachgeneration %*% want to learn e so *ordered that they get what they wanted.So they didG for &oe is like that. So tootoday( you can instead choose to grow I

    in y 2ay and in y &anguages -- at whichpoint you can !etter understand yeaning in y 2ord. $od's System is whatena!les you to grow up and really see the,eal e as you choose to use it. ySystem not the world's. "our choice yIower 5ph;. [See A$od's SystemA link atpagetop for details. *t's a fairly short

    summary presentation.#

    *n eery generation howeer there was atleast 4>5 !elieer who wanted to learn ySon's 6hinking enough to LS6*+"34>6*>*>$ that generation i.e. theroster in $en9G eery DO< years there wasat least 4>5 !elieer who wanted to learny Son's 6hinking enough to LS6*+"another grant of DO< years to the worldi!id and the 46 accounting systemproided to show who they wereG henceeery ;

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    6hinking enough to LS6*+" another grantof ;

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    to redeem *srael's remaining J years howthe remaining ;

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    minutes or ;5% kingly inheritances perthe contract clause in *sa9:(;= as y Sonexplained in Lohn ;D. y AhouseA is a ,oyal)ouse not a mere !uilding. 6he A,oyal!loodlineA is y Son's 6hinking. Ihysical!lood cannot think did not pay for sins. * I,5 6)4$)6. So y )ouse is a6hinking " 2". So the harest of )is

    6hinking is proceeding " 2" een whilethe world goes Satan's way.

    )ence the need for echanism MD so that youcan get y &oe and therefore !e 6ruly )appyas you 6ransform into y Son's 6hinking duringthis apprenticeship period you call AlifeA. +orthe +irst 3ommandment is impossi!le for youto 'do'. gain "ou 2ere >ot %esigned 6o &ie

    Solely 4n "our 4wn IowerG !ut instead onine. So it takes y Iower which is executed!y the )oly Spirit using )is 4wn Iower 6o5na!le "ou 6o &earn &oe ,omans 9(9;3or;(9;

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    'performance'K *f * wanted you to 'o!ey' the+irst 3ommandment as a 'performance' that'sas a married couple haing sex !ased onperformance. %o this do that. ake this moe

    get it oer with. 2hat couple en0oys ro!oticmoements which result in self !eing terri!lyinsecureK So what $od would want ritualisticro!otic religionK >o real $od. nd * 6)5,5& $4%. So is y Son. So is the )oly Spirit.2e will neer empower 'performance' !ut4>&" will empower &4H5. 6hat is the dierence!etween Satan's way and ine. Satan is all

    a!out performance so ego can preen. * haeneither ego nor emotion since * am !solute5xistence( )a"ah. 4nly Enity needs ego !odyand hence emotion *> the !ody 7not the soul8to aid soul appreciation. ll these weredesigned to function on " Iower formaximum rapport with e. So they are alldysfunctional apart from e Lohn ;9. +or * am

    ncreated( een as y Son and the )oly Spiritare ncreated.

    So * $4% your ,eal and ltimate &oing+ather 2ho 2ants 6o '3lone' y Son's 6hinking*n "ou Ier "our 5ery %iscrete 3onsent 6oake "ou &ike y Son. s a ,esult you will&oe. &oe e. +irst 3ommandment. &oe ySon. +irst 3ommandment and second. &oe the)oly Spirit =3or;:(;D thus !eing realied. 6his3hoice of ine to choose your choice is notconditioned upon any characteristic good or!ad in you( for your good isn't good enoughand your !ad isn't !ad enough for you are


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    hopelessly weltering in your !lood 5e;@(@.2hich 0ustiEes y 3loning y Son's 6hinking in"ou Ier 5ach Such 3onsent "ou ake to &ie iny System. But &oe neer coerces so you

    must consent for anything to !e done else *will 4rder a Luridical Separation. So if you wantseparation down here !ut not in eternity'ote' Lohn :(;@ !eliee in y Son's Iaymenton the 3ross which earlier were portrayeda!oe as echanisms M;-M:. So if you alsowant to !ecome 3&4>5% 3&4S5 to s !othdown here and in eternity -- unlike those who

    will choose only echanisms M;-M: which Lohn:(;@ accomplishes -- then choose echanismMD aka =Iet:(;C 5ph:(;9-;O 5phD(;;-;@ allia ;Ln;(O when you sin( that's y System for3loning )is 6hinking in you. "ou will !e asclose or as far away as you 'decree' !y "%ecree.

    Lust as oses did in $enesis ; and = Erstproiding an oeriew and then retelling thestory with speciEed emphases let's next gooer key portions of the a!oe explanationagainG let's also change the style of discourseand adance its focus adding moreinformation as well. 6hus you can a8 practice

    remem!ering and using what you'e 0ustlearned and !8 learn more. 6hat repetition-with-adancement is the liing style of thespiritual life and hence the writing style in the2ord * commissioned !e writtenG so that is thewriting style here. 6o recap and reEne what


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    *'e 0ust said here in more detail is y 5ternal4er to "ou courtesy of y Son(

    y ASonsA 4er y Iower y 2ork "our3hoice. +oreer.

    )ere * gae you the 2ay to choose e( the'mechanics' are simple. +or * gae you all ySon 2ho is also $od 0ust like eG so you!ecome a son of $od if you !ut 4>35 in yourlife !eliee in )im Lohn :(;@. 2hyK 6o fulEllthe contract * made with y Son 7as $od8 in

    eternity past ;6im=(9 and *sa9:(;$5% *> >6,5!ecause ia y Son you hae y 4wn %%>structure 7=3or9(;J=; Lohn :(;@ ;

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    D(=DG y ttri!utes are y 'Structure' and y6hought is the &*H*>$>5SS of y Being. )ence!ecause you immediately receie y 4wn%iine ,ighteousness imputed 7=3or9(=;8 andy 4wn 5ternal &ife imputed 7Lohn :(;@8 youare foreer among the Asons of $od in 3hristLesusA $alatians 3hapter : 5phesians ;-=)e!rews 3hapters ;-= J-; 3)4*35 * will neer create


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    what is !eyond the 'corridor' of yourconsent.

    2hich consent you gie eery moment you

    reside or refuse to reside in y System. nd eery moment you reside more %%>

    is !eing added to your soul to raise the,>N of your %%> so you can !e closermore compati!le with y Son 7i.e. AmenwAin wordplay with AmonaiA in Lohn ;D(=GAmenwA in Lohn ;9 ;Lohn -- ;Ln;(O !eingused and 5ph9(;CV5ph:(;9-;OV5phD(;;-;@

    operating8. 3ircumstances will alternate in intensity to

    gie your !urgeoning %%> the neededexerciseG so if you ,5 in y System andthings seem '!ad' remem!er what yserant Lames explained in Lames ;(;-;=G,omans C(;;-:=G and especially )e!;;(;;=(;-= 7$reek not translations8 -- which isthe 5>6*,5 ,5S4> why you are tested. 6oshow how y Son's 6hinking %%>oercomes all challenges in life.

    5ery moment you refuse i.e. ;Ln;(C;46 operating !ut rather5phD(:4 %%> is !eing addedG and what %%>you hae is !eing 5,4%5% since you are

    eectiely ,5L536*>$ && 4+ *6 so long asyou are in a state of sin. >otice carefullyhow the hypothetical person in ;Ln;(C;< is4,& self-righteous claiming to >46 sinor >46 hae sin. Sin is not merely the gross


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    kind society condemnsG the worst sin isself-righteousness Satan's sin. ;Lohnfocuses mostly on the self-righteous

    category of sins since that was thepro!lem faced !y !elieers post-Iaul'sexecution when religiosity skyrocketed in,ome. 7)ence the ,e;J warning a!outreligiosity too.8

    hat's why I must !"#I$H you, to %&$!&$&(& your DD#) erosion fromdestroying your essential *saved*

    structure. %ecause, +" #&(& -$& +"&& /I--.Lust !ecause * am $od and cando anything doesn't mean * will 5H5,gerrymander 6ruth. nd the truth is !eingin a state of sin ,5%35S your free-willoptions !ecause sin %5$,%5S the soul.6hink of !eing in a state of sin like canceror *%S( for those diseases analogouslydepict what sin does to the soul ifunchecked oer a prolonged period. 76hat'swhy hell exists also -- to keep +,55 2*&&open among those who neer once!elieed in y Son. 5xamine the insanely-eroded thinking pattern of the poor richman in )ades' 6orments &uke ;@(=

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    So( if you keep on refusing you will gothrough a period of eer-increasing %iine%iscipline roughly analogous to the

    personal-0udgement clauses in &eiticus =@and %eut =CG if you N55I 4> refusing youwill eentually suer capital punishment7;Ln9(;@8. eanwhile you will H5," 3)>46 &*N5 your time AoutA.

    *f you are !eing punished !ut do >46 N>42you are hurting and you ,5 in a state of;Ln;(C;46 2*S) to !e in that state and donot mistake it for !eing 'spiritual'. 6hinkinstead of it !eing like hospice where notreatment can Ex your disease except*5%*65 use of ;Ln;(O and *5%*65residence in y System. 3alm !efore thestorm...

    But again no matter how seerely yourefuse een if you were another Ludas 7whohad once !elieed in y Son for salation8you 3>>46 lose your salationG for it isnot conditioned on your own merit !utsolely y Son's( as per the contract of*sa9:(;; 7especially the &?? text8.

    +or * am Iure *nEnite 6hought and Iersonality*mmaterial and *nEnite. So y '%>' y %iine%> aka A%%>A.. is Iure %iine 6hought.2hich thought is always 6rue. &oing. )ence,ighteous. +aithful. ,eal. ccurate.4mniscient. 4mnipotent. 5t cetera( none of y


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    3haracteristics are 5H5, diorced from eachother so y Soereignty is alwayscharacteried !y && of y 4ther ttri!utesand therefore is always 646&&" +,55. +or *

    am >created hence >sustained !y anyexternal 'force'. +or * didn't make yself*nEnitely Ierfect. * 0ust . So it's impossi!lefor anyone to make himself good enough fore. *t's also impossi!le for anyone to aecte so if * choose to 'condition' " 3hoice onanother's choice -- which !eing &oe * alwaysdo -- that is not a 'surrender' of y Soereignty

    or +reedom !ut rather an 5?5,3*S5 of y*nEnite +reedom.

    So * lifted the Stone which was too heay tolift 7)e!rew AdakahA in *sa9:(9; contract with ySon 2ho is lso $od. nd through that * makeyou a son of $od from that Erst nanosecond

    you Erst 'o!ey' Lohn :(;@. Lust as y Son toldyou all when )e was down here in )is)umanity. SBL536 64 "4, 34>S5>6. 2hichwill not 'hurt' e in any way if you refuse.2hich will hurt you plenty if you refuse sinceto refuse e cannot !e anything B6 sin todo. >ow you know why * so assiduously warnmankind ia 6he Book * ordered written a!outA!eliee or !urnA. 6hat's 0ust the truth thesame for e y Son the )oly Spirit.. as foryou. %ierence is 2e are 5ach *nEnite sothere will neer B5 a 'moment' when 2e willwant to sin. But you hae so you need to !erescued( AsalationA in $reek is AsooA and


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    should !e Erst translated ArescueA. 4f coursethat's y Son's )uman >ame in )e!rew("eshua Salation. %elierance. ,escue. 2hichis why you must !eliee *> )is >ame 7Ierson8

    to B5 saed.

    )ence Lohn :(;@. fter that you still need to!e rescued from all that !ad wiring youinherited from dam's fall ,om9(;= and;3or;9(==. %%> !eing successiely depositedin you while you reside in y System willaccomplish the ,5S6 of your rescue ,om9(9

    C(D. s much or as little added rescue as youchoose. 5ternal consequences likewise o!tainif you refuse !ut you 3>>46 lose yoursalation. *nstead the eternal consequencesconcern whether you will !e a spiritual !a!yforeer 7relatiely speaking8 -- or mature kingunder y Son the Ning of Nings 7AIleromaA in$reek8. 6he more %%> you hae !uilt in you

    ia the Spirit in y System the morespiritually-mature you will !ecome. *t can takedecades or een a few years to grow that fardepending on your leel of interest and howyou respond or react to what you are learning."our choice -- as always.

    gain thought of any kind is clona!le in ahearing recipient. %iine 6hought is inEnitely

    clona!le. "ou read the words here and they,5I&*365 in your head yet remain on thepage. So y Son's 6hinking 2as Built Hia6hought Being 6aught. y 6hought. %%>.2hich is why )e was a!le to S6" S*>&5SSeen while * ade )im Sin =3or9(=;. Because


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    * would neer sin $ien 2hat * Nnow. So )ewould neer sin gien what )e 2as $ien 6oNnow een when unfairly imputed and 0udgedwith all mankind's sins. Because )e wanted to

    make a $*+6 of %%> to e out of all thathorriEc imputation and 0udgement which $iftof course * foreer see 7as )e does as theSpirit does since 2e 5ach are also $od8.

    So you will 3)>$5 if you learn what )elearned. So you 3>>46 5H5, com!at sin ifyou do >46 learn. "ou will only hallucinate you

    are successful against sin like the straw-manin ;Ln;(C;< 7and passim throughout the restof Lohn's letter since that is one of its ma0orsu!themes8.

    +or een " S4> could not hae successfullydefeated sin 5?35I6 through what )e learnedin y System )e!;=(= )e!9(C-O. )ence theeternity-past contract to make sons from y

    Son which * had my serant *saiah wittilyannounce in *sa9:(;

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    $od )e could do anything. But )e will neercoerce.

    So when thoughts strike youG when you hae

    any need or issue to addressyou can instantly 5?3)>$5 your 'normal'

    thought 7or reaction8 for more %%>!y instead liing 4> the 2ord( )is 6hinking.

    Lust as )e did >%5, the )oly Spirit's Iower.+or the Spirit said A&ight Be1A in $enesis ;(:.So )e wants &ight to B5 in you *sa9:(;; 7&??8.

    But )e will neer coerce.So playing the role of 'om' as in $en ;(=7rahaph !rooding hen8

    )e 2ills to make your own Atohu wa !ohuA intoSon's 2ord&ight.

    )e 2ills to make %%> eery time you want an5?3)>$5 to occur

    if you are in $od's System at that moment.

    5ery moment. nd )e will neer 'repent' )isdecision ,om9(9.

    So you do not need to settle for an inferior lifedown here either. "ou can 5xchange it all for%%> no matter what you seem to !e in theeyes of the world. >o matter what yourcircumstances. gain * don't like lesser-thansand if * was willing to make y Son Sin so )e

    could !e +illed p with ll %%> -- an election)e made -- then * am willing to Ell you up with%%> as well no matter what your life seemsto !e 'making' you.


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    Big hint( now you know why !ram andoses didn't elect to hae some Rashy life!ut instead essentially wandered a!out asif mere itinerantsG why y Son didn't elect

    Satan's Rashy oer of all the kingdoms ofthe worldG why all those witnesses in)e!rews ;; were willing to suer thoughthey did not Areceie the promiseA as thewriter of )e!rews explains. 6hey alreadyconsidered themseles to hae something!etter( can you guess 2hoK 6hey weren'tcray you know. 6hey weren't masochists

    you know. nd you should know that *would neer make y Son sin -- if itwouldn't !eneEt )im the most. ,ulershipisn't a !ig !eneEt compared to %%>compati!ility. )e was already ,uler of5erything in )is 4wn ,ight you know.,ulership is a !urden you grow to &oesolely due to enough %%>. 5lse it's

    intolera!le. +or no one in his right mindwould en0oy ruling lesser-thans due to the*>compati!ility.

    5rgo( you must !e learning and liing on 2ordin y System -- accept no su!stitutes -- asoften and as much as possi!le. &ike y Sondid. 2hether you are in the !athroom or the!allroom. 2hether you are an axe-murderer or

    acting 3hief of Sta. 2hether you are insick!ed or in a gilded house. )uman limitationsdo not limit e and they did not limit )isIayment on the 3ross. )umans auntthemseles oer each other !ut nothinghuman counts with e *sa@D(@ ,omans D(;-9.


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    >othing that is except y Son's 6hinking in)is )umanity *sa9:(;; 7!oth $od-!reathedtexts8. So && your human limitations can !eexchanged for >4 limitations !y sing y

    2ord on them. 6hen for as many moments asyou wish you will truly emulate y Son. 6hatwas )is 3hoice. 6hat was )is 3hoice for you. Sothat is now "our potential 3hoice so long asyou are still !reathing down here.

    *t will please e no end to see you5?3)>$*>$ whateer other thinking youcould choose for %%>. 6he foolish

    preoccupations of the world with its falserespect for forms !ut not su!stanceG fortones-of-oice and political correctness!ut neer $,35G for punctiliaro!serances costing !illions of hours anddollars !ut >46 4>5 S534>% reallyreading the Sacred 2ord in the original-languages the )oly Spirit )imself !reathed

    into y Son. 4h the list could go on andon with the nod-to-$odders who polish uptheir patent leathers !ut leae in disarray$od; -- potentially depending upon howyou grow and how many others 7diidingup the pie always depends on who growswho doesn't in a generation8. 6hat thought

    pleases e no end( Athe Stone the !uildersre0ected has !ecome the )ead of thecornerA( Is;;C(== interpretatiely quotedEe ways in the >6 so you can see its astS34I5. +or you are a Stone to !e copied on-- with y Son's 6hinking %%>1


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    3onsider the exchange of %%> forthinking the way the world does as theconsummate racquet!all game ormarathon race 7the latter is the analogy in

    )e!rews ;=(;-='s $reek8. *ncoming non-$od thought1 et !y %%> thought1aking captiity captie !ringing eerythought into captiity to 3hrist's 4wn6hinking =3or ;thinking 'matches' and plays on theincoming non-$od thoughtK 4oohh here'sa temptation to anger.. why not meet it

    with remem!rance how all !ad stu gotpaid for = thinking you are learning in y


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    System1 6hat's what Iaul constantly didand that's why =6imD(J-C is his testimony.2hich the )oly Spirit made happen in him.2hich that Same )oly Spirit did to 3hrist.

    2hich that Same )oly Spirit can do to youas often as you want to 'play'.

    I&" with the %%> you are learning in ySystem. I&" with y Son's 6hinking. "ouare By y 3hoice the star of your ownmoie. Ilaying eer !efore 5 since youare a ,oyal Iriest under y Son foreer

    ;Iet=(9OG ,e;(@ ,e9(;

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    known only in a ague card!oard-y way.nd you will !e hurting as you growspiritually discoering what a wastehuman ideas are. 2hat once was satisfying

    to you will !ecome too small. +or you areliing on %iine Standards and the humanones well.. register accurately for whatthey are *sa@D(@. So you will haepressure to which you'll succum! !ecauseit's a pleasant or unpleasant pressuresince the !ody is a slae to feeling 7due todam's sin8. Lust use ;Ln;(O and keep on

    keeping on in y System. *t's the 4lympic$ame of 4lympic $ames as Iaulfrequently quips in the $reek of what *gae him to write. So AagoniomaiAtraining for those $ames is what you aredoingG then you enter into the $amesthemseles and you will suer quite a lottoward the end.

    But then so did y Son. A+ellowship of )isSueringsA Iaul calls it in Ihili:(;

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    why attD is so deastating. "et gie intoits works temptations hourly. * am*nisi!le so what's inisi!le is always thegreater.

    So !eware making a atthew-D-type'religion' out of getting this %%>( forthen you will hae &5+6 y System. Satanloes religion and that's what the stupid6ree of the Nnowledge of $ood and 5ilwas. 6he 5den couple thought they'd!ecome as smart as $od if they ate it --

    with no excuse for y Son met them dailyexplaining eerything -- competition withy Son is not pleasing to e. Butcompetition to !ecome like the ost )ighfor the sake of the ost )igh -- 2ho liesfor e -- is true challenge true ictory.6hat's why 2e as $od all throw ourselesdown !efore the 6ruth Is;:C(=!.

    5specially y Son. 2ho played with 6ruth-- aka %%> -- )is 5ntire &ife down here.5n0oy without money and without price as*saiah puts it in *sa99. +ood of the 2ordattD(D. So you will neer go hungry.

    So don't !other with lesser-thans( see5phesians 3hapters ;-= )e!rews 3hapters ;-=if you hae any dou!ts *'d eer !e satisEed

    with anything less than y Son's &eel of6hinking. 2hich Same 6hinking * can haeBuilt *n "ou nd Iurposed 6o %o So Before "ou2ere Born 5ph=(;otice that *onic datie ofpurpose in that erse( B*&6 4> " S4>. "


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    S4>. " S4>. " S4>. " 24,NS +4, "S4>.

    *on of course was the $reek-mythical half-god half-human founder of all the $reek

    Sea Ieoples a Etting allegory for the 6rue+ounding of all mankind on y Son. So the)oly Spirit had Iaul use that myth in wittyparallelism to show " Superior Begetting!eginning with the dramatic opening in5phesians ;. 6hen going to 5phesians =he parallels how *on was a temple slae inhis 'father' Ihoe!us pollo's 'house' not

    knowing his real identity until at the endof the play 7when the god comes to rescuedeus ex machina8 he meets his mother3reusa and the whole story comes out.3hastened Ihoe!us pollo sends thenato announce that as contrition all the$reek Sea Ieoples will !e descended from*on. Iaul parallels that plot deftly in

    5phesians showing how the end of the,eal Ilay 4f &ife is the defeat ofSatanU3o. if !elieers who are founded on3hrist actually learn )im. 6hat's " Systemof Iropagating y Son( %%>. 6he readersof the epistle who weren't merely the5phesians 7it was a circular letter8 got thefull analogy since the $reek was so wittily

    written. nd they knew they were notfounded !y some mythical snake-god 7A*onAmeans enom a euphemism for semen8 --!ut !y y Seed contracted since eternitypast *sa9:(;

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    So you are founded on y Son. >ot onman's works. 6he words epi ergoisagathois can only refer to )4 6)54S at theone end and 5> 3),*S64* at the other end

    -- people aren't een *> the sentenceexcept as recipient quasi-passie suPxesappended to er!s $od %oes 6o 6hem andat the !eginning and ending of the erseG!ut the erse's 3enter is y Son and y2ork on )is Behalf in eternity past tyingto the 3ontract of *sa9:(;'6 2>6 "4, 24,NS. )owmany times must * say it to the human


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    raceK %o they neer read y 2ordK %othey neer think a!out its meaningK 6elle how * can make it plainer( 2orks didn'texist until dam sinned and the +irst

    6hing )e %id 2as 2ork. atthew D'stemptations are to do works. *sn't themeaning clear een in translationsK Satandidn't tempt y Son to get drunk or hae achippie or knock o some potentate7except to !ait y Son into using )is %eityto ap Satan for !lasphemy :rd6emptation8. Satan used works as the

    ostensi!le '!ase' of temptation. >ote thatwell.

    $enesis :(9 the temptation to eat theNnowledge of $ood and 5il was a 2orks6emptation. So when the 5den couple 65that fruit what did they doK 2orks1+igleaes1 nd so mankind has !een

    sewing eer since. nd so $al@(J applies.Sow to the wind 7emptiness8 reap the6ornado. e. %iine %iscipline )e!;=(@-;;.4N( now what did * do wrongK %id * notmake it plain enoughK $ird your loins andanswer e like a man1 2ell Lo! wouldn'tdo that when y Son put the sameproposition to him 7Lo!:C(: Dot ;3or=(;9.So >ot 2orks. $et itK

    6he translators of 5ph=(;< did >46 get it.So in translation 5ph=(;< looks like worksyou are supposed to do. Satan's way is to


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    'translate' y 2ord to make it into hisword. y 2ord doesn't need translation *presered it in the original 'tongues' andthe )oly Spirit can 653) you how to read

    those 'tongues'. 6hat is the holy 'tongue'you are to learn from )im. >o other. >oone knows the things of $od !ut the Spiritinestigates all the things of $od. So learnfrom )im in y System. >o other.

    ,5I56( * don't want lesser-thans for ll2orks re &ess 6han * 3an '%o' *n &ess 6han

    >anosecond's 2ill1 So * don't credit them. But* do credit prayer prayed according to the 6rial,oyal Irotocol. 7See M9 in $odSystem.8 So noworks there( and you can pray >"6)*>$ iny Son's >ame 0ust as )e promised !ack inLohn ;D(;:-;D. %oesn't matter how well youthink of yourself "ou are *n y Son So "ou)ae 6his 4Pce +oreer ntainted. "ou can't

    pray at all as an un!elieer !ecause you aretoo &42. Because * don't want lesser-thansonly as a !elieer you can pray to e if you arein y System for you are foreer *> y Son(thus you hae the 4Pce of ,oyal Iriest andy ,ighteousness. But if you aren'tfunctioning in y ,oyal System * won't listento you( een if you gae all you had to charityetc. Because * don't want lesser-than-y-Standard and in y Son you are of )isStandard 5ph=(;

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    System een were you are an axe-murderer *will hear you. +or you are >46 then murderingy 2ordG whereas the ma0ority of the 'moral'!elieers do. %aily. 6heir prayers go no higher

    than the ceiling. gain * don't settle for lesser-thans nor do * settle for lesser-thanStandards( )im. >either need you settle forless( works is &5SS 6)>. oid works.

    s you can tell as "our ,eal and ltimate+ather * can adopt a ranting-and-raing styleto show '+atherhood' similar to how Lames

    explains the )oly Spirit's pursuing you withloe 7true meaning of epipothew thus alludingto Is=:(@G !ut Lames D(9 is always!lasphemously mistranslated8. >otice how * amnot at all shy to express withering sarcasmwhen warranted. y Son wasn't shy eitherthough the translations fu oer )is ,eal2ords. ,ead what y )oly Spirit had the

    $ospel writers write in the original languagesand you'll see.

    $odness is not dullG Erst * spoke to you the wayyou expected a 'father' to speakG now * speakto you more intimately. +or * am all Iersonalitynot a stereotype. oreoer 0ust !ecause * canwill anything * choose does not mean * chooseto will any ol' thing. But * willed your existence.

    Because * "4, +6)5,. "our 'other' isLust as uch $od the )oly Spirit and "our&ord is y Son the &ord Lesus 3hrist. 2echoose these Su!ordinations due to &4H5.2hich &oe you are free to learn or re0ect asyou choose.


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    >ow let's recap a third time arying again theinformation presented adding information. +orhumans need repetitionG each repetition

    slightly aries so coneys new insight. 6o wit( !eliee in y Son Lohn :(;@G that

    gies you the !asic %%> y,ighteousness 7=3or9(=;8 and eternal life7Lohn :(;@ again8 two of y ttri!utes!oth of which go to a human spirit the )olySpirit makes at that ery moment 6it:(9.+or * am pure 6)4$)6 so y *mmaterial

    nature can !e replicated and cycling eeninside Enity !y means of 6hought. 6hisreplication is under contract the Ee &??inEnities of *sa9:(;

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    commissioned !e written ia the )olySpirit in Scripture. " Scripture. >otsomeone else's. 5n0oy exchanging yourown thoughts for )is. 5n0oy growing in

    rapport with )im and therefore with s.%elight thyself in fatness *sa991

    But * won't coerce you. * get what * wantand * don't want lesser-thansG !ut * alsodon't want to coerce. So you get what youwant and what you want of e you willget. So take care to !e informed of whatyou want from e for eery second you

    !reathe you choose or re0ect somethinga!out e. e not religion. e not people.e not the world. +irst 3ommandment asy serant Lohn explained in ;Lohn and the$ospel the )oly Spirit gae him to write.

    )oweer if you only want e a little !itthen !eliee in y Son Lohn :(;@ andafterwards forget it. * will remem!er and

    rescue you to ')eaen' 7etc.8 foreer whenyour !ody dies( AsalationA. nd you willhappily lie with y Son foreer though ifmerely AsaedA you won't !e close to )im."ou'll need to learn )is 6hinking Iattern toget closer to )imG for compati!ilitydepends on like-mindedness whereassalation solely depends on )is Iayment.

    So you can't lose AsalationA eer. y Sonpaid for it all Lohn ;

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    )oly Spirit ia the 2ord as then reealedGthus y Son's )umanity was transmutedinto %%> making )im !ecome the 2aythe 6ruth and the &ifeG all this the Ee &??

    inEnities of *sa9:(;

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    anything for e and the osaic &awproed that 7though ery few listen8.Because * don't like lesser-thansG all sin ispetty 0ust as religion is petty since religion

    is the father of sin $en:(9 LnC(DDaccounting its moements and hardshipsas if they desered something from $od.>othing could !e more arrogant thanreligion in any form. *f you do not wish to!e cursed aoid religion like the plague itis. Satan uses religion to curse and * mustpunish it also. ,eligion is empty so reaps

    emptiness $al@(J. So that's why y Son "5,>5% to pay for

    all mankind 7&uke ==(;9 ;=(9

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    notice * gae the entire planet an extraDO< years of life so it could last longenough !etween >oah and !ram!ecoming !,hamK So what do you

    think * do now since y Son is Seatedand ,ulingK >ow that what >oah and!,ham couldn't een know eery!elieer on the planet now can knowfullyK 2hy do you think Iaul wrote ofthe pre-3anon period as AchildishA;3or;:(;

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    diorce also and are earnestlycontesting for your agreement withtheir choice which is why Satanpersonally inented religion for the

    human race in $en:(9. 6hey will end upin hell 7called the A&ake of +ireA !ythen8 att=9(D;. 6heir 3hoice. Sosee( you hae two sides two choicesand your life down here is constantly achoosing of one side or the other 0ustas it was in $enesis =-:. So seeK Sindidn't stop e and it needn't stop you.

    "our choice from which 6ree( y Son's3ross or that ol' 6ree of the Nnowledgeof $ood and 5il Satan's su!stituteErst fruits.

    "ou decide then what you want. nd restassured you will get what you want(attJ(;-= is a general principle not merely

    a rule for the sin of 0udging. "ou will !emirrored !ack Is;C(=9 4!a;(;9 kD(=D.So !e careful what you want. *'ll keepwarning you from time to time if thechoice you're making isn't in your !estinterest.

    But * will neer coerce you or do punypony tricks( $od is not dog that he

    should saliate wag or chase his tail.$od doesn't do nor does )e eerauthorie cheap hallucinogenic!uoonery( like make a statue cry thesun turn !ackwards 'miraculous' !utamateurish artwork on highway


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    underpasses cheese sandwiches ortortillas. $od doesn't speak in oicesand neer authories anyone less to doso either( ary's !usy haing fun in

    heaen and has neer 'appeared' toanyone down here. >either has anyangel since Lohn's ision on Iatmos.nd no one in y System eer doescircus tricksG !ut eeryone in Satan'ssystem specialies in all manner ofseductie ploys. +or * am a0estic notmagic. agic is for lesser-thans like

    SatanU3o. and all who foolishly listento them. *f you read your Bi!le you'dknow all this and wouldn't !e fooled.

    So !ecause * don't like lesser-thans *will neer treat you as a lesser-than(y Son's 3ross Iayment makes you>46 lesser-than !ut a son of $od

    $al:(=@-D(J. So you decide what youwant like an adult son one who hastaken the toga irilis ark;D(:@,omC(;9 $alD(@. +or that is how * willtreat you so long as you lie downhere. +or what happened to )im )eprayed happen to you Lohn ;J. nd *lways )onor y Son. 5en so * willhonor you. +or A$od is &oeA and)onor is the highest expression of itIhili=(9-;ot anyone else. nd then you really


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    do fulEll the +irst 3ommandment. s a resultof which y Ileasure will oerRow to all yourperiphery doing far more works than you caneen imagine 5ph:(=