gold coast tweed seniors newspaper april 2012

Gold Coast / Tweed Newspaper Vol 12. - Issue No.3 APRIL 2012 1300 880 265 FREE Your Award Winning Seniors’ Newspaper - Written for Seniors by Seniors 5599 3305 5599 3305 5599 3305 5599 3305 15 years friendly local service Discounts for Seniors Knitting for charity and for fun MAI Belogamba’s Tweed Heads home bustles with happy activity each week when like- minds gather to knit - and knit and knit and knit - for charity, and for fun. With the click of knitting needles stopping only long enough for a quick morning tea and a by Donna Mroz Turcic light lunch, usually between 12-16 ladies (with room for more) meet at Mai’s welcoming residence to create quality items that are then distributed to hospitals, nursing homes, ambulance centres, women’s refuges, pathology and oncology units, doctors surgeries and a local police station. Continued on Page 2

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Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012


Page 1: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Gold Coast / Tweed


Vol 12. - Issue No.3 APRIL 2012 1300 880 265 FREEYour Award Winning Seniors’ Newspaper - Written for Seniors by Seniors

5599 33055599 33055599 33055599 3305

15 years friendly local service

Discounts for


Knitting for charity and for fun

MAI Belogamba’s Tweed Heads home bustles with happy activity each week when like-minds gather to knit - and knit and knit and knit - for charity, and for fun.With the click of knitting needles stopping only long enough for a quick morning tea and a

by Donna Mroz Turcic light lunch, usually between 12-16 ladies (with room for more) meet at Mai’s welcomingresidence to create quality items that are then distributed to hospitals, nursing homes,ambulance centres, women’s refuges, pathology and oncology units, doctors surgeries anda local police station.

Continued on Page 2

Page 2: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 2 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012


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Editorial: 1300 880 265Email: [email protected]

Advertising:Debbie McGrath:(07) 5530 2928

Email: [email protected]:

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Changing Lives


AT the direction of Margaret, (who Angus refers to her as ‘The Light of MyDarkness’!) he placed his advertising in the Brisbane Seniors Newspaper.Angus said “We were honestly overwhelmed with the personal service wereceived-no help desk in southern India here, rather a truly friendly local. Itwas all so easy! The result of the advertising in Brisbane Seniors Newspa-per has been way beyond our expectations so much so that we have in-creased our advertising to include the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coasteditions.”Sixteen years ago the price of a Garden Room (ground floor with kitchenfacilities) was $75 per night at Clouds of Montville. This current SeniorsPackage directed at Seniors Card holders equates to $95 per night includinga cooked breakfast each morning for two ! If you want to enjoy a wonderfulstay in the beautiful Sunshine Coast hinterland you will find it hard to beatthis very special package! To reserve your accommodation call Angus orMargaret at Clouds of Montville on (07) 5442 9174. A great offer forbusinesses seeking advertising that works! Sunshine Coast SeniorsNewspaper and its sister publications Brisbane Seniors and Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors can deliver great advertising results like Clouds of Montvillehas received. If you want to increase sales from the Seniors market, pick upthe phone and call Michelle from Seniors Newspapers on (07) 5493 1368 nowand she will show you how to direct the ever increasing seniors market toyour business. You don’t have to pay an arm and a leg for advertising to getresults. Seniors Newspapers have cost effective advertising packages tosuit all budgets.

Clouds of Montville’s advertisingmakes their phone run hot!!

Angus and Margaret of Clouds of Montville decided tointroduce a special Seniors Package earlier this year tothank the many retirees and ‘grey nomads’ who have

supported them over the last 16 years.

Knitting for charity and for funContinued from Page 1THE donations assist theill, the lonely, the sad, theneedy; the traumatised,the frightened of all ages,from babies onwards.The range of knittedcreations varies almostas much as those who arehelped by the group’sgenerosity. TraumaTeddies for children topthe list but just asimportant are beanies foryoungsters suffering hairloss from cancer; bootiesand other pieces ofclothing for prematurebabies; children’sjumpers and cardigans;colourful toy rabbits; bed

socks and jackets; throwrugs and handy clotheshangers. Items are alsodonated by knittersunable to join-in at Mai’shome; knitting from theirown homes. DorothyDaniels, 93, now ofAdelaide but formerly ofTweed area, is one suchknitter who regularlysends parcels of bootiesback to the group fordistribution.In amongst all the actionat Mai’s, a tablecentrepiece ‘greendragon’ plays animportant role because,without its contents, theknitting group couldn’tcontinue in the way itdoes. The green dragon,in reality, is a coin box intowhich each knitterdeposits $2.50 weekly,with each $2 put towardsthe purchase of wool(though public donationsof wool would besincerely appreciated)and each 50 cents puttowards birthday cakesand Christmascelebrations for groupmembers.And speaking ofbirthdays, the age rangeof those knitting groupmembers pictured is 76 toMai’s spritely 91, thoughall ages are welcome.(Mai, front centre, sitting

agilely on the floor, is aformer acrobat and wildanimal trainer who alsowas schooled in classicalballet, but that’s a wholeother story waiting to betold.) Included in thephoto (far right) is Mai’s

energetic sister JoseGarnett who, at 86-yearsyoung, is the baby of hersiblings which includesbrother Vincent. Sorry tobe missing from the photois Betty Seycombe, 93,who hopes to return to

the group soon. Anyonewishing more informationabout these remarkableknitters (who are willingto teach others to knit)can contact dedicatedorganiser Jose on (07)5536-5951.

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April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 3


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Life drawing attracts crowd

PAPUA New GuineaKokoda veteran BenMoide will be the specialinternational guest of the2012 Rotary KokodaMemorial Walk on theGold Coast in April.85-year-old Moide foughtwith the Papuan InfantryBattalion and is one ofPNG’s few survivingWorld War II veterans.His visit for the SundayApril 22nd communityevent is thanks to thegenerosity of Air Niuginiand the Hilton SurfersParadise who will fly andaccommodate the FuzzyWuzzy Warrior for hisfour-day visit.This year is the 70th anni-versary of the Kokodacampaign in which Benfought alongside Austra-lian troops to success-fully repel the attempted1942 Japanese invasion ofour shores.He has visited the GoldCoast three times since2005, the last time beingfor the dedication and

opening of the RotaryKokoda Memorial Wall in2008.“Ben has been a friend ofthe Walk for many yearsand it’s great that AirNiugini and Hilton Surf-ers Paradise have madehis visit possible,” saidWalk founder and RotaryClub of SouthportBroadwater spokesmanGeorge Friend.“It wouldn’t have beenable to happen otherwise.“Walk Patron and WWIIKokoda veteran BillBellairs will also be along,joined by fellow 39th Bat-talion Kokoda Veteran JimStillman.“They will be on hand atCascade Gardens tomingle with the walkersand to autograph GoldCoast City CouncilKokoda Memorial Wallbooklets, which will be atreasured memento of thisyear’s Walk,” he said.Mr Friend said the Walkroute has been shortenedthis year and there will be

more focus on commemo-rative and educationalactivities at the CascadeGardens finish area.“Past events have in-cluded a leg fromCanungra to Broadbeach,but we decided this yearto encourage more fami-lies and corporate socialclubs to be involved byhaving the Walk cover theshorter 10 kilometre dis-tance from Metricon Sta-dium at Carrara to Cas-cade Gardens.“It will be led this year byTSS cadets who will carrythe banner of the famous39th Battalion and wewould hope that manyhundreds of people willtake part. “At Cascade Gardens theAB Paterson school choirwill perform and there willbe guided tours and talksat the Kokoda MemorialWall.“And the timing of the2012 event is ideal forthose wanting to delivertheir own special ANZAC

tribute. “For the manypeople who would like tomarch on ANZAC Day,but are ineligible or un-able to for whatever rea-son, this shortened Ro-tary Kok-oda MemorialWalk provides an idealopportunity for a personalcommemoration,” he said.People wishing to walkfrom Carrara Stadium toCascade Gardens can reg-ister on the day at thecost of a single note do-nation.Alternatively, registrationinformation can be down-loaded from the GoldCoast City Council’swebsite at or in-tending participants canphone SouthportBroadwater Rotary on0417 620 516.

The Lioness Club of Southport Inc

QCWA Southport BranchTHE Southport Branch of the Q.C.W.A is holding their annual Floral Art &Photography competition on Tuesday 10th April from 10am. Competition entriesfrom the general public are welcome. Even if you’re not entering, come along tothe Q.C.W.A Hall on the corner of Young and Garden Streets, Southport for agreat day out. There will be entertainment, a florist demonstration, raffles, prizesand more for just $10, including morning tea and lunch. For further informationplease contact Carol on 0412 173 459.

Fuzzy Wuzzy Warriorspecial guest at Kokoda Memorial Walk

IT’S not every day that Demeter, Greek goddess of the harvest and fertilityof the earth, makes an appearance at the Broadwater Parklands atSouthport, especially in the company of an artistically-mad professorwho speaks only in mime and a red-nosed clown who loves standing onhis head, but it happened during the Gold Coast Arts Festival.And to ensure that the occasion was recorded for posterity, the professor(horizontal, front centre), with clown’s assistance, directed a number ofpassersby, including the creative group pictured, in life drawing classesthat saw the statue-like Demeter come to life through charcoal sketches.

WILL be holding a Fashion Parade, at the Coast Guard, Marine Parade Southport.Fashions supplied by Casbah Fashions on Saturday 28th April. Entry is $10.00which includes afternoon tea. Raffles and lucky door prize will also be on offer.Bookings are essential. Phone Lions Judy 5577 3107 or Anne 5528 9698, Hope tosee you there. For your Diary. Our Biggest Morning Tea is on Friday 25th May at5 Hyacinth Ave Hollywell.

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TWENTY years ago,aged 51, Colin Oxenfordhad a major stroke. Inthe hope of giving otherstroke survivorsencouragement andsupport, the following,in part, is Colin’s story.“My first encounter withstroke was in January1991 when visiting myparents in Southport. Onthe evening before I wasto return to Melbourne, Isuddenly felt funny inthe head, as if drunk andunable to speak coher-ently.The next morning ourdoctor suggested theprobability of stroke. Fitand healthy apart fromhigh blood pressure, Iwas shattered. An MRI(Magnetic ResonanceImaging) scan confirmedthe prognosis. I couldnot fly to Melbournethat day.Twelve months on.Again I was inSouthport when my dadhad a stroke at home. Hedied in hospital fivehours later. My return toMelbourne was delayedonce more.Two months passedwhen, after my morningshower, my head feltfunny; I was very dizzybefore collapsing.Violently ill, I could notmove and had nospeech. My mothercalled an ambulance.Knowing I had suffereda stroke, I could onlythink of the short timemy father had lived afterhis stroke.About 2:00pm, a GoldCoast Hospital doctortold me I would bemoved to an upstairsward. I then knew I wasgoing to live.In the upstairs eight-person ward I had tocontend with loss ofmobility in my left armand leg; the inability toeat or drink, and loss ofspeech.My first night washorrendous. Luckily, thenext day I was given myown room. Withoutspeech, I used writtencommunication. Stillparalysed, every twohours I was turned. Withphysiotherapist assis-tance, I was able tostand and take a fewsteps. Told I had goodbalance, time and mucheffort were the keys tobeing able to walk again.After about two weeks Iwas transferred to theRehabilitation Unit ofGold Coast Hospital.This was when the hardwork started.Physiotherapy andspeech therapy rehabili-tation happened everyweekday for over two

Living life after stroke

Colin Oxenford is pictured by his car

months. Instead ofresting after lunch aswas expected, I wouldrequest more rehabilita-tion sessions, notrealising that too muchexercise was consideredharmful.After nearly threemonths in Gold CoastHospital I was finallytold I would be able togo home to see how Icoped. As I had hadgreat difficulty eatingafter my stroke, I askedmy mother to take meout for good steak onmy first weekend home.After discharge from theRehabilitation Unit, Icontinued therapy as anoutpatient for aboutthree months. It wasduring this time thatspeech therapist AnitaAdam started groupspeech therapy sessionsthat assisted greatly inhelping us return toeveryday living.From these sessions theGold Coast Stroke

Support Group (GCSSG)was formed, meeting inSouthport’s St Peter’sAnglican ChurchUndercroft (cnr Nerangand High Streets) since1997. Meetings are heldthe first Wednesdaymonthly (exceptJanuary), 11am to12:30pm, providing aforum for specialists inthe area of stroke, aswell as informationsharing amongstattendees.My mother, Doris, now97, was my carer aftermy stroke. She herselfhad a TIA (a mini stroke)in 2002. Our roles werereversed when I becameher carer, which I still amtoday.My contact details are:Colin Oxenford, 5531-3254; mobile 0400 849573; email:[email protected]. For a full transcriptof this story, please”

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April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 5


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EXTENDED TOURS 2012BRIGHT & GREAT OCEAN RD .......... 23 April-7MayON THE FARM AT CHERRABAH.......... 23 – 25 MayESCAPE TO HERVEY BAY .......................... 5 -8 JunIPSWICH GETAWAY ................................. 21-22 JulCARNARVON GORGE........................... 15 – 21 AugCARNIVAL OF FLOWERS ..................... 21 -23 SepMELB. CUP IN ‘GUNDY’ .......................... 5 – 7 NovXMAS @ MALENY ................................. 23 - 27 DecTHEATRE TOURS ANNIE ............................................................ 9 MayTHE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST ....... 21JulDAY TOURSCELTIC DAY ORMISTON HSE ...................... 22 AprPARROTS IN PARADISE ............................. 16 MayOLD BEENLEIGH TOWN/WINERY ................ 1 JunSTH GOLD COAST MEANDER ..................... 13 JunKALBAR & SCENIC RIM .............................. 26 JunXMAS IN JULY @ HARRIGANS ....................... 5 JulQLD GARDEN EXPO @NAMBOUR .................. 7 JulMTNS &GLORIOUS SCENERY...................... 16 JulBEAUTIFUL BINA BURRA ............................. 30 Jul

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THE Club held their AGM last monthattended by 70 members who voted ina new committee for 2012.The club is starting this year with 92members and is looking forward to an-other great year.Our friendship day will be a fashionparade at our president’s home inTallebudgera Valley on the 10th April at10am featuring fashion from Portafinowith morning tea and lunch. Note: Ournext meeting at the Currumbin RSL has

NEW figures paint a picture of Australia’s most dis-couraged jobseekers, and not surprisingly it’s the over55s who face the most trouble when it comes to find-ing work. The Australian Bureau of Statistics’ report, PersonsNot in the Labour Force, Australia, showed that inSeptember 2011, of the 900,000 people who were notin the labour force but who wanted to work and wereavailable to start within four weeks, there were 90,700discouraged job seekers of which over half (56 percent) were aged 55 and over. These discouraged job seekers reported that theirmain reason for giving up looking for work was thatthey were ‘considered too old by employers’ (36 percent). This was followed by ‘lacked necessary skills,training or experience’ (16 per cent). National Seniors Australia chief executive MichaelO’Neill said the report convincingly showed thatolder workers were the most marginalised group ofpeople looking for work. “This shows that a significant number of older Aus-tralians are wanting to stay attached to the workforce,but are being shown the door time and time again,’’he said. “Australian society can no longer ignore that olderworkers are facing discrimination based on their age. “Furthermore, almost a third (32 per cent) of thosediscouraged job seekers were aged 65 and over, andin fact, 18 per cent were aged 70+. And the reason forthis is crystal clear: they believe that employers con-sidered them to be too old.”A 2011 report by National Seniors Australia entitledStereotype Threat and Mature Age Workers calledfor more positive older role models, stronger anti-discrimination policies, increased training opportu-nities and greater recognition of mature age staff. National Seniors Australia is continuing to lead re-search into age discrimination and the retention ofolder workers in the Australian workforce.Press release: National Seniors

KINGSCLIFF Mixed Probus club holds its meetings in the Uniting Church Hall,Kingscliff on the first Wednesday of each month and outings on the third Wednes-day of the month.The next meeting will be held on 4th April and new members are welcome. PhoneNorma Hart 02 6676 3360 for more information.

Kingscliff Mixed Probus

Currumbin/Elanora VIEW Club

been moved from the 24th of April to the1st of May due to the preparations forAnzac Day at the RSL. The guestspeaker on that day will be from theBlair Athol Women’s Refuge inCoolangatta and will be of great inter-est to women everywhere. Thank youto all our members for their continuedsupport in the Learning For Life Pro-gram run by the Smith Family. For en-quiries please phone Carlene on 55908247 or Trish on 5534 9552.

Too many over 55s onthe jobseekers list

Our Next Gold Coast/Tweed editionis May 14

Deadline for Copy is May 2nd

Page 6: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 6 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012


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LEND Lease’s BellflowerRetirement resort is cel-ebrating the incredibleachievements of one itsresidents, Terry Dillon

YES! We are expanding. Why not try Probus. Noprojects, no fundraising, just Fellowship, Friendshipand Fun. And yes, wives and partners are invited toall functions. Look at our for more info.Meet on 3rd Monday each month at Burleigh WatersCommunity Centre, 131 Christine Ave. Burleigh Wa-ters at 10:00 a.m. followed by lunch at Burleigh SportsClub. Ph. Barry 5535 7339.

Burleigh Waters(Men’s) Probus Club

Terry Dillon

Bellflower resident shares his remarkable achievementswho has served Legacy,and the hundreds whorely on the service, for 33years.Terry has recently de-

cided to stand down fromhis position of Chairmanof the Sunshine CoastLegacy Group after join-ing the Mornington Pen-

insula Legacy (Vic) in1979 and becoming Chair-man in 1983.Terry and Dorothy, hiswife of 53 years moved tothe Sunshine Coastseven years ago. Terryhas always been passion-ate about his involve-ment with Legacy, helpingto make a difference tothe lives of widows andtheir dependents.“We provide supportwhen needed to LegacyWidows of Returned Ser-viceman from Australian& Allied Forces so wid-ows aren’t alone in facingthe challenges of life”, hesaid. “I currently support33 Legacy widows in Bell-flower and the surround-ing areas.”Terry joined the Army asa Fitter and Turner at theage of fifteen and laterchanged to an InstrumentFitter because he said itpaid 1/9 pence more a fort-night. “I was in the armyfor twenty years, servingin Vietnam in 1968/69 andwas responsible for therepair of all instrumentsranging from watches tosighting equipment.”On leaving the Army,Terry became TrainingOfficer and ApprenticeMaster for BHP, estab-lishing two training cen-tres. Later he became the

inaugural President of theVictorian Training Offic-ers Association.The role of President leadTerry into becoming in-volved with a competitionbetween young tradespeople which evolvedinto the World Skill Olym-pics. The competition isheld every two years invarious countries withAustralia holding the SkillOlympics in 1988.Terry was employed asthe co-coordinator forVictoria, South Australiaand Tasmania along withthe added responsibilityof Deputy Technical Di-rector for Australia. Heofficiated as a judge forGas Welding at the JapanOlympics in 1985.Terry was awarded aMedal of the Order ofAustralia (OAM) in 2003for services to AustralianVocational Education. Hethen went on to work withLend Lease as the Victo-rian Training Manager,where he established aTraining Centre for Ap-prentices where theycould learn building andelectrical skills for 12months before actuallygoing onto major buildingsites.“One of the most reward-ing moments of my careerwas being able to employ

a profoundly deaf lad asa carpenter,” he recalls.“This was a first for major

building sites anywherein Australia so it was agreat milestone.

Page 7: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Terry White Chemist Tweed HeadsShop 59 Centro Tweed, Cnr. Wharf & Bay StTweed Heads NSW 2485

Murphy’s Health Care Pharmacy115 City Rd, Beenleigh QLD 4207

Nerang Day & Night Chemists43 Station St, Nerang QLD 4211

Terry White Chemists NerangShop 16 Nerang Mall, Cnr New & Cayuga StNerang QLD 4211

Runaway Bay Health FoodsShop 6 Runaway Bay Shopping VillageRunaway Bay QLD 4216

Giant Chemist Harbour TownShop 2 Harbour Town SC. Cnr Brisbane Rd& Oxley Dr, Biggera Waters QLD 4216

Terry White Chemists Mermaid Waters‘Q’ Super Centre, Cnr Bermuda & Markeri StMermaid Waters QLD 4218

Giant Chemist Pacific FairShop 369, Level 1 Pacific FairBroadbeach QLD 4218

Broadbeach Waters Pharmacy67 Rio Vista BlvdBroadbeach Waters QLD 4218

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 7


THE Tweed Seniors Expo is planned for9am - 3pm on Thursday, 17 May, 2012.The Expo which attracts over 1000people of all ages will be held at theSeventh Day Adventist Centre, Race-course Road, Murwillumbah. The Se-niors Expo, in its’ 12th year, is an eventof the Tweed Shire Senior Citizens WeekCommittee in partnership with TweedShire Council, Murwillumbah SeventhDay Adventist Church and the TweedValley – Murwillumbah National Ser-vices Sub Branch. The success of theevent is due to its’ uniqueness. TheExpos large venue incorporating indoorand outdoor spaces, allows for infor-mation sessions and workshops, infor-mation stalls and entertainment to beheld at the one time without impactingon one another. The event has a re-laxed community feel allowing peopleto become more informed while enjoy-ing themselves. Many people spendthe day at the Expo enjoying the activi-ties and the great food available. Expoentry fee is only$2.The aim of the day is to give seniorsthe opportunity to improve the qualityof their lives through finding out aboutservices, products and equipmentavailable. They can access informationabout health, entitlements and theirrights through talks, forums, work-shops and basic health assessments.The event also gives seniors the op-portunity to link into recreational and

FROM 1 April this year, consumers willsee the price of some medicines comedown considerably thanks to an agree-ment struck between the Governmentand pharmaceutical industry peak bodyMedicines Australia. The changes willsee popular off-patent medicines (in-cluding generics), such as the choles-terol-lowering simvastatin, come downby as much as 50 percent.This is the largest single price cut inthe PBS history. The impact of this re-form will be extensive and will deliver

JUSTICES of the Peace are available for witnessing signatures at the followinglocations: Tweed Centro Shopping Centre each Tuesday from 10am-2pm and atTweed City Shopping Centre each Thursday from 10am – 2pm and 5pm -7pm. Forinformation contact Donna on 0414 894 368.

Tweed Seniors Expo -The Expo with a difference

social activities and to try new activi-ties by participating in workshops.“We hope to again have a diverse rangeof workshops, information and activityavailable on the day’ said Pauline Dow,President of the Tweed Shire SeniorsCitizens Committee . “This year we areprivileged to have Ambassador forAgeing, Noeline Brown as our specialguest. She will be presenting a talk onhealthy ageing. ’The workshop/ information sessionprogram is still being developed but itwill include sessions on Sleep Disor-ders, a forum for Grandparents caringfor their grandchildren, Tips on writingand publishing your own book andGuardianship and Power of Attorney.Workshops include Laughter yoga,Relaxation and Meditation and DIY tipsfrom Bunnings.Other entertainment for the day in-cludes harpist Naomi Terashima and achoir and musical performance by Ukipublic school students. The informa-tion session/ workshop and entertain-ment program will be featured in Maysedition of the Gold Coast Tweed Se-niors Newspaper. Time is running outfor people interested in having a stallor making a presentation at the SeniorsExpo - for information access thewebsite .For general Expo information contactPauline Dow Ph: 0266 728051 or NoelaGresham Ph: 0266 722262.

Generic medicines industry providessignificant savings to the public purse

substantial savings to government.However, few patients will benefit fromthe price disclosure reform. Those whoneed most relief such as concession-ary patients (80%) all pay the same co-payment ($5.80) regardless of the pricethe medicines are sold to the pharma-cist.Nonetheless, it will be a significantwindfall for taxpayers. This shouldprovide relief to the PBS and avoid anyneed to cut any further into the PBS inthis coming Federal Budget.

Justices of the Peace

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Page 8: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 8 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012




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Broadbeach - Tel: 5570 4933

COOLANGATTABeachcomber Arcade, 122 Griffith St,

Coolangatta - Tel: 5536 8217 - 9am – 5pm

The Residents at Southport Gardens kicked up their heels andenjoyed the wonderful entertainment on St. Patricks day presentedby the outstanding voice of entertainer Lachlan Wallace. He thrilledthem with familiar tunes as they sang and tapped along and winning

hearts along the way.

GOLD Coast/ Tweed Heads Extremely Disabled WarVeterans meet on the 2nd Monday of each month inRSL rooms at Twin Towns Services Club. Meetingscommence at 10:00 am Qld time. Veterans on 100%disability, also welcome. Guest Speaker and morningtea provided. Inquiries please ring 0755934412.

1. Approaching Canberra along the FederalHighway what is the name of the large,usually dry, lake beside the road?

2. Who was known in snooker circles as“Fast Eddie”?

3. Jarrah and karri trees are found naturallyin which Australian state or territory?

4. What is the correct spelling: medieval,medaeval, medievil?

5. What is the monthly journal of the RACQcalled?

6. Sir James Hardy was famous in whatsport?

7. Dakar is the capital of what country?8. In a book, are the even numbered pages

on the left or the right?9. Who became Lord Mayor of Brisbane

after Campbell Newman?10. Which US president had an

autobiography called “My Life”?11. What colours are on the flag of Russia?12. In what year did the Berlin Wall come

down?13. In what country was Chopin born?14. Which NRL team won the 2011

premiership?15. What type of creature is an orca?16. What bodily organ is treated during

dialysis?17. What rapidly spinning machine is used to

turn wood or metal into round shapes?18. What is the 23rd letter of our alphabet?19. What dam was partially blamed for

Brisbane’s floods in 2011?20. What is the principal language of

Denmark?Answers on page 12


FREEDOM, independence and mobility. Importantaims, especially as we grow older. Liberty HealthCare,with years of experience in delivering high-qualityhealth care and mobility equipment, is there to assistall ages in achieving these goals.Established since 2004 by owner Todd Easterbrook,who has over 20 years experience in the health careindustry, Liberty HealthCare’s head office and show-room are centrally located on the Gold Coast, with awide dealer network with showrooms and offices inall major cities.As a leading Australian owned and operated serviceprovider of high quality healthcare and mobility equip-ment, we provide a one-stop-shop for solutions forquality and independent living. Theyspecialise incustom made Adjustable Home Care beds with head,leg and high low functions and electric lift and reclinechairs all made to suit your individual needs. All mo-tors and parts have been fully tested and have passedthe most stringent Quality Control tests under Aus-tralian Standards. Liberty HealthCare also provide afull range of mobility aids and indoor/outdoor stairlifts.With outstanding customer service and high calibreproducts, Liberty HealthCare aim to ensure that youand your loved ones are supported in your endeav-our to remain mobile and independent. To ensure yourspecific needs are addressed, their professional con-sultant can provide an obligation free in-home or in-showroom demonstration to define your requirements,24 hours/7 days a week. For more information visitLiberty HealthCare at Unit 2, 11 Commercial Drive,Ashmore, call 1300 885 853 or see our

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Page 9: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 9


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CHINA: Worcester, Doulton, Moorcroft, Shelley, Clarice Cliff,Maling, Beswick and Belleek etc. Especially vases andfigurines.GLASS: Coloured glassware, Carnival glass, Ruby glass,Mary Gregory, Epergnes, Claret jugs, Lustres, Scent bottles,Galle and Lalique.WATCHES & CLOCKS: Mantle, Wall, Grandfather, Carriageetc., Barometers, Music jugs. Gramophones, Music boxes andclockwork toys.JEWELLERY: Rings, Brooches, Bangles, Cameos, Lockets,Diamond jewellery, Ivory, Jade and Marcasite etc. Old gold &broken jewellery.COINS & BANKNOTES: Commemorative medals, Masonic& Lodge medals, Old badges. Agricultural medals. Gold andsilver coins.ORIENTAL ANTIQUES IVORY JADE SCRIMSHAW

WAR MEDALS & SOUVENIRS: Swords, Daggers,Bayonets, Flags, Artillery shells and Trench art. Warmemorabilia and Maps, etc.SILVERWARE: Centrepieces, Dressing table silver, Perfumebottles, Tea sets, Canteens, Snuff boxes, Vinaigarettes andInkwells. Especially Sterling Silver and cased silver items ofall description.ANTIQUE FURNITURE AUSTRALIAN POTTERY

BRONZES: Statues, Figurines, Jardinières, Kerosene Lamps& samplers.OLD GOLD: Broken jewellery and scrap gold. Gold coins &medals.



OLDER single women on low incomes and in poorhealth have borne the major brunt of the recentglobal financial crisis (GFC) in Australia, accordingto new research released by National SeniorsAustralia.The results of a recent survey, conducted by theNational Seniors Productive Ageing Centre,showed that 40 per cent of participants consideredthemselves to be “worse off” after the onset of theGFC in late 2007, despite Australia weathering thefinancial storm better than most other countries.Of those living alone, a total of 45 per cent ofwomen reported being negatively affected by theGFC, compared to 38 per cent of men. Around half

Older, single women at financial riskthe employed baby boomers surveyed, who hadnot yet retired, said they had been affected by theGFC and therefore needed to delay their retirementbecause they did not have enough money to giveup working. Those who were already retired butunable to return to work to restore their bankbalance, because of poor health, said they had nochoice but to cut spending and wait until economicconditions improved.“Women, older baby boomers, retirees, and thosein poor health reported the lowest levels ofhousehold income and have been identified as themost financially insecure following the GFC,” thereport states. “It is these groups that are most atrisk for poverty in later life, particularly if financialmarkets are slow to recover or new financial crisesarise.” The aim of the report, Ageing Baby Boomers inAustralia: Understanding the effects of the globalfinancial crisis, was to examine the effects of theGFC in order to better inform positive action forprotecting baby boomers’ well-being in retirement.According to the research, the GFC “undoubtedlytriggered working baby boomers to rethink theirretirement plans and preparations and, to a lesserextent, retirees’ plans to return to the workforce”.The GFC also impacted upon baby boomers’ lifesatisfaction, retirement optimism and expectationsof health care. “Whether their retirement will be as good asexpected will depend, in part, on the health carethey are afforded by future governments.The Benevolent Society’s general manager forageing, Barbara Squires, said the National Seniorssurvey results come as no surprise.“It’s well known that women enter retirement withless superannuation than men,” Ms Squires said.“The most severely affected are women who werein and out of the workforce raising children, oftenworking part time and who then separate from theirpartners.

NATIONAL seniors has103 Branches Nationallyand five Branches in theregion, Nerang, Robina,Paradise point,Beaudesert and TweedBorder, all members en-joying the many benefitsof being a member of Na-tional Seniors Australia.By becoming a member ofnot-for-profit Nationalseniors you will receivemany benefits by doingso. By monthly seniorsmagazine, shopping dis-count booklet, buyingservice for the best buy,Travel and Insurance ser-vice, and your voice be-ing heard in Canberra forsuch issues as Dental carefor Seniors, workplacediscrimination, superan-nuation reforms Care forOlder Australians andmany more being put for-ward to Governments.If you are all interestedin enjoying Outings andguest speakers and greatsocial activities join to-day. For further informa-tion go to the websitewww. or phone 1300765 050.




Editorial copy is always welcome.Deadline for the May edition of

Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors newspaperis May 2nd, 2012

Page 10: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 10 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012


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NATIONAL Seniors Australia is a not for profitorganisation for anyone over 50 to become amember & enjoy discounts & offers as well asbeing the largest senior group in Australia lobbyingFederal, State, & Local Government in trying toimprove benefits for seniors such as Age care,transport, health issues etc.All members can contact the Policy dept to raiseissues they are concerned about, & if relevant thepolicy dept takes up that issue to the appropriateGovernment dept. We are looking at a extended tripto Coffs Harbour May 8,9,10, at a very reasonableprice & seats are limited, so first in best dressed,contact Helen on 5596 5662 if interested. Ourbranch meets every 4th Wednesday of the month@ 5.15pm for a 5.30pm start. The venue is AllSports Club, All Sports Drive, Nerang which is(behind Campbells Warehouse on NerangBroadbeach Rd).We have interesting guest speakers, & the club hasa bistro which serves a two course meal for $10.00p.p for those wishing to stay after the meeting for asocial chit chat. The branch is now into its ninthyear & has a good committee working together,helping to organise outings & various otheractivities throughout the year, so why not comealong & enjoy meeting other people & exchangingideas. We always look forward to having newmembers or visitors come to our meetings. Furtherdetails contact Beth 5500 4818, Margaret 5594 3771.

MEMBERS from the Labrador Senior enjoyed theirtrip to Mulgowie last month and are looking forwardto their next visit which is to the Lyell Deer Farm.Table Tennis is now held on four afternoons becauseof its popularity of the game.The times are Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sat-urday afternoons.Anna Levar’s yoga/exercise class starts the busyweek on Mondays from 8.15am. A second yoga classis taken by Tim Clark on Wednesdays from 8.30am.Tuition is available on Mondays mornings from10.00am for anyone wishing to learn indoor bowls,social bowls are held from 12.20pm on Thursday af-ternoons.We are seeing new people coming along to our Fri-day morning concerts each week which commence at9.15am. Our members of the music group put a lot oftime and effort in to presenting a different concertevery week which adds to the variety of the morning.These mornings are open for anyway to attend. Thecost is only $2.00 which includes morning tea.For further information please phone Lyndsey on 55371433.

THE Gold Coast Branch of the Association has a spe-cial meeting on 12th April Dr Mark Forwood Profes-sor and Chair of Anatomy Griffith University will talkabout the procedures for Body Donation. Yes an un-usual interesting presentation. All retirees are wel-come. Where? Broadbeach Seniors Centre, 23 T.E.Peters Drive (behind Convention Centre) Broadbeach.FThe Investor Group will meet on the 18th April whenwe will have Felicity Cooper of RBS Morgans. With14 years experience Felicity will be a valuable pre-senter. General Meeting with a Speaker, second Thurs-day every month; Investor Group meets thirdWednesday every month. Meetings start at 9.30am.Free coffee and biscuits. All retirees are welcome toattend. Enquiries call Graham 5526 9225 or Bill 55200019.

Nerang Branch NationalSeniors Aust

Labrador MemorialSenior Citizens

WERE recently pleased to welcome Lion LoisMcHenry into their ranks.The induction ceremony was conducted by Past Dis-trict Governor Lion Tony Mc Cornell who travelledup from Ocean Shores for the occasion. PresidentLion Peter Maroney said “Lion Lois has many yearsexperience as a Lioness at Palm Beach Currumbin Cluband having recently moved to our area decided tocontinue her association with Lions by joining theLions Club of Terranora Lakes.The Lions Club of Terranora Lakes can be contactedon 0421 056 104

Assoc. of IndependentRetirees

The Lions Club ofTerranora Lakes Inc

WE are holding our monthly meeting on 2nd Thurs-day at Broadbeach Bowls Club commencing at 10am.Morning tea and guest speaker. New members wel-come. Phone 5575 8615 or Jean 0415 738 688.

“Free MembershipActivities:Fitball, Senior Exercises, Line Dancing,Social Cards & Scrabble, Darts & Table Tennis, Com-puter for Beginners, Craft, Photography, Zumba Gold,Healthy Heart Walks. Enquiries Ph: 5525

WAKE up the writer within and kick-start the writingprocess with accomplished author and presenter Ri-chard Davis.Richard is the proud recipient of the 2011 JoanSutherland and Richard Bonynge Award for Arts.Elanora Branch Library, Friday May 18, 10am. Pleasesee staff to reserve your place or call 5581-1671.

Miami LadiesProbus Club

Gold Coast 60 & Better

Creative writingfor beginners

Page 11: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 11

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Fix dents and scratches with BumperTechFor quality, quick repairs on minor car damagelook no further than BumperTech.Established 10 years ago, the mobile servicemoved from Sydney to the Gold Coast twoyears ago.The team repairs paint work and bumpers, chips,scrapes, scratches and minor panel damage - andconveniently goes out to the customers home oroffice. Owner John Cowan said the majority ofrepairs cost less than insurance excess.“Colours are matched on site using a Dupoint minipaint system, and there are no claim or insuranceforms to fill out” he said. “The work is done inonly two to three hours – not two to three dayslike some people may think”.The service offers an obligation-free quote and athree-year warranty and satisfaction guarantee.“Protect your investment by repairing unslightlyscratches using this affordable and convenientservice”, said John.

“A well presented car for resale will maximizeprice and speedy sales”.Remove those dents and scratches from your cartoday by calling BumperTech on 0412 241 014.

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We Come




OUR Club holds two meetings dayseach month.(the first and third Thurs-day) in The Broadbeach CommunityCentre, T.E. Peters Drive, Broadbeach.Members start to arrive for the meet-ings at about 12.30 pm. At 1.00pm weenjoy some good stage entertainmentfor about an hour, followed by somelight refreshments. The President thengives an update on Club news and up-comingactivities. The meeting ends at about

Chemists will soon supplysome drugs without prescription

PHARMACISTS will soon be able todispense cholesterol-lowering drugs topatients without a current prescriptionfrom their GP.Federal Health Minister TanyaPlibersek says the change is a “big win”for patients who can’t always make itto their doctor before their medicationruns out.Under the new so-called “continued

dispensing” regime pharmacists willonly be able to supply medicines with-out a script where there is an “immedi-ate and ongoing need for supply” andthe patient can’t get a valid prescrip-tion in time.The drug must have previously been

prescribed to the patient and “the medi-cine must be safe and appropriate forthat consumer”.The pharmacist will also need to writeto the patient’s GP within 24 hours tolet them know an extra supply has been

dispensed. At the moment people canaccess emergency supplies of amedicine without a prescription but theprocess is more complicated and theyhave to pay the full cost rather than thegovernment-subsidised price. Federal parliament passed the changesto the community pharmacy agreementlegislation recently.The new rules are due to come intoeffect from July. There were almost 22 million prescrip-tions for the cholesterol-lowering drugsknown as statins at a cost of $1.1 bil-lion. Another change to the commu-nity pharmacy agreement passed by theSenate makes it easier for drugs to bedispensed in nursing homes. It will allow drugs to be distributed asper a doctor’s instructions on aresident’s bedside medication chartrather than GPs having to write a sepa-rate prescription.

Broadbeach Seniors Club3.15 pm. On the 3rd Thursday of eachmonth the Club organizes a bus outing,the current price for this is $30,this isall inclusive, that is, seat on the bus,morning refreshments and lunch at ahotel or club. New members are invitedto join the Club, you will find ourmembers are friendly and will make youwelcome.If you are interested just come along toour meetings. For more details contactthe Secretary Reg Taylor on 5593 3562.

Page 12: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 12 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012


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TO help celebrate its 40thanniversary, a Gold Coastmuseum will hold a seriesof events in conjunctionwith Queensland Heritagemonth.The Gold Coast & Hinter-land Historical SocietyInc museum at 8 ElliottStreet, Bundall, will hostfour events as well as tak-ing part in the Gold CoastHeritage Expo atEvandale Parklands.The society, formed in1972, has an extensivecollection of historical ar-tifacts, documents andphotographs housed inseveral buildings, includ-ing a replica of the firsthouse built on the GoldCoast.Exhibits of national sig-nificance include PaulaStafford bikinis and Ab-original artefacts.The grounds include anumber of garden areasthat include remnant spe-cies as well as plants usedby local Aborigines.“We want to invite GoldCoasters of all ages tocome along and take a

1. Lake George2. Eddie Charlton3. Western

Australia4. Medieval5. Road Ahead6. Yachting7. Senegal8. Left9. Graham Quirk10. Bill Clinton11. Red, white, blue12. 198913. Poland14. Manly Sea Eagles15. Whale16. Kidney17. Lathe18. W19. Wivenhoe20. Danish


WE invite all people with diabetes, their families, car-ers and friends to attend the meetings of the TweedHeads Support Group of Australian Diabetes Coun-cil. The aim of the meetings is to hear interesting guestspeakers, receive the latest information about diabe-tes, learn about Australian Diabetes Council servicesand events, share experiences and socialise in a re-laxed environment. Everyone is welcome! Monthlymeetings are held on the first Wednesday of the monthfrom 9.30am to 11.30am in the Community Room,Tweed City Shopping Centre (next to Woolworths).Please bring a small plate to share and a gold coindonation. Everyone is welcome! Speaker for Wednes-day 2nd May is David Irvine, Diabetes Educator, GoldCoast Hospital. For further information, please con-tact Janet Commens on 07 5576 2328.

THE Club is holding their monthly meeting at TwinTowns Services Club in the Renassiance Room on the 3rd Monday of each month, next meet is16th August. After our A.G.M. We welcomed a newcommittee member Lois Pulbrook to the old brigadeof committee members. The Club enjoys a good rangeof activities, theatre mornings, bus trips, guest speak-ers and lunches; so if you are retired and looking fora great friendly morning contact Shirley 5599 3868.

SOLACE is a support group for those grieving theloss of a partner. We meet the 2nd and 4th Wednes-day of the month at Pacific Fair Community Room at10.30am.Phone Betty for more information. 07 5580 7034.

Marie Wylie who will be one of the speakers,outside the replica cottage which she cleans

prior to open days

Gold Coast & Hinterland Historical Society Inc.look,’’ said the society’ssecretary, June Redman.“We find it fascinatespeople who have moved tothe Coast as much as thosewho have lived here alltheir lives.”The theme of the month isInnovation and Invention,which is why the inventorof the bikini, Paula Stafford,features in the first event.She will talk at 11am onApril 20 and 21 about hercolourful life in the fashionindustry and how shecame to invent the bikini.The part the Gold Coastplayed in global communi-cations will be highlightedon April 27 and 28 with anexhibition and talk on howtheocean-spanning under-sea cable came to theCoast.Experts on Australia plants,

and in particular thosenative to the area, willfrom 11am on May 4 and5 be available to discussthe importance of theplants found in themuseum’s gardens.A descendant of the pio-neering Veivers’ family,Marie Wylie, will at 11amon May 11 give an in-sight into the early daysof the Gold Coast, illus-trated by the replica slabcottage built in the mu-seum grounds.Finally, between 10amand 3pm on May 12, thesociety will be part ofthe heritage expo, a fam-ily event themedaround the 1940s era atEvandale.For more information,call June Redman at 0412290 844.

Australian DiabetesCouncil Tweed Heads

Support Group

Coolangatta Tweed HeadsLadies Probus Club

Solace Association

From Page 8

Page 13: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 13


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Life is about enjoying every day!

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Armoured and enamoured. Golden Stag Beetles follow nature at TheSpit, Main Beach, Gold Coast.Tony Bailey of Runaway Bay is a talented wildlife photographer happyto share his photographs with Seniors Newspaper readers.

Love at The SpitARE you new to the Gold Coast? Perhaps youwould like to make new friends and have some lightexercise in congenial surroundings. We invite youto come and see if you would like to play Shuffle-board.All equipment is supplied. An experienced playerwill introduce you to the game and rules of play.This game can be played by any age group.The first morning is free, later mornings are $4 permorning for non members which includes morningtea /coffee, members pay $3.

THE Surfers Paradise VIEW Club meets on the 2ndTuesday of each month at the Southport Golf Club inSlayter Avenue, Bundall at 11.30 for 12 midday start.The club is celebrating its 26th birthday on April 10th,and our Guest Speaker on that day will be entertainerSheila Bradley. Sheila’s wonderful career in musicaltheatre both in Britain and Australia includes Kismetat the London Palladium, Oliver, Me and My Gal, HelloDolly, Mame and the King and I in Australia, as wellas several TV series. Ladies come along, meet newfriends, and join us for this fun day which includessavouries before our lunch meeting. Theme will be“Pretty in Pink”. Contact Nancy by Friday 6th April,if you would like to attend on 5592 6730.

ON Tuesday 17th and Wed. 18th April, 2012, our Club will be hosting Interstateplayers in a warm-up Competition in the lead up to the States Sides Champion-ship which starts at the Broadbeach Bowling Club on the 21st April, 2012.At 12.30pm on Wednesday 25th April, 2012 – ANZAC DAY, our Club in conjunc-tion with the Workers Bowls Club will be holding Mixed Bowls from 1-4pm.Anyone wishing to play will be most welcome. For enquiries please phone (07)5532-1277. There will also be a Player Sheet displayed at the Club. Our Bar willbe open from 1pm and the Bistro/Cafe will be open on our normal hours.

HAS continued support from members for weekendBBQ’s which is much appreciated. New Memberswelcome at our meetings held on the 1st & 3rd Wednes-day of each month at Kurrawa Surf Club, Broadbeachcommencing 7.00pm sharp, enquiries to Karen 0421489 813 or Robyn 5572 2735

Australian Shuffleboard Association Qld IncThere is no need to be bored or lonely on the GoldCoast, we are always pleased to welcome visitorsand new members. Come along and join us for amorning of fun.Days of play are Monday, Wednesday andSaturday (Elanora), Thursday (Coolangatta) 9-30am-12pm. Elanora Club is at the end of Pines Lane (exit92 from north or south M1 highway).Coolangatta is on 3rd floor of “Showcase on theBeach” Griffith Street.Phone Fay 5575 9203 or Marj 5536 3781.

Surfers ParadiseVIEW Club

Lions Club of Gold CoastMermaid Broadbeach Inc

Musgrave Hill Bowls Club

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Page 14: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 14 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012

Page 15: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 15


MEMBERS of theBurleigh Heads LadiesProbus Club recently en-joyed a trip to theQueensland Institute of

WE all have deep emotional attach-ments to our home and making a moveis a big decision. This is when chang-ing your living arrangements can be ahappy time or an emotionally stressfultime.There are questions that every sellerasks. What agent should I use? Howdo I know I am getting the correct price?How much will it cost? Plus, many more.While every situation is different, if youcan find an agent who can help youbecome well informed, then the moreconfident you will feel with your finaldecision. This is where LouiseMorrison can help.Louise is a fully licenced property con-sultant with Robina Realty which iscentrally located on the Gold Coast,where they have been established for30 years.She specialises in working with seniorsto help them sell their homes in the GoldCoast area. Louise has experience in

REGION 1 Youth of the Year Final,sponsored by NAB for 14 years andhosted by Lions Club of Coolangattaand Tweed Heads, was held at TweedHeads Bowls Club on 10 March 2012.Our entrant, Louis Monaghan,representing St Josephs College, won

Lions Club of Coolangatta,Tweed Heads Inc

speech and overall winner at ClubLevel.All volunteers are welcome, not justLions Club Members.We can arrange a Blue Card ifrequired. Ring the Secretary on 075536 2975 for more information.

Understanding whatselling your home is all about

property sales in Over 50’s Resorthomes and worked in an aged care fa-cility at Varsity Lakes as an assistant innursing (AIN).This experience, over the years, hashelped her understand the needs of se-niors and she enjoys helping them makethe transition as stress free as possible.Many family members are involved inthe decision making process andLouise does her best to work with ev-eryone to ensure a positive outcome.She is honest, hardworking and a goodcommunicator. Louise’s daughter is herPA and also has experience with agedcare. They love working with seniorsand have a caring, yet professionalmanner to help people make the deci-sion with which they will be happy. Ifyou are looking for a real estate agentyou can trust give Louise a call on 1300762 462 or 0418 887 815 to have a chator email:[email protected]

Burleigh Heads Ladies Probus Club

Medical Research andwere informed in regard tothe work that they aredoing on finding cures forcancer, infective diseases,

mental illness and asthmato name a few. Also theyhad just discovered apossible for cure for sunspots. This visit was cer-

tainly very interestingand informative. The clubmeets on the thirdWednesday of the monthat the Burleigh HeadsMowbray Park SLSC,Gold Coast Highway,Burleigh Heads at 10.30amwith a monthly guestspeaker, lunches andcoach trips. Visitors arewelcome. Call Barbara on5538 1475 or Pat on 55768332

The Gardens on Lindfi eld retirement village is a spectacular gated community that provides the perfect setting for your new retirement lifestyle. Step inside our gates to discover fi rst-class leisure facilities, modern homes and manicured gardens. All this within close proximity to shops and transport.

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Tea and tours at The Gardens on Lindfi eld

Information about the village facilities, services and prices are correct at the time of printing but may change over time. Illustrations and photographic depictions are for presentation purposes only. Lend Lease Primelife expressly excludes liability to the full extent permitted by law for negligence or otherwise for the material and information contained herein. Published by Lend Lease Primelife Realty Pty Ltd (Qld) ACN 138 535 814. April 2012. PTNK1203_05

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Page 16: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 16 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012



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PAUL Macdowell of theGold Coast enjoys a fewminutes of fun on aninteractive art displaywith email facilities atthe Gallery of ModernArt in Brisbane.Paul’s quick sketchmight not have fetchedmillions but it was a bitof light relief forsomeone who paintswith a passion in hisspare time.

Interactive art

WHAT is more importantto people who are consid-ering hearing devices forthe first time? Good looksor great performance?Oasis Audiology inBroadbeach says the an-swer is “both”. Selinapoints to an award-win-ning new hearing instru-ment from Oticon thatmay fill that order quitenicely. Selina Gan is oneof the first hearing care

Hearing device earns high marksfor design and performance

professionals inBroadbeach to offerOticon Intiga, the world’ssmallest fully wirelesshearing instrument andrecent recipient of the iFDesign Award for out-standing product design.Intiga’s small discreet sizeand world-class design istailor made to appeal topeople who are new toamplification. Its ad-vanced technology has

been proven to deliverimmediate acceptanceand immediate benefits ina multi-center interna-tional study of first-timehearing device users.Looks FirstHow a hearing solutionlooks is often the firstthing people want toknow, according to Selina.They want a hearing de-vice that looks modernand sleek, but at the sametime, is something thatpeople won’t notice.“Intiga’s smoothrounded shape fits closeto the ear and skin, mak-ing it almost invisible notonly to users but to oth-ers as well,” she explains.“Active people especiallyappreciated Intiga”sclose, comfortable andsecure fit.”Benefits ImmediatelyPeople who have neverworn hearing instrumentsbefore, want-and expect-to experience comfort-able, natural sound imme-diately without distortion.They wanted to be ableto join in conversations innoisy places, such as res-taurants, and to be ableto relax and enjoy one-on-one conversations inquiet settings.Results of a recently re-leased international studyconducted at two univer-sities, Towson Universityin Maryland, USA andThe Horzentrum inOldenburg, Germany,show that new Intiga trig-gers immediate accep-tance and immediate ben-efits by people new tohearing instruments.“The study challenges thecommonly held myth thatit takes time to get usedto hearing aids,” saysSelina. “With Intiga, I amfinding people who werereluctant to try hearingaids not only acceptingtheir new hearing solu-tions immediately, butalso seeing themselves aslong term users of ampli-fication.”For more informationabout hearing loss andthe new Oticon Intiga,phone Oasis Audiologyon 07 55924222.

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April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 17


SOCIAL isolation is a big issue for olderpeople and concerns about its effectson health and wellbeing, particularlyamong men, will increase with the rap-idly ageing population.Gold Coast community developmentvolunteer Ian McDougall has come upwith a Bloke’s Lounge concept – alongMen’s Shed lines – to address the is-sue. In 2011, Gold Coast City recordeda resident population of 590,810 people;of those 109,384 were aged 60+. By2031, this is age group is expected toincrease by 89 per cent to 206,282.Ian says older males are often more atrisk of social isolation than females.“Women tend to have a wide circle of

Mr Property






Ian McDougall in his volunteer rolewith the Gold Coast Street Library

for homeless people. He now hopesto establish a Bloke’s Lounge

Bloke’s Lounge mooted for Gold Coast

friends and acquaintan-ces and actively fosterthose relationships,” hesaid. “So when things goawry or their partners die,they have good supportnetworks“Male mateship, how-ever, generally revolvesaround the workplace andsport. When they retirethey often lose contactwith work mates and fit-ness and mobility prob-lems often preclude themfrom sport or other physi-cal pursuits.“This leaves them vulner-able to loneliness whichcan lead to depression,anxiety and other mentaland physical health is-sues.”Ian helped establishedthe Gold Coast’s firstMen’s Shed at Labrador(another is getting under-way at Burleigh Heads).He also helped establishthe Gold Coast Street Li-brary for homeless peopleand is secretary of theGold Coast Seniors Re-gional Roundtable.“Sheds are great, particu-larly areas like the GoldCoast where many retir-ees have shifted intounits in multi-storey orstudio-type complexesand no longer have theirhandyman, hobby or out-door activity area,” hesaid.

“However, as the shed developed, itbecame apparent that a need existed forfacilities for blokes who are not inter-ested in workshop-type activities orsport. “I envisage a safe, friendly andinclusive place where blokes from allwalks of life can socialise, make friends,share their stories and experiences, un-dertake meaningful activities that keeptheir minds active and boost theirsskills, confidence and self-esteem.Activities might include board games,model making, reading, discussiongroups, day trips/outings, cooking andeducational activities in conjunctionwith organisations such as U3A.Men will also be encouraged to seekhelp for their health problems, with freehealth checks and visits by communityworkers. Ian is seeking people inter-ested in forming a committee to estab-lish the Lounge. He is also keen to en-gage older homeless males in the plan-ning and running of the Bloke’sLounge.“Per favour Surfers Paradise CricketClub, I have secured a free meetingvenue until September,” he said.“Initially its key use will be for commit-tee meetings to get incorporated andplan the format and direction of theLounge. “The long-term focus will beon securing low or rent-free premisesreasonably close to public transportwhich has open areas, toilet facilities, abasic kitchen area, parking spaces andpreferably ramp access.“Other needs include furniture andshelving/storage, whitegoods, appli-ances, model making equipment, crock-ery, kitchenware, a computer for Loungecoordinator etc.“Anyone who can help - as a commit-tee member, sponsor or with donationscan contact me via [email protected] or call on 0409 897 231 bhSource: Office of Economic StatisticalResearch – Medium Series - popula-tion projection LGA -10 Gold CoastPopulation by Age and Sex, Regionsof Australia).

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April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 19


Free yourself from hearing loss.

Open up a new world.

Ever feel like hearing loss is holding you back from getting more out of life and being with people?Oasis Audiology invites you and a friend to a complimentary Hearing Screening and trial of the new Intiga Hearing Device. Intiga is the super tiny, ultra sleek, high-performance hearing device that's new from Oticon. Intiga's high-speed sound processing chip allows you to differentiate sounds better, allowing you to understand speech in noisy listening situations better than ever before. Set yourself free... with Intiga. Surprise yourself and try this wonderful device at Oasis Audiology.


Try Intiga now at Oasis AudiologyLevel 2, Oasis Shopping CentreBroadbeach (3 hours free parking)Ph: 5592 4222

Start from $175,000.00

NEXT month Volunteering Gold Coastproudly supported by Telstra will belaunching their training workshops toget seniors in the loop and becometechnology savvy.The “Telstra Connected Seniors” pro-gram will offer mobile phone trainingsessions to people aged over 60, oncea week, over a 5 week period.“The program recognises the impor-tance of educating seniors in mobileusage including sending and receivingtext messages, making phone calls, tak-ing photos and recording videos. “ SaysMichelle Greg Training FacilitatorVolunteering Gold Coast will conduct

CALLING ALL “NASHOS” to as-semble on the Gold Coast, Queensland,in September 2012, to Celebrate the 25th

Anniversary of the forming of the Na-tional Servicemen`s Association ofAustralia., in1987.This will be a seven day Reunion, fea-turing Bowls, Golf, trips Concert, Meet

SUNDAY 22 April at 2.30pm is‘showtime’ for the Northern RiversSymphony Orchestra’s production ofBack to Broadway at the South TweedSports Club, NSW.The program will include popularBroadway show tunes Les Miserables,

THE BBQ’s for the elec-tions on 24th March wereprovided for hungry vot-ers at Elanora HighSchool and theTallebudgera StateSchool and we’ll be do-ing it all again on the 28thApril for the Council Elec-tions. In between the twoelection days there will bethe Bunnings BBQs on13th April at Burleigh. Fora new club we are veryproud of our achieve-ments to date and arepleased to say we are wel-coming interested localsand new members eachmonth. Contact the clubon, is 041 GCLIONS or0417 425 466 or [email protected]

ARE you over 50 and have always wanted to learnmore about computers, art & painting, learn a newlanguage, craft, health & wellbeing, enjoy music?U3A North Gold Coast offers over 40 courses andwe are taking membership applications now! Weare now in our newly refurbished premises atLabrador Community Hub, Billington Street,Labrador. Come in and see us or phone 5529 0583for more information. Office Hours 9.00am - 3.00pmWeekdays.

THE Men’s Probus Club of Burleigh Heads meets onthe first Tuesday of each month from 9.30am to 12noon at the RSL Hall, 6th Avenue, Burleigh Heads.We need new members. So please come along. GuestSpeaker, morning tea, good fellowship and no charge.Just roll up on the day by 9.30am and say “Hello”.You will be made most welcome. Ph 5576 6170

Peter Johansen (L) and Mark Howard (R)

In the loop and getting Connected!

the training sessions, at their Miamiheadquarters, using the Telstra techni-cians and handsets and with the helpof their many wonderful volunteers.“That sounds like a great program, Ifind it so hard to keep up with my kids,at least this way I’ll be able to text mes-sage them when I can’t get hold ofthem.” By passer Elizabeth on thestreet in Surfers ParadiseThis free program will commence on the17th April 2012, over 3 training groupsof up to 25 people meaning that placesare limited so those interested will haveto get in quick.Phone (07) 5526 2811.

NASHOS Gold Coastand Greet, Reunion Dinner, culminat-ing in a March and Service at Southporton Sunday September 23rd.. Meet oldfriends, and make new friends, holidayon the fabulous Gold Coast. Beautifulon day, perfect the next. Inquiries,phone 07 56308071, or email:[email protected]

Back to BroadwayOklahoma, Phantom of the Opera andmore. Conductor will be the charismaticBarry Singh, with soloists audience-favourites Liza Beamish and AndrewPryor. For ticket information, please call(07) 5536-6063 or (07) 5513-1083 or

Lions Clubof


U3A North Gold Coast Burleigh HeadsProbus Club

Page 20: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 20 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012


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PALM Lake Resort Eagleby Heights will hold a Cer-emony of Dedication of Memorial and unveiling ofplaque by Mayor Pam Parker, incorporating com-memoration of Anzac 2012. This will also be an Openday to officially launch the newly released “Gumtree”design home that is set to impress. With only eightsites available for this design, they will sell fast. Theresort is already 80% sold out and the $10,000 QldBuilding Boost ends 30 April, so now is the time tolock in a home site.The “Gumtree” architecturally designed home boast-ing three bedrooms, two bathrooms, remote controldouble garage and landscaped gardens. Designedwith space, comfort and energy efficiency in mind,this modern home has a spectacular contemporaryfacade. The hall entrance opens up to a magnificentdining and living space with direct access to yourprivate outdoor alfresco area. The master suite iswell appointed, with a stylish en-suite, walk-in-robeand is both secluded and generous in size.As with most homes at Palm Lake Resort EaglebyHeights, this home also features an abundance ofstorage, a reverse cycle air conditioner, quality stonebench tops, 2pac cabinetry, European appliances,dishwasher, fans, designer curtains, tiled lounge anddining room floors and a water tank.There are other designs at the resort which are alsovery attractive to purchasers including the afford-able two bedroom range of homes.Diana and David Lewis have just purchased a site forthe new “Gumtree” design. Diana said “We were look-ing for a home with a double garage with two bed-rooms plus a study. We recently were shown thisdesign and noticed that it also had a good size al-fresco area. We both decided that this home was the

Mayor to unveil plaque atPalm Lake Resort to launch Gumtree home

WE are an enthusiastic and friendly group of peoplewho enjoy researching our family history and heri-tage roots. We also love sharing our research skillsand experiences – and sometimes our frustrations!The research rooms are stocked with many resourcesand we hold monthly meetings, mostly with a guestspeaker; there is also a regular journal packed full ofinformation, posted or emailed to members. Roomsare open to members and visitors Tues 10am-7pm,Wed to Fri 10am to 4pm, Sat 9.30am to 3pm (Closed1st Tuesday of month, between 1pm and 4pm, for

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perfect design for us and as it is new, we still qualifyto apply for the $10,000 Qld Building Boost”. “Wehave many friends here who have already purchased,and we didn’t want to miss out on a new home”, saidDavid. Diana and David were both drawn to the re-sort because of the facilities and activities on offer.David enjoys lawn bowls and having one with a roofover it is a real bonus. Diana is looking forward toworking out at the gym and aqua aerobics.For more information on the open day or for a freeDVD, call 1800 781 101.

Diana & David Lewis

Tweed Gold Coast FamilyHistory & Heritage Assn

get-together).Resources held covermany Australian and over-seas records – books, mi-crofiche, microfilm, CDROMs, journals, maga-zines and maps, with sub-scriptions to popularonline sites such members (and dayvisitors) have full accessto all records on thosesites. The TGCFHH is alsoan official agent forFamilySearch which en-ables you to view micro-films ordered from theirworld renowned resourcebase in Utah, USA.Classes for Beginners,Internet and Computer arerun as required. Meet-ings are held 1.30pm 1st

Tuesday each month (ex-cept January and Novem-ber) at South TweedSports Club on the high-way at South TweedHeads, NSW, Australia (4Minjungbal Drive). Thenext meeting is on Tues-day 1st May 2012.For enquiries please con-tact Noelene Magrath 075599 8939, [email protected] visith t t p : / / w w w . t w e e more information.

Page 21: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 21


Tugun Theatre Company Inc.Presents


MysteryBy Brian Clemens

Directed By: Margaret Radcliffe

Opening NightComplimentary Wine/Cheese/Supper

May 10thThur, Fri & Sat 7.30pm (Qld Time)

Matinees: Sat 12th and 19th May 2pm (Qld Time)

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Coolangatta Road

Tickets: Adult $15, Concession $12, Groups10+ $12 p.p.

BYO Drinks/Nibbles – Cabaret SeatingBy Kind Permission of Dominie Pty Ltd

This honour winning image was captured by John Van-Den-Broeke ofa Rainbow Bee Eater bringing food back to the nest. They nest in sandybanks on the ground and are very vulnerable to attack from otheranimals and also damage from humans. To capture an image such asthis requires lots of patience with camera set up on tripod with remoteshutter release as not to disturb the bird. A very fast shutter speed isrequired.

THE “Getting to Know Your Mobile Phone” will con-tinue and the help offered by the young adults fromLindisfarne School, has been wonderful. All involvedgive up their time freely, South Tweed Sports Club,willingly supplies the room, tea, coffee, etc, and sup-plies the young people lunch, free of charge. So comeon people, I strongly recommend that if you have amobile phone, no matter what type it is, and you wantto know more about how to use it, that you contactthe Computer Club on 07 5524 3057 or 0448 353 615 tobook your spot, as places are limited to 30 people persession. In addition the Mobile Phone Workshopswill continue for the months of April and May [throughto September inclusive] For those who are new toMobile Phones, April’s workshop looks like beingextremely helpful and the most practical workshopon using your phone. Content includes – Contacts:Add, Find, Call; Sending Text messages and muchmore. May workshop focuses on the topic of PhotosPart 1: take, save, view and delete.

THE Club invites new members to at-tend their monthly luncheon. Ladies,come along, join us and meet newfriends at the picturesque SouthportYacht Club. This month’s meeting willbe held on Wednesday 18th April. Ourguest speaker will be Dean Vegas –Elvis entertainer and Mayoral candidatefor the upcoming gold coast city coun-

THE Regional 2, Youth of the Year was attended by alarge crowd who were treated to a wonderful after-noon of brilliant answers to the 2 impromptu ques-tions & they were amazed at the presentations oftheir prepared speeches. Overall Winner was: AngusFrederic Public Speaking Winner was: BrockGunthorpe. Want to get involved in our great club?ph 0478 681 300 Go to

U3A Twin Towns Inc. On Thursdays at 9am Japa-nese language classes for beginners and at 10amFrench beginners class. Italian language is held at10am on Tuesdays. Advanced French levels avail-able also. We are still looking for a Spanish Tutor.For information ring before noon 5534 7333.

THE Club meets every 2nd Wednesday of every month at La Piazza Restaurant,21 Bayview St, Runaway Bay. Ladies, come along make new friends and enjoy afriendly welcome, interesting Speakers, and a delicious lunch. We promote friend-ship whilst proudly supporting The Smith Family. Our next meeting is Wednes-day April 11thBookings essential: Phone Ann 5577 4712 or 0419 161 246

Runaway Bay VIEW Club

Photo Arts Club

Southport Day VIEW Clubcil elections. Get a First-hand insight intothe man and find out what he hasplanned for the city. Venue: SouthportYacht Club, Macarthur Parade, MainBeach, on Wednesday 18th April 2012,at 11.30am for 12 noon. The cost is $28and includes a 2 course lunch with teaor coffee. Inquiries & bookings phoneRobin on 5537 4593.

South TweedComputer club

Lions Club ofBurleigh Heads Inc

U3A Twin Towns

Page 22: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 22 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012

DO you find that winter plays havoc with your skin,or that a dry skin condition frustrates throughout theyear? If so, why not add Vegesorb to your shoppinglist.Vegesorb is a non-greasy, easy-to-use moisturizerbased on natural almond and apricot kernel oils, bothknown for their penetrative abilities (unlikesorbolenes, which are designed to act as barriers,with many containing petrochemical by-products).Fragrance and colour free, Vegesorb is gentle; safe touse externally on sensitive and problematic skins,including those affected by eczema and psoriasis.Animal friendly, Vegesorb is not tested on animalsnor does it contain animal content.Conveniently available in health food shops in allAustralian states as well as in most Queensland phar-macies, Vegesorb comes in three sizes (with the 100-gram tube ‘handbag handy’, even on overseas flights)and is economically priced. Just when you thoughtthere couldn’t be more: Vegesorb is 100% Australianmade and owned; manufactured and packaged in aBrisbane factory registered with the TherapeuticGoods Administration (TGA).

Vegesorb – moisturiser based on nature


As well as being a full-body moisturiser suitable, too,for after-sun care, Vegesorb can be used to removemakeup; as an after-shave; during massages; forcracked heels; as an alternative to shampoo for dryscalp (massage Vegesorb into scalp and rinse out),and as a soap alternative (50/50 mix of Vegesorb andwater). Vegesorb is also used successfully as a basefor compounding in several pharmacies.And let’s not forget the grandchildren: Vegesorb isexcellent for babies, helping to moisturise and nour-ish skin affected by nappy rash.As with other skincare products, use as directed. Ifirritation develops, discontinue use. Also, do notuse Vegesorb on broken skin and only use externally.Want to learn more? Feel free to visit the comprehen-sive yet easy-to-read Vegesorb The Testimonials alone giveinsightful first-hand experiences into the nature andcapacity of this product.Neale Scott is a managing director with Vegesorb inBrisbane.He can be reached on (07) 3885 2882; 0412 412 987;email: info@vegesorb.

Dawn Cornish &Noela Jonesenjoying morningtea at theMusgrave HillBowls Club

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April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 23


QUEEN Elizabeth II hadonly been on the thronefor two years when JoanBroughton joined theRed Cross in February1954 in Joan’s hometownof Aramac, not far fromBarcaldine inQueensland’s centralwest. A true-blueQueenslander who hasalways lived within theState, Joan continues asa dedicated member of thePalm Beach/CurrumbinRed Cross Branch, whichshe joined in 1990 aftermoving south.Not long after joining RedCross as an adult (she hadpreviously belonged toJunior Red Cross), Joanspent two years in thearmy as a Signalwoman

DEAR Seniors, my name is Dr Tracey Gilmore and Iam a Candidate for Division 5 for the GCCCelections.I was the Director for Queensland’s Department ofState Development and Innovation, Gold Coastoffice for years. I was influential in the develop-ment of the Gold Coast Marine Precinct, the YatalaEnterprise Area and the Griffith University Knowl-edge Precinct projects. I have provided advice toover 3000 businesses on the Coast and representedon numerous local /state government committeesand boards.I have lived in Division 5 together with my husbandJohn for over 20 years and am passionate inrepresenting the community fairly and openly,reducing the cost of living , promoting growth andjobs, reducing the waste, providing better trans-port support for seniors and targeting crime andgraffiti.Mayoral aspirants’ have expressed the view thatthe GCCC can save $500M over the next four years.This equates to savings of $125M per year.When elected as Councillor I will fight to ensurethat any savings achieved in Council, will bereturned to the ratepayers.The long suffering ratepayers who have seen ratesincrease by 25% or more deserve a rates refund!!Let’s get the Gold Coast moving again and putproven experience into Council, people with avision and forward thinkers so the Gold Coast onceagain becomes the beacon of promise for ourgeneration and many more to come.On the 28th April, Division 5 residents Vote 1 forTracey Gilmore.Authorised by T.Gilmore,184 Crane Crescent,Nerang 4211 for T. Gilmore (Candidate)

THE U3A Twin Towns Inc Thursday classesat Tweed Library have vacancies in DigitalPhotography/technology, Writers Workshop& Literature, Poetry & Plays. CWA HallCoolangatta Calligraphy & Card Workshopand Friday Find the Artist in you. QiGong,TaiChi, Scrabble, Parchment & Decorative CardMaking all have vacancies and are held at 4Boyd Street Tugun on various days duringthe week. For further information Phone Mon-Fri before noon 5534 7333.

It’s time for achange in council! U3A Twin Towns Inc

A lifetime of Red Cross service

before marrying Philipand moving to a propertyin the Barcaldine area.Over a span of fortyyears, Joan was a mem-ber of the BarcaldineBranch Red Cross, withmany of those yearsspent as honorary secre-tary or president. Joanhas since been honouredwith a Laurel Wreath ser-vice award medal for 50years of Red Cross ser-vice. So what is it that hasdrawn Joan to the RedCross over much of herlifetime?“It’s been the compan-ionship and the friend-ship,” she says quietly,with a gentle smile. “Be-ing a member of RedCross is a wonderful way

to get to know people, andI very much enjoy thecommunity service aspecttoo.”Joan continues to go to allthe meetings at the PalmBeach/Currumbin RedCross Branch (located on11th Avenue, Palm Beach,next to the library), whereshe is known for herraffle-ticket selling skills.Laughing, Joan says, “Ilove selling raffle tickets.”Even though the Queen iscelebrating her DiamondJubilee this year, Joan (pic-tured) still has a couple ofyears to go before her 60-year milestone as a RedCross member, though sheis wished all the very bestby everyone who knowsher.

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April Workshop Dates

Sat 28th Sun 29th

and Mon 30th April

THURSDAY May 3rd. the Twin TownsDay VIEW Club will be celebrating their44th. birthday in grand style at the SouthTweed Sports Club from 10.00 am to2.30pm. and the cost will be $25.00which includes a two course dinner,with all the trimmings. The theme for

BROADBEACH Ladies Probus Club Inc. Meet the second Tuesday of the monthat Kurrawa Surf Club, Broadbeach. The meeting commences at 9.30 am, morningtea is provided, then followed by a guest speaker. Visitors and prospectivemembers are most welcome.Come along and join us, or phone our Secretary Wendy on 5538 8831 for moreinformation.

SOLE represents our offer of Footwear& FootcareIntegrity represents trust – in ourbrands, service and adviceOriginally opened by Phillip Vasyli,world renowned Podiatrist and inven-tor of Orthaheel, our stores have built afine reputation for “great service” anda range of podiatrist designed andOrthotic friendly footwear. You can re-ally trust our team of footcare profes-sionals with combined experience ofover 100 years in fitting shoes.At Sole integrity we are proud of thisheritage and are committed to provid-ing our customers with a range of foot-wear that not only suits the purpose,but also contributes to overall well-be-ing. Our people are skilled in productknowledge with a sound understand-ing of foot ailments offering great indi-vidual service. We are passionate aboutconsulting with you to find the rightfit, not only size but suitability.Our Range“a unique range combining our podia-trist designed footwear and orthoticswith the best the world has to offer incomfort & style”. Our range is carefullyselected from international brands

WE call ourselves FOLK (Friends Of the Library,Kingscliff). We are small in number, only about adozen of us but we are hard workers when it comes toour Spring and Autumn Book Sales and Raffles. Theseare our main source of funds together with a perma-nent Books For Sale cabinet, at the Library entrance.Recent purchases of equipment for our Library in-clude a DVD Cleaner, an Audio-Read Unit, a newspa-per-stand, a glass display cabinet and a magazine

Twin Towns Day VIEW Club

Broadbeach Ladies Probus Club

Friends of the library, Kingscliffrack. We like to hold Book Launches forlocal authors, and support other library-based com-munity activities.We will hold our next book sale on Saturday April14th, from 9 to 11:45am. Donations of saleable booksin good condition would be greatly appreciated.Books may be left at the library in Turnock Street,Kingscliff. Enquiries may be made to librarian LarryPrice, on Ph: 02 6674 1607.

Walk the World on our shoes!ECCO, Merrell, Doctor Comfort,Birkenstock, Orthaheel, andArcopedico, with both Men & Womencatered for.Many of our products are orthoticfriendly with removable footbeds to al-low the insertion of off the shelf or cus-tom made Orthotics. Our brands pro-vide footwear that has been designedto enhance the overall well being of thewearer though technology and design.Our specialty is fitting hard to fit feetand satisfying the needs of people whohave searched without success forgenuine comfort whilst also wantingstylish footwear.If you are planning to travel, or evendreaming of it, we have the shoes foryou to walk the world in comfort.Be sure to visit one of our stores or ourwebsite andfind your ideal traveller’s at least 3weeks prior to your departure date.Wear them in and get ready to walkyour chosen destination in shoes fromSole Integrity!Bon Voyage.Your feet are the foundation of yourwell-being. The right footwear canchange your life!


IN yet another sign of the growingdominance of the digital publishingmarket, the oldest English-languageencyclopedia still in print is movingsolely into the digital age.Encyclopaedia Britannica, which hasbeen in continuous print since it wasfirst published in Scotland in 1768 willsoon end publication of its printed edi-tions and continue with versions avail-able online. The company said it willkeep selling print editions until the stockof around 4,000 sets runs out.Groaning bookshelves of the redleather-bound volumes certainly lent an

Bye bye Britannicaaura of intellect or at least advertisedthe owner’s purported interest in knowl-edge, which formless onlineencyclopaedias cannot promise. ButBritannica’s true worth is in somethingits web competitors cannot offer: im-mutable facts.Internet search engines come up withall kinds of information as they trawlthrough cyberspace, with no filter orironclad guarantee of accuracy, andWikipedia, with innumerable contribu-tors of varying expertise, are no matchfor Britannica’s carefully researched en-tries by select experts.

Evelyn Bass, Diane Ford, Lesley Grewcoe, Jeannette Brown, MargaretBarlow, Barbie Higgs, Maureen Pocock, and Ailsa Rogers – all part of theplanning committee for the Twin Towns Day VIEW Club’s 44th. Birthday

the day will be Somewhere over theRainbow and the main guest entertainerwill be Chris Harvie with a supportingact by the talented ladies of VIEW. Itis essential to book ahead for this oc-casion by ringing Freda on 07 55 241357 prior to Tuesday 1st. May.

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MEMBERS of the Friendship Force of the Gold Coastrecently celebrated their Club’s 20th Birthday with 84people enjoying a very special dinner at Bond Uni-versity Club. Former Gold Coast Mayor Lex Bell, theClub’s first Patron, was delighted to attend and passedon his good wishes for the future. A special greetingand 20 Year Certificate was sent by George Brown,President of Friendship Force International.A number of past members attended this significantoccasion together with 24 members from Blue Moun-tains, Cairns, Brisbane, North Moreton, SunshineCoast and Sydney clubs. The Club’s “Thru’ theYears” Memorabilia display created much interest,while those present were entertained by ‘Harmony inParadise’, followed by Roger Munsie, who demon-strated his wonderful musical skills throughout theevening.Many of the visitors were home hosted by local mem-bers and a special 20th Birthday booklet illustratingthe club’s 20 year history was given to those in atten-dance during the weekend.The next morning 59 people met at Liquid Amber Bis-tro & Grill at Mt Tamborine to indulge in a sumptuousbreakfast before saying their farewells and headinghome after what all agreed was a wonderful weekendof fun and fellowship.

THE voice of criticism addressing Gold Coast CityCouncillors has grown louder as the local govern-ment elections approach at the end of April. The re-sounding LNP victory on March 24th shows a sig-nificant mood for change amongst residents of theGold Coast on state government issues but Gold coast-ers are also concerned about the spiralling costsratepayers must endure.Council candidate in Division 9, Glenn Tozer, com-mented on the public sentiment. “I’m committed tomaking a difference to the ways things are done inDivision 9, if elected. Our current councillor has losttouch with the residents.A fresh approach is needed; where the local residentfeels comfortable talking about their local issues withtheir local Councillor and that representative is will-ing to listen.

Some of the early club members present at the 20th Birthday Dinner. L-R Cherylene Lewis, ShirleyEvans, Brian & Beth Hallam, Maureen & Terry Miners, Joan & Don Mason

20 Years of Worldwide Friendship

Friendship Force is an international home hostingorganization with over 350 clubs worldwide (25 inAustralia). During the past 20 years the Gold Coastclub has hosted 1,017 Ambassadors from 16 coun-tries while 448 Ambassadors from our club have en-joyed home hosted exchanges to 15 countries. Inaddition many of our members have participated asAmbassadors with other Clubs; an added bonus ofbelonging to Friendship Force is the opportunity toenjoy organized domestic exchanges within Austra-lia - whether you are a Host or an Ambassador, athome or overseas, lifelong friendships are formedduring a week of living with, and as, a “local”.A group of Gold Coast club members is presently inthe throes of planning for this year’s overseas ex-change to Nara, Kumamoto, Kyoto and Hiroshima inJapan which has been timed to coincide with the an-nual cherry blossom festival.A world of friends is a world of peace – YOU canmake a difference. If you would like to know moreabout this wonderful organization and how you toocould visit exotic destinations and be hosted by “lo-cals”, information can be found on our or by contact-ing either Miri Marsden (Membership) 5578 9535 orJohn Parsons (President) 5502 6350.

Local Council candidate Glenn Tozercommits to listen to residents

We need a return to times when you could be sure tosee your Councillor at the local markets and in thecommunity. Residents of Division 9 can be sure thatif they ‘Vote for Tozer’, they’ll see that change”“In my experience working with other local QLD coun-cils and QLD government departments, I can see ar-eas where the Gold Coast can do specific things bet-ter, saving us money, partnering better with commu-nity groups and delivering better services to the pub-lic. It’s time for the Gold Coast to be leading the wayagain.”The race in Mudgeeraba and the Gold Coast Hinter-land will be close, with the incumbent’s current 12year hold on power being challenged by the freshpositive approach of Mr Tozer.Authorised by Glenn Tozer, 28 Friarbird Crescent,Bonogin for G. Tozer (Candidate)

Mother’s Day Classic Fun RunTHE Gold Coast Mother’s Day Clas-sic Fun Run event on Sunday 13 Mayinvolves a 4km and 8km walk fromHollindale Park, Main Beach alongthe beautiful beachfront and The Es-planade. Register at for the walk or run.More details on the event and regis-tration closing dates are also on thiswebsite.If running and walking isn’t yourthing you can still join in the fun ofthe day by volunteering to help out.Volunteers are needed to help out ina variety of areas from managing thecloak room or a drink station, to mar-shalling participants or helping outat the showbag area. All roles helpcontribute to the smooth running of

NEW entries into the city’s 2012-2013 Community Guide only have until Monday16 April to lodge their details. Any new groups wanting to be listed or groupswhich are changing any details need to email or fax their information through tothe Citizens Advice Bureau by 16 April. The Gold Coast Community Guide is aninvaluable guide for information on programs, services and facilities in the city.The bureau’s hours of operation are 8.30am to 4pm Monday to Friday. For moreinformation email: [email protected], fax 5532 9125, or ph 5532 9611.

Community guide deadline nears

this major community event and meanthat more funds can be directed tobreast cancer research.Alternatively, you can come alongand support all walkers and runnersand join in the entertainment andactivity taking place around thecourse.All participants are in the runningfor spot prizes, given out around thecourse on the day. Remember to fillin a tribute card to wear on the day inmemory of a loved one or with wordsof encouragement to someone cur-rently undergoing treatment. If youwish to make a stand-alone donationto the Mother’s Day Classic forbreast cancer research, you can doso from the website. For more eventinformation contact: 1300 13 28 91.

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PLANNING is underwayfor “A Passion for Fash-ion”, the Auxiliary’s an-nual fashion parade to beheld on May 21, 2012 atthe Tweed Civic Centre,Cnr Wharf and Brett Sts,Tweed Heads. Doorsopen at 9:30am so patronscan enjoy a homemademorning tea before theParade, featuring our veryown stars of the catwalk,starts at 10:30am. Fash-ions featured this year willbe selected from Casualson Griffith, CoolangattaMenswear, Katies, LowesMenswear, Man to Man,Margie’s Boutique, NoniB, Rockmans, SonsieWoman, Suzanne Grae,Tummy Control andW.Lane.Tickets will be on sale

THE Twin Waters VIEW Club (Voice, Interest andEducation of Women) a friendship club for womenof all ages, will hold their next monthly luncheonmeeting at Twin Waters Golf Club 11.00am, onThursday 12 April 2012. You are assured of a warmwelcome so come along, have some fun and makenew friends.Our Guest Speaker is Marion Allen, Learning forLife, Maroochydore. Guests Welcome $27.00.

THE Northern Rivers Symphony Or-chestra kicks off the 2012 concert sea-son with a musical delight! “Back toBroadway” features popular tunes fromclassic hits such as Phantom of theOpera, Oklahoma, Evita, LesMiserables and many more. The NRSOis proud to present guest artists, LizaBeamish and Andrew Pryor. With herangelic soprano voice, Liza has wowedaudience all over Australia and inter-nationally, and Andrew is a wonderfullygifted tenor with his powerful tones

THE next meeting will be on 16th April,2012 in Four Seasons Carvery, TwinTowns. Doors open at 8.00 am for busallocation tickets. Meeting 8.45 am. Twobus trips per month inc m/tea & lunch.New Members phone Isabelle 0421 270203. Gosford Terranova Tours 7 days, 6

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News from THE TWEED

Twin Towns Seniors Social Clubnights. 29th April to 5th May, 2012. Cost$979 (meals and day tours included).Sydney Harbour, Blue Mountains,Hunter Valley Gardens. For further in-formation phone Dot Mortimer 07 55909301 for coloured brochure. Everyonewelcome.

Northern Rivers Symphony Orchestrapresents Back To Broadway

familiar to Opera Queensland. Con-ducted by our favourite maestro BarrySingh, this concert is sure to be an au-dience pleaser!On Sunday 22nd April at 2.30pm at theSouth Tweed Sports Club, Tweed HeadsSouth. Tickets: Adults $40, Conces-sion $35, Students 18+ $25 ad schoolStudens $10.Tickets can be purchased online withcredit card by visiting our website, , or alternatively byphoning (07) 5536 6063 or (07) 5513 1083.

Twin Waters VIEW Club

Tweed Hospital Auxiliary

from April 23rd at the Aux-iliary gift shop at TweedHospital. They will alsobe available at the usualraffle ticket selling loca-tions and at the CivicCentre on the day. Theorganising committee ofLinda Scott, Lesley Bullusand Pat Carroll have been

very busy and are pic-tured looking at somefashions for possible in-clusion in the parade.The team have alsoorganised some LuckyDoor prizes which havebeen kindly donated froma variety of local businesshouses.

A raffle will be run in con-junction with the fashionparade with a first prize ofa $250 voucher to any oneof the fashion houses fea-tured in the parade.Raffle tickets will be onsale from April 9 and willbe drawn at the FashionParade.

RSVP: Before 5.00pm on Monday 9 April by calling0487182644 (leave a message) or email [email protected]. Our April Social is on Thursday26 April 2012. Morning Tea and Movies 9.00am atThe Coffee Club in the Sunshine Plaza,Maroochydore. Price $10.00 (Coffee/Tea and cakes)followed a movie if you wish. RSVP: Call0487182644 (leave a message) or emailinfo@twinwaters

Call Carole, Andrew and Wendi for friendly, experienced help from locals


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Page 27: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 27

PH: 07 5576 3559 - 0408 987 416

Wommin Bay Village “It’s not just a house but a home” is a 70 bed facility comprising of low-carebeds. As part of the 70 there is a ten bed dementia specific area and we age in place if able to meetresidents needs adequately. We also provide three respite rooms for the community. Wommin BayVillage is set in spacious grounds near the beach in Kingscliff. There are 6 houses or residences. Allhouses vary in size from 8-15 rooms and have a communal kitchen, lounge and dining room in eachhouse. All the rooms are single rooms with ensuites. Accommodation can be made for a marriedcouple. Services include 24hr staff, choice of medical practitioner, visiting podiatrist, visitingphysiotherapist, newspaper delivery, visiting hair dresser, personal care and help with medicationsas well as laundry and room servicing. Catering: All food is prepared fresh in our kitchen, thisincludes homely baked dinners and scrumptious scones with jam and cream. No precooked food.There is also a full time Activities Director who plans lots of outings and activities.

Not Just a House but a Home

PH:(02) 6674 4177McKissock DriveKingscliff, NSW [email protected]

News from THE TWEED

WE welcome all 50 & 0ver Seniors in the Coolangatta/Tweed Heads areas. Visitors also welcome. The Cen-tre has a large range of activities including: Bingo,Indoor Bowls, Card Games, Computer Lessons, Ball-room Dancing (New Vogue), Knit & Natter, Craft &Chatter, Light Exercises, Mah Jong, Meditation,Qigong, Rock & Roll, Swing & Sway, Snooker & 8Ball, Tai Chi, Table Tennis, Monthly bus trips, freemonthly Concerts, Library, Hairdresser and Beauti-cian.Our next free concert will be on Monday 30th of April,2012 at 1pm Qld time and will feature the multi tal-ented professional musician Roger Munsie. Rogerskillfully plays many instruments including flute, allthe saxophones, penny whistle, clarinet and digitalhorn. He plays a wonderful range of songs from yes-terday and today including vocals in his versatileprofessional presentation. You will love his amazingand enjoyable personality so we recommend that youdon’t miss him. All members and visitors are invitedto come along and enjoy any or all of these activities/pastimes and meet new friends. For enquiries, infor-mation or events leaflet and concert bookings, phoneus on 07 5536 4050 or call into our centre at 2 GerrardStreet, Coolangatta. You can also check out our Website on We hope tosee you soon at Coolangatta Senior Citizens.

Women in celebration

“GREAT success” wasthe buzz throughout theroom as over 180 attend-ees enjoyed InternationalWomen’s Day celebra-tions at South TweedSports Club in earlyMarch.Presented byCoolangatta Tweed VIEWClub (Voice, Interests andEducation of Women),chief organiser PenelopeThorpe and her dedicatedVIEW helpers ensuredthat the event heldeveryone’s attention fromstart to finish.Guest speakers on this101st IWD anniversarywere Professor CynthiaFisher, MS PhD, Head ofManagement at BondUniversity as well as chiefinstructor at Gold CoastDog Obedience Club,dog trainer for the dis-abled and a qualifiedjudge for the new disci-pline of Rally Obedience;Dr Elizabeth Lewis AM,

Pictured (l-r) are Margaret Girvan, Kayla Stewart,Prof Cynthia Fisher (green jacket), Dr ElizabethLewis (front centre), Hon Justine Elliot (whitejacket), Joy Gregor and VIEW Zone CouncillorMargaret Ricketts.

CoolangattaSenior Citizens

Monash University, firstAustralian woman neuro-surgeon whose specialproject was the setting-upof a day centre for dis-abled children in PapuaNew Guinea with an on-going commitment toacute rehabilitation at thecentre, and Kayla Stewart,2012 School Captain ofBanora Point HighSchool. Kayla’s achieve-ments already includerecognised high marks inYear 11 plus a CustomerService Award throughpart-time employment. Allthree speakers were ap-plauded for their excep-tional presentations.The ever-popularMaggie-Anne Leybournewas an expert master ofceremonies on the occa-sion, with president ofCoolangatta Tweed VIEWClub Margaret Girvan pre-senting the welcome;VIEW National CouncillorJoy Gregor giving an out-

line of the Club, and TheHon Justine Elliot MP,Parliamentary Secretaryfor Trade and the localMember also delivering abrief address. Morningtea and a light lunchrounded off the day.VIEW is a valued part ofThe Smith Family. Ap-proximately $1200 wasraised for The Smith Fam-ily during the SouthTweed 2012 InternationalWomen’s Day celebra-tions. For further informa-tion about CoolangattaTweed VIEW Club, pleasecontact Penelope Thorpeon (07) 5534-3931.

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For more information,phone 07 5539 5186 oremail [email protected]

PUREWELLNESS, anAustralian developedand manufacturedproduct range, is thefirst natural glutenfree funct ionalprotein powder on themarket that i sfortified with anti-oxidants.

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BOWEN Therapy is one of the most powerful healing modalities usedworldwide. Results can be remarkable even from the first session. It canassist in recovery from many conditions. It is recommended by manydoctors because it is safe, gentle and non invasive.Jan is a registered Bowen Therapist and have been trained in theoriginal technique which has been found to be the most effective methodand have helped clients with back pain/sciatica, digestion/irritable bowel,migraines and tension headaches, knee/ankle/foot problems, neck/shoulder/frozen shoulder, respiratory/asthma/hay-fever, RSI, carpal tunnelsyndrome/tennis elbow, arthritis pain reduction, stress and tension.Patient testimonials:“I visited Jan with painful sciatica and irritable bowel. Doctors andmedication had not helped me. I was amazed that after 3 treatments I wassymptom free. My symptoms have not returned.”Rev. Denise Smith, Currumbin“I had problems with my neck seizing up unable to move it. After oneappointment with Jan it was 100% better and hasn’t returned.”Renee Hurley, Springbrook“Before I went to Jan I was mentally and physically exhausted, tired of thepain in my back, neck and knees and unable to sleep. After threetreatments I was completely pain free.” Yasmin Winters, Broadbeach“I visited Jan for arthritis in my hips and knees, with regular monthlysessions I am now pain free.” Freda Bartlett, Robina“I have been seeing Jan regularly for 3 months. EVERY session I attendwhether to relax or work on a specific area of pain or discomfort, theresults are instant and effective. I had numbness in my big toe for 12months, with 1 session I have never experienced this again. I had a longstanding injury in my wrist, with 2 sessions that pain has effectivelystopped.” Andrew Barker, Mudgeeraba (National DevelopmentManager, Bartercard Australia)“ I sought out Jan’s services to relieve headache and tension and hertreatment has been very effective and beneficial and I would recommendher to anyone. Contact Jan if you have symptoms that ‘never go away’,you will be so glad that you did – Bowen is wonderful.”Sheila Brown, RobinaJan Evans is a full member of the Bowen Association of Australia.

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IN a splash, aqua fitnesscan best be described asa fun and social yet in-vigorating way of keepingfit, no matter the age. Totop it off, you don’t haveto know how to swim.Pictured is a mixedgroup—ranging from ayouthful 44 to an active

USING the Internet to find health and medical infor-mation can help you make more informed decisionsabout your health care, but it is not a substitute forseeing a registered medical doctor (GP). Althoughsome health information available on the Internet canbe valuable, you need to be aware of the risks be-cause medical misinformation or ‘cyberquackery’ isrife on the Internet.It is important to know how to recognise a reputablesite. Watch out for scams or dodgy information anddon’t self-diagnose or self-medicate using online in-formation. Always consult with your registered medi-cal doctor (GP) for proper diagnosis and treatmentadvice. A 2010 study showed that searching for healthand medical information was among the top teninternet activities for online Australians over 16 yearsof age. We go online to gather more information abouta medically diagnosed disease or illness, find out

Aqua fitness fun for all

82—enjoying the water,sunshine and exercise-as-you-can philosophy atclasses run by popularaqua fitness instructorJudy Callahan. The facili-ties used are at TheSouthport School (TSS)on Winchester Street.Out of camera range Judy

was leading the group bydemonstrating a varietyof aqua fitness routines.Judy encourages every-one to follow to the bestof their abilities but yet tochallenge themselves inorder to improve. Partici-pants say they feelenergised after the hour-

long workouts, one of thereasons many keep com-ing back.Describing aqua fitnessas ‘the best health insur-ance’, the amiable Bill(second from left; bigsmile, white hat) fromRunaway Bay has experi-enced health problemsover the years that haveled to five major opera-tions, but both he and hisdoctors believe that aquafitness has been a keyfactor in his recoveries.“It keeps me young too”he laughs.Camaraderie was anotherpoint emphasised in thisaqua fitness group, wheremembers stay for a cuppaafter sessions and oftenget together socially onother occasions. Friend-ships of many years

standing have resultedfrom Judy’s classes.Deep water running isanother of Judy’s special-ties, DWR also “perfectfor all ages and fitnesslevels and terrific ascross-training for anyoneinvolved in other sportsfrom marathons to funruns; mountain climbingto bicycling and walk-ing.”Whereas aqua fitness in-volves at least one footon the bottom of the poolat all times, deep waterrunning participants aresupported by buoyancybelts fastened around thewaist.Anyone wishing more in-formation can contactJudy on 0412 657 054 orThe Southport School on5531-9919.

Should you rely on the internet for a health diagnosis?about alternative medical treatments or to get a ‘sec-ond opinion’.Around one-quarter of all Australians regularly seekhealth information on the web and this will increaseas more people use the internet to supplement theirdoctor’s advice. However, it seems that the vast ma-jority of people still seek professional medical atten-tion for diagnosis and information about prescrip-tion medication or for a referral.It is important not to use online health information toself-diagnose or self-medicate. Always see your regu-lar medical doctor (GP) or another healthcare profes-sional registered with the Australian Health Practitio-ner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).Self-diagnosis using medical websites is always tricky,because the information provided tends to relate tospecific medical conditions rather than your particu-lar situation. For example, if you type the symptom‘stomach pain’ into the search engine of a generalhealth and medical website, it may offer gastritis, ap-pendicitis, irritable bowel syndrome or gastroenteri-tis for further information. It would be a mistake toconsider these suggestions as diagnoses. Your stom-ach pain could be caused by a build-up of gas follow-ing the baked beans and eggs you had for lunch or itmay indicate a life-threatening emergency.It is a good idea to discuss online health informationyou have found with your doctor or registeredhealthcare professional. However, don’t expect themto have enough time to read multiple pages of infor-mation. Before you visit the doctor, you shouldsummarise the information you found on the internetand prepare a short list of specific questions to askyour doctor.

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A NATIONALLY significant collec-tion portraying the Gold Coast’s past,from Aboriginal artefacts to a collec-tion of Paula Stafford bikinis, can beseen at the Gold Coast and HinterlandHistorical Museum at 8 Elliott Street,Surfers Paradise, on the first Sunday

THE newly formed Gold Coast Seniors RegionalRoundtable is inviting community-based not-for-profit organisations to get on board and have theirsay on issues affecting seniors across the city.Roundtable chairperson and long-time seniors advo-cate Marianne Gevers said the Gold Coast was one ofthe fastest growing regions in the state, with the 60+age group population expected to increase by 89 percent to 206,282 by 2031.“That will be a quarter of the city’s total population,”Ms Gevers said. “We recognise that through theirwisdom, knowledge and experience, seniors make aninvaluable contribution to our community.“However, rapid growth brings challenges that affectthe health and wellbeing of older people. It also bringsopportunities.“That’s why the Gold Coast Seniors RegionalRoundtable is developing a seniors action plan toaddress known factors and identify emerging issuesthat impact on seniors having healthy, active and in-dependent lifestyles.“We want to engage with community-based not-for-profit as they have the knowledge required to dealwith local issues at a local level, as well as harnessextra assistance from state and federal sources asrequired.”The Gold Coast Seniors Regional Roundtable was

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Call for an appointment on 55 618 545Located upstairs in Suite 10 of the

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specialising in:

Massage for Seniors• Deep Tissue Massage • Remedial Massage• Relaxation Massage • Injury Rehabilitation

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SEAN O’Hara of Benowamight be almost 75 butthere’s nothing ‘almost’ inhis attitude to keeping fitthrough running and racewalking.Looking forward to the GoldCoast Bulletin Trilby MissoFun Run (a family fun festemphasising “healthybody; healthy mind”) at theend of April, Sean alsoplans to take part—for the20th time—in the Gold CoastMarathon at the end ofJune.Other achievements Seanhas enjoyed include (toname just a few) being acompetitor at three WorldMasters Games (in Austra-lia and Canada) and at sev-eral Pan-Pacific Games onthe Gold Coast; at the Aus-tralian Masters Games inGeelong, Victoria; in five‘Bridge to Brisbane’ funruns plus many other funruns.Sean was recently namedCommunity Ambassadorfor Masters GamesQueensland and, prior tothat, was Ambassador toGeelong and also to theSydney World Games, aposition he was deservedlyproud to hold.All the best Sean! You’re aninspiration to all age groups.

Seniors Roundtable seeksinput on Gold Coast region issues

formed by merging the Elder Abuse Task Force, Ref-erence Group on Ageing and Seniors Weeks Coordi-nating Committee, all of which have been operatingsince the early 1990s.“Meeting attendance had dropped off due to the turn-over of staff and volunteers in local and governmentorganisations servicing the seniors sector,” MsGevers said.“We felt it was prudent to unite these three groupsinto a cohesive body that focussed on keeping se-niors issues at the forefront of decision-making.“This collaboration and fresh input will ensure weget both a broader and specific understanding of lo-cal issues and services.”The Gold Coast Seniors Action Plan 2012-2015 sup-ports the Queensland Government’s Positively Age-less: Queensland Seniors Strategy 2010-2020andcomplements the Gold Coast City Council’s Plan foran Ageing Community.“The plan will focus on positive ageing and ensuringthe challenges and opportunities of an ageing popu-lation are acknowledged and embraced by the wholecommunity,” Ms Gevers said.Organisations and individuals interested in contrib-uting to the Gold Coast Seniors Regional Roundtablecan send their contact details to Secretary IanMcDougall via [email protected]

Sean an inspiration to all

Gold Coast’s past on show

of every month between 10am and4pm or by arrangement at other timesfor school and community groups.Entry is $5, children 10 and under free.Morning tea available.Call 5533 9815 or [email protected].

Paula Stafford

AN AfternoAn afternoon retreat will be held on Saturday 21st April from 2pm to5pm at Brahma Kumaris Australia, 27 Bordeaux Parade (cnr Le Mans Street),Mermaid Waters.The search for true happiness is a long and varied one. In this afternoon retreatwe will explore these inner pathways through meditation and group activities.Bookings are essential, phone 07 5575 2126 or email [email protected]

Afternoon retreat

Sean is pictured warming up for a practice runat the Broadwater Parklands in Southport

Chair Yoga - Seatedstretch and relax for

beginners and seniors

SEATED and wheelchair yoga is safe, natural andprovides no-impact low-intensity exercise. Suitablefor seniors and anybody with restricted mobility, ca-reers welcome to join in. No matter what your currentlevel of fitness, chair yoga can guide you to feelingbetter, gently increasing your flexibility and strengthwithout impacting the joints, relieve pain and stiff-ness, prevent illness and injury. Contact Garry Ander-son on 0412 007 689 for further information.

Chair Yoga at the Southport Community CentreLawson Street

FIBROMYALGIA, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group, Tweed Heads -due to Easter the next meeting will be held on Friday 13th April at the SouthTweed Sports Club, 4 Minjungbal Drive, Tweed Heads South, at 10:30 am. Allwelcome. Contact Bronwyn 5593 9319 for more details.

Fibromyalgia Support Group

and Staying IndependentFEELING GOOD

Page 32: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 32 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012

South-Western Qld Opal ToursYowah, Qld April - October

Door to door pick-up - Small group toursVisit local attractions and highlights - swim in Artesian Spas

Shop for Opals at Miners’ prices - Big John Opal MineVisit working Sheep & Cattle property for Farm Stay

4 star Motel/Cabin accommodation with en-suiteProfessionally-prepared meals included (except 2 lunches

when travelling) Special dietary needs catered for12-dayStandard Tour

only $1400 per person21-day Extended Tour

P.O.A departing 1st July, 2012Covering 6000 kms of Qld, Central Qld

- Mt Isa - Camooweal - the Gulf- Karumba - Normaton - Rubyvale - Emerald

Tours finish October 2012 due to retirementInterested? Contact Mal Gamble direct

07 5534 3354 - 0412 757 832 [email protected]

Bookings/Expressions of interest must be made earlyto avoid disappointment.

Include Int’l& Domestic flights with all taxes and fuel surcharge, meals, 4-5* hotels,sightseeing & transfers, English Speaking Tour Guide. * Compulsory travel insurance, tipping are extras.

Call 1300 842 688 or your nearest travel agents for bookings and enquiry.

E: [email protected] W: Lic: 3373035

The Great Value Tours to Asia & Beyond

“2012-2013 New Brochure out Now call us for your FREE copy”“2012-2013 New Brochure out Now call us for your FREE copy”“2012-2013 New Brochure out Now call us for your FREE copy”“2012-2013 New Brochure out Now call us for your FREE copy”“2012-2013 New Brochure out Now call us for your FREE copy”

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Mighty Yangtze River & Hong KongMighty Yangtze River & Hong KongMighty Yangtze River & Hong KongMighty Yangtze River & Hong KongMighty Yangtze River & Hong Kong15 Days fully inclusive from $3798 $3098Shanghai, Nanjing, Mt.Huang, Wuhan, 3 Gorges,Chongqing, Hong Kong

Around Formosa TaiwanAround Formosa TaiwanAround Formosa TaiwanAround Formosa TaiwanAround Formosa Taiwan10 Days fully inclusive from $2495 $2295Taipei, Sun moon lake, Kaohsiung,Taitung, Hualien,Taroko Gorge

Japan Autumn LeavesJapan Autumn LeavesJapan Autumn LeavesJapan Autumn LeavesJapan Autumn Leaves11 Days fully inclusive from $4680 $4485Tokyo, Nikko, Mt. Fuji, Hakone, Toyohashi, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, Osaka

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The Best of KoreaThe Best of KoreaThe Best of KoreaThe Best of KoreaThe Best of Korea9 Days fully inclusive from $3350 $2880

Seoul, DMZ, Busan, Gyeongju, Andong, Mt.Sorak, Goseong

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Pensioners/Senior Citizens

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*Travel restrictions and conditions apply. Please ask us for further details. Tour prices are per person and are subject to change and are based on twin share. Prices do not include international flights. Prices are subject to availability at the time of booking. Tours are for females only. Must be booked by 30th May 2012. ^Discount is per person and applies to any Flying Solo Together tour. Flight Centre Limited (ABN 25 003 377 188) trading as Escape Travel. Licence Number: QLD TAG262. ETRB50306_110x110

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THE Australian RailwayHistorical Society(Queensland Division)has entered its 55th yearof operating rail tours.Over 940 excursions op-erated by both steam anddiesel hauled trains to

Train trips for all tastes

THERE’S a reason thesun shines on NewZealand before anywhereelse – every new day inAotearoa is something tocherish! The culture isrich, dynamic and is notsimply locked away inmuseums, it’s everywhereyou look. From North toSouth, see things herethat you will not see – inthe same country – any-where else in the world.View everything fromspectacular glaciers, pic-turesque fiords and rug-ged mountains to vastplains, rolling hillsides,subtropical forest, volca-nic plateaus and miles ofcoastline as far as the eyecan see.Sounds like a dreamdoesn’t it? Well you canturn imagination into re-ality by choosing to travelon a coach holiday! Sitback and relax on five starcoaches as you enjoy aninformative and hasslefree break. Let Grand Pa-cific Tours, the NewZealand Coach Holidayspecialist, take care of itall by providing value formoney tours to suit yourbudgets and interests,they know everyone isdifferent!It’s a wonderful thoughtthat you can have all thisand share your NewZealand experience withlike-minded people. Startout as a group of strang-ers and end up as one bigfamily after just a fewdays often providing thefoundation for lifelongfriendships upon returnto Australia.Deciding on a coach holi-day allows you to unwindand enjoy the profes-sional commentary fromyour experienced CoachCaptain including numer-ous facts and figures,myths, legends and manylaughs along the way.

There’s no better way to see NewZealand than on a coach holiday!many destinations in

Queensland have beenrun by the Society since1957, of course the steamhauled tours are verypopular and give passen-gers a nostalgic tour intravel of a bygone era –

travelling in style in theheritage carriages.The excitement of a dayout by steam train com-mences at Roma St.The annual Rail and Sailto Redcliffe is on Satur-day 12th May. Travel bylaunch from Southbank toRedcliffe and return bysteam train fromSandgate. This tour oper-ates in reverse also forthose who would preferan afternoon cruise.Lunch is included in thefare and for those whoprefer not to travel byboat a steam train onlyoption is available.Every Queenslanderwould know about one ofour state’s great rail jour-neys – The Sunlanderwhich travels through ourgreat coastal scenerythree times a week follow-ing the Sunshine Route,but only twice a yeardoes the Winelander taketo the rails for a weekendescape to the Granite Beltto visit the regions greatwineries.Run by the Australian

Railway Historical Soci-ety, the air conditionedWinter Winelander de-parts Brisbane on Satur-day 30th June. This relax-ing two day tour travelsout through the westernsuburbs, through thesalad bowl Lockyer Valleyand climbs the scenicToowoomba Range.Lunch is served and shortwine tasting sessions areheld in the club car.On arrival at Stanthorpecoaches will take passen-gers to a selection of win-eries, then to a specialdinner at the QueenslandCollege of Wine Tourism.The train departs on Sun-day morning at 10am forthe return to Brisbanewith reds being theflavour of the day duringthe wine tasting sessionsand once again lunch isserved. Arrival back intothe city is scheduled foraround 6.00pm to con-clude a very relaxing weekend winter escape.The Brisbane suburbscome alive with the soundof steam on 7th July as amystery destinationsteam train travelsthrough the suburbs.This is a great day outwith lunch served to yourseat as the excursion wan-ders across the city.Ever what wondered wasat the end of the far westbranch lines atCunnamulla and Quilpie?Join us for a special ex-tended tour by air condi-tioned train from 10th to14th July. Travel will beaboard the Westlander incomfortable sleeping cab-ins to Charleville wherethe train will divide andcontinue to Cunnamulllaand QuilpieTo book or order a bro-chure phone our office on3252 1759 between 10amand 3.00pm Tuesday,Wednesdays and Thurs-days. A recorded mes-sage operates at othertimes.

Grand Pacific Tours offera daily seat rotation toensure that everyone getsto experience the besttouring experience.As a New Zealand Spe-cialist, you are spoilt forchoice with over 190 de-partures per season ontheir Luxury Coach andRail Holidays. The LuxuryCoach Holidays range in-volves traditional touringitineraries varying inlength from 9 -19 dayswhich provides travellerswith both selection andvariety. Each of thesetours provide the comfortof a modern luxury twodoor coach, visiting allthose iconic attractionswe dream of and experi-encing the unique Maoriculture.They also offer a uniquestyle of holiday: UltimateSmall Group Touring,where travellers have theopportunity to indulge inthe spectacular beautythat New Zealand isknown for onboard the

deluxe Ultimate Coach.You will travel on a fullsize coach which normallyhouses 49 seats but hasbeen reconfigured withjust 20 luxury leather re-clining seats includingextensive onboard fea-tures. All tours are tai-lored for the discerningtraveller who expects thehighest level of luxury,service and attention todetail.Both styles of touring arefully inclusive of airfare,taxes, accommodation,most meals and a widerange of pre-paid attrac-tions. This represents in-credible value for moneyand works out more af-fordable than achievingthe same itinerary as anindependent traveller. There is no better way tovisit New Zealand!For more informationcontact a New ZealandAgent Specialist or GrandPacific Tours on 1800 622768 or

Page 33: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 33


Steam train to Sandgate with return by boat fromRedcliffe aboard the “MV Queenslander”

Tour operates in reverse also

Saturday 30th June & Sunday 1st JulyWINTER WINELANDER

Two day diesel hauled air conditioned train tourto the Granite Belt region


Day tour by steam train around the suburbs

Tuesday 10th – Saturday 14th JulyFAR WEST QUEENSLAND

Quilpie & Cunnamulla by air conditioned train

“Book early as seats are limited”


Phone 3252 1759 Fax 3252 1767Australian Railway Historical Society Queensland Division

ABN 74 009 767 579Coastal Variety Tours


Caboolture, Redcliffe, Brisbane Metro Area, Redlands, Gold Coast,Tweed Heads, Banora Pt, Kingscliff

Will mail Itinerary on all tours, Please PhoneBrisbane: 3343 6722 Gold Coast: 5520 1499


- RAINBOW BEACH - POMONA - EUMUNDI - YANDINA3 Day Saurday 9th - Monday 11th June

$530 Includes: New Luxury Motel Four star, Dinners, Breakfasts, (1) Morning Tea,Majestic Theatre, All Admissions, Mary Valley Heritage Steam Train, Ginger Factory

Boat Cruise, Eumundi Markets, Tin Can Bay, Rainbow Beach, Noosa.Home Pick-up and Return - Caboolture, Redcliffe, Brisane Area, Redlands,

Gold Coast, Tweed Heads, Banora Point, Kingscliff


- KURANDA - DAINTREE12 Days - 27th July - 7th August

$1899 Includes: Good Motels - Breakfast & Dinners, One Morning Tea Admissions:Sky Rail or TravelTrain to Kuranda, Daintree Rainforest, River Cruise, Mackay,

Rockhampton, Airlie Beach, Bundaberg

& LeisureHOLIDAY

TURQUOISE waters, soli-tary atolls, lush vegetationand hospitable people -the South Pacific is theperfect destination for ro-mantic retreats, fun-filledfamily holidays, activetravellers, and those who

Discover Paradise…

IT’S up early every morning, seven days a week,for ‘retirees’ Peter and Pirjo of Mount Tamborine,who travel down the mountain to the Coast in theirmobile coffee van, something they’ve enjoyeddoing since late last year.Peter, a former builder, and Pirjo, once a publicservant, are pictured beachside on the Gold Coastinside their specially-built solar-panelled ‘retirementretreat’.Happily chatting each day with people from aroundthe world, Peter and Pirjo arrived on Australia’sshores from Finland in the ’70s, heading north fromSydney eight years ago to a ‘retirement with adifference’.

Retirement with a difference

simply want to unwindwith the gentle sea breeze.A periennel favourite, Fijioffers something for ev-ery holidaymaker.The Coral Coast andMamunuca Islands of VitiLevu are ideal for short

interludes or family holi-days while the northernislands of Vanua Levuand Taveuni are popularwith divers, bushwalkersand nature lovers. For funin Fiji, explore therainforest by zip line in

Pacific Harbour or take ajetboat safari in Sigatoka.For a complete change ofpace, Norfolk Island isonly 8kms long and 5kmswide with a population ofjust over 1800. Despite itssize, Norfolk’s rich his-tory, great shopping andextensive national parksmean there is much onoffer. Stroll beneath theworld’s tallest tree ferns,snorkel over coral reefsteeming with tropical fish,or go mountain biking.Across the internationaldateline you’ll find theCook Islands. Satteredover some 2 millionsquare kilometres, you’llwonder how anyone everfound them. The main is-land of Rarotonga is sur-rounded by a lagoon andfringing reef perfect forswimming, snorkellingand sailing. Hire a car anddiscover it for yourself –

it’s only 32kms around.Less than an hour’s flightaway is Aitutaki, famousfor its crystal clear lagoonand a true Pacific para-dise.Tahiti, Moorea, Bora Boraare islands that evoke thesenses and seduce hon-eymooners and roman-tics time and time again.These fabled isles andtheir luxe resorts are madefor love with brilliant sun-sets, tropical lagoons,white coral-sand beachesand stunning over-waterbungalows. After break-fast - perhaps brought toyour bungalow by canoe– head out to swim withgiant manta rays and reefsharks or visit a pearlfarm.For more informationcontact your local Trav-ellers Choice travel agentor visit

Page 34: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 34 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012

Includes Return economy airfares with Air New Zealand 6 nights at Muri Beach Club Hotel in a Premier Garden room Tropical breakfast daily Departure taxes Return airport transfers

Bonus 6 nights for the price of 4!#

Valid for travel 01 April – 20 December 2012

6-night package from $1,579*pp

Cook Islands

Includes Return airfares with Virgin Australia 6 nights accommodation at Sonaisali Island Resort in a Standard Hotel room Breakfast daily Jungle river cruise SCUBA Splash All taxes Return airport transfers

Bonus 6 nights for the price of 3# & invitation to Managers cocktail evening!

Valid for travel 01 April – 03 December 2012

6-night package from $875*pp

Fiji Norfolk Island

Includes Return airfares flying Air New Zealand 3 nights accommodation at South Pacific Hotel in a Superior room Buffet breakfast daily 1 day car hire^ Cocktail party invitation Shuttle to Burnt Pine shopping district Return airport transfers

Bonus Dinner for 2 at South Pacific Resort!

Valid for travel selected dates until 31 March 2013

3-night package from $899*pp

Includes Return economy class airfares with Air Vanuatu 7 nights at Hideaway Island Resort in a 1 bedroom standard Bungalow Continental breakfast daily Mele Village tour Glass bottom boat ride Snorkel Safari to Coral Gardens Departure taxes Return airport transfers

Bonus 7 nights for the price of 5# & $100 resort credit per Bungalow!

Valid for travel 17 April – 21 June & 11 July - 19 September 2012

7-night package from $1,065*pp


Page 35: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

* Conditions apply. Credit Card Fees apply. Prices are Per Person Twin Share Ex Brisbane. Airfare and tour subject to availability and subject to change without notice. All prices correct at time of printing. Single Supplement available on application OR share stranger where available. Special Departure 12OCT2012 exclusive to Travelscene Coolangatta, Tweed Valley, Tweed City & Elanora. Places are limited maximum group size of 24. Does not include taxes or fees collected by third parties. Tips are not pre paid. Travel Insurance is compulsory. Mud Bath is not included in price and must be paid on entry. For full itinerary details & Full Conditions please contact one of our friendly consultants or visit our website. NSW Licence No:2TA6021 QLD Licence No:3448432 Licensee: Travel Schmoo PL

SOUTH AMERICA created for you

VIETNAM EXPLORER created for you

17 Nights from $3748* Per Person Twin Share


INCLUDES: Fully Escorted from your door by Gold Coast-Tweed Travel Identity Janet Fraser. Home pickup from the Gold Coast to Brisbane Airport. Return Economy Class Airfares including taxes. 17 nights Accommodation in Hotels, Junk Boat and Train. All transport. Breakfast daily. Some lunches and dinners. Sightseeing & entrance fees & Junk Boat cruise. Local guides HIGHLIGHTS: Experience a Cyclo tour of Hanoi, Enjoy a Vietnamese Cooking Class, Be amazed by the Stunning HaLong Bay with Junk Boat Overnight, Visit the Hill Tribes of Sapa, See the Bao Dai Palace, Elephant Falls & nearby Coffee Plantation & Rice Wine Distillery, Indulge in a Mud Bath, take a Motor Bike Tour of Nha Trang, Take on Bustling Ho Chi Minh City, the infamous Cu Chi Tunnels and immerse yourself in the people and culture of wonderful Vietnam.

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 35

• Japan • Iceland • Burma• Costa Rica • USA

For discerning travellers looking forsomething special, cherry blossomgardens, arts, crafts, bird watching,vintage cars and autumn colours...

Toursgallery.comemail: [email protected]

phone: 1300 307 317

EscortedSmall Group Tours

& LeisureHOLIDAY

Pythagoras’ theorem -24 words.Lord’s Prayer - 66words.Archimedes’ Principle -67 words.10 Commandments -179 words.Gettysburg address -286 words.US Declaration of Inde-pendence - 1,300words.US Constitution withall 27 Amendments -7,818 words.EU regulations on thesale of cabbage - 26,911words

RECEIVING personalattention is an importantfactor for seniors whenchoosing a holiday.Travelling in a smallgroup of between 10 and15 people means thatyour tour manager andtour guide consider youas a person, not just oneof the crowd.Toursgallery has createda series of escortedtours, designed espe-cially for mature agepeople seeking apersonalised travelexperience.“The market is floodedwith bus tours that allvisit exactly the sametourist attractions.”according to KenOsetroff, director ofToursgallery.“Discerning travellerscan now avoid thecrowded bus parkinglots, queues at entrygates, frenzied dinnerhalls and being passen-ger number 55.”Small groups can gainaccess to off the beatentrack places, that areoften more attractiveand meaningful than thecommonly known ones.Since 1983 Toursgallery

Mature age travellers enjoy small group tours

Toursgallery group dressed for dinner in a Japanese Ryokan

Who wantsto live inEurope?

has been creating andoperating escorted smallgroup tours for peoplewho appreciate beinglooked after.“Many of our tourguests join one of ourtours every year.” saidOsetroffJapan, Costa Rica, USA,UK and Burma are just afew of the Toursgallerydestinations. Even for agroup of only 15 guestsToursgallery stillprovide a private 45 seatcoach for touring.Itineraries are relaxingwith accommodation fortwo or three nights inspa resorts, top qualitywestern hotels andtraditional ryokans.There are no strenuousactivities, just aprogramme of pictur-esque and culturallyrewarding visits to outof the way places thatare not accessible byindependent travellers.With so much politicalunrest around the world,Japan’ The Land of theRising Sun’, is consid-ered to be one of themost peaceful countriesto visit. The combina-tion of comfort, safety,diverse cultural attrac-tions and picturesquescenery put Japan onthe wish list of manymature age travellers.“We take all the hard

work and worry out ofour guests visit toJapan, with an Austra-lian Japanese tour escortand off the beaten trackitineraries.” Osetroffsaid. Visits to privatehomes and gardens,pottery kilns, craft andart studios, discoveringrural villages and even aprivate audience with amonk are all part ofToursgallery’s softadventure programme.Nature lovers can alsoenjoy exploring CostaRica with Toursgallery inJune, to see wild orchidsand bromeliads, hum-mingbirds and macawsalong with such exoticwildlife as the ThreeToed Sloth.A 26 day tour of USA inAugust covers most ofthe central and northeastern states andfeatures attractions inNew York, WashingtonDC, St Louis andNashville.Highlight of this tour isattending two of thebiggest antique machin-ery rallies in America.Burma today still offersvisitors a look back intime to the days of TheBritish Raj, with many ofthe Tudor mansions andgrand city architecturestill intact. A two nightleisurely cruise up the

Irrawaddy River,Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Roadto Mandalay’, in areplica 1940’s luxuryriverboat will add anostalgic AgathaChristie feel to this tour.For more details phone1 300 307 317 or send anemail [email protected]

Page 36: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 36 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012

& LeisureHOLIDAY



For a comprehensive brochure kit contact a New Zealand Agent Specialist listed below:

All tours include airfares, taxes, most meals, sightseeing & attractions. Valid for Departures: 1 September 2012 to 30 June 2013.

Offering quality touring at an affordable price, this tour includes 22 of the iconic attractions of the North and South Islands combined with quality accommodation, four 2 night stays and 30 superb meals with breakfast daily plus pre paid activities.

Price includes OVER $650 pre paid activities & attractions. Multiple Departures in 2012 & 2013.



*Conditions apply. Prices valid for travel ex BNE & OOL and include pre paid taxes (subject to change). Single supplement available. **$100 discount is per person. Book is one per household. Regional departures will receive $50 discount per person due to additional inclusions. No other special offers or discounts apply. Not valid on special group departures. Not valid on Simply New Zealand. Applies to new bookings only. Lic No 32046.

Discover the breathtaking scenery of New Zealand by rail, sea and road! This fully escorted tour includes superior accommodation, five 2 night stays, 41 superb meals, 5 rail journeys and an EXCLUSIVE overnight cruise in the Bay of Islands.

Price includes OVER $1050 pre paid activities & attractions. Multiple Departures in 2012 & 2013.



BONUS SPECIAL OFFER Book by 31 May 2012 and receive $100 Discount per person** plus a 400 page New Zealand Eyewitness Travel Guide.

New Zealand Luxury Coach Tours


2012 / 13 BROCHURE

THE Lake Eyre Basin is a very specialpart of Australia. It covers one sixth ofthe continent and holds some of therarest, least exploited ecosystems onthe planet. It is quite simply one ofAustralia’s natural wonders, with a ba-sin area that stretches across threestates, covering roughly 1.2 millionsquare kilometres - about the size ofFrance, Germany and Italy combined!Early explorers encountered incrediblehardships in their search for Australia’sinland sea but we of the 21st centurycan travel in style.Drenching rains over the huge catch-ment areas have transformed the oftenarid Channel Country into lush cattlepasture and flowing waterways. La Ninahas been busy, with this criss-crossnetwork of waterways all now flowingtowards Lake Eyre.While the destination of Lake Eyre isbreathtaking in itself, like all great tripsthe journey is a major part of the expe-rience. The only way to get the full im-pact is from the air and here GrahamReid, co-owner of Travel West Air Sa-faris with wife Debbie, comes to the forewith his expert commentary.As Graham says, “The only way to re-ally see the enormity of Lake Eyre isfrom a plane. It’s not just about the waterin Lake Eyre; it’s the journey of the waterin the river systems, the properties,deserts and roads along the way.”Graham is passionate about the west-ern river systems. He is on every flightgiving a full commentary and it this rich

The wonder of Lake Eyre beckonsmine of local information that givesTravel West Air Safaris the edge overother flights to Lake Eyre.Travel West will fly you through thevast catchment area of the QueenslandChannel Country and across Lake Eyrein a 36-seater Dash 8 aircraft. ‘Hostextraordinaire’ Graham will meet you atBrisbane as you board your full dayflight. There are refuelling stops inCharleville and Birdsville and on thereturn trip you can even slake youroutback thirst at the renownedBirdsville Hotel!As you gaze down at a swathe of green,interspersed with waterways wendingtheir way south west towards LakeEyre, Graham will fascinate you with hiswealth of knowledge and obvious pas-sion for this area.Breakfast, lunch, morning & afternoontea and a light evening meal are servedon board – these meals are speciallycatered for and not the usual ‘plastic’airline food.If seeing Lake Eyre is on your ‘bucket’list, now is a great time to do it. Spreadyour wings with Travel West and takethis captivating flight - check out theadvertisement in these pages. Call 1800654 541 and you will speak to eitherDebbie or Graham or you can email [email protected] for a promptreply. In next month’s newspaper issuewe will take a look at another of TravelWest’s outback tour options, whichinclude a 4WD tag-along, a 9 day airsafari and a VIP personalised 4WD trip.

Page 37: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 37

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OVER the past decade, theElanora Uniting ChurchArt Show has grown tobecome a well-recognisedand well-respected fea-ture of the art scene onthe southern Gold Coast.This year’s show prom-ises to delight visitorswho will come from nearand far to look at the widevariety of entries in eightsections, from achildren’s section (on thetheme “I Love...”) to opensections that includewatercolours, oils oracrylics, drawing, pastel,and miniatures, amongstothers. The feature themethis year is “Our Countryof Contrasts”, which isopen to wide interpreta-tion in any medium.We are expecting in ex-

THE days of pets living outside are over with nearly90 per cent of Queensland residents giving their furryfriends free rein of the house, according to researchby NRMA Insurance.Dogs and cats may be best friends to many, but house-holds could be putting their pets and belongings atrisk by keeping their pets indoors, according to NRMAInsurance spokesperson Susan Hawkins.“We’ve seen some unfortunate cases where pets haveeither been injured or they’ve damaged items aroundthe home,” she said.“Keeping pets indoors is generally safe but, just aswe child-proof our homes, we should also take stepsto pet-proof them,” she said.

Pets in the house can send bills through the woof

THERE are many differentflooring options on themarket today, but there isone smart choice for ga-rages and internal floors.If you are tired of yourplain concrete garagefloor or the old carpet orvinyl on your internalfloors, you should con-sider rejuvenating yourhome with modern look-ing Seamless EpoxyFlooring.Locally born and bredcompany Bluejet is cel-ebrating its 20th year inbusiness and can look af-

Elanora Uniting Church Art Showcess of 400 entries. Theartists come from all agegroups, of course, but agreat many are “Seniors”,some of whom attend artclasses at Elanora UnitingChurch’s “Leisuretime”every Wednesday. Manyworks are for sale. Entryfees are modest, at $7.50per adult entry (minia-tures $5), and children’sonly $2. The Show openswith a gala “Arty Party”on Friday 4th May, at 7pm.There is a small charge forthis event ($10, exhibitingartists $5). This includeswine and cheese and alight homemade supper.Winners are announcedat the Party. The Showcontinues for the threedays of the long weekend,Saturday 5th – Monday 7th

Dianne Stanley, a member of Elanora Uniting Church, with herbeautiful seascape

Smart Choice for Garages and Internal FloorsWe have been research-ing, testing and applyingEpoxy Flooring productsover many, many yearsand we know what worksbest.We use the highest qual-ity materials and prepara-tion and application pro-cesses to ensure that youget the best quality result.We believe that SeamlessEpoxy Flooring is the bestoption for giving garagefloors a great looking, du-rable, low maintenancefinish and we also believethat it’s a great alternative

May, and is open from10:30 – 4:00 daily.Admission on the week-end is free. Various artistswill be demonstratingtheir skills each day, andlight refreshments will beon sale. The venue iswheelchair friendly, andthere is a large carpark.The grounds can be en-

tered from either PinesLane or Applecross Way,Elanora. Exit 92 from theM1. For more information,please contact DianneMalimonenko on 55225102 or Janette Cope on5599 [email protected]


ter all your Epoxy Floor-ing needs.Bluejet Manager CraigRussell says “SeamlessEpoxy Flooring is gener-ally cheaper than tiling, isquick to install, looksfabulous, is durable, anti-slip, comfortable to walkon, low maintenance andeasy cleaning. SeamlessEpoxy Flooring can beapplied plain, in a widerange of colours, orflaked, in a huge range ofdifferent colour combina-tions that can match anydécor.

in internal floor applica-tions, such as alfresco ar-eas, family rooms, diningrooms, kitchens, bath-rooms and more.Being very durable, easyto clean, low maintenanceand anti-slip, SeamlessEpoxy Flooring is also agreat option in commer-cial applications, such asretail outlets, ware-houses, restaurants, com-mercial kitchens, shop-ping malls and other hightraffic areas.Contact Bluejet for moreinformation about Seam-

less Epoxy Flooring ortheir revolutionary TopitFlexible coatings fordriveways, patios andpaths. Bluejet offer free,at-home, no obligationquotes, where they canshow you samples, pho-tos and colour schemes.Call 07 55 000 939 or

“Keep cleaning products and other chemicals out ofreach, make sure valuables can’t be toppled over andsecure electrical cords so your cat or dog doesn’taccidentally cause havoc.”NRMA Insurance home claims involving pets overthe past year have included: a dog injuring itself whenit ran through a glass sliding door; a dog who knockedover and smashed a plasma TV when it pulled on thecord; a family member accidentally stepping on andinjuring the pet cat while it slept on the stairs; and adog getting wound up by something on TV, jumpingat the screen and injuring itself.For more information on the NRMA Insurance PetLover’s Pack visit:

Page 38: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 38 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012

High Teas are availableWe can cater for any function - large or small.Centrally located in the new Woolworths Carrara CentrePlenty of FREE parking at the door(including disabled carparks)Groups of any size welcome any time


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THE Gold CoastPhilharmonic Orchestrawill again play at theApril 25 ANZAC Dayceremony at RobinaCommunity Centre, withthe 60-member orchestra

A SENIORS Harmony Seminar, organised by CarersQueensland and Diversicare, Gold Coast, was heldrecently at the Southport Community Centre. A vari-ety of service providers were set up on the day, offer-ing free handouts as requested. Providers includedthe Qld Council of Grandparents (QCOG), with con-tact Maree Lubach 0414 871 664 happy to answerquestions; Gold Coast Institute of TAFE Adult Mi-grant English Program, with Vanessa Hogan 5581 8327on hand, and St John First Aid Solutions (GC) LifeLink, with Lynn Martin 5591 3911.

THE Gold Coast Library Society (Friends of the Li-brary) Inc. was formed in 1994. It is a volunteerorganisation which works to support the people ofthe Gold Coast through enhancement of the GoldCoast City library service.The Society is proud to operate on a different basisto other similar organisations elsewhere. The mainactivity of the Society is the sale to the public ofbooks that have been discarded by the libraries them-selves. The bookshop at Shop 22, Bayrose Plaza,Railway Street, Southport (next to the ‘Good Gear’op. shop) is open from 9.00am to 4.30pm from Mon-day to Friday and from 9.00am to 1.00pm each Satur-day. All kinds of books discarded by the 14 GoldCoast City Library branches are available from Easy

Seniors Harmony SeminarSeminar speakers came from areas that included Homeand Community Care, Allied Health, Nursing, In-HomeSupport, the Multicultural Communities Council GC,Transport, Home Maintenance, Tai Chi, LifeTec,Diversicare, the Migrant Centre Organisation, QldAged Care & Disability Advocacy Inc, Living WellMulticultural, Centrelink, Bowel Screening, BreastScreening, and Emergency Services. The Carer Advi-sory and Counselling Service can be reached on 1800242 636; visit Carers Queensland The Diversicare number is (07)3846 1099.visit Councillor DawnCrichlow gave the opening presentation at the Se-niors Harmony Seminar.

GC Friends of the libraryReaders to Large Print. While some exceptional booksare individually priced most volumes can be fittedinto our famous $10.00 bags (Large Print bags arediscounted for Retirement homes at $7.00).Profits from the sale of the discarded books havesteadily increased and each year the Society has beenable to support the activities of the libraries on theGold Coast. For example the Friends are the majorsupporter of the Gold Coast Literati. We also sup-port the Libraries by providing luxuries such as morn-ing teas for the Older Adults Only program whichcannot be catered for within the Library budget.Please come and see the shop, buy lots of books (weneed to sell them as fast as the Libraries discard them),and meet our terrific and hard working volunteers.

Philharmonic to play on ANZAC Day at Robinaperforming hymns andanthems as well asfeature works during theceremony and wreathlaying. Start time is8.30am.Under the baton of

conductor Mark Turpin,the orchestra will thenpresent the programTribute at the samelocation but in theafternoon from 2.30pm.Developed by Mark,

Tribute will continue thetradition of a variety ofmusical styles. For thefirst time, the orchestrawill present a fullsymphony, Beethoven’s5th.A number of other well-known favourites, aswell as tributes, will alsobe included in theprogram. Complimentaryafternoon tea will beprovided at intervalwhen guests can mingleand chat with themusicians. A feature ofall Philharmonic Con-certs at Robina is freeentry for children under12, making the afternoonaffordable for families.For ticket informationcontact The Arts Centre

Gold Coast Box Officeon 5588 4000 or seewww.goldcoast

philharmonic. com. If notsold out tickets will alsobe available at the door

(Robina CommunityCentre) one hour prior tothe concert start.

Gold CoastPhilharmonic Orchestra

Page 39: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 39

MERMAID BEACH BOWLS CLUB9 Markeri Street Mermaid Beach - PH 55723463


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(Menu changes weekly)


‘Let Us Entertain You’ . . .

Offer valid until Saturday 12th Mayat Robina, Broadbeach, Helensvale & The Pines only

Broadbeach - 3 Oracle Boulevarde (off Elizabeth Ave) Ph 5570 1104Robina Town Centre Ph 5562 2053 - next to Big W, Robina


THE Thursday Emerald Lakes Gourmet Food Marketis proving to be extremely popular with pensioners.Not only are shoppers appreciating the great sav-ings on offer for farm fresh fruit and vegetables, deli-cious desserts, breads, fish and meat, they also fancybeing able to delight in enjoying InternationalTakeaway Food whilst lounging back and taking inwonderful live music. Neighbours and friends areoften seen meeting up at the Market for a chat or acoffee and to just simply relax within the beautifulprecinct of Emerald Lakes. Visitors often liken thisMarket to the City Square Markets of Europe. A rangeof boutique apparel, arts ‘n’ craft and giftware is alsoavailable, whilst the freshly cut flower range is al-ways much in demand. The Market trades each andevery Thursday between 3pm and 7pm and is situa-tion in The Boulevard (next to Emmanuel College inBirmingham Road). Enq: Terri 0417 759 777 (Email:[email protected])

THE Award Winning mu-sical comedy still playingin London after 15yrs, hasa few structural changesin Neptune’s Communitypresentation. Chicago istale of greed, murder andtreachery features a daz-zling musical / dancingscore, and an exhilaratingscript. Neptune, as usualhave managed, to bringout the humour of thistheatre piece. We havecolour, glitz, glamour, anon-stage 12 piece JazzBand, and more than afew surprises! Set in the‘razzle-dazzle’ roaringtwenties, Chicago isbased on the true story ofmurderesses BeulahAnnan (Roxie) and BelvaGaertner (Velma) and writ-ten by reporter MaurineDallas Watkins, who wasassigned to cover the1924 trials. Both Annanand Gaertner were repre-sented by Lawyers LillianScott Stewart & W.W.

Chicago is on the way – with Neptune ProductionsO’brien, composite char-acter of Billy Flynn, theslickest lawyer with a tal-ent for turning notoriousdefendants into local leg-ends. Velma and Roxie viefor the spotlight, head-lines, and publicity, tocatapult them to fame,freedom, and stage ca-reers. Some faces you willknow from our previousshows and introductingsome new leads and danc-ers. Starring, the fabulousdancing and vocals ofCherie Goosey - Roxy,Caroline Thomas - Velma,new commer LeighHarrison - Billy Flynn, J.Ahrens – the Reporter,Debbie Tanna - MamaMorten, Andy Fahey –Amos, and a line ofShowgirls as the murder-esses.Gather a group for a greatnight - tables of 10 at theconcession rate of $20ea.BYO evening meal, wine,nibbles, whatever, and

‘Razzle Dazzle’ them inyour 1920s gear. A prizeevery night to the best-dressed table. Matineesare theatre seating – hint,bring a little cushion! Forbookings phone Wendy,on 07 5536 2446, Noeleneon 0407591319, or emailn e p t u n e p r o d [email protected] - TweedCivic & Cultural CentreTheatre May 18, 19, 25, 26at 7.30pm, Matinees 19,

26, 27 at 1.30pm. Theatrehas excellent disabled ac-cess, with assistance pro-vided.7 performances from May18-27th Tweed Civic & Cul-tural Centre Theatre –book now to avoiddissapointment. If youenjoyed Lola Montez,Desert Song, Annie, Jo-seph, Oklahoma! and Meand My Girl – you aregoing to love Chicago.

ROBINA Red Cross runs Chinese brush paintingclasses held on Wednesdays at the PresbyterianChurch hall, Cottosloe Drive, Robina. Instruction bya qualified teacher. For further information pleasephone Bev 5562 0668.

‘ M O D E R NWoman: Daugh-ters and Lovers1850-1918, Draw-ings from theMusée d’Orsay,Paris’, is an exhi-bition of draw-ings by renownedFrench artists ofthe late nine-teenth and earlytwentieth cen-tury, showing ex-clusively at theQueensland ArtGallery fromMarch 24 to June24, 2012.The exhibition

Modern Woman: Daughters &Lovers 1850-1918 exhibition

Marie Bashkirtseff Ukraine/France 1860-84

Portrait of Mme X c.1884

Robina Red Cross

Relaxed shopping ...BIG savings and freshness

celebrates the changing roles of women during theBelle Époque as depicted by leading artists of thetime such as Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir,Edouard Vuillard, Edouard Manet, Mary Cassatt, PierreBonnard, Auguste Rodin, Berthe Morisot and JeanFrançois Millet. These artists increasingly abandoned

idealised representationsof the female figure, andturned to women from di-verse socioeconomicbackgrounds, depictingthem in their family livesand domestic activities,as well as in the publicrealm as spectators, per-formers and workers.These fascinating draw-ings reveal French soci-ety undergoing a radicaltransformation.The exhibition isorganised by the Muséed’Orsay, Paris, in associa-tion with the QueenslandArt Gallery and Art Exhi-bitions Australia and hasbeen curated by IsabelleJulia, Curator in Charge,Department of GraphicArts, Musée d’Orsay.Admission fees apply.For more informationplease visit: ions/coming_soon/modern_woman_daughters_and_lovers

Page 40: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 40 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012


A one-off discounted outlay of $110.00 inc. GST gives you a (4cm x 6.5cm) sizedadvertisement - over 4 editions. Approximately 50 words.Post advertisements to:Property Section, Gold Coast/Tweed Seniors Newspaper,PO Box 1062, Tewantin. Qld. 4565by the 15th of each month.

Selling your house, unit,

villa or relocatable home privately?One of our readers may very well want to buy it!


rate forreaders

only $110*

You can now advertise your home in theGold Coast/Tweed Seniors Newspaper’s Property Section

*Conditions apply: This discounted offer is only available to our ‘Senior readers’.Private adverts only. The $110.00 must be paid for by cheque, money orderor by credit card prior to advertisements appearing.(No refunds given on this discounted rate.)


e 24


Runaway BayOver 50s Retirement Village

Small gated community, freehold, brick & tile stand alone 1 bdrm,screened sunroom, garage, with solar power. Recreation clubhousewith swimming pool, 2 motel style visitor rooms available. Adjacent tonature reserve & walking tracks, close to major shopping centres, bus

stop at front gate, quiet & peaceful garden setting.

$249,000 ONOPh: 5529 0586 or 0430 290 141


e 24


Gold Coast Retirement Village,next to Pines Shopping Centre

Independent 2 bedroom airconditioned unit, modernkitchen and bathroom. Village includes pool, spa, tennis

court and daily activities.Will consider trade.

$295,000 - Private salePhone 0488 901 171 or 07 5536 2945


e 24


AshmoreOver 50s Retirement Village

2 bdrm, freehold vacant unit. Lounge, large kitchen, dining &sunroom, view, sun all day.

Split aircon, ceiling fans, new dryer, garage.Full size bowling green, BBQ, swimming pool, restaurant & bar.

Close to shopping centres.

$368,000 ONOPh 3489 1549 or 0415 381 559


e 24


Private SaleBest Buys 5 Star Over 50s Resort

between Brisbane and Gold Coast3 Bed - 2 bath - Walk in robe

- Aircon - Solar Electricity - Security Screens- Tiled elfresco and much more!

Close to public transport - Doctors - Shopping – POA.Phone: 0427 298 128 or 0427 341 533


e 24


Sequana Retirement VillageOxenford / Tamborine Rd

2 bdrm, 2 bathroom. Built-ins, air-con, single lock upgarage - automatic. Fully secure complex - extremely friendly

residents. Local shops directly across road.Community Centre - large and new. Swimming pool.

$285,000 onoPh: Michelle 0419 791 914


e 24


Private SaleOver 55s perimeter site, situated on the water.

2 bdrm + study, new carpet, vinyl & deck.Solar panels & carport takes 2 small cars. 3mins walk to

convenience store opposite Tweed River.Close to Tweed City, bowls and Services Club.

$180,000 NegContact Bruce 0417 985 099


e 24


Over 50’s Resort Ormeau, QldUnique situation overlooking Resort gardens

.Comfortable/spacious, 26sqs, including huge, glass encl.verandah. Lounge/dining, large kitchen with aircon.2 Dble bedrooms, ens/bathroom, sep. toilet, study &laundry. Full solar power. Lock up garage & carport.

Cost: $325,000Phone: 07 5547 5852


e 24


North Star Resort Hastings PointStunning 2 bdrm ensuite BIR, Norfolk M’factured home with ac,

solar panels, gas hot water, modern lge kitchen, lounge, dining rooms,laundry, sep toilet, lge shed, low maintenance garden, space for car &van in carport. Gable roof, bay windows, cathedral ceilings & quality

curtains & pelmets throughout. Walk to beach & estuary. Swimming/lappools, gym, sauna, hairdresser & masseuse onsite. Live the dream.

Price: $249,000Phone: 0421 686 310


e 24


CoombabahOver 50s Village

2 bedroom house, aircon, ceiling fans,sep bathroom & toilet with hand rails & heaters.

Large shed and water tank. Sorry no pets.$160,000 Neg

Ph 07 5529 0939


e 24


Runaway BayOver 50s Retirement Village

Small gated community, freehold/stand alone brick & tile, 2 bdrm, 2b’room, screened patio & single carport, air-cons (3), 1.5KW solarelectricity, low body corp fees. Modern recreation clubhouse with

heated swimming pool, 2 motel style visitor rooms avail.Adjacent to nature reserve & walking tracks, close to major shopping

centres, bus stop at front gate, quiet, peaceful garden setting.

$275,000 o.n.o.Ph 5529 0586 or 0415 751 340


e 24


Chinderah – Tweed River BreezesSpacious 3 bdrm manufactured home well positionedoverlooking park within a m/factured home village at

Chinderah on Tweed River. Lge carport, free parking forcaravan, entertainment deck, modern kitchen, centralbathroom, insulation, fans, lge lounge + sewing room.

Close to bus stop, bowls clubs & shopping.

Bargain Buying at $165,000Ph 02 6619 1499

PropertyFor Sale

Seniors Card 131 304 or1800 175 500 (free call outside Brisbane)

Centrelink: Retirement 132 300Disability, Sickness & Carers 132 717Employment Services 132 850

Retirement Village Association of Australia1800 240 080

Seniors Enquiry Line 1300 135 500

Department of Veteran Affairs 133 254

Veteran Affairs Network 1300 551 918

National Information Centre on RetirementInvestments (NICRI) 1800 020 110

Who do you call…

THE Office of the Commissioner forBody Corporate and CommunityManagement is presenting freeseminars for anyone interested inBody Corporate legislation includingthe Two Lot Regulation Module.Discover more about your rights andresponsibilities living in a bodycorporate and the dispute resolution

Across1 GEISHA: Havannahsiege was raised (reversalindicator) by a Japanesehostess (geisha)5 SPARSELY: Thinly(key) scatter (anagram in-dicator) with southernparsley9 ADDENDUM: Post-script (key) to attach (add)at the end with hesitation(um)10 AT ONCE: Immedi-ately (at once) and to-gether (at once)11 GRANADILLA: Tropi-cal fruit (key) could makeyou ill in Granad.a12 THUG: Bruiser (key)thumped him usingGerald’s cap (initial indi-cator)13 CONCEPTS: Lose(anagram indicator) thescent? Cop has ideas(key)16 TEASED: Pulled fibresapart (teased) andtantalised (teased)17 SPRATS: Small her-rings (key) the bookie (sp)gave to the rats19 RECKLESS: Fool-hardy (reckless) towreck a smaller amount(less) you say (homo-

Crossword solutions from page 42phone indicator)?21 BRIG: Brighten a sec-tion (omission indicator)of the sailing ship (key)22 RECTIFYING: Rem-edying (key) the irregular-ity (alternate indicator) ofthe garden city is FayFinnegan25 POISON: Hawaiiandish (poi) has an issue(son) with toxin (key)26 RESTRAIN: Tie down(restrain) then putthrough the sieve again(re-strain)27 TEMPESTS: Storms(key) and tempers - not(omission indicator) rightin the street28 NOSIER: Confused(anagram indicator) se-nior is more curious (key)Down2 EIDER: Duck (eider)around (reversal indica-tor) with the ingredients3 SHEEN: She enjoyed aninner (hidden indicator)lustre (key)4 ADDED UP: Don’t(omission indicator)bring the cooked (ana-gram indicator) bread pud-ding to be tallied (key)5 SAMPLES: Tastes (key)the apple core between

Sam and Les6 ADAMANT: First man(Adam) and worker (ant)have fixed opinion (key)7 SHORTFALL: Deficit(shortfall) won’t drop toofar (short fall)8 LECTURERS: Off (ana-gram indicator) on a restcure with fifty (L) univer-sity teachers (key)14 ON PURPOSE: Work-ing (on) with intention(purpose), deliberately(key)15 CHARGES UP: Re-stores battery power(charges up) and puts onthe bill (charges up)18 SPRINGS: Leaps(springs) into the spas(springs)19 RECORDS: Discs(records) that criminalshave (records)20 CRIMSON: Deep red(key) masks (hidden indi-cator) on Pacific rimsongbirds23 YARNS: Tells tales(yarns) about threads(yarns)24 NOISE: Din (key) Imake with my

TWO respected Queensland artists invite local audiences to experience the GoldCoast Broadwater in an immersive video and sound art installation. Be trans-ported to this island that is frequented by few, but is a precious fragment of aliving ecological lung on the fringe of one of the fastest growing urban areas inAustralia.Marian Drew and Alana Hampton – The Lorikeet Island Project, Gallery 2 fromMarch 24 - May 6 at the Gold Coast City Gallery, 135 Bundall Rd, Surfers Paradise.

Want to learn more aboutBody Corporate law?

services available. Seminar date andtimes on the Gold Coast are Friday 27April, 10am – 12noon, CurrumbinRSL, Currumbin Creek Road,Currumbin.To register your interest in attendingthis seminar, or for more information,please email [email protected] call (07) 3227-7899.

WOULD you like to meetwith friends for a mealmore often?Blue Care Gold Coast Al-lied Health and Nerang &District Meals on Wheelsrun a group that meetsmonthly for lunch and alaugh. The aim of thegroup is to promotesocialisation in a safe andfriendly environment forpeople aged over 65 orliving with a disability.The group runs monthlyall year round with somespecial event lunches andcosts $10 which coverslunch. To register or formore information call BlueCare Allied Health Elanoraon 07 5525 5439 or NerangMeals on Wheels on 075596 1026.

Experience immersive interpretation ofGold Coast Broadwater

Eating withFriends

Page 41: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 41

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AIR conditioner Cooline. $200. Ph5535 7224. Elanora.CARAVAN cover 16’ x 18’ neverused $150 ono. Fully lined. Ph 55939810. Currumbin Waters.CIRCULATION booster VGC. Im-proves blood circulation and reducesswollen feet and ankles. $180. Ph5577 2686. Paradise Point.CONVECTION turbo oven, largesize, never used $35. Ph 5599 2894.Coolangatta.CURTAINS 6 windows. Navy bluerubber lining, GC. $120 or nearestoffer. Ph 07 5502 1161.DINING room suite Parker, expand-ing table and four upholstered chairs,VGC. $475. Ph 07 5579 8449. ClearIsland Waters.ELECTRIC lift chair grey/green fab-ric. Mechanically sound GC $300.Ph 0266 740 101 or 0400 669 131.Kingscliff.ELECTRIC lift recliner chair. As newcond. rustic toning fabric. $450 ono.Free delivery G.C.area. ph 5596 1556or 0416 1114 108 Carrara.EXERCISE twister VGC for losingweight. Cost $250. Sell for $100. Ph07 5524 8348. Banora PointGOLF club, ladies left had. Full setwith trundle and bag. Hardly used,exc. cond. $150. Ph 07 5529 4474or 0416 355 453.GOLF clubs ladies 2 woods, 5 irons,putter in bag. VGC. $80. Ph 55751533.HIGHCHAIR, cot & pusher $65 thelot. Ph 5538 5218.LAWN bowls, Henselite size 2 withwhite case, both near new cond.$100 ono. Ph 07 5535 0528. PalmBeachLOUNGE 1x3 seater, 2 chairs,VGC. Cream fawn background,green leaf pattern. $250 ono. Ph5563 9006. Biggera Waters.‘MAHALO’ Ukulele, new top brand,never used. Forced sale after stroke.Cost $100. Sell $40. Ph0266745660. Kingscliff.

THE campaign to promote healthy eating in schoolshas taken to the road with the start of a series ofstate-wide workshops.Department of Education and Training Director-Gen-


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Are you havingtrouble getting acopy of your localGold Coast/TweedSeniors Newspapereach month?If so please call 1300880 265 now and wewill let you know yourlocal drop off point forthe paper.Gold Coast/TweedSeniors Newspaperis delivered the sec-ond Monday of eachmonth (except Janu-ary) to shopping cen-tres, libraries, clubs,seniors centres, re-tirement villages andselect chemists.

Healthy eating on the menu at free workshopseral Julie Grantham said the free Smart Choices work-shops, which began in Mackay, would be held in 13locations throughout the state over the next sixmonths.“The workshops will provide tips on how to ‘green’tuckshop menus and market and promote healthyfoods and drinks and create healthy menus for schooland sporting events,” Mrs Grantham said.“We are helping schools and their communities withthe implementation of Smart Choices, the HealthyFood and Drink Supply Strategy for QueenslandSchools.“Through cooking demonstrations, recipe modifica-tion and menu ideas the workshops will provide use-ful, down-to-earth advice and some tasty tips on howto embed Smart Choices across the whole school en-vironment.“Tuckshop convenors and volunteers, P&C mem-bers, parents and other school community memberswith an appetite for new ideas are invited to attend.”Mrs Grantham said the workshops were being pre-sented by Education Queensland, in partnership withNutrition Australia (Qld) and the Queensland Asso-ciation of School Tuckshops.“To enable as many people as possible to take ad-vantage of the workshops there will be two sessionsin each location. The afternoon session will run from12.30pm until 4pm and an evening session from 6pmuntil 9pm.“School tuckshops play an important role in promot-ing healthy eating as a way of maintaining goodhealth,” Mrs Grantham said.“The workshops will also help school tuckshopsoperate efficiently and provide all students with highquality, healthy food.”Last year the Queensland Government appointedChef, David Pugh, as the state’s Tuckshop championand instigated the annual Tuckshop Day on the firstFriday in November to recognise the contribution oftuckshops and their workers throughout the state.Register for the workshops via the Smart Choiceswebsite or by contacting Conference Services [email protected] or by fax to 32371338, or phone 3235 9072.Workshops will be held in Logan and Maroochydorein May, the Gold Coast in June, North Lakes in Julyand Brisbane East in August 2012.

OUTDOOR TABLE and 4 chairs,Poly, cream, as new condition.$120. Ph 5563 2595. LabradorPOLYCANE tubular garden chairs x2with squabs, plus glass topped cof-fee table. Exc. Cond. $50 ono. Ph5547 5852. Ormeau.PORTABLE steam sauna. High techhealth detoxify, refresh expels fat andimprove circulation. As new withguarantee. Cost $800 . Sell for $175ono. Ph 5524 7714.SHEIL V-Power Ferrari collection setof 6 cars scale 1-38. Still in packag-ing. F430, F50, F1 2005, Niroferrari,Super America 360 Spider $60. Ph0412 263 270. SouthportSWIVEL seat for car. Ease of ac-cess to cars for bad backs, kneesand hips. Ph 5597 7762.TILT chair bed, top of the range.Sanitized non stain fabric leather.Cost $2,1000. GC. Sell $450. Ph5536 4458 Tweed Heads.TREADMILL electric $150 ono. Ph5537 8391. Runaway Bay.TWIN pram, side by side. Love andCare design, storm covers GC. $25.Ph 0412 420 931. Biggera Waters.TYPEWRITER IBM very good work-ing order, extra ribbons, fonts, cor-rection tapes, cover mat. $75. Ph 075535 3510. Burleigh Heads.WATER filter reverse osmosis 5stages fits under sink removes fluo-ride bacteria etc. as new $250. Ph5564 5558. Ashmore.WHEELY walker Freedom as newlarge bag under seat $65 ono. ph5535 7224. Elanora.WILTSHIRE 7 piece knife woodblockset unused $30. Ph 5602 8466.WINDSURFER 10ft. two sails GC.Reduced to $400. Ph 5532 8783.Southport.WOK 5 litre Sunbeam Gourmet elec-tric, new unused. $55. Ph 55302836. Tallai.

OUR fun, active, social club meets twice monthly fora coffee, a snack and a chat. Our program of activi-ties is produced monthly and includes events suchas BBQs, visits to clubs, movies, dinners, shows, plusmuch more. This club is for couples or singles over 50 years ofage. It is a great way to increase your circle of friendsand new members are always welcome. Come and join in the fun and discover why this friendlyclub has been running for over 21 years. For further

PALS Social Club

information please phonePeter on 5520 0534.

Page 42: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

Page 42 - Gold Coast Seniors - April 2012


If you would like to gain a better understanding ofthe intricacies of how bodies corporate work, AceBody Corporate Management is offering trainingsessions of approximately 1.5 hours duration, at acost of $10 per person per course, at their MermaidBeach offices. ‘An Introduction to Body Corporate’will be held on Tuesday April 10 at 4pm. On

Cryptic CluesAcross

© Barbara Gettinby.- Cryptic Crossword Secrets - Where Every Answer is FullyExplained. Books available from ph: 5473 5743


1 Havannah siege was raised by a Japanese hostess(6)5 Thinly scatter with southern parsley (8)9 Postscript to attach at the end with hesitation (8)10 Immediately and together (2,4)11 Tropical fruit could make you ill in Granada (10)12 Bruiser thumped him using Gerald’s cap (4)13 Lose the scent? Cop has ideas (8)16 Pulled fibres apart and tantalised (6)17 Small herrings the bookie gave to the rats (6)19 Foolhardy to wreck a smaller amount you say? (8)21 Brighten a section of the sailing ship (4)22 Remedying the irregularity of the garden city isFay Finnegan (10)25 Hawaiian dish has an issue with toxin (6)26 Tie down then put through the sieve again (8)27 Storms and tempers - not right in the street (8)28 Confused senior is more curious (6)

2 Duck around with the ingredients (5)3 She enjoyed an inner lustre (5)4 Don’t bring the cooked bread pudding to be tallied(5,2)5 Tastes the apple core between Sam and Les (7)6 First man and worker have fixed opinion (7)7 Deficit won’t drop too far (9)8 Off on a rest cure with fifty university teachers (9)14 Working with intention, deliberately (2,7)15 Restores battery power and puts on the bill (7,2)18 Leaps into the spas (7)19 Discs that criminals have (7)20 Deep red masks on Pacific rim songbirds (7)23 Tells tales about threads (5)24 Din I make with my nose (5)

Cryptic Crossword Secrets by Barbara Gettinby


Straight Clues


1 Japanese hostess (6)5 Thinly (8)9 Postscript (8)10 Immediately (2,4)11 Tropical fruit (10)12 Bruiser (4)13 Ideas (8)16 Tantalised (6)17 Small herrings (6)19 Foolhardy (8)21 Sailing ship (4)22 Remedying (10)25 Toxin (6)26 Tie down (8)27 Storms (8)28 More curious (6)

Answers on Page 38

2 Duck (5)3 Lustre (5)4 Tallied (5,2)5 Tastes (7)6 Have fixed opinion (7)7 Deficit (9)8 University teachers (9)14 Deliberately (2,7)15 Restores batterypower (7,2)18 Leaps (7)19 Discs (7)20 Deep red (7)23 Threads (5)24 Din (5)

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Body Corporate Training SessionsThursday April 19, 4pm, training will be on ‘Who isResponsible for Maintenance – Owners or BodyCorporate?’ ‘Introduction to Body Corporate’ willbe held again on Thursday May 17, 2pm, with ‘Roleof your Body Corporate Manager’ on TuesdayMay 22 at 2pm. Spaces are limited so if you areinterested call 5526-0500 to make your booking.

HOSTED the 2012 Youthof the Year Region 2Final with the overallwinner Angus Fredricfrom A B PatersonCollege who now goesinto the Q1 DistrictFinal,Winner public speakingsection Brock Gunthorpfrom A B Paterson (Year12 – 2011) Angus facedsome stiff competitionfrom 5 other contestantswho had also won theirClub and Zone finals.The Principal of A BPaterson, Brian Grimessaid,“The quest is a tremen-dous celebration of ouryouth, their commitmentto society and that ofhope – the hope that ifwe can inspire our youthto attain such insights,understanding faith andcommitment to service,that our future as anation is indeed bright.For more information ph0412 685 498 or [email protected]

Lions Clubof Runaway


Answers on Page 40

Page 43: Gold Coast Tweed Seniors Newspaper April 2012

April 2012 - Gold Coast Seniors - Page 43


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INTERNATIONAL Women’s Day gotoff to a great start as the 20th annualbreakfast hosted by the ZONTA Clubof Southern Gold Coast Tweed tookplace, in the Princeton Room at BondUniversity.Guests were serenaded to their tablesby the sensational teenage song-stress Janna Dearness-Dark. FranO’Hara from Kingscliff TAFE was theMaster of Ceremonies, and thebreakfast began with the NationalAnthem sung by Kingscliff HighSchool student Sophie McMahon.President Kaye Lollback, gave anoverview of the amazing workundertaken by the Southern GoldCoast/ Tweed Zonta Club, who withonly 12 members have reached outboth locally and globally andcontributed to the lives of women andgirls.Zonta has changed lives througheducational scholarships, healthsupport by way of the supply of 1000birthing kits to Kenya, supplyingknickers to women affected bydomestic violence, who have foundprotection with the Tweed ShireWomen’s Refuge at Murwillumbahand last but not least with the supplyof breast cushions to John Flynn

ZONTA Club celebrates IWD

hospital for women who have hadbreast surgery.The Student Guest Speaker this yearwas 17 year old Jacqueline Norrish,who took part in the Kokoda Chal-lenge Youth Program. She spokeabout her experiences of completingthe Kokoda Track. It took fourmonths of training and team buildingand has changed her life. Jacquelineis now fulfilling the second part of theprogram which is community service.Special Guest Speaker RobynHenderson, wowed the audience withher wit and wisdom as she remindedus all of the benefits of networking.Robyn, along with guests, wasextremely impressed by the collegestudents who entranced us all withtheir input on how they apply theseskills in their lives.We were all blown away!!Locals businesses gave generouslyin helping Zonta amass a largeamount of raffle prizes. There wereover 20 different raffle prizes andmany guests walked away with theirarms filled. A delightful morning,made even better by the service ofthe wait staff at Bond University, whoperformed their duties with largesmiles and expertise

HAVE you ever wondered what thedifference is between Camembert andBrie?Basically, it’s the region in Francewhere they come from. It’s also thesize of the cheese as Brie is a biggerwheel, while Camembert is a smallwheel. The recipe is the same for bothcheeses! The story on how thesecheeses ended up in different regionsgoes back to the French Revolution...It is said that a priest who was acheese maker in a monastery in Brie,fled the area for some reason oranother. He was given shelter in afarmhouse in Normandy.As payment for his lodgings, hehelped with the chores and shared hisknowledge, teaching the farmer’s wifethe art of cheese making. The cheesebecame so popular with the surround-ing farmers that her daughter eventu-ally set up shop in the nearby villageof Camembert. Apparently one day,Napoleon III was in town and triedthe cheese and commented that he‘did love a good Camembert’ hence,the cheese was named.Creating your own silky, smoothcamembert or a slightly, salty Fetta inyour own home needn’t be overly

Marie-Elise Allen, Jaqueline Norrish and Kaye Lollback

Home cheesemaking made easy!complex. Artisan cheese maker,Lyndall Dykes will be conducting aseries of one day, 100% hands-oncheese making workshops in Kirra onthe 28th, 29th and 30th of April 2012.Lyndall will take the mystery out ofcheese making, she says that ifmilkmaids can make cheese onmountain plateaus then we can, too.In a one day workshop participantswill learn how to make camembert,fetta, ricotta, mascarpone, quark(cream cheese) and Greek styleyoghurt.Making your own cheese at home isnot only very rewarding, it‘s alsogreat to know what goes into thefood we consume as well as beingextremely cost effective, and thebragging rights are huge.Workshops include all recipes,morning tea, a cheese inspired lunchserved with a north coast wine and agift bag of cheeses to take home.Making your own cheese at home is agreat way to start on the path tosustainability.For more info contact the Lyndall 026656 2335 or 0458 562 135Visit www.thecheesemaking work-shop.

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