gold hill daily news. (gold hill, n.t. [nev.]). 1874-04-04

THE EVENING NEWS. ALF. DOTB*. i » lMI«»r ud Pr«»rl»i«f. SOLO KILL, i 8ATURDAT. APRIL 4. 1874 MOKK OP A M'ANIML A few day* tluco we referred to tlx feet that on* Bool, a correspondent of the St. I,onlt Republican and Detroit Fret Prut, had been expelled from the Keporter'* Gallery la the United State* Senate by orJer of Senator Fer- ry, of Michigan. The offeute of Mr. Buel waa In telegraphing to lili papera that Senator Chandler (Senator Fer- ry'» colleague) appeared on the floor of the Senate Chamber In a state of beaatly Intoxication, and had to be re- moved to ao adjoining committee room where be lay upon a tofa and slept oil tlw result* «f hi* debauch. The Free I'rett offered It* column* to Mr. Clian- dler (or a dltproval of this *tatement, at the lame time ausrtlng It* faith In Ita corrotpoudent and the reliability ol hit communication. By a dispatch from Washington we are informed that Mr. Buel wai yesterday arretted on a criminal charge on a warrant •worn oat by Seuator Chandler, and that he waa releaied on 95,000 ball fur- nlthed by Don Piatt, editor of the Waihlngton Capital. Tho dUpatch doee not itau the ground* upon which tlie warrant wa* l**ued, but It ha* un- deabtedly comethlng to do with the circumstance* before mentioned. If Chandler wa* guilty of a public and dltgracaful exposure of hi* known weakne** upeu the Seuate floor, It will be hard to convince anyone that a re- porter had not the right to give such fact a* a matter of new*. If, on the contrary. Hie •tatotuent w«» a fabrica- ting wilful or accidental, the otleud- Ing corrotpoadent de*erve* prosecu- tlon and punUhment. It wa* hi* duty to fully assure himself ot the truth of hi* communication before publishing the Mine. We *hall, doubtle**, hear more of thl* matter, which I*, to *ay Die least, either disgraceful to the Sen- ator or criminal In the correspondent. comment* upon Uw •peeeh ol Senator June* appear in the Xtw York papert. The New York Kceuin'j Put, commenting upon the debate, says that "the particular point wa* the speech ol Senator Jonea. of Nevada, who surprised everybody by tlie soundness and eloquence of hi* argument, lie ha* hitherto been a silent member, and the people gener- ally counted him a* a nonentity, ex- oept wheu he *ucce**fully comhatted the hero of cheap money, and Senator Morton fouad him a dangerous antag- onist, and quailed before the factt of tho Nevada Senator. Mr. Morton at- tempted the old tubterfugeof accusing California and X«vada of disloyalty because they looked with *u*plclon on the Government'* unfulfilled promlnes to pay. llo wanted to know whether the Union would have been saved without legal note*, and Jones an- wered promptly tlust without theui It would have been taved at a co.t of lets than a thousand millions. A WAiiusaroM correspondent of the St. LouU Vtuuentl hti that It lis* come to be known tu that city that llutler man are looking careful 1/ over tho whole Hold of Custom appoint* nxnU In Massachusetts. with a view of removing all, so tar as possible, who are either lukewarm toward or Inim- ical to General Butler. In many cam* direct recommendation! for removal have been received, but enough ol theee who have been threatened havu nude their cat** known here to show that no effort will bo spared by tho Butler faction to obtain complete con- trol of all forcee of tbo Custom-house for tho Fall election*. The corret- pondent add« : " There are good rea- dout to doubt whether this movement will reoalvo the cordial support here neceuary to Its success." Not a Jew.—At there <«m< to bo a dispoalllou on the part ol certalu nar- row-minded, Irresponsible scrubs to prejudice Sutro's great tunnel scheme, by calling him a "Jew," we will lim- ply remark In lilt defense. Hut he U an Assyrian and not a Jew. Wo so atated In the Xkws four years ago, as may bo seen by referenco to our tiles. Not that ho would any better or worse for being a Jew ; but we despWe to *«e such venal. Ignorant, low-flung, envious prejudlcu exhibited. Mr. Sutro, In a personal conversation with our luforraaut, who lud recently re- turned from a trip to the Holy Land, distinctly stated that he was an As- syrian, and not a Jew. A murvrvH from Sc. Louie Mjr* that John McCullengh clined * highly suc- engigeiupnt en the 23th ult. Oil tl»e evening preceding he took a farewell b«netlt. at which lie wa* the recipient ef a gold medal from cltlien* of tint city aa a token of their high appreciation of hlin. lMcillc co»»ter* will be glad to learn of the grett «uo- ce«* achieved by Mr. McCiillougli Our* lug the pail «ea«on In the Hut. A riiojiMT U on foot. In New York, to found a *oldler* and cltUen*' col- ony In Kan«a«. an a large teal*. •ome- where on tlx line of the Atchlnioii »t Santa Ke lUllroad. A large number of prominent penona are already In- terested In the *cheme. Itlapropo<ed to eettlo lOO.UOO acre* by the occu- pation of fainlUe* daring the preient NMOO. A Doctor *peclal any* that dock In General ILmki for Uulted State* Sen- ator has go no lower. Governor Wash- burn* IV mo«t talked of &* i com- promise candidate. Wono Chin Foo waa naturalized In Detroit, Mich., yeaterday. lie claim* to be the drat Chinaman who ha* re- nounced hi* allegiance to the Emperor. Tkvtbiipat'* race at the Oakland Trotting Park, ten mile* out, waa won by May Howard In 30 minute* and 43 tecond*. Dexter waa aecond. THE WAY IT L-* DOME. The I!m«i River litttiU*, com'ment- lng upon the psttage of the Mining Law, with the Sutrvi amendments by the lleuse of Representatives, lia» the following: " It certaluly seeuu pasting ttrange that a mau without pertonal weight or Influence other than that derived froiu hi* Identification with tblt enter- prise— of no good to any one but him- self and bis Jassoclates—ahould develop a (>ow«r In the Lower House of Con- gress superior to the whole Paciflo Coast delegation. The fact U sugges- live In these days of Cwigresiloual corruption, a«d justifies the Carton .1 pptfil In saying that Sutro 'followed hl< manifold ana frequent arguments with complimentary presentations of ttock to suseeptlblo members of Con- 5re**.' That's what's the matter, we oubt uol. Wo teel In duty bound, however, to exonerate Mr. Kendall froui any suspicion In this connection, llo had Iweu favorable to Sutro't en- terprise in its iucipiency, when its promise of usefulness had a plausible look. But he fought it so manfully before tho Route last week, whou this Negley nmendment w.ts pasted, tlist we, for our part, feel that he was sin- cere, and we believe the people of the State think so too." Turn Inflationists In the Senate seein to have received a theck by the recent •peach of Mr. Jenes, and a still further one It probably iu store. DWpatches from Washington say that there It no doubt that the President has prepared a message on finances, In which he urges Congress to pass no Inflation moature, and refers to the "laws and tho pledges of the Republican party, Iu which a speedy return to specie payment It promise!. It It to be hoped he will send it to Cougrets without delay. Tus Humboldt Jlr.jUHr takes back its assertion that Doc. Bowman. of Nye county, will bo a candidate for State Controller at tlie next election, by nuking the asaurtton that he It go- ing one better ami atplres to be Lieut. Governor. The latter office It emphat- ically one worth having. Salary |l,- 000 |i«r annum. Services nothing. A veritable sluecure and worth effort to obtain. Tmt St. Louis Itomoaxd. Iii its cau- ttlc ttyle. tay»: " The hearts of good Republicans throughout tho nation will be thrilled at the Intelligence fhat William Moran, Esij., lately appoints ed measurer of coal, salt, Irou and 11 iu.• In Philadelphia, by Governor Hartranft. never scratched a Repub- lican ticket. ^ Tub Director of Mints reportt tho colngao In tho San Francltco and Car- ton Mlntt,exclusive of minor oolns and bars, during March as follows: Gold, 44.S1U.I50; trado dollar*. $302,000; subsidiary coin, |207,(K5. Of the abovo amount, the San Francisco Mint eolned more than $.1,000,000 In gold and (325,000 In trade dollart. Anotiikii ascension will be made to- day from Woodward's Garden* In Sail Kraucltco. by M. Barbler, Iu lilt bal- loon Lo Pari*, which, It will be re- membered made a most succei«ful trip from tile same place last Saturday, ris- ing to the hlght of two and one-half miles and landing near Alauieda. Eureka Mining Itcmi. IFrnm th«H*atln«l of April 1.1 The Eureka Con*olld*ted Company (till continues to rectivo enough coal to keep una furnace going. At tlia mlna about on* hundred men are at work, which utunber Is uot one-half of the force utuaK v. engaged. The ore being extracted Ii ol good quality, and developments prove that the lulun Ii rich In ore or gooJ grade, and lu amount to tatU'y all who are lu any- wUe connected with the mine. In the Kichmotid, work (till contin- ue on the Slot loo shaft, the workmen being engaged In running the tunnel from the abaft to connect with the mine, which I* itlll worked through tlio I.lwtte tunnel. The new ore dump being erected for the conveni- ence of shippers In loading their wagons, I* rapidly approaching com- pletion. The furnacee are till Idle, owing to the lion-receipt of coal, the luipo«>lblllty of which It caused by the stormy weather. It wa% expected that they would iturt up about the tilth of the present mouth, but they will be deferred about two week*. The K K mine I* In excellent con- dition at the prraent wilting. Tho ledge di«covered about two week*ago, while prospecting III the drift liortli- «.i«t of the Marcelina shaft mill hold* out. and the work on the winze, which 1* being sunk through tolld ore, mill continue*. The drift cut of the third lerel I* advancing and It no>" lu near- ly tlfty feet. A large amount of line ore It on the dump and In the mine, and at toon a* actlvn work again com- mence* the payment ol dividend* will doubtle** lie again ie*umed. At the Kuby Consolidated about 30 men arc at pretent working lu the mine, the quality of ore found being very geed. The company will um> coke at the furnace* thi* *ea*on, and will -tart them up h* toon a* tho con- dition of the weather permit*. The Meadow Valley Mine. Tito work In thlt mine, undor tlic eareful superviilon of D. M. Tyrrell, proceeding very satisfactorily. At No. :i shaft the Incline I* 110 fret be- low the llUO-foot level, anil still (Ink- ing In quartzlte. Oil the 1100-foot level the wen drift I* III 10 feet. The face now shows a very promising form- ation, with tome little metal. The «»«t drift on tit* Mine, level Is In 09 feet, nnil look* well. On the ninth level the eau ilrilt UG7'J feet in length, in'I the formation is good with trace* ot metal. Four hundred feet eatt of till* level a winze 1* being sunk, and U 4'J feet in depth. The bottom shows a strong vein of quartz, with some lit- tle ore. Summit shaft (No. 3) l> now fully 1,000 feet on the slope, anil the work of slnklug I* being vigorously pressed. Five hundred feet from the ourfacu a drift has been started and Is In 147 feet, the lace showing a good formation, but little. If any, ore. Ow- ing to tho dreadful condition of the road*, hauling was pretty nearlr sus- pended. consequently the or* Jumps arsallfuli. Lmlertho present spell of Hue weather the roads are rapidlr drying, and hauling has been resumed. '1'he mill at Dry Valley Is kept busy, either on ore or tailings. Altogether things with the Meadow Valley are going along quietly, but very steadily. Our thanks are due to D. M. Tyrrell for courtesies, which appeared to give him pleasure to extonJ—iVocAe J{ec- •rif, il-axh VMIk. I Satro's Tactics. [Wuhlnclon Oomspondsnce o'.'theB. V. Alt*.] Mr- Sutro. whose prcsuiie* Is worse thin tho Itoh, and more tncarable, hat turned up In tliue te antagonize both of these bills. Illi opposition li very strong; he en Indomitable worker, find thoroughly unicrupuloui In hit effort* to build hlmielf up at the ex- pense ef the repatatlon of othere. lite comtant stream of vituperation which ho poura upon Congrau end Into the rauks of tbe representatives of the 1'ress has had It* effect, and there are a great uiany who are of the opinion that ho li the victim of the evil ma- chinations of a ••ring" of Paclflo coast mono|K>llitsand politicians, lie always pleads that he Is being victim- ized, and prays Cougress pitoously to save lilm from his enemies. Then he comes forward with bills and amend- ments "to protect his laterests from being destroyed by the 'ring."' So, to the many wb<i knew nothing what- ever about a mine, or mining laws and customs. he appears to be a suffering martyr, and worthy of succor. Ills succor, however. Is always claimed In the manner ot additional privileges. He l*. therefore, generally successful, and generally styled "a very smart man." Yet he Is the worst blasphemer that the I'acMc coast over had In Washing- ton. Your correspondent called upon hint a few evenings ago. to ascertain the cause of his opposition to the sec- ond of the above quoted bills. In tbe presence of ladles, lie opened at once Into his usual style of abnslng every- body. Said he: •' Why, that's a most rasoallr bill. They want to rob me of my rights; but that's like evfrything else from California. I declare, they are all thieves anil rascals out there. There is never a bill that comes from any one of those rascals, but there's a steal In It. These fellows you send to Congress never Introduce a bill except there's a job in It. I never saw so many ra«oals In the world as there are In California. Smart fellows, too; but there Isn't an honest man among them. Hut they can't rldo over me. I'll show them the biggest fight before tills week is over. That's what I'm here for," This sort of stuff was listened to for about halt an hour, when your corres- pondent, for tho sako of getting at the point of his interview, suggested tliat for the sake of argument he would ad- mit that ell tho eohemes that emanated from California were swindles, notex- ceptlng the Sutro Tunnel, and to cut the matter short, •'How does this swindling mineral bill affect Mr. Sutro's Tunnel swindle ?" Finally, after much badgering of this kind, Mr. Sutro was induced to remark that the object of the bill was to give the miners on the Comstock I.ode a chance to get out of their con- tract with him, and so he propo«ed to liavo the bill amended accordingly. He admitted that he wanted to have tho mineral land bill, Introduced by Mr. Ward, passed, and said, •• We'll pass that, too, before long!" This verities your correspondent's lormer advloes, that tho Ward bill was framed lu the luterost of Mr. Sutro, and made general In application, lu order te cover up tho design and to capture the aid of the patent-lawyers, who would reap a rich harvest If It should pass. As far as your correspondent has been ablo to ascertain, tliero has not been the least movement toward re- pealing or otherwise atlccting Sutro's vested rights; the only flint being agalatt his demands for further priv- ileges, and to extort them from Con- gress. he subjects all Callforulaui to the vilest abuso, and does It very ef- fectively. Iteferrlng to the resultsof the adopt- ion of the Sutro amendments, he eays: This would accomplish several pur- poses. chief among which would bo the virtual determination by Act of Congress of suits now pending to de- termine whether Mr. Sutro lias failed to comply with his contract, or whether the compaales shall be obliged to pay him a royalty of two dollars per ton. To compel the minora to take out their patents Im- mediately would also placo them at a disadvantage If they should fall now te correctly describe their lodes. Mr. Sutro, In running his tunnel, will bn entitled to work veins wblch are not claimed under patents, and therefore he would like to comnel the miners, for whore Interests lie Is ostensibly working, to limit thein lu advance, so that be may protlt by any mistakes they may make. Humboldt Items. (Prom the lteglitor, April 1.1 Job Davis, an old raiiduutof Win- neinucca, mot with a terlout accident last \Vedue*day. Ha wat standing up In Montana'* two bor«> wagon, while In motion, back of the teat. the lionet ware rapidly turning a oomor In the roads, ho lo«t hit balance and fell out, striking heavily on hit head and shoulder. The thock nearly kuockad the life out of hltn, and for miiuu minutes he could not, nor •cartel/ breathe. He was Ukan to th« .'ranch llotei and cared for. He complains of injury in hit back. It is reported that an linmansely rich striku has just been made In the Sodorus inlne, iu l'aradita District. A line ledge list been developed, ex- ceedingly rich in both gold nnd sliver, itomo of the gold assays are fabulous, exceeding In ono instance $20,000. The boys are Jubilant, and are con A- dently expecting lively times at soon as the Spring opens. Jacob Slnesie. convicted of grand lareoiiy for stealing Jewolry, at Elko, and sentenced to three yeara lu the State 1'rUon, pasted through hero In charge of olllccrs, en route to Carson, last Tuetday. Hon. H. C. Street of Klko, patted here Tuesday, on hit way to Carton. Reno Item*. [From the 8ut« Journal of April 4.J Tim V u I lay t Pepper Mlulnf Compa- ny, whose work) nre In £>eba«topol DUtrlct. east of Wadsworth, propose working their claim during the pres- ent month, with an extra ferco of uien. Arrangement* hav« been made (ot •hipping their ore to Kurope. The company bas been Incorporated under tho law* of California, and Mock !*• •ued. A party of citizen* left Wadsworth Thursday morning on an excursion to the Pyramid Lake Indian lteservatlon, to wltneu the Indian* working, who are now preparing for *eed time. Ten team* are engaged In plowing, etc., and a large harvest may be expected. An Immbnhk Span.—Nearly all the dUtluguUhed men who took part In the violent political canton of 1H30 51, twenty-lire year* ago, are now dead. They were Olay, Webster, Calboun, Cat*, Buchanan, DonglaM, Benton, Fillmore. Seward, Cna*e, Sumner, Clayton, Corwln, Bell, Everett and Dlckluion. Thl* demonstrate* what an Immenio and fatal ipan In human existence I* oompoeed In two deeade* of year*. We *ee hardly a name uow that figured In the great contests that we had before the war.—Cincinnati Kwptfrtr. WHO FIRED THAT SHOT ? George Hinckley Saye He Doeen't Know, But It Hit Hla In tbe Leg. At 1 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, aa re- ported In yesterday's Chronicle, Geo. Hinckley, the actor, wai arrested on Kearny street by officer Brown for be- ing drunk, and was Uken to the City Prison. Hera ha be bated In such a boisterous manner that Prison Keeper LIulMlmar placed the additional charge of vulgar language against him, and then pushed htm Into the dark coll. When takon out In tbe morning It was discovered that be had a bullet wouud In the right thigh. He could give no account of the manner In whleh he had reoelved the wound. Something In the tragical line had evidently hap* pened to the actor o(T the stage that night, and the fact* of tbe matter are gradually leaking out. A young ac- tress, whose stage name Is Susie Souls, but who is eald to bo the wile of Hinckley, occupies rooms on tbe fourth floor of the Montgomery Block. Sev- eral other women occupy rooms on that floor. At a lata hour on Mouday ulglit Hinckley, accompanied by a well-known stock broker, went up ou this floor. They had beon drinking freely, and Hinckley was very drunk. He knocked on one of the doors and upon being refused admittance at- tempted te kick the door down, where- upon a shot was llred (rum the room. It was supposod to have been llred by a man, but the stock broker and Hinck- ley dldu't stay to ascertain. The pair separated when thoy reachud the stroet, and a short time afterwards Hinckley fell into the bauds ot the po- llco. The parties coucori|ed ara no- slrou* of hushing the mattor up, but a judicial investigation may yet become necessary. PTstel-shot wounds are very tiucurtaln In their results. Tbe conundrum about tbe Montgomery Block Is, " Who fired that shot."—A'. f. Chronicle, April 'J. Hirtba. DUNCAN— In Ookl mil. April 3, to tbe wife of JoMph Duncan, * (Uajhter. [to partaking of thu orange peol and water which eauin with the abort notice, the print- ing freternltjrof the Nswe offleo heartily petblie with the happy pareate and Join tn the wl*h that the Juvenile Duncan may "Ure long and prosper."] Daatlha. THRNKT-U tlokl mil. April 4. Bll.qTurrwT, Infant d*D(hl«r of Win. W. and Harriot 8. Turn.jr, a^cd 5 wcek«. NEW TO-DA * GERALD MA88EY, ....WILL LBCTL'AB AT.... PIPER'8 OPERA HOUSE, VIRGINIA CITY, SUNDAY EVENING, APRIL 0, HI'IUKCT) "THE COMING RELIGION." ADMIBNIO.V-rnKC. «:» td T II K BROOKLYN RESTAURANT, ( I. Will., Fare* 4c VIHOIXIA CITY, NEVADA JOHN 8. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR. T«IH POPULAR RKSTAURAT A haa Imxii tmlar^ed, ronovatid and clfgantly furnUhad, and la now Itiu Largaai aud ' MOST KI.KfJAN'T DINING HA I,(KIN la the Slat* of X*Tada. Brerytblnt akont the Eremleee I* kept M ueil M * parlor, tke BMl >11 bclnc hirnlthed wlik thirty odil tablo*, the wall* ornam*atcd with mirror*, on£r*vlnt*,ct*. Tin: NKW K ITCH KM tlerentlr added to th* build Inc. I* commodlon*, thoroughly wi ll furnished, and I* pteelded over by tb* Beet ChIu la ike Ceaatr). Patron* n( tb* Brooklyn n>»y r*«t minrrd that th*y will And un their table* all the *ub- •taut111* and dellcacle* of the *e*ton a* *oooa* tb*y enm* Into tbe market. Term*, reasonable; bear*, accommodating: *nd eallefarflon guaranteed In all caac*. fall at th* llKOuKLTN. at>4 1m (Canon Appeal. Oral* Valley Union and Han Krandaco chronicle, copj and **nd bill.) JOSEPH FREDERICKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WAR*. uouhic or HIM. GIIKMICAUI, PA1NTM. OHM, WINDOW MI.AMft, PAPKK lUNIilNflN, WINDOW NIIADRft, DUCK HIIKKTINflH, PICTUIIK KKAMW nod MOLDINMH. JOSEPH FREDERICKS, N*. 4:1 Heath C Hlrcrt Vlralala Constantly keep* on hand a larc* awortaeni of all article* for Mlllm*c'* are, Incladlng Baillik ni»r«l«»r, Vadium. t'l»ID •f Palaulaai. Kalpkarli aa< •Ibcr Adda, Kic., Kir. OrderrforI'AINTIN()7PAPERINO,UI.AZINO, ate.,etc., promptly attended to. ap«tf J. CORNWELL, Ka. SB Xarlk C ilrftt, Tlrflalu, MANUFACTURER OF TI1K CRANDALL PATENT SPRING D ! aim a NEW PATENT STEEL COUPLET HPKINU, tba lint tttr lntroduc ed la a bed on Ik* IVllc rnant. I nowolfcr to the pnhlle a HPRINtJ MAT- TRESS CONPLETK IN ITSELF, needing no top mattrc**, wnlnj tba entlra eo*t of a top matin-**. (Vim* and *** mr Improied PORTA n I. K HI'KINO AND FRAME MATTRKSSKM, Dura- ble, Cheap and Comfortable. AUo dealer In UPHOLSTHRT and FURNI- TURK of ererjr de*crlpll«n. J. CO UN WELL, _ap4 m M Korth C *lr»«l. Vlrflala. QUICK: SIL VBR! UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE TUB MUCB 09 QUICKSILVER WILL ;si 3a CENTS PER POUND. AGENCY: BANK OP CALIFORNIA vmniNiA and no lb bill. apl If DIVIDEND NOTICE. OFFICE OF Till BELCHER SILVER Stalnc Company.Han Frajiclar®. April 4, 1*14.—At a meeting of tbe Board or Traaleee, bald thin day, a dividend (No. It) of Kl»e Dollara (|3i par nbara waa declared, payable April 10. Tranvfrr bookl will be doacd on Sib Inn., at It o'clock m. apt lm n. C.»EIBBI, Secretary. LOST, A FEVERTHERMOMETER IN A SILVER caaa. a boat Ira locbea In lenctb. ahapisl like a pencil. The Under will be ealtablr ra- » ardod on learlnc the umt At the o«ce oI Or. Kltby. Oe'd Hill, or At thle oSke. »p« Iw SITUATION WANTED, T AN A NO. 1 COOK FROM SAN FRAN- clero. a bakar br trade. Can be eeen At er'e SaJoon, VlrflalA Clly. apt Iw £ HEW TO-DAY. ON EXHIBITION AMD rOB HALE AT BANNER BROTHERS, Ctrnr C aa4 T*?l*r ilrMto, VIRGINIA CITY# THE LARGEST, MOST BEAUTIFUL ....AXO.... MOST MAGNIFICENT itocx or SPRING CLOTHING EVER BROUGHT TO THIS STATE: 80 RIOH IN FABRIC, SO SUBSTANTIAL IN MAKE, SO SUPERB IN STYLE, AS TO SUIT THE MOST FASTIDIOUS, ....AXD.... So Exceedingly Low in Price AS TO AGREEABLY AHTOMIUU THE MOST ECONOMICAL. BANNER BROTHER*, ... WHO ALWATB HTL'DY.... TO PLEASE THEIB PATBONS orrumiiiti to.... EXCEL ALL I'KEVIOI'N Et'FORTN DURING TUB l'RESENT SEASON,* to coirrtMri.... SUCH STRAIGHT-FORWARD DEALINGS Ai bar. woo fur tb.m Uia rr«pMt and cittern of their f.ll.w dtUen* DEAL WITH BANNER BROTHERS, •...who rxnsitT.... IN REDUCING PRICE8. Buy- All Your CLOTHING ... .FROM.... BANNER BROTHERS, ....Till.... ONLY LIVE CLOTHIER8 IX VIRUINIA, NEVADA. •pi tf CORNER SALOON, .(..count or..., MAIN * PIONBBK MTRBUTH OOLU HILL. 'piIK CHOICEST AND BEST BRANDS OF WINK*. I.IQVQRM, PORTER, AI.I db CIGAR* Always on hAad. DEPOT FOR WAWIIOK DKKWKRY Tb. Ix>«t of LAOER BEER ftiraUhed to fantHe. Mid raatoiaer* (fenerally, by th. Krc, Oalloa, (Ju.rl or Bottl*. THE BEST JENNY LIND TABLE la k>wa, and comfortable CLUB ROOM kt th* rear of tb. aaloon. Frirada alwaj, we)- COM. »p* tf J. T. LA REIN. FIFTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY BALL. I. O. O. F. UNDElt TDK AC8PICI* OF COLFAX DECREE OF REBECCA LOOSE, NO, 1, ....AT.... NATIONAL GUARD HALL (ODD PILLOWS' BUILDING) VIRGINIA CITY, MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 27. of Arnn(fn«nl> i J M Peek Mr* Jacob Young 8 I) Biker Mr* II (ferny William Bowlen Comnllln of Invitation i TrauMU flTT. I) 0 Adklmn J 0 Smith (' C Batterman llenrr Mnrrlfon Jacob Young Jr (1 K fonl D L smith (lew lUnnlng W n Umkirt J 0 Hchlarbaum Harry Block V a Cox oolb mix. RI. Stem Mr* Bennett J W Nojr*. Mr* Mercer Mr* R r Taylor *ILV KH CITT. it B Aaguitlne C D McDula DATTOK, J a met Ntwman L L Crockett turn. JMnllcr IIRWhltehlU Joha Rotter Theo A IIAle an. J 8 Bboemaker C W Jone* A C McFarland O W Connlightm WAIUOI. Nil Holme* 0 D Boyd CmhbIIIm of leeeptlMi tt Holme* Mr* Holland f A IlAmmond Mr* Meadowa w Turner Mr* WlUon Floor >AH(*ni J M Peck Mr* Jacob Young Wm Bowlen Mr* R Hard Jam** rbalan Mr* M Baoluar Mr* HOarwy Floor Director i J 8 Kanara Prompter t Pro/euor Daalal Lyoaa TICKET*' 43 M ] Oan bt had from tba Tart*** Commit!***. UtTBIC will furnlahad by Prof. «. Drtf Too*' Orcheatra. Dancing will commaac* at» o'clock. td W Nit it U* Gold Bill Niwi offla*. pm^coopH, etc!_ "the pioneer dry good:s STORE. Established In 1861! —— LATEST FA8HION8 ....AT.... FBAAKEAHFjnEB^! FAMILY DRY GOODS STORE! QOLP HILL. J CUT ItlVllTBD, A DBLIi'T siock or DRE88 GOODS! Thl* Department L replete with eltcant, ot.I ud apectal atjlci, and conilllol*. lb* oat complete aatorluienl «»cr offered Intbli town. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS Baraalej, Heoteh tnd Irlth Itemuk: Tab), cloth* and Napkin* T.w»l. tad Towellnjt: Linen and Cotton Sheeting* and •blrtlnft Blanket* and Qollt*; Colored and whlu Flannel*; Tab!, and Piano Ct>r»r«; Lac. CartaUia, Ktc., lite., Etc. At Greatly Reduced Prices) H08IERY DEPARTMENT Ladle*', Children'* and Oenta' lloalery of til It. a and qnalltlc*. OI.t**, Laeaa, Rmbfoftery In aat* and by tb« jard; llauilkerchUf*, *tc., *tc. Will Veil aa for €aah aa) Hi»r. |a the male ! «H If !M. rEAWKKNHEIMKM. INVESTIGATE AND YR till ALL IIKCOMK W1HE SCRIPTURE'S OWN TRUTH I 'I'lIR QUESTION ARISES NOW. LADIES. I Where will you limy your IllIKSS GOODS for Winter wear, your TUI MM IN OH. four UNDKkWRAK. »oqr HIIOKH, ronr IIOSlKliV, yoor FLANNELS, your MVHI.INS, year HUEKTINGS, your everything In (lie lint of DRY GOODS? I lay. Inrcatlgate and ye eball l>ctk«ie wire to buy them of GALLAND! WHYf Eecauao he hu a wellaeleeled itork ofet/liah end fine xoeda; he »ell> them cHeaper than any other dry i;ooda houae In the fltate, and haa but ONK MUCK FOR ALI.I Glee GALLAND a call, and ye will become wlee. apn tl NOTICE. MR. IIKNDEItSON. OK THE FIItM OK J. HENDERSON X CO., baa left for Han Kranclaeo, where ho Intindu to purchato the larteat atock of DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY KVar brought to tkle Cltr. Intending purchaaere will find It to their ad- vantage to wait the arrival ef the new cooda. mtilw B. a. WALLiTIK. L. D. rOUOM. D. S. 8ALLATIN & GO. HentMin to O.T. Darker A MAIN STltKKT, (SOLD illLI., NKV., ....»lALKke I*.... H A R DWARE Of Keory Deeerlrtloa* HHL AND MINING SUPPLIES Stoves, Tin Ware,' f t HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS TIN. COPPER' AND SHEETIRON WORK DONK TO OltDBU. miotr 0 THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. Notice to Policy Owners ....IN TVS....* STATE OF NEVADA. J\N AND AFTKR ACHCHT I. lfCt. UNTIL ) forthrr notice. Mr. A. J. RALSTON and r. O. W. 1IA7KLT0N. of Tlrflnta. will attend to tb. collerctlou of premium* for the followlaf point., Tit: VIRGINIA. DAYTON. 0OI.D HILL, CARNON. ULVKB C1TT, WANIIOE. EXPIRE, RENO. Premlnmi da. < other p.rt» »t Vtrtiii can b. Mill to Affrnta of WKLLfl. I'AROC) M Cty, ooIIKLIVRUY.fIk.COMPANY# ItKCEIPT. tW M. J. HKNLKY, 4* South H «tml, Vlr- rlnta, U . duly authorUed iperlal Agent for Ik. Ht.t. of Nevada tor the Cnmpauy, to * bom all apUeaUonn forlnenrnne.,C.mpMy'»clretilara, etc , aar ho made Han rrmoclaro. tJ. A* B. FORBES, ipllm 0»».ral An»t tor facltlc Ooaat. R MOV ALI WINKLE & KRDTT8CHNITT, DIALS** 111 WIIVE8 AND LI<lVORM, | DAT! KIMOTID TO Nartkwewt Vomer Hill aad CilreeU, I or" Virginia <1»y, Nevada. MILK D RE Y P O U 8, PHOPEMMOK or Mt.'MIC, All TEACHER OF THE VIOLII.' flRDBRB LEFT AT R. L. III00IN8' MP8IC « ' Vlrrtala City, or at PROPKHHOR BKRLINBRR or with 8. W. CUCBBUCK, in , now niu Po.t one. MUSIC IFUMISHfjD FORAU OCCASIONS I _ xiHcucmaorg HERCULES POWDER. W'arMlvifWa CA>L T«K ATTENTION # aB? "^triof «ur rrtdrm i^\ri7k^?ovir0«I^K .1 T °f 1 ** 11 KRtW <'E® Klkir ?r. .n.!^Tr **»'"»l»a*: FIMljT-lta Hranrili W £real«r'ban tint nf anj oibtr In um.TV material. « wUkh It coa.l.t. ara rouipunadrd upon »trf ily vlutlte prlnelpb* uj not a.lmple nealr.1 abwbini employed that will hold » quantity ofaltro- rljeerine. It li lb* opinion of iba W.i cbaiuUta to whom the mailer bo h»»n •ubniltiad tillt no milium ha# been eiupiajed thai mi thor- oughly nromulra the whole tremectl,*,, forte <rf Iba eiplorlrea employed. ami at iba >ua time neutralise the oifebrlw [im cauaed by tba azplo:lon. Willi tbla 1'owuer oar half ihe time la MTrd that la loat by u«lnj( «nj other lining ^ovdar, before 70a cau tngua work alter a bECOND—UNIFORMITY.—The material* of lb* mixture are chemically pre|>aretl, and iher* fore loaai uniformity ran alweye ba depended upon and Iba beet ruaalla attained. Tbla la a {mat advantage o*«r anr that earlce In lla •treoflh. aa tkoaa mual which are mli*4 wltk anr natural earth THIRD—HAFItTY.— Sa perflret la thla mix- tare lhat no aceldent ran hap|>en with It Irom pieniatarr orarrldaulal eiploelon. If neiaona will half foll'.M tbo rnlca laid down for lla u»e. No powder baa rrer been larmtcd where ao few accldrnta harp happened with It In propor- tlPfl 10 the quantities which bam turn n»*il. KOl'IlTU—C'AUTIIIIXiHM—It well knrwn that nitro rliceiIce ka« a teadener lo dirnm- |«»<' by lotailll/atlou, Thrar air Iba ••famee" Ibal ary tmrlled on Rolnir Inlo a clote waim drlfr or room where uUro-glyci rlnr powder* ara alorvd. To preient Iba aftapo of lliaaa "fumra" an almo>l hermetically iralad cart- ride* la employed. and ao elTcctual la It that •on* cartililnaa tilled with llrrrulaa war* ex. Etnl lo a blazing (lllforala mo for all tnonlba t Summer, wllh no percrptlble Iota of rtrength. Tbla. la a great advantage orrr tho opi n tioroui paper ttauallv ami for cartridge. K1KT1I—ECONOMV—Wc bellere that anr ntlncr who will lake the trouble to laieetipl* the mallar, will aallafj blmaelf Ibat lull fifteen per ceat. la Meed h/ nalng th« Hereulfn tiTar any 01 her >1111111.' powder manufactured. yl-EUT—IK Tills WOKTI1 SAVING ! WE hilxl 'I III.NK hO. TitV IT Alwar* on baud al P.. BITNKIi X CO S, Hard- ware Men-hante, Hold lllll. and at DOAKK Jt B0BAUT8, Hardware Merchant. Virginia City. Sold by TIIK CAI.irult.NIA POWllKK WOllKft, 314 California Ureal, fan Praneleio, Cal. Alio, all grade* of lllaek l'owd*r, Kuae, Hhol, capa. etc. mix Im la CITY BAKERY CONFECTIONERY, ICE CREAM & REFRESHMENT SALOON, NO. 3? NOKTII V HTKKHT, VIRGINIA. QANDJKS OF ALL DK8CKIIT10K8, AI Wkalnal* aa4 llriall. FAWtT CAKK OK ALL KINDS. made to onlcr, oI I ha ih* treat material*. PKESII BIIKAD d«M»arod to *11 parta of lb* city. Ditli, Pirtlra and Panilllra Kuppllcd at lb* abortcat |K»»lblc nolle*. NEW SUPPLIES CONSTANTLY ON HAND At Ike I.owp«i I.lvlna Kmc*. Giro Call. mUlf "kal iTuTht.1 8,1 MAltBLB AND BRANITE WORKS H. H. MUCKLE, NOUTU C HTHKlfT, • • VIIMJIN1A. (Iletwwii Mill and Caraou,) MAEBLE GRAVESTONES, from (is I'pminl. I HON, OMANITK nnit CHAIN FK.NCINCJ KOU GRAVIS*, .M Alt III.i: MANTMUMKCKH, Kir. ....ALaO.... WOOD PK.NCKtf. Ordera llllrrt promptly, at tbu moat rraanna- bla prlrea. and In tbo Ixai »n > of lb* art. N. II.—Partlca wlablne lo I>« -ijna ran do ao by railing at lha Yard. Ja.10 lm U. n llt'CKLR. CERTAIN AND SPEEDY RELIEF GUARANTEED, OR NO CHARGE. MY MEDICINES WILL CURE ('•n«h» Vrtrrti Krinlilii IMf »i I Minrrbt !.• Tin oh l, r. Klduri;lllood •nil Mkla lllarami Union. I)l.«r rirra, Srmliml Wmkaraa or Narvou. llrlilllty. l'ro|MT Mrdlclnra rutuWIui! am] ill kind* of Irialrd >t « lirlcti ill run affnnl lo |>ajr. Tli»»» Sliillrlnw ana llallia cma wm n all cl.n rmI I kivi-•<!» of rtTomnu lulallmia In tbJt rlfi-cl. Nurv preventive* of private Ulna.ea. Call or write lo DR. OATBS, rllYWiriAN and wnueoN. DISPENSARY. OKFirE, BATIIH an.l CONSri.TINH IIOOMH. .No. I a* Mouth I' »lrrM, «nt ildr, VIIKJIMA, KKV, dir.* 1 in GOLD HILL MARKET. (NEXT DOOR TO NKWB OFFICE.) L. T. FOX I «~T~PROPRIETOR AT Till* IHAKKBTg cut »lw»j« b« found (tit j cbolceal B«F' MUTTON, P0RK' VEAL- 4 NAIIIAURII, (liwaiu). Ouranlical'btlnrMlrctrd from tb# b«tC»t Ur lUnrbva 10 Nurada aud California, arc alwarn liraltbr. PRIVATE KAMILIKfi ANB 1IOTBL* will _nd li to thrlr adrantaga to patranlia tlila Market, whfra thrjr will alwaya •applied with the br«t mrala tha coantrj can afford, RENDERED TALLOW, for mill and mining parpofra.cooatantlj oo band. mil lf_ f.. T. For Cl(iAlts A\l) TOBACCO O. H. GALLUP, Haynnrd'a Blvek, MAIN KTKKKTi............<JOI<D llll.l., Next door to the Bank Exchange. TITE CHOICEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIBARSI ....AID.,., TUB BK»»T Illl A Ml- OK TOBACCO In all Ita rarlrtlca. Maararhaam and all olhrr Plaaa. Kralla, Nal«, («ndl<-», Klnp Callrr;, Tare, Paarr (iaada, Klr„ Kir, Krcrythlne A No. 1 and PRICES LOW t»" Call aad Hrr.jiJ . nil Ibi BOOTS AND 8H0E8 FOR EVERYBODY! ....AT. .. J. A. WINTERBAUER'8, Opp. tha Ollpaa N tables. MAIN STBEST UOI.D HILL, At tha VKHT LOWEST PKil'KEHI fTIIlRKK 14 NO U»E OP (lOINfl^^- 1 allpabod whrn too raa «vt aajf-nl thing jon aerd In tna Boot and flhaeffMJ Dm, Ua kcrpa ronatanllr on band a fall mpnljr of Backlngham lloota aad Hhoca. and al»o ellmda to Ouatoa Work, Including maanhctaring to order aad Repairing. Trj klai. mil m

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Post on 08-Dec-2021




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ALF. DOTB*. i » lMI«»r ud Pr«»rl»i«f.



A few day* tluco we referred to tlx feet that on* Bool, a correspondent of the St. I,onlt Republican and Detroit

Fret Prut, had been expelled from the Keporter'* Gallery la the United

State* Senate by orJer of Senator Fer-

ry, of Michigan. The offeute of Mr.

Buel waa In telegraphing to lili papera that Senator Chandler (Senator Fer-

ry'» colleague) appeared on the floor of the Senate Chamber In a state of

beaatly Intoxication, and had to be re- moved to ao adjoining committee room where be lay upon a tofa and slept oil

tlw result* «f hi* debauch. The Free

I'rett offered It* column* to Mr. Clian-

dler (or a dltproval of this *tatement, at the lame time ausrtlng It* faith In Ita corrotpoudent and the reliability ol

hit communication. By a dispatch from Washington we are informed

that Mr. Buel wai yesterday arretted on a criminal charge on a warrant

•worn oat by Seuator Chandler, and that he waa releaied on 95,000 ball fur-

nlthed by Don Piatt, editor of the

Waihlngton Capital. Tho dUpatch doee not itau the ground* upon which tlie warrant wa* l**ued, but It ha* un-

deabtedly comethlng to do with the

circumstance* before mentioned. If

Chandler wa* guilty of a public and

dltgracaful exposure of hi* known

weakne** upeu the Seuate floor, It will

be hard to convince anyone that a re-

porter had not the right to give such

fact a* a matter of new*. If, on the

contrary. Hie •tatotuent w«» a fabrica-

ting wilful or accidental, the otleud-

Ing corrotpoadent de*erve* prosecu-

tlon and punUhment. It wa* hi* duty to fully assure himself ot the truth of

hi* communication before publishing the Mine. We *hall, doubtle**, hear

more of thl* matter, which I*, to *ay Die least, either disgraceful to the Sen- ator or criminal In the correspondent. comment* upon Uw

•peeeh ol Senator June* appear in the

Xtw York papert. The New York

Kceuin'j Put, commenting upon the

debate, says that "the particular point wa* the speech ol Senator Jonea. of Nevada, who surprised everybody by tlie soundness and eloquence of hi*

argument, lie ha* hitherto been a

silent member, and the people gener- ally counted him a* a nonentity, ex-

oept wheu he *ucce**fully comhatted the hero of cheap money, and Senator

Morton fouad him a dangerous antag- onist, and quailed before the factt of

tho Nevada Senator. Mr. Morton at-

tempted the old tubterfugeof accusing California and X«vada of disloyalty because they looked with *u*plclon on

the Government'* unfulfilled promlnes to pay. llo wanted to know whether

the Union would have been saved

without legal note*, and Jones an-

• wered promptly tlust without theui It would have been taved at a co.t of lets

than a thousand millions.

A WAiiusaroM correspondent of the St. LouU Vtuuentl hti that It lis*

come to be known tu that city that

llutler man are looking careful 1/ over tho whole Hold of Custom appoint* nxnU In Massachusetts. with a view

of removing all, so tar as possible, who are either lukewarm toward or Inim-

ical to General Butler. In many cam*

direct recommendation! for removal

have been received, but enough ol

theee who have been threatened havu nude their cat** known here to show

that no effort will bo spared by tho

Butler faction to obtain complete con- trol of all forcee of tbo Custom-house

for tho Fall election*. The corret-

pondent add« : " There are good rea- dout to doubt whether this movement

will reoalvo the cordial support here

neceuary to Its success."

Not a Jew.—At there <«m< to bo a

dispoalllou on the part ol certalu nar- row-minded, Irresponsible scrubs to

prejudice Sutro's great tunnel scheme,

by calling him a "Jew," we will lim-

ply remark In lilt defense. Hut he U

an Assyrian and not a Jew. Wo so

atated In the Xkws four years ago, as

may bo seen by referenco to our tiles.

Not that ho would b« any better or

worse for being a Jew ; but we despWe to *«e such venal. Ignorant, low-flung, envious prejudlcu exhibited. Mr.

Sutro, In a personal conversation with our luforraaut, who lud recently re- turned from a trip to the Holy Land,

distinctly stated that he was an As-

syrian, and not a Jew.

A murvrvH from Sc. Louie Mjr* that John McCullengh clined * highly suc-

engigeiupnt en the 23th ult.

Oil tl»e evening preceding he took a farewell b«netlt. at which lie wa* the

recipient ef a gold medal from cltlien* of tint city aa a token of their high appreciation of hlin. lMcillc co»»ter*

will be glad to learn of the grett «uo-

ce«* achieved by Mr. McCiillougli Our*

lug the pail «ea«on In the Hut.

A riiojiMT U on foot. In New York, to found a *oldler* and cltUen*' col-

ony In Kan«a«. an a large teal*. •ome- where on tlx line of the Atchlnioii »t

Santa Ke lUllroad. A large number of prominent penona are already In-

terested In the *cheme. Itlapropo<ed to eettlo lOO.UOO acre* by the occu- pation of fainlUe* daring the preient NMOO.

A Doctor *peclal any* that dock In General ILmki for Uulted State* Sen- ator has go no lower. Governor Wash-

burn* IV mo«t talked of &* i com-

promise candidate.

Wono Chin Foo waa naturalized In

Detroit, Mich., yeaterday. lie claim*

to be the drat Chinaman who ha* re-

nounced hi* allegiance to the Emperor.

Tkvtbiipat'* race at the Oakland

Trotting Park, ten mile* out, waa won

by May Howard In 30 minute* and 43

tecond*. Dexter waa aecond.


The I!m«i River litttiU*, com'ment-

lng upon the psttage of the Mining Law, with the Sutrvi amendments by the lleuse of Representatives, lia» the

following: " It certaluly seeuu pasting ttrange

that a mau without pertonal weight or Influence other than that derived froiu hi* Identification with tblt enter-

prise— of no good to any one but him- self and bis Jassoclates—ahould develop a (>ow«r In the Lower House of Con-

gress superior to the whole Paciflo Coast delegation. The fact U sugges- live In these days of Cwigresiloual corruption, a«d justifies the Carton .1 pptfil In saying that Sutro 'followed hl< manifold ana frequent arguments with complimentary presentations of

ttock to suseeptlblo members of Con-

5re**.' That's what's the matter, we

oubt uol. Wo teel In duty bound, however, to exonerate Mr. Kendall froui any suspicion In this connection, llo had Iweu favorable to Sutro't en-

terprise in its iucipiency, when its

promise of usefulness had a plausible look. But he fought it so manfully before tho Route last week, whou this

Negley nmendment w.ts pasted, tlist

we, for our part, feel that he was sin-

cere, and we believe the people of the State think so too."

Turn Inflationists In the Senate seein

to have received a theck by the recent

•peach of Mr. Jenes, and a still further

one It probably iu store. DWpatches from Washington say that there It no

doubt that the President has prepared a message on finances, In which he

urges Congress to pass no Inflation

moature, and refers to the "laws and

tho pledges of the Republican party, Iu which a speedy return to specie

payment It promise!. It It to be hoped he will send it to Cougrets without


Tus Humboldt Jlr.jUHr takes back

its assertion that Doc. Bowman. of

Nye county, will bo a candidate for

State Controller at tlie next election,

by nuking the asaurtton that he It go-

ing one better ami atplres to be Lieut. Governor. The latter office It emphat- ically one worth having. Salary |l,- 000 |i«r annum. Services nothing. A veritable sluecure and worth effort to


Tmt St. Louis Itomoaxd. Iii its cau-

ttlc ttyle. tay»: " The hearts of good

Republicans throughout tho nation

will be thrilled at the Intelligence fhat

William Moran, Esij., lately appoints ed measurer of coal, salt, Irou and

11 iu.• In Philadelphia, by Governor

Hartranft. never scratched a Repub- lican ticket.


Tub Director of Mints reportt tho

colngao In tho San Francltco and Car-

ton Mlntt,exclusive of minor oolns and

bars, during March as follows: Gold,

44.S1U.I50; trado dollar*. $302,000;

subsidiary coin, |207,(K5. Of the

abovo amount, the San Francisco Mint

eolned more than $.1,000,000 In gold and (325,000 In trade dollart.

Anotiikii ascension will be made to-

day from Woodward's Garden* In Sail

Kraucltco. by M. Barbler, Iu lilt bal-

loon Lo Pari*, which, It will be re-

membered made a most succei«ful trip from tile same place last Saturday, ris-

ing to the hlght of two and one-half miles and landing near Alauieda.

Eureka Mining Itcmi.

IFrnm th«H*atln«l of April 1.1

The Eureka Con*olld*ted Company (till continues to rectivo enough coal to keep una furnace going. At tlia mlna about on* hundred men are at work, which utunber Is uot one-half of the force utuaK v. engaged. The ore

being extracted Ii ol good quality, and

developments prove that the lulun Ii rich In ore or gooJ grade, and lu amount to tatU'y all who are lu any- wUe connected with the mine.

In the Kichmotid, work (till contin- ue on the Slot loo shaft, the workmen being engaged In running the tunnel from the abaft to connect with the mine, which I* itlll worked through tlio I.lwtte tunnel. The new ore

dump being erected for the conveni- ence of shippers In loading their

wagons, I* rapidly approaching com- pletion. The furnacee are till Idle, owing to the lion-receipt of coal, the luipo«>lblllty of which It caused by the stormy weather. It wa% expected that they would iturt up about the tilth of the present mouth, but they will be deferred about two week*.

The K K mine I* In excellent con- dition at the prraent wilting. Tho

ledge di«covered about two week*ago, while prospecting III the drift liortli- «.i«t of the Marcelina shaft mill hold*

out. and the work on the winze, which 1* being sunk through tolld ore, mill continue*. The drift cut of the third lerel I* advancing and It no>" lu near-

ly tlfty feet. A large amount of line ore It on the dump and In the mine, and at toon a* actlvn work again com- mence* the payment ol dividend* will doubtle** lie again ie*umed. At the Kuby Consolidated about 30

men arc at pretent working lu the mine, the quality of ore found being very geed. The company will um>

coke at the furnace* thi* *ea*on, and will -tart them up h* toon a* tho con- dition of the weather permit*.

The Meadow Valley Mine.

Tito work In thlt mine, undor tlic eareful superviilon of D. M. Tyrrell, l« proceeding very satisfactorily. At No. :i shaft the Incline I* 110 fret be- low the llUO-foot level, anil still (Ink-

ing In quartzlte. Oil the 1100-foot level the wen drift I* III 10 feet. The face now shows a very promising form- ation, with tome little metal. The «»«t drift on tit* Mine, level Is In 09 feet, nnil look* well. On the ninth level the eau ilrilt UG7'J feet in length, in'I the formation is good with trace* ot metal. Four hundred feet eatt of till* level a winze 1* being sunk, and U 4'J feet in depth. The bottom shows a strong vein of quartz, with some lit- tle ore. Summit shaft (No. 3) l> now

fully 1,000 feet on the slope, anil the work of slnklug I* being vigorously pressed. Five hundred feet from the

ourfacu a drift has been started and Is

In 147 feet, the lace showing a good formation, but little. If any, ore. Ow-

ing to tho dreadful condition of the road*, hauling was pretty nearlr sus-

pended. consequently the or* Jumps arsallfuli. Lmlertho present spell of Hue weather the roads are rapidlr drying, and hauling has been resumed. '1'he mill at Dry Valley Is kept busy, either on ore or tailings. Altogether things with the Meadow Valley are going along quietly, but very steadily. Our thanks are due to D. M. Tyrrell for courtesies, which appeared to give him pleasure to extonJ—iVocAe J{ec- •rif, il-axh VMIk.


Satro's Tactics.

[Wuhlnclon Oomspondsnce o'.'theB. V. Alt*.] Mr- Sutro. whose prcsuiie* Is worse

thin tho Itoh, and more tncarable, hat turned up In tliue te antagonize both of these bills. Illi opposition li very strong; he l« en Indomitable worker, find thoroughly unicrupuloui In hit effort* to build hlmielf up at the ex- pense ef the repatatlon of othere. lite comtant stream of vituperation which ho poura upon Congrau end Into the rauks of tbe representatives of the 1'ress has had It* effect, and there are a great uiany who are of the opinion that ho li the victim of the evil ma- chinations of a ••ring" of Paclflo

coast mono|K>llitsand politicians, lie

always pleads that he Is being victim- ized, and prays Cougress pitoously to save lilm from his enemies. Then he

comes forward with bills and amend-

ments "to protect his laterests from

being destroyed by the 'ring."' So, to the many wb<i knew nothing what- ever about a mine, or mining laws and customs. he appears to be a suffering martyr, and worthy of succor. Ills

succor, however. Is always claimed In the manner ot additional privileges. He l*. therefore, generally successful, and generally styled "a very smart man." Yet he Is the worst blasphemer that

the I'acMc coast over had In Washing- ton. Your correspondent called upon hint a few evenings ago. to ascertain the cause of his opposition to the sec- ond of the above quoted bills. In tbe

presence of ladles, lie opened at once Into his usual style of abnslng every- body. Said he: •' Why, that's a most rasoallr bill. They want to rob me of my rights; but that's like evfrything else from California. I declare, they are all thieves anil rascals out there. There is never a bill that comes from

any one of those rascals, but there's a steal In It. These fellows you send to

Congress never Introduce a bill except there's a job in It. I never saw so

many ra«oals In the world as there are

In California. Smart fellows, too; but there Isn't an honest man among them. Hut they can't rldo over me. I'll show them the biggest fight before tills week is over. That's what I'm here for," This sort of stuff was listened to for

about halt an hour, when your corres- pondent, for tho sako of getting at the point of his interview, suggested tliat for the sake of argument he would ad- mit that ell tho eohemes that emanated from California were swindles, notex- ceptlng the Sutro Tunnel, and to cut the matter short, •'How does this

swindling mineral bill affect Mr. Sutro's Tunnel swindle ?"

Finally, after much badgering of this kind, Mr. Sutro was induced to

remark that the object of the bill was

to give the miners on the Comstock I.ode a chance to get out of their con- tract with him, and so he propo«ed to liavo the bill amended accordingly. He admitted that he wanted to have tho mineral land bill, Introduced by Mr. Ward, passed, and said, •• We'll pass that, too, before long!" This verities your correspondent's

lormer advloes, that tho Ward bill was framed lu the luterost of Mr. Sutro, and made general In application, lu order te cover up tho design and to

capture the aid of the patent-lawyers, who would reap a rich harvest If It should pass. As far as your correspondent has

been ablo to ascertain, tliero has not been the least movement toward re-

pealing or otherwise atlccting Sutro's vested rights; the only flint being agalatt his demands for further priv- ileges, and to extort them from Con- gress. he subjects all Callforulaui to

the vilest abuso, and does It very ef-

fectively. Iteferrlng to the resultsof the adopt-

ion of the Sutro amendments, he eays: This would accomplish several pur-

poses. chief among which would bo the virtual determination by Act of Congress of suits now pending to de- termine whether Mr. Sutro lias failed to comply with his contract, or

whether the compaales shall be obliged to pay him a royalty of two dollars per ton. To compel the minora to take out their patents Im- mediately would also placo them at a disadvantage If they should fall now te correctly describe their lodes. Mr. Sutro, In running his tunnel, will bn entitled to work veins wblch are not claimed under patents, and therefore he would like to comnel the miners, for whore Interests lie Is ostensibly working, to limit thein lu advance, so that be may protlt by any mistakes

they may make.

Humboldt Items.

(Prom the lteglitor, April 1.1 Job Davis, an old raiiduutof Win-

neinucca, mot with a terlout accident last \Vedue*day. Ha wat standing up In Montana'* two bor«> wagon, while In motion, back of the teat. A« the lionet ware rapidly turning a oomor In the roads, ho lo«t hit balance and fell out, striking heavily on hit head and shoulder. The thock nearly kuockad the life out of hltn, and for miiuu minutes he could not, nor •cartel/ breathe. He was Ukan to th« .'ranch llotei and cared for. He

complains of injury in hit back. It is reported that an linmansely

rich striku has just been made In the Sodorus inlne, iu l'aradita District. A line ledge list been developed, ex- ceedingly rich in both gold nnd sliver, itomo of the gold assays are fabulous, exceeding In ono instance $20,000. The boys are Jubilant, and are con A-

dently expecting lively times at soon as the Spring opens. Jacob Slnesie. convicted of grand

lareoiiy for stealing Jewolry, at Elko, and sentenced to three yeara lu the State 1'rUon, pasted through hero In charge of olllccrs, en route to Carson, last Tuetday. Hon. H. C. Street of Klko, patted

here Tuesday, on hit way to Carton.

Reno Item*.

[From the 8ut« Journal of April 4.J Tim V u I lay t Pepper Mlulnf Compa-

ny, whose work) nre In £>eba«topol DUtrlct. east of Wadsworth, propose working their claim during the pres- ent month, with an extra ferco of uien. Arrangement* hav« been made (ot

•hipping their ore to Kurope. The

company bas been Incorporated under tho law* of California, and Mock !*• •ued.

A party of citizen* left Wadsworth Thursday morning on an excursion to the Pyramid Lake Indian lteservatlon, to wltneu the Indian* working, who are now preparing for *eed time. Ten team* are engaged In plowing, etc., and a large harvest may be expected.

An Immbnhk Span.—Nearly all the dUtluguUhed men who took part In the violent political canton of 1H30 51, twenty-lire year* ago, are now dead.

They were Olay, Webster, Calboun, Cat*, Buchanan, DonglaM, Benton, Fillmore. Seward, Cna*e, Sumner,

Clayton, Corwln, Bell, Everett and Dlckluion. Thl* demonstrate* what an Immenio and fatal ipan In human existence I* oompoeed In two deeade* of year*. We *ee hardly a name uow

that figured In the great contests that we had before the war.—Cincinnati



George Hinckley Saye He Doeen't

Know, But It Hit Hla In tbe Leg.

At 1 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, aa re-

ported In yesterday's Chronicle, Geo.

Hinckley, the actor, wai arrested on

Kearny street by officer Brown for be-

ing drunk, and was Uken to the City Prison. Hera ha be bated In such a boisterous manner that Prison Keeper LIulMlmar placed the additional charge of vulgar language against him, and then pushed htm Into the dark coll. When takon out In tbe morning It was discovered that be had a bullet wouud In the right thigh. He could give no account of the manner In whleh he had reoelved the wound. Something In the tragical line had evidently hap* pened to the actor o(T the stage that night, and the fact* of tbe matter are

gradually leaking out. A young ac- tress, whose stage name Is Susie Souls, but who is eald to bo the wile of Hinckley, occupies rooms on tbe fourth floor of the Montgomery Block. Sev- eral other women occupy rooms on

that floor. At a lata hour on Mouday ulglit Hinckley, accompanied by a well-known stock broker, went up ou this floor. They had beon drinking freely, and Hinckley was very drunk. He knocked on one of the doors and

upon being refused admittance at-

tempted te kick the door down, where- upon a shot was llred (rum the room. It was supposod to have been llred by a man, but the stock broker and Hinck- ley dldu't stay to ascertain. The pair separated when thoy reachud the stroet, and a short time afterwards

Hinckley fell into the bauds ot the po- llco. The parties coucori|ed ara no- slrou* of hushing the mattor up, but a judicial investigation may yet become necessary. PTstel-shot wounds are

very tiucurtaln In their results. Tbe conundrum about tbe Montgomery Block Is, " Who fired that shot."—A'. f. Chronicle, April 'J.


DUNCAN— In Ookl mil. April 3, to tbe wife of JoMph Duncan, * (Uajhter. [to partaking of thu orange peol and water

which eauin with the abort notice, the print- ing freternltjrof the Nswe offleo heartily petblie with the happy pareate and Join tn the wl*h that the Juvenile Duncan may "Ure long and prosper."]


THRNKT-U tlokl mil. April 4. Bll.qTurrwT, Infant d*D(hl«r of Win. W. and Harriot 8. Turn.jr, a^cd 5 wcek«.







ADMIBNIO.V-rnKC. «:» td





T«IH POPULAR RKSTAURAT A haa Imxii tmlar^ed, ronovatid and clfgantly furnUhad, and la now Itiu Largaai aud



la the Slat* of X*Tada. Brerytblnt akont the

Eremleee I* kept M ueil M * parlor, tke BMl

>11 bclnc hirnlthed wlik thirty odil tablo*, the wall* ornam*atcd with mirror*, on£r*vlnt*,ct*.


tlerentlr added to th* build Inc. I* commodlon*, thoroughly wi ll furnished, and I* pteelded over by tb*

Beet ChIu la ike Ceaatr).

Patron* n( tb* Brooklyn n>»y r*«t minrrd that th*y will And un their table* all the *ub- •taut111* and dellcacle* of the *e*ton a* *oooa* tb*y enm* Into tbe market. Term*, reasonable; bear*, accommodating:

*nd eallefarflon guaranteed In all caac*. fall at th* llKOuKLTN. at>4 1m

(Canon Appeal. Oral* Valley Union and Han Krandaco chronicle, copj and **nd bill.)


uouhic or



JOSEPH FREDERICKS, N*. 4:1 Heath C Hlrcrt Vlralala

Constantly keep* on hand a larc* awortaeni of all article* for Mlllm*c'* are, Incladlng

Baillik ni»r«l«»r, Vadium. t'l»ID •f Palaulaai. Kalpkarli aa<

•Ibcr Adda, Kic., Kir.

OrderrforI'AINTIN()7PAPERINO,UI.AZINO, ate.,etc., promptly attended to.


J. CORNWELL, Ka. SB Xarlk C ilrftt, Tlrflalu,



aim a NEW PATENT STEEL COUPLET HPKINU, tba lint tttr lntroduc ed la a bed on Ik* IVllc rnant.

I nowolfcr to the pnhlle a HPRINtJ MAT- TRESS CONPLETK IN ITSELF, needing no top mattrc**, wnlnj tba entlra eo*t of a top matin-**. (Vim* and *** mr Improied PORTA n I. K

HI'KINO AND FRAME MATTRKSSKM, Dura- ble, Cheap and Comfortable. AUo dealer In UPHOLSTHRT and FURNI-

TURK of ererjr de*crlpll«n. J. CO UN WELL,

_ap4 m M Korth C *lr»«l. Vlrflala.






BANK OP CALIFORNIA vmniNiA and no lb bill.

apl If



Stalnc Company.Han Frajiclar®. April 4, 1*14.—At a meeting of tbe Board or Traaleee, bald thin day, a dividend (No. It) of Kl»e Dollara (|3i par nbara waa declared, payable April 10. Tranvfrr bookl will be doacd on

Sib Inn., at It o'clock m. apt lm n. C.»EIBBI, Secretary.


A FEVERTHERMOMETER IN A SILVER caaa. a boat Ira locbea In lenctb. ahapisl like a pencil. The Under will be ealtablr ra- » ardod on learlnc the umt At the o«ce oI Or.

Kltby. Oe'd Hill, or At thle oSke. »p« Iw


clero. a bakar br trade. Can be eeen At er'e SaJoon, VlrflalA Clly. apt Iw £



BANNER BROTHERS, Ctrnr C aa4 T*?l*r ilrMto,





itocx or






So Exceedingly Low in Price





TO PLEASE THEIB PATBONS orrumiiiti to....


DURING TUB l'RESENT SEASON,* to coirrtMri....


Ai bar. woo fur tb.m Uia rr«pMt and cittern

of their f.ll.w dtUen*


BANNER BROTHERS, •...who rxnsitT....


Buy- All Your





•pi tf

CORNER SALOON, .(..count or...,





Always on hAad.


Tb. Ix>«t of LAOER BEER ftiraUhed to fantHe. Mid raatoiaer* (fenerally, by th. Krc, Oalloa, (Ju.rl or Bottl*.


la k>wa, and • comfortable CLUB ROOM kt th* rear of tb. aaloon. Frirada alwaj, we)- COM. »p* tf J. T. LA REIN.



I. O. O. F.









of Arnn(fn«nl> i J M Peek Mr* Jacob Young 8 I) Biker Mr* II (ferny

William Bowlen

Comnllln of Invitation i TrauMU flTT.

I) 0 Adklmn J 0 Smith (' C Batterman llenrr Mnrrlfon Jacob Young Jr (1 K fonl D L smith (lew lUnnlng W n Umkirt J 0 Hchlarbaum Harry Block V a Cox

oolb mix. RI. Stem Mr* Bennett J W Nojr*. Mr* Mercer

Mr* R r Taylor *ILV KH CITT.

it B Aaguitlne C D McDula DATTOK,

J a met Ntwman L L Crockett turn.

JMnllcr IIRWhltehlU Joha Rotter Theo A IIAle

an. J 8 Bboemaker C W Jone* A C McFarland O W Connlightm

WAIUOI. Nil Holme* 0 D Boyd

CmhbIIIm of leeeptlMi tt Holme* Mr* Holland f A IlAmmond Mr* Meadowa w Turner Mr* WlUon

Floor >AH(*ni J M Peck Mr* Jacob Young Wm Bowlen Mr* R Hard Jam** rbalan Mr* M Baoluar

Mr* HOarwy

Floor Director i

J 8 Kanara

Prompter t Pro/euor Daalal Lyoaa

TICKET*' 43 M ] Oan bt had from tba Tart*** Commit!***.

UtTBIC will b« furnlahad by Prof. «. Drtf Too*' Orcheatra. Dancing will commaac* at» o'clock. b» td

W Nit it U* Gold Bill Niwi offla*.

pm^coopH, etc!_

"the pioneer

dry good:s


Established In 1861! • ——






J CUT ItlVllTBD, A DBLIi'T siock or

DRE88 GOODS! Thl* Department L replete with eltcant,

ot.I ud apectal atjlci, and conilllol*. lb* oat complete aatorluienl «»cr offered Intbli town.

HOUSEKEEPING GOODS Baraalej, Heoteh tnd Irlth Itemuk: Tab), cloth* and Napkin*

T.w»l. tad Towellnjt: Linen and Cotton Sheeting* and •blrtlnft

Blanket* and Qollt*; Colored and whlu Flannel*;

Tab!, and Piano Ct>r»r«; Lac. CartaUia, Ktc., lite., Etc.

At Greatly Reduced Prices) H08IERY DEPARTMENT

Ladle*', Children'* and Oenta' lloalery of til • It. a and qnalltlc*.

OI.t**, Laeaa, Rmbfoftery In aat* and by tb« jard; llauilkerchUf*, *tc., *tc.

Will Veil aa for €aah aa) Hi»r. |a the male !




'I'lIR QUESTION ARISES NOW. LADIES. I Where will you limy your IllIKSS GOODS for Winter wear, your TUI MM IN OH. four UNDKkWRAK. »oqr HIIOKH, ronr IIOSlKliV, yoor FLANNELS, your MVHI.INS, year HUEKTINGS, your everything In (lie lint of

DRY GOODS? I lay. Inrcatlgate and ye eball l>ctk«ie wire

to buy them of


Eecauao he hu a wellaeleeled itork ofet/liah end fine xoeda; he »ell> them cHeaper than any other dry i;ooda houae In the fltate, and haa but


Glee GALLAND a call, and ye will become wlee. apn tl



HENDERSON X CO., baa left for Han Kranclaeo, where ho Intindu to purchato the larteat atock of DRY GOODS AND MILLINERY

KVar brought to tkle Cltr.

Intending purchaaere will find It to their ad- vantage to wait the arrival ef the new cooda.


B. a. WALLiTIK. L. D. rOUOM.


HentMin to O.T. Darker A


....»lALKke I*....


Of Keory Deeerlrtloa*


Stoves, Tin Ware,' f t



DONK TO OltDBU. miotr





Notice to Policy Owners ....IN TVS....*



) forthrr notice. Mr. A. J. RALSTON and r. O. W. 1IA7KLT0N. of Tlrflnta. will attend

to tb. collerctlou of premium* for the followlaf point., Tit:



Premlnmi da. < other p.rt» »t Vtrtiii can b. Mill to Affrnta of WKLLfl. I'AROC) M Cty,

ooIIKLIVRUY.fIk.COMPANY# ItKCEIPT. tW M. J. HKNLKY, 4* South H «tml, Vlr-

rlnta, U . duly authorUed iperlal Agent for Ik. Ht.t. of Nevada tor the Cnmpauy, to * bom all

apUeaUonn forlnenrnne.,C.mpMy'»clretilara, etc , aar ho made Han rrmoclaro. tJ.

A* B. FORBES, ipllm 0»».ral An»t tor facltlc Ooaat.




Nartkwewt Vomer Hill aad CilreeU, I or" Virginia <1»y, Nevada.


All TEACHER OF THE VIOLII.' flRDBRB LEFT AT R. L. III00IN8' MP8IC « ' Vlrrtala City, or at PROPKHHOR BKRLINBRR or with 8. W. CUCBBUCK, in , now niu Po.t one.


_ xiHcucmaorg HERCULES POWDER.

W'arMlvifWa CA>L T«K ATTENTION # aB? "^triof «ur rrtdrm

i^\ri7k^?ovir0«I^K .1 T °f 1 ** 11 KRtW <'E® Klkir ?r. .n.!^Tr **»'"»l»a*: FIMljT-lta Hranrili W £real«r'ban tint nf

anj oibtr In um.TV material. « wUkh It coa.l.t. ara rouipunadrd upon »trf ily vlutlte prlnelpb* uj not a.lmple nealr.1 abwbini employed that will hold » quantity ofaltro- rljeerine. It li lb* opinion of iba W.i cbaiuUta to whom the mailer bo h»»n •ubniltiad tillt no milium ha# been eiupiajed thai mi thor- oughly nromulra the whole tremectl,*,, forte <rf Iba eiplorlrea employed. ami at iba >ua time neutralise the oifebrlw [im cauaed by tba azplo:lon. Willi tbla 1'owuer oar half ihe time la MTrd that la loat by u«lnj( «nj other lining

^ovdar, before 70a cau tngua work alter a

bECOND—UNIFORMITY.—The material* of lb* mixture are chemically pre|>aretl, and iher* fore loaai uniformity ran alweye ba depended upon and Iba beet ruaalla attained. Tbla la a

{mat advantage o*«r anr that earlce In lla

•treoflh. aa tkoaa mual which are mli*4 wltk anr natural earth THIRD—HAFItTY.— Sa perflret la thla mix-

tare lhat no aceldent ran hap|>en with It Irom pieniatarr orarrldaulal eiploelon. If neiaona will half foll'.M tbo rnlca laid down for lla u»e. No powder baa rrer been larmtcd where ao few accldrnta harp happened with It In propor- tlPfl 10 the quantities which bam turn n»*il. KOl'IlTU—C'AUTIIIIXiHM—It l» well knrwn

that nitro rliceiIce ka« a teadener lo dirnm-

|«»<' by lotailll/atlou, Thrar air Iba ••famee" Ibal ary tmrlled on Rolnir Inlo a clote waim drlfr or room where uUro-glyci rlnr powder* ara alorvd. To preient Iba aftapo of lliaaa "fumra" an almo>l hermetically iralad cart-

ride* la employed. and ao elTcctual la It that •on* cartililnaa tilled with llrrrulaa war* ex.

Etnl lo a blazing (lllforala mo for all tnonlba

t Summer, wllh no percrptlble Iota of

rtrength. Tbla. la a great advantage orrr tho opi n tioroui paper ttauallv ami for cartridge. K1KT1I—ECONOMV—Wc bellere that anr

ntlncr who will lake the trouble to laieetipl* the mallar, will aallafj blmaelf Ibat lull fifteen

per ceat. la Meed h/ nalng th« Hereulfn tiTar any 01 her >1111111.' powder manufactured. yl-EUT—IK Tills WOKTI1 SAVING ! WE

hilxl 'I III.NK hO. TitV IT Alwar* on baud al P.. BITNKIi X CO S, Hard-

ware Men-hante, Hold lllll. and at DOAKK Jt B0BAUT8, Hardware Merchant. Virginia City. Sold by TIIK CAI.irult.NIA POWllKK

WOllKft, 314 California Ureal, fan Praneleio, Cal. Alio, all grade* of lllaek l'owd*r, Kuae, Hhol, capa. etc. mix Im la






AI Wkalnal* aa4 llriall.

FAWtT CAKK OK ALL KINDS. made to onlcr, oI I ha ih* treat material*.

PKESII BIIKAD d«M»arod to *11 parta of lb* city.

Ditli, Pirtlra and Panilllra Kuppllcd at lb* abortcat |K»»lblc nolle*.


Giro Call.

mUlf "kal iTuTht.1 8,1 MAltBLB



(Iletwwii Mill and Caraou,)

MAEBLE GRAVESTONES, from (is I'pminl.





Ordera llllrrt promptly, at tbu moat rraanna- bla prlrea. and In tbo Ixai »n > of lb* art. N. II.—Partlca wlablne lo I>« -ijna ran do

ao by railing at lha Yard. Ja.10 lm U. n llt'CKLR.





Krinlilii IMf »i I Minrrbt !.• Tin oh l, • r. Klduri;lllood

•nil Mkla lllarami Union. I)l.«r rirra, Srmliml Wmkaraa or Narvou. llrlilllty.

l'ro|MT Mrdlclnra rutuWIui! am] ill kind* of Irialrd >t « lirlcti ill run affnnl lo |>ajr.

Tli»»» Sliillrlnw ana llallia cma wm n all cl.n rmI I kivi-•<!» of rtTomnu lulallmia In tbJt rlfi-cl. Nurv preventive* of private Ulna.ea. Call or write lo

DR. OATBS, rllYWiriAN and wnueoN.


.No. I a* Mouth I' »lrrM, «nt ildr, VIIKJIMA, KKV,

dir.* 1 in l»



AT Till* IHAKKBTg cut »lw»j« b« found (tit j




4 NAIIIAURII, (liwaiu).

Ouranlical'btlnrMlrctrd from tb# b«tC»t Ur lUnrbva 10 Nurada aud California, arc alwarn liraltbr. PRIVATE KAMILIKfi ANB 1IOTBL* will

_nd li to thrlr adrantaga to patranlia tlila Market, whfra thrjr will alwaya b« •applied with the br«t mrala tha coantrj can afford,

RENDERED TALLOW, for mill and mining parpofra.cooatantlj oo band.

mil lf_ f.. T. For

Cl(iAlts A\l) TOBACCO

O. H. GALLUP, Haynnrd'a Blvek,

MAIN KTKKKTi............<JOI<D llll.l., Next door to the Bank Exchange.



TUB BK»»T Illl A Ml- OK TOBACCO In all Ita rarlrtlca.

Maararhaam and all olhrr Plaaa. Kralla, Nal«, («ndl<-», Klnp Callrr;,

Tare, Paarr (iaada, Klr„ Kir,

Krcrythlne A No. 1 and PRICES LOW t»" Call aad Hrr.jiJ

. nil Ibi


....AT. ..

J. A. WINTERBAUER'8, Opp. tha Ollpaa N tables.



fTIIlRKK 14 NO U»E OP (lOINfl^^- 1 allpabod whrn too raa «vt aajf-nl thing jon aerd In tna Boot and flhaeffMJ Dm, Ua kcrpa ronatanllr on band a fall mpnljr of

Backlngham lloota aad Hhoca. and al»o ellmda to Ouatoa Work, Including maanhctaring to order aad Repairing. Trj klai. mil m