good will hunting opening scene analysis

Good Will Hunting Will Hunting has a genius- level IQ but chooses to work as a janitor at MIT. When he solves a difficult graduate-level math problem, his talents are discovered by Professor Gerald Lambeau who decides to help the misguided youth reach his potential. When Will is arrested for attacking a police officer, Professor Lambeau makes a deal to get leniency for him if he will get treatment from therapist Sean Maguire

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Good will hunting opening scene analysis

Good Will Hunting

Will Hunting has a genius-level IQ but chooses to work as a janitor at MIT. When he solves a difficult graduate-level math problem, his talents are discovered by Professor Gerald Lambeau who decides to help the misguided youth reach his potential. When Will is arrested for attacking a police officer, Professor Lambeau makes a deal to get leniency for him if he will get treatment from therapist Sean Maguire

Page 2: Good will hunting opening scene analysis

Camera AngleThis angle gives us a good view of what state the house is in and also a good view of what the character is wearing and how he’s acting.

ClothingWe can see that this character is wearing a white track suit which implies that he is young and sporty. The style of his clothes also gives me a rough idea of the date this film is set due to fashion in certain periods of time.

LightingIn this scene the lighting to the left and right side of the door is dark and the sunlight is shining on the door which gives the impression that the house may be a bit messy and not look very nice but who is inside is a lot nicer.

Mise En SceneIn this scene I can see quite a run down house with lots of rubbish and clutter littered outside. This implies that the owner doesn’t care about the appearance of his house.

Page 3: Good will hunting opening scene analysis

LightingIn this scene it is quite a sunny day so it is quite bright. The light from the sun is also reflecting off the river making it look brighter than it maybe really is. The colours of everything in the scene is quite bright making it seem like a warm summers day.

SceneI can see from this that this is set in quite a urban area of America as I can see big buildings in the background. In the scene I can gather that it is a shot of a park or community area with a river and a bridge going over it.

Mise En SceneIn this scene I can see buildings in the background , a river going through a park with a bridge over it. I can also see someone rowing a boat down the river.

Camera AngleThe angle on this shot is quite a wide angle showing us quite a lot of the scenery and giving us an idea of where the film is going to be set.

Page 4: Good will hunting opening scene analysis

ClothingThe character in this scene is wearing a suit so I can see that he is an important man or a professor. It also means that he is a proud man as he makes an effort to look good and buy a suit.

LightingThe light in this scene is natural light which is most likely coming through a window, the board and the writing on the board isn't very visible which means that the director wants us to pay more attention to the character and not what is on the board.

Camera AngleThe camera in this scene is a medium zoom shot giving me a good view of the character and what he is doing to show us the he is a professor as I can see that he is teaching.

Mise En SceneIn this scene I can see a board with equations on it which implies that this character is a professor. There are also books on the desk which also points out that he is probably a teacher or professor.

Page 5: Good will hunting opening scene analysis

ClothingFrom the character on the lefts clothing I can see that he is a janitor as he is wearing a jump suit typical of a janitor. He is holding a mop so he is most likely a janitor who works at a university. The other two characters on screen are wearing casual clothes which implies that they are students at the university.

LightingThe hallway in this scene is very bright and a lot of light is reflecting of the floor which shows how clean it is. The light also looks like it mostly natural light. However I can also see that there are some overhead lights on

Mise En SceneThis scene is in a university hallway outside a classroom where a lecture has just finished. There are two students looking at a board with a tricky maths problem on it. There is also a janitor looking over at them whilst mopping the floor.

Camera AngleThe angle in this shot gives us a good view down the hallway whilst also seeing all the characters in the scene and the board on the wall that the two students are looking at.

Page 6: Good will hunting opening scene analysis

ClothingIn this scene the characters are all wearing casual clothes which shows how they’ve gone out for a drink but its not a big deal as it is a regular thing for them as they haven't dressed up very smart.

Mise En SceneIn this scene I can see that this is a group of friends that has gone out for a drink to a local bar. They are all drinking beer or lager which implies that they aren't especially posh.

LightingThe light in this scene is artificial light as they are inside in a bar. The light is shining on the three main characters and not on the people in the background making us focus on the main characters.

Camera AngleThe angle in this shot gives me a clear view of the three characters in the shot and where they are. The shot is looking over the shoulder of will who is the main character giving us the view from the perspective.