google payday loan algorithm updated and released, goes after very spammy links


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Post on 15-May-2015




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Good news, business owners! Google have just released a new update last week: the Payday Loan Algorithm Update. It's pretty big, but if you've been following my advice (to focus on quality, quality, quality content) I'm sure you'll welcome the update with ZERO emotions.


Page 1: Google Payday Loan Algorithm Updated and Released, Goes After Very Spammy Links

Last week I was telling you about the search result changes that Google was playing with. At that time, however, little did I know (or anyone from the SEO industry whatsoever) that Google was preparing a new algorithm update.

We could only assume that something was to be released…. but no one was sure if, when, or what update to what algorithm. Nonetheless, Google’s activity during the last couple of weeks made all of us think of (and get ready for) a major update. Anyway, by the end of the week it happened. Google officially released a new update to its Payday Loan algorithm. You shouldn’t worry. It’s a wonderful update.

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Google Payday Loan Algorithm Updated and Released,

Goes After Very Spammy Links

Page 2: Google Payday Loan Algorithm Updated and Released, Goes After Very Spammy Links

Google Payday Algorithm Update goes after very spammy links. (Did you spot the tweetable? Share it with your friends!) As you might be accustomed by now, it was Matt Cutts (again) who let us know of the update. He let the news out on Twitter; his tweet also suggested that more SEO changes are coming. Here’s Matt’s video:

Who was affected by this update? The algorithm was first released back in 2013 and then it was merciless with 0.3% of English US links. It also affected 4% of Turkish links.

This year things are even more serious. The algorithm update from Google now benefits from an “international rollout”, meaning that it targets: different languages different countries to different degrees

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Page 3: Google Payday Loan Algorithm Updated and Released, Goes After Very Spammy Links

It is assumed, however, that 0.2% of English websites have been affected by now by the SEO Payday algorithm update.

Do you think you’re ready for even more updates? Just to make it clear, the Google Payday algorithm update IS a big thing.

The only reason I suggested you shouldn’t worry is because the update does not affect high quality content; it doesn’t go after websites that are built with quality in mind (you know, the “rules of SEO” that I have been talking about for a while now; like this and this or this…. and this).

Now it’s your turn: Do you think your website is ready to face Google’s upcoming updates? Have you noticed any changes in your Google Analytics activity? Was it for the better? Is your content marketing strategy compliant with Google’s policies? In what way? What do you think is the biggest challenge of online business owners NOW regarding

Google’s algorithm updates? Do you think it is easy to publish quality content while still obeying Google’s SEO rules I’ll be in the Comments section, reading your thoughts. See you there!

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