google rewarding programmes

Google’s Reward Program Google mixes science with psychology to find out what employees really want from reward programs.

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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Google’s Reward Program

Google mixes science with psychology to find out what employees really want from reward programs.

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“When people don't get enough

recognition, they ask themselves “what I’m doing this for ?

Nobody cares.

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The solution:Employee recognition programs to enhance employee motivation, satisfaction, and employee productivity and improve organizational performance.

Problems facing Google

The Problem:I. This industry faces many

problems such as attrition, confidentiality and loyalty.

II. Also talented professionals have highly bargaining power due to their knowledge & skills.

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Pay – for – performance program

Google’s compensation program is called ‘pay-for-performance’ as it focuses

on providing reward for strong performance as well as training for overcoming

weaknesses for underperformers.

It emphasize on employee development through on-the-job learning, training

through classes by higher officials, frequent

departmental meetings and lectures of famous


The average Google employee generates more than $1 million in revenue

each year. This helps Google leverage its

workforce productivity, which in turn enhances

employee morale.

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Google has nearly 57,000 Employees worldwide.

They believe that Googlers deserved programs tailored to their preferences,

Not just because a technique or strategy proved successful at other

companies didn’t automatically mean it would be effective at Google.

For approximately the last 18 months, the compensation group at Google

was on a mission: to create a variety of reward and recognition programs

that met the specific needs of its workforce.

Google Inc.

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Google spent the doing what it does best: gathering and analyzing information. It administered surveys, held focus groups, conducted academic research, perused U.S studies, and interviewed and observed employees.The company figured out what turned employees on and off in terms of rewards and recognition. Finally they have supported four types of programs:1- Spot bonus Program.2- No name program.3- Peer Bonus.4- Kudos.

Rewarding Googlers

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Rewarding Googlers

Spot-Bonus program: allows managers to award any employee who served on their project teams with a larger monetary award of their choice or noncash recognition, such as dinner for two.No name program: was designed for executives to recognize teams for outstanding performance with group awards, ranging from team celebrations to team trips. Bringing the first two into closer reach for employees was the end result of a laborious fact-finding mission.Peer Bonus: whereby they can nominate their peers for $175 rewards—have been modified based on the compensation group’s findings.

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Kudos rewarding system

Kudos: a peer-to- peer recognition program that lets employees send online thank-you notes to co-workers without going through an approval process that has accessibility through many devices.

Employees keep accumulating the kudos and then convert it to financial or non financial rewards from the “Rewards catalog”.

Custom Rewards is a feature that lets the organization custom select what items you’d like to put in a virtual catalog. From movie tickets to

dinner at a local restaurant to VIP parking.

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Peer-To-Peer Recognition:

Kudos gives your team a formal place to recognize and appreciate one another daily. But we go above and beyond the rest with our built-in functionality that ties peer recognition back to company values and reinforces the behaviors that mean success for your organization.

Manager-To-Peer Recognition:

When an employee does something truly special, they deserve Kudos that stands out. Kudos facilitates a positive, top-down recognition program via Awards and Badges. You designate who in your company has permission to send them, and they’re also completely customizable to your company’s brand and culture.

Kudos Rewarding System




Kudos rewarding system

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When everyone has a way to say “thank you”, great things happen. It’s a small act with big results. Kudos gives you tons of features and a dedicated place to say it often and make it meaningful.

Kudos rewarding system

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Wagner points to himself as an example. Since his manager knows he is a wine collector, Wagner’s spot bonuses have not been cash, but rather a bottle of wine or dinner with a wine pairing, he says, which is “more meaningful for me.”

Frank Wagner,Google’s director ofcompensation

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Thanks!Amr Sherif ArafaAppreciate your feedback