gordons assessmentsample

Upload: suzette-rae-tate

Post on 02-Jun-2018




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    Health Perception / Health Management Pattern

    The patient was admitted due to difficulty of urinating and presence of blood in the urine. Mr.

    Shark understands that the treatment is for the improvement of his health status; however Mr.Shark's

    wife does not think that the treatment is working and suspects that the patient suffered an infection

    due to multiple catheter insertions.

    Nutritional / Metabolic Pattern

    Mr. Shark has a good appetite and eats the food prepared by his wife. He normally eats more

    vegetables and less meat because of he is hypertensive. Mr. Shark does not have any food allergies. Mr.

    Shark takes Herbal medicine such as Vita plus and Usana. They dont often go to fast food restaurants

    because of financial constraints. The patient did not have any discomfort in eating or swallowing prior to

    admission. Mr. Shark has dentures on both his 2nd molars. The patient stated that prior to his admission

    "Halos kada singko minutos mo inom kog tubig".

    Elimination Pattern

    Mr. Shark usually moves his bowel once a day; prior to his admission he had experienced

    constipation. The patient experienced dribbling pattern of urinary elimination. The patient had good

    skin turgor, he had lesions on his right metacarpals due to previous IV administrations. The patient had

    presence of edema on both lower extremities; He does not experience excess perspiration or odor


    Exercise and activity pattern

    Mr. Shark's typical day is usually taking the bus to work in Manticao. He finds leisure in watching

    Television and listening to radio programs. He does not have a regular exercise pattern because he is

    often busy at work. He does not experience any chest or back pain, and does not have any difficulty of


    Sleep / Rest pattern



    Mr. Shark stated that his time of arising is at 5am in the morning to get ready for work. He

    normally arrives home at 10 pm in the evening and sleeps at 11 pm. He does not need any aids to help

    him sleep and he does not suffer from insomnia or nightmares.

    Personal habits

    Mr. Shark verbalized that he does not have any vices such as smoking and drinking alcohol nor

    have tried taking street drugs.

    Environmental Hazards

    Mr. Shark lives with his wife and eldest son in Hinaplanon, and his other children live close to

    their house. He stated that he lives in a safe area, they have quick access to transportation as they live

    close to the highway. He describes his home as safe and feels comfortable staying there.

    Occupational health

    Mr. Shark works in Manticao as a dental technician, and has worked overseas in Jeddah as an

    equipment operator, he returned back to the Philippines because their company closed down. Mr. Shark

    likes his job because it provides for him and his family.

    Cognitive and Perceptual pattern

    Mr. Shark does not wear any glasses or contact lenses and does not suffer from any blurring or

    pain in his eyes. The patient does not suffer from any problems in hearing, and has no ear discharges. He

    is able to feel pain, changes in temperature, smell and taste normally. The patient experiences gnawing

    pain in his genital area, and limits his movement.

    Role-relationship pattern

    Mr. Shark lives with his wife and eldest son, and lives near his other children and their family. He

    has a nuclear type of family. He gets along well with his family and turns to his wife for help whenever

    he has any problems. His wife depends on him and she stays in the hospital with him. His health status



    was able to bring their family even more closely together. His family has expressed sadness about Mr.

    Shark and is worried about him.

    Coping Stress management pattern / Values and Beliefs

    His admission has caused stress for Mr. Shark and his family; it was also the same case before,

    when he was operated because of the same illness. He turns to his family for help and prays to GOD to

    be able to surpass his current situation. He finds comfort when he is praying and his illness has only

    strengthened his faith to GOD.