gospel doctrine worksheet new testament lesson 16

Gospel Doctrine Lesson Sixteen Purpose: To help class members have a greater understanding and appreciation of Jesus Christ as the light of the world I was blind, now I see Shortly before declaring, “I am the light of the world” (John 9:5) Jesus gave sight to a man who was born blind. When asked why this man had been born blind Jesus responded, “That the works of God should be made manifest in him” (1 John 9:3) Just like the man born blind, we too have been born with disabilities. The hard part is admitting it. Our disabilities may be physical, emotional or spiritual. Whatever they are, God has given them to us to how his glory. Think about your personal strengths and weaknesses. How has God used your disabilities or weakness to manifest His works? Why Clay? Throughout the scriptures clay is used to represent our human state; think of the parable of the potter and the clay in Jeremiah 18. When the Lord smears clay over this man's eyes he is teaching us that there is something hindering the man's sight, something in addition to his physical blindness. The clay of the man’s fallen human nature is also a hindrance to his seeing clearly, specifically his seeing spiritual truth. Jesus instructs the man to wash his eyes in the pool Siloam, which translated means one who is sent. When the man washes his eyes in water (Remember , Jesus is the living water) his sight, both physical and spiritual returns and he is able to see clearly. Mark the progression of this man’s testimony in your scriptures. See verses 11, 17, 33 and 38.

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Post on 29-Sep-2015




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Worksheet that corresponds to the LDS Gospel Doctrine New Testament Curriculum #16


  • Gospel Doctrine Lesson Sixteen Purpose: To help class members have a greater understanding

    and appreciation of Jesus Christ as the light of

    the world

    I was blind, now I see

    Shortly before declaring, I am the light of the world (John 9:5) Jesus gave sight to a man who was born blind. When asked why this man

    had been born blind Jesus responded, That the works of God should be made manifest in him (1 John 9:3) Just like the man born blind,

    we too have been born with disabilities. The hard part is admitting it. Our disabilities may be physical, emotional or spiritual. Whatever they

    are, God has given them to us to how his glory. Think about your personal strengths and weaknesses. How has God used your disabilities

    or weakness to manifest His works?

    Why Clay?

    Throughout the scriptures clay is used to represent our human state; think of the parable of the potter and

    the clay in Jeremiah 18. When the Lord smears clay over this man's eyes he is teaching us that there is

    something hindering the man's sight, something in addition to his physical blindness. The clay of the mans

    fallen human nature is also a hindrance to his seeing clearly, specifically his seeing spiritual truth. Jesus

    instructs the man to wash his eyes in the pool Siloam, which translated means one who is sent. When the man washes his eyes in water (Remember, Jesus is the living water) his sight, both physical and spiritual returns and he is able to see clearly. Mark the progression of this

    mans testimony in your scriptures. See verses 11, 17, 33 and 38.

  • Jesus is Good Shepherd John 10:1-15; 25-28

    WHEN I SEE a flock of sheep I see exactly that, a flock. A rabble of

    wool. A herd of hooves. I don't see a sheep. I see sheep. All alike. None different. That's what I see.

    But not so with a shepherd. To him every sheep is different. Every face is special. Every face has a name.

    The shepherd knows his sheep. When we see a crowd, we see exactly

    that, a crowd. Filling a stadium or flooding a mall. When we see a

    crowd, we see people, not persons, but people. A herd of humans. A

    flock of faces. That's what we see. But not so with the Shepherd. To him every face is different. Every

    face is a story. The Shepherd knows his sheep. He

    knows each one by name. The Shepherd knows you. He knows your name. And he will never forget it.. He tellls us in Isaiah 49:16, Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands. Quite a thought, isn't it? Your name on God's hand. Your name on God's lips. it may be

    difficult for you to believe that God knows your name.

    But he does. Written on his hand. Spoken by his mouth. Whispered by

    his lips. Your name.

    What does it mean to you that Jesus calls to you personally and


  • Qualities of a Shepherd

    In the east, shepherds often brought their flocks into one central sheepfold every evening. Typically a half-a-dozen flocks gathered

    together in a single pen and were guarded by a porter or gatekeeper. In the morning, the shepherds returned and each called his own sheep. Even thought the flocks had been mingled together, each flock knew its own shepherds voice and would follow it and no other. How can you more fully tune out the other voices present in the world and

    only focus on the voice of our shepherd?

    Shepherds in Israel stood at the entrance of the sheepfold and inspected each sheep as it entered, treating injuries as needed.

    After the sheep were gathered in the enclosure for the night, one of them would lie down to sleep in the entrance, barring the way so

    predators or thieves could not hurt the sheep. The Saviors statement, I am the door, makes clear that He was willing to lay down His life for the sheep (John 10:7, 15). What does it mean to you that Jesus himself is watching out for your pains and injuries

    keeps guard over you at night?

  • What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine

    in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? John 15:4

    Learning Through Music

    Like most of you doing this worksheet, I am one of the ninety and nine. I go to church, I study my scriptures, I do my best to

    follow the teachings of the prophets. I do whatever calling I am asked to do. I am an average latter

    day saint seeking to know my Savior. Almost 15 years ago I head a

    song by LDS singer/songwriter Michael McLean, that touched me on a very deep level. I wanted to shared it with you today and remind you, though you may blend in at church, your Savior sees you and loves you. After

    reading the lyrics to this song, write your testimony of the

    Saviors love for you individually.

    Ninety and Nine Lyrics Michael McLean

    I am one of the ninety and nine Im not perfect but basically Im

    doing fine I have not lost my way, I have not

    gone astray Im just one of the ninety and

    nine I am here in the heart of the fold Im not mindless but I try to do

    as Im told

    Im not tempted to run and become the lost one

    I am here in the heart of the fold. So why is my shepherd coming this way

    toward me? Hes holding his arms out and hes calling

    my name Yes hes calling my name! But how, how

    can this be? Im just one of the ninety and nine

    I have stumbled and fallen, but Ive kept in line

    Im not one he must seek; Im not all that unique

    Im just one of the ninety and nine. So why is my shepherd treating me like a

    lost lam? Hes searching to find me And hes holding me now, yes, hes holding

    me now And teaching me who I am

    So why am I feeling like Im the only one here. Its like Im his favorite

    And he takes me aside, and he sweetly confides

    These remarkable words in my ear You are one of the ninety and nine

    Have you any idea how brightly you shine? You are safe in this fold, and its time you

    are told That I know where youve been so I know

    where youll be Because all of your life youve been

    following me You are more than just one of the sands

    of the sea Or just one of the ninety and nine

    You are mine, you are mine, you are mine, you are mine.

    I am one of the ninety and nine.