governance g-she for sustaining himalayan

Governance for Sustaining Himalayan Ecosystem G-SHE GUIDELINES & BEST PRACTICES Ministry of Environment & Forests Government of India G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development

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Governancefor Sustaining

Himalayan Ecosystem



Shri Hem Pande, IASJoint Secretary, GOIMinistry of Environment & ForestsParyavaran Bhawan, CGO ComplexLodhi Road, New Delhi -110 003

Tel: 011-24362551Fax: 011-24360894email: [email protected]

Dr. L.M.S. Palni, FNAScDirectorG. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & DevelopmentKosi-KatarmalAlmora - 263 643 (Uttarakhand)

Tel: 05962-241015Fax: 05962-241014email: [email protected]

For further details, please contact:

Photo credits : Alex Treadway, Ravindra Joshi, Abhay Bahuguna, Balwant Rawat, Anup Sah, Sanjay Nainwal, Chewang Motup, Stanzin Tsethal, DS Negi, Akshay Shah, Jogendra Bisht, Shailza Daramwal

Ministry of Environment & Forests

Government of India

G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development

Th e present document is an outcome of a series of discussions

with diverse stakeholders. However, this is an evolving

document wherein inputs and suggestions from various State

Governments of the Indian Himalayan Region, Institutions

and individuals are invited, and will be accommodated

suitably. For wider consultation, a copy of the document

has been uploaded on the website of the Ministry of

Environment and Forests, GOI ( and

that of the G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment &

Development (

G.B. Pant Institute ofHimalayan Environment & Development

G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development (GBPIHED) was

established in 1988-89, during the birth centenary year of Bharat Ratna Pt. Govind

Ballabh Pant, as an autonomous Institute of the MInistry of Environment and Forests

(MoEF), Govt. of India. The Institute has been identifi ed as a focal agency to advance

scientifi c knowledge, to evolve integrated management strategies, demonstrate

their effi cacy for conservation of natural resources, and to ensure environmentally

sound management in the entire Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). The Institute has

headquarters at Kosi-Katarmal, Almora (Uttarakhand) and four regional units, namely,

Himachal Unit at Mohal (Kullu, HP), Garhwal Unit at Srinagar (Garhwal, Uttarakhand),

Sikkim Unit at Pangthang (Sikkim) and North East Unit at Itanagar (Arunachal




Abbreviations usedAP Arunachal PradeshARWSP Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programmeasl Above Sea LevelBARC Bhabha Atomic Research CentreBR Biosphere ReserveCAP Catchment Area ProtectionCEE Center for Environmental EducationC-MMACS Centre for Mathematical Modeling and Computer SimulationEE Environmental EducationEIA Environmental Impact AssessmentGA Geographical AreaGBPIHED G. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & DevelopmentGOI Government of IndiaGPS Global Positioning SystemGSI Geological Survey of IndiaHP Himachal PradeshICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain DevelopmentIHR Indian Himalayan RegionIPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change J&K Jammu and KashmirJNNURUM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal MissionKm KilometreLAWDA Lake and Water-ways Development AuthorityLPG Liquefi ed Petroleum Gas M MetreMn MillionMoEF Ministry of Environment & ForestsNAPCC National Action Plan on Climate ChangeNEP National Environment PolicyNER North East RegionNGOs Non-governmental OrganizationsPES Payments for Ecosystem ServicesPMGSY Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sarak YojanaRBH Rural Business HubsREDD Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest DegradationSAC Space Application CentreSWEET Sloping Watershed Environmental Engineering TechnologyTEK Traditional Ecological KnowledgeUKSN Uttarakhand Seva NidhiULBs Urban Local BodiesUNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate ChangeVEAP Village Environment Action PlanWII Wildlife Institute of India


ContentsFrom the Minister’s Desk


List of Boxes, Annexure & Appendix

A. Background 09

B. Guidelines and Best Practices 15

1. Sustainable Urbanization in the Himalaya 16

1.1 Solid Waste Management

1.2 Town Planning & Architectural Norms

2. Regulated Tourism 20

2.1 Pilgrimage in Sensitive Areas

2.2 Ecotourism & Regulation of Commercial Tourism

3. Water Security through Rejuvenation of Springs and Catchments 24

4. Building Environmental Awareness 26

5. Energy Options 28

6. Conservation Areas & Forest Zone Management for

Community Development 30

6.1 Conservation Area Management through Community Involvement

6.2 Acknowledging the Community Contribution through PES

6.3 Conservation through Integration of Traditional & Cultural Values

6.4 Improving Indigenous Stewardship through Gender Empowerment

7. Monitoring Networks 36

8. Infrastructure Development- Integration of New Approaches 40

8.1 Ideal Himalayan Habitats

8.2 Ecologically Safer Roads – Green Roads

8.3 Comprehensive EIA of Developmental Projects

C. Conclusion & Overarching Issues 42


Annexure I-VI

Appendix 1



studying the impact of climate change on our Himalaya,

and putting in place adaptation measures to meet the

challenge. In parallel, there is a need for clear guidelines for

sustainable management and governance of the Himalayan

ecosystem. It is with this in mind that we have put together

this document. While substantial literature on the subject of

sustainable management of the Himalaya already exists,

this is often dispersed across institutions and publications.

This document attempts to collate key learnings from this

literature at one place, embodied in a set of guidelines and

best practices for various aspects of the governance and

management of the Himalayan ecosystem.

The guidelines in this document cover a wide variety of

issues – including urbanization, tourism, water security,

energy, forest management and infrastructure – all of which

are highly pertinent as the Himalayan region faces new and

increased challenges and pressures.

We believe that there are valuable lessons contained in

this document that need to be mainstreamed. This is a

working document, which is meant to provide the basis on

which new approaches and practices can be adopted. We

welcome the inputs and suggestions on this document from

State governments, domestic and international institutions,

civil society, local communities and other stakeholders.

Jairam Ramesh

Minister of State for Environment & Forests

(Independent Charge), Government of India

& President, G.B. Pant Society of

Himalayan Environment & Development

From the Minister’s DeskI am pleased to introduce

the Report: Governance

for Sustaining Himalayan

Ecosystem (G-SHE):

Guidelines and Best

Practices1. This publication,

which forms part of our broader

climate change adaptation

strategy, puts together key

guidelines related to the

governance and management of the Himalayan ecosystem,

along with case studies.

The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR), which accounts

for around 70% of the Himalayan biodiversity hotspot,

spreads across a land area of 5.3 lakh km2 (0.53 mn

km2), comprising 16.2% of India’s geographical area. We

consider the IHR a unique national treasure, one to which

we accord the highest priority. The IHR has rich forest

cover, feeds the sub continent’s perennial rivers that are

a source of drinking water, irrigation and hydropower, and

conserves important elements of our rich biodiversity.

Managing the Himalayan ecosystem sustainably is critical

not only for preserving its pristine beauty and spectacular

landscapes, but also for ensuring the ecological security of

the entire Indian sub-continent.

Ensuring the sustainable development of this region is a

challenging endeavour, and there are no easy straitjacket

solutions. We have to innovate, and we have to ensure that

good practices are adopted after suitable adaptation to

local conditions.

We are fi nalizing a “National Mission for Sustaining the

Himalayan Ecosystem” under our National Action Plan for

Climate Change (NAPCC), with the aim of scientifi cally

1 ‘G-SHE’ is an appropriate acronym, given the pivotal role played by women in managing the Himalayan ecosystem on a day-to-day basis.



PrefaceThe Himalaya constitutes a unique geographical and

geological system comprising a diverse social, cultural

and environmental entity. Being the youngest mountain

chain on earth, the Himalayan range is still evolving,

and is yet to fully stabilize from a geomorphological and

geological point of view. Any alteration in the environment,

therefore, is likely to have cascading effects not only for

the region but also for the other areas downstream. The

special vulnerabilities of this ecologically fragile region

have been widely recognized, as have its rich and unique

natural resources in terms of forests, biodiversity and

tourism potential. The states which share the Himalayan

Ecology are also its principal sentinels. The region, often

described as the “Abode of Gods”, is facing environmental

degradation on account of various factors including

anthropogenic activities. It is widely believed that climate

change will affect the Himalayan ecosystem. Therefore,

adaptation to the changing climate should be an integral

part of the developmental path of the Himalayan region. To

address this issue, a number of long-term measures are

under consideration. This document attempts to highlight

certain interventions, which, if put into practice, could go

a long way not only in preventing the further degradation

of this unique region but also in enhancing its ecology and

life-sustaining role for millions of people residing within and

beyond the Himalayan region.

Vijai Sharma

Secretary, Government of India

Ministry of Environment and Forests &

Chairman, Board of Governors, GBPIHED


AList of Boxes, Annexure and AppendixBOXESBox 1: NEP – Measures for the Conservation of MountainsBox 2: The NAPCC & The National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan EcosystemBox 3: Ban on Plastic in HPBox 4: Participatory Conservation of Lakes in the RegionBox 5: Assam Hill Land and Ecological Sites Bill, 2006Box 6: Urban Development through JNNURMBox 7: Harnessing Religious Sentiments for ConservationBox 8: Ladakh Himalayan Homestays- Transforming Local Mindsets towards Snow LeopardsBox 9: Highlights of Sikkim’s Ecotourism PolicyBox 10: Watershed Management in States of IHRBox 11: Snow Water Harvesting in Cold Deserts of J&K and HPBox 12: Promoting Environmental AwarenessBox 13: Supportive Policy and Measures by States for Energy Generation and ConservationBox 14: Suggested Provisions for Income Generation from Conservation AreasBox 15: Some Initiatives to Reward the Conservation EffortsBox 16: Forests and Tree Cover as Carbon SinkBox 17: Mizoram Moves towards Organic FarmingBox 18a: Community Efforts – Sustaining Soil Fertility by Protecting the ForestsBox 18b: Traditional Wisdom – Maintaining Soil FertilityBox 19: Ensuring Equitable Access to Shifting Cultivation Patches – Strong Traditional Institution in Ukhrul, ManipurBox 20: Empowering Women to Manage Community Forests – Jamatia, TripuraBox 21: Key Areas for Monitoring Himalayan EcosystemsBox 22: Glacier Studies – Need of the DayBox 23: Monitoring Snow and Glaciers of the HimalayaBox 24: Long Term Weather Monitoring ProgrammeBox 25: WII Initiatives for Studies on Sensitive Himalayan WildlifeBox 26: Ideal Himalayan HabitatsBox 27: Impact of Road Construction in IHR: Some ExamplesBox 28: Carrying Capacity Assessment at Basin Level

ANNEXUREAnnexure I: Solid Waste ManagementAnnexure II: Hill Town Planning and Architectural NormsAnnexure III: Regulating Tourists and Pilgrimage to Sensitive AreasAnnexure IV: Promoting Ecotourism and Regulation of Commercial TourismAnnexure Va: Rejuvenation of Springs and Degraded SitesAnnexure Vb: Rain Water Harvesting

Annexure VI: Ecologically Safer Roads

APPENDIXAppendix I: List of Selected Institutions in the IHR




Table 1

States/Regions Geographical area- GA(km2 )

Per-cent contribution to the total population

of IHR & (India)

Sex ratio Literacy rate (+7yr) (%)

Forest cover km2

(% of GA)#

Jammu & Kashmir 222,236* 25.41 (0.98) 900 54.46 21,273 (9.57)

Himachal Pradesh 55,673 15.34 (0.59) 970 75.91 14,369 (25.81)

Uttarakhand 53,483 21.40 (0.83) 964 72.28 24,442 (45.70)

Sikkim 7,096 1.36 (0.05) 875 69.68 3,262 (45.97)

W.Bengal hills 3,149 4.05 (0.16) 943 72.87 2,221 (70.53)

Meghalaya 22,429 5.82 (0.22) 975 63.31 16,988 (75.74)

Assam hills 19,153 2.52 (0.10) 915 60.68 13,051 (68.14)

Tripura 10,486 8.05 (0.31) 950 73.66 8,155 (77.77)

Mizoram 21,081 2.25 (0.09) 938 88.49 18,684 (88.63)

Manipur 22,327 6.03 (0.23) 978 68.87 17,086 (76.53)

Nagaland 16,579 5.02 (0.19) 909 67.11 13,719 (82.75)

Arunachal Pradesh 83,743 2.75 (0.11) 901 54.74 67,777 (80.93)

India 3,287,263 -------- 933 65.38 677,088 (20.60)* includes 78,114 and 37,555 km2 area occupied by Pakistan and China, respectively and 5180 km2 handed over by Pakistan to China (Source: Wasteland Atlas of India, 2000; FSI 2005#)

The majestic Himalaya represents one of the youngest but

most complex mountain systems of the world. The region,

being a discrete geographical and ecological entity, fi gures

prominently among major bio-physical settings of the

planet earth. This mountain system includes the area under

Himalayan biodiversity hotspot, which covers an area of

nearly 7.5 lakh km2 (0.75 million km2) spanning over 3,000

km in length, and rising from low lying valleys to > 8,000m

asl; it stretches from northern Pakistan on the west to the

north-eastern region of India through Nepal and Bhutan.

The Himalaya produces a distinctive climate of its own

and infl uences the climate of much of Asia1. However, the

variations in topographical features along three dimensional

frameworks (i.e. latitudinal: South-North; longitudinal:

East-West; altitudinal: Low-High) cause diversity in

climate and habitat conditions within the region, resulting

in richness, representativeness and uniqueness of its

biodiversity elements ranging from genes to ecosystems2.

All this has contributed to a whole range of diversity in its

indigenous human habitations, cultures and knowledge

systems. Recognition of the Himalaya as one of 34

global biodiversity hotspots aptly refl ects it’s wide ranging

ecological signifi cance3.

The Indian Himalayan Region (IHR)4 with a geographical

coverage of over 5.37 lakh km2 (0.537 million km2)

constitutes a signifi cantly large proportion of the Himalayan

biodiversity hotspot. IHR, located between 21o57’ – 37o5’

N lat. and 72o40’ – 97o25’ E long, and covers 16.2% of

the total geographical area of the country (Figure 1).

Administratively it covers 10 states entirely (i.e., Jammu &

Kashmir – J&K; Himachal Pradesh – HP; Uttarakhand –

UK; Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh – AP, Nagaland, Manipur,

Mizoram, Tripura, Meghalaya), and two states partially [i.e.,

hill districts of Assam and West Bengal]. Major features of

IHR are depicted in Table 1.

Temporal and spatial variations caused by diverse

geological orogeny have resulted in marked difference

in its climate and physiography, thus contributing greatly

to the richness and representativeness of its biodiversity

components at all levels5. The spatial position and

heterogeneous dispersion of biodiversity elements have led

to complexity in the biogeographic patterns of the region.

The eastern Himalaya (including north east India) that

1 Bioscience, 47: 735–745 (1997).2 2nd Pandit Govind Ballabh Pant Memorial Lecture, GBPIHED (1992)3 Conservation International (2007). http://www.biodiversityhotspots.org4 Resource Information Database of the Indian Himalaya, GBPIHED, ENVIS Monograph 3 (2006).5 Current Science, 90(6) 784-788 (2006)


harbours about 8,000 species of plants is considered a

cradle of fl owering plants, whereas the western Himalaya

supports over 5,000 plant species6. The region as a whole

supports nearly 50% of the total fl owering plants in India

of which 30% are endemic to the region5. There are over

816 tree species, 675 wild edibles and over 1,740 species

of medicinal value in IHR7. Likewise, nearly 300 mammal

species (12 endemic) and 979 birds (15 endemic) are

recorded from the region. The region also exhibits great

diversity of ethnic groups (171 out of a total 573 scheduled

tribes in India) which generally inhabit remote inhospitable


The IHR occupies a strategic position along the entire

northern boundary (North-West to North-East) of the

nation. Apart from a national security standpoint, IHR is

also important for its high forest cover. More than 41.5 %

of its geographical area is under forest cover representing

one-third of the total forest cover in India and nearly half

(47%) of the “very good” forest cover category of the

country9. These forests generate a plethora of goods and

services10. The Himalaya with its vast green cover acts

as a ‘sink’ for carbon dioxide, an important ecosystem

service11. Further, vast area under permanent snow cover

and glaciers (about 17% of IHR), and about 30-40 % under

seasonal snow cover, form a unique water reservoir. This

feeds several important perennial rivers that provide water

for drinking, irrigation, and hydropower. Every year, about

1,200,000 million m3 of water fl ows from Himalayan Rivers5.

IHR is home to nearly 4% of the country’s population, and

is a provider for their livelihoods.

However, the Himalayan ecosystem is highly vulnerable

both due to geological reasons and on account of the

stress caused by increased pressure of population,

exploitation of natural resources and other related

challenges. These effects may well be exacerbated due

to the impact of climate change. Climate change may

adversely impact the Himalayan ecosystem through

increased temperature, altered precipitation patterns,

episodes of drought, and biotic infl uences. This would

not only impact the very sustenance of the indigenous

communities in uplands but also the life of downstream

dwellers across the country and beyond. Therefore, there















01. Jammu & Kashmir02. Himachal Pradesh03. Uttarakhand04. Sikkim05. Arunachal pradesh06. Nagaland

* Only the hill districts

07. Manipur08. Mizoram09. Tripura10. Meghalaya11. Assam*12. West Bengal* WEST BENGAL


Figure1 - Indian Himalayan Region (IHR)

6 Biodiversity in India: fl oristic aspects, Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, Dehradun (1994)7 Medicinal Plants of Indian Himalaya: Diversity, Distribution, Potential Value. GBPIHED (1998)8 Journal of Sustainable Dev. & World Ecol. 10:157-168 (2000)9 State of Forest Report 2005. FSI, Dehradun (2008).10 Forests of Himalaya: Structure, Function and Impact of Man, Gyanodaya Prakashan (1992)11 Current Science, 82;1331-1335 (2002)


is an urgent need for giving special attention to sustain the Himalayan


In this context, measures for the conservation of mountains have been

specifi cally envisaged in India’s National Environment Policy (NEP) 200612

(Box 1).

India has also released its National Action Plan on Climate Change

(NAPCC) which envisages, among other things, a National Mission for

Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem (Box 2)13.

In achieving the objectives of the NEP 2006 and the National Mission

for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, certain specifi c guidelines for

development and regulation of the region need to be formulated and

implemented at the National and State levels. This is critical so that we have

a clear consistent set of rules for regulation and management of the region.

This document sets out a number of such guidelines.

Box 1

NEP – Measures for the Conservation of


Adopt appropriate land-use planning and watershed management •

practices for sustainable development of mountain ecosystem

Adopt “best practice” norms for infrastructure construction •

in mountain regions to avoid or minimize damage to sensitive

ecosystems and despoiling of landscapes.

Encourage cultivation of traditional varieties of crops and •

horticulture by promotion of organic farming, enabling farmers to

realize a price premium.

Promote sustainable tourism through adoption of “best practice” •

norms of eco-friendly and responsible tourism, creation of

appropriate facilities and access to ecological resources, and multi-

stakeholder partnerships to enable local communities to gain

livelihoods, while leveraging fi nancial, technical, and managerial

capacities of investors.

Take measures to regulate tourist infl ows into mountain regions •

to ensure that these remain within the carrying capacity of the

mountain ecology

12 National Environment Policy, MoEF, GOI (2006). National Action Plan on Climate Change, GOI (2008).


Box 2

Th e NAPCC & Th e National

Mission for Sustaining the

Himalayan Ecosystem

Th e National Action Plan for Climate Change

(NAPCC) which includes a comprehensive set of

mitigation & adaptation measures, aims to promote

our development objectives while yielding co-benefi ts

for addressing climate change eff ectively.

Th ere are eight National Missions which form the

core of NAPCC, representing a multi-pronged, long-

term and integrated strategy for achieving key goals

in the context of climate change.

National Solar Mission 1.

National Mission for Enhanced Energy 2.

Effi ciency

National Mission on Sustainable Habitats 3.

National Water Mission 4.

National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan 5.


National Mission for a Green India 6.

National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture 7.

National Mission on Strategic Knowledge of 8.

Climate Change

In addition, it envisages 24 critical initiatives on

issues ranging from renewable energy, protection

of coastal areas, health and cross-cutting capacity


Th e National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan

Ecosystem is to be launched to evolve management

measures for sustaining and safeguarding the

Himalayan glaciers and mountain ecosystems. Th e

mission, among others, aims to: (i) understand,

whether and the extent to which, the Himalayan

glaciers are in recession and how the problem could

be addressed, (ii) establish an observational and

monitoring network for the Himalayan environment;

(iii) promote community-based management of

the ecosystems through incentives to community

organizations and panchayats for protection of

forested lands.








Solid Waste Management

The continued expansion in urban settlements, infl ux

of visitors, trekkers and mountaineers in the Himalayan

region has started to pose

high biotic pressure and

concomitant indiscriminate

solid waste dumping.

As a result, the IHR

is getting adversely

affected. In the absence

of proper management

practices and inadequate

infrastructural facilities,

human induced pollution,

such as solid waste,

untreated sewage and

local air pollution due

to vehicles has been

continuously increasing in

the IHR. A few attempts

have been made at

addressing these issues.

These include efforts at

solid waste management

in Shimla (HP), banning

the use of plastics in

certain states (e.g., HP, Sikkim), formulation of ‘do’s and

don’ts’ guidelines by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation.

These can be evaluated and considered for replication

in other areas of IHR. In addition, best international

experiences as well as practices followed in regard to

preservation of surroundings and prevention of littering

in eco-sensitive places, e.g., Alaska, Gangotri/Leh region

(for management of camp sites), Nepal and China (Tibet/

Sichuan region) should be

examined and appropriately

adopted. There is an

urgent need for developing

and enforcing guidelines/

prescriptions disallowing

indiscriminate disposal of

garbage, particularly non-

degradable waste, caused

by accumulation of plastic

bottles and polythene

bags in hill towns in the

Himalaya. Hill towns need

to be planned particularly

keeping in mind that tourists

do not pay for municipal

services. Many states

have experimented – from

banning plastics, to taxing

tourists – to better respond

to these issues (Box 3).

However, they need support

and innovative thinking

on different aspects ranging from traditional architectural

practices, local water management through protection of

springs, ponds and lakes, and diverse systems of sewage

and garbage management. Specifi c action areas for Solid

Waste Management have been highlighted (AnnexureI).

In addition, there is a need to motivate residents to switch

Sustainable Urbanization in the Himalaya


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Box 3

Ban on Plastic in HP

Himachal Pradesh enacted the Himachal Pradesh

Non-Biodegradable Garbage (Control) Act, 1995

in order to prevent throwing or depositing non-

biodegradable garbage in public drains, roads.

Himachal Pradesh then increased the minimum •

thickness of plastic carry bags to 70 microns of

virgin material, which exceeded the 20 micron

thickness recommended by Central Rules.

Further, the state Government has taken a •

Cabinet decision to ban plastics altogether in the

entire state with eff ect from 15.08.2009. Th is

demonstrates the state’s zero tolerance attitude to

pollution caused by plastics in the Hill State. cations.htm


over to a more scientifi c waste disposal system in a

participatory manner and promote dissemination of such

success stories (Box 4).


Town Planning and Architectural Norms

Rapid unplanned growth of hill towns, construction activities

without a proper plan, general non-compliance with

prescribed norms and guidelines, and indiscriminate use of

land for commercial outfi ts/tourist resorts has severely and

adversely affected the fragile ecosystem of the Himalaya.

Therefore, regulations for control on land use change (e.g.,

diversion of agricultural land for other purposes) and sale/

purchase of land are urgently needed across the IHR.

Legal/policy initiatives taken by some State Governments

(Box 5) could serve as a model to be promoted across the

IHR after proper evaluation.

Large scale land instabilities, drying up of natural

water sources, waste disposal problems and changing

socio-cultural values are known impacts of unplanned

construction activities. The “development” in the present

context has become unsustainable. An integrated approach

is, therefore, necessary to protect the environment and

achieve required economic development at the same

time. Advance planning based on timely and reliable data

has become crucial for sustainable growth of hill towns.

Box 4

Participatory Conservation of Lakes in the Region

Conservation by residents of Nainital town

Th e Naini lake is the sole source of drinking water for Nainital town, an important tourist destination in Uttarakhand

state, and is connected to 62 drains out of which 23 directly fall into it. Increasing infl ow of tourists, urban waste

making its way into the lake is adversely aff ecting water quality. To conserve this important water body, the residents

have switched on to a scientifi c garbage disposal system – under the project name ‘Mission Butterfl y’ by Nainital

Lake Conservation Project. Th e sweepers, on a small monthly charge, collect waste from each household and directly

transfer it to the compost pits. Apart from the residents, schools and hotel owners have extended full cooperation to

the authorities, to save its precious eco-system. In addition to helping the authorities, in preventing the waste entering

the lake, they are able to generate income and employment by converting it to manure, and the schools are educating

their students about waste management. y.html

Conservation of Dal lake

Dal lake, besides being a favourite tourist destination attracting thousands of tourists in Jammu & Kashmir state,

is also special for settlement of about 60,000 people within the lake. Th e lake is in peril due to anthropogenic

pressure and overall deterioration of surrounding environment. Th e lake has been included in the lake conservation

programme of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India. Th e Lake and Waterways Development

Authority (LAWDA), Srinagar, in collaboration with Centre for Environment Education (CEE) and other Non-

governmental Organisations (NGOs) has taken up the initiative for lake conservation through education and mass

awareness. Dustbins have been placed by LAWDA at convenient locations and a practice of door to door household

waste collection has been introduced. Use of polythene carry bags has also been banned in the lake area.



Location planning of residential buildings, tourist

resorts, and other commercial buildings, etc. has a

signifi cant role in advance town planning. The 13

Himalayan towns in the Jawaharlal Nehru National

Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) can serve as

models in this regard, and the fi nance provided under

the Scheme can be used for this purpose to begin with

(Box 6).

There is also a need to adopt best practice norms

(e.g., National Building Code) for infrastructure

construction in earthquake prone mountain region to

avoid or minimize damage to life and property in the

event of an earthquake, and to safeguard the sensitive

eco-system and despoiling of landscapes (Annexure

II). In any case, the existing environment, forest and

wildlife regulations would need to be adhered to.

Box 5

Assam Hill Land and Ecological

Sites Bill, 2006

Th e Assam Hill Land and Ecological Sites

(Protection and Management) Bill, 2006 has

been passed by the Assam Legislative Assembly

to prevent indiscriminate cutting of hills and

fi lling up of water bodies in urban areas, which

had led to serious ecological problems in places

like Guwahati. Prior to this, many assembly

members had expressed apprehension that the

Bill would take away traditional settlers’ rights

over the hills. However, the state government

assured them that it is committed to granting

land rights to those who have been living on

the hills for the past 15 years or more. It also

promised a new land use policy for such settlers.

Under the Bill, the state government can bring

any hill under its purview for protection.

Location planning of residential buildings, tourist

Box 6

Urban Development through


Th e JNNURM is a joint mission of the Ministry

of Urban Development and the Ministry of

Urban Employment and Poverty Alleviation,

Govt. of India.

“Th e aim is to encourage reforms and fast track

planned development of identifi ed cities. Focus is to

be on effi ciency in urban infrastructure and service

delivery mechanisms, community participation,

and accountability of ULBs/ Parastatal agencies

towards citizens”.

Th e duration of the mission is seven years

starting from 2005-06. Th e Government

of India has proposed substantial fi nancial

assistance to cities selected through the

JNNURM over the seven-year period. Th e

following 13 towns of IHR are included in the

category of eligible cities to receive fund through

JNNURM (Itanagar, Shimla, Imphal, Shillong,

Aizawl, Kohima, Gangtok, Agartala, Dehradun,

Nainital, Haridwar, Jammu, Srinagar).



Box 7

Harnessing Religious Sentiments for


Th ere is immense scope of harnessing the religious

sentiments of tourists in the right perspectives

of conservation and sustainable management of

natural resources in the eco-sensitive Himalayan

areas. Th is can be done through: (i) encouraging

them to undertake participatory plantation for

rehabilitation of degraded areas (e.g., Badrivan

initiative of GBPIHED in Uttarakhand); (ii)

promoting the concept of eco-cultural landscapes

(e.g., Demazong – Buddhist landscape, Sikkim, and

Apatani eco-cultural landscape, Arunachal Pradesh).

Both landscapes are highly evolved with high level of

economic and ecological effi ciencies; (iii) involving

them in maintenance and strengthening of sacred

groves/landscape (e.g., Sacred Groves of Meghalaya:

Th e tribal communities – Khasis, Garos, and Jaintias,

have a tradition of environmental conservation based

on religious beliefs. Certain patches of forests are

designated as sacred groves under customary law

and are protected from any product extraction. Such

forests are rich in biological diversity and harbour

many endangered plant species including rare herbs

and medicinal plants).

2. 1

Pilgrimage in Sensitive Areas

The Himalaya is known to be a home of saints, seekers

of peace and enlightenment and a favoured destination

of pilgrimage since time immemorial as it hosts a number

of religious/sacred sites across the region. Each year,

millions of pilgrims visit these sites. For example, Badrinath,

Kedarnath, Gangotri- Yamunotri and Hemkund Sahib

in Uttarakhand, Manimahesh, Jwala Devi, Chintpurni,

Naina Devi in Himachal Pradesh, and Vaishnav Devi

and Amarnath in Jammu & Kashmir, Khecheopalri and

other sacred lakes in Sikkim are particularly important

destinations. Unfortunately, most of these places lack

adequate facilities of transport, accommodation, waste

disposal and other amenities for the ever growing number

of pilgrims that visit them every year. Also, there is a gross

lack of regulatory mechanism for infrastructure creation,

management, and for controlling the tourist infl ow in such

sites. As a result the sensitive ecosystems and cultural

values of these areas are facing pressures far beyond their

carrying capacities. There is an urgent need to develop

and implement guidelines for sustainable pilgrimage in the

region encompassing the concept of carrying capacity of

the area. In a few cases some initiatives have been taken.

For example, there are guidelines to enable regulated entry

into the Gangotri area of Uttarakhand. The Government of

Uttarakhand has restricted the number of tourists visiting

the origin of the holy river Ganga to 150 per day. The new

regulation has come into effect from the April, 2008.

Also, there is a need to harness religious sentiments for

the conservation of these areas (Box 7). Some suggested

guidelines for pilgrimage in sensitive areas have been

provided (Annexure III).

Regulated Tourism




Ecotourism and Regulation of Commercial Tourism

The impacts of tourism on mountain ecosystems and

biological resources are of great concern because of

the high biodiversity and environmental sensitivity of the

Himalaya. Cultural identities and diversity in mountain

regions are also under threat by the economic, social and

environmental forces associated with mountain tourism. In

this context, community based ecotourism emerges as one

of the sustainable alternatives to the presently practised

commercial tourism in already over saturated hill towns like

Nainital, Mussoorrie, Shimla, Kullu-Manali, Gangtok, etc. In

spite of efforts by some state governments (e.g., Sikkim),

the pace at which tourism is growing every year is rapid

(from nearly 15,000 tourists in 1980 to 3,50,000 tourists in

2007 in Sikkim). Yet, the efforts that have been made by

Sikkim can serve as a basis of responsible tourism in other

Himalayan states.

In the above context, diversion of tourists towards other

potential sites including the Biosphere Reserves and other

conservation areas may be required. A few successful

initiatives from the region (e.g., Ladakh initiative) have

exhibited the potential of implementing the concept of

‘Himalayan Homestays’, which links cultural and natural

heritage conservation through a commitment to reliability,

protection and sensitive interpretation of local culture

and nature heritage values (Box 8). Such initiatives need

to be promoted across the IHR. Also, the approach

of ecotourism in Sikkim (Box 9) is a good example for

replication. Further, immense opportunities for adventure

cum ecotourism in the Himalayan region (e.g., Annapurna

Conservation Area project, Nepal; Nanda Devi Biosphere


Box 8

Ladakh Himalayan Homestays-

Transforming Local Mindsets

towards Snow Leopards

Th e Himalayan Homestays programme fosters

conservation-based community managed tourism

development in remote settlements, by gradually

building local capacity and ownership. It stands out

as an example that aims to be sensitive to both host

and visitor expectations without compromising the

aspirations of host communities, and at the same

time seeks to balance these aspects with conservation

of the area’s unique cultural and natural heritage.

Himalayan Homestays seek to: (i) Ensure that hosts

obtain fair returns for their services and investment;

(ii) Ensure positive interactive cultural experiences

for both the host and visitor; (iii) Ensure that

Homestays contribute to conserving local cultural

and natural heritage by ensuring that a percentage

of the earnings go towards conservation activities;

(iv) Create a distinctive, authentic, reliable, tourist

accommodation and experience – homestay packages

– for visitors in the world’s highest mountain range,

through participatory monitoring of standards

and conservation linkages, as well as participatory

evaluation by visitors, private tour operators, NGO’s

and the local community.


Reserve ecotourism

approach, Uttarakhand)

could be harnessed through

community involvement. Linking of tourism with

initiatives like Rural Business Hubs (RBH), as introduced

in North East region, which envisages promotion of quality

rural products like handloom, hadicrafts, agro products,

herbal products, bio-fuel, etc., may be considered as yet

another aspect of promoting eco-tourism in the IHR.

However, considering the sensitivity (both cultural and

natural) of this region, strict operational guidelines are

required to be enforced across IHR with region specifi c

provisions for facilitating and promoting community based

ecotourism (suggested guidelines for promoting ecotourism

are listed in Annexure IV).


Box 9

Highlights of Sikkim’s Ecotourism


“Sikkim - the Ultimate Tourist Destination” •

is the policy motto of the state. Th e state is

employing a system of environmental fees, and

permits for entries, and stay time restrictions in

some environmentally sensitive high altitude/

pristine areas.

Operationalization of tourism in various •

modes, such as village tourism, nature

tourism, wildlife tourism, trekking/adventure

tourism, and cultural tourism in the state and

institutionalization of tourism management at

the community level may be useful.

Promotion and use of local art & craft, cuisines, •

etc., along with organizing tourism fairs and


Imparting training in tourism related service •



Water Security through Rejuvenation of Springs and Catchments


Integration of conservation and development activities

through stakeholder participation and collaboration among

different institutions and social actors is increasingly being

recognised as a promising approach for the rejuvenation

of natural springs and degraded sites, and for sustainable

management of resources at the watershed scale. Some

efforts in this direction have been made in the states of

Uttarakhand and Sikkim (Box 10). Several ministries and

developmental agencies have accepted the concept of

watershed for wasteland restorations, recharging of water

sources, creating and empowering of decentralised village

institutions and strengthening of participatory processes.

There is a need for promoting community participation

in such policies and programmes using appropriate

provisions already made through the 73rd Amendment of

the constitution in 1992 which empowers local Government.

The village level developmental plans (e.g., Village

Environment Action Plan-VEAP of GBPIHED), as being

applied under SWAJAL initiative of Uttarakhand, using

participatory planning process, can be suggested as

one of the options for integrating resource assessment,

utilisation and conservation. Guidelines suggested for

spring recharge and rainwater harvesting (Annexure V

a-b), technologies for wasteland rehabilitation (e.g., Sloping

Watershed Environmental Engineering Technology -

SWEET of GBPIHED), and other appropriate technologies

may form essential components of such plans.

Promotion of efforts to use modern techniques and

knowledge base for improving effi ciency as practised in

Ladakh (Box 11) for traditional snow water harvesting

would be needed to be applied in other areas to improve

the quality of life in such harsh environmental conditions of

the Himalaya.


Box 10

Watershed Management in States of


In small hilly degraded watersheds in the outer •

Himalaya of Doon Valley, construction of

gully plugs and plantations (Sahastradhara and

Nalotanala watersheds) resulted in reduction

of peak rates of runoff and increased base fl ow,

the latter released as lean fl ow which is used as a

perennial irrigation source.

Interventions carried out for SWAJAL Phase I •

project under Catchment Area Protection (CAP)

programme in 165 villages in Uttarakhand

also reported increase in the discharge of

various springs after completion of the CAP

work. Besides this, several other success stories

have been reported from diff erent parts of

Uttarakhand where work has been carried out

by villagers; examples include Gad Kharak

(Ufrainkhal) and Dugar Gad in Pauri area in

Uttarakhand. Th e Government of Mizoram

through the Accelerated Rural Water Supply

Programme (ARWSP) and Technology Mission

Programme has provided as many as 5,993

rainwater tanks in individual houses of 198

villages at a cost of Rs 60 million; individual

households are expected to carry out the


Spring sanctuary development using biological •

and physical measures to treat the catchment area

is also underway in Sikkim.

Box 11

Snow Water Harvesting in Cold

Deserts of J&K and HP

Among other environmental stresses, severe water

shortage in remote cold deserts of the Himalayan

region in particular makes these areas most diffi cult.

Snow water harvesting in this region has traditionally

played a signifi cant role in the sustenance of farming

communities. However, introduction of modern

technologies in snow water harvesting have proved

much benefi cial for the region. Initiatives of Chewang

Norphel, Ladakhs’ “glacier man”, in making low

cost artifi cial glaciers during winters have enabled

the villagers to get irrigation water during sowing

season (April-May), thereby, improving crop growth.

Th e added advantage is that the areas under artifi cial

glaciers turn into green pastures during summers.


Building Environmental Awareness


There is a strong

need for promoting

awareness both among

local communities and

visitors about various

issues pertaining

to the specifi cities

and sensitivity of the

Himalayan environment.

Effective use of media

and imparting training through informal conservation

education is required (Box 12). Various research

organizations and NGOs from the region can play

important role in this context. A list of major institutions and

their area(s) of operation is given in Appendix-1.

Apart from awareness and inculcating interest among

school and college students, the programme subsequently

needs to attract and motivate other stakeholder groups.

In particular, there is a need for designing a special

course on “Himalayan Ecology and People” and making it

mandatory for those serving the region as administrators,

natural resource planners, policy makers, and military

& paramilitary forces, etc. The Institutions mandated

for Himalayan Research & Development need to be

strengthened to design and implement such courses

in collaboration with Institutions of higher learning and

Administrative Training Centres.


Box 12

Promoting Environmental


a. Use of Media

In the context of various issues listed earlier,

use of electronic and print media particularly

through audio visuals focusing on success stories

and best practices which, in particular, target

rural audiences need to be given greater and

immediate attention.

b. Conservation Education

Th e growing concern over Environmental

Education (EE) programmes calls for developing

perspective guidelines for implementation in

both formal and informal sectors in order to

bring in a perceptible shift in the mindset of

communities towards integrating conservation

science with societal needs. With regard to

the IHR, mountain specifi cities need to be

accordingly included in such guidelines and

programmes. Approaches developed through

successful initiatives in the region; both in

formal [e.g., initiative by an environmental

NGO – Uttarakhand Seva Nidhi (UKSN),

Almora (Uttarakhand)] and informal education

[e.g., approach developed and tested by G.B.

Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment &

Development, Almora and Guwahati based

CEE- North East] need to be promoted and

considered for replication across the Himalayan

states with area/location specifi c modifi cations.

Th e concerned State Governments may initiate

programmes in this direction and ensure

implementation in consultation with suitable



Energy Options


Biomass is the main source of energy used at the level of

households for cooking and heating. An increasing number

of households have also started using LPG for cooking

needs. Majority of households in the IHR still use traditional

fuel for cooking purposes. Out of the total of 6.66 million

households in IHR, 4.31 million use fi rewood as a primary

source of cooking energy (64.8% of total IHR households).

Among the modern fuels, LPG is also used for cooking

(23.8% households) followed by kerosene (4.6%), cow

dung cakes (3.6%) and crop residue (2.1%). In each

Himalayan state, fi rewood is used as a primary source of

cooking energy, but the total number of households using

fi rewood as a primary source tends to vary, from 54.6%

in Uttarakhand to 86.3% in Nagaland. Briquettes made

of charred pine needles are being introduced in the hill

regions of Kumaun and Garhwal in Uttarakhand. NGOs

and private sector initiatives (e.g., through Green Energy

Corporation) in Uttarakhand, produce charcoaled pine

needle briquettes. In Himachal Pradesh, pine needles in

combination with waste paper are used for making boards,

fi le covers, etc. Use of pine needles as an alternative to fuel

wood is a possibility and needs research on its economics

and long term effects of removal from the pine forests.

The region requires strong supportive policy initiatives for

conservation and energy generation particularly focusing

on other sources of energy such as solar energy and

hydropower. A few initiatives that are being undertaken in

different states are given in Box 13.


Box 13

Supportive Policy and Measures by

States for Energy Generation and


Uttarakhand has recently implemented a policy •

for harnessing renewable energy sources with

the private sector / community participation

which targets power generation as well as power

conservation. Power generation can be done

by individuals, Gram Panchayats, Registered

Societies, and Private Companies. State

Government has also launched a scheme for BPL

families by providing assistance in procuring

primary infrastructure such as stove and cylinder

for use of LPG.

Himachal Pradesh & Sikkim Governments •

have a policy to allocate additional quota of

clean fuels (LPG, kerosene) to residents of hilly

areas and tour operators, respectively in order

to prevent deforestation. Biomass-to-energy and

small hydropower plants need to be encouraged

in the mountain areas to meet the energy needs.

Provision of LPG as a clean cooking fuel in

appropriately sized cylinders should also be

considered to reduce pressure on the forests.


Conservation Areas and Forest Zone Management for Community Development



Conservation area management through community involvement

The conservation areas in the Indian Himalaya cover nearly

10% of the area of IHR, which is higher than the national

average of about 7.3%. However, both the fi gures are

below the current global average of 12% coverage. In view

of the biophysical values of the Himalayan region, there is a

need to further strengthen the conservation area network in

the region by considering various proposals. Based on the

biodiversity values, to give coverage to all representative

ecosystems of biogeographic units, additional biosphere

reserves and other protected areas need to be designated.

While initiatives for strengthening of conservation areas

are essentially required, there is also a need for reorienting

existing norms and management practices by harnessing

the income generating potential of local communities

(Box 14) so as to promote their interest and participation in

conservation activities.

In the context of above, among other things,

implementation of the concept of biosphere reserve,

which promotes in situ conservation of all forms of life

with its support system, an underlying referral system for

monitoring and evaluating changes in natural ecosystems

and indigenous communities, needs to be strengthened in

the region. The wilderness of the Himalayan Biospheres,

one of the biggest assets for the future [Dehang–Debang

in Arunachal Pradesh; Nokrek in Meghalaya; Manas and

Dibru-Saikhowa in Assam; Kangchendzonga in Sikkim;

Nanda Devi in Uttarakhand; Cold Desert in Himachal

Pradesh], thus, requires special attaention. Some of

these landscapes, based on their bio-physical and socio-

cultural features have potential to also emerge as areas

of ‘incomparable value’ [e.g., the Cold Desert BR, HP

(including the proposed landscape in J&K); Nanda Devi BR

landscape, Uttarakhand; Dehang Dibang BR, Arunachal

Pradesh and Kanchendzonga BR, Sikkim].

Pradesh], thus, requires special attaention. Some of

Box 14

Suggested Provisions for Income

Generation from Conservation


Provision of entry fees for local community •


Allow community access to such areas for •

collection of fallen wood/litter and controlled

collection of forest products including

economically important wild plants.

Use of forest produce for value addition, like use •

of pine needles for making of bio-briquettes.

Develop opportunities for employment of local •

communities for area conservation and nature

interpretation through proper training

Promote initiatives of value addition in •

traditional technology/knowledge such as

handicraft, fermented food/beverages, apiculture

and cattle breeding to upgrade the income of

local inhabitants.




Acknowledging community contribution through PES

Proper acknowledgment of the contribution of indigenous

communities in the maintenance of goods and services

emanating from the Himalayan ecosystem is an essential

requirement. The stewardship role played by mountain

farmers in maintaining the regional agrobiodiversity and

local genetic heritage deserves priority recognition in the

form of adequate incentives so as to ensure their long-term

involvement. Likewise, in the context of growing recognition

of the value of ecosystem services, there is a need for

the identifi cation of appropriate mechanisms to support

and reward the indigenous communities which maintain

or contribute towards the improvement of such services.

Some potential initiatives to reward conservation efforts are

listed in Box 15.

Special efforts must be made for the implementation

of PES in the region under the upcoming international

climate framework and steps must be taken to harness

benefi ts from the programmes like ‘Reduced Emission

from Deforestation and Forest Degradation’ (REDD) under

the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

Change (UNFCC). This would require the integration and

involvement of diverse stakeholder groups for developing

effective and feasible mechanisms to conserve carbon

in the existing forests, and by slowing down the rate of

deforestation and degradation of forests. The value of

India’s forests as carbon sink is given in Box 16.

In this context, there is need for a wide ranging campaign

to promote ‘Tree Farming’ across the region in order to

cover the hill slopes with such species of trees and shrubs

which are of value to the hill people in the form of food,

ibibibibbibbbibbutututututututteeeeee totototototototoowawawawwwawaardrdrdrdrdrddrdrddddsssssss ththththththhththhheeeeeeeee imimiimimimimimmimprprprppprprrprovoovovvovvovo ememeemememmmemmmeemmmeneeneeeeennnennnnnnnnnennttttttttttttt ofofofofffofooofoooof sssssucucucucccucuuuuuchhhhhhhhhhh sssssesseeeeeessssservrrrrvrviiicicicicii eseessesesssess

Box 16

Forests and Tree Cover as Carbon


India’s forests and tree cover accounts for about

23.4 % of the total geographical area of the country.

Th e National policies of the country aimed at

conservation and sustainable management of forests

have transformed these resources into a net carbon

sink of CO2. Th e carbon stocks stored in the forests

of the country have increased from 6244.78 to

6621.55 million tonnes (mt) in the last decade

(1995- 2005) registering an annual increment of

138.15 mt of CO2 equivalent. Aff orestation and

reforestation of 6 million hectare of degraded forest

land covered under the National Mission for Green

India with participation of Joint Forest Management

(JFM) would be able to add another 18 mt of carbon

by 2020. Th e annual addition of 6 mt of biomass will

increase the annual emission removal capability of

forests from 4.87 % to 5.18 % of the corresponding

projected emissions by 2020.

Source: ICFRE 2009

6 2

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orororror cccccconooononoonononnnooooooonntrtttrtrtrtrtttriiii






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Box 15

Some Initiatives to Reward the

Conservation Eff orts

In recognition of forests as national wealth, the •

12th Finance Commission has recommended

an incremental grant of Rs 1000 crore spread

over the award period of 2005 – 10 for the

maintenance of forests. Th is amount is to be

distributed among the states based on their

forest area for the preservation of forest wealth.

Th e present system needs to be appropriately

modifi ed to adequately account for the

Himalayan hill states.

As two thirds of the geographic area of the IHR •

is targeted to be under forest cover, with the

local communities playing an important part

in its maintenance, payments for the ecosystem

services (PES) of the standing forests of this

region can be one such measure to involve the

local communities in the conservation and

adaptation eff orts.

Apple growers in Himachal Pradesh have started •

renting colonies of honey bees, for pollinating

orchards, from the Department of Horticulture

and private bee keepers. Rate of renting a colony

was up to US $ 20 (Rs 950) for a season in 2004.

Th is highlights the need for strengthening the

tradion of organic farming in the IHR.


fodder, fuel, fi bre and leaf manure, etc. Under this initiative,

planting of species of trees with edibility value for wildlife in

forest gaps and margins is likely to minimize the incidence

of crop and property damage by wild animals. This would

also help in the reduction of man-animal confl icts.


Conservation through integration of traditional & cultural values

Realizing the need for maintaining the valuable gene pool

of traditional varieties/land races of at least domesticated

biodiversity, and for the promotion of indigenous ‘best

management practices’ in mountain farming (as an

adaptation and coping option under changing climate

scenario), appropriate incentive mechanisms need to be

framed and implemented for the benefi t of indigenous

farming communities of the region. In this context, the

facilitation of organic farming, which encompasses

commodities, value added foods, woollens, health

products, has emerged as an effective option. Certain state

governments (e.g., Mizoram, Uttarakhand, Sikkim) in the

region have already taken the lead in this regard (Box 17).

Also, to harness community support to maintain and

conserve the uniqueness of biodiversity (both wild and

domesticated), there is a need for the integration of

cultural values and indigenous knowledge practices with

management (Box 18 a & b). It is also important to put in

place an adequate reward system for the communities.

The contribution of the Himalayan medicinal plant diversity

in traditional health care systems, and the knowledge

available to traditional health practitioners and vaidyas

also need to be studied and rewarded. The promotion of

cultivation of medicinal plants in their respective altitudinal

zones is a viable potential option for its conservation and

sustainable utilization.

Shifting cultivation, the most prominent farming system

of north east Himalaya, has been a way of life for a large

number of ethnic groups and other marginalized upland

communities. This practice, on account of its perceived

negative environmental consequences, is often considered

controversial. However, realizing its deep rooted linkages

with indigenous ethnic culture and its importance for

ensuring social and environmental security (Box 19), there

is a need to fi nd ways and means to reduce its ill effects

and promote ecological (e.g., biodiversity conservation,

forest and farm management), and economic values

Box 17

Mizoram Moves towards Organic


Th e Legislative Assembly of Mizoram passed

the Mizoram Organic Farming Act (2004) on

12.07.2004, to introduce, adopt areas for, promote

and regulate organic farming in consonance with

the National Organic Programme. Th e aims, among

others, include:

To notify areas of organic farming and to •

undertake such farming in such areas;

To encourage the development of organic •

farming in private land and organic processing

through various measures as may be prescribed;

To facilitate certifi cation of organic products in •

the state in conformity to the National Standards

for organic products;

To facilitate marketing of organic products in the •

local, national and international markets;

To make infra-structure for organic farming •

including permitted inputs or material easily

available to the intending farmers.

Source: Th e Mizoram Organic Farming Act, 2004;

Act No 6 of 2004, passed on 12.07.2004)

(e.g., species of commercial value and innovative organic

farming) for the overall development of the region and its



Improving indigenous stewardship through gender empowerment

Realizing the close association of women with nature (and

its resources) in the entire Himalayan region, women can

be further encouraged and adequately trained in increasing

the protection of these resources. The world recognized

‘Chipko’ movement of Uttarakhand, which ultimately had

an impact on government policies, also was an initiative

led by rural women. For example, Gaura Devi, one of the

champions of the cause had the support of her entire

community. There are examples that clearly demonstrate

that the promotion of participation of women in decision


Box 18a

Community Eff orts – Sustaining

Soil Fertility by Protecting the


Th e Apatani tribe of Arunachal Pradesh having sound

traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of forest,

land and water management, has highly developed

valley cultivation of rice over centuries. Wet rice land

agro-ecosystem is dependent upon nutrient fl ow from

the hill slopes. With crop harvest, nutrients are lost.

Th e farmers grow wet rice integrated with fi sh culture

in terraces and fi nger millet on the risers. To maintain

and regulate water supply and nutrients to the fi eld,

the surrounding hills are fully covered with forests

and protected by the community. Th e Apatanies

under the overall supervision of their village headman

have optimized water use along with nutrient use in

their rice fi elds.

Box 18b

Traditional Wisdom – Maintaining

Soil Fertility

Th e Nagaland state produces horticulture crops like

passion fruit, banana, ginger, orange, cardamom,

French beans, black pepper, turmeric, pineapple, etc.

Alder (Alnus nepalensis), a multipurpose, nitrogen

fi xing tree species is maintained along with the

crops to enhance soil fertility. Th e value of alder

tree was recognized by the tribal farmers long back

and more than 200 years old trees can be seen.

Agricultural crops, together with alder trees, form a

very remunerative agro-forestry system. Knononome

village in Kohima is proud of its alder plantations

and alder tree based agriculture. Keeping in view

their traditional approach, the state government has

launched a programme called Communitisation of

Public Institutions and Services.

Source: Envis Bulletin – Himalayan Ecology ( 2001);

Vol 9 (1): 31-36)

Box 19

Ensuring Equitable Access to

Shifting Cultivation Patches –

Strong Traditional Institution in

Ukhrul, Manipur

Th ere has been a growing realization and need for re-

thinking the practices of shifting cultivation in north

eastern region. Th e researches supported by ICIMOD

have found that shifting cultivation, and the farmers’

innovations in particular, while maintain agricultural

and forest productivity also contribute to forest cover

and biodiversity conservation. Commercial niche

products and organic farming contribute to economic

development. Th e local institutions developed, by

communities that practice shifting cultivation, were

found to be relatively strong, by enhancing social

security and cultural integrity.

Th e land tenure system of the Tangkhuls in Ukhrul

(Manipur) is a mix of private and community

ownership. Th e traditional institution, known as

Hangvu, decides on all matters relating to local

governance, including land use, access and control of

resources. Th e Hangvu ensures equitable access of all

households to shifting cultivation patches. Th e tenure

system follows a broad framework as in the case of

other upland communities.

Source: ICIMOD 2006. Debating shifting cultivation

in the Eastern Himalaya


Box 20

Empowering Women to Manage

Community Forests – Jamatia,


As is the norm in other parts of north east region, the

communities in Toirupha, Tripura, heavily depend on

forest resources for wide range of goods and services.

Jamatia village of Toirupha is inhabited by Jamatias,

the third largest of the 19 tribes of Tripura. Th ey are

one of the most organized of all tribes of Tripura.

In the seventies, when the community experienced

severe depletion of forests, the village elders decided

to revive the community forestry or daikong bolong,

renaming it Asha Van (Forest of Hope). A unique

feature of Asha Van is that it is protected entirely by

the women of the village. It is an example of their

success through empowering women to manage 300

hectare of forests. Th is empowerment took place,

through recognition of the capacity and commitment

of the women, without any outside infl uence

EXTSAREGTOPWATERS/Resources/ Paper_12_

Community Forestry_fi nal.pdf

Box 20

Empowering Women to Manage

Community Forests – Jamatia,


As is the norm in other parts of north east region, the

communities in Toirupha, Tripura, heavily depend on

forest resources for wide range of goods and services.

Jamatia village of Toirupha is inhabited by Jamatias,

the third largest of the 19 tribes of Tripura. Th ey are

one of the most organized of all tribes of Tripura.

In the seventies, when the community experienced

severe depletion of forests, the village elders decided

to revive the community forestry or daikong bolong,

renaming it Asha Van (Forest of Hope). A unique

feature of Asha Van is that it is protected entirely by

the women of the village. It is an example of their

success through empowering women to manage 300

hectare of forests. Th is empowerment took place,

through recognition of the capacity and commitment

of the women, without any outside infl uence

EXTSAREGTOPWATERS/Resources/ Paper_12_

Community Forestry_fi nal.pdf

making process can ensure protection of natural resources

at the community level (Box 20). However, there is a need

to facilitate capacity building of women in different sectors,

mainly in farm-based and plantation activities. Considering

that agricultural activities in IHR are by tradition organic

and largely conducted by women, their welfare can be

facilitated effectively by adopting a strategy of providing

market opportunity to organic produce or by adding value

to raw produce to fetch better returns. This would augment

the income of mountain households substantially and raise

the status of women in society.


Monitoring Networks


The Himalayan ecosystem requires careful monitoring in

order to develop a scientifi c basis for ascertaining their

evolution and causes thereoff. The key areas for monitoring

are presented in Box 21.

Among the identifi ed areas under physical systems, the

Himalayan Glaciers, on account of their proven sensitivity

to climatic perturbations and value of their downstream

ecosystem services deserve priority attention (Box 22).

Initiatives taken by the Government of India in the context

of glacier studies are given in Box 23.

Further, the entire Himalayan region has been described

by the IPCC Fourth Assessment (2007) as data defi cient,

in terms of climate monitoring. It is vital to adequately

augment the initiatives for long-term ecological and weather

monitoring (Box 24) across the region so as to address the

issue of knowledge gaps which is at present considered

a serious impediment. Since several other countries in

the South Asian region share the Himalayan ecology,

appropriate forms of scientifi c collaboration and exchange

of information needs to be strengthened to enhance

understanding of ecosystem changes and their effects. A

noteworthy transboundary initiative to address the above

gap is under active consideration through collaboration

of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain

Development (ICIMOD) with GBPIHED in India, and key

partner institutions in other regional member countries of

the Hindu Kush Himalayan Region.

Among the identifi ed critical areas for biological systems,

critical habitats deserve special consideration with respect

to their responses to changing scenarios. Few attempts

by institutions like GBPIHED on critical habitats (e.g.,

timberline zone) and other organizations, such as studies

on alpine pastures by Wildlife Institute of India (WII) may

form the base for detecting such responses (Box 25).

on alpine pastures by Wildlife Institute of India (WII) may

Box 21

Key Areas for Monitoring

Himalayan Ecosystems

a. Physical systems

Glaciers (glacial & seasonal snow covers)•

Snowmelt dynamics and its contribution to river •

water fl ows

Water issues (regional water basins to location •

specifi c recharge issues)

Weather and climate trends – relevant datasets •

(establishment of ‘weather towers’)

Land degradation, land use land cover changes•

Energy systems (alternate energy and energy •

effi ciency)

b. Biological systems

Critical habitats (ecotones, wetlands, alpines, •

etc.) and species (native, endemic, and

economically valuable, etc.)

Ecosystem structure, diversity, resilience•

Ecosystem functions (including carbon •

sequestration and water relations)


Box 22

Glacier Studies – Need of the Day

Glaciers are not only sensitive indicators of global

change, but they are a source of water for relatively

heavily populated regions, and can pose risks/hazards

directly to local human population. Th e glaciers of

IHR occupy about 17 per cent of its mountain area.

Studies of Geological Survey of India (GSI), Space

Application Centre (SAC) and other organisations

suggest that glaciers are receding at inconsistent

rates viz., Dokriani (17.5 m/year), Milam 13.3 (m/

year), Pindari 23.5 (m/year), and Zemu (13.2 m/

year). Th e recently conducted study using kinematic

GPS by GBPIHED has revealed lowering of retreat

of Gangotri glacier (17.5 m/year till 2004 and 11.95

m/year in 2004-07), without any signifi cant change

in meltwater discharge. Hence, one of the principal

challenges currently facing glaciologists is to predict

the manner in which these ice masses will respond

to climate change. In this context, some specifi cally

designed studies should be taken up to derive

the Glacier Response Function for representative

glaciers to understand the impact of climate change

on glaciers and on watershed services provided by

Himalayan glaciers to downstream areas.

However, there is no conclusive scientifi c evidence as

yet to suggest that the retreat of Himalayan glaciers is

being caused by climate change. Th e Department of

Science & Technology, GOI has initiated a Centre for

Glaciology at Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology,



Box 23

Monitoring Snow and Glaciers of the


In view of the importance of snow and glaciers in the context

of water resources, hydrology, environment and the climate

change, a project on monitoring of snow and glaciers in the

Himalaya was taken up by the Space Applications Centre

(SAC), Ahmedabad. It is a joint project of the Ministry of

Environment & Forests and Department of Space which aims

at: i) Basin wise monitoring of seasonal snow cover of Indian

Himalaya (every 5 days) for the year 2004 to 2008 ii) Glacier

inventory of the entire Himalayan region on 1,50,000 scale

iii) Monitoring of glacier retreat/ advance for the selected

glaciers in 14 representative basins of Indian Himalaya, and

iv) Monitoring of snow line and mass balance estimation in 10

basins of the Himalaya. Th e project is being executed by the

Space Applications Centre in collaboration with a large number

of organizations in the country.

Based on the results obtained and experience gained during

the course of the above project, the Ministry of Environment

and Forests has decided to continue the work on snow and

glacier monitoring in the Himalaya and has suggested that the

Space Applications Centre take up this work in collaboration

with all the organizations of the country working in this fi eld.

Accordingly, the monitoring of seasonal snow cover for the

entire Indian Himalaya and monitoring the retreat/ advance of

the glaciers in the representative basins will be taken up.

Box 24

Long Term Weather

Monitoring Programme

Considering the IHR as data defi cit

in terms of climatic data, GBPIHED

in collaboration with Centre for

Mathematical Modelling and Computer

Simulation (C-MMACS), Bangalore is

initiating a long term weather monitoring

programme in IHR. Under this program

a series of 32 m high weather towers

are proposed to be installed for the

monitoring, analysis and modelling

of Sustainability and Mitigation over

the Himalayan Belt with Reference to

Climate Variability.

A network of permanent GPS stations

across IHR is also under implementation

as a new venture of the GBPIHED.


Box 25

WII Initiatives for Studies on Sensitive Himalayan Wildlife

A considerable part of the existing protected areas (31.5%) and individual wildlife species (16) of the IHR have been

covered in various research projects of the Wildlife Institute of India (WII). Th is gives ample scope to cover diff erent

biodiversity rich areas to study highly endangered and endemic species. Th e WII has also undertaken few projects on

diff erent subject matters as a part of its dissertation work. Till date, the topics covered, pertaining to IHR, include the


Shifting cultivation and conservation of tropical forest bird communities in Mizoram.•

Food selection and ranging in hoolock gibbon (• Hylobates hoolock, Harlan 1834) in Borajan Reserved Forests,


Eff ect of habitat alternation on herpetofauna assemblages of evergreen forest in Mizoram.•

Habitat use by Rhino and other associate ungulates in Kaziranga National Park, Assam.•

Pattern in species composition and distribution among vascular epiphytes in low lying semi-evergreen forests of •

Arunachal Pradesh.

A proposal was also mooted by WII, and agreed upon, that each north eastern state must have a Wildlife Research

and Training Cell within the forests department, to be headed by a senior offi cer, for developing permanent and viable

liasioning with a similar cell in the WII, on matters related to wildlife research and training needs. While four states

(Mizoram, Manipur, Tripura and Meghalaya) have already created the Cell, other states are in the process of doing

so. Th e WII has also drafted one Action Plan on Wildlife Research and Training specifi cally for the north eastern

states, which has been circulated to each state for detailed discussions and fi nalization regarding identifi cation and

prioritization process of specifi c research and training needs. Most of the states have acted on this draft Action Plan

and submitted a list of prioritized research and training issues for future course of action.


Infrastructure Development – Integration of New Approaches



Ideal Himalayan HabitatsCreation of suitable human habitats under the changing

economic and ecological scenario is an important issue in

the IHR. The concept of an ‘Ideal Himalayan Habitat’ needs

to be evaluated for its effective implementation, at least in

representative sites (Box 26).


Ecologically safer roads – green roadsIt is often argued that roads bring development by providing

much needed connectivity and accessibility. As such, the

road sector has been given high priority under the Indian

Governement’s Pradhan Mantri Grameen Sarak Yojana

(PMGSY) to ensure connectivity to each village having

a population of 250 or more in the hills. The present

techniques used for hill road construction are often

damaging to the sensitive Himalayan ecosystem (Box 27)

Therefore, there is an urgent need for developing guidelines

and bye laws to promote the Green Roads concept in

the IHR. The Rural Roads initiative in Nepal is a good

example of the successful implementation of the concept

in the Himalaya. The broad guidelines for the Green Roads

sector in the IHR are presented in the Annexure VI.


Comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment of Developmental ProjectsThe country recognizes Environmental Impact Assessment

as an important tool for maintaining ecological equilibrium.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests issued the new

Environmental Impact Assessment Notifi cation on 14th

September, 2006. The provisions of this notifi cation impose

certain restrictions and prohibitions on new projects or

activities, or on the expansion or modernization of existing

projects or activities based on their potential environmental

impacts. Importance of such provisions is particularly

relevant while considering the infrastructure development in

the sensitive Himalayan ecosystem. Considering a series of

developmental activities pertaining to hydropower projects

in different basins, there has been a growing realization for

undertaking comprehensive EIAs which consider carrying

capacity assessment at the basin level. A few initiatives

have been taken (Box 28).

ti iti th i d i ti f i ti

Box 26

Ideal Himalayan Habitats

Considering the ecological fragility of the region,

the concept of ‘Ideal Himalayan Habitats’ requires

promotion. Th is would include formulation and

implementation of holistic plans. Examples include

implementation of Environment Action Plans at the

watershed level, to help transform human habitats by

catalyzing the innate aspirations of local communities

towards greater sustainability and habitat

conservation using participatory approaches. Such

eff orts would also include functional consolidation

of land for promotion of natural resources based

employment generation in the region. It is felt that

the concept of ‘Ideal Himalayan Habitats’ should be

implemented in such a way that it includes adequate

representation of regions’ cultural diversity and

prevailing indigenous knowledge.


While considering the Himalayan Ecosystem, the

provisions of the EIA notifi cation now cover all new mining

projects and/or expansion and modernization of existing

mining projects, irrespective of minerals (i.e., major or

minor). This will also help reduce illegal sand stone mining

from riverbeds, thereby improving the ecological health of

riverine habitats, in the IHR.

While considering the Himalayan Ecosystem, the

Box 27

Impact of Road Construction in

IHR: Some Examples

Th e construction of 44,000 km road in the •

Himalaya generates about 2640m3 of debris

(Environmental Regeneration in Himalaya:

Concepts and Strategies. CHEA & Gyanodaya

Prakashan, Nainital: 12-38. 1995).

About 39% of the road bed is aff ected by rockfall •

and 38% by slumping, i.e., about 24 debris

chutes/km2 (Kumaun Himalaya. Mountain

Research and Development, 9(1): 25-33. 1989).

At the average rate of 550 m• 3/km/year, the total

landslide debris on Himalayan roads would be

of the order of 24 million cubic meter annually

(Environmental Geology: Indian Context T.M.H.,

New Delhi :583p. 1987).

72 landslides was reported larger than 10 m• 3 and

total landslide sediment yield of 1105 m3/km

along 66km reach of the Mussoorie-Tehri road in

1978 (Geomoph N.F. sb 51:17-38).

Box 28

Carrying Capacity Assessment at

Basin Level

At the instance of the Ministry of Environment and

Forests, Government of India, a study of Carrying

Capacity of Teesta basin in Sikkim was conducted

to suggest the optimum utilisation of hydropower

potential with least environmental damage. Th e

study helped in formulating guidelines for overall

development of hydropower in Teesta basin over and

above the usual individual project to project based

EIAs. Th e MoEF is keen to make this a standard

practice for all river basin areas in the country,

especially in the IHR.




The sustainability of the IHR will depend on striking a balance between the

fragile ecosystem components, namely forest, land & soil, water, and snow,

representing the ‘green’, ‘brown’, ‘blue’ and ‘white’ colours, respectively14. In

the light of best practices of resource management and based on the lessons

learned thus far, we have suggested a set of practical guidelines for sustaining

Himalayan ecosystem. For implementing this, one needs to visualize a picture

of the region which is not only acceptable to those who live in the region, but

also to those who live beyond.

The forests that presently occupy 41.5% (FSI, 2005) of the IHR and are

the main contributors to the ‘green’ colour, should not decline but increase

through appropriate guidelines and practices for linking its conservation

with community initiatives and fi scal incentives for the local inhabitants.

Mechanisms such as ‘REDD Plus’ which India is advocating at international

climate change negotiations, and fi scal transfers to ‘green’ states may be

considered for this.

The preservation of the land and soil of the region (representing the so called

‘brown’ colour) requires operational land conservation and town planning

guidelines that will effectively regulate unplanned growth in the name of

tourism. The IHR should be considered broader than a commercial tourist

destination and should be developed as a major ecotourism centre as well as

for pilgrimage and adventure tourism.

Due to the increasing importance of water security (representing the colour

‘blue’) conservation and protection measures need to be augmented to

improve the natural water regimes of the IHR.

The snow and glaciers (representing the ‘white’ ) in the context of the

Himalayan region, are key contributors to the sustenance of all other colours.

Unfortunately, the white is also showing signs of wear and decline, and this is

of particular importance in the wake of climate change. Establishment of an

effective monitoring network for assessment and prediction of future changes

of these vital resources along with conservation measures are urgently

needed. The National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem is a

step in this direction.

The people who are born in the IHR continue to remain the primary

stakeholders. So, improving awareness and providing knowledge, training and

skills to these primary stakeholders, and developing appropriate policy and

infrastructure for them, for sustainable harnessing of natural resources and

broader socioeconomic development become indispensable.

This publication has attempted to suggest operational guidelines that should

help restrict (and reduce) adverse effects on the sensitive ecosystem of the

IHR, and maintain a critical dynamic equilibrium among key resources of the

IHR, that are referred to as the ‘green’, ‘brown’, ‘blue’ and ‘white’ components.14

14 Draft Report on Comprehensive Development of Hill States & Hill areas (Indian Himalayan Region), prepared by GBPIHED for the Task force of Planning Commission, GOI (2009).


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Annexure I

Solid Waste Management

Guidelines/prescriptions disallowing indiscriminate disposal of garbage, particularly the non-degradable waste, caused by •

accumulation of plastic bottles and polythene bags in hill towns in the Himalaya should be immediately put in place.

Good quality potable water may be made available at various locations in hill towns so that people can fi ll their bottles, •

on payment basis.

Preventive and management steps for solid waste management need to be initiated at the point of origin itself, i.e., •

households in the urban/rural localities, trekking routes and camps, and expedition tops.

Documentation about the varying composition of waste from the hill towns to expedition tops is essential. Th e nature •

and extent of solid waste will enable identifi cation of the source(s).

Techniques such as conversion of biodegradable waste into biocompost, or vermicompost should be promoted in place of •

land fi lling, open dumping or burning.

Th e four `R’s principle’ should be applied for waste management problem: Refuse waste prone commodities, Reuse •

discarded commodities for other uses, Reduce through segregation into broad categories—biodegradable and

non-biodegradable at household/ individual level, and Re-manufacturing once fully used or completely unusable

commodities/items from factories such as ruptured plastic into plastic noodles for new products. Such practices would

also help generate income.

Awarness and capacity building of the stakeholders like urban/rural dwellers, municipalities, tourists, trekkers, expedition •

members in promoting the suggested management plan in a particular geographic region would greatly help in managing

the waste in the IHR.

Annexure II

Hill Town Planning and Architectural Norms

Fragmentation of habitat in hill areas should be prevented. Th e habitats in hill/mountain areas should be consolidated in •

order to avoid demands for creation of additional infrastructure.

Specifi c areas for rural/urban development should be designated beyond which construction may not be permitted. •

No construction should be undertaken in areas having slope above 30• 0 on areas which fall in hazard zones or areas

falling on the spring lines and fi rst order streams identifi ed by the State Governments on the basis of available scientifi c


Construction should be permitted in areas with slope between 10• 0 to 300 or spring recharge areas or old landslide zones

with such restrictions as competent local authority may decide.

Architectural and aesthetic norms for construction of buildings in mountain/hill areas should be enforced. •

Tourist resorts, commercial complexes and institutional buildings should be located in areas with surplus water and •

electricity so as not to aff ect the rights of existing users without their prior consultation.

Where cutting in an area causes ecological damage and slope instability in adjacent areas, such cuttings shall not be •

undertaken unless appropriate measures are taken to avoid such damages.

An integrated development plan may be prepared taking into consideration environmental and other relevant factors •

including ecologically sensitive areas, hazard zones, drainage channels, steep slopes and fertile lands. Areas rich in ground

water may not be diverted for construction activities.

In highly seismic areas like Himalaya, all construction should incorporate earthquake resistant features as prescribed in •

building codes, guidelines, manuals and other bye-laws.

Location-specifi c technologies should be deployed for construction of buildings (including use of hollow blocks for better •

insulation of buildings, and making use of passive solar heating (e.g., in extreme cold areas like Leh in Laddakh).

Regulation of sale/purchase of land and residential/commercial buildings may be considered in order to prevent violation •

of land use planning norms.

“Green roads” having channels for collection of water for irrigation purposes should be made a part of the construction •



Annexure III

Regulating Tourists and Pilgrimage to Sensitive Areas

Pilgrimage tourism in the Himalaya requires both development and regulation so as to reduce congestion and resultant •


Th e accommodation and road transport infrastructure needs to be developed in pilgrimage sites. Existing •

accommodation in the pilgrimage sites needs to be improved with adequate amenities and facilities throughout the

region wherever it has potential.

All existing sites should have adequate provision of garbage disposal and management.•

Sacred groves in the Himalaya, particularly the NE region, have been proving to be the best means of conservation for •

natural resources such as forests; emphasis should thus be placed on spreading the idea in other parts of Himalaya with a

provision for the villagers for some earnings from the visitors.

An inventory of historical, sensitive and sacred sites including sacred groves should be prepared and their vulnerability •

should be assessed.

Th e number of tourists to vulnerable sites should be regulated and limited, e.g., Gangotri glacier. •

Th e pilgrimage tourism is a kind of “economy class” tourism in the Indian Himalayan Region since most pilgrims •

generally belong to middle income group and prefer to stay in Dharamshalas and moderately priced accommodation.

Suitable accommodation and other facilities need to be made available accordingly. Th is will also help in identifying

carrying capacity of the area in accommodating the infl ow of tourists.

Th e access to such (and other) sites of incomparable value through vehicles needs to be restricted beyond a certain zone.•

Annexure IV

Promoting Ecotourism and Regulation of Commercial Tourism

5-Star approach in respect of hospitality industry should be replaced by homestead approach to promote mountain •


Eco-tourism villages, parks, sanctuaries and other areas should be identifi ed to establish a primary base for ecotourism.•

Village communities, especially youths, and rural women should be involved in Ecotourism. •

Restriction should be placed in terms of visitors per day/ per group to the eco-tourist sites in order to minimise adverse •

impact and maintain the sustainability of the eco-tourist destination.

Economic instruments and product diversifi cation can also be used for regulation of tourist numbers.•

Restrictions on the entry of vehicles should be imposed in sensitive ecological sites.•

Fund raised should be used for basic resources, eco-tourism element conservation, and education and awareness •

campaigns for visitor/ host community sensitization.

Incentive structures should be developed by according specifi c roles to the locals in management of tourism and allied •

industries. Th eir capacity building in diff erent segments of the enterprise should be built so that they feel involved and

react in a responsible manner.

Local art, crafts, cuisines, and dishes should be promoted and made an integral part of tourist experience in order to •

ensure that most benefi ts go to locals and, at the same time, their cultural integrity/ entity is not lost in the face of

acculturation and cultural drift.

It should be mandatory for expedition to remove and take out the garbage, refuse and particularly the non-degradable •

materials. Expeditions should be asked to leave a deposit as security with an appropriate authority to ensure that the

regulation is met.

It should be mandatory for all trekking parties to demonstrably have suffi cient kerosene/gas fuel for their entire need. •

Penalties on the use of wood should be imposed.

Best practices on commercial trekking should be imposed on a mandatory basis in consultation with institutions having •

the necessary expertise and Government approval.

Interactive websites relating to mountain access, trails, availability of facilities should be set up which should also provide •

the facility of online request, approval for visit to parks, restricted sites and payment of fees, etc.

Creation of log/bamboo huts should be promoted in busy mountain areas.•


Annexure Va

Rejuvenation of Springs and Degraded Sites

Special attention should be paid to recharge of ground water and improvement of hydrology and quality of mountain •

lakes/wetlands through restoration of forests.

Detailed geological mapping should be conducted to identify the spring recharge zone and locate structures such as, •

joints, faults, shear zone fractures and cleavage, etc.

Nuclear water prospecting technologies available with National Institute of Hydrology and Bhabha Atomic Research •

Centre (BARC) should be used to map the water sources and prevent the construction activities in such locations that

could damage or adversely aff ect such sources.

Th ere should be engineering measures to protect recharge zone from biotic interferences, such as grazing, felling of trees •

and cutting of grasses and other vegetation, mining, wildfi re, etc. in the form of barbed wire/stone wall fencing.

Social fencing measures, e.g. (i) digging shallow infi ltration trenches (1-1.5 ft. deep) along contours and small percolation •

ditches on sites showing open joints, fractured or sheared rocks and providing stone gravel mulch in these trenches to

reduce evaporation losses and soil erosion; (ii) construction of stone-mud check dams in gullies to store rainwater and

check soil erosion; and (iii) land levelling, maintenance of crop fi eld bunds to allow stagnation of rainwater should be


Vegetative measures include clothing the recharge zone with grasses, shrubs and broadleaf trees at suitable distances with •

the aim to enhance rainwater infi ltration and reduce rainwater runoff . Th e selection of plants should be made from the

local fl ora after consultation with the local people. Shallow-rooted plants are most desirable for this purpose. Leaf litter

and weed mulching at barren spots would induce rainwater infi ltration and reduce evaporation loss of soil moisture.

Involvement of stakeholder community should be ensured at every step of the Spring Sanctuary Development. Th e •

maintenance and aftercare of the interventions have to be ensured through their involvement.

Annexure Vb

Rain Water Harvesting

All buildings to be constructed in future in urban areas should have provision for roof-top rain water harvesting •

commensurate with its plinth area with minimum capacity of 5 KL for plinth area above 200 sq. m., 2 KL for plinth area

of 200 sq. m. or below in case of residential buildings and minimum capacity of 0.01 cum per sq. m. of plinth area in

case of commercial and institutional buildings such as tourist complexes, hotels, shopping complexes and Government


Minimum standards for commercial and institutional buildings shall also apply to such buildings in areas not covered •

within the limits of urban areas.

Where minimum standards have already been laid down by the State Government such standards shall take precedence;•

Th e institutional and commercial buildings should not draw water from existing water supply schemes which adversely •

aff ect water supply to local villages or settlements.

In rural areas rain water harvesting should be undertaken through such structures as percolation tanks, storage tanks and •

any other means.

Spring sanctuary development should be undertaken in the spring recharge zones to augment spring water discharge.•

Rain water collected through storm water drains should be used to clean the waste disposal drains and sewers.•

Ground water aquifer recharge structures should be constructed wherever such structures do not lead to slope •



Annexure VI

Ecologically Safer Roads

For construction of any road in the Himalayan region of more than 5 km (including extension/widening of existing •

roads) length where the same may not be tarred roads and environmental impact assessment is otherwise not required,

environmental impact assessment should be carried out in accordance with the instructions to be issued for this purpose

by the State Governments.

Provision should be made in the design of the road for treatment of hill slope instabilities resulting from road cutting, •

cross drainage works and culverts using bio-engineering and other appropriate techniques by including the cost of such

measures in the cost estimate of the proposed road.

Provisions should also be made for disposal of debris from construction sites in appropriate manner at suitable and •

identifi ed locations so as not to aff ect the ecology of the area adversely; further, the dumped material should be treated

using bio-engineering and other appropriate techniques and the cost of such measures should be included in the cost

estimate of the proposed road.

Wherever hot mix plants are used, they should be set up at least 2 km away from settlements and a minimum area of 200 •

sq. m. surrounding the site should be devoid of vegetation.

No stone quarrying should be carried out without proper management and treatment plan including rehabilitation plan •

and fi nancial provision for rehabilitation of the site should be included in the cost of the management plan.

All hill roads should be provided with adequate number of road side drains and these drains shall be kept free from •

blockage for runoff disposal; in the event that this is not done and this fact leads to damages that could otherwise have

been prevented, the persons responsible should be liable for prosecution/damages; further, the cross drains shall be

treated suitably using bio-engineering and other appropriate technologies so as to minimise slope instability.

Th e runoff from the road side drains should be connected with the natural drainage system in the area.•

Fault zones and historically land slide prone zones should be avoided during alignment of a road, where for any reason •

it is not possible to do so, notice should be given providing full justifi cation and the construction should be carried out

only after suffi cient measures have been taken to minimize the associated risks.

Notice should be given about all fault zones and land slide zones along the roads indicating the beginning and the end of •

such areas.

Ridge alignment should be preferred to valley alignment.•

Alignment should be selected so as to minimise loss of vegetal cover.•

South or South-west alignment should be preferred to avoid moist areas.•

Appropriate design standards should be followed while designing the roads including mass balancing of cut and fi ll and •

avoidance of unnecessary cutting.

Encouragement should be provided for use of debris material for local development.•


S.N. Institution

1 Forest Research Institute (FRI), Dehradun

2 Himalayan Forest Research Institute (HFRI), Shimla

3 Rain Forest Research Institute (RFRI), Jorhat

4 Central Soil & Water Conservation Research & Training Institute (CSWCRTI), Dehradun

5 Botanical Survey of India, (BSI), Kolkata

6 Forest Survey of India (FSI), Dehradun

7 G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, (GBPIHED) Almora

8 Wildlife Institute of India (WII), Dehradun

9 Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), Kolkata

10 State Forest Research Institute, Itanagar

11 Central Institute of Temperate Horticulture (CITH), Srinagar

12 Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI), Shimla

13 Vivekanand Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS), Almora

14 National Research Centre for Mithun (NRCM), Jharnapani

15 National Research Centre for Yak (NRCY), Dirang

16 National Research Centre for Orchids (NRCO), East Sikkim

17 National Research Centre for Mushroom (NRCM), Solan

18 National Research Centre on Coldwater Fisheries (NRCCWF), Bhimtal

19 National Bureau of Plant & Genetic Resources (NBPGR), Delhi

20 Regional Research Laboratory, Jammu, Jorhat, Itanagar

21 National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI), Lucknow

22 Institute of Bioresources & Sustainable Development, Imphal

23 Institute of Himalayan Bioresources and Technology (IHBT), Palampur

24 Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology (WIHG), Dehradun

25 Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Dehradun

26 Geological Survey of India (GSI), Kolkata

27 High Altitude Plant Physiology Research Centre, (HAPPRC), Srinagar (Garhwal)

28 Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee

29 Defence Research Development Organisation (DRDO)

30 Snow and Avalanche Study Establishment (SASE), Manali

31 North East Region Institute for Water & Land Management (NERIWALM), Tezpur

32 The Energy Research Institute (TERI), New Delhi

33 World Wide Fund for Nature

34 Ashoka Trust for Research on Environment & Ecology (ATREE), Bangalore

35 North Eastern Region Community Resource Management Society (NERCRMS), Shillong

36 The Missing Link

37 CHIRAG, Nainital

38 MRDS, Shillong

Appendix I

List of Selected Institutions in the IHR


Focus Geographical Coverage Remarks

Forest Resources NW India ICFRE (MoEF)

Forest Resources NW Himalaya ICFRE (MoEF)

Forest Resources NEI ICFRE (MoEF)

Soil & Water Conservation IHR ICAR

Plant resources All India Regional offi ces in IHR MoEF

Forest resources All India MoEF

Himalayan Environment and Development IHR -5 Units in IHR MoEF

Wildlife management, PA management, Conservation IHR MoEF

Animal resources All India Regional offi ces for mountain areas MoEF

Forest Resources Arunachal Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh

Horticulture IHR ICAR


Agriculture IHR ICAR



Orchids EH ICAR

Mushroom All India ICAR

Coldwater fi sheries IHR ICAR

Plant resources All India, Centers in IHR ICAR

Bioresources Utilization Development J&K Himalayas ICAR

Plant Resources All India CSIR

Biological resources NEI CSIR

Biotechnological applications bioresources Himalayas Indian Himalayan Region CSIR

Himalayan Geology IHR Unit in AP CSIR

Remote Sensing (all resources) All India - Signifi cant work in IHR NRSA

Geological resources, hazards All India coverage in IHR

Plant resources, particularly high altitude MAPs and NTFPs Indian Himalayan Region Garhwal University

Hydropower, Seismic-proof Housing, Mountain Hazards All India Focus on Mountain Autonomous

High Altitude crop and vegetables IHR MoD

Avalanche control measures WH MoD

Land and Water resources NEI

Energy Resource Management All India covering IHR NGO

Nature Conservation, Threatened Species, Wetlands All India Centers in IHR NGO

Ecology & Conservation All India, NEI NGO

Resource management & Poverty alleviation in uplands NEI; 6 districts, 800 villages NGO

Assam NGO


Meghalaya NGO


Appendix I contd.

List of Universities in IHR Engaged in Research on Environment & Forest Sector

North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong•

Nagaland University, Kohima•

Mizoram University, Aizawl•

Arunachal University, Itanagar•

Tripura University, Agartala•

Assam University, Silchar•

Tezpur University, Tezpur•

Gauhati University, Guwahati•

Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat•

Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh•

GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar•

H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar (Garhwal)•

Kumaun University, Nainital•

Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan•

Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla•

Sher-e-Kashmir Agricultural University, Srinagar•

Kashmir University, Srinagar•

Jammu University, Jammu•

Source: Report of the Task Force on the Mountain Ecosystems (Environment & Forest Sector) for Eleventh Five Year Plan,

Planning Commission, GOI, 2006

Th e present document is an outcome of a series of discussions

with diverse stakeholders. However, this is an evolving

document wherein inputs and suggestions from various State

Governments of the Indian Himalayan Region, Institutions

and individuals are invited, and will be accommodated

suitably. For wider consultation, a copy of the document

has been uploaded on the website of the Ministry of

Environment and Forests, GOI ( and

that of the G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment &

Development (

G.B. Pant Institute ofHimalayan Environment & Development

G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development (GBPIHED) was

established in 1988-89, during the birth centenary year of Bharat Ratna Pt. Govind

Ballabh Pant, as an autonomous Institute of the MInistry of Environment and Forests

(MoEF), Govt. of India. The Institute has been identifi ed as a focal agency to advance

scientifi c knowledge, to evolve integrated management strategies, demonstrate

their effi cacy for conservation of natural resources, and to ensure environmentally

sound management in the entire Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). The Institute has

headquarters at Kosi-Katarmal, Almora (Uttarakhand) and four regional units, namely,

Himachal Unit at Mohal (Kullu, HP), Garhwal Unit at Srinagar (Garhwal, Uttarakhand),

Sikkim Unit at Pangthang (Sikkim) and North East Unit at Itanagar (Arunachal


Governancefor Sustaining

Himalayan Ecosystem



Shri Hem Pande, IASJoint Secretary, GOIMinistry of Environment & ForestsParyavaran Bhawan, CGO ComplexLodhi Road, New Delhi -110 003

Tel: 011-24362551Fax: 011-24360894email: [email protected]

Dr. L.M.S. Palni, FNAScDirectorG. B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & DevelopmentKosi-KatarmalAlmora - 263 643 (Uttarakhand)

Tel: 05962-241015Fax: 05962-241014email: [email protected]

For further details, please contact:

Photo credits : Alex Treadway, Ravindra Joshi, Abhay Bahuguna, Balwant Rawat, Anup Sah, Sanjay Nainwal, Chewang Motup, Stanzin Tsethal, DS Negi, Akshay Shah, Jogendra Bisht, Shailza Daramwal

Ministry of Environment & Forests

Government of India

G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development