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Southern Cross

Page 2 September 2013

Southern Cross Newsletter of Toastmasters International District 73

September 2013 - Edition 101

Published monthly. Editions will be available on online from the District 73 website on the first day of the month.

Editor: Andrew Breeden DTM Email: [email protected]

Publisher: David Murphy DTM DG Email: [email protected]

The views expressed in Southern Cross are not necessarily those of the editor, the District Executive or Toastmasters International.

To submit articles and photos for Southern Cross: Email them to the Editor at [email protected].

Next Edition:

October 2013 – Edition 102

Promoting your club

Deadline for articles: Tuesday September 17th.

Released on: Tuesday October 1

st at


The International Convention has been held, and the World Championship of Public Speaking has been run and won. Though it wasn’t the result we wanted, our congratulations go to the new World Champion, Presiyan Vasilev, the Toastmaster who won the semi-final in which our own Yuri Ptschelinzew was a contestant. You can read all about Presiyan Vasilev on page 9. You can also read all about the other news from the 2013 Toastmasters International 2013 International Convention in David Murphy’s article and on pages 6-9, so there’s plenty for everyone to read about the convention.

There are also articles about Adelaide Hills’ 300th meeting, a follow up to the story on Shawqi Ein, which was in Southern Cross last year, and on pages 12-13 we can read some thoughts of our District Treasurer, Emmi Godau.

This edition was to be themed “Promoting Your Club”, however I received no articles on the subject. I have moved this theme to next month’s edition of Southern Cross. So if you have any promotional success stories or even tales of what not to do when promoting the club, please write them and send them in.

You can also write an article about your club for Club of the Month, write the story of a DTM or advertise an upcoming event that your club or area may be having. Write them up and send them in to Southern Cross at: [email protected].

Editorial .................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents ..................................................................... 2 A Slice of District News ....................................................... 3 & 4 Other Side of the Murray........................................................... 5 News from the 2013 International Convention ................... 6 to 9 Adelaide Hills: Oh, What a Night ............................................. 10 The Long Journey: Jordan to Toastmaster of the Year ........... 11 Trea$urer’$ Thought$ ..................................................... 12 & 13 The Powerful Art of Effective Listening ................................... 14 Congratulate Our Award Recipients ........................................ 15 Put it in Your Diary .................................................................. 16

Southern Cross

Edition 101 Page 3

Each year the District Trio, which comprises the District Governor (myself), Lieutenant Governor Education and Training (Anthony Murray) and Lieutenant Governor Marketing (Tracy Green), in every District across the world receive training. Just as a Club Officer or District Officer attends training, so too does the District trio. This traditionally takes place for the two days prior to the Toastmasters International annual convention.

This year the convention was held in Cincinnati. Attending the action-packed program was extremely beneficial as we were taught how to succeed in our roles by learning about team dynamics, practising role plays, discussing growth opportunities and many other topics. One of the highlights was meeting people from all around the world and hearing their best practices. We picked up many great ideas that we aim to share with the District.

Part of our role also involves interviewing candidates running for the position of International Director. The team interviewed 21 candidates, and proved to be a great learning opportunity for us.

Districts across the world have their own challenges, but the one issue that every District seemed to have in common was membership retention. This begins at the club level. Does your club have a high turnover of members? Is there more your club can offer to challenge or motivate members to continue with their membership?

Southern Cross

Page 4 September 2013

Above: Waiting for the Opening Ceremony to begin.

Within two days of arriving, I experienced two highlights that I will never forget.

The first night of the convention is the opening ceremony. Every country’s flag is paraded and it is quite a patriotic affair. In Australia there are currently four Districts and only one person is selected to carry the Australian flag. I drew the lucky straw and the experience was simply amazing.

The ceremony starts with the District Governor of the number one District in the world carrying the flag, followed by Australia. The feeling of carrying our flag was sensational; and I felt like I was carrying all the members of Australia with me.

Above: The Parade of Flags. The third flag bearer in this picture is David Murphy.

Above: The District contingent being recognised on stage and receiving plaques for helping

District 73 gain Distinguished status.

The second highlight was receiving recognition for being a Distinguished District. The recognition program for being a Distinguished District changed on 1 July 2012 with a strong focus on distinguished clubs. District 73 had 62 per cent of clubs distinguished, placing us 23 out of 88 Districts in the world.

Our contingent was recognised on stage and was awarded plaques for helping our District achieve Distinguished status. Every member in every club, from the newest to longest serving, helped us to achieve this recognition.

Above: The semi-finalists from Yuri’s semi-final about to be interviewed.

Congratulations to Yuri Ptschelinzew from Box Hill Toastmasters for representing District 73 in the semi-final for the World Champion of Public Speaking contest. Yuri did an amazing job and made us all proud.

Attending the convention is an amazing experience. The atmosphere is incredible and you meet so many great Toastmasters. It is an opportunity to enjoy speech contests, workshops, create valuable networks and to build on the skills you already have.

Southern Cross

Page 5 September 2013


Right now we are all in what many would say is the busiest time of the Toastmasters year - Club and Area Contests.

I love contests! It is an exciting time and everyone gets so much out of it. As a District Officer I’m not allowed to enter, but the thrill and excitement is still there when I’m called on to be a judge or other official such as timer or tally counter.

A new member asked me recently what it is that is that I find so enjoyable about contests. My answer was straightforward: The great thing about contests is that everyone benefits and learns - the contestants, the officials, and the audience.

I explained to the member that participating in a contest is the best way to improve as a speaker. When we deliver a speech at our club, we are usually evaluated by a fellow member and we feel comfortable because we are amongst friends. But speech contests go a step further by helping us move out of our comfort zone. We grow quicker than if we just gave a speech every few months at our club.

Unfortunately, there are some Toastmasters who don’t always see this as a goal towards improving their speaking skills. Some newer members have said to me: “The VPE said I should enter the speech contest, but I’m only new so I don’t have much chance.” Then there’s the experienced member who says: “The club needs someone to enter so it might as well be me”.

Do these members have the right attitude to win?

I still remember what Novak Djokovic said when he was asked what he thought his chances were just before the start of the 2011 Wimbledon finals. His reply was simple: “That is what I’m here for, I'm here to win.” And he did!

I believe that when you enter a speech contest you should set about making a commitment to be your very best. Remember that when you enter a speech contest you are a performer; and just like an actor on stage, the audience deserves to see you at your very best. I don’t mean you have to be the best to compete, but you must be prepared to give your best when you do compete. It’s all about attitude. You need to believe in yourself.

We all know that not everyone can win, but I think a winner is someone who goes on to improve from their previous performance. The only way to do that is to practise, practise, practise, persevere and continue to be your best.

I wish everyone who is entering a speech contest over the coming months all the very best of luck. Maybe one day it will be you who will be up on stage at the World Championship of Public Speaking finals.

Southern Cross

Page 6 September 2013

Here is some of the news from the Toastmasters International 2013 International Convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

The results of the semi-final in which Yuri, the representative from our District, was a contestant were:

1st: Presiyan Vasilev: District 30 2nd: Dananjaya Hettiarachchi: District 82

Presiyan Vasilev and Dananjaya Hettiarachchi with their trophies.

This is what District Secretary Judy Murphy wrote on Facebook about watching the semi-finals: The semi-finals of the International Speech contests are over. We listened to 30 speeches over 6.5 hours. A marathon but an amazing line up of speakers. Yuri did D73 proud. Unfortunately, Yuri didn't place. His final had a very strong lineup. Had Yuri been in one of the other contests, I think he may have won. To be in a semi-final is an incredible achievement. Congratulations Yuri!

As pointed out by Robyn Richards from District 17, there is a cover boy in District 73.

Hey, District 73. Be very proud of Andrew Kneebone. He is a star on this year’s Speech Contest Semifinals booklet.

Southern Cross

Edition 101 Page 7

Now for the World Championship of Public Speaking - the final of the International Speech Contest.

There was a big crowd in attendance for the World Championship of Public Speaking, as seen above.

The results of the World Championship of Public Speaking:

Winner and World Champion: Presiyan Vasilev, speech titled "Changed by a Tire"

First Runner Up: Kingi Biddle, speech titled "My Sitting Place."

Second Runner Up: Shurooq Al Banna, speech titled "Finding the Pearl".

The winner of Yuri’s semi-final is the new World Champion of Public Speaking.

Above: Here are the winners: (l-r) Shurooq Al Banna, Presiyan Vasilev and Kingi Biddle


At the Toastmasters International 2013 International Convention, Australian Mike Storkey DTM was elected Second Vice President of Toastmasters International.

Above: Mike Storkey and his wife Lesley receive the congratulations of the crowd.

Hailing from District 69 (Queensland), Mike is a Past International Director, having held that position throughout 2010-2012 for Region 12, which encompasses Papua New Guinea, Australia and New Zealand.

Many may recall Mike attending the District 73 2012 Annual Convention where he inspired many of us with his leadership workshop. He has come a long way since joining his local Toastmasters club – The Whitsunday Club – 22 years ago. Having progressed along the leadership path, Mike is now the third most senior Toastmaster in the world.

Having achieved the position of Toastmasters International Second Vice President, he is on track to become International President in 2016-17.

District 73 congratulates Mike on his incredible achievement and we all look forward eagerly to the positive impact he will have on our organisation.

Southern Cross

Page 8 September 2013


Electronic voting has been said to make business meetings easier. Well, most of the time. The above picture and these comments appeared on Facebook from Judy Murphy.

“Must be technical difficulties with the electronic voting at the business meeting. We are into the 3rd song. Everyone is dancing!”


Proposal A was approved at the Annual Business meeting, 19502 votes to 1086. But I know some of you will ask: “What is proposal A?”

This is how the handouts put it:

The club constitution provides operating standards that clubs must follow to fulfil their duties to members. The proposed amendments include language modifications to these standards that improve readability and clarity.

For example:

“Addendum of Standard Club Options” replaces “Standard Bylaws for Clubs.”

“New member fee” replaces “initiation fee.”

“Policy and Protocol” replaces “Policies and Procedures.”

“Membership” payments replaces “per capita” payments.

The proposed amendments also include other modifications that:

Provide for disciplinary actions other than expulsion and suspension.

Allow broader options for providing notice of regular club business meetings.

Provide more flexibility regarding:

The number of members on the nominating committee.

When club elections shall be held.

The education committee’s timeline to publish assignments.

Require each club to ratify its executive committee’s decision to authorize a proxy for representation at the

Annual Business Meeting, and at district and area council meetings.

Permit modifications to the club constitution based on local jurisdictional law if necessary.

Simplify the language in the Standard Bylaws for Clubs (renamed Addendum of Standard Club Options).

That is all the news from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. The next International Convention is in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Southern Cross

Edition 101 Page 9



Presiyan Vasilev, an immigrant from Bulgaria, rises above 30,000 participants to

win world's largest speech contest

With a humorous speech titled "Changed by a Tire", Presiyan Vasilev, a 30-year-old sales professional from Chicago, Illinois, won the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking on Saturday, 24 August 2013. Vasilev, along with eight other final contestants, reached the championship level after several eliminating rounds that began six months ago with 30,000 participants from 122 countries.

"This is a dream come true," said Vasilev, a native of Bulgaria. His speech resonated with a capacity crowd of nearly 1,600 from around the world, who attended the contest held in the Duke Energy Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

His winning speech was about the personal experience of reaching out and asking for help. "I stopped to change a tyre; instead the tyre changed me," he said. "I believed reaching out was a weakness, but I discovered my weakness was in refusing to reach out."

Vasilev joined Toastmasters three years ago and competed in many speech contests before reaching his goal of earning the title of World Champion of Public Speaking. In his acceptance speech, he said: "Toastmasters is the best personal development laboratory you can find."

Vasilev immigrated to the United States 11 years ago from Sofia, Bulgaria, in search of "multicultural variety" and self-improvement. He found his voice in Toastmasters, where he joined six clubs in Chicago. "I love competing, and I have benefited from the wonderful support of my Toastmasters family," he said. Vasilev says he looks forward to returning the favour and wants to use his championship experience to mentor others. He offers the following advice: "Never give up!"

Speakers delivered five-to-seven minute speeches on wide-ranging topics, and were judged on content, organisation and delivery.

Vasilev claimed the title of Toastmasters' 2013 World Champion of Public Speaking during the organisation's annual convention held in Cincinnati, 21-24 August 2013

Second and third place winners were Shurooq AlBanna from Dubai, United Arab Emirates with her speech "Finding the Pearl" and Kingi Biddle from Rotorua, New Zealand, with his speech titled "My Sitting Place."

Southern Cross

Page 10 September 2013

Above: Birthday Cake

Wednesday, 14 August 2013. What a night! Meeting 300 of Adelaide Hills Toastmasters was a fun filled and action packed event. The guests streamed in and the expectation was for laughs and good cheer. It was certainly time to celebrate. Celebrate the time but more importantly the people and the friends the club has made over the past 12 years since it was founded in 2001.

Lorri Ragless and Janet Leitch were the founding members, originating from Quintessence, and it was wonderful that our sponsor club provided Jill Cheetham, Central Division Governor, to provide a précis of the importance of Toastmasters to the growth of people.

It was amazing to see so many guests who support the club so well: husbands, wives, partners and even grandparents of members attended along with past charter member (and club mentor) Bruno Surace who had the honour of cutting the celebration cake.

Jill, as Central Division Governor, Claire Richardson Area C7 Governor and Clayton Pearson Area C11 Governor, provided a sense of importance to the night. Phil Ahern, Carol Bromley, Geoff Capper, Megs Drewitt and John Selby from Mount Barker Club, Austin Nevis, Ron Watts, Sue Pederick and

Tanya Shmandiy from Adelaide Club provided an audience of wit and humour.

Above: Austin, Didy and Ron

Toastmaster Lawrie Guidera led the team in grand manner with a birthday cake hat and a chair that gave him regal splendour.

Lynne James, President of Adelaide Hills Toastmasters Club welcomed guests and three new members to the fold, presenting badges to Amy Lawrence, Jasmin Richwol and Tom Newland.

Catherine Smeardon presented an inspirational and entertaining Ice Breaker speech, and Ashley Atze enchanted all with a laugh-a-minute Table Topics pass the parcel. Lyall Chittleborough charmed with jiggly rhyme, confounding us with the number of “dunnies in the desert”.

Members delighted in all sorts of ways and the singing prowess of Didy Pederick and Lorri was not missed as we encouraged them to venture on to Australia’s Got Talent or perhaps The X Factor next year.

300 meetings, nine charter members, (Bruno, Carol, Didy, Janet, John, Lawrie, Lorrie, Lyall, Lynne) three new members and an Ice Breaker speech. All that and a drunken mud cake to boot. It was a night to remember.

Southern Cross

Edition 101 Page 11

Many of you will recall the A Toastmasters In Profile story about Shawqi Ein in the November 2012 edition of Southern Cross.

This next story could well be described as Chapter Two or Another Leg of the Long Journey.

Urged on by the joy and elation of coming second in the 2011-2012 District 73 Humorous Speech Contest, Shawqi decided he would enter the 2012-2013 International Speech Contest and see where this would take him on his Long Journey.

A win at the club contest was the first part of a journey that would see him travel to Adelaide to compete in the District 73 International Speech Contest at the Mind Alive Convention on Saturday, 18 May 2013.

Success at Area and Division gave him the chance to go where no other Footscray Skyliner had ever been before – to the District 73 International Speech Contest.

With several Skyliners in the audience, Shawqi delivered an amazing presentation of his moving and inspirational speech “It’s Just a Soccer Ball”.

While Shawqi did not place in the contest, the effect of his speech and the indelible impact it had on listeners was immeasurable and will stay with them forever.

Everyone at Footscray Skyline Toastmasters is so proud of what Shawqi has done, what he has achieved and the influence he has had on the club that they unanimously voted him 2012-2013 Toastmaster of the Year.

The Immediate Past President, Atena Hensch, presented Shawqi with the Val Thompson Toastmaster of the Year Trophy at the Footscray Skyline Toastmasters Club Meeting on 24 July 2013.

For once in his Long Toastmaster Journey Shawqi was at a loss for words and overcome with emotion.

When finally able to speak, Shawqi expressed his gratitude and pride in receiving the award, acknowledging and thanking his fellow Toastmasters for their contribution to his success and achievement.

“Without your support, encouragement and belief in me I could never have made this long journey from Jordan to Footscray Skyline Toastmasters Club’s Toastmaster of the Year 2012-2013,” he said.

Southern Cross

Page 12 September 2013

Above: Emmi Godau receiving her DTM from Keir Wells (E17 Area Governor 2012-13)

Have you considered taking on a role or job about which you have no knowledge. Cast you mind back when you were starting out in the workforce.

What did you know about the industry in which you were going to work? Maybe just what Mum and Dad had told you? Or did you go and do some research? Have you considered that this is true every day you go to work. Is your job predictable and do you know what you are going to do in an hour’s time or maybe tomorrow?

Every day I am on a learning curve; and this is great. If you had told me six years ago that I would deliver 100 speeches, attend countless meetings and seminars and meet inspiring people, I would have told you were dreaming.

I had not encountered the persuasive powers of Toastmasters that gripped me on the first night I stepped into a strange environment where people sit around tables and happily get up and tell a story or answer a strange question. I come back after a fortnight and signed up. I wanted some of this. It was infectious.

Strange acronyms appeared, such as VPPR, VPM and VPE, and each time someone talked people starting to clap and cheer. This was not just to get toast and a drink but had some other motives.

Was this a place to learn new things and wouldn’t it be great if I could get up and speak like those people without buckling knees, whispering voice and my face turning red.

After a few weeks attending meetings and sitting quietly during the meeting, the Vice President Education (VPE) asked if I was ready for my Ice Breaker speech in two weeks. Do I need to bring some ice to break? “No. This is the first speech you give,” was the answer. Shaking and nervous I went home. I can’t do this! I don’t know what to talk about!

I did it, though, and told a story from my childhood: ”No running water, no electricity”. Those were the longest six minutes of my life but relief set it when I walked back to my seat with standing ovation and clapping. There was a burst of energy and I came back for more. The learning has been great and each year there came new opportunities to challenge myself with new roles and tasks.

The first role I managed and learned was the VPM (Vice President Membership). The next year, without asking, I became the VPE due to the previous VPE resigning by SMS during a meeting. The support and encouragement has been great and there is much more to learn. Two years ago I signed up to be Area Governor and a new challenge - to set up a new club and with this, reaching the DTM (Drive Time Melbourne). With dedicated helpers the club (Heidelberg Health) is thriving and in its first year achieved Selected Distinguished.

Southern Cross

Edition 101 Page 13

My next role was Division Governor, driving around Melbourne to places I had never been, supporting clubs and judging at contest - lots of fun!

At the end of my time as Division Governor, words were whispered in my ear: ”District Treasurer. District Treasurer”. No! I didn’t want to do anything this year. I wanted to take it easy and have a rest. “I don’t have financial background I only do my own budget at home, so I can hardly qualify for this role.” I said.

The words took hold in my head until I agreed and now it is two months since taking on the role as District Treasurer. The learning curve has been steep and it is challenging yet liberating when, after a few tries you succeed and the figures all match up. There will be many more challenges, especially when rejecting claim forms because not all the information is entered correctly.

Learning a new financial system which is set by Toastmasters International in the US can be daunting and at times frustrating with terminology: dimensions is a tag, GL Account, AP (expenses), AR (revenue), Reconcile Bank and more.

The support I have received form our District Governor, David Murphy DTM, is great. And when there is an email from the support person on the other side of the globe with congratulations on all being correct, it is very encouraging.

I continually strive to get the best outcome for the District and its members. So whenever you send me a claim form, please ensure you have your name on the documents and tell me where to send the money otherwise you will be waiting and waiting…but no money.

So set yourself a challenge: What do you want to accomplish this year or just over the next few months. Write it down. Talk to your family or your special friend, dog, cat or bird. Make your goals known and talk to anyone who is willing to listen.

I am reading at present the book 3-Minutes Einstein by Paul Parsons. It is inspiring and uplifting.

Quote: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.”

Southern Cross

Page 14 September 2013

Southern Cross

Edition 101 Page 15


Competent Communicator

Bi Yi Fang Diamond Valley Andrea Videion Diamond Valley Brett James Ballarat Steven Chiu Box Hill Bernarda Rudinas Werribee Leon Belkin Maccabi Sue Shearer North Adelaide Eve Kinnear Cranbourne Sruthi Chandrasekhar


Adam Dickenson Launceston Dhishen Govender Pushing The

Envelope Tara Gladigau Mount Barker Gregory Lawson Boroondara Meera Venkataraman


Chris Yong WorleyParsons Melbourne

Kelly Roeszler Pushing The Envelope

Deena Bandaram Deakin University Colin Forbes Bendigo Jonas Christensen Bayside

Advanced Communicator Bronze Geoffrey Burns Tea House Vicki Travers Spirit Of Devonport Beppy Gollan Northern Stars Aida Saloumidis Nine Ninety Stephanie Beard Geelong Graham Fuller Wangaratta Roxanne Glans Diamond Valley Wang-Ling Yow Yarra Valley Water

Advanced Communicator Silver

Sascha Rixon Kingston Communicators

Sam Nicita South Coast Speakers

Judy Murphy Lilydale Isobel Thomas Northern Exposure Noel McDonald Kew

Competent Leader Isobel Thomas Northern Exposure Colin Hallett Champion Claire Austin South Melbourne Tobias Vinycomb Williamstown Roxanne Glans Diamond Valley Yoke-Ching Tan Docklands Rosy Borland Geelong John Turner Bayside Keith Isaacs Hume

Advanced Leader Bronze Beppy Gollan Northern Stars Isobel Thomas Northern Exposure Chris Horsman Speakers Corner Duart McLean Southern Cross Patrick Shing Carlton

Advanced Leader Silver Joy Harte Lilydale Keir Wells Ivanhoe Jill Cheetham SA Governors Brian Rice Sunbury and

Macedon Ranges

Leadership Excellence Merilyn Anne Russell Southern Cross

Southern Cross

Page 16 September 2013 – Edition 101


Sun 1 Southern Cross

Release of the September 2013 - Edition 101 of the Southern Cross.

Sun 15 T&E Workshop "EQ" Emotional Quotient

The standout skillset turning smart people into smart leaders Time: 1:00 – 5:00 pm Venue: South Melbourne Community Centre, Cnr Park St and Ferrars Pl, South Melbourne

Tue 17 Southern Cross

Deadline for articles for the October 2013 - Edition 102 of Southern Cross. Submit articles to [email protected] Theme of this edition: Promoting Your Club

Sun 29 The Powerful Art of Effective Listening

Time: 10:00am – 12:30pm Temple Beth Israel Magid Resource Centre 76 – 82 Alma Road St.Kilda Cost: $10 inc. Morning Tea Contact: David Hatchuel [email protected] by September 25th


Tue 1 Southern Cross

Release of the October 2013 - Edition 102 of Southern Cross.

Fri 18 Southern Cross

Deadline for articles for the November 2013 - Edition 103 of Southern Cross. Submit articles to [email protected] Theme of this edition: Turning Guests into Members

Sat 20 Area M20 Contests

Four Contests in one day Time: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Venue: Hotel Soho 124 Davey St, Hobart

Sun 21 T&E Workshop

Time: 1:00 – 5:00 pm Venue: South Melbourne Community Centre, Cnr Park St and Ferrars Pl, South Melbourne

Legend of the Diary

District Events

Workshops in Victoria

Bass Division Events

Central Division Events

Eastern Division Events

Metropolitan Division Events

Northern Division Events

Ranges Division Events

Southern Division Events

Workshops in South Australia and Tasmania will be put under Division Events as these will be attended by people from those states. Workshops in Victoria can be attended by members from many divisions.