governors%20report%20to%20parents%202013 2014


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Chair of GovernorsMr Colin Lindsay

Vice ChairCllr. Peter Curtis



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Chair Mr C Lindsay 01/03/12 - 01/03/16Clerk Miss L Evans 01/09/05 -

Contact Address: c/o Holywell High School, The Strand, Holywell, Flintshire CH8 7AW

Vice-Chair Cllr P Curtis 29/11/08 - 29/11/17

GOVERNORS and the duration of their membership on the Governing Body

Acting Headteacher/Governor Mr J Weir 01/01/14 -

Local Authority Mr P Alton 29/02/12 - 29/02/16Prof R Moore 07/01/14 - 07/01/18

Teacher Governors Mr M Gillespie 09/12/13 - 09/12/17Mr P Jones 01/03/12 - 01/03/16

Staff Governor Mr D Gilbart 09/02/12 - 09/02/16

Community Governors Mr I Austerberry 30/09/13 - 30/09/17Mrs C Edwards 01/10/14 - 01/10/18Mr J Mills 01/07/11 - 01/07/15Prof N Winterton 29/09/11 - 03/10/15

Parent Governors Mrs A Cullen 08/02/12 - 09/02/16Miss L Hatchett 25/11/10 - 25/11/14Mrs H Partington 25/11/10 - 25/11/14Mr D Seddon 25/11/10 - 25/11/14

POLICIES AND PROCEDURESSchool policies and procedures are reviewed annually. The Respecting Others BehaviourPolicy, Anti Bullying Policy and Literacy Policy are examples of policies that have beenrevised recently.

Full details of all policies and procedures are available from the Headteacher on request.

ESTYN INSPECTION AND SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLANIn November 2010 the School was inspected by Estyn. The judgements were thatstandards are good and the school is improving. Copies of the Estyn Inspection reportare available from the School Office and on the Estyn website Therecommendations from the Inspection in 2010 form part of the School Development Planwhich underpins the ongoing strategies for improvement.


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THE CURRICULUMWe are continuing to work with schools in the North Deeside Consortium to provide awider choice of subjects at GCSE and A Level. We are now planning the transition of theSixth Form into the Hub. Our first principle is that the transition for students will beseamless. This will mean that students will keep the same teachers from Year 12 in theconsortium into Year 13 in the Hub. To this end Holywell High School will fully integrateinto the consortium with all students receiving the same offer from the four schools. Wewill be providing teachers for six subjects in next year’s Year 12. These teachers willthen take their groups into the Hub in Year 13.

The experience at GCSE has not been as positive. A number of subjects identified in theoriginal offer were not able to run and registration for others has been poor. We willneed to decide whether we want to continue to work as a consortium on this basis in thefuture. We could decide to target particular groups of learners, for example, we couldfocus on subjects that would appeal to more able and talented students.

The planning for the new build is continuing. We are visiting other schools to researchideas as to how we could organise both Key Stage 3 and 4. We are still investigating thepossibility of changing the school day. In the light of new demands on the curriculum asa result of changes at a national level including the introduction of new GCSEqualifications and a new Welsh Baccalaureate we will have to plan the curriculum offercarefully to meet the needs of our pupils.

ADDITIONAL LEARNING NEEDSThe Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator (ALNCo) and the Learning Support Teamprovide excellent support for students with Additional Learning Needs. The AdditionalLearning Needs Faculty provides support for pupils in mainstream lessons as well as smallgroup provision. It caters for a wide variety of additional needs ranging from medical,learning, speech and language, ASD, emotional and social difficulties.

The school works closely with pupil support teams and professionals such as EducationalPsychologists, Speech Therapists and the School Nurse to ensure that the individualneeds of the pupils are met. Regular review meetings are held, involving all partiesconcerned, to assess, monitor progress and establish new targets and individual plans.

The Addition Learning Needs Faculty has excellent links with partner Primary Schools.This ensures a smooth and successful transition for ALN pupils from Key Stage 2 to KeyStage 3.

M Jones (ALNCo)


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LINKS WITH THE COMMUNITYHolywell High School is a Community Focused School. There is a programme ofcommunity learning opportunities, activities and events. The Police Liaison Officer, PCGail Sinclair works closely with the school to deliver aspects of personal and socialeducation sessions.

CHANGES IN THE SCHOOL PROSPECTUSThe School Prospectus was revised in September 2012. It includes essential informationabout the running of the school, including the correct school uniform, the ComplaintsProcedure and Health and Safety advice. Copies are available from the School Office andon the school website.

VISITS TO THE SCHOOLParents, Carers and others are welcome to make an appointment to visit the school atany time. We welcome questions and the opportunity to share information about ourwork with pupils.

SCHOOL ENVIRONMENTWe provide excellent facilities for learning. The school site is extensive and wellmaintained and meets DDA requirements. The whole site, including toilet facilities, isregularly inspected by FCC as part of our service level agreement. Recent improvementsinclude the creation of the new Advanced Manufacture Centre and refurbishment ofcorridors, a number of classrooms were refurbished in 2012-2013 and toilets refurbishedin August 2014. Plans are now available at the school for the new Holywell LearningCampus planned to open in September 2016.

STUDENTS’ DESTINATIONS: September 2014Students aged 15 at the start of the school year beginning in September 2013


Destination Number %

Return to School 28 30%

Further Education 60 64%

Training - Work Based 1 1%

Employment with training 3 3%

Employment with no training 2 2%

TOTAL 94 100%

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BUDGET £2,435,838

2012-13 c/f -£130,970

Total Budget £2,304,868


Teachers £1,728,451

Other Staff Costs £501,275

Premises £212,112

Supplies £99,471

Examination Entry Fees £45,178

Transport £2,116

Other Resources £6,842

Service Level Agreements with Flintshire County Council £76,790

Prudential Borrowing £10,803


Total Income £231,189

Total Expenditure £2,451,849

Balance Carried Forward (2013-14) -£146,981






UnauthorisedAbsence 1.00% 1.70% 1.60% 1.50%

AuthorisedAbsence 9.40% 8.60% 8.80% 8.80%

TotalAttendance 89.60% 89.70% 89.50% 89.60%






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TERM DATES 2014-2015


LANGUAGE POLICYTeaching and learning are through the medium of English at Holywell High School.Pupils have opportunities to learn French and German as modern foreign languagesin Key Stages 3, 4 and Post 16. All pupils in Years 7 to 11 learn Welsh as a secondlanguage in accordance with the statutory requirements. They are encouraged to useWelsh on an incidental basis both inside and outside the classroom.

2014 - 2015Holiday Dates for Students



Tuesday2nd September

Monday27th October

Friday31st October

Friday19th December


Tuesday6th January

Monday16th February

Friday20th February

Friday27th March


Tuesday14th April

Monday25th May

Friday29th May

Friday17th July

School is closed for Staff Training on:Monday 1st September 2014

Friday 10th October 2014Monday 5th January 2105Monday 13th April 2015Monday 20th July 2015


The School Day

8.40am Bell signal for staff and students

8.45am Registration/Assembly

9.00am Lesson 1

10.00am Lesson 2

11.00am Break

11.20am Lesson 3

12.20pm Lunch

1.10pm Lesson 4

2.10pm Lesson 5

3.10pm End of School Day for Students


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Selection of Events and Students’ Achievements 2013-2014

Extracts from our School Newsletter and Headteacher’s Reportto Governors

Leah Wild represented North Wales and Holywell High School as the GoldAmbassador in Cardiff

Flint and Holywell Rotary Club Technology Tournament Winners

Competitions and Festivals

Years 9 and 10 pupils took part in the ‘5x60’ Badminton competition at DeesideLeisure Centre


Year 11 pupils Leah Wild and Lucy Allsopp, have been delivering Netball trainingat Ysgol Maes Glas during after-school sessions on a Tuesday since the start ofthis school year. Following this being so successful they will now be providingthis training at Ysgol Y Fron during after-school sessions on a Thursday

Leah Wild and Lucy Allsopp have both been awarded their MV50 Certificates

Four boys in Year 11 have become Basketball Leaders and are being mentoredby James Morgans (Basketball Coach) to support Key Stage 3 provision

Georgia Davies and Jessica Edwards in Year 11, have been volunteering in thelocal Dodgeball Club in Holywell Leisure Centre and helped out over the summerHolidays with Dragon Sports. They will also help the ‘5x60’ Officer with an afterschool Transition Athletic Club

5x60 Attendance

Swimming on Saturdays is one of the best attended clubs

Overall 50% of the school attend at least one ‘5x60’ session


Year 7 to 10 boys have played Football fixtures. These fixtures are played withinA group of schools i.e. Holywell, Flint, St. Richard Gwyn and Connahs Quay


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Educational Visits

The following Key Stage 4 visits took place:


Oxford University Oxford University

ASDAN visit to Loggerheads Loggerheads Country Park

Flintshire MAT Activities Days Afonwen Woods, near Mold

Flintshire MAT Activities Days Llanferres

Talacre Visit Talacre Beach

Talacre Woods Photography Big Covert Wood

Sky Studios Sky Studios, London

Coed Moel Famau Conservation Day Coed Moel Famau, Mold

Forest School Caerwys Woods

Year 11 Rewards Trip Trafford Centre, Manchester

Year 10 Rewards Trip Cheshire Oaks

ASDAN Rock Climbing Pot Hole Quarry, Llanferres

VQ Day at Coleg Cambria Coleg Cambria, Deeside Campus

ASDAN/CoPE Camping Challenge Fron Farm Camp-site, Rhes-Y-Cae

Vale of Llangollen Llangollen, Denbighshire

Conwy RSPB RSPB Nature Reserve, Conwy

CoPE Lakes and Hills Activity Llyn Crafnant, Gwynedd

ASDAN Canoeing Eccleston, Chester

ToPS Activity Bangor University

Land Based Careers Coleg Cambria, Llysfasi Campus

Land Based Careers Coleg Cambria, Northop Campus

Geography Field Study Activity Betws-Y-Coed, Gwynedd

CoPE Talacre Photography Activity Talacre Beach

ASDAN Bushcraft Activity Afonwen Woods, near Mold

Gold Ambassador Trip Cardiff City Stadium, Cardiff

‘5x60’ Badminton Competition Deeside Leisure Centre

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Educational Visits

The following Key Stage 3 visits took place:

Support for Charity

Sixth Form students hosted a Halloween Event at lunch time on 24th October2014, raising £217.00 to be shared between School Rewards Fund and St.Kentigern’s Hospice

Non-Uniform Day on 15th November 2013 raised £400.00 for Children In Need

Last year’s Christmas Celebration collection amounted to £144.98 for Crisis

‘Wear Red’ Non-Uniform Day on 7th February 2014 raised £311.26 for the BritishHeart Foundation

£119.00 raised for a local girl to had eighteen inches cut off her hair to makecharitable wigs for children who have lost hair owing to cancer treatment.This donation was made to the ‘Little Princess Trust’

Non-Uniform Day on 19th September 2014 raised £387.28 for ‘Jeans for Genes’


Geography Field Study Cwm Idwal, Gwynedd

Cinema Rewards Trip Scala Cinema, Prestatyn

Year 9 Rewards Trip Bowling at Cheshire Oaks

Various Forest School Activities Caerwys Woods

Canoeing Rewards Trip Club XL Canoeing, Eccleston

Year 9 TOPs Programme Bangor University

France Visit Paris

Maritime Museum Trip Liverpool Museum

Rewards Trip Alton Towers, Staffordshire

Closing the Gap Literacy andNumeracy Activities

Afonwen Woods, near Mold

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School and Community Events

School hosted a Christmas Celebration at St. Peter’s Church in Holywell

The School Choir spread ‘Christmas Cheer’ performing at local residentialhomes and Holywell Town Market

The Digital Leaders carried out Transition and Primary Liaison work at localPartner Primary Schools

The Annual Presentation of Progress Files formally concluded the School Yearfor Year 11 pupils and the Chair of Governors Prize was announced

The prestigious Annual Prize Giving Celebration took place on 8th July

A number of school based and external Faculty Transition events took placefor pupils in Years 5 and 6

School based Transition Days took place for Year 6 pupils joining HolywellHigh School in September 2014

The Duke of Edinburgh Award started in September 2014 under the guidanceand leadership of Mr D Richards, with several pupils have joined this AwardScheme

Ten pupils who followed the ASDAN Bronze Award in 2014 also received theJohn Muir Award Discoverer Level

Year 12 pupil Victoria O’Neil passed her Grade 7 Piano examination withDistinction

The School Choir performed at the recent Civic Sunday Service

The School Choir performed at the unveiling of the new sculpture in HolywellTown Centre

In September 2013 a group of musicians joined the Holywell Twinning Associationon their twinning trip to St. Gregoire in France


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Holywell High School Provisional SSSP 2014Summary of School Performance (1) LA/School No. 664 / 4012

Pupils aged 15

Number of pupils aged 15 who were on roll in January2014 : 94

Percentage of pupils aged 15who:

entered atleast one


achieved theLevel 1 thresh-


achieved theLevel 2 thresh-


achieved the Level 2 thresh-old including a GCSE pass in

English or Welsh first lan-guage and mathematics

Core SubjectIndicator (2)

Averagecapped (3)

wider pointsscore per pupil

Average widerpoints score

per pupil

School 2013/14 100 100 64 44 37 330 504

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 100 98 54 41 37 302 401

School 11/12/13 100 97 49 39 36 290 348

Number of boys aged 15 who were on roll in January2014 : 42

Percentage of boys aged 15 who:

entered atleast one


achieved theLevel 1 thresh-


achieved theLevel 2 thresh-


achieved the Level 2 thresh-old including a GCSE pass in

English or Welsh first lan-guage and mathematics

Core SubjectIndicator (2)

Averagecapped (3)

wider pointsscore per pupil

Average widerpoints score

per pupil

School 2013/14 100 100 60 40 33 320 483

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 100 96 53 37 33 297 394

School 11/12/13 100 97 51 38 35 292 354

Number of girls aged 15 who were on roll in January2014 : 52

Percentage of girls aged 15 who:

entered atleast one


achieved theLevel 1 thresh-


achieved theLevel 2 thresh-


achieved the Level 2 thresh-old including a GCSE pass in

English or Welsh first lan-guage and mathematics

Core SubjectIndicator (2)

Averagecapped (3)

wider pointsscore per pupil

Average widerpoints score

per pupil

School 2013/14 100 100 67 46 40 338 520

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 100 99 55 45 40 307 408

School 11/12/13 100 98 47 41 37 288 342

(1)For details on approved qualifications, point scores and contribution to thresholds, please see the Database for Approved Qualifications inWales

(DAQW) at

(2) For information about which syllabuses are included in each subject area see Notes for Guidance.

(3) Average capped wider point scores are calculated using the best 8 results.

(4) Entry Level Qualification.

(5) Used for all Free School Meal benchmarking tables. This indicator is only shown for mainstream secondary schools.

(6)Note that the denominator for this indicator is the number of 15 year olds who entered Welsh First Lan-guage,

rather than the total number of 15 year olds.

.. Data not available.

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Holywell High School Provisional SSSP 2014

Summary of School Performance (1)LA/School

No. 664 / 4012

Pupils aged 15

Number of pupils aged 15 who were on roll in January 2014 : 94

Percentage of pupils aged 15 who:

achieved an A*-C Grade in : Average Points per pupil in :

English /Welsh

English Welsh (6) Maths ScienceEnglish /Welsh

Maths Science

School 2013/14 63 63 0 51 87 39 36 40

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 55 55 0 50 56 37 35 36

School 11/12/13 53 53 0 48 46 36 34 35

Number of boys aged 15 who were on roll in January 2014 : 42

Percentage of boys aged 15 who:

achieved an A*-C Grade in : Average Points per pupil in :

English /Welsh

English Welsh (6) Maths ScienceEnglish /Welsh

Maths Science

School 2013/14 52 52 0 50 86 36 35 40

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 47 47 0 50 55 35 35 36

School 11/12/13 48 48 0 52 50 34 35 35

Number of girls aged 15 who were on roll in January 2014 : 52

Percentage of girls aged 15 who:

achieved an A*-C Grade in : Average Points per pupil in :

English /Welsh

English Welsh (6) Maths ScienceEnglish /Welsh

Maths Science

School 2013/14 71 71 0 52 88 41 36 41

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 63 63 0 50 56 39 35 36

School 11/12/13 58 58 0 44 41 37 34 34

(1)For details on approved qualifications, point scores and contribution to thresholds, please see the Data-base for Approved Qualifications in Wales

(DAQW) at

(2) For information about which syllabuses are included in each subject area see Notes for Guidance.

(3) Average capped wider point scores are calculated using the best 8 results.

(4) Entry Level Qualification.

(5) Used for all Free School Meal benchmarking tables. This indicator is only shown for mainstream secondary schools.

(6) Note that the denominator for this indicator is the number of 15 year olds who entered Welsh First Language,

rather than the total number of 15 year olds.

.. Data not available.

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Holywell High School Provisional SSSP 2014Summary of School Performance (1) LA/School No. 664 / 4012

Pupils aged 15

Percentage of pupils aged 15who:

Percentage of boys aged 15who:

Percentage of girls aged 15who:

achieved one ormore ELQ (4) only

achieved no recog-nised qualification

achieved one ormore ELQ (4) only

achieved no recog-nised qualification

achieved one ormore ELQ (4) only

achieved no recog-nised qualification

School 2013/14 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

School 11/12/13 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Pupils aged 17

Number of pupils aged 17who were on roll in

Number of boys aged 17who were on roll in

Number of girls aged 17who were on roll in

January 2014: 33 January 2014: 18 January 2014: 15

Percentage of 17year old pupils

entering a volumeequivalent to 2 A

levels whoachieved the Level

3 threshold

Average widerpoints score forpupils aged 17

Percentage of 17year old pupils

entering a volumeequivalent to 2 A

levels whoachieved the Level

3 threshold

Average widerpoints score forpupils aged 17

Percentage of 17year old pupils

entering a volumeequivalent to 2 A

levels whoachieved the Level

3 threshold

Average widerpoints score forpupils aged 17

School 2013/14 100 593 100 565 100 627

LA Area 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . .

Wales 2013/14 . . . . . . . . . . . .

School 12/13/14 100 531 100 526 100 537

School 11/12/13 95 565 97 570 93 560

(1)For details on approved qualifications, point scores and contribution to thresholds, please see the Database for Ap-proved Qualifications in Wales

(DAQW) at

(2) For information about which syllabuses are included in each subject area see Notes for Guidance.

(3) Average capped wider point scores are calculated using the best 8 results.

(4) Entry Level Qualification.

(5) Used for all Free School Meal benchmarking tables. This indicator is only shown for mainstream secondary schools.

(6) Note that the denominator for this indicator is the number of 15 year olds who entered Welsh First Language,

rather than the total number of 15 year olds.

.. Data not available.12

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Sports Day 2014 - Winning House Captains Reach Programme Charity Fund Raising

Year 11 Prom

Digital Leaders Team Music Workshop with Bangor University