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HLF Grants and Churches

•  Welcome from the Archdeacon •  Grants for Places of Worship with Michael Murray •  Questions •  Break •  Other HLF with Helen Greer •  Questions

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Heritage Lottery Fund 24 September 2013

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support for places of worship: developing a project for HLF funding

Michael Murray Development Manager, London Heritage Lottery Fund

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•  Look in detail at our repair-focused grant

•  Information on our other grant programmes


•  How HLF can help you

Overview …

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our grant programmes

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Repair Grants for Places of Worship

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Our places of worship have played, and continue to play, an important role in our community life. Across the London we have given more than £15 m to places of worship for urgent repairs, more if you include major restorations.

St Martins-in-the Field £15m

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urgent structural repairs are the priority…

you can apply up for a grant between £10,000 and £250,000

there will be four deadlines per year open to all listed grades

we can fund up to 95%

key points on Grants for Places of Worship

Laxfield Church, Suffolk , £74,000

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projects must also encourage wider public access…

we can also fund/contribute toward new facilities that make the building more usable…

this programme is now open for applications!


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We want applicants to focus on the ‘outcomes’ of the project.

The outcomes are the difference you will make with Lottery money.

To help applicants, we have created a menu of 14 outcomes under the headings of heritage, people and communities.


Christ Church Spitalfields £6m

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Lots of funders talk about outcomes and outputs.

An output is essentially something you do or create; an outcome is the difference you make.

So, an output may be a new interpretation board for your church, the outcome is that people can now learn about heritage.

What is the difference between an outcome and an output?

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From our list of 14 outcomes, there are two minimum outcomes which a GPoW application must achieve.

They are:

-  heritage in a better condition (weighted); and

-  more people, and a wider range of people, will have engaged with heritage

outcomes for Grants for Places of Worship (GPoW for short)

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We have three aims which are to:

heritage in a better condition

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Our priority is to support structural repairs urgently required within the next two years.. You will need to supply your most recent quinquennial report with your application, to provide evidence to us that the work which needs funding is structural and urgent… If your quinquennial report is more than three years old, you should, in addition, provide a supplementary report to help demonstrate the urgency to us.

heritage in a better condition…

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As part of a project, you can ask us to support new facilities to help make the church more usable for the wider community. This could be… -  new facilities, such as a kitchen or toilet -  upgrading your heating and lighting -  work required to make it easier to carry out

maintenance This aspect of the grant is not mandatory; if you include costs, they should be no more than 15% of the overall project costs.

heritage in a better condition…

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We have three aims which are to:

a note about re-leading…

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more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage

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more people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage

remember, the emphasis on this grant is on urgent repair so your ‘people’ activities should be

-  proportionate to your church and your community

-  build on your existing resources

-  help you to offer more to local people

People activities should be new and project specific. Make sure you include costs for them in your bid!

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what sort of ‘people’ activities can be funded?

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Think about new displays and banners, or perhaps a new guidebook or a child’s guide to the church;

what about running a series of talks about the history of the church? Or special open days when you can see the conservation work taking place;

we can support training for new and existing volunteers; this could include bat monitoring, conservation skills and learning how to run a website, maintenance management;

asking local young people to record the restoration work.

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what we won’t fund under this scheme

work to fixtures and fittings

no maintenance or minor repairs

reconstruction of lost parts of the building

restoring and conserving bells, clocks, wall paintings and organs etc.

St Peter’s Church, Ipswich , £772,000

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a summary of how to apply

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Send in a Project Enquiry Form to get advice from us before you start work on a bid.

This is a great way of getting feedback on a project proposal before applying.

We can give you advice, especially on the people activities.

We aim to respond to all submitted project enquiry forms within 10 working days.

Do a project enquiry form!

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outline proposals and costs that tell us who the project will involve, and the sort of people activities you are planning;

outline of repair work, including costs, and any other capital to RIBA stage B;

outline information about how the project will deliver against HLF outcomes; and

detailed information about the development phase, costs and timeframe for the work to be funded.

Submit a first round application

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This can last up to 12 months.

You can use this phase to plan your second round bid. As part of your first-round bid you will have described, in detail, what you want to do and how much it will cost. Such as:

-  accurately pricing up your repair work and any other capital work;

-  undertake specialist surveys (a bat survey, opening up works, an access audit);

-  plan your people activities.

The development phase…

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detailed proposals; an activity statement that covers who you will engage with, what you will do and how much it will cost;

detailed plans and proposals for repair. Architectural work to RIBA H;

detailed costs;

detailed information about how the project will deliver against HLF outcomes; and

detailed information about how you will maintain the project after it ends, including how you will evaluate the scheme.

Submit a second-round submission

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We have three aims which are to:

The application form…

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We have three aims which are to:

The application form comes in 9 sections…

Section 1: name, address, what sort of organisation you are eg: PCC, charity or a trust etc.

Section 2: tell us about the ‘heritage’; tell us the listing, why the church is important, the denomination etc.

You should also tell us if the church is ‘at risk’

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We have three aims which are to:

Section 3: this is where you will tell us what the project will do.

You are making your case for HLF investment! This will include describing structural repairs and any other capital work (like upgrading your heating) along with community activities, like running a heritage-themed event.

Why do you need Lottery money? Explain the situation – such as why parts of the church cannot be used.

Why is this solution the right one for your church? If you want new facilities, you will have to give us a reason why. Your bid will be stronger if you can evidence that this will help to bring more people into the church.

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We have three aims which are to:

Section 4: this is where you will tell us what the project will achieve.

This is all about the difference your project will make. Use our outcomes as a starting point!

Tell us about the structural repairs and what the building will be like afterwards. The difference might be that the church is water-tight, the interior has been improved and that an area of the church can be now used again.

New toilets will help more people, beyond the congregation, use the church for school visits, concerts and events throughout the year.

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We have three aims which are to:

Section 4: this is where you will tell us what the project will achieve.

Tell us what more you can do because of our funding.

Producing a child’s guide to the church will mean the local school will visit more often and local children will understand their heritage better.

Upgrading the heating means the church can be used, outside of worship, for a wider range of events and activities.

This will help to increase visitors; who will learn more about the history of the church through the new displays.

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We have three aims which are to:

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We have three aims which are to:

Section 5: how are you going to manage the project?

Is the project timetable realistic?

Does the project team have experience? Is the project lead suitably qualified in conservation?

In the first-round application form, this is where you tell us, in detail, about what you will do in the development phase.

You also have to tell us about risks to the project and what you will do to help manage those risks.

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We have three aims which are to:

Section 6: after the project ends…

Tell us how you will maintain the benefits of the project after the grant ends. Will you have to meet any additional running costs (perhaps generated by new facilities) and if so, how will you meet them?

Are there any long-term risks? And if so, what will you do to help manage this?

We want you to evaluate your project. You can describe your plans for evaluation in this section.

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We have three aims which are to:

Section 7: your project’s costs!

7a – 7c is for the development phase. We want detailed information on this at first-round!

7d – 7j is all about the project, including the capital work, such as roof repair, upgrading heating etc. and

Costs for community activity, such heritage displays, open days, a new guide book etc.

Remember, costs for 7d – 7j should be in outline at first-round and detailed at second-round.

We expect all applicants to apply to the Listed Places of Worship Grants Scheme to reclaim VAT.

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We have three aims which are to:

Section 8: additional information

We collect information on age ranges, ethnicity etc. – it is not part if the assessment process.

The declaration – by sending us this you agree to our terms and conditions.

Section 9: supporting documents.

Send all the information as listed in both application form and the guidance.

If you do not send everything, we may not be able to accept your bid.

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important things to think about

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Plan your faculty! This will be required for your second-round bid and most likely, any ‘new’ work you ask us to fund…

make sure your first-round bid has a detailed description of the ‘development phase’, including a timetable, costs and briefs for work to be funded…

If you are including any new work, such as a new toilet or kitchen, will you need planning permission?

things to think about…

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For any goods or services of £10k to £50k, you must get three quotes, any cost over £50k must be tendered.

This will include your architect.

If you have recently procured your architect, and that process was in-line with ours, you should not have to procure them again.


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We want to see a letter of support highlighting:

-  why there is a need for HLF funding;

-  whether there is support of the congregation’s continued use of the building;

-  issues that might affect the place of worship, such as pastoral reorganisation;

-  how the project meets a need or opportunity.

the role of the Arch-Deacon in the application process

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If my bid is unsuccessful, can I apply again?


If I have received funding before from HLF, can I apply again?

Yes… but, we won’t fund a project we have funded before.

Is English Heritage involved with this grant programme?

Yes… they will provide us with some technical advice during assessment.

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Tea Break

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Helen Greer

Development Officer Heritage Lottery Fund

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Sharing Heritage Grant requests of £3,000 to £10,000 First World War: then and now Grant requests of £3,000 to £10,000 Our Heritage Grant requests of £10,000 to £100,000 Young Roots Grant requests of £10,000 to £50,000 Heritage Grants Grant requests of £100,000 +

Funding Programmes

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Other HLF programmes: Parks for People

Landscape Partnership Scheme

Townscape Heritage

Heritage Enterprise

Grants for Places of Worship


Start-up Grants

Transition Funding

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•  New small grants programme •  No application deadline

•  Decision in 8 weeks

•  Short application form

•  For not-for-profit groups wishing to explore, share and celebrate their heritage

•  Must meet one outcome for people

Sharing Heritage Grants of £3,000 to £10,000

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St Peter’s Church, Ealing Grant of £8,750

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•  For communities to explore, conserve and share their First World War heritage;

•  No application deadline

•  Decision in 8 weeks

•  Short application form

•  For projects which benefit all ages

•  Must meet one outcome for people

First World War: then and now Grants of £3,000 to £10,000

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St Michael’s Church Grant of £10,000

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Our Heritage Grants of £10,000 to £100,000 •  No application deadline

•  Decision in 8 weeks

•  One single-round application

•  Applications meet 2 outcomes (one for heritage and one for people)

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Crayford Town Archive Grant of £39,500

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Plaistow Bells Grant of £40,800

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St Mary Magdalene Grant of £50,000

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Hanworth Park Preservation Trust Grant of £77,400

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§  Grants of £10,000 to £50,000, for up to 2 years

§  Delivered through partnerships of heritage and youth organisations §  Young people should learn about heritage and gain new skills or opportunituies §  Young people should lead activities and share their learning with others

§  Same short process as Our Heritage

Young Roots Projects delivered by 11–25 year olds

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Sakoba Dance for All in partnership with Kingston College Grant of £24,900 Explored the life of Senegal-born Cesar Picton who is buried in All Saints Church, Kingson Research sessions Visits Exhibitions Performances

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Heritage Grants •  Grants of over £100,000

•  For heritage of regional or national importance

•  Two round application process

•  3 months assessment at each round

•  Development funding and mentoring support available

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All Saints Kingston Grant of £899,000

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What difference will your project make for heritage?

With HLF investment, heritage will be: •  Better managed •  In better condition •  Better interpreted and explained •  Identified and/or recorded

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With HLF investment, people will have: •  Learnt about heritage* •  Developed skills

•  Changed their attitudes and/or behaviour

•  Had an enjoyable experience

•  Volunteered time *weighted outcome

What difference will your project make for people?

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With HLF investment: •  Environmental impacts will be


•  More people and a wider range of people will have engaged with heritage

•  Organisations will be more resilient

•  Local economies will be boosted

•  Local areas/communities will be a better place to live, work or visit

What difference will your project make for communities?

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HLF project enquiry service

•  Initial heritage idea •  Read HLF’s guidance

notes, case studies, •  Submit a project enquiry

form online at

•  Get a written response within10 working days

•  Grant surgery / information session

•  Develop idea •  Apply

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Contact Us London

Michael Murray 020 7591 6183 [email protected] Helen Greer 020 7591 6174 [email protected] Norma Pearson 020 7591 6190 [email protected]

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