gr 6 lesson 1 unit 2

Unit 1 The World Chapter 1 Geography

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WFLMS Shanghai Gr 6 Geography Unit 1


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Unit 1 The WorldChapter 1 Geography

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The universe is a big place - dark and empty…..

…but we are fortunate. This is Earth – our living planet!

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A Living Earth

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We share our beautiful planet with many other living things….

…..and it belongs equally to all of us.

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Millions of years ago, the pattern of oceans and continents on Earth looked very different to now…..

…..and because of continued change, the pattern will look very different in the future.

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Not so long ago in Earth’s history, there were no humans.

From the time the first humans appeared, it took thousands of years for the world population to reach 1 billion.

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It then took just:

100 years to reach 2 billion people…..

23 years to reach 3 billion people…..

21 years to reach 4 billion people…..

and only

13 years to reach 5 billion people…..

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Today there are well over

6 BILLION (6,000,000,000) PEOPLE

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How has this happened?

Why has this happened?

What will happen next?Geograph

y Matters!

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Our world is a living world.

Every day it changes.

Some of the changes are natural……

…..and some are caused by people.

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Natural forces are at work shaping our planet………

…..and tourists come long distances just to see a beautiful volcano glowing in the night sky.

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Elsewhere, millions of people choose to live and work in these dangerous locations.

Why are they there?



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We know the Earth used to be covered by millions of hectares of natural forest and grassland.

Today, these are gone or rapidly disappearing…… does anyone care?Geograph

y Matters!

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Many people wonder why geographers spend so much of their time trying to understand how rivers work……

These people

know why!



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Some natural events are fortunately very rare…….

… 2004, we remembered why we need to understand and plan for these rare natural events!!



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On our beautiful but complex planet, everything that happens is linked to everything else. When we…..

• drop a piece of litter

• pour a chemical down the sink

• chop down a tree

• burn coal

• build a motorway

• catch some fish

• fertilise the fields

• drive to work or school

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…..the planet knows.

Natural changes are replaced by

changes caused by…..

human actions!



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Over six billion people living on Earth.

Does everyone have the same basic services?

The latest UN Human Development Report stated that:

the world’s 500 richest people own more wealth than the world’s poorest 400 million!

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However, we know that it would take just £3 billion to provide clean water for the 50% of the world that don’t currently have it.

Too much ?

In Europe people spend more than that each year on perfume and after shave!! We could all help to change that situation…..Geograph

y Matters!

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Some of the differences between groups of people around the world need to be better understood and respected…..

… is the differences in appearance, language, clothing, food and culture that makes the world a fascinating place to learn about.

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When there were fewer humans around, people lived in the countryside and their whole lives had a clear focus on the land….

…..but in 2007, a very important change happened.

For the first time ever, over 50% of all human beings were living in towns and cities.

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Life in the cities is very different.

Sometimes it is better….

….often it is not!



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Change is also happening in our communities…..

Is it getting better? Is it getting worse?

The environment?

Our hospitals?

Our sports facilities?

Our shopping facilities?

Our housing?

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If you could identify and shape the future changes in your local area…..

…..what would you change?



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At the global scale, does our planet have enough resources for 6 billion people?

What about 9 billion people??

What about 12 billion people ???Now is the time to ask some serious questions…..

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Where are those resources that we all need to live?

66% in the Middle East and only 2% in W. Europe.

Is it important to know and understand this fact?

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How fast are we using our resources? When will they run out?

Silver (needed for jewellery & catalytic converters) – 9 years

Antimony (needed for drugs) – 13 years

Uranium (needed for power stations) – 19 years

Tantalum (needed for mobile phones & camera lenses) – 20 years

Copper (needed for wire cables and coins) – 38 years

? ? ? ? ?

What will we do when all these resources are gone?

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Will we have enough of these resources to last your lifetime?

We all need to learn a lot more about …..


You can play your part by showing that…..



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Geography is about the world we live in…..the ‘here and now’.

Geography is about how the world is changing…..

Geography is about your world and about my world…..

Geography is about the future of our world.



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Can anyone live without it?

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What is geography? (P18)

Geography is the study of

Earth and its people

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The LARGEST continent is…

• Asia!!! - Home to 60% of the world’s population

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The smallest continent is…

• Australia – home to seven of the ten deadliest snakes

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Michael Jordan’s continent is…

• North America – Home to hot dog eating contests, NASCAR, and Britney Spears

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The continent with the most countries is…

• Africa with 53 countries – home to man-eating lions, flesh-eating viruses, and poop-eating bugs.

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The continent that is a giant desert is…

• Antarctica – population zero…and some penguins

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The continent with the highest population density is…

• Europe – home to the plague, the Spanish Inquisition, and two World Wars.

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The continent with the largest rainforest and river system is…

• South America – home to hundreds of unknown and isolated tribes

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