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JOSEPH PRINCE MINISTRIES VOL 4 ISSUE 4 GOSPEL REVOLUTION His Word | page 2 Hear your way to every blessing

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His Word | page 2

Hear your way to everyblessing

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Joseph Prince Ministries believes in the importance of the local church.

Our Local Church Initiative seeks to encourage and equip local churches in the United States by sowing complimentary,

grace-based teaching resources each month.

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Please send all correspondence, enquiries, requests to: Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., PO Box 2115, Fort Mill, SC 29716, USA; tel: 866 909 9673 (toll-free); website:

Gospel Revolution is published by Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., a non-profit organization in the USA. © Copyright Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc., 2011. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without prior written permission. Gospel Revolution has no subscription or newsstand price, and is supported through contributions worldwide. All gifts to Joseph Prince Ministries, Inc. are tax-deductible in the USA only.

Unless stated otherwise, all articles touching on the Word are based on Joseph Prince’s messages. Other opinions reflected in this newsletter do not necessarily represent those of the ministry or publications team.

Unless stated otherwise, all scripture quotations are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

2 Peter 1:2–32Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, 3as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue,

Imagine if God were to visit you in a dream tonight and ask you what He could do for you. What would you say to Him? Would you ask Him to give you a deeper knowledge of Jesus our Lord? God’s Word tells us that when you receive revelation in the knowledge of Jesus, it will cause grace and peace to be multiplied in your life. It will cause you to receive all things that pertain to life and godliness.

What is grace? It is the unmerited, unearned and undeserved favor of God shown to us. There is nothing we can do to earn God’s grace. But the more we learn of the beauty and love of our Lord Jesus, the more we see His perfect work on the cross, and the more we position ourselves to receive a multiplication of God’s grace in our lives.

The verse says that peace too, is multiplied to us through the knowledge of Jesus our Lord. The peace of God sets our hearts free from fear, stress, worries, anxieties and cares. Wouldn’t you want to have the peace of God presiding over your heart always?

God’s divine power has given us all things that pertain not just to godliness, but to life as well. Wouldn’t you say that health, money, a good job and a nice home for your family pertain to life? Well, all these things and everything else which God has already given is released to you through the knowledge of Jesus our Lord.

So let’s ask God every day, “Father, give me wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus.” For to know Jesus is to have grace and peace multiplied to us. To know Jesus is to receive all things pertaining to life and godliness!

Grace And Peace Multiplied To You

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His Word


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A Dutch pastor friend of mine, Marcel, shared a powerful testimony with me sometime back of his friend who suffered severe pain for about six

years because of a jet skiing accident in Penang, Malaysia.

This man had been run over by another jet ski and pulled out of the water unconscious. His head was so badly hit that he had missing teeth, a broken upper jaw and deep cuts to his face. The doctors at the hospital were surprised that he had even survived.

When he flew back to Holland, his body broke down, knocking him flat on his back for a month. He never quite recovered from the breakdown and found that he couldn’t handle physical or mental pressure. He had constant headaches, pain in his body, was fired from several jobs and could only do light work. Because of his condition, life for him was limited and filled with frustration. He couldn’t do a lot of things that he wanted to do.

One day, as he was sitting in Marcel’s car, a CD of one of my sermons was being played. He was half-asleep when he heard me say, “Jesus has already healed you… Satan is the one giving you these lying symptoms.” He woke up and told the Lord silently, “If You have already healed me, then I believe that I’m healed.” He testified, “At that very moment, every pain left me and I was totally and completely healed.”

What a wonderful testimony of God’s goodness! This man walked out of a long-term debilitating condition and walked right into God’s abundant health. And it all began when he heard about Jesus’ finished work. That’s how easy it is to receive from God!

HOW IT ALL BEGINSWhether it’s a healing, pay increment or the turnaround of a troubled relationship, it all begins to happen when you hear God’s Word. This is a simple yet powerful truth.

It says in Psalm 65:11 that the Lord has crowned the year with His goodness and abundance. The Bible also tells us clearly that if you want to “eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance”, then you need to “incline your ear” and “listen carefully” to God’s Word (Isaiah 55:2–3). In other words, if you want to walk out of sickness and lack, and walk right into divine health and prosperity, keep hearing God’s Word!

My friend, God loves you and He doesn’t want you running from place to place spending your energy, time and money on sophisticated “solutions”, only to fail and end up more worried, confused and possibly poorer. He wants you to simply sit at His feet and listen to His Word, and allow Him to bring to pass the miracle you so desire. As you incline your ear, or as you give attention to His life-filled words, He will bring clarity into your situation, refresh your soul and cause you to experience victory!


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Good things begin to happen to you when you hear about Jesus.

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‘WHEN SHE HEARD ABOUT JESUS’Let me give you an example from the Gospels about the power of hearing. Remember the woman who had a bleeding condition for 12 years? She sought all manner of medical treatment, some of which were no doubt painful and traumatizing. But not only were these treatments ineffective, they also wiped out her savings. That wasn’t all. Because of her discharge, she was considered unclean under the law of Moses and very likely, treated much like an outcast or leper. She must have heard so many snide and hurtful remarks from people, not to mention negative reports from the doctors, that they all probably cemented how she saw herself—helpless and hopeless, a failure without a future.

But all that began to change one day. How? “When she heard about Jesus” (Mark 5:27). I love that! God’s ways are so simple, yet so powerful. How did her breakthrough after 12 long and painful years come? With her hearing about Jesus!

HEAR WHAT ABOUT JESUS? What do you think this woman heard about Jesus? Did she hear that Jesus only healed some folks because His will was for some to remain sick? Did she hear that Jesus only healed those who behaved well? Did she hear that Jesus turned away the unclean, the lepers and society’s outcasts?

No, my friend, I’m sure that she heard about how Jesus cleansed lepers, opened blind eyes, unstopped deaf ears, cast out devils, raised the dead and forgave sinners—no matter who they were and what kind of past they had. She heard about how He gladly healed, delivered and saved them as long as they came to Him! And because she heard of a loving and compassionate Jesus, faith that she would be healed just came. The Bible records how she said to herself, “If only I may touch His clothes, I shall be made well.” (Mark 5:28) And she was, instantaneously!

Beloved, good things begin to happen to you when you hear about Jesus. You may have been suffering for a long time and doctors, friends and even family members may have given up on you, but all that can change when you begin to hear about Jesus! As it happened for the woman with the bleeding condition, the problem or bondage in your life will come to an end as you begin to hear about Jesus—His compassion towards you, His willingness to save and deliver you, and what He has already done for you at the cross.

The Bible tells us that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17). The Greek word for “God” here is actually Christos, which means Christ. Faith, then, comes by hearing the Word of Christ, which is the gospel of Christ —His finished work and all the blessings He has purchased for us at the cross, such as healing, provision and protection. So the more you hear about the Lord’s grace towards you, His finished work at Calvary and all the blessings that you have inherited through the cross, the more faith will come for your breakthrough!

KEEP ON HEARING!Pastor Prince, I’ve heard about Jesus and His goodness, but I’m still sick and broke.

My friend, faith for your miracle doesn’t come by “having heard”. Just as we have breakfast, lunch and dinner to nourish and sustain our bodies (sometimes, even snacking in between meals and after dinner), likewise, when it comes to the Word of Christ, we need to keep hearing and feeding on it. That’s why Romans 10:17 says that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing”. In other words, we need to keep hearing and hearing and hearing… and after we have heard, to hear some more! So don’t hear just once or twice and give up. Keep hearing. Hear your way to your miracle!

That’s how a man born crippled also received His healing as recorded in the Book of Acts. The Bible tells us that this crippled man lived in Lystra, a town in the region of Lycaonia, where the apostle Paul went to preach. While everyone else could move around with ease, he had to move about slowly and painfully, or be carried by others who pitied him. It was while he was sitting on the floor in a public place one day, perhaps in the marketplace in Lystra, that the apostle Paul came along preaching the good news of Jesus. And what this crippled man heard… and heard, changed his life forever!

The Bible tell us, “This man heard Paul speaking. Paul, observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, said with a loud voice, ‘Stand up straight on your feet!’ And he leapt and walked.” (Acts 14:9–11) What a spectacular miracle! The crowds there went wild. God’s power shot right through the impotent legs and feet of this man and he leapt and walked for


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the first time in his life. No more painful manoeuvres on filthy floors and depending on others to be carried around. He was now mobile and jubilant!

FREEDOM FROM EVERY CRIPPLING SITUATIONNow, let me show you something interesting. The Bible says that the crippled man “heard Paul speaking”. In the original Greek text, the Greek word for “speaking” here is in the imperfect tense, meaning a continual or repeated action. This means that Paul didn’t just preach once, but again and again at Lystra. Perhaps he preached in the marketplace for an hour, watched the crowd disperse, and preached again to another crowd, and so on. I can just imagine the crippled man sitting there—he wasn’t easily mobile because of his condition—and hearing Paul preach about Jesus over and over again.

As he sat there and listened and listened to Paul’s preaching through the “first service” and again at the “second service”, faith for a miracle began to build up in his heart (remember that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing”). With nowhere to go, he just kept hearing about Jesus’ compassion and willingness to heal the sick, and His finished work at Calvary. By the end of the “third service”, this crippled’s faith was at fever pitch and Paul, seeing that he had faith to be healed, commanded him to stand on his feet. The man not only stood on his feet, he even leapt and walked! That, my friend, is the power of hearing and hearing!

Perhaps like this crippled man, you have been battling with a physical condition for a long time. Or maybe you have been crippled by depression, fears and overwhelming anxiety attacks. Perhaps it’s a crippling financial situation that you are facing today. Your bills are piling up and the

When it comes to the Word of Christ, we need to keep hearing and feeding on it. Hear your way to your miracle!

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banks are calling you every day. It may seem as if you are never going to get out of this rut, but I want you to know that nothing is impossible with God. It can all begin to change!

Beloved, you don’t have to remain defeated, sick or poor for the rest of your life. You don’t have to stay “crippled” in any way. God wants to set you free to soar with Him and live the abundant life that His Son died to give you. And it all begins with hearing and hearing the Word of Christ.

Instead of worrying and getting stressed, I encourage you to incline your ear to the gospel truth of the finished work of Christ. Stop listening to all the negative talk about how you cannot experience your breakthrough. Keep hearing about His undeserved favor towards you, His unconditional love for you and how His sacrifice has qualified you to partake freely of every blessing of God. And like the woman with the bleeding condition and the crippled man at Lystra, faith for your breakthrough will peak in your heart as you keep hearing and encountering the lovely person of Jesus and His finished work!

PLUG IN BEYOND SUNDAYSWhat this means is that you don’t hear the Word only on Sundays when you go to church. Take every opportunity every day to keep hearing about what Jesus has done for you. Whether you are in the car, on the treadmill, cooking or simply lying on your bed, keep hearing the Word of the Lord. With television, radio, the Internet, and CD and MP3 players made available to us today, we simply need to prioritize finding time to plug in and listen.

Why is this important? Because our human tendency is to hear and retain bad news. We tend to be negatively inclined and give more weight to negative reports than to good news from God’s Word. That’s why there is a daily fight of faith. If we want to stay in faith and see the promises of God come to pass in our lives, then let’s keep hearing the good news of Christ not just on Sundays, but every day!


Why do I keep emphasizing the importance of hearing?Apart from it causing faith to come, God Himself literally


tells us to “hear and hear” if we want to experience good. Let’s look at Isaiah 55:2 again:

Listen carefully [shema shema] to Me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in abundance.

The words “listen carefully” are the Hebrew words shema shema. The word shema, which means “hear”, is repeated by God to underline the importance of hearing. That’s why our English Bibles translate them as “listen carefully” or “hearken diligently”. Can you see it? The blessings of God—His goodness and abundance in every area of your life—are tied to hearing and hearing Him. For example, when the blessing of health is mentioned, we find it linked to shema shema again:

… “If you diligently heed [shema shema] the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” (Exodus 15:26)

Notice how the health of the Israelites here was tied to hearing and hearing (shema shema) God, and doing what was right and keeping all His commandments. Now, because we are under the new covenant of grace today, God doesn’t heal us because we have done right and kept all His laws. No, He heals us because of Jesus, who kept all the laws on our behalf and purchased healing for us with His stripes! Indeed Isaiah 53:5 tells us that “by His stripes we are healed”. So all we have to do is hear about Jesus and believe in Him and what He has done for us at the cross.

God’s principle of “hear and be healed” is not just found in the Old Testament. It is also found in the New Testament. Luke 5:15 describes how “great multitudes came together to hear, and to be healed by Him of their infirmities”.

Many people today want to be healed of their diseases, but they are not interested in hearing what God has to say. Once, after a service, a man came up to me and asked me to pray for him to be healed. I began to remind him about what I had just preached to encourage him. He responded with, “I wasn’t here during your preaching. I

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just came to be prayed for.”

My friend, I’m not saying that God won’t heal you because you didn’t sit through an entire sermon. But it would be so much easier for you to receive your healing when you have faith in your heart because you heard Jesus preached, as we saw in the case of the two biblical accounts and testimony we read about earlier. It would also be easier for you to keep your healing because you know Jesus’ heart for you to be healthy and whole and the price He paid at the cross for all blessings to be yours.

NEVER TOO YOUNG TO HEARIf you are a parent, I encourage you to talk to your children about Jesus. They are never too young to hear Bible stories. Don’t just leave it to the teachers at the children’s church. You, too, can speak to your kids about Jesus. Just be led by the Holy Spirit and keep it simple. For example, when you watch a beautiful sunset with your child and you feel prompted to share the Lord’s love with him, you can simply say, “Isn’t that a beautiful sunset? Jesus made it for us to enjoy. But you know what I think is more awesome? You. Because the Bible says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made!” What a simple and powerful way to remind our children of how much Jesus loves them and how special they are to Him!

When you tuck them into bed at night, you can read them Bible stories and pray or speak God’s blessings over them for them to hear, and just trust the Holy Spirit to do the impartation. That’s what I have been doing with my daughter, Jessica, since she was a baby. And now that she’s older, it’s easy for me to progress to reading devotionals with her. Let me give you an example. Sometimes, before she goes to bed at night, I would read with her a devotional on the Lord’s favor from my book, 100 Days Of Favor. I want her to develop a strong sense of Jesus’ favor and presence in whatever she does every day, be it taking a test in school or just having fun with her friends.

My friend, start sowing the Word of Christ into the lives of your children. Let them hear and hear about Jesus and what His Word says about His love for them and who they are in Him. I tell you, when they grow up, they will become champions in the fight of life! In fact, the Bible tells us that when our children hear the Lord’s affirming

Word through us, not only will they be blessed, but our days and theirs will also be multiplied, “like the days of the heavens above the earth” (Deuteronomy 11:19, 21)!

HEAR AND HEAR YOUR WAY TO ALL BLESSINGSBeloved, there may be a thousand things screaming for your attention every day, but I encourage you to give priority to hearing about our Lord Jesus and His grace. Deuteronomy 28:1–7 promises that when we hearken diligently (shema shema) to His voice, every blessing is ours to enjoy:

“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey [shema shema] the voice of the Lord your God… Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. Blessed shall be the fruit of your body… Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out. The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.”

Wherever you are—at home, in the office, on your way to the supermarket or vacationing overseas, you will be blessed. Whether it is your health, studies, career or business, you will be blessed. Your children will be blessed. You will also enjoy His favor and divine protection and see your enemies defeated before you!

My friend, keep hearing and hearing until you are so full of the life of Christ. His life will drive out that crippling disease. His life will give you wisdom for your marriage, career and finances. His life will swallow up depression and bring joy unspeakable. His life will empower you to overcome that destructive habit—and every other thing that is hindering you from experiencing His goodness and abundance. Remember, the breakthrough that you desire begins to happen when you shema shema the Word of Christ and all that He has accomplished for you. It really is that simple!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2011. All rights reserved.

Recommended CD message:• The Secret Of Hearing That Brings Blessings, 9 January 2011To obtain the message, visit the online store at

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Seeing God’s goodness and abundance in every area of your life is tied to hearing and hearing about Jesus and what He has done for you at the cross.

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More than 14,000 church leaders and ministry volunteers from all over the world left the O2 Arena in London tremendously impacted and refreshed by the Hillsong Conference Europe 2011, which took place from 21 to 23 July 2011.

During the conference, Joseph ministered at two spirit-filled sessions. In his second message, which was also the closing session of the conference, he continued to unveil the beauty of our loving Savior to the people, and ushered the powerful and tangible presence of God into the venue.

So sweet and mesmerizing was the Lord’s love and amazing grace that even after the worship team had left the stage and the conference was over, the congregation remained, singing praises to the Lord in one accord.



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On 26 June 2011, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), the world’s largest Christian network, visited Joseph Prince at his home church—New Creation Church (NCC), Singapore.

Matt and Laurie Crouch, hosts of Praise the Lord, TBN’s flagship program, flew in specially to record an episode showcasing a Sunday experience with Joseph at NCC.

Besides delivering an impactful message on the Benjamin generation, Joseph also led the congregation in partaking of the Holy Communion. And viewers caught a glimpse of a lively praise and worship segment by NCC’s very own praise and worship team.




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Six years ago, I landed a teaching position at a Christian school, my first ever. Three years later, the school faced some serious challenges. Budgets didn’t come into line and the administration of the school began asking faculty to cut back on hours worked in an attempt to corral expenses. I was asked to go part-time. Believing that the Father has my best interest at heart, I relegated and stepped down even though we really couldn’t afford it as we were in a chapter 13 bankruptcy.

Not knowing how and where my next opportunity would come from, my wife and I began searching and praying, while attending church for the next three years. We had a modest income (from my wife), but we were in debt and bad times in our economy were not offering up opportunities like before.

One day, during those three long years of searching for employment, I remember tuning in to Daystar and I came across a pastor who spoke really fast. He spoke about “grace” and genuinely moved my heart as he expounded on the Scriptures with great understanding. He painted a lovely picture of Jesus, and His plans and help during such a season.

Your sermons (which I rarely miss) have presented a new perspective for my wife and me. We receive a fresh knowledge and revelation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and what He has done for us every day. Thank you, Pastor Prince.

Yesterday, I received a contract from the same school for reinstatement, a new position and better salary. I am truly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!

I am eternally grateful to you and your church staff for putting something so “earth-shaking” together for us in Tacoma, Washington. One more thing: I was passing out your CDs to some believers around my area, and everyone without fail went to your website and some bought books, some CDs and others just wanted to know more. Every morning, I receive your daily Grace Inspirations and I would forward them to many people who need to hear what God has for them. It’s AMAZING!

Thank you, Pastor Prince, and New Creation Church. May the good Lord continue to bless your ministry and please continue to put out those awesome DVDs, CDs and books! We can’t get enough of the grace that is being poured out right now!

Toru Garofalo | Washington, US


Last week, I watched your broadcast on Trinity Broadcasting Network. The sermon (preached at the beginning of 2011) dealt with supernatural protection. As I heard your personal testimony of protection and the words that you spoke, I received God’s protection in my heart for myself and my family, not knowing how soon I would need it.

Later that day, I accidentally left my stove on and went out to visit my family. I have never done such a thing before. My husband arrived home from work before I got back and found our entire house filled with smoke.

Amazingly, only the food in the pot was burned, but no fire started nor did we suffer any damage! Our cat was safe and even my favorite cooking pot was spared, because of God’s great love for me and His beautiful favor on my life!

Thank God for the message He brings through you, Pastor Prince. God bless you, your family and your church!

Monica Smith | Hawaii, US


On Thursday, 21 July 2011 at 7am, you were preaching on Trinity Broadcasting Network when you suddenly said, “Someone has a pain running down their right thigh when they walk and God is healing them.” I received that word for myself and just wanted to tell you that I was HEALED.

I had been in incredible pain for a while and that day I was contemplating going to the emergency room. I could barely walk, stand or bend without being in serious pain. The moment I heard the words, I knew I was healed.

Thank you, Pastor Prince, for speaking God’s Word. My family and I listen to you every morning. Thank you for your message of God’s grace. May God bless you, your family and your ministry.

Robert Burley | Indiana, US

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I watch Destined To Reign on various networks faithfully. One day, my husband became violently sick with severe pain and pressure in his right eye. It was diagnosed as eye shingles. This condition is very painful and dangerous and can last for months.

While watching Joseph the next day, (it was a sermon on 20 July 2011, a repeat of Joseph’s Easter Sunday service), he called out a condition saying that God was healing a man with severe pain and pressure in his right eye. I claimed that healing for my husband.

Later that afternoon, I called my husband at work to see how he was feeling. He said much better and I told him what Joseph had proclaimed. My husband recovered completely by the end of the week, from a serious illness that usually lasts for months.

To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise, honor, glory and power, forever!

New York, US


I had to deal with the issue of rejection my whole life. My mother despised me until the day she passed on because she never planned to have me. I did not have a happy marriage, living for 31 years with a man who is verbally and physically abusive towards me and my three children. My son has totally cut himself off from us, and one of my daughters hardly speaks to me. Even my in-laws reject me. They would not talk to me other than to insult me. At work, I don’t get along with my co-workers.

I yearned to be loved my whole life! The emotional pain I felt was excruciating and I fell into depression. When I accepted Christ 18 years ago, I would cry and wish with all my heart that God would love me because I wasn’t sure if He did.

Then, I read Pastor Prince’s life-changing book Unmerited Favor. I cried while reading it. For the first time in 51 years, I finally believed and understood that the Lord loves me! The book helped me to see this truth clearly, with absolutely no doubt. I am finally at peace because I am resting in God’s love for me. I feel like a child again, with the Lord holding and comforting me. I no longer have anger and unforgiveness for the world and the people around me.

JESUS CARES FOR HURTING MUM AND BABY I became a single mom when the man in my life ran out on me. To cope with the emptiness in my life, I lived on anti-depressants and other medications. Then, my child’s father suddenly came back. He made me stop taking the medication abruptly, which sent me into the worst bout of depression and pain. On the night of 12 June, I completely lost my temper when my baby started crying and screaming non-stop. I was hurting inside and started crying uncontrollably. I felt like I was breaking down slowly—it seemed like the devil was working hard to break me down.

As I was sitting alone and crying my eyes out in my mom’s house, Joseph Prince’s broadcast* started playing on television. I heard him talking about what it was like being a father. I listened as Joseph talked about carrying his little girl when she was tired and how he would not put her down even when his arm was hurting. He said he couldn’t—he loved her too much to wake her from her sleep even if it meant he had to suffer. He went on to say that Jesus loves us the same way!

The revelation of Jesus’ love touched me deeply and I broke down. I jumped up, picked up my daughter, and as soon as I did, she stopped crying for the first time in hours and quickly fell asleep! All my pain went away and I was at peace. I continued to watch the rest of Joseph Prince’s broadcast program till the end. What he shared about the Lord’s love for me touched my heart so much, I didn’t want him to stop talking.

What I experienced while watching the broadcast is a first for me even though my grandfather is a pastor. When I felt like I was going to lose my mind, Joseph Prince reminded me of Jesus, His love and His help. I just had to say, “Thank you.”

Emma Newton | Kentucky, US

*Broadcast message mentioned in the above praise report:Sermon number #203 Accepted In The Beloved, Empowered To Succeed (Message also found in Hope Conference–2-DVD Album). 

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Thank you, Pastor Prince, for explaining God’s unmerited favor in such a clear and thorough way that makes it possible for me to understand His grace. It really ministered to my wounded heart. I pray that the Lord will continue to bless your family, ministry and you richly! Now that I’ve finished reading Unmerited Favor, I am going to start on your book, Destined To Reign!

Leslie Hope Alfaro | California, US


I am a farmer living on a farm close to a small town. I just want to praise the Lord Jesus that He uses you to preach grace. I give thanks to our Lord that He directed my path to your sermons, which have changed my life. For the first time in my life, I truly understand John 8:32: “You will know the truth and the truth shall set you free”.

For the first time in my life, my wife and I are free from the burden of our own efforts, guilt and self-condemnation. We just love the Lord and enjoy the light of His love in our lives. We experience it in a personal way now. What a blessing it’s been for us to be able to teach our children from infancy, to know that they will not have to live a life of self-effort and bondage to the law. That is a blessing indeed.

During harvest time, I drive the harvester for 10 hours a day. This time round, I listened to your sermons on my iPod and had such a blessed time even though driving the harvester can be so monotonous. We currently have nine of your sermons and are trying to get more.

My family and I live a victorious life now and receive blessing upon blessing. I give all the glory and honor to the Lord for the life-changing work that you are doing!

Casper Schutte | South Africa


My wife and I started taking the Holy Communion on a daily basis after watching Pastor Prince’s DVDs that my daughter had bought for us.

I was diagnosed with a 50 percent blocked heart artery. There were already symptoms of this disease and they manifested by way of chest cramps, aches in my left arm and acid reflux that closely resembles the feeling of a heart attack. I requested for prayer for my situation and I want to thank you all for your prayers.

Since we have been taking the Lord’s Supper together, I am happy to report that I have stopped taking the medication for my acid reflux as there were no more reflux symptoms. The discomfort in my chest and left arm has also disappeared. I believe that the Lord’s healing hands are at work. I praise and thank God for this!

Send Us Your Praise Reports

Want to share how God has blessed you through this ministry? We would love to

hear from you. Know that your praise report glorifies His name! You can use our online

praise report form at

(Under “Contact”, click on “Praise Report”).

If you would like to include a photo* of yourself, please write to us at [email protected] or at Joseph Prince

Ministries, Inc., PO Box 2115, Fort Mill SC 29716, USA.

*Please note that the photo you send is non-returnable. We may use your photo when we

publish your praise report on our website and/or newsletter.

The praise reports were shared with Joseph Prince Ministries via email, post or phone. They were edited for length and the

information furnished by the testimony givers has been published in good faith.

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I know it is no coincidence when one of Pastor Prince’s teachings addresses an issue I am currently facing. For example, I had heard him preach about his deliverance from irritable bowel syndrome and pain in his tailbone in one of his DVD resources. But when that same message was broadcast here on television and it addressed an issue I was facing, I knew that it was definitely a message for me directed by the Holy Spirit.

We want to thank Pastor Prince and we are praying for his ministry to reach new levels so that many believing Christians will be richly blessed.

Danny Seng | California, US


Earlier this year, my husband was watching the Trinity Broadcasting Network and came across Destined To Reign. After watching it for a few days, he called me and said, “Nicole, come watch this guy.” Wow! What can I say? You were teaching about grace versus law and we were mesmerized. After watching a few more days, we saw the promotion for Condemnation Kills But The Spirit Gives Life, so we ordered it. It was amazing!

All of a sudden, we could see the root cause of the problems we were experiencing and it made complete sense. Best of all, the glorious solution is in experiencing God’s lavish grace WITHOUT mixture!

We’ve since bought several more DVDs and your books and loaned them to friends. The response has been incredible! Every time Jeff and I give one of your books or devotionals as a gift, the recipient says it’s amazing!

We have shared your teaching with so many friends and relatives that a small Bible study group has sprung up in our home as a result. My friends are now telling their friends. I have heard the word “refreshed” more in the last two months after sharing your teachings with people than I have in the last 20 years!

My husband and I have been recording your television sermons for our personal use and have since purchased more of your teaching DVDs. We watch Destined To Reign together every morning and then many times end up studying and discussing the Bible together for another hour after that. We are both so incredibly blessed because of this time of fellowship together with God. All I know is that when I didn’t get together for a Bible Study one week, my friends ended up calling me on my cell phone and we spent three hours doing a Bible Study over the phone.

After 13 years as a chemical engineer, I quit my job because it was sucking the life out of me. For the last seven years, I’ve stayed home with our three children and when they were at school, I would study the Bible. Jeff and I taught the high school Sunday school class for three years as volunteers and for four years, I taught at a Bible Study for ladies. Jeff is heading up the Audio/Video Technical Ministries at our church. I kept telling Jeff that I wanted to go to a Bible college, but we didn’t know how to make it happen. Now, when I watch and study one of your teaching DVDs, I feel like I’m in Bible school, one that teaches the Word of God without compromise. I LOVE being in school!

I cannot fully express my enormous gratitude to you and your church for having the courage to preach and teach the true gospel of grace. Jeff and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We pray God’s abundant and lavish blessing on you, your beautiful family and all our brothers and sisters in Christ over in Singapore.

Jeff and Nicole Shope | South Carolina, US


One Wednesday in May 2011, I walked down a very steep mountain with my grandchild in his cart. By Thursday, my muscles were so sore from this strenuous exercise. Things got worse on Friday morning.

That morning, while having breakfast, my daughter arrived with her two-year-old son, saying that he wasn’t feeling well. Immediately, I suggested taking the Holy Communion together for him. As always, while holding the unleavened bread up to Abba Father, I thanked Him for complete healing in my whole body while we interceded together for the little boy.

I finished my breakfast and when I started walking, I realized that there was no more pain in my muscles. Taking Communion and just thanking our beloved Jesus for what He did for me on the cross brought healing to my muscles.

I am just amazed at how much my Father loves me and what He did for me through His beloved Son, Jesus. I praise and worship Him.

Thanks Pastor Prince, for your teaching on the Holy Communion. It changed our lives two years ago, but last Friday, I realized again how wonderful and alive the TRUE WORD is.

We pray for you and your church. We thank God that we can be blessed through your ministry.

Aldalize Cussons | South Africa

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