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Post on 28-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Grace


By: Grace Watts

Page 2: Grace


• The office is behind all of these bushes the office is where teaches have their lunch and where they go to get their coffees.

Page 3: Grace

Frog Pond

• This is the frog pond I really like having a frog pond at school because the frogs sound funny there is a frog called a motorbike frog and it sounds like a motorbike.

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Veggie Patch

• This is our school’s veggie patch there is one for the 2/3 class, 4/5 class and the 6/7 class the chooks are to the right of the veggie patch. We use the veggies for cooking in class.

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Shady Pine

• This is shady pine corner on the sign that is on the tree says a quiet place is shady pine corner. It is really quiet and peaceful around here and the birds are always around here.

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4/5 class room

• This is the front of the 4/5 class room it is a really nice painting on the wall it has kangaroos on it, some snakes and wallabies it is really colourful.

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• This is our new library it was only built this year and it is really big inside, it is air conditioned and heated it is really cool. It is much better than the old library because the old one was really small.

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Chook Pen

• This is the chook pen we have about 6 chooks and 1 rooster the rooster is really protective and will attack you if he feels threatened.

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6/7 and 2/3 class rooms

• This is the 6/7 and 2/3 class room the 6/7 class room is the one on the left and the one on the right is the 2/3 class room this is the biggest building in our school and it is the oldest.

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• These are some of the birds that we see around our school there is a magpie, blue wren, kookaburra and lots of other birds too.

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Path way to Nature

• This is our path way to nature it is like a minnie forest in the school it is really cool there are heaps of birds and if you’re lucky you can see them in there nest.

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Car Park

• This part of the car park at our school is where the teachers park their car and the bus drops kids off at school. When we play tennis or something the ball usually goes across here and we have to ask a teacher if we can go and get it.