grace gatherings · matthew weiss, osu student lin slezak, sue musil’s friend marilyn sims, sue...

Grace Gatherings Grace Gatherings is a monthly publication of Grace Lutheran Church, Corvallis, Oregon DECEMBER 2012 Volume XI, Issue 12 Inside this issue: Community of Grace 2,3, 7-10 From the Pastor 4 Advent 5 Christmas 6 Calendar 15 Our VISION is “to be a Christ -centered community who welcomes all, grows in faith, and reaches out in love.” Our MISSION is “to follow Christ into our community and world manifesting with caring hearts and helping hands the good news of the Kingdom of Christ.” Grace Lutheran Church is a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation, welcoming gay and lesbian believers to become members and to share in the sacramental and general life of this congregation. We affirm that we welcome all persons regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, age or national origin. Advent Midweek Schedule December 5, 12 & 19 6:15 pm Soup supper 7:00 pm Holden Evening Prayer 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal Special December Programs with Communion 10:00a December 16, Children’s Christmas Nativity 10:00a December 23, Lessons & Carols for Advent, followed by Caroling at the Caring Place. In place of a Christmas cantata, the Grace Chancel Choir will present an Easter cantata on the Sunday after Easter. Christmas Schedule Christmas Eve, December 24, 2010 5:00p Manger Service with Eucharist, especially for families with children 10:00p Candlelight service with Eucharist Note the Time for this service! There will be no service on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day this season. 10:00a December 30. Lessons & Carols for Christmas.

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Grace Gatherings Grace Gatherings is a monthly publication of Grace Lutheran Church, Corvallis, Oregon


Volume XI, Issue 12

Inside this issue:

Community of Grace 2,3,


From the Pastor 4

Advent 5

Christmas 6

Calendar 15

Our VISION is “to be a Christ

-centered community who

welcomes all, grows in faith,

and reaches out in love.”

Our MISSION is “to follow

Christ into our community

and world manifesting with

caring hearts and helping

hands the good news of the

Kingdom of Christ.”

Grace Lutheran Church is

a “Reconciling in Christ”

congregation, welcoming

gay and lesbian believers

to become members and

to share in the

sacramental and general

life of this congregation.

We affirm that we

welcome all persons

regardless of race, gender,

sexual orientation, age or

national origin.

Advent Midweek Schedule December 5, 12 & 19

6:15 pm Soup supper

7:00 pm Holden Evening Prayer

7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

Special December Programs with Communion

10:00a December 16, Children’s Christmas Nativity

10:00a December 23, Lessons & Carols for Advent, followed

by Caroling at the Caring Place.

In place of a Christmas cantata, the Grace Chancel Choir will

present an Easter cantata on the Sunday after Easter.

Christmas Schedule

Christmas Eve, December 24, 2010

5:00p Manger Service with Eucharist,

especially for families with children

10:00p Candlelight service with Eucharist

Note the Time for this service!

There will be no service on Christmas Day or

New Year’s Day this season.

10:00a December 30. Lessons & Carols for


Page 2 Grace Gatherings

Community of Grace

Thanks: Grandson of Betty Markham and the late Montie Markham, Doctor Erik Thiessen, was

awarded tenure at Carnagie Melon in Pittsburgh. He is a Doctor in Psychology.

Illness: Nabil Ibrahim, Gloria Ibrahim’s former husband

Vernon Morehouse, Teri Briskey’s cousin

Mark Speulda

Pastor Stewart Lundahl, Dave Lundahl’s father

Isabella Rodakowski, Kathy Scroggins grandniece

Max Power

Matthew Weiss, OSU student

Lin Slezak, Sue Musil’s friend

Marilyn Sims, Sue Musil’s friend

Barb Bunch, the director of Sandcastle Preschool

Jamie Pettingill

Death: Andrew Perry, friend of Allen Boone

Betty Cressman, Pastor Netsie's friend’s mother

Holley Rash, Pastor Netsie's cousin

A Thank You note from an Ida Fund Recipient

When I count my blessings, I’ll always think of you, because I couldn’t be more grateful

for the thoughtful things you’ve done. Thank you so much for all you have done. I can’t

thank you enough.

Tuesday Bible Study News and Schedule The Tuesday Bible Study group which meets from 1:00-2:30 pm will only meet twice in

December. Having finished the gospel of John in November, we will be doing some spe-

cial sessions before beginning a new unit of study in January. Here’s the schedule and top-


December 4 – Questions one never thought to ask about

the Revised Common Lectionary

December 11 – Advent 4 Texts

December 18, 25 and January 1 – NO SESSIONS

Enjoy the Holiday Break!

In January, we will resume with a four session video series titled “How do Lutherans In-

terpret the Bible?” featuring presentations by New Testament professor, Mark Allan Pow-

ell. Look for more details about that in the January Grace Gatherings.

Pass the Pie Fellowship Thanks to all of those who brought pie to our Pass the Pie Fellowship after Thanksgiving

Worship. Thanks is also extended to the Hospitality Committee for making this event a

delicious success.


2nd Thurs

Women’s Lunch-

eon will be at

Mexico Lindo,

5228 SW Philo-

math Blvd, Cor-

vallis, 11:45 a



Luncheon at

New Morning



This prayer list

is a compilation

of the prayer re-

quests we have

received at

Grace from Sep-

tember15 to Oc-

tober13. For a

more timely up-

date to the

prayers, send

your email ad-

dress to

prayers@grace97, and ask

to be part of the

prayer list.

Publications Time Tables and Changes: In order to get everything into our publications, here is the timetable

for this year: Announcements:

Week of Dec 16th, due noon, Tues, Dec 18 (1 day early) because of

the Christmas Holiday

Week of Dec 23rd, due noon, Wed, Dec 26 (regular schedule) be-

cause of the Christmas & New Year Holiday, anything you can get

in by the previous week’s deadline would be helpful.

Grace Gatherings:

The Dec due date is noon, Thursday, Dec 7 (1 week early) because of

the Christmas Holiday

Annual Report:

Info is due Thursday, Jan 3 before 4:30 pm. Please proof-read your

report, and send it electronically to the office: [email protected]


Page 3 Volume XI, Issue 12

Community of Grace

Office Holiday Schedule: Friday, Dec 23 & Monday, Dec 26 the office will be

closed for the Christmas Holiday

Friday, Dec 30 & Monday, Jan 2 the office will be

closed for the New Year Holiday

December Staff Meeting – Wednesday, December 5th, 12 p.m., Fireside Room

Change in January Staff Meeting Usually, the monthly Staff Meeting is the first Wednesday of the month, but in January

and only in January, it will be the second Wednesday of the month. So Staff will meet,

Wednesday, January 9th at the usual time of 12 p.m. in the Fireside Room.

Council Minutes Dues to the timing of the Council meeting and the deadline for inclusion in the newsletter,

there is no Council meeting minutes this month. Look for them on the bulletin board and

in next month’s newsletter.

Page 4 Grace Gatherings

Singing Our Faith in Christ

Pastor Netsie Griffith

Contact Information

Cell: 541.223.3455


[email protected]

Pastor Netsie’s

Days Off

Thursday & Friday

Pastor Wendell


Contact Information

Cell: 541.223.3503




Pastor Wendell’s

Days Off

Tuesday & Friday

Again this year, both our Grace Advent Devotional Booklet and our Wednesday Advent

Services will dovetail together. The common joiner of these two endeavors is the Canti-

cles of Luke.

First a word about canticles. A canticle is a sung prayer from the scriptures. (Unless it is a

psalm, which is another genre of sung prayer from the scriptures) There are canticles in

both the First and Second Testaments. Four of these canticles are found in the gospel of

Luke. Since this is the year of Luke for our gospel readings, it seemed only natural that we

should do something to highlight this poetic aspect of that gospel. The four canticles are

the Magnificat, Luke 1. 46-55, the Benedictus, Luke 1. 68-79, the Nunc Dimittis, Luke 2.

29-42 and the Gloria in Excelsis, Luke 2. 14, The Gloria also has additions from the early

church. In addition to your Bible, you will find these texts in this year’s advent devotional.

Since these are all songs, musicians have picked up these texts and wrote music for them

over the centuries. Many times, the same composer would write several settings and ver-

sions of music for the same text. The songs probably started as cantillations, intonation of

Bible texts in the Jewish manner. Indeed, it is probable that the first Christian hymns were

Jewish chants of the canticles of the Hebrew scriptures. When the first Christians sang

what became the New Testament canticles, they probably sounded very much like their

Old testament forerunners.

But the musical composing didn’t stop there. Composers and song writers of every era

have taken these scripture songs and remade them in their own styles. In fact ,now in the

twenty-first century, there is a resurgence of interest in these classic musical texts of scrip-

ture. Even here at Grace, one of our own has been inspired by one of these texts. We hope

to use his rendition in our Advent worship.

But it is not only the music that captivates Christian imagination across the centuries, it is

also the prayer of these texts. In fact, as is almost always the case with the gospel, the mu-

sic only serves the text. For it is the prayers themselves that become the inspiration for the

beautiful and captivating music that so often flows from them.

These texts are the prayers of God’s people. The Magnificat is the prayer of a young and

faithful Mary, Servant of Yahweh. The Benedictus is the prayer of pious Zechariah, an old

man, but a new father, who takes great joy at the birth of his son, John, who would later be

known as the Baptizer. The Nunc Dimittis is the prayer of patient Simeon whose devotion

to God brought the baby Jesus into his arms, a babe who was light to the peoples of the

world. Finally, the Gloria in Excelsis, the praise song of the Angels, sung before simple

shepherds who wondered at the heavenly voices.

These are also the prayers of the church. They have been in use by Christians since the

scriptures were written, most scholars would say, even before the scriptures were re-

corded. They are songs of the church which have been made new for each generation as

each generation uses and adopts the prayers as their own. They are truly some of the treas-

ures of scripture. Our hope is that by lifting them up, these treasures may come more fully

into your life to lift your spirit to God.

by Pastor Wendell Hendershott

Page 5 Volume XI, Issue 12


Grace's Own Advent Devotional Booklets Now Available! Free!

Free copies of Grace’s Advent Devotion Booklets are now available. Pick one up to

enhance the meaningfulness of your own Advent, and feel free to take another to share

with a friend or family member. The books, written by members and friends of Grace and

illustrated by the kids of our congregation, have become one of our multigenerational

traditions with over 50 people of all ages participating each year. This year the devotions

are based on the Canticles (hymns) from Luke, which will also be featured in our

Wednesday evening Advent services. Look for the basket with little books with blue

covers and pick up your copy of the Advent Devotion booklet today!

Wednesday Advent Services and A Blue Christmas Advent, the season we look forward to the three aspects of the comings of Jesus, begins

Sunday, December 2, this year. This year, because Christmas falls the first part of the

week (Christmas Eve is on Monday) all the Sundays of Advent are in December. Most

years it starts the Sunday after Thanksgiving, this year there is a Sunday between Thanks-

giving and the beginning of Advent.

The first of our three Wednesday Advent services Will be Dec 5. As in recent years, a

soup supper precedes each worship service at 6:15. There is a sign up on the table in the

entryway if you would like to make soup for us one Wednesday.

We will again feature Holden Evening Prayer as the main part of our Advent Wednesdays

as well. This is a prayer service that is sung. It was composed for Holden Village in the

winter of 1985-86. It is a delightful matching of the ancient texts of the Vespers service

(evening prayers) with gentle music conceived in a winter setting deep in the Cascade


Our Advent Theme this year, “Singing Our Faith in Christ,” centers around the Canticles

of Luke. Pastor Wendell’s Article, in this issue, has more information on that. In addition,

on the last Wednesday of Advent, we will also have a “Blue Christmas” emphasis, to ac-

knowledge that not all the memories of the holidays are necessarily happy ones.

Advent Café With Heifer Gift Cards & Grace Made Gifts

Available, too!

Sunday, Dec 2

9:45 am in Ronnenkamp Hall

Peace & joy for grown-ups! Treats. No set pro-

gram, but conversation starters available. Car-

ols. Smiles. A break in the midst of it all! Come

join the fun. Sponsored by Grace’s NCD team.

New features this year: Opportunity to purchase

Heifer Gift Cards and Grace Made Gifts. Come


Advent Midweek Schedule December 5, 12 & 19

6:15 pm Soup supper

7:00 pm Holden Evening Prayer

7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal

Page 6 Grace Gatherings


Children’s Nativity Service Sunday Dec 16th at 10 am (Note: one service on this day)

Don’t miss this wonderful tradition! This year’s Nativity Pageant begins at 10a, Sun. Dec

16th as children & youth help lead us in worship through a reenactment of the Christmas

story. (Participants should arrive no later than 9:20 that day for costuming.) A cookie re-

ception follows the service.

Rehearsal Times for Nativity Service Participants

Speaking Parts — Sunday, Dec 9, 12:15 pm

— Saturday, Dec 15, 8:30 – 11:30 am

All Participants — Saturday, Dec 15, 9:30 – 11:30 am

A Christmas Story You are cordially invited to attend a dramatization of the Christmas story. Presented for

the community at large by the Intellectual/Developmentally Disabled Community

Wednesday, December 5, 2012 at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary of the First Presbyterian

Church located at 8th Street & Monroe Ave., Corvallis, OR. A wonderful inspirational

beginning to Advent.

Some Holiday Giving Options for your dollars and your time. Lutheran World Relief – Lutheran helping people abroad.

ELCA Hunger Fund: Feeding people in need at home and abroad.

Lutheran Disaster Response: 100% of contributions go to those in need. The

most recent projects have been to help those on the Eastern Seaboard of the

United States.

House of Zion Gifts – At Christmas and otherwise, a collection of items to be

shared with Latino workers and their families in Woodburn.

Ida Fund – Emergency funds donated by members and are administered by

the Pastors for community individuals in need.

Weekly Donations of Canned Goods for St. Vincent DePaul

Donations of Soap and Toiletries for Community Outreach:

Unpackers at Southside Food Bank: Grace members assist the food share by

unpacking food pallets biweekly. Max Power, coordinates.

Lunch Bags for Hungry People: Food for people who stop at church for help.

Non-perishable food contributions are coordinated by the Tuesday Bible Study

group and others.

Habitat for Humanity Global Build: Grace Lutheran Church provides the

lunches and final dinner (with entertainment) for the builders, who come from

all over the U.S.

Casseroles for Families who Need Food Assistance due to Illness:

Quilts for Vina Moses: About two quilts per month are made for local use by

a group of hardworking Grace quilt makers.

Thrift shop Rebates: Grace members who leave items at the OSU Thrift shop

find their profits contributed to Grace’s Ida Fund. Mention Marna Renshaw’s

name to get the rebate sent to Grace.

Page 7 Volume XI, Issue 12

Community of Grace

Homeless Shelter – Men: Congregation members volunteer for one week in

January .

Homeless Shelter – Women: Congregation members volunteer for one week

in February.

Homeless Drop-In Center : Congregation members volunteer;

Lutheran Campus Ministry at OSU (Luther House) - students, faculty, uni-

versity staff, international guests, and community members linked by faith and

committed to academic life.

Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers: This organization assists individuals who

need help with activities of daily life.

We Care: A local agency to help those with a one time financial emergency.

Grace Center for Adult Day Care, begun here in Ronnekamp Hall

Pastoral Counseling Center: A local counseling group begun by area


Finding and Hearing Sermons Preached at Grace Lutheran Did you know with just a couple of clicks of your mouse (well, perhaps several) you can

listen to sermons on your computer which have been delivered during Sunday worship?

SO, if you miss a Sunday, missed part of a sermon, or couldn’t make sense of what the

pastor was trying to say and care enough to listen again, here’s what you can do to hear a

sermon. Go to the Grace website –

On the colored tabs on the left of the site, click on the one that says

‘Blog.’ (Now, don’t let that word, Blog, scare you. There’s no reason to be

intimidated by it.)

The first or second thing which will appear is the title of the sermon from the

previous Sunday. To listen to that sermon, click on the forward arrow above

the word ‘Podcast’ and the audio file of the sermon will begin playing. (Make

sure the speaker on your computer is on and not muted.)

To listen to sermons from previous Sundays, scroll down or look for the sec-

tion that says ‘Categories’ under which you will find ‘Sermons’ as one of those

categories. If you click on it, only sermons will appear and you won’t have to

scroll through other material on the blog.

It’s really quite easy and user friendly. Give it a try! In the process you might find other

things of interest.

Quilting Ladies Are you interested in quilting? We are looking for new members. Our group meets the

2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month at 9 am to noon in the quilting room at Grace. No pre-

vious experience or talent necessary. Just have fun! The only meeting left this year will

be on December 11th. We will resume again in January, 2013.

If you would like more information, call the church office at 541-757-1600, or Mary Ann

Hall at 541-752-6359, or just walk in!

Page 8 Grace Gatherings

Community of Grace

Time, Talents Treasures, Trees Update Thanks to all who participated in our fall stewardship emphasis. Many of you filled out

the Time and Talents survey. Those results have been compiled and folks are being con-

tacted for those things they signed up for. Let us know if you don’t get contacted.

Thanks also to all those who filled out a financial commitment card. Most of those have

been entered, but Commitment cards may still be turned in as well. You should have re-

ceived a commitment card in the mail if you weren’t here when they were filled out. If

you didn’t or if you accidentally recycled it already, you may pick another one up in the

Grace office.

Luther House Thanks YOU! Luther House is always grateful for the support Grace members provide. This is no less

true as we approach the end of the year. Your support certainly comes in the form of vol-

untary efforts. It also come in the form of financial donations.

We are so very appreciative for the regular, monthly, mission support that comes from

Grace. That regular gift helps stabilize our finances through the whole year.

Beyond that, Grace members responded generously -- along with other friends of Luther

House -- when our Annual Appeal was announced in October. By mid-November, more

than $16,000 was raised, with $4,625 of that amount earmarked for replacing the roof and

redirecting drainage. In addition, the Grace Foundation provided a matching challenge of

$1,500 and is considering supporting the "Welcome-to-Campus Gift Bag" program for

new and returning students. Last but not least, the Church Council approved use of the

church parking lot by Luther House on home football game days, a fundraiser that has

proved superbly successful.

A Note from Your Treasurer:

The following is a budget report for this year through October.

Expenditures are staying slightly under the budgeted amounts. Good work

staff and committees!

Income has been received at 98% of the projected amount. This is a 7% increase over last year through the

same period. Thank you all for your generous giving. That is the good news.

Even with this increase, we are $5,973 under the budget projection through October, and our deficit position is

-$27,527. This results from the fact that our monthly expenditures are fairly consistent throughout the year,

while income is skewed to the end of the year due to larger holiday and year-end giving.

Because of the year-end giving pattern, our average income for November/December is approximately

$84,000. This year, in order to avoid a year-end deficit, income for November and December needs to total

$95,000, an increase of $11,000. This is a 13% increase from last year.

I have faith that the congregation can step up to accomplish this. I hope all of us will prayerfully consider giv-

ing as much as we can so that we can start next year with no deficit.

Thank you, Hal Brauner

Page 9 Volume XI, Issue 12

Community of Grace

Recent Deaths at Grace Since mid October, we have commended to God the lives of three members of Grace who have joined the

saints departed. On October 13th a service was held at Grace for Phyllis Mesecar (February 18, 1933- Sep-

tember 4, 2012). Karen Guzman’s (July 17,1942- October 16, 2012) service at Grace was held on October

26th. On November 3rd a service was held at Grace for Charles (Chuck) Sutherland (Oct. 1, 1921 — Oct.

15, 2012). A special thanks to our Hospitality Team who provided beautiful receptions for these services

and to all who assisted with music, sound and projection for the services.

Recent Transitions and New Addresses Last April, former pastor of Grace, the Rev. John Paulson and his wife, Donna, moved to Eugene to be

closer to their daughter, Kristin Landan and her family, and also to transition to assisted living. John served

as pastor at Grace from 1984-1993. Since April, they have had some setbacks and also have had to move

around to some different facilities before finally finding one in Springfield that can serve their special needs.

Below is their new address. Cards to let them know they continue to be in our prayers and hearts are en-


An Advent Prayer Most gracious God, we admit that it is difficult to be silent and to focus—especially during this season—for

we want too much and want to do so much. You already know how our expectations exceed reality and

how our hopes and desires surpass possibility. Yet, even as we confess this, we celebrate this season filled

with hope and expectation of that beyond our most creative imagination. God, we thank you for this time

and for the gift of Advent which stirs and excites us.

We pray for the gift of light which we will celebrate at Christmas. We do need light, O God; we

are people who walk in darkness—living by trial and error, bouncing from one obstacle to another, stum-

bling, groping, hoping, failing, falling—sometimes we even walk in circles to avoid the unfamiliar which

we fear as darkness.

We have tried to generate our own light—using our minds and our best resources to make sense out

of life. We have written laws to protect it—and us, following our own ways. But—hard as it is to admit—

our light is not enough. We still have wars and people are hungry and hurt, afraid and running, alone and

unhappy with the darkness closing in.

God, forgive us. Turn us to the Light of Life, the Light of the World whose coming we celebrate as

the gift of Christmas . . let us receive it.

Because we need to and because we trust your gifts, we also lift up these our prayers, not only for

ourselves, but also for others in this one world:

--For those who are anxious and afraid . . .

--For those who are ill . . .

--For those who are facing difficult decisions . . .

--For those who are feeling left out and are alone . . .

--For those who are mourning losses, especially those who are feeling deeply because of seasons

past . . .

--And those who are feeling especially grateful and are filled with joy because of new news.

Gentle God, you know us and all about us. Help us to know you and all about you in new ways

that will assure us and free us to live gratefully and hopefully—today, tomorrow, and every day and mor-

row. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen. --From Flames of the Spirit, ed. by Ruth C. Duck

John & Donna Paulson

Sweetbriar Villa

6135 E Street South

Springfield, OR 97478

Phone # - 541-357-5451

Other New Addresses for mem-

bers of Grace:

Anita McEldowney

4700 SW Hollyhock Circle


Corvallis, OR 97333

Elaine Sutherland

4700 SW Hollyhock Circle


Corvallis, OR 97333

Phone # - 541-754-0076

Page 10 Grace Gatherings

Community of Grace & Outreach (continued from page 13)

We have fallen into a pattern of alternating novels and non-fiction. We are currently en-

grossed in QUEST FOR THE LIVNG GOD by Elizabeth Johnson, C.S.J. Since we are

nearing its completion, we have chosen our next book, a novel, THE JUMP OFF CREEK

by Molly Gloss. Elin orders our books and we pay her, benefitting from the discount she

gets at Amazon for a bulk order.

On Thursdays the group starts to gather about noon and breaks up between 1 and 1:30.

People come and go according to their work schedules. When someone has to miss a

meeting or 10, we let them know via email what’s happening. Sometimes an absent reader

even emails comments about that week’s section. We meet in the living room of Luther

House. Sometimes you can find parking nearby and if not, the Grace parking lot is just a

short walk.

If you have been looking for an occasion to read a good book and talk about what struck

you in the writing or ideas, feel free to join us. If you would like to contact someone about

coming, feel free to call Kathy Vohland at 738-0390. You will be welcome!

Save the Date: Earth Care Summit: Living Waters to be Held on

January 28th 2013

Join faith communities throughout Oregon seeking to care for creation at the 2013 Earth

Care Summit to be held at St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 12405 SW Butner Rd, Beaver-

ton, Ore. from 5:30 to 8:45 p.m. (optional building tour at 4:30 p.m. registration and dis-

play tables at 5 p.m.). The event will include stories of congregations making a differ-

ence, roundtables, workshops, and a simple, seasonal dinner. With the theme "Living Wa-

ters," the event will explore the water issues we are facing on global, regional and local

levels, and provide practical ideas on how to address the issues in households, communi-

ties and in congregations. Topics will include water and how it relates to worship, climate

change, food, environmental justice, stewardship of congregation grounds, and more. The

inspirational keynote speaker will be Bishop William Skylstad who chaired the team that

put together the Columbia River Pastoral Letter, an international letter on the health of the

Columbia River watershed. Sponsored by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon’s Interfaith

Network for Earth Concerns, (INEC), a program of Ecumenical Ministries of Ore-

gon. Congregations that purchase a table of eight for $200 includes listing on publicity

The cost is $25/person, $15 for students. Scholarships are available. Register securely

online at The location is accessible by transit (, and a

shuttle will be available from the Sunset Transit Center on the MAX line.

Thanks to our wonderful, dedicated Grace on the Move Drivers, who provide rides to

worship for those in need of transportation

Ron & Kay Larson

Marna Renshaw

Wayne & Carolyn Kradjan

Darlene & Jim Leklem

Kathy Vohland

Anne & Tom Orwick

Sue & Ken Kingsley

Hal Brauner

Ron & Penny Reher

Neil & Dayle Christensen

Mary Jane & Dale Weber

Art & Marilyn Bervin

Page 11 Volume XI, Issue 12

Men’s Shelter & Grace Center

Men’s cold Weather Shelter Ministry Help Wanted. Are you willing to humble yourself to be a servant to one of the lowest

classes in our society? Can you spare an evening or a night to ensure those that have

none can sleep in a bed, warm and indoors?

Corvallis Men’s Homeless Shelters opens in November and will stay open until the

end of March. The Men’s shelter continues to serve about 35 men a night. Grace has

volunteered to staff the Men’s Shelter located at 530 S.W. Fourth St., a vacant commer-

cial building that previously housed a succession of yarn and sewing shops from Sun-

day, January 20 through Saturday, January 26.

There are a lot of hours to cover and either a lot of people volunteer some of the time or

only some people volunteer a lot of time. I hope and pray for the former. At the Men’s

Shelter we need two to three people from 6:30 to 11pm, one person from 11 pm to 7 am

and one person per night to bring healthy snacks. So, that is 28 to 35 opportunities for

the Men’s shelter.

Frank Davis is coordinating this effort for the Men’s Shelter. Please contact Frank at

church or call at 541-924-2922. A sign-up sheet will be located in the Fireside Room.

Look for the displays in the Fireside Room.

Frank will provide training on Sunday, January 6 between services in Ronnenkamp Hall.

Even if you have served before, come and share some insights with others. Let’s call it

the Homeless Sheltering Small Group Ministry meeting. (Doesn’t Frank always have

treats at his meetings?)

Grace Center News You are all invited to Grace Center’s holiday bazaar on December 5th, 6th, and 7th,

(Wednesday through Friday) from 10 am until 3 pm at the Center, 980 NW Spruce Ave.

Under our enthusiastic board member, Fran Douglas, the Center participants are having

good fun filling Rice Packs to sell. The packs, filled with rice and lavender, can be

heated in the microwave, or chilled in the freezer for a cold pack. They are good to

sooth a headache, a sore shoulder, or a twisted ankle – or even warm cold feet in bed!

Buy for gifts or for your own comfort.

Volunteers have made knitted and crocheted items and other special things for sale…

and even some wonderful homemade bread. To Fran the bazaar is her holy calling. She

says, “I love fund raisers and making money for Grace Center because the participants

really get into the spirit… it warms my heart when I see it.”

Make Grace Center’s holiday bazaar a must stop in your holiday shopping. You’ll find

unique gifts, and you will support the Center.


"Listening for Guidance"

Leaders: Beth Deiker and Cammie Bella

Register at or contact

Beth Dieker at 503-407-0312

Space is limited: register early


MARCH 8-10

2013 Alton L.

Collins Retreat


Page 12 Grace Gatherings

December2012 Weekly Prayer Guide


December 1 “Joyful, joyful we adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before thee,

praising thee, their sun above. Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, drive the gloom of doubt away.

Giver of immortal gladness, fill us with the light of day.” ELW 836

How does the “Lord of Love” break into your world and give you joy, hope, and courage? Give

thanks through prayer!

December 2-8 “Light one candle to watch for Messiah: let the light banish darkness…. He is coming, tell the

glad tidings. Let your lights be shining!” ELW 240

How do you share the message of Advent? Pray that your light will shine for the Messiah!

December 9-15 “Awake! Awake, and greet the new morn, for angels herald its dawning. Sing out your joy, for

soon he is born, behold! the child of our longing.” ELW 242

How do we help to “bring all hearts together” when there is hatred, blindness, and brokenness in

our world? Pray that “Love be our song and love our prayer and love our endless story”!

December 16-22 “O come, O Wisdom from on high, embracing all things far and nigh: in strength and beauty come

and stay; teach us your will and guide our way.” ELW 257

How do we come to know God’s will and how does he guide us? Pray that you will hear when

God speaks to you, and that you will do his will!

December 23-29 “Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her king; let every heart prepare him room

and heav’n and nature sing….”

How has Advent culminated in the joy of Christmas for you? What traditions do you practice, if

any, and with whom do you or might you share them? Pray that the celebration of our Savior’s

birth will again remind all believers to “tell the old, old story of Jesus and his love”!

December 30-31

“Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere; go tell it on the mountain that Jesus

Christ is born!”

May his “holy light” pervade both our physical and our spiritual worlds ― from Marys Peak to

the Willamette Valley ― and throughout all of God’s creation. On the eve of a new year, we pray

that Jesus’ “holy light” will imbue us, protect us, and guide us into the future!

Grace’s Natural

Church Develop-

ment (NCD) team is

providing this

prayer guide as a

way of encouraging

our prayer life as a

congregation. This

format suggests

weekly ideas for

prayer or medita-

tion, along with

space to write, draw,

or doodle if you are

inspired to do so.

The December

guide draws upon

themes in Advent

and Christmas

hymns in Evangeli-

cal Lutheran Wor-


Page 13 Volume XI, Issue 12

Grace Global Book Group

Come join us in either the Fireside Room or Rooms 7 and 8, whether you have

read the entire book, part of the book or none of the book. Our leaders bring additional

background to inform lively discussions. Participation may expand your understanding of

our global community. Kathy Vohland (541-738-0390) is the contact person.

We will not be meeting in December. Following is a brief preview of the books we will

tackle in the new year.

January: Mighty Be Our Power: How Sisterhood, Prayer and Sex Changed a Nation at

War by Leymah Roberta Gbowee and Carol Mithers. Discussion lead by Ardell Merritt

Leymah Gbowee is a Lutheran woman whose life was torn apart by the Liberian

civil war. As a young mother trapped by domestic abuse, she found the courage to act,

realizing that it is women who suffer most during conflict, yet by working together they

can create a force for good.

February: Balkan Ghosts: A Journey Through History by Robert Kaplan Discussion

lead by Art Bervin

This travelogue weaves together several long trips and history that illuminates

the Balkan nations ethnic clashes, near-anarchic politics, and Greek political culture.

Kaplan talks with local peoples, visits significant places, and traces the roots of feeling

about regional wars.

March: Mexicanos in Oregon by Elinda Gonzales-Bery and Marcela Mendoza. Discus-

sion lead by Sharon Rosenkoetter

This book is the result of research that provides a look into the state’s history of

Mexican immigration and the complex factors behind it. It helps readers understand the

current immigration numbers while shedding light on inconsistent American policy.

These are what books we will be reading in April, May and June:

Instant City: Life and Death in Karachi by Steve Inskeep; Prague Winter: A Personal

Story of Remembrance and War, by Madeline Albright, and Moral Ground: Ethical Ac-

tion for a Planet in Peril by Kathleen Dean Moore & M. Nelson

All About Wise Women In case you were wondering, Wise Women is a group of women who meet weekly at Lu-

ther House to discuss whatever book we are currently reading. The writer of this article

finds the name slightly embarrassing because she often does not feel particularly wise.

The point being, you don’t have to be wise to join us. You just have to enjoy reading and

discussing what you have read. Since we only read 25 pages or less per week, it’s not

particularly onerous to be prepared for the week’s meeting.

Our leader is Elin Stetz who gently guides our observations and directs our quandaries to

greater understanding. The rest of us are a motley crew: not all Lutherans. We allow la-

dies of other faith persuasions to talk, too. In fact, our diversity, even though limited,

adds to the enriching depths of our discussions. However, be warned: our discussions are

often far ranging and do not necessarily stick to the topic of the book. Eventually some-

one always says, “Let’s get back to the book.”

Birthdays and the completion of a book are reasons for celebrations that almost always

involve cake. No group can be ordinary if cake is a part of its traditions.

(continued on page 10)

Page 14 Grace Gatherings

Personnel & NOVEMBER Birthdays

Grace Personnel

Teams & Committees Property Committee - Ron Larson , 541.752.0754

Communications Committee

Randy Joss, 541.929.9360

Sunday Hospitality Marilyn Lesmeister, 541.981.2229

Reception Hospitality- Kathy Scroggins, 541.752.7276

Events Hospitality - Molly Hallgrimson, 541.753.8581

Christian Education Team

Deaconess Donna King, 541.757.6636

Altar Guild-Linda Samuels, 541.929.4222

Worship & Music Committee Marilyn Walsh, 541.754.7044

Finance Committee - Hal Brauner, 541.753.0023

Personnel Committee - Iona Trapp, 541.207.3886

Hospital Visitation Team - Jim Wernz, 541.929.6794

Healing Prayer Team - Sue Davis, 541.924.2922

If you would like a visitation or to schedule an

appointment with a member of the ministerial staff,

please call the office at 541.757.1600. Hours are 8-4

weekdays. You are welcome to leave a message on the

answering machine after hours at 541.757.1600. Visit our

Grace web page at:

Pastor Netsie Griffith &

Pastor Wendell Hendershott

Health Ministries - Marna Renshaw

Director of Discipling Ministries - Donna King

High School Ministry Director - Todd Weber

Director of Worship & Music - Ali Briskey

Organist - Lena Mealy

Custodian - Sarah McKenny

Nursery - Katie Giles

Administrative Assistant - Cindy Lee

Office Assistant - Jody Parker

Bookkeeper - Linda Weaver

Prayer Chain - Cathy Mueller & Bruce Stephens

Grace Gatherings Editors - Kathy Scroggins &

Linda Samuels

Pastoral Counseling Center Anthony Terndrup, Director, 541.753.9217

Campus Ministry at Luther House

Jim Norlie, Pastor, 541.753.5213

Volunteer Interfaith Caregivers Norma Moody, 541.754.2555

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Oregon Synod

Evangelical Lutheran

Church in America

God’s Work. Our Hands.

Corner of Kings & Harrison

435 NW 21st Street

Corvallis, Oregon 97330

Phone: 541.757.1600

Email: [email protected]

Grace Lutheran Church



The greatest love

the world has

ever seen . . .

May reminders

of His perfect

love surround

you at this sacred
