grace lutheran church · 2016. 6. 2. · grace lutheran church 108 w. somo avenue tomahawk,...

Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 4534066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from companion synod in South Africa will visit us from June 26 to July 10. We know the names! All of these are people very involved in this companion relationship with Lekubu Parish and people who have helped and hosted people from Grace in their homes and community. The nine who are coming are: Pastor Jack and Eliza Mogale Five people from Lekubu village (on FaceBook friend Mosagwe Mosa Kgari and Kopanang Zakes Mothibi): Mosagwe Kgari, (Director of Lekubu Lutheran’s Early Learning Centre) John & Lebogang Molefi, Kopanang Zakes Mothibi Mmakga Silvia Mosimane Two people from Nyetse village: Mosidi Mathe Keitumetse Montsho Many thanks to those who visited in 2013 for assisting and paying the entire way for these nine to come. All nine are very engaged in the life of Lekubu Parish and in their villages of Lekubu and Nyetse. Because of the economic level of those villages at this time, they do not have the finances to afford the flight to come to America. This adds to our joy in their coming. They are a true representation of Lekubu Parish and the villages in which they live. As they have so graciously shared all that they have with the twentyfive persons from Grace who visited Lekubu Par- ish (and did so with no expectation of return), it is now great joy to open our homes to them. There is much more information on the Grace website and on the synod web- site (Learn how the ECSW Companion Relationship is growing and how we are walking together in relationship with the ELCSAWestern Diocese. Discover what our South African guests will be doing in our synod this summer, and on inserts, announcements, and bulle- tin boards at Grace. Specific events to especially note: June 5….. “Before the Visit Orientation” at Saint Andrew’s, Wausau, for all who are hosting July 23… All nine will be at worship 5:00, 8:30, and 10:00 outdoor July 5…… 6:30 pm Madikwe Circuit Concert at St. Andrew’s, Wausau by 50+ from Madikwe July 8…… 5:00 pm Grace with Thrivent hosting a free Brat Fry at Memorial Park 6:00 pm Grace with “Music on the River” hosting Madikwe Concert July 9….. 1:00 pm Fare Well Worship led by Bishop Mansholt at St. John’s, Marion for all those visiting from the Western Diocese 5:00 pm Grace’s Farewell Worship July 10…. 9:00 am Fare Well Worship at Calvary, Merrill for the nine from Lekubu Parish (Calvary is matched with Mosweu. Lekubu Parish includes three villages: Lekubu, Nyetse, Mosweu). (Continued on page 8)

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Page 1: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from

Grace Lutheran Church�108 W. SOMO AVENUE �


715 453�4066���

June 2016�

Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors!��

Nine visitors from companion synod in South Africa will visit us from June 26 to July 10.�We know the names! All of these are people very involved in this companion relationship with Lekubu Parish and people who have helped and hosted people from Grace in their homes and community. The nine who are coming are:�

• Pastor Jack and Eliza Mogale�Five people from Lekubu village (on FaceBook friend Mosagwe Mosa Kgari and Kopanang Zakes Mothibi): �

• Mosagwe Kgari, (Director of Lekubu Lutheran’s Early Learning Centre)�• John & Lebogang Molefi, �• Kopanang Zakes Mothibi �• Mmakga Silvia Mosimane �

Two people from Nyetse village:�• Mosidi Mathe�• Keitumetse Montsho��

Many thanks to those who visited in 2013 for assisting and paying the entire way for these nine to come. All nine are very engaged in the life of Lekubu Parish and in their villages of Lekubu and Nyetse. Because of the economic level of those villages at this time, they do not have the finances to afford the flight to come to America. This adds to our joy in their coming. They are a true representation of Lekubu Parish and the villages in which they live. As they have so graciously shared all that they have with the twenty�five persons from Grace who visited Lekubu Par-ish (and did so with no expectation of return), it is now great joy to open our homes to them.��

There is much more information on the Grace website and on the synod web-site (Learn how the ECSW Companion Relationship is growing and how we are walking together in relationship with the ELCSA�Western Diocese. Discover what our South African guests will be doing in our synod this summer, and on inserts, announcements, and bulle-tin boards at Grace. Specific events to especially note:��

June 5….. “Before the Visit Orientation” at Saint Andrew’s, Wausau, for all who are hosting� July 2�3… All nine will be at worship � 5:00, 8:30, and 10:00 outdoor� July 5…… 6:30 pm Madikwe Circuit Concert at St. Andrew’s, Wausau � by 50+ from Madikwe� July 8…… 5:00 pm Grace with Thrivent hosting a free Brat Fry at Mem orial Park � 6:00 pm Grace w ith “Music on the River” hosting Madikwe Concert � July 9….. 1:00 pm Fare W ell W orship led by Bishop Mansholt at St. John’s, Marion� for all those visiting from the Western Diocese� 5:00 pm Grace’s Farewell Worship� July 10…. 9:00 am Fare W ell W orship at Calvary, Merrill for the nine from Lekubu Parish � � � (Calvary is matched with Mosweu. Lekubu Parish includes three� villages: Lekubu, Nyetse, Mosweu).��

(Continued on page 8)�

Page 2: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from


Bulletin Board�

Youth News��

Youth Relay For Life Team �The relay takes place on June 25 from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. Youth from grades six through twelve can join our team. We will meet on June 8th at 4:00 pm to discuss raising money for the team and to signup for walking times. All money we raise will go to the American Cancer Society.�To join the Team, call Margie at (715) 453�5797 or (715) 966�5497, or come to the meeting.��

Youth Lock In�June 25th�10:00 pm�

The lock�in will begin after the Relay for Life Walk. This event is for youth from grades nine to twelve. ��

We will attend the 8:30 am church service in the morning and parents can pick up the youth after the service and join us for breakfast at the church.��

Page 3: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from

S#$%% (715 area codes)��

Pastor………….………Rev. Mark Ziemer� 453�4066 or (home) 453�0612�

Visitation Pastor…Rev. Don Cannady�715 453�4066�

Supply Pastor….….Rev. Gerald Check�715 453�4066�

Lay Pastoral Ass’t..….…Wendy Black�715 453�4066�

[email protected]

Secretary…………....…….Debbie Hetzel �453�4066 or (home) 966�0536�

[email protected]�Secretary Support…..… Sarah Mann�

453�4066 �[email protected]

Treasurer...….…………..….Sarah Mann �453�4066�

[email protected]�Financial Reporter…Sherry Clements�

453�5615�Wedding Coordinator�Kay Jensen………..…................453�4701��


2015 C'()*+, M./0.12�President�Brian Schmidt….....………..……453�1361��

Vice President �Mary Wessel……………………….453�7410��

Secretary�Sandy Wick….….……..……920 680�1237 ���

Mark Gaedtke……...…………….453�5907��

Steve Heikkinen…….…………..966�0160���

Luann Kiander.…………………..453�9097���

Ken Kincaid.……………………….612�3276���

Abrina Leonhard.………………..612�1452���

Marilyn Smith.…………………...453�5184���

Lucas Tjugum.…………………...453�6475����

Bill Zorr……………………..608 575� 5816���

� �

A W'14 %1'/ P$2#'1 M$15�

� 2016 Sabbatical�� I treasure, give thanks and laud Grace for your support and encouragement for my sabbatical!�� “When you come to a fork in the road, take it,” is a favorite “Yogiism” from baseball player Yogi Berra. It’s a good way sum up what I learned on my month on sabbatical. �Our world has come to a fork in the road. I see this

fork in the road as similar to the time when people started using an alphabet instead of hieroglyphics, or paper and ink instead of rock and chisel, or the advent of the printing press, or telephone and tele-vision, or moving and everyone speaks a different language. For us it’s the digital world and the instant access wherever we are to nearly every fact, detail and piece of information. �

The reality of this fork in the road hit me on Baccalaureate Sunday. I realized this year’s graduating class from THS is one of the last where all the graduates were born in the previous century. Soon those graduating will have all been born in this century. All high school graduates have known is this instant access world and smart phones are completely natural and common to them. �

True confession is that I’d rather avoid having to learn this digital world for I will never come close to mastering it. My grand-children, even at age four, are quite adept at interacting with phones and ipods. They are growing up with INSTANT answers and commu-nication and with complete and instantaneous access to nearly every piece of scientific, academic and historical information. �

But the fork in the road for the church is deeper than using and mastering this digital world. It includes whether and how we use the possibilities, but more deeply is how we respond to all that infor-mation, to all the voices, and to all the so�called truth in the world. My sabbatical reading, workshops, and visits were examining how congregations are responding and using instant communication and also how they understand and form community in this new world of limitless information from limitless sources and instant connection with instant communication with anyone anywhere. �

One way congregations, cultures and religions respond to this fork in the road is to circle the wagons and put limits on truth, prac-tice, and people. This creates a community that is clear, loving, and stable. That is appealing in a 21st Century with much change, many voices, and unlimited information. But the downside is that it puts limits on truth, practice and who is accepted in that community. �

I saw communities during my sabbatical that are taking the other fork in this road. They are open to listening and considering both the possibilities and the information this digital world gives us. That can quickly lead to instability and confusion. It can feel that there is no rudder or anchor, no guide and direction and just an ava-lanche of information and activities. �

But I learned that healthy, vibrant Christian communities that have taken this fork are healthy and vibrant only when their identity and purpose is very clear. Community remains strong for them but because it is rooted in love and the specific transformative love of Jesus. This love of Jesus is understood to include the necessi-ty to seek, engage, and live this same love of Jesus for OTHERS � even those we meet or are formed in this digital world and who have a different truth and practice from us. �

I saw three actions that anchor people in the love of Jesus � prayer, Word, mission. They cannot expect others to do this for them but they know they must each do this, be accountable to each other,

(Continued on page 7)�

Church Office Hours�Monday�Thursday: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm�

(closed for lunch noon to 1:00 pm)�Friday: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm�

Staff Meetings (Office closed)�Wednesday: 9:00 am�


Page 4: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from

Sunday School Team � Thank you!!! Sunday School wrapped up this year with celebrating the lessons we learned. Thank you to Kim Gibeault, Brita Liebelt, Renee Loka, Laurel Reinke, Laurie Schmidt, Cindy Storm, Jessie Stromberg, Heather Tobias, and Faye Witulski. Thank you for your time and care in bringing God’s Word and love to the chil-dren each Sunday. Thank you Therese Hesse, Karen Torkelson, Heather Gaedtke, and Mindy von Schroder, for bringing Sunday School events and in-formation to our church family through projection and bulletin boards. Thank you to special guest, Marcia Sattleberg, for bringing the lesson of David alive to the children through imagination and drama. �Parents, thank you for bringing your children to Sunday School to learn the love of God and share in spreading the Good News of Jesus. Also, thank you for providing a wonderful example of GIVING, as we fought world hunger together! Through your gener-ous offerings each week, Sunday School alone raised $916 as part of the ELCA 40 Days of Giving initiative. REJOICE!��

GLOW Team � Thank you! �GLOW wrapped up this year with serving a need and then celebrating with ice cream. Thank you to Kirk and Nancy Kind, Paula Norman, Al Overhaug, Bill Sparr, Margie Welke, and Faye Witulski who helped lead and guide the youth in cleaning our church building. Your example of service speaks loud-er than any classroom teaching we could offer. Thank you to Bill Sparr for coordinating and oversee-ing our service events. Each month the youth partici-pated in a service event to increase awareness for the various needs throughout our church and community and to experience care for others. Thank you to Faye Witulski for overseeing our GLOW snack tim e � informing parents of scheduled snack day and set-ting up the snack so it is ready upon arrival. The youth are very hungry when they arrive after a long day of school. Thank you to Jen Beaumier for oversee-ing the Acolyte training and yearly schedule, a valua-ble part of GLOW. �

40 Days of Giving �ELCA World Hunger �WE DID IT � TOGETHER!!! �At the beginning of Lent, our church set a goal to raise $2,000 by Easter for the ELCA’s 40 Days of Giving. Over the next 40 days (drum roll please…) $3,585.16 was given to ELCA World Hunger! Of this total, over 25% came from our Sunday School and GLOW fami-lies. We were truly Fighting Hunger Together!��

Nearly $1,400 of the total was given to the ministries of ELCA World Hunger. In addition, ~$2,200 was designated for specific items in the ELCA Good Gifts catalog. The Sunday School and GLOW students chose to give an entire Family Farm (which includes a cow, a couple of goats, a dozen chicks, two pigs, farm-ing tools, seeds, and agricultural training) in addition to a sheep, honey bees, a rooster, and 41 more chicks from their Buck�a�Chick sale! Our students learned that eggs, milk, and meat from the farm animals pro-vide a lifetime of food to eat and sell on the market, helping a family escape the cycle of hunger and pov-erty � for good. Additionally, other congrega-tional members donated for a vegetable garden, four fruit seedling trees, two sheep, seven goats, three pig-lets, four honey bees, four roosters, and another 220 chicks (wow!). What a great way to show support for our congregational Servantship goal of helping those in need. ��

Together, we helped the ELCA reach its goal of $2 mil-lion. A huge thank you to all who so generously gave to help those who are hungry! �


Thank you members of Grace!�This note comes to you for your recent gift of $200.00 to our Salvation Army Backpack program in memory of Binder Kind. Binder loved our program and worked tirelessly to make sure it was successful in having the needed food items to keep our pantry stocked. He was always, always there working for the program. His presence was a gift and those of us who worked with him miss him dearly. He was totally dedicated. Thanks for honoring him in this way.�Tomahawk Salvation Army, Backpack Program�Cathy Meyer Coordinator�

Grace’s Waypost Week �

July 10�15 will be well attended with nineteen chil-dren from Grace. Patti Gaedtke, Margie Welke, Pastor Mark, and Wendy Black will join them. There are four completely different programs for grades 1�12.�

Page 5: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from

Page 6: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from



Our Financial Picture 2016�

Needed for Monthly Budget�

April 2016 �Receipts�


General Fund� 30,858.21� 23,417.76� (7,440.45)���

Building Fund� 5,977.89� 5,124.06� (853.83)�

Total� 36,836.10� 28,541.82� (8,294.24)�

�� �� �� ��

Year � To � Date� Needed for Monthly Budget�

2016� Difference�

General Fund� 123,432.82� 108,041.61� ($15,391.21)�

Building Fund� 23,911.56� 20,135.41� ($3,776.15)�

Total� 147,344.38� 128,177.02� ($19,167.36)�

June Special Offering � Refugees�Today, for the first time since World War II, there are more than 50 million refugees in the world. Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are celebrating the power of God’s love to transform the lives of those fleeing horrifying danger. June is our month to consider the courageous and often perilous journeys made by millions of refugees and to prepare our hearts to welcome each newcomer in Christ’s name and support their new life in America. ��

Go to to see more information and ideas for how the grace of God turns journeys of loss and pain into new beginnings filled with peace and hope. Google “Refugee Resettlement in the United States” to learn the very thorough process that is used. After the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has approved a person’s refugee status, their information is processed by a Resettlement Support Center (RSC). If clearly not a terrorist or criminal, the RSC passes the information to officers from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), who review all the information and have a face�to�face interview with each refugee applicant before deciding whether to approve him or her for resettlement in the United States. This is followed by a thorough medical screening. Then approved refugees enter the Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP) which is a public�private program including ten domestic nongovernmental organizations with 350 affiliated offices across the United States. LIRS is one of these ten:��

Church World Service (CWS)�

Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)�

Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)�

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)�

International Rescue Committee (IRC)�

US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)�

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)�

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)�

World Relief Corporation (WR)�

Join congregations throughout the ELCA this June in nourishing the Lutheran spirit of welcome by praying for the protection of those forced to flee, embracing those who have made it safely to our country, and celebrating how our new neighbors have become beacons of hope and renewal in our communities. With your support, we will empower vulnerable people across the world through the ministries of mercy, justice, and service of LIRS. Through LIRS, Lutherans and others have walked alongside more than 500,000 migrants and refugees since its founding in 1939. Your contribution through this monthly Special Offering to LIRS will make sure migrant chil-dren have shoes, have check�ups by a doctor, and get connected to their family here in the United States, as well as help refugee parents find jobs and learn English.��

Page 7: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from


From the Stewardship Committee�

Jesus Accepts and Perfects Our Gifts��

As sinful people, we are incapable of giving God what He deserves from us. However, we can be confident that our gifts are acceptable to God through Jesus. To illustrate this point, there is a story about a wood�carver who early in his life was a renowned carver. He passed on his craft to his son. Later in his life, the old man’s eyes began to dim, and his hands began to tremble. He could no longer carve the perfect figures of his youth. He would mar the figure, and imperfections blighted his work. His fading eyes could no longer see the flaws.��

During the night, as the father was sleeping, the son would sneak down and correct his father’s flaws in the newly carved wood. When the figures passed through the hands of the son, they were made perfect again.��

In the same way, we may bring our imperfect gifts with the confidence that, as they pass through the hands of Jesus, they will all be placed before the Father in absolute perfection.��

In the beginning, we, as the centerpiece of God’s creation, were created in God’s image so we were without sin. Just as the early wood�carvings were flawlessly created, so were we. Because of sin, everything changed. Since the act of rebellion in the Garden, mankind has lived in darkness and separated from God. To reconcile us to Himself and to bring us out of darkness into His wonderful light, God sent His Son to live among us and to take our sin with Him to the Cross. Through His death and resurrection, we are forgiven, and He has adopted us as His children.��

Because of our relationship with God through Jesus, God is pleased with our works and gifts that are offered in faith. Prompted by faith and love, we give with changed hearts that seek to do God’s will. Our gifts express our gratitude to Him and are used to worship Him. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, we give generously and cheerfully. God receives our gifts and uses them to provide for His churches, to help the needy, to provide for our Christian schools, to support missionaries, and a host of Christian organizations and causes. Jesus accepts our gifts, perfects them, and magnifies them so God’s purposes are accomplished. Praise God for His wonder-ful grace that He would choose to work through us.��

and do this together � praying in Jesus name, dwelling in God’s Word, and committing to specific acts of mis-sion in Jesus’ name � and doing this with a group that will listen, guide, and hold each other accountable. �

Forks in the road are never easy. There are so many interesting, good things on that other road that lead us to question if we took the right fork. Also, I must admit I’d rather gripe, complain, and lament that the world just isn’t what it used to be and things are falling apart. �

“But when you come to a fork in the road, take it!” And I saw and learned the positive possibilities of tak-ing the fork that uses the tools of this digital world and which also engages with all its different voices, ways, and people. But to do that and not fall into confusion and instability we need to learn to be fully in it but not of it. LOVE is what makes the difference. NOT a love as in “being nice.” Being nice today quickly opens the door to all kinds of scams and convincing new truths. What is needed is love firmly grounded in “Jesus being in us.” That happens when we gather in prayer in Jesus’ name, dwell in God’s Word in Jesus’ name, and when we do specific actions of mission in Jesus’ name. �

That is a fork in the world that is worth taking. It will have its problems and uncertainties. But, when we do it together rooted in Jesus and work hard to continually be rooted in Jesus, then we have direction and a foundation for all this limitless new digital world. Also, as with the alphabet, paper, and printing press, all the tools of this digital world can be used to connect us to Jesus, to each other, and for the mission we do in His name.��

(Continued from page 3) A Word From Pastor Mark�

Page 8: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from


AA/A,$)') M..#+)A2�Grace Lutheran�• AA and Alanon: Saturday. 9:00 am ��

Grace Community House�• AA: Sunday 10:10 am �• AA: Friday 7:30 pm (open)�• AA: Wednesday 12:10 pm�

St. Paul’s (12 E. Wisconsin Ave.)�• AA and Alanon: Monday 7:00 pm�

� If you have a problem with alcohol or if someone you know suffers from the disease, AA (for the alco-holic) or Alanon (for family or friend of alcoholic) could be your lifeline. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of both these groups. If you would like �to speak with someone personally, the church office, 453�4066, or Pastor Ziemer can put you in touch with an AA or Alanon member. �

All communications will be confidential.�

Music on the River�Free concerts are held at Veteran’s Memorial Park on Wednesdays (see dates below) from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Concert attendees are invited to com e by car, foot or boat and bring lawn chairs, picnic suppers, coolers, family, neighbors and friends.�June 22: FBI & The Untouchable Horns �June 29: Hand�Picked Bluegrass �July 6: Hip Pocket �July 13: The Jim mys �July 20: The Del Rays�July 27: Johnny and the MoTones��

MORE Music on the River�July 8: 6:00 pm�Music provided by our South Af-rican guests�Madikwe Circuit, (Free brat fry at 5:00 pm to precede the concert.) Everyone is welcome.�

Attention Crafters!!!�June is the perfect time to start thinking for the Craft Sale on December 10th,(Craft Sale and Cookie Walk.) A huge thank you to Barb Schiltz for her lead-ership since this ministry started! With Barb stepping down we are blessed to welcome a new chairperson, Darlene Wechsler (715) 630�6471. Anyone with ideas or crafts please welcome and contact Darlene! �Thank you.�

This relationship is for all at Grace and in Tomahawk! It matters not whether you have been to Lekubu or plan to go or never will. This “companion” relationship both in directly getting to know each other person�to�person and also the congregation�to�parish relationships are very important ways and means to be and experience church and relationships in this 21st Century. Consider hosting them, introducing yourself, and getting to know them!��

Hosting includes inviting them for a meal, overnight, assisting with transporting them, or taking part in an event with them. The Sunday, June 5 “Before the Visit Orientation” provides great help and guidance in this hosting, connecting with another culture, and intentionally using these experiences to grow our faith and relationship skills.�

(Continued from page 1) Lekubu Parish Visitors�

Old Bag Sale! Attention Ladies!!!�Do you have...�• A purse (or three) stashed in your closet?�• Do not want to throw them away because they are

still in good condition?�• Have not used them in awhile?�We have a solution for you. This fall we are having an OLD BAG SALE! The date will be an-nounced in August. Please bring your gently used purses and totes to Grace Lutheran for our sale. The proceeds will be given to the Salvation Army. What a great way to bless those less fortunate. Anoth-er benefit is a chance to get a “new” purse at a great price, and who doesn’t love a new purse?�See the tote in the hallway by the offices to drop your purses.�

Parish Nursing�My name is Pat Jeske and I am new to Tomahawk. Kari Krueger and I recently met to discuss the endless possi-bilities of Parish Nursing. I am a retired R.N. and with Pastor Mark’s gleeful blessing, Kari and I thought this would be a great endeavor for Grace. There are so many advantages to Parish Nursing or also referred to as Faith Community Nursing. This is volunteer ministry and there is much to discuss. If you are interested please call us. �Please prayerfully consider being part of FCN at Grace,� and call us: Pat Jeske at (715) 804�0878 or Kari Krueger at (715) 453�8241.�

Page 9: Grace Lutheran Church · 2016. 6. 2. · Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 453 4066 June 2016 Welcome Lekubu Parish Visitors! Nine visitors from

Grace Lutheran Council May Meeting Minutes�Date: May 12, 2016�

Meeting called to order at 6:02 pm by Brian Schmidt �Council in attendance: � Brian Schmidt, Sandy Wick, Mark Gaedtke, Marilyn Smith, Ken Kincaid, Bill Zorr, Mary Wessel, Lucas Tjugum�

Missing: Abrina Leonard, Luann Kiander, Steve Heikkinen �Other Attendees: �Wendy Black ��

Devotions: �• Mark read from Galatians 3:19. The question that we discuss was what is the purpose of the law? It is to drive

us through Christ. ��

Where have we seen God at work? ��• Augsburg choir and the beautiful singing. The annual meeting at Gustavus Adolphus � was very enlightening

this year and the speakers talked about how we need to take care of God’s place on earth. Seeing the beauty in God’s creation when traveling through the backcountry and the badlands. �

Approve Agenda�• Sandy made a motion to modify the agenda by updating the consent agenda by adding April meeting minutes.

Seconded by Ken. Motion carried. �• Steve made a motion to approve the agenda with the amendments. Marilyn second. Motion passed. ��

Consent Agenda�• Consisted of council minutes (April meeting), Stewardship Report (April 5)�• Mary moved to approve the consent agenda. Mark seconded. �Motion passed.��

Treasurer's Report (Sherry) �• Sherry sent the report for council to review, but was unable to attend tonight the meeting. �

• We discussed the need to show the congregation our current financial status as we are far behind in our giving versus what was approved in the budget. Bill will create a slide and Mary will write up something to be put in the bulletin. �

• Marilyn moved to accept the treasurer report. Mark seconded. �Motion passed.��

Committee and staff reports �• Wendy announced the last day of Sunday school is May 15. �

Old Business��

1.� Church use policy� Pastor and staff are working on outlining a policy regarding use of church properties �• No update �

� � �

2.� Sabbatical (Pastor Mark) � Sabbatical started April 16. To see an update, check out Grace Lutheran Church website and the blog that he is writing. He will be returning this Saturday May 14th. �

3.� Has the financial committee let everyone know what their budget for 2016 is (Ken)�• They will review and discuss at the next meeting in May �

4.� Continuing resolution for staff not being elected or serving on council (Luann) � No update��

5.� Congregational Retreat Recap(Mary) �• Mary gave a quick recap from the retreat and highlighted a couple of items: �

• Mission statements are important�• There is a need to listen within our church and community�

6.� Discussion regarding mission statement � Building Friendships, Serving Others and Praising God. �• All agreed the simplicity of the statement meets the purpose. Several different people had com-

(Continued on page 10)�9�

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ments about what is the most important way to list the order and should Praising God be listed first or last. Mark will be taking it to the bishop from a theological standpoint to get viewpoints. �

New Business��

1.� New Abuse and Prevention Policy draft and Volunteer Application draft (Sandy� personnel)�• Ken made a motion to approve the abuse policy and prevention and volunteer application. Mark se-

conded. Motion passed. �• Sandy will work with the personnel committee on a rollout plan for this and will then work with Deb-

bie and Sarah.��

2.� Warming Center (Brian)�• Executive council will meet with Pastor Mark for further discussion and next steps. �

3.� Wedding Policy (Brian) �• We discussed the need to revise the wedding policy to bring it more up to date. Determined next steps

would be to put it on next council meeting and discuss with Pastor Mark to get an additional view point of how to best approach the updates. �

4.� Building Permits for Grace house and storage shed (Brian)�• Would like to build 8 feet onto the storage shed due to lack of space. For now the building permit is on

hold as this was not put in the budget and there is no funding for this. �• Would like to build a ramp up to the Grace House steps � AA funded this. We obtained a building

permit for this and this is in progress.��

5.� Volunteers for custodial duties (Brian)�• Debbie and Sarah have been cleaning. Al has been helping. The GLOW youth helped out last week,

but overall there have not been a lot of volunteers. �• Sandy asked if council would be willing to allow her kids fill the position temporarily until we hired

someone permanently. Council agreed to give this a try. The kids will fill out an application and start next week with Sandy to supervise them as they would need to do this at night after school/sports. �

• We have given out 3 applicants, but none have been returned. Ken will work with Debbie to extend the position and put it in the paper and ask for applicants until end of month. �

• We are also calling some cleaning companies to get bids. ��

6.� Dar’s retirement party � May 24th�

• Council will be giving a gift certificate to Dar. Sandy will purchase it from Shopko which is her favorite store. �

7.� ELCA email regarding “God’s work. Our hands.” September 11,2016�• Brian will forward the email to council. We should review and see what activities we would like to do

this year. Last year the Sunday school program incorporated this into their rally. ��

Adjourn meeting � Sandy moved we adjourn. Marilyn seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm. ��

Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer��

Minutes by Sandy Wick, Secretary��

(Continued from page 9) Council Minutes�


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2016 Synod We are church: Listening deeply to the voice of the other �

Mark & Patti Gaedtke, Margie Welke, and Pastor Mark were voting members at this this year’s Synod As-sembly held at the KI Center in Green Bay on May 15�16. Karen Torkelson and Debbie Hetzel assisted the synod staff with the “Companionship with South Africa” displays and making popcorn for all. Pastor Check was a voting member on behalf of retired clergy. �

The Assembly Planning Committee assigned Grace the task of producing a five�minute video summarizing our synod’s companion relationship with South Africa through the eyes of Grace’s relationship with Lekubu Par-ish, our Wisconsin River Valley Conference’s relationship with Madikwe Circuit, and our synod’s relationship with the Western Diocese. Abundant thanks to Karen Torkelson for gathering the pictures and Laurel Reinke for putting it all together in the video that was well received and which prepared our synod for the fifty�plus visitors coming June 26�July 10 from four different circuits in the Western Diocese. �

Ms. Judith Roberts, ELCA Program Director for Racial Justice, led the Assembly in “listening deeply to the other.” This sounds much easier and simple than it is. All of us become uncomfortable at hearing people point out topics and people to which we may not be attending. �

Four resolutions were discussed and passed: 1) Repudiation of the “Doctrine of Discovery,” 2) Establish-ment of an annual Lutheran Social Services (LSS) Sunday, 3) Time of Prayer to End Human Trafficking, and 4) Memorial for Military Personnel, Veterans, and their Families. �

In reports and decisions: the Synod Budget and Compensation Guidelines were approved. In 2017 the syn-od will move to send 50% of Mission Support receipts to the ELCA (this follows the move of most other synods), and changes in the synod staff positions were explained: Pastor Jean DeVoll�Donaldson, in her first year as “Assistant with the Bishop for Evangelical Mission,” has developed many teams and trainings that are leading congregations to deeper focus on God’s mission. The Resource Director has been changed to “Assistant to the Bishop for Leadership Development and Faith Formation,” with Darlene Kalfahs filling this new position. Karen Peckham retired from Administrative Assistant for the ECSW, and a new person will be hired for a redesigned position as “Administrative Assistant/Communications Director.” A “Program and Outreach Coordinator” has been hired with Crossways Camping Ministries. The next step is the need for a full�time ordained person to attend to the call process, candidacy, and formation of future pastors. Thirty�one of the 125 congregations in our synod are in pastoral transition. This reality needs much more attention, especially since Pastor Joy Mortenson�Wiebe’s position as Associate with the Bishop has not been replaced. Along with these changes in staff, which will better reflect and address the realities of congregations, the Synod will also explore better use of the Synod Office build-ing, whether to rent out a portion of it or sell it. �

Talk to those who attended. We came away with clarity and direction. The past three years has been a time of transition in our synod. There was much attention given to developing a Purpose Statement with Mission Di-rectives. With that completed the staff and mission are now formed and centered on it:�

In Christ we are: Stirred by the Spirit; Walking together; Engaging the world with love.��

With Christ we are:�1.� Feeding and Equipping Leaders�2.� Listening Deeply to the Voice of the Other�3.� Building Bridges across all the Differences that Divide�4.� Collaborating with Partners in Ministry�


2016 Wilderness Trip to Montana�Thank you abundantly for your great support! For all who attended the Mother/Daughter Banquet, donated and purchased jewelry and fishing tackle, and for all the Ben’s Bloomers and Cerny’s Gift Card purchases � we thank you!��

This year’s trip is July 22 � 31 to the Beartooth Wilderness in the Gallatin National Forest in southern Montana. Seven 9th graders, along with parents, are going. A second large group of adults and young adults will also back-pack and enjoy the incredible beauty and fishing in that Lake Plateau area, and deepening bonds with God and each other. A third group of OWLs (Older or Wiser Lutherans) will sleep in beds in the very comfortable moun-tain lodge at Christikon Bible Camp. But, all will travel out and back on a coach bus with many conversations and adventures on the way.�

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June 4 & 5�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Cayden Johnson�� 8:30 am �Geena Wanta��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Sherry Thompson�� � Lynn Brown�� 8:30 am �Ed & Chris Raasch�� � Dave & Cathy Schmit��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Readers�� 5:00 pm �Nona Arthur�� 8:30 am �Chris Raasch��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Dar Kluball�� � Jeanette Lovsletten�� 8:30 am �Wick Family��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Kaylie Svacina�� � �

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Gail Wilson�� 8:30 am �Al Overhaug��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Margie Welke�� � Child of God��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Jason Mielke�� 8:30 am� Zach Volz�� �

Projection Set up��

Altar Guild�Judi Calhoun, Paul Kurth�Ken Kincaid��

Counters�Georgie Crass, Sharon Reichert�Dan Schuller��

Video Delivery�Harold & Audrey Pedersen��

June 11 & 12�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Martin Schmidt�� 8:30 am �Grace & Ellie Witulski��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Children of God�� 8:30 am �Pete & Lynn Wurl�� � Terry & Jean Zoellner��10:00 am �Tom & Donna Stone�Readers�� 5:00 pm �Darlene Wurl�� 8:30 am �Cathy Schmit��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �John Kromm�

� � Georgeanne Crass�� 8:30 am �Dar Clements� Bill Erickson, John Krueger� Jack Lauder��10:00 am �Tom & Donna Stone��

Nursery�� 8:30 am Abby Norman�� � �

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Nancy Kind�� 8:30 am �Herb Heyne��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Larry & Jan Hagen��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Sue Mielke�� 8:30 am� Paula Norman��

Projection Set up�Paula Norman��

Altar Guild�Judi Calhoun, Paul Kurth�Ken Kincaid��

Counters�Georgie Crass, Sharon Reichert�Dan Schuller��

Video Delivery�Roger & Kathy Cook��

June 18 & 19�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Elijahh Mullen�� 8:30 am �Jade Wanta��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Dan & Kay Salewske�� 8:30 am �Jessie/Jason Stromberg � � Family��10:00 am �Tom & Donna Stone�Readers�� 5:00 pm �Jim Nelson�� 8:30 am �Jean Rae Paulson ��10:00 am �Marie Stark��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Dave Dettmering�� � Fritz Jach�� 8:30 am �Don/Carolyn Halverson� Don/Jeanne Rae Paulson��10:00 am �Tom & Donna Stone��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Renee Raasch�� � �

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Ruth Heyne�� 8:30 am �Shirley Derleth��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am Brian & Cindy Storm� �

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Karen Torkelson�� 8:30 am� Lane Beaumier�� �

Projection Set up�Jackie Leonhard��

Altar Guild�Judi Calhoun, Paul Kurth�Ken Kincaid��

Counters�Georgie Crass, Sharon Reichert�Mary Wilke��

Video Delivery�Nancy Bronsted��


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June 25 & 26�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Cade Lemmer�� 8:30 am �Martin Schreiner��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Rose Hoff�� � Bernice Mitchell�� 8:30 am �Paul & Dotti Andersen�� � Gary & Judy Calhoun��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Readers�� 5:00 pm �Jim Nelson�� 8:30 am �Jeanne Rae Paulson��10:00 am �Shirley Derleth��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Ron Leueneberg�� � Child of God�� 8:30 am �Don/Carolyn Halverson� Don/Jeanne Rae Paulson��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Addison Villar�� � �

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Wendy Black�� 8:30 am �Dave Schmit��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am ���

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Don Tinker�� 8:30 am� Lane Beaumier��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Projection Set up�Chris Raasch��

Altar Guild�Judy Calhoun, Paul Kurth�Ken Kincaid��

Counters�Georgie Crass, Sharon Reichert�Mary Wilke��

Video Delivery�Brian Schmidt��

July 2 & 3�Acolytes� 5:00 pm ��� 8:30 am �Alex Norman��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Dan & Kay Salewske�� 8:30 am �Mike & Nancy Pertmer�� � Bill & Arlene Strand��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Readers�� 5:00 pm �George Derleth�� 8:30 am �Ruth Heyne��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Chris & Ed Raasch�� 8:30 am �Jan & Larry Hagen�� � Herb & Ruth Heyne��10:00 am �Marie Stark��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Abby Norman�� � �

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Al Overhaug�� 8:30 am �Corey Colburn��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Brian & Cindy Storm�

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Jason Mielke�� 8:30 am� Paula Norman��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Projection Set up�Paula Norman��

Altar Guild�Kari Strebig, Sandy Redmond�Dotti Andersen��

Counters�Jim/Julie Dentler, Herb Heyne��

Video Delivery�Harold & Audrey Pedersen��

July 8 & 10�

Acolytes� 5:00 pm ��� 8:30 am ���10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Sherry Thompson�� 8:30 am �Jason/Jesse Stromberg �� � Jim/Jan VanNorman��10:00 am �Wick Family�Readers�� 5:00 pm �Nona Arthur�� 8:30 am �Cathy Schmit��10:00 am �Sandy Wick��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �George & Lynn Derleth�� � Georgie Crass�� � John Kromm�

� 8:30 am �Dave & Cathy Schmit�� � John Krueger�� � Bill Erickson��10:00 am �Wick Family��

Nursery�� 8:30 am ��� � �

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Mark Gaedtke�� 8:30 am �Paul Kurth��10:00 am �Marie Stark��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Lynn Brown�� � Joe Story��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Karen Torkelson�� 8:30 am� Betty Hudson��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Projection Set up�Lisa Elliott��

Altar Guild�Kari Strebig, Sandy Redmond�Dotti Andersen��

Counters�Jim/JulieDentler, Herb Heyne��

Video Delivery�Roger & Kathy Cook��

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2016 Summer Study��

Each week, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, the Grace Church Council invites you to dwell in God’s Word and prayer! Please join us in attuning ourselves in listening to God, opening ourselves to others, and learning to an-chor ourselves in God’s mission and call! �Three steps:�

1.� Invite one or two people to join you in this reading, reflection, and prayer . Meet for 45 minutes each week to reflect on the reading and to pray. It is im portant and helpful to spend at least fifteen minutes in prayer.�

2.� Keep notes, if possible, of your reflections and prayer concerns. This will help you see the progress in your reflection and prayer time.�

When to meet: This is up to you � whether 6:30 a.m. at the coffee shop, noon at work, or whenever. �

Procedure: Each tim e you m eet, do the following:�

A.� Check in (5�10 minutes): How’s it going? What’s going on? The conversations we naturally do.�B.� Conversation on the reading (20�25 minutes): There are specific questions for each week. �C.� Prayer: at least 15 m inutes of prayer together �

How to find people, guidance and support:�• There is much more information on the Grace website at�• Call the church office with any questions or for suggestions of people with whom to meet.�• There will be a bookmark and a “Question & Answer” sheet in the bulletin and in the Gathering Space.��

Worship Services��

Memorial Day to Labor Day �Saturday�5:00 pm�

Sunday�8:30 �Outdoor Worship 10:00 am at Schaefer’s Wharf on Hwy L��