grade 12 over to you first period set book and voc

Grade 12 Vocabulary Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 1 & 2 No Word Part Of Speech Meaning 1 adoption n يّ ن ب ت2 civil adj ي ن مد3 code of law n ون ن ا ق ل رع ا ش4 consultatio n n ارة ش ست ا5 define v فّ ر ع ي6 enforce v رض ف ي7 govern v م حك ي8 guilty adj ب ن مد9 impose v ة وب ق ع رض ف ي10 innocent adj ء ري ب11 judiciary n ي ع ر ش12 jury n ن ي قّ ل ح م ل ا ة> ئ هب13 legal adj ي ن و ن ا ق14 penalty n ة وب ق ع

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Page 1: Grade 12 Over to You First Period Set Book and Voc

Grade 12 Vocabulary Module 1

Unit 1 Lesson 1 & 2

No WordPart Of Speech


1 adoption n تبّن�ي2 civil adj مدني3 code of law n القانون شرع4 consultation n استشارة5 define v يعر�ف6 enforce v يفرض7 govern v يحكم8 guilty adj مذنب9 impose v يفرضعقوبة 10 innocent adj بريء11 judiciary n شرعي12 jury n المحّل�فين هيئة13 legal adj قانوني14 penalty n عقوبة15 persuasion n قّناعة16 principle n مبدأ17 property n م/ّلك18 prove v /ثبت ي19 tolerant adj صبور / متسامح20 violence n عّنف21 welfare n مصّلحة

Lesson 3

No WordPart Of Speech


1 break into v يقتحم2 fake adj مزيف3 invisible adj مخفي

4 techno-criminal nالتقّنيات مجرم

الحديثة5 worthless adj يستحق ال

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Lesson 4 & 5

No Word Part Of Speech Meaning1 bench n مّنصة / عريض مقعد

2 brief n/adj مختصرة / قانونية مذكرة مختصر

3 case n قضية / حقيبة4 defence n دفاع / دفاع محامي5 handcuffs n اليد أغالل

6 note n/v يكتب / / او يالحظ مالحظة مذكرةمالحظة

7 prosecute v عّلى / دعوى يرفع .. يقاضي

8 row n/vيجد�ف / / صف طابور) القارب)

9 spring n/vالربيع / / فصل مّلتوي سّلك

عالية بسرعة يّنطق

Lesson 7& 8

No WordPart Of Speech


1 claim v يد�عي2 clog up Phrasal verb ) ( عائق يسد3 contend v يجادل4 grievance n مظالم5 in favour of expression لصالح6 intend v يّنوي7 litigation n قضائية دعوى8 petty adj صغير9 regardless adv عن الّنظر بغض10 residential area n سكّنية مّنطقة11 speed limit n السرعة حدود12 sue v يقاضي ) ( قضية يرفع13 supporter n مساند / �د مؤي14 ultimately adv الّنهاية في

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Unit 2Lesson 1 & 2

No WordPart Of Speech


1 afford v يوفر2 boom n االزدهار

3 decimate vأو ) العدد عشر يتّلف

الكمية (4 deteriorate v يتراجع / يتدهور5 emigrate v يهاجر

6 famine nالمؤونة ) نقص مجاعة

الغذائية (7 foreign adj أجّنبي

8 hard-pressed adj مال دون المشاكل في عالقوقتكاف ال و

9 high-tech adj عالية تقّنية ذو10 necessitate v األهمية يفرض11 seek v يبحث12 unfortunately adv الحظ لسوء

Lesson 3

No WordPart Of Speech


1 instead adv عن بدال

2 periodic adjفترة / يخص فتريمعيّنة

3 Plenty of pronoun من الكثير4 swallow n السّنونو طائر

Lesson 4 & 5

No WordPart Of Speech


1 disgruntled adj مستاء / ساخط

2 displace vما / شي شخصأو مكان يغير

يعزل3 mass adj ضخم

4 meticulous adj حتى ) التفاصيل بأقل مهتممنها ( التافه

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5 migrant n م/هاج_ــــر6 Obliterate v يمحو / يطمس7 perturbed Adj قّل_ق / وbش cمش8 resort n ه cمـــّنتز

Lesson 7 & 8

No WordPart Of Speech


1 animated adj متحرك2 arduous adj متعب / شــاق3 engage in Phrasal verb / متصلب بــ مرتبط4 major adj كبير5 minor adj صغير6 nervously adv �ر / بتوت بحد�ه

7 rent vمركبة ) / يؤج�ــر

قارب ..(8 reside v يقيم9 strenuous adj جدا / متعب مضّني10 take a breather expression راحة يأخذ

Unit 3Lesson 1 & 2

No WordPart Of Speech


1 abuse n استغالل2 anthropologist n االنسان بعلم العالم

3 apparent adj جّل_ي / لّلعيان واضح4 attribute n صفة / سمة5 charitable adj خيري6 compassion n شفقة7 discrimination n عّنصرية تفرقة8 diversity n تّنو�ع9 empathy n عطف

10 ethnographer n بوصفاألجناس عالمالبشرية

Lesson 3

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No WordPart Of Speech


1 aftermath noun أعقاب في2 deploy v لّلعمل ) ( يوزع يّنشر3 hardship n مشق�ة4 voluntary adj تطوعي5 vulnerable adj ضعيف

Lesson 4&5

No WordPart Of Speech


1 aggressive adj عدواني2 compassionately adv بحّنان / بتعاطف3 cry over spilt of milk idiom تافه شيء عّلى يبكي4 enfranchisement n اإلعتــاق5 extravagant adj فيه مبالغ6 frail adj ضعيف7 over a barrel idiom سيء وضع في8 over the hill idiom السن في طاعن9 Over the top idiom فيه مبالغ10 suffrage n االقتراع / حق معاناة11 tide someone over idiom يساعد ، يساند

Lesson 7 & 8

No WordPart Of Speech


1 alleviate v مشكّلة ) ( يخفف2 appeal n مّناشدة3 avert v يجّن�ب4 campaign n حمّلة5 commitment n إلتزام6 dire adj شّنيع / رهيب7 donate v بـ ع يتبر�8 extensive adj �ز / مرك مكثف9 humanitarian adj إنـــساني

10 in leaps and bounds idiom ســاق و قدم عّلى

11 underprivileged adj الحقوق محروم

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Module One Set Book Questions

Unit 1 Lesson 1 & 2 : 1-Why are laws made ?

a( To feel secure b( to live peacefully c( forbid criminal behavior d( act lawfully e( protect human rights f( enhance quality of life

2- There are different kinds of laws that suit each case . Give examples for these laws .

a( Civil laws b ( criminal laws c( family laws d( property law 3-People of law and judges make sure to send criminals and outlaws to prison . What are their purposes ?

a( Punish wrongdoings b( preserve peaceful society c(decrease criminal actions d( return stolen rights

4- How do Islamic values influence the system of laws in Kuwait ?Influenced by Islamic values Kuwaiti law offers a chance for :

a( Forgiveness , if two people sue each other in court they have the chance for tolerance .

b( Freedom , through applying the principle that one is innocent until proven guilty

5- Laws over the world work head and toe to diminish any illegal actions . Give examples for these actions .

a( Fraud b ( rubbery c( murder d( theft e( kidnapping

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer : 1-His highness the Emir of Kuwait alone has the right to legislate laws [ F ] It’s the responsibility of different authorities .2- Laws are made to control societies only . [F]The are an expression of the county’s ethics and beliefs . 3- Islamic values influence the system of laws it Kuwait .[ T] e.x : Freedom is guaranteed for a person until proven guilty

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4- The police and judges make laws in Kuwait . [F ] They are executive authorities .Or they apply the law . 5- In most legal systems , a person is presumed guilty until proven innocent [F ] A person is presumed innocent until proven guilty . 6- Some actions have always been considered crimes . [ T ] e.x : stealing , cheating , murder , fraud 7- The Babylonian King Hammurabi consisted 292 laws in his code of law .[ F ] He consisted 282 laws in his code of law . 8- Hammurabi’s code of law were written on large concrete walls . [ F ] Hammurabi’s code of law were written on large stones Unit 1 Lesson 3 1- Along with the economical boom of the world today man has become more greedy and new sorts of crimes have been developed . Give examples for old and new crimes .

a)Old crimes : theft / stealing / murder / rubbery / fraud b) New crimes : identity theft / technological crimes 2- Criminals today use the internet to communicate with each other safely . Give reasons .

a( To pass on confidential information b( To plan crimes c( To preserve being unknown

3-Computer crimes are more difficult to solve than traditional crimes . Explain .

a( Criminals’ actions are invisible b( Criminals’ actions may be impossible to prove c( Nothing physically stolen so it’s difficult to prosecute the criminal

4- Why do businessmen use the internet ?a( book holidays b( make transactions c( buy things d ( access personal accounts e( paying bills 5- Businesses run by computers has attracted techno criminals to commit their crimes . How do tech-criminals take advantage of that ? a(through ordering goods without paying b( breaking into accounts and moving money to their own c( sending viruses that damages computers 6-Why is computer crime on the increase ?

a- Because of the increasing number of computer users

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b- Because of the difficulty of catching techno-criminals c- Because computers users are less cautious

7- In an attempt to prevent computer crimes laws need to be enforced . Give examples for these laws .

a( Jail sentence b ( paying large fines c( depriving techno criminals from using the computer again d( Monitoring their actions for a long time .

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer : 1-It’s better not to keep any personal information on your computer .

[ T ]Technological criminals might get into the system and get confidential information . 2-The law related to computer crime is changing rapidly [ T ] Because criminals are using computers to help them commit their crimes 3- Computer crimes are increasing dramatically . [ T ]Because of the growing number of computer users.4- There is a strict techno criminal law in Kuwait . [ F ]There isn’t but it follows the law of journalism 5-Computer crimes are very easy to solve . [ F ] Computer crimes are very difficult to solve 6- Businessmen do not need to use the internet . [ F ] They need it to send emails , make transactions , access accounts . 7- Internet usage is so limited . [ F ]It’s unlimited . ex. Access accounts / booking holidays / buying things …8- Computer criminals are invisible . [ T ] Because they hide behind the screen .

Unit 1 Lesson 7 & 8 1- Courts today are congested with people arguing about different cases .

What are the disadvantages of taking courts as the first port for solving problems ?

a( Creating hatred against each other . b( the problem is compounded and become more complicated c( loss of time and money d( missing a very important Islamic value “ tolerance “

2- How could people solve their problems away from court ?a( practise tolerance and be lenient

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b ( discussing the problem to reach a decision c(asking a common trusted friend to be the judged( winning your component by good manners 3- Which one is more important ; ensuring everyone has equal rights or prosecuting criminals ?Ensuring everyone has rights achieves both . Criminals will be prosecuted for their wrong actions and their victims will ensure to have their rights .

3- Why should their be speed limits in residential areas ?a- prevent tragic accidents caused by careless motorists b- ensuring safety

4- There is an increasing demand for speed limits laws in residential areas . What should happen to motorists who break these limits and cause tragic accidents ?

a( taken to jail for a long time b( taking away their driving license c( paying large fines

5- What does the term “ culture of blame “ mean ?It means blaming others for what suppose to be our responsibility .

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer : 1-People should always head to courts as the first port of call for their arguments . [ F ] They should be tolerant and lenient with each other 2-People shouldn’t take courts as the first port of call for their grievances . [ T ] Practising tolerance is a very important Islamic value 3-Ensuring everyone has equal rights is more important than prosecuting criminals . [ F ] Both are important and could be achieved by ensuring everyone has equal rights . 4- The term “ culture of blame “ means taking responsibility for our mistakes . [ F ] It means blaming others for what suppose to be our responsibility & mistakes .Unit 2 Lesson 1 & 2

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1-Large number of people migrating and leaving their homes for several reasons . Give examples a) wars or conflicts b) famine and starvation c)poverty and economic disasters d) personal issues e) unemployment

2-How do migrants feel towards leaving their homes ?a) fear b) anxious c) unsecure d) sad

3-With the economical boom Kuwait has taken a big share of a huge influx of skillful foreign workers . What opportunities does Kuwait offer to them?

a) Good salaries b ) good jobs c ) secure life 4-Migration has become a solution for most people with critical problems , yet it has its advantages and disadvantages . Explain

advantages disadvantages- Finding better job

opportunities - Meeting new people - Enjoying a safe life - Having better health care

facilities- providing better education for

children- cultural diversity will be


-there will be shortage in skilled people in their country . - causing overpopulation in the country they migrated to . - Some migrants feel unsecure- skillful migrants might leave the country any time .- skillful migrants might take the place of locals -children are raised in a different culture so they might lose their identity after a while . - feeling homesick

6- How does Islam see migration ? ( Questions taken from Unit2 Lesson 6 )

It’s a way to : a) reach better understanding for people b) get better education

7- Why did Muslims migrate in the past ?a) For scholarships b) b) learning c) c ) bringing information about other cultures

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer :

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1-Many Irish migrated from their homes to United states and Britain because of civil war . [ F ] Many Spanish migrated from their homes to United states and Britain because of civil war / Or .. Many Irish migrated from their homes to United states because of potatoes famine 2-The economic boom started in Kuwait in 1970s . [ F ] It started in the 1960s

3- Migrants have different reasons for leaving their homes .[ T ] War , social migration , famine , looking for better life Unit 2 Lesson 3 1- Just like humans animals migrate . Why do animals migrate ?a( Looking for a warmer place b ( to raise their youngc( Looking for food

2- What is common between people’s migration and animals migration ?a( both are looking for better living conditions for their children b( both are looking for a better life for themselves c( both are looking for a better shelter d( both migrate because of harsh conditions

3- Scientists attempted to interpret the knowledge of animals of where to go when they migrate , and they came up with two explanations . Mention them .

a( animals have some sort of compass in their heads b( animals use the sun and the stars to o help them

4-Some scientists argue that the animals which migrate have a better chance for survival . Do you agree with them ? Why ?

a( I agree b ( because animals will adapt with another environment and will escape the harsh life conditions ex. weather / lack of food

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer : 1-Migrating animals do not return to their original homes . [ F ] Migrating animals return to their original homes it’s a regular event only2-Most animals migrate escaping from other animals [ F ]They migrate because of looking for warmth , food and better living 3-Many animals migrate at the same time every year . [ T ]It’s a regular and periodic event 4-Animals make the same journeys that their parent did .[ T ] It’s repeated from generation to generation . 5-Animals choose a different path than their parents when they migrate . [ F ]

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Animals make the same journeys that their parent did .6-During summer animals migrate to the north . [T]Because the long summer days means plenty of food . 7-Swallows are birds that bury themselves in the mud in the bottom of the lakes during winter . [ F] They migrate during winter from Europe to Africa and back in one year .

8- Animals migration offers a chance for survival . [ T ] They will adapt to the new environment and they will escape difficult life conditions 9-Animals which migrate have less chances of survival . [ F ] They have more chances of survival .

Unit 2 Lesson 7 & 8 1- Immigration could change migrants lifestyle. Do you agree ? Why ?a(I agree Animals make the same journeys that their parent did b ( Migrants tend to spend less money and save more c( Some migrants adapt to the new culture and might change their habits to fit the new culture he’s living in . Unit 3 Lesson 1 & 2 1- What is the importance of human values ?

a( to reduce violence b ( ensure a safe place for everyone b( to earn a happy life d( to build up our character /personalitye(to emerge awareness in societies f(to achieve human needs g( to understand each other h ( to preserve dignity

2-Mention some human values in Islam ?a( tolerance b( unity c ( honesty d ( compassion to ) people and animals ( 2- What are the merits of identifying universal human values ?

a( to act with confidence . b( to be aware of your limits . c( to know when your rights are violated . d( to have concern for the world around you

3-How does the government of Kuwait protect the basic human rights ?a( issuing laws to protect people from any violation b( punishing people who violate human rights .

3- How does Islam teach us about the human values ?

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a( through the stories in the Holy Qura’an b( through the Sunnah ) Hadith (

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer : 1- Freedom is a human value which means acting as one wishes . [ F ]It’s a balance between individual freedom and societies’ needs

2-Cultures share several basic traits and values . [ T ] Freedom [ Liberty ] / compassion and empathy / tolerance

3-All countries lack legislation to protect minorities . [ F ]Many countries have specific laws to protect minorities .

Unit 3 Lesson 3 1- The name of the KRCS has significant importance within and outside Kuwait . Explain .

It’s a non governmental society that provides assistance to vulnerable people around the world without discrimination of any kind .

2- KRCS is an independent organization that dedicates its work to achieve particular aims . What are the aims of the KRCS ?a(protect and assist people in hardship b( ensuring the provision of basic human needs . 3- What does KRCS stand for ? It stands for Kuwait Red Crescent Society 4-What does NGO stand for ?It stands for non- governmental organisation .

5-Media should encourage young people to take part in voluntary work . Give reasons .Being a volunteer in such organisations helps to

a( spend constructive spare time b( be more confident c( have stronger personality d( lead to a better job career e( meet new people and make friends f( feel good about oneself g( gain experience h( develop ones skills i( lend hand to others

6-How should a red crescent volunteer be ?a( compassionate b( courageous c( motivated d( adventurous e( have the desire to help others

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f( confident and trustworthy 7-Give examples for basic human needs that most charity organisations try to provide for the needy .

a( education b( fresh and clean water c(health care d(peace 8-Volunteers from the KRCS do different charities , within and outside Kuwait . Give examples .

a( in Kuwait :*distributing food * aid to needy families * take part in awareness raising programmes * fundraising b( outside Kuwait : *provide basic health care * distribute food * take part in rescue operations .

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer : 1- Volunteers in the KRCS are motivated by the amount of reward they receive . [ F ] They are motivated by their desire to help other in need . 2-Actions performed by the KRCS are funded by the Kuwaiti government . [ F] It is a NGO that relies on the donations and fundraising .2- The KRCS works inside and outside Kuwait .[ T ] provide basic health care / distribute food / take part in rescue operations . 3- The KRCS is working individually since 1966 . [ F ] It has been working with the red crescent network since its legal declaration

4- The KRCS volunteers receive intensive and long training course before joining the society . [ F] They take brief first aid training courses by the Ministry Of Health 5- The KRCS is the first organisation of its kind . [ F ] It is a part of larger network . 6- The KRCS has mutual beneficial relationship with the government of Kuwait . [ F ] It works with conjunction with the government but it is a NGO . 7- Health care and water are the only human needs . [ F ] There are many needs such as : peace , education , food….8- The KRCS is run by government members . [ F ] They are run by volunteers . Unit 3 Lesson 7 & 8 1- Why should people help each other for the sake of ending ones suffrage ?a( to promote secure life b( to provide people with basic needs c( to spread love , compassion and justice d( to end grief

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2-Why do charities send newsletters to their members ?a( to keep them up to date b( b( to support their contributions c( to appeal for continuous support 3-People around the world are faced by many problems that might threaten their lives . Give examples for those problems . a( starvation b ( poverty c( lack of medical care d( disasters

3- The awareness of water consumption can be raised through …a( running campaigns b ( setting educational programmes

4- Distributing food as charity does not alleviate hunger only , but it solves other problems . Give examples .

a( Halting hunger allows the poor to provide for their families b( Halting hunger defends bodies against illness c( Halting hunger draws a smile on children’s faces

5- While participating in charity many actions could be taken . Give examples . a(Fundraising events b ( running campaigns c(setting awareness programmes d(distributing food e( writing newsletters to charity members 6- Kuwait has always been spearheading in charity . Mention some of the charity organisations in Kuwait . ) Questions from Lesson 9(

a( Society of social reform b( Zakat House b( CAN society d(The society of reviving Islamic heritage

Module 1 Focus On1- What kind of person does it take to become a successful diplomat ?a( university graduates b( confident and enthusiastic c( trustworthy and well trained d( competency in English e( willingness to work hard f( strong personality g( qualified negotiator 2-What are the aims of The Foreign Diplomat Institute in Kuwait ?a(training diplomat staff b(it’s the government think tank

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c( it’s the organisation of international seminars, conferences , workshops and meetings .3- Old diplomats staff take different trainings than new recruits . Explain .a( old diplomats : update their knowledge and skills through refresher

courses and professional training b( new recruits :receive twelve months training in Kuwait and six months

outside Kuwait .

Decide whether the following statements are true )T ( or false ) F ( and justify your answer : 1- The most important lessons the diplomats-in-training will learn is media . [ T ]

Because diplomats can never escape media ,if they don’t know how to deal with them they will have a lot of problems .2- Foreign Diplomat Institute is an old political move made by the Kuwaiti government to extend the hand of friendship with other countries . [ F ] Foreign Diplomat Institute is the latest move to extend the hand of friendship with other countries .3-The Foreign Diplomat Institute was opened by his highness the Emir sheikh Jabir AL Ahmed Al Sabah in December 2008 . [ F ] Opened by his highness the Emir sheikh Sabah AL Ahmed Al Sabah4- Old and new diplomatic staff in The Foreign Diplomat Institute take different kind of training . [ T ]

-old diplomats : update their knowledge courses and professional training -new recruits :receive twelve months training in Kuwait and six months outside Kuwait .