grade 4 year 2019/20 reading comprehension 1 mr … · climb up the tree to pick the apples like...

1 GRADE 4 YEAR 2019/20 Reading Comprehension 1 This is the sad story of Mr Bump. The trouble was that Mr Bump just could not stop having little accidents. If there was something for Mr Bump to bump into, he would bump into it immediately. For example: If Mr Bump walks down a street in your town, and if there is something to bump into down that street, then you know what will happen, don’t you? BUMP!

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GRADE 4 YEAR 2019/20 Reading



This is the sad story of

Mr Bump.

The trouble was that Mr

Bump just could not stop

having little accidents.

If there was something for

Mr Bump to bump into, he

would bump into it


For example:

If Mr Bump walks down a

street in your town, and

if there is something to

bump into down that

street, then you know what

will happen, don’t you?



One morning when Mr Bump

went outside his house he

noticed that the roof of his

house had been damaged in a

storm the night before.

“I must fix that before it

falls”, thought Mr Bump to

himself, and he hurried to

his garden shed to take a


It was a very long ladder!

Mr Bump walked up the garden path with

the ladder on his shoulder. He turned

the corner of the garden path.

CRASH! went the living room window.

“Oh dear” thought Mr Bump, and he

turned to see what had happened.

CRASH! went the kitchen window behind him.

“Oh dear” thought Mr Bump again, and he rested the

ladder against the wall of the house so that he could

climb up on to the roof.

CRASH! went the bedroom window!

Mr Bump was just the same at home.

He lived in an extremely nice home, but even

there he couldn’t stop having those little

accidents. For example:


For example:

When Mr Bump was a carpenter, he

found that when he was hammering

nails he hammered his thumb most

of the time and the nail hardly

at all.

So you can see how Mr Bump had his little


Mr Bump had had many jobs, but somehow they

never lasted very long…

Every time something got lost or broken or

chipped or snapped or cracked, Mr Bump got the

blame. For example:

When Mr Bump worked on a

farm, he bumped into the

farm dog and spilt the

milk that he was carrying

for the farmer’s wife.

For example:

When Mr Bump was a postman,

he got his hand stuck in a

postbox, and they had to

phone the firefighters to

come and set him free.


For example:

When Mr Bump was a bus driver, he

fell off the bus and he couldn’t

catch it again, and all the

passengers travelled without

having to pay.

In order to recover from this series of

unfortunate accidents, Mr Bump decided to take

a holiday. There he could think about what type

of job he could do. So he went to the station to

catch a train to the seaside.

While Mr Bump was on holiday,

several things happened.

For example:

He fell off a boat into the sea

and the lifeboat had to come

and rescue him.

For example:

One day when he was quietly

walking along the beach, he got

his foot stuck in a bucket, and

as he couldn’t get if off, he

had to walk with it on his foot

for hours!


For example:

Another time he was walking along the beach, he

walked straight into a large

hole that somebody had dug,

and he had to stay there all

night because he couldn’t

climb out on his own.

However, despite all

these little accidents

Mr Bump enjoyed his

holiday, and while he

was there he had a

splendid idea about what

type of job he should

do. It was quite the best idea Mr Bump had ever


An absolutely splendid


Mr Barley has a large

farm and around his

farm he has lots of

apple trees, and that’s

where Mr Bump works.

Mr Bump’s job is

picking apples. But he doesn’t use a ladder to


climb up the tree to pick the apples like other


Oh, no. Mr Bump has a much better way of

picking apples than that!

He just walks!

And in less than a

minute… Mr Bump, being Mr

Bump, walks into a tree



And down falls an apple.

And Mr Bump catches it.

This makes the job of apple-picking much

easier, and Mr Bump is very pleased about his

new job, and Mr Barely is very pleased about

his new apple-picker.

And now Mr Bump works happily for Mr Barley the


So you see the story of Mr Bump isn’t such a

sad story after all… And if you ever bump

yourself you know what to do, don’t you?

Go and eat an apple picked by Mr Bump, and then

you won’t feel your bump at all.

Remember that the next time you have a bump!



1. Where did Mr Bump live? (page 2)


2. What problem does Mr bump have? (page 1)

He has all the time

3. What is Mr bump going to do with the ladder in this picture?

He is going to______________________________


4. What did he break with the ladder? (page 2)


5. Match the accidents that Mr Bump had when he had these jobs:





He hammered his thumb all

the time, but not the nail.

He fell off the bus and all

passengers travelled for free

He got his hand stuck in a


He spilt the milk for the

farmer‘s wife.


6. Why did Mr Bump decide to take a holiday? (page 4)


7. What little accidents did Mr Bump have during his holiday? Find the sentences in

the story:

8. What is Mr Bump‘s new job? (page 5)

How does he do in his job?

9. Draw Mr bump having a different type of problem .









What does Mr Tickle do with the wasps‘ nest at the beginning?

He ________________ the wasps’ nest.

Who gets the wasps‘ stings? _______________________gets all the


When they are driving the van, what do they see in the street?

They see a ___________________________ next to a


Who lives in that house? Look for the meaning of his name in the dictionary.

Mr. ____________________________

What does Mr Stubborn think is the wasps‘ nest? He thinks it’s a


What does Mr Stubborn do at the end?

He hits the _______________ with a ______________


Mr Quiet liked the quiet life.

He lived, quietly, in a small little

cottage in the middle of a wood.

The problem was, that small little cottage

was in the middle of a wood in the middle

of a country called Loudland.

Everything and everybody in Loudland was

noisy. Oh, the noise!

Dogs didn’t go “woof” like

dogs you know.

They went (take a deep

breath): “WOOF!” People didn’t shut their doors like

you or I would shut our doors.

They slammed them! BANG!

Mr Noisy would have liked

living in Loudland.

He would have loved it!

But Mr. Quiet didn’t.

Noise frightened him!

So, he stayed in his cottage

in the middle of his wood as

much as he could.

People didn’t talk to each other. They shouted

at each other.

“HELLO”, they would shout as they met in the


And, you’ve heard about something being as quiet

as a mouse, haven’t you? Not in Loudland.

They had the noisiest mice in the world!

“SQUEAK! SQUEAK!” they would roar at each other.


But of course, he couldn’t stay

there all the time.

Every week, for example, he had

to go shopping.

He used to creep into the

grocer’s shop.

“GOOD MORNING!” shouted the

grocer. “WHAT CAN I DO FOR


“Please”, whispered Mr Quiet, “could I have

some cornflakes, please?”


“Cornflakes, please”, he whispered.


Mr Quiet tried his loudest whisper.


“I CAN’T HEAR YOU”, shouted the grocer.


And poor Mr Quiet had to creep away without any

cornflakes.It wasn’t fair… was it?

He crept into the

butcher’s shop.

“Please”, he whispered,

“I’d like some meat.”

The butcher didn’t even

hear him.

He was humming to himself


Mr Quiet tried again.


“Please,” he whispered, “I’d like some


But the butcher started to whistle. It sounded

more like a loud alarm than a whistle.

Mr Quiet ran away.

Empty handed…

It often happened the

same, maybe this

explains why he was so


Poor Mr Quiet.

He sat home that night with

a feeling of despair.

“What am I going to do?” he


“It’s no use”, he thought,

“I will just have to try


And so, the following day,

he went shopping again.

But… the same thing


He sat home that night

with a feeling of


“What am I going to do?”

he thought.

“It’s no use”, he

thought, “I will just

have to try again.”

And so, the following

day, he went shopping



“CAN’T HEAR YOU” thundered the grocer “NEXT,


“CAN’T HEAR YOU” said the greengrocer “NEXT,


“CAN’T HEAR YOU” roared the milkman “NEXT,


“CAN’T HEAR YOU” shouted the butcher “NEXT,


Oh dear! Poor Mr Quiet went home and went to

bed. Hungry.

The morning after, he woke up

because he heard a noise that

sounded like bombs dropping.

It was the Loudland postman

knocking at

Mr Quiet’s door. BANG!


Mr Quiet went and opened the


“GOOD MORNING”, shouted the

postman, “LETTER FOR YOU!”

Mr. Quiet opened the letter in great


He had never received a letter before!

It was from Mr Happy in Happyland.

An invitation! To stay!

Mr Quiet took the letter into his


He sat down to open it.

He waited until the noise of the

postman’s footsteps died away.



It was late when he arrived

on Mr Happy’s doorstep.

He knocked on Mr Happy’s

door. Tap tap tap. Mr. Happy opened the door.

“Hello”, he smiled. “I

thought I heard something.

You must be Mr Quiet.

Well, don’t just stand

there, come in and have

some dinner”

It was the first proper

meal Mr Quiet had had for

months. And while he was

eating it he told Mr Happy

about the problems he was

having in Loudland.

Mr Happy listened quietly.

“I think”, he said, “that you should stay in

Happyland”. Mr Quiet’s face lit up.

“And” continued Mr Happy, “we’ll find you a house,

and a job.” Mr Quiet’s face dropped.

“I’m not very good at jobs”, he confessed, “because

I’m too quiet”

“Ah”, smiled Mr Happy. “I have the very job for a

quiet boy like you!”

And so, the very next day, Mr Quiet started work.

Do you know where he works?

In the Happy Lending Library!

As you know, everybody who goes

into a library has to be very

quiet, and they let you only


During breakfast the following

morning, Mr Happy told Mr Quiet

that he had been thinking about

his problem.


1. Where did Mr Quiet live?


2. Why is Mr Quiet in bed in this picture?

3. Why can‘t Mr Quiet buy things at the grocer‘s shop?


4. Who say these things in the story? Match using COLOURS






Next, please!

You should stay in


Letter for you!


What am I going to do?


5. ONOMATOPEIAS are words that sound like their meaning. Match the pictures to

the sounds. Use colours to match.

6. What other jobs could Mr Quiet do well? Think, draw and write.

He could be a… He could work in a …


Who are they?

___________________ ___________________

Where are they having a picnic? _________________________________

What do they have to eat? Match:








What animals are in the video? _______________________________

Why do you think the animals get angry at the end?







Mr Skinny was extraordinary thin.

Painfully thin.

If he turned sideways, you could hardly see him

at all!

And, what made it even worse, was that he lived

in a place called Fatland.

Yes, Fatland!

As you can very well imagine,

everything and everybody in

Fatland was as fat as could be.

Not stout. FAT!

Fatland dogs were extremely fat!

Fatland worms were

extraordinary fat!

Fatland birds were

extraordinary fat! And you should see a

Fatland elephant… Phew! And there, in the middle

of all this “fatness”,

lived Mr Skinny.


Poor Mr Skinny, he didn’t like being

so different from everything and


But, there wasn’t very much he could

do about it.

You see, he had hardly any appetite at


Do you know what he had for breakfast?

One cornflake!

And for lunch? One baked bean!

And for tea? Nothing!

And for dinner? The world’s smallest



The following morning was


A large fat sun shone down on

the fat green trees and the fat

yellow flowers, and through

And after that, he felt so full

he went straight to bed.

In his long, thin bed in his

long thin bedroom in his long

thin house, in Fatland.

“Oh, I wish I could do something

about my appetite”, he though to

himself just before he went to


“I think”, he thought, “that I

should go and see the doctor”.

And he went to sleep.


Doctor Plump!

“Come in, come in” he said as Mr

Skinny knocked at his door.

“Sit down, sit down”, he said as

Mr Skinny entered.

“And what”, he said, putting his

plump fingers together, “seems

to be the trouble?”

And he opened the drawer in his desk and took

out an enormous cream cake.

He put it on the desk in front of him.

And opened another drawer and took out half a

dozen doughnuts.

And put them on the desk in front of him.

And opened another drawer and took out a dozen

currant buns.

And put them on the desk in front of him.

“Elevenses”, he explained.

“But it’s only 10 o’clock”, said Mr Skinny.

“Who’s counting?” said Doctor Plump.

And without any more talking, he

and Mr Skinny ate the lot.

Mr Skinny ate a dab of cream, a

doughnut crumb and one currant.

Doctor Plump ate the rest!

It’s my appetite” explained Mr Skinny. “I would

like to eat more so that I can put on a little


“Yes, you are very…thin” said the doctor,

looking at him over his glasses.

“I know” he continued “let’s start the treatment

right now!” He licked his lips.

“This very moment” he added.


“Mmm” said Doctor Plump,

popping the last currant

bun into his mouth, and

looking at Mr Skinny.

“I see” he said “what you

mean about your appetite”.

He thought for a moment.

“Only one thing for it” he

said. “This calls for

drastic measures” And he

picked up his telephone in

his fat hand and dialled a


“Mr Greedy speaking” said the voice.

Mr Greedy listened to what Doctor Plump

had to say.

“You would like a Mr Skinny to come to

stay?” he said

“To build up his appetite?” he added

“Great” he agreed. And so, Mr Skinny went to

stay with Mr Greedy.

He stayed for a month.

And, during this time, Mr

Greedy did manage to

increase Mr Skinny’s


And so, at the end of the

month, Mr Skinny returned

home. Happy!

One hundred miles away, the

telephone rang.


“Hello” said a voice.

Do you know whose voice it




1. Who is the main character in the story? And the secondary characters? Draw and

write their names:



2. Where did Mr Skinny live?


“I say” , said Doctor Plump, looking him up and



“Tell you what” he went on. “This calls for a


And he opened his desk drawer…

With a tummy!

A tummy was something Mr Skinny

had always wanted.

“I never knew I had it in me”

he said to himself.

He was feeling so proud of his

tummy, he decided to call in

and see Doctor Plump on his way



3. Everything and everybody in Fatland was as fat as could be. Think about other

animals or things you could see in Fatland, draw and write:

4. Why can‘t Mr Skinny eat any more?


5. What did Mr Skinny have for dinner?


6. What‘s the Doctor‘s name?

7. What foods did the doctor put on his desk?

8. Complete these sentences with the correct verb in the past. Look for the verbs that

are missing in the story!

After dinner, Mr Skinny ___________ so full that he _________ straight to bed.

―Come in, come in‖ _________ Doctor Plump.

Doctor Plump ______________ his drawer and ___________ out an enormous cream cake. Mr Skinny only ________ a dab of cream, a doughnut crumb and one currant.


Doctor Plump ____________ up his telephone and dialled a number. A hundred miles away Mr Greedy’s telephone _________ Mr Skinny ___________ with Mr Greedy for a month. After his stay with Mr Greedy, Mr Skinny had a ______________!

9. DICTIONARY. Look for the underlined words in your dictionary:

Mr Greedy LIKED to eat!

In fact, Mr Greedy LOVED to

eat, and the more he ate the

fatter he became.

And the trouble was, the fatter

he became the more hungry he

became. And the more hungry he became the more he ate.

And the more he ate the fatter he became.

And so it went on and on…


When he finished his enormous breakfast,

Mr Greedy sat back in his chair, smiled a very

satisfied smile, and thought.

One morning Mr Greedy woke up earlier than usual.

He had been dreaming about food, as usual, and

that had made him wake up feeling very hungry, as


So Mr Greedy got up, went downstairs and ate the

most enormous breakfast.

This is what Mr Greedy had for his


TOAST – 2 slices

CORNFLAKES – 1 packet

MILK – 1 bottle

SUGAR – 1 bowlful

TOAST – 3 slices

EGGS – 3 (boiled)

TOAST – 4 slices

BUTTER – 1 dish

MERMELADE – 1pot “That was a delicious breakfast”, he thought to

himself. “Now I wonder what would be nice to have

for lunch?”

That morning Mr Greedy walked and walked and


Then he discovered a cave.

“That’s funny”, he thought, “I don’t remember

seeing that there before”

Mr Greedy, being a curious

man, decided to explore.

He entered the dark cave.


Then he sniffed.

Coming from somewhere up on top of that

gigantic table was the most delicious

“foody-smell” that Mr Greedy had ever


So Mr Greedy squeezed himself through the crack

in the door, and there…in front of him was an

amazing sight.

The biggest room in the world!

The floor was as big as a field.

The table in the middle of the floor was as

big as a house, and the chairs around it were

as high as trees. Mr Greedy felt very small.

Mr Greedy sniffed again, and then decided

that he must get up on to that table, so

he began to climb up the leg of the

enormous chair.

At the top of the steps Mr

Greedy came to a door.

It was, with no doubt, the

biggest door that Mr Greedy

had ever seen. And it wasn’t


Mr Greedy, being a curious

man, decided to see what was

on the other side of that



A huge enormous gigantic colossal plate, and on

the plate, huge enormous gigantic colossal

sausages the size of pillows, and huge enormous

gigantic colossal potatoes the size of

beachballs, and huge enormous gigantic colossal

peas the size of cabbages.

Mr Greedy hurried across the table towards the

plate, and, being Mr Greedym he began to eat.

And Mr Greedy, being

Mr Greedy, took a bite

out of one of the

apples there.

Then, he looked


On the other side of the

table, he could see the

source of that delicious


Suddenly, Mr Greedy saw a

shadow on the plate, and he

found himself being picked

up by a giant hand and

looking into the eyes of a

real live giant.

“AND WHO”, thundered the

giant, “ARE YOU?”

There was a bowl of fruit on

the table, and Mr Greedy

tried to lift one of the



Mr Greedy was so frightened that he could only

just squeak his name. “Mr Greedy”, he squeaked.

The giant laughed a laugh as loud as a thunder.




And what a lesson it was.

The giant made Mr Greedy

eat up everything on that

huge enormous gigantic

colossal plate.

When he had finished, Mr

Greedy felt very ill, as

if he would explode at

any minute.

“Now” said the giant in a

much quieter voice, “do

you promise never to be

greedy again?”

“Oh, yes” moaned Mr

Greedy, “I promise!”

“Very well”, said the

giant, “then I will let

you go”.

Mr Greedy climbed down from the table and

went out through the door feeling very fat

and extremely miserable. And do you know, from that day to this,

Mr Greedy has kept his promise.

And do you know something else as well?

Mr Greedy doesn’t look like he used to

look any more!

He now looks like this, which I think is

a lot better, don’t you?

So if you know anybody who is as greedy


1. Where did Mr Greedy live?


2. Draw Mr Greedy‘s breakfast. Then write.

Three boiled eggs…

3. What is Mr Greedy thinking in this picture?

4. In the book there are many comparisons. Write the correct endings:

The floor was as big as a…

The table was as big as as a…

The chair was as big as a…

The sausages were as big as …

The potatoes were as big as…


I think I will go for

to work up an


The peas were as big as…


What did Mr Greedy had to do?

6. What are the giant and Mr Greedy saying in this picture?

7. What happens at the end?

8. Where could you see these signs? Write another sign.

9. Look for these WORDS in the dictionary and match the names to the pictures.









It was a warm, sunny morning.

In his small house at the other side of the

wood, Mr Tickle was sleeping.

You didn’t know that there was such a thing

as a Tickle, did you?

Well… they exist!

Tickles are small and round and they have

arms that stretch and stretch and stretch.

Extraordinary long arms!

Mr Tickle was asleep.

He was having a dream.

It was a very funny

dream because it made

him laugh so loud that

he woke up.

He sat up in bed,

stretching his

extraordinary long

arms, and he yawned an

enormous yawn.

Mr Tickle felt hungry,

so do you know what he


He stretched one of his

extraordinary long arms,

opened the bedroom door,

reached down the stairs,

opened the kitchen door,

reached into the kitchen

cupboard, opened the

biscuit tin, took out a

biscuit, brought it back

upstairs, went in through


As he walked along, he kept his eyes very

wide open, looking for somebody to tickle.

Looking for ANYBODY to tickle!

Mr Tickle’s extraordinary long arm went

right up to the teacher, stopped and then…


The teacher jumped in the air and turned

round very quickly to see who was there.

But there was nobody there!

So, later that morning, after Mr Tickle had

made his bed and cooked his breakfast, he

went out and through the wood.

Eventually, Mr Tickle came to

a school.

There was nobody outside, so

, reaching up his

extraordinary long arms to a

high window, Mr Tickle pulled

himself up and looked in

through the open window.

Inside, he could see a


There were children sitting

at their desks, and a

teacher writing on the


Mr Tickle waited a minute

and then reached in through

the window.

Mr Tickle smiled.

He waited another minute, and

then tickled the teacher



This time he kept on tickling until soon

the teacher was laughing and saying: “Stop

it! Stop it!” over and over again.

All the children were laughing too.

Mr Tickle thought: “I’ve had enough fun”,

so he gave the teacher one more tickle and

then very quietly brought his arm back

through the open window.

He jumped down from the window and he left

the poor teacher there, explaining what

had happened.

Of course, he couldn’t explain it!

Then Mr Tickle went to town. And what a day Mr Tickle had.

He tickled the policeman when he was

working at the

crossroads in the middle of town. It

caused an enormous traffic jam! He tickled the

greengrocer just as he

was piling apples

carefully in his shop


The greengrocer fell

over backwards, and

the apples rolled all

At the railway

station, the guard

was about to wave

his flag for the


As he put his arm up in the air, Mr Tickle

tickled him.

And every time he tried to wave his flag,

Mr Tickle tickled him until the train was

ten minutes late leaving the station and

all the passengers were furious.

He even tickled old Mr Stamp, the postman,

who dropped all his letters into a puddle.

That day Mr Tickle

tickled everybody.

He tickled the doctor.

He ticked the butcher.

Then Mr Tickle went home.

Sitting in his armchair in

his small house at the

other side of the wood, he

laughed and laughed every

time he remembered all the

people he had tickled.

So, if you are in any way ticklish, be

careful with Mr Tickle and those

extraordinary long arms.

Just think. Maybe he is somewhere around at

this moment while you are reading this

book… Maybe that

extraordinary long

arm is already



1. What is the title of the book?


2. What is the book about? Complete

the text with the words in the box:

It’s about ____________ who is always tickling

everybody. He has extraordinary long _________

that __________, stretch and stretch. In the story

Mr.Tickle tickles a _____________ in a school, a

policeman people arms Mr. Tickle

stretch guard teacher


__________ in the middle of town, a __________ in

a railway station and many other ____________.

3. What is the weather like at the



4. Why did Mr. Tickle wake up? Choose

and copy:






5. What happened when Mr. Tickle

tickled the greengrocer?

6. Who else did Mr. Tickle tickle that

day? Choose and write under the


He tickled the postman. He tickled the doctor. He tickled the guard.


7. What happened when Mr Tickle tickled

the postman?

8. What else can Mr Tickle do with his

extraordinary long arms? Think, draw

and write:







He can





―It‘s very cold outside, Tommy,‖ said Mrs.Tomkins. ―Put on your gloves and hat


―Let‘s ask RK-5 to take us to a place where there is lots of snow,‖ said Tommy


―You must first tell me the name of the place.‖

―What about Iceland?‖ said Andy.

―No,‖ said Kim. ―There may be all ice there and no snow.‖

―There‘s snow in Greenland,‖ said Lucy.

―I‘m not sure,‖ said Tommy. ―Snow is white, not green.‖

―Let‘s go to the North Pole,‖ said Sam.

―Santa Claus lives there. There‘s always snow at the North Pole.‖

―Yes! Good idea, Sam. We‘ll go to the North Pole,‖ said Tommy.

―I thought it might be cold today. I brought some of my little brother‘s clothes for Bongo

to wear,‖ said Kim.

―RK-5, please take us to the North Pole,‖ said Tommy.

―I will,‖ said RK-5. A set of buttons came out of the robot‘s chest.

―Press the numbers 14-15-18-20-8 and 16-15-12-5 x 7,‖ said RK-5.

―Tommy pressed the numbers. There was a flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke.

The five friends, Taffy, and Bongo were on their way to the North Pole.

―They landed gently in the soft, white snow.

Lucy was the first to stand up. ―Look!

It‘s the North Pole,‖ she shouted. ―Soon everyone was throwing snowballs

and laughing. They all loved playing in the snow. ―Let‘s make a snowman!‖ yelled Kim.

Make sure that Sam wears her gloves and hat, too.‖

―Do you think it will snow today, Mom?‖ asked

Tommy. ―I‘ve never seen real snow.‖

―No, Tommy. It doesn‘t get cold enough in our town

for snow,‖ replied Mrs. Tomkins.

―Tommy and Sam met their friends at the big, blue

bench in the park. ―Have any of you seen real

snow?‖ asked Tommy. ―

Andy said, ―No.‖

―Lucy said, ―No, never. I‘d like to play in the snow.‖

―Kim said, ―No, but I‘d like to make a big snowman.‖

Tommy gently pulled his little robot friend from his

pocket. ―RK-5 said, ―How can I help you today?‖

―We want to go to a place where there is lots of

snow,‖ said Tommy.

―We want to play in the snow,‖ said Lucy.

―We want to make a snowman,‖ said Kim.

―I can take you to the snow,‖ said RK-5.


―She said try the house behind those trees, you may find what you want there,‖ said RK-5.

RK-5 thanked the owl and they all ran toward the trees. Behind the trees was a little

house. In front of the house were four friendly reindeer.

They all turned around and saw a red jacket trimmed with white. ―It‘s Santa‘s coat,‖

whispered Sam.

The girls rolled a snowball in the snow.

It became bigger and bigger and bigger.

The boys also made a big snowball. It was not as

big as the one the girls made.

―The girls‘ snowball became the body of the

snowman. The boys‘ snowball became the head of

the snowman. Tommy put the head on the body.

―We need something to make his eyes,his nose,

and his mouth,‖ said Tommy.

―What can we do?‖

―I could ask her, on the pole,‖ said RK-5.

The kids turned around and saw a snowy, white

owl. She was sitting on top of the North Pole.

―Yes! Yes! Ask her,‖ said Tommy.

RK-5 faced the snowy owl and hooted, ―Twitt-a-

whooo, twitt-a-whooo.‖

―The snowy owl hooted back

Tommy knocked on the door of the house. The others

petted the deer. Tommy knocked again.

There was no answer.

Tommy opened the door and shouted, ―Hello! Is anyone

at home?‖

Still no answer.

Tommy shouted to his friends, ―There‘s a big fire in

here. Come in and get warm before we go back.‖

They all went in and huddled around the fire.

―Look behind the door,‖ said Sam.

―No, it‘s just a red jacket,‖ said Tommy.

―Santa Claus is not a real person.‖

―Oh yes he is,‖ shouted Sam, ―and this is his house.‖

―The others did not know what to believe.

―We must finish our snowman,‖ said Lucy.

―We can use some coal for his eyes.‖

―The reindeer let me have this carrot for his nose,‖ said Kim.

―The reindeer also said you can use some of the things in the

brown box outside,‖ said RK-5.

They gathered all the things together and ran back to the




There were lots of presents under the tree. The first thing she saw was a large, red

envelope. Written on the envelope in large, black letters was: ―To Samantha, from Santa


She quickly opened the envelope. Inside were the gloves she had lost at the North Pole.

There was also a photograph of a very handsome snowman.

1. What is Tommy’s mum saying in this picture?

2. Whose clothes are the ones that Bongo is going to wear?

They are ____________________________ clothes.

They used all the things they borrowed to finish

the snowman. He was a very handsome snowman.

―I‘m getting cold,‖ cried Sam. ―I‘ve lost my


―I‘m cold too,‖ said Kim. ―Let‘s go back

to the park.‖

―In an instant, RK-5 sent them all back

to the big, blue bench at the park.

Sam was first awake on Christmas morning.

She ran downstairs to the Christmas tree


3. Write the numbers that Tommy had to press to go the North Pole.

Fourteen, ________________________________________________________



4. The children were looking for materials to make the snowman’s face. What did the owl say?

5. What did the children find in front of the house?


6. What happened when Tommy knocked on the door?


7. What did the children do in the house?


8. Who found Santa’s clothes?__________________________________________

9. Who doesn’t believe Santa is a real person?


10. What did the children use to finish the snowman?


11. What happened on Christmas morning?


12. What did Santa send Sam?


13. What is happening in these pictures? Explain using the verbs in the gerund:

sitting, looking, giving, pressing, making.


14. Write the correct verb in the past to complete these sentences:

Tommy and Sam __________ their friends at the big

blue bench.

“I _____________ some of my little brother’s

clothes for Bongo to wear”, said Kim.

When Tommy _____________ the numbers, there ______

a cloud of smoke.

Tommy ______________ on the door of the house.

The children ________ into the house and

______________ around the fire.

Tommy Tales 8 Tommy and the Giant Cockroach



Tommy and his friends were playing at the park. A pretty butterfly flew by. It was red and

black. ―That‘s a monarch butterfly,‖ Said Kim. ―How do you know?‖ asked Andy.

―We‘re studying insects at school,‖ answered Kim. ―Did you know that

spiders are not insects?‖ she added. ―Yuck, I don‘t like bugs,‖ said

Sam. ―They are creepy crawlies!‖

Oh no they are not. And you shouldn‘t call them ‗bugs‘. Bugs are just

one kind of insect. Most insects do good things,‖ said Kim.

―Tommy, could you ask RK-5 to take us to a place to see insects?‖ asked Kim.

―I‘ll ask him. He‘s on the bench with Bongo,‖ said Tommy. ―Kim is interested in insects,‖ said

Tommy to RK-5. ―Could you please take us to a place where we can study insects?‖

―Of course I can. I can take you anywhere. I can even talk to insects,‖ said RK-5. ―RK-5 told

Tommy which buttons to press on his number pad. Tommy pressed the buttons. There was a

flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke.―

When the smoke cleared, Sam started to shout.

―What‘s happened? RK-5 has made everything huge!‖ she yelled.

―No, I haven‘t made everything huge,‖ said RK-5.

―I‘ve made all of you small, so that you can study insects.‖

―Oh no!‖ said Tommy. ―We didn‘t want to become small.

We wanted to see insects at a museum or a zoo.

Can you make us big again?‖ asked Tommy. ―Not for another hour,‖ answered RK-5.

―Suddenly, Kim started screaming. A big spider was walking towards them.

―RK-5 spoke to the spider. He told the children not to worry. ―The spider is friendly but

curious. Her name is Sandra. She wants to know why you are here,‖ said RK-5. ―I told her

you were studying insects.‖

―I‘m scared,‖ said Kim.

―Don‘t be afraid. Sandra said

that most of the insects will

not hurt you. There is one bad

insect—Corky, the cockroach!


You should stay clear of him. He‘s a bully,‖ said RK-5.

―Two pretty caterpillars walked by. One was green and red. The other was black and yellow. The

caterpillars smiled at the children and waved.

―The caterpillars asked if you want to ride on them,‖ said RK-5.

―Tommy jumped on the green and red caterpillar and Sam jumped on the other. ―I think they want

to race,‖ yelled Tommy.

―First to reach that big daisy is the winner,‖ said Andy. ―Ready,

set, go!‖

The caterpillars quickly headed for the daisy. Tommy‘s

caterpillar ran faster, but Tommy fell off. The other caterpillar

went more slower. She was second to reach the daisy, but Sam

was still on her back. Everyone laughed at Tommy. He was

sitting in the long grass. They all stopped laughing when they saw something move behind him.

It was Corky the cockroach.

Everyone began yelling. ―Run! Run! Corky the

cockroach is behind you!‖ Tommy got to his feet.

It was too late. Corky grabbed Tommy with his

front legs.

Corky saw the other children. He wanted to catch them too.

He ran towards them.

Sandra the spider helped the children climb up her web. It was

easy to climb up the sticky threads. They reached the middle of the web. Corky could

not reach them. They were safe, but how could they help Tommy?

―Suddenly, a huge, furry foot trapped Corky‘s back legs.

Corky was so surprised he let Tommy go. Tommy ran to the web


and quickly climbed up to join his friends.

―Look, Taffy has caught Corky,‖ said Lucy.

―An hour has passed,‖ said Tommy quietly, ―RK-5, please make us big again.‖

―There was a flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke. When the smoke cleared, they were back to

their normal size. Tommy ran to Taffy.

―Thank you, Taffy. You saved me,‖ he said. Taffy wagged his tail. ―

Tommy then said to RK-5, ―Please promise never to make us small again.‖ ―RK-5 didn‘t reply.

1. What do you think Sam is saying in this picture?

2. What kind of butterfly do the children see at the beginning?


3. What did RK-5 do to help the children study insects? Choose:

He made everything huge He made the children small

4. How much time do the children have to wait until RK-5 can make them big again?


5. Why does RK-5 say that Sandra the spider is curious? What does she want to know? _____________________________

6. The colours of the caterpillars are described in the book. Colour them:

7. Who wins the caterpillar race?

8. What did the children do when they saw Corky coming?



9. Who saved Tommy from the cockroach?


10. Find these insect and spider words in the word search. Then, write the names of the animals in the pictures. If you don’t know the meaning, use your dictionary!

Tommy Goes to the Ocean ―Tommy and his friends were at Kim‘s house.

Kim was showing her photo album. This is me at the beach,‖ said Kim.

―There you are swimming in the ocean,‖ said Andy. ―I wish I could go to the beach,‖

he added. ―I‘ve never seen the ocean.‖

―We can go to the ocean,‖ said Tommy. ―RK-5 can take us there!‖

―Yes I can,‖ said RK-5. ―I can also teach you how to swim underwater.‖

―Yes! Let‘s go,‖ said Sam. ―It will be fun.‖

―RK-5 told Tommy to press 15-3-5-1-14 x 7 on his number pad. After Tommy pressed the

buttons, there was a flash of light and flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke.

―The next second, they were all on a little red boat. The

boat was bobbing on the ocean. The sun was shining brightly.


They could see the seashore in the distance.

RK-5 told them they would find swimsuits and diving equipment in the cabin. ―Change

quickly,‖ said RK-5. ―We‘re going diving!‖

―After they changed, RK-5 taught them how to use the diving equipment. He explained

that each of them needed a diving buddy.

―Sam and Lucy will be buddies. Kim and Andy will be buddies. Taffy and Bongo will be

buddies,‖ said RK-5.

What about me?‖ said Tommy. ―I don‘t have a diving buddy!‖

―Don‘t worry,‖ said RK-5. ―I will be your buddy. Let‘s dive!‖

―One by one, they jumped into the water. The water was warm. Soon they were all

swimming gracefully underwater. They couldn‘t speak to each

other underwater. They used hand signals to communicate.

Tommy and his friends saw many pretty fish. They also saw

beautiful coral and sea plants. A green turtle came to say hello.

They followed RK-5, who pointed out crabs and lobsters in the


Lucy tapped Sam on the shoulder. She wanted to show her two

pretty sea horses.

They reached some pointed rocks. Tommy signaled for everyone to stop .There was a big

jellyfish ahead. If they swam into it, someone

would get a very painful sting.

They stayed near the pointed rocks and

watched all the colorful fish swim around

them. A spotted eel poked its head from a

hole in the rocks.

The eel had never

seen such strange


Suddenly, they each felt something slippery slide around their


They were all dragged into the seaweed.

A big, blue octopus had caught each of the friends in her long

tentacles. Everyone soon realized that she was a friendly



They looked through the seaweed and saw a huge shark swimming near the pointed rocks.

The octopus had saved them from the dangerous shark.

They waited with the octopus until the shark swam away.

Then suddenly, four playful

dolphins appeared.

The dolphins took the little

buddies on their backs.

The dolphins then swam

swiftly to the little red boat.

―When they were safely back

on the boat, everyone was

excited. They all talked about their adventure.―It‘s time to

go back home,‖ said RK-5.

―They waved goodbye to the dolphins. After Tommy pressed the buttons, there was a

flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke.

―Within seconds, they were back at Kim‘s house.

―That was fantastic!‖ said Andy. ―But I don‘t have a photo to remind me of my time at the


―Bongo jumped onto Andy‘s lap and gave him a shell from the ocean. This would

be a souvenir of their exciting adventure at the ocean.

1. What was the weather like when they were on the boat?


2. What is a diving buddy? Copy the right answer:

a) It is the equipment that they have to use when they dive. b) It is the person that is going to dive with you all the time.


c) It is the name of the little red boat.


3. Match the pictures of the diving equipment that Tommy and his friends had to wear to their names and descriptions. USE COLOURS. Then colour the pictures.

4. How did the children communicate underwater?


5. Match these hand signals to their meaning. USE COLOURS.


6. Look for the names of all the sea creatures that the children saw in the ocean. Some are not written in the book (use your dictionary to find out!)

7. Write about a sea animal. Find a picture and information in the Internet. You can stick the photo or draw and colour your animal.

―One sunny morning, Tommy and his friends were walking to the park.

―Look!‖ said Tommy. ―Mrs. Thatch is having a yard sale. Let‘s see what she has to sell.‖










―Hello, kids,‖ said Mr. Thatch ―I‘m moving to the other side of town next week. I‘m

going to live with my grandson and his family. I can‘t

take everything with me so I have lots of interesting

things to sell.

The five friends spent a lot of time looking through the

boxes that were stacked in the yard.

There were old toys that once belonged to Mrs. Thatch‘s

children. There were boxes of jewellery. There were

hundreds of old books. There were boxes of old photographs and postcards.

Sam found a medallion on a chain.

There was a head of a pretty woman on one side and an old sailing

ship on the other.

Mrs. Thatch said she wanted $2.00 for the medallion. Sam only had

$1.75, so Mrs. Thatch reduced the price so Sam could buy it.

Andy found a little flashlight. It looked like a pen, but had a very

bright light. He bought it for $1.25.

Lucy was looking through the books. She came across a very old, dusty book.

The front cover was held on by tape. I must buy this book!‖ shouted Lucy.

―The title is The Islands of the Caribbean.

My granddad was born in Jamaica, one of the Caribbean Islands. I can give it to him for his

birthday.‖ She bought the book for $2.00.

Within half an hour, all the children had bought something from

Mrs. Thatch.

Tommy had a pair of binoculars, which were very old but worked

perfectly. Kim bought a butterfly net and a colorful beach pail and


―Even though they had spent all their money, the friends were very

happy with their purchases. They said, ―thank you‖ and ―goodbye‖

to Mrs. Thatch and ran to the park.

―When they reached the park, they sat on their favourite big, blue bench. Bongo climbed

down from his treetop home to greet them. ―I can see Bongo‘s house with my binoculars,‖

said Tommy.

―Lucy opened her book to read about Jamaica. ―Hey! Something just fell out of your book,‖

said Kim.


―Andy picked it up. It was an old, folded-up piece of paper. When they unfolded it, they

found a map drawn on the faded paper.

Do you know what this is?‖ asked Tommy.

―It‘s a map showing where treasure is buried!‖

―But it‘s only half a map. It‘s been torn down the middle. I don‘t think it‘s real,‖ said Andy.

―What do you think, RK-5? Is this a real treasure map?‖ asked Tommy.

―RK-5 studied the map. His eyes scanned it from top to bottom.

This paper was made more than three hundred years ago. The ink on the paper is the same

age. My opinion is that this is a genuine treasure map.‖

The children cheered loudly.

―Now all we have to do is get RK-5 to take us to this island. We can then find the

treasure,‖ said Tommy.

―Oh no,‖ said Kim. ―That would be much too dangerous.‖

―Don‘t worry,‖ said Sam. ―We must find that treasure. Can you take us there, RK-5?‖

RK-5 looked at the map again and said, ―The island is called Mumbles. Yes, I can take you


―RK-5 told Tommy which buttons to press on his number pad. Tommy quickly pressed the

numbers. There was a flash of light and a cloud of blue smoke.

When the smoke cleared, the park was empty.

Everyone had been transported to the Caribbean island of


The children found themselves under a palm tree, sitting on

soft white sand.

They were on a beautiful beach. They could see the crystal

clear water of the Caribbean Sea in front of them. The

waves were gently breaking on the shore.

Let‘s look at the map and see if we can discover where we are on this island,‖ said Tommy.

―While the others were studying the map, Kim looked up and down the seashore for

landmarks. ―I can see a long rock out there.

It stretches way out to sea. It looks like a snake. Can you see anything like that on the



―Yes!‖ shouted Andy. ―There‘s a place marked here called

Worm‘s Head. That must be it.‖

―If that‘s Worm‘s Head, then we are right here at Oxwich

Bay,‖ said Tommy, pointing to a place on the map.

―The treasure is on the other side of the island,‖ said

Lucy. ―But it‘s not a very big island.‖

―They did not notice that they were being watched from

the bushes behind them.

‖ And they did not hear a voice gently repeat, ―I must tell

the captain, I must tell the captain, I must tell the captain.‖

1. Why is Mrs Thatch having a Yard Sale?

Because she is going to live with _____________________________ and

she can’t __________________________

2. Sam found a medallion. Explain what pictures the medallion had on each side:



3. Why did Andy like the flashlight?

Because __________________________________________________________

4. Label the objects that Mrs Thatch had in her Yard Sale.

jewelry old toys old books a fishing net vinyl


a fish tank old-fashioned hats a saucepan


5. Why did Lucy like the book? Choose:

Because it would be a nice present for his granddad.

Because it was about pirates.

Because the book had a treasure map.

6. What did Tommy and Sam buy?

Tommy bought _______________________ and Sam bought


7. Look at this picture and answer:

Who thinks the map is not real?________________

Who examines the map? ___________________

What is Bongo doing? He is trying to_______________ with



8. What island was in the map? _______________________________

9. In the map… what’s the name of the long rock that Kim is pointing?

The rock is called __________________________

10. Who do you think is watching the children from the bushes?

11. DICTIONARY. Find the meaning of these words in your dictionary.

―Tommy and his friends were on a beach on the island of Mumbles, in the Caribbean

Sea. Their little robot friend, RK-5, had transported them there.

I think ________________________ is watching them


―They were startled by a large, green parrot that suddenly flew out of the bushes behind


―That‘s strange,‖ said Tommy. ―I thought I heard that parrot

say ‗I must tell the captain.‘ I‘m going to see where it‘s

going. I‘ll follow the parrot with my binoculars.‖

Tommy ran to the top of a sand dune to see where the

parrot had gone. When he reached the top, he looked

through his binoculars. He shouted, ―Oh, no! RK-5 has

done it again!‖

―What‘s happened?‖ asked Andy.

―RK-5 has brought us to the Caribbean Sea, but he has also

taken us back in time. There‘s an old pirate ship down there.

It‘s flying a skull and crossbones flag.‖

―Let‘s go and find the treasure, before the pirates find us,‖ said Kim.

―They studied the map. They decided to first go over the sand dunes behind Oxwich Bay.

Then they‘d head for Alligator Beach. Next, they‘d go past Palm Tree Forest. Finally,

they‘d go around Raven Hill to the place where the cross was

marked on the map.

The group set off up the sand dunes.

From the top of the sand dunes, they could see Alligator Beach in

the distance.

It did not take them long to get to the bottom of the dunes.

They slid and tumbled down the soft sand.

―They were happily walking along the edge of Palm Tree

Forest. Suddenly, the green parrot flew from the trees. It

was screeching, ―Rascals! Rascals!‖

―Then they heard a deep voice behind them.

―What are you urchins doing on my island?‖

―They turned and saw the most frightening sight they had ever

seen. In front of them was a huge man with a long, black beard.


He wore a long, dark blue coat and a big hat.

The parrot flew onto his shoulder. ―Toby, my parrot here, told me that some fancy little

ladies and gentlemen had sneaked onto my island,‖ he said. ―Two more pirates walked out

from the forest.

―What shall we do with them, Captain Blackbeard?‖ asked one of the pirates.

―Tie them up and put them with the other two ragamuffins. They look strong and

healthy. I should get a good price for them in Port o‘ Prince.‖ ―Aye! Aye! Captain,‖ said the


―The five little friends were so scared, they were speechless. Bongo was watching from

the top of a palm tree and Taffy was hiding behind some bushes.

―The pirates tied the hands of the children and made

them follow Blackbeard through Palm Tree Forest. When

they arrived back at the shore, they saw two other

children in the small rowboat. Their hands were also tied.

―The five scared friends were pushed into the boat. Sam

and Tommy sat next to the boy and girl. The girl, who was

the older of the two, whispered to Sam. ―I‘m Lily Slade. This

is my brother, Jack. My father and older brother are

camped at Smugglers Cove.‖

―Quiet, you,‖ yelled Blackbeard, ―or I‘ll feed you to the


―The rowboat reached Blackbeard‘s ship and they were

soon on its deck. It was then that Blackbeard saw

Sam‘s medallion shining in the sun.

―Where did you get this?‖ roared the pirate captain.

―F. . . f. . . from Mmmm,‖ stammered Sam. She was trying to say ―from Mrs. Thatch,‖ but

Blackbeard thought she said ―from Mom.‖

―Ahrrr! So we are family, little lady! My name is Edward Thatch. All Thatch children are

given these medallions when they reach their first birthday,‖ said Blackbeard.

―I can‘t sell my own kin. Take her back to the beach, Perkins, and let her go.‖ ―Nobody

noticed Lucy slip the map into Sam‘s hand as she passed by. Perkins then rowed ashore

with Sam.

―A short, fat pirate made the other children follow him down some stairs. He then pushed

them into a small, dark cabin and locked the door.


―Perkins left Sam at Morgan‘s Landing and rowed back to the ship. Sam knew she had

to find Smugglers Cove. Mr. Slade, Lily‘s dad, was camped there. She looked at the map,

but Smugglers Cove was not marked.

―It must be on the missing half,‖ she thought. ―So I have to walk east.‖

―Just then, she heard a noise behind her.

Fearing the worst, she turned around. She saw Bongo and Taffy running towards her.

―She felt less lonely now that Bongo and Taffy were with her. They set off walking east.

After they had been walking for an hour, Sam saw some smoke rising in the distance.

―That could be coming from Mr. Slade‘s camp,‖ said Sam. ―But it could also be a pirate

camp. I had better be very careful.‖

―Within thirty minutes, she arrived at the camp. She peered through some bushes.

She was happy to see a man and a boy. The boy was about twelve years old. ―This must be

Smugglers Cove,‖ she thought.

―Sam ran into the camp yelling, ―Help! Lily and Jack and all my friends have been captured

by Blackbeard the Pirate!‖

―Mr. Slade explained to Sam that he had found the other half of the map. Lily and Jack

had gone out early that morning with the map to look for the treasure.

The treasure belonged to the Slade family. Blackbeard had stolen it from them the year

before. ―Mr. Slade and his son Billy were surprised to see this strangely dressed little

girl run into their camp. They were very worried about Lily and Jack, so they listened to

Sam‘s story.

―The first thing we must do,‖ said Mr. Slade, ―is to rescue all the children. Then, as we

have your half of the map, we can recover the treasure. I have a plan. We‘ll need to wait

until it gets dark, so try to get some sleep.‖

1. Who was watching the children from the bushes behind?


2. What is Tommy saying in this picture?


3. Read and draw in red the path that the children decided to follow to find the treasure

before pirates find them.

4. What is a dune ? Choose:

d) A mountain next to a beach.

e) A hill of sand built by the air.

f) An area of sand next to the sea.

5. PIRATE STUFF. Copy the names:

RK-5 has done it again!

Apart from taking us to the

Caribbean Sea, he has also








6. Choose the correct verb to explain what happened while the children were walking towards

the marked cross.

The children __________ and _______ a frightening pirate. His name ______

Captain Blackbeard. The other two pirates ___________ the hands of the

children and __________ them into the boat. Inside the boat _______ two

children: Jack and Lily. Later, on the ship, Captain Blackbeard _____

Sam’s medallion and he ___________ that Sam was from his family and he

______ her go. Blackbeard _______________ that Lucy _______ Sam the treasure


7. Why does Sam want to go to Smugglers Cove ?


8. Why are Mr.Slade and his son Billy surprised? Choose:

g) Because for them Sam has strange clothes.

h) Because Sam is shouting.

i) Because Sam is running towards them.

saw tied didn’t see thought was

saw turned were pushed let


9. Who has an idea at the end? ___________________

10. What do you think is the treasure? ___________________________________

12. Tommy and the Pirates

―Pirates had captured Tommy and his friends. They were locked in a cabin on Blackbeard‘s

ship. Blackbeard was going to sell them as servants. Their only hope was Tommy‘s sister

Sam, who had gone for help.

―The cabin had a small porthole, which let in little light. ―What can we do?‖ cried Kim. ―I

don‘t want to be sold. Can‘t we get RK-5 to take us back?‖

―We can‘t do that,‖ said Tommy. ―We‘d leave Sam behind.‖. and Bongo and Taffy,‖ added


―Their new friends, Lily and Jack, were sleeping.

―We should all try to sleep,‖ said Tommy.

―Don‘t worry, I‘ll think of an escape plan tomorrow.‖

―Mr. Slade was beginning his plan to save the children. He was rowing a small boat.

His son, Billy, and Sam were helping him to row. They were rowing towards Blackbeard‘s ship.

―The pirates won‘t see us in the dark,‖ said Mr. Slade. ―But you must keep very quiet.

These pirates have very good hearing.‖

―They reached the ship but didn‘t know where the children were being held.

―Mr. Slade was beginning his plan to save the children. He was rowing a small boat.


――The pirates will hear us.‖ ―I can use my secret owl whistle,‖ said Sam.

―Lily and Jack looked on with interest. They hoped that their new friends knew what

they were doing.

―Andy climbed up to the porthole and shone his flashlight outside. He switched it off and

on. He hoped that Sam would see it.

―Sam saw the signal right away. ―There they are,‖ she whispered excitedly.

―See the light flashing at that window.‖ ―It‘s called a porthole on a ship,‖ said Billy.

His son, Billy, and Sam were helping him to row.

They were rowing towards Blackbeard‘s ship.

―The pirates won‘t see us in the dark,‖ said Mr.

Slade. ―But you must keep very quiet.

These pirates have very good hearing.‖

They reached the ship but didn‘t know where the

children were being held ―We can‘t shout out to

them,‖ whispered Billy.

“My brother will recognize it.‖ Tommy couldn‘t sleep.

He was trying to think of an escape plan. He heard an

owl calling in the distance. He suddenly sat up.

―Hey! That‘s Sam‘s owl whistle. She must be bringing

help. This is a big ship. She‘ll never find us,‖ he said


―Yes, she will,‖ said Andy. ―I‘ll use my flashlight to



When they reached their camp, Mr. Slade pieced together the two halves of the map.

―Now we should have no trouble getting our treasure back,‖ he said.

―Take ten paces west from the crooked palm,‖ read Lily. ―Look for a rock shaped like a

cat. Take five paces towards it. Dig for two feet, and there you‘ll find what you seek.‖

―Tommy followed the directions. He took big paces. When he reached the place, everyone

―OK!‖ said Sam. ―Let‘s row to that porthole.‖

―As soon as they reached the side of the ship, the children

piled out of the porthole.

In five minutes, they were all in the rowboat. Lily and Jack

hugged their father. ―I‘m pleased to see you, young ladies

and gentlemen,‖ Mr. Slade said softly. ―No time for

introductions. We must make haste before the pirates

discover that you‘ve escaped.

They set out, in the dark, to find the treasure. Mr.

Slade was in front with Andy.

Andy used his flashlight to lead the way.

Billy was in the rear with Tommy.

―They made good progress and reached Three Cliffs

Bay just as it got light.

―Now we need to know exactly where to dig,‖ ―Read

the directions on our half of the map, Lily.‖

said Billy.

dug into the sand. Kim used her shovel and Andy

used the beach pail. Taffy helped too. He loved

digging. After five minutes, Kim‘s shovel struck


―There it is! We‘ve found it,‖ said Jack.



―Toby didn‘t notice Kim creep around behind him. As quick as a flash, Kim brought her

butterfly net down on top of the spying parrot.

Toby squawked, ―Rascals! Rascals!‖ but it was too late, he was well and truly captured.

―Mr. Slade put the treasure chest on his shoulder and they all walked back to camp at

Smugglers Cove.

When they reached camp, they sat around the fire and had a breakfast of fresh fish and


Mr. Slade told the time travelers that his wife and her brother would be sailing into the

cove within an hour. They had made an arrangement to pick them up. Mr. Slade invited

Tommy and his friends to go with them.

He gave each of them a gold coin. As they rowed off, Lily shouted, ―If you are ever in

North Carolina, come and visit us.‖

―They all cheered loudly. The cheering quickly stopped when they heard a voice behind

them. ―I must tell the captain! I must tell the captain!‖ the voice repeated.

―Blackbeard‘s parrot, Toby, was sitting on a branch, watching them.

Tommy thanked Mr. Slade but said

that his friend would be there later

to take them home. Tommy knew it

would be difficult to explain RK-5‘s


Within an hour, the ship of Mr.

Slade‘s brother-in-law appeared in

the cove. Before he left, Mr. Slade

thanked the children for helping to

recover their treasure.


1. True or false?

2. What does Sam do to attract his brother‘s attention?


3. The children used all the objects that they had bought at the yard sale. What did they use

them for? Complete:

Andy used the _____________________ to signal where they were on the ship.

Tommy used the _____________________ to see where the parrot was going.

Sam used the _____________________ to make Blackbeard think she was from his family.

Kim used her ______________________ to capture Toby the parrot.

Kim used the _______________ to know where the treasure was.

―Quickly,‖ said Kim, ―let‘s get RK-5 to take us home,

before the pirates get us again.‖

―Tommy already had RK-5 in his hand and within

seconds, the little robot had transported them back

to the park. ―Lucy looked up at the clock tower.

―We‘ve only been away for half an hour. Can you

believe all that happened in thirty minutes?‖


Kim used the ________________ to dig to find the buried treasure.

4. Who is going to keep the parrot as a pet? ______________________________

5. When the children returned home, how long had they been away?

6. Put the following actions in the correct order:

7. Look at the complete map. Colour it (land in brown, beaches in yellow, water in blue)