
Graffiti Graffiti By Starlight By Starlight Children's Foundation Children's Foundation Canada and Pfizer Canada and Pfizer Canada Canada

Upload: kierantatum

Post on 07-May-2015




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  • 1.Graffiti By Starlight Children's Foundation Canada and Pfizer Canada

2. Message..

  • The message of this film is courage to reach out and be brave.
  • It was put together as an inspirational video for ill people and their carers.
  • It is to show that one small thing can make everything seem okay and so they should never give up.

3. Camera techniques..

  • The film starts with a long shot, introducing the first character as he walks towards the camera.
  • There is then a high angle shot looking down at this boy, this reveals where he is.
  • There is a huge range of different camera angles used to show the audience what he is doing but at the same time, not revealing his art.
  • There is a mid/long shot of him as he steps back to admire his art work. This shows the audience that he has finished.

4. Camera techniques..

  • There is then a shot of him beginning to head home, cars are passing in front of the camera and from the low angle, it is clear to the audience that it is now the next day when he started it was dark, now it is light.
  • The camera pans and tracks him all the way home which shows that it was close to his house.
  • As he walks in the door and takes off his hat, there is a close-up shot of his mother looking disappointed that he stayed out all night.

5. Camera techniques..

  • It then pans him as he walks into a room with life support technology everywhere, there is a close-up to reveal this.
  • It then pans to reveal his little sister unwell in the bed.
  • As she sits up, there is a mid shot of her and her brother looking outside the window.
  • This is followed by a low angle close-up of his mother as she also looks out the window they all begin to smile.
  • The camera then pans out the window to reveal his graffiti covering the building next door which reads Be Brave!

6. Sound..

  • There is no dialogue in this film, but there is the diegetic sound of the medical equipment beeping the sound associated with hospitals.
  • There is the non-diegetic sound of music playing throughout the film matching the mood and emotion of the film.

7. Mise-en-scene..

  • The lighting throughout the film is very dim, this is to convey the mood and emotion being portrayed through the message.
  • This is until the graffiti is finally revealed and the whole mood is lifted, along with the lighting.
  • The costume and location seems very real and natural. That is to show that this is a real life and serious situation and therefore every aspect has to fit.

8. Editing..

  • When the boy is doing the graffiti, the shots are edited together to a quick pace, this is because he is not allowed to be doing what he is doing which instils a sense of danger this conveys the adrenaline he must be feeling.
  • The rest of the shots are edited together to a slow pace to fit the mood when he arrives home to a serious situation. The shots are long and smooth to give it the feel of a documentary showing that the situation is very real.