gramatika - engleski_jezik(za sve tri godine)

1 Ivana Đokić Marija Boranijašević Learn and Practice Your ENGLISH GRAMMAR 2011

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Page 1: Gramatika - Engleski_jezik(Za Sve Tri Godine)


Ivana Đokić Marija Boranijašević

Learn and Practice




Page 2: Gramatika - Engleski_jezik(Za Sve Tri Godine)



Ivana ĐokićMarija Boranijašević

Recenzent:dr Dragana Spasić

Izdavač:Visoka poslovna škola strukovnih studija Blace

Za izdavača:dr Ružica Stanković, direktor

Tehnička priprema:Bojan Vasović

Tiraž 500

Štampa"SIGRAF PLUS", Kruševac

ISBN 978-86-7544-084-0

Odlukom Saveta Visoke poslovne škole strukovnih studija Blaceknjiga LEARN AND PRACTICE YOUR ENGLISHGRAMMAR smatra se udžbenikom Visoke poslovne školestrukovnih studija i odobrava se za upotrebu.

Sva prava zadržana. Ni jedan deo ove knjige ne može bitireprodukovan, presnimavan ili prenošen bilo kojim sredstvom,

elektronskim, mehaničkim, za kopiranje, za snimanje, ili na bilokoji drugi način bez prethodne saglasnosti Izdavača.

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Ova gramatika engleskog jezika sa vežbanjima nastala je kao rezultatpotrebe za pomoćnim gramatičkim udžbenikom u nastavi engleskog jezika naVisokoj poslovnoj školi strukovnih studija u Blacu. Prvenstveno je namenjenastudentima, ali i svima onima koji žele da prošire i utvrde svoja znanja izoblasti gramatike engleskog jezika. Udžbenik obiluje gramatičkim vežbanjimačija su rešenja data na kraju knjige, pa samim tim nudi mogućnosti proverestečenog znanja. Udžbenik je rezultat višegodišnjeg iskustva autora uizvođenju nastave engleskog jezika.

Cilj ove gramatike sa vežbanjima koja je napisana dvojezično, naengleskom i srpskom jeziku, je da omogući studentima da što lakše usvojeenglesku terminologiju sa jedne strane i obezbedi im lakše razumevanje pravilagramatike engleskog jezika sa druge strane.

Poglavlja: I Članovi, II Imenice, IV Pridevi za količinu, VII Predlozi, XBuduća vremena, XI Zapovedni način, XII Modalni glagoli, XVI Slaganjevremena, XVII Indirektni govor, XVIII Uslovne rečenice i XIX „Zar ne?“pitanja pripremila je Marija Boranijašević, dok je Ivana Đokić sastavilapoglavlja: III Zamenice, IV Pridevi, V Prilozi i priloški izrazi, VI Brojevi, VIIISadašnja vremena, IX Prošla vremena, XIII Infinitiv, XIV Gerund, XV Pasiv,XX Odnosne rečenice, kao i Obnavljanje vremena i listu nepravilnih glagola.


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I ARTICLES ...............................................................................13ČLANOVI

THE INDEFINITE ARTICLE (A/AN) ..........................................13NEODREĐENI ČLAN (A/AN)

THE DEFINITE ARTICLE (THE) ................................................16ODREĐENI ČLAN (THE)

OMISSION OF ARTICLES............................................................21IZOSTAVLJANJE ČLANA

EXERCISES .....................................................................................24VEŽBANJA

II NOUNS ....................................................................................27IMENICE

KINDS OF NOUNS..........................................................................27VRSTE IMENICA

THE USAGE OF CAPITAL LETTERS ........................................28UPOTREBA VELIKOG SLOVA

GENDER OF NOUNS......................................................................30ROD IMENICA

NUMBER OF NOUNS.....................................................................33BROJ IMENICA

PLURAL OF NOUNS ......................................................................33MNOŽINA IMENICA

REGULAR PLURAL.......................................................................34PRAVILNA MNOŽINA

IRREGULAR PLURAL ..................................................................38NEPRAVILNA MNOŽINA

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PLURAL OF COMPOUND NOUNS .............................................44MNOŽINA SLOŽENIH IMENICA

EXERCISES .....................................................................................45VEŽBANJA

III PRONOUNS ..........................................................................47ZAMENICE

PERSONAL PRONOUNS...............................................................48LIČNE ZAMENICE




RELATIVE PRONOUNS................................................................53ODNOSNE/RELATIVNE ZAMENICE



REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS .............................................................58POVRATNE ZAMENICE

RECIPROCAL PRONOUNS..........................................................60UZAJAMNO - POVRATNE ZAMENICE

EXERCISES .....................................................................................61VEŽBANJA

IV ADJECTIVES .......................................................................67PRIDEVI

ADJECTIVE ORDER......................................................................69REDOSLED PRIDEVA

- ED OR – ING ADJECTIVES .......................................................70- ED ILI – ING PRIDEVI

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COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES................................................71POREĐENJE PRIDEVA

IRREGULAR COMPARISON.......................................................74NEPRAVILNO POREĐENJE


EXERCISES .....................................................................................76VEŽBANJA

QUANTIFIERS ................................................................................81PRIDEVI ZA KOLIČINU

EXERCISES .....................................................................................89VEŽBANJA

V ADVERBIALS ........................................................................93PRILOZI I PRILOŠKI IZRAZI

ADVERBIALS OF MANNER ........................................................94PRILOŠKE ODREDBE ZA NAČIN

ADVERBIALS OF PLACE.............................................................95PRILOŠKE ODREDBE ZA MESTO

ADVERBIALS OF TIME................................................................96PRILOŠKE ODREDBE ZA VREME

ADVERBIALS OF DEGREE..........................................................96PRILOŠKE ODREDBE ZA STEPEN

COMPARISON OF ADVERBS......................................................97POREĐENJE PRILOGA

EXERCISES .....................................................................................100VEŽBANJA


EXERCISES .....................................................................................106VEŽBANJA

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VII PREPOSITIONS .................................................................109PREDLOZI

PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE .........................................................109PREDLOZI ZA MESTO

PREPOSITIONS OF TIME ............................................................116PREDLOZI ZA VREME


EXERCISES .....................................................................................125VEŽBANJA

VIII PRESENT TENSES...........................................................129SADAŠNJA VREMENA

THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE..................................................129PREZENT

THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE ......................................133TRAJNI PREZENT

EXERCISES .....................................................................................136VEŽBANJA

THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE...............................................139SADAŠNJI PERFEKAT


EXERCISES .....................................................................................146VEŽBANJA

IX PAST TENSES ......................................................................149PROŠLA VREMENA

THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE ..........................................................149PROŠLO VREME

THE PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE ..............................................153PROŠLO TRAJNO VREME

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EXERCISES .....................................................................................155VEŽBANJA

THE PAST PERFECT TENSE.......................................................157PLUSKVAMPERFEKAT


EXERCISES .....................................................................................161VEŽBANJA

IX FUTURE TENSES................................................................163BUDUĆA VREMENA

THE SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE....................................................163BUDUĆE PROSTO VREME

THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE ........................................166BUDUĆE TRAJNO VREME

THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE.................................................167BUDUĆI PERFEKAT


GOING TO........................................................................................170GOING TO KONSTRUKCIJA

BE TO + INFINITIVE .....................................................................172BE TO + INFINITIVE KONSTRUKCIJA


EXERCISES .....................................................................................176VEŽBANJA

TENSE REVIEW .............................................................................180OBNAVLJANJE VREMENA

XI THE IMPERATIVE MOOD ...............................................185ZAPOVEDNI NAČIN

EXERCISES .....................................................................................187VEŽBANJA

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XII MODAL VERBS..................................................................189MODALNI GLAGOLI

EXERCISES .....................................................................................204VEŽBANJA

XIII THE INFINITIVE .............................................................207INFINITIV

INFINITIVE FORMS......................................................................207OBLICI INFINITIVA

INFINITIVE FUNCTIONS.............................................................209FUNKCIJE INFINITIVA

USE OF THE BARE INFINITIVE.................................................212UPOTREBA KRNJEG INFINITIVA

XIV THE GERUND ...................................................................215GERUND

GERUND VS INFINITIVE .............................................................219GERUND ILI INFINITIV

EXERCISES .....................................................................................221VEŽBANJA

XV THE PASSIVE VOICE.......................................................227PASIV

USE OF THE PASSIVE VOICE ....................................................230UPOTREBA PASIVA

EXERCISES .....................................................................................232VEŽBANJA

XVI THE SEQUENCE OF TENSES ........................................239SLAGANJE VREMENA

EXERCISES .....................................................................................242VEŽBANJA

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XVII REPORTED SPEECH .....................................................245INDIREKTNI GOVOR

INDIRECT STATEMENTS............................................................245INDIREKTNE IZJAVNE REČENICE

INDIRECT QUESTIONS................................................................251INDIREKTNA PITANJA

INDIRECT COMMANDS...............................................................254INDIREKTNI IMPERATIV

EXERCISES .....................................................................................256VEŽBANJA

XVIII CONDITIONAL SENTENCES.....................................261USLOVNE REČENICE

THE FIRST CONDITIONAL (TYPE 1)........................................261PRVI KONDICIONAL (TIP 1)

THE SECOND CONDITIONAL (TYPE 2)...................................263DRUGI KONDICIONAL (TIP 2)

THE THIRD CONDITIONAL (TYPE 3) ......................................264TREĆI KONDICIONAL (TIP 3)



IX QUESTION TAGS................................................................273„ZAR NE?“ PITANJA

EXERCISES .....................................................................................279VEŽBANJA

XX RELATIVE CLAUSES .......................................................281ODNOSNE REČENICE


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DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES...............................................285ODREĐENE ODNOSNE REČENICE


EXERCISES .....................................................................................286VEŽBANJA

IRREGULAR VERBS .....................................................................289NEPRAVILNI GLAGOLI

KEY TO EXERCISES .................................................................295REŠENJA VEŽBANJA


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There are two kinds of articles in English: the indefinite article (a/an)and definite article (the). Nouns in English can occur with an indefinite article,definite article or with no article.

Postoje dve vrste članova u engleskom jeziku: neodređeni član (a/an) iodređeni član (the). Imenice u engleskom jeziku mogu stajati sa neodređenim članom,određenim članom ili bez člana.


The indefinite article is used before singular countable nouns. A is usedbefore nouns that begin with a consonant. An is used before nouns beginningwith a vowel.

Neodređeni član stoji ispred brojivih imenica u jednini. A stoji ispred imenicakoje počinju suglasnikom. An stoji ispred imenica koje počinju samoglasnikom.

For example (na primer):

a table, a picture, a radio

but (ali):

an apple, an umbrella, an egg

Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

The usage of the indefinite article (a/an) depends on the pronunciation ofthe noun. We take into account the sound of the first letter of a noun, not thewriting!

Upotreba neodređenog člana (a/an) zavisi od izgovora imenice. Uzimamo uobzir glas prvog slova u imenici, a ne samo slovo!

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a university a one-year-old boy

but (ali):

an hour an MP

The indefinite article is used with a countable noun in singular when thisnoun is mentioned for the first time and we give no extra information:

Neodređeni član stoji sa brojivom imenicom u jednini kada se ova imenicapominje prvi put i ne dajemo nikakvu dodatnu informaciju:

There is a book on the shelf.

I see a boy in the street.

However, if we want to add some extra information, the indefinite articleis transformed into the definite article.

Ipak, ukoliko želimo da ponudimo neku dodatnu informaciju, neodređeni članprelazi u određeni član.

There is a book on the shelf. The book is very old.

I see a boy in the street. The boy is playing with a ball.

The indefinite article is also used in the following situations:

Neodređeni član se takođe koristi u sledećim situacijama:

1. With the meaning one:

U značenju jedan:

I have two sisters and a brother.

It won’t be a minute.

I can’t say a word.

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2. After the expressions like: there is, there was, there will be etc:

Nakon izraza kao što su: there is, there was, there will be itd:

There is an apple in the bowl.

Ther is a glass of juice on the table.

There is a flower in the vase.

3. Before nouns expressing professions:

Ispred imenica koje označavaju profesiju:

My neighbour is a writer.

My brother’s wife is an engineer.

John is a doctor.

4. Before nouns expressing species:

Ispred imenica koje označavaju vrstu:

A tiger is an animal.

A rose is a flower.

A noun is a word.

The indefinite article never occurs with:

Neodređeni član nikada ne stoji uz:

a) nouns in plural (imenice u množini)

dogs, windows, sheep, phenomena, media etc.

b) uncountable nouns (nebrojive imenice)

milk, flour, water, love, space, furniture, information etc.

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The definite article the is pronounced as / ð / before nouns beginningwith a consonant and as / ði: / before those beginning with a vowel:

Određeni član the se izgovara kao / ð / ispred imenica koje počinjusuglasnikom, a kao / ði: / ispred onih koje počinju samoglasnikom:

the box, the train, the park

but (ali):

the incident, the example, the airport

The definite article can be used with both countable nouns (in singularand plural) and uncountable nouns:

Određeni član može stajati i uz brojive imenice (u jednini i množini) i uznebrojive imenice:

Is this the sweater you were looking for?

Are these the colour pencils your aunt has bought you?

The beauty of his paintings is well-known.

Pass me the salt, please.

We use the definite article when we mention the person or thing for thesecond time, offer some extra information or when it is clear from the contextwho or what we are talking about:

Koristimo određeni član kada pominjemo osobu ili stvar po drugi put, dajemoneku dodatnu informaciju ili kada je iz konteksta jasno o kojoj osobi ili stvari je reč:

There is an apple in the bowl. The apple is red.

Is this the jacket you told me about yestarday?

Could you pass me the book from the shelf, please?

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The definite article is also used:

Određeni član se takođe koristi:

1. Before nouns that are the only one of their kind:

Ispred imenica koje su jedine iz vrste:

the earth, the sun, the moon, the universe, the sky, the equator, theworld etc.

2. With the sides of the world:

Sa stranama sveta:

the North, the South, the East, the West

but (ali:)

I’m travelling north.

The army is heading south.

3. Before the names of musical instruments:

Ispred naziva muzičkih instrumenata:

the piano, the violin, the guitar etc.

4. With singular countable nouns to express the whole class of people,animals, things:

Sa brojivim imenicama u jednini da označe celu klasu ljudi, životinja, stvari:

The telephone is a very useful invention.

The carrot is very healthy.

The dog is a smart animal.

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5. It is used when we want to emphasise that this person or thing is “themost important“, “the right“. In this case the is pronounced as / ði: / regardlesswhether the noun starts with a consonant or a vowel:

Koristi se kada želimo da naglasimo da je ta osoba ili stvar “najvažnija“,“prava“. U ovom slučaju the se izgovara kao / ði: / bez obzira da li imenica počinjesuglasnikom ili samoglasnikom:

Do you mean the Mr Iglesias?

Can you lend me the suitcase from Spain?

6. It is used before superlatives or ordinal numbers:

Koristi se ispred superlativa i rednih brojeva:

Jack is the smartest boy in the class.

The computer was invented in the twentieth century.

7. With uncountable nouns if we are talking about some specific limitedamount:

Uz nebrojive imenice ukoliko govorimo o nekoj određenoj i ograničenojkoličini:

Will you pass me the bread, please? (the bread on the table)

The meat we ate yesterday was delicious.

However, if we use uncounrable nouns generally, in their basic meaning,they are used without an article:

Mada, ukoliko koristimo nebrojive imenice uopšteno, u osnovnom značenju,one stoje bez člana:

People can not live without air.

Milk is very important for small children.

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8. Before family names in plural to refer to a family as a whole:

Ispred prezimena, u obliku množine, da bismo govorili o celoj porodici:

The Stevensons live next door.

The Browns are our good friends.

9. With nouns expressing nationalities to indicate the whole nation:

Uz imenice koje označavaju nacionalnosti kako bi se označila cela nacija:

The Italians speak quickly.

The British are considered cold.

10. With adjectives when they are used as nouns to express a whole classof people:

Uz prideve kada se koriste kao imenice za izražavanje cele klase ljudi:

I enjoy helping the disabled.

The charity ball collected a large sum of money to help the poor.

11. Geographical names are usually used without an article except with:

Geografski nazivi obično stoje bez člana osim sa:

a) mountain ranges (lancima planina):

the Alps, the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains

but (ali):

Mount Everest (a single mountain (samostalna planina))

b) groups of islands (grupama ostrva):

the Bahamas, the Canaries, the British Isles

but (ali):

Ontario (a single island (samostalno ostrvo))

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c) names of rivers, seas, oceans, canals, straits (imenima reka, mora,okeana, kanala, moreuza):

the Danube, the Mediterranean, the Pacific Ocean, the Bosphorus, theSuez

d) names of countries which contain plural, represent unions of countriesor are republics (imenima država koje u nazivu imaju množinu, predstavljaju savezedržava ili su republike):

the United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands, the Balkans,the Chech Republic, the Republic of Andorra

e) names of the following countries, areas, towns, because it is assumedthat after them there are nouns: “country“, “province“, “republic“, “desert“ etc.(imenima sledećih država, područja, mesta, jer se iza njih podrazumevaju imenice:“država“, “provincija“, “republika“, “pustinja“ itd.):

the Ukraine, the Congo, the Crimea, the Sudan, the Lebanon, the Hague,the Sahara

12. With the names of buildings and institutions (sa imenima građevina iinstitucija):

the Houses of Parliament, the British Museum, the Bastille, the Ministryof Finance

13. With the names of restaurants, hotels and theatres (sa imenimarestorana, hotela i pozorišta):

the Moskva Cafẻ, the Park Hotel, the Sydney Opera

14. With names of newspapers (sa nazivima novina i magazina):

the Times, the Daily News, the Guardian, the Observer, the NationalGeographic Magazine

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The article is usually not used with proper nouns (except for thepreviously mentioned exceptions):

Član obično ne stoji uz vlastite imenice (osim u prethodno pomenutimizuzecima):

1. Uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns usually stand alone,without an article, if we use them in their general meaning:

Nebrojive imenice i brojive imenice u množini obično stoje samostalno, bezčlana, ukoliko ih upotrebljavamo u njihovom opštem značenju:

Children are often lively.

Sugar is not good for your teeth!

2. No article is used with names of streets, parks, squares, bridges, trainstations, airports:

Član se ne koristi sa imenima ulica, parkova, trgova, mostova, železničkihstanica i aerodroma:

For example (na primer):

Oxford Street, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park, Central Park, LondonBridge, Golden Gate, Victoria Station, Heathrow, Gatwick

3. Names of public institutions such as school, church, hospital, prisonare used without an article when these places are visited or used for theirprimary purpose:

Imena javnih institucija kao što su škola, crkva, bolnica, zatvor se koriste bezčlana ukoliko se ova mesta posećuju ili koriste shodno njihovoj osnovnoj nameni:

He committed a crime, so he was sent to prison.

My younger son still goes to school.

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Our neighbour is in hospital he broke his leg yesterday.

However, if we are referring to the building itself, the definite article isused, since we go there for some other purpose:

Ipak, ako govorimo o samoj zgradi, koristi se određeni član, jer odlazimo tamozbog nekog drugog cilja tj. namene:

I went to the hospital to visit my sick grandmother.

He came to the school to pick up his daughter.

4. Names of meals are used without an article:

Nazivi obroka se koriste bez člana:

When do you usually have dinner?

I often read my newspaper while having breakfast.

However, if we are talking about a specific meal, we use the definitearticle:

Ipak, ako govorimo o nekom konkretnom obroku, koristimo određeni član:

The lunch we had at the restaurant the other day was delicious!

The Christmas dinner was perfect.

5. Names of parts of the days and seasons are usually used with noarticle:

Nazivi delova dana i godišnjih doba obično stoje bez člana:

See you at lunchtime.

I usually go to bed at midnight.

Winter is my favourite season.

It wasn’t until morning that she fell asleep.

but (ali):

in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, during the night (but: atnight!), the summer of 1995 (we are talking about the specific summer(govorimo o konkretnom letu))

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6. The article is also omitted with nouns such as:

Član se takođe ne koristi uz imenice kao što su:

home, bed, sea, work, table

Let’s go home, shall we?

I’m so tired. I think I’ll go to bed right away.

He’s on his way to work.

They sat at table and ate dinner.

Note (primetiti):

He’s at sea. (as a sailor! (kao mornar!))

He’s at the sea. = He’s at the seaside. (as a tourist! (kao turista!))

7. No aticle is also used with the names of sports and games:

Član ne stoji ni sa nazivima sportova i igara:

chess, tennis, basketball, golf, skiing

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I Put a, an, or zero article to fill the blanks:

Stavite a, an ili ništa da biste pounili praznine:

1. My friend is _____ scientist, while his wife is _____ actress.

2. We are having _____ meat and _____ vegetables for dinner.

3. “Do you take _____ sugar and _____ milk in _____ tea?“

“Unfortunately not. I’m on _____ diet.“

4. He’s _____ self-employed man. He owns _____ business of his own.

5. My best friend is expecting _____ baby in _____ July.

6. _____ film usually lasts _____ hour and _____ half.

7. Let’s go out for _____ cup of coffee.

8. He broke _____ arm while playing _____ basketball.

9. I heard _____ knock on the door. When I answered it, I found _____ baby in_____ basket in front of my _____ door.

10. I’m ready to pay you _____ thousand dollars for this shelf. I really like it!

II Put the or zero article to fill the blanks:

Stavite the ili ništa da biste popunili praznine:

1. “Are you travelling by _____ car tomorrow?“

“No, I’m travelling by _____bus. _____ car I’d bought has already brokendown!

2. “I saw _____ Mr Daniels in the street last night.“

“Do you mean _____ Mr Daniels who’s written that famous novel?“

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3. My neighbour was sent to _____ prison for _____ eight months for _____stealing. I go to _____ prison at _____ weekends to visit him.

4. Everyone from _____ neighbourhood was at _____ church on _____Sunday morning.

5. He lives on _____ third floor in a modern building in _____ centre of _____city.

6. My husband reads _____ Times every morning after breakfast.

7. The International Court of Justice is situated in _____ Hague in _____Netherlands.

8. There will always be a misunderstanding between _____ old and _____young.

9. _____ earth goes around _____ sun.

10. My cousin plays _____ piano, while his daughter plays _____ flute.

III Put a, an, the or zero article in the spaces to complete the story:

Stavite a, an, the ili ništa u praznine da biste kompletirali priču:

One cold winter, in _____ faraway kingdom, _____ gentle queen satsewing in her bedroom, by _____ window made of _____ fine ebony. As sheleaned out of _____ window, she pricked her finger and three drops of bloodfell on to _____ snow. She thought to herself, “I wish I had _____ littledaughter with skin as white as _____ snow, cheeks as red as _____ blood andhair as black as _____ ebony.“

Soon after, she gave _____ birth to _____ daughter with skin white assnow, cheeks red as blood, and hair black as ebony. Her wish had come _____true!

_____ baby was named Snow White but sadly _____ queen died soon after herbirth.

_____ year later, _____ king married again. _____ new queen was beautifulbut cruel and vain and, of all her possessions, her _____ most treasured was

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_____ magic mirror that would speak to her. She would often gaze at herreflection and ask,

“Mirror, mirror, on _____ wall, who is _____ fairest of them all?“

And _____ mirror would unfailingly reply,

“You, O Queen, are _____ fairest in the land.“

One day, when she asked _____ mirror _____ usual question, it answered,

“You, my Queen, may lovely be, but _____ Snow White is by far _____ mostbeautiful in _____ land.“

Adapted from: “Fairy Tales“Based on the stories by theBrothers Grimm By RobertFrederick, 2004

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Nouns in English are divided into: Proper Nouns, Common Nouns,Material Nouns, Collective Nouns and Abstract Nouns.

Imenice u engleskom jeziku se dele na: vlastite imenice, zajedničke imenice,gradivne imenice, zbirne imenice i apstaktne imenice.

1. Proper Nouns are names given to separate people, animals or things.For example:

Vlastite imenice su imena posebnih ljudi, životinja ili stvari. Na primer:

Samantha, Jim Brown, Laika, the Thames, The Hotel Moscow, Italy

2. Common Nouns are names given to people, animals and things thatbelong to the same species:

Zajedničke imenice su imena ljudi, životinja i stvari koji pripadaju istoj vrsti:

man, woman, child, teacher, doctor, apple, potato, tree, house

3. Material Nouns are names of various kinds of matters:

Gradivne imenice su imena raznih vrsta materija:

milk, juice, water, bread, wood, gold, silver, air, paper, silk, wool

4. Collective Nouns represent a sum of alive creatures or things:

Zbirne imenice označavaju zbir živih bića ili stvari:

class, crowd, flock, family, nation, team

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5. Abstract Nouns represent non-material things such as characteristics,actions or ideas:

Apstraktne imenice predstavljaju nematerijalne stvari kao što su osobine,radnje ili pojmovi:

honour, love, elegancy, intelligence, thought, friendship, envy, fear,devotion


The capital letter is used with:

Velikim slovom pišu se:

1. Proper Nouns and adjectives derived from them:

Vlastite imenice i pridevi izvedeni od njih:

Nikola Tesla, Belgrade, the Italian language

2. Names of peoples, languages and races:

Imena naroda, jezika i rasa:

the French, the Chinese, the Spanish language, the Greek language, theAfrican Americans

3. Names of holidays, months, days of the week:

Nazivi praznika, meseci, dana u nedelji:

Christmas, New Year, May, October, Sunday, Wednesday

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4. Names of cities, countries, states, continents, waters, mountains,constellations, and planets:

Imena gradova, zemalja, država, kontinenata, vodenih površina, planina,sazvežđa i planeta:

New York, England, Europe, the Pacific, The Alps, Orion, the Earth

5. Names of streets, parks, buildings, ships, institutions, hotels,orchestras:

Nazivi ulica, parkova, zgrada, brodova, institucija, hotela, orkestara:

The Fifth Avenue, Central Park, The Empire State Building, The QueenMary, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Park Hotel, The BelgradeSymphony Orchestra

6. Historical events:

Istorijski događaji:

the First World War, the Battle of Kosovo, the Middle Ages

7. Names of political parties, religious groups, economic organisationsand associations:

Imena političkih partija, religijskih grupacija, privrednih organizacija idruštava:

The Republicans, Catholics, the Fiat Company

8. Nouns denoting members of a family, except when preceded by apossessive adjective:

Imenice koje označavaju članove porodice, osim kada im prethodi prisvojnipridev:

I told my brother that Mother called us for dinner!

but (ali):

It is sometimes hard to be a mother.

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9. Titles:


Captain Cook, Lord Byron, Senator Jones, the President, the Ministerfor Foreign Affairs


1. Nouns in English could be of:

1) masculine gender

2) feminine gender

3) neuter gender

4) common gender

Imenice u engleskom jeziku mogu biti:

1) muškog

2) ženskog

3) srednjeg

4) zajedničkog roda

1) Nouns of masculine gender are those denoting creatures of male sex:

Imenice muškog roda su one koje označavaju bića muškog pola:

man, son, uncle, father, husband, Jason, Patrick, cock, bull

2) Nouns of feminine gender are those denoting creatures of female sex:

Imenice ženskog roda su one koje označavaju bića ženskog pola:

woman, daughter, aunt, mother, wife, Mary, Sally, hen, cow

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3) Nouns of neuter gender are those denoting things, plants, ideas:

Imenice srednjeg roda su one koje označavaju stvari, biljke, pojmove:

table, chair, wall, bread, milk, flower, dark, light

4) Nouns of common gender are those using the same form to denotecreatures of both male and female sex:

Imenice zajedničkog roda su one koje koriste isti oblik da označe bića i muškogi ženskog roda:

parent, child, student, friend, artist, teacher, cat, dog, neighbour, cousin,relative

2. Gender of nouns in English denoting people or animals can also bedefined by using different words:

Rod imenica u engleskom jeziku koje označavaju ljude ili životinje može bitiodređen upotrebom različitih reči:

Masculine Gender (muški rod): Feminine Gender (ženski rod):

boy girl

bridegroom bride

king queen

monk nun

nephew niece

wisard witch

uncle aunt

bull cow

bachelor spinster

widower widow

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3. The difference between masculine and feminine gender with somenouns is made by a noun or pronoun put in front of the common noun:

Razlika između muškog i ženskog roda kod nekih imenica se pravi tako što seimenica ili zamenica stave ispred oblika za zajednički rod:

man friend, woman friend, man servant, woman servant, he-bear, she-bear etc.

4. Nouns of feminine gender with some nouns are formed by adding asuffix: -ess, -ine, -ina, -trix, -a:

Imenice ženskog roda kod nekih imenica se formiraju dodavanjem nastavka: -ess, -ine, -ina, -trix, -a:

host – hostess

master – mistress

lion – lioness

steward – stewardess

hero – heroine

executor – executrix

sultan - sultana

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In the English language nouns can be divided into:

U engleskom jeziku imenice se mogu podeliti na:

1. Countable Nouns (brojive imenice):

pen, desk, chair, case, plate, bed, glass, apple, armchair, trousers etc.

and (i):

2. Uncountable Nouns (nebrojive imenice):

water, salt, wine, juice, space, love, honour, furniture, advice,information, dirt, success, money etc.

Note (primetiti):

Uncountable nouns, as the very name denotes, do not form plural!

Nebrojive imenice, kao što i sam naziv ukazuje, ne grade množinu!


Only Countable Nouns form plural in English. Some nouns form RegularPlural, while the other nouns form Irregular Plural.

Samo brojive imenice u engleskom jeziku grade množinu. Neke od njih gradepravilnu množinu, dok druge grade nepravilnu množinu.

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Most nouns in Eglish form plural by adding the ending –s, which can bepronounced as /s/ if the noun ends in a voiceless consonant, and as /z/ if a nounends in a voiced consonant or a vowel. For example:

Većina imenica u engleskom jeziku gradi množinu dodavanjem nastavka –s,koji se izgovara kao /s/ ukoliko se imenica završava bezvučnim suglasnikom, a kao /z/ukoliko se imenica završava zvučnim suglasnikom ili samoglasnikom. Na primer:

hat – hats /s/

fork – forks /s/

student – students /s/

street – streets /s/

but (ali):

sofa – sofas /z/

window – windows /z/

picture – pictures /z/

song – songs /z/

With nouns ending in –ce, -ge, -dge, -se, -ze, where the final e is silent,the ending –es which is formed when –s is added to a noun, is pronounced as/iz/:

Kod imenica koje se završavaju na –ce, -ge, -dge, -se, -ze, gde je poslednje enemo, nastavak –es koji se dobija dodavanjem nastavka –s na imenicu, izgovara sekao /iz/:

face – faces /iz/

page - pages /iz/

fridge – fridges /iz/

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horse – horses /iz/

prize – prizes /iz/

Nouns ending in: -s, -ss, -ch, -sh and –x form plural by adding theending –es which is pronounced as /iz/:

Imenice koje se završavaju na: -s, -ss, -ch, -sh and –x grade množinudodavanjem nastavka -es koji se izgovara kao /iz/:

bus – buses /iz/

glass – glasses /iz/

church – churches /iz/

bush – bushes /iz/

box – boxes /iz/

Nouns ending in –o preceded by a consonant, form plural by adding –espronounced as /z/ to the noun:

Imenice koje se završavaju na –o kome prethodi suglasnik, grade množinudodavanjem nastavka –es koji se izgovara kao /z/:

tomato – tomatoes /z/

potato – potatoes /z/

echo – echoes /z/

hero – heroes /z/

However, if a noun ends in –o preceded by a vowel, only –s pronouncedas /z/ is added:

Ali, ukoliko se imenica završava na –o kome prethodi samoglasnik, dodaje sesamo –s koje se izgovara kao /z/:

studio – studios /z/

scenario – scenarios /z/

folio – folios /z/

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Note (primetiti):

Nouns of foreign origin or abbreviated words ending in –o form pluralby adding only –s pronounced as /z/:

Imenicama stranog porekla ili skraćenim rečima koje se završavaju na –o umnožini se dodaje samo -s koji se izgovara kao /z/:

piano – pianos /z/

photo – photos /z/

kilo – kilos /z/

dynamo – dynamos /z/

Nouns ending in –y preceded by a consonant, form plural by changing –yinto –i and adding the ending –es pronounced as /iz/:

Imenice koje se završavaju na –y kome prethodi suglasnik, grade množinu takošto –y prelazi u –i i dodaje se nastavak –es koji se izgovara kao /iz/:

baby – babies /iz/

city – cities /iz/

country – countries /iz/

story – stories /iz/

However, nouns ending in –y which is preceded by a vowel, form pluralby adding the ending –s pronounced as /z/:

Ali, imenice koje se završavaju na –y kome prethodi samoglasnik, grademnožinu dodavanjem nastavka –s koji se izgovara kao /z/:

boy – boys /z/

day – days /z/

joy – joys /z/

tray – trays /z/

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The following nouns which end in –f or –fe, when forming plural change–f into –v and add –es pronounced as /z/:

Sledeće imenice koje se završavaju na –f ili –fe, kada grade množinu –f prelaziu –v i dodaje se nastavak –es koji se izgovara kao /z/:

knife – knives /z/

life – lives /z/

wife – wives /z/

half – halves /z/

leaf – leaves /z/

shelf – shelves /z/

loaf – loaves /z/

thief – thieves /z/

wolf – wolves /z/

self – selves /z/

calf – calves /z/

sheaf – sheaves /z/

The nouns hoof, scarf and wharf have two different forms in plural:

Imenice hoof, scarf and wharf imaju dva oblika množine:

hoof – hoofs /s / or (ili) hoof – hooves /z/

scarf – scarfs /s/ or (ili) scarf – scarves /z/

wharf – wharfs or (ili) wharf – wharves

All the other nouns ending in –f or –ff form plural by adding –spronounced as /s/:

Sve ostale imenice koje se završavaju na –f ili –ff grade množinu dodavanjemnastavka –s koji se zgovara kao /s/:

roof – roofs /s/

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cliff – cliffs /s/

gulf – gulfs /s/

handkerchief – hankerchiefs /s/


Certain number of nouns in English form irregular plural, which meansthat they possess a plural form which has to be memorised by heart. There areno rules to be applied when forming plural as there are for regular plural!

Određeni broj imenica u engleskom jeziku gradi nepravilnu množinu, što značida poseduje oblik množine koji se mora učiti napamet. Ne postoje pravila koja bismoprimenili kod građenja množine kao što postoje kod pravilne množine imenica!

There are different cases of irregular plural in English:

Postoje različiti slučajevi nepravilne množine imenica u engleskom jeziku:

1. The following nouns have kept the old forms of plural:

Sledeće imenice zadržale su stare oblike množine:

man - men

woman – women

child - children

mouse – mice

louse – lice

foot – feet

tooth – teeth

goose – geese

ox – oxen

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Note (primetiti):

The noun brother has two forms of plural: both the regular and irregularone with a difference in meaning:

Imenica brother ima dvostruki oblik množine: i pravilnu i nepravilnu množinusa razlikom u značenju:

brother – brothers (braća)

brother – brethren (bratstvo)

2. The following nouns have the same form both in singular and plural:

Sledeće imenice imaju isti oblik i jednine i množine:

fish - fish

deer – deer

sheep – sheep

series – series

species – species

means – means

gas-works – gas-works

cross-roads – cross-roads

3. The following nouns do not have a plural form. They are alwaysfollowed by a singular verb:

Sledeće imenice nemaju oblik množine. Iza njih uvek stoji glagol u jednini:







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4. The following nouns have only the plural form:

Sledeće imenice imaju samo oblik množine:













stairs etc.

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5. Nouns denoting the names of objects consisting of two equal orsimilar parts are always used in plural only:

Imenice koje označavaju imena objekata koji se sastoje od dva jednaka ili sličnadela se uvek upotrebljavaju u množini:












binoculars etc.

6. A number of nouns taken from Greek and Latin have kept the originalforms of plural:

Određeni broj imenica preuzetih iz grčkog i latinskog jezika zadržao jeoriginalni oblik množine:

datum – data

memorandum – memoranda

medium – media

erratum - errata

phenomenon - phenomena

nucleus – nuclei

radius – radii

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terminus – termini

stimulus – stimuli

appendix – appendices

index – indices

formula – formulae

7. A number of words taken from French, Hebrew, Italian and someother lanuages have also kept the original forms of plural:

Jedan broj imenica preuzetih iz francuskog, hebrejskog, italijanskog, i nekihdrugih jezika takođe je zadržao originalni oblik množine:

beau – beaux

bureau – bureaux

trousseau – trousseaux

seraph – seraphim

virtuoso – virtuosi

tempo – tempi

libretto – libretti

Note (primetiti):

However, most of the above mentioned nouns taken from differentforeign languages also have the forms of regular plural made by adding theEnglish ending –s or –es to the singular when used in everyday speech or non-scientific texts. For example:

Ipak, većina gore navedenih imenica preuzetih iz različitih stranih jezika takođeimaju i oblike pravilne množine koja se gradi dodavanjem engleskog nastavka –s ili –es na množinu kada se koristi u svakodnevnom govoru i nenaučnim tekstovima. Naprimer:

index – indexes

formula – formulas

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memorandum – memorandums

tempo – tempos

seraph – seraphs etc.

8. A certain number of nouns of Greek and Latin origin which end in –isin singular, have the plural form which ends in –es, where this ending ispronounced as /i:z/:

Određeni broj imenica grčkog i latinskog porekla koje se završavaju na –is ujednini, imaju oblik množine koji se završava na –es, gde se ovaj nastavak izgovarakao /i:z/:

analysis – analyses

axis – axes

basis – bases

oasis – oases

thesis – theses

crisis – crises

9. Names of sciences and diseases which end in –ics or –s, although theyhave a plural form, take a verb in singular. For example:

Nazivi nauka i bolesti koji se završavaju na –ics ili –s, iako imaju oblikmnožine, zahtevaju glagol u jednini. Na primer:

Economics was my favourite subject at college.

He thinks phonetics is very interesting.

Mumps is a different disease from measles.

Also (takođe):

mathematics, physics, statistics, mechanics, electronics, optics

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Compund nouns usually form plural by adding –s or –es or irregularplural to the last word of the compound:

Složene imenice obično grade množinu dodavanjem nastavka –s ili –es ilioblik nepravilne množine na poslednju reč u složenici:

bedrooms, travel agents, boy-friends, grown-ups, spoonfuls, writingtables, policewomen, horsemen etc.

However, where man or woman is the first word in a compund, thenboth words are made plural:

Ali, ukoliko je prva reč u složenici man ili woman, onda se obe reči stavljajuu oblik množine:

men drivers, women friends, men doctors, women servants etc.

In compounds formed of nouns + preposition with a noun, adjective oradverb, the noun is made plural:

U složenicama koje se grade od imenica + predlog sa imenicom, pridev iliprilog, imenica dobija oblik množine:

passers-by, lookers-on, runners-up, courts-material, sisters-in-law,men-of-war, ladies-in-waiting, editors-in-chief etc.

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I Put the following nouns into the regular plural:

Stavite sledeće imenice u oblike pravilne množine:

flower, window, fridge, computer, plate, bed, city, cliff, shelf, baby, blanket,scenario, potato, photo, church, bus, box, glass, boy, prize

II Put the following nouns into the irregular plural:

Stavite sledeće imenice u oblike nepravilne množine:

man, child, mouse, foot, tooth, ox, deer, sheep, species, means, datum,phenomenon, analysis, axis, radius, appendix, formula, seraph, crisis, bureau

III Transform the following sentences into the plural:

Transformišite sledeće rečenice u oblik množine:

1. A daisy is a flower.

2. They made a different analysis from this one.

3. A table is made of wood.

4. A city is bigger than a town.

5. A school is a place where a pupil gets education.

6. A cat likes fish.

7. That is a strange phenomenon!

8. A tooth is in your jaw.

9. A teacher teaches a student.

10. There is a goose in the pond.

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IV Transform the following sentences into the singular:

Transformišite sledeće rečenice u oblik jednine:

1. Sandals are kinds of shoes.

2. Earrings are pieces of jewellery.

3. Children are often naughty.

4. Deer are wild animals.

5. Monasteries are often situated in the countryside.

6. Knives are very sharp.

7. Lorries are bigger than cars.

8. Women are rarely bus drivers.

9. Italians like spaghetti.

10. Sweets are bad for children’s teeth.

V Find the mistakes in the sentences and correct them:

Pronađite greške u rečenicama i ispravite ih:

1. I always appraeciate good advices.

2. Pyjamas is worn at night.

3. My foots are so tired!

4. Mathematics are a difficult subject.

5. Athletes drink a lot of waters.

6. The latest news are shocking!

7. I have an interesting information for you.

8. They listen to different kinds of musics.

9. Policemans are usually adored by children.

10. Everyone likes babys.

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Pronouns are words that take the place of a noun. They can be usedinstead of a noun.

Zamenice su reči koje zamenjuju imenice. Mogu se koristiti umesto imenice.

Pronouns can be divided into:

Zamenice se mogu podeliti na:

















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Personal pronouns refer to people or things.

Lične zamenice se odnose na ljude ili stvari.

Personal pronouns are used in two forms depending on the case.

Lične zamenice se koriste u dve forme zavisno od padeža.

Subject (Subjekat) Object (Objekat)

















Note (primetiti):

‘I’ is always used with a capital letter! (‘I’ se uvek piše velikim slovom!)

For example (na primer):

I am a teacher.

You are students.

We weren’t very happy with the outcome.

Maria saw him yesterday.

The policeman told us to wait.

Jake talked to her about his job.

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When we are talking about a thing, we use it. However, we sometimesrefer to an animal as he/him or she/her, especially if the animal is a pet:

Kada govorimo o stvarima, koristimo it. Međutim, ponekad govorimo oživotinji kao on ili ona, posebno kada je u pitanju kućni ljubimac:

This is our cat Mary. She's a Siamese.

We also use it in the following phrases:

Takođe koristimo it u sledećim izrazima:

It is nice to have a long vacation.

It's difficult to find a job.

It doesn’t take long to walk to school.

It's snowing outside.

It will probably be very cold next week.


We will present both possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives inthis section. Possessive pronouns are used independently. A noun cannotfollow a possessive pronoun. However, possessive adjectives are followed by anoun.

Predstavićemo i prisvojne zamenice i prisvojne prideve u ovom odeljku.Prisvojne zamenice se koriste samostalno. Imenica ne može uslediti posle prisvojnezamenice. Međutim, imenica sledi posle prisvojnih prideva.

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Possessive Pronouns

(prisvojne zamenice)

Possessive Adjectives

(prisvojni pridevi)

















For example (na primer):

This is my book. This book is mine.

Those are your keys. Those keys are yours.

This is his dog. This dog is his.

That is her piano. That piano is hers.

This is their mistake. The mistake is theirs.

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Demonstrative pronouns stand for a thing or things.

Pokazne zamenice zamenjuju stvar ili stvari.



This That



These Those

When something is near in distance or time we use the forms this/theseand when something is far in distance or time we use the forms that/those.

Kada je nešto blizu u prostoru ili vremenu koristimo oblike this/these, a kada jenešto daleko u prostoru ili vremenu koristimo oblike that/those.

Demonstrative pronouns and adjectives are often confused. Althoughthey have the same form, demonstrative pronouns stand alone whiledemonstrative adjectives are followed by a noun.

Pokazne zamenice i pridevi se često mešaju. Iako imaju isti oblik, pokaznezamenice su samostalne, a pokazne prideve uvek prati imenica.

For example (na primer):

This is more interesting than that.

That is beautiful!

These are more useful than those.

This book is mine and that one is yours.

That dress fits you better than this one.

Look at that girl! She has been running for two hours already.

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Interrogative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, what, which.

Upitne zamenice su who = ko, whom = koga, kome itd. (tj. kad je ko uzavisnom padežu), whose = čiji, what = šta, which = koji (koristi se u izboru izmeđuodređenih predmeta ili lica).

For example (na primer):

Who is that woman?

Who drove to work?

To whom did you talk?

Whom did he see at the festival?

Whose are those books?

Whose car is this?

What did he say about this?

What are you doing?

Which of you is Mary?

There are two ways. Which way should I go?

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Relative pronouns can be used independently (indefinite relativepronoun) or after a noun or a pronoun. Relative pronouns are used inconnecting relative clauses with the concept in the main clause.

Odnosne/relativne zamenice se mogu upotrebiti nezavisno (neodređenaodnosna zamenica) ili posle imenice ili zamenice. Odnosne zamenice seupotrebljavaju pri povezivanju odnosne rečenice sa pojmom iz glavne rečenice.

Who, whom, whose and that are used for persons. Which, whose andthat are used for things.

Who = koji, whom = koga, whose = čiji i that se koriste za lica. Which = koji,whose = čiji i that se upotrebljavaju za stvari.

What = što, ono što

Note (primetiti):

Find more about relative pronouns in section on Relative Clauses

Saznajte više o odnosnim zamenicama u poglavlju o odnosnim rečenicama.

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For example (na primer);

I know the man who wanted to see you.

He is one of those people whom you can ask for help.

The person whose name you don’t know is my father!

The dog whose name is Rex is mine.

I will buy the house which is near the river.

This is the woman that he is in love with.

He read the article about health that was in today’s newspaper.

He’ll do what he can to help you.

You will find what you want in that store.

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SOME and ANY can be used independently or with countable anduncountable nouns. Depending on the use, in Serbian they have differentmeanings.

SOME i ANY se mogu upotrebiti samostalno ili sa brojivim i nebrojivimimenicama. Zavisno od upotrebe, mogu imati različita značenja u srpskom jeziku.

SOME u potvrdnim i upitnim rečenicama znači neki, nekoliko, nešto, (nešto)malo.

For example (na primer):

Some agreed and some disagreed. (neki)

Can I borrow some books from you? (nekoliko knjiga)

There is some food left in the fridge. (nešto hrane)

I’d like some milk in my coffee. (malo mleka)

ANY u upitnim rečenicama znači imalo, neki, ijedan, nešto, išta, u negativnimrečenicama nekakav, imalo, nimalo, a u potvrdnim ma koji, bilo koji, svaki.

For example (na primer):

Is there any food left in the fridge? (imalo hrane)

There isn’t any butter in this sandwich. (nimalo putera)

Give me any pen you have. (ma koju olovku)

Any dog would understand that instruction. (svaki pas)

NONE = niko, ništa, nimalo, nikakav, nijedan:

None of us knew the answer. (niko)

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Have you got any advice for me? - I’ve got none. (nikakav)

Which of these things have you stolen? - None. (nijednu)

ONE is translated into Serbian by the noun ‘čovek’ or by impersonalverbs. One (ones) is also used in order to avoid repetition.

ONE se prevodi na srpski jezik imenicom ‘čovek’ ili bezličnim glagolima. One(ones) se takođe upotrebljava kako bi se izbeglo ponavljanje.

For example (na primer):

One must think for oneself. (Čovek)

One can never imagine what can happen. (Nikad se ne može zamisliti šta semože dogoditi)

I don't like this dress but I like that one.

She had a good job and he had a bad one.

EVERY/EACH = svaki bez izuzetka/svaki pojedini iz grupe:

He goes to work every day.

Each of them had the chance to drive the new car.

ALL = sav, ceo, svi:

All his work was lost when the computer crashed.

You can watch the television all day if you want to.

All in this room agree with you.

BOTH = oba, i jedan i drugi:

Both his parents are retired.

Both she and her boyfriend came to visit us.

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EITHER = bilo jedan, bilo drugi; nijedan:

Either of them can pick up the package.

I won’t accept either of those.

NEITHER = nijedan; ni jedan ni drugi:

Neither of them came to the party.


Compound indefinite pronouns ending with – body and – one refer topersons and those ending with – thing refer to things.

Složene neodređene zamenice koje se završavaju na – body ili – one se odnosena ljude, a one koje se završavaju na – thing se odnose na stvari.

For example (na primer):

Somebody is looking for you.

Can anybody tell me where to look for him?

Nobody came to visit me.

Everybody was pleased to meet her fiancée.

Someone must be able to help you.

Is there anyone at the office?

somebody (neko), anybody (neko, iko), nobody (niko) , everybody (svako)

someone (neko), anyone (neko, iko), no one (niko), everyone (svako)

something (nešto), anything (nešto, išta), nothing (ništa), everything (sve)

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No one wanted to go there.

She told everyone what to do next.

Something went wrong with their plan.

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

Nothing can be done for him.

We did everything we could to get there in time.


Reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence.In singular form, reflexive pronouns end in – self and in plural form they endin – selves.

Povratne zamenice se upotrebljavaju kada upućuju na subjekat rečenice. Ujednini se povratne zamenice završavaju na – self, a u množini na –selves.

Singular (jednina) Plural (množina)

1. myself

2. yourself

3. himself/herself/itself

1. ourselves

2. yourselves

3. themselves

For example (na primer):

He shot himself while trying to clean his gun.

She was looking at herself in the mirror.

How embarrassing! You found me talking to myself!

We need to get ourselves to the other side of the river somehow.

They were satisfied with themselves after the test results.

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Reflexive pronouns are also used for emphasis.

Povratne zamenice se takođe koriste za naglašavanje.

For example (na primer):

I found the way out myself.

You should go there yourself.

She wrote the whole report herself.

By + myself/ yourself/ himself/ herself/ itself/ ourselves/ yourselves/themselves = sam/i

For example:

She can finish the dinner by herself.

He must talk to the manager by himself.

They can do it by themselves.

When we want to refer back to a general subject, we use the formoneself.

Kada želimo da uputimo na uopšteni subjekat upotrebljavamo oblik oneself.

For example (na primer):

One always dresses oneself after getting up in the morning.

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There are two reciprocal pronouns in English: each other and oneanother. These pronouns are used when each of two or more subjects is actingthe same way, that is, when the action is reciprocal.

U engleskom jeziku postoje dve uzajamno-povratne zamenice: each other i oneanother. Ove zamenice se upotrebljavaju kada se svaki od dva ili više subjekataponaša isto, odnosno, kada je radnja uzajamna.

For example (na primer):

They talked to each other in order to solve the problem.

We like each other very much!

How will they understand one another if they all speak differentlanguages?

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I Replace the words in italics with personal pronouns:

Zamenite reči u kosim slovima ličnom zamenicom:

1. I saw Susan and Mark yesterday. ______

2. The dogs are in the garden. ______

3. Put the keys in the drawer. ______

4. Peter visited us last month. ______

5. Give the little boy some change. ______

6. I went out with Mary last night. ______

7. Jessica is our new teacher. ______

8. Tim and Jeff are coming over for dinner. ______

II Circle the correct possessive pronoun or adjective:

Zaokružite tačnu prisvojnu zamenicu ili pridev:

1. Look at those bags. My/Mine is the biggest one.

2. His dog is very friendly, but her/hers is friendlier.

3. Is this car your/yours?

4. I know where your house is, but I don’t know where their/theirs is.

5. Our/ours kids are playing in the park.

6. They forgot their/theirs keys on the table.

7. It’s cold outside! I have to put on my/mine coat.

8. She had her/hers hair cut yesterday at the hairdresser’s.

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III Use this/that/these/those to fill in the blanks:

Koristite this/that/these/those da biste popunili praznine:

1. ________ here tastes great!

2. I don’t like these ones. I want to buy ________ ones.

3. Do you see ________ man over there?

4. ________ exercise will help you learn demonstrative pronouns!

5. Look at ________ shoes here. I really want to have them.

6. ________ were good times!

7. ________ books are more interesting than those ones.

8. ________ was a good film we saw last night.

IV Match the interrogative pronouns on the left with the rest of thesentence on the right:

Povežite upitne zamenice sa leve strane sa ostatkom rečenice sa desne:

1. Who ____ of these keys is yours?

2. Whom ____ is the name of your teacher?

3. What ____ did she see at the club?

4. Whose ____ were you talking to?

5. Which ____ can you tell me about this course?

6. Whom ____ one was made first?

7. What ____ car is that parked in our driveway?

8. Which ____ did you tell the secret?

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V Fill in the blanks with a relative pronoun(who/whom/whose/which/what/that):

Popunite praznine odnosnom zamenicom(who/whom/whose/which/what/that):

1. The woman to ________ you spoke was very rude.

2. The man ________ comes here every day seems to be always sad.

3. Those people ________ whereabouts at the time were unknown will bequestioned.

4. The car ________ crashed into mine was red.

5. ________ he wants is not relevant.

6. She can do ________ she likes.

7. Do you know the girl ________ was in the shop yesterday.

8. He bought me a gift for my birthday, ________ was very nice of him todo.

9. This is the author ________ has written such wonderful books forchildren.

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VI Circle the correct relative pronoun:

Zaokružite tačnu odnosnu zamenicu:

1. The river that/who flows through Niš is called Nišava.

2. That's the piano whose/who sounds woke you up.

3. Is this the man which/whom you talked about so much.

4. This is the best advice who/that you could hear from him!

5. Is this the room in which/what he proposed to her?

6. Mr Smith, that/who wrote over 100 short stories, is my favouriteauthor.

7. That's the woman who/whose luggage was missing when her airplanelanded.

8. Ms Stevens, which/who got the job, is a very hardworking person.

VII some/any/none/one

1. There were ________ people still waiting to enter the museum.

2. Is there ________ milk in the coffee?

3. I want to buy ________ new clothes for tomorrow’s party.

4. Are there any vegetables left on the table? No, there are ________.

5. Have you got ________ new information about the accident?

6. ________ food was given to the homeless.

7. Which of these films have you seen? - ________. I didn’t have thetime.

8. I don’t want to buy this dress. I want to buy the other ________.

9. Have you ever taken ________ sleeping medication?

10. Would you like ________ sugar in your tea?

11. His performance was a very nice ________.

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VIII every/each/all/both/either/neither

1. Have a glass of water ________ two hours.

2. ________ of the two ot them was satisfied with the vacation.

3. ________ him and his friend were very rude to us when we asked forhelp.

4. - Will you take the red one or the yellow one? - ________.

5. He goes to school ________ day except on the weekends.

6. ________ of you has the opportunity to win the prize.

7. ________ think that she will get the job.

8. I won’t take ________ of the two suits.

9. ________ his possessions were stolen at the hotel.

10. ________ word of what he said was a complete lie.

IX Circle the correct compound indefinite pronoun:

Zaokružite tačnu složenu neodreženu zamenicu:

1. Everybody/Nobody/Somebody in the room received a present. Theywere all very pleased.

2. You can give this letter to anybody/nobody/somebody you see there. Itdoesn’t matter.

3. When she finished her presentation there was complete silence. Noone/Someone/Anyone said anything.

4. Does anyone/something/everybody has anything to say about this?

5. You have dropped something/nothing/anything on your way out.

6. I didn’t like anything/everything/something he said. It wasn’t allcompletely true!

7. We felt nothing/something/anything strange was going on. Everyonestarted to panic.

8. Please let me know if there is anything/nothing/something I can helpyou with.

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9. I’m still not sure why everyone/no one/anyone was against theproposal. It was such a good idea!

10. I’m afraid that there is nothing/something/everything you can do to helphim at this point.

X Fill in the blanks with an appropriate reflexive pronoun (myself,yourself, etc.):

Popunite praznine odgovarajućom povratnom zamenicom (myself,yourself, etc.):

1. She cut __________ so much that she had to go to the ambulance.

2. Please don’t tell me the answer! I want to figure it out __________.

3. When we saw him yesterday he was talking to __________.

4. Thank you for the invitation! We are going to help __________ withthe served food now!

5. Nobody is going to be able to help them unless they take more care of_______________.

6. I __________ have finished making the whole wedding cake.

7. Attention everyone! Please take care of your belongings __________.

8. The cat reached the food from the cupboard __________.

9. You have to help __________ get through this problem withoutanyone’s help.

10. After some training, the dog __________ will know where not to sleep.

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Adjectives are words which describe nouns. They are used in front ofnouns. However, adjectives are also sometimes used after nouns, which is theresult of the influence of French on English.

Pridevi su reči koje opisuju imenice. Upotrebljavaju se ispred imenica.Međutim, pridevi se takođe ponekad upotrebljavaju posle imenica što je rezultatuticaja francuskog jezika na engleski jezik.

For example (na primer):

They have a small dog.

A young lady is waiting for you.

*Secretary general. (generalni sekretar)

Adjectives can be used after certain verbs. These verbs include: be,become, feel, get, look, seem, etc.

Pridevi se mogu upotrebiti posle određenih glagola. U ove glagole spadaju: be,become, feel, get, look, seem, itd.

For example (na primer):

She is pretty.

He feels sick.

They look happy.

We use adjectives as object complements.

Upotrebljavamo prideve kao dodatak objektu.

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For example (na primer):

The snow made me cold.

The children keep their room tidy.

Many descriptive adjectives are formed by other parts of speech byadding different suffixes, the most common of which are:

Mnogi opisni pridevi su izvedeni od drugih vrsta reči dodavanjem različitihsufiksa od kojih su najčešći:

- able: refundable, portable, changeable

- al: regional, logical, accidental

- ed: talented, cold-hearted

- ful: rightful, respectful, beautiful, helpful

- ic/ical: musical, poetic

- ish: reddish, girlish, childish, fiendish

- ive: imaginative, pervasive, creative

- less: endless, nameless, priceless

- ly: friendly, sisterly

- ous: nauseous, dangerous, nutritious

- y: sleazy, easy, sunny, cloudy

or by adding certain prefixes, which add negative meaning to adjectives:

ili dodavanjem određenih prefiksa koji daju negativno značenje pridevima:

- dis: dishonest, disrespectful, disobedient

- il: illegal, illiterate, illegible

- im: impossible, imperfect, improper

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- ir: irregular, irresponsible

- un: unhelpful, unceasing, unkind


More than one adjective can be used to describe a noun. In such cases,the adjectives cannot be written in any order. The following order should beused, although we almost never use all of the different adjectives to describeonly one noun.

Više prideva se može upotrebiti u opisu imenice. U takvim slučajevima, pridevise ne mogu napisati po bilo kakvom rasporedu. Sledeći redosled se treba koristiti iakogotovo nikada ne koristimo sve ove različite prideve za opis samo jedne imenice:

1. Determiner/article (Determinator/član):

this, my, your, that, etc. / a, an, the

2. Opinion (Mišljenje)

polite, ridiculous, beautiful, easy

3. Size (Veličina)

large, small, huge, little

4. Shape (Oblik)

oval, rectangular, circular, round

5. Age (Starost)

new, yound, old, ancient

6. Colour (Boja)

white, yellow, red, greenish, purplish, pink

7. Origin (Poreklo)

Serbian, English, French

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8. Material (Materijal)

cotton, metal, wood, silk

9. Purpose (Svrha)

sleeping bag, running shoes


Adjectives ending in – ed or – ing are often confused. Adjectives endingin –ed show that the subject of the sentence is the one that has the feeling.Adjectives ending in –ing indicate that the subject of the sentence causes acertain feeling.

Pridevi koji se završavaju na – ed ili – ing se često mešaju. Pridevi koji sezavršavaju na – ed pokazuju da je subjekat rečenice onaj koji ima određeno osećanje.Pridevi koji se završavaju na – ing ukazuju na to da je subjekat rečenice taj kojiizaziva određeno osećanje.

We were very bored by his story.

Bilo nam je dosadno od njegove priče.

His story was very boring.

Njegova priča je bila dosadna.

We were excited to see him.

Bili smo uzbuđeni što ga vidimo.

The film was very exciting.

Film je bio veoma uzbudljiv.

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There are two ways of comparing adjectives in English:

Postoje dva načina za poređenje prideva u engleskom jeziku:

1. By adding – er to the positive for forming the comparative or – est forforming the superlative, preceded by the definite article ‘the’.

Dodavanjem – er pozitivu za formiranje komparativa ili – est za formiranjesuperlativa, kome prethodi određeni član ‘the’.

2. By adding the adverb ‘more’ before the positive for forming thecomparative or ‘the most’ for forming the superlative.

Dodavanjem priloga ‘more’ ispred pozitiva za formiranje komparativa ili ‘themost’ za formiranje superlativa.

1. – ER and – EST

Positive (pozitiv) Comparative(komparativ)


a) old




the oldest

the strongest

b) happy




the happiest

the busiest

c) grey greyer

*NOT greier

the greyest

*NOT the greiest

d) red






the reddest

the hottest

the thinnest

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a) Monosyllabic and disyllabic adjectives form the comparativeand superlative forms by adding – er and – est

Jednosložni i dvosložni pridevi grade komparativ i superlativ dodavanjem – er i– est

b) Adjectives ending in – y which is preceded by a consonantchange – y into – i.

Pridevi koji se završavaju na – y ispred kog se nalazi suglasnik menjaju – y u –i.

c) Adjectives ending in – y which is preceded by a vowel do NOTchange – y into – i.

Pridevi koji se završavaju na – y ispred kog se nalazi samoglasnik NE menjaju– y u – i.

d) Adjectives ending in a consonant which is preceded by a voweldouble the last consonant.

Pridevi koji se završavaju suglasnikom ispred kog se nalazi samoglasnikdupliraju krajnji suglasnik.

Than is used after the comparative.

Than se upotrebljava posle komparativa.

For example (na primer):

Maria is taller than her sister.

Mark is always happier in the morning than in the afternoon.

His hair is greyer now than it used to be 10 years ago.

It’s hotter in summer than in spring.


Just like endings – er and – est are used to form the comparative andsuperlative for monosyllabic and disyllabic adjectives, more and the most areused in front of longer adjectives to form the comparative and superlative.

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Kao što se – er i – est koriste za građenje komparativa i superlativajednosložnih i dvosložnih prideva, more i the most se upotrebljavaju ispred dužihprideva za građenje komparativa i superlativa.

Positive (pozitiv)Comparativ(komparativ)







more beautiful

more famous

more interesting

more excited

more respectful

the most beautiful

the most famous

the most interesting

the most excited

the most respectful

*Some adjectives can be compared in both ways.

*Neki pridevi se mogu porediti na oba načina.

Adjective (pridev) + er / est more / the most +


the commonest

more common

the most common


the shallowest

more shallow

the most shallow


the handsomest

more handsome

the most handsome


the tidiest

more tidy

the most tidy


the simplest

more simple

the most simple

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Positive (pozitiv)Comparative(komparativ)

Superlative (superlativ)

good better the best

bad worse the worst

little less the least

much more the most

many more the most

*Some adjectives have double forms.

*Neki pridevi imaju dvostruke oblike.











old older


the oldest

the eldest

This is the oldestbook I have.

His eldest brotheris 5 years olderthan him.

- odnosi se nagodine

- rodbinskiodnosi/starešinstvo

far farther


the farthest

the furthest

Their house is thefarthest.

I'll give youfurther help.

- razdaljina

- za apastraktnepojmove i zadaljinu

late later


the latest

the last

At a later time

The last warning

- odnosi se navreme

- odnosi se naniz

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As already mentioned, we use than to compare adjectives when we wantto show that somone or something has a certain quality in a greater degree.However, comparison as + positive + as is used to show that certain persons orthings have an equal quality of the adjective in the positive form. In negativesentences not as + positive + as or not so + positive + as are used forcomparison of inequality.

Kao što je već rečeno, upotrebljavamo than u poređenju prideva kada hoćemoda pokažemo da neko ili nešto poseduje određenu osobinu u većem stepenu. Međutim,poređenje as + pozitiv + as se upotrebljava kada određeni ljudi ili stvari poseduju isteosobine prideva u pozitivu. U negativnim rečenicama se upotrebljava not as + pozitiv+ as ili not so + pozitiv + as za poređenje po nejednakosti.

For example (na primer):

Mark is as tall as Jim.

Mary is not as intelligent as Susan.

She is not so happy as he is about the new house.


The comparison with less and the least is translated into Serbian asmanje and najmanje.

Poređenje sa less i the least se prevodi na srpski jezik kao manje i najmanje.

For example (na primer):

The seminar was less interesting than I thought.

It is the least possible thing that he can do.

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I Make adjectives from the given words by adding a suffix:

Formirajte prideve od ponuđenih reči dodavanjem sufiksa:

1. refund ________________

2. logic ________________

3. right ________________

4. music ________________

5. fool ________________

6. create ________________

7. name ________________

8. friend ________________

9. danger ________________

10. ease ________________

II Make adjectives from the given words by adding a prefix:

Formirajte prideve od ponuđenih reči dodavanjem prefiksa:

1. honest ________________

2. legible ________________

3. possible ________________

4. responsible ________________

5. kind ________________

6. regular ________________

7. perfect ________________

8. happy ________________

9. interesting ________________

10. literate ________________

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III Put the adjectives in the correct order:

Pravilno poređajte sledeće prideve:

1. suit/brown/a/old_________________________________________

2. an/old/lady/fat_________________________________________

3. new/mother’s/car/red_________________________________________

4. box/a/metal/big_________________________________________

5. an/big/ugly/plastic/plate/white_________________________________________

6. my/short/father’s/hair/grey_________________________________________

7. dress/white/silk/a/beautiful_________________________________________

8. brand-new/laptop/her/computer/blue_________________________________________

IV Add – ed/ - ing to the given words in brackets in order to form thecorrect adjective:

Dodajte – ed/ - ing ponuđenim rečima u zagradama da biste formirali tačneprideve:

1. His parents seemed _________________ (frighten) by the hauntedhouse.

2. The journey from the village to the mountain was very_________________ (tire).

3. The outcome was rather _________________ (disappoint).

4. The children were _________________ (excite) to see the animals atthe zoo.

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5. Were you _________________ (surprise) by his decision?

6. The students were _________________ (confuse) by yesterday'slecture on religion.

7. She wasn't _________________ (interest) to hear the rest of myexplanation.

8. The whole speech was very _________________ (confuse) for thepeople.

9. I'm so _________________ (bore)! Let's go out!

10. Was this exercise _________________ (interest) for you?

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V Write the missing forms of the adjectives. Write two forms wherepossible:

Upišite oblike prideva koji nedostaju. Tamo gde je moguće ubacite dvaoblika:

Positive (pozitiv) Comparative(komparativ)

Superlative (superlativ)

1. rich

2. funnier

3. tall

4. thin

5. the most exciting

6. famous

7. more generous

8. the happiest

9. common

10. tidy

11. the best

12. old

13. less

14. the most

15. bad

16. far

17. simple

18. more famous

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VI Put the adjectives in brackets in the comparative or superlative form:

Stavite prideve u zagradama u oblik komparativa ili superlativa:

1. He speaks English _________________ (good) than Ann.

2. She is _________________ (smart) woman I have ever met.

3. Cars are _________________ (fast) than bicycles.

4. You must be _________________ (careful) with the dishes than thelast time. You broke half of them!

5. John is _________________ (young) in the family.

6. The school is _________________ (far) away than the church.

7. I saw George _________________ (late) week.

8. I tried both the cake and the ice-cream and I like the_________________ (late) better.

9. You gave me _________________ (heavy) bag to carry.

10. Steven is _________________ (bad) student in class.

VII as + ... + as / not as + ... + as

Eg. bus ticket/train ticket (expensive) – A bus ticket is as expensive as a trainticket.

1. This computer/laptop (expensive)_______________________________________

2. Mercedes/BMW (fast)_______________________________________

3. Jane/Sandra (not intelligent)_______________________________________

4. This bag/that bag (not cheap)_______________________________________

5. Helen/Jim (tall)_______________________________________

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Quantifiers are indefinite adjectives which denote either indefiniteamount or indefinite number depending on the fact whether they stand in frontof a countable noun or an uncountable one.

Pridevi za količinu su neodređeni pridevi koji označavaju ili neodređenukoličinu ili neodređeni broj u zavisnosti od toga da li stoje ispred brojive ili nebrojiveimenice.


The adjective some can be used either with countable or uncountablenouns. When used with a singular countable noun, it means “certain“ and canbe used both with nouns denoting people and things. For example:

Pridev some može stajati i uz brojive i uz nebrojive imenice. Kada stoji uzbrojivu imenicu u jednini, ima značenje „izvestan“ i može se koristiti sa imenicamakoje označavaju ljude i stvari. Na primer:

There’s some man in the backyard.

For some reason he doesn’t like me.

When used with a plural countable noun, it can mean either:

1) “certain“ or

2) “a few“:

Kada stoji uz brojivu imenicu u množini, može značiti ili

1) “izvesni“ ili

2) “nekoliko“:

1) Some people prefer the seaside to the mountains.

2) There are some colour pencils in the case.

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In questions and negative statements instead of some we use any:

U upitnim i odričnim rečenicama umesto some koristimo any:

Are there any questions?

There aren’t any clean glaasses in the cupboard.

When used with uncountable nouns, some means “a certain quantity of“.For example:

Kada se upotrebljava sa nebrojivim imenicama, some ima značenje “izvesnakoličina nečega“ i na srpski jezik se prevodi sa “nešto“ ili “malo“. Na primer:

There’s some rice in the bowl.

There’s some juice in the glass.

In questions and negatives we use any again:

U upitnim i odričnim rečenicama takođe koristimo any:

Is there any rice in the bowl?

There isn’t any juice in the glass.

Note (primetiti):

However, if we expect a positive answer, then some is used in thequestion as well:

Ipak, ukoliko očekujemo pozitivan odgovor, onda se some koristi i u upitnojrečenici:

Would you like some more coffee?

Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

Instead of any in negative sentences we can use no with both countableand uncountable nouns, provided that the verb is in a positive form, since inEnglish there can be only one negation in a sentence:

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Umesto any u odričnim rečenicama možemo koristiti i no i uz brojive i uznebrojive imenice, pod uslovom da glagol stoji u potvrdnom obliku, jer u engleskomjeziku može stajati samo jedna negacija u rečenici:

There are no apples in the fridge.

There are no students in the classroom at the moment.

There is no jam in the jar.

There is no milk in the mug.

If we use no, it has to be followed by a noun. However, if we want touse it without a noun, then none is used instead of no. For example:

Ako koristimo no, ono mora biti praćeno imencom. Međutim, ukoliko želimoda ga koristimo bez imenice, oblik none će biti korišćen umesto no. Na primer:

- Are there any apples in the fridge?

- There are none.

- Are there any students in the classroom at the moment?

- There are none.

- Is there any jam in the jar?

- There is none.

- Is there any milk in the mug?

- There is none.


The adjective many is used with plural countable nouns to denote anindefinite number, while much is used with uncountable nouns to denoteindefinite quantity. Both many and much are preferred in English in questionsand negative statements, while a lot of (lots of) is used in positive sentences(statements) for both countable and uncountable nouns:

Pridev many se korisi uz brojive imenice u množini da bi se označio neodređenibroj, dok se much upotrebljava sa nebrojivim imenicama da se označi neodređena

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količina. I many i much se u engleskom jeziku više koriste (prirodnije je) u upitnim iodričnim rečenicama, dok se a lot of (lots of) koristi u potrvdnim rečenicama i uzbrojive i uz nebrojive imenice. Many, much i a lot of se na srpski jezik prevode kao“mnogo“, “puno“.

There are a lot of books on the shelf. or (ili) There are lots of bookson the shelf.

Are there many books on the shelf?

There aren’t many books on the shelf.

There is a lot of tea in the pot. or (ili) There is lots of tea in thepot.

Is there much tea in the pot?

There isn’t much tea in the pot?

Note (primetiti):

With countable plural nouns the verb in plural is used, while withuncountable nouns the verb in singular is used.

Sa brojivim imenicama u množini koristi se glagol u množini, dok se sanebrojivim imenicama koristi glagol u jednini.

If it stands at the end of a sentence, a lot of is used without of. Forexample:

Ukoliko stoji na kraju rečenice, a lot of se koristi bez of. Na primer:

How many novels have you got in your personal library?

I’ve got a lot.

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The adjective few is an indefinite adjective which is used with countablenouns in plural and denotes an indefinite number. A few also stands with pluralcountable nouns. The difference between these two adjectives is that few has anegative connotation, while a few has a positive one. Few means “notenough“, while a few means “enough“.

Pridev few je neodređeni pridev koji stoji uz brojive imenice u množini ioznačava neodređeni broj. A few takođe stoji uz brojive imenice u množini. Razlikaizmeđu ova dva prideva je u tome što few ima negativnu konotaciju, dok a few imapozitivnu. Few se na srpski jezik prevodi kao “malo“, “nedovoljno“, dok se a fewprevodi kao “nekoliko“ u smislu “dovoljno“.

For example (na primer):

Jason has few friends. (not enough!) (nedovoljno!)

Ann has a few friends. (enough!) (dovoljno!)

I have few eggs. I can’t make a cake. (not enough eggs to make a cake!)(nedovoljno jaja da se napravi torta!)

There are a few eggs in the fridge. You don’t have to go to the marketnow. (enough for now!) (dovoljno za sada!)

The adjective little is an indefinite adjective which is used withuncountable nouns to denote indefinite quantity. A little is also used withuncountable nouns. The difference between these two adjectives is that littlehas a negative connotation, while a little has a positive one. Little means “notenough“, while a little means “enough“.

Pridev little je neodređeni pridev koji stoji uz nebrojive imenice i označavaneodređenu količinu. A little se takođe koristi sa nebrojivim imenicama. Razlikaizmeđu ova dva prideva je u tome što little ima negativnu konotaciju, dok a little imapozitivnu. Little se na srpski jezik prevodi kao “malo“, “nedovoljno“, dok se a littleprevodi kao “nešto“ u smislu “dovoljno“.

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For example (na primer):

There’s little pie in the oven. You’ll have to add something to it. (notenough for a meal!) (nedovoljno za obrok!)

There’s a little flour in the can. You can make some pancakes. (enoughto make pancakes!) (dovoljno da se naprave palačinke!)

There’s little bread in the bag. You can’t make a sandwich. (not enoughto make a sandwich!) (nedovoljno da se napravi sendvič!)

There’a a little bread in the bag. You can make yourself a sandwich.(enough to make a sandwich!) (dovoljno da se napravi sendvič)


We use all or all of when we are talking about a total number or totalamount of something. For example:

Koristimo all ili all of kada govorimo o ukupnom broju ili ukupnoj količininečega. Na primer:

All (of) my friends came to my birthday party last night.

Sally thinks about her boyfriend all (of) the time.

We use both (of) when we are talking about two people or two thingstogether:

Koristimo both (of) kada govorimo o dvoje ljudi ili o dve stvari odjednom:

Both (of) his sons go to Harvard.

Both (of) the rooms were painted in one day.

We use each and every with singular countable nouns to mean all thethings and people in a group. For instance:

Koristimo each i every sa brojivim imenicama u jednini da bismo opisali svestvari ili ljude u grupi. Na primer:

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My son has his English classes each (every) Wednesday.

Each (every) bus ticket costs 15 euroes.

Notice the difference!

Primetiti razliku!

The Dean of the Faculty greeted every student.

meaning all the students,

u značenju: čestitao je svim studentima,



The Dean of the Faculty greeted each student.

means: he greted the students individually (emphasising!)

znači: čestitao je svakom studentu lično (naglašavanje!)

Either means “one or the other“ while neither means “not one nor theother“:

Either znači jedan ili drugi, dok neither znači ni jedan ni drugi:

Either way you decide, I’ll still love you.

Have you seen either of my children?

Note (primetiti):

When used in the construction: either ... or... , they are conjunctions:

Kada se koriste u konstrukciji: either ... or ... , oni su veznici i na srpski jezik seprevode kao: ili ... ili...

One of us will have to leave: either you or me!

He is either in the garden or in the study.

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Neither of them was happy to see me.

Neither of the stories is true!

Note (primetiti):

When used in the construction: neither ... nor... , they are conjunctions:

Kada se koriste u konstrukciji: neither ... nor ... , oni su veznici i na srpski jezikse prevode kao: ni ... ni...

Neither my mother nor my father have met their new neighbours yet.

I’m neither for nor against living together before marriage.

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I Put some, any, no or none in the spaces:

Upišite some, any, no ili none u praznine:

1. There isn’t __________ butter left in the fridge.

2. There is __________ sugar at all and I want to make a cake. I’ll have to goto the shop and buy __________.

3. How many children does your new neighbour have? He has __________.He lives with his wife only. They’ve just got married.

4. Are there __________ colour pencils in the drawer? Yes, there are__________.

5. I can’t eat __________ more meat, but I’d like __________ salad, please.

6. There are __________ roses in the garden, only __________ tulips.

7. “I’ve had too many drinks already. What about you?“ “I had __________. Idon’t drink alcohol.“

8. Can I have __________ salt please? This meal isn’t salty enough!

9. Is there __________ chocolate left. I would really want __________.

10. I have __________ more letters to post today.

II Use many, much and a lot of to fill in the gaps:

Koristite many, much i a lot of da biste popunili praznine:

1. Ann’s son has __________ toys. His room is full of them

2. I can’t buy this shirt. It’s very expensive and I don’t have __________money.

3. How __________ brothers and sisters do you have?

4. There is not __________ coffee left. Just a little.

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5. My sister has __________ friends. People simply love spending time withher.

6. Our neighbour, who is very old, doesn’t have __________ friends. That iswhy she feels so lonely sometimes.

7. My nieces don’t make __________ noise while playing. They are such calmchildren.

8. “How __________ crime stories have you read?“ “I’ve read __________them.“

9. I’m sorry. I don’t have __________ time and I have to hurry.

10. I didn’t find __________ apples in the tree. Just two.

III Chose between few and a few, little and a little to complete thesentences:

Izaberite između few i a few, little i a little da biste dovršili rečenice:

1. Tom has few / a few friends and he is not very happy.

2. There’s little / a little coffee left. I can’t make us coffee. Would you likesome tea?

3. “Can I have some sugar for my coffee, please?“ “Certainly. There’s little /a little in the bowl.

4. I’ve just moved to the city and I’ve already met few / a few people.

5. “Are there any oranges?“ “Yes, there are few / a few in the kitchen.“

6. “Is there any milk left?“ “Yes, there is little / a little in the jug. You canhave it.“

7. “Can I have some juice?“ “There’s little / a little in the bottle. I’m afraidthere isn’t enough.“

8. There are few / a few people at the party. I don’t think it’ll be fun.

9. I’ve just found few / a few toys under the bed. Take them to your room.

10. There’s little / a little paper in the printer. I don’t think I’ll be able to printthe document.

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IV Use all, both, each, every, either or neither to complete the sentences:

Upotrebite all, both, each, every, either ili neither kako biste dovršilirečenice:

1. “How much do these pencils cost?“ “Twenty pence __________.“

2. I go to the hairdresser’s __________ Saturday.

3. “Who are __________ these children?“ “They are my friends!“

4. _________ Jason and his sister play the violin.

5. _________ he or his brother broke the window!

6. __________ of my friends like folk music.

7. “Would you like the blue or the red one?“ “__________ one. I like them__________.“

8. I think about him __________ day.

9. I would really like to take you __________, but there is only room for oneof you.

10. __________ we nor our parents have ever been to Japan.

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In English, adverbials include adverbs and adverbial phrases. Anadverbial can be one word, an adverb (eg. often) or a group of words (eg. wellenough, in the room, last year). Adverbials are used to describe verbs,adjectives and adverbs. It is not easy to determine the exact place of an adverbin a sentence even though there are some rules. We can usually find them afterthe verb in a sentence. They are divided into different types in various ways bydifferent authors. In this book we will use the following divison:

1. Adverbials of Manner (how?)

2. Adverbials of Place (where?)

3. Adverbials of Time (when?)

4. Adverbials of Degree (how much?).

U engleskom jeziku, priloške odredbe sadrže priloge i priloške izraze. Priloškeodredbe mogu biti jedna reč, prilog (npr. often) ili grupa reči (npr. well enough, in theroom, last year). Priloške odredbe se koriste za opis glagola, prideva i priloga. Nijelako utvrditi tačno mesto priloga u rečenici iako postoje neka pravila. Obično stoje izaglagola u rečenici. Različiti autori ih dele na različite vrste na različite načine. U ovojknjizi ćemo koristiti sledeću podelu:

1. Priloške odredbe za način (kako?)

2. Priloške odredbe za mesto (gde?)

3. Priloške odredbe za vreme (kad?)

4. Priloške odredbe za stepen (koliko?)

Some adverbs are formed by adding – ly to an adjective (eg. friendly,happily, nicely); however, many adverbs do not have a particular form (eg.well, often, always, sometimes). Sometimes changes occur when adding – ly to

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adjectives. If an adjective ends in – able/ible, 'e' changes into 'y' (eg. notable –notably); when an adjective ends in – y, - ily is added (eg. happy – happily) andin the case of adjectives ending in - ic, it changes into - ically (eg. music -musically).

Neki prilozi se grade dodavanjem –ly na pridev (npr. friendly, happily, nicely);međutim, mnogi prilozi nemaju određenu formu (npr. well, often, always, sometimes).Ponekad dolazi do promena kada se doda –ly pridevima. Ako se pridevi završavaju na– able/ible, 'e' se menja u 'y' (eg. notable - notably); kad se pridev završava na – y, -ily se dodaje (eg. happy - happily), a u slučaju prideva koji se završavaju na – ic, onise menjaju – ically (eg. music - musically).


There are numerous examples of adverbials of manner. Here, we list onlysome of them:

Postoje brojni primeri za priloške odredbe za način. Ovde je spisak samo nekihod njih:

badly kindly well hard calmly

fast foolishly somehow loudly nervously

slowly truthfully wisely unexpectedly so

For example (na primer):

I was treated badly at the company I was working for 5 years ago.

I cannot believe that he acted so foolishly to give away all the money hewon.

I am doing well at my school.

He unexpectedly showed up at her wedding.

Jane nervously answered the policeman's questions about herwhereabouts at the time of the murder.

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For example (na primer):

here there above beneath outside

over underneath behind around under

inside between upstairs somewhere nowhere

In my house, the bedroom I sleep in is upstairs.

The cat was hiding under the table.

Look inside this box! Your keys might be in there.

Please stand one behind another!

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For example (na primer):

now then today yesterday last year

soon before sometimes ever never

Please hold on one moment! The operator will talk to you soon!

The times were different then than they are now.

I sometimes have cereal for breakfast.

I went to Italy last year on holiday.


For example (na primer):

fully little much less really

totally somewhat only very almost

Does the music bother you much?

I was somewhat disgusted by his behaviour.

After walking for half an hour I was a little tired.

It was so hot outside that she almost fainted.

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Just like adjectives in the English language, monosyllabic and disyllabicadverbs are compared by adding – er for the comparative and – est for thesuperlative; longer adverbs are compared by more for the comparative andmost for the superlative. Unlike adjectives, adverbs that can be comparedcannot be preceded by the definite article.

Kao i pridevi u engleskom jeziku, jednosložni i dvosložni prilozi se porededodavanjem – er za komparativ i – est za superlativ; duži prilozi se porede sa more ukomparativu i most u superlativu. Za razliku od prideva, ispred priloga koji se moguporediti ne može stajati određeni član.

For example (na primer):











more slowly

more beautifully


most slowly

most beautifully

If you drive more slowly, we will feel safer.

She sings most beautifully in the whole choir

He came sooner than we had expected.

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Some adverbs have an irregular comparison:

Neki prilozi se nepravilno porede:












badly, ill




farther or further






latest or last

farthest or furthest




nearest or next

This is my favourite teacher! She teaches best!

He ate less while he was sick.

As days passed, he behaved worse.

Some adverbs have two forms: 1) the same like the adjective and 2)formed by adding –ly. These two forms of an adverb differ in meaning:

Neki prilozi imaju dva oblika: 1) isti kao pridev i 2) koji se gradi dodavanjem –ly. Ova dva oblika priloga se razlikuju u značenju:

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direct (neposredno)

hard (mnogo, vredno)

eg. He works hard to accomplish hisgoals.

high (visoko)

eg. He lives high on the eleventhfloor.

just (baš, upravo, tek)

eg. He has just finished writing hisbook.

late (kasno)

eg. She came to work late.

near (blizu)

eg. I live in the centre and my motherlives near.

pretty (prilično, dosta)

eg. The tickets were pretty expensive

short (naglo)

eg. The electricity was cut short.

directly (pravo, direktno)

hardly (jedva)

eg. I could hardly remember his face.

highly (veoma)

eg. These are higly important rules.

justly (pravedno, valjano)

eg. I do not think he was convictedjustly.

lately (nedavno)

eg. I haven't seen him lately.

nearly (skoro)

eg. I'm tired. It's nearly 3am.

prettily (lepo)

eg. Susan dressed prettily for theoccasion.

shortly (ubrzo)

eg. The plane will take off shortly.

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I Fill in the blanks with the adverbs in the box:

Popunite praznine odgovarajućim ponuđenim prilozima:

there next sometimes extremely quite

surely gently badly during well

1. I was __________________ nervous before the film casting.

2. He felt __________________ odd in the new environment.

3. I made many friends __________________ my stay there.

4. He exercises in the gym __________________.

5. A pile of books was standing __________________ to his bed.

6. She __________________ removed make-up from her face.

7. That guy painted our house __________________.

8. I speak French, but I don't speak it very __________________.

9. I went with him for a drink __________________ the holiday.

10. The taxi driver __________________ knows the quickest route.

II Circle an adjective or an adverb:

Zaokružite pridev ili prilog:

1. This is a very easy/easily exercise.

2. Since he moved here, he has hard/hardly made any new friends.

3. Whenever I drive, I tend to be too slow/slowly.

4. Julia acts beautiful/beautifully in that film.

5. The train for Belgrade is leaving short/shortly.

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6. Ben was very sad/sadly when his girlfriend left him.

7. Please be very careful/carefully when stepping into the attic.

8. Jeff is a very good/well singer.

9. I was invited to come to the party unexpected/unexpectedly.

10. I visit my high school friends frequent/frequently.

III Make sentences from the words:

Sastavite rečenice od datih reči:

1. Jordan/can kick ball/well/than/Mark.


2. Mary/smart girl/in class.


3. Please dress/appropriate/for the occasion.


4. He/hard/ever/visits his parents.


5. I/not read/many interesting books/late.


IV Make adverbs from the adjectives:

Formirajte priloge od sledećih prideva:

1. pretty _______________________________

2. happy _______________________________

3. calm _______________________________

4. bad _______________________________

5. beautiful _______________________________

6. entire _______________________________

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7. normal _______________________________

8. frequent _______________________________

V Write the irregular comparative and superlative forms of the followingadverbs:

Napišite nepravilne oblike komparativa i superlative sledećih priloga:

Positive (pozitiv) Comparative(komparativ)

Superlative (superlativ)






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Cardinal Numbers

(Osnovni brojevi)

Ordinal Numbers

(Redni brojevi)

0 – zero

1 – one

2 – two

3 – three

4 – four

5 – five

6 – six

7 – seven

8 – eight

9 – nine

10 – ten

11 – eleven

12 – twelve

13 – thirteen

14 – fourteen

15 – fifteen (*note: ‘f’, not ‘v’)

16 – sixteen

17 – seventeen

18 – eighteen (*note: one ‘t’)

19 – nineteen

20 – twenty*

1st – first

2nd – second

3rd – third

4th – fourth

5th – fifth

6th – sixth

7th – seventh

8th – eighth

9 th – ninth

10th – tenth

11th – eleventh

12th – twelfth

13th – thirteenth

14th – fourteenth

15th – fifteenth

16th – sixteenth

17th – seventeenth

18th – eighteenth

19th – nineteenth

20th – twentieth

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Tens are formed by adding – ty to a unit; however, in some tens a changeoccurs. (see the table). Numbers 1-9 are added to tens and in writing they areseparated by a hyphen (eg. 23 – ‘twenty-three’). When we add numbers tohundreds and thousands, ‘and’ is added (eg.110 – ‘one hundred and ten’)

Desetice se grade dodavanjem – ty jedinici; međutim, kod nekih deseticadolazi do promene (vidite tabelu). Brojevi 1-9 se dodaju deseticama i u pisanju ihodvaja crtica (npr. 23 – ‘twenty-three’). Kada dodajemo brojeve stotinama ilihiljadama ‘and’ se koristi (npr. 110 – ‘one hundred and ten’).

Ordinal numbers are formed by adding ‘th’ to the number, except forthe numbers 1, 2 and 3, where each has its own form – first, second, third.When ‘th’ is added to tens, ‘y’ + th’ becomes ‘ieth’. Ordinal numbers are usedfor dates (eg. March 8th – which is pronounced: ‘March the eight or the eightof March’), for book chapters (eg. Chapter 9 – pronounced: ‘chapter nine or

21 – twenty-one

30 – thirty*

40 – forty (*note: no ‘u’)

50 – fifty*

60 – sixty

70 – seventy

80 – eighty (*note: one ‘t’)

90 – ninety

100 – a/one hundred

101 – a/one hundred and one

1,000 – a/one thousand

1,000 – a/one thousand and one

100,000 – one hundred thousand

1,000,000 - a/one million

1,000,000,000 – a/one billion

21st – twenty-first

30th – thirtieth

40th – fortieth

50th – fiftieth

60th – sixtieth

70th – seventieth

80th – eightieth

90th – ninetieth

100th – a/one hundredth

101th – a/one hundred and first

1,000th – a/one thousandth

1,001th – a/one thousand and first

100,000th – one hundred thousandth

1,000,000 th – a/one millionth

1,000,000,000 th – a/one billionth

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the ninth chapter’) and for the names of monarchs (eg. Louis XIV – ‘Louis theFourteenth’).

Redni brojevi se grade dodavanjem ‘th’ broju, osim brojevima 1, 2 i 3, odkojih svaki ima poseban oblik – first, second, third. Kada se ‘th’ doda deseticama, ‘y’+ ‘th’ postaje ‘ieth’. Redni brojevi se upotrebljavaju za datume (npr. March 8th – seizgovara ‘March the eighth ili the eighth of March’), za poglavlja u knjigama (eg.Chapter 9 – se izgovara ‘chapter nine ili the ninth chapter’) i za imena vladara (eg.Louis XIV – ‘Louis the Fourteenth’).

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I Write the following numbers:

Napišite sledeće brojeve:

1. 35_____________________________________________________

2. 67_____________________________________________________

3. 98_____________________________________________________

4. 143_____________________________________________________

5. 732_____________________________________________________

6. 1,003_____________________________________________________

7. 23,400_____________________________________________________

8. 333,600_____________________________________________________

9. 1,000,250_____________________________________________________

10. 3,870,000_____________________________________________________

11. 35th


12. 121st


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13. 82nd


14. 73rd


15. 1,050th


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Prepositions are uchangeable kind of words usually placed in front ofnouns or pronouns. They can be followed by verbs, but in this case the verbhas to be in the gerund form.

Predlozi su nepromenljiva vrsta reči koja obično stoji ispred imenica ilizamenica. Mogu stajati i ispred glagola, ali u tom slučaju glagol mora biti u oblikugerunda.

For example (na primer):

She’s at home. NOUN (IMENICA)

The notebook’s in the drawer. NOUN (IMENICA)

Are you looking for me? PRONOUN (ZAMENICA)

but (ali):

Are you interested in finding a better job? VERB (GLAGOL)

He’s thinking of moving to another city. VERB (GLAGOL)


AT / IN / ON

We use at in English to talk about a place that we consider a point not anarea, or to talk about an event or gathering of people:

Koristimo at u engleskom jeziku da bismo govorili o mestu koje smatramotačkom a ne oblasti, ili da govorimo o nekom događaju ili okupljanju:

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When did he arrive at the bus station?

I’ll meet you at the concert.

See you at school tomorrow!

Is your brother at home?

We use in to talk about a position within some larger area or largerspace, or inside some closed space:

Koristimo in kada govorimo o poziciji unutar veće oblasti ili prostora, ili unutarzatvorenog prostora:

Nigel lives in London.

Ally’s in her room.

We use on to talk about a position on a larger surface or a line such as aroad or river:

Koristimo on kada govorimo o poziciji na većoj površini ili liniji kao što je putili reka:

Is there a stain on the wall?

They possess a beautiful villa on the River Danube.

When we talk about vehicles, we use in for a car or taxi and on for a bus,train, plane, boat, ship:

Kada govorimo o prevoznim sredstvima, koristimo in uz imenice car i taxi, aon uz imenice bus, train, plane, boat, ship:

IN a car

a taxi

ON a bus

a train

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a plane

a boat

a ship

a motorbike

a bicycle

However, if we want to say that we are travelling by means of a vehicle,rather than being in it, we use by instead:

Ipak ako hoćemo da kažemo da putujemo prevoznim sredstvom, a ne da senalazimo u istom, koristićemo by:

BY car but (ali):

bus ON foot








Note (primetiti):

Get INTO / OUT OF a car/a taxi

but (ali):

get ON / OFF a bus, train, plane, boat, ship, bicycle, motorbike

We use at when we are talking about addresses, but in if we arementioning a street in general, or on if it is a longer and broader street:

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Koristimo at kada govorimo o adresama, a in ako pominjemo ulicu uopšteno, ilion ukoliko se radi o dužoj i široj ulici:

The Jacksons live at 46 Oxford Street.

The children are playing in the street.

I met an old friend of mine the other day on the street.


We can use across or over if we want to say that someone or somethingis on the other side of a road, street, bridge, river etc., or if we are talking aboutgetting to the other side:

Možemo koristiti across ili over ako želimo da kažemo da se neko ili neštonalazi na drugoj strani puta, ulice, mosta, reke itd, ili ako govorimo o prelasku s jednena drugu stranu:

There is a pharmacy across/over the street.

The car went across/over the bridge.

However, if we want to talk about reaching the other side of somethingthat is high, we use over rather than across:

Ipak, ukoliko želimo da govorimo o prelasku na drugu stranu nečega što jevisoko, koristićemo over, ne across:

Gregory tried to jump over the fence and hurt his leg.

Do you think you can reach over the shelf?

On the other hand, if we are talking about a flat surface or some largerarea, we use across rather than over:

S druge strane, ako govorimo o ravnoj površini ili većoj oblasti, koristićemoacross, a ne over:

Zackary suddenly noticed his girlfriend across the yard.

She would really like to sail across the ocean.

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If we talk about a movement within a line, like a road, corridor, street,river etc., we use along:

Ako govorimo o kretanju duž neke linije, kao što je put, hodnik, ulica, reka itd,koristićemo along:

The couple strolled along the path in the park.

The boat moved along the river.

Through, on the other hand, is used to talk about movements in somethree dimensional space, not a flat surface or area:

Through se koristi za kretanja u trodimenzionalnom prostoru, a ne na ravnojpovršini ili oblasti:

The soldiers moved slowly through a thick forest.

I couldn’t get through the crowd and got stuck.


We use over to say that some thing is directly over the other and there isnothing between them, while we use above to say that a thing is not directlyover the other but a little higher. The opposite of over is under, while theopposite of above is below.

Over se koristi kada hoćemo da kažemo da je neka stvar direktno iznad druge ida nema ničega između njih, dok above koristimo da bismo rekli da neka stvar nijedirektno iznad druge, već nešto više. Suprotno od over je under, dok je suprotno odabove below.

Compare (uporediti):

She put a glass over the mat.

The mat was under the glass.

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and (i):

The clock is above the kitchen door.

If I were you I would put that new painting below. There are too many atthe top of the wall.


In front of is used when we want to say that a thing or person is locatedbefore the other thing or person, at the front side of it. For example:

In front of se koristi kada želimo da kažemo da se neka stvar ili osoba nalaziispred neke druge stvari ili osobe, sa prednje strane, tj. ispred. Na primer:

There is a beautiful bench in front of their house.

Charles sits in front of Jeremy at school.

Behind is the opposite of in front of and it means that a thing or a personis located at the back side of the other thing or person. For example:

Behind je suprotno od in front of i znači da se stvar ili osoba nalaze sa zadnjestrane neke druge stvari ili osobe, tj. iza. Na primer:

Watch out! There’s a very big dog behind you.

There’s a lot of dust behind the radiator.


We use between when we are talking about two or more things or peopleseen as individual and concrete, while we use among to talk about things orpeople seen as belonging to a group or mass. Among cannot be used to talkabout two things or people, only a larger number:

Between se koristi kada govorimo o dve ili više stvari ili osobe koje smatramoindividualnim i konkretnim, dok among koristimo kada govorimo o stvarima i

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ljudima koje vidimo kao deo grupe ili mase. Among se ne može koristiti kadagovorimo o dve stvari ili dvoje ljudi, već o većem broju:

Jack usually sits between Mary and Donald on the train.

We put a new table between the sofa, armchair and shelf.

She didn’t feel comfortable in such a crowd among all those people.

I really enjoy sitting in the woods among the trees.


We can use either near or close to when we want to say that somethingor someone is not far:

Možemo koristiti ili near ili close to kada želimo da kažemo da nešto ili nekonije daleko, tj. da je blizu:

Douglas’s house is near/close to the new shopping centre.

My grandparents used to live near/close to the seaside.

Beside, by and next to are used to describe that a thing or a person isvery close to the other thing or person, being at its or their side:

Beside, by i next to se koriste da opišu situaciju kada se neka stvar ili osobanalazi jako blizu druge, tj. pored nje:

My son sits beside/by/next to his best friend at school.

The book you’re looking for is just beside/by/next to the dictionary.

Opposite is used when we want to say that a thing or a person is locatedon the other side of the other thing or a person:

Opposite se koristi kada hoćemo da kažemo da se neka stvar ili osoba nalazi sadruge strane u odnosu na neku drugu stvar ili osobu, tj. preko puta:

The bakery is opposite the bank on the other side of the street.

They were sitting opposite each other in the lounge and talking.

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AT / IN / ON

In English, at is used as a time preposition in the following cases:

U engleskom jeziku at se koristi kao predlog za vreme u sledećim slučajevima:

With exact points of time:

Sa tačnim vremenkim trenutkom:

AT 6 o’clock

7.30 p.m.



midnight etc. (itd.)

For example (na primer):

The class starts at 8.15 a.m.

I’m supposed to meet him at noon in front of the school.

With ages:

Sa godinama (uzrastom):

AT fifteen (the age of fifteen)

forty (the age of forty)

My mum got married at the age of twenty-five.

Her son learned to read at the age of five.

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With phrases that contain the words: beginning or end:

Sa frazama koje sadrže reči: beginning i end:

AT the beginning of October

the end of the book

the beginning of the month

the end of the year etc. (itd.)

I usually receive my salary at the end of the month.

Christina’s birthday is at the beginning of May.

Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

However, this should not be confused with in the beginning/end whichmeans at first and finally respectively. For example:

Ipak, ovo ne treba mešati sa in the beginning/end, jer ova fraza znači upočetku, odnosno konačno. Na primer:

In the beginning I didn’t realise what he was talking about. (at first) (upočetku)

In the end, she managed to learn the poem by heart. (finally) (konačno)

With the names of short holidays:

Sa nazivima kratkih praznika:

AT Christmas


New Year

the weekend etc. (itd.)

We’re visiting our grandparents at Christmas.

Will you be travelling at the weekend?

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Note (primetiti):

In American English, as well as spoken British English now, we use ONthe weekend:

U američkoj varijanti engleskog jezika, kao i u govornom britanskomengleskom sve više, koristi se ON the weekend.

With mealtimes:

Sa nazivima obroka:

AT braekfast



At lunch yesterady my friend told me she was getting married.

See you at breakfast tomorrow.

In, as a time preposition, is used in the following situations:

In, kao predlog za vreme, se koristi u sledećim situacijama:

With longer periods of time time such as: months, seasons, years,decades, centuries. For example:

Sa dužim vremenskim periodima kao što su meseci, godišnja doba, godine,dekade, vekovi. Na primer:

IN the summer



the 1960s

the 19th century etc. (itd.)

I really enjoy spending time in the mountains in the winter.

We usually go to the seaside in July.

Rock-n-roll was very popular back in the 60s.

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With parts of the day:

Sa delovima dana:

IN the morning

the afternoon

the evening

but (ali):

AT night

I usually have breakfast very early in the morning.

It’s not safe to walk the streets of New York at night nowadays.

When we are talking about a time period that is going to pass beforesomething happens:

Kada govorimo o vremenskom periodu koji će proći pre nego što se neštodogodi:

IN a few minutes

a week

three months

four years etc. (itd.)

In thirty year’s time I hope to be retired and spending time with mygrandchildren.

The doctor will be there in a few minutes.

With phrases starting with the middle of:

Sa frazama koje počinju sa the middle of:

IN the middle of the night


2002 etc. (itd.)

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I woke up in the middle of the night because of a bad dream and couldn’tsleep any longer.

Jessica’s birthday is somewhere in the middle of November.

We use on to talk about a partcular day of the week or date:

Koristimo on kada govorimo o određenom danu u nedelji ili datumu:

ON Monday


3rd August

23 May etc. (itd.)

I’ll meet you on Friday.

The conferrence meeting in on 9th September.


As time prepoistions, during or in are used to talk about somethinhg thathappens within a particular period of time. For example:

Kao vremenski predlozi, during ili in se koriste kada govorimo o nečemu što sedešava u toku određenog vremenskog perioda. Na primer:

Mellory plans to stay at a hotel during/in the time that she’s in Rome onbusiness.

Technology has developed really fast during/in the last decade.

However, during is preferred when we want to say that somethinghappens within the same time as something else:

Ipak, koristićemo during, a ne in kada želimo da kažemo da se nešto dešava uisto vreme kad i nešto drugo:

I went to the hairdresser’s during the football match that my husbandwas watching.

Paige bought a new pair of shoes during her visit to Budapest.

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We can use either during or over to say that something happened withina period of time, whether the activity lasts for some of that period or the wholeof it:

Možemo koristiti ili during ili over da bismo rekli da se nešto dešava u tokuvremenskog perioda, bilo da ta aktivnost traje samo deo vremenskog perioda ili tokomcelog perioda:

Stephanie has really improved her knowledge of Greek during/over thepast few months.

We had a wonderful time at the beach during/over the weekend.

However, we prefer during if the action is instant, with shorter duration,happening within a period of time:

Mada, koristićemo during, a ne over ako govorimo o kraćoj aktivnosti koja sedešava u toku vremenskog perioda:

Jill suddenly left the office during the meeting.

Her mobile phone rang during the performance.

We use during in English to say when something happens, and for toemphasise how long something goes on:

Koristimo during u engleskom jeziku da kažemo kada se nešto dešava, a for danaglasimo koliko dugo nešto traje:

Frederick caught a cold during his stay in Washington.

He was feeling very bad for a few days, but then suddenly got better.

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Here are some more useful and widely used prepositions not mentionedin the previous sections:

Evo još nekih korisnih predloga u širokoj upotrebi koji nisu pomenuti uprethodnim odeljcima:


Except (for) is used to describe the exception, i.e. the only thing (things)or person (people) not included in the main part of the sentence. For example:

Except (for) se koristi da bi se opisao izuzetak, tj. jedina stvar (stvari) ili osoba(osobe) koje nisu uključene u glavni deo rečenice. Na primer:

I couldn’t see the thieves except (for) one of them.

Everyone from the company was invited to the celebration exceept (for)Ms Richards.

We use except, not except for, before prepositions, infinitive, bareinfinitive or that clauses:

Koristimo except, ne except for, ispred predloga, infinitiva, krnjeg infinitiva ilithat klauza:

There was dust everywhere except on the upper shelf.

The children were allowed to do what they want except to speak veryloudly.

There’s nothing you can do except stay calm.

She’s a good friend except that she really likes gossiping.

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Except for, on the other hand, is used rather than except to say that astatement made in the main part of the sentence is not completely true:

Except for, a ne except, s druge strane, se koristi da se kaže da izjava izglavnog dela rečenice nije u potpunosti istinita:

Frank went unhurt from the accident except for some scratches.

Except for a couple of rainy days, the weather was wonderful throughoutthe summer.

While except (for) is used with the meaning: “with the exception of“,besides is used with the meaning: “as well as“ or “in addition to“. Compare:

Dok se except (for) koristi u značenju: „sa izuzetkom“, besides se koristi uznačenju „takođe“ ili „pored toga“. Na srpski jezik se i except i besides prevode kao„osim“. Uporediti:

Nick doesn’t really like school except for maths.

Besides maths, Holly likes physics and chemistry.

Apart from can be used instead of except for and besides. For example:

Apart from se može koristiti umesto except for i besides. Na primer:

Samuel hasn’t read any book, except for a single book of fairy tales.

or (ili):

Samuel hasn’t read any book apart from a single book of fairy tales.

Besides a book of fairy tales, Lilly has read a lot of novels.

or (ili):

Apart from a book of fairy tales, Lilly has read a lot of novels.

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By and with are used to talk about the way something is done. By is usedto emphasise what action is taken to do something, while with is used to talkabout what is used to do something, i.e. by means of which something is done:

By i with se koriste kada govorimo o načinu na koji se nešto radi. By se koristida bi se naglasilo koja radnja se preduzima da bi se nešto uradilo, dok se withupotrebljava da bi se opisalo šta se koristi da bi se nešto uradilo, tj. čime se nešto radi:

Richard managed to break into the cottage on fire by hitting its door.

The little boy reached his toy under the bed with a wooden stick.

By is also used in the following common phrases:

By se takođe koristi u sledećim uobičajenim frazama:

BY mistake



cheque/credit card





post/fax/e-mail etc. (itd.)

She switched the lights off by mistake.

Are you travelling by air?

I ruined the documents in the computer by accident.

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I Fill the spaces with the appropriate preposition of place:

Popunite praznine odgovarajućim predlogom za mesto:

1. – Is your mum __________ home now? - No, she’s __________ work.

2. Are you going to meet me __________ the railway station tomorrow?

3. – Where’s Steve? - He’s __________ his room, playing a computer game.

4. There are too many toys _________ the floor. Clear them out before youhurt yourself!

5. There appear animals __________ the road to his village.

6. Come on, hurry up! Get __________ the car!

7. Ben has a broken leg, so it’s really hard for him to get ________ and_______ the bus.

8. We usually travel to the seaside __________ plane.

9. Sam sometimes goes to school __________ bike, but he usually goes__________ foot.

10. Nick helped an old lady go __________ the street.

11. Can you see __________ that banner there?

12. There are a lot of benches __________ the river bank.

13. John noticed his old friend __________ the room.

14. The McAllisters had to pass __________ the woods to get to their friends’cottage.

15. The book you’re looking for is __________ the red and the blue one on theshelf.

16. I really felt relaxed __________ all those trees.

17. Vicky sits __________ me in Spanish class and keeps turning around andasking me questions, which is really irritating!

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18. The swimming pool is __________ the house in the yard, not in front of it.

19. The cat is lying and purring __________ the table.

20. My best friend lives __________ me on the third floor. I live on the fourth.

21. A new painting is put __________ the sofa.

22. The dictionary’s on the desk __________ the files.

23. The new bank is located __________ the big bookshop in the main street,not on the same side of the street..

24. My godfather’s family live __________ us, so we often visit them.

25. Please come and sit __________ me so we can duscuss this matter inprivate.

II Fill the spaces with the appropriate preposition of time:

Popunite praznine odgovarajućim predlogom za vreme:

1. We’re meeting our new business partner __________ Monday morning.

2. George was born __________ January.

3. The First World War ended __________ 1945.

4. My father usually takes a nap __________ the afternoon.

5. I really enjoy swimming in the sea __________ the morning, but I wouldn’tdare do it __________ night.

6. The company was founded __________ 1st August 2002.

7. Brittany fell asleep __________ the middle of the chemistry class.

8. I suddenly fell sick __________ the meeeting.

9. Dan visited his grandparents __________ his stay in Belgrade.

10. The train for Manchester leaves __________ noon.

11. __________ the beginning I didn’t really like him, but __________ the endI realised how generous and warm-hearted he was.

12. There is a preface __________ the beginning of the book.

13. Go straight on and turn left __________ the end of the street.

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14. Let’s meet in that new fancy reastaurant __________ lunch.

15. My grandfather was young __________ the 1950s.

16. __________ the end of the year we usually make plans for the followingyear.

17. Wait for me in the office. I’ll be there __________ a few seconds.

18. Ben moved to Italy __________ the age of seventeen.

19. Natally is planning to stay with her grandparents __________ the summer.

20. Claire stayed in Paris __________ a few days and then continued her trip.

III Fill the spaces with the appropriate preposition:

Popunite praznine odgovarajućim predlogom:

1. I really liked the show last night __________ the music.

2. __________ being hardworking, Nathaniel is a very generous person.

3. I like all the shirts __________ the blue one.

4. Hank convinced Ann to mary him __________ giving her a wonderfuldiamond ring.

5. Can you please inform me about the results __________ e-mail?

6. Sarah turned the meat in the pan __________ a spatula.

7. I’m sure he didn’t do it on purpose. He must’ve done that __________mistake.

8. There wasn’t a soul in the street __________ a single man sleeping on abench.

9. The man put the nail back to its place __________ a hammer.

10. Patrick really likes his new job __________ the fact that it’s far away fromhome.

11. Sally bought the green dress __________ the red and white.

12. Are you paying __________ credit card?

13. __________ English and French, Mary speaks Italian.

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14. My mum managed to wash the stain on my t-shirt __________ pure water.

15. Jack would do anything for Zoe __________ move away from town.

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Affirmative +(Shortform)

Negative -(Shortform)

Interrogative ?

I am

You are

He is

She is

It is

We are

You are

They are









I am not

You are not

He is not

She is not

It is not

We are not

You are not

They are not

I'm not

You aren't

He isn't

She isn't

It isn't

We aren't

You aren't

They aren't

Am I?

Are you?

Is he?

Is she?

Is it?

Are we?

Are you?

Are they?

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Affirmative + Negative - (short form) Interrogative ?

I do

You do

He does

She does

It does

We do

You do

They do

I do not

You do not

He does not

She does not

It does not

We do not

You do not

They do not

I don't

You don't

He doesn't

She doesn't

It doesn't

We don't

You don't

They don't

Do I?

Do you?

Does he?

Does she?

Does it?

Do we?

Do you?

Do they?

For example (na primer): to drive - voziti

Affirmative + Negative - (Short form) Interrogative ?

I drive

You drive

He drives

She drives

It drives

We drive

You drive

They drive

I do not drive

You do not drive

He does not drive

She does not drive

It does not drive

We do not drive

You do not drive

They do not drive

I don't drive

You don't drive

He doesn't drive

She doesn't drive

It doesn't drive

We don't drive

You don't drive

They don't drive

Do I drive?

Do you drive?

Does he drive?

Does she drive?

Does it drive?

Do we drive?

Do you drive?

Do they drive?

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The Simple Present Tense is formed by the infinitive of the verb. For the thirdperson singular, - s is added (eg. he talks).

Prezent se gradi od infinitiva glagola. Za treće lice jednine se dodaje nastavak –s (npr. he talks).

– es is added for the third person singular for verbs that end in – s, - ss, -sh, -ch, -x, and – z. – es is also added to some verbs that end in – o (eg. go,do).

– es se dodaje za treće lice jednine kod glagola koji se završavaju na – s, - ss, -sh, - ch, -x i – z. – es se takođe dodaje nekim glagolima koji se završavaju na – o (npr.go, do).

Verbs ending in – y preceded by a consonant change in the third personsingular into – ie before the ending – s.

Glagoli koji se završavaju na – y kojima prethodi suglasnik se menjaju u trećemlicu jednine u – ie pre nastavka – s.

For example (na primer):

He always misses the television show because he falls asleep.

She brushes her teeth thoroughly three times a day.

Jerry catches the ball every time.

Sally quizzes her daughter before a test.

She goes to Spain every year to visit different conferences.

She tries to win over and over again.

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The Present Simple Tense is used:

Prezent se upotrebljava:

for things that happen regularly, ie. for repeated actions:

za stvari koje se uobičajeno dešavaju, tj. za radnju koja se ponavlja:

They often go for long walks in the evening.

for facts or generalizations:

za činjenice ili generalizacije:

The earth rotates around the sun.

Babies like milk.

for future scheduled events:

za buduće zakazane događaje:

The bus leaves the station at 9 pm.

Note (primetiti):

The following time adverbials are often used with The Present Simple:

always, often, sometimes, every day/month/year, rarely, ever, never,usually, occasionaly, frequently etc:

Sledeće vremenske odrednice se obično koriste sa prezentom:

always, often, sometimes, every day/month/year, rarely, ever, never, usually,occasionaly, frequently itd:

I always drink coffee first thing in the morning.

They frequently go to the gym.

She never goes to school unprepared.

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BE + V + ING

The present continuous tense is formed by the present simple tense of theverb – to be and – ing added to the verb infinitive.

Trajni prezent se gradi od prezenta glagola – to be i dodavanjem – ing nainfinitiv glagola.

For example (na primer): to talk - pričati

Affirmative + Negative - Interrogative ?

I am talking

You are talking

He is talking

She is talking

It is talking

We are talking

You are talking

They are talking

I'm not talking

You aren't talking

He isn't talking

She isn't talking

It isn't talking

We aren't talking

You aren't talking

They aren't talking

Am I talking?

Are you talking?

Is he talking?

Is she talking?

Is it talking?

Are we talking?

Are you talking?

Are they talking?

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The Present Continuous Tense is used:

Trajni prezent se upotrebljava:

for an action happening at the moment of speaking, ie. now:

za radnju koja se dešava u trenutku govora, tj.sada:

She cannot talk to you right now. She is taking a shower.

The kids can't hear you now. They are watching cartoons.

You are reading about the use of the present continuous tense now.

for longer actions which are in progress now:

za duže radnje koje se sada odvijaju:

Are you doing any special projects at work?

They are preparing for the exams.

for future scheduled events:

za buduće dogovorene događaje:

They are getting married next spring.

I am seeing my dentist this Friday.

with 'always' for repeated actions, which are sometimes irritating:

sa 'always' za radnje koje se ponavljaju, koje su ponekad iritirajuće:

He is always complaining about his problems at the office.

They are always arguing about meaningless things.

I think that he is very interesting. He is always talking and laughing.

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Note (primetiti):

Now, at the moment, currently, presently etc are some of the timeadvrbials that we often use with The Present Continuous Tense:

Now, at the moment, currently, presently itd. su neke od vremenskih odrednicakoje se obično koriste uz trajni prezent:

I'm presently working on a thesis.

She's washing the dishes now.

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I Make a negative and an interrogative sentence:

Sastavite odričnu i upitnu rečenicu:

Eg. The children are swimming in the lake.

The children aren't swimming in the lake.

Are the children swimming in the lake?

1. Michael is pretending to be someone else.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

2. Marcia sells many articles during the day.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

3. Students attend all the classes where Mr Jones gives lectures.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

4. They are studying biology at the university.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

5. Monkeys like bananas.



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6. She is leaving on Wednesday.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

7. He is always playing the piano at midnight! It's very annoying!

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

8. The sun is shining.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

9. They live in Belgrade.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

10. Your English class begins at 10 am.

a) ____________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________

II Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate verb tense:

Stavite glagole u zagradama u odgovarajuće vreme:

1. She usually ____________________ (not/work) there on Saturdays,but this weekend she ____________________ (work).

2. ____________________ (you/listen) to the radio all the time?

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3. ____________________ (she/speak) in English? I thought that sheonly knew French.

4. She ____________________ (not/remember) the names of herhighschool teachers.

5. Why ____________________ (they/drive) on the left in Britain?

6. ____________________ (you/laugh) at me? I ____________________the best I can.

7. They ____________________ (not/know) where to wait for the bus.

8. I ____________________ (always/eat) brekfast in the dining room.

9. Why ____________________ (always/complain) about everything hedoes?

10. I ____________________ (be) late for my date.

III Circle the correct verb forms.

Zokružite tačan glagolski oblik:

1. George doesn't watch/isn't watching television at the moment.

2. His friend speaks/is speaking Portuguese a little.

3. That girl carries/is carrying an umbrella.

4. Do they usually have/Are they usually having lunch at restaurants?

5. They prefer/are preferring films to plays.

6. Does she wait/Is she waiting for me?

7. The weather is awful! – Does it rain?/Is it raining?

8. We stay/are staying at a luxury hotel.

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HAVE (present simple) + VERB (past participle)


Affirmative +(shortform)

Negative - (short form) Interrogative?

I have

You have

He has

She has

It has

We have

You have

They have









I have not

You have not

He has not

She has not

It has not

We have not

You have not

They have not

I haven’t

You haven’t

He hasn’t

She hasn’t

It hasn’t

We haven’t

You haven’t

They haven’t

Have I?

Have you?

Has he?

Has she?

Has it?

Have we?

Have you?

Have they?

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For example (na primer) to say - reći

Affirmative +(shortform)

Negative - (short form) Interrogative ?

I have said

You havesaidHe has said

She has said

It has said

We have said

You havesaidThey have


I've said

You'vesaidHe's said

She's said

It's said




I have notsaidYou have

not saidHe has not

saidShe has not

saidIt has not


We have notsaidYou have

not saidThey have

not said

I haven'tsaidYou haven't

saidHe hasn't

saidShe hasn't

saidIt hasn't said

We haven'tsaidYou haven't


haven't said

Have I said?

Have you said?

Has he said?

Has she said?

Has it said?

Have we said?

Have you said?

Have theysaid?

The Present Perfect Tense is formed by the present simple of the verb –have and the past participle of the main verb.

Sadašnji perfekat se obrazuje od prezenta glagola have i participa prošlogglagola.

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The Present Perfect Tense is used for an action which occurred at someuspecified time before the moment of speaking. Expressions such as: ever,never, a few times, a couple of times, many times, before, so far, yet, already,since, for etc. are used with The Present Perfect Tense.

Sadašnji perfekat se upotreblajva za radnju koja se dogodila u neodređenovreme pre trenutka govora. Izrazi kao što su: ever, never, a few times, a couple oftimes, many times, before, so far, yet, already, since, for itd. se koriste sa sadašnjimperfektom.

The Present Perfect Tense is used:

Sadašnji perfekat se upotrebljava:

to show certain experience or the lack of it:

za određeno iskustvo ili nedostatak iskustva:

I have never been to Greece.

I have read that book already.

I haven't met him yet.

for an uncompleted action that is expected to be finished:

za nedovršenu radnju za koju se očekuje da će se završiti:

I haven't finished my homework yet.

I'm a bit worried! They haven't arrived yet.

in sentences which contain an adverb of time which shows anuncompleted time period: today, this morning, this week, this month, thisyear, always, lately, etc. and it includes the present moment:

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u rečenicama koje sadže prilog za vreme koji pokazuje nesvršeni vremenskiperiod : today, this morning, this week, this month, this year, always, lately, itd. iobuhvata sadašnji trenutak:

I have studied a lot this morning. (*jutro još uvek traje)

(I studied a lot this morning) (*Note: kada govorimo u toku dana šta smoradili ujutru)

Have you been on vacation this year?

when the consequences of the action are present at the moment ofspeaking:

kada posledice radnje postoje u trenutku govora:

Oh, no! The children have broken the window!

I have given her my bag. (*she has the bag now) (*torba je sada kod nje)

I have just told you what to expect. (*now you know) (*sada znaš)

for actions which have started at some point earlier and still last at themoment of speaking:

za radnje koje su počele u nekom ranijem trenutku i još uvek traju u trenutkugovora:

I have known him for ten years.

I have lived in this building since 2000.

We have always wanted to visit Athens.

for different actions which have happened in the past at different times;the present perfect suggests that more actions are possible:

za različite radnje koje su se dogodile u prošlosti u različito vreme; sadašnjiperfekat ukazuje na to da je još takvih radnji moguće:

We have seen this film five times already.

They have had a lot of problems with their boss in the last week.

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for an action which has occurred in the immediate past:

za radnju koja se desila u neposrednoj prošlosti:

I'm sorry, he's not in. He has just gone out.

She has just arrived.

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For example (na primer): to walk – hodati

Affirmative + (short form) Negative -

I have been walkingYou have been walking

He has been walking

She has been walking

It has been walking

We have been walking

You have been walking

They have been walking

I've been walkingYou've been walking

He's been walking

She's been walking

It's been walking

We've been walking

You've been walking

They've been walking

I have not been walkingYou have not beenwalkingHe has not beenwalkingShe has not beenwalkingIt has not been walking

We have not beenwalkingYou have not beenwalkingThey have not beenwalking

(short form) Interrogative ?

I haven't been walkingYou haven't been

walkingHe hasn't been walkingShe hasn't been

walkingIt hasn't been walking

Have I been walking?Have you been

walking?Has he been walking?Has she been

walking?Has it been walking?

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We haven't beenwalkingYou haven't been

walkingThey haven't been


Have we beenwalking?Have you been

walking?Have they been




The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is used for actions that started inthe past and still last up to now. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense is oftenused with words: for, since and sometimes also with recently, lately:

Sadašnji trajni perfekat se upotrebljava za radnje koje su počele u prošlosti i jošuvek traju. Sadašnji perfekat se često upotrebljava sa rečima: for, since a ponekad i sarecently, lately:

I have been studying a lot for the last couple of months.

I have been working in this company since 2001.

I am freezing! I have been waiting for you here for 45 minutes!

Have you been feeling exhausted lately?

Martha has been doing a lot of research about that drug on the Internetrecently.

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I Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous? Fill in the blanks:

Sadašnji perfekat ili sadašnji trajni perfekat? Popunite praznine:

1. I ____________________ (try) to reach you for hours! Who____________________ (you talk) to?

2. I think that he ____________________ (watch) too much televisionrecently.

3. The postman ____________________ (forget) about us. He____________________ (not come) for a month.

4. Julie ____________________ (study) in Moscow for 2 years already.

5. Mark needs a new car. He ____________________ (drive) that car for 25years!

6. I ____________________ (see) this man before!

7. I ____________________ (visit) Rome 3 times up to now.

8. She ____________________ (love) eating candy since her childhood.

II Circle the correct verb forms.

Zaokružite tačne glagolske oblike:

1. That team has won/has been winning the tournment 5 times.

2. She cannot talk to you now. She has just gone/has just been going out.

3. You have grown/have been growing so much since the last time I saw you!

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4. They have been/have been being together ever since they first saw eachother.

5. I have felt/have been feeling very weak lately.

6. They have worked/have been working very hard lately to earn the neededmoney.

7. I have known/have been knowing Ms Gates for 10 years.

8. I'm so tired! I have run/have been running for two hours!

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Affirmative + Negative - (short form) Interrogative ?

I was

You were

He was

She was

It was

We were

You were

They were

I was not

You were not

He was not

She was not

It was not

We were not

You were not

They were not

I wasn't

You weren't

He wasn't

She wasn't

It wasn't

We weren't

You weren't

They weren't

Was I?

Were you?

Was he?

Was she?

Was it?

Were we?

Were you?

Were they?

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Affirmative + Negative - (short form) Interrogative ?

I did

You did

He did

She did

It did

We did

You did

They did

I did not

You did not

He did not

She did not

It did not

We did not

You did not

They did not

I didn't

You didn't

He didn't

She didn't

It didn't

We didn't

You didn't

They didn't

Did I?

Did you?

Did he?

Did she?

Did it?

Did we?

Did you?

Did they?

For example (na primer): to walk – hodati

Affirmative + Negative - (short form) Interrogative ?

I walked

You walked

He walked

She walked

It walked

We walked

You walked

They walked

I did not walk

You did not walk

He did not walk

She did not walk

It did not walk

We did not walk

You did not walk

They did not walk

I didn't walk

You didn't walk

He didn't walk

She didn't walk

It didn't walk

We didn't walk

You didn't walk

They didn't walk

Did I walk?

Did you walk?

Did he walk?

Did she walk?

Did it walk?

Did we walk?

Did you walk?

Did they walk?

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The Simple Past Tense is formed by adding – ed to the verb. In somecases, - ed is not added to the verb because the verbs have an irregular form.These verbs are called irregular verbs (see the end of the book for the list of themost common irregular verbs).

Prošlo vreme se gradi dodavanjem nastavka – ed na glagol. U nekimslučajevima, - ed se ne dodaje glagolu zato što ti glagoli imaju nepravilan oblik. Oviglagoli se zovu nepravilni glagoli (videti na kraju knjige spisak najčešćih nepraviljnihglagola).



The Simple Past Tense is used for:

Prošlo vreme se upotrebljava za:

facts about the past:

činjenice o prošlosti:

Albert Einstein was a scientist.

an action or situation in the past which is completed:

radnje ili situacije u prošlosti koje su završene:

I phoned you last night.

actions occuring at a certain time in the past:

radnje koje su se dogodile u određeno vreme u prošlosti:

The last time I saw him was in 2005.

They had an important meeting last week.

a series of completed actions:

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niz završenih radnji:

I finished my homework, got dressed and went out.

actions that lasted for a certain period in the past:

radnje koje su trajale određeni vremenski period u prošlosti:

I lived in Belgrade for 2 years.

habits in the past:

uobičajene radnje u prošlosti:

He played basketball in elementary school.

Note (primetiti):

The following time adverbials are often used with The Past Simple:

yesterday, last week, last month, last year, etc., ago, in 2000, in 1962,etc., in January, in March, etc., on Monday, Tuesady, etc:

Sledeće vremenske odrednice se obično koriste sa prošlim vremenom:

yesterday, last week, last month, last year, itd, ago, in 2000, in 1962, itd, inJanuary, in March, itd, on Monday, Tuesday, itd:

We went to a concert two days ago.

I visited an old friend yesterday.

My favourite actor was born in 1960.

It was very cold in February.

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The Past Continuous Tense is formed by the past simple tense of the verbto be and by adding – ing to the verb.

Prošlo trajno vreme se gradi od prošlog vremena glagola to be i dodavanjemnastavka – ing na glagol.

For example (na primer): to go – ići

Affirmative + Negative - (short form) Interrogative ?

I was goingYou were going

He was goingShe was goingIt was going

We were goingYou were going

They were going

I was not goingYou were not

goingHe was not goingShe was not goingIt was not going

We were not goingYou were not

goingThey were not


I wasn't goingYou weren't

goingHe wasn't goingShe wasn't goingIt wasn't going

We wern't goingYou weren't

goingThey weren't


Was I going?Were you going?

Was he going?Was she going?Was it going?

Were we going?Were you going?

Were they going?

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The Past Continuous Tense is used:

Prošlo trajno vreme se upotrebljava:

for an action which was in progress at a specific time in the past:

za radnju koja je bila u toku u određenom trenutku u prošlosti:

He was reading the newspaper yesterday at 9 a.m.

for two actions occuring at the same time:

za dve radnje koje su se odvijale u isto vreme:

I was washing the dishes while my husband was vacuuming the house.

for an interrupted action in the past:

za prekinutu radnju u prošlosti:

I was leaving the house when she called

What were you saying when he interrupted you?

with 'always' for an action in the past which was often irritating:

sa 'always' za radnju u prošlosti koja je često bila iritirajuća:

He was fired because he was always arriving to work late.

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I Make sentences from the given words by putting the verbs in the PastSimple or Past Continuous Tense:

Sastavite rečenice od datih reči tako što ćete glagole staviti u prošlo ili prošlotrajno vreme:

1. They/arrive/while/I/talk/phone_________________________________________

2. John/drink/friends/when/he/see/Jane_________________________________________

3. I read/accident/when/bus/arrive_________________________________________

4. John/meet/Ann/yesterday_________________________________________

5. I/not know/answer/question_________________________________________

6. They/ring/doorbell_________________________________________

7. You/understand/what/I/say?_________________________________________

8. You/not sleep/when/I/come_________________________________________

II Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past ContinuousTense:

Stavite glagole u zagradama u prošlo ili prošlo trajno vreme:

1. What __________________ (you do) while I was talking to you?

2. Mary __________________ (try) to pass the exam although she__________________ (not know) much.

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3. I __________________ (watch) an interesting show on television whenyou changed the channel.

4. __________________ (you be) here when she was telling the storyabout the accident?

5. They __________________ (manage) to rescue the man who__________________ (try) to put out the fire by himself.

6. I couldn't believe he __________________ (make) such a fool ofhimself.

7. He __________________ (not do) anything while I__________________ (study) hard.

8. __________________ (you see) that man last week?

9. The car __________________ (break) down so we__________________ (have to) take the bus.

10. When she finished reading the book, she __________________ (go) tobed.

III Put the verbs in the Past Simple or Past Continuous Tense to fill inthe blanks in the story:

Stavite glagole u prošlo ili prošlo trajno vreme da biste dopunili priču:

Sally 1)__________________ (get up) at 6 am, 2)__________________ (get)ready, 3)__________________ (leave) the house and 4)__________________(go) to work. As she 5)__________________ (drive), her phone6)__________________ (ring). She soon 7)__________________ (find out)that it was her friend Alice whom she hadn't spoken to for a few months. Alice8)__________________ (tell) Sally that she 9)__________________ (be) intown and that she 10)__________________ (start) her own business. Alice11)__________________ (wonder) if Sally had time to go for a coffee andcatch up. Sally 12)__________________ (agree) to meet her the followingday. They 13)__________________ (meet) at 5 pm.

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TO HAVE (past simple) + VERB (past participle)

For example (na primer): to work – raditi

Affirmative + (short form) Negative -

I had worked

You had worked

He had worked

She had worked

It had worked

We had worked

You had worked

They had worked

I’d worked

You’d worked

He’d worked

She’d worked

It’d worked

We’d worked

You’d worked

They’d worked

I had not worked

You had not worked

He had not worked

She had not worked

It had not worked

We had not worked

You had not worked

They had not worked

(short form) Interrogative ?

I hadn’t worked

You hadn’t worked

He hadn’t worked

She hadn’t worked

It hadn’t worked

We hadn’t worked

You hadn’t worked

They hadn’t worked

Had I worked?

Had you worked?

Had he worked?

Had she worked?

Had it worked?

Had we worked?

Had you worked?

Had they worked?

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The Past Perfect Tense is used for a completed action that occurredbefore another action in the past.

Pluskvamperfekat se upotrebljava za svršenu radnju koja se dogodila pre nekedruge radnje u prošlosti.

For example (na primer):

I could not phone you because I had lost your telephone number.

Had you ever visited US before you went there last year.

When we came there he had already gone.

I had never fallen in love so much before I met him.

They had lived in Sofia for 5 years before they moved back.

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For example (na primer): to read – čitati

Affirmative + (short form) Negative -

I had been readingYou had been readingHe had been readingShe had been readingIt had been reading

We had been readingYou had been readingThey had been reading

I'd been readingYou'd been readingHe'd been readingShe'd been readingIt'd been reading

We'd been readingYou'd been readingThey'd been reading

I had not been readingYou had not been readingHe had not been readingShe had not been readingIt had not been reading

We had not been readingYou had not been readingThey had not been

reading(short form) Interrogative ?

I hadn't been readingYou hadn't been

readingHe hadn't been readingShe hadn't been readingIt hadn't been reading

We hadn't been readingYou hadn't been

readingThey hadn't been


Had I been reading?Had you been reading?

Had he been reading?Had she been reading?Had it been reading?

Had we been reading?Had you been reading?

Had they beenreading?

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The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used for an action which had beengoing on for a certain time before another past action happened.

Trajni pluskvamperfekat se upotrebljava za radnju koja je trajala određenovreme pre nego što se druga radnja u prošlosti dogodila.

For example (na primer):

They had been walking for 2 hours before they reached the forest.

She had been living in that building for 3 years before she moved to thisone.

He failed his driving test because he hadn't been attending classes.

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I Put the verbs in The Past Perfect Tense or The Past Perfect Continuoustense:

Stavite glagole u pluskvamperfekat ili trajni pluskvamperfekat:

1. The meal that he ____________________ (recommend) was served late.

2. After she ____________________ (complete) her house chores she wentout.

3. What ____________________ (you do) before you left the house.

4. He felt pain in his back because he ____________________ (sit) for a longtime.

5. When I came to the gate the plane ____________________ (already go).

6. He ____________________ (teach) for 40 years before he retired.

7. She was telling her friends what ____________________ (happen) to her.

8. We ____________________ (just finish) our meal when they came over.

9. We ____________________ (sell) much more before he started working asa salesman.

10. He ____________________ (not talk) much about the incident before Iasked him.

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In English we can express future in two different ways: by using “real“future tenses and constructions such as The Future Simple Tense, The FutureContinuous Tense, The Future Perfect Tense, The Future PerfectContinuous Tense, Going to and Be to + Infinitive, or by using present tensessuch as The Present Simple Tense, The Present Continuous Tense and ThePresent Perfect Tense.

U engleskom jeziku možemo izraziti budućnost na dva različita načina: pomoću“pravih“ budućih vremena kao što su The Future Simple Tense (Buduće prostovreme), The Future Continuous Tense (Buduće trajno vreme), The Future PerfectTense (Budući perfekat), The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Budući trajniperfekat), Going to (Going to konstrukcija) i Be to + Infinitive (Be to + Infinitivekonstrukcija) ili pomoću sadašnjih vremena kao što su The Present Simple Tense(Sadašnje prosto vreme), The Present Continuous Tense (Sadašnje trajno vreme) iThe Present Perfect Tense (Sadašnji perfekat).


The Future Simple Tense is used to denote an activity that will takeplace at a definite or indefinite time in the future.

The Future Simple Tense (Buduće prosto vreme) se koristi da opiše radnjukoja će se desiti u određenom ili neodređenom trenutku u budućnosti.

We form The Future Simple Tense in this way:

The Future Simple Tense (Buduće prosto vreme) se gradi na sledeći način:

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Shall is used for the first person singular and plural, while will is used inthe rest of the cases.

Shall se koristi za prvo lice jednine i množine, dok se will koristi u svimostalim slučajevima.

For example (na primer):

I shall go to the shop and buy some fruit.

We shall meet in front of the house tomorrow morning.

but (ali):

Samuel will come to my party on Saturday night.

They will be back soon.

Abbreviated forms sound more natural and are widely used in spokenlanguage. For example:

Skraćene forme zvuče prirodnije i u širokoj su upotrebi u razgovornom jeziku.Na primer:

I think I will be home by 9 p.m. = I think I’ll be home by 9 p.m.

We will be back in a minute. = We’ll be back in a minute.

Their train will not arrive on time. = Their train won’t arrive ontime.

However, when it comes to written forms and formal correspondence,full forms should be used. For example:

Mada, kada se radi o pisanoj formi i formalnoj korespondenciji, koriste se punioblici. Na primer:

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The meeting of the executive board will be held on the premises.

You will be present at tomorrow’s audit! It is obligatory! And you willnot be late!

The interrogative form is made by using inversion, while the negativeform is made by adding the negative particle not to shall and will:

Upitni oblik se gradi inverzijom, dok se odrični gradi tako što se na shall i willdoda odrična rečca not:

Will you turn the music down, please?

We shall go out tonight.

I think he will not (won’t) finish the task on time.

We shall not (shan’t) go there!

Note (primetiti):

However, nowadays will is more and more used instead of shall.Therefore, in all the examples above shall can freely be substituted by willwith the same meaning.

Ipak, u današnje vreme will se sve više koristi umesto shall. Zato, u svim gorenavedenim primerima shall se slobodno može zameniti sa will, a da se značenje nepromeni.

Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

If we are offering to do something or inspiring to some action (i.e. givinga proposition), we use shall only, not will for the first person singular andplural:

Ukoliko nudimo da uradimo nešto ili inspirišemo na neku radnju (tj. nudimoneki predlog), koristimo samo shall, ne will za prvo lice jednine i množine:

Shall we go out tonight?

Shall I open the window. It’s too hot in here.

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The Future Continuous Tense describes an action that will be inprogress at a certain moment in the future or will be in progress during acertain period of time in the future. Unlike The Future Simple Tense whichdescribes a complete activity, here the accent is put on the duration of theaction.

The Future Continuous Tense (Buduće trajno vreme) opisuje radnju koja ćebiti u toku u određenom trenutku u budućnosti ili će trajati u toku određenogvremenskog perioda u budućnosti. Za razliku od The Future Simple Tense (Budućegprostog vremena) koje opisuje kompletnu radnju, ovde je akcenat stavljen na trajnostradnje.

This is how we form The Future Continuous Tense:

Ovako se gradi The Future Continuous Tense (Buduće trajno vreme):




The same as with The Future Simple Tense, will is used more often thanshall for the first person singular and plural. The interrogative form is made byusing inversion, while the negative form is made by adding the particle not toshall and will. The abbreviated forms are preferred as well:

Isto kao i sa The Future Simple Tense (Budućim prostim vremenom),will se češće koristi od shall za prvo lice jednine i množine. Upitni oblik sepravi korišćenjem inverzije, dok se odrični oblik gradi dodavanjem rečce notna shall i will. Skraćene forme su i ovde poželjnije:

At 10 a.m. on Friday my friend and I will be playing tennis.

What will you be doing at this time next year?

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I will not (won’t) be studying tomorrow afternoon. I will be wathing TVwith my family.

When my brother arrives from London at 6 a.m., I’ll probably besleeping.

What will your parents be doing while you’re taking the exam?

Will you be reading that book all day long tomorrow?


The Future Perfect Tense describes a future activity that will becompleted before a certain moment in the future or before some other futureactivity. By and before are the time expressions usually used with this tense.

The Future Perfect Tense (Budući perfekat) opisuje radnju koja će se završitipre nekog određenog trenutka u budućnosti ili pre neke druge buduće radnje. By ibefore su vremenske odrednice koje se uglavnom koriste uz ovo vreme.

The Future Perfect Tense is formed in the following way:

Ovako se gradi The Future Perfect Tense (Budući perfekat):




As with all the other future tenses using shall and will forms, here will ispreferred and recommended in spoken language nowadays as well. Theinterrogative form is made by using inversion, while the negative form is made

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by adding the particle not to shall and will. The abbreviated forms are morecommonly used in spoken language as well, while the full form is preferred inthe written form.

Kao i sa svim ostalim budućim vremenima koja koriste oblike shall i will, iovde se oblik will u današnje vreme mnogo više koristi i preporučuje u razgovornomjeziku. Upitni oblik se gradi inverzijom, dok se odrični oblik gradi dodavanjemodrične rečce not na shall i will. Skraćene verzije se takođe mnogo više koriste urazgovornom jeziku, dok se puni oblici koriste u pisanoj formi.

Examples (primeri):

I will have finished my breakfast before 9 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Will you have made the cake before the party begins, mum?

I think he will not (won’t) have repaired the car by Friday.

We’ll have finished our report before the main meeting.

They won’t have painted the house by tomorrow night, I’m sure.

She’ll have completed the puzzle before 5 o’clock. She’s really good atthat.

By this time next year, George will have worked for this company forforty years! Can you believe that?

By the time her husband arrives home, Jenny will have ironed all theclothes.


The Future Perfect Continuous Tense describes an action that will be inprogress for a certain period of time before a definite moment in the future orbefore some other future action. The same as with The Future Perfect Tense,by and before are the time expressions commonly used with this tense, too.

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The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Budući trajni perfekat) opisuje radnjukoja će trajati izvesno vreme pre određenog trenutka u budućnosti ili pre neke drugebuduće radnje. Kao i sa The Future Perfect Tense (Budućim perfektom), by i beforesu vremenske odrednice koje se obično koriste sa ovim vremenom.

The Future Perfect Continuous Tense is formed in the following way:

Ovako se gradi The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Budući trajniperfekat):




As with all the other future tenses using shall and will forms, here will ispreferred and recommended in spoken language nowadays as well. Theinterrogative form is made by using inversion, while the negative form is madeby adding the particle not to shall and will. The abbreviated forms are morecommonly used in spoken language as well, while the full form is preferred inthe written form.

Kao i sa svim ostalim budućim vremenima koja koriste oblike shall i will, iovde se oblik will u današnje vreme mnogo više koristi i preporučuje u razgovornomjeziku. Upitni oblik se gradi inverzijom, dok se odrični oblik gradi dodavanje odričnerečce not na shall i will. Skraćene verzije se takođe mnogo više koriste urazgovornom jeziku, dok se puni oblici koriste u pisanoj formi.

Examples (primeri):

I will have been reading the new book for five hours by 6 o’clock.

Will you have been listening to music all day before I get home fromwork?

They won’t have been studying for their exam for two months by thetime they take the exam. Only for a fortnight!

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He’ll have been preparing himself for the interview for a week by thetime the interview starts.

Samantha will have been practicing for her performance for monthsbefore she takes part in the play.


Going to construction in English is used when we want to describe theaction that is planned to take place in the future. We are talking about a plan orintention to do something.

Going to konstrukcija u engleskom jeziku se koristi kada želimo da opišemoradnju koja je isplanirana za budućnost. Govorimo o planu ili nameri da se neštouradi.


The interrogative form is formed by using inversion, while the negativeform is made by adding the particle not to the positive form.

Upitni oblik se gradi inverzijom, dok se odrični oblik gradi tako što se napotvrdni oblik doda odrična rečca not.

Examples (primeri):

My best friend is going to study medicine.

I am going to do my homework after lunch.

Are you going to visit your grandparents soon?

We are not going to sell our car. It serves its purpose.

They are going to spend more time with their children in the future.

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Note (primetiti):

As with all the other tenses in English, abbreviated forms are preferredand more natural in spoken language, while in written language full forms areused:

Kao i kod ostalih vremena u engleskom jeziku, skraćene forme su poželjnije iprirodnije u razgovornom jeziku, dok se u pisanoj formi koriste puni oblici:

Spoken language (razgovorni jezik):

My daughter’s going to be an architect when she grows up.

We aren’t going to invite them to our party!

We’re going to buy a new house. We need a bigger one.

Written form (pisana forma):

The Chief Executive Officer is going to organise a staff gathering at theweekend.

Our best business partners are going to visit our company on Friday.

Going to construction is also used when we are talking about predictionsbased on real facts or evidence, while Will is used if we are talking aboutpredictions based on our personal feelings or thoughts or based on our pastexperience:

Going to konstrukcija se takođe koristi ako govorimo o predviđanjima koja sebaziraju na stvarnim činjenicama i dokazima, dok se Will koristi ako govorimo opredviđanjima baziranim na našim ličnim mislima ili osećanjima ili baziranim naprethodnom iskustvu:

Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain.

but (ali):

I think he’ll come to Peter’s birthday party. He always does.

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Note (primetiti):

If the verb to go is used in this construction, for the sake of avoidingrepetition and monotony the Present Continuous form of the verb to go isused instead of Going to:

Ako se koristi glagol to go u ovoj konstrukciji, da bi se izbeglo ponavljanje imonotonija umesto Going to konstrukcije koristiće se Present Continuous oblikglagola to go:

Rachael is going to her colleague’s party tonight.

I’m going out tomorrow night.


Be to + Infinitive is used when we want to describe an action that willtake place as a result of some instruction or arrangement. It is also used to givestrict orders. It could be followed either by the active or passive form of theverb. This construction is usually used in news reports or newspaper artcles’headlines to talk about future events.

Be to + Infinitive (Be to + Infinitive konstrukcija) se koristi kada želimo daopišemo radnju koja će se dogoditi kao rezultat neke naredbe ili dogovora. Takođe sekoristi kako bismo izdali striktna naređenja. Može se koristiti i sa glagolom u aktivu,kao i sa onim u pasivu. Ova konstrukcija se obično koristi u izveštavanju, kao i unaslovima novinskih članaka kada govorimo o budućim događajima.

It is formed in the following way:

Gradi se na sledeći način:


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Examples (primeri):

About twenty teams are to take part in the competition. (anarrangement) (dogovor)

Jake is to meet the CEO tomorrow morning. (an arrangement)(dogovor)

You are to leave now! (an order) (naređenje)

Children are not to be let on the premises without supervision! (anorder) (naređenje)

The students are to finish their tests in an hour. (an instruction)(uputstvo)

The medicine is to be taken with meals. (an instruction) (uputstvo)



Future actions can also be expressed by means of the following presenttenses: The Simple Present Tense, The Present Continuous Tense and ThePresent Perfect Tense.

Buduće radnje takođe mogu biti izražene pomoću sledećih sadašnjih vremena:The Simple Present Tense (Sadašnje prosto vreme), The Present Continuous Tense(Sadašnje trajno vreme) i The Present Perfect Tense (Sadašnji perfekat).

1. The Simple Present Tense is used to denote a future action that is partof some official, fixed and definite arrangement. It is usually used when we aretalking about timetables or programmes. For instance:

The Simple Present Tense (Sadašnje prosto vreme) se koristi da označi budućuradnju koja je deo nekog zvaničnog, utvrđenog i definitivnog dogovora. Obično sekoristi kada govorimo o redovima vožnje ili programima. Na primer:

The train leaves at 8.15 a.m.

The next board meeting is on 14th November.

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My favourite TV show begins at 9 p.m. tomorrow night.

My French class starts at 4 p.m. on Monday.

We start the trip on Tuesday and finish it on Friday.

2. The Present Continuous Tense is used to describe a future action thatwill happen as a result of a previous arrangement. In this case we usually knowthe exact time of happening of the action or it is clear from the context:

The Present Continuous Tense (Sadašnje trajno vreme) se koristi da se opišebuduća radnja koja će se desiti kao rezultat nekog ranijeg dogovora. U ovom slučajuobično znamo tačno vreme dešavanja radnje ili se to jasno može zaključiti izkonteksta:

I’m going to the dentist’s tomorrow afternoon.

My daughter is having her hair cut at 5 p.m. on Friday.

My friends and I are playing tennis at 9 o’clock tonight.

Our neighbour is taking his driving test on Wednesday.

My cousin’s leaving from Belgrade airport at 7.45.

Therefore the key word here is ARRANGEMENT!

Stoga, ključna reč ovde je DOGOVOR!

Compare (uporediti):

However, if we are talking about a plan or intention to do something,Going to construction is used:

Mada, ako govorimo o planu ili nameri da se nešto uradi, koristi se Going tokonstrukcija:

My brother is going to study medicine.

My parents are going to travel around the world next year.

Daniel is going to move to another city and start a new life.

I’m going to finish my homework before I go out.

They’re going to visit their grandparents at the weekend.

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And the key word here is PLAN!

I ključna reč ovde je PLAN!

Also compare (takođe uporediti):

On the other hand, if we are making a decision at the moment ofspeaking, i.e. making a sudden decision, we use The Simple Future Tense:

Sa druge strane, ukoliko donosimo odluku u trenutku govora, tj. donosimoiznenadnu odluku, koristimo The Simple Future Tense (Buduće prosto vreme):

Are you hungry. I’ll make us something to eat.

Oh, my hair’s dirty. I’ll go and wash it.

“I hear the door bell.“ “That’s ok. I’ll open it.“

“This suitcase is really heavy.“ “I’ll help you with it.“

“I have to go to the shop and the postman may arrive with the cheque.““We will stay at home, mum!“

This time the key words are: A SUDDEN DECISION! (a decision atthe moment of speaking)

Ovog puta ključne reči su: IZNENADNA ODLUKA! (odluka u trenutkugovora)

3. The Present Perfect Tense is used when we are talking about a futureaction that will be completed before some other future action. For example:

The Present Perfect Tense (Sadašnji perfekat) se koristi kada govorimo obudućoj radnji koja će se završiti pre neke druge buduće radnje. Na primer:

When I’ve finished writting this letter, I’ll go and post it.

I’ll go to bed as soon as I have seen the film.

Sam will invite you to dinner when he has prepared it.

We’re going to visit Spain as soon as we’ve got a few days off.

As soon as they’ve saved enough money, they’re going to buy a new car.

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I Use either the Future Simple or Future Continuous form of the verbs inbrackets to complete the sentences:

Glagole u zagradama stavite u Future Simple (Buduće prosto vreme) ili FutureContinuous (Buduće trajno vreme) da biste dopunili rečenice:

1. Oh, we’ve run out of sugar! I ____________________ (go) to the shop andbuy some.

2. __________ you please __________ (close) the window? It’s really cold inhere.

3. Samuel ____________________ (paint) the walls all day tomorrrow.

4. “How many people are going to participate in the charity ball?“ “I’m notsure. I ____________________ (know) tomorrow.“

5. This time next month, we ____________________ (sunbathe).

6. “What __________ he __________ (do) this time next year?“ “I guess he__________ still __________ (work) for the same company.“

7. “__________ you __________ (come) to my party on Saturday night?““I’m sorry, but I think I ____________________ (stay) at home and havesome rest. I really don’t like crowds.

8. “What would you like to drink?“ “I ____________________ (have) a glassof orange juice, please.“

9. “Let’s go to the restaurant for lunch tomorrow.“ “Thanks a lot, but I____________________ (work) all day tomorrow. I have to finish this report.

10. I’m sure Patrick ____________________ (help) you if you ask him to.

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II Put the verbs in brackets into the Future Perfect or Future PerfectContinuous to complete the sentences:

Stavite glagole u zagradama u Future Perfect (Budući perfekat) ili FuturePerfect Continuous (Budući trajni perfekat) da biste upotpunili rečenice:

1. I hope Alexander ____________________ (finish) the report by Thursday. Ireally need it for the meeting.

2. By next Friday ____________________ (live) in this city for fifteen years.

3. Brittany ____________________ (read) the book she’s borrowed from herfriend before she returns it.

4. I ____________________ (wash) all the dishes before I start wiping them.

5. By the time their mother comes back from work the children____________________ (watch) cartoons for hours.

6. Thousand of people in Somalia ____________________ (die) of hunger bynext week unless some help is sent to them.

7. The actors ___________________ (perform) the same play for fifty timesby next Saturday.

8. A lot of endangered species ____________________ (disappear) by the yearof 2020.

9. By the time her husband gets home Ann ____________________ (iron) forfour hours.

10. By next Wednesday you ____________________ (write) the book for fiveyears. When are you going to finish it?

III Use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect or Be to +Infinitive form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences:

Stavite glagole u zagradama u Present Simple (Sadašnje prosto vreme),Present Continuous (Sadašnje trajno vreme), Present Perfect (Sadašnji perfekat) iliBe to + Infinitive (Be to + Infinitive konstrukciju) da biste dopunili rečenice:

1. When __________ the next train for Venice __________ (leave)?

2. The next meeting of area managers ____________________ (be) on Fridayat 10 a.m.

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3. The construction works in the neighbourhood ____________________(finish) soon.

4. You can go out only after you ____________________ (do) yourhomework.

5. People not employed in the company ____________________ (not / let) onthe premises.

6. Our cousin, who lives in Australia, ____________________ (visit) us thissummer during her holidays.

7. Frank and Sally _____________________ (play) cards with theirneighbours at 10 p.m. tonight.

8. You ____________________ (not / go out) untill your mum arrives home.

9. When I ____________________ (prepare) dinner, I’ll have some rest.

10. I ____________________ (go) to the hairdresser’s at 5 p.m. on Tuesday.

IV Use the Will, Going to or Present Continuous forms of the verb inbrackets to fill in the spaces:

Upotrebite Will, Going to i Present Continuous oblike glagola u zagradamada biste popunili praznine:

1. “What __________ you __________ (be) when you grow up?“ “I’m notsure. I think I ____________________ (be) an architect.

2. “When __________ you __________ (leave) for Liverpool?“ “At 6.15 inthe morning.“

3. “I think someone should turn the heating down. It’s too hot here.“ “I____________________ (do) it.

4. “Would you like something to eat?“ “Certainly. I ____________________(have) fried chicken and tomato salad.“

5. My son ____________________ (go) to his best friend’s birthday party onFriday night.

6. I ____________________ (visit) several foreign countries in the future.

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7. The wind’s blowing really hard. The weather ____________________(change).

8. I feel really tired. I ____________________ (take) a short nap.

9. What __________ your dad ___________ (do) when he retires?

10. I suppose Frank ____________________ (be) there tomorrow.

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I Identify the tense in the sentences.

Prepoznajte vreme u rečenicama.

1. I am a teacher.


2. I have just finished washing the dishes.


3. He had called before he came.


4. I am practicing verb tenses.


5. I went to Egypt last summer.


6. I was watching the news when you came.


7. They have been living here for 20 years.


8. I had been writing for 2 hours before I stopped.


9. Will you help me with these suitcases?


10. I will be waiting for you when you arrive.


11. You will have learned a lot by the time this course ends.

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12. He will have been studying for hours before he leaves for work.


II Put the verbs in the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or PastPerfect Continuous.

Stavite glagole u prošlo vreme, prošlo trajno vreme, pluskvamperfekat ilitrajni pluskvamperfekat.

1. When he ____________________ (come) home, his wife____________________ (already prepare) dinner.

2. He ____________________ (wait) long before she showed up.

3. They ____________________ (not know) where to go because nobody____________________ (inform) them.

4. She ____________________ (already write) 3 books before the first onewas published.

5. Before they moved, they ____________________ (live) there since 1990.

6. I ____________________ (see) a strange man in our backyard yesterdayevening.

7. I ____________________ (play) the piano when you called.

8. The car broke down so we ____________________ (have to) walk home.

9. While he ____________________ (study) she ____________________(watch) the television.

10. She ____________________ (get) up and ____________________ (go) towork.

III Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

Prošlo vreme ili sadašnji perfekat?

1. Did you ever visit/Have you ever visited Canada?

2. I went/have gone to the supermarket yesterday.

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3. I lived/have lived here since 2004.

4. Did they finish/Have they finished their homework yet?

5. I didn’t give/haven’t given her my jacket yet.

6. I worked/have worked in that company from 1999 to 2001.

7. Did you go/Have you gone anywhere last weekend?

8. Look at them! They grew/have grown so much!

9. I didn’t talk/haven’t talked to them for two weeks.

10. The last time I saw/have seen him was in the winter.

IV Circle the correct answer:e

Zaokružite tačan odgovor:

1. Why __________ him a nice present for his birthday?

a) hasn’t we bought b) will we buy c) don’t we buy d) doesn’t buy

2. He was feeling sick so he __________ to school yesterday.

a) didn’t go b) won’t go c) isn’t going d) hadn’t gone

3. __________ someone in the house? I thought I saw the lights.

a) were b) has been c) will be d) was

4. - Where are you? – I __________ for you in front of the building!

a) wait b) is waiting c) am waiting d) would wait

5. I __________ tennis with John on Friday afternoon.

a) am playing b) have played c) have been playing d) plays

6. Mary rarely __________ on weekdays.

a) making b) makes c) is making d) will be making

7. Susan __________ on a serious project at the moment.

a) is working b) worked c) was working d) had been working

8. The bus for Belgrade __________ every hour.

a) is left b) has left c) leaving d) leaves

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9. Mark __________ to pass the test for the licence.

a) wasn’t managed b) isn’t managed c) didn’t manage d) won’t be managed

10. I __________ to open the door when you called.

a) will be trying b) was trying c) will try d) am trying

11. David was helping the children with their homework while Melanie_______ the new show.

a) was watching b) is watching c) will be watching d) has been watching

12. It __________ when I went out.

a) raining b) rains c) will be raining d) was raining

13. __________ writing the new book?

a) you finished b) have you finished c) you finishing d) were you finished

14. You __________ the clock. It’s not working now.

a) have broken b) will break c) will be breaking d) had been broken

15. They __________ on holiday for ten days already.

a) were b) is c) have been d) will be

16. Ann __________ the groceries yet and the guests are coming tonight!

a) didn’t buy b) hasn’t bought c) haven’t bought d) won’t buy

17. Rachel __________ John next spring.

a) are going to marry b) is marry c) married d) is going to marry

18. When he arrived at the station, the train __________ already.

a) have left b) has left c) is leaving d) had left.

19. I __________ a cold while I was on holiday in the mountains.

a) catch b) caught c) will catch d) am catching

20. They __________ out last night.

a) goed b) go c) will go d) went

21. I __________ to the hairdresser’s this evening.

a) am going b) going c) will have gone d) go

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22. This time next year, they __________ a new bridge.

a) will built b) are building c) built d) will be building

23. I __________ the assignment by 5 o’clock.

a) finished b) was finished c) will have finishedd) am finishing

24. Yesterday I saw an old friend who __________ in Alaska for a couple ofyears.

a) had been living b) will live c) are living d) have lived

25. He must be tired! He __________ for his exam the whole day.

a) has been reviewing b) is review c) will review d) won’t review

26. I am so upset! I __________ with my boyfriend for the past two hours.

a) argue b) will argue c) had argued d) have been arguing

27. __________ we have a cup of coffee?

a) Are b) Was c) Shall d) Were

28. I’m hungry! I __________ myself a sandwich.

a) am going to make b) making c) had been made d) will make

29. Laura __________ for 5 years next month.

a) will worked b) will have been working c) was working d) has worked.

30. The play __________ when we entered the theatre.

a) had already started b) will start c) has started d) is going to start

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The imperative mood is used when we want to express a command,request or invitation. The imperative for the second person singular and pluralhas the form of the bare infinitive. For example:

Zapovedni način se koristi kada želimo da izrazimo zapovest, zahtev (molbu) ilipoziv. Imperativ za drugo lice jednine i množine ima oblik krnjeg infinitiva. Naprimer:

Listen to me!

Leave the premises!

Shut up!

Read this letter for me.

Hurry up!

Visit us some time.

We make the imperative negative by putting don’t in front of the positiveform:

Odrični imperativ gradimo tako što stavljamo don’t ispred potvrdnog oblika:

Don’t make such noise!

Don’t leave before you’re told to!

Don’t touch the fence! It’s been painted.

Don’t use that chair! It’s broken.

The fist person plural and third person singular and plural are formed byusing the words let and let’s. For example:

Prvo lice množine i treće lice jednine i množine se grade uz pomoć reči let ilet’s. Na primer:

Let’s make a party!

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Let him tell his story.

Let her call her boss.

Let the children play outside.

If we want to make the emphatic form of the imperative, we put theimperative of the verb to do in front of the main verb:

Ukoliko želimo da napravimo naglašeni oblik imperativa, stavićemo imperativglagola to do ispred glavnog glagola:

Do come to work earlier tomorrow morning!

Do clean up after the party!

Do stop screaming!

The pronoun you can also be put in front of the imperative for the sake ofemphasis or in order to express irritation or impatience:

Zamenica you takođe može biti stavljena ispred imperativa da bi se neštonaglasilo ili da bi se izrazila iritiranost ili nestrpljenje:

You come here immediately!

You listen to what I have to say!

You stop scratching the surface of the table!

If we want to transform the command into a request, we use please andwill you with the imperative, while won’t is used to transform the commandinto an invitation. For instance:

Ako želimo da transformišemo zapovest u molbu koristićemo please and willyou sa imperativom, dok se won’t koristi da bi se transformisala zapovest u poziv. Naprimer:

Help me with the suitcase, will you?

Read this srory for me, please.

Come with me to the theatre, won’t you?

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I Translate the following sentences into Serbian:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na srpski jezik:

1. Clean your room!

2. Don’t touch my computer!

3. Let’s go to a restaurant.

4. Let him read the poem out loud.

5. Don’t behave so childlishly.

6. Do move your dirty clothes away!

7. You turn that music down!

8. Open the window, will you?

9. Join us for lunch, won’t you?

10. Help me with this exercise, please.

II Translate the following sentences into English

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na engleski jezik:

1. Sačekajte nas napolju.

2. Neka ona ode u prodavnicu.

3. Neka deca srede svoju sobu.

4. Pomeri se malo, molim te.

5. Posetite nas ovog leta, hoćete li?

6. Pojačaj grejanje, hoćeš?

7. Ne diraj moju torbu!

8. Dođi i stani ovde ispred mene!

9. Napiši sastav, odmah!

10. Ne stavljaj paškanat u supu, molim te.

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Modal verbs are sometimes called defective verbs. They have somecommon characteristics:

They do not occur in all the verb forms.

They are usually not used on their own, but are followed by the mainverb.

There is no – s ending in the third person singular.

They are usually followed by the bare infinitive except for the verbought which is followed by the full infinitive form.

The interrogative form is made by using inversion, while the negativeis made by adding the particle not to the modal verb.

Modalni glagoli se ponekad nazivaju i nepotpunim glagolima. Imaju nekezajedničke


Ne javljaju se u svim glagolskim oblicima.

Obično se ne koriste samostalno, već ih prati glavni glagol.

U trećem licu jednine se ne dodaje nastavak – s

Obično ih prati takozvani “krnji“ infinitiv tj. infinitiv bez to, osim glagolaought koji je praćen punim infinitivom.

Upitni oblik se gradi inverzijom, dok se odrični gradi dodavanjem odričnerečce not na modalni glagol.

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The modal verb can expresses ability in the first place.

Modalni glagol can izražava sposobnost na prvom mestu. Na srpski jezik seprevodi kao: moći, znati, umeti:

For example (na primer):

My nephew can jump really high.

Our best man’s daughter can speak Japanese.

My grandma can knit beautiful sweaters.

Can you draw a map?

George can’t read without his glasses on.

Be able to can be used instead of can in all the above examples toexpress ability, although can is preferred when talking about a general ability,while be able to is preferred when talking about specific achievements. Forexample:

Be able to se može koristiti umesto can u svim gore navedenim primerima da bise izrazila sposobnost, mada se can više koristi kada govorimo o nekoj sposobnostiuopšte, dok se be able to koristi kada govorimo o posebnim dostignućima. Na primer:

My nephew is able to jump really high.

Are you able to draw a map?

When expressing ability in the past, either could or was/were able to canbe used. However, if we are talking about physical ability or a concretesituation, was/were able to is preferred, while if we are talking about skills orknowledge in general, we prefer could, although they can be usedinterchangeably:

Kada izražavamo sposobnost u prošlosti možemo koristiti ili could ili was/wereable to. Mada, ako govorimo o fizičkoj sposobnosti ili konkternoj situaciji, prirodnije

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je koristiti was/were able to, dok ako govorimo o veštinama ili znanju uopšte, koristise could, iako se ravnopravno mogu koristiti:

I could read and write when I was only five years old.

My son could swim at the age of four.

When I was little, I was able to walk large distances.

My best friend was able to lift a lot of weight as a boy.

When expressing ability in the future, we use will be able to:

Kada izražavamo sposobnost u budućnosti, koristimo will be able to:

I think I’ll be able to be there on time.

We’ll be able to prepare the meal before our friends arrive for dinner.

The students will be able to speak elementary French when they finishthe course.

Can and could can be used to express probability with a very slightdifference in meaning. Could is just slightly less probable, but nowadays theyare used interchangeably with almost the same meaning:

Can i could se mogu koristiti za ižražavanje verovatnoće sa jako malomrazlikom u značenju. U pitanju su nijanse. Could je samo malo manje verovatno, ali udanašnje vreme koriste se jedno umesto drugog sa gotovo istim značenjem:

Have you heard the news. The CEO has resigned! That can’t be true.

Where’s Peter? I’m not sure. He could be in his room.

Faith can’t be at work. I’ve just seen her in the street!

I have a missed called without identification. It could be anyone.

If we want to express past probability we will use the perfect infinitiveinstead:

Ukoliko želimo da izrazimo verovatnoću u prošlosti, koristićemo prošliinfinitiv:

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He couldn’t have finished his task already. He got it yesterday.

They couldn’t have spent the whole day outside. They went to school inthe morning.

They could have met at the party last night.

If we are expressing probability in the future, could can be used:

Ako izražavamo verovatnoću u budućnosti, može se koristiti could:

Hope could appear at the ceremony tonight. She just loves ceremonies.

We could leave tomorrow morning, but we are not sure yet.

Can is also used when asking for a permission in spoken language, whilecan’t is used to express denial of a permission or prohibition. When askingfor a permission, could is considered more polite. Could is also preferred inpolite requests:

Can se takođe koristi kada tražimo dozvolu u razgovornom jeziku, dok se can’tkoristi da se izrazi uskraćivanje dozvole ili zabrana. Kada tražimo dozvolu, could sesmatra učtivijim. Could se takođe više koristi u učtivim zahtevima i molbama:

Can I leave now? (asking for a permission) (traženje dozvole)

Yes, you can. (giving a permission) (davanje dozvole)

No, you can’t. The class has not finished yet. (denying a permission)

(uskraćivanje dozvole)

You can’t go out! You have to study for school. (a prohibition)


Could I hand in my homework tomorrow? (politely asking for apermission) (učtivo traženje dozvole)

Could you please tell me where the bus station is? (a polite request)(učtiv zahtev)

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May and might are used to express possibility or probability ofsomething happening or of something being true in the present or future. Mightcan indicate that there is slightly less possibility, but those are just nuances, sothey are usually used interchangeably. Could can also be used instead of mayor might in these situations:

May i might se koriste da se izrazi mogućnost ili verovatnoća da se nešto desiili da je nešto istina u sadašnjosti ili budućnosti. Might može implicirati da se radi onešto manjoj verovatnoći, ali radi se o nijansama, tako da se uglavnom ravnopravnokoriste. Could se takođe može koristiti umesto may ili might u ovim situacijama:

“Why hasn’t Christian come to school today?“ “He may/might/could beill.“

There may/might/could be something to eat in the fridge. I’ll go andcheck.

We’re planning to go on a picnic at the weekend, but it may/might/couldrain. The weather keeps changing these days.

May/might/could not are used to express the possibility or probability ofsomething not happening or not being true:

May/might/could not se koriste da se izrazi mogućnost ili verovatnoća da senešto neće desiti ili da nije istina:

I’ve invited our new neighbours for dinner, but they may/might/couldnot come.

We may/might/could not finish the cleaning before our guests arrive.

If we want to express the probability of something happening or beingtrue in the past, we use the perfect infinitive instead:

Ukoliko želimo da izrazimo verovatnoću da se nešto dogodilo ili je bilo istinitou prošlosti, koristićemo prošli infinitiv:

“Why wasn’t Christian at school yesterday?“ “He may/might/couldhave been ill.“

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Mum may/might/could have left us something to eat in the fridge.

Samuel may/might/could have finished his homework before he wentout with his friends.

If we want to express the probability of something not happening or notbeing true in the past, we add the particle not to may or might:

Ukoliko želimo da izrazimo verovatnoću da se nešto nije dogodilo ili nije biloistinito u prošlosti, dodaćemo rečcu not na may ili might:

He may/might not have been at home all day yesterday, because I triedto call him several times and could’t reach him.

They may/might not have gone to the party last night. I didn’t see them,but again, there was such a crowd that I might have missed them somewhere.

Note (primetiti):

However, could can not be used instead of may and might in negativepast sentences, since it would have a different meaning. It wouldn’t mean thepossibility of something not happening in the past, but it would have themeaning of making a negative deduction. Compare:

Ipak, could se ne može koristiti umesto may i might u odričnim rečenicama uprošlom vremenu, pošto bi u tom slučaju značenje bilo različito. Could ovde ne bioznačavalo mogućnost da se nešto nije dogodilo u prošlosti, već bi imalo znaćenjenegativnog zaključka. Uporediti:

Jackson may/might not have been in the theatre last night. (Maybe hewasn’t at the theatre.) (Možda nije bio u pozorištu.)

Jackson couldn’t have been at the theatre last night. (He certainlywasn’t there. Maybe he was in some other town or country, so it wasimpossible for him to be there.)

(On sigurno nije bio tamo. Možda je bio u nekom drugom gradu ili državi, takoda je nemoguće da je bio tamo)

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May and might can be used in formal English when asking for apermission or when giving or denying a permission. Might is considered evenmore polite:

May i might se mogu koristiti u formalnom engleskom jeziku kada tražimodozvolu ili kada dajemo ili uskraćujemo nekome dozvolu. Might se smatra jošučtivijim od may:

“May I leave now, please?“ “Of course you may. See you next week.“(asking for a permission) (traženje dozvole)

“May I leave now, please?“ “No, you may not. The meeting hasn’tfinished yet.“ (denying a permission) (uskraćivanje dozvole)

Might I open the window, please? It is really hot in here. (politelyasking for a permission) (učtivo traženje dozvole)

If we want to use may and might for a permission in the past or future,we will use is/are allowed to:

Ukoliko želimo da upotrebio may i might za dozvolu u prošlosti ili budućnosti,koristićemo is/are allowed to:

The children were allowed to stay up late last night.

I guess they will be allowed to participate in the competition even thoughthey are not of age.


Will is used in English when we want to express willingness to dosomething and will not (won’t) to express unwillingness to do something.

U engleskom jeziku will se korsti da bi se izrazila spremnost tj. voljnost da senešto uradi, a will (won’t) da izrazi nespremnost tj. nevoljnost da se nešto uradi.

For example (na primer):

I will make you a birthday cake. There’s no need for you to buy it.

The children won’t turn the music down. It’s unbearable.

Mum, Fran won’t return my doll!

I’ll take your bags. They’re too heavy for you.

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We use will or won’t when we want to express that we think a present orfuture situation is certain:

Koristimo will ili won’t kada želimo da izrazimo da mislimo da je sadašnja ilibuduća situacija sigurna:

“Shall I tell Dan about the problem at work?“ “Don’t bother. He willknow.“

I will see him in the restaurant at lunch today and tell him all about it.

They won’t come to the match tonight. They’re having guests in.

If we want to imply that we think a past situation as seen from thepresent or future point of view is certain, we use will (won’t) + perfectinfinitive:

Ukoliko želimo da naznačimo da mislimo da je prošla situacija viđena iz uglasadašnjosti ili budućnosti sigurna, koristićemo will (won’t) + prošli infinitiv:

He will have arrived home from work hours ago. It’s 11 p.m. already.(past seen from the present point of view) (prošlost viđena iz ugla sadašnjosti)

As you will have noticed, Mary has a new haircut. (past seen from thepresent point of view) (prošlost viđena iz ugla sadašnjosti)

Nathan won’t have finished tidying his room before he leaves for school.(past seen from the future point of view) (prošlost viđena iz ugla budućnosti)

We can use would to talk about repeated willingness in the past:

Možemo koristiti would da bismo govorili o voljnosti koja se ponavljala uprošlosti:

When I was little, my mum would read me fairytales every eveningbefore I went to bed.

When we were children, we would visit our grandparents every summer.

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We use will for the present and would for the past to talk about thingsthat are, or were always true, or to talk about habits:

Koristimo will za sadašnjost, a would za prošlost da bismo govorili o stvarimakoje su uvek istinite, ili su uvek bile istinite, ili da govorimo o navikama:

Every afternoon my dad will take a nap.

When they were younger, my children would watch cartoons every day.

My neighbour will come tired from work everyday because he works in amine.

Her grandchildren wouldn’t visit her regularly in the past.

We can use will and would in spech stressed to emphasise thatsomeone’s behaviour or habit is, or was, irritating:

Možemo koristiti naglašeno will i would u govoru da naznačimo da je nečijeponašanje ili navika iritantna, ili je bila irritantna:

He will always go out and leave all the lights on!

My brother will always use my printing paper and leave me without any.

Lana’s friends would come to her place and make a mess regularly.That’s why she never invites them now.


In English should is used to denote obligation, as well as ought to,except for the fact that ought to has a little stronger meaning (between shouldand must). They could be used for giving advice or making a recommendation.For example:

U engleskom jeziku should se koristi da bi se izrazila obaveza, kao i ought to,osim činjenice da ought to ima malo jače značenje (između should i must, odnosnoizmeđu trebalo bi i morati). Ipak i should i ought to se na srpski jezik prevode kaotrebalo bi. Mogu se koristiti kada nekome dajemo savet ili preporuku odnosnopredlog. Na primer:

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You should / ought to study more if you want to pass the exam.

They should / ought to leave now unless they want to be late for thetrain.

You shouldn’t / oughtn’t to go out in a T-shirt. It’s pretty cold outside.

Should and ought to are also used when we are talking aboutresponsibility or duty:

Should i ought to se takođe koriste kada govorimo o odgovornostima iliobavezama:

We should / ought to visit our relative who is in hospital.

The bills should / ought to be paid on time if you want to get a discount.

You shouldn’t / ought not to leave the office before 5 p.m. unless youwant to be suspended.

Should and ought to are also used to express probability, i.e. to denotethat something is probably true now or will be true in the future:

Should and ought to se takođe koriste za izražavanje verovatnoće, tj. danaznače da je nešto verovatno istinito ili da će biti istinito u budućnosti:

“Are there any cakes left?“ “There should / ought to be a few in thefridge.“

I should / ought to finish this statement in a few minutes. Then we canwatch the film.

If we are talking about an obligation in the past, we use should / ought to+ perfect infinitive. We are giving some advice about the past and usually areregretting something i.e. indicating that things should have been donedifferently, or expressing some irritation:

Ako govorimo o obavezi u prošlosti, koristimo should / ought to + prošliinfnitiv. Dajemo savet u vezi s prošlošću i obično žalimo zbog nečega tj. ukazujemona to da je trebalo da se stvari drugačije odigraju, ili izražavamo neku iritiranostsituacijom:

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You should / ought to have gone there earlier. If you had, you wouldhave seen him before he left.

He shouldn’t / ought not to have touched my stuff! I’d told himthousands of times not to.

We also use should / ought to + perfect infinitive to make an assumptionabout a past or future action:

Takođe koristimo should / ought to + prošli infnitiv da bismo izrekli nekupretpostavku u vezi sa prošlom ili budućom radnjom:

Claire should / ought to have arrived in Belgrade by now. The bus wason time.

Kim should / ought to have completed her assignment by Thursday.She’s a hard worker.


Must and have to are used in English to express obligation, i.e. to saythat it is necessary to do something. However, there is a difference in meaningbetween these two modal verbs. We use must when we are talking about anobligation that we impose on ourselves. It is a matter of our personal decision.If the obligation is imposed on us by another person or authority, we use haveto.

Must i have to se koriste u engleskom jeziku da izraze obavezu, tj. kada želimoda kažemo da je nešto neophodno uraditi. Ipak, postoji razlika u značenju između ovadva modalna glagola. Must se koristi kada govorimo o obavezi koju sami sebinamećemo. U pitanju je naša lična odluka. Ukoliko nam je obaveza nametnuta odstrane neke druge osobe ili autoriteta, koristi se have to.

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For example (na primer):

I have a terrible toothache. I must go to the dentist before it’s too late.

I must study more this time. I really want a better mark.

We have to wear uniforms at work. It’s an official order.

Passangers have to enter the airport at least an hour before the flight.

However, must and have to have the same past and future forms. Thus,the past form of both must and have to is had to, while the future form of boththese modal verbs is will have to:

Ipak, must i have to imaju isti oblik za prošlost i budućnost. Stoga, i must ihave to u prošlosti glase had to, dok oba ova glagola u budućnosti imaju oblik willhave to:

I think we will have to get up earlier tomorrow if we don’t want to belate for school again!

They’ll have to close the shop earlier on Friday, because they are goingto organise a fashion show in the shop.

I’ll have to study a lot more if I want to pass the exam.

You won’t have to get up early tomorrow. It’s Sunday.

The teacher had to yell at the students in class yesterday because theywere so noisy that he coluldn’t say a word.

My friend had to go to the hairdresser’s because his hair was too longand messy and he really needed a haircut.

I had to bring an umbrella with me last night when I went out because itwas going to rain.

Sally didn’t have to make a cake for her son’s birthday, because herhusband had already bought one.

If we want to express a conclusion that something is true or thatsomething has happened, we use must + bare infinitive for the present andmust + bare perfect infinitive for the past:

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Ukoliko želimo da izrazimo zaključak da je nešto tačno ili da se nešto dogodilo,koristimo must + krnji infinitiv za sadašnjost, a must + prošli krnji infinitiv zaprošlost:

He must be at home. I’ve just talked to him. You should try calling himagain.

Sam must be telling the truth. He never lies.

Paul must have left already. His office lights are off.

The Petersons must have gone on a holiday. I haven’t seen them fordays.

Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

However, if we are making a negative conclusion, we use can’t + bareinfinitive for the present and couldn’t + bare perfect infinitive for the past:

Međutim, ukoliko izvlačimo negativan zaključak koristićemo can’t + krnjiinfinitiv za sadašnjost, a couldn’t + krnji prošli infinitiv za prošlost:

It can’t be John across the street. He’s away on business.

That can’t be true. It’s impossible!

You couldn’t have finished the task that fast by yourself. Someone musthave helped you.

By brother couldn’t have arrived there before noon. It’s a long distance.

Note (primetiti):

To express the absence of obligation, i.e. to denote that something is notnecessary, we use the negative form of must and have to which is don’t haveto for both these modal verbs, while mustn’t denotes a prohibition:

Da izrazimo nepostojanje obaveze, tj. da naznačimo da nešto nije neophodno,koristimo odrični oblik od must i have to koji glasi don’t have to za oba ova modalnaglagola, dok mustn’t označava zabranu:

You don’t have to be at the station before 5 o’clock. The bus leaves at5.30 p.m.

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Brian doesn’t have to travel to Belgrade to buy that shirt. He can find itin the new shopping mall.

You mustn’t touch those wires! It’s very dangerous!

The children mustn’t be left without a supervision in the park. It’s veryclose to the street.

Instead of don’t have to, needn’t can be used in English with the samemeaning:

Umesto don’t have to u engleskom jeziku može se koristiti needn’t u istomznačenju:

You needn’t prepare dinner tonight because I’m taking you out to arestaurant.

Dan needn’t buy any more apples for the pie. There are plenty in thecupboard.

Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

When we are talking about the past you should note the difference inmeaning between didn’t need to and needn’t have. Didn’t need to is usedwhen it was not necessary for the past action to be performed and it wasn’tperformed. Needn’t have, on the other hand, is used when it wasn’t necessaryfor the past action to be performed, but it still was performed after all. There isa certain regret expressed about this past action having been performed.

Kada govorimo o prošlosti treba primetiti razliku u značenju između didn’tneed to i needn’t have. Didn’t need to se koristi kada nije bilo neophodno da se prošlaradnja dogodi i nije se dogodila. Needn’t have, sa druge strane, se koristi kada nijebilo neophodno da se neka radnja dogodi, a ona se ipak dogodila. Izraženo jeodređeno žaljenje zbog činjenice da se ova prošla radnja dogodila.

For example (na primer):

I didn’t need to prepare the basket for the picnic yesterday morning. Itstarted raining, so we cancelled the picnic. (I didn’t prepare the basket!)(Nisam spremio korpu!)

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I needn’t have preapared the basket for the picnic yesterday morning.Just as we were about to get out of the house it started raining and we had tocancel the picnic. (I prepared the basket!) (Spremio sam korpu!)

Compare (uporediti):

If we want to express criticism about something that has been done, weuse shouldn’t have, not needn’t have:

Ukoliko želimo da izrazimo kritiku u vezi s nečim što je učinjeno, koristimoshouldn’t have, a ne needn’t have, iako se na srpski jezik i jedno i drugo prevodi kao„nije trebalo“:

You shouldn’t have gone out when your mother had told you not to!

The children shouldn’t have eaten so many sweets before lunch!

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I Fill the gaps with the appropriate modal verb

Popuniti praznine odgovarajućim modalnim glagolom:

1. __________ I leave now, please? I have a bus to catch.

2. I really __________ visit the dentist. I haven’t checked my teeth for quite along time now.

3. “Where’s Peter?“ “I’m not sure. He __________ be either out or at hisfriend’s.“

4. My sister __________ wear a uniform at work. She’s a nurse.

5. “I haven’t been feeling very well lately.“ “You __________ go to thedoctor’s.“

6. I __________ have lost my car keys. I can’t find them anywhere.

7. “I can’t solve this equasion! It’s rally hard.“ “Ask Tom. He __________know. He’s really good at maths.“

8. You __________ have used my computer! I’ve told you a hundred times notto!“

9. George __________ have repaired his old bike. His parents have bought hima new one for his birthday next week.

10. My cousin __________ paint beautiful paintings.

11. When my brother and I were little, we __________ play in the yard a lot.

12. I guess I __________ have finished cleaning the house by 6 o’clock.

13. I __________ swim when I was only four years old.

14. We __________ make decorations for the party because Simon had alreadybought them.

15. It __________ have been Zack in the mall. He’s abroad on his holiday.

16. “Have you heard that the Richardsons are getting divorced?“ “That__________ be true. They look so much in love!“

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17. You __________ be at school before 7 o’clock. The classes start at 7.15.

18. My colleague hasn’t appeared at work this morning. He __________ be ill.

19. You __________ study more if you want to achieve better results.

20. My niece __________ jump really high in yesterday’s competition.

II Translate the folowing sentences into Serbian:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na srpski jezik:

1. Jennifer can’t use a computer! Can you believe that?

2. My husband could read at the age of four.

3. I think I saw Sam at the party last night. That couldn’t have been him.He’s in Spain on holiday.

4. Can I leave now?

5. We may not go on holiday this summer.

6. Our godfather will be at Sarah’s wedding on Sunday.

7. My grandpa would take a nap every afternoon.

8. We should get down to business. There’s a report to finish.

9. You shouldn’t go out without an umbrella. It looks as if it’s going torain.

10. You should have left home earlier. If you had, you wouldn’t have beenlate.

11. We will have to study really hard if we want to pass the entranceexamination.

12. I stayed up all night because I had to finish the financial report.

13. I haven’t seen the Smiths for years. They must have moved away.

14. Children, you mustn’t touch the electricity!

15. You needn’t have travelled all the way to New York just to schedulethe meeting. You could have done that on the phone.

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III Translate the following sentences into English using the appropriatemodal verb:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na engleski jezik koristeći odgovarajući modalniglagol:

1. Moj najbolji prijatelj zna četiri jezika.

2. Moj telefon će biti isključen u toku sastanka. Moći ćeš da me dobiješkada sastanak bude završen.

3. Gde je Džon? Možda je u bašti. Čujem nekoga da govori tamo.

4. Mogao si to da završiš i brže!

5. Možete li mi, molim Vas, reći gde se nalazi železnička stanica?

6. - Zaista sam loš iz matematike a imam test sutra. - Ja ću ti pomoći dase pripremiš za test.

7. Kao dete svakog dana sam gledao crtane filmove.

8. Moja sestra stalno čita moju poštu!

9. - Ima li soka? Žedan sam. - Trebalo bi da ima malo u frižideru.

10. Nije trebalo da reagujem tako. Sada mi je žao zbog toga.

11. Trebalo bi da je Danijel stigao u Beograd do sada. Već je 10.50.

12. - Osećam se jako umorno u poslednje vreme. Moram da uzmemnekoliko slobodnih dana. - Ne možeš to uraditi! Treba da završiš zadatak!

13. Šta misliš koliko godina ima? Mora da mu je bar pedeset.

14. Ne moraš biti u školi pre 7.15. Prvi čas počinje u 7.30.

15. Nije trebalo da spremamo toliko hrane. Jako malo ljudi se pojavilo nažurci.

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In English, the infinitive of the verb is its basic form with or without theparticle ‘to’ (to be or be, to do or do, to make or make, etc.). When there is noparticle ‘to’ then the infinitive is called ‘the bare infinitive’. There are sixforms of the infinitive for transitive verbs and four forms for intransitive verbs.

U enleskom jeziku, infinitiv glagola je njegov osnovni oblik sa ili bez ‘to’ (tobe ili be, to do ili do, to make ili make, itd.). Kada nema ‘to’ onda se infinitiv naziva‘krnjim infinitivom’. Postoji šest oblika infinitiva za prelazne glagole i četiri zaneprelazne glagole.


to offer – transitive verb (ponuditi – prelazni glagol)











Active (aktiv) Active (aktiv) Active (aktiv) Active (aktiv)

to offer to be offering to have offeredto have been


Passive (pasiv) Passive (pasiv) Passive (pasiv) Passive (pasiv)

to be offered ---to have been


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to come – intransitive verb (doći – neprelazni glagol)











Active (aktiv) Active (aktiv) Active (aktiv) Active (aktiv)

to come to be coming to have cometo have been


Passive (pasiv) Passive (pasiv) Passive (pasiv) Passive (pasiv)

--- --- --- ---

The Present Infinitive is the basic form of the verb. The Present SimpleInfinitive (eg. to walk), the Present Continuous Infinitive (eg. to be walking)and the passive form (eg. to be given) are used for an action which ishappening at the same time as the action expressed by the finite verb.

Sadašnji infinitiv je osnovni oblik glagola. sadašnji infinitiv (npr. to walk),sadašnji trajni infinitiv (npr. to be walking) i pasiv (npr. to be given) seupotrebljavaju za radnju koja se dešava u isto vreme kao i radnja glagola u ličnomglagolskom obliku.

For example (na primer):

It’s interesting to sit on that bench in the park.

I’d really like to be skiing on that mountain now.

The Perfect Infinitive (eg. to have done), the Perfect ContinuousInfinitive (eg, to have been doing) and the passive form (eg. to have beenoffered) are used for an action which occurred before the action of the finiteverb.

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Prošli infinitiv (npr. to have done), prošli trajni infinitiv (npr. to have beendoing) i pasiv (npr. to have been offered) se koriste za radnju koja se desila pre radnjekoju izražava glagol u ličnom glagolskom obliku.

For example (na primer):

They are known to have committed many crimes.

She expects her son to have been picked up by her husband.


Infinitives are often used in English. They can have the functions of thesubject, the object or the predicative:

Infinitive se često upotrebljavaju u engleskom jeziku. Oni mogu vršiti funkcijesubjekta, objekta ili predikta.

1. The subject (subjekat): - To have met her is of great importance tome.

- To be or not to be, that is the question.

- To continue to work is the only way to success.

2. The object (objekat): - He hoped to achieve his goals.

- She wanted to be promised in order to be sure.

- They seemed to have come only to get the news.

- I managed to be accepted at the university.

3. The predicative (predikat): - This is to be managed.

- She was to have started with the driving lessons.

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As already mentioned, infinitives are very often used in English.Therefore, the many uses of the infinitives are listed:

Kao što je već pomenuto, infinitivi se često upotrebljavaju u engleskom jeziku.Dakle, brojne upotrebe infinitiva su nabrojane:

Infinitives are used to show purpose:

Infinitivi se upotrebljavaju da pokažu svrhu:

I came here to study.

He went to that seminar to learn new things.

Infinitives are used after the verbs which express wishes, likes orpromises:

Infinitivi se upotrebljavaju posle glagola koji označavaju želje ili obećanja:

Mother wanted me to go to that school.

He promised not to tell anyone.

Infinitives are used after wh - words (eg. what, whom, which, etc.)

Infinitivi se upotrebljavaju posle wh – reči (npr. what, whom, which, itd.)

I didn’t know what to tell him.

He must think of how to tell her the bad news.

Infinitives are used in exclamatory sentences:

Infinitivi se upotrebljavaju u uzvičnim rečenicama:

To be so courageous!

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Infinitives are used after ordinal numbers and superlatives:

Infinitive se upotrebljavaju posle rednih brojeva i superlativa:

He was the first to walk on the moon.

She was the smartest to figure out the problem.

Infinitives can be used to show that the doer of the action in theinfinitive verb form is not the same doer of the action of the finite verb form:

Infinitivi se mogu upotrebiti da bi pokazali da vršilac radnje u glagolskomobliku infinitiva nije isti vršilac radnje ličnog glagolskog oblika:

They believed her to be the person from the newspaper.

I’d hate you to feel embarrassed.

I imagine him to be a very interesting person.

Can, must, may + the present infinitive are used for the present or thefuture, while can, must, may + the perfect infinitive are used for the past:

Can, must, may + sadašnji infinitiv se upotrebljavaju za present i za budućnost,dok se can, must, may + prošli infinitiv upotrebljavaju za prošlost:

He must finish the work by tomorrow.

They may have gone to the theater.

She can come over for dinner.

Should, would, might, could + the perfect infinitive indicate that it waspossible for the action to take place, but it actually didn’t:

Should, would, might, could + prošli infinitiv ukazuju na to da je bilo mogućeda se radnja izvrši, ali se nije izvršila:

I should have helped her! Now I feel so guilty!

He could have told you what to expect when you come here.

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Sometimes the infinitive can be omitted:

Ponekad se infinitiv može izostaviti:

Why don’t you do that? – I don’t want to (do that).


The bare infinitive is used:

Krnji infinitiv se upotrebljava:

After verbs can/could, may/might, must, shall/should, will/would,need and dare:

Posle glagola can/could, may/might, must, shall/should, will/would, need idare:

He would have given him the delivery but he wasn’t home.

After the expression ‘I had better’:

Posle izraza ‘I had better’:

I had better tell him the truth!

After certain verbs, eg. to see, to hear, to make, to help:

Posle određenih glagola, npr. to see, to hear, to make, to help:

I saw her dance.

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afford agree appear ask begin carechoose claim come continue decide expectfail get hate hesitate hope hurryintend learn like manage need offerplan prefer promise prove refuse sayseem start swear tend want wish

afraid amazed anxious astonished careful scareddetermined disappointed eager embarrassed encouraged shockedexcited glad happy hesitant interested sorrylucky pleased proud ready sad upset

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The gerund is the – ing form of a verb which functions as a noun in asentence. Although it is the same in form like the present participle of a verb, itcan only function as a verb within a clause. That clause must have the functionof a noun within another larger sentence.

Gerund je – ing oblik glagola koji vrši funckiju imenice u rečenici. Iako ima istioblik kao particip sadašnji, gerund može da vrši funckiju glagola samo unutar zavisnerečenice. Ova rečenica mora da vrši funckiju imenice unutar druge veće rečenice.

For example (na primer):

Studying is hard for most students.

( = gerund functions as the noun of the sentence)

( = gerund vrši funkciju imenice u rečenici)

Writing this book was an interesting task.

( = gerund functions as the verb of the clause, but as a noun of the wholesentence)

( = gerund vrši funkciju glagola zavisne rečenice, a funkciju imenice celerečenice)

A gerund has both I nominal and II verbal properties.

Postoje i I imeničke i II glagolske odlike gerunda.

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I Nominal properties of a gerund:

Imeničke odlike gerunda:

it can function as the subject of a sentence:

može vršiti funckiju subjekta rečenice:

Reading should be easy for most people.

it can function as the object of a sentence:

može vršiti funkciju objekta u rečenici:

He quit smoking last week.

it can function as the predicative of a sentence:

može vršiti funkciju predikta rečenice:

Her motto is helping people whenever she can.

a gerund can be preceded by a preposition:

ispred gerunda se može nalaziti predlog:

I am afraid of skating.

a gerund can be modified by a noun in the possessive case:

prisvojni genitive imenice može bliže odrediti gerund:

I am starting to worry about Mary’s drinking.

a gerund can be modified by a possessive adjective or an adjective:

prisvojni pridev ili pridev može bliže odrediti gerund:

Do you want to say something about my driving here?

Step-by-step learning improves results.

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II Verbal properties of a gerund:

Glagolske odlike gerunda:


Active (aktiv) – asking

Passive (pasiv) – being asked


Active (aktiv) – having asked

Passive (pasiv) – having beenasked

The present gerund can refer to the present, the future and sometimesthe past depending on the tense of the finite verb form. The perfect gerundrefers to an action which occurred before the finite verb form action.

Gerund prezenta se može odnositi na sadašnjost, budućnost, a ponekad i naprošlost u zavisnosti od vremena glagola ličnog glagolskog oblika. Prošli gerund seodnosi na radnju koja se dogodila pre radnje glagola u ličnom glagolskom obliku.

For example (na primer):

It began snowing when we were about to leave the flat.

I prefer driving to walking.

I didn’t regret seeing him.

He was accused of having stalked Mrs Rose.

a gerund of a transitive verb can take a direct object:

gerund prelaznog glagola može imati direktni objekat:

I look forward to seeing you.

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a gerund can be modified by an adverb:

prilog može bliže odrediti gerund:

Walking slowly makes you relax.

Note (primetiti):

A gerund is used after these phrases – can’t help, look forward to, feellike, no use, be accustomed to, etc:

Gerund se upotrebljava posle ovih izraza – can’t help, look forward to, feellike, no use, be accustomed to, itd:

I can’t help eating large quantities of chocolate every single day.

I feel like having a cold glass of wine.

She is accustomed to working on the computer all day long.



admit allow appreciate attempt avoidcelebrate confess defend deny dismissdislike enjoy evade explain finishimagine justify mention miss omitpermit pospone practice prefer preventprohibit quit resent resist resumerisk suggest support tolerate understand

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English learners are often confused as to which non-finite form they aresupposed to use with certain verbs, whether it is a gerund or an infinitive.Sometimes either can be used without a change in meaning, but sometimes thechoice between these two makes a significant change in meaning.

Pri učenju engleskog jezika, često dolazi do zabune u vezi upotrebe bezličnogglagolskog oblika, da li da se upotrebi gerund ili infinitiv. Nekad je moguće upotrebitibilo koji od ova dva oblika bez promene u značenju, ali ponekad izbor između ovadva pravi veliku razliku u značenju

stop + gerund/infinitive = different meaning (različito značenje)

He stopped to smoke. = He stopped in order to smoke! (Stao je da bizapalio cigaretu.)

He stopped smoking = He quit smoking. (Prestao je da puši.)

after certain verbs: to remember, to regret, to forget the gerundsignifies a past action and the infinitive a future action:

posle određenih glagola: to remember, to regret, to forget gerund označavaprošlu radnju, a infinitiv buduću:

Remember to send him my best wishes. (Seti se da ga pozdraviš.)

He remembered sending him my best wishes. (Setio se da ga je pozdravio umoje ime.)

a gerund used after certain verbs: begin, start, continue, ceaseexpresses a progressive activity, while an infinitive after these verbs expressesa momentary action or the beginning of an action:

gerund se upotrebljava posle određenih glagola: begin, start, continue, cease daizrazi trajnu radnju, dok se infinitivom posle ovih glagova izražava trenutna radnja ilipočetak neke radnje:

It began to snow when we wanted to leave. (Sneg je počeo da pada kad smohteli da krenemo.)

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He continued singing. (Nastavio je da peva.)

to like, to love, to detest, to hate, to prefer + a gerund = generalstatement (opšte saopštenje):

to like, to love, to detest, to hate, to prefer + an infinitive = particularsituation (određena situacija):

He likes dancing.

I hate to have to tell you this now.

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I Put the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form of the infinitive:

Stavite glagole u zagradama u odgovarajuće oblike infinitiva:

1. There’s so much ____________________ (say) about that matter.

2. Where is he? He must ____________________ (go) out.

3. They could ____________________ (catch) very easily if they triedharder.

4. I really don’t want ____________________ (walk) the whole way totheir house.

5. They must ____________________ (receive) many notices for theirunpaid bills.

6. We saw him ____________________ (catch) the bus.

7. I didn’t see anything weird ____________________ (happen).

8. There’s no one ____________________ (hear) at that time of the night.

9. I’ve never seen her ____________________ (dance).

10. I watched them ____________________ (fight) over the last piece ofcake. Very childish of them!

II Put the particle ‘to’ where necessary:

Stavite rečcu ‘to’ gde je potrebno:

1. He wants _____ do it himself.

2. I saw him _____ walk over to her.

3. I want _____ hurry up and _____ finish my duties.

4. I must _____ leave now!

5. They wish _____ be alone.

6. Have you watched him _____ play basketball? He’s great!

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7. He needed someone _____ help him.

8. Did you feel something _____ move?

III Translate the following sentences by using the infinitive form of theverb wherever possible:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice koristeći oblike infinitiva gde god je moguće:

1. Ne javlja se na telefon. Mora da radi!


2. Mora da je gledao utakmicu.


3. Možeš li da pišeš i govoriš u isto vreme?


4. Zašto ne pokušati?


5. Izgleda da mu je posao ponuđen.


6. Otputovao sam tamo da bih naučio više o njihovoj kulturi.


7. Nisam znao kako da mu saopštim loše vesti.


8. On je bio prvi koji je stigao na žurku.


9. Zamišljam ga kao veoma pametnog čoveka.


10. Mogla sam da isplaniram odmor drugačije da si mi to na vreme rekao.


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IV Put the verbs in brackets into the appropriate form of the gerund:

Stavite glagole u zagradama u odgovarajući oblik gerunda:

1. He left without _____________________ (explain) anything.

2. _____________________ (ask) to come to the private gathering was anhonour.

3. He wanted to stop _____________________ (smoke).

4. She’s thinking of _____________________ (buy) new furniture.

5. _____________________ (offer) such an opportunity always feels sogreat!

6. _____________________ (run) is a great exercise.

7. I was interested in _____________________ (find out) the true story.

8. I don’t recall _____________________ (tell) you such nonsense.

9. They detest _____________________ (wash) the dishes.

10. Please forgive me for _____________________ (say) such awfulthings to you the other night.

V Translate the following sentences by using the gerund form of theverb:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice koristeći gerund:

1. Baš sam raspoložena za jednu dugu šetnju.


2. Nakon što su mu ponudili posao on je napustio staru firmu.


3. Mnogi ljudi vole plivanje.


4. Brine me njegova vožnja.


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5. Slušanje muzike me čini srećnom.


6. Penjanje je bilo lako, ali ne znam samo kako ćemo da se spustimo.


7. Imaš li nešto protiv da zapalim cigaretu?


8. Plašim se da ne budem ostavljena.


9. Kako bi bilo da ga pozovemo i kažemo mu da nam je zaista žao.


10. Bio je zauzet pisanjem novog članka.


VI Infinitive vs. Gerund:

Infinitiv ili gerund:

1. They can’t stand ____________________ (reject) every time theyapply for a visa.

2. My parents don’t allow ____________________ (walk) in shoes allover the house.

3. Would you like ____________________ (continue) with the storynow?

4. Her hair needs ____________________ (cut). It’s all tangled up!

5. He told us ____________________ (not leave) the room without hispermission.

6. I regretted ____________________ (not go) to that concert.

7. She resented ____________________ (have to) stay at home and dohousework every day.

8. The terrorist threatened ____________________ (kill) the crowd.

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9. You promised ____________________ (call) me as soon as you gotthere.

10. They neglected ____________________ (mention) their new gardenerto the police.

11. I reminded you very clearly ____________________ (leave) the doorunlocked.

12. He remembers ____________________ (get up) every morning at 5AM to water the plants and he is happy that he doesn’t have to do thatanymore.

13. I strongly encourage ____________________ (speak) in Englishduring our classes.

14. He needs you ____________________ (show) him the solution to hismath problem.

15. They are going to go ____________________ (sing) tonight.

16. I forgot ____________________ (bring) my photos from the trip.

17. I’m definitely ____________________ (start) to learn German soon.

18. My sister wants to go ____________________ (shop) for grocerieswith me tomorrow.

19. He went there ____________________ (see) the famous actors walkdown the red carpet.

20. I appreciate you ____________________ (come) here on such shortnotice to help me.

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The passive voice is used in English very often. It is formed by differentforms of the verb to be (depending on the verb form in the active sentence) andthe past participle. The passive voice is used when the subject is notperforming an action, but rather the action is performed on the subject. We canonly use transitive verbs (verbs which require an object) for the passive voice.What once was the object of an active sentence becomes the subject of thepassive sentence.

U engleskom jeziku se pasiv često upotrebljava. Gradi se od različitih oblikaglagola to be (u zavisnosti od oblika glagola to be u aktivnoj rečenici) i participaprošlog glagola. Pasiv se upotrebljava kada subjekat rečenice ne vrši radnju, već seradnja vrši na subjektu. Samo prelazni glagoli (glagoli koji zahtevaju objekat) semogu upotrebljavati u pasivu. Objekat aktivne rečenice postaje subjekat pasivnerečenice.

For example (na primer):

Clint Eastwood directed ‘The Bridges of Madison County’.

‘The Bridges of Madison County’ was directed by Clint Eastwood.

Active (aktiv) Passive (pasiv)

Simple Present



John makes breakfastevery morning.

is made

Breakfast is made byJohn every morning.

Present Continuous

(Trajni prezent)

is giving

Sarah is giving theaward.

is being given

The award is beinggiven by Sarah.

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Simple Past

(Prosto prošlo vreme)


The professor gavethe instructions.

were given

The instructions weregiven by the professor.

Past Continuous

(Trajno prošlo vreme)

was writing

He was writing theletter when shewalked in.

was being written

The letter was beingwritten by him when shewalked in.

Present Perfect

(Sadašnji perfekat)

has stolen

A thief has stolen thefamous painting.

has been stolen

The famous painting hasbeen stolen.

Present PerfectContinuous

(Sadašnji trajni perfekat)

have been cleaning

John and Mary havebeen cleaning thehouse.

has been being cleaned

The house has beenbeing cleaned by Johnand Mary.

Past Perfect


had done

They had done thehousework beforethey left.

had been done

The housework hadbeen done before theyleft.

Past PerfectContinuous


had been buying

Mark had beenbuying groceriesbefore he went home.

had been being bought

Groceries had beenbeing bought by Markbefore he went home.

Simple Future

(Prosto buduće vreme)

will/is going to

They will/are goingto finish theirhomework.

will be finished/is goingto be finished

The homework will befinished/is going to befinished by them.

Future Continuous

(Trajno buduće vreme)

will be watching/isgoing to be watching

Peter will be

will be beingwatched/are going to bebeing watched

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watching/is going tobe watching the newsat 7 pm.

The news will be beingwatched/are going to bebeing watched at 7 pmby Peter.

Future Perfect

(Budući perfekat)

will/are going to havephoned

They will/are goingto have phoned us bythe time we get there.

will/are going to havebeen phoned

We will/are going tohave been phoned bythe time we get there.

Future PerfectContinuous

(Budući trajni perfekat)

will/is going to havebeen playing

The musician will/isgoing to have beenplaying the piano for4 hours by the timethe concert ends.

will/is going to havebeen being played

The piano will/is goingto have been beingplayed for 4 hours by thetime the concert ends.

Modal Verbs

(Modalni glagoli)

must, can,should…buy

They should buy thatcar!

must/should/can.. bebought

That car should bebought.

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The passive voice is used when the doer of an action is unknown.

Pasiv se upotrebljava kada je vršilac radnje nepoznat.

For example (na primer):

I was forced to leave the room.

The bridge was being built for 2 years.

He had been given the invitation before he went to the party.

by is used in the passive voice when we want to emphasise who thedoer of the action is.

by se upotrebljava u pasivu kada želimo da naglasimo ko je vršilac radnje.

For example (na primer):

The window was broken by the neighbors’ children.

That book was written by Agatha Christie.

The charity has been given money by Oprah.

I was told the secret by my best friend.

The house was bought by a young couple.

The passive voice is used when the doer of an action is unimportant orindefinite. This is the case with sentences beginning with: somebody, anybody,people, they, etc. ‘It’ can also replace these indefinite subjects.

Pasiv se upotrebljava kada je vršilac radnje nevažan ili neodređen. To je slučaj srečenicama koje počinju sa somebody, anybody, people, they, etc. ‘It’ može takođe dazameni ove neodređene subjekte.

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For example (na primer):

Mistakes are frequently being made.

Citizens were invited to come to the summer festival.

He was sent on assignment.

I had been told that he was dangerous.

You will be given your tasks tomorrow.

It is believed that he will be arrested.

If there are two objects – the direct and the indirect object – the passivesentence can have either of the two as the subject.

Ako postoje dva objekta - direktni i indirektni objekat – subjekat rečenice upasivu može da bude bilo koji od ova dva.

For example (na primer):

Active (aktiv) Passive (pasiv)

John gave Mary the ring.


The principal will send them aletter.


Mary was given the ring by John.

The ring was given to Mary byJohn.

They will be sent a letter by theprincipal.

A letter will be sent to them by theprincipal.

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I Are the underlined verb forms in the active or the passive voice?

Da li su podvučeni glagolski oblici u aktivu ili pasivu?

1. I always listen to music when I go jogging.__________________

2. Has Jane been given the gifts for her birthday?__________________

3. Is it going to rain tonight?__________________

4. They will be working on an important project this time next year.


5. The house has been broken into.__________________

6. People say that he is a very dangerous man.__________________

7. It is believed that a famous painter once lived in this attic.__________________

8. They planted different flowers in their backyard.__________________

9. Their car had been stolen before they bought a new one.__________________

10. Hurry up! The tickets will have been sold by the time we arrive.__________________

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II Write the passive verb forms:

Napišite oblik pasiva ovih glagola:

1. is giving → _______________________

2. was cleaning → _______________________

3. had done → _______________________

4. will buy → _______________________

5. must do → _______________________

6. have finished → _______________________

7. was going to paint → _______________________

8. take → _______________________

9. chose → _______________________

10. will have written → _______________________

III Rewrite the following sentences into the passive voice:

Napišite sledeće rečenice u pasivu:

1. Did the teacher explain the lecture?


2. Someone stole her bag.


3. Ann washed the dishes when the guests left.


4. Many tourists have been visiting the Eiffel Tower.


5. Someone has broken the window!


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6. They had opened a new store there before we moved.


7. They had been moving the furniture before people came to the party.


8. The Committee will approve the new study program.


9. They are going to be watering the garden next week.


10. People gave me a lot of advice for my job interview.


11. They will renovate the living room by the time we move in the newflat.


12. Everyone raised enough money to give to charity.


IV Put the passive sentences into the active:

Prebacite pasivne rečenice u aktivne:

1. Sports are played in leisure time.


2. All kinds of books are sold in this bookstore.


3. Do you think that I was noticed?


4. The telephone wasn’t invented by Nikola Tesla. It was invented byAlexander Bell.


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5. We will have to be given some answers.


6. Had you been invited to come before they went on holiday?


7. Most clothes will have been sold by the end of the season.


8. You will be shown the way to the museum.


9. Visitors were being given directions.


10. Has the equipment been purchased?


11. Food won’t be brought to work anymore.


12. The clown was being watched by the children.


V Put the verbs in brackets in the active or the passive voice:

Stavite glagole u zagradama u aktiv ili pasiv:

1. Their car _________________________ (repair) by the mechanic lastweek.

2. English _________________________ (speak) by many people in theworld.

3. The famous playwright _________________________ (write) theplays in the 19th century.

4. Someone _________________________ (just organise) the filecabinets in our office.

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5. The two countries _________________________ (sign) the mutualagreement soon.

6. The Law _________________________ (pass) many years before itstarted being used.

7. I _________________________ (help) by a complete stranger thewhole night in the middle of nowhere.

8. Beverages _________________________ (sell) near the entrance toevery cinema.

9. The laundry _________________________ (wash and dry) by ourhousemaid.

10. _________________________ (they/prepare) lunch when we arrive?

VI Make questions from the given sentences:

Napravite pitanja od datih rečenica:

1. The bag was bought in the newly-opened department store.


2. The kids will be picked up at 8 am for the field trip.

When? ________________________________________________________?

3. Penicillin had been discovered by Fleming long before it could actuallybe used on people.

What? ________________________________________________________?

4. The murderer has just been arrested by the police?

Who? ________________________________________________________?

5. The sculpture will be offered on a private auction tonight.

When? ________________________________________________________?

6. This house has been broken into 5 times.

How many times ________________________________________________?

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7. The roads were being cleaned by the citizens.

What? ________________________________________________________?

8. New buildings were being built everywhere in the city.

Where? _______________________________________________________?

VII Translate the following sentences into English. Make sure that thesentences are in the passive voice!

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na engleski jezik. Pobrinite se da staviterečenice u pasiv!

1. Da li se ovde prodaju karte za muzej?


2. Sva pisma su već poslata.


3. Domaći zadaci će biti završeni do sutra.


4. Ovo vežbanje se može uraditi za 15 minuta.


5. Osećale su da su posmatrane.


6. Vodili su me u obilazak grada.


7. Misliš li da su me slušali?


8. Da li ćete dobiti poklone za useljenje?


9. Kuće su srušene mnogo godina ranije nego što su na tom mestunapravili park.


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10. Rečeno mi je da ga mogu pronaći ovde.


11. Mnogo grešaka će biti napravljeno pre nego što se slože.


12. Ubili su ga u ratu.


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In the English language we use different tenses to express differentsituations according to the context. Therefore, we could use past, present orfuture tenses depending on the time prospect of the actions happening. Forexample:

U engleskom jeziku koristimo različita vremena da opišemo različite situacije uzavisnosti od konteksta. Stoga, možemo koristiti prošla, sadašnja ili buduća vremena uzavisnosti od vremenske perspektive radnji koje se dešavaju. Na primer:

My cousins live in New York. PRESENT (SADAŠNJOST)

I think we will be ready by 2 o’clock. FUTURE (BUDUĆNOST)

I met a few celebrities at the seaside last summer. PAST (PROŠLOST)

However we have to be careful about the mutual relation of the tenses ina complex sentence. If the verb in the main clause is in the present tense, wecan use either tense in the subordinate clause. However, if the verb in the mainclause is in the past tense, the verb, or verbs, in the subordinate clause is also insome of the past tenses. For example:

Međutim, moramo biti oprezni što se tiče međusobnog odnosa vremena usloženoj rečenici. Ukoliko je glagol u glavnoj rečenici u sadašnjem vremenu, možemokoristiti bilo koje vreme u zavisnoj rečenici. Ipak, ukoliko je glagol u glavnoj rečeniciu prošlom vremenu, glagol, ili glagoli, u zavisnoj rečenici će takođe biti u nekom odprošlih vremena. Na primer:

I believe he is a good person. PRESENT (SADAŠNJOST)

I think he will behave appropriately. FUTURE (BUDUĆNOST)

I’m sure he didn’t say that. PAST (PROŠLOST)

but (ali):

I just knew that he was there.

I could imagine how she felt at that moment.

We all felt relieved when we realised that we had finished all the work.

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Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

If the actions in the past are simultaneous, they are both in the PastSimple Tense. However, if one of them happens first, the one happening beforethe other is in the Past Perfect Tense while the other one is in the Past Simple,as can be seen in the examples above.

Ukoliko se prošle radnje dešavaju istovremeno, obe su u prostom prošlomvremenu (The Past Simple Tense). Ipak, ako se jedna od njih dešava pre druge radnje,prva će biti u pluskvamperfektu (The Past Perfect Tense), dok će druga biti u prostomprošlom vremenu (The Past Simple Tense), kao što se može videti u primerima iznad.

Note (primetiti):

If we are talking about some general truths, natural laws or somecommon situations and actions, the verb in the subordinate clause stays in thepresent tense regardless of the fact that the main verb is still in the past tense:

Ukoliko govorimo o nekim opštim istinama, zakonima prirode ili nekimuobičajenim situacijama i radnjama, glagol u zavisnoj rečenici ostaje u sadašnjemvremenu, bez obzira na činjenicu da je glagol u glavnoj rečenici i dalje u prošlomvremenu:

The teacher explained the students that an hour consists of sixty minutes.

I told my little brother that the earth goes around the sun.

Susan informed her future employer that she speaks four languages.

If the main verb is in the past tense, and the verb in the subordinateclause expresses a future activity, the subordinate verb will appear in the“future in the past“ form, which means that will transforms into would, is/aregoing to into was/were going to, while is/are doing transforms into was/weredoing:

Ukoliko je glavni glagol u prošlom vremenu, a glagol u zavisnoj rečeniciizražava buduću radnju, zavisni glagol će se pojaviti u obliku “budućnost u prošlosti“,što znači da se will pretvara u would, is/are going to u was/were going to, dok seis/are doing pretvara u was/were doing:

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I said I would do that! Don’t touch it!

Jacob mentioned that he and his family were going to move to Italy.

Simon mentioned they were visiting their old friends that evening.

More about the sequence of tenses and transformation of verbs,pronouns and time determiners will be said in the next chapter on ReportedSpeech.

Više reči o slaganju vremena i transformaciji glagola, zamenica i vremenskihodrednica biće u narednom poglavlju pod nazivom Indirektni govor.

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I Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to thesequence of tenses:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na engleski jezik vodeći računa o slaganjuvremena:

1. Učiteljica je objasnila đacima da je 2 plus 2 jednako 4.

2. Meri je pomenula da će doći na žurku.

3. Rekao je da se ne oseća dobro.

4. Objasnila mu je da je već završila zadatak.

5. Odgovor na pitanje je bio da se sedmica sastoji od sedam dana.

6. Gordonovi su rekli da izlaze u restoran te večeri.

7. Majk je rekao da neće to učiniti.

8. Fren je objasnila da se njen brat nalazi u inostranstvu službeno.

9. Obećali su da će doći.

10. Kim je rekla da ne zna odgovor na to pitanje.

II Translate the following sentences into Serbian:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na srpski jezik:

1. Peter mentioned that he knew my brother.

2. Did he tell you that they were leaving the country?

3. Helen promised that she would help me with my homework.

4. Jake informed his boss that he had already finished the report.

5. Lilly told us that she was ging to become an architect.

6. Mum said that Jill was in the other room.

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7. The shop assistant said that the table was made of wood.

8. The teacher informed us that the seminar would last for four days.

9. My neighbours told me that they had lived in Belgium before they moved toour country.

10. Ben suddenly said that he would make us something to eat.

III Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets in the appropriatetense according to the sequence of tences:

Dopunite sledeće rečenice glagolima u zagradi u odgovarajućem vremenushodno slaganju vremena:

1. Nathan said that they (live) in Boston.

2. When I met him I (know) he was the one.

3. George mentioned that they (come) to see you tonight.

4. She always knew she (become) an actress some day.

5. They said they (be) all right.

6. He taught me that 6 divided by 2 (be) three.

7. My first teacher taught me that the English alphabet (consist) of 26 letters.

8. He promised he (do) all the work himself.

9. When he arrived the dinner (finished) already.

10. When I met him for the first time he (graduate) already.

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There are two kinds of speech in English: the Direct and Indirect Speech.The Direct Speech represents the actual words of a speaker which are citedunder the quotation marks. The Indirect Speech, on the other hand, representsthe reported or retold words of a speaker which do not have quotation marks.For example:

Postoje dve vrste govora u engleskom jeziku: direktni (upravni) i indirektni(neupravni) govor. Direktni govor su konkretne reči govornika citirane podnavodnicama. Indirektni govor, sa druge strane, predstavlja izmenjene tj. prepričanereči govornika koje ne stoje pod znacima navoda. Na primer:

Charles said: “My parents live in Liverpool.“ DIRECT SPEECH(DIREKTNI GOVOR)

Charles said that his parents lived in Liverpool. INDIRECT SPEECH(INDIREKTNI GOVOR)

We can transform the Direct Speech into the Indirect Speech in twodifferent ways, according to the reporting verb. If it is in the present tense,present perfect or future tense, the verb in the reported sentence stays in thesame tense. For example:

Možemo pretvoriti direktni govor u indirektni na dva različita načina uzavisnosti od glagola idirektnog govora. Ukoliko je ovaj glagol u sadašnjem vremenu,sadašnjem perfektu ili budućem vremenu, glagol u glavnoj rečenici koju pretvaramou indirektni govor ostaje u istom vremenu. Na primer:

My mum says: “Studying foreign languages is important.“

My mum says that studying foreign languages is important.

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Jackson has said: “I’ll be there on time.“

Jackson has said that he’ll be there on time.

They will say: “We know the answer!“

They will say that they know the answer.

Note (primetiti):

If we are reporting a question i.e. an interrogative sentence, the order ofthe words in the question changes, it becoming a statement:

Ukoliko prebacujemo upitnu rečenicu u idirektni govor, red reči u rečenici semenja tako da ona postaje izjavna rečenica:

He asks: “Where do you live?“

He asks where I live.

She asks: “Who are you talking to?“

She asks who I am talking to.

If the reporting verb is in the past tense, the verb in the reported sentencechanges in the following way according to the rules of the sequence of tenses:

Ako je glagol indirektnog govora u prošlom vremenu, glagol u rečenici koja sepretvara u indirektni govor se menja na sledeći način shodno pravilima slaganjavremena:

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Present Simple becomes (postaje) Past Simple

Present Continuous becomes (postaje) Past Continuous

Present Perfect becomes (postaje) Past Perfect

Present Perfect Continuos becomes (postaje) Past Perfect Continuous

Past Simple becomes (postaje) Past Perfect

Past Continuous becomes (postaje) Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect becomes (postaje) Past Perfect

Past Perfect Continuos becomes (postaje) Past Perfect Continuous

Future Tense (will) becomes (postaje) Future in the Past


Will be doing becomes (postaje) Would be doing

Will have done becomes (postaje) Would have done

Will have been doing becomes (postaje) Would have been doing

Is/Are Going to becomes (postaje) Was/Were Going to

Can becomes (postaje) Could

May becomes (postaje) Might

Must becomes (postaje) Had to (must)

Mustn’t becomes (postaje) Mustn’t

Ought to becomes (postaje) Ought to

Shall becomes (postaje) Should

Note (primetiti):

As you can see above, some modal verbs change in the Reported Speech,while the others stay the same.

Kao što možete primetiti u primerima iznad, neki modalni glagoli se menjaju uindirektnom govoru, dok drugi ostaju nepromenjeni.

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These grammatical changes are not the only ones happening when usingReported Speech. There are also certain changes regarding the personalpronouns, demonstrative pronouns, possessive adjectives, possessive pronounsand references to time. For example:

Ove gramatičke promene nisu jedine promene koje se javljaju kada koristimoindirektni govor. Javljaju se i određene promene što se tiče ličnih zamenica, pokaznihzamenica, prisvojnih prideva, prisvojnih zamenica i vremenskih odrednica. Na primer:

I becomes (postaje) he/she

you (singular) becomes (postaje) I or he/she

we becomes (postaje) they

you (plural) becomes (postaje) we or they

this becomes (postaje) that

these becomes (postaje) those

now becomes (postaje) then

today becomes (postaje) that day

yesterday becomes (postaje) the day before

(the previous day)

last night/ becomes (postaje) the previous night/

week/year etc. week/year etc.

tomorrow becomes (postaje) the next day

(the following day)

tonight becomes (postaje) that night

(that evening)

ago becomes (postaje) before

next week becomes (postaje) the following week

(the next week)

next year becomes (postaje) the following year

(the next year)

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Here are some examples of Reported Speech, when reporting statements,and the reported verb is in the past:

Evo nekoliko primera indirektnog govora, kada prebacujemo izjavne rešenice uindirektni govor, a glagol indirektnog govora je u prošlom vremenu:

Paul remarked: “These cakes are too hard!“

Paul remarked that those cakes were too hard.

Sally promised: “I will do that!“

Sally promised that she would do that.

Richard announced: “I’m getting married next month.“

Richard announced that he was getting married the following month.

Paige said: “I have finished preparing the dinner for my guests.“

Paige said that she had finished preparing the dinner for her guests.

Zoe exclaimed: “I saw him outside the building yesterday.“

Zoe exclaimed that she had seen him outside the building the daybefore.

It can be noticed here that the reporting verb can vary. Apart from sayand tell, which are most commonly used, we also use: think, notice, promise,mention, agree, exclaim, announce, remark, reply, add, declare, complain,deny, answer, etc.

Ovde možemo primetiti da glagol indirektnog govora može varirati. Pored say itell, koji se najčešće upotrebljavaju, takođe koristimo: think, notice, promise,mention, agree, exclaim, announce, remark, reply, add, declare, complain, deny,answer, itd.

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Note (primetiti):

The word that which follows the reporting verb can be omitted after telland say without any change of meaning. The usage is strictly subjective anddepends on the style of the speaker only. However, it is not usual to omit itafter the other reporting verbs.

Reč that koja prati glagol indirektnog govora može biti izostvaljena nakon tell isay bez ikakve promene u značenju. Upotreba je strogo subjektivna i zavisi samo odstila govornika. Ipak, nije uobičajeno izosaviti that nakon drugih glagola indirektnoggovora.

Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

When using the most common reporting verbs say and tell, we shouldpay attention to the fact that say is used independently while tell has to befollowed by an object. For example:

Kada koristimo najčešće glagole indirektnog govora say i tell, treba obratitipažnju na činjenicu da say stoji samostalno, dok tell mora pratiti objekat. Na primer:

“I’m feeling dizzy these days“ Sally said.

Sally said that she was feeling dizzy those days.

Sally told me that she was feeling dizzy those days.

Note (primetiti):

When we are reporting statements, it is not always the case that the verbsin the reported clause or adverbials for time and place change according to theabove mentioned rules. For example, if we are at the place mentioned in thereported sentence, or a person being talked about is in front of us, theadverbials for time and place do not change:

Kada prebacujemo izjavne rečenice u indirektni govor, nije uvek slučaj da se urečenici koju transformišemo glagoli i vremenske i prostorne odrednice menjajuprema gore navedenim pravilima. Na primer, ako se nalazimo na mestu koje sepominje u rečenici koju transformišemo, ili se osoba o kojoj je reč nalazi ispred nas,odrednice za vreme i mesto se ne menjaju:

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Ann said: “This house was built by my grandparents.“

Ann said that this house had been built by her grandparents.

Tom said: “I graduated here!“

Tom said that he had fraduated here.

Also, when we are stating some common truths, natural laws or well-known facts, the verb in the reported clause does not change:

Takođe, kada izražavamo neke opšte istine, prirodne zakone ili dobro poznatečinjenice, glagol u rečenici koju prebacujemo u indirektni govor se ne menja:

My son said: “The earth goes around the sun.“

My son said that the earth goes around the sun.

The teacher said: “Manchester is located in England.“

The teacher said that Manchester is located in England.


When questions are reported in English, the reporting verb changes, soinstead of say and tell, other verbs like ask, inquire, wonder, want to knowetc. are used. What is also relevant is that the word order in the reportedsentence changes, so the question is transformed into a positive sentence i.e. astatement. And all the other rules about transformation of the direct intoindirect speech concerning verb change and changes of adverbials for time andplace are respected here as well.

Kada u engleskom jeziku prebacujemo pitanja iz direktnog u indirektni govor,glagol indirektnog govora se menja, pa umesto say i tell koriste se drugi glagoli kao

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što su: ask, inquire, wonder, want to know itd. Ono što je još važno je činjenica de sered reči u rečenici koja se prebacuje iz direktnog u indirektni govor menja, pa sepitanje transformiše u izjavnu rečenicu. A sva ostala pravila koja se tičutransformisanja direktnog u indirektni govor, a tiču se promene glagola i odrednica zavreme i mesto, se takođe poštuju.

If a question starts with a question word, it is repeated after the reportingverb and followed by the tranfsormed question into a statement. For example:

Ukoliko pitanje počinje upitnom rečcom, ona se ponavlja posle glagolaindirektnog govora, a zatim sledi pitanje koje je transformisano u izjavnu rečenicu štose tiče reda reči. Na primer:

“Where do you live?“ he asked me.

He asked me where I lived.

“How are you?“ Luke asked his friend.

Luke asked his friend how he was.

“When are you leaving for New York?“ my neighbour wanted to know.

My neighbour wanted to know when I was leaving fro New York.“

“Which one will you choose?“ George wondered.

George wondered which one I would choose.

“What have you made for dinner?“ her boyfriend asked.

Her boyfriend asked what she had made for dinner.

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However, if the question does not start with a question word, we use if orwhether to connect the reporting verb with the reported question:

Međutim, ako pitanje ne počinje upitnom rečcom, koristimo if ili whether kakobismo povezali glagol indirektnog govora sa rečenicom koju prebacujemo u indirektnigovor:

“Are you going with me?“ Sam wanted to know.

Sam wanted to know if (whether) I was going with him.

“Will you be staying at the Four Seasons?“ the colleague inquired.

The colleague inquired whether she would be staying at the FourSeasons.

“Have you finished the report?“ the boss asked him.

The boss asked him if he had finished the report.

“Were you travelling for long?“ the host wanted to know.

The host wanted to know whether I had been travelling for long.

“Are you really going to move to Africa?“ Jenny asked her friend.

Jenny asked her friend if she was really going to move to Africa.

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When transforming commands in English from the Direct to IndirectSpeech, the reporting verbs are usually: tell, ask, command, order, want,advise, warn, beg etc. followed by the indirect object and infinitive.

Kada transforišemo zapovedni način u engleskom jeziku iz direktnog uindirektni govor, glagoli indirektnog govora su obično: tell, ask, command, order,want, advise, warn, beg itd. koje prati indirektni objekat i infinitiv.

For example (na primer):

“Go to your room!“, a mother ordered her son.

A mother ordered her child to go to his room.

“Close the window, please.“

She asked me to close the window.

“Concentrate on your own work.“

The teacher advised us to concetrate on our own work.

“Be at the office first thing in the morning.“

The boss wanted me to be in the office first thing in the morning.

“Help me with this equation, please.“

A student asked the teacher to help her with the equation.

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Pay attention (obratiti pažnju)!

If the command is a negative sentence, the rules applied are the sameexcept for the fact that the negative imperative is used, i.e. the particle not isput in front of the infinitive. For instance:

Ukoliko je zapovedni način odrična rečenica, primenjuju se ista pravila osimčinjenice da se koristi odrični infinitiv, tj. rečca not se stavlja ispred infinitiva. Naprimer:

“Don’t touch that!“

The mother warned her child not to touch that.

“Don’t be late for the class.“

The teacher advised students not to be late for the class.

“Don’t shut the window. It’s too hot in here.“

Mollie asked me not to shut the window since it was too hot in there.

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I Put the following statements into the Indirect Speech:

Prebacite sledeće izjavne rečenice u indirektni govor:

1. “I live in Los Angeles.“ Jennifer said.

2. “My best friend works as a doctor.“ she commented.

3. “The children are playing in the other room.“ the mother said.

4. “We are thinking of moving to a bigger city.“ Dan mentioned.

5. “I will be there at 5 o’clock.“ Susan agreed.

6. “I’m going to write a new novel.“ the writer announced.

7. “We have finished our homework.“ the children exclaimed.

8. “I saw a fantastic film last night.“ Nigel mentioned.

9. “We’ll be having dinner at 9 p.m. tomorrow.“ my colleague said.

10. “I would like to visit Egypt.“ Mary remarked.

11. “I’m getting married next month.“ my cousin announced.

12. “I was cleaning the house all day yesterday.“ my mum complained.

13. “I have been scheduling meetings all morning“ the secretary remarked.

14. “I did my best.“ the doctor announced.

15. “Richard has washed the car.“ Mellory said.

16. “I haven’t finished the task yet!“ Ann screamed.

17. “I’m not sure about the number of participants in the seminar.“ themanager replied.

18. “Sally is not going to study architecture after all.“ Mike said.

19. “My parents have left for England this morning.“ Peter commented.

20. “Jack didn’t make it on time last night.“ Eve said.

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II Put the following questions into the Indirect Speech:

Prebacite sledeće upitne rečenice u indirektni govor:

1. “Where do you live?“ the interviewer asked.

2. “How old are you?" the teacher inquired.

3. “Where are you going now?“ my mum wanted to know.

4. “How far is the center of the town from your house?“ my colleaguewondered.

5. “When are you leaving for Scotland?“ my friend asked.

6. “Where have you been?“ Sam asked his son.

7. “Why haven’t you told me the truth?“ Lilly asked her boyfriend.

8. “How tall is this building?“ he wondered.

9. “How many people came to your party last night?“ my neighbour wanted toknow.

10. “Have you finished yet, Zack?“ she asked.

11. “What will you be doing at 8 a.m. tomorrow?“ he inquired.

12. “How did he get hurt?“ the officer wanted to know.

13. “Who told you such a lie?“ his friend asked.

14. “Who were you talking to?“ her boyfriend wondered.

15. “How long will it take?“ the customer inquired.

16. “Are you talking to me?“ the waitress asked.

17. “Do you work in this company?“ the girl asked.

18. “Are you coming to the party tomorrow night?“ my friend wanted to know.

19. “Will you be visiting all your friends while in Belgrade?“ my dad asked.

20. “Is he going to become an engineer?“ Gillian wondered.

21. “Have you graduated yet?“ an old friend asked.

22. “Did you paint the wall last night?“ Chris asked his colleague.

23. “Are you telling me the truth?“ the mother asked her son.

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24. “Do you recognise him?“ she wondered.

25. “Has he repaired the radio?“ the neighbour asked.

III Put the following commands into the Indirect Speech:

Prebacite sledeće zapovedne rečenice u indirektni govor:

1. “Pay attention to what I’m saying!“ the teacher ordered.

2. “Don’t touch the electricity!“ his father warned.

3. “Have a seat, please.“ the host offered.

4. “Bring an umbrella with you.“ her sister advised.

5. “Don’t travel by that plane.“ Helen advised.

6. “Don’t forget to iron the clothes.“ her sister said.

7. “Don’t run that fast!“ his mum warned him.

8. “Take the second turning on the left.“ the officer said.

9. “Don’t drive so fast, please!“ her brother begged.

10. “Take these sweaters to the dry cleaner’s.“ my sister asked.

11. “Read these lines for me, please.“ the teacher asked.

12. “Leave the classroom now!“ the teacher commanded.

13. “Make me a nice cup of tea.“ my grandma wanted.

14. “Don’t yell at me!“ her friend ordered.

15. “Don’t go to that awful restaurant again!“ a friend warned him.

16. “Sign in here.“ I was asked.

17. “Don’t park there!“ they were warned.

18. “Come to my birthday party on Saturday.“ he asked her.

19. “Rewrite this report!“ she was ordered.

20. “Stay with us during the holidays.“ William was offered.

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IV Put these indirect sentences into the Direct Speech:

Prebacite ove indirektne rečenice u direktni govor:

1. I was told to finish the report by Monday morning.

2. They said that they lived in Hungary.

3. George mentioned that he had lived in Germany for fifteen years.

4. He was warned not to cross the street that fast.

5. Samuel said that he would take the guests to a restaurant.

6. He mentioned that he was playing tennis with his friends that night.

7. Wendy commented that the story couldn’t be true.

8. The boss thought that they had done a good job.

9. She said that she had been washing the clothes the previous day.

10. Jack was told that his mum knew all about his new girlfriend.

11. The students were ordered to listen more carefully.

12. She mentioned that they were having dinner in a restaurant with theirfriends.

13. She wanted to know where he was from.

14. My neighbour wondered how long it had taken me to organise thecelebration.

15. He wanted to know if I was travelling with them the next day.

16. Richard thought that everything would be all right.

17. The teacher wondered if anyone knew the answer to the question.

18. The man inquired how old my friend was.

19. A friend of mine wanted to know whether my brother was married.

20. I was ordered to stop the car and open the window.

21. We were asked to help with the preparation for the surprise party for ourboss.

22. He commented that he knew the person in the photo.

23. Nathan said that he had already graduated.

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24. Dan commented that he hadn’t seen me for years.

25. He wanted to know how long I was staying in London.

26. Their cousin asked me how many children I had.

27. Evelin wondered if the man was addressing her.

28. The teacher wanted to know what the pupil was going to be when he grewup.

29. Valory remarked that she had come to work first.

30. Adam said that he had been studying all morning but still hadn’tmemorised the poem by heart.

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There are three types of conditional sentences: The First Conditional(Conditional Sentences Type 1), The Second Conditional (ConditionalSentences Type 2) and The Third Conditional (Conditional Sentences Type 3)according to the time of happening of the action and its probability.

Postoje tri tipa uslovnih rečenica: prvi kondicional (uslovne rečenice tip 1),drugi kondicional (uslovne rečenice tip 2) i treći kondicional (uslovne rečenice tip 3)u zavisnosti od vremena dešavanja radnje i njene verovatnoće.


The First Conditional is also referred to as REAL PRESENT. If thecondition of the first clause (the if-clause) is fulfilled, the action of the secondclause will realistically happen. It refers to the present and future. The verb inthe if-clause is in the Present Tense, while the main clause is put into theFuture Tense.

Prvi kondicional se takođe pominje i kao REALNI PREZENT. Ukoliko seispuni uslov prve rečenice (if-rečenice), radnja druge rečenice će se realno dogoditi.Odnosi se na sadašnjost i budućnost. Glagol u if-rečenici je u sadašnjem vremenu, dokje glavna rečenica stavljena u buduće vreme.


For example (na primer):

If I have some spare time, I will go to visit my grandmother thisafternoon.

If my husband and I earn enough money, we will buy a new car.

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If I see him at school, I’ll tell him to bring you the book you mentioned.

If they invite me to join them for the picnic, I’ll accept.

If Patrick doesn’t appear at work tomorrow morning, he will be fired.

If Samuel does such a thing again, I won’t talk to him again! Ever!

The if-clause and the main clause can change places. It doesn’t matterwhich one comes first. The meaning stays the same:

If-rečenica i glavna rečenica mogu zameniti mesta. Nije bitno koja stoji prva.Značenje se ne menja:

We will travel abroad if we succeed to save enough money for the trip.

They will help you if you ask them to.

I will prepare the dinner before the guests come if I hurry.

If not can be replaced by unless with the same meaning:

If not se može zameniti sa unless u istom značenju:

Unless you finish your part of the job, I’ll get really angry! (or: If youdon’t finish . . .)

Unless they win this time, I will never come to see them play again! (or:If you don’t win..)

Unless you do your homework this time, I’m afraid I’ll have to give youan F. (or: If you don’t do . . .)

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The Second Conditional can also be called IMAGINARY PRESENT orUNREAL PRESENT. The verb in the if-clause is in the Past Tense while themain clause is in the Conditional Tense (would + bare infinitive). Thisconditional also refers to the present and future as the First Conditional, but thedifference is that this time the action is unreal or improbable.

Drugi kondicional se takođe može nazvati i ZAMIŠLJENI PREZENT iliNEREALNI PRESENT. Glagol u if-rečenici je u prošlom vremenu, dok je glavnarečenica u potencijalu (would + krnji infinitiv). Ovaj kondicional se takođe odnosi nasadašnjost i budućnost kao i prvi kondicional, ali razlika je u tome što je ovog putaradnja nerealna ili neverovatna.


For example (na primer):

If I lived closer to you, I would visit you more often. (But I don’t liveclose to you.) (Ali ne živim blizu tebe.)

If we were younger, we would travel more. (But we aren’t younger.)(Ali nismo mlađi)

If he had a better job, he would be happier. (But he doesn’t have a betterjob.) (Ali nema bolji posao.)

If we didn’t live in such a small town, we would have moreopportunities. (But we live in a small town.) (Ali živimo u malom gradu.)

If they weren’t such nice people, we wouldn’t spend so much time withthem. (But they are nice people.) (Ali oni su fini ljudi.)

Once again, it doesn’t matter whether the if-clause comes first or themain clause:

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Da pomenemo još jedanput da je nebitno da li prvo stoji if-rečenica ili glavnarečenica:

I would help him if he asked me to.

We would come to her birthday party if she invited us.

I wouldn’t be angry if my brother took my car for a ride.

Note (primetiti):

If we are using the verb TO BE in the if-clause, we use were for eachperson, although was is possible for the 1. and 3. person singular in colloquialEnglish:

Ukoliko koristimo glagol TO BE u if-rečenici, koristićemo oblik were za svalica, iako je was moguće koristiti za prvo i treće lice jednine u razgovornom jeziku:

If I were you, I would accept the offer.

If he were more careful, he wouldn’t be making mistakes all the time.

Jillian would ask you for a favour if she weren’t so shy.

If I were younger, I would go to college.

I would pay more attention if I were you.

What would you do if you were me?


This conditioal is sometimes called IMAGINARY PAST or UNREALPAST. The verb in the if-clause is in the Past Perfect Tense, while the mainclause is in the Perfect Conditional (would have + past participle). The ThirdConditional refers to the past and the action is unreal. The condition cannot befulfilled, i.e. the action of the main clause cannot happen, because the action inthe if-clause hasn’t occurred.

Ovaj kondicional se ponekad naziva i ZAMIŠLJENA PROŠLOST ILINEREALNA PROŠLOST. Glagol u if-rečenici je u pluskvamperfektu, dok je glavna

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rečenica u prošlom potencijalu. Treći kondicional se odnosi na prošlost i radnja jenerealna. Uslov ne može biti ispunjen, tj. radnja glavne rečenice se ne može dogoditi,jer se radnja if-rečenice nije desila.


For example (na primer):

If I had known the truth, I woudn’t have reacted in such a way. (But Ididn’t know the truth, so I reacted in such a way.) (Ali nisam znao istinu, pa samtako reagovao.)

If we hadn’t made a mistake, we wouldn’t have been punished. (But wemade a mistake and we were punished.) (Ali napravili smo grešku i bili smokažnjeni.)

If they had arrived on time, they would’t have missed the opening of theshow. (But they didn’t arrive on time and they missed it.) (Ali nisu stigli navreme i propustili su ga.)

If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam. (But he didn’tstudy harder and he didn’t pass the exam.) (Ali nije učio marljivije i nije položioispit.)

The order of the clauses in the sentence can be reverse here as well:

Red klauza u rečenici i ovde može biti obrnut:

I would have come to the party if he had invited me.

They would have painted the other wall if you had asked them to.

The cake would have been more delicious if she had put some cream onthe top.

I wouldn’t have spoken so loudly if I had known he could hear me well.

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This type of conditional sentences is a combination of the SecondConditional and the Third Conditional. There are two possible combinations.The first one is used when the action that has happened in the past has a strongimpact or consequence in the present, or if some action didn’t happen in thepast and this fact of its not happening has a strong impact or consequence inthe present. The verb in the if-clause is in the Past Perfect Tense while themain clause is in the Conditional Tense (would + bare infinitive).

Ovaj tip uslovnih rečenica je kombinacija drugog i trećeg kondicionala. Postojedve moguće kombinacije. Prva se koristi kada radnja koja se desila u prošlosti ima jakuticaj na sadašnjost ili posledice u sadašnjosti, ili ako se neka radnja nije dogodila uprošlosti i činjenica da se ona nije dogodila ima jak uticaj na sadašnjost ili izazivaposledice u sadašnjosti. Glagol u if-rečenici je u pluskvamperfektu, dok je glavnarečenica u potencijalu (would + krnji infinitiv).


For example (na primer):

If he had graduated at university, he would have better chances for a jobnow.

If I had started earlier, I wouldn’t be late now.

If they hadn’t behaved in such a rude manner, they wouldn’t have toapologise now.

I wouldn’t be here with you today if I hadn’t survived the accident.

They would be better children if their parents had been srticter.

The other combination of the Mixed Conditional Sentences is when theverb in the if-clause is put into the Past Tense, while the main clause is put intothe Perfect Conditional (would have + past participle).

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Druga kombinacija mešovitog kondicionala nastaje kada je glagol u if-rečeniciu prošlom vremenu, dok je glavna rečenica u prošlom potencijalu (would have +prošli particip).


For example (na primer):

If Brian weren’t so lazy, he would have finished his homework earlier.

If Dan were more compassionate a person, he wouldn’t have told such athing to the poor lady.

She wouldn’t have made such a big mistake if she were more careful ingeneral.

You could notice in the above examples that the rule concerning theorder of the clauses in the sentence is applied in the mixed type as well. Eitherof the clauses can come first or second without any change of meaning.

Možete primetiti u primerima iznad da se pravilo o redosledu klauza u rečeniciprimenjuje i kod mešovitog tipa. Svejedno je koja klauza će doći prva, a koja druga,bez promene značenja.

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I Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of theverbs in brackets to form the First Conditional sentences:

Dopunite sledeće rečenice odgovarajućim obikom glagola u zagradi da bisteformirali rečenice u prvom kondicionalu):

1. If we ____________________ (start) immediately, we won’t be late.

2. The colour will be much nicer if you ____________________ (put) somemore red in it.

3. If Hanna ____________________ (not/finish) the article on time, she won’tget a raise.

4. They will travel to Bahamas if they ____________________ (save) enoughmoney for their holiday.

5. If she __________________ (wake up) at 6 a.m., she’ll catch the train.

6. You ____________________ (see) that the house is very ruined if you lookclose enough.

7. If George comes home on time, he _________________ (find) a completemess in his room.

8.You ____________________ (not/be) a good student if you don’t study hardenough.

9. If you ask your mum, she ____________________ (make) you yourfavourite meal.

10. I ____________________ (iron) all the clothes if she washes them.

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II Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of theverbs in brackets to form the Second Conditional sentences:

Dopunite sledeće rečenice odgovarajućim obikom glagola u zagradi da bisteformirali rečenice u drugom kondicionalu):

1. If I ____________________ (be) you, I would be more careful withelectricity.

2. She would be much happier if she ____________________ (not/live) insuch a small flat.

3. They would move away if they ____________________ (have) anyopportunity.

4. If you ____________________ (speak) slower, I would understand youbetter.

5. We would buy a new house if we ____________________ (can) afford it.

6. If I had more time, I ____________________ (attend) Spanish classes.

7. They _________________ (be) your guests during the summer holidays ifyou invited them.

8. If I were taller, I ____________________ (go) in for basketball.

9. Her daughter ____________________ (not/be) so naughty if she were muchstricter.

10. If he didn’t have any brothers or sisters, he ____________________ (be)unhappy.

III Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of theverbs in brackets to form the Third Conditional sentences:

Dopunite sledeće rečenice odgovarajućim obikom glagola u zagradi dabiste formirali rečenice u trećem kondicionalu:

1. If he ____________________ (not/insult) me, I wouldn’t have reacted soemotionally.

2. If I had known how hard his situation was, I ____________________(not/talk) about our trip to Egypt.

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3. If we ____________________ (finish) the task as planned, we would havebeen rewarded.

4. I would have prepared something else if I ____________________ (know)that he was a vegetarian.

5. Michael ____________________ (not/hurry) that much if he had knownthat the match had been delayed.

6. Zack wouldn’t have been so sleepy today if he ____________________(sleep) better last night.

7. If we hadn’t forgotten to buy eggs, I ____________________ (make) ussome pancakes.

8. People in the street wouldn’t have been so astonished if she____________________ (not/appear) with green hair.

9. If Kim ____________________ (try) harder, she would have entereduniversity.

10. I would have made dinner much earlier if I ____________________ (have)all the ingredients.

IV Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of theverbs in brackets to form Conditional Sentences (Myxed Type):

Dopunite sledeće rečenice odgovarajućim obikom glagola u zagradi da bisteformirali rečenice u mešovitom kondicionalu:

1. If I had passed all the exams in the previous semester, I____________________ (not/have to) study now.

2. If they ____________________ (discuss) their problems earlier, theywouldn’t be divorced now.

3. I wouldn’t be so tired if I ____________________ (not/spend) all the nightawake.

4. If they ____________________ (plan) their holiday earlier, they wouldn’thave a problem now.

5. You wouldn’t be so confused if you ____________________ (read) thebook I’m talking about.

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6. If Dana hadn’t broken her mum’s favourite vase, she____________________ (not/be) so afraid now.

7. They would still be living in the street if Karen ____________________(not/help) them.

8. If I ____________________ (not/lose) my car keys, I would be able to openthe car now.

9. I wouldn’t be so exhausted if I ____________________ (not/clean) all themess the children had made.

10. If we had posted the letter on time, ____________________ it (be) in theirhands now.

V Translate the following sentences into English paying attention to thefact which conditional should be used:

Prevedite sledeće rečenice na engleski jezik vodeći računa o tome kojikondicional treba upotrebiti):

1. Ukoliko ustaneš dovoljno rano, uhvatićeš prvi let za Los Anđeles.

2. Ako obrišeš ekran televizora, slika će biti jasnija.

3. Ako ga pitaš, sigurna sam da će ti pozajmiti kola za sutrašnje putovanje.

4. Ako sretneš Meri na poslu, kaži joj da mi se javi.

5. Završićeš čišćenje ranije ako koristiš ovaj veliki sunđer.

6. Da sam na tvom mestu, dobro bih razmislio o svemu.

7. Kada bi se više potrudio, siguran sam da bi rešio zagonetku.

8. Kada bi jela manje slatkiša, izgubila bi na težini.

9. Bila bih zadovoljnija kada bih umela da koristim komplikovanijekompjuterske programe.

10. Bio bi uspešniji da si malo optimističniji.

11. Da si bio malo pažljiviji, ne bi pokvario računar.

12. Da nisi bila onako gruba prema njoj, ona se ne bi naljutila.

13. Ne bih pao na ispitu da sam uspeo da završim sve zadatke.

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14. Drugačije bih postupila da sam znala da gaji osećanja prema meni.

15. Da si se pripremila za čas, ne bi ispala smešna pred ostalima.

16. Da si ostao na selu, ne bi bio uspešni inženjer.

17. Da je nisi uvredila, još uvek biste bile dobre prijateljice.

18. Da se udala za Marka, Džejn bi sada živela u Londonu.

19. Da nisi bio nepažljiv i uganuo članak, sada ne bi bio u bolnici.

20. Da je stekao neko više obrazovanje, ne bi čistio ulice.

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In order to state the rules for using Question Tags, let’s first go throughshort answers.

Da bismo utvrdili pravila za korišćenje „Zar ne?“ pitanja, prvo ćemo proćikratke odgovore.

For example (na primer):

John is seven years old.

Is John seven years old?

Yes, he is. or No, he isn’t.

“Yes, he is.“ and “No, he isn’t.“ are short answers. The full answerwould be:

“Yes, he is seven years old.“ or “No, he isn’t seven years old.“

“Yes, he is.“ i “No, he isn’t.“ su kratki odgovori. Pun odgovor bi bio:

“Yes, he is seven years old.“ ili “No, he isn’t seven years old.“

Here are some more examples of short answers:

Evo još nekoliko primera kratkih odgovora:

Charles Dickens has written a lot of novels.

Has he written many novels?

Yes, he has. or No, he hasn’t. (No, he has not.)

I met Nathan at the party last night.

Did you meet him at the party?

Yes, I did. or No, I didn’t. (No, I did not.)

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We’ll meet her at the airport.

Will you meet her at the airport?

Yes, we will. or No, we won’t. (No, we will not.)

You can notice here that in the positive answer the full form od the verbis used, while in the negative form it is more natural to use the contracted formalthough the full form is possible. However, in the positive answer only the fullform can be used, not the contracted one.

Možete primetiti da se u potvrdnom odgovoru koristi pun oblik glagola, dok jeu odričnom mnogo prirodnije koristiti skraćeni oblik, iako je moguće koristiti i punioblik. Međutim kod potvrdnog odgovora to nije slučaj i može se koristiti samo punioblik, ali ne i skraćeni.

What is important to memorise is the fact that in English short orcontracted forms are widely used and are preferred and considered morenatural in spoken English. However, if we consider formal correspondence, thefull forms are obligatory.

Važno je upamtiti činjenicu da su u engleskom jeziku kratke i skraćene forme uširokoj upotrebi i da zvuče mnogo prirodnije u razgovornom jeziku pa ih je zbog togabolje koristiti. Ipak, ukoliko se radi o formalnoj korespondenciji, pune forme suobavezne.

Let’s compare a formal and an informal sentence:

Uporedimo formalnu i neformalnu rečenicu:

We are glad to inform you that we will be present at your conference onFriday. We will be arriving by our own car, so there is no need for you to meetus at the airport. FORMAL

I’m happy to tell you that we’ll be at the party as well. We’re coming bybus, but we’ll catch a cab at the station, so you don’t have to meet us there.INFORMAL

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Question Tags are short questions occurring at the end of a sentence.They are more like a statement or a conclusion than a real question, since thespeaker is almost sure that what they are saying is true and the question ispurely rhetorical.

„Zar ne?“ pitanja su kratka pitanja koja se javljaju na kraju rečenice. Ona suviše u formi konstatacije ili zaključka nego stvarnog pitanja, jer je govornik gotovosiguran da je ono što govori istina i pitanje je čisto retoričke prirode.

Question Tags are formed by placing a short question at the end of asentence. If a sentence is a statement, the question tag is in the interrogativenegative form, while if the sentence is a negative statement, the question tag isin the interrogative form. The question tag is in the same tense as the statementand it is separated from the statement by a comma.

„Zar ne?“ pitanja se formiraju tako što se postavi kratko pitanje na krajurečenice. Ukoliko je rečenica potvrdna, „zar ne?“ pitanje će biti u upitno-odričnomobliku, dok u slučaju odrične rečenice „zar ne?“ pitanje ima upitni oblik. „Zar ne?“pitanje je u istom vremenu kao i rečenica i od iste se odvaja zarezom.

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For example (na primer):


You’re a student, aren’t you?

He isn’t a doctor, is he?

You live in the same building as Sam, don’t you?

Lorry can’t drive, can she?

You don’t like me, do you?


You’re reading a magazine, aren’t you?

He’s washing his car, isn’t he?

They aren’t doing their homework, are they?


You broke the vase, didn’t you?

He didn’t tell you, did he?

Sally moved away, didn’t she?


You weren’t listening to what I was saying, were you?

They were studying all morning, weren’t they?

Ann was ironing all night, wasn’t she?


You two have already met, haven’t you?

You haven’t painted the wall, have you?

Jeff has won the race, hasn’t he?

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He has been drawing a picture for hours, hasn’t he?

They’ve been working on the plan since this morning, haven’t they?

She hasn’t been swimming for four hours, has she?


You hadn’t written the letter before I reminded you to, had you?

She had met him years before the event, hadn’t she?

They hadn’t bought all you needed for the dinner, had they?


Quentin had been sleeping when you entered the room, hadn’t he?

You’d been driving for hours before you stopped at the station, hadn’tyou?

You hadn’t been sleeping well before you solved the problem with Mike,had you?


You won’t come to the celebration, will you?

They will be there at 5 o’click, won’t they?

Jenny will clean up, won’t she?


The Richardsons will be throwing a welcoming party for our newneighbours, won’t they?

You won’t be sleeping at 10 a.m. tomorrow morning, will you?

Susan will be having dinner with you tomorrow night, won’t she?

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They will have arrived by 8 p.m., won’t they?

You will have read the book by Tuesday, won’t you?

Lenny won’t have finished the experiment on time, will he?


They won’t have been playing cards till night, will they?

Mark will have been going to this school for three years next week,won’t he?

You won’t have been lying there doing nothing till tomorrow, will you?


Michael is going to buy a new bicycle, isn’t he?

Jully isn’t going to study medicine, is she?

You’re going to quit your job, aren’ you?

Note (primetiti):

With imperative sentences and suggestions we use will and shall inQuestion Tags:

Uz rečenice u imperativu i predloge koristimo will i shall u „Zar ne?“pitanjima:

Let’s go to a concert tonight, shall we?

Open the window please, will you?

Let’s repeat all this, shall we?

Move that chair for me, will you?

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I Complete the following sentences with an appropriate question tag:

Dovršite sledeće rečenice koristeći odgovarajuće „zar ne?“ pitanje:

1. Jack works as a vet, ____________________?

2. You aren’t listening to me, ____________________?

3. You didn’t hear me, ___________________?

4. He wasn’t cleaning the house all the afternoon, ____________________?

5. They haven’t repaired the car yet, ____________________?

6. You’ve been studying since I left for work, ____________________?

7. They had left home before you arrived, ____________________?

8. They had been preparing for months for the performance,____________________?

9. You’ll meet me at the airport tomorrow, ____________________?

10. You’ll be watching tomorrow’s show, ____________________?

11. Tom and Ben won’t have mended the fence before the dark,____________________?

12. She will have been training tennis for six years next month,____________________?

13. The Gordons aren’t going to sell their house after all,___________________?

14. Danielle has made a decision about her future career,____________________?

15. You’ll be watching me play on Saturday, ____________________?

16. You met your husband when you were kids, ____________________?

17. Let’s learn something new, ____________________?

18. You had met him years before you got married, ____________________?

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19. You aren’t talking about my aunt, ____________________?

20. Hank works for a big company, ____________________?

21. Tod is your best friend, ____________________?

22. Samantha isn’t very clever, ____________________?

23. You’ve been calculating all night, ____________________?

24. You didn’t realise it was him, ____________________?

25. Ann hasn’t met her future in-laws yet, ____________________?

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Relative clauses are used to give additional information about thesubject, the object of the main clause, or about the whole sentence. They areused in connecting otherwise separate sentences which can sound awkwardand cause disconnected speech.

Odnosne rečenice se koriste za davanje dodatnih informacija o subjektu,objektu glavne rečenice ili o celoj rečenici. One se upotrebljavaju u spajanju inačerazdvojenih rečenica koje mogu da zvuče neprikladno i da izazovu nepovezan govor.

For example (na primer):

'I talked to Jeff. He is my sister's husband.' → 'I talked to Jeff who is mysister's husband.'

A relative clause is connected to the main clause by a relative pronoun.Sometimes the relative pronoun can be omitted. Therefore, relative clauses areintroduced by relative pronouns: who, which, whose, whom, that, relativeadverbs: when, where, why, or without a relative pronoun.

Odnosna rečenica se povezuje sa glavnom rečenicom odnosnom zamenicom.Nekada se odnosna zamenica može izostaviti. Dakle, odnosne rečenice se uvodeodnosnim zamenicama: who, which, whose, whom, that, odnosnim prilozima: when,where, why ili bez odnosne zamenice.

Relative pronouns can be either subject pronouns or object pronouns.When the relative pronoun is followed by a verb, than the relative pronoun is asubject pronoun and if it is not followed by a verb, but rather a noun or apronoun, than it is an object pronoun. Object pronouns can be omitted indefining relative clauses.

Odnosne zamenice mogu biti ili subjekatske zamenice ili objekatske zameniceobjekta. Kada se iza odnosne zamenice nalazi glagol, onda je odnosna zamenicasubjekatska zamenica, a ako se ne nalazi glagol iza odnosne zamenice, već imenica ili

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zamenica, onda je to objekatska zamenica. Objekatske zamenice se mogu izostaviti uodređenim odnosnim rečenicama.

For example (na primer):

the cat which is sitting on the doormat → which = a subject pronoun(subjekatska zamenica)

the cat (which) Mary bought at the pet shop → which = an objectpronoun (objekatska zamenica)

Who – is used as a subject pronoun or an object pronoun for people:

Who – se upotrebljava kao subjekatska ili objekatska zamenica za ljude:

This is the man who won the award.

Which – is used as a subject pronoun or an object pronoun for things oranimals:

Which – se upotrebljava kao subjekatska ili objekatska zamenica za stvari iliživotinje:

Can you give me the dress which I lent you last weekend?

Which - is also used to refer to the whole sentence:

Which - se takođe upotrebljava kada se odnosi na celu rečenicu:

He gave me a strange look, which made me upset!

Whose – is used to show possession for people, animals or things:

Whose - se upotrebljava za pripadanje ljudima, životinjima ili stvarima:

I don't know the doctor whose office is located at the corner of thestreet.

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Whom – is used for people:

Whom – se upotrebljava za ljude:

I received a phone call from the employer whom I met last week.

That – can be used as a subject or an object pronoun for people, things oranimals in defining relative clauses. Who/Which can be substituted by that:

That - se može upotrebiti kao subjekatska ili objekatska zamenica za ljude,stvari ili životinje u određenim odnosnim rečenicama. That može zamenitiwho/which:

They wanted to watch the films that I had recommended.

When – is used for time:

When – se upotrebljava za vreme:

That was the day when we met him.

Where – is used for place:

Where – se upotrebljava za mesto:

That's the place where we met.

Why – is used for reason:

Why – se upotrebljava za razlog:

That's the reason why we met him.

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Defining and non-defining relative clauses are also called restrictive ornon-restrictive clauses. In English, restrictiveness is marked either by commasin writing, or by pauses in speech. The restrictiveness brings about a change inmeaning.

Određene i neodređene odnosne rečenice se takođe nazivaju restriktivne inerestriktivne rečenice. U engleskom jeziku se određenost i neodređenost naznačavajuzarezima u pisanju ili pauzama u govoru. Određenost i neodređenost unosi promene uznačenju.

For example (na primer):

Professors, whom students like, have been fired. ( = all professors werefired)

( = svi profesori suotpušteni)

Professors whom students like have been fired. (= only the professorsliked by students were fired) ( = samo profesori koji se studentima dopadaju suotpušteni)

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Defining relative clauses give important information which is used fordefining or identifying the person or thing being talked about. Commas areNOT used for defining relative clauses.

Određene odnosne rečenice daju važne informacije koje se koriste zadefinisanje ili identifikovanje osobe ili stvari o kojoj se govori. Zarezi se NE koriste uodređenim odnosnim rečenicama.

For example (na primer):

The newspaper which you gave me is from yesterday! (the specificnewspaper given to me by you) (određene novine koje si mi ti dao)

The students with whom I was sitting were very hard-working.


Non-defining relative clauses are marked by commas in writing and bypauses in speech. They only give additional information about the person orthing being talked about.

Neodređene odnosne rečenice su označene zarezima u pisanju ili pauzama ugovoru. One samo daju dodatne informacije o osobi ili stvari o kojoj se govori.

For example (na primer):

Those people, who are very nervous, have come to get answers!

This book, which most students will like, is very useful.

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I Fill in the blanks with an appropriate relative pronoun or a relativeadverb (who/whom/whose/which/where/why/when):

Popunite praznine odgovarajućom odnosnom zamenicom ili odnosnimprilogom (who/whom/whose/which/where/why/when):

1. The woman __________ lives next door is very old.

2. You can find the notes in my bag __________ is under the desk.

3. Have you been introduced to the man __________ I met last week.

4. Is Mr Thomas, __________ sister works at our office, going to takecare of the children?

5. They threw me a surprise party, __________ was very nice of them todo.

6. The street __________ they found the missing child is very dangerousat night.

7. This is the reason __________ I decided to cancel the purchased goods.

8. Have you filled in the applications __________ I gave you yesterday?

9. This is the author __________ books I have been reading lately.

10. Those __________ weren’t present for the lecture will have difficultiesunderstanding this.

11. This is the teacher to __________ I gave the assignment.

12. Those __________ believe so are not quite right.

13. The film __________ you took me to was horrible!

14. It was a beautiful day __________ we went on a picnic.

15. The car __________ we had bought turned out to be a disaster!

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II Circle the correct relative pronoun:

Zaokružite tačnu odnosnu zamenicu:

1. I cannot remember the reason why/that the workers refused to go onstrike.

2. Mark, which/whose father is a math professor, is a great mathematician.

3. Do you know the place which/where to look for me if you need me?

4. I remember the days who/when I used to go for long evening walks.

5. This is Jane, whom/when we were introduced to at the last meeting.

6. All the proposals which/who he gave were accepted.

7. They visited many monuments, who/which made their vacation great.

8. The people who/when live there are the natives.

9. Is this the restaurant where/when they serve excellent food?

10. This is the woman which/whose daughter is the best student in class.

III Join the two sentences to make one sentence using relative pronouns:

Povežite dve rečenice upotrebom odnosne zamenice:

1. There's the man. He was charged with first degree murder.


2. That's the house. My grandparents live there.


3. My computer wasn't so expensive. It's an HP.


4. You were watching a play. She wanted to see it.


5. You've met my husband. I've told you so much about him.


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6. What's the name of that businessman? His daughter is a famous model.


7. Mrs Jackson is the new CEO. She is very ambitious and charming.


8. That's a restaurant. We went there after work.


9. The keys seem to be the reason. He broke into his own car.


10. We saw a strange woman there. Her children had mysteriouslydisappeared.


11. That's the exact spot. They left the bags there.


12. He gave me candy. It was very sweet of him.


13. Are you making jokes about that man? The man is my best friend!


14. He gave us advice. The advice was very useful.


15. Don't take that book. The pages in the book are torn.


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eat ate eaten





































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quit quit quit












































































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1. a/an 2. /, / 3. /, /, /, a 4. a, a 5. a, / 6. a, an, a 7. a 8. an, / 9. a, a, a, / 10. a


1. /, /, the 2. /, the 3. /, /, /, the, the 4. the, /, / 5. the, the, the 6. the 7. the, the8. the, the 9. the, the 10. the, the


a, a, a, /, the, the, a, the, /, /, /, a, /, the, the, a, the, the, /, a, the, the, the, the, the,the, /, the, the



flowers, windows, fridges, computers, plates, beds, cities, cliffs, shelves,babies, blankets, scenarios, potatoes, photos, churches, buses, boxes, glasses,boys, prizes


men, children, mice, feet, teeth, oxen, deer, sheep, species, means, data (ordatums), phenomena (or phenomenons), analyses, axes, radii (or radiuses),appendices (or appendixes), formulae (or formulas), seraphim (or seraphs),crises, bureaux (or bureaus)


1. Daisies are flowers. 2. They made different analyses from these ones. 3.Tables are made of wood. 4. Cities are bigger than towns. 5. Schools areplaces where pupils get education. 6. Cats like fish. 7. Those are strangephenomena! 8. Teeth are in your jaws. 9. Teachers teach students. 10. Thereare geese in the pond.

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1. A sandal is a kind of shoe. 2. An earring is a piece of jewellery. 3. A childis sometimes naughty. 4. A deer is a wild animal. 5. A monastery is oftensituated in the countryside. 6. A knife is very sharp. 7. A lorry is bigger thana car. 8. A woman is rarely a bus driver. 9. An Italian likes spaghetti. 10. Asweet is bad for a child’s tooth.


1. I always appreciate good advice. 2. Pyjamas are worn at night. 3. My feetare so tired! 4. Mathematics is a difficult subject. 5. Athletes drink a lot ofwater. 6. The latest news is shocking! 7. I have some interesting informationfor you. 8. They listen to different kinds of music. 9. Policemen are usuallyadored by children. 10. Everyone likes babies.



1. them 2. They 3. them 4. He 5. him 6. her 7. She 8. They


1. Mine 2. hers 3. yours 4. theirs 5. Our 6. their 7. my 8. Her


1. This 2. those 3. that 4. This 5. these 6. Those 7. Those 8. That


1. Which 2. What 3. Whom 4. Who 5. What 6. Which 7. Whose 8. Whom


1. whom 2. who 3. whose 4. which 5. What 6. what 7. that 8. which 9. Who


1. that 2. whose 3. whom 4. that 5. which 6. who 7. whose 8. Who


1. some 2. any 3. some 4. none 5. any 6. some 7. none 8. one 9. any 10. some11. One

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1. every 2. Neither 3. Both 4. Neither 5. every 6. each 7. all 8. either 9. All 10.Every


1. Everybody 2. anybody 3. No one 4. anyone 5. something 6. everything 7.something 8. anything 9. everyone 10. Nothing


1. herself 2. myself 3. himself 4. ourselves 5. themselves 6. myself 7.yourselves 8. itself 9. yourself 10. itself



1. refundable 2. logical 3. rightful 4. musical 5. foolish 6. creative 7. nameless8. friendly 9. dangerous 10. Easy


1. dishonest 2. illegible 3. impossible 4. irresponsible 5. unkind 6. irregular 7.perfect 8. unhappy 9. uninteresting 10. illiterate


1. an old brown suit 2. a fat old lady 3. mother’s new red car 4. a big metal box5. an ugly big white plastic plate 6. my father’s short grey hair 7. her brand-new blue laptop computer 8. a beautiful white silk dress


1. frightened 2. tiring 3. disappointing 4. excited 5. surprised 6. confused 7.interested 8. confusing 9. bored 10. Interesting


1. richer/the richest 2. funny/the funniest 3. taller/the tallest 4. thinner/thethinnest 5. exciting/more exciting 6. more famous/the most famous 7.generous/the most generous 8. happy/happier 9. commoner or morecommon/the commonest or the most common 10. tidier or more tidy/the tidiestor the most tidy 11. good/better 12. older or elder/the oldest or the eldest 13.

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little/the least 14. much or many/more 15. worse/the worst 16. farther orfurther/the farthest or the furthest 17. famous/the most famous 18. simpler ormore simple/the simplest or the most simple


1. better 2. the smartest 3. faster 4. more careful 5. the youngest 6. farther 7.last 8. latter 9. the heaviest 10. the worst


1. This computer is as expensive as a laptop 2. A Mercedes is as fast as aBMW 3. Jane is not as intelligent as Sandra 4. This bag is not as cheap as thatbag 5. Helen is as tall as Jim.



1. any 2. no/some 3. none 4. any/some 5. any/some 6. no/some 7. none8. some 9. any/some 10. some


1. a lot of 2. much 3. many 4. much 5. a lot of 6. many 7. much 8.many/a lot of 9. much 10. Many


1. few 2. little 3. a little 4. a few 5. a few 6. a little 7. little 8. few 9. afew 10. little


1. each 2. every or each 3. all 4. both 5. either 6. neither or all 7. either /both 8. every or each 9. all or both 10. neither



1. extremely 2. quite 3. there 4. sometimes 5. next 6. gently 7. badly 8. well 9.during 10. Surely

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1. easy 2. hardly 3. slow 4. beautifully 5. shortly 6. sad 7. careful 8. good 9.unexpectedly 10. Frequently


1. Jordan can kick a ball better than Mark 2. Mary is the smartest girl in class3. Please dress appropriately for the occasion 4. He hardly ever visits hisparents 5. I haven’t read many interesting books lately.


1. prettily 2. happily 3. calmly 4. badly 5. beautifully 6. entirely 7. normally 8.Frequently


1. better, best 2. less, least 3. more, most 4. more badly, most badly 5. furtheror farther, furthest or farthest



1. thirty-five 2. sixty-seven 3. ninety-eight 4. one hundred and forty-three hundred and thirty-two 6. one thousand and three 7. twenty-threethousand and four hundred 8. three hundred and thirty-three thousand sixhundred 9. one million two hundred and fifty 10. one million eight hundredand seventy thousand 11. thirty-fifth 12. one hundred and twenty-first 13.eighty-second 14. seventy-fourth 15. one thousand and fiftieth



1. at / at 2. at 3. in 4. on 5. on 6. into 7. on / off 8. by 9. by /on 10. across / over 11. over 12. along 13. across 14. through 15.between 16. among 17. in front of 18. behind 19. under 20. below

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21. above 22. over 23. across 24. near (close to) 25. beside (next to)(by)


1. on 2. in 3. in 4. in 5. in / at 6. on 7. in 8. during / in 9.during 10. at 11. in / in 12. at 13. at 14. at 15. in 16. at 18. at 19. during / over 20. for


1. except for (apart from) 2. beside 3. except for (apart from) 4. by 6. with 7. by 8. except for (apart from) 9. with 10. except for(apart from) 11. beside 12. by 13. beside 14. with 15. except




1.a) Michael isn’t pretending to be someone else. b) Is Michael pretending tobe someone else? 2.a) Marcia doesn’t sell many articles during the day. b)Does Marcia sell many articles during the day? 3.a) Students don’t attend allclasses where Mr Jones gives lectures. b) Do students attend all classes whereMr Jones gives lectures? 4.a) They aren’t studying biology at the university. b)Are they studying biology at the university? 5.a) Monkeys don’t like bananas.b) Do monkeys like bananas? 6.a) She isn’t leaving on Wednesday. b) Is sheleaving on Wednesday? 7.a) He isn’t always playing the piano at midnight. b)Is he always playing the piano at midnight? 8.a) The sun isn’t shining. b) Is thesun shining? 9.a) They don’t live in Belgrade. b) Do they live in Belgrade?10.a) Your English class doesn’t begin at 10 a.m. b) Does your English classbegin at 10 a.m.?


1. doesn’t work; is working 2. Do you listen 3. Is she speaking 4. doesn’tremember 5. do they drive 6. Are you laughing; I’m doing 7. don’t know 8. eat9. is she always complaining 10. Am

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1. isn’t watching; 2. speaks 3. is carrying 4. Do they usually have 5. prefer 6. Isshe waiting 7. Is it raining 8. are staying



1. have been trying; have you been talking 2. has been watching 3. hasforgotten 4. has been studying 5. has been driving 6. have never seen 7. havevisited 8. has loved


1. has won 2. has just gone 3. have grown 4. have been 5. have been feeling 6.have been working 7. have known 8. have been running




1. They arrived while I was talking on the phone. 2. John was drinking with hisfriends when he saw Jane. 3. I was reading about the accident when the busarrived. 4. John met Ann yesterday. 5. I didn’t know the answer. 6. They rangthe doorbell. 7. Did you understand what I said/was saying? 8. Were yousleeping when I came?


1. were you doing 2. tried/didn’t know 3. was watching 4. Were you 5.managed to/was trying 6. made or was making 7. wasn’t doing or didn’tdo/was studying 8. Did you see 9. broke/had to 10. Went


1. got up 2. got 3. left 4. went 5. was driving 6. rang 7. found out 8. told 9. was10. was starting 11. was wondering 12. were meeting or met

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1. had recommended 2. had completed 3. had you been doing 4.had beensitting 5. had already gone 6. had been teaching 7. had happened 8. had justfinished 9. had been selling 10. hadn’t talked



1. will go 2. will you please close 3. will be painting 4. will know 5. willbe sunbathing 6. will be doing / will still be working 7. will you come / willstay 8. will have 9. will be working 10. will help


1. will have finished 2. will have been living 3. will have read 4. will havewashed 5. will have been watching 6. will have died 7. will have performed8. will have disappeared 9. will have been ironing 10. will have been writing


1. does / leave 2. is 3. are to be finished 4. have done 5. are not to be let6. is visiting 7. are playing 8. are not to go out 9. have prepared 10. I’mgoing


1. are you going to be / will be 2. are you leaving 3. will do 4. I’ll have going 6. I’m going to visit 7. is going to change 8. will take 9. is yourdad going to do 10. will be



1. present simple 2. present perfect 3. past perfect 4. present continous 5.past simple 6. past continous 7. present perfect continous 8. past perfectcontinuous 9. future simple 10. future continuous 11. future perfect 12.future perfect continuous.

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1. came; had already prepared 2. had been waiting 3. didn’t know; hadinformed 4. had already written 5. had been living 6. saw 7.w as playing 8.had to 9. was studying; was watching 10. got up; went


1. Have you ever visited 2. went 3. have lived 4. Have they finished 5.haven’t given 6. worked 7. Did you go 8. have grown 9. haven’t talked 10.saw


1. c 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. a 8. d 9. c 10. b 11. a 12. d 13. b 14. a 15.c 16. b 17. d 18. b 19. b 20. d 21. a 22. d 23. c 24. a 25. a 26. d 27. c28. d 29. b 30. a



1. Počisti / počistite svoju sobu! 2. Ne diraj moj kompjuter! 3. Hajdemo urestoran. 4. Neka pročita pesmu naglas. 5. Ne ponašaj / ne ponašajte se takodetinjasto. 6. Skloni / sklonite svoje prljave stvari! 7. Smanji / smanjite tumuziku! 8. Molim te otvori prozor. 9. Pridruži / pridružite nam se, hoćeš li /hoćete li? 10. Pomozi / pomozite mi s ovim vežbanjem, molim te / Vas.


1. Wait for us outside. 2. Let her go to the shop. 3. Let the children tidy theirroom. 4. Move just a little, please. 5. Visit us this summer, won’t you? 6.Turn up the heating, will you? 7. Don’t touch my bag! 8. You come andstand here in front of me! 9. Do write the essay, immediately! 10. Don’t putparsnips in the soup, please.

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1. may / can 2. must 3. may / might 4. has to 5. should / ought to 6. must7. will 8. shouldn’t 9. needn’t 10. can 11. would 12. will 13. could 14.needn’t / don’t have to 15. couldn’t 16. can’t 17. needn’t / don’t have to18. may / might 19. should / ought to 20. was able to / could


1. Dženifer ne ume da koristi kompjuter! Možeš li da poveruješ u to? 2.Moj suprug je umeo da čita sa četiri godine. 3. Mislim da sam video Sema nažurci sinoć. To nije mogao biti on. On je u Španiji na odmoru. 4. Mogu li daidem sada? 5. Možda nećemo ići na odmor ovog leta. 6. Naš kum će biti naSarinom venčanju u nedelju. 7. Moj deda je redovno dremao svako popodne.8. Treba da se latimo posla. Čeka nas izveštaj koji treba završiti. 9. Ne bitrebalo da izlaziš bez kišobrana. Izgleda kao da će padati kiša. 10. Trebalo jeranije da podješ od kuće. Da si pošao ranije, ne bi zakasnio. 11. Moraćemodosta da učimo ukoliiko želimo da položimo prijemni ispit. 12. Ostala sambudna cele noći jer sam morala da završim finansijski izveštaj. 13. Nisamvidela porodicu Smitovih godinama. Mora da su se odselili. 14. Deco, nesmete dirati struju! 15. Nisi morao da putuješ čak do Nju Jorka samo da bizakazao sastanak. Mogao si to učiniti telefonom.


1. My best friend can speak four languages. 2. My telephone will beturned off during the meeting. You’ll be able to call me when the meeting isover. 3. - Where’s Patrick? - He may/might/could be in the garden. I hearsomeone speaking there. 4. You could have finished it faster! 5. Could you,please, tell me where the railway station is? 6. - I’m really bad at maths and Ihave a test tomorrow. – I will help you prepare for it. 7. As a child I wouldwatch cartoons every day. 8. My sister will always read my mail! 9. - Isthere any juice? I’m thirsty. – There should be some in the fridge. 10. Ishouldn’t have reacted like that. Now I feel sorry about that. 11. Danielshould have arrived in Belgrade by now. It’s 10.50 already. 12. - I’ve beenfeeling very tired lately. I must take a few days off. - You can’t do that! Youhave to finish the assignment! 13. - How old do you think he is? - He mustbe at least fifty. 14. You don’t have to be at school before 7.15. The first class

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starts at 7.30. 15. We should’t have prepared so much food. Very few peopleappeared at the party.



1. to be 2. must have gone out 3. could be caught 4. to be walking 5. must havereceived 6. catch 7. to be happening 8. to be heard 9. dance 10. fight


1. to 2. / 3. to, / 4. / 5. to 6. / 7. to 8. /


1. He isn’t answering the phone. He must be working! 2. He must havewatched the game. 3. Can you talk and write at the same time? 4. Why not try!5. He seems to have been offered a job. 6. I went there to learn more abouttheir culture. 7. I didn’t know how to tell him the bad news. 8. He was the firstto arrive at the party. 9. I imagine him to be a very intelligent person. 10. Icould have planned my vacation differently if you had told me that earlier.


1. explaining 2. Having been asked 3. smoking 4. buying 5. Being offered 6.Running 7. finding out 8. having told 9. washing 10. having said.


1. I really feel like having/taking a long walk. 2. After being offered the job, heleft the old company 3. Many people like swimming. 4. I’m worried about hisdriving 5. Listening to music makes me happy 6. Climbing was easy, but Idon’t know how we are going to climb down 7. Do you mind me having acigarette here? 8. I’m afraid of being left 9. How about calling him and tellinghim we’re very sorry? 10. He was busy writing a new article.


1. being rejected 2. making 3. to continue 4. cutting 5. not to leave 6. not going7. having to 8. to kill 9. to call 10. to mention 11. to leave 12. getting up 13.speaking 14. to show 15. singing 16. to bring 17. starting 18. shopping 19. tosee 20. coming.

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1. active 2. passive 3. active 4. active 5. passive 6. active 7. passive 8. active 9.passive 10. passive


1. is being given 2. was being cleaned 3. had been done 4. will be bought 5.must be done 6. have been finished 7. was going to be painted 8. is taken 9.was chosen 10. will have been written.


1. Was the lecture explained by the teacher? 2. Her bag was stolen. 3. Thedishes were washed by Ann when the guests left. 4. The Eiffel Tower has beenbeing visited by many tourists. 5. The window has been broken 6. A new storehad been opened there before we moved. 7. The furniture has been beingmoved before people came. 8. The new study program will be approved by theCommittee. 9. The garden is going to be being watered next week. 10. I wasgiven a lot of advice for my job interview. 11. The room will have beenrenovated by the time we move in the new apartment. 12. Enough money wasraised to give to charity.


1. People play sports in leisure time. 2. They sell all kinds of books in thisbookstore. 3. Do you think they noticed me? 4. Nikola Tesla didn’t invent thetelephone, Alexander Bell invented it. 5. Somebody will have to give us someanswers. 6. Had they invited you to come over before they went on holiday? 7.They will have sold most clothes by the end of the season 8. Somebody willshow you the way to the museum. 9. They were giving directions to thevisitors. 10. Have they purchased the equipment? 11. They won’t bring food towork anymore. 12. The children were watching the clown.

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1. was repaired 2. is spoken 3. wrote 4. has just reorganised 5. will sign 6. hadbeen passed 7.was being helped 8. are being sold 9. will have been washed anddried 10. will they be preparing


1. Where was the bag bought? 2. When will the kids be picked up for the fieldtrip? 3. What had been discovered by Fleming long before it could actually beused on people? 4. Who has just been arrested by the police? 5. When will thesculpture be offered on a private auction? 6. How many times has this housebeen broken into? 7. What was being cleaned by the citizens? 8. Where werenew buildings being built?


1. Are the museum tickets sold/being sold here? 2. All the letters have alreadybeen sent. 3. Homework will be finished by tomorrow. 4. This exercise can bedone in 15 minutes. 5. They felt they were being watched. 6. I was taken on acity tour. 7. Do you think that I was listened to? 8. Will they be given presentsfor moving in? 9. The houses had been destroyed long before the park wasmade at that place. 10. I was told that I could find him here. 11. Many mistakeswill be made before they agree. 12. He was killed in war.



1. The teacher explained her pupils that 2 plus 2 is 4. 2. Mary mentioned thatshe would come to the party. 3. He said that he wasn’t feeling well. 4. Sheexplained to him that she had already finished the task. 5. The answer to thequestion was that a week consists of seven days. 6. The Gordons said thatthey were going to a reastaurant that night. 7. Mike said that he wouldn’t dothat. 8. Fran explained that her brother was abroad on business. 9. Theypromised that they would come. 10. Kim said that she didn’t know the answerto that question.

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1. Piter je pomenuo da poznaje mog brata. 2. Da li ti je rekao da odlaze izzemlje? 3. Helen mi je obećala da će mi pomoći oko domaćeg zadatka. 4.Džejk je obavestio svog šefa da je već bio završio izveštaj. 5. Lilly nam jerekla da će postati arhitekta. 6. Mama je rekla da je Džil u drugoj sobi. 7.Prodavac je rekao da je sto napravljen od drveta. 8. Profesor nas je obavestioda će seminar trajati četiri dana. 9. Komšije su mi rekle da su živele u Belgijipre nego što su se doselile u našu zemlju. 10. Ben je iznenada rekao da ćenam on spremiti nešto za jelo.


1. lived 2. knew 3. were coming 4. would become 5. were 6. is 7.consists 8. would do 9. had finished 10. had graduated



1. Jennifer said that she lived in Los Angeles. 2. She commented that her bestfriend worked as a doctor. 3. The mother said that the children were playingin the other room. 4. Dan mentioned that they were thinking of moving to abigger city. 5. Susan agreed that she she would be there at 5 o’clock. 6. Thewriter announced that he/she was going to write a new novel. 7. The childrenexclaimed that they had finished their homework. 8. Nigel mentioned that hehad seen a fantastic film the previous night. 9. My colleague said that theywould be having dinner at 9 p.m. the following day. 10. Mary remarked thatshe would like to visit Egypt. 11. My cousin announced that he/she wasgetting married the following month. 12. My mum complained that she hadbeen cleaning the house the previous day. 13. The secretary remarked that shehad been scheduling meetings the previous morning. 14. The doctorannounced that he/she had done their best. 15. Mellory said that Richard hadwashed the car. 16. Ann screamed that she hadn’t finished the task yet. 17.The manager replied that he/she wasn’t sure about the number of participantsin the seminar. 18. Mike said taht Sally was not going to study architectureafter all. 19. Peter commented that his parents had left for England thatmorning. 20. Eve said that Jack hadn’t made it on time the previous night..

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1. The interviewer asked where I lived. 2. The teacher inquired how old Iwas. 3. My mum wanted to know where I was going then. 4. My colleaguewondered how far the center of the town was from my house. 5. My friendasked when I was leaving for Scotland. 6. Sam asked his son where he hadbeen. 7. Lilly asked her boyfriend why he hadn’t told her the truth. 8. Hewondered how tall that building was. 9. My neighbour wanted to know howmany people had come to my party the previous night. 10. She asked Zack ifhe had finished yet. 11. He inquired what I would be doing at 8 a.m. thefollowing day. 12. The officer wanted to know how he had got hurt. 13. Hisfriend asked who had told him such a lie. 14. Her boyfriend wondered whoshe had been talking to. 15. The customer inquired how long it would take.16. The waitress asked if I was talking to her. 17. The girl asked if I workedin that company. 18. My friend wanted to know if I was coming to the partythe following night. 19. My dad asked if I would be visiting all my friendswhile in Belgrade. 20. Gillian wondered if he was going to become anengineer. 21. An old friend asked if I had graduated yet. 22. Chris asked hiscolleague if he had painted the wall the previous night. 23. The mother askedher son if he was telling her the truth. 24. She wondered if I recognised him.25. The neighbour asked if he had repaired the radio.


1. The teacher ordered us to pay attention to what he/she was saying. 2. Hisfather warned him not to touch the electricity. 3. The host offered me to havea seat. 4. Her sister advised her to bring an umbrella with her. 5. Helenadvised me not to travel by that plane. 6. Her sister told her not to forget toiron the clothes. 7. His mum warned him not to run that fast. 8. The officertold me to take the second turning on the left. 9. Her brother begged her not todrive so fast. 10. My sister asked me to take those sweaters to the drycleaner’s. 11. The teacher asked me to read those lines for him/her. 12. Theteacher commanded us to leave the classroom then. 13. My grandma wantedme to make her a nice cup of tea. 14. Her friend ordered her not to yell athim/her. 15. A friend warned him not to go to that awful restaurant again.16. I was asked to sign in there. 17. They were warned not to park there. 18.He asked her to come to his birthday party on Saturday. 19. She was ordered

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to rewrite that report. 20. William was offerd to stay with them during theholidays.


1. “Finish the report by Monday morning.“ 2. “We live in Hungary.“ 3. “Ilived in Germany for fifteen years.“ 4. “Don’t cross the street that fast!“ 5. “Iwill take the guests to a restaurant.“ 6. “I’m playing tennis with my friendstonight.“ 7. “That story can’t be true!“ 8. “You have done a good job.“ 9. “Iwas washing the clothes yesterday.“ 10. “Your mum knows all about yournew girlfriend.“ 11. “Listen more carefully!“ 12. “We are having dinner in arestaurant with our friends.“ 13. “Where is he from?“ 14. “How long did ittake you to organise the celebration?“ 15. “Are you travelling with ustomorrow?“ 16. “Everything will be all right.“ 17. “Does anyone know theanswer to the question?“ 18. “How old is your friend?“ 19. “Is your brothermarried?“ 20. “Stop the car and open the window!“ 21. “Please help with thepreparation for the surpsise party for our boss.“ 22. “I know the person in thephoto.“ 23. “I have already graduated.“ 24. “I haven’t seen you for years.“25. “How long are you staying in London?“ 26. “How many children do youhave?“ 27. “Are you addresssing me?“ 28. “What are you ging to be whenyou grow up?“ 29. “I came to work first.“ 30. “I have been studying allmorning, but I still haven’t memorised the poem by heart.“



1. start 2. put 3. doesn’t finish 4. save 5. wakes up 6. will see 7. willfind 8. won’t be 9. will make 10. will iron


1. were 2. didn’t live 3. had 4. spoke 5. could 6. would attend 7. wouldbe 8. would go 9. wouldn’t be 10. would be


1. hadn’t insulted 2. wouldn’t have talked 3. had finished 4. had known 5.wouldn’t have hurried 6. had slept 7. would have made 8. hadn’t appeared9. had tried 10. had had

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1. wouldn’t have to 2. had discussed 3. hadn’t spent 4. had planned 5. hadread 6. wouldn’t be 7. hadn’t helped 8. hadn’t lost 9. hadn’t cleaned 10.would be


1. If you get up early enough, you’ll catch the first plane for Los Angeles. 2.If you wipe the TV screen, the picture on it will be clearer. 3. If you ask himto, I’m sure he’ll lend you the car for tomorrow’s trip. 4. If you meet Mary atwork, tell her to call me. 5. You’ll finish the cleaning earlier if you use thisbig sponge. 6. If I were you, I would think carefully about everything. 7. Ifyou tried harder, I’m sure you would solve the riddle. 8. If she ate less sweats,she would lose some weight. 9. I would be more satisfied if I could use morecomplicated computer programs. 10. You would be more successful if youwere more optimictic. 11. If you had been more careful, you wouldn’t havebroken the computer. 12. If you hadn’t been so rude to her, she wouldn’t havegot angry. 13. I wouldn’t have failed the exam if I had succeeded to finish allthe tasks. 14. I would have reacted differently if I had known that he hadfeelings for me. 15. If you had prepared for the class, you wouldn’t have beenridiculous in front of everybody. 16. If you had stayed in the village, youwouldn’t be a successful engineer. 17. If you hadn’t insulted her, you wouldstill be good friends. 18. If she had married Mark, Jane would be living inLondon now. 19. If you hadn’t been uncareful and sprained your ankle, youwouldn’t be in hospital now. 20. If he had gained some higher education, hewouldn’t be cleaning streets now.



1. doesn’t he? 2. are you? 3. did you? 4. was he? 5. have they? 6.haven’t you? 7. hadn’t they? 8. hadn’t they? 9. won’t you? 10. won’tyou? 11. will they? 12. won’t she? 13. are they? 14. hasn’t she?15. won’t you? 16. didn’t you? 17. shall we? 18. hadn’t you? 19. areyou? 20. doesn’t he? 21. isn’t he? 22. is she? 23. haven’t you? 24.did you? 25. has she?

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1. who 2. which 3. whom 4. whose 5. which 6. where 7. why 8. which 9.whose 10. who 11. whom 12. who 13. which 14. when 15. which.


1. why 2. whose 3. where 4. when 5. whom 6. which 7. which 8. who 9. where10. whose.


1. There’s the man who was charged with a life sentence. 2. That’s the housewhere my grandparents live. 3. My computer, which is an HP, wasn’t soexpensive. 4. You were watching a play which she wanted to see. 5. You’vemet my husband, whom I’ve told you so much about. 6. What’s the name ofthat businessman whose daughter is a famous model? 7. Mrs Jackson, who isvery ambitious and charming, is the new CEO. 8. That’s a restaurant where wewent after work. 9. The keys seem to be the reason why he broke into his owncar. 10. We saw a strange woman there whose children were missing. 11.That’s the exact spot where they left the bags. 12. He gave me candy, whichwas very sweet of him! 13. Are you making jokes about the man who is mybest friend? 14. He gave us advice which was very useful. 15. Don’t take thebook whose pages are torn.

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1. Allen, Stannard W., Living English Structure, Longman Group Ltd.,2001;

2. Collins Cobuild, Intermediate English Grammar, Harper CollinsPublishers, 2004;

3. Eastwood, J., Oxford Practice Grammar, Oxford University Press,2006;

4. Hewings, M., Advanced Grammar in Use, a self-study reference andpractice book for advanced learners of English with answers, CambridgeUniversity Press, 1999;

5. Longman dictionaries, Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,Longman Group Ltd., 1995;

6. Mihailović, Lj., Gramatika engleskog jezika (morfologija i sintaksa),Kolarčev narodni univerzitet, Beograd, 1958;

7. Pollock Washington C., Communicate What You Mean, Prentice-HallInc., 1982;

8. Popović, Lj., Mirić, V., Gramatika engleskog jezika sa vežbanjima,jedanaesto izdanje, Zavet, Beograd, 1996;

9. Thomson, A.J., Martinet, A.W., A Practical English Grammar, OxfordUniversity Press, 1986.