grammar & ap style review. today… grammar review ap style writing process

Grammar & AP Style Review

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Grammar & AP Style Review

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Grammar Review

AP Style

Writing Process

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Word Choice

Check the spelling and meaning of your words


See page 117 in your textbook

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What’s wrong with these statements?

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The building was totally destroyed.

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Their traditions are completely unique.

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Both President Obama and Vice President Biden will attend.

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Avoid redundant words and empty phrases.

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Be a wordsmith.

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What’s wrong with this statement?

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We were required to write a persuasive letter to raise money for a charity. You were graded on

your application of persuasive writing principles.

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Shift in Point of View

We were required to write a persuasive letter to raise money for a charity. We were graded on

our application of persuasive writing principles.

You were required to write a persuasive letter to raise money for a charity. You were graded on

your application of persuasive writing principles.

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Point of View

First PersonEmphasizes the writer

Second PersonEmphasizes the reader

Third PersonEmphasizes the subject

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What about this one?

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She and her friends is at the fair.

The books is in the drawer.

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Subject-Verb Agreement

In the present tense, verbs agree with their subject in number and person.

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Back to our example:

She and her friends is at the fair.She and her friends are at the fair.

The books is in the drawer.The books are in the drawer.

The book is in the drawer.

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Active/Passive Voice

As a rule, use active verbs to express meaning more vigorously

(A)A surge of power was responsible for the destruction of the pumps.

(B) A surge of power destroyed the pump.(C) The pumps were destroyed by a surge of


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Active/Passive Voice

(A) Burying nuclear waste in Antarctica violates an international treaty.

(B) Burying nuclear waste in Antarctica would be a violation of an international treaty.

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Active/Passive Voice

(A)The debris was removed from the construction site.

(B) The contractor removed the debris from the construction site.

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Other Grammar Issues to Review

Irregular VerbsAdjectives/Adverbs

Using ModifiersSentence Fragments and Run-On Sentences

See Handout

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AP Style

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Abbreviations & Acronyms

Abbreviate Gov., Lt. Gov., the Rev., Sen., Rep., Dr., Mr., Mrs., and Ms. before a person’s nameUse the context of the sentence as a guide for

abbreviationsIn running text, use AP abbreviations for states

not postal abbreviationsAvoid alphabet soup

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Use figures in addressesEx: 605 Woodside Drive

Abbreviate Ave., Blvd,. & St., and direction cues when used with a numbered address

Ex: 101 N. Grant St.If the street is a number 1-9 spell out, 10th or

higher use figuresEx: 101 First St./101 S. 10th St.

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Always use figures for agesThe girl, 9, has a brother, 13. The student is 21 years old.

When an age is an adjective or substitute for a noun, then it should be hyphenated

A 21-year-old student…Do not use apostrophes when describing an age

rangeHe is in his 30s.

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Books, Periodicals, Compositions

Use quotation marks: books, songs, movies, TV shows, computer games, etc.

“Breaking Bad”, “Suit and Tie”, “Candy Crush”

Do not use quotation marks: magazine, newspapers, the Bible, or books that are catalogue reference materials

The Washington Post, the Bible

No italics

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Dates, Months, Years, Days of Week

Capitalize days of week but do not abbreviateUse figures with dates

Do not use st, nd, rd, or th with dates (i.e. Sept. 1)Use comma to set off a year only

Ex: Aug. 9/Aug. 9, 2013Decades/centuries use “s” no apostrophe

1800sUse an apostrophe before decade when numbers are left

outThe ‘80s

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First mention – use first and last namesSecond mention – use only last name

Do not use courtesy titles unless they are part of direct quotation or are needed to differentiate

between people

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Never begin a sentence with a number, unless it is a year.

Ex: Two hundred seniors attended convocation.Ex: 1776 was an important year.

Spell out numbers below 10 and use figures for 10 and above

Ex: the woman had four children and 11 grandchildren.

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Single space after a period.Do not use a comma before a conjunction in a

simple series. Ex: I like apples, oranges and grapes.

Commas and periods go inside punctuation marks.

Ex: “I did nothing wrong,” he said.Ex: She said, “Let’s go to the softball game.”

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Cities and States

Spell out a state when it stands alone Ex: He is from Mississippi.

Use the AP state abbreviation when city and state are used.

Ex: She is from Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Also see AP Style for stand-alone cities.

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Use figures for time, but spell out noon and midnight

Ex: 1 p.m.; 3:30 p.m.

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Capitalize formal titles when they appear before a person’s name but lowercase if they are

informal or appear without a name

Ex: President ObamaEx: Robert Bentley, a governor from Alabama

Ex: deputy secretary of homeland security

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The Writing Process

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Step 1: Preliminary Questions

What do you want the audience to do with the message?

Who is the audience? What are the audience’s needs, concerns, and interests?

What is our message? Are we trying to inform or persuade?

What communication channel(s) will be more effective?

Who is our most believable spokesperson?

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Step 2: Outline the Message

Introduction: roadmap to the document(1) Most important point(a) Supporting fact one(b) Supporting fact two

(c) Supporting fact three(2) Second important point

(d) Supporting fact one(e) Supporting fact two

(f) Supporting fact threeConclusion: Summarize and tell them what to do

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Step 3: Write the Message

The outline should guide the writing process

Get words on paper – you can write and revise later

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Writing Mechanics

Word Choice

Be cognizant of your word choiceWrite to your audience

Use active voice and present tense

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Writing Mechanics


Keep sentences clear and conciseAvoid long, compound sentences

Keep sentences 15-17 words

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Writing Mechanics


Keep paragraphs shortOne paragraph = one main idea

All sentences support that main idea6-8 typeset lines; lead paragraphs are even


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Editing Your Writing

This is important. Very important.

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Editing Your Writing

Rule Number 1:Pay attention to the details

Rule Number 2:Be prepared to go through several revisions

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Steps to Editing Yourself as a Writer

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Step 1: Clean up the word count

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Step 2: Eliminate Jargon

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Step 3: Check for grammar and punctuation errors

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Step 4: Check for AP Style errors

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Step 5: Check the facts.

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Step 6: Review your narrative

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Common Errors to Avoid

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Pur Speling can cuz you too loose ur credability.

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Avoid using jargon.

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Poor Sentence Structure

Police will be looking for people driving under the influence of alcohol and distributing

pamphlets that spell out the dangers of drunken driving.

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Poor Sentence Structure

The proposed budget provides salary increases for faculty and staff performing at a satisfactory

level of two percent.

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Poor Sentence Structure

The student was charged with possession and consumption of an opened beer can, which is

against university rules.

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Be careful about your word choice

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Don’t make a $10,000 mistake like a pubic liberal arts college once made.

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Proofreading Tips

Read your word backwards.Read your work out loud.

Always read a printed version.Read the copy with a fresh perspective after

taking a break.Don’t rely on spell check.

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What’s wrong with these statements?

The building was totally destroyed.Their traditions are completely unique.

Both President Obama and Vice President Biden will attend.

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During 2012, the corporation acquired 73 companies in 14 nations on five continents to

achieve revenue of $14.65 billion, up $3 billion from the $11.65 billion in 2011.

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Writing with Numbers

Use a comma to separate thousands (575,000) and a decimal to separate millions (3.85 million)

Provide a comparison to accompany the number

Check your math

Spell out percent

Spell out numbers smaller than 10

Don’t use two numbers next to each other

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“Our new handheld device is the next true revolution in man’s conquest of information.”

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Avoid stereotypingDon’t create bias

Stay away from politically incorrect language

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Writing Mistakes to Avoid (A Summary)


Poor sentence structureWrong words/word choice

RedundanciesToo many numbers

Avoid hype, bias, stereotypes, and politically incorrect language