grammar clinic - past tenses · grammar clinic past tenses level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4 be, past...

1/59 Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular forms, posi- tive statements, spelling rules a) past simple, negative statements and questions, more demanding exercises b) past simple, most frequent irregular forms, positive statements b) past simple, irregular forms, positive statements b) 1) past continuous 2) past continuous past simple c) past simple, negative state- ments and questions, easier exercises c) 1) present perfect 2) since - for 3) present perfect past simple Vorgehen erledigt 1) Diagnostic test lösen bis zum angestrebten Level 2) Diagnostic Test korrigieren 3) Gemäss Testresultat Input auswählen 4) Input studieren 5) Practice zum gewählten Input lösen 6) Practice korrigieren 7) Fragen klären (MitschülerInnen oder Lehrperson) 8) Eintrag ins Merkheft machen: Das merke ich mir zu diesem Thema! 9) Start with 3 again 10) 11) Schlussreflexion schreiben Schlussreflexion Das ist mir gut gelungen beim Erarbeiten und Üben der Grammatik: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Das fand ich schwierig: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Das hat mir geholfen: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Das nehme ich für das nächste selbständige Erarbeiten und Üben vor: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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Page 1: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Grammar clinic

Past tenses

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

be, past simple a)

past simple, regular forms, positive statements


past simple, regular forms, posi-tive statements, spelling rules


past simple, negative statements and questions, more demanding exercises


past simple, most frequent irregular forms, positive statements


past simple, irregular forms, positive statements


1) past continuous

2) past continuous – past simple


past simple, negative state-ments and questions, easier exercises


1) present perfect

2) since - for

3) present perfect – past simple

Vorgehen erledigt

1) Diagnostic test lösen bis zum angestrebten Level

2) Diagnostic Test korrigieren

3) Gemäss Testresultat Input auswählen

4) Input studieren

5) Practice zum gewählten Input lösen

6) Practice korrigieren

7) Fragen klären (MitschülerInnen oder Lehrperson)

8) Eintrag ins Merkheft machen: Das merke ich mir zu diesem Thema!

9) Start with 3 again

10) …

11) Schlussreflexion schreiben


Das ist mir gut gelungen beim Erarbeiten und Üben der Grammatik: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Das fand ich schwierig:



Das hat mir geholfen:



Das nehme ich für das nächste selbständige Erarbeiten und Üben vor:



Page 2: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Past tenses

Diagnostic test

Circle the correct words in italics.

Level 1

a) You was / were at school yesterday.

b) Was / were he an American singer?

c) DVDs was / were popular in 1980.

d) She was / were ten years old when she moved to Australia.

e) There was / were 600 people at the concert.

f) Was / were the weather good last Thursday?

Level 2

a) Past simple, regular forms positive statements

a) Yesterday, we watch / watched a film on TV.

b) It rained / rain all day last Wednesday.

c) Last Friday afternoon, I doed / did my homework.

d) I played / plaied basketball yesterday.

b) Past simple, most frequent irregular forms positive statements

e) Complete the following table:

base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were

spielen play

mögen like

kommen come




tun do

machen make

Level 3

Page 3: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


a) Past simple regular forms positive statements, spelling rules

a) We stoped / stopped the car.

b) They carried / carryed a box.

c) He arrived / arriveed too late.

d) I planned / planed a long trip.

e) He cryed / cried .

b) Past simple, more irregular forms positive statements

f) Complete the following table:

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were

essen eat











c) Past simple, negative statements and questions

g) I didn’t use / didn’t using / didn’t used my tablet yesterday.

h) Did you listening / Did you listen / Listened you to the radio this morning?

i) She don’t liked / didn’t like / not liked the film.

j) Does you know / did you knowing / did you know the film?

Page 4: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 4

a) Past simple negative statements and questions

Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

a) We ……………….….. (not travel) by plane to Denmark.

b) I ……………….….. (not take) an umbrella today, so I ……………….….. (get) wet.

c) We ……………….….. (not go) by tram, we ……………….….. (go) by bus.

d) ……………….….. (you go) to town yesterday?

e) A: When ……………..…………….….. (they arrive)?

B: They ……………….….. (arrive) on Thursday late in the evening.

f) A: …………………………….….. ….….. (where you buy) your new shoes?

B: I ……………….….. (buy) them in town.

b) 1) Past continuous

Circle the correct words in italics. a) Molly were / was sleeping in the garden.

b) Maria and Tamara were swimming / were swiming in the lake.

c) I was / were playing basketball.

d) John and Carl was / were playing basketball.

Complete the sentences with the past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

g) I ……………….….. (not cry). I ……………….….. (laugh).

h) She ……………….….. (not fly). She ……………….….. (drive).

i) You ……………….….. (not stand). You ……………….….. (sit).

Form questions in the past continuous tense.

j) …………………….…..………….….. ? (you cry)

k) …………………….…..………….….. ? (she fly)

l) …………………….…..………….….. ? (they stand)

Page 5: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


b) 2) Past continuous – past simple

Circle the correct words in italics. e) They drove / were driving across Europe when they had / were having an accident.

f) He saw / was seeing an octopus while he swam / was swimming in the sea.

g) While she cycled / was cycling in town, she fell / was falling off her bike

h) We heard / were hearing the results when we travelled / were travelling in France.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 10)

Page 6: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


c) 1) Present perfect Complete the following table.

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit) past participle

essen eat ate eaten









Complete the conversations with present perfect verb forms of the words in brackets. Use short forms.

A: …………………….…..………….….. (you / ever / see) Star Wars?

B: Yes, …………………….…..………….….. (I / see) it many times. It’s my favourite


A: Really? …………………….…..………….….. (I / never / see) it. A: …………………….…..………….….. (you / ever / meet) a famous person?

B: Yes, …………………….…..………….….. (I / meet) Bill Gates.

A: Wow! …………………….…..………….….. (he / visit) Cambridge?

B: Yes, he …………………….….. …………………….…..………….….. (he / be) here

many times.

Page 7: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


c) 2) For – since a) I’ve had my cat for / since a few weeks now.

b) I’ve been married for / since 1990.

c) I’ve been in this football team for / since I was 17.

c) 3) Present perfect – past simple Complete the dialogues with the present perfect or the past simple. Use short forms.

A: How long ……………….….. you ……………….….. (play) the violin?

B: Since I ……………….….. (be) four. I ……………….….. (love) music all my life.

A: Was it a difficult instrument to learn?

B: Yes, I ……………….….. (not be) very good when I ……………….….. (start). A: ……………….….. your brother ……………….….. (finish) school?

B: Yes, he ……………….….. (finish) three weeks ago.

A: What’s he going to do now?

B: He ……………….….. (not decide) yet.

Page 8: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 1: Input

Be, past simple Das muss ich lernen:

Sagen, wie, wo oder wann jemand war.

Fragen, wie, wo oder wann jemand war.

(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2015). New World 3 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 56)

Ich lerne immer 4 Sätze.

Aussage: I was at home yesterday.

Ich war zu Hause gestern.

Informationsfrage: Where were you?

Wo warst du?

Verneinung: I wasn’t at home.

Ich war nicht zu Hause.

Yes/no-Frage Were you at home? Yes, I was. – Ja.

Warst du zu Hause? No, I wasn’t. – Nein.

Ich übe den folgenden Dialog:

You: Your partner:

Were you at home yesterday? No, I wasn’t.

Were you at school yesterday morning? Yes, I was.

Were you at school yesterday afternoon? No, it wasn’t.

Ich präge mir die Satzanfänge ein.

I was …

You were …

He was …

She was …

We were …

You were …

They were …

Ich war …

Du warst …

Er war …

Sie war …

Wir waren ….

Ihr wart …

Sie waren …

Was I …?

Were you …?

Was he …?

Was she …?

Were we …?

Were you …?

Were they …?

War ich …?

Warst du …?

War er …?

War sie …?

Waren wir …?

Wart ihr …?

Waren sie …?

Language check 5

Subjectwas not

were not

rest of


I was not at home.

You were not at home.

He / She / It was not at home.

We were not at home.

You were not at home.

They were not at home.

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t

Subject past simple

of main verb

I walked.

You walked.

He / She / It walked.

We walked.

You walked.

They walked.

(no contracted forms)

+– Subject did not main verb .

I did not walk.

You did not walk.

He / She / It did not walk.

We did not walk.

You did not walk.

They did not walk.

did not = didn’t

– – Did subject main verb ?

Did I walk?

Did you walk?

Did he / she / it walk?

Did we walk?

Did you walk?

Did they walk?

(no contracted forms)

?– –

Subject was


rest of


I was at home.

You were at home.

He / She / It was at home.

We were at home.

You were at home.

They were at home.

(no contracted forms)


– –

–– –


Were subject

rest of


Was I at home?

Were you at home?

Was he / she / it at home?

Were we at home?

Were you at home?

Were they at home?

(no contracted forms)

?– –


General: add -ed to

the base form of

the verb.

Verbs ending in -e:

add -d.

Verbs ending in

a short stressed

vowel and a


double the conso-

nant and add -ed.

Verbs ending in a

consonant and -y:

delete -y and

add -ied.

Examplestalk talked

play played

arrive arrived

live lived

stop stopped

plan planned

carry carried

cry cried


. . ?

Forming the past simple (r egular)

The past simple of to be (irregular)

Spelling rules for past simple forms

Language check

Page 9: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 2: Input

Past simple, regular forms positive statements and most frequent irregular

forms positive statements Das muss ich lernen:

Sagen, was jemand oder etwas machte.

Ich lerne die regelmässigen und wichtigsten unregelmäsigen Verben in der Vergangenheit.


(regelmässiges Verb)

I arrived last night.

Ich kam gestern Abend an.


(unregelmässiges Verb)

I went to the theatre yesterday.

Ich ging ins Theater gestern.

Ich merke mir die folgende Regel:

Regel: Beispiel:

Add -ed to the base form of the verb.

Füge -ed an die Grundform des Verbs.

I talked.

Grundform: talk

Vergangenheit: talked

Es gibt auch unregelmässige Verben. Ich merke mir die folgenden Verben:

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were

kommen come came

geben give gave

gehen go went

haben have had

tun do did

machen make made

Page 10: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 3: Input a)

Past simple, regular forms, positive statements, spelling rules Das muss ich lernen:

Wie man regelmässige Verben in der Vergangenheit richtig schreibt.

Ich merke mir die folgenden Regeln:

(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2015). New World 3 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 56)


Füge -ed an die Grundform des Verbs.

Verben, die auf -e enden: -d anfügen

Verben, die mit einem kurzen, bet-onten Vokal (Selbstlaut) und einem Konsonanten enden:

Konsonant verd-oppeln und -ed anfügen.

Verben, die mit einem Konsonanten und -y enden:

-y entfernen und -ied an-hängen.




Vergangenheit: talked







Vergangenheit: stopped

(o ist ein Vokal, die-ser ist kurz und bet-ont und es folgt ein Konsonant)





Language check 5

Subjectwas not

were not

rest of


I was not at home.

You were not at home.

He / She / It was not at home.

We were not at home.

You were not at home.

They were not at home.

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t

Subject past simple

of main verb

I walked.

You walked.

He / She / It walked.

We walked.

You walked.

They walked.

(no contracted forms)

+– Subject did not main verb .

I did not walk.

You did not walk.

He / She / It did not walk.

We did not walk.

You did not walk.

They did not walk.

did not = didn’t

– – Did subject main verb ?

Did I walk?

Did you walk?

Did he / she / it walk?

Did we walk?

Did you walk?

Did they walk?

(no contracted forms)

?– –

Subject was


rest of


I was at home.

You were at home.

He / She / It was at home.

We were at home.

You were at home.

They were at home.

(no contracted forms)


– –

–– –


Were subject

rest of


Was I at home?

Were you at home?

Was he / she / it at home?

Were we at home?

Were you at home?

Were they at home?

(no contracted forms)

?– –


General: add -ed to

the base form of

the verb.

Verbs ending in -e:

add -d.

Verbs ending in

a short stressed

vowel and a


double the conso-

nant and add -ed.

Verbs ending in a

consonant and -y:

delete -y and

add -ied.

Examplestalk talked

play played

arrive arrived

live lived

stop stopped

plan planned

carry carried

cry cried


. . ?

Forming the past simple (r egular)

The past simple of to be (irregular)

Spelling rules for past simple forms

Language check

Page 11: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 3: Input b)

Past simple, irregular forms, positive statements Ich präge mir die folgenden unregelmässigen Verben ein:

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were

gehen go went

machen make made

kommen come came

geben give gave

essen eat ate

haben have had

tun do did

sagen say said

kaufen buy bought

bringen bring brought

denken think thought

trinken drink drank

beginnen begin began

rennen run ran

sitzen sit sat

erhalten get got

setzen, legen, stellen put put

vergessen forget forgot

bauen build built

schlafen sleep slept

sehen see saw

(Kleider) tragen wear wore

gewinnen win won

schreiben write wrote

sprechen speak spoke

lesen read [ri:d] read [red]

können can could

nehmen take took

fallen fall fell

finden find found

wissen know knew [nju:]

Page 12: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 3: Input c)

Past simple negative statements and questions Das muss ich lernen:

Fragen, was jemand machte.

Sagen, was jemand nicht machte.

(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2015). New World 3 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 56)

Ich lerne immer 4 Sätze.

Informationsfrage: Did you play football last Saturday?

Spieltest du Fussball letzten Samstag?

Aussage: I played basketball last Friday.

Ich spielte Basketball letzten Freitag.

Verneinung: I didn’t play football last Saturday.

Ich spielte nicht Fussball letzten Samstag.

Yes/no-Frage Did you play football last Saturday? Yes, I did. – Ja.

Spieltest du Fussball letzten Samstag? No, I didn’t. – Nein.

Ich übe den folgenden Dialog:

You: Your partner:

Did you go ice skating last Saturday? No, I didn’t.

Did you play football last Friday? Yes, I did.

Where did you play football? In Länggasse.

Ich präge mir die Satzanfänge ein.

Did I play…?

Did you play…?

Did he play…?

Did she play…?

Did we play…?

Did you play…?

Did they play…?

Spielte ich…?

Spieltest du…?

Spielte er…?

Spielte sie…?

Spielten wir…?

Spieltet ihr…?

Spielten sie…?

When did you play…?

Where did you play…?

How did you play…?

What did you play…?

Wann spieltest du…?

Wo spieltest du…?

Wie spieltest du…?

Was spieltest du…?

Language check 5

Subjectwas not

were not

rest of


I was not at home.

You were not at home.

He / She / It was not at home.

We were not at home.

You were not at home.

They were not at home.

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t

Subject past simple

of main verb

I walked.

You walked.

He / She / It walked.

We walked.

You walked.

They walked.

(no contracted forms)

+– Subject did not main verb .

I did not walk.

You did not walk.

He / She / It did not walk.

We did not walk.

You did not walk.

They did not walk.

did not = didn’t

– – Did subject main verb ?

Did I walk?

Did you walk?

Did he / she / it walk?

Did we walk?

Did you walk?

Did they walk?

(no contracted forms)

?– –

Subject was


rest of


I was at home.

You were at home.

He / She / It was at home.

We were at home.

You were at home.

They were at home.

(no contracted forms)


– –

–– –


Were subject

rest of


Was I at home?

Were you at home?

Was he / she / it at home?

Were we at home?

Were you at home?

Were they at home?

(no contracted forms)

?– –


General: add -ed to

the base form of

the verb.

Verbs ending in -e:

add -d.

Verbs ending in

a short stressed

vowel and a


double the conso-

nant and add -ed.

Verbs ending in a

consonant and -y:

delete -y and

add -ied.

Examplestalk talked

play played

arrive arrived

live lived

stop stopped

plan planned

carry carried

cry cried


. . ?

Forming the past simple (r egular)

The past simple of to be (irregular)

Spelling rules for past simple forms

Language check

Page 13: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 4: Input a)

Past simple negative statements and questions Das muss ich lernen:

Fragen, was jemand machte.

Sagen, was jemand nicht machte.

(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2015). New World 3 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 56)

Ich lerne immer 4 Sätze.

Informationsfrage: Did you play football last Saturday?

Spieltest du Fussball letzten Samstag?

Aussage: I played basketball last Friday.

Ich spielte Basketball letzten Freitag.

Verneinung: I didn’t play football last Saturday.

Ich spielte nicht Fussball letzten Samstag.

Yes/no-Frage Did you play football last Saturday? Yes, I did. – Ja.

Spieltest du Fussball letzten Samstag? No, I didn’t. – Nein.

Ich übe den folgenden Dialog:

You: Your partner:

Did you go ice skating last Saturday? No, I didn’t.

Did you play football last Friday? Yes, I did.

Where did you play football? In Länggasse.

Ich präge mir die Satzanfänge ein.

Did I play…?

Did you play…?

Did he play…?

Did she play…?

Did we play…?

Did you play…?

Did they play…?

Spielte ich…?

Spieltest du…?

Spielte er…?

Spielte sie…?

Spielten wir…?

Spieltet ihr…?

Spielten sie…?

When did you play…?

Where did you play…?

How did you play…?

What did you play…?

Wann spieltest du…?

Wo spieltest du…?

Wie spieltest du…?

Was spieltest du…?

Language check 5

Subjectwas not

were not

rest of


I was not at home.

You were not at home.

He / She / It was not at home.

We were not at home.

You were not at home.

They were not at home.

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t

Subject past simple

of main verb

I walked.

You walked.

He / She / It walked.

We walked.

You walked.

They walked.

(no contracted forms)

+– Subject did not main verb .

I did not walk.

You did not walk.

He / She / It did not walk.

We did not walk.

You did not walk.

They did not walk.

did not = didn’t

– – Did subject main verb ?

Did I walk?

Did you walk?

Did he / she / it walk?

Did we walk?

Did you walk?

Did they walk?

(no contracted forms)

?– –

Subject was


rest of


I was at home.

You were at home.

He / She / It was at home.

We were at home.

You were at home.

They were at home.

(no contracted forms)


– –

–– –


Were subject

rest of


Was I at home?

Were you at home?

Was he / she / it at home?

Were we at home?

Were you at home?

Were they at home?

(no contracted forms)

?– –


General: add -ed to

the base form of

the verb.

Verbs ending in -e:

add -d.

Verbs ending in

a short stressed

vowel and a


double the conso-

nant and add -ed.

Verbs ending in a

consonant and -y:

delete -y and

add -ied.

Examplestalk talked

play played

arrive arrived

live lived

stop stopped

plan planned

carry carried

cry cried


. . ?

Forming the past simple (r egular)

The past simple of to be (irregular)

Spelling rules for past simple forms

Language check

Page 14: Grammar clinic - Past tenses · Grammar clinic Past tenses Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 be, past simple a) past simple, regular forms, positive statements a) past simple, regular


Level 4: Input b)

1) Past continuous

Das Past continuous with mit was / were + -ing-Form gebildet.

(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2016). New World 4 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 58)

Die -ing-Form wird genau gleich gebildet wie im present continuous. Es gelten auch die gleichen Rechtschreiberegeln.

(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2015). New World 3 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 54)


Language check

Forming the past cont inuous

Subject was were

main verb + ing

I was walking.

You were walking.

He / She/ It was walking.

We were walking.

You were walking.

They were walking.

(no contracted forms)

+– –

Was Were

subjectmain verb

+ ing

Was I walking?

Were you walking?

Was he / she / it walking?

Were we walking?

Were you walking?

Were they walking?

(no contracted forms)

?– –Subject

was notwere not

main verb + ing

I was not walking.

You were not walking.

He / She / It was not walking.

We were not walking.

You were not walking.

They were not walking.

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t

–– –


Use of the past cont inuous


Use the past continuous to talk about actions in progress at a particular moment

in the past.

Use the past continuous to talk about actions that are in progress in the past and

that are interrupted by other shorter actions. The shorter actions are in the past


ExamplesAt eight o’clock Oliver was walking to London.

The farmers were working in the field when it started to rain.

nowIt started to rain.

The farmers were working in the field.

Language check 3

Spelling rules for the present cont inuous

Forming quest ions with quest ion wor ds in the present simple

Quest ion

wordswhy, who, which, where, when, what, how


When do we arrive in Edinbur gh? – At ten o’clock.

Where is my handbag? – Under your desk.

Who is our guide? – John McDonald.

What are your favourite animals? – Dogs.

How do you spell the wor d castle? – C-A-S-T-L-E

Why do you like Scotland? – Because I love the landscape.


Question word – do/does – subject – main verb – rest of the sentence ?

Question word – am/ is/are – subject – rest of the sentence ?

Forming the present cont inuous





main verb

+ ing

I am walking.

You are walking.

He / She / It is walking.

We are walking.

You are walking.

They are walking.

am = ’m is = ’s are = ’re


– – Subject

am not

is not

are not

main verb

+ ing

I am not walking.

You are not walking.

He / She / It is not walking.

We are not walking.

You are not walking.

They are not walking.

am not = ’m not is not = isn’t

are not = aren’t

– –




subjectmain verb

+ ing

Am I walking?

Are you walking?

Is he / she / it walking?

Are we walking?

Are you walking?

Are they walking?

(no contracted forms)


– –. . ?

RuleGeneral: add -ing

to the main verb.

Verbs ending in -e:

delete -e and

add -ing.

Verbs ending in

a short stressed

vowel and a


double the conso-

nant and add -ing.

Verbs ending

in -ie: delete -ie and

add -y + -ing.

Examplestalk talking

play playing

take taking

shake shaking

stop stopping

run running

lie lying

die dying

Language check

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Level 4: Input b)

2) Past continuous – Past simple

(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2016). New World 4 G, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 42)



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(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2016). New World 4 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 58)


Language check

Forming the past cont inuous

Subject was were

main verb + ing

I was walking.

You were walking.

He / She/ It was walking.

We were walking.

You were walking.

They were walking.

(no contracted forms)

+– –

Was Were

subjectmain verb

+ ing

Was I walking?

Were you walking?

Was he / she / it walking?

Were we walking?

Were you walking?

Were they walking?

(no contracted forms)

?– –Subject

was notwere not

main verb + ing

I was not walking.

You were not walking.

He / She / It was not walking.

We were not walking.

You were not walking.

They were not walking.

was not = wasn’t were not = weren’t

–– –


Use of the past cont inuous


Use the past continuous to talk about actions in progress at a particular moment

in the past.

Use the past continuous to talk about actions that are in progress in the past and

that are interrupted by other shorter actions. The shorter actions are in the past


ExamplesAt eight o’clock Oliver was walking to London.

The farmers were working in the field when it started to rain.

nowIt started to rain.

The farmers were working in the field.

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(Fischer, M., Reber, B., & Villiger Baumann, C. (2016). New World 4 E, My Resources. Zug: Klett und Balmer Verlag, p. 59)

Past continuous Past simple

Mit dem Past continuous drückt man aus, dass ein Vor-gang zu einer bestimmten Zeit in der Vergangenheit (z.B. last night, at midnight) gerade im Verlauf, d.h. noch nicht abgeschlossen war.

Mit dem Past simple drückt man aus, dass etwas zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt der Vergangenheit (Frage: wann?) oder in ei-nem bestimmten abgeschlossenen Zeit-raum der Vergangenheit geschehen ist.

Typische Zeitangaben sind:

yesterday, in 1998, on May 15th, last year/week, an hour ago, …

Auch in Fragen mit when…? steht das Past simple.

Language check 6

Language check

Past cont inuous or past simple?

Past cont inuous Past simple

now nowThe door opened.

The boys were sit t ing at the table.

The other boys turned round.

The door opened.

They grinned at Oliver.

The Art ful Dodger brought Oliver in.


The boys were sitt ing at the table when

the door opened.

The door opened and the Artful Dodger

brought Oliver in. The other boys turned

round and grinned at Oliver.

Explanat ion

of examples

An action in progress in the past is

interrupted by another shorter action.

Action in progress in the past: The boys

were sitt ing at the table.

Interruption: The door opened.

This is a series of short events in the


Event no. 1: The door opened.

Event no. 2: The Artful Dodger brought

Oliver in.

Event no. 3: The other boys turned round.

Event no. 4: They grinned at Oliver.

English word order

Rule 1 In positive sentences the word order is: SUBJECT – VERB – OBJECT (S-V-O)

Example The children are eating porridge.

Rule 2If place and time are mentioned, put place before t ime .

You can also put the expression of t ime at the beginning of a sentence.


Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth in 1812 .


In 1812 Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth .


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Level 4: Input c)

1) Present perfect

(Fleischhack, E., & Schwarz, P. H. (2003). Cornelsen English Grammar - Kompaktausgabe: Grammatik. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag. p. 51.)

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Ich merke mir die folgenden unregelmässigen Zeitformen:

(Ramsey, Gaynor (2018). New World 5, Booster E. Klett und Balmer Verlag. Answers to p. 44.)

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Level 4: Input c)

2) Since und for mit dem Present perfect

(Fleischhack, E., & Schwarz, P. H. (2003). Cornelsen English Grammar - Kompaktausgabe: Grammatik. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag. p. 52.)

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Level 4: Input c)

4) Present perfect – Past simple

(Fleischhack, E., & Schwarz, P. H. (2003). Cornelsen English Grammar - Kompaktausgabe: Grammatik. Berlin: Cornelsen Verlag. p. 55.)

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Level 1: Practice

Be, past simple

1) Rewrite the sentences so that they are about the past (Vergangenheit).

a) My mother’s a doctor. My mother was a doctor.

b) They aren’t friends. ………………………………………………………

c) We’re at school together. .………………………………………………………

d) It’s a beautiful day. ………………………………………………………

e) My teacher’s name’s Ms Miller. ………………………………………………………

f) She isn’t at home. ………………………………………………………

g) A Is your father at home? ………………………………………………………

B No, he isn’t. ………………………………………………………

h) A Are you happy? ………………………………………………………

B Yes, I am. ………………………………………………………

2) Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

Example: born / you / where / were ?

Where were you born?

a) good / film / was/ the ?


b) school / at / were / yesterday / you ?


c) great-grandmother’s / was / name / what / your ?


d) there / at the party / were / a lot of people ?


For more practice: Booster New World 3E, p. 7, activity 2

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Level 2: Practice

Past simple regular forms, positive statements

1) Write the verb in brackets in the past simple tense.

a) When I was younger, I liked (like) cheese but now I don’t like it anymore.

b) Our teacher usually arrives at 8 o’clock, but yesterday she ……………………

(arrive) at 7.30.

c) Last summer, we …………………… (explore) two small islands.

d) Yesterday, we …………………… (watch) a very interesting film.

e) When I was younger, I …………………… (like) apples a lot but now I don’t like

them anymore.

2) Complete this table

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were







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3) Rewrite these sentences in the past.

b) My favourite colour is blue.

My favourite colour was blue.

c) The children work hard.


d) They do their homework.


e) The girl goes home at 6 o’clock.


f) My mother comes home at 6 o’clock.


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Level 3: Practice a)

Past simple, regular forms, positive statements, spelling rules

Write the past simple forms of the following regular verbs. Be careful with spelling!

base form past simple base form past simple

watch watched cook

decide enjoy

finish like

plan play

work stop

die show

cry arrive

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Level 3: Practice b)

Practice b): Past simple, irregular forms, positive statements

Use the list from Input b) to memorise the irregular forms.

You can use one or more of the following techniques:

- Cover the past simple and make a cross with the forms you do not know.

- Memorise these forms.

- Work with a partner and ask each other the forms.

- Write the forms on cards in quizlet and memorise them.

(Doff, A., Thaine, C., Puchta, H., Stranks, J., Lewis-Jones, P., & Jones, P. L.-. (2015). Cambridge Eng-lish Empower A2: Student’s Book. Klett Sprachen. p. 147)

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Choose the correct option.

(Harvey, A. (2015). Beyond A1+ Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 98)

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Level 3: Practice c)

Past simple, negative statements and questions

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(Doff, A., Thaine, C., Puchta, H., Stranks, J., Lewis-Jones, P., & Jones, P. L.-. (2015). Cambridge Eng-lish Empower A2: Student’s Book. Klett Sprachen. p. 149)

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Level 4: Practice a)

Past simple, negative statements and questions

1) Use the following verbs in the past simple tense to complete the text:

happen, enjoy, go, live, make, study, watch

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow:

Pearson Longman. p. 111.)

2) There are five more mistakes in the conversation. Find and correct them.

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow:

Pearson Longman. p. 113.)

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Level 4: Practice b)

1) Past continuous

1) Complete the text. Use past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets and short forms.

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow: Pearson Longman. p. 115.)

2) Complete the questions and short answers below. Use information from the exercise above.

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow: Pearson Longman. p. 115.)

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3) Last night there was a robbery at the Denmore Hotel. The police want to know what everybody

was doing at five past eight. Look at the photos from the hotel cameras. Read all the questions

before you answer them.

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow: Pearson Longman. p. 115.)

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Level 4: Practice b)

2) Past continuous – past simple

1) Choose the correct words in italics.

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow: Pearson Longman. p. 117.)

2) Match the sentences 1 and 2 with A and B.

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow: Pearson Longman. p. 117.)

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3) Complete the text. use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow: Pearson Longman. p. 117.)

4) Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 10)

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Level 4: Practice c)

1) Present perfect

1) Write the short form of the sentences.

(Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P., & Koenig, C. L.-. (2004). English File. New Edition. Ele-mentary. Student’s Book (01 edition). Oxford University ELT. p. 139.)

2) Complete the sentences with the past participles of the verbs in brackets.

(Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P., & Koenig, C. L.-. (2004). English File. New Edition. Ele-mentary. Student’s Book (01 edition). Oxford University ELT. p. 139.)

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3) Rearrange the words to make sentences. Remember some are questions.

(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 19)

4) Use the prompts to make sentences in the present perfect. Remember: some are questions.

(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 19)

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5) Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the words in brackets.

(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 19)

6) For each sentence, write what the person says. Use a verb from the box in the present perfect


(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 19)

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Level 4: Practice c)

2) Since – for

1) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 19)

2) Complete the second line of each conversation with the present perfect

and the word in brackets.

(Wisniewska, I., & Edwards, L. (2014). Beyond B1 Workbook. Macmillan Education. p. 19)

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Level 4: practice c)

3) Present perfect – past simple

(Hall, D., & Foley, M. (2012). MyGrammarLab Elementary with Key and MyLab Pack (1 edition). Harlow: Pearson Longman. p. 133.)

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4) Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or past simple.

(Oxenden, C., Latham-Koenig, C., Seligson, P., & Koenig, C. L.-. (2004). English File. New Edition. Ele-mentary. Student’s Book (01 edition). Oxford University ELT. p. 139.)

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5) Complete the dialogues with the present perfect or the past simple.

(Latham-Koenig, C., Oxenden, C., Seligson, P., & Collectif. (2012). English File third edition: Pre-Intermediate: Teacher’s Book with Test and Assessment CD-ROM (3rd ed.). OUP Oxford. p. 188.)

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Past tenses

Diagnostic test: Answers

Level 1: Answers

g) You were at school yesterday.

h) Was he an American singer?

i) DVDs were popular in 1980.

j) She was ten years old when she moved to Australia.

k) There were 600 people at the concert.

l) Was the weather good last Thursday?

Level 2: Answers

a) Past simple, regular forms positive statements

f) Yesterday, we watched a film on TV.

g) It rained all day last Wednesday.

h) Last Friday afternoon, I did my homework.

i) I played basketball yesterday.

b) Past simple, most frequent irregular forms positive statements

j) Complete the following table:

base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were

spielen play played

mögen like liked

kommen come came

geben give gave

gehen go went

haben have had

tun do did

machen make made

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Level 3: Answers

a) Past simple regular forms positive statements, spelling rules

k) We stopped the car.

l) They carried a box.

m) He arrived too late.

n) I planned a long trip.

o) He cried .

b) Past simple, more irregular forms positive statements

p) Complete the following table:

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were

essen eat ate

denken think thought

kaufen buy bought

trinken drink drank

vergessen forget forgot

bauen build built

bringen bring brought

gewinnen win won

rennen run ran

schreiben write wrote

finden find found

c) Past simple, negative statements and questions

q) I didn’t use my tablet yesterday.

r) Did you listen to the radio this morning?

s) She didn’t like the film.

t) Did you know the film?

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Level 4: Answers

a) Past simple negative statements and questions

Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

m) We didn’t travel (not travel) by plane to Denmark.

n) I didn’t take (not take) an umbrella today, so I got (get) wet.

o) We didn’t go (not go) by tram, we went (go) by bus.

p) Did you go (you go) to town yesterday?

q) A: When did they arrive (they arrive)?

B: They arrived (arrive) on Thursday late in the evening.

r) A: Where did you buy (where you buy) your new shoes?

B: I bought (buy) them in town.

b) 1) Past continuous

Circle the correct words in italics. i) Molly was sleeping in the garden.

j) Maria and Tamara were swimming in the lake.

k) I was playing basketball.

l) John and Carl were playing basketball.

Complete the sentences with the past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

s) I wasn’t crying (not cry). I was laughing (laugh).

t) She wasn’t flying (not fly). She was driving (drive).

u) You weren’t standing (not stand). You were sitting (sit).

Form questions in the past continuous tense.

v) Were you crying ? (you cry)

w) Was she flying ? (she fly)

x) Were they standing ? (they stand)

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b) 2) Past continuous – past simple

Circle the correct words in italics. m) They were driving across Europe when they had an accident.

n) He saw an octopus while he was swimming in the sea.

o) While she was cycling in town, she fell off her bike.

p) We heard the results when we were travelling in France.

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1) was pouring 2) were preparing 3) didn’t want 4) was waiting 5) gave 6) was dancing

c) 1) Present perfect Complete the following table.

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit) past participle

essen eat ate eaten

bringen bring brought brought

denken think thought thought

trinken drink drank drunk

rennen run ran run

vergessen forget forgot forgotten

schwimmen swim swam swum

schreiben write wrote written

finden find found found

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Complete the conversations with present perfect verb forms of the words in brackets. Use short forms.

A: Have you ever seen (you / ever / see) Star Wars?

B: Yes, I’ve seen (I / see) it many times. It’s my favourite film.

A: Really? I’ve never seen (I / never / see) it. A: Have you ever met (you / ever / meet) a famous person?

B: Yes, I’ve met (I / meet) Bill Gates.

A: Wow! Has he visited (he / visit) Cambridge?

B: Yes, he has. He’s been (he / be) here many times.

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c) 2) for – since d) I’ve had my cat for a few weeks now.

e) I’ve been married since 1990.

f) I’ve been in this football team since I was 17.

c) 3) present perfect – past simple Complete the dialogues with the present perfect or the past simple. Use short forms.

A: How long have you played (play) the violin?

B: Since I was (be) four. I ‘ve loved (love) music all my life.

A: Was it a difficult instrument to learn?

B: Yes, I wasn’t (not be) very good when I started (start). A: Has your brother finished (finish) school?

B: Yes, he finished (finish) three weeks ago.

A: What’s he going to do now?

B: He hasn’t decided (not decide) yet.

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Level 1: Practice Answers

Be, past simple

1) Rewrite the sentences so that they are about the past (Vergangenheit).

b) They weren’t friends.

c) We were at school together.

d) It was a beautiful day.

e) My teacher’s name was Ms Miller.

f) She wasn’t at home.

g) A Was your father at home?

B No, he wasn’t.

h) A Were you happy?

B Yes, I was.

2) Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

a) Was the film good?

b) Were you at school yesterday?

c) What was your great-grandmother’s name?

d) Were there a lot of people at the party?

For more practice: Booster New World 3E, p. 7, activity 2

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Level 2: Practice Answers

Past simple regular forms, positive statements

1) Write the verb in brackets in the past simple tense.

f) When I was younger, I liked (like) cheese but now I don’t like it anymore.

g) Our teacher usually arrives at 8 o’clock, but yesterday she arrived

(arrive) at 7.30.

h) Last summer, we explored (explore) two small islands.

i) Yesterday, we watched (watch) a very interesting film.

j) When I was younger, I liked (like) apples a lot but now I don’t like them anymore.

2) Complete this table

German base form past simple (Vergangenheit)

sein be was /were

kommen come came

geben give gave

gehen go went

haben have had

tun do did

machen make made

3) Rewrite these sentences in the past.

g) The children worked hard.

h) They did their homework.

i) The girl went home at 6 o’clock.

j) My mother came home at 6 o’clock.

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Level 3: Practice a) Answers

Past simple, regular forms, positive statements, spelling rules

Write the past simple forms of the following regular verbs. Be careful with spelling!

base form past simple base form past simple

watch watched cook cooked

decide decided enjoy enjoyed

finish finished like liked

plan planned play played

work worked stop stopped

die died show showed

cry cried arrive arrived

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Level 3: Practice b) Answers

Past simple, irregular forms, positive statements

1) had 1) played 1) woke

2) became 2) buyed bought 2) chatted

3) found 3) liket liked 3) checked

4) told 4) eated ate 4) took

5) won 5) gotten got 5) played

6) wrote 6) dicide decided 6) got

7) bought 7) studied

8) went 8) happened

9) got 9) stopped

10) travelled

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Level 3: Practice c) Answers

Practice c): Past simple, negative statements and questions

a) b)

1) didn’t travel 1) We didn’t go by train.

2) didn’t take 2) They didn’t travel along the Silk Road.

3) didn’t want 3) We didn’t have a good time.

4) didn’t answer 4) The tickets didn’t cost a lot of mon-ey.

5) didn’t like 5) She didn’t visit China.

6) didn’t see 6) They didn’t stay in hotels.

7) didn’t get 7) The people didn’t speak English, so I didn’t understand them.


1) Did you go through Central Asia? Yes, I did.

2) Did you start your journey in Turkey? No, I didn’t.

3) Did he enjoy this trip? No, he didn’t.

4) Did they travel by train? Yes, they did.


1) How did you travel?

2) How much did it cost?

3) How many countries did you visit?

4) Where did you stay?

5) When did you arrive home?

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Level 4: Practice a)

Past simple, negative statements and questions

1) Use the following verbs in the past simple tense to complete the text:

1) enjoyed

2) watched

3) went

4) studied

5) made

6) happened

2) There are five more mistakes in the conversation. Find and correct them.

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Level 4: Practice b)

1) Past continuous

1) Complete the text. Use past continuous forms of the verbs in brackets and short forms.

2) Complete the questions and short answers below. Use information from the exercise above.

3) Last night there was a robbery at the Denmore Hotel. The police want to know what everybody

was doing at five past eight. Look at the photos from the hotel cameras. Read all the questions

before you answer them.

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Level 4: Practice b)

2) Past continuous – past simple

1) Choose the correct words in italics.

2) Match the sentences 1 and 2 with A and B.

3) Complete the text. use the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

4) Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

1) listened 2) bought 3) was visiting 4) spoke 5) was 6) came 7) was dancing 8) fell 9) hurt

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Level 4: Practice c)

1) Present perfect

1) Write the short form of the sentences.

1) She hasn’t been to the USA.

2) They haven’t been to China.

3) He’s been to an opera.

4) You haven’t been to my house.

5) I haven’t been there.

6) We’ve been to Madrid.

2) Complete the sentences with the past participles of the verbs in brackets.

1) met

2) read

3) fallen

4) cried

5) travelled

6) met

7) seen

8) written

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3) Rearrange the words to make sentences. Remember some are questions.

1) I’ve never stayed in an expensive hotel.

2) Have you swum in the pool yet?

3) He’s just unpacked his suitcase.

4) I’ve already been in the pool three times.

5) Have you ever been on a plane?

6) Our plane hasn’t taken off yet.

4) Use the prompts to make sentences in the present perfect. Remember: some are questions.

1) I haven’t seen Paul for two weeks.

2) Have you spoken to Kenny about the party?

3) Have we bought tickets for the gig on Wednesday?

4) Has Sally just got her exam results?

5) Which of these books have you read?

6) Has the teacher not given us any homework?

7) Where have you been until now?

8) We’ve just won the World Cup!!

5) Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the words in brackets.

1) We’ve been here for a week.

2) I’ve already learnt a bit of Spanish.

3) We’ve eaten some fantastic food.

4) Dan hasn’t been in the sea yet.

5) Jacky has fallen in love with a Spanish guy!

6) Has Amy received the postcard I sent her yet?

6) For each sentence, write what the person says. Use a verb from the box in the present perfect


1) I’ve lost my passport.

2) I’ve (just) eaten breakfast.

3) The taxi has arrived.

4) The weather has changed.

5) I’ve spent all my money.

6) I’ve failed my driving test.

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Level 4

Practice c): 2) Since – for

1) Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1) for

2) since

3) for

4) since

5) for

6) since

2) Complete the second line of each conversation with the present perfect

and the word in brackets.

1) Yes, I’ve just finished.

2) I’ve already packed it.

3) No, I’ve never been to China.

4) No, she hasn’t phoned yet.

5) I’ve had a pet dog for five years.

6) I’ve known Amy since 2005.

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Level 4: Practice c)

3) Present perfect – past simple

4) Put the verbs in brackets in the present perfect or past simple.

1) Have you ever spoken 2) have 3) was

4) did you see 5) saw 6) did you say

7) asked 8) Has your brother been 9) has

10) ‘s been 11) did he go 12) went

13) Did he like 14) loved

5) Complete the dialogues with the present perfect or the past simple.