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Grant Management Handbook A grant management manual for Grant Recipients Published by the Office of Sponsored Programs VH 28 Revised 9/07

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Grant Management Handbook

A grant management manual for Grant Recipients

Published by the Office of Sponsored Programs

VH 28

Revised 9/07

Page 2: Grant Management Handbook - Mercy College Management Handbook ... Payment Voucher for Non-Employees ... Sample Grant Budget Expenditure Organizer

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction/Contact Persons .............................................................................................. 2 Getting Started/First Steps .................................................................................................. 3 Fiscal Management ............................................................................................................. 3 Program Management ......................................................................................................... 4

Hiring Staff ............................................................................................................. 4 Purchasing Computers ............................................................................................ 4 Other Purchases....................................................................................................... 5 Travel ...................................................................................................................... 5 Consultants.............................................................................................................. 5

Conflicts of Interest............................................................................................................. 5 Reporting Requirements...................................................................................................... 6

Time and Effort ....................................................................................................... 6 Programmatic Changes ........................................................................................... 6 Progress Reports ..................................................................................................... 7 Objective Delay....................................................................................................... 7

Expanded Authorities.............................................................................................. 7 Forms for Record Keeping................................................................................................ 10

Personnel Request Form..................................................................................... 12 Grant Staff New Hire Form ............................................................................... 13 Time and Effort Report for ALL GRANT STAFF ......................................... 14 Equipment Inventory Form ............................................................................... 15 Travel Form ......................................................................................................... 16 Payment Voucher for Non-Employees .............................................................. 17 Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form ................................................................. 18 Objective Delay Form ......................................................................................... 19 Institutional Prior Approval System Form ...................................................... 20 Sample Grant Budget Expenditure Organizer ................................................ 21 Sample Mercy College Requisition Form ......................................................... 22


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INTRODUCTION This handbook has been compiled to assist faculty, staff, and administrators understand – and successfully negotiate – the grant administration processes at Mercy College. It includes information on the procedures to be followed in managing a grant award. The Office of Sponsored Program staff are available to assist grantseekers in pre-award and post-award activities. For assistance with government grants (federal, state, county, or city), contact: The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) Patricia Giorgi Borteck, Director Verrazzano Hall, Room 28 (914) 674-7510 [email protected] Janet Partenza Associate Director Verrazzano Hall, Room 28 (914) 674-7657 [email protected]

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GRANT MANAGEMENT The First Step Congratulations on receiving a grant award! Upon receiving official award notification, the Project Director should schedule a meeting with the Office of Sponsored Programs to go over the day-to-day management procedures, discuss reporting procedures, and revise and finalize the project budget as necessary. The day-to-day fiscal and programmatic management of a grant is the responsibility of the Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI), but must be carried out in close cooperation with the Office of Sponsored Programs and the Controller’s Office. Fiscal Management After meeting with the Office of Sponsored programs, the Project Director will schedule a meeting with the Grant Accountant in the Controller’s Office. The Grant Accountant will work with the PD/PI to establish necessary grant accounts using the Banner system and to overview exact procedures for fiscal administration of the grant. The Controller’s Office will have a copy of the approved project budget and will use that budget to set up account numbers for each line item listed on the approved budget. Later the Grant Accountant will utilize this budget to determine whether charges made against the grant are allowable and appropriate. The Project Director should notify the Controller immediately of any changes to the budget (for example, changes in project personnel) that will affect the allowability of an expenditure. Fiscal procedures to be followed in the administration of a grant include:

• Funds must be expended as they are budgeted (funds budgeted for personnel must be spent on personnel, rather than on supplies, for example). Some agencies permit a reallocation of up to 25% between budget categories, but most federal and state agencies require that requests for such transfers be made in writing with at least 30 days’ notice. Such requests must be well justified.

• All expenditures, both those charged to the grantor and those that meet cost-sharing requirements,

must be documented. Appropriate forms needed to document these expenditures are provided in this manual starting on page 12.

• Follow the Mercy College operating procedures for the use of check requests and purchase orders.

The PD/PI is responsible for submitting charges for supplies, equipment, consultants, and stipends paid to project personnel or project participants online through Banner. Requests for reimbursements for travel and meal expenses can be done with a paper requisition (see page 16 for copy of Travel Form). The Controller’s Office is responsible for calculating charges for faculty/staff salaries, fringe benefits, and indirect costs charged to the grant. However, summer salary for faculty must be requisitioned using the standard Mercy College Request for Expenditure from Budget form. (Please see page 22 for a copy of this form.)

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• Use appropriate forms (see Forms section, page 12) to document costs for personnel time and effort, equipment purchases, use of consultants, travel, and other expenditures.

Monitor your budget consistently to ensure that expenditures are within the approved budget and that all approved funds are spent by the end of the budget year. A sample worksheet has been provided to guide you in managing your account funds (see page 21). If money is going to be left over in one category, requests can be made to transfer funds to another category or, in some cases, to carry funds over to the next budget year. Such requests normally take 30-45 days for approval and must be made – in writing – no later than 45 days before the end of the budget period. For federal grantees, the Office of Sponsored Programs can, and should, advise you on either of these requests.

To assist you, the Banner Finance Self Service system records financial transactions resulting from grant activity. Users can view information via the web-based self-service system including past expenditures and current balances. The Controller’s Office will ensure that all approved funds are recovered from the funding agency, prepare and submit necessary financial reports, and ensure that all proper financial procedures are followed. In addition, the Controller’s Office will cooperate with all audits once grants are completed. Program Management Hiring Staff: All operating procedures at the College must be followed in the administration of a grant. This includes hiring personnel under the grant. Before beginning the process of hiring any grant staff, Project Directors should contact the Human Resources Department to discuss appropriate procedures and to ensure that they comply with requirements for advertising and posting positions. To begin the process of hiring staff for the grant, the Project Director must first fill out a Mercy College Personnel Request Form (please see the Mercy College Personnel Request Form sample on page 12. This form is also available on Mercy Connect under the Mercy Administrative Center). Anyone hired under a grant is considered a Mercy College employee; therefore all approvals must be in place before the position is posted and advertised. Once the position is approved, all prospective employees must fill out the necessary forms, including a Mercy College application form, an I-9 form, and a W-4 form prior to being hired under the grant. In addition, after the search process has been completed, the Project Director must complete the Grant Staff New Hire Form and submit it to Human Resources before any person can be officially hired and put on payroll. This is an important step, as no paychecks can be cut and no one paid until all of the above forms are completed and processed through Human Resources. (Please use the Grant Staff New Hire Form on page 13.) Purchasing Computers: Funding agencies occasionally will approve the purchase of computers as an allowable expenditure. Such purchases must be coordinated through SunGard (Computer Services). All pieces of equipment, including computers, remain the property of the funder, and records must be kept on their purchase. An Equipment Inventory Form must be completed for all purchases, detailing the purchase price, date of purchase, model number, and serial number (please use the Equipment Inventory Form on page 15).

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Other Purchases: Purchases of supplies and budgeted items necessary for the running of the program can be made as needed, as long as there is money available in the budget. Use the appropriate grant account number provided by the Controller’s Office. Be sure to make a note of all expenditures and cross-reference your project budget with the budget reports provided by Banner. A sample project budget organizer is included in this manual (please see sample Grant Budget Expenditure Organizer on page 21). Travel: Non-local travel requires written prior approval by someone in the employee’s direct management chain, as outlined in the College’s Travel, Meals, and Entertainment Policy. Upon completion of travel, the Project Director is responsible for submitting travel charges, using the Travel Form (see page 16 for copy of Travel Form). This form itemizes all travel-related expenditures. Consultants: Consultants (such as evaluators and workshop leaders from outside organizations) are generally considered non-employees and are paid a stipend or honorarium for services. In order to facilitate payment, a Payment Voucher for Non-Employees Form (see page 17) needs to be filled out and submitted to the Controller’s Office in order for payment to be made. Checks cannot be issued without this form. Conflicts of Interest Employees who manage grants and/or have fiscal oversight for grants are required to adhere to Federal and agency-specific regulations regarding Conflicts of Interest in addition to following the College’s Conflicts of Interest and Gifts Policy.

The following is a summary of pertinent regulations (this should not be considered an exhaustive list):

� Sec. 75.525 Conflict of interest: Participation in a project.

(a) A grantee may not permit a person to participate in an administrative decision regarding a project if:

(1) The decision is likely to benefit that person or a member of his or her immediate family; and

(2) The person: (i) Is a public official; or

(ii) Has a family or business relationship with the grantee. Employees must disclose any material financial interest they or their immediate family have in any firm that does business with the company or that competes with Mercy College. For the purposes of this policy, a relative is any person related by blood or marriage, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons related by blood or marriage. If employees have any influence on transactions involving purchases, contracts or leases, it is imperative that they disclose the existence of any actual or potential conflict of interest to the Office of Sponsored

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Programs and Human Resources as soon as possible so that safeguards may be established to protect all parties.

(b) A grantee may not permit any person participating in the project to use his or her position for a purpose that is--or gives the appearance of being--motivated by a desire for a private financial gain for that person or for others. (c) Any conflict or potential conflict of interest must be disclosed to the Office of Sponsored Programs and Human Resources. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

(d) The Project Manager must sign a disclosure acknowledging reading and understanding this policy and return it to the Office of Sponsored Programs and Human Resources (see Conflict of Interest Disclosure for Grants Management Form on page 18).

Reporting Requirements Time and Effort: All personnel time that is devoted to the grant must be recorded, including the project director’s time and all staff who are paid from the grant. A Time and Effort Report, which documents personnel time devoted to the grant, must be kept up to date for all personnel (including the Project Director) whose time is covered by grant funds or by required institutional matching funds. It is recommended that this report be submitted monthly for all staff. It is the responsibility of the project director to make sure that all reports are submitted to the Controller’s Office on a timely basis. Each report should be signed by the staff member as well as his/her direct supervisor. Two copies of each T&E form are necessary: one goes to the Controller’s Office and one remains in the Project Director’s files. These are crucial in the event of an audit by the funding agency (see Time and Effort Report form on page 14).

Programmatic Changes: Prior approval from the funding agency is required for certain programmatic changes and must be made in writing. All such requests should be channeled through the Office of Sponsored Programs. The following types of changes require written approval:

• A change in project scope or objectives.

• A change in the Project Director/Principal Investigator (or any other key personnel listed in the grant award notification) or in the percentage of time the PD/PI devotes to the project. Continuation of the project for a period of three months or more without the active direction of the approved PD/PI requires written approval.

• The transfer of any approved activity to a third party.

Work with the OSP to ensure that you remain in compliance with all grant requirements. Federal grantees, for example, are required to comply with Drug-Free Workplace requirements that mandate distributing certain information to all project personnel.

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Formal Progress Reports to the Funder: Different funding agencies have different reporting requirements. Although the PD/PI is responsible for preparing all required progress reports, such reports should be submitted through the Office of Sponsored Programs, with a copy for OSP files. Make sure that you know exactly what reports are expected and when. Failure to file complete and timely reports could jeopardize future funding. It is important to note that any grant-related document or report that needs to be signed by the President must come through the Office of Sponsored Programs for signature. Objective Delay: Occasionally, objectives as originally envisioned and scheduled in the timetable of the approved grant application cannot be met on a timely basis. It is important to keep a record of each objective that has been delayed, including the status of the objective as well as the specific problems that have been encountered in meeting that objective. Progress towards meeting objectives is an integral part of program reports, and keeping records on an objective delay is a valuable and important tool of program management. To assist in this process, an Objective Delay Form must be completed and submitted to the Provost, with a copy to be retained by the Project Director (see Objective Delay Form on page 15). Expanded Authorities

Many Federal agencies have transferred the authority to approve a number of types of post-award changes, most of which involve re-budgeting of grant funds, to grantee institutions. With the transfer of authority comes a serious institutional responsibility to review any such requests for changes to ensure that they are in absolute compliance with relevant Federal regulations, all applicable grant conditions, and audit requirements. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is authorized to accept this responsibility on behalf of the College. One way that sponsored projects administration has been streamlined is through the Institutional Prior Approval System or "IPAS." By using the IPAS form, project directors can obtain OSP's approval of certain actions under expanded authorities granted to the College under many federal grants. This is not applicable to State Grants and NYC Department of Education contracts. Authority to approve the action(s) requested is subject to the understanding that the general level of effort and scope, and the objectives of the approved project will not be altered, and that the proposed action is reviewed in advance and is consistent with grant conditions. The authority to approve changes in Project Directors and changes in objectives or scope of approved projects has been retained by all sponsors. It is the responsibility of the Project Director to determine that funds are available for the requested IPAS action. Federal regulations require formal notification from OSP on all no-cost extensions. Therefore, this type of request must be made at least 15 days prior to the expiration date. Also, the IPAS explanation must include a statement of funds remaining and plans for spending these funds. An explanation, including the rationale for the requested action(s,) and the impact of requested action(s) on the project budget, including

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the availability of funds, must always be provided. If this request involves the purchase of scientific equipment, indicate the cost of the item(s) and the availability of similar equipment. Any additional information useful in evaluating this request should be included. Requests made under IPAS, as for all expenditures on sponsored projects, must be otherwise allowable, reasonable and allocable in accordance with Federal cost principles and the specific grant conditions. Upon receipt by OSP, the request will be reviewed for consistency with College and Federal policies. If questions arise during the review, OSP will consult with the Project Director. Approved copies of the IPAS will be forwarded to the Project Director. IPAS Matrix Review the IPAS Matrix on the following page to identify agency-specific requirements for eight different IPAS actions. IPAS Form The IPAS form is available on Mercy Connect.. See page 20 for a sample of the IPAS authorization form.

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IPAS MATRIX The table below provides agency-specific requirements for eight different actions for 7 federal agencies - covering most scenarios relating to Mercy’s Institutional Prior Approval System. Please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs for additional clarification.





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1 Pre-award costs (up to 90 days) MC MC MC MC MC MC MC

2 No cost time extension (up to 12 months)

MC #1

MC #1

MC #1

MC #1

MC #1

MC #1

U #1

3 Carryover of unobligated funds N #2

N #3


4 Absence or Change of PI A A A A A A A

5 Foreign travel MC MC MC MC MC MC MC

6 Subcontracting N #4

N #4

N #4

N #4

N #4

N #4

N #4

7 Capital equipment MC MC MC MC MC MC MC

8 Re-budgeting N #5

N #5

N #5

N #5

N #5

ASR #5

N #5

Any award could contain a specific prior approval requirement which supercedes these general terms and conditions.

A = Awarding Agency Prior Approval MC = MC Prior Approval Form N = No Prior Approval Necessary ASR = See Agency Specific Requirements located on agency-specific web page. #1 Agency must be notified within 10 days prior to expiration date with supporting reasons. #2 For un-obligated balances in excess of 20%, a statement is required on NSF Annual Grant Progress Report. #3 For balances in excess of 26% see ASR. #4 Subcontractor must be identified in approved budget otherwise A. #5 Agency prior approval required for re-budgeting for participant for trainee support costs.

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Forms for Record Keeping Forms have been developed to assist the Project Director in meeting the internal record keeping and reporting requirements of the grant. These forms are to be used to keep the Provost informed of the project’s progress toward meeting its objectives and to keep the Controller and the appropriate Vice President informed of the project’s financial activity. Copies of all forms are included in this handbook for your use. Additional copies of the forms are also available through the Office of Sponsored Programs as well as available on Campus Connect (Go to the Faculty or Employees tab and scroll down to the MAC – Mercy Administrative Center section). Forms include:

• Mercy College Personnel Request Form, which must be filled out and returned to Human Resources with the necessary approvals before any personnel position can be posted and subsequently filled to work on the grant. A copy of this form should be retained by the Project Director.

• Grant Staff New Hire Form, which must be filled out and returned to Human Resources before

anyone can be considered a Mercy employee to be paid under the grant. One copy of this form should remain in the Project Director's files.

• A Time and Effort Report, which documents personnel time devoted to the grant. These must

be kept up to date for all personnel whose time is covered by grant funds or by required institutional matching funds. Two copies of each T&E form are necessary: one goes to the Controller and one is for the Project Director’s files. These are crucial in the event of an audit by the funding agency.

• An Equipment Inventory Form, which itemizes equipment purchases, to be completed only if

equipment has been acquired during the month. All equipment, including computers, remain the property of the funder. Therefore, careful records must be maintained as to their purchase price, date of purchase, model number, and serial number. Copies go to the Controller and the Project Director.

• A Travel Form, which itemizes all travel-related expenditures. Copies go to the Controller’s

Office and Project Director.

• A Payment Voucher for Non-Employees, which reports on the use of any consultants for grant-related activity, to be completed only if and when consultant services are used so that payment may be made for those services. Copies go to the Controller’s Office and the Project Director.

• Conflict of Interest Disclosure for Grants Management Form, which acknowledges that the

Mercy College Conflicts of Interest and Gift Policy has been read and understood. Copies go to the Office of Sponsored Programs and Human Resources.

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• An Objective Delay Form, to be used only if grant activity is not proceeding according to the approved timetable. Copies go the Provost, the Office of Sponsored Programs, and the Project Director.

• An Institutional Prior Approval System Form, to be used to obtain OSP’s approval of certain

actions under expanded authorities granted to the College under many federal grants.

• Sample Grant Budget Expenditure Organizer, which gives an example of a worksheet you might want to use to keep track of your spending. A copy of this organizer that includes the formulas necessary for keeping a running balance of funds is available from the Office of Sponsored Programs.

• Sample Request for Expenditure from Budget Form. This Mercy College form (with carbon

set) is available from the mailroom.

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Personnel Request Form

Postings, Interviews, and Job Offers may not precede approval (below) by the requesting manager and/or Human Resources.

Hours required: Mon. ______ to ______ Tues. ______ to ______ Wed. ______ to ______ Thur. ______ to ______ Fri. _______to ______ Sat. _______to ______ Sun. _______to_______

Requesting Department: _________________________________________ Position Requested (Title): _______________________________________ Replacement Position New Position Temporary Position Grant Funded Position?: Yes (If yes, please see below) No Funding Source, Mercy/Grant Org/Account/Position: ______________________________________________________ Comments:____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Pay Range: $________ - $ _________ Annual Hourly Hrs Per Week: ________ Union Non-Union Advertising Required? yes no If yes, where?:_____________________________________________ Previous Occupant (if applicable): ________________________________ Termination Date: _____/_____/_____ If temporary position, help will be needed: From: ___/___/___ To: ___/___/___ Total Number of Weeks: ________ Reason help is needed: (please attach proposal/justification) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Special skills/knowledge required: (please attach job description) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Grant Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ Date Position Starts: ___/___/______ Date Position Ends: ___/___/______ Fiscal Yr. Ends:___/___/_______ Salary $ Available: _______________ Salary % Available: _____________ Time Period:________________ Benefits $ Available:______________ Benefits % Available:_____________ Time Period:_________________ Comments:____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ APPROVAL:Grant Accountant: ___________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____

APPROVALS: Department Head: ___________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Division Chair/AVP/Dean:_____________________________________ Date:_____/_____/_____ VP of Dept./Provost:__________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Director of Budget: __________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Director of Human Resources: _________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ VP of Finance: ______________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ President/COO:______________________________________________ Date: _____/_____/_____ Completed By: ______________________________________________ Date: _________________


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Grant Staff New Hire Form

Mercy College Office of Sponsored Programs

This form must be completed by the Project Director and submitted to Human Resources before any person can be officially hired and put on payroll. In addition, a Mercy College application form, an I-9 form, and a W-4 form must be on file in the Human Resources Department.

Grant: Project Director: Date:

Employee Name


Social Security Number

Telephone Number


Percentage of Time on Grant

Grant Account Number



One Copy to be retained by Project Director One copy to Human Resources


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Time and Effort Report for Financial Accounting Mercy College Office of Sponsored Programs CERTIFICATION OF TIME EXPENDED

This is to certify that the employee(s) listed below devoted the time indicated to the (grant)_______________________ during the month of __________, 20__, and that the services were performed according to appropriate grant policies as set forth in the grant application and award documents. Grant: Month/Year: Employee Name: Position Title: Percentage of Time devoted to the grant: Date

Major Work Performed: Descriptive Task(s)

Hours Worked/ % Time

Please use additional pages as needed.

Employee Signature:

Total Hours: Director Signature:

One copy to be retained by Project Director One copy to Controller’s Office


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Equipment Inventory Form Mercy College Office of Sponsored Programs


Please attach appropriate invoices and/or packing slips. Item and Manufacturer Model Number Serial Number Purchase

Date Purchase

Price Campus Location

The above equipment has been received in good order, and maintenance procedures as detailed will be followed. _____________ _______________________________________

Date Project Director

One copy to be retained by Project Director One copy to Controller’s Office


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Travel Form Mercy College Office of Sponsored Programs

Please return the following form within one week of your return. Attach copies of all pertinent receipts. Name: Grant: Account No.:


Title and Description of Conference: Dates and Location of Conference: Reason for Attending Conference: Benefits Attained by Attending Conference: Budget Item Amount Explanation Travel (mileage, parking) $ Per Diem (hotel, meals, etc.) $ Registration Fees $ Other $ TOTAL $ Signatures: _____________ ____________________________ Date Requestor ______________ _____________________________ Date Project Director

One copy to be retained by Project Director One copy to Controller’s Office


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Mercy College Funded Grants

Payment Voucher for Non-Employees

This form is to be used to pay all workshop leaders, mentors, consultants and such. Checks cannot be issued without this form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the

Controller’s Office. Please make payment to: Name:


Social Security #:

Reason for Check:

Amount to be paid:

Account to charge:


Grant Director/Coordinator Signature:

One copy to be retained by Project Director One copy to Controller’s Office


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Mercy College Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form for Grants Management

I have read and understand Mercy College’s Conflicts of Interest and Gifts Policy and agree to comply with this policy. In addition, I understand that all funder-specific policies must be followed to the best of my abilities, including any relating to conflicts of interest. I agree to disclose any potential conflicts of interest as applicable in a timely fashion. Name Signature Date

One Copy to be retained by Project Director One copy to Human Resources

One copy to Sponsored Programs


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Objective Delay Form

Mercy College Office of Sponsored Programs

Grant: Project Director: Date:

Complete the following form for each objective that has been delayed.

Objective: Status of Delayed Objective: Specific Problems Meeting Objective: Concerns that should be addressed in order to make progress toward meeting objective:

One copy to be retained by Project Director One copy to the Provost

One copy to the Office of Sponsored Programs


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Request For Approval Under The Institution Prior Approval System (IPAS)

1. Project Director Department

2. Federal Grant No. Grant Account No.

3. Approval is requested for the below checked action(s): Pre-Award

No-Cost Extension* (Request must be in Office of Sponsored Programs at least 15 days prior to expiration date)

Capital equipment to be used principally or solely for research if not identified in the original sponsor-approved budget

Foreign Travel 4. Approval will / will not require re-budgeting. 5. Explanation/Justification:

6. Certifications and Approvals:

This request is proper in relation to and consistent with the approved project objective(s). Re-budgeting will not hinder completion of the approved project, nor increase the total amount to be expended. ___________________________________________________ ____________________ Project Director Date

The propriety of this request has been reviewed and approved. The action requested will result in the effective utilization of institutional resources. ________________________________ ________________ _______________________ ________________ Department Chair Date Provost or Appropriate VP Date

Return Completed Form to Office of Sponsored Programs APPROVED: ___________________________________________________ ____________________ Director, OSP Date


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Name of Grant: Stars of the FutureSponsor: U.S. Education

Category Account No. Amount Budgeted Amount Spent Date Spent Amount Remaining

Personnel 40/8285/XXXXX 50,000$ 2,000$ 6/1/01 48,000$ 5,000$ 6/15/01 43,000$

Fringe Benefits 40/8285/XXXXX 16,000$ 300$ 6/1/01 15,700$ 300$ 6/15/01 15,400$

Equipment 40/8285/XXXXX 10,000$ 5,675$ 6/24/01 4,325$

Travel 40/8285/XXXXX 4,000$ 1,575$ 11/10/01 2,425$

Consultants 40/8285/XXXXX 2,000$ -$ 2,000$

Supplies 40/8285/XXXXX 600$ 57$ 6/6/01 543$ 233$ 7/8/01 310$

48$ 7/23/01 262$ Other 40/8285/XXXXXPostage 480$ 28$ 7/14/01 452$ Printing 1,000$ 400$ 5/20/01 600$ Xeroxing 480$ 48$ 6/12/01 432$

Total Direct Costs 84,560$ Indirect Costs: 8% of Direct Costs 6,765$

Totals 175,885$ 15,664$ 160,221$

Grant Budget Expenditure Organizer

Program Year: Year 1 (May 1, 2001--April 30, 2002)


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