grapes - 4a insecticide group 20d acaricide group 3a insecticide group 12b...

Group 4A Insecticide Group 20D Acaricide Group 3A Insecticide Group 12B Acaricide Aphids, Banded Grape Bug*, Glassywinged Sharpshooter, Grape Cane Girdler, Grape Berry Moth, Japanese Beetles* , Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Phylloxera*, Rose Chafer*, Thrips, Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer (*Not for use on these pests in CA, OR, WA) European Red Mite, Spider Mites (ie): McDaniel, Pacific, Two-spotted, Willamette Cutworms, Grape Berry Moth, Leafhoppers (Eastern, Western & Variegated), Japanese Beetles (adult) Black Vine Weevil, Glassywinged Sharpshooter, Two-Spotted Spider Mite Mites: European Red, Pacific Spider, and Two-Spotted Spider Assail 30SG 2.5 - 5.3 oz/acre Assail 70WP 1.1 - 2.3 oz/acre Banter WDG 1 lb/acre Banter SC 12 - 16 fl oz/acre Bifenture 10DF 8.0 - 16.0 oz/acre Bifenture EC 3.2 - 6.4 fl oz/acre Bifenture 10DF 16.0 oz/acre Bifenture EC 6.4 fl oz/acre 1.0 - 2.5 lbs/acre Begin applications when treatment thresholds have been reached. Thorough coverage is important to obtain optimum control. Do not make more than 2 applications per calendar year, with a minimum of 14 days between applications. Apply as soon as mites appear for maximum residual control. Provides quick knockdown through contact activity and long residual control when used as directed. Ground apply in a minimum of 50 gallons of water per acre. Thorough coverage of the upper and lower leaf surface is required for effective control. Apply in a minimum of 10 gallons by air, or a minimum of 25 gallons with ground equipment. Thorough coverage is essential to achieve control. When pest pressure is moderate to severe, use higher rate. Apply when mites first appear. Make no more than two applications per season. Maximum 250 gallons of water per acre. 21 day spray intervals. 3 days 14 days 30 days 28 days 12 hours 12 hours 12 hours 48 hours RE-ENTRY PRE-HARVEST RECOMMENDED APPLICATION INTERVAL INTERVAL BRAND GROUP KEY PESTS/WEEDS USE RATE INFORMATION (REI) (PHI) GRAPES CONTINUED Always read and follow label directions. The above is not a complete list of crops or pests/weeds controlled. Refer to individual product label for all approved crop/pest information. Always read and follow label directions and precautions. Assail ® and Topsin ® are trademarks of Nippon Soda Company, Ltd.. All other brands and UPI logo are registered trademarks of United Phosphorus, Inc. The above is not a complete list of crops or pests/weeds controlled. Refer to the individual product label for all approved crop/pest information. ©March, 2017. UPI, 630 Freedom Business Center, King of Prussia, PA 19406 GRAPE - AG - 17 - 01

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Page 1: Grapes - 4A Insecticide Group 20D Acaricide Group 3A Insecticide Group 12B Acaricide Aphids, Banded Grape Bug*, Glassywinged Sharpshooter, Grape Cane Girdler,

Group 4AInsecticide

Group 20D Acaricide

Group 3AInsecticide

Group 12BAcaricide

Aphids, Banded Grape Bug*, Glassywinged Sharpshooter, Grape Cane Girdler, Grape Berry Moth, Japanese Beetles*, Leafhoppers, Mealybugs, Phylloxera*, Rose Chafer*, Thrips, Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer (*Not for use on these pests in CA, OR, WA)

European Red Mite, Spider Mites (ie): McDaniel, Pacific, Two-spotted, Willamette

Cutworms, Grape Berry Moth, Leafhoppers (Eastern, Western & Variegated), Japanese Beetles (adult)

Black Vine Weevil, Glassywinged Sharpshooter, Two-Spotted Spider Mite

Mites: European Red, Pacific Spider, and Two-Spotted Spider

Assail 30SG 2.5 - 5.3 oz/acre

Assail 70WP 1.1 - 2.3 oz/acre

Banter WDG1 lb/acre

Banter SC12 - 16 fl oz/acre

Bifenture 10DF 8.0 - 16.0 oz/acreBifenture EC3.2 - 6.4 fl oz/acre

Bifenture 10DF16.0 oz/acreBifenture EC6.4 fl oz/acre

1.0 - 2.5 lbs/acre

Begin applications when treatment thresholds have been reached. Thorough coverage is important to obtain optimum control. Do not make more than 2 applications per calendar year, with a minimum of 14 days between applications.

Apply as soon as mites appear for maximum residual control. Provides quick knockdown through contact activity and long residual control when used as directed. Ground apply in a minimum of 50 gallons of water per acre. Thorough coverage of the upper and lower leaf surface is required for effective control.

Apply in a minimum of 10 gallons by air, or a minimum of 25 gallons with ground equipment. Thorough coverage is essential to achieve control. When pest pressure is moderate to severe, use higher rate.

Apply when mites first appear. Make no more than two applications per season. Maximum 250 gallons of water per acre. 21 day spray intervals.

3 days

14 days

30 days

28 days

12 hours

12 hours

12 hours

48 hours

Re-entRy PRe-haRvest Recommended aPPlication inteRval inteRval BRand GRouP Key Pests/weeds use Rate infoRmation (Rei) (Phi)


continuedAlways read and follow label directions. The above is not a complete list of crops or pests/weeds controlled. Refer to individual product label for all approved crop/pest information.

Always read and follow label directions and precautions. Assail® and Topsin

® are trademarks of Nippon Soda Company, Ltd.. All other brands and UPI logo are registered trademarks of United Phosphorus, Inc.

The above is not a complete list of crops or pests/weeds controlled. Refer to the individual product label for all approved crop/pest information. ©March, 2017. UPI, 630 Freedom Business Center, King of Prussia, PA 19406 GRAPE - AG - 17 - 01

Page 2: Grapes - 4A Insecticide Group 20D Acaricide Group 3A Insecticide Group 12B Acaricide Aphids, Banded Grape Bug*, Glassywinged Sharpshooter, Grape Cane Girdler,

G r a p e s

Group M1Fungicide

Group M3Fungicide

Group 2Fungicide

Group M2FungicideOMRI Listed

Group M3Fungicide

Group 1Fungicide

Group 3Fungicide

Group M3Fungicide

Group 10 Herbicide

Group 3 Herbicide

Group 3 Herbicide

Black Rot, Downy Mildew, Phomopsis, Powdery Mildew

Black Rot, Bunch Rot, Deadarm (Phomopsis), Downy Mildew

Bunch Rot

Powdery Mildew, Blister Mite, Bud Mite, Phomopsis, Red Spider Mite

Blackrot, Bunch Rot, Deadarm (Phomopsis), Downy Mildew

Bitter Rot, Black Rot, Bunch Rot, Powdery Mildew, Phomopsis Cane, Leaf Spot

Powdery Mildew

Black Rot, Downy Mildew, Phomopsis Cane and Leaf Spot, Ripe Rot, Botrytis Bunch Rot

Fleabane, Malva, Marestail plus a long list of broadleaf and grass weeds(See label for full list of pests)

Tough to control grasses such as Barnyardgrass, Ryegrass, Seedling Johnsongrass, Witchgrass and broadleaf weeds Lambsquarters, Waterhemp. (See label for full list of pests)

Pre-emergent control of a wide variety of broadleaf weeds and annual grasses. (See label for full list of pests)

Begin applications at late dormant up to bud break with subsequent applications throughout the season, depending upon disease severity. Do not apply more than once every 3 days. For copper sensitive varities, 1 - 3 lbs of hydrated lime per lb of Cuprofix may be added to mitigate foliage injury.

Apply in sufficient water to provide thorough coverage starting when new shoots are 0.5 to 1.5 inches long. Repeat when shoots are 3.0 to 5.0 inches long, when shoots are 8.0 to 10.0 inches long, and then at 7 - 10 day intervals until fruit is set. For late season control of black rot, deadarm, and downy mildew, the use of other approved and recommended fungicides is suggested. In California, do not apply after bloom.

Apply in a minimum of 50 gallons of water per acre. Apply as a foliar spray in sufficient water to obtain thorough coverage. Calibrate and adjust the application equipment to direct the spray at the bunches to ensure thorough coverage. Under severe disease conditions, use the higher rate. Thorough coverage of the bunch is essential.

Apply throughout the season at 7 - 14 day intervals, or as needed. Thorough coverage is required. Use with caution on Concord, Labrusca, and other sulfur sensitive grape types to minimize the risk of injury after bloom.

Apply when shoots are 0.5 to 1.5 inches long. Continue at 7 - 10 day intervals. For late season control of black rot, deadarm, and downy mildew, the use of other approved and recommended fungicides is suggested. In California, do not apply after bloom.

Bunch Rot (west of Rocky Mtns): Apply at first bloom and repeat 14 days later or as needed, if severe disease conditions exist. Make an additional application 3 to 4 weeks before harvest or when sugar begins to build; repeat 14 days later if conditions favorable for disease persist.For all other diseases (East of Rocky Mtns): Apply when foliage first develops and repeat at 14 - 21 day intervals or as needed.

Start applications before bloom and continue on a 14 to 21 day interval. Use higher rate and/or shorter specified intervals on susceptible varieties or under heavy disease pressure. When disease pressure is low, the lower use rate can be applied or the spray interval can be extended. Apply in a minimum of 50 gallons of water per acre for early season applications. Use enough volume to ensure thorough coverage as the amount of foliage increases.

West of Rocky Mtns: Apply when shoots are 0.5 to 1.5 inches long, and repeat at 7 - 10 day intervals as needed.

East of Rocky Mtns: Begin applications when shoots are at least 1.0 inches long, and continue 7 - 14 day intervals or as necessary according to the integrated pest management guidelines for the particular growing area. Use shorter intervals under heavy disease pressure. Do not apply aerially.

Apply to emerged, young, actively growing weeds. Uniform, thorough spray coverage is necessary to achieve consistent weed control. Avoid direct spray, drift or mist to desirable vegetation, green bark, stems, or foliage as injury may occur. Do not aerial apply or apply through any type of irrigation system. CAUTION SIGNAL WORD.

Satellite HydroCap can be applied to bearing and non-bearing grapes and can be applied by ground, chemigation, flood, flooded basin or gravity flow irrigation systems. Apply before weed germination. Apply the spray directly to the ground beneath the grape vines. Do not apply over the top of grape vines with leaves or buds or fruit.

Controls weeds growing from seed. Will not control emerged weeds, so acres to be treated should be free of emerged weeds before application. Surflan is friendly for use on both new and established plantings.


66 days

7 days


66 days

7 days

7 days

10 days

21 days

14 days

90 daysbefore

harvest of fruit


48 hours

24 hours

48 hours

24 hours

24 hours

48 hours

12 hours24 hours

for girdling of table

and raisin grapes

48 hours

48 hours

12 hours

24 hours

24 hours

Re-entRy PRe-haRvest Recommended aPPlication inteRval inteRval BRand GRouP Key Pests/weeds use Rate infoRmation (Rei) (Phi)

1.25 - 3.0 lbs/acre

Manzate Max 1.2 - 3.2 qts/acre(East of Rocky Mtns)1.2 - 2.0 qts/acre(West of Rocky Mtns)

Manzate Pro-Stick 1.5 - 4.0 lbs/acre(East of Rocky Mtns)1.5 - 2.5 lbs/acre(West of Rocky Mtns)

1.0 - 2.0 pts/acre

3.0 - 10.0 lbs/acre

1.5 - 4.0 lbs/acre(East of Rocky Mtns)

1.5 - 2.5 lbs/acre(West of Rocky Mtns)

0.75 - 1.5 lbs/acre

6 - 8 fl oz/acre

3.0 - 4.0 lbs/acre

Weeds < 3” - 48 fl oz/acre

Weeds < 6” - 56 fl oz/acre

Weeds > 6” - or that have tillered - 56-82 fl oz/acre

3.2 - 6.3 qts/acre

2.0 - 6.0 qts/acre

continuedPlease refer to individual product labels for complete pest (weed) lists, specific use and application instructions.