graph 1 graph 2

選抜1期②・英語 平成30年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【2月2日】 問題(英語) No.1 語(45 分) 受験番号 (算用数字) この問題は聞き取り検査です。問題A問題Dに答えなさい。すべての問題で英語は 2回ずつ放送されます。途中でメモをとってもかまいません。 問題A (1)(2)のそれぞれの会話の中で女性が話題にしているものとして最も適当なのは,のうちではどれですか。一つ答えなさい。 問題B 英語の特別授業の内容について,先生が説明しています。説明の要点がわかるように, () () にそれぞれ英語1語を入れなさい。 The special class on Friday next week weekend : find something important and write about it in your notebook () : bring your notebook to school Wednesday : return your notebook Friday : speak about the important thing in English () looking at your notebook 問題C (1)(2)のそれぞれの会話に対する質問の答えとして最も適当なのは,のうちで はどれですか。一つ答えなさい。 She’ll go to Tokyo next week. He will call Mary. She’ll go to Tokyo by train. He will go to the park. She’ll go to Tokyo by plane. He will help his mother. She’ll go to Tokyo faster. He will make dinner. 問題D Kazuya は,友人の Naomi と高齢者福祉施設でボランティア活動をしたことについて, 授業でスピーチをしています。そのスピーチを聞いて,①,②に答えなさい。 次の文は,Kazuya のスピーチを聞いたクラスメートの Janet が書いたコメントです。 ) () にそれぞれ適当な英語1語を入れなさい。 Kazuya and his friend, Naomi, visited a nursing home two ago. After lunch, Kazuya went out to the with an old man in a wheelchair and enjoyed talking with him. At that time, Naomi was with some old people inside. I also want to do something for old people like Kazuya and Naomi. Kazuya のスピーチの内容として,当てはまらないものは, のうちではどれですか。 答えなさい。 中学生の Peter がクラスメートにした質問について,友人の Rie と話をしている。次は, その会話の英文と会話の内容に関係する Graph(グラフ)12 である。①~③に答えな さい。 Peter Rie の会話 Peter : Rie, do you want to study abroad in the future ? Rie : Yes. Some of my friends also want to study in foreign countries. Peter : That’s good. But I hear young Japanese don’t want to study in foreign countries. I asked all the students in my class, “Are you interested in studying abroad ?” Rie : How was the result ? Peter : Look at Graph 1. (あ) of the students answered, “Yes, very much,” and 35% of them answered, “Yes, a little.” Rie : So, (い) of them aren’t interested in studying abroad, right ? Peter : That’s right. And I asked the students another question, “What do you want to do if you study abroad ?” Rie : I want to improve my English. Peter : Look at Graph 2. More than 70% of the students think like you. And about 60% of them want to make friends with people in foreign countries. Half of them want to learn the (う) of foreign countries. Rie : In your class, the number of the students who are interested in studying abroad is not so small. I think studying abroad is very interesting. My dream is to be an English teacher. I’m going to study English harder. Peter : You’re great. I hope your dream will (え) . Graph 1 Graph 2 〔注〕result 結果 foreigner 外国人 ( ) ( ) に入れるのに最も適当なのは, のうちではどれですか。それぞ れ一つ答えなさい。 45% 30% 25% 20% 15% ( ) に入れるのに最も適当な英語1語を書きなさい。 あなたが Peter になったつもりで, ( ) に適当な英語2語を書きなさい。 1 (1) (2) 2

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Page 1: Graph 1 Graph 2

選抜1期②・英語 平成30年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【2月2日】 問題(英語)


英 語(45 分) 受験番号




問題A (1),(2)のそれぞれの会話の中で女性が話題にしているものとして最も適当なのは,ア


ア イ ウ エ

問題B 英語の特別授業の内容について,先生が説明しています。説明の要点がわかるように,

(あ) , (い) にそれぞれ英語1語を入れなさい。

● The special class on Friday next week ・weekend : find something important and write about it in your notebook ・ (あ) : bring your notebook to school ・Wednesday : return your notebook ・Friday : speak about the important thing in English (い) looking at

your notebook

問題C (1),(2)のそれぞれの会話に対する質問の答えとして最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちで


ア She’ll go to Tokyo next week. ア He will call Mary. イ She’ll go to Tokyo by train. イ He will go to the park.

ウ She’ll go to Tokyo by plane. ウ He will help his mother. エ She’ll go to Tokyo faster. エ He will make dinner. 問題D Kazuya は,友人の Naomi と高齢者福祉施設でボランティア活動をしたことについて,

授業でスピーチをしています。そのスピーチを聞いて,①,②に答えなさい。 ① 次の文は,Kazuya のスピーチを聞いたクラスメートの Janet が書いたコメントです。

(あ) ~ (う) にそれぞれ適当な英語1語を入れなさい。

Kazuya and his friend, Naomi, visited a nursing home two (あ) ago. After lunch, Kazuya went out to the (い) with an old man in a wheelchair and enjoyed talking with him. At that time, Naomi was (う) with some old people inside. I also want to do something for old people like Kazuya and Naomi.

② Kazuya のスピーチの内容として,当てはまらないものは,ア~エのうちではどれですか。


ア イ ウ エ



さい。 Peter とRieの会話

Peter : Rie, do you want to study abroad in the future ? Rie : Yes. Some of my friends also want to study in foreign countries. Peter : That’s good. But I hear young Japanese don’t want to study in foreign countries.

I asked all the students in my class, “Are you interested in studying abroad ?” Rie : How was the result ? Peter : Look at Graph 1. (あ) of the students answered, “Yes, very much,” and 35%

of them answered, “Yes, a little.” Rie : So, (い) of them aren’t interested in studying abroad, right ? Peter : That’s right. And I asked the students another question, “What do you want to

do if you study abroad ?” Rie : I want to improve my English. Peter : Look at Graph 2. More than 70% of the students think like you. And about 60%

of them want to make friends with people in foreign countries. Half of them want to learn the (う) of foreign countries.

Rie : In your class, the number of the students who are interested in studying abroad is not so small. I think studying abroad is very interesting. My dream is to be an English teacher. I’m going to study English harder.

Peter : You’re great. I hope your dream will (え) .

Graph 1 Graph 2

〔注〕result 結果 foreigner 外国人

① (あ) , (い) に入れるのに最も適当なのは,ア~オのうちではどれですか。それぞ


ア 45% イ 30% ウ 25% エ 20% オ 15% ② (う) に入れるのに最も適当な英語1語を書きなさい。 ③ あなたが Peter になったつもりで, (え) に適当な英語2語を書きなさい。


(1) (2)


Page 2: Graph 1 Graph 2

選抜1期②・英語 平成30年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【2月2日】 問題(英語)


英 語(45 分) 受験番号



次の①,②の に最も適当な英語1語を入れ,それぞれが自然な会話になる

ようにしなさい。 ① John : Have you ever been to the near the park ?

Yuka : Yes. It’s big and has a lot of books. John : How many books can I borrow ? Yuka : Six books for a week.

② Dan : Look at this picture of my family. It was taken five years ago.

Alice : Is this boy crying next to your father your brother ? Dan : That’s right. He was than I then. Alice : I can’t believe it. Now he is the tallest in your family.

英語の授業で,Takeru,Mihoko,Haruki の3人は,学校で靴をはきかえることに

ついて意見を述べた。次の英文は,3人の発表と ALT(外国語指導助手)の Simpson先生のまとめ,そしてそれらを聞いてまとめた Rina のノートの一部である。①~⑤に答えな

さい。 ■ 発表

I think we have too many kinds of shoes at school. We wear outdoor shoes from our houses to school, and we must change into indoor shoes at school. I also have shoes for the gym and tennis shoes for my club. I use these four kinds of shoes at school. Also, we must put on slippers in the computer room. I feel these rules are troublesome.

I think( (あ)shoes / good / it’s / for / to / change / us / all of )at each place. If we wear indoor shoes at school, the floors won’t get so dirty. My sister is a high school student. In her school the students don’t have to change shoes. However, she says the floors are always dirty. I think we should wear different shoes at different places. Then, we can keep our school clean.

Mihoko is right. If we wear outdoor shoes in our classroom, cleaning its floor will be hard. Also, we should change shoes for other people. If the floor is clean, everyone feels good. (い)We should always think about other people in public places. I always try to be quiet on a train. People around me will feel bad if I talk with my friends in a loud voice.

■ まとめ

Thank you, everyone. I’m happy to know that there are many opinions about changing shoes. I think Haruki’s opinion is very important. We share the same time at one place. We should think about other people and we should not bother them. Everyone, I’ll give you new homework. What are you careful about when you are with other people ? Please talk about it in the next English class. I’m looking forward to (う)listen to your opinions.

■ Rina のノートの一部 ・3人の発表の要点


We should think about (き) when we are with them.

〔注〕outdoor 戸外の indoor 室内の slipper スリッパ rule 規則 troublesome めんどうな share 共有する bother 困らせる

① 下線部(あ)の語句をすべて用いて,意味が通るように並べ替えなさい。

② 次の (1) , (2) にそれぞれ適当な日本語を入れて,下線部(い)で Harukiが心がけていることを具体的に説明しなさい。

(1) では (2) ようにしている。

③ 下線部(う)の単語を,最も適当な形に変えて書きなさい。

④ [ (え) ]~[ (か) ]に入る人物名の組み合わせとして最も適当なのは,ア~エのう

ちではどれですか。一つ答えなさい。 ア (え) Haruki (お) Takeru (か) Mihoko イ (え) Mihoko (お) Haruki (か) Takeru ウ (え) Takeru (お) Mihoko (か) Haruki エ (え) Haruki (お) Mihoko (か) Takeru

⑤ (き) を含む一文が「私たちは他の人々がどう感じるかを,一緒にいるときは考える

べきです。」という内容になるように,how を含む4語の英語を書きなさい。


理 由 発表者


We can keep our school clean. [ (え) ]

We should keep public places clean because people feel better in clean places.

[ (お) ]

反対 We must change shoes too many times. [ (か) ]




[Ms. Simpson]

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選抜1期②・英語 平成30年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【2月2日】 問題(英語)


英 語(45 分) 受験番号


次の英文は,中学生の Yoshiki がクラスで鉛筆について行ったスピーチである。①~


Did you use a pencil today ? I’m sure all of you will answer, “Yes.” We use a pencil

when we study, write a letter and so on. When we make a mistake in writing, we can erase it easily with an eraser. A pencil( (あ)is / one / use / most / tools / of / the / useful / we )every day. But, have you ever thought about it well ? Do you know their history ? Today, I’ll talk about it to you.

People have used many tools to write many kinds of things. I think you have learned about the Wall Paintings in Lascaux Cave. Scientists say they were painted about 20,000 years ago. People at that time made paints with clay, sap and blood, and they brushed them on with moss, branches and their fingers. Around 200 B.C., paper was invented in China. People wrote something on it with a pen or a brush. Both of them needed ink to write, but carrying a pen or a brush with ink was not easy. And when people made a mistake, they couldn’t correct it easily. (い)People wanted more useful tools for writing.

In 1564 in England, a vein of graphite was found. [ (A) ] People used it to draw lines and write letters. They shaved the graphite into a stick and put it between two boards. Soon this useful stick became very (う) not only in England, but also in many other countries in Europe. [ (B) ] Later in France, a man covered this stick with wood. Then it took the form of today’s pencil.

Pencils were brought to Japan from Europe about 400 years ago. [ (C) ] Do you know the first Japanese person that used a pencil ? It was Tokugawa Ieyasu. You can see his pencil in a museum in Shizuoka. [ (D) ] In the late 1800s, the first pencil factory was built in Japan. Japan has made a lot of good pencils since then.

Today, the number of pencils made in a year is decreasing. In the 1960s, more than 1,200,000 pencils were made in Japan every year. However, in 2011, only 200,000 pencils were made. The number of children is decreasing, and new useful pens, for example, pens with erasable ink were invented. Some of my friends also like ball-point pens or mechanical pencils better than pencils. But ( え ) I don’t think ball-point pens and mechanical pencils are better than pencils. For example, a ball-point pen has enough ink to draw a 1.5-kilometer line, but a pencil has enough graphite to draw a 50-kilometer line ! Also, some pencils are eco-friendly. Mountains with too many trees should be thinned out. People use this wood when they make pencils.

Everyone, please think about pencils more and find their good points.

〔注〕 erase 消す tool 道具 the Wall Paintings in Lascaux Cave ラスコーの壁画 paint 絵の具 clay 土 sap 樹液 blood 血 brush ~ on ~を塗る moss 苔 branch 枝 B.C. 紀元前 brush 筆 vein 鉱脈 graphite 黒鉛 shave 削る stick 棒 board 板 Europe ヨーロッパ form 形 decrease 減る erasable 消すことができる ball-point pen ボールペン mechanical pencil シャープペンシル eco-friendly 環境にやさしい thin out 間伐する

① 下線部(あ)の語句をすべて用いて,意味が通るように並べ替えなさい。 ② 下線部(い)について,次の に適当な日本語を入れて,同じ段落で挙

げられている理由を説明しなさい。 ペンや筆をインクと持ち運ぶのが難しかったことと, こと。

③ 次の英文を入れるのに最も適当なのは,本文中の[ (A) ]~[ (D) ]のうちのどれで

すか。一つ答えなさい。 The history of the pencil began then.

④ (う) に入れるのに最も適当なのは,ア~エのうちではどれですか。一つ答えなさい。

ア interesting イ sacred ウ strong エ popular ⑤ 適当な英語1語を入れて,下線部(え)の理由の一つを説明する英文を完成させなさい。

A pencil can draw a much line than a ball-point pen. ⑥ 本文の内容と合っているのは,ア~オのうちではどれですか。当てはまるものをすべて答

えなさい。 ア Paper was invented in China about 2,200 years ago and people wrote on it with a

brush or a pen. イ A man of England covered stick graphite with wood, and it looked like a today’s pencil. ウ Tokugawa Ieyasu is the person who brought paper from Europe to Japan. エ Japan has made more than 1,000,000 pencils every year since the first pencil factory

was built. オ When people thin out a forest, they can get wood and it can be used to make pencils.


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英 語    解答用紙

注意 1










3 ①

2 ①(あ) ⑤





平成30年度 岡山学芸館高等学校 選抜1期入試【2月2日】 解答用紙(英語)

